The fH0rwtxg jHfetr WILLIAM II. BERNARD. - i L IU IPHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. S ATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOO, IN ADVAKCS S Ore Vear ,by Mail), Postage Paid.., g 00 Six Months. gj Three Months, 60 One Month, W To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of , p Twelve Cents per week. Our City Agents -t not authorized to collect for more than three month advance. r ' u the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, as b Second Class Mail Matter. OUTLINES. President Harrison was at Galesburg, lilir.o;?. yesterday, where he reviewed hio'd command, the first brigade, third jivi?:oji of the twentieth army corps; thcr0 was a large gathering, and the cit was profusely decorated; the Presi dent made a brief speech in response to Id i ess of welcome, in which politics wa studiously avoided, and confined't principally to an expres s;on of nis pleasure in meeting with o of his old comrades. Several representatives of the Inter national and Iron and Steel Institute of nirja:nl arrived in Pittsburg Sunday ni lu: th-y are here to gain practical i!ii"1.:-:uaii-n. and to ascertain, as far as possi:'- the material resources of the oxinii'v. particularly in the South both above and below ground; our go vernment they consider stable, and they feci that investments here are sound, .:;: at the same time profitable. Tne Louisiana Lottery Company will usj ilie express companies as agents, and tor the transmission of moneys, tijiie: drawings, &c; the Attorney Goa .'-'ai " L 'aisiana calls attention to di:s purpose, and is making efforts to prevent its being carried out. Th r.ean.s iips Teutonic and th:. City of Xj.v V ."rt are still keeping coaipany in t.i r t .hps across the Atlantic; both vcisjis arrived at New York yesterday, nuking tiie trip irorn Queenstown in i.niv a few minutes difference in time. ihveive persons were killed and L injured by the explosion at the Ou.i.'.'.t po,vder mills. Tne condi a ). ..: the King of Holland is un- i -. '.e !. and it is thought a regency ,v.h established in about two weeks. - lames Atkins, a prominent Repub lic i. p-)lipcan of Georgia, was found :e 1 ia hTs bed at Savannah, yesterday :a ni,, from heart disease. A o;i.u::h irorn Buenos Ay res says the ; ir'.i h a a impending revolution are wita .it lo iudation; there is no reason to lar trouble, and the city and the .'.Mjle ouniry are tranquil. The strike i.-; siik ribbon weavers at Pate r s::i. N. has been settled; the strike v is .i.ast a reduction in ( wages of ten pr The only son of ex-Guv. Rhode isiancj, committed s-.ciuc ..t Seattle, Washington, yesier- i ,y, Li. M.iahng chi orm. J. S. Bahe,, . a large lumber dealer in Georgia, v,.s ki.;ei! Tuesday nig'nt by one of his cl ras. Three large manufacturing e;. . ).: aai jats will soon be started in the i juta. one in Alabama and two in Virginia. Langston has been no -ii i aated by his colored friends for C ' lgress from the fourth Virginia dis t t. - Ku be Burrows, the train r.rjber, ,vas sliot and killed yesterday ; ' Lin lea jail, Alabama, while trying to cs:u;j. The railroad men are :. )i lir.g a general time convention in Xe.v Vork. The Comte de Paris visited Washington's tomb yesterday, and v.iil gu to Richmond to-day td v'iit the battie-lields around that city. New York markets: Money easy at 3 per cent.; c- tton steady; middling 'Jplaads 10 .,-ii$ cents; middling Orleans 1,;2 cents; southern flour firm and -! Jiet; wheat duli, unsettled and weaker; N j. ,' red $1 ) OG; corn quiet and weaker; N'o. red, 57 cents; rosin naiet and steady; strained corn-non to ii 4(3i 4a; spirits turpentine i 1 i.y-xzr at 4041 cen..--. S.viit running steamers were in de mand for a few weeks before the passage of the McKinley Tariff bill, to get imported goods over before the law went into effect. A St. Louis dispatch speaks of a comet visible from that town which appears, disappears and reappears." Inert is no accounting for the ac tions of a St. Louis comet. John El am, a former law partner, '-f Mr. Harrison, says the President assured him that he would uot be a candidate for re-election, He wouldn't shoot Niagara, either. Mr. Kenniston, of Appleton, Me., is a model citizen and a model Dem ocrat. He cast his first vote for Andrew Jackson and has never missed voting at an election since. If an enthusiastic old Hoosier, wno voted for Harrison's grandfa ther, and who voted for him, too, couldn't presume to call him Ben, who could ? If not, why not? He might even call him Benny without encroaching upon the lines of strict Propriety. A great many Republican states men have taken the stump. If they would confine themselves to taking tne stump, the treasury of this coun- Lry wouldn't be on the verge of bankruptcy as it is. The Republi can statesmen have very taking ways between their takes and mistakes the country is in a bad fix. iltiil VOL. XLVII.-NO. 15. Mr. Peters, Republican of Kansas. although opposed to some features of the new tariff bill, swallowed it as a whole, and wishes it could be made a "punishable offence for any mem ber of Congress to introduce a bill for a revision of the tariff during the next ten years.!' He doubtless" ex presses the sentiments of the pro tected "manufacturers on this point, who would be perfectly willing to extend the period to twenty-five in stead of ten years. When the Republican candidate for Governor of Tennesseee opened his campaign in Nashville last week" it was given out that the colored brethren would not be allowed seats on the floor of the house with white folks but would be seated in the gal leries. The colored sovereigns de clined this unasked for elevation, said they were not proud and were perfectly willing to sit with the wKite Republicans down "below, and they "sot." When that old Hoosier at Wash ington, Ind:,addreed Mr. Harrison as Ben, Mr. Harrison,great man as he is, though Tom Reed, since the Portland custom house swipe, sajs he's small, didn't swell and get mad but said he hoped the old fellows would all call him Ben. If he con tinues in this happy, familiar frame of mind he may limber up enough to go on a bender with some of 'em be fore his junket winds up. An exploring expedition which has just returned from Alaska, measured some of the mountains out there and found that they were not as high as they were supposed to be. Mount Elias which was said to be ' 19,500 feet high is less than 15,000. Moun tains are not the only things which shrink when measured up. Some people thought Harrison a big man, but Tom Reed who has been measur ing him says he is a "little thing." Tom Reed actually speaks of the great Republican President as "that little thing at the other end of the avenue." When Thomas gets wroth he gets very wroth. Then his sash becomes really useful as well as decorative, for it keeps him from fly ing apart. But what a touring rage he must have been in when he could thus minimise the illustrious grand son of his grandfather. Joe Cannon, of Illinois, has taken the stump and is shooting off his mouth in his district. If all the ac counts from his stamping ground be true, he'll feel like taking to the woods before the campaign closes. "We are 65,000,00X) of people with energy, brains and enterprise, ready to reach out in every direction," says Boss Reed, and he might have added, they who think like me are ready to take every thing within reach. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Star Office Boy wanted. Prof. Koeben Cithara concert. Munson & Co The finest goods. F. M. Moore A rare opportunity. Charming Cithara Cpncjert, A most excellent concert on that wonderful and charming instrument the Cithara, will be given to-morrow (Fri day) night in Luther Memorial Build ing, by Prof. J. Koeben and wife and daughter. This trio of charming play ers, it is said, excel anything ever heard on the Cithara. Each one is a master on the instrument, and when heard as soloists, as duet players or trio, they play charmingly. They gave a delightful rehearsal in Luther Memo rial Building last night that most high ly pleased and delighted the audience present. A Clock For the Government Building. At the meeting of the Board of Alder men last Monday it was mentioned by Alderman Hicks that the government would place a clock in the tower of the public building, and that with the co operation of the city authorities tojne extent of supplying an electric light the clock would be provided with glass dials so that it could be illuminated at nieht. The matter was referred to the committee on lights of the Board. Exports Foreign, Messrs. E. Peschau Si Westerman cleared the German barque Charlotte and Anna yesterday, for Stettin, Ger many, with a cargo of 4,000 barrels o rosin, valued at $5,800 Edward Kidder's Son cleared the British barque Lydia Peschau for Port-of-Soain. Trinidad, with 285,000 feet of lumber, valued at $3,477.50. I ' " ' " -" 1,1 ' ' ' ' I I I I, ,H .III II II WILMINGTON, LOCAL DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered Here and There and Briefly Noted. A movement is on foot for the ormation of a new electric light com pany. Mr. Andrew Jackson- Yopp is registrar for the Third Ward, nof W. H. Yopp, as the types had it yesterday. Dixie Gilmer, the well known excursion manager, is reported seriously sick at his father's home in Mt. Airy. Remember, you cannot vote in the coming election unless you register. This is a new registration throughout. Billy, have you registered? Johnnie, have you registered? Tommie, yes, you, Tommie, have you registered? The regular prayer meeting will be held in the Lecture Room of the First Presbyterian Church to-night at 8 o'clock. Two cases of disorderly con duct were tried yesterday in the Mayor's Court, and five dollars fine was imposed in each case. Mr. W. S. Warrock, who has been seriously sick several weeks, is im proving and it is now believed he has passed the critical point. The British steamship Mar- mion went into berth at the Wilmington Compress, where she will load with cot ton for an European port. You are again reminded that you cannot vote in the coming election unless you register anew. All old regis trations amount to nothing. The Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina will meet in annual ses sion at the First Presbyterian Church in this city on Tuesday the 21st inst. The Real Estate Investment Company of Wilmington has purchased rom the State Board of Education about one hundred thousand acres of land in Hyde county, subject to ap proval of title. The steam tug Alexander Jones, for some time past undergoing repairs at the ship yard, came out yes terday, repainted and in first class order every way. During the present towing season she will be under the command of Capt. J no. W. Harper. W., O. & E. C. RAILROAD. Thirty-Two Miles Completed Pushing on to XJewbern. A party of gentlemen -connected with the Onslow Railioad were in Newbern ast Tuesday. They were "the contrac tor, Mr. lhos. A. Mclntyre, ot rsew York; the general manager, M. H. A. Whiting, of Wilmington, and Messrs. Henry E. Knox and Wilbur Mclntyre, of New York, and Dr. R. W. Ward, of Jacksonville, N. C. The Newbern Jour nal says the party came from Wilming ton by the railroad as far as built, and by private conveyance the remainder of the way, and they report that about thirty-two miles of the road have been completed, which brings it within about eighteen miles of Jacksonville. The road has been graded all the way to Jacksonville, and the surveyors are now twelve miles beyond that place, and will reach Polloksville by the middle of next week. El ec trio Lights and Cotton Bales. The Norfolk Virginian of Tuesday last", prints the following : A bale of cotton, piled up close to an electric light post and under the electric lamp at the foot of Fayette street was . . j r- i 1 n l l. 1 aiscoverea on nre auum iu o -hm-k. mai. nieht. but was put out before it could set the adjoining bales in flames. Chief of the Fire Department Captain Thomas KeviH. was sent for, and thinks that the cotton was set on fire by a spark from J the electric light lamp. lhe glooe around the light was broken, it is thought, by cotton bales being thrown against the post witn a jar. iniei Kevill will see Mayor Morris to-day and request him to Issue an order prohibit ing cotton from being piled around electric light poles. a Police Brotherhood A meeting of members of the police force of the city was held last evening at the City Hall in response to notifica tion from Col. E. D. Hall. Chief of Police, to consider the question of ap pointing delegates to attend the State Convention of Policemen to be held in Raleigh on the 15th inst. Col. Hall ex plained the object of the meeting, and on motion Sergt. Skipper and officer G. W. Gafford were appointed delegates to the Convention. The purpose, as it is understood, is to form an association for the mutual bene fit and advancement of members Peanut Market. Peanuts of the new crop are begin ning to arrive in market and dealers re port prices pai as five and five and-a- half cents per pound, according to con dition and quality. The only arrivals, so far, are of the variety known as "Vir einia" peanuts- Norfolk quotes the market weak, with prices as follows: Fancy. 7 cents; strict lv prime. 6M cents; prime, 6 cents common, 2&5 cents; shelled, 45 cents. N. C, THURSDAY; OCTOBER 9, 1890. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. H. M. Croom. of Pender, nominated for Stat Senator. The Republican Senatorial Conven tion of New HanOver, and Pender counties, was held yesterday at the Court House in this city, to nominate a candidate for -the Twelfth Senatorial district. Gen. S. H. Manning was nom inated for the position, without opposi tion, but upon being apprised of the fact, in a brief speech declined the honor, for the reason that he thought Pender county was entitled to the Senator. He suggested the name of R. M. Croom, of Pender county. Gen. Manning's declination having been accepted Mr. R. M. Croom was unanimously nominated, "whereupon the following resolution was passed: We recognize in Gen. S. H. Manning a true leader of the Republican party. irie has been sheriff of New Hanover county for the past sixteen years, and m ail that long period he has been faithful to his trusts, and has the confi dence of all our leading men regardless of party. He was among the first to make his settlements with the State of all moneys entrusted to him, and he comes up to the standard, "an honest man s the noblest work of God. We pledge ourselves to support him for any office he ever runs for. BY RIVER AND RAIL. Receipts of Naval Stores and Cotton Yesterday. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R. 498 bales cotton, 17 casks spirits turpentine, 143 bbls. rosin, 70 bbls. tar. Wilmington & Weldon R. R. 585 bales cotton, 8 casks spirits turpen tine, 70 bbls. rosin, 8 bbls. tar, 8 bbls. crude turpentine. Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R, 31 bales cotton, 12 casks spirits tur pentine, 30 bbls. rosin. Carolina Central R. R. 71 bales cotton, 16 casks spirits turpentine, 27 bbls. rosin, 13 bbls. tar. Steamer D. Murchison 29 bales cot ton, 12 casks spirits turpentine, 173 bbls. rosin, GO bbls. tar. Schooner Samuel 9 casks spirits turpentine, 8o bbls. rosin, G8 bbls. tar. By flats and rafts 13 bales cotton, 13 casks spirits turpentine, 4 bbls. tar. Total receipts cotton, 1,227 bales; spirits turpentine, 87 casks; rosin, 534 bbls; tar, 224 bbls; crude turpentine, 18 bbls. All Watches Compasses. A writer in the London Truth says: A few days ago I was standing by an American gentleman, when I expressed a wish to know which point was north. He at once pulled out his watch, looked at it, and pointed to the north. I asked him whether he had a compass attached to hfs watch. "All watches," he replied, 'are compasses. Then he explained to me how this was. Point the hour hand to the sun and the south is exactly half wav between the hour and the figure XII on the watch, for instance, sup pose that it is 4 o'clock. Point the hand indicating 4 to the sun and II on the watch is, exactly south. Suppose that it is 8 o clock, point the hand indi cating 8 to the sun, and the figure X on the watch is due south. My American friend was quite surprised that I did not know this. Thinking that very possibly I was ignorant of a thing that every one else knew, and happening to meet Mr. Stanley, I asked that eminent traveller whether he was aware of this simple mode of discovering the points of the comoass. He said that he had never heard of it. I presume", there fore, that the world is in the same state of ignorance. Amalfi is proud of having been the home of the inventor ot the compass, l do not know wnat town boasts of my American friend as a citi zen. Sudden Death. Mrs. Amanda Millis, wife of J. C. Millis, Esq.. and mother of Mr. J. W. Millis, of this city.and-Rev.D. J.MIllis, of Missouri, died suddenly at half-past 11 o'clock last night at the home of the family in this city. Although unwell for several days past, she had been up and attending to household duties, and it was only after she had retired for the night that she w?s seized with the fatal sickness dying before a physician could be called to attend her. It is supposed that heart disease was the cause of her death. Weather Forecasts. The following are the weather fore casts. for to-day: For Virginia, fair, slightly warmer, southerly winds. For North Carolina, fair weather ex cept showers on the coast, easterly winds, slightly warmer. For South Carolina, slightly warmer. easterly winds, rain followed by fair weather in the northwest portion. For Georgia, rains except fair weather in the extreme northwest portion, south easterly winds, slightly warmer. Cotton Belt Bulletin. Slight showers were reported yester day at stations in this district of the cot ton ' belt, the average rainfall being 4-100ths of an inch. In most of the other districts the rainfall was heavier, but the Little Rock, Memphis, New Or leans and Vicksburg districts reported no rain ' at all. The temperature was about normal, the average maximum raneine from 76 to 84, and the mini mum from 50 to 68 Star REGISTRATION. The Hours and Places for the Different Wards in the City. The hours for registration each day JN consequence of ill health and . " ..fix having more business than I can attend to, I offer circ II U 111 a u nuv-ft. a. 111. l t kj iuirv p. m.,. and from 3.30 p.m. until sun down. The places of registration and the registrars are as follows: First Ward First Division Wil liams' store, corner of Fourth and Harnett streets, Tom Williams, re gistrar. Second Division Strauss' store, on Fourth between Hanover and Brunswick streets; J. D. Love, registrar Third Division Store on City Hos pital lot. Charles Craig registrar. Second Ward County Courthouse. W. H. Styron registrar. Third Ward Near Giblem Lodge, Princess and Eighth sts. A. J. Yopp registrar. Fourth Ward Cape Fear engine house, Ann street. T. G. Pickett regis trar. Fifth Ward First Division Ulrich's store, corner of Front and Church streets. Wm. Ulrich registrar. Second Division Hanby's store, cor ner of Eighth and Dock streets. Jos. H. Hanby registrar. Registration of voters will be closed at sundown, October 24th. The books will be revised Saturday. October 25th. The Bice Crop.1 Rice will be high this year. Not only has there been a partial failure of the crop in this country, but in the rice-producing sections of India and Japan the crop has also been a failure, and for this reason the prices should be good, which will compensate in some degree for the losses sustained. The failure of the crop in Japan has amounted to almost a rice famine and the grain is so scarce that the government, fearing the effect of speculative operations, has forbidden the exportation of it. Heretofore, de spite the duty imposed, th Japan rice has come in close competition with the American product, and has frequently affected the market seriously, From this we will not suffer this year, how ever, and rice planters will no doubt re joice accordingly. RANGE OF THE THERMOMETER. The following is the range of the ther mometer yesterday at the Signal Office in this city, as compared with the same date last year: ltjyu iy 12 o'clock noon . . 67 54 2 p. m 71- 57 4 p. m 72 58 Wilmington District Fourth Kound Quarterly Meetings In Part. Scott's Hill, Scott's Hill, October 11th and 12th. Bladen Street, October 12th at night. Clinton, Keeness, October 18th and 19th. Sampson, McGee's Dedications, 25th and 26th. Magnolia, Centenary, November 1st and 2nd. Elizabeth, Elizabethtown, November 8th and 9th. Waccamaw, Shiloh, November 14th , and 16th. Rocky Point, Burgaw Creek, 19th and 20th. Cokesburg, McNatt's, November 22nd and Z3rd. Brunswick Mission, November 28th. Brunswick Circuit. November 28th and 30th. Kenansville, Charity, December 3rd and 4th Grace Church, Dedication, December 7th. F. D. Swindell. Presiding Elder. THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: CLOSE. For North and way stations W & W R R. 8:00 a m For Charlotte and way stations C C R R and West o:o" a m For Mt. Airy and way stations C F & Y V Railroad 8:00 a m ForWrightsville 8 00 am For Southport 8:30 a m For Clinton. Maenolia and Goldsboro 3:00 p m For points South W La AK K. p m For Charlotte and way stations 7:00 p m For South W C & A R R Train No, 27. . 9:10 p m For North W & W R R Train No. 14. . . .11.-00 p m Vnr Rmnswir.k Countv and Little River. S. C Tuesdavs and Iridavs o:uu a m For Cape Fear River Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 p m For' Onslow County Mondays and rndays 0:am MAILS READY FOR DELIVERY (WHEN THE TRAINS ARE ON TIME). Charlotte, Monroe, Maxton and Cronly.,,. 8:00 am All Points South, Train .No. 78 9:15 a m From Southport j:w p m From Clinton, Magnolia and Goldsboro 11:45 a m From Wrightsville 7:00 p m From Mt. Airy and points tin v..:uupm From North Train No. 23 7:00 pm From Charlotte and way stations 8.00 p m From North W & W R R 11:00 p m From South 2,00 am From T.ittle River. S. C. and Brunswick CO., Mondays and lhursdays t 'WPR I ronijLanaiugs tape tear nvci, jluu. . v. . From Onslow county, " 7:30 p m liJSU. Z.. Jf ci!.JNLi rostmaster. DIED. LOSS AN. In this city, yesterday, JOHN T. LOS-; SAN. infant son of Japt. 1 nomas ana Annita a. san, agsd 9 months. Funeral this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o clock from the residence, corner of Third and Wright streets, thence to Bellevue Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Charming Cithara Concert, A T LUTHER MEMORIAL HALL, FRIDAY night, October 10th, at 7 o'clock, by Prof. J. Koeben, wife and daughter. Admission for adults 25 cents; children 10 cents. oct9 2t Call at 27 Market Street. w E HAYE THE BEST QUALITY Of Patent Table Oil Cloth, Lamps, Pictures, Trunks, Looking Glasses, Tinware, Crockery, Hyasinth Glasses, Flower Pots, Holland Hyasinth Bulbs, -Lollies, &c, &c. W. J. KIKKnAM & UU., oct Ktf 27 Market street. WHOLE NO. 7.496 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Rare Opportunity. for sale, lease or rent, my large splendid two-story Store, with out-houses, commodious Cart House, two acres of rich garden land and a small Cottage, all nicely enclosed with a good board fence. Everything is bright and new, and located just three miles from Wilmington on the Georgetown Road, which is the kev to the citv from Brunswick Countv. It is one of the best trading points in the State, as quantities of every variety ot produce are constantly passing the door; besides a heavy local trade. Large sums of money are being paid to hundreds of laborers every week in the vicinity. Address F. M. MOORE, Phoenix P. O. Brunswick Co., N. C, for terms. oct a lw IN OUR Merchant Tailoring Department THE ' FINEST GOODS IN THE MARKET. We use but the best Tsimmings and the make is by competent workmen. If you will call upon us we will take pleasure in showing our stock, whether you purchase or not. IVkmson 9c Co., MERCHANT TAILORS, &c. oct 7 tf OFFICE OF TREASURER, Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Co., Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 20th, 1890. rpHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WIL mi.igton & Weldon Railroad Co. have authorized the payment of three and a half per cent, interest on the certificates of indebtedness of this Company. The in terest on said certificates is due and payable at the office of the Treasurer on and after October 1st, 1890. 1 ransfer Books will stand closed until October 1st, 1890. JAS. F. POST, Jr., sep 21 tf Secretary and Treasurer. We Are Coming! AND WILL GET HERE THE 15TH OCTOBER WITH A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF UPHOLSTERY GOODS, BRASS GOODS, Window Shades, MADE TO ORDER IN ANY SIZES. Will have a new and complete line of WALL PAPERS. THE LATEST DESIGNS IN Carpets and Mouldings. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE AND Renovate Mattresses. Mail orders have our personal auenlion. JgWe will give you good work and low prices. Our goods are all the latest designs. We buy direct from the Factories. Wait for us. You will find us just above Taylor's Bazaar, Market street. Low Prices at Williams & Robinson's. sed 27 tf BERRY GLEAVES President and Manager F. W. JtERCHNER Treasurer I OWEN F. LOVE Secretary The Gleaves Hardware Co WHOLESAE DEALERS IN TTAPT1WAPP. fSTTTT.P.P.Y I i v - -t--j-jj.v GUNS, TINWARE, &c, &c. Nos. 320 to 224 North Water Street, WILMINGTON N. C. We are Jobbers only and sell no goods at retail. my 4 tf Kortk Carolina's Fayorite ! 1768. OLD NICK 1890. pURES CHILIS, COLDS, COUGHS, LOSS OF appetite, and is by far the st goods to be had for wean lungs ana consiumpuua, as u uu uccu kuvr u for its purity over li years, we earnestly requesx in need of Pure Rye or Corn Whiskey. to write for mice list, as we keeo Broods constant hand that are FOUR YEARS OLD and quadrupi rectified. We ship m any quantity desired. OLD NICK WHISKEY COMFAJNY, Panther Creek, Yadkin Co., N. C jan 23 lv Id Open Day and Night! UVCr Saloon, QORNER OF NORTH WATER AND MUL , berry etreets, is open from 1 o'clock a. m. Monday until 11.45 p. m. Satnrday. CHAS. P. BEOWN, Agent, mar 9 D&W tf Wilmington, N. C. Patent Medicines, LL KINDS. LINCOLN LITHIA -.WATER and Buffalo Lithia Water, bold by JOHN B. HANKS. Pharmacist, Third St. Opposite City Hall. PRESCRIPTIONS AT NIGHT. Telephone" 109. sep28tf Wanted, A DRUG CLERK. ! MUST BE A REGIS- 2A. tered Pharmacist. JAMES u. huh, The Druggist, No. 20 North Front St., Wilmington, N. C, oct5tf . COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KEMTUCKY UN IVERSITT, Iv Highest Award at World'. Kxpadtlan. Beok-'keepiBg, Buinen, Short-hand, Trpa I Writing aad Telegraphy taught. 1000 Stu dent. 13 teaohern. 10,000 GradoatM In BarineM. Begtn AOl A41MM WILBUB B. SMITH, Frc't, LcxlflKtan. Kk aug;21 D6w th W2t eow WE EXHIBIT BATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square One Day... ..,...' .f 1 00 I 76 1 wo Days.. , " " Three Day 9 50 5 00 50 4 00 6 50 8 50 10 00 18 00 roar Days Five Da vi . ::::::::::::b: .. One Week...., Two Weeks..., Three Wseks . , One Month..., Two Months. . , Three Months. Vt M 00 40 00 Six Months.. " One Year CO 00 Contract Advertisements taken at proportion ately low rates. Tea lines solid Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW GOODS Received dally, comprising the latest novelties in STYLISH MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS! Miss Glenn, of New York, WILL HAVE CHARGE OF THE Trimming Department. . The Announcement of Our Fall and Winter Opening will be Made Later. "Orders Promptly Attended to at THE LADIES' EMPORIUM, No. 115 Market Street. sep 27 tf Important Notice. JT A RECENT MEETING OF THE STOCK holdersof the CAROLINA INSURANCE COM PANY an increase of Capital Stock was authorised. Notice is now given that Books of Subscription to the Capital Stock of said Company, will be opened at the office of the Secretary, and remain open'until the first day of November, unless the amount authorized :s subscribed before that date. All persons wishing stock in the Company will communicate with the Secretary either in person or by letter. M. S. WILLARD, Sec'y, oct 8 3t . 210 North Water St. CL COTTOU. 3-3 INSUR WITH LiyerDOOl& LoMon & (Hole Insurance Co. LOSSES-AID "SPOT" CASH WITHOUT ' SIXTY DAYS' DISCOUNT. SMITH & BOATWHIGHT, Agts. sep 7 tf MULLETS! MULLETS!! FINE LOT OF FRESH MULLETS FOR sale. Also a full line of GROCERIES at the lowest prices. a. r . KE11H, JR., Commission Merchant, oct 7.D&W tf 130 North Water St. Fine lamps. JEST RECEIVED A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Library and Parlor LAMPS. Call and see them. Prices low at GEO. A. PECKS, oct7tf 25 South Front street. CC. TTT ZETIRfCJV CALL AT Sanders $t Co.'s ND TRE IT. THERE YOU WILL FIND A L full assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries. A few very fine N. C. HAMS and SIDES. A nice line of Cakes, Oyster, Lunch, Milk and Water CRACKERS. Daily receipts of fresh EGGS and CHICKENS at the "Unlucky Corner." sep 28 tf The Largest Stock QF PATENT MEDICINES IN THE CITY can be found at JNO. H. HARDIN'S, New Market. oct 5 tf ILiCrw- Prices FOR SUGAR, FLOUR. CAKES, COFFEE, STARCH, SNUFF, ,OAP, (JK.AvJKfc.Kb, IUBAU.U. Consignments Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Tar and Lumber carefully handled. mar 8 tt wuuuv az lukkih. Be Wilmington Steam Lanndry Co. ARE NOW PREPARED TO TAKE UPON reasonable terms a limited amount of family washing, which will be in charge of a competent lady. WUK1H UKAJMt-H, sep23 tf Proprietors. Fall Stock Hardware, Tinware, Complete For sale by je 29 tf GILES & MURCHISON 1,000 Bales Hay. T LOW FIGURES, AT D. McEACHERN S Grain nd Feed Store, sep 14 tf 126 North Water street. School Books, SCHOOL BOOKS. THE PLACE TO BUY THEM CHEAP, Yates' Book Store. oct 5 tf A BOY COMPETEHT TO EDH JOB PRESSES. APPLY AT STAR OFFICE. sep80 3r nac