1 I ' - 1 . 7. . . - ' t.v.-'f, . a - I---.- - 7'- .-w---' . Li'1'-, - r. I' -BATES OF ADTEUTIUNG. On Sqaar Om Day.... ....... II r U ILLXASt IX. BEBNABB. - - - ... iwawri.., Two Mara I !-L HUSHED DAILY KXCSPT MONDAYS. 00 ' M - rivIar.... "VftuWert . . Two wk.. .. ThraoWacka.. M 4 W M s,t Mentha, " SCO w LA i ), M.mth, ................ 0 r To Ctty SatMcribexs, defiwcd fai uy paut of t! t- itv. TwBurm Cirr per w-xJu. Oar Cirjp Aft ,.r n,M j jthorura o couen ror Bjor xmm iare moatltt itJ:nce. j. Ul.r,-,i at the hm OSc at WUnJastos, N. C, as OUTLINES. monstrances from two counties in Y:m MU. against the imposition of .a jitv n tin. ww" Son ue yesterday the resolution ap- ; ntin Edwrard oTthrrrtat:; ,-.iru-.it-Arms rrv ,W , u i in I agreed to; there was.a lengthy ,u -!uto on the Senate Silver bill, four or tiw- Senators participating; the Sun- ,lrv Civil Appropriation bill was , -,,;iMlered in the House, and cf- ..lai.icvl in detail by Mr. Cannon. riie work of the Republican mcm- iv'-ot the Senate Finance Commiuee ;s ir.uvini; to a close, and alt of the .mulcted schedules, except those of r,,t).i. vo and sugar, have been given to ; U minority; Senator Carlisle is pre ,Un t lie report of the minority to u . -luanythe presentation of the bill t, the Senate. The contested ti,vtion cases from Virginia. South t ir. ilm.i and Mississippi will be called ;;i hi tlu" House next week. The niiL.i.lc of the Indians in Montana con- t.n a's menacine. and there is much - . ? . I I inKIrcn are beinesent to the towns I l. r t - I u 'l numoers. iremni train i 1 through a passenger train near r.i- eland. Ohio, yesterday . I morning; lAt-ivi- or fifteen persons were injured. .i:u- seriously. The coal miners iv.ner county. Pa who have been i i -rnke for six weeks, resumed work i-xu -niay. the operators conceding their demands. Two shots were nurd in the cellar of a dwelling, in i'h.ladelpliia. yesterday, and an investi gation showed that two men were lay l,' on the tloor dead; the theory is that me s'mt the other, and then shot hirn- ;i. the mn were about thirty years of .i 'e. A cloud-burst on the Chesa- ; ....ike Ohio railroad yesterday caused i fearful wreck; several of the train .lands were killed; nine carloads of shoes and boots went down in the wreck; ihout a dozen persons arc reported drowned. Dun t Co. report busi- ness unprecedented in volume for the I n and highly satisfactory; business ulures for the week number 212.com- ar. d with 2.10 for the previous week. The striking car employes in Co imbus. ).. have returned to work, the . iferences having been compromised. New York markets : Money easy : ', per cent.; cotton steady: mid- ;; uplands I2JL4 cents; middling ;.eans 12 7-16 cents; southern floi: ivv and quiet: wheat irregular and deratelv active, closing firmer; No. 2 e l ?n i.iift04g cents at elevator, corn uiu.' and steady: So. 3. 41 cents at e. itor; rosin linn: spirits turpentine .lv at Us :Ji cents. As.x iate Justice L. Q. C. I-amar, mc l:. S. Supreme Court, is so lv impressed with the belief that t. .-iMppi will eventually become a . State thai be is anxious to sell - fine plantation in that State at a - i. riliee. I !ie stove in the passenger ratl- i ! car is t oming down, one-fourth w pasc'iirer cars in mis country rm heated by steam. But . w . . , , t . . - 1 -re are sttii enouzn leu to gei in i r -liastly work very effectually j asionallv. Hypodermic injections of aromatic j :r h tions is the latest fad among :!- ladies of Paris, so that when a !'v walks into a fashionable as- -.-nblae he can easily imagine him- !: in a garden filled with flowers of . ir.cl perfumes. When an Irishman named O'Raf- fcrty becomes a Russian he "looms up as Mr. Katfalovttch, rich is to say that that's the Russian way of refer r n- to Mr. O'Rafferty. The Mis& K utalovitch whom Mr. Wm. O'Brien ''is ; ist married was a Russianized RaiTerty. man in New Jersey- had neVer srovered all the diseases with which I Vi.. i. , i . i i :i . I I "ju wrcrLietj uiilii liic uciisua .1.. t numerator struck him. and then he h,vim.. m ,i - v,m t-tr( nl I l iming up that he went into his I" ! rmm and shot himself through ;eart. New York importer figures it up tH it under the McKinlev tariff $3.- j 9 , IHNIUill B,nrk n( r-rrr mra an I mt I thr- .mrif1n rvnl ft9l.000.000.' I r. , IT"-" . I what of this ? Should the American people object to paying a 'le $13,000,000 to boom our Jin-i-int" crockery shops? Vhen Commissioner Raum retires. '"m the Pension Office he should ,orm a business connection, open and abve board, with Col. Lemon. I hi s wdl beat running a refrigerator machine all hollow. Corporal Tan- tcmperataie, souUierly winds4 - : evening. They will always be giaaiy ner can give him some points if he is For Georgia and Florida, far except welcomed by the other and regular visi ot already posted. showers on the AtlanUc coastjj . V : tors of the Association. yOIi. XLVI.f-NO. 72; Senator Ingalls writes to the chair- man "of the '. Knights' of ; Labor Ka. taonal Legislative Committee that he is favor of the free coinage of silver " r.ugaxis is ot a: very ac- voramoaaimg aisposition and is al- Ws n""aiilucnis aremaayor 01, espe. ciauy wnen tne election ot a succes- Cr tr Tr lie" irva-4 a ' k- y-v t tn Vermont I lryiVM-arTT ctno Nam - " w w . - ia iiun' V, -.-r ... . . 1 , V the rtlatfrvrm noma tK. nn4:4M- .nieoo , k.u.. a c xi " V i! t - S C A,cw xu.k, uuw wc wam 10 t ujr hhcu utuumdic lor iue rresiaency can be nominated with out New York being a controlling factor. Col. Shepard ought to write two Or three of his red hot editorials on that G. A. R, post at Indianapolis, hlh inmfayl 14 lnr f.A a. Captain and efave him a front seat .... .. . . at their celebration nn riernratmn dav. and followed this un hv nimt- " r -j -i r j oreneral order Stonewall Jackson's last words.! This should never be allowed. The English Statesmen are afraid to permit the construction of a tunnel under the channel between France and England, and yet the British people are strong enough to swallow thirty-eix freight car loads of pills every year and survive. Such a peo ple should have no fear of being de molished by a little hole in the ground. Adolph Busch, President of a big brewery association in St. Louis, receives a salary of $50,000 a year, and takes to his beer kindly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Star Office Babbitt' metal. Munson Bargains in clothing, Sylvan Grove Blackfish Grounds. Carolina, Knoxville & Western B&ilroad. A dispatch from Greenville, S. C, says the Board of Trade of that place has appointed a committee to solicit sub scriptions for a construction company, with $50,000 capital, to complete the Carolina, Knoxville& Western Railroad. The people along the proposed route are thoroughly aroused to the importance of completing this road, and nearly all of the stock has been promised. Hand some subscriptions have been voted by the various counties through which it is to pass, and for the construction compa ny that is to complete it there is a good margin for profit This road will place Greenville nearly 200 miles nearer Knoxville and the West, and give the shortest possible route to the ports of Wilmington. Charleston, Port Royal and Savannah. Mayor's Court. Ed. Wilson, a small colored boy, con- .. r 1 . . 1 . f f - victea 01 assaulting anoiucr iiu, w turned over to his "parents for punisb- Jno. Moore, colored,' bathing in the city limits, in violation of the ordinances, was released under suspension of judg ment. J. S. Black, disorderly, was fined $20 and costs. j ,Bettic!Pigford. Josephine Pigford and Sue Cooper, young colored women. were convicted of disorderly conduct. Sue Cooper was fined $20, the others j erc diha uad.; .USpeasion of judgment. I Excursion Next Week. 1 I M.Tt L(nnHa annthrVtcursion nar- I o'clock in the afternoon by train on the C. F. & Y. V. railroad, j On Thursday the 19th, an excursion given by the First Presbyterian Church I cf Fayetteville will arrive'about 10.20 a. I .. w Mr W nilrnori nnrt crri I 111. un uic ii..u w . . .v. o i ... -, t : I.. n V.A Cao I tnroara 10 ine n8mmwtsua mt-va- coast road. 1 Un oaiuruay idc sist, iucic wm ui excursion from Mount Airy over the C. F.4Y. V. railroad. ' I , t O. CATS. Railroad. Work on the G. C N. railroad J is Droeressinir rapidly. , The tracklayers h ...1 t,mT" Tlrrmr nrr twentV-uVC I miles west of Chester, on1 Monday of I ... ' i I last week- Track-laying is also progress- i ine in the vicinity of Greenwood, C It will not be long, from present maica- i tiohsuntil the road will be completed to Atlanta. i M The foUowingare the weather fore- casts IOTU-aaYr. (. . j i Fat1 Virginia- North : Carolina and ,th - rarolina. lair, . continued high v . "WIJLMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY, LOCAL, DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered Hero ereand Briefly Woted. havebeen shipping jeer-to" Richmond T recently; h m: .m representative of the Third Congres- 1 sional district, is in the city I: .r -J " , 4 1 '- awv.'Hu ivr:iM: a,-.- 1 - The steamer Passport earned a I - x i r . . wivieu uguuic luc vauif ground at Piney Bluff yesterday I The steamer Benefactor, Tribou, sailed for New York yesterday with a large cargo and some eight or I ten nassenprs. . The colored people are holding a camp meeting at Piney Bluff, fifteen miles above Wilmington on the Cape Fear river. - Mr. William Dorsey Pender, a prominent young lawyer of Norfolk, formerly of Tarboro, is in the city on professional business. Rev. W. S. Creasy will conduct the next public meeting of the Evan gelical Alliance, which will be held next Friday night, June 20th. Receipts of cotton at this port, for the crop year to June 13th are 132,658 bales; receipts to same date last year, 151.G93 a decrease of 19,035. Prayer and experience meeting of business and working men at the Seamen's Bethel at 8.15 o'clock to-night. The ladies and seafaring men are also invited to attend. The steamer Sylvan Grove will make a trip to the Blackfish grounds Monday, stopping at "The Rocks" and Southport. Lines and bait can be had on board the boat. The 1000 feet of new fire-hose recently received by the city were test ed yesterday afternoon with the "Cape Fear" engine, in the presence of the Chief and Assistant Chief of the Fire Department, and found to be all right Mr. Robert Hill was here Thursday looking over the field with a view to establishing- an agency of the Continental Brewing Company, of which he is the general travelling agent. He was well pleased with the outlook, and thinks the agency will be estab lished. Among the Honor men in the Fourth class at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, George P Howell, son of R. P. Howell, Esq., a citizen of Goldsboro well known in Wilmington, ranked as follows: First in English, second in French and first in mathematics. NAVAL STORES. Comparative Statement of Receipts for the Crop Year. Recipts of naval stores at Wilming ton for the crop year from April 1st to June 13th -as compared with re ceipts to same date last year, are as fol lows: Spirits turpentine, 12,016 casks; last year, 12,468. Rosin, 00,867 barrels; last year, 40, 552. Tar, 18,884 barrels; last year, 12,035. Crude turpentine, 3,217 barrels; last year 3,683. Sew York Truck Market. G. S. Palmer, commission merchant. New York, reports the market, June 11th, as follows: Receipts of North Carolina and South Carolina potatoes show a falling off, and prices show improvement in fine grades; fancv marks are selling up to $2 75 and other primes from $2 25 to 2 50, with for pad prices tpjofcfar Ijgj are in heavv suddIv: wax 5075 cents for halves, small crates from 35 to 60 cents; green range from 20 to 50 cents; cucumbers, choice SI 50; Charleston Address by Rev. Dr. Hoge at the X 14. C. A,. Rev. P. H. Hoge, D. D., will deliver an address at the Y..M. C. A. rooms, XJtrynAix Tiinr IRlh at 8.30 n. m. 1 lie v r- - J J :i I mT1i Diu-Afir ff1frSra. auuicss wm " uuvcuiug v ... The lecture will no doubt be very inter- esting. AU who may desire to attend will be welcome. Cotton Bettfon Bulletin. The maximum temperature in wn- minotnn VMtPrdav WaS UU . 211Q tUC Same maximum was reported from Charlotte. . . . i... ...-nr.u 'W .k Kaieign, waaesDoro, weiuui., and Goldsboro reported oa as me nm- imum, LumDerton ana rioreucc , Cheraw 96?. The minimum ranged from 60" to 68 Monday evenings, iromoxxu viclt tne Associauuu j . , the rooms and spena a pieasam socuu OPERA HOUSE. Bev. Thomas Dixon Jra Lecture on "Back- . " ' bone." -, ..: 'Rev.. Thomas Dixon, Jr., was, happy last evening in having a large, intelli- gent and appreciative audience to hear his admirable lectureon "Backbone." - After a few preliminary remarks, he launched into his subject" with a spirit and- dash- that completely won his audience and held them spell-bound : for an hour and a half, listening to a series of beautifulword-painting and practical points of everyday interest. Mr. Dixon -is a man of graceful and easy manners, of "great fluency of speech and possesses a wonderful ability of fa cial expression. His lecture throughout was full of practical points that" could be applied to one's life day after day, and not a word was uttered nor a gesture made, but that his hearers caught and understood. - He is undoubtedly a man . of wonder-, ful gifts of eloquence and oratory, and the rapidity with which he moulded into words his beautiful thoughts and placed them wfthin reach was astound ing it was grand. He does not waste words he fires the truth at you so rapidly and so successfully that you are irresistably forced to sur render everything and listen. He is a genius no man could talk as he does and sway his audience as he does if he were not. He is with it all, so refined. so gentle in word and manner, that you at once appreciate the beneficial influ ence he exerts and cannot but admire his courage and manliness. No report can do him full justice; you must hear him. He is, unquestionably, one of the most eloquent, practical and entertaining lecturers that Wilmington has ever had. He was introduced to the audience by Col. Alfred M. Waddell in his usual graceful style. SEA SICKNESS. A New Bemedy that is Said to be Effective. The last number of the Maritime Register publishes the following, which may prove of value to the readers of the Star contemplating a sea voyage or a trip to the Blackfish grounds: Charles W. Hamilton, a naval sur geon, publishes this plan for curing sea sickness : "The successful treatment of sea sickness, which surgeons afloat have so much to do with and which generally they are unable effectively to alleviate, must prove my excuse ior Dnnging De fore the profession the curative effects of kola Sterculia acuminata). In the few cases which I have lately had to deal with I have found the internal ad ministration of the seed of the kola a most successful remedy. Half to one drachm of the seed chewed slowlv was rnllnmirt in )vMit U) mi'nuru Vr xnmnUt. followed in about 40 minutes by complete cessation of the various symptoms of mat de mer; the depression, vomiting, and giddiness disappeared; the heart's actioli was regulated and strengthened, and a confidence was felt in heavy weather that my cases never before ex perienced durinar the manv vears that they served in the Royal Navy, 'and had tried the usual remedies prescribed by their advisers. At present no means of preventing sea sickness in those suscep tible of it is known; and I venture to be lieve that in the kola, or its alkaloid, we have one, and that a larger trial of this drug will tend to support my opinion. From its well-known sustaining and in vigorating properties during fatigue, for which it is daily used by the natives on the west coast of Africa and -the Sou dan its action in sea sickness seems to be the giving tone to the nervous sys tem, proving a stimulant acting gener ally and locally." Judicial and Congressional Conventions. The . Convention of the Seventh Ju dicial District will meet in Laurinburg on the 16th of July, for the purpose of nominating candidates for Judge and Solicitor; and the Congressional Con vention of the Sixth District will also be held in Laurinburg on the 20th of July. The counties comprising these districts, with the number of votes each is enti tled to, are published herewith. Par ties interested should preserve this for future reference. JUDICIAL CONVENTION. Anson 45 Brunswick. 20 Bladen,.., 31 Columbus, 41 Cumberland, 52 Moore, 39 Richmond, 34 Robeson, 56 Total, 318 CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. Anson, 45 Brunswick,- .20 Cabarrus, 33 Columbus, .41 Mecklenburg, . . S3 New Hanover, 38 Richmond, .34 Robeson .56 Stanly, .....20 Union, .41 Total, .411 At Carolina Beach. A great many people went down to Carolina Beach yesterday the occasion being an excursion by the Lutheran Sunday School in the morning and afternoon, an d German ia Cornet Band in the v evening; The crowd was so large that the Sylvan Grovehad to make two trips to bring all the people back to the city." The weather was clear and bright, , and a , very pleasant time was snint hv nil vohn nartieinated in the I J I - ; I excursions. JUNE 14; .1890". THE DENTISTS. i State Association to Meet in Wilmington J . : r this Month. 1 The North Carolina State Dental As- J sbciation will meet jn this city on the I 25th of June next. Iti sessions will be held in theOrton House and a large at tendance of members is expected, be- sides eminent members of the profes- sion from other States; : The officers of the association are President- Sid P. Hilliard, Rocky Mount. Vice Presidents G. W. Whit- sett, Greensboro; W. G. Conrad, Win ston. Treasurer J. W. Hunter, Salem. Secretary H. C. Herring, Concord, Dr. J. H. Durham, Wilmington, is chair man of the Executive Committee. j Boyal Arch Masons. The Grand Chapter of North Caroli na, in- session, at Asheville, selected Morehead" City , as the next place of meeting, on the second day of June, 1891. .-A banquet was given the Grand Chapter by the Chapter of Masons and Knights Templar of, Asneville, at which Hon. H. A. Gudger made the address of welcome and Mr. E. S. Martin, of Wil mington, replied. Wilmington District Third Bound Quarterly Meetings in Part. Bladen Street. June 29. ' , Grace Church. Julv 5th and 6th. Sampson Circuit, Hall's July, 5th and 6th. Kehansville Circuit, Richlands, July 12th and 13th. Magnolia Circuit, Magnolia District, Conference July 19th and 20th. Bladen Circuit, , Soulis Chapel, July 26th and 27th. Fifth Street, August 2d and 3rd. - Carver's Creek, Shiloh, August 5th and bth. Cokesburg, McNatt's, August 9th and 10th. Clinton. Goshen, August 16th and 17th. Elizabeth. Perdew. August 23rd . and 24th. Waccamaw Circuit, August 28th and 29th. Whitesville, CerroGorda, August 30th and 31st. Brunswick Mission, Cedar Bay, Sep tember 6th and 7th. Brunswick Circuit, Bethel, September 12th and 13th: F. D. Swindell. Presiding Elder. The Churches. bt. Andrew s Jrresbytenan Church, corner rourm and Campbell street. Rev. lohn W. Prim rose. Pastor. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and 8.15 p. m. Sab bath School at 4 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday, at 8:15 p. m. 1 he public cordially invi ted, beats free. First Presbyterian Causch, corner Third and Orange streets. Rev. Peyton H. Hoee. D, D., Pastor. Services at 11.00 a m and 8.15 p m, Sunday. Sunday School at 4.00 p m. Prayer meeting and Bible Study Thursday night at 8.15 o'clk. Visitors cordially invited. Front Street Chapel of First Presbyterian Church. corner Front and Oueen streets. Service Sunday at I 11 a m and 8.15 p ra, by Rev. McC. Miller. Sunday I School at 4:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday I night at 8.15 o'clock. Visitors always wcleome. Grace Methodist E. Church, South, northeast corner of Mulberry and fourth streets, Kev. Waiter s. Creasv. Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. in. and 8:15 p. m. Sabbath School at 5:00 p. m. Weekly Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednesday evening at 8:15 o clock, beats tree. A cordial invitation is ex tended to strangers and visitors. First Baptist Church, corne Fifth and Market sts. I Rev- T H. Pntchard. D. D.. Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 3.30 p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clk' gers invited Baptist Church (colored). Eighth and Bladen Sts., Brooklyn, Rev. O. Miller, Pastor. Services Sunday at 11 a. m., 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. The congregation of Fifth Street M. E. Church, South, will hold services in Union School House, on bixtn, between Unurcn and JNun streets. Kev. x Beaman, Pastor. Preaching to-morrow (Sunday) at 11 a. m' and 8.00 P. m. Sunday School at 3.30 p. m. Class meeting at 5 o'clock Sunday and Friday evening at 8.00 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday night, st 8.00 o'clock THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSE. For North and way stations W & W R R. 8:15 a m For Mt. Airy and way stations C F & Y V Railroad 8:40 a m For Charlotte and wav stations C C R R and West 2i00pm For Southport. 8:40 a m For Wrightsville 8:00 a m ' For Clinton, Magnolia and Goldsboro. Train 8:00 p m For points South W C & A R R 5KX) p m For Charlotte, Monroe, Maxton, Cronly, and for Train No. 38 coming East, next AM.. 5:45 p m For South W C & A R R Train No, 27. . 9:10 p m For North W & W R R Train No. 14. . . .11:00 p m For Brunswick County and Little River, S. C Tuesdays and Fridays 6:00 am For Cape River Tuesdays and Fridays 1 :00 p m For Onslow County Mondays and Thursdays 7:00 a m MAILS READY FOR DELIVERY (WHEN THE TRAINS ARE ON TIME). - Charlotte, Monroe, Maxton and Cronly. . . . 9KW a to Clinton, Magnolia and Goldsboro 12:00 m Charlotte and way stations, also West 1.00 p ia From North W & W R R. .'. 7:00 pm From South DOrt 7:00 p m From Wrightsville 7:00 p m From Mt. Airy and points C F & Y V K K 7:15 p m rom IN ortn 1 rain JN o. Xi .n:uu p m From South Trrin No. 14 7,00 a m GEO. Z. FRENCH. Postmaster. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . BLACKFISH GROUNDS. - a t fi Steam6r bVlV311 UTOVO TILL MAKE A TRIP TO THE BLACKFISH GROUNDS On MONDAY, June 16th, leaving at 6 A. M., and touching at the Kocks ana soutnport Lines and bait can be had on board. Fare to Blackfish Grounds, $1.00 ; Rocks and South port, 75 cents, je 14 2t "Wanted, A Good Cook, At 216 McRAE STREET. je 13 St Commencing With To-Day jy Y DRUGSTORE WILL BE CLOSED EVERY FRIDAY, from 1 until 7) o'clock p. m. Customers will kindly take notice. Very truly. &c., IAMV It WTTTT je 13 tf The Druggist. V: tir rT -W- --r mm dmm I : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EVERYBODY IN SEARCH OF BARGAINS IN " My-Made and to Order. j shouldcall on us. a superior line OF Furnishing Goods as well as the medium grades. No shoddy goods. Shirts, Collars1 and Cuffs, white mars, and silk vests, bathing SUITS. iviurasoro co., je 18 tf Merchant Tailors. Cape Fear & Yattii Valley R. R. Co. . Passenger Department. Wilmington, N. C, June 11th, 1800. THIS COMPANY IS PREPARED TO FUR- JL rush Pullman Sleeping Car accommodations ac proper notice, to Excursion parties, where not less tfa eighteen tickets are sold, Wilmington to Asheville and Hot Springs. Round trip Summer Excursion tickets also ensale to Oarouna and Virginia Kesorts. IrlUb. J. JAMtS, Agent. W. E. KYLE, Gen'l Passenger Agent, je 12 lw th sa tu ORKNEY SPRINGS, SIIENANDOA1T CO., VA. CUMMER RESORT FOR HEALTH AND Pleasure. The finest climate in the mountains of the Virginias. Climate very salubrious and free front fogs. Average mean temueraiure very low aurins: ine eoura summer months. The large number of different Springs owned and controlled by the Company, makes it the popular, re sort of all this highly favored section of the United States. Pure spring water, perfect drainage, pure milk, onj excelled cuisine, billiard rooms tor ladies and gentle men, bowling alley, tennis courts, largest Swimming Pool in the Virginias, etc. Good livery, excellent orchestra in attendance during the summer. Hotel Property 1,000 acres in extent, embracing some of the nnest mountain scenery in tne country . r or circulars and terras address my 203m tu th sa F. W. EVANS, Manager. TOBACCO. WE OFFER A LARGE STOCK Plug and Twist, SUCH AS Kate Gravely, ' Danville Belle, Nickle Twist, Big 6, Terrapin Snap, Pat Malloy. FROM A FINE CHEW TO DOGTALE, at low prices. HA I ill & JfiAKHAIili. je 7 D&W tf HEW PIANOS! I "vr I I kUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF PIANOS, I which we recently selected in New York, has arrived. We are offering all grades of PIANOS from the unsurpassed i a; Is myv mm Dimv" 4JUM hi t;i riaiiu to the lower grades in all latest Designs and Woods. These Instruments have bean carefully selected and are consequently reliable. Lowest prices, Cash or Instalment. We have ORGANS in great variety. 1 he public are cordially invited to examine these beautiful Instru merits. E. VAN LAER, 407 Red Cross St., Wilmington, N. C. my 27 tf tu th sa Island Beach Hotel! J. A. BROWN, Manager. HAVING LEASED THE ABOVE NAMED I I Hotel, situated at the Hammocks, I am prepared to cater successfully to the wants of the public. The tables will be supplied with the choicest viands of the season. Manv places of i of great interest m the vicinity. Surf Bathing. Bath H Houses in still water, fine boating facilities, unrivalled fishing, and above all an unex celled Cuisine. Cottages on the Beach connected with the Hotel. Prof. Miller's Celebrated Band engaged for the season. OPEN MAY 13TH, 1890. " J. A. BROWN, MANAGER. my 11 tf UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. SUITTIEIt LAW LECTURES (nine weekly) begin 10th July, 1890, and end 10th September. Hare proved of signal use, 1st, to students who design to pursue tneir stuaies at mis or otner uw acnooi; xna, to those who propose to read privately; and So, to practitioners who have not nad the advantage of systematic instruction. For circular apply (P. O. Uni versity of Ya.) to i JOHN B. MINOR, my 24 D&W lm tw lm frol. Prof, Com. and Stat. Law. WT'E HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF SETS of the Encyclopedia Britannica to offer to the first twentv-nve Dersons who leave their orders with us, at the unheard of price of $1.50 per volume. To fully satisfy you that these sets are all we represent, we offer you the first volume at the nominal price ot 50 cents. je 11 tf C. W. YATES. Mrs. Joe Person's T EMEDY AND A FULL STOCK OF PATENT At Medicines, Toilet Artklesand Pare Drugs anp EMEDY AND A FULL STOCK OF PATENT always I - j . U. J4 ILLEK'S, UrUgglat, Corner S. Fourth and Nnn streets. P. S. Prescriptions filled day and night.' Grain Cradles, QCYTHES, GRASS BLADES, LAWN MOWERS, Tot sale by my 25 tf GILES ft MURCHISON. The New Perfume, IRAB APPLE BLOSSOMS. THE NEW T. The Crown J Sachet Powder HELIO-VIOLET. Lavender Salts invigorating and refreshing. For sale by JNO. B. HANKS, Pharmaceutist. Prescriptions componded. Telephone 109. je 10 tf , ' j Wrapping Paper. rpo CLOSE OUT AN ACCUMULATION OF" X OLD NEWSPAPERS - They will be sold for TWENTY CENTS PER HUN DRED. Apply at tbe ug3ti STAk OFFICE. M M M -x a b T m " TwoMrattaa..; 1W . , tw u .w. aa an Ooa Yaarttt.i...'MM. GO W Ccotmct AlHtlaaBieata lakaa at piwynnwi n mm na nooparau irp aui om aquara. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : LET THE HOSQUITOES CONTINUE TO 81170, Bit Ij New M fill CaM tie Stin. T7UIX WIDTH OVARANTEKD. !( INCH j MoaquUNeata0c,Kc,ataB4tt A BARRED MOSQUITO KKT, Wbtia aa4 &n4 . ! eight' yards to awe a, at 60 aad t0 easts a pimr. HONEYCOMB QUILTS at $1.00, $1.15, $1 30, 1.B5, $1 JK)aa h. 1 TOILET QUILTS at $3.00, 3 A0, $S.M aad $4 00. Royal British Quilts. at $3.00, $3.50, $4 00, H-Mand $.100 (ALL L IN EN 10-4 SHEtlTINU at l 0 par far ALL-LINEN M aod 6-4. PILLOW CASINO at 0U and 7b cents per yard. BUTCHER'S LINEN at S0c mod rH rrnu BIRD EYE LINEN at flD caots par ymri. HUCK TOWELS at 10c, irc, lac, IAc aaa 35 cants. DAMASK TOWELS al c, 36c, Mt a4 7 orwla TURKISH BATH TOWELS at JV4r, Ik, ttk. 85c and 50 cents. FANCY LINEN TOWELS, DRAWN WORK, HEMSTICHED, UNFH1NGED, at Ml crata and $1.00 coco, t FANCY SCAR FINOS, aaaorted onbwa. i,Hmrmi designs, at 00 cents per yard. FANCY TABLE COVERS. FANCY PIANO COVERS. WHITE TABLE SETS and DOV1.ES o sai $4-00 and $0.00 a set TABLE LINEN from 40 rents so BUREAU SCARFS, Plain, Fancy sad Stamped Just received a big lot of HUck, Striped a ad Plaid Lawns. Very truly. BROWN & RODDICK. No. 0 North Front Street. je 13 tf For This Week 0nl A Road-Cart and Set Harness at a prica which defiaa onmnetltk. ALL GOODS EXACTLY AS REPRESENT EI Harness, Trunks and Bags. All sices, styles and prices to saM alt. H. L. FEIMIMELL, THE HORSE MILLINER, je 8 tf 10 Snatk Fnwl aurvl. Babbitt Metal. LARGE QUANTITY Or OLD 1VTE perfect aubatitate for Babbitt Metal, lor aala al taa lanMDlwWSw STAR Of MCI Norm Carolina'! Farorltc ! 1768. OLD NICK 1800. riURES CHILLS, COLDS, COUGH!. LOSS OF appetite, and Is by lar the beat gnoda la It ka, weah laara aod conatataptioa, aa H aaa beaa k Kai l ST. for its parity over 18 years. all In need of Pure Rye or Corn Whiskey to writ far prica liat, as a korp rands onaaiaat V na hand that ara FOUR YEARS OLD and qarpl rectified. Wa ahlo ra anv Quantity OLD NICK WHISKEY COMPANY, Part her Crack. Yadaia Cm., N. C jan S3 Cm IP TO OUR PATRONS ! . TN ORDER TO GIVE OUR SALESMEN BE- creation our Store will be clnaed every Friday a4 1 o'ctock p. m., beginning Jane 1st ami andtag Aagwat 15th. Our Summer Footwear is fast disappearing ew ac coat al Don't fail to see nor stock belora parrluMtnf Geo. E. French & Sons. 108 North Trent Btreot. je5 tt The Hewlett Houso. CY FRIENDS AND THE PUBUC CtN- erally are respectfully notified thai I aara aaat a teurive additions to my premises at 8 wit a bark Sa tioo, Wrightsrilla Beach, and ass now preparad M m commodate tbeta Hth taa beat of everything. rresh Fiab, Soft Crabs, Deviled Crabs, randy on tbe artiral of every train. Bar in the rear and separate anal eUaUnrt frnsa Ike dining ja 6 tl JASA. HEWLETT. 3D. O'Connor RF.ATi ESTATE 'AOEZfT. Wilmington, North OorollnA. REAL ESTATE DOUCHT A BOLD Loan Nagotiatad on Qty Properts. Storcn, DwelUaga, OAena and Htk for Rant. RanU collected. Tssaa and Isawjrnnr) pronptly attended to. ' Hottaea aad Lota for aala en the nwmtbly snatabaant plan. Cash advanced on cstf property. ap It U TV MO 1 .' '.. " - - - - -i

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