1 i - The Liver xn lar OUR STATE CONTEMPORARIES. When out of order. involves crery organ of ()u Niy- mn,r3 lul wire uuu ueralig& ,,,,-nt .w fluently trkrn without the least otT. i-r. r-fcanse it is the liver which is the real so'inv of tho trouble, ml uutll that Is set , .ht there run if i'.: health, strength, or emufort in any ku ,:i -siem. Mercury. -I ,m' form, is .1 w-::ip: specific foraslug iimt; tmt :i tar - i .iml more effectire Ayero Pills. u,,r i of apivtiif. .:.n:s troubles, cotistl- i in '.iirestion. .... i sjcic headache, these are iinsuri:isso I. K r ;t Ion? time I was a sufferer from i.-li, liver, ami ki.iney troubles, ezpe- . ;, mucu tnmetiiiy tti digestion. wHh , , re ins in the liuntvar region and other ;, -, f tlie body, tlaviug tried a variety of i, rv, aios. including warm baths, with only t n:;,,,ry relief, about three months ago I : , . .n tlit use of Ayer's Pills, and my health . much Improved that I gladly testify to superior merits of this medicine." M.in.vl Jorge Tereira. Porto, Portugal. For the cure of headache, Ayer's Cathar : l'ii;s are the most effective medicine I , s, i i;sed." K. K.James, Dorchester, Mass. When I feel the need of a cathartic, I take .v. , r rills, and fiml them to be more effec :.w th.m any other pill I ever took." Mrs. p.. f. Grubb. Burwcllville. Va. I have found in Ayer's Pills, an tnvalua i ;,' remedy for constipation, biliousness, and ka..!re.l disorders, peculiar to miasmatic ;,.si;.;ies. Taken in small aud frequent ,vx, these Pills Act Well ,v! the liver, restoring ii.s natural powers, and , it la throwing oil malarial poisons." r V. Alston, Quitman. Texas. Whenever 1 am troubled with constipa or suffer from loss of appetite, Ayer's ! , set me right again." A. J. Kiser. Jr., I: .,. House. Va. I i !- -s. by the advice of a friend, I began ,-e of Ayer's Pills as a remedy for bil i .v.ess. constipation, high fevers, and e ..!. They served me ietter than anything 1 i: ..! previously tried, and I have used them i ieks of that sort ever since." II. W. li. rli. .Imlsonia, Ark. Ayer's Pills, PREPARED rv OR. J. C. AYER & CO., LoeII, Mass, v .i.l Mrurcuta ami I Valor in Medicine ' v W 1 j OTTERBURN i.iTHIA and MAGNESIA WATER! M.V U KF.S "URIGHT'S DISEASE" r.L I ALSO DIABETES. Mansboro, Va., April 7, 1S5?S. - ar ! iuvt been sulTcnng with a form of Kid- which my physician ( I r. J. A. H;llrr.an) a.i UiuSetts. and advised the use of Ouer- I uhui and Magnesia Water. The quantity of luU ia irrcatly in excess ol the natural se- .n. arul I Ut forty pounds of flesh iu a few n:h. '1 he use of the "tterbuuru Water corrected . rufssjvf flow entirely in six weeks, and 1 am .1 a well sua. :-ir.l munv rnevii ines wit hout avail, and I attribute this troubles, tr.r and dangerous disease en tue Me ot tie 0::erturr W ater. R. N. BUXTON'. i FT E N" ASK "WILL IT KEEP? Aei ia CoiN-rv. Va., Feb. 84, 1S8S. ify that ro years ao I obtained some i t.ie ' 'tterbum l.ithia and .Magnesia v-.ie, in a demijohn, and recently. : another home, I found that some of i n lett in t he demijohn. I poured it - n-.e -.; ir.and found it to be as pure -.' :.rst t.eu from the Spring. O. E. CRADDOCK I KKS KHEL'MATIC GOUT. x- n. if Johnstown, South Carolina, been entirely relieved ot a severe Ti.u.e t r..ut. She found such e nt take any medicine or any - . ' .-.nj while on the sixth bottle sta i . (-t r. entirely relieved and needed no . general health being also (rreatly ini- K. t. JtittKSON. Rich mono, Va., April 8, lScT for years with a complication :rv trouble, suffering great pain in dneys, and hanng my attention irn 1 ithia and Maicnesia Water I . ur.-J ne"er experienced such re 1 he very first half-gallon in--K and cleared it up. Niy appe- t!. and I feel that 1 cannot corn 's :: huthly. R. V. WALKER. .! oM ,.iw, Va.. March IT, 13S8. -ir.-.rrJ the r.std of the Cttcrburn Uthia Water, i-n the "J?th of January last, I : any mineral water. I had been sufler - e ears with a disease that was pro M. in'uni-rd by a prominent physician of : an aiTeetion of the Kidneys, alter test. ! :kc Water ne week when I was en .en. S rh before had been constant :e .in.! I have gained nineteen pounds i -i xt. .ration ot strength and encrey. r 4 fair :t, using no other water and i..c. H. C. GREGORY. C M . Va.. December 13. 1S88. . . ir..- f.ir i he rtist fifteen vears -red with Derangement of ray L'ri i. e l by great difficulty in voiding . ..fifiii ajn I rommenced the ra l.ithia and Magnesia Springs -.u tune there has been marked and or tn v f -Trr- eonritlion and State es:i..n is U tter than it has been for u! thr urinary trouble is entirely re- n fer the past two months. r . . e J. A. , A L. LA c , ashler Planters' Bank of Amelia. i'-. a EHEORN LITHIA SPRINGS CO. II. II. IIELLAWV, AcnC, 1 '. . : f Wilmington, N. C. THE Acme Manufacturing Co. M VNL FACTURRRS OF ortilizers, Pine Fibre, AND PINE FIBRE MATTING, ' m.HiV. NORTH CAROLINA. I I 1 A I It N OK OUR FERTILIZERS, 'I 1- and ( . K M . is now established, and the .cars' use in the hands of the best - an.! ..thrr States fully attest their - vrailc manure. I . f . U l.,,.M nf fl r o 1 . 1 I. ei.i.ic iroiii nit ' wm. . ieii to be equal to any woven carpet liural'ihty, and the demand for it is It nas virtues not louna i i i : in any r w.l. is extensively used for uphol anl as a filling for Mattresses is ha:r. being Light, elastic and proof seoSO-D&W TO WEAK. LIEN ffcSrric j from the effecU of yonthful erron. eriy rfri- wMtmg weakneu. loat numhood, eto, I wiU - a T.abi0 treatiaa f led) containing roll -.icnlarg for homo car. FREE cbarss. A Plead! 1 medjcal work ; ihonld bo read by rery -who la nerrtraa and debilitated. Addresa, P. C FOmm, nooCuMt Conn w Kin CBOJ5 OIAMONO BRA NO. i-ruj.-: I. r IHmnj Brand. In till: lt,a. Kalol will Mm, filr M alkfn All nil' 'Wb.ar ux. pink npirt. mrm T tO40) for Oartu-illar. L? tirllcf for I JW im Luur. h, FMn awl SPIRITS TURPENTINE. i Smithfield Herald: Some sneak of a. scoundrel shot Mr. D. W. Fuller's horse which was feeding in the pasture ana wounded him so severely that he 1 1 j . . ... ; nas naa 10 ce Kiiiea. vve .were shown some oats Thursday by H. H. Maynard, taken from D. W. Fuller's oat field, which -takes -trig cake." They 1 .a . . J ' mcasurea o ieet ana 4 incnes. Rockingham Spirit of the South : a gentleman representing an electric ngnt company was in town this week prospecting with a view of establishing aIa4ma 1 I- 1 a. , . cxn ticvun. lifjnt uiant in our miast. Died, in Black Jack township, on the ioth mst., Mrs. John McCormic, aeed about 60 years. Also, on the same day, near Bostick's mills, Mrs. Elizabeth Bostick, nee Capel, wife of Mr. T. T. Bostick. aged about 45 years. Goldsboro Argus: And still the most gratifying reports come from the farmers from every quarter as to croDs. If no unfavorable freaks of nature befall, it is the general verdict that the very nnest narvest ever known in this coun try will bless the farmers' labors in tfce fall. The growing cdtton crop is indeed booming. Mr. Jethro Howell, from Fork township, reports "squares' already forming in his crop. iMtiton yiaverttser: bomc one put out some poison last night, and as a consequence the carcasses of five dogs were found on our streets this morning. i ne gentlemen who, some weeks ago. began negotiations looking toward getting control of the Connolly gold mine have at last secured a lease of the property on satifactory terms and will taKe steps at once to determine whether or not it will pay to work said mine. sneiDy Aurora: ralston is elated over the bright prospect of having a railroad. It is said the bonds are floated, the money will soon be on hand and the work will soon begin. The Baptist church in this place elected the Rev. T. W. Ebeltoft, formerly pastor of the rayetteville Baptist cnurch. He is an educated and popular minister and wc trust it will prove to be a judicious selection, although he has not yet ac cepted the pastorate. His decision has not yet beeh made. wiikesboro Lhromcle: it is understood that as soon as the railroad is completed to this point a preliminary survey will begin lor tsnstoi, lenn. 1 here is a wholesale merchant in Winston whom it is said has been op posing v dkesboro in regard to the loca tion of the depot. As a consequence thereof all the merchants in Wilkesboro and quite a number in the county have boycotted him. and say they will never buy a cent's worth of goods from him. Asheville Citizen: The syndi cate headed bv Mr. J. B. Bostic has sold an interest in the 130 acres on Beaver- dam, recently purchased for 30,000. to b. J. Green and li. lilanton, at the rate of $.)0.000 for the entire traci. The work of im proving the property will be com menced at once, and the -owners hope to have the pavilion ready tn three weeks. This pavilion will be for the benefit of the public, and will be an excellent place for picnics. The owners propose to make an offer of the property to the citv for a park. Asheville Citizen: Mr. John A. Cline has a field of five acres highly cultivated, on which he makes a least four bales of cotton. I his year it was planted in wheat and the field will yield about ten bushels. W e saw yes terday a handsome lot of gold, the re sult of twelve and a half days grinding at the Allison mine. It weighed before being burned 1,055 dwts.; after burning, 566 dwts., or more than 2?i pounds. It is worth close upon S500. As it came from the retort it looked like a nest with I t etres the size of partridge eggs, nest and all solid gold. Monroe Register: I he most gratifying reports ot nattering crop prospects come trom all sections ot the surrounding country. All are looking forward to good times next fall. Mr. Robert Philips, who lived twelve miles south of Monroe, died last Sun day night, after along illness of soften ing of the brain. He was about 7a years of age. Mr. J. T. Grimn, of Goose Creek township, reports the finest cot ton we have heard ot. Me says ne nas two acres which he has worked three times, and some of the cotton stalks have forms on them. Raleigh Neivs and Observer: Considerable building is going on in the northwestern portion of the city. Mr. Sam Black yesterday sold two line fillies bv Pamlico, foaled this spring for $."300, which is said to be the highest price ever paid for suckling colts in North Carolina. l he work oi com pleting the Governor s mansion is pro- - .,, i i u. - r gressing rapidly ana visiDie resuns oi the progress are to be noticed. The col umns have been put up in all the por ticos of the building and quite an im provement is noticed in the general ap pearance. Asheville Citizen: Mrs. John Spain, aged 24 years, a daughter of John Buckett. dropped dead very suddenly at her home on Avery's creek last Monday of heart failure. Jesse Ingram, 17 years old, also dropped dead at his father s home, within a short distance of Mr. Snains. last week. There is a rumor on the streets to tne enect inai a rxunu- ern stock syndicate in which George V.mderbilt and John H. Inman are in terested, have purchased the land on the Beaumont Ridge, from tne nazzara rd-ireto the end of the ridge. The rumor also says that the purchase includes the lands of J. G. Martin, n. num., mia. S. E. Buchanan and W. W. McDowell. The object is to build a magnincent hotel on the land. None of the in terested parties will talk on the subject, but they do not deny the rumor, Roanoke Beacon: On Saturday night last about 8 o clock the quietude of Roper was broken and tne citizens thrown into wild excitement by the re port of a gun and the news that two men and one woman had been nrea upon from ambush while standing on tne street. The names oi me pdiLica Dunbar Collins, Harvey Brothers ano Bettie Arnold, all colored. Collins re ceived several wounds in the body ano lower limbs which, it is feared, will re sult fatally. Brothers only received slight wounds in the arms. The woman, who is the wife of Lloyd Arnold, the man tried and convicted at our last term n rhf Snnenor Court tor mansiauenter but who took an appeal to the Supreme Cour. received one snot in me oreasi. Investigation of the case Dy me omtcn. led to the arrest of Dennis Arnold who was given a hearing before Justice J. A. itted to lail to await the action of the next term of the Supe T1 inereougnt to be more monuments in this State, and of the first importafcc$ is a great monument to the signers of tl; Mecklenburg Declaration of Inepenc ence. Charlotte Chronice. . The present Republican Congress seems to think that the Treasury of the United States is an overflowing fountain for the sustenancepf the Republican spendthrifts. Smithfield Herald, lhe newspapers ought to combine against Wannamaker in his next cam- TT" - paign. nis Dusmess is advertised on a plank fence in Marion instead of the pa- pers. nicKory rress c Larolzman. The New England press can plainly see the danger ahead in the McKinlev Tariff bill, and already it is raising a "howl. But this is not even a faint echo of the one the Republicans will raise over this same bill after the elec tions in November. Elizabeth City Fal con. North Carolina is peculiarly barren of sucn memorials ot the past. Our people have been too long indifferent to the great events of their history. Let us be up and doing. Let us commemorate in indestructible stone or imperishable brass the great deeds of the patriot iatners. Kaleigh Iwews ana Observer. SUPREME & SUPERIOR COURTS OF NORTH CAROLINA 1890. NAME. JUDGES, DISTRICT. Geo. H. Brown, Fred. Philips, H. G. Connor, Spier Whitaker, ohn A. Gilmer, ' I. T. Boykin, : ames C. McRae, W. J. Montgomery, Jesse b. Graves, RESIDENCE. Beaufort. Edgecombe. Wilson Wake. Guilford. Sampson. Cumberland. Cabarrus. Surry. Eleventh Judicial District. Spring Judge Phillips. , Fall Judge Brown Catawba Jan. 13th, July 13th. Alexander Jan. 27th, July 28th. Union Feb. 10th, fFeb. 17th, Sept. 15th, tSept. 22. e;!cl2abar fFeb. 24th, Aug. 25th. Gaston March 17th, Oct. 6th. Lincoln March 31st, Sept. 29th. Cleveland April 7th, Aug. 4th, Oct. 20th.- Rutherford April 21st, Oct. 27th. Polk May 5th, Nov. 10th. Wholesale Prices Current y The following qnotabooi represent wholesale prices generally. In making op small orders higher prices have to be charged. The quotations are always given as accurately as possible, but the Star will not be responsible lor any variations from the actual market price of the articles quoted. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Witeitcn & Weltfon H. B. andBracctcs John Grav Bvnum. 10 ' I . lelttfi Judicial District. William M. Shippr 11 Mecklenburg. Pg-Judge nor. ii. Mernmon, ia tsuncombe. SOLICITORS. vNAME. DISTRICT. RESIDENCE, TWINKLINGS. a garden hat. are trying on is Now this would That wouldn't do Bos- Saleslady For madam, the one you hardly large enough, be much better. Customer Oh, no. at all. Our garden fs very small ton Ueacon. "Why don t you ask the guests if they will have some?" asked Mrs. Gaz- zam of her husband, who was handling the pastry around in silence. oecause we never speak as we pass pie. judge. "Confound it, anyhow," said the mother-in-law joke when the Angel Ga briel blew his horn. "This is the seven teen million, live hundred and twenty one thousand, four hundred and sixty seventh time I have been resurrected." Washington Post. "I doesn't think I kin stay here," said the colored domestic to a Washing ton housekeeper: "You don't have any thing but granulated sugar." "You are rather fastidious, aren t you.1 "O it isn t me. But pa and ma alius 'sists on havin' loaf shugah in dah tea an coitee. Miss Pert How still you have been for the last five minutes, Mr. Soft leigh ! Mr. Softleigh Have I? Well, per haps I have. I have been buried in thought. Miss Pert Not buried very deep, were you, Mr. boitieigh r somerviiie Journal. "It was bad enough for our American girls to go out of their own country and marry titled bankrupts, but this is worse." "What is worse ?" "Why, here's a dispatch which says that several American ladies traveling in Turkey were piesented to the Sultan the other day." Washington Post. "Say pop," said Johnny Blinkins, "Charley Sawyer's going to elope with Sister Mary to-night. He's got a ladder hid in the barn." "You don't say so. Wait till I go in and tell your mother, so's she won't think it's burglars, and kick up a racket. An , Johnny, you kin hang around out side and hold the ladder if Charley wants ye to." Washington Post. A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satistactory results, or in case oi failure a return ot purchase price, un this safe plan you can buy from our ad vertised -Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Medical Discovery for Consump tion. It is guaranteed to Dring renei in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Longs or Chest, such as Con sumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bron chitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough.Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles tree at kobbert k. iel- lamy s Wholesale ano Ketau urug Store. f nucKIen'M Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, bait Kheum, Fever, Sores, Tetters, Chapped Hands, hilblains.Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay is required. It is guaranteed to give per satisfaction, or money refunded. Priee 25 eents per box. For sale by Robert K. Bellamy, Wholesale ana retail urug- jfists. - i Open Day and Night! -Mj$r Saloon, ORNER OF NORTH WATER AND MUL berry etreets, is open from 1 o clocK a. m. monaay until 11.45 p. m. Satnrday. CHAS. F. BEOwfl, Agent, mar 9 D&W tf Wilmington, N. C. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. SUMITIEK I.AW LECTURES (nine weekly) begin 10th July. 1890, and end 10th September. Have proved of signal use 1st, to students who design to pursue their studies at this or other Law benool; -ind, to those who propose to read privately; and dd, to practitioners who have not had the advantage of systematic instruction. For circular apply (P, O. Uni versity of Ya.) to JOHN B. MI NOR, my 84 LSW lm t-roi. om. auu omi. jarr . UNDtR NEW MANAGEMENT MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. . . . , t re S . i with c;mnri verancas. anoru ij:- acrnifirent view of our beautiful prome nade (the Broadway of Savannah). Electric Appliances and Baths. Rooms single and en suite WILDER ATKINSON President . TOOMER Cashier. m WilMgton Sayings and Trust Co. 108 Princess St., Wilmington, N. C. m t- : r ok xsntc and nnwards. Pays invest on accounts of $5.00 to $1,500 at the rate of 4 ner cent, per annum, compounded quarterly, is empowered to execute Trusts of all kinds. mar 10 tf FOR CM ONLY! AUJrnfflMWeakBeM of Body and Mind, Effeoto HlT 1 k fl IjJof Errorsor Exoewes in Oldor Toung. PI HIT m 'MKwfiigrii. Rtmml. How to calam d Bobut, ow "raufpKDORGAKB PABT8 OF BOB. tn th sat John W. Blount, G. H. White (col), D. Worthington, T. M. Argo, Isaac R. Strayhorn, O. H. Allen, Frank- McNeill, B. F. Long, Thomas Settle, W. H. Bower, Frank L. Osborn, James M. Moody, Perquimans. Halifaz. Martin. Wake. Durham. Duplin. Richmond. Iredell. Rockingham. Caldwell. Necklenburg. Buncombe. Time of Holding Court. Fall Judge Philips. Madison Feb. 24th, July 28th, fNov. 17th. Buncombe tMarch 10th ,tAug. 11th, fDec. 1st. Transylvania March 31st, Sept. 1st. Haywood April 7th, Sept. 8th. Jackson April 22d, Sept. 22d. Nacon May 5th, Sept. 29th. Clay May 12th. Oct. 8th. Cherokee May 19th, Oct. 13th. Graham June 2d, Oct. 27th. Swain June 9th, Nov. 3d. For criminal cases. t For civil cases alone. X For civil cases alone except jail cases. First udicial District. Spring Judge Whitaker. fall Judge Connor. Beaufort 1 Feb. 17th, May 26th, Nov. 24th. Currituck Maich 3d, Sapt. 1st. Camden March 10th, Sept. 8th. Pasquotank March 17th, Sept. 15th. Perquimans March 24th, Sept. 22d. Chowan March 31st, Sept. 29th. Gates April 7th,X)ct. 6th. Hertford April 17th, Oct. 13th. Washington April 21st, Oct. 20th. Tyrrell April 28th, Oct. 27th. Dare May 5th, Nov. 3d. Hyde May 12th, Nov. 10th. Pamlico May 19th. Nov. 17th. Second Jtidicial District. Spring Judge Womack. rail Judge Whitaker. Halifax tMarch 3d, May 12th, Nov. J 0th. Northampton tJan. 20th, March 31st, April 1st, Sept. 20th. Bertie Feb. 3d, April 28th, Oct. 27th. Craven tFeb. 10th, ayl 26th, Nov. 24th. Warren March 17th, Sept. 15th. Edgecombe April 14th, Oct. 13th. Third Judical District. Spring Judge Boykin. rail judge Womack. Pitt Jan. 6th, March 17th, tjune 9th, Sept. loth. Franklin Jam 20th, April 14th, Nov. 10th. Wilson tFeb. 3d, June 2d, Oct. 27th. Vance Feb. 17th, May 19th, Oct. 13th. martin March 3d, Sept. 1st, JDec. 1st. Greene March 31st, Sept. 29th. Nash April 28th. Nov. 17th. Fourth Judicial District. Spring judge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykin. Wake Jan. 6th, tFeb. 24th, March 24th, tApril 21st, July 9th. tAug. 27th, Sept. 22d, tOct. 20th. Wayne Jan. tdUth, march lUth, April 14th, Sept. 8th, Oct: 13th. Harnett reb. ad, Aug. 4th, jnov. 24th. Johnston Feb. 10th, Aug. 11th, Nov. 10th. Fifth Judicial District. Spring Judge Armfield. ran Judge MacKae. Durham Jan. 13th, March 24h, June 2d, Oct. 13th. Granville Jan. 27th, April 21st, July. 21st, Nov. 24th. Chatham Feb. 12th, May 5th, Sept. 29th. Guilford Feb. 17th, May 26th, Aug. 15th, Dec. 8th. Alamance March 3d, May 19th, Oct. 27th. Orange March 17th, Aug. 4th, Nov. 3d. Caswell April 14th, Aug. 14th, Nov. 10th. Person April 14th, Aug. 19th, Nov, 17th. Sixth Judicial District. Spring Judge Graves. r ail J uuge; Arraneia Pender March 10th, Sept. 8th. New Hanover tJan. 20th, tApril 13th, tSept. 22d. Lenoir reb. 3d, Aug. lutn, jnov. iuui. Duplin Feb. 10th, Aug,4th,Nov. 24th. Sampson tFeb. 84th, April zatn.uct. 6th, dec. 8th. Carteret March 7th, Oct. 20th. Jones March 24th, Oct. 27th. Onslow March 31st, Nov. 3d. Seventh Judicial Distriet. Spring Judde Bynum. Fall Judge Graves. Columbus Jan. 13th, March, 31st, July 28th. Anson Jan. 6th, tApril 28th, Sept. 1st. tNov. 24th. Cumberland Jan. 20th, tMay 5th, July 21st, Nov. 10th. Robeson Jan. 7th, May 19th, Sept. 29th. Richmond Feb. 10th, June 2d, Sept. 15th, Dec. 1st. Bladen March 17th, Oct; 30th. Brunswick April 7th, Sept. 8th. Moore March 3d, August 11th, Oct. 27th. Eighth Judicial District.. Srping Judge Shipp. Fall Judge Bynum. Cabarrus JJan. 27th, April 28th. T11 PVK Mav 2f)th. Aup-. 4th. X 1 Ai J. VlI 7 O ' I - Nnv. 3rd. H Rowan Feb. 17th, May 5th. Aug. 19th, Nov. 17th. Davidson March 3d, Sept. 1st, tDec. 1st. Randolph March 17th, Sept. 15th. Montgomery March 31st, Sept. 29th. Stanly 'April 7th, Oct. 13th. Ninth udicial District. Spnag Tudge Mernmon. Fall Judge Shipp. Rockingham Jan. 20th, July 21st, Nov. 3d. Forsyth Feb. 3d, May 19th, Oct. 20th. Yadkin Feb. 17th, Sept. 22d. Wilkes March 3rd,. Sept. 8th. Alleghany March 17th, Sept. 1st. Davie March 31st, Oct. 6th. Stokes April 14th, August 4th, Nov. 10th. Surry April 21st. Aug. 19th, . Nov. 17th. Tenth Judicicial District. Springs-Judge Brown. Fall Judge Merrimon. Henderson Feb.'lOth, July 13th. Burke March 3d, Aug. 4th. Caldwell March 17th, Sept. 1st. Ashe March 24th, May 26th, Aug. 18th. . Watauga April 7th, Aug. 25th. Mitchell April 14th, Sept. 8th, Yancey April 28th, Sept. 22d. McDowell May 12th, Oct. 6th. Criminal Circuit Courts. New Hanover County. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Benj. R.Moore, Wilmington, Solicitor. Court begins Jan. 6th, March 17h, May 19th, July 13th, Sept. 15th, Nov. 17th. Mecklenbitrg County. Oliver P. Meares, Judge. Geo. E. Wilson, Charlotte, Solicitor. Court begins Feb. 10th, April 14th, Aug. 11th, Oct. 6th, Dec. 1st. Buncombe County. Chas. A. Moore, Asheville,' Judge. E. D. Carter, Asheville, Solicitor. Court begins Jan. 27th, April 28th, July 21st, Oct. 27th. Supreme. Court meets first Monday in February. Examinations on Friday and Saturday before. First District, Feb. 3d; Second District, Feb. 1 10th; Thipfl District, Feb. 17th; Fourth Distriet, Feb. 24th; Firth District, March 3d; Sixth District, March 10th; Seventh District, March 17th; Eighth District, March 24th; Ninth District, March 31st; Tenth Distriet, April 7th, Twelfth District, April 14th; Eleventh District, April 21st. Last Monday in September. Exami nations Friday and Saturday before. First District, Sept. 29th; Second Dis trict, Oct. 6th; Third District, Oct. 13th; Fourth District, Oct. 20th; Fifth Dis trict, Oct. 27th; Sixth District, Nov. 3d; Seventh District, Nov. 10th; Eighth Dis trict, Nov. 17th; Ninth District, Nov. 24th; Tenth District, Dec. 1st; Twelfth District, Dec. 8th, Eleventh District, Dec. 15th. POTATOES. WE OFFER LOW FOR SALE 250 250 Bbls. Early Rose Seed POTATOES Bbls. Eatmg POTATOES. ADRIAN & VOLLERS. Groceries, Provisions, Mousses, Bbls. FLOUR different grades. Bbls. SUGAR different grades. Sacks COFFEE different grades Tubs Choice BUTTER, . Boxes CHEESE, Cream, Boxes CAKES and CRACKERS Hhds. and Bbls. MOLASSES, Bbls. SYRUPS, Tierces and Cases of LARD, Boxes STARCH, Boxes SOAP Laundry and Toilet, D.. S. 1.250 250 e150 40 50 200 50 25 75 150 350 Sides, S. and C. Hams and Shoulders, Lye Potash, Tobaccos, Cigars and Snuff, &c, &c. For sale low bv feb 16 tf ADRIAN & VOLLERS. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000 Cash Capital paid in 300,000 Surplus Fund 200,000 DIRECTORS : W. I. GORE, G. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLERS, J. W. ATKINSON, C. M. STEDMAN ISAAC BATES, JAMES A. LEAK, F. RHEINSTEIN, E. B. BORDEN. SAAC BATES PrksidenI G. W. WILLIAMS Vice PRKsrDKNT WM. L. SMITH Cashier CALL A.T John L. BoatwrigWs, F 15 & 17 South Front Street, OR THE ONLY FIRST CLASS GROCERIES that can be procured in the citv. I only strive to please the Retail Trade. Call and examine my stock Parole D'Honor Flour, conceded the best ever brought to this market. I need not enamerate the articles I have for sale, for I can serve my customers with anything they desire. Just call and examine my goods. The lowest prices guar anteed. JOHN L. BOATWEIGHT. my9tf ID. 05CorLnor REAL ESTATE AGENT, "Wilmington, North Carolina. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT and SOLD , Loans Negotiated on City Prnpeiiy. Stores, Dwellings, Offices and Halls for Rent. Rents collected. Taxes and Insurance promptly attended to. Houses and Lots for sale on the monthly instalment Jn. Cash advanced on city property. '-ap 19 tf STOP AT HOTEL MACON, GREENVILLE, N. C. rpHE HOUSE IS RUN UNDER NEW MAN agement, and everything in first class style. ap31m CHAS. SKINNER. Til ill i u T BAGGING 2-lb Jute Standard BACON North Carolina Hams fi) IShoulden ft B Sides V B WESTERN SMOKED Hams V Sides V B Shoulders $ tt DRY SALTED Sides V B Shoulders fl tt BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each New New York, each New City, each BEESWAX $ lb BRICKS Wilmington, Northern BUTTER North Carolina, tt Northern CANDLES, tt Sperm Adamantine CHEESE. tt Northern Factory Dairy, Cream State COFFEE, tt Java Laguyra Rio CORN MEAL, bushel, in sacks.. Virginia Meal COTTON TIES, bundle DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, $ yard Yarns, per bunch EGGS, $ dozen FISH Mackerel, No 1, $ barrel Mackerel, No. 1, $ half-tarrel. Mackerel, No. 2, $ barrel Mackerel, No. 2, half-barrel. Mackerel, No. 3, 18 barrel Mullets, $ barrel Mullets, $ pork barrel N. C. Roe Herring, $ keg Dry Cod, tt FLOUR, $ barrel Western low grade Extra " Family City Mills Super " -Family GLUE, tt GRAIN, bushel Corn, from store, bags--White. Corn, cargo, in bulk White. . . Corn, cargo, in bagsWhite. . . Corn, Mixed, from store Oats, from store Oats, Rust Proof Cow Peas HIDES, tt- Green Dry HAY, 100 tts Eastern Western North River HOOP IRON, tt LARD, tt Northern North Carolina .LIME, $ barrel LUMBER (city sawed), M ft Ship Stuff, resawed Rough Edge Plank West India Cargoes, according to quality Dressed Flooring, seasoned. . . . Scantling and Board, com'n MOLASSES, gallon New Crop Cuba, in hhds " in bbls Porto Rico, in hhds " " in bbls Sugar House, in hhds " " in bbls Syrup, in bbls NAILS. $ keg. Cut, lOd basis OILS, !p gallon. Kerosene Lard Linseed Ros?h Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live, grown " Spring Turkeys PEANUTS. W bushel (28 tts) POTATOES, bushel Sweet Irish, 8 barrel PORK, W barrel City Mess Prime Rump RICE Carolina, tt Rough, $ bushel (Upland). . . . " " (Lowland)... RAGS, tt Country City ROPE; W tt SALT, $ sack Alum Liverpool Lisbon American In 125-tt sacks SUGAR, tt Standard Gran'd.. Standard A White Ex. C Extra C, Golden C Yellow SOAP, tt Northern SHINGLES, 7-inch, p Common Cypress Saps Cypress Hearts STAVES, p M W. O. Barrel.... R. O. Hogshead TALLOW, tt TIMBER, y M feet Shipping.... Mill Prime Mill Fair Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary WHISKEY, gallon Northern.. North Carolina WOOL, $ tt Wasted Unwashed Burrv 00 8 00 8: lZQ 00 15 oo a to 00 II 14 Q 15 7)4 8 .1 0 0 o e. 5a 85 1 40 40 1 73 65 1 70 00 22 00 70 50 00 14 00 CONDKNED IIKDt'LK. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Mar H. 10 Im- No T7 I N 41 , Mail Ifeilr t tteiljr I toil. HJar. 15 25 23 80 18 25 9 10 00 10 11 12 00 10 27 28 17 19K 17 21 00 57H 00 67H 00 1 35 6 C4 00 80 11 12 30 00 15 00 18 00 00 14 00 5 00 9 00 4 00 10 4 00 4 GO 5 00 4 10 6 00 10 CO 55 57 57 42 60 90 1 00 00 00 00 0G 00 00 0 3 0 4 00 1 10 1 00 1 06 90 1 00 2i 3 7 8 00 13 1 40 0 00 iS 00 20 00 15 00 16 00 13 00 18 00 18 00 22 00 14 00 15 00 00 2 30 30 00 30 00 32 00 15 17 18 30 45 0 00 2 25 10 14 00 68 90 1 00 15 18 00 20 00 25 20 35 10 20 75 85 1 00 1 75 60 65 2 75 3 00 00 14 00 00 00 13 00 00 11 50 4 6 50 00 1 00 1 10 14 22$J 00 80 00 80 00 00 00 80 55 00 0 7H 0 0 6 0 5M 5 00 7 00 2 00 2 50 4 50 5 00 0 00 7 50 8 00 14 00 0 00 10 00 5 0 12 50 15 00 9 00 10 50 7 00 8 50 5 00 6 60 8 00 4 00 1 00 3 53 1 00 2 10 28 82 20 21 10 00 PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5th. 188S, trains will run as follows, daily (Sunday excepted) : uuinu sou rn. No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Hamlet, N. C 9.15 a. m " Osborn (Hag btation) V.3S a. ra " Kollock Station 10.06 a. m Arrive Cheraw, S. C 10.26 a. in GOING NORTH. No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Cheraw, S. C 4.20 p. m " Kollock 4.40 p. m " Osborn (Flag Station) 6.10 p. tn Arrive Hamlet, N. C 6.20 p. m decl3-tf WM. MONCURE, Sup't. WILMINGTON SEAC0AST R.R. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 1st, 1890. Daily Daily Daily Daily ex Daily ex Daily ex ex Sun'y Sun'y Sun'y Sun'y 7 A. M, P. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Lve Front St 2.50 6,00 9.30 6.85 8 JO " Princess " 6.45 2.59 5.08 9.88 6.44 8.89 ArHamoeks 7.20 8.80 5.85 10.10 715 9.10 Daily Daily Daily Daily ex Djiily cx ex Daily ex Sua'y Sun'y Sun'y Sun'y A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Ar Front St. 8.25 11.06 4.40 6.25 8.10 "Princess" 8.15 10 55 4.30; 6.15 8.00 10.85 LeAam'ocks 7.40 10.25 4.00 5.46 7.80 10.00 jel ft J. B. NOLAN, GENERAL MANAGER. Leave Wcldoo Arr. Rocky Mount... Arrive Tarboro Leave Tarboro Arrive WiUoo Leave Wilson Arrive Selma , Arrive Faretteville. . , Leave Goldsboro Leave Warsaw Leave Marnolia Arrive Wilminrton. . . PM 1 46 t a so .. a . . 6 0O . . "16, 4 10 .. 4 Mi 6 6fl on 9 6A TRAINS GOINO NORTH. No. 14 Daily A M 13 (II Leave Wilmington. Leave Magnolia SI leave Warsaw Arrive Ooldshitro t W Leave Fsyetteville.' . Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson I A M Leave Wilson S 03 Arr. Rocky Mount Arrive Tarboro Leave Tarboro. No 7 Iaily Arrive Weldon 4 A M 10 M 10 4M 11 4A K 0 11 W IV 10 I' M It IT I 10 t ) A M 10 HO r m I 45 7 10 7 4 r M n mi No 0 ttaily Sunday I' M 4 Ml 6 m fl M M I' M 7 47 ft IM mi Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Nnk ItramhRiwn Wavr Vk) don 3.13 p m, lialifss 8 87 n m. amvv Sortland Nnk 4 25 p m Greenville 6 00 p m Returning l-vr - viile 7.20 a m. Arriving Itaifas st 1(1 To a m. 1.1. m 10.80 a m, daily escrpt Sunday ( n Monday. Wrdnradav and l-rtdsv I al li.mlii leaves Weldnn 10.80 a m, Malilai II 111 a nt.S4.1t land Neck 8.00 p m. Arriving (.rrrnvilir ti 10 p m Returning, leave Grernvtlir 1 urvday, I biirxUr " Saturday 9 80 a m. Sc otland Nix I (10 i. m. H.M.. 8. .35 p m. Arriving Weldnn 4 00 p m 1 rain leaves I arborn, N. C , via Albrmatlr h mU igli R. R., daily cucrpt Sunday. 4 06 n in - Sunday I t. m . arrive Williamatnn, N C, 0 80 p m and 4 11 n m . Plv mouth 7SOpm,6alpm Returning lrav i'lymout it, N. C, daily mrrpt Sunday 0 00 a m, Sunday t ill i n Williamston 7 10 am, tt Wt a m Arrivf I mix mi, N, C, 9 80 am and 11 110 a m. Train on Midland N (J Uram h Iravrt ( ...UUUirn. N C, daily except Sunday, 6 00am; arrtv SmitMirld, N. C, 7.30 am. Returning, Iraira SmitiSfirld. N ( . 8 00 a m ; arrive (ioldalmro. N. (' . W SO a m Train on Nashville llratM h Iravrt Munt at 8 pm, arrives Naahville 8 40 p m, Sirig H.. 4 1ft p m. Keturning, leave prini Hoi 10 a m. villel0 86am: arrlvr Kotky Mount 11 IK am. .!..iy except Sunday. I rain on Clinton Itranrh Iraves Vtar 1m t lintnn, daily except Sunday, at 6 p m and II 10 a m fcrturn iog, leave Clinton at H SO a m and 8 10 n tn. inntin tma at Warsaw with No. 41, 40, ia and 7ft Southbound train on Wilson 4 I aycttr ill lltamh is Io. 01. Northbound I No 5(1 Hily itiriit Sunday. Train No. 27 South will tt r .ly at U ilaon. ( .old bora and Magnolia. Train No. 78 make rlo nmnn mm at Wrlil.m lot all points North daily. All rail via kuhm.mil. and daily except Sunday via Bay l ine. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Wah ington, and have Pullman l'al Sirrprra atta.lwd JOHN F. DIVINF, Gen l Sup t J. R. KF.NI.Y. Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON. Gen'l l'a'gr Agent Imy 10 tl ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wilminjcton. Colnmtia & Aunsta R. R. Jft3ajIFa. .V-yy.J CONDKNftKD 4"llll LIC. -BSSkw. 1 Si TRAINS GOING SOU! II Dated April 30. 1890 No IE) Ni. V. Nn Ifl j A M Leave Wilmington. Leave Marion Arrive Florence Leave Florence.. Arrive Sumter.. . Leave Sumter. . . Arrive Columbia. r m r m . A If. 10 0 . II M II . 10 an 1' AM Nr. no !No ha A M . n w. N. rit i A M 4 8f. f. f e ir io v. I A M I No. 69 runs through from Charleaton via etitral Railroad. leaving l-anrt ft 80 a n.. Manning 9 10 a tn Train on C. I). R. R connect al Hmrme Hn No. 58. TRAINS GOING NdRI H v No M N W N.. M PM T.M I'M Leave Columbia 10 . . . Arrive Sumter i 1 1 6 . . 8 ftS Leave Sumter 11 ftft1 i Arrive l"Wencr . Leave Florence Leave Marion Arrive Wilmington. i 1 16 A M Nn ;-n . A M ! 4, nr. . ft . ft v. . A M no N. 14 I- M ft If. ft V. 11 f r m Daily. Dai'y esrept Sunday. No. 68 runs throtish to Chatle.. S C . via tral R. R., arriving Manning 7 04 p m. Ine 1 41 . m Charleston 9 SO p tn No. 69 connects at Kloretwr with C All train " Cheraw and Wadrbnro Nos. 78 and 14 make cloar connection al Wilmmgtt with W. W. R. R R. for all pom'" N""" Train on Florence Railroad leave l'e I daily. except Sunday, 4 40 pm, arrive Rowland 7pm fe turning, leave Rowland 6 80 a m, arrive Tee I e ft Ml m. Train on Manchester A Augusta Railroad leave Sumter daily, exrept Sunday. 10 ftO am. arrive Ui mini 12 01 p m. Returning, leave R imini It lfp m. at rive Sumter 1 80 p m JOHN F. D1VINR. Gen lSui.1 I. R. KF.NI.Y. Aitant (ien'l Manager T.M. KM K.RSON. lien'l I'aaa'ger Agent (aptltttl Carolina Central E. E. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS No. 41 No 61 ! Nn f, Dailyecpt;Iailyep laily en Sunday Sunday. Sunday March 28 1809. Leave Wilmington. Leave Hamlet Leave Wadesboro. Arrive Charlotte. . . Leave Charlotte. .. Leave Liorolnton.. Leave Shelby Arrive Rutherf'oo 8 00 p. m 7.80 p. m 8 W p. m 10 80 p. m 6 46 p. I 00 a 8 ftV a 7 10 a ft Mi 7 W ft HI 4ft EASTIIOUNI) TRAINS March 23, 1890. L've Rutherfordt'n Leave Shelby Leave Lincolnton. Arrive Charlotte.. Iare Charlotte. .. LeaTe Wadeaboro. Ieave Hamlet Arrive Wilmington No. 8ft Daily est pt Sunday. 6 00 a. m 6 .63 a. m II 08 a. n. It 16 p. m No. 64 No Daily ear M , Italy as Sunday Sunday ft 4ft a t ftO a 11 no a s It 0 B ft 00 p m 11 14 p m I 80 a ra ft (S3 a m Trains Nos. 41 and 8ft anake cke roanevttoa Hamlet, between Charkrtte and ptnnts North rta Raleigh. Trains Nos. 61 and 64 make coonextioa al HamlH it and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars tteea Wiimiag-io Cbarlotte and Wilmington and Raieiga. Local freight daily betweea Wilasirtglna and Cha lotte. with paaaenger coach attached, leave 4 a ' each day, Sunday excepted. T. W. WHISNANT, Superintendent f. W. CLARK, OasiT raaarnfer Agesrt. l tWlv rior Court. i X v