BITES OV ADTKTIIIKO. Ot Sqtmrt Ooa Djr . I 00 " Two Days, I t TkrMDar. - Four Day.., Klvaltar... " On Week Two Wk Three Wk One Month ' " . Two Moattn 00 Thrr Moot lis 00 Sis Mooth 00 " Ooe Year V Contract Adrrr Iwmeoll talrea at ropwrtk ately low ratn. Ten lines aolul. Nonpareil I y p make on 10RN TAR or si Bscimoo, ut aovakcv: M. War M M. iiths, I'hrc- Months, " Postage Paid ,...$ 00 " 3 00 " 1 50 " 50 , ,,. - Citv Subscribers, delivered in any part ot VOL. XLVI.N0. 71. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1890. WHOLE NO. 7.39C - i, -t n:thiinifu io cuun.1 im nuv uiu iiupc uiuuiiu hc ptoruing gtnx. nr WILLUn H. BEBNiHD. ri ,.r..SHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. 1 HE i1 ,t the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, as Second Class Mail Matter. OUTLINES. w, ,nnstranccs were presented in the a I - , at- yesterday by importers of a U.iv.uia cigars and by the Patrons of lusbamlry. against provisions in the t uiM tnii; me ocnti.c jtuci urn w uio- - i i . a- w i ..a Kill - a c I i K.. Vf.iccrc f7o rf c Vanrp anH I , -iinm-i uy ...oo.o. i Morcm: in lne riouse inc conicrcnce I- ,, .rt on the Anti-Trust bill was dis- , t t i r - 1 1 l .i i I v i auuu.i wulwiviiI' wi- tllC conference report on the Military Academy bill was agreed ;,. ip.o agricultural appropriation bill u l Writ-fly considered and passed. tie Republican members of the s-:i.ite Finance Committee have finish- , l their pieliminary consideration of J tiu- provisions of the tariff bill, and will I ....a tx-in work on the disputed points. There is great excitement among : Indians in Montana over the shoit ot subsistence, and trouble is feared .m. -ii the Cheycnnes; hundreds of , n tie liaee been killed by the Indians, i:d three ranch properties have been ui, u . i. the cowboys have turned out, .i ;i A say they will drive the Indians back .heir reservation without the aid of A terrific thunder storm, . I njxiiiied by a heavy fall of rain, iMted Larry. Penn.. V ednesday alter n on. a number of persons were seere- shocked by lightning, and there were vut.1 narrow escapes from death. i ne people of Asheville are giving ;i, . d)le to the census takers by refusing answer the questions propounded to taeiu, and the supervisor asks for in fractions; Senator Vance and Repre- eutative Ewart have been asked by indent Porter to use their in- linence with the Asheville people to them to take a diilerent view of . r . - JTT I me matter. ine Kiver ana nar- bill has been practically completed uy the senate Committee 0:1 commerce but will not be reported until next eek; it carries a total of about 3,000, ;khj in excels of the House bill. James R. Lawrence, ot Wilmington. . C . is the lowest bidder for the pub- Idini; at Greenville. S. C. his bid The Democrats of j.'ith Dakota met tn convention yes- day at Aberdeen and nominated :-tate otneers. IVesident Harrison has vet. ed the bill for a public building ..1 Tuscal.Hjsa. Ala., on the ground that ueh a building is not needed. A n. -v ;n..vem-nt on the life of the Czar :s . . .t.-mp'.ated. and the guards at the , have been do-abied. The Typo- :...h:eal Union, in session at Atlanta. . . id othcers lor the next two years. ,-A ier cct.; cotton steady: mid- uplands 1- u-HJ cents; middling iie.uis cents; southern flour quiet heavy: wheat dull bnt steady; iel U-l ecii. at elevator; corn i.i.l tairiy .tet-ve: No.. 2. A0&41 :its .1 c!, tosin steady; spirits l ir-ntme firmer .it SS'OSO cents. i 'he St. I.ouis woman uses her feet 1 in a theatre. She throws i . . whole s-le into it. 1 he Kansas farmers are said to : r.e ;il! on hand at present prices :; MMN..IM i worth of corn. I he ..e ither getting too warm to burn i. h ot it now. I "nr New York Sun pronounces the Lee monument, recently unveil ed m ivieliMiond. a botch. This is r,,i ih!e h.-i ause Mr. Dana wasn t 'iwiitcd about it. it ;s said that King Humbert has become mi melancholy that the Mucen scarcely ever leaves him none. Maybe that's what's making hi:n so melancholy. immense deposits of Bessemer iron ore have been discovered in the l lano section of Texas, which it is sai.l will excel in extent and quality the Lake Superior deposits. A big cracker trust, with a capital of, has been organized in St. I.ouis. This does not include the Congressional whip-cracker. Tom Reeil runs that business, and has a monopoly of it. Lresident Harrison has subscribed - - to the Grant Monument Fund. When Mr. Harrison subscribes $v! to i monument to any body it is proof i'OMtive that he takes great interest i ' it and believes it should be built, lir- don't go down in his pocket that w y for ordinary objects. Mr. Walker, of Massachnsetts, v.-ho made the bright declaration in - speech on the silver question that more money meant more misery, ays he votes chiefly with a view to N'-eping his seat. This is quite can dul, if not very creditable. Mr. Walker started life as a shoemaker, and believes in sticking to the last. Such self-confessed demagogues, as a rule, don't last long. Carl Schurz, once a U. S. Senator from Missouri, and later Secretary of the Interior under Hayes, is now a. t ' . T T 1 sieamsnip agent m iNew yov ana contemporary remarks "what a fall is there. I hat snot such a bad tumble. Hayes has gone to raising cnictens, 10m K.eea, once an assist- I rr t i . i . i am paymaster in me navy, nas De- come leader of a pirate gang in Congress, and our own Curtis H. Brogden, once Governor, has become a township census enumerator,. Col Shepard, of the New York I Mail and Express, can drop the Con- federate flag now for awhile and turn his attention to "the Georgia water melon, which is beginning to invade the North. There is more lurking daneer and concentrated revolution- ary energy stored away under the innocent-looking Georgia melon rind than in two million yards of Confed erate bunting. The Colonel had bet ter keep his eye on that melon and his knife out of it. The late Tames A. Garheld was a pretty good Republican and a pro tectionist, too. In announcing: his position on that question when jn Congress he said: "I am for that protection of our industries which will eventually lead to free trade." Keed, McKiniey eV to. are ror mat protection 'which Will eventually 1 Ml a. 11.. I lead to more protection and make it perpetual. Sam Jones says the way to settle ci the race problem is for the people to treat tne coioreu pcuoic . 1 1 1 n I differently and for the colored peo- pie to behave themselves properly. s this solution has no particular reference to counting colored votes for the Republican party it isn't the kind of a one the Republican bosses are looking for. Congressman Niedrin haus, Re- publican, of St. Louis, says the duty ,-.n hnr.iv and boracic acid in tne McKinley bill will give the syndi cate which controls the borax de posits of this country a profit of 500 per cent., but he voted for the bill nil the Q.ime. Niedrinhaus is a daisy statesman. A Birmingham census enumerator complains that many ladies make him wait until they make their toilets before appearing to answer ques tions. Does he expect them to come down before they have made their toilets? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Star Office Babbitt metal. Munson Bargains in clothing, M. H. Service Proposals wanted. Star Office Young printer wanted 216 McRae St. Good cook wanted. J. D. Nltt Early closing Fridays. Dogs and Their Names. Nearly everybody is familiar with the old adage, "Give a dog a bad name, etc but everybody doesn't know what queer names some curs have and yet are al lowed to live. The records at the City Hall, whereon the names and descrip tions of the licensed dogs as well as their owners' names are transcribed, are funny reading: "Ben Harrison, is ae scribed as a black-and-tan; "Judge Fow ler." a white and yellow cur; and "VVhis kev " simply "mixed breed." One party is the proud owner of two dogs, one . ..uriif. T nrAron" and thp named -wiine jauc " - th,M-"Five Cents."' Another calls his honest tike "Jack Whacker. Other striking names are "Kittlewink," ..ri,Vw7,t " "ShumDum," "Devil," Berkshire Emperor Napoleon the F.rst." "Honey," "Tit," "Boy," "Clover.' "Cash," "Keno," "Topsey" and "Smash." So far, less than five hundred of the multitudinous curs in the city have been recorded. (Thoxeed with Grand Larceny. The New York Star publishes the follnwinc: wiiii,m W Rnurk. colored, of North Carolina, a nephew of Rev. LP. Samp son, of the African M. E. Church, of sbury Park, and a protege of Congress man Langston. of Virginia, is in a cell prti, Hadauarters in Elizabeth N. of errand larceny. o t- nVir ii finelv educated, was discharged from the United States Mail srrvire afew weeks ago, through the Service a few weeks ago t;i.n h ramp lu iiii.aiv... i :.u Annip AllvnC secureu Doara witn --- j on Morris avenue. On vvoidqw, " is said, he stole a lot of goods mciuain some valuable books, wt nicn ne in Newark. Sparring Match. It is said that another fistic encounter v,oc wn arranged between Billy Layton nnA T a. O'Neill, to take place in the ,o House some night next week. l uyv.'- . . r-c Four-ounce T .n r-tn neon "Jin I 1 1 i" teen rounds win uc the contest. LOCAL DOTS. Items of 'Interest Gathered Here and There and Briefly Noted. There will be a german at Island Beach Hotel, at the Hammocks, this evening. The German barque O. von Winter, hence, arrived at Newcastle, Eng., June 9th. The police arrested a number of drunken and disorderly colored wo men in the "Hollow" yesterday after noon. A new passenger car for use on the Ocean View railroad was shipped from the manufactory on the 6th inst., but has not arrived The tug Alexander Jones, with one of Ross & Sanford s dredge boats (the Savannah No. 7) in towr, left yes terday for Ocracoke. Mr. W. N. Harriss has been elected a director in the Mechanics Home Association, in place of Mr. W. M. Cumminor resigned. The excursion given to the Sun day school of St. James' Home, at Car olina Beach yesterday, was well attended. The excursionists had a pleasant day and the children lots of fun. Schr Edward Johnson cleared yesterday for Port-au-Prince. Hayti, with a cargo of lumber measuring 330,- 194 feet, valued at $4,166 and shipped by Messrs. j. H. Chadbourn & Co The First Baptist Church is ma arranpements to establish a mission church at Northwest, Columbus county, a small station on the Carolina Central railroad, about twelve miles from this A handsome card of invitation received bv the Star from the Commonwealth Club of Durham, N. C, to be their guest during the session of the State Press Convention, July 23d, 24th and 25th prox An ugly black cloud passed over the city yesterday evening about b o'clock, coming from the northwest. It was accompanied by a breeze that sent clouds of dust in the air and was followed by a heavy rain. The work of the census enume rators is progressing very smoothly in this city. It will have to be finished up this week. As far as is known none of them have met with obstacles in the fill ing up of the schedules. The new government building on Front street will be completed next month. It is said that some ten or fif teen thousand dollars of the appropria tion will be available for putting the grounds in good order and condition. As the Seacoast train was cros sing the sound yesterday a small dog tried to stop it; but was knocked through the trestle. The train men thought it was a case of "dead dog," but the "yaller pup" fooled 'em and was last seen run ning in the mud towards the hospitable shores of Wrightsville. Royal Arch Masons. The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of North Carolina convened in Asheville, Wednesday morning and the annnal election was held with the following result: B. F. Brigis, of Wil son, grand high priest; H. C. Fagg, of Asheville, deputy grand high priest; D. P. Mast, of Winston, G. H. K.: A. J. Howell, of Wilmington, G. b.; William Simp son, of Raleigh, grand treasurer; D. W. Bain, of Raleigh, G. S.; George H. Bell, of Asheville, grand chaplain; E. P. Pow ers, of Fayetteville, grand captain of the host. ON THE BEAGtf. concert by Oermania Band this Evening. The following is the programme for the concert to be given by Germania Band at Carolina Beach this even ing, viz: 1. March "Trumpet Notes" Litz- r,orald 2. Meaiey laiiii a iunauy deville. 3. Serenade "I Dream of Thee I? i r rT 4 Humorous March "The Jolly Ith" Peters. 5. Andante and Waltz "May Flow er" Boyer. r, Marrh "Siegfried" Wagner. 7. Overture- "Brunswick" Rollin- son. 8. March "Gladiator Sausa The Sylvan Grove leaves at 5 p. m. Fare for j.he round trip, 25 cents The Sam Jones' Meetings The Executive Committee appointed nt the mass meeting to make arrange ments for the meetings to be neld oy Rev. Sam- Jones, will meet Monday evening at civ o'rlock not tnree o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. rooms The committee will probably select a tabernacle in which the meet- I . L u. . ,rrra nucrh to ac mes win oc iiciu, odate five or six thousand people comm Mayor's Court. Tn this Court yesterday, John Mc Koy, colored, charged with violating the sanitary ordinance, was fined $5 and mets Thos. Gilligancharged with disorder- i rurw . - , onduct was nned $20 and the costs MISS HART'S SCHOOL. Closing Exercises Distribution, of Prizes and Testimonials. ' The closing exercises of this institu- tion were held Thursday morning in the school room on Third street. The exer- been made in the House on Representa cises were private, and consisted only of tive Rowland's bill to increase the appro- the reading of the annual report on the . priation for the public building at Wil stand of classes and the distribution by mington, so as to fix the limit at $350;- the Principal of prizes and testimonials. In making the distribution it was stated that numbers reaching or going beyond 95 per cent, are known as "honors," and The building is to be used for a post that for these only are testimonials office, U. S. court room, and for offices awarded. of the clerk of the court, marshal, Uni- The following pupils, though not at- taining a percentage necessary for the enue offices, and for the signal ser erholarshin certificate, have made verv vice officials, for the engineer of good averages, and deserve special men- tion: Misses Willie Adair, 94.2 per cent.; Hannah Shrier, 90.4; Cary Davis, 90.1; Bessie Coerr, 89; Janie Dunn, 88.6; Mary P. Davis, 86.8; Maggie D. Smith, 86. Certificates of proficiency in scholarship were given to Miss Mary Hasell McKoy, 99.4 per cent.; Lina Wiggins, 97.3. Alice Rheinstein, 96.5; Bessie Gibson, 96.3; Mary Cajder, 95.9. Certificates of excel- lent deportment were as follows: To Misses Willie Adair, 97.6; Janie Dunn, 97.3; Lina Wiggins, 97.3; Bessie Gibson, 96.8; Mary Hasell McKoy, 96.2; Alice Rheinstein, 95.6, and Bessie Coerr, 95.3. Prizes for attaining the maximum in punctuality were won by Misses Alice Boatwright, Mary Calder, Cary Davis, Mary P. Davis, Janie Dunn, Belle Gore, Mary Hasell McKoy, Mary Morris, Athalia Rankin. Hannah Shrier, Lina Wiggins and Master Robert Harriss. The prize for the highest number at- . 1 uiu: ,t.oo r,r.nH tn I ra npi ill .i I loirii rim u naa ui viiu "-v , Mis, Marv Hasell McKov: that for the ht rP-nrH in conduct, to Miss Willie a Ho.r-w the neatest orosrress in oen- j. i.... , .w. o L o mnnshin. to Miss Bessie Gibson; for the highest total average of scholarship, t.i;tv nd denortment. to Miss 1 , Mary Hasell McKoy; 8.5; for the best record in needlework, to Miss Mary Morris. A special prize, competed for by the fourth class, in the final examination on English grammar, was won by Misses Maggie D. Smith and Cary Davis, on a stand of 100 per cent. The following had special mention: For excellent total averages, Misses Lina Wiggins, 97.8; Bessie Gibson, 97.7; Alice Rheinstein, 94.9. For excellent needle- work, Misses Belle Gore, Lina Wiggins and Mary Hasell McKoy. For the greatest progress in instrumental music, Miss Hattie Mahn. TURPENTINE. Lessened Production in Georgia Alleged to be Due to the Poor Condition of the Trees. The Savannah News of Wednesday ast savs the receipts of spirits turpen tine nrp steadilv falhner off compared witn last bctiauii, aim -'- iuui"s hPm cminrron for the last three weeks, tVio rsv,ncr off has There have been complaints from some' sections 01 a scarciLy ui guuu no-nuo f -.A UAc tr work the farms, although there are plenty of common laborers. The real cause for the decrease, how ever, is said to be the poor condition of the trees, which are not healthy, and which have the appearance ol being ex h.nnsted. This condition is attriDutea . . . t to the open and dry winter and spring, which have caused the sap to dry up. The fall and winter were warm and dry. This condition of affairs aided the black headed bug in its work of cutting and de stroying the trees. There are numberless rrnres of the r work of destruction in the traces of their work Ot destruction in tne forests, Which might have been lessened . , r i somewhat had tnere been irequem. pious rains in the spring. As itwas, there was very little moisture, and the trees are now dry and SapieSS. In the beginning ot tne season tne iuuou i-u"' . - - , . , , and producers placed the increased yield of naval stores at fully 20 per cent, oyr the product of last year, owing to the . r 1 4. A U , .nnconratlVP PStllTiate Ol iaCtOrS mrroacpri mimnpr n DQXesUUl, iiuutucu condition at the beginning of the year eppmpd to corroborate this estimate. The prediction was further borne out by the heavy and increased receiui.3 m Ann! nnd the earlv part of May. Since then the receipts have decreased so much that there is a very small differ ence between this season and last, and thp estimates of the most enthusiastic operator have been reduced to about 4 to 5 per cent, increase. It is now gen emllv helieved that future receipts will be proportionately less than they have been and will not by any nicans hiuwk. over those of last year. V ilmlBtoii District Third Round Quarterly Meetings in ran. Bladen Street. June 29. r.hnrch. Julv 5th and 6th. Sampson Circuit, Hall's July, 5th and "KtVi Kenansville Circuit, Richlands, July 12th and 13th. ' . Magnolia Circuit, Magnolia District, ferenre Tlllv 19th and 20th. Bladen Circuit, . Soulis Chapel, July 26th and 27th. FifrVi Street. August 2d and 3rd Carvers Creek, . Shiloh, August 5th and 6th. Cokesburg, McNatt's, August 9th and riintrn Ooshen. Auerust 16th and 17th Elizabeth. Perdew. August 23rd and 34th. Waccamaw Circuit, August zmn auu 29th. . Whitesville, CerroGorda, August autn and 31st. t . I orfnr KdT Mn- LjrunswicK. iviisaiu", -"' . r tember 6th and 7th. . t- Kpthpi pnrpm ucr , -iqth xmlii auu . L). SWINDELL. Presiding Elder. OUR PUBLIC BUILDING. Reasons Advanced for an Increase in the Appropriation. The Star's press dispatches yester- day stated that a favorable report had 000. The Committee think that the m- creased appropriation is necessary for the following reasons: ted States commissioner, internal rev- the army in charge of the im- provements of the rivers and har- bors in North Carolina and adjoining States, as well as for the safe-keeping of the valuable maps, charts, surveys, &c, under his charge, and for offices for the customs officials, which alone requires 3,600 square feet of space. The present building now nearly corn- pleted contains about 11,000 square feet and over 10,000 square feet is required tor the postoffice. The postoffice re- ceipts for the year ending June, 1889, were $25,336.28. The office is not only self-sustaining but yields a net revenue of 48 per cent., while for t.he same year the amount of customs business amounted to $50,026. 40 and was collected at an expense of only $11,525.52. . The committee, there- fore recommended the passage of the bill. Stealing Clams. . iwo colored boys tsen urown aim Jas. Laspeyre were arraigned yester day before Justice Jno. J. Fowler, . ...... t r . T T charged witn stealing ciams irom j. j. Hays, proprietor of a restaurant at Ocean View, who said that he had been robbed recently of twenty or more bushels of clams. The boys'were caught in the act and offered no defence. They were committed for trial at the Crimi nal Court under bond of $100 each. Cotton Region Bulletin. Rain was reported yesterday in all the districts of the cotton belt with the ex- ception of Vicksburg. The average maximum temperature ranged from 80 to 92, and the minimum from 66 to 70. in this district, the maximum for Wil- mington and Raleigh was 86, Charlotte an(j Newbern 88, Goldsboro, Weldon and Florence 90 Lumberton 92, and Cheraw 94. Weather Forecasts. The following are the weather fore casts for to-day: For Virginia and North Carolina, fair weather except rain on the coast, slightly cooler, winds becoming westerly Ff .Smith t,arolina ana ueoreia, iair - and slightly cooler weather except sta tionary temperature in Southern Geor- I ,"o nrit-h crnt hOTP5tPrl V Winds. j THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSE. For North and way stations W & W R R. 8:15 a m For Mt. Airy and way stations- r sc i v Railroad V.A ; " " TTrt rv.oy-Tntr onrl wav stations C CK K and west 2-pra For Sou'thport For Wrightsville " v, rv.m Mtmnli"a and Ooldsboro. Tram 3:00 p m For points South W C&ARR 5:00 pm For Charlotte, Monroe, Maxton, Cronly, and ForvcAR iI r,,ntvand Little River. S. C or Train No. 38 coming i!.ast, next Am.. v ... Brunswick County and Little River, S. C Tuesdays and Fridays. 6:00 a m I r. ro B pr Tnpsdavs and Fndavs l:UUpm County Mondays and Thursdays 7:00 a m mails READY FOR delivery (WHEN THE trains are ON time). I charlotte, Monroe, Maxton and Cronly 9:00 a m c hnton Magno ana ooiasoo -.w I ..r- V. tJ T-nnm from iNortn w s. w 1 iv r From southport p Wr... F North-Train No. 27 :00 P m o-.-.i. t1 : Wrt 14 7.00 am I iromouuui J...... i.v,. i GEO. Z. FRENCH. Postmaster. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanted, A Good Cook, At 216 McRAE STREET. je 13 3t Commencing With To-Day "jyjY DRUG STORK WIL.L. litLscu FRIi)AY, from 1 until o'clock p. m. Customers ' . W 1 T T717rDV will kindly take Very truly, je 13 tf The Druggist. US TREASURY DiSrAK l jyusin i , Marine Hospital Service, Wilmington, N. C., - . nrn.mTm MnrT June 12th, 1890. Sealed proposals will be, receivea m this Office until noon of Saturday, June 14th, 1890. to supply furniture, for the use of the Marine Hospital Service at Wilmington, pi . U. scneauies auu t. K KtQ,'niH nnon aDDhcation to tne undersigned. The right is reserves to waive locali ties, and to reject any or all proposals. L. A. UK MICHAEL, Passed Assistant Surgeon, M. H. b.. in mmnund of HoSDItai. Jc Iu "Backbone." EV. THOMAS DIXON, JR., PASTOR OF rk. Tnt third Street EaDtist Church. New York, will lecture on the above-named subject at the Opera u..o rrA-a K.venintr. Tune 13. 1890. for the benefit of 50 cents" N Reserved seats on sale at Yates; weanesaay morn' ing - - m-rt A 1 ri n o R-ntnTi ore vrxu uaijiuv AJEAR MORGANTON. BURKE COUNTY . . , - t ahove i in sea level', attested by numerous certificates of the i iw. i.tnmwrt tEnf , waters ana saiu- bnous cumate, opens on ucimui .. t nrthpr tnlnrmatinn annlv to " ' c. S. SMITH, je 11 lm fr Proprietor. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE I WE, THE UNDERSIGN KD 4 Dry Goods Firms D O HEREBY AGREE TO CLOSE OUR RE- SPECTIVE PLACES OF BUSINESS EVERY FRIDAY Evening at 1 O'clock, From Juno 6th to Sept. 1st. This is donc'with the object of giving the employe of the firms mentioned below a weekly half-holiday. which we trust our customers and the trade generally will appreciate by arranging their purchases so as not to interfere with the movement. M. M. Katz & Son, Huske & Draper, Jno. J. Ilodrick, Brown & Roddick, R. M. Mclntiro. fr je 0 3t EVERYBODY IN SEARCH OF IiAROAINS IN CLOTHinSTG- .Rcady-Made anil to Order, SHOULD CALL ON US. A SUPERIOR LINE OF Furnishing Goods as well as the medium grades. No shoddy goods Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, white mars, and silk vests, bathing I bUlls. & CO., je 13 tf Merchant Tailor. TO OUR PATRONS ! N ORDER TO GIVE OUR SALESMEN RE- creation our Store will be closed every Friday at 1 o-ctock t. m.. beeinninR June 1st and ending August 15th. Our Summer Footwear is fast disappearing on account of Don't fail to see our stock before purchasing. Geo. R. French & Sons, 108 North Front Street. je 5 tf The Hewlett House. TY FRIENDS AND THE I'UULIC erally are respectfully notified that I have made cx- teusivc additions to my premises at Switchback Sta tion, Wrightsville Beach, and am now prepared to ac commodate them with the best of everything. Fresh Fish, Soft Crabs, Deviled Crabs, &c, ready on the arrival of every train. Bar in the rear and separate and distinct from the dining room. je 5 tt AS. A. HEWLETT. w E HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF SETS of the Encyclopedia Britannica to oner to ine c, i..niv.(iv. rvj-snni who leave tneir oraera wiin c o, thn nnhf-ard of nrice of SI .00 per volume. To f.,ii caticfu von that these sets are all we reprcaent. we offer you the first volume at the nominal price of 50 cents. ;e 11 tf L. w. YAI Mrs. Joe Person Tururnv AND A FULL STOCK OF PATENT t, Medicines. Toilet Articles and Pure Dniga anp Chemicals can always be jouna ai Corner S. Fourth and Nun atreeu. P. S. Prescriptions filled day and nignt. Grain Cradles, s CYTHES, GRASS BLADES, LAWN MOWERS, For sale by mv 05 t GILES & MURCHISON. 'The New fcerfume, iRAB APPLE IU.OSSOMS. THE NEW Sachet Powder-HELIO-VIOLET. The Crown Lavender Salts invigorating ana rcircsumg. JNO. B. HANKS, Pharmacetiti. I 1 'I 1 I 1 1 w Prescriptions componaea. icicpiiouc je 10 tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LET THE'MOSQUITOES CONTINUE TO SINO, But My New Net Will Catch the Sliu- pMJLL WIDTH (iUARANlFIH U INCH Mosquito Net at 80c. 36c, 4() lo4 ft imt I'.ARRED MOSQUITO NKI.Wlnir Bnl ( ..l.-r.l eight yard to fece, at 90 aud 00 cntt a pi HONEYCOMB QUILTS at $1.00, $1.1., $l.r., I V., $1 h TOILET QUILTS at $O0, $ 0, $2 Hf, anJ $'. Ori Royal British Quilts, i $3 , nvi, oo, . no and r,(t ALL I. IN EN 10-4 SHIH IN- II ' I' i ALL-LINEN 5-4 nd t-i I I I.I ow C AM Nt . .1 ut and 75 centi prr yard. HUTCH EK'S LIN F.N i n1 Tnirt.i. I3!RL F.VF. LINEN at IT. crnn y1 HUCK TOWELS at IOi. llUf. I!W. 35 cents. DAMASK TOWELS at !T- . Xu , fe and 7T. crnii TURKISH HATH TiWl I S ai 1's. IV 3.V and M irnt FANCY LINEN IOWH.S, UHN WORK. HEMSTICHtl. UNFRINOM'. $1.00 eoch. FANCY SCARFINCiS. afi1 .. designs, at 00 rnU m yard FANCY TAIiLK COVI.RS FANCY PIANO t OVERS WHITE TAI'.LE SKIS and KOV1FS mmu . $4 00 and $0 .00 a met TAHLE LINEN from 40 rent, tin HUREAU SCARFS, Plain, ramy and St.mi.rd Just received a !ik lot i.f Hla k . St tijwd an.1 PUid Lawns Very trily. BROWN & RODDICK, No. 0 North Front Btrwt. je l'J tf Grand Concert at Carolina Beacli Friday l!vrnln, Jnn 1 !, I HOO, DY THE rol'ULAR OrKMAMA i'Arn TTTE SYLVAN GROVfe ON A I UK' I' M , VI '.rat h at W l p m Music for Dant iny Karc for round Inji SO rnl j w iiAvim. ,c 21 tf Man Young Printer Wantod A N INTELLIGENT VOi:N; MAN WHO HAH worked two or inrrr yrar i . . nd wihc to inmplrlf hit Ira-lr. may p ur rm4v ment by applying at the SIAK oil.r i-mr twi apply who cannot rrad xxry bad manu riirt r..,.y Call at thr je 10 8t nac MAW Ol T H "I?. TViio WMr flnlv ! a Road-Cart and Set Harness I t m ire wnich (cf,r romciiiim ALL GOODS EXACTLY AS KU'KKMNIHl Harness, Trunks and Bags. All !, atylei and jrritrt to anil all H. L. FEIUIMELL, THE nOBSE MILLINEIi, jc H ,( 10 Siulh Irotil alJrrl. Babbitt Metal. A LARGE QUANTITY OK OLD TYI perfect iiibatitute for llabbilt Mrtal, lot aaW al lb l.n8QDlwWS STAKO'MCt North Carolina's FaTOrtlc ! 1768. OLD NICK 1800. I..,, nfl CURES CV1 ILLS, COLDS, on i.n . . . . , appetite, and ia by lar the li s " 'T weah lunifi and con.tutnpmm, a. II ha. l-n "" for iU purity ov 122 yar. Vr atwly rr, aU In need of Pure Rye or Cora Whiskey to write for price H, a w kwj -'"la rrmwanl hand that are K)Uk VEAkS OLD ami ,,4. nvtifird We hip in arr quatilMy drwrMl Old nick WifiskvV himcanv, I'anUvr Crra. Yadkin N C jana 0m . Public Notice NORTH CANIlI.INA, ('ianriin ('ii-i. 1 ' rn . AT THE JUNE MF.F.TINt; ( Mil HOAI of CnmmiwonrnH C uml-tlrwl C niy. H mm ordered : . 1 hat the Treaaurer t.f aaid C niniy l d,r1r call in. of the ooiatawdmg itlrUl-- 4 t Und County, Fie 1 Wmaand (A,' ( -Ita debt kuown at the "PrVlK Del. intereat thereon w.ll ha alU--d n a.d by i.HT from and after July lat. 1KW lA , ..,... In accordance w.ih aa.d ord Ow ' " Bond.," number. . 1. t 39. . f.. of the denominatHM ..f five hundred (SVH 'j A -i,-m .U mm Matt pa.a on " -joH N It 1 HOY, je H)t ( Minlr 1 each, are hereby ootinea inai mr - , drawn by lot. and ar died l Urn rKwi, w they will piwnt lh aam to the udrwcm, mt office in KayrtteiU. N. C. etimt in pw" toroey, on or before July 1. !. fail tn do an nri ipin--i " v. i J I 1 i 1 y. 1 - "