k lEtcrrttittg ginx. 7 WILLIAM H. BEBN1BD. PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. ratks or SIM cumoo, ix advancb: ' bX Pottage Paid $5 00 ni Months, " - i JC; l'hm Month, - " ? S? t hie Month. " go 1 C,,y Sabwihen, delivered is any put of the City. Twuvi Cnts per week. Our City Arena re no mitboriKd to collect for mere than three months advance. Fntered at the Poat Office at WOmiacton. X C aa Second Claa. Mail Matter. OUTLINES. A number of public building bills were passed in the Senate yesterday, after which the Educational bill was further discussed; Mr. Hale made a speech in opposition to it. which brought out Mr. Blair in a long harangue against every body who opposed his pet measure; the press came in for a full share of his attacks, and the Republican party was notified that if it failed in supporting it that it would put an end to the party; a number of Senators wished to know of Mr. Blair when a vote could be taken on the bill, but his reply was that he was unable to tell; in the House a unani mous report was made from the Com mittee on Elections, in favor of the sit ting member in the Alabama contested election case, and it was adopted; the private calendar was then considered i ntil adjournment. There was a meeting yesterday afternoon of Senator Doiph s speci.il committee to find out V- leaks in connection with executive sessions, when a number of Senators were examined, but the result was that no intormation whatever was obtained; the impression prevails that the news paper men. who failed to respond to inquiries made of them will be prose cuted on the charge of sedition. A. W. Stutter was yesterday confirmed as postmaster at Raleigh. N. C. sorts from the I. S. Marshal in Re-Ala- bama show that immense depredations have been made on the govern ment timber lands in that State. - - The banking-house of Bello C. f- reers. San Francisco, has failed, with i .. iihti-s amounting to $o00'000. iJ.ni .Y. Co. report no material improve ment in trade, although the monetary vij.iton is more satisfactory; business t.-.iiures for the week number 250. i nree boys were drowned near Knox v,l. Term., yesterday, while trying l t cross a river in a trail boat. Further particulars of the terrible accident on the Lake Shore Railway, j tear tiuituio. .. l .. snow mat it was oi a sickening i-namc-f fr- nvt- ra-"ncrprs ..ere instantly killed and their bodies I :i -vrribly mangled, including a bride of a ve the injured number fifteen, some : them very seriously. A Mos- iDw dispatch reports a ghastly tragedy in that city; a parcel, containing the head of a woman, was left at the resi dence ot a Prince, with a note which in dicated that she had been killed for be- tnning Nihilists. A man was hanged at Charleston. W. Va.. yester dav. for the murder of his son and daughter. New York markets: Money easy at 2 toti per cent.; closing offered at - per cent.; cotton steady: middling uplands 1 1 38 cents; middling Oriear.s 10 ig cents: southern flour dull and heavy; wheat dull and easier; No. 2 re.l s,;'j cents at elevator; corn steady ;nJ moderately active; No. 2. 3.?8 :r; cents at elevator; spirits turpentine s-.eadv at 42l,c. There seems to have been a resur rect:. m in some of the Ohio cemete ries Ex-Speaker Keifer was in Washington a few days ago. 1 he Ohio river is said to be fifty miles wide at its mouth. If the Re-publu-an party could be chucked into the mouth of the Ohio, it might be washed out. Gladstone is still the unapproach able grand old man. J. G. Blaine is said to be becoming unapproachable, but this don't make him a grand old man by a long shot. That Louisville bank cashier that got away with $60,000, took his Bi ble and prayer-book with him. Per haps he concluded that Bibles and prayer-books were scarce over in Canada. There is an English "Countess" who resides in London and makes a nice income by presenting American snobs to bon ton English society. They "takes their choice and pays for what they gits." The Raleigh Chronicle, which came out as a daily last Thursday, presents a good appearance and steps to the front rank at once. We welcome it into the journalistic circle and wish it unmeasured success. Thomas L. Jenkins, of North Car olina, cadet at Annapolis Naval Academy, has been dismissed, his offence being pummelling another cadet who reported him for some slight breach of the rules. Mr. Russell Harrison, who has been down in Florida, expresses him self highly delighted with the coun try and the climate, which he pro nounces superb. With this indorse ment Florida can proceed with busi ness confident of success. : When Russell endorses the climate the cli mate ought to get rij-ht up and boom. 1 HE VOL. XLV.-NO. 151. I There are some remarkably unre j liable men in St. Louis. J. j. O'Con j nor is one of them. He died a week or two ago, in the usual St Louis style, and his friends had a nice wake over him, and placed him away comfortably in the cemetery, but very much to their surprise in a few days they found him walking around town as if nothing had happened. He explained that some medical students had got hold of him, brought him to the college, but when they ran a knife into him. he got up and ob jected to being cut up. The Senate talks about abolishing the Press gallery. We "suspect that crank Blair is at the bottom of this to get even with the press for refus ing to print his speech. Some of these days the press may go for abolishing the Senate, which would be quite as reasonable a proposition. The Greenville Reflector notes the death of a citizen of Pitt county who was supposed to be 114 years old, who never took but one dose of medicine in his life and was a life long Democrat. These two facts probably account for his longevity. General Middleton, of Canada, is under fire on a charge of swindling a fur trader in a little transaction about 1,000 worth of furs If Gen eral Middleton would come over to this country he might become a hustling Republican politician. The Czar of Russia is getting to be considerable of a real estate dealer. When She takes a fancy to any particular estate he contrives to get some excuse to banish the owners to Siberia and then bags it at his own figures. Mr. Gest, of Illinois, introduced a Kill in PAnrrrcc lnct nturHav trt npn- 0 J ' tv Cl. "'"""'s dier or sailor who is now disabled, without proof as to the origin of his disability. He wasn't jesting, either. Edward Bellamy's -'Looking Back ward" is said to have panned out $16,000 for him, and $50,000 for the pulishers. We have known men who have been looking backward all their lives and never made a red cent bv it. As neither Vice President Morton, Senator Quay, nor Russell Harrison, who are in Florida, have been killed, perhaps Mr. Wanamaker and Tom Reed may pick up courage enough to venture down after awhile. Yesterday, at Charleston. W, Va., Felix Campe was hanged for the murder of his daughter, JMary, aged 37, and his son William. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M us son Spring goods. Star Office Babbitt metal. Matinee Round the World. Woody & Curry Low prices. Opera House Comedy Company. McCarthy's Mishaps. On Monday evening next there will be introduced for the first time here the celebrated laugh makers. The Furgu son and Mack Company of players. Thev will illustrate the hilarious Irish farce 'McCarthy's Mishaps." The organiza tion is one well known in the laughing world and holds a position second to none. Their only claim is that of pure whole some laughter and with teis as the end to be attained they seem to have been re markably successful. A number of strong people are introduced and a laughing evening may confidently be looked for. Reserved seats at Yates'. "Weather Forecasts. - The following are the forecasts for to day: For Virginia and North Carolina light snow, northeasterly winds, warmer. For South Carolina, and Georgia, light rains, easterly winds, warmer. Florida, fair, except in extreme north ern portion, light rains, easterly winds, warmer. The Merchant' Excursion. The committee on entertainment for the merchants' excursion on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railroad met again yesterday to confer upon arrange ments to be made. It is understood that the committee decided that the ban quet will be given in the City Hall in stead of the dining room of the Orton, on account of the large number expected to attend. A Pender County Battler. A gentleman from Burgaw, in the city yesterday, tells of a big rattlesnake killed near that place a few days ago which measured five feet and six inches in length. 14 inches in circumference, and had 12 rattles and a button. A full grown rabbit was found in the snake's stomach. WILMINGTON, LOCAL DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered Here and There and Briefly Noted. Major Jno. C. Winder, General Manager of the Seaboard Air-Line rail roads, was in the city yesterday. Pinkey Davis and Ella Henry, both colored and both disorderly, were fined five dollars each in the Mayor's Court yesterday. The young men's meeting will be conducted by Mr. Wm. H. Sprunt, at the Y. M. C. A. rooms to-morrow afternoon at 5.30 o'clock. The usual services will be held in the First Presbyterian Church to morrow. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., by Rev. P. H. Hoge, D. D. The wrecking tug Chapman, at Southport, to tow the water-logged schooner Bonsall to New York, came up to the city yesterday afternoon for coal. The usual Saturday night prayer and experience meeting of busi ness and working men will be held at 8 o'clock to-night at the Seamen's Bethel. Mr. Charles Craig, who died a few days ago, was buried Thursday last at the Sound, in a coffin which he had made out of fat pine wood years and years ago. The steamer Fanita, Capt. Pennington, of the Clyde Line, arrived here yesterday from New York, with a full cargo of freight,' consigned to H. G. Smallbones, Esq. The corner stone of the new Methodist Church building at Clinton, N. C, was laid by the Masonic fraterni ty on yesterday. Rev. Mr. Creasy, of this city, delivered the address. The Clyde steamship Delaware, Chichester, which cleared from Charles ton for New York, March Gth, put in at Southport yesterday afternoon to repair some injury to her steering gear. The gallery of the Opera House is receiving a special cleaning for to day's matinee, for the benefit of the col ored people. They will find these seats as good as any in the house for a stere optican lecture. Mr. G. M. Busey, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., went yesterday to Lumberton, where he last night deliver ed an address before the Association of that place, and assisted in organizing a Women's Auxiliary. The British schooner Victory cleared yesterday for Nassau, with 25,000 shingles, 10 bbls grits, 2 bbls. tar, 2 bbls. pitch, 65,914 feet lumber, and 30 pairs sash and blinds, valued at $1,188.45, shipped by Messrs. Parsley & Wiggins. The freight sheu on the wharves of the C. F. & Y. V. railroad were yesterday piled with packages of goods for merchants in Winston, Greensboro and other points in the Western part of the State, which came by steamer from New York. Dr. Pritchard at Savannah, G-a. Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D., pastor of the First Baptist Church at Wilmington is assisting in a series of meetings at the Baptist Church in Savannah, Ga. The News of that city referring to the mat ter, says: Rev. Dr. Pritchard is one of the prom inent leaders of the Baptist church in this country, and his reputation as a fine pulpit orator is co-extensive with the South. When the war broke out he was pastor of a church iu Baltimore, and on account of his Southern proclivities was arrested and imprisoned by order of Gen. Schenck. He was eventually re leased and sent across the lines. Since the war he has filled prominent pastor ates in the South, among which were pastorates at Louisville, Ky., and Ral eigh, N. C, and he is now pastor of the Baptist church at Wilmington, N. C. The Sale of State Lands. Messrs. Frost & Robinson, of Michi gan, are the purchasers of swamp lands in the eastern part of the State (men tioned in the " Star yesterday.) The sale was made by the Board of Educa tion at Raleigh, to Maj. Chas. M. Sted man, attorney for Messrs. Frost & Robinson. The lands are in Columbus county, comprising about 10,000 acres, and the price paid was 85 cents per acre. The purchasers intend to erect mills to saw up the timber, which con sists principally of cypress and juniper, and this work will give employment to a large number of people in Columbus county. Meeting of the Evangelical Alliance. The Evangelical Alliance will hold their next public meeting at Grace M. E. Church next Tuesday evening, March 11th, at 8 o'clock. All are invited to take part in the meeting. Rev, J. W. Primrose will lead in the discussion of the topic, which will be "How to study the Scriptures." The public is invited. Cotton Receipts. Receipts of cotton at this port for the week ended yesterday are 385 bales; same week last year, 957 bales. Receipts for the crop year, to March 7th, are 131,042 bales; receipts to same date last year, 146,488; decrease as com pared with last season, 15,446 bales, Morning N. C, SATURDAY, COLD WAVE. A Snow Storm Followed by Sleet and Bain. A cold wave, unheralded by the Sig nal Service, visited this section yester day, the temperature falling steadily all day long, with wind from the northeast that at nightfall brought rain and snow. For nearly an hour, beginning shortly after 6 o'clock, the fleecy flakes fell fast and sofly; but rain accompanied the snow, causing it to disappear almost as fast as it fell. Later in the evening the snow changed to sleet and with rain continued to fall throughout the night. Early this morning snow - was again falling, and housetops and fences were covered with a mantle of white. Press dispatches last night report a heavy snow storm in Virginia, extending into North Carolina. Very cold weather is reported from the Northern States. In Western New York, New Hampshire and Vermont, the temperature is report ed at from 20 to 30 below zero. Wilmington District Second! Round Quarterly meetings in Part. Bladen Circuit, Live Oak, March 8 and 9. Scott.s Hill, Bethel. March 12 and 13. Rocky Roint, Burgaw Creek, March 15 and 16. Bladen Street, March 16, at night. Clinton Circuit, Johnson's Chapel, March 22 and 23. Magnolia, Providence, March 29 and 30. Grace Church, April 5 and 6. Kenansville Circuit, Wesley Chapel, April 5 and 6. Sampson, Bethel, April 12 and 13. Fifth Street, April 19 and 20. Elizabeth Circuit, Bladen Springs, April 19 and 20. Cokesbury, Salem, April 26 and 27. Carvers Creek, Way man, May and 4, Brunswick, Zion,.May 3 and 4. Brunswick Mission, Union, May 10 and 11. Whiteville Circuit. Whiteville, May 17 and 18. F. D. Swindell. Presiding Elder. The Churcnes. First Presbyterian Chusch, corner Third and Orange streets, Rev. Peyton H. Hoge. D, D., Pastor. Sv.rvires Snnrlav at 11 a. m. and 7.30 D. m. Sundav School at 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting and Bible study Thursday night at 8 o'clU. Visitors always wcleome to all sen-ices. Front Street ChaDel of First Presbyterian Church corner Front and Queen streets. Preaching SundaX at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., by Rev. w. Met. Miller, Sundav School at 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting W ed' ncsday uight at 7.30 o'clk. Visitors cordially invited to all services. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, corner Fourth and Campbell street, Rev. John W. Primrose, Pastor. Sundav services at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Com munion service in the morning. Sabbath School at 3 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday 8.00 p. m. I he public cordially invited, seats tree. Grace Methodist E. Church, South, northeast corner of Mulberry and rourth streets, Kev. Walter b. Creasv. Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 3:30 p. m. Weekly Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Seats free. A cordial invitation is ex tended to strangers and visitors. The congregation of Fifth Street M. E. Church, South, will hold services in Union School House, on Sixth, between Church and Nun streets. Rev. R. C. Beaman, Pastor. Preaching to-morrow (Sunday) at 11 a. m' and 7.30 p. m. Sunday School at 3.30 p. m. Class meeting at 5 o'clock Sunday and F-ridayevening at 7.30 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday night st 7.30 o'clock. THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSE. For North and way stations W & W R R. Train No. 78 8:00 a m For West and way stations: C C R R. Train No. 41 2:00 pm For Wrightsville : 2:00 p m For Southport 2:00 p m For Clinton, Magnolia and Goldsboro. Train No. 40 3:15 p m For Charlotte and points on C C R R. Train No. 51 6:00 p m For South through. Train No. 27 9:30 pm For South and way staions. Train No. 15. . . .11:00 p m For North through. Train No. 14 11:00 p m For Landings on Cape Fear River, Tueseays and Fridays 1:00 pm For Brunswick County and Little River, S. C 6:00 a m For Onslow County, Sounds, &c, Mondays. . 6:00 a m For Mt. Airy and intermediate stations.... 8:40 a. m MAILS READY FOR DELIVERY (WHEN THE TRAINS ARE ON TIME). From North, Richmond, &c, ex. pouches. Train No. 15 9:00 a m From Charlotte and stations on Carolina Cen tral Railroad. Train No. 54 9:00 a m From South through and way stations. Train No. 5c 12:00 m From Clinton, Magnolia and Goldsboro. Train No. 41 12:00 m From Charlotte and way stations. Train No. 38 1:30 pm From North and way stations W & W R R. Train No. 23 7:30 p m From Wrightsville 7:30 p m From Southport 7:30 p m From North through. Train No. 27 11:00 p m From South through. Train No. 14 ..... 8:00 a m From Landings on Cape Fear River Tues days and Fridays 9:00 a 3 From Brunswick County and Little River, S. C. Mondays and Thursdays 7:20 p m From Onslow County, Sounds, &c. Tues days and Fridays 7:30 p m From above points ready for delivery (when Train is on time) , 7:30 p. m GEO. Z. FRENCH, Postmaster. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WE ARE OFFEEINC Children's Suils At Very Low Figures. WEEKLY ARRIVALS OF SPRING SUITINGS ARE DISPLAYED AT OUR Merchant Tailoring Rooms. MTJNS0N & CO. mar 7 tf On Acconnt of Whom it May Concern, 25 Shares Capital Stock FIRST NATIONAL BANK. VN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12TH, AT 12 o'clock M., in front of the Court House, we will sell at public auction, for Cash, 29 Shares Capital Stock First National Bank. S. VasAMRINGE & CO., mar 1 10t ac .Auctioneers, MARCH 8, 1890. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HO U SE . MONDAY, MAKCH 10TH. FERGUS0N& MACK'S Great Comedy Company, A revelation in Irish Comedy, entitled McCarthy's Mishaps. A Company of Comedians. Enchanting Music. Reserved Seats at Yates' Saturday. mar 7 3t Opera House Matinee. rHK REV. C. R. TREAT'S NOTED LEC- ture, Round the World in Eighty Minutes, with sixty one fine Stereopticon Pictures, will be given at the Opera House 8:00 Saturday afternoon, 8th of March. Admission 25 cents for Parqnette and Dress Circle; lb cents for Gallery. Profits to go to the Wilmington Library Association. mar 6 tf Annual Statement OF- Tie Wilmington Sayings and Trust Co, RESOURCES. Loans $67,190 00 Furniture and Fixtures 300 00 Due from Banks 3,570 80 Cash on hand 1 ,51 1 14 Total $72,571 94 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $25,000 00 Due Depositors 39,533 04 Loans Perfected, subject to check 872 65 Guardian Accounts 5,425 48 Undivided Profits 240 77 Dividends Unpaid 1,500 00 Total $72,571 94 Number of Depositors 1,404 Correct Attest: B. F. HALL, t of the I n vestment GEO. R. FRENCH, ) Committee. Wilmington, N. C March 1, 1890. mar 7 tf THE PURGELL HOUSE THOROUGHLY REMODELED WITH ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. EVERY CONVENIENCE FOR QUESTS. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO THE Culinary Department. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. RATES, $2.00 PER DAY. AUGUST RODEK, Lessee and Proprietor, Wilmington. N. C. mar 1 if John L. Boatwright's 15 & 17 South Front Street, JPOR THE ONLY FIRST CLASS GROCERIES that can be procured in the city. I only strive to please the Retail Trade. Call and examine my stock "Parole D'Honor Flour," conceded the best ever brought to this market. I need not enumerate the articles I have for sale, for I can serve my customers with anything they desire. Just call and examine my goods. The lowest prices guar anteed, feb 23 tf I0HN L. BOATWRIGHT. CLTDB'S New York & Wilmington STEAMSHIP COMPANY. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roose velt streets, at 3 o'clock P. M. FANITA Tuesday, Mh. 4 GULF STREAM Saturday, Mh. 8 BENEFACTOR Thursday, Mh. 13 FANITA Saturday, Mh. 15 From Wilmington. BENEFACTOR Friday, Mh. 7 FANITA Sundav, Mh. 9 GULF STREAM Friday, Mh. 14 BENEFACTOR Tuesday, Mh. 18 gag" Throngh Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. For freight or passage apply to H. G. SMALLBONES, Sup't, Wimmgton, N. C. THEO. G. EGER, T. M., Bowling Green, N. Y. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents, 5 Bowling Green. N. Y. mh 2 tf X). O'Connor REAL ESTATE AGENT, Wilmington, North Carolina. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT and SOLD Loans Negotiated on City Property. Stores, Dwellings, Offices and Halls for Rent. Rents collected. Taxes and Insurance promptly attended to. Houses and Lots for sale on the monthly instalment clan. Cash advanced on city property. nov27tf For Sale, rrHE FOLLOWING VALUABLE REAL L Estate. Plantation at Rock Hill. " " Rocky Point, " " Moore's Creek, " " Shallotte, " " Little River. Store and Dwelling at Nichols, S. C. Apply to SAMUEL BEAR, Sr., mar 2 tf 12 Market street The Sanitarian. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, DEVOTED TO the Preservation of Health, Mental and Physical Culture. $4.00 a Year. 35 cents a Num ber. Sample Copies, 20 cents 10 two-cent postage stamps. A. N. BELL, A. M., M. D., Editor, 1134 Second riace, UrooKiyn, yv. r . The American News Company. Nos. 89 and 41 Chambers Sts., New York, General Agents. News dealers will send orders to them. Correspondence: All communications, except from Newsdealers, all Exchanges with The Sani. tarian, and all books for review, shonld be addressed to the Editor. Remittances should Te made either by postoffice order, registered letter, bank check, or dtaft on New York or Brooklyn, to the order of A. N, Bell, feb sm tt tar WHOLE NO. 7.313 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 10 DAYS FROM NOW I W'l.l. OPEN MY SPRING STOCK OF DRY GOODS. In the meantime 1 win close nut the remaining part of DRESS G-OODS Regardless of Cost. We must have room. SOME FEW LINES OF THESE CAN HE USED FOR EARLY SPRING. You can get great bargains in White Goods or the next ten days to make room for our new uock which will surpass anything for variety and brauty ever brought to this market. Our buyer is now in the Northern markets. Watch f his return, for you can count on him. Respectfully, J. J. HEDRICK. maJ 2 tf FOR RENT ISLAND BEACH HOTEL ON THE "HAMMOCK," ; WRIGHTS VILLE BEACH. This delightful Hotel has been greatly improved and is well furnished from top to bottom. We will lease it for a term ot years, rossession given at once Applv to J. R. NOLAN, febl2tf Gen'l Mang'r W. S. C. R. R. Notice. JOIS ON WKIGH TSVII.LF. BEACH HAVE been staked off and are ready to be selected by thoe desiring to build on the Beach. For further particu lars apply at ofiice on Tenth and Princes, .treeti. J. R. NOLAN, Gen'l Manager, marOtf Wilmington Seacoast Railroad. Notice. AT THE CALL OF THE PRESIDENT THE adjourned annual meeting of the Stockholder, of the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad Co. will be held at the office of the Company, corner Tenth and Prince., streets, on Tuesday, March 18th, 1890, at eleven o'clock a. m. H. M. BOWDEN, mar 5 lOt Secretary and Treasurer. North Carolina's Fayoriie ! 1768. OLD NICK 1890. QURES CHILLS, COLDS, COUGHS, LOSS OF appetite, and is by far the best goods to be had for weah lungs and const umption, as it has been known for its purity over 122 years. We earnestly request all in need of Pure Rye or Corn Whiskey to write for price list, as we keep goods constantly on hand that are FOUR YEARS OLD and quadruple rectified. We ship in any quantity desired. J. FORD & CO., (Successors to Jos. Williams), Panther Creek, adkin Co., N. C. jan 23 6m lp Lanterns, Lanterns, Lanterns, jj Geo. A. Peck. HARDWARE, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, PAINT, OILS, etc. mar 2 tf Sponges ! Sponges ! ! rpHE BIGGEST LOT YET. JUST RECEIVED and for sale at prices that defy competition, by JAMES D. NUTT, mar 0 tf The Druggist. This Paper JS PRINTED WITH INK. BOUGHT OF THE W. D. WILSON PRINTING INK CO., marO 3v 140 William St.. New York City. 1,400 Bales Hay. jyjUST BE SOLD. FULL STOCK GRAIN Meal, Flour, &c. Prompt delivery. D. McEACHERN, 126 North Water ltreet. feb2tf XjCtw Prices SUGAR, FLOUR, CAKES, COFFEE, STARCH, SNUFF, SOAP, CRACKERS, TOBACCO. Consignments Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Tar and Timber carefully handled. mar"5tf WOODY 4 CURRIE. Babbitt Metal. LARGE QUANTITY OF OLD TYPE, A perfect substitute for Babbitt Metal, for sale at the ian30DlwW2w STAR OFFICE. Partnership Notice. THE BUSINESS HERETOFORE EXISTING under the name of H. C. Prempert, has this daT been changed to H. C. Prempert & Son. Thanking our friends for their patronage in the past we beg a continuance with the new firm. Respectfully, H. C. PREMPERT SON, feb 16 tf Practical Barbers. Wrapping Paper. TO CLOSE OUT AN ACCUMULATION OF OLD NEWSPAPERS hey will be sold for TWENTY CENTS PER HUN DRED. Apply at the ugStf STAR OFFICE. BATES OP ADTERTIIII0O. One Square Om Day $ I 00 " " Two Dare I Three Den " " For Dare Fire I tor. I M One Wek 4 OQ Two Wwk. M Three Wwka I 0 Ooe Month 10 00 Two Month. U 00 Three Month. 00 Sta Month. 0 00 One Yeer WOO I W 1 Contract Adrertiamtmta taken at ninbm ately low rate.. Teo line, aolid Nonpareil type make on qaare. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We to Often Heard JT SAID THAT Mil lHF.KN rori. AM too do to ratch on In a goal thins U'llmitifiMaM are crtainly an ereption Both observation and OMpmenc havr taught u. tit tWy Mrm to avail thrmvlvn ' aevan tage offered, which fart i prmfn hy thr Hfenr r pone given to the riVcmmrnt nl Brown & Roddick Each week we tell thr rxwiplr hat rr hav in the of Bargain. They ulwavt tfra.p thr c.pt,rluntr and have become m arcuntoinrd to it that now ihy ar always ready, waiting anil rrtting our nrHt in prices, consequently all have to tin in thi. w is simply to mtggrat to them the lad that Domestics, Sbeetiiigs, Bleaching, k. Can now be had of u at alarniiti;l low ue. and we will be ure to have a ruh A few of the well fcmmn liranrt. we arM ' ' k are the Forest Mills, Sunflower, Bound to Win, FoarloM of Competition, Androncoggin, Hill, Masonville, Fruit of the Loom, Wamaautta, Lonsdale, Pride of tho Wont, Now York Mill. ( ur entire VH IT K 0 S drpen uirnt i m plctr with the very trt gtHr nr1 ih -f mt pecil attention Come and re n BROWN & RODDICK, No. 0 NORTH FRONT ST. mar i if IMPORTANT. gOMETHING IMPORTAN1 rOK IH'K I . A I V frienps to read and ronairler. We have a lot of l-die M ( ( m Kin fun. Bootsthat we will ell at $.1 00 Never ha urh a BARGAIN . tieen (.ftern in SHOES. We are celling them lew than t 1 hf are all nice amooth good and in gcl rmr1itMti We wish to reduce our tck, and t do t hia at iw we propose aellinf certain line, regarrlleat e-f tim will have something to mmy to the tantieme neat week. 1-ook for it. N. B. Sues to fl, cm C. I) and r laata In Opera and Common Sene Style Geo. R. French & Sons. 108 North Front Street. feb 0 tf THE Lirerpool & London & Globe Insurance Co. PROGRESS. rpHF. FOLLOWING TAH1.K KXHIBITS I M r progress of the United Stair. Ilianc li 1K48 Net Fire Premium.. $ 4.MW 00 1H5K ri.HCl 1H8 i. rim. mm m 187H .!. 1WI Ml 1HKH JI.WiiH.O10 Ml ihk 4.im.irri SMITH & BOATWRIGHT, Agt. mar 3 tf H. L. FENIMELL, THE HOUSE MII.I.INr K. HARNESS, SADDLERY, AND HORSE FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks and Bags. mar t tf Handkerchief Extracts. NF. OK THK MOST UK, AM ASSOM o ent of Handkerchief lurmi in the ny The Nilnaon lloquet ta eanroally f n JNO H HAKIMS, rha.macwt. marStf New Market Agents Wanted. yy' WANT MRS! CLASS MFN WHO Afl already traveling Sale men. to tarry tmi II I'HI CATINO OI I. aamplea aa a aide line. Name r(c encea and territory covered HAM T At I IHr p oil. HI. febSSSw C"levUnd. O Notice. TyjEMBF.RS OI IMF IHiriK'M rX change will pleaae add in their liaia. The ( . V. A V V R R . N IOT V 1 (IK. Hill.. Managet marl lOi Wilmington 1 tkfrwt Fuhange New Goods. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT Of MIL lioery. New Glove. Dew Data. RUiUma and Feather at MRS E. M. ST ROCK. Otf iu we fri No. 10 fmat atrl.

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