G6tGn&BotttefFOiftour Druggist and be Convinced ! JOlSTOfS VEGETABLE -- - The Great Virginia Vegetable Alterative, BLOOD PURIFIER AND RENOYATOR OK XIIK HUMAN SYSTEM! Has been used most successfully in the following Diseases, as the Certifi cates below will attest : For Liver Complaint, Jaundice and Bilious Derangement. In Mercurial, Blood Poison, Scrofulous and all Eruptive Diseases, Costiveness, Indigestion, Flatulence, Periodical Sick Headache and Female Complaints. Read "t3LO Conrii ficates. fkJv. S-.-ptrmb-;r number. ISO), Landon B. Edwards, M. D., editor and I nr. M A.im t ir.oi Kicnrnood, Lx-in an advertisement in thw issue o! preparations ftjvr receivea the ninct k:nj po.tcssjonal cndorscnicntNior ihe cure of chills and lever, functional r ::tmbir. etc I he virtue t the drujt ruamrd seem to rest in the special manner of their combination. -.r.U a rvc-m vvsit to the laboratory we were courteously shown every detail of the manufacture. eving that it will stand their test. A. TRENT CLARKE, M. D. I ht: uied your oretaLle preparation, "NOLNDINK," nd f.r.d i: a valuable agent in the treatment of f :ivtii)iul ilL-wases ot the liver. ila action on that orjcan and all secreting glands is equal to that of calomel, and t ' -Ti mind the inlv vet d.scovered suhtttute fr this lime-honored remedy. It is, furthermore, entirely free trm constitutive al rtirtrt t- o ottcn ob--rved from the use of mercurials; and, in many cases, where mercurials hive rircr. mcaut k t:. y administered, 1 have witnessed the In-nericial resnits of "NOLANDINE in eliminating .in.l mHhtytn th- rmxst dL-itre'Winjj after symptoms. I v,.J add, in regard to your r ever and Ague Preparation, that I prr-Hrnbevi it :nv n-thrr wh.) had tvtn a sulTerer from chills and fever for twelve months. She had i.ilfcrii uiatnr unr-I it had ceased to have Any ertetrt on her. IHw-lutlf bottle of your NOLANDINE, for chills and fevrr, rr.ieved her entirely of the chtiis and restored her ro eood health. I cheerfully recommend a trial of NOLANDI N E to the profession, believing that it will stand their test. Very truly yoar. he crv h:S character ot the rrt.moo-aLs Attesting the merits of your vegetable preparation. N'OLAN- IHNK. induced me t make test of your NOl.ANDINK proper in a very desperate case of Hydrothrax (Jrupwv ot the ch"x oirnbined with Aotics fdnsy of abdomen. 1he umal remedies known to our profeft- na.l been most JciUuIiv adnitititered without poHluciri); anticipated en rets. ihe diseases vie Id Ad to the ju -turn of your N' 'l.AMMNtl 1 vcrv trratetuKv ta:e th.it m v cat;ent is now eniovine :he blessinrs of st oral n :o health, and now. tour months sjt.ee adiRiniMeriiig )our NOLAN L)INE, there is not a symp tom ot recurrence I li.d several op; : unit ;es ot testing the merits of your NOI.ANDINE for chiils and fever in cases which ha 1 rc-.-ited the usiai re-.icus f ir n . nth and raid the satisfaction to see them entirely broken and permanently furr.! arter i aurv ot u . .A ,n . i . r. . I Wao'v that i vrtlt in;tr the displeasure of the profession by dcpartini from its usages, but candor and facts compel me : ' call the attention t my profeumul brethren to the valuable properties of vour preparation, and mist thnc pretudicr w:!! m t deter them from its use. I have found the action of your NOLANDINE oa the e than evju-v to cj.ome!. wmcn is no .uiditK-aal recomraendation. erv respectfully, a. c Jones, m. d. J.era.ivi crrti n 09 K.vsr Ct-.w Stkeet, Rickmonp, Va., Kpril 19, 18P6. I tirmt tr-e last twelve montns ru-. r natl ire-que.Tt opir.rt unities ct testing tne curative properties o( your r. t r r I r .m. V il'INr in t he loilo-vimc t!tseae aau in not a sinjjie case did it tail to accomplish all tWat vi. u cLftim for it Ivpcpaua and tUer catarrhal arTrctions of the stomach and bowels, catarrhal atfections o" t h iLidnrv a 1 bladder. . rimr ifarrk acd irrei. Iarif.es. malarial complications and habitual censtipa- Iwhj aad as a rncm! uru: and al:erut:ve. I liave tounc it verv ettrcanoiis. i ours truiv, JAS. A. GARLICK, M. D. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Burgaw Herald: Mrs. H. G. Brothers died last Friday night, after an illness of some months. She leaves a husband and three little boys to mourn her loss. Beaufort Seaside: Died, on Sat urday, Mr. S. W. Gabriel, aged about 40 years. Mr. Gabriel was highly respect ed in this community and we extend our sympathy to the bereaved family. Lincoln Courier: There is con siderable talk about the "sickliness" of the wheat in this section. It is said to be affected by a kind of louse. There is, however, plenty of time for the wheat to come out yet and make a good crop. Goldsboro Argus: There was a right serious fire at Smithfield early-yesterday morning, originating in and des troying the extensive new brick store of H. Dannenberg, with his entire stock of goods. We did not learn the sum total of the loss, but we understand the pro perty was fully covered by insurance. Elizabeth City Carolinian: Mrs. Julia Ann, the wife of Mr. Thomas Mun den, of Parksville, Perquimans county, died on she 5th inst., aged 48 years and 6 months. The duck shooting in the famous Currituck marshes has been almost a failure this season. The steel cells placed in the new jail were thoroughly tested by local experts with tempered saw and chisel and pronounced "all right" according to contract. The new jail is not only strong and secure, but it is pronounced the handsomest in the State. Ashevillle Journal: There can be seen at Mr. Ellick's fur store. 26 North Main street, one of the most interesting natural curiosities ever exliibtted in Asheville. A calf with two heads and four eyes died at three days old in Ruth erford County, N. C. Mr. Elick obtained this curiosity, and by his skill as a tax idermist has the calf in a folding case which cost $125. He has been offered, he says, 1,500 for the case with the cu riosity calf in it. This curiosity can be seen any day at his store. Mount Holly Ne-ws: The wild animal that has been going the rounds has turned out to be a "blockade" still. Frank Parks, the "turkey man," is the black animal, On last Sunday night a wild-cat made its appearance at Mr. John Joy's, and proceeded to raise Cain among the dogs. After raising a din that would have been a credit to Dante as a chapter in his "Inferno,' the dogs came off victorious killing the animal. John says the cat would measure full three feet in length. The dogs were pretty badly used up. Morganton Herald: One hun dred and twenty dollars per acre for to bacco is an average for six years in Burke county. The English capi talists who own large bodies of land in the South Mountains in this county are preparing to litigate tne title between themselves. Action has been brought to the next term ot ourke bupenor Court. The North Carolina Pot- PERSONAL. The Prince of Naples, heir to i the throne of Italy, is not quite 21; but his royal father lately appointed him to be a senator of the kingdom. It is told of Mr. Gladstone that he has again refused an offer made by a nrm ot American puoiishers of 6,000 yearly ior everytning ne writes lor the public. Ma. Serpa Pinto, Portugal's representative in Africa, is 44 years of age and has been in the army twenty- nve years, Me is aescripea a small of stature, muscular, sharp-eyed, eloquent ot speech and yellow with liver com plaint. Prince George of Wales has Deen appointed to tne excellent lor a short course of gunnery. He has com pieted tne necessary qualifying service of four years as lieutenant, and probably will be promoted commander very soon. Spurgeon has had printed 2,100 of his sermons since their appearance began in 1855. His thirty-fifth volume of them has just been issued. The index alone fills thirty-two large pages. They have been circulated not only where English is spoken, but have been trans lated into many foreign languages. Clinton Scollard, the poet, is professor of English literature at Hamil ton College. He has a very pleasant position. His lectures are so arranged this year that he can spend the next few weeks in Florida. Mr. Scollard is a young man, rather handsome and ex tremely genial. His success as a poet is unquestionable. POLITICAL POINTS. The Democratic majority in Iowa upon the legislative ticket was about 23,000. This is a quietus upon Mr. Allison's Presidential aspirations, and would have ended his career as a Senator, but for the infamous gerrvman der of the State. It is also a figure which rrOhiattionists may study with profit. Des Motncs Leader, Dem. . The Republican members of the House are denying that the pro posed new rules will let the army of money grabbers into the JL reasury arm ed with scoop snovels. 1 hey probably won t be so ready with denials alter the session is over and the surplus has dis appeared. They will apologize then. nil. Times, Ind, The public, has mighty little opinion ot Ajr. Keed, out it dian t sup pose that he was mean enough and de testable enough to furnish Mr. Carlisle with an incomplete and unreliable copy of the House rules adopted by the Ke publican caucus. And that is just what he d:d. Kansas City Times, Dem. Wm Cough, ATiEX a few- doses of Ayers Cherry " Pectoral will relieve you ? Try it. iveep it in tlxe house. You are liable to have a cough at any time, and no other remedy is so effective as this world renowned prepara- Amanda B. Mass., writes : lh-Ui:- P. O., ClXIILAXD, V". ! -um prrr-I rTptnrnor I can rry rhM.-fily rn-ommend NO I. A N'PI N K for all it I am borne out br ntnm nr!:.- Imvc tested Us merits. Yours truly. G. H. PALMER MOREWOOD August 1. 1880. claims, and, in this opinun. T.W L-OiSU.I.E, H anovbh Coi ntv, Va. i .entVmeti 1 luvc lern it wrreit jfTerer from blood pr-ison. which caused la.-irc sores to V j-ul trr: thjt I ou!i? hard I v ur mv shoe, when f recci.ed a bottle of NOI.ANDINE from 1 bejn ustn it a: once, ami in (ban tn djy it iud cured nic completely. I think it the best remedy in the worlJ. I am yours, very respectlully, WM. M. lr.KKi. corp. ail over my friend. XY X-'iamJiu.- (V.:,t Junel. 1889. I r-Tnit me to add mv ;riiT,imfV to the cura:iv proprrtie- cf XOI.ANDINE. For many years I have rrri friir.i ar'.-oir veins. 1 trelve mctrvA I stnirk my lee against a rhair. breaking one of the veins. jpj :hi- made cr.uld not be het'.etl. except for a s.-.ort tme. thm preak out afresh. At rimes I suffered i-irn'.' -irterv fn-m U-cal feernd ir.xtt tnsurrcrat ie burning rensation. Altr usin two ) bottles ot your Vh.tir.'l AT.t E NUl.ANUINK the ulcerated places healed, the STveilirur disappeared, natural sleep was rc- torrd. umi mv nervoiis syMem composed .X s a vermifuge, NOI.ANDINE acted pcH rically on one of my :h:Llrrn Asa bto.nl pun her and general to.uc your MII.AMM.Nr. has no equal. Gratefully vours. D. P. J'ROSSER, At S. S. Cottrell's Son, 1808 Main Street, Richmond, Va, Richmond. Va., October. 18SS. V wife arwt Ih'ee chiki-T. returned to this city trom Charles City County, wnere tney contracted cnills. ml fr- er. and their vst-ms th.'nuhlv saturatetf nth malarial poison. One bottle of JOHNS! ON S VEGE T A ELK N LA N VI N K currd my ent.re family. My wife also scnered lor hve years with dyspepsia in its Ui:vr., unne only two bottles. J. B. BURTON. mt aC"avate.J form, aad was permanently cwed by VEGETABLE NOLAN Richmond. Va.. lulv. 1889. I.E NOLAN- T'-' is to certify tiat I nave Vn'm llie sut-crior qualities of JOHNSTON'S VEGETAIJI. DINK f'.u- the oi ten vear. and durini; that time, at intervals, have had occasion to use it in person and t. .i.n1 it a sure cure tor r-rrancements 01 tne aver ana moneys, maixrsiion, neaa mv family, and have a!nraf a ue, etc.. and a xi too:e L. C. DA VI RoBIBAf's SlAI ION , CMtvrtKFIPUD Co kianeys 3,804 North Fifth Street. Va., JUarch 25, 1S85. I ir Sir - Having sufTerrJ for years with a chronic anection of the kidneys, draninrrat of the liver, and tit wnmil m chanrrd v.ith ma'ana! r-ison, I found no relief from treatment of medicine until I used VEGE I' A HI E SHl.AXMSr. I am now free from above complaints, and to NOLANDINE I am indebted for this rett.r-at .on to heufth I h'lr.cstlv recommend it to all persons sunenng from the above diseases. WILLIAM DICKINSON, Superintendent of Coal Mines. I ran chee'fuIU r kidney compla ifTonK n.e pU-ai: Richmond Va., May, 1885. recommer.l JOHNSTON'S VEGETABLE NOLANDINE to any one suffering from liver pts and bilious derangement ( the system. Its prompt and permanent action in my cas e to recommend it n others similarly affected. CHARLES P. SELDEN, Hardware Merchant, Formerly with Singer Sewing Machine Co. Mr 409 Es-r Civ Stkert. Richmond, Va., March 10, 1886. iVjr sir I have ue.l your N'H VMMJit., and rraild cneertuliy reeomrtwna it as a vajuaoie roeaicine f.n- a-.aUrial d:'ra.ses and for rniir...ir, appet:te. and a splendid tonic. For the relief uf the pains consequent u female weakness anU irrc;uUrit! I cwtwwier it without an equal. Respectfully. Mes. L. M. BKLL. Officjt Chfsapkvke and Ohio Railwav Compaxv, Richmond, Va., March 1. 1885. i !.t .,n l.,,r f,rx-s River ftir e-irht years in the malarial district. My system was thoroughly charged rh,. t.(I- riiH.o I exhausted the usually prescribed and domestic remedies without any benefit. I was ..t ir, liiHSTON'S V EG ETA HI E' NOLANDINE. Before using two bottles my liver was ,,.,.! fr..m it. loo torair and I am now enioyme the best of health. My wife and children derived the name benefits from NOLANDINE. J. A. WYATT. Flkf.t. Kino and Oke Co., Va., January 81, 1887. I was arEVted with chili and fever during t!-e fa!! of last year. I could stop them with quinine, but they shouldn't stay stopped; they wo-ild return the Tlh, 14th. 21t. or aith days. A fnend gave n.e a part of a bottle of N l. ANDINE. and I used it according to directions, ar.d I have not had a chill since. I am in good health and weigh a ranch or more than I ever did. E- S. WILSON. fiear Sir: Your NOLANDINE has quite come :ip to all its promises f i-nily medicine tiiat, unsolicited by yoarself. I ofTer my certificate. Voars, truly. 509 North Eic.hth Stsbkt, Richmond, Va. So valuable do I consider it tu Mrs. E. F. PATTON. Richmond, Va., Julyjl3, 1S87. llear Sir---I have taken yoor NOlNIINE for habitnal constipation of eight years' standing, during k I k- reierl many nrenaratinns. but I did not receive anv relief uutil I used your preparation, from which I have received immediate and permanent benefit. Was also suffering with malarial and blood poison. I am now free from all such com pHcatior.s and. I am happy to say enjoying exceptionally good health. Yours truiy. J. B. DOWDEN. tery Works, located on the V, N. C. rail road three miles west OI Morganton are succeeding finely, we learn from Super intendent Boyd. They are now turning out great quantities ot plain and orna mental pottery, and it will be remember ed that the product ot these works took the premium at the late State Fair. The- company will at an early day, we are in formed, commence the manufacture of terra cotta piping, for which there is a constantly increasing demand. Durham Sun: A letter the Sun received last evening from Morrisville gives an account ot a very singular coin cidence in' the death of two brothers by the name of James and David Crocker, living in Wake county, some seven or eight miles south of Raleigh. Both were born oh the same day of the same month, but James in 1852 and David in 1855. Both died Irom pneumonia on the same dav, last Tuesday, the 12th. Both were buried in the same coffin. When married, both married sisters, on the same day, and each one leaves a widow and six children. One fami ly in Durham proposes to give for the removal of Trinity College to Durham, every dollar that Raleigh proposes to give (which is $35,000), and if the Meth odists of the btate will locate it here and concentrate on an endowment fund, $50, 000 will be given to that fund. Raleigh Neivs 6 Observer : Arrangements are pending between the several male colleges of the State for the holding of an Inter-Collegiate Ora torical contest in this city in May. It is almost settled that the contest will take place. It was reported yesterday that a number of the companies who have heretofore been selling fertilizers in this State have formed themselves into a pool to institute action to test the constitutionality of the license which they have been paying the State. They now pay an annual license or oyu eacn. it was learned yesterday that Col. W. W. Dudley and other prominent Northern capitalists have arrived at Greensboro, on business connected with the Bessemer Iron Furnace. It is re ported that some of these gentlemen have purchased property extensively in Greensboro. It was learned yes terday that J. P. Davis, charged with the murder of John A. Morton, in Chatham county, has been convicted and sen tenced to be hanged. The murder oc curred about three months ago. Direct JTIetitods are the best. The shortest route from the manufacturer direct, is that now sought by the consumer. Hasson's Syrup of 1 ar is made "direct from the best and purest drues, "direct" by a firm of responsible wholesale druggists. When made goes "direct" to the spot needed, and is sold "direct" to you by our agent, K. K. LilLLAMY, f IClcefrlf Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood, -Will driye Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Elec tric Bitters Entire satisfaction guar anteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at Robert R. Bellamy's Wholesale and Retail Drug Store. Bucklen'g Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever, Sores, Tetters, Chapped Hands, Chilb!ains,Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay is required. It is guaranteed to give per satisfaction, or money refunded. Priee 25 cents per box. For sale by Robert R. Bellamy, Wholesale and Retail Drug gists. . t X3 Q'Con -n on? BBAL ESTATE AGENT, Wilmington, North Carolina. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT and SOLD Loans Negotiated on City Property. ! Stores, Dwellings, Offices and Halls for Rent. Rents collected. Taxes and Insurance promptly attended to. Houses and Lots for sale on the monthly instalment plan. Cash advanced on city property. nov27tJ New Goods. mi-" TUST RECEIVED tJ linery, JsTew Gloves, Feathers afc , MRS. E. ANOTHER LOT OF MIL- new Hats, Ribbons and ieOtf su we fri M. STROCK'S, No. 10 Front streel. WILMINGTON SEACOAST R.R. OUR STATE CONTEMPORARIES. trouble caused by torpid tonic for delicate females in 412 East Broad Street, Richmond V . I feel it but just to recommend your valuable medicine, NOLANDINE, for any liver, or constipation produced by morphine or any drug used to subdue pain. As a t unsurpassed. The above you are heartily welcome to use any way you deem best, and t will personally tell any one what it will do on application. Respectfully. Mrs. A. E. ANTHONY. ' . Richmond. Va., October 1, 1886. B-Jktm it may crmrrTt: . T , , , . For twelve months I was a fearful siifierer from chronic ccrcma, dunng which time I was in the hands ot a most skillful physician, faithfully usic his remedies, internal and external, without deriving any benefit what ever I .uffeTed oijtht and day with the matt intolerable itching, continuous headache, loss of slaep, appetite aad mreneth My kidney and nerrous system were fearfully deranged, and my body was covered with innumer buTbail. ly takinithree (3) bottle, of JOHNSTONS VEGETABLE NOLANDINE I have been re stored to perfect health. I regard NOLANDINE as the best blood purifier and the most powerful tonic ever unded. and I am not alone in this belief. -dttotjc V eryrepectluuyyours,c.. --' u-'. com pour Price $1.00 Per Bottle. Six Bottles for $5.00: FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Manufactured by THE NOLANDINE COMPANY, EICHMOUD, VA., U. S. A. ltr Tb Dtuj trade of Wilmington and vicinity supplied by feb 4 1m tU th : ROBT. B. BELLAMY, Corner Market and Front Streets. The Blair bill does not seem to be as popular now as it was formerly. It is a big bugaboo that everybody is afraid of, especially the politicians. Concord standard. An enthusiastic Republican paper says tne country is Demnci speaker Keed. that is the right position to to be in when the kicking time comes, and it's coming. Durham Sun. History repeats itself. The farce which is being enacted in the House at Wash ington is on a par with the dilatory tac tics pursued by the Republicans in the Constitutional Convention in Worth Car olina in 1875. The only difference is that in '76 it was Rep. and in '90 it is Dem. High Point Enterprise. In all towns there will be found a few know-nothings, whose principal occupa tion is to stand around on the corners and criticise the action of officials, and tell to those who are fools enough to listen to them, how the law ought to be enforced. Rutherfordton has a few cha acters of this kind. Rutherford Banner. Margaret Mather has given j $10,000 for Jules Barbier's play, "Joan i d Arc, in which barah Bernhardt has made a great success. Wilmington, February 15th, 1880. Leave Wilmington at 7:00 a. m., daily, except Sun day. Leave Wilmington at 3:00 p. m., daily. Leave Hammocks at8.00 a. m., daily, except Sunday. Leave Hammocks at 6:00 p. m., daily. Leave Wilmington at 10:00 a. m., Saturday only. School Children and Teachers taken on this Train at 15 cents for the round trip. feb 10 tf J. R. NOLAN, Gen'l Manager. 6m 1 Thece tiny Craulea arrest in S ienoe, thwo f.ffeeti iip in which JuHJI fail. 3j nnv 1 II III I lt cured at home.wlth "' Tt Af WOOTjLEY. M.D. tu th sat ' fell V- Atlanta, a. feb 13 D&Wly Mrs. Joe Person's REMEDY AND A FULL STOCK OF PATENT Medicines, Toilet Articles and Pure -Drugs an p Chemicals can always be found at F. C. MILLER'S, Druggist, Corner S. Fourth and Nun streets. P. S. Prescriptions filled day and night. tion. No household. with young children, should be without it. Scores of lives are saved every year by its timely use. Jenner, Northampton, " Common eratitude im pels me to acknowledge the great bene fits I have derived for my children from the use of Ayer's most excellent Cherry Pectoral. I had lost two dear children from croup and consumption, and had the greatest fear of losing my only re maining daughter and son, as they were delicate. Happily, I find that by giving them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the first symptoms of throat or lung trouble, they ere relieved from danger, and are be coming robust, healthy children." "In the winter of 1885 I took a bad cold which, in spite of every known remedy, grew worse, so that the family physician considered me incurable, sup posing me to be in consumption. As a last resort I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto ral, and, in a short time, the cure was complete. Since then I have never been without this medicine. I am fifty years of age, weigh over 180 pounds, and at tribute my good health to the use of Ayer s Cherry Pectoral." G. W .Youker, Salem, N.J. . "Last winter I contracted a severe cold, which by repeated exposure, be came quite obstinate. I was much troubled with hoarseness and bronchial irritation. After trying various medi cines, without relief, I at last purchased a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. On taking this medicine, my cough ceased almost immediately, and I have been well ever since." Kev. Thos. B. Bussel 1 , Secretary Holston Conference and P. E. of the Greenville District, M. E. C.t .Jonesboro, Tenn. yer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED E7 Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., L weil, rVia..3 Sold by all Druggists, l'.-ic: $1 ; six bcttlts.iS feb 28 D&W ly OTTERBURN LITHIA and MAGNESIA WATER! IT NOT ONLY CURES "BRIGHT'S DISEASE" BUT ALSO DIABETES. Mannboro, Va., April 7, 18888. For a year I have been suffering with a form of Kid' ney Disease which my physician (Dr. J. A. Hillman) thought was Diabetes, and advised the use of Otter burn Lithia and Magnesia Water. The quantity of urine passed was greatly in excess of the natural se cretion, and 1 lost forty pounds of flesh in a few months. The use of the Otterbuurn Water corrected this excessive flow entirely in six weeks, and I am again a well man. I tried many medicines without avail, and I attribute my cure of this troublesome and dangerous disease en tirely to the use of the Otterburn Water. R. N. BLANTON. PERSONS OFTEN ASK "WILL IT KEEP?" Amelia County, Va., Feb. 24, 1888. I hereby certify that two years ago I obtained some iof the Water of the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Spring for my wife, in a demijohn, and recently, whilst moving to another home, I found that some of the Water had been left in the demijohn. I poured it out and drank some of ir, and found it to be as pure and nice as when first taken from the Spring. G. E. CRADDOCK IT CURES RHEUMATIC GOUT. J. E. Jefferson, of Johnstown, South Carolina, writes as follows of it : "A lady here has been entirely relieved of a severe attack of Rheumatic Gout. She found such immediate relief she did not take any medicine or any other remedy at all' and while on the sixth bottle sta ted that she had been entirely relieved and needed no more Water, her general health being also greatly im proved. E. E. JEFFERSON." Richmond, Va., April 8, 1887. I have been suffering for years with a complication of Liver and Kidney trouble, suffering great pain in the region of the kidneys, and having my attention called to the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Water I commenced to use it, and never experienced such re lief from anything. The very first half-gallon in creased the flow of urine and cleared it up. My appe tite has been restored, and I feel that I cannot com mend the Water too highly. R. F. WALKER. Mannboro, Va March 17, 1888. When I commenced the used of the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Water, on the 28th of January last, I had no faith in any mineral water. I had been suffer ing for over three years with a disease that was pro nounced by a pionounced by a prominent physician of Richmond to be an affection of the Kidneys, after making a scientific test. I had only used the Water one week when I was en tirelyvrelieved of pain, which before had been constant and at times acute, and I have gained nineteen pounds in flesh, with a restoration of strength and energy. I gave the Water a fair test, using no other water and taking no medicine. H. C. GREGORY. Amelia C. H., Va., December 15, 1886. I have been a Dyspeptic for the past fifteen years, and lately have suffered with Derangement of my Uri nary Organs, evidenced by great difficulty in voiding the urine. About six months ago I commenced the use of the - Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Springs Water, and since that time there has been marked and gradual improvement in my entire condition and state of health. My digestion is better than it has been for five or six years, and the urinary trouble is entirely re lieved, and has been for the past two months. J. A. WALLAtt, Cashier Planters' Bank of Amelia. OTTERBURN LITHIA SPRINGS CO,, 11. K. BEL.L.AIWY, Agent, r9-DWtf Wilmington, N. C. THE Acme Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre, AND PINE FIBRE MATTING, WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS, the ACME and GEM, is now established, and the result of three years use in the hands ot tne best fanners of this and other States fully attest their value as a high grade manure. The MA 1 1 ING, made from the leaves ot our na tive pine, is conceded to be equal to any woven carpet lor comfort and durability, ana tnp demand tor it is daily increasing. It has virtues not found in any other fabric. The FIBRE, or wool, is extensively used for uphol stering purposes, and as a tilling tor Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light, elastic and proof against insects. sep80-D&W FOR lEi A rUOl I IFC 0;mral and NERVOUS DEBILITY: cube: nf nodvftnd Mind: Effeota . - - m . or h.rrers or jsxessses in win or muigi KabatU 5i '- 1M :-V:'- Rctorl. How t KIWT aa T2fcATHIJNT-DiieflU 7 ; Mnrtm, and rorelga Cwmtrie. 0t CO.. BUFFALO, . T. sa tu tb S MAI. . an 8 D&Wlm CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND. Bore ana aiwsy reuaoie. isaies, ask Drmggiit for Diamond Brand, In red, metuuo Dozes, ssuea wiw bin j ribbon. Tnka no other. All plUi ' In pasteboard boxes, pine vraspen, an aancerooa counterfeits. Send 4c (stamps) for particulars, testimonials and "Keller for Ladles," in UUtr, by retara JBISUI ABM UftVr. taUebaster Cbem'l Co Kaalsoa Sow. Fkllar ,sep 27 D &Wlv XL w Wholesale Prices Current. The following quotations represent wholesale prices generally. In making up small order higher prices have to be charged. The quotations are alwaysiven as accurately as possible, but the Star will not be responsible foe any variations from the actual market price of the articles quoted. BAGGINGS-ID Jute $00 00 &00 Vs Standard BACON North Carolina Hams f lb Shoulders tt Sides $j 5) , WESTERN SMOKED Hams tt Sides l Xb Shoulders Tb DRY SALTED Sides $ lb Shoulders f? tti BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each New New York, each 1 New City, each J C5 BEESWAX Tt, BRICKS Wilmington, M G00 Northern BUTTER Ncrth Carolina, Tb Northern CANDLES, $ lb Sperm Adamantine CHEESE, Tb Northern Factory Dairy, Cream State COFFEE, $? lb Java Laguyra Rio CORN MEAL, bushel, in sacks. Virginia Meal COTTON TIES, S bundle 1 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, $ yard Yarns, per bunch EGGS, $ dozen. FISH Mackerel, No. 1, f? barrel 23 00 Mackerel, No. 1, $ half-barrel. 11 00 Mackerel, No. 2, f? barrel 16 00 Mackerel, No. 2, $ half-barrel. 8 00 Mackerel, No. 3, barrel 13 00 Mullets, $ barrel 0 00 Mullets, ? pork barrel 00 00 N. C. Roe Herring, keg 8 00 Dry Cod, lb 5 FLOUR, ) barrel Western low grade 8 50 " Extra 4 00 " Family , City Mills Super " Family 00 00 10 1ZV 00 19 8 10 11 14 a 15 o a cm 0. $K oo oo ' a i &' 1 40 0. 1 75 1 C5 & 1 70 SO 23 0 00 H 00 0 00 14 00 15 (ft 2.'. 23 30 18 O 25 9 O 10 00 10 ii a i2Mi 00 10 27 28 17 19$ 17 20 55 57H 55 57K 1 15 1 25 6 C4 00 80 11 12 80 00 15 00 18 00 00 14 00 5 50 8 00 4 00 & 10 4 75 4 00 5 50 (ft 00 50 5 00 4 10 0 00 GLUE, $ Tb 6 10 GRAIN, $ bushel Corn, from stpre, brigsWhite. 00 3 55 Corn, cargo, in bulk White. . . 00 52 Corn, cargo, in bag -White. . . 00 54 Corn, Mixed, from store 00 52 Oats, from store 00 40 Cats, Rust Proof 00 45 Cow Peas..T 90 I 00 HIDES, j9 lb Green 0 3 Dry 0 4 HAY, $ 100 lbs Eastern 00 1 10 Western 1 00 1 05 North River 00 100 HOOP IRON, $ ft. 2-i 3 10 1 40 18 00 15 00 13 00 18 00 14 00 LARD, lb Northern North Carolina LIME, barrel LUMBER (city sawed), $ M it Ship Stuff, resawed Rough Edge Plank West India Cargoes, according to quality Dressed Flooring, seasoned.... Scantling and Board, com'n MOLASSES, gallon New Crop Cuba, in hhds " in bbls Porto Rico, in hhde ' " in bbls Sugar House, in hhds in bbls Syrup, in bbls NAILS, keg, Cut, lOd basis OILS, gallon. Kerosene Lard Linseed Rosin Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live, grown " Spring Turkeys PEANUTS, IP bushel (28 lbs) POTATOES, $ bushel- Sweet Irish, ij) barrel PORK, barrel- City Mess 00 Prime 00 00 Rump 00 RICE Carolina, $ lb Rough, ip bushel (Upland). . . " " (Lowland). , RAGS, $ lb Country City ROPE, Tb SALT, $ sack Alum Liverpool Lisbon American In 125-lb sacks SUGAR, !g tt Standard Gran'd. Standard A White Ex. C Extra C, Golden C Yellow SOAP, $ ft. Northern SHINGLES, 7-inch, $ M Common Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts STAVES, $ M W. O. Barrel. . . R. O. Hogshead TALLOW, lb TIMBER, $ M feet Shipping. . . Mill Prime Mill Fair. Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary WHISKEY, ? gallon Northern. North Carolina WOOL, $ ft. Washed & 8 12 0 00 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 00 30 SO. O 82 00 S3 38 35 00 15 17 18 30 45 0 00 2 35 10 14 00 68 90 1 00 15 (ffc 18 00 20 00 25 20 30 10 20 75 85 1 00 1 25 60 C5 2 75 3 00 1 & & 4a 50 00 00 1 14 00 00 00 00 55 0 0 0 0 e 0 00 00 50 00 8 00 0 00 5 12 50 9 00 7 00 5 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 28 Unwashed. . . Burry. 20 10 & & & & & & a & & & & 12 50 11 50 11 00 6 70 1 10 1 1 22 80 80 00 80 CO 7 0 54 5 6 7 00 2 50 5 00 f 50 14 00 10 00 6 15 00 10 50 8 50 6 50 4 00 2 53 2 10 32 21 00 PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1888, trains will run as follows, daily (Sunday excepted) : fjiOINt Mil 111. No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Hamlet, N. C " Osborn (r lag station). " Kollock Station Arrive Cheraw, S. C . . 0.15 a. m . . 9.85 a ra ..10 05a. m . .10.85 a. m GOING NOIITII. No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Cheraw, S. C 4.20 p. m " Kollock 4.40 p. in " Osborn (Flair Station) 5.10 p. m Arrive Hamlet, N. C 8.20 p. m decl3-tf WM. MONCURE, Sup't. J. W. ATKINSON, r resident. W. P. TOOMER, Cashier. Tie I Muton Sayims and. Trust Co., 1 fift PRINCESS ST., WILMINGTON, N. C, 1UO Lends Money on satisfactory security. Pars Interest on Deposits. Is empowered to execute Trusts of all kinds. marSShf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. WflmnuLton & Wcldon B. R.' anil Brancfces 3S?l rONDKNUKD M IIKDI LK. TRAINS GOING SOUTH Dated Jan 13. 1890No 10,!So F Ma.l lt.ll, s leUy Daily.! , I telly : Sun dor Leave Weldon PM 11 10 A M I 12 19 PM J 11 fkV i P M A Arr. Rocky Mount. Arrive Tarhorn S 4f. AM Iave Tarboro HI Ul I V M Arrive Wilson IS 47 8 17 Ieave Wilson V Arrive Srlma I 411 Arrive Kayrttrvillr (si I-rave ( .oUUIx.ro. . ) fi) X III 1-ave Warsaw K VI 4 in I-rave M.-m.li V M 4 31 Arrive Wii.mnfitii, 3 f f fsl A M ' 7 10 4.1 40 v. M 4t in I KAINS (,OI(. Noli I II AM A I Leave Wilmington. 11 no m V M Iavr Magnolia... 13 3X I Ixavr Warsaw Arrive (roldshoro. . 1 87, K No Ofl No 14 Iaily Iiaily M 01 1(1 IK Leave Favrttevillr Arrive Srlma Arrive Wilson .... Iavr Wilson 2 30, Arr. Rocky Mount. ! if) Arrive Tarboro....1 8 45 AMI I-eave Tarboro 10 01 i P M Arrive Weldon....1 8 57 A M f 59 4 30 No 7 I 'aily A M V 1(1 10 M 10 4N 11 . 40 II IN lit 10 r m It 87 I 10 A M io m I' M I 4T. No 441 ).!? Similar , r m 4 r. an t. M a M I' M : 4T a la mi Daily esrrpt Sunday Train on Scotland Nr llrorw h koari Iravr llal.ls 2 80 p m, arrives Scotland Nat k 8 4f v m, kitrtion 0 10 p m Returning, leave K ivriton 7 KO a m. S .t land Neck 10 24) a m. daily eirrpt Sunday Train leaves Tarboro, N t , via Altiemarle A kalrtf h R. K , daily except Sunday, 4 (III (. m ; Sunday 8 p m , arrive Wilhamston, N. C , A AO p m and 4 ij m . I'ly" mouth fl00pm.540pm Hemming, leave I'lym.niili, N. C, daily except Sunday 0 00 s m. Sunday lilitn. Williamston 7 25 am, V 50 s m Arrive TatWo N C, 0 60 am and 11 AO a m Train on Midland N C llram Ii leavra ( ...liUI., N C, daily exrrpt Sunday. 0 (l a m . arrive Sitoi I. In tit . N. C, i .80 a m. Keturning lesve Smiihf.elil, N ( ' 8 00 a m ; arrive .oldslmrn, N ( , V All a m Train on Nashville ran h leave k'aty Mount at 3 pm, arrives Nsahvillr 8 40 p m. Spring H" 4 If. wky Mount 11 IT. a m, daily e.i. 7S n TrO la.,y etei1 top only at tlaon. ( ...Ida ville 10 85 a m Sunday. Train on Clinton I'.ramh leaves Wiri lot ( hut., daily except Sunday, at H p m and 11 10 a m Helton ins, leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 8 10 ( m. ..ton. ni.s at Warsaw with Noa. 41, 40. 28 and Southbound train on Wilson A I ayetieille Ittatx h is ro. 01. IMortrilK.uml is No TrO ia.:y Sunday. Train No. 27 South ii boro and Magnolia. Train No. ,H make tl all points North daily daily except Sunday via May Line T rams make clme connrtton lot via Richmond and Washington All trains run solid between Wiltninkion ami VS ah ington, and have Pullman Palate Sletjiers ana. Led JOHN ! . IHVIKF. (.en I S.i. t R. KENLV, Sup't I tan.rtal.on M. EMERSON, (ien'l I'au'gr Agent .,tlOil iimnt. ;i.m il Wld. All rail via Htthmortd. and til jMtrit N'ofil. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. WUiunjEtoD. Columbia & AiiDsIa P. R. CONDKIVKIil) M il ICIII I. It. TRAINS (rOINO SOU 1 H Dated Jan. 13, 1HM0. No Ul No f. No 11 I'M I'M AM Ieave Wilmington C 1iIO 1(1 4 111 Leave Marion 1 88 If 4Vi a m Arrive Klorem 10 no i J T. ; a m I No Tdl No I A M AM Leave Florence I W V l Arrive Sumter 4 V. 10 Is No nil AMI Ieave Sumter 4 X HI 88 . Arrive Columbia A 15 It fw'. I A M 1 ! No. 52 runs through Irom ( hatleaitwi via er.uel Railroad leaving Ines D 15 a m. Manning 9 V. a m 1'rain on C aV I). K. R. connetts at H'fe nh No. 5H. TRAINS (,OIN(. NOR I H No ni No r n. m V M V M I-eave Columbia 10 V . f. Arrive Sumter 11 5 t, 89 Iave Snmter . J II Vt A 8" Arrive Florence I If. T Ml A M I M No 7 No Wl No 14 AM AM I' M I -cave Florence 4 .V. 7 ho 18 Iave Mantm 5 Tl H Ufl I U Arrive Wilmington M .V. II 10 II 4f, I A M ' A M I'M Daily. Daily elfpt Sunday. No. 53 run through to Chatlt i.i, S C , via ( . tral R. R , arriving Manning 7 04 p m, ! 7 4V Charleston 9 SO p m. No. 50 connects at Fltrrrnce with t 4 l train Irom Cheraw and Wadrslmro. Noa. 78 and 14 make i lose itmntuni at Wilmingi. with W. Si W. k. R R, for all txnnl. NoMh Train on Klorenre Railroad U-svrs 1'ee 1 e tlaily, except Sunday, 4 40 p m, arrive Rowland I . He turning, leave Rowland 0 AO a m, arrive I'ee lite a Ui a m. Train on Manchester A Angnata Railroad leaves Sumter daily, except Sunday. 10 50 a m arrive Huh ardson 12 01 p m. Returning, leave H m hardaon II t p m , arrive Sumter 1 AO p m. JOHN V. DIVINE. f.n't Sup't J. R. KENLV, Assistant Oen'l Manager T. M. EMERSON, (.en l I'ass'grf Agent aepll ,f Carolina Central E. E. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS Nov. 17, 1880 I No. 41 t No. M No 6 Daily est pt Daily e it (H Daily e I Sunday. ! Sunday Sunday Leave Wilmington. Leave Hamlet Leave Wadesboro. Arrive Charlotte. . . Leave Charlotte . . . Leave Lincolnton.. Leave Shelby Arrive Rutherf'on 8 00 p. m 7.80 p. m H mW d. ri 10 . AO p m 7 00 p 1 4A a 8 11 a A 40 a IM p 7 88 p 881 p 9 4ft p EASTBOUND TRAINS Nov. 17, 1889 L've Rutherfordt'n Leave Shelby Iave I.incnlntnci . Arrive Charlotte.. I -cave Charlotte . . . I-eave Wades boeo Leave Hamlet No. AH I No M No I Daily esrpt ,laily est rH Daily .1 Sunday. Sunday Sunday A no 8 5 Hit, 8 ir. i. ii an r A 4ft a r a II (si ;iij r Arrive Wilmingttwi U 18 s. mil 10 a. as p. m A 00 a m and 8H make ( Umw rminatktwi Charlotte aad ptants Nona ' at Trains Noa. 41 Hamlet, bet ween Raleigh. Trains Noa. 51 and 54 make connexion al HasnkH ts and from Raleigb. Through Sleeping Care ltreo Wilmingi.ru anal Charlotte and Wilmington and Raleigh, Local freight daily bet wee a Wilrningv aa4 ( har lotte, with pasarnger ctasch atta hd, leaves 4 a a each day, Sunday ctcepted. T. W. WHl.tNANT, Sapermi extent F. W. CLARK. Gen'l Paaaenger Agent evtOtl

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