Don't Give Up The use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. One bottle may not cure "rtgut off" a complaint of ve:ir : rist untu cure ls effected. As a iroTal rule, injprorement follows shortly i.Tr teginning the visa of this medicine. With many people, tu effect is immediately :i, tuvaMt' ; but some constitutions are less r.-.vptiMe to medicinal influences taan t.,ors. and the curatiTe process may, tbere . ,r ... i i ui-h cases, be less prompt. Perse 'wri".v using this remedy Is sore of its r, a aril at last. Sooner or later, the most stuM'oru blood diseases yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla rvr several years. In the spring months, I t: sod to be troubled with a drowsy, tired and a dull pain in the small of my r.i. k. o bad. at times, as to prevent my t vtuj able to walk, the least sadden motion .u isinj; me severe distress. Frequently, roiis and rashes would break out on various j. km of the body. By the adrice of friends r- i my family physician, I began the use of Ayit" Sarsaparilla and continued it till the r, n.M in my blood was thoroughly eradica te! -L. w. English. Montgomery City, Mo. My system was all ran down; my skin rv;:jti ami of yellowish hue, I tried Tarloos r :i..-!u-. and while some of them gate me t t"ii; -rary relief, none of them did any per ; ;.i:!t rt cihhI. At last I began to take vv. r s Sarsaparilla. continuing It excluslve ; . ft-r a considerable time, and am pleased : 4.1 y that it completely Cured Me. i - - my liver was very much out of : ; r ; d the blood impure in consequence, i : r: at I cannot too highly recommend - .irapanlla to any one afflicted as I i -Mr. N. A. Smith. GloTer. Vt I r wars I suffered from scrofula and 1 .leases. The doctors' prescriptions . - i a! .--alled blood-purifiers being of : 1 aj at lost advised by a friend to u r ' Sarsaparilla. I did so, and now : n a iu w man. being fully restored to N Fnnk, Decorah Iowa. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PRIPARTO BT DR. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass. : -i-.ri. $ I, six 3. Worth $i a bottle. Vv H- ttekbuhn LJTHIA and MAGNESIA WATER! ? - HRIGH I S I ISEASK" i -v. r 1S. DIAUETKS. M.VNNHUKO. Va., April 7. ISfvSS. ? bco 5ur?enn with a foraa oi fc-tsd- uy physician (Dr. J. A. HUlman) and advised the use of Otter I.vr.fs:. V.'atcr. The quantity of Creatly in erct-ss of the natural se : r'.-.rty i- uCvis of flesh in a few i f the i ".Ccrbuurn Water corrected rn;:rciy m six weeks, and I am .4 i i .in rl- v f witlKu:t avail, and I attribute ierre and dangerous disease en l ie 'tterbum W atcr. K. N. PUXTitN ASK JPfLL IT Kr.KP? Lot . -V. -. reb. 4. 1S8 :.vo yetrs ago 1 obtained : 't'.erbura IJthia and Mag; some amnesia r. sn a dem.joon, and recently ther home, I found that some ol .it in the demijohn, i poured it f ir. and found it to be as ouv : :aer. from the Spring. G. K. ckaddx:k ; - !:::; l .MATIC GOUT. f iol.rjtown, South Carolina, Vt.: r r. ::.-. .v relieved oi a severe . : She found such -. iii i r.-c take any medicine or any -. : ai.d hile on the sixth bottle sta .i : e n entirely relieved and needed nc . - ,c- ra health brine also greatly im- ! Va., April S, ISS7. : i"T years with a complication ir.r. :r ubltr. suffering great pain in .ir.ry, and having my attention 1 !::r-'- .-: I.irhiaaud Magnesia Water I " . .". a.-; i never experienced such re i : . 1'he ery first half-gallon ic i .r-'-.e a.-ij cleared it up. My appe- --v:. and I leel that I cannot com- - r - . . h v. R. F. WALKER. -.M!.'Si., Va.. March IT, 1SS8. r: -r i used of the Otterburn Lithia : - . '.a"i r. ci the Sth of January last, I - . . a:-. . neral jra:er. I had been suffer car, i:h a disease that was pro .. i :. ur.c ! by a prominent physician of - - : an arTcctu n of the Kidneys, after , t. . .. tcsT. ' J 'a:r ore week when I was cn ' :a n. which before had been constant a :r. anci 1 have gained nineteen pounds a r-s: "af . n ! strength and energy. I . - a :a -t.--:, usini; co other water and H. C. GREGORY. V- - , . C 11.. Va.. December 15. 1SS8. I'.;cp:ic lor the past fifteen years . .,rcrri with IHrrangement of my Uri- - '- r.rc i by srre-it ditTiculty in voiding .i six rr..n:Iis rgo I commenced the '". T. :-n I ithia and Magnesia Springs ' :hat time there has been marked and t. t in my entire condition and state ' ! v ! r, is better than it has been for " a-. a:, i x'.-f urinary trouble is entirely re- a; beer. t'i r the past two months. J. A. WALLACE, Cashier P'-anters' P.ank of Amelia. 'TEREGRN LITHIA SPRINGS CO. It. It. CELL.1JIT, Ascent, r -1 a A ; Wilmington, N. C. THE km Manufacturing Co. :anuf.acturers of Fertilizers, Fine Fibre, AND PINE FIBRE MATTING, v :s '."Mirov, north cap.olina. : Fl i r. HON OK OUR FERTILIZERS, 1 ' M i. and GEM, is now established, and the t tr.-rr years' use in the hands of the best ' : ti-.n and other States fully attest their a n -,-h wrrade manure. M I I I Si ',, made from the leaves of our na '' - rc-eded t' be equal to any woven carpet ' a-.I durability, and the demand for it is ""as it has virtues net found in any ' t i kF. i r, is extensively used for nphol s r i P' -es. and as a 61hng for Mattresses is ; "-..a. to iair, being light, elastic and proof t . aeo90-D&W Scu-enag from tha electa of youthful rron. early T. wasting weakness, loat manhood, etc, I will "2 Tllahl treatisa (aealed) containing full PftitnUrs for home cram. FREE of ehargw. A Ti.mdal Dedicai work : ahonldTC read by every -aa who la nerrotia and debilitated. Addraaa, ""of. P. C. FOHXEH, MoodnA, Conn. " 1 'AV ly 1 f$ Is' Sj " ' .. Man . Ml T( r3. m a . . , ' . I ., W.UIOUSIW, w JiTi u Uut. by i-atva BI1L iu. ! Vlv TO WEAK HEN fcc ptorti0 Minx. SPIRITS TURPENTINh. Morganton Herald: Died, April 4iui, iuo, on Irish Creek, Burke coun ty. Mr. James R. Kincaid, aged 90 years. Ashville Citizen: Master Greeley wy . 11 1 4 A t . m v cuui, agcu io years, son oi Major l , C. Westal, who so mysteriously disap- pearea on April a4tn, nas oeen heard from. He is at Boston enioying good neann ana says mat ne is happy. . Salisbury Watchman: The ar rangeraent between the Yadkin Rail road Company and the Penitentiary au thorities, spoken of last week, has been completed. After the adjustment of some matters of detail a heavy force of convicts will be placed on the line be tween Albemarle & Norwood. Charlotte News : Mr. Archi bald Little died at his home at Triangle, near Cowan's Ford, at 9 o'clock last night. He was 45 years old. Mr. J. r . Wiswell, who is working the Hem by mine in Union county, has struck a valuable vein. The ore pans out finely. The mine is to be worked more energet ically than ever, preparations having been made to increase the capacity of the plant. Chatham Record: There will be very few peaches in Chatham this year. A novel method of plowing was that recently adopted by a darkey in this county. His steer refused to work when hitched to the plow, and thereupon he hitched it to a cart and fastening the plow behind the cart he proceeded to plow the steer without any further trouble. About three weeks ago a dog supposed to be mad passed through the Mud Lick section ot Albright township, and bit several hogs and dogs. Last week a hog that was bitten by the dog and was supposed to be suffering with hydrophobia was kill ed. Several dogs in the neighborhood have been killed for fear that they would have hydrophobia. Winston Daily: Mr. Aleck Ped dicord. who drives the 'bus for Messrs. Buford & Wall, and George Hickerson, colored, who holds a similar position with Mr. R. M, McArthur, got into a fight a few days ago over where their teams should stand at the new R. & D. depot. By accident Peddicord got one of his fingers in Hickerson's mouth, and the result was that the former's finger was nearly bitten off. Since then Ped dicord has been unable to work and in fact the doctors say that the injury is a serious one. His arm is swollen and it is thought that amputation will be ne cessary to save his life. Messrs. P. H. Hanes & Co. have contracted with Messrs. Miller Bros, for the largest to bacco factory, and in fact the largest building ever erected in either Winston or Salem. It is to be built of brick, six stories high, and will be 200 feet long with a front of 114 feet. ' Wadesboro - -Af esscTTgCrnfellT- gencer: The grip, whooping cough, choleramorbus and diarrhoea have had a good hold on the citizens of Polkton, Fifty-two tracts of land were sold by Sheriff McGregor last Monday in de fault of taxes for 1889. The county was the principal purchaser. Mr. f. Linehan, proprietor of Linehan's Brown Stone Quarry, situated near the depot, has the contract for firnishine; the brown stone for a new Episcopal ehurch now being erected in Charlotte. The church will be built of stone and brick, and Mr. Linehan has contracted to furnish the stone for $6,000. James Rowland, a white man living about four miles this side of Cheraw. went to that town Wednesday of last week and got drunk. While in that condition he lay down on the track of the C. & S. Rail road near the Four Mile Branch and was run over by the passenger train due in Wadesboro Wednesday night at 11 o'clock. He died from the injuries re ceived the next day. Goldsboro Headlight : Avery Butler, the boy that shot and killed his father near Clifton a few weeks ago, was put on trial at Clinton on Wednesday, and on Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, the jury, after being out two hours, re turned a verdict of "guilty," whereupon Judge Graves sentenced him to be hanged on July 11th. Upon the recommenda tion of the jury that the sentence shall be commuted to twenty years in the pen itentiary, the Judge and Solicitor will ask the Governor for clemency, as the boy was convicted only on circumstan tial evidence. He is sixteen years of age, but looks not more than ten years. W. R. Allen, Esq.. of this city, and D, B.Nicholson, of Clinton, defended the prisoner. It is said that the jury before leaving the box stood ten forjeonviction and two for acquittal. It is also ru mored that his mother urged him to commit the murder, she being tired of her husband, who was in the habit of spending his idle hours in the company of other women. The boy intended to make a clean breast of the whole affair while on the stand, but the Judge over ruled it. Fayetteville Observer: We learn that quantities of dead horse fish were floating down the river yesterday. Many of the business men haye acceded to the request of the clerks for early closing of the stores during the summer months. Two large planing mills are among the latest industries of Fay etteville; one by Messrs. Daughty& Co., of Wilmington, Del., and the other by Mr, N. B. Alexander, ot this city The mortuary report of the town oi Fayetteville for the month of April shows a remarkably low deatn rate, there having been only eight deaths du ring that time, as follows: Three white, three colored, two at birth. The r . i A .1 . engineer corps oi tne tiani.iu uuc Line Railroad company, Mr. laita in command, arrived here on Monday evening last, and it is their design to commence woru immediately on me southern extension of the Wilson & Fayetteville branch of the great Coast Line system. Their objective point will be Rowland, with a total distance ot about forty miles to complete the south ern through connections, and after some finishing up of the location of the line, we may expect graaing ana construc tion to begin in earnest. Quite ex tensive improvements are being made at Cumberland Mills, and the company ex nect now to have the factory supplied with electric lights soon and other mod ern conveniences. OUR STATE CONTEMPORARIES. If the Republicans had any gratitude whatever, they would make Don Cam eron President. What other Republi cans forward to keep Quay out of the penitentiary? Durham Sun. Some cranks are holding, a meeting n Chicago to denounce Free Masonry. They attack it because it is a secret to ciety, and in the next breath say they know all its secrets. The wonder is what comfort these people get out of this sort oi thing to ay them for the trouble of going to Chicago. Asheville Citizen. The wonderful development of the iron industry at the South receives a further illustration from the proposed removal of the United States Ordnance Works from Boston to Chattanooga. The company contracts to put in works to cost $300,000 and to employ 500 skill ed hands. Had these developments been in progress thirty years ago then the world "had seen another sight" at Ap pomattox, Raleigh News-Observer. TWINKLINGS. "I'm an insurance man, sir." "What do you want now? You've made me insure my life, insure the title to my real estate, insure my plate glass, and everything else I own," "True, sir, but the next thing to get insured is your policy of insurance." Society. Collector (hotly) You admit the debt but refuse to pay the bill? What is your reason for this, sir? Boston Man (coldly) It is not prop erly made out. You have used the word 'balance" in the sense of "remainder." Ticklowell, show this person out. Judge. He had come home a little late and she delivered the usual feminine oration. He turned on his pillow and muttered as he drowsed off: "Matches made in heaven seem to have just as much brimstone on 'em as the other kind." Merchant Traveller. It has been demonstrated in scores of instances that a river will car ry the germs of typhoid fever sixty miles before they are rendered harmless. If offered a glass of water, and you haven't time to figure how far below Pittsburg you are, just tell 'em you always prefer champage, Detroit Free Press. "Uncle Pete, were you ever a slave?" "Befo" de wah, yes, chile.' "What is your last name?" "Harrison, sah." "The same as the President's!" "Yes, chile. But he ain't no relation ob mine." Society. "Say, Jack, what the deuce is this queer animal floating in the lemon ade?" "That? O, I forgot; it's only your third season with tne circus, it sometimes gets in by mistake; that s a bit ot lemon. Phil. limes. Mr. N. Peck Alexandre Du mas says that anything useless is dan gerous. What do you tninK oi tnat, my dear? Mrs. N. Peck I think he was an old fool who didn't know what he was talk ing about. There is nothing dangerous about you, is there? Terre Haute Ex press. tn Consumption Incnrablef ' Read the following: Mr. C. H. Mor ris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at Robert R. Bellamy's Wholesale and Retail Drue: Store. t BucKlen'a Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever, Sores, Tetters, Chapped Hands, Chilblains.Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay is required. It is guaranteed to give per iatisfaction, or money refunded. Priee 5 eents per box. For sale by Robert R. Bellamy, Wholesale and Retail Drug gists. I OA.LL -AT John L. Boaiiright's, 15 & 17 South Front Street, po R THE ONLY FIRST CLASS GROCERIES that can be procured in the city. I only strive to please the Retail Trade. Call and examine my stock "Parole D'Honor Flour," conceded the best ever brought to this market. I need not enamerate the articles I have for sale, for I can serve my customers with anything they desire. Just call and examine my goods. The lowest prices guar anteed. JOHN L. BOATWBIGHT. my 9 tf ID. O'ConrLor REAL ESTATE AGENT, Wilxnington, North Carolina. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT and SOLD Loans Negotiated on City Prnperiy. Stores, Dwellings, Offices and Halls for Rent. Rents collected. I axes ana insurance promptly attended to. Houses and Lots for sale on the monthly instalment . , i : nu.ti. an 1Q tf JNO. WILDER ATKUNbUlN rresiaeni. W P. TOOMER Cashier. The Wllfflimflon Sayings and Trust Co. 108 Princess St., Wilmington, N. C. Receives Deposits of 25 cents and upwards. Pays interest on accounts oi $o.ia it j j . i i 1 per cent, per annum, comraninucu m"'j- " K . t t oil V.nHs mar lb tf empowered to execute nuau Terrible Cyclone . r.Tlo PU A17IWf2 JI" H. C. PKEMl'tKl V Bix o on" .i-.vj Saloon, the only First Class Saloon in the city. Call and give us a trial, and we can prove our superiority One trial will convince you. ver ali competition mar 30 tt Partnership Notice. -tt, rviCTIvr. THE BUSINESS HtKtiuru under the name of H. C. Prempert has th day horn chanced to H. C. Prempert & Son Thanking our friend? for their patronage in tn s past we oc8 continuance with the new firm RespectfuUv feb 16 tf Fnct1 1Barbef ' m B T ill H gXTPBEME & SUPERIOR COUBTS OF NOBTH OABOUNA1890. JUDGES. DISTRICT. NAME. RESIDENCE. Beaufort. Edgecombe. Wilson. Wake. Guilford. Sampson. Cumberland. Cabarrus. Surry. Geo. H. Brown, 1 Fred. Philips, 2 H. G. Connor, 3 Spier Whitaker, 4 ohn A. Gilmer, 5 I. T. Boykin, 6 James C. McRae, 7 vV. J. Montgomery, 8 Jesse F. Graves, 9 John Gray Bynum, 10 William M. Shipp, 11 J. H. Merrimon, 12 Mecklenburg, Buncombe. SOLICITORS. DISTRICT. RESIDENCE, NAME. John W. Blount, 1 G. H. White (col), 2 D. Worthington, 3 T. M. Argo, 4 Isaac R. Strayhorn, 5 O. H. Allen, 6 Frank McNeill, 7 B. F. Long, 8 Thomas Settle, 9 W. H. Bower, 10 Frank L. Osborn, 11 James M. Moody, 12 Perquimans Halifaz, Martin. Wake. Durham. Duplin. Richmond. Iredell. Rockingham, Caldwell. Necklenburg. Buncombe. Time of Holding Court . First Judicial District. Spring Judge Whitaker. Fall Judge Connor. Beaufort Feb. 17th, May 26th, Nov. 24th. Currituck Maich 3d, Sapt. 1st. Camden March 10th, Sept. 8th. Pasquotank March 17th, Sept. 15th. Perquimans March 24th, Sept. 22d. Chowan March 31st, Sept. 29th. Gates April 7th, Oct. 6th. Hertford April 17th, Oct. 13th. Washington April 21st, Oct. 20th. Tyrrell April 28th, Oct. 27th. Dare May 5th, Nov. 3d. Hyde May 12th, Nov. 10th. Pamlico May 19th, Nov. 17th. Second Judicial District. Spring Judge Womack. Fall Judge Whitaker. Halifax fMarch 3d, May 12th, Nov. 10th. Northampton JJan. 20th, March 31st, April 1st, Sept. 20th. Bertie Feb. 3d, April 28th, Oct. 27th. Craven tFeb. 10th, ayl 26th, Nov. 24th. Warren March 17th, Sept. 15th. Edgecombe April 14th, Oct. 13th. Third Judical District. Spring Judge Boykin. Fall Judge Womack. Pitt Jan. 6th, March 17th, tjune 9th, Sept. 15th. Franklin Jan. 20th, April 14th, Nov. 10th. Wilson Feb. 3d, June 2d, Oct. 27th. Vance Feb. 17th, May 19th, Oct. 13th. martin March 3d, Sept. 1st, JDec. 1st. Greene March 31st, Sept. 29th. Nash April 28th, Nov. 17th. Fourth Judicial District. Spring? Judge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykin. Wake Jan. 6th, tFeb. 24th, March 24th, tApril 21st, July 9th. tAug. 27th, 5ept. 22d, tOct. 20tb. Wayne an. 20th, march 10th, April 14th, Sept.8th, Oct. 13th. HarnetW-Feb. 3d, Aug. 4th, Nov. 24th. ' Johnston-reb. 10th, Aug. 11th, Nov, 10th. - Ffth Judicial District. Spring Judge Armfield. Fall Judge MacRae. Durham Jan. 13th, March 24jh, June 2d, Oct. 13th. Granville Jan. 27th, April 21st, July 21st, Novi 24th. Chatham Feb. 12th, May 5th, Sept. 29th. Guilford Feb. 17th, May 26th, Aug. 15th, Dec. 8th. Alamance March 3d, May 19th, Oct. 27th. Orange March 17th, Aug. 4th, Nov. 3d. Caswell April 14th, Aug. 14th, Nov. 10th. Person April 14th, Aug. 19th, Nov, 17th. Sixth Judicial District. Spring Judge Graves. Fall Judged Armfield Pender March 10th, Sept. 8th. New Hanover tjan. 20th, tApril 13th, tSept. 22d. Lenoir Feb. 3d, Aug. 10th, Nov. 10th. Duplin Feb. 10th, Aug,4th,Nov. 24th. Sampson tFeb. 24th, April 28th,Oct. 6th, Dec. 8th. Carteret March 7th, Oct. 20th. Jones March 24th, Oct. 27th. Onslow March 31st, Nov. 3d. Seventh Judicial Distriet. Spring Judde Bynum. Fall Judge Graves. Columbus Jan. 13th, March, 31st, July 28th. Anson Jan. 6th, tApril 28th, Sept. 1st. tNov. 24th. Cumberland Jan. 20th, tMay 5th, July 21st, Nov. 10th. Robeson Jan. 7th, May 19th, Sept. 29th. Richmond Feb. 10th, June 2d, Sept. 15th, Dec. 1st. Bladen March 17th, Oct. 30th. Brunswick April 7th, Sept. 8th. Moore March 3d, August 11th, Oct. 27th. Eighth Judicial District.. Srping Judge Shipp. Iall judge cynurn. Cabarrus tjan. 27th, April 28th. Iredell Feb. 3d, May 29th, Aug. 4th, Nov. 3rd. Rowan Feb. 17th, May oth. Aug. 19th, Nov. 17th. Davidson March 3d, Sept. 1st, fDec. 1st. Randolph March 17th, Sept. 15th. Montgomery March 31st, Sept. 29th. Stanly April 7th, Oct. 13th. Ninth Judicial District. Spnag Judge Merrimon. Fall Judge Shipp. Rockingham Jan. 20th, July 21st, Nov. 3d. Forsyth Feb. 3d, May 19th, Oct. 20th. Yadkin Feb. 17th, Sept. 22d. Wilkes March 3rd, Sept. 8th. Alleghany March 17th, Sept. 1st. Davie March 31st, Oct. 6th. Stokes April 14th, August 4th, Nov. 10th. Surry April 21st. Aug. 19th, Nov. 17th. Tenth Judicicial District. Spring Judge Brown. Fall Judge Merrimon. Henderson Feb. 10th, July 13th. Burke March 3d, Aug. 4th. Caldwell March 17th, Sept. 1st. Ashe March 24th, May 26th, Aug. 18th. Watauga April 7th, Aug. 25th. Mitchell April 14th, Sept. 8th, Yancey April 28th, Sept. 22d. McDowell May 12th, Oct. 6th. Eleventh Judicial District. SDrine Tudere Phillips. Fall -Judge Brown. Uatawba Jan. 13th, July 13th. Alexander Jan. 27th, July 28th. Union Feb. lQth, tFeb. 17th, Sept. 15th, tbept. 22. ekl-ajara: tFeb. 24th, Aug. 25th. Gaston March 17th, Oct. 6th. Lincoln March 31st, Sept. 29th. Cleveland April 7th, Aug. 4th, 20th. Rutherford April 21st, Oct. 27th. Polk-May 5th, Nov. 10th. Twelfth Judicial District. Spring Judge Connor. Fall Judge Philips. Madison Feb. 24th, July 28th, tNov. 17th. Buncombe tMarch 10th ,tAug. 11th, tuec. 1st. Transylvania March 31st, Sept. 1st. '. iaywood April 7th, Sept. 8th. ackson April 22d, Sept. 22d. "lacon May 5th, Sept. 29th. Clay May 12th. Oct. 8th. Cherokee May 19th, Oct. 13th. Graham June 2d, Oct. 27th. Swain June Oth, Nov. 3d. For criminal cases, t For civil cases alone. For civil cases alone except jail cases. Criminal Circuit Courts. New Hanover County. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Benj. R.Moore, Wilmington, Solicitor. Court begins Jan. 6th, March 17jh, May 19th, July 13th, Sept. 15th, Nov. 17th. Mecklenburg County. Oliver P. Meares, Judge. Geo. E. Wilson, Charlotte, Solicitor. Court begins Feb. 10th, April 14th, Aug. 11th, Oct. 6th, Dec. 1st. Buncombe County. Chas. A. Moore, Asheville, Judge. E. D. Carter, Asheville, solicitor. Court begins Tan. 27th, April 28th, July 21st, Oct. 27th. Supreme Court meets first Monday in February. Examinations on Friday and baturday before, rirst District, leb. 3d; Second District, Feb. 10th; Third District, Feb. 17th; Fourth Distriet, Feb. 24th; Firth District, March 3d; Sixth District, March 10th; Seventh DfStnct, March 17th; Eighth District, March 24th; Ninth District, March 31st; Tenth Distriet, April 7th, Twelfth District, April 14th; Eleventh District, April 21st. Last Monday in beptember. Exami nations Indav and baturday before. First District, Sept. 29th; Second Dis trict, Oct. 6th; Third District, Oct. 13th; Fourth District, Oct. 20th; Fifth Dis trict, Oct. 27th; Sixth District, Nov. 3d; Seventh District, Nov. 10th; Eighth Dis trict, Nov. 17th; Ninth District, Nov. 24th; Tenth District, Dec. 1st; Twelfth District, Dec. 8th, Eleventh District, Dec. 15th. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000 300,000 200,000 Cash Capital paid in Surplus Fund DIRECTOES : W. I. GORE, G. W. WILLIAMS. DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLERS, J. W. ATKINSON, C. M. STEDMAN, ISAAC BATES, JAMES A. LEAK, F. RHEINSTEIN, E. B. BORDEN. SAAC BATES PrksidenI G. W. WILLIAMS Vice President WM. L. SMITH Cashier FLOUR, BACON, MOLASSES' 1 500 BBLS" FLOUR ALL GRADES. '-Q Boxes D. S. SIDES, 1 A A Hhds. and Bbls. P. R. MOLASSES xjj 100 Bbls. New Orleans MOLASSES 200 Cases LARD, Bbls. CAROLINA RICE 50 ijp Bbls. SUGAR, Sacks COFFEE 2jQ Kegs NAILS, pQ Bbls. DISTILLERS' GLUE -QQ Boxes TOBACCO, 100 CasesLYE' ijf Cases BALL POTASH, Q Cases STARCH, Snuff, Candles, Soap, Wrapping Paper, Twine, &c For sale low by marSOtf WILLIAMS. RANKIN & CO. POTATOES . WE OFFER LOW FOR SALE 250 Bbls 250 Bbls Early Rose Seed POTATOES Eating POTATOES. ADRIAN & VOLLERS. Groceries, Provisions. Molasses, 1,250 250 150 Bbls. FLOUR different grades, Bbls. SUGAR different grades. Sacks COFFEE different grades 40 50 Tubs Choice BUTTER, Boxes CHEESE, Cream, 200 50 25 75 150 350 Boxes CAKES and CRACKERS Hhds. and Bbls. MOLASSES, Bbls. SYRUPS, Tierces and Cases of LARD, Boxes STARCH. Boxes SOAP Laundry and Toilet, D. S Sides, S. C. Hams and Shoulders, Lye and Potash, Tobaccos, Cigars and Snuff, &c, &c. t or sale low bv feb 16 tf ' ADRIAN & VOLLERS. Notice. OF THE TELEPHONE "VTEMBERS EX- XTX change will please add to their lists, i'ortner Brewing Uo., JNo. av. Messrs. Alderman, Flanner & Co. No. Messrs. Vollers & Hashaeen No. 20. 72, Please note these changes on the subscribers' list. E.T. COGHILL, Manager, ap'26 Wlmington Telophone Exchange Royal Termeteur, JITICROBE KILLER, "NOLANDINE, THE Vegetable Blood Purifier;" Castilian Water. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist, mar 30 tf N. W . Cor. Front and Market Sts. VALENTINOE'S PEERLESS SWEET GUM, WHOLESALE AND EE TAIL. JAMES D. NUTT, DRUGGIST, my 3 tf 220 N. Front Street. Wholesale Prices Current. The following quotations represent wholesale prices generally. In making up small orders prices have to be charged. The quotations are always given as accurately possible, but the Star will not be responsible for variations from the actual market price of the quoted. Oct. BAGGING 3-ft Jute $00 00 Standard 00 BACON North Carolina- aoo a co io Hams Tb Shoulders 5 E Sides $ B WESTERN SMOKED Hams $J B Sides $ S Shoulders lb DRY SALTED Sides Shoulders B BARRELS Spirits Turpentine- 0) 15 10 14 & 0 o & 5 Second Hand, each 00 00 New New York, each 140 New City, each 1 65 1 35 1 75 1 70 BEESWAX $B 30 BRICKS Wilmington, p M 6 00 28 8 00 14 00 Northern 0 00 BUTTER North Carolina, $ B Northern . 15 25 23 a 30 18 25 9 10 oo a 10 11 & 194 00 10 27 28 17 19tf 17 20 55. 57 85 57 25 1 40 6 CM 00 80 10 11 CANDLES, $ lb- Sperm Adamantine CHEESE, ffl lb- Northern Factory Dairy, Cream State COFFEE, p lb- Java Laguyra Rio .' CORN MEAL, g bushel, in sacks. Virginia Meal DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, $ yard.... Yarns, per bunch EGGS, $ dozen FISH Mackerel, No 1, $ barrel 22 00 Mackerel, No. 1, half-barrel. 11 00 Mackerel, No. 2, barrel 16 00 Mackerel, No. 2, $ half-barrel. 8 00 Mackerel, No. 3, ) barrel 13 00 Mullets, $ barrel 0 00 Mullets, $ pork barrel 00 00 N. C. Roe Herring, $ keg 3 00 Dry Cod, $ fi 5 30 00 15 00 18 00 9 00 14 00 5 50 8 00 4 00 10 FLOUR, $ barrel- Western low grade 8 50 Extra 4 00 " Family 4 75 City Mills Super 4 00 Family 5 50 4 00 4 50 5 00 4 10 6 00 10 GLUE, $ ft. 6 GRAIN, $ bushel- Corn, from store, bags--White. 00 55 00 52H 00 54 OC 52fi 00 40 00 45 90 1 00 0 3 0 4H 00 1 10 . 1 00 1 05 90 1 00 2 3 7 8 10 12 . 1 40 0 00 18 00 S 33 00 15 OC 16 00 13 00 18 00 18 00 22 00 14 00 15 00 00 30 30 32 00 S3 33 35 00 15 17 18 30 45 0 00 2 35 104 14 00 68 90 1 00 15 18 00 20 00 25 20 30 10 20 75 85 1 00 1 ST 60 65 2 75 3 (XI 00 12 50 00 00 11 50 00 11 00 Corn, cargo, in bulk White. Corn, cargo, in bags -White. .. Corn, Mixed, from store. . Oats, from store Oats, Rust Proof Cow Peas, HIDES, $ ft Green Dry HAY, $ 100 lbs- Eastern North River HOOP IRON, & B.. LARD, SHfr Northern North Carolina LUMBER (city sawed), g) M ft Ship Stuff, resawed Rough Edge Plank West India Cargoes, according to quality Dressed Flooring, seasoned Scantling and Board, cora'n MOLASSES, $ gallon New Crop Cuba, in hhds ' in bbls Porto Rico, in hhds in bbls in bbls . Syrup, in bbls . NAILS, keg, Cut, lOd basis OILS, gallon. Kerosene Lard Linseed Rosin Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live, grown " Spring Turkeys PEANUTS, $ bushel (28 lbs) POTATOES, $ bushel Sweet Irish, $ barrel PORK, barrel City Mess Prime 00 00 Rump RICE Carolina, ft) Rough, $ bushel (Upland).... 50 " (Lowland). .. 1 00 RAGS, $ ft Country 00 City 1 ROPE, f ft) 141 SALT, $ sack Alum 00 Liverpool 00 Lisbon 00 American 00 In 125-ft) sacks 55 SUGAR, $ ft) Standard Gran d. . 0 Standard A 0 White Ex. C 0 Extra C, Golden 0 C Yellow 0 SOAP, W ft Northern 0 SHINGLES, 7-inch, M 5 00 Common 2 00 Cypress Saps 4 50 Cypress Hearts 0 00 STAVES, M W. O. Barrel. ... 8 00 R. O. Hogshead 0 00 TALLOW, tt 5 TIMBER, M feet Shipping.... 12 50 Mill Prime 9 00 Mill Fair 7 00 Common Mill 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 3 00 WHISKEY, gallon Northern.. 100 North Carolina 1 00 WOOL, ft) Washed 28 Unwashed 20 Burrv 10 PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1888, trains will run as follows, daily (Sunday excepted) : GOING SOUTH. No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Hamlet, N. C " Osborn (Flag Station). " Kollock Station . . 9.15 a. m . . 9.85 a. m ..10.05 a. m ..10.25 a. m Arrive Cheraw, S. C GOING NORTH. No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Cheraw, S. C 4.20 p. m " Kollock 4.40 p. m " Osborn (Flag Station) 5.10 p. ra Arrive Hamlet, N. C 5.20 p. tn decl3-tf WM. MONCURE, Sup't. WILMINGTON SEAC0AST R.R. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 1ST, 1890. : Daily Daily Daily I ex Daily ex ex ISun'y Sun'y Sun'y i P. M. P. M. A M. A. M. Lve Front Street 0.10 2.30 9.80 Lve Princess Street 6.20 2.40 9.40 6,i5 Ar Wrightsville Beach.... 6.55 3.10 10.15 7.20 Daily Daily Daily Daily Sun'y only Sun y Sun y JSun y Sun y ' A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Ar Front St 8.25 11.06 5.80 Ar Princess St 8.15 10.55 5.20 7.40 .86 Lv Wrightsville Bch 7.40 10.25 4.46 7.10 6.00 Fare 25 cents for round trip on Saturdays. J. B. ITOULN, myltf GENERAL MANAGER. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wilmington & Welflon E. R. and Branctcj higher any article 9H CONDKNKEU M'HF.Dl'LIC TRAINS GOIfTO SOUTH. 8 11 15 8 Dated May 11, 1890 No 33 Daily I Fat No 1T7 No. 41 KUI Daily ta Daily PM 12 so: I M 4 Leave Weldon. 6 Arr. Rocky Mount Arrive Tarboro i X AM Leave Tarboro 10 1 e o M li . , II 40 , fl 00 , n is 4 10 . 4 H4 Arrive WiUon Leave WiUon Arrive Selma Arrive Fayetteville. Ieave (kildsboro. ... 1-emve Warnaw Iave Magnolia. . . . 00 n 4ii V tA Arrive Wilminirton I 5 50 TRAINS GOING NORTH. No 40 I aily Sunday No 14 Daily J No Dail A M lit 01 1 21 A M W (!) 10 31 10 11 4ft h 4ii 11 OI IV 10 I M li 3? I 10 l A M 10 MO I' M 3 45 r Leave Wilmington . Leave Magnolia . . . Leave Waraaw Arrive Goldnboro. . 8 !C. Iave Fayetteville. Arrive Selma Arrive Wilnon A M , 3 (13 Leave Wilnon Arr. Rocky Mount.. Arrive Tarboro Leave Tarboro Arrive Weldon 4 30 e ao Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Nrck Uraix h Hi mil leave W.I don 3.15 p m, Halifax K. 37 p m.arrivr Scotland Nn Ii 4 25 p m Greenville (00 p m Returning. Iravr ( ,rr,n ville 7.20 a m. Arriving llailn at 10 1(1 a m, W. I.I.h, 10. So a m, daily except Sunday On Monday, Vrdneday and I riilny hxil I rrifc-h! eavea Waldon 10 40 a.m. Hahlai 11 a m. Sort and Neck 2.00pm. Arriving (rrnvtlu Tt 10 ii m Returning, Irave Grrrnvillr I urtdav. 'Ihut,lav ami Saturday 9.30 a m, Scotland N k I i m. H.M.i 3.35 p m. Arriving Wrldon 4 ( J rn 1 rain leaves I arboro, N . C, via A Itirmar Ir 4 Raleigh R. R., daily except Sunday, 4 05 p m Sunday ft n m . arrive W'illiamaton, N. C, fl 80 p m and 4 HO n m . Ply mouth i SO p m, 3 wl p m. Krturning Iravr I'lyn.'.uth. N. C, daily except Sunday fl (K a m. Sundav '.' a m Williamiton 7 10 a m, tt 5S a in Atrivr J arUini, N. C, 9.30 a m and 11 20 a m Train on Midland N C Hran h lravr ( .i.lillrt... N C, daily except Sunday, Clllim, arrive SmithhrM, N. C, 7.30 am. Returning, leave. Smiilif.fl). N ( . 8 00a m ; arrive Goldaltom, N ( , U .'Hi a m Train on Nanhville llramh Iravra R.aVy Mnrt at 3 pm, arrivei Nashville 3 40 p m Spring M. 4 15 p m. Returning, Iravra Spring lfe In a m. N ah ville 1035am, Kocky Mount II 1f m. daily 1 1.1 Sunday. Train on Clinton llranch Iravr Wartaw ( Clinton. daily except Sunday, at 6 p m and II 10 a rn Keittrn ing, leave Clinton at 8 '20 a m and ft 10 p m. on on t ing at Wamaw with N. 41, 4rt, iCt and 7 Southbound train on Wilaon A V avrttrv ilir llramh No. 51. Northbound i No VI Dai'y emri.t Sunday. Train No. 27 South will atnpr .y at Wilaon, (..!: boro and Magnolia. Train No. .8 makr ilr connection ai Weldon ! II points North daily. All rail via R i lim.Hid. and daily except Sunday via Hay l ine All trains run aolid lirtwern v iinnngton and w ah ngton, and have Pullman I'alai e Slrrtirra attai tied JOHN K D1VINK, Cn 1 Sup t J. R. KF.NI.Y, Sun't Transportation T. M. F.MKRSON. Geo'l I'aaa'gr Agent rt, JO tf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Aoiiiisid 8. ion, L-uiuiuuia CONDEKftKD M IIEtlt LK. TRAINS GOING SOU ! H Dated April 20, 1890 Nn ISI N. S7 No IS P M I'M ! 10 10 A M Leave Wilmington. Leave Marion Arrive Florence 9 JW IS 40 10 i 1 11 a m ; N.. W j A M ft ao 4 a... No WIi A M 4 ftft U 4.. 0 If. 10 M A M i Nc. r Leave Florence. . Arrive Sumter. . . Leave Sumter. . . Arrive Columbia. No. 52 runs through from Charleston ia C entral Railroad. Leaving I .a net HXIini, Manning 9 10 a m Train on No. 58. C. V D. R. R. connects at Hotencr suth TRAINS GOING NOR1 H No r.i N ta n m PM 1 I'M PM ' tt B0 Leave Columbia I0 35 Arrive Sumter 11 t Leave Sumter. . . Arrive Florence. . 11 5 1 1.5 A M No rn A M 4. V. 5 0) JIT ' VI N PM 15 ft fW. 11 45 P M Leave Florence Leave Marion Arrive iliImingtno j N ft." I A M Daily. t Daily except Sunday. No. 53 runa throus igh tn Charleston, S ( . 1 jtnr ' i-ia C rn 4 il p m tral R. K., arriving Manning 7 04 ; p m Charleston 9 30 p m. Nd. 59 oonnrcta at Florence iih C A I) train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. No. 78 and 14 make close ronnrc lion at W'i with W. tt W. R. R. R. for all points North Imingtoa) Train on Florence Railroad leaves Per Ie daily, except Sunday, 4 40 p m. arrive Rowland 7pm Re turning, leave Rowland 8 SO a m. arrive Pee I tr ft IW a m. Train on Manchester A Augusta Railrrad leaves Sumter daily, except Sunday, 10 am, arrive Ri mini 12 01 p m. Returning, leave R imitu 12 Jfip rn, at rive Sumter 150pm JOHN V. DIVINK. Gen lSup t R. KF.NI.Y, Assistant Grn'l Manager M. KMF.RSON. (ien'l Pass'grr Agrnt. s pi 10 If T Carolina Central E. E. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS I No. 41 No. 51 , No ft Dailyexrpl Dailyeatpt Daily Sunday. I Sunday. I Sunday. March 23 1809. Leave Wilmington Leave Hamlet Leave Wadesboro. 8 00 p. 7 ) p. 8 2H p. 10 SO p. (I 4ft p 8 on a ft ftfl a 7 10 a m i m ! Arrive Charlotte. .. Leave Charlotte... Leave Lincolnton.. Leave Shelby Arrive Rutherf'on ft Ml 7 fU ft 111 4A EASTHOUND TRAINS No. 8H Daily exept Sunday. No. M ! Nn March 23, 1890. Dail y pt Dai I y Sunday. Sunday L've Rutherfordt'n Leave Shelby ft 4A a 9Na 11 on a If IW p Leave Lincolnton. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte. .. B OO a. 6 53 a. ft OA a. H on P. 11.84 p. im a. ft 00 a. Leave Wadesboro.. Leave Hamlet Arrive Wilmington 18 IS p. Train Noa. 41 and 88 make clnae ronnrvtloa at Charlotte and points North via Hamlet, between Kaleigh. Trains Noa. 51 and 54 make connection at Hamlet tn and from Raleigh. 1 brouch Sleeping Can between Wilmington and Charlotte and Wilmington and Raleigh. Local freight daily between Wilmingloo and Char- lotte, with passenger coacb attached, leaves 4am each day, Sunday excepted. T. W. WHISNANT, Superintendent F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent (mh;t3t Sunday. M to 41 K, M v : 11 no M (K) m M M M 47 1 B. 0 m 14 a .

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