- it i . -1 . ' ' I I er's Sarsaparilla The Best Blood Medicine So say Leading Physicians and Druggists, and their opin ion is indorsed by thousands cured by it of Scrofula, Ec zema, Erysipelas, and other diseases of the blood. "AVer's Sarsaparilla lias won its repu tation by years of valuable service to the community. It is t',u besV R. S. Lang, Drucgist. 212 Merrimack st., Lowell, Mass. Dr. V'. P. Wright, Paw iaw Ford, Tenn., says : " In mJ practice, I invariably, pre scribe Ayer's Sarsaparilla for chronic dis eases of the blood." Dr. R. K- Boyle, Third and Oxford sts.,, Philadelphia, Pa., writes : " For two years I have prescribed Ayer's Sarsaparilla ia numerous instances, and I find it highly efficacious in the treatment of all disorders of the blood." L. M. Robinson, Pharmacist, Sabina, O., certifies : "Ayer's Sarsaparilla has always teen a great seller. My customers think tnere is no blood-purifier equal to it." For many years I was afflicted with scrofulous running sores, which, at last be came so bad the doctors advised amputating one of my iegs to save my life. I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla and soon saw an improvement. After using about two dozen bottles the sores were healed. I continue to take a few bottles of this medicine each year, for my blood, and am no longer trou bled with sores. I have tried other reputed blood-purifiers, but none does so mucli good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla."--D. A. Robinson, Xeal.Kansas. Don't fail to get Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LoweS, Mass. cold by Druggists. $1, six $5. Worth $5 a bottle. feb 2S DW Iy OTTERBURN LITHIA and MAGNESIA WATER! ! 1 NOT ONLY CURES "BRIGHT'S DISEASE" BUT ALSO DIABETES. Mannboko, Va., April 7, 18888. :- r a year I have been suffering with a form of Kid-.-.cv Disease which' my physician (Dr. J. A. Hillman) :hought was Diabetes, and advised the use of Otter-ju-rf Li:hia and Magnesia Water. The quantity of uriae passed was greatly in excess of the natural se-crei-jn. and I lost forty pounds of flesh in a few mor.chs. The use of the Otterbuurn Water corrected rW:s excessive fiow entirely in six weeks, and I am a well man. " I tried many medicines without avail, and I attribute nv cure of this troublesome and dangerous disease en ire'v to the use of the Otterburn Water. R. N. BLANTON. KTISOXS OFTEN ASK ' WILL IT KEEP " Amelia County, Va., Feb. 24, 1888. hereby certify that two years ago I obtained some :he Water of the Ottsrbura Lithia and Magnesia ::g for ray wife, in a demijohn, and recently, st moving to another home, I found that some of iVater had been left in the demijohn. I poured it ir.d crank some of ir, and found it to be as pore i nice as when first taken from the Spring. G. E. CRADDOCK IT CURES RHEUMATIC GOUT. . K.Jefferson, of Johnstown, South Carolina, r'.-.ti as follows of it : "A lady here has been entirely relieved of a severe .i-.ici of Rheumatic Gout. She found such Tv.ediate relief she did not take any medicine or any ..ict remedy at all' and while on the sixth bottle sta :: that she had been entirely relieved and needed no no:.- V.'ater, her general health being also greatly im . r . -d. E. E. JEFFERSON." Richmond. Va., April 8, 1887 :-i been suffering for years with a complication irr and Kidney trouble, suffering great pain in Joa of the kidneys, and having my attention re: l.c : U- the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Water I .nrueaced to use it, and never experienced such re--:' fr -m anything. The very first half-gallon in-rra.--i the flow of urine and cleared it up. My appe-::- has been restored, and I feel that I cannot com-.-.2d the Water too highly. R. F. WALKER. M.'.nnboro, Va., March 17, 18S8. Wben i commenced the used of the Otterburn Lithia ZL-'. Magnesia Water, cn the 28th of January last, I .id no faith in any mineral water. I had been suffer r. ; ;r over three years with a disease that was pro- j.-.cci by a r:ontiunced by a prominent physician of '.T.monci to be an affection of the Kidneys, after making a scientific test. I had only used the Water one week when I was en iirely relieved of pain, which before had been constant r.nd a: times acute, and I have gained nineteen pounds . o ::esh, with a restoration of strength and energy. I ; ive the Water a fair test, using no other water and u ar.g n meo'icir.e. H. C. GREGORY. Amelia C. H., Va., December 15, 1888. i have been a Dyspeptic for the past fifteen years ind lately have suffered with Derangement of my Uri-i-iry O-ca.-.s. e itienced by great difficulty in voiding ins urine. About six months ago I commenced the -se "f rb,r Ot'.erbum Lithia and Magnesia Springs Water, and since that time there has been marked and tTaduai Improvement in my entire condition and state health. My digestion is better than it has been for .ve or six years, and the urinary trouble is entirely re-.,-veri. a:.d has been for the past two months. J. A. WALLACE, Cashier Planters' Bank of Amelia. OTTERBURN LITHIA SPRINGS GO. AJ. St. HELL. A MY, Agent, -D.iiWtf Wilminsrton, N. C. THE Acme Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre, AND PIUE FIBRE MATTING, WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS, X the ACME and GEM. is now established, and the result of three years' use in the hands of the best farmers of this and other States fulljr attest their value as a hih CTaHe. manure. . The MATTING, made from the leaves of our na tive pine, is conceded to be equal to any woven carpet for comfoit and durability, nd the demand for it is daily increasing; It has virtues not found in any otp.er fabric. The FIBRE, or wool, is extensively used for uphol stering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light, elastic and proof against insects. sepiu-J-8t Ml U Suffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manliood. etc., I will eend a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for home cure, FREE c charge. A splendid medical work ehouldbe read by every dan who is nervous and debilitated. Address, Prof. F, c FOWLER, Moodus, CoiUW nov 7 D&W ly CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH iSa RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND. K:ir! and alwaja reliable. ladles, uk Druggist for Diamond Brand, in red, xut'ialnc boxes, scaled villi bine riblmn. Take no other. All pill in pslNjarl boxes, pink wrappers, are dnrron wm-it . frfY! . Send 4a. (lartpe) for particulars, testimonials and "Keller fur Ladlca," in letter, by retan mail. Same Paptr. CUdiMter I'hra'l Co. -UOfaoa Bo FM!af Ay. to m El IS Sff 0 D 4Wtv SP1RI1S TUHPENTINE. Barlington News: -Thar horses shipped from here to the State- Mount Hollv News; W h,, it from a reliable sonrre that' u;-j ot spoke and handle fartmr 1. Holly, is an assured fact. "Rockinffharn Spirit Mr. John Raynolds of Black Jack, aged about 66 years, died at his home in that township on Oct. 12th, 1890. Lincolnton Courier? "Rich Lyman confirmed 18 persons at the Episcopal church here last Sunday a week, and 10 others in Rev. W R wt snore's charge. Charlotte News : The Charlotte cotton compress has been doinc some Dig work lately. In ten hours Saturday 926 bales were compressed, and of that number 505 were compressed in five hours. Greensboro Workman: A hrief note from Mr. O. R.Cox, ot Cedar Falls. announces the death ot the venerahl Peter Julian, an elder brother of th late Jesse Julian. Who riip.rt a month rr two ago in South Creensboro. Durham Recorder-. The Baotists of Durham are making preparations to build the Baptist Female College; it will be a grand institution for all comma generations; an the eyes of the people ! of the State will be turned to Durham when this and Trinity College are built. Washington Gazette: We are pained to note that Kemp Corham. 13 years old, living near Old Ford, while . walking around a threshiner machine on Tuesday, had his right arm caught in the machinery and mangled so badly as to require amputation just below the elbow. Salisbury Watchman: The Pied mont Alliance and Industrial Union Fair has been postponed until the 18th, 19th and 20th of November. This post ponement was found necessary owing to the managers not being able to get everything in readiness for the 21st of this month. Concord Standard: Jerry Cald well, a colored man living on Doctor Young's place, has a novel way of clean iug out cobwebs in a potato house. He set a match to them on Friday, and about one hour afterwards his "later" house was reduced to about one-half bushel of ashes. Rutherford Banner: One pota to weighing 9j pounds sent us by Mr. I. P. Guffy, we thought was about the top of the market, and enjoyed it im mensely. Mr. Billy Hampton now comes to the front with one weighing iuEj. pounas, ana measuring a incnes in circumference. Tarboro Banner: Jesse Brake, who, by the way, is going to be elected to the Legislature this year, has just fin ished taking the school census in No. 12 township. This census discloses the re markable tact that ot the 22b white chil dren of school age 113 are boys and 113 are girls. Of the colored there is one more tnrl than there are boys. Hendersonville Times: Cape M. C. Toms and W. A. Smith, who are at work getting up stock for our big hotel, say they are confident of success. The Hendersonville Land Improvement Company has an application for 7,000 acres of land for a sheep and cattle farm in Henderson county. - It is thought that the next tax assessment will show an increase of $300,000 in the property of Hendersonville. Nashville "Argonaut: Jim Lucas, of Castalia, takes the cake as a sprinter. He took part in a fox chase recently when he outran the dogs and captured Reynard himself. The cotton fields look like a snow drift,, but the color is rapidly changing under the nimble hands of the pickers who are busy de spoiling"them of the fleecy staple. Cer tainly the cotton planters as well as the tobacco planters have nothing to com plain of this year. Wilkesboro Chroniele There was another case of spider bite in Red dies River township last week. It seems to be an unlucky township in this re gard. There has been not less than fif teen or twenty cases of spider bite there within the last few months. We see in the Index an account of the killing of Hosea Warren by Bob Elliott with a knife, near Brady's cross roads, Iredell county. They were drinking and fell out about some money. They had been out west and had just returned a short time since. Elliott is in Statesville iail. Henderson Tomahawk Died at his ridence in this place on the 15th instant, Mr. L, P. Howard, aged 60 years. He had been sick about a week, and his death was a surprise. Mr. Jas. M. Williams, of this place, in getting off the excursion train while in motion, near Mason, on Thursday night, slipped and tell against some sharp rocks and had his face and throat fearfully lacera ted. He was brought here yesterday, when the wounds were dressed and sewed up. The business outlook here is good. The surrounding country has made good crops, and farmers will have less to buy than for several years. Wilson Advance: "Many of Our farmers are troued to get their cotton picked out. There is a great deal more in the fields ready for picking. The crop in Wilson county this year will surprise our people no little. We referred to the crop of sunflowers now being raised by Mr. B. B. Lewis. We saw him and he tells us he planted the sunflowers among his peanuts. He will make 50 bushels of peanuts to the acre, and also an excellent crop of sunflowers. He says hogs love the seed, and there is no better looa lor cmccens, geese, tur keys, etc. He is looking around for a market for the seed. - OUR STATE CONTEMPORARIES. Tf tVir Rnublican oartv is continued in power we will soon be shut in from the commerce 01 tne wonu as tuiupicicijr as if surrounded by a Chinese wall. Hickory Press and Carolinian. Prof. C D. Mclver said at Raleigh that a mainritv of the Dublic school teachers in North Carolina do not take a newspaper. That settles the mem ciency of the majority, and they ought to be bounced. Oxford Day. . It is a duty every man owes to his wife and children to register and vote, and vote right. The animal shaped like a man that sits at home and is too lafy to go and register is a wart on the body politic that ought to nave tne caustic applied to it. Morganton Herald. The Advance believes in partisan De- mocrats that r is,f Democrats who -believe in. and work to carry out the prin ciples of the Democratic party. We do not. need anr! iviil- ri ) i . this day, We want men with convic tions, men who believe in the principles of Democracy, and believing dare main tain them. Wilson Advance. TWINKL.NGS. Economy is wealth fw really enjoy. Great Barrington News. Jvery man is the architect of s own fortune. Anrl 1 itV l tirtw frit- most of us that there's no building in spector around. Fraternity. Many editors are of sur.h a peaceful nature that they will not pat a ucau uii meir editorials. fraternity Waiter Soup, sir? TheSDian No; rnnfrmnH wnnr 1-r.r-.., dence! I'm a stexs-Brooklvn Life. "I have fifteen clocks I'd like to sell you." 1 don t buy stolen goods, sir." Why. they weren't stolen, my dear I was married vesterdav" Jlptmit sir Free Press. Did Smithers make anv mo tions at the meeting?" "Well, not exactly motions. He made great many gestures Harper's Bazar. Banks At the fire the other night a woman saved the life of her pug dog and forgot about her child. Cumso And what became of the child? Banks Its life was saved hv a mastiff belonging to the family. Town Crier. He How would vou like to spend the honeymoon in Lapland? She I wouldn't care to. That's where we spent the most of our courtship, you know. Boston Herald. "It seems to me that I ouht to know vou." remarked a humorist to a joke. . "You ought to," replied the joke. "I am your own child, but I've been trans- 1 1 a i planted into me uerman ana Dactc since T 1 1 " 1 v- w ieit nome. pucs. Mrs. Aiken What do vou think of the Monroe doctrine, Mrs. Payne? Mrs. Payne I don't know anything about him. You see Dr. Keneen does all my doctorin'. Puck. Advice to in o tliers. For over fifty years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by mothers for their children while teeth- J mg. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suf fering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth ? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diar rhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, re duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow s boothing byrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of oae of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all drug gists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. winslow s soothing Syjwp " Is C onsnmptlon Incurable? Read the following: Mr. C. H. Mor ris, Newark. Ark., says: "Was down with. Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery ior (consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made. Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery ior consumption l would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at Robert R. Bellamy's Wholesale and Retail Drug Store. t IttieKlen'M Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever, Sores, Tetters, Chapped Hands, Chilblains.Corns. and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay is renuired. It is miaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 eents per box. For sale by Robert R. Bellamy, Wholesale and Ketaii Drug Xists. I OFFICE OF TREASURER, Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Co., Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 20th, 1890. rpHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WIL mi-igton & Weldon Railroad Co. have authorized the payment of three and a half per cent, interest on the certificates of indebtedness of this Company. The in terest on said certificates is due and payable at the office of the Treasurer on and after October 1st, 1890. Transfer Books will stand closed until October 1st, 1890. JAS. F. POST, Jr., sep 21 tf Secretary and Treasurer. H O'Connor REAL ESTATE AGENT, , Wilmington, North Carolina. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT and SOLD i 1 1 w Loans .Negotiated un u y rropcrwy. Stores, Dwellings, U ces ana nans for Rent. Rents collected. Taxes and Insurance promptly attended to. Houses and Lots for sale on the monthly instalment plan. Cash advanced on city property. ap . i 1 Mrs. Joe Person s REMEDY AND A FULL STOCK OF PATENT Medicines, Toilet Articles and Pure Drugs and Chemicals can always be tounu at F C. MILLER'S. Druesnst, Comer S. Fourth and Nun sts P. !. Prescriptions filled dav and night. 100 Barrels Mullets o N CONSIGNMENT, LANDED TO-DAY. Must be sold quick. SAM'L BEAR, Sr., 12 'Market street. oct 14 tf The Wilmington Steal Laundry Co. RE NOW PREPARED TO TAKE UPON reasonable terms a limited amount of family washing, which will be in charge oWCH, sep23 tf Proprietors. 1,000 Bales Hay, A T LOW FIGURES, AT D. McEACHERN'S Grain nd FeedlStore, 126 North Waterstreet. sen 14 tf (I 1 - tra in STTPBEME & STJPEBIOB COURTS OF NORTH CAROLINA--1890. JUDGES. NAME. " DISTRICT. RESIDENCE. Geo. H. BroWn, 1 ' - Beaufort. " Fred. Philips;." i2 Edgaiombe.i H. G. Connor, ' 3 Wilson. Spier Whitaker, 4 . Wake. ohn A. Gilmer, 5 Guilford. E. T, Boykin, 1 6 Sampson. ames C McKae, 7 Cumberland. W. J. Montgomery, 8 Cabarrus. Tesse F. Graves. . . 9 Surrv. . John Gray Bynum, 10 William M. Shipp, 11 , Mecklenbure. J."H. Merrimon, 12 Buncombe. SOLICITORS. NAME. DISTRICT. RESIDENCE. Perquimans. Halifaz. Martin. Wake. Durham. -Duplin. Richmond. Iredell. Rockingham. Caldwell. Necklenburg. Buncombe. John W. Blount, 1 G. H. White (col), 2 D.- Worthington, 3 T. M. Argo, 4 Isaac R. Strayhorn, 5 O.H.Allen, 6 Frank McNeill, 7 B. F. Long, 8 Thomas Settle, W. H. Bower, 10 Frank L. Osborn, 11 James M. Moody, 12 ' Time of Holding Court. First Tudicial District. Spring Judge Whitaker. r all J udge Connor. . Beaufort tFeb. 17th, May 26th, Nov. 24th. Currituck Maich 3d, Sapt. 1st. Camden March 10th, Sept. 8th. Pasquotank March 17th, Sept. 15th. Perquimans March 24th, Sept. 22d. Chowan March 31st, Sept. 29th. Gates April 7th, Oct. 6th. Hertford April 17th, Oct. 13th. Washington April 21st, Oct. 20th. Tyrrell April 28th, Oct. 27th. Dare May 5th, Nov. 3d. Hyde May 12th, Nov. 10th. Pamlico Mav 19th. Nov. 17th. Second Judicial District. -Spring Judge Womack. fall Judge Whitaker. Halifax tMarch 3d, May 12th, Nov. 10th. NorthamDton tJan. 20th. March 31st. April 1st, Sept. 20th. tJertic t eb. 3d, April astn, uct. 7tn. Craven tFeb. 10th, ayl 26th, Nov. 24th. Warreit March 17th, Sept. 15th. Edgecombe April 14th, Oct. 13th. Third Tudical District. Spring Judge Boykin. fail judge womacK. Pitt Tan. 6th, March 17th, tTune 9th, Sept. 15th. f ranklin Ian. aoth, April 14th, imov. 10th. Wilson tFeb. 3d, June 2d, Oct. 27th. Vance Feb. 17th, May 19th, Oct. 13th. martin March 3d, Sept. 1st, JDec. 1st. Greene March 31st, Sept. 29th. Nash April 28th, Nov. 17th. Fourth, Judicial District. Spring Judge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykin. Wake Jan. 6th. tFeb. 24th. March 24th, tApril 21st, July 9th, tAug,7j, Sfnt. 22d. tOct. 20tb. Wavne Jan. 20th, march 10th, April 14th, Sept. 8th, Oct. 13th. Harnett feb. 3d, Aug. 4tn, jnov. 24th. Johnston Feb. 10th, Aug. 11th, Nov. 10th. Fifth Judicial District. Spring Judge Armfield. fall judge Macisxie. Durham Jan. 13th, March 24h, June 2d, Oct. 13th. Granville Jan. 27th, April 21st, July. 21st, Nov. 24th. Chatham Feb. 12th, May 5th, bept. 29th. Guilford Feb. 17th, May 26th, Aug. 15th. Dec. 8th. Alamance March 3d, May 19th, Oct. 27th. Orange March 17th, Aug. 4th, Nov. 3d. Caswell April 14th, Aug. 14th, Nov. 10th. Person April 14th, Aug. 19th, Nov, 17th. Sixth Judicial District. Spring Judge Graves. fan juoge Annuciu Pender March 10th, Sept. 8th. New Hanover tJan. 20th, tApril 13th, tSept. 22d. Lenoir f eb. ao, Aug. lutn, xnov. jlulu. Duplin Feb. 10th, Aug,4th,Nov. 24th. Sampson tFeb. 24th, April 28th,Oct. 6th, Dec. 8th. Carteret March 7th, Uct. autn. Jones March 24th, Oct. 27th. Onslow March 31st. Nov. 3d. Seventh Judicial Distriet. Spring Judde Bynum. Fall Judge Graves. Columbus Jan. 13th, March, 31st, July 28th. Anson Jan. 6th, tApril 28th, Sept. 1st Mnv 24th. Cumberland Jan. 20th, tMay 5th, July 21st, Nov. 10th. Robeson Jan. 7th, May 19th, Sept, 29th. Richmond Feb. 10th, June 2d, Sept, 15th, Dec. 1st. Bladen March 17th, Oct. 30th. . Rmnswick April 7th. Sept. 8th. Moore March 3d, August 11th, Oct. 27th. Eighth Judicial District.. Srping Judge Shipp. Fall Judge Bynum rnharrus tTan. 27th. April 28th. Iredell Feb. 3d, May 29th, Aug. 4th, Nov. 3rd. Rowan Feb. 17th, May 5th. Aug 19th, Nov. 17th. Davidson March 3d, Sept. 1st, tDec 1st. Rnndolnh March 17th, Sept. 15th. Montgomery March 31st, Sept. 29th. Stanly April 7th, uct. l-tn. Ninth Judicial District. ;t-ncr Turltrp. Merrimon. Fall T udge Shipp, Rockingham Jan. 20th, July 21st, Mrv-L. 9.A Forsyth Feb. 3d, M3y 19th, Oct. 20th. Yadkin Feb. 17th, Sept. 22d. Wilkes March 3rd, Sept. 8th. Alleghany March 17th, Sept. 1st. rwip March 31st. Oct. 6th. Stokes April 14th, August 4th, Nov. 10th. . Surry April 21st. Aug. 19th, Nov 17th. Tenth Judicicial District. C.nrino- Tndfre Brown. Fall Judge Merrimon. Henderson Feb. 10th, July istn. Burke March 3d, Aug. 4th. ralHwpll March 17th. Sept. 1st. Ashe March 24th, May 26th, Aug. 18th. -Watauga April 7th, Aug. 25th. Mitchell April 14th, Sept. 8th, Yancey April 28th, Sept. 22d. McDowell Mav 12th. Oct. 6th. . ).. 1 . 1 , u , . . . ..... ........... ... - r Twelfth Judicial District . Spring Judge Connor. f all Judge Philips. Madison Feb. 24th, July 28th, Nov. 17th. Buncombe fMarch 10th ,tAug. 11th, tDec. -1st. I ' Transylvania March 31st, Sept. 1st. Haywood- Aprit 7tb, Sept. 8th. iackson April 22d, Sept. 22d. lacon May 5th,. Sept. 29th. Clay May 12th, Oct. 8th. Cherokee May 19th, Oct. 13th. Graham June 2d, Oct. 27th. Swain June 9th, Nov. 3d, v For criminal cases. t For civil cases alone. For civil cases alone except, jail cases. Criminal Circuit Courts. New Hanover County. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Benj. K.Moore, Wilmington, solicitor. Court begins an. 6th, March 17ih, May 19th, July 21st, Sept. 15th, Nov, 17th. Eleventh Judicial District. Spring Judge Phillips. fall Judge Brown. Catawba Jan. 13th, July 13th. Alexander Jan. 27th, July 28th. Union Feb. 10th, tFeb. 17th, Sept. 15th, tSept. 22. Mecklenburg f-Feb. 24th Aug. 25th. Gaston March 17th, Oct. 6th. Lincoln March 31st, Sept. 29th. Cleveland April 7th, Aug. 4th, Oct. 20th. Rutherford April 21st, Oct. 27th Polk May 5th, Nov. 10th. MecklenburgCounty. Oliver P. Meares, Judge. Geo. E. Wilson Charlotte, Solicitor. Court begins Feb. 10th, April 14th, Aug. 11th, Oct. 6th. Dec. 1st. Buncombe County. Chas. A. Moore, Asheville, Judge. E. D. Carter, Asheville, solicitor. Court begins Jan. 27th, April 28th, July 21st, Oct. 27th. Supreme Court meets f rst Monday in February. Examinations on Friday and Saturday before. First District, Feb. 3d; Second ; District, Feb. 10th; Third District, Feb. 17th; Fourth Distriet, Feb. 24th; Firth District, March 3d; Sixth District, March 10th; Seventh District, March 17th; Eighth District, March 24th; Ninth District, March 31st; Tenth Distriet, April 7th, Twelfth District, April 14th; Eleventh District, April 21st. Last Monday in September, exami nations Friday and Saturday before. First District, Sept. 29th; becond Dis trict, Oct. 6th; Third District, Oct. 13th; Fourth District, Oct. 20th; Fifth Dis trict, Oct. 27th; Sixth District, Nov. 3d; Seventh District, Nov. 10th; Eighth Dis trict, Nov. 17th; Ninth District, Nov. 24th; Tenth District, Dec. 1st; Twelfth District, Dec. 8th, Eleventh District, Dec. 15th. Cape Fear & Yaftlan Valley Railway Co. COTTDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT AUGUST 1 8TH, 1890 NORTH BOUND. 4- No. 1. I No. 3. Daily ex! Daily e? Sunday. Sunday. No. 15. Daily ex Sunday. Leave Arrive Leave Wilmington. . Fayetteville. . Fayetteville.. Sanford Greensboro. . Greensboro,. . Walnut Cove. Mt. Airy. . . . Bennettsville. Maxton Maxton Fayetteville. . Ramseur Greensboro.. . Greensboro. . . Madison 9.00 a. m. 12.25 p. m. 12.50 " Leave 2.22 " 5.00 " 5.10 " 6.32 " 8.55 " Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Leave 8.20 s 9.35 9.45 11.45 Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive 6.50 a. m. 9.25 " 10.10 " 12.30 p. m. SOUTH BOUND. No. 2. No. 4. No. 16. Daily ex Daily ex Daily ex Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Leave Mt. Airy 6.00 a. m. Arrive Greensboro.. . 9 20 " Leave Greensboro.. 9.50 " Leave Sanford...... 12.19p. m. Arrive Fayetteville.. 1.50 " Leave Favetteville. . 2.15 " Arrive Wilmington. . 5.45 " Leave Fayetteville 3.30 p.m. Arrive Maxton 5.20 " Leave Maxton.-." 5.30 " Arrive Bennettsvillel 6.45 " Leave Madison.. , L20 p.ja. Arrive Greensboro 3-30 Leave Greensboro 3.45 Arrive Ramseur 6.50 W. E. KYLE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. J. W. FBY, Gen'l Manager. cep 25tf WILMINGTON SEAC0AST R. R IN EFFECT OCT. 6TH, 1890. LEAVE WILMINGTON 2.30 ahd 6.30 p. m. Leave Hammocks 7.50 a. m. and 5.30 p. m. Sunday trains leav; Wilmington 2.30 and 6.30 p. m. I II . Wr- on a . an. K D n m JjC4V J. J.rt 1 1 1 1 1 1 - vuki a. . " f On Saturday only Leave Wilmington 10.00 a. m. J25 cents round trip every oay. J. B. NOLAN, oct 8 tf General Manager. PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. riJ AND AFTER SUNDAY, JUNE 29TH, . . ... , ,, O 1 V 7 i rains will run as iouows, aauy (juuuoj ex cepted) : MOVING NORTH. No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Cheraw, S. C X 12 00 m " Kollock 7. 12.20 p. m i ri,k. .-: .12.50 n. m Arrive Hamlet,-N. C 1.10 p. m MOVING SOUTH. No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. t !-.. TTo,i.t m r 3.30 o. m " Osborn 3.50 p. m " Kollock Station p. m Arrive Cheraw, S. C 4.40 p. m jy 8-tf WM. MONCURE. Sup't. BERRY GLEAVES President and Managei F. W. KERCHNER ' Treasurer OWEN F. LOVE .-. Secretary The Gleaves Hardware Co WHOLESAE DEALERS IN HARDWARE, .CUTLERY GUNS, TINWABE, &c., &o. Nos. 320 to 224 North Water Street, WILMINGTON N. C. We are Jobbers only and sell nc goods at retail, mv 4 tf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wilmington & Weldon R. R. and Branches CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH." Dated Sept. 10, 1890. JNO Fast Mail J Daily ex Daily. Daily. Sunday. PM PM A M Leave Weldon 12 80 5 48 6 00 A it. Rocky Mount........ 1 46 7 10. Arrive Tarboro 2 17 A M Leave Tarboro 10 20 PM Arrive Wilson 2 20 7 00 7 43 Leave Wilson 2 80 Arrive Selma 8 30 Arrive Fayetteville 5 80 Leave Goldsboro.. 8 15 7 40 8 35 Leave Warsaw 4 10 9 84 Leave Magnolia 4 24 8 40 9 49 Arrive Wilmington 5 50 9 55 J 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. - No.14 No.78 Njy Daily. Daily. Sunday. AM AM PM Leave Wilmington 12 01 9 00 4 00 Leave Magnolia 1 21 10 34 5 86 Leave Warsaw 10 48 5 53 Arrive Goldsboro 2 23 11 45 6 53 Leave Fayetteville." " 9 20 Arrive Selma 11 18 Arrive Wilson 12 20 AM PM PM Leave Wilson 3 03 12 37 7 47 An-. Rocky Mount 1 10 8 18 Arrive Tarboro 2 00 ........ AM Leave Tarboro 10 20 PM Arrive Weldon. .r 430 245 930 Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Wet don S.15 n m. Halifaz 3.37 n m. arrive Scotland Nnfc 4 25 p m Greenville 6 00 pm. Returning, leaves Green vule 7.5a. a m. Arriving iaitax at 1U 10 a m, Weldon 10.30 a m, daily exceptSunday. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday Local Freight leaves Weldon 10.30 a. m, Halifax 11.30 a. m, Scot land Neck 2.00 p m. Arriving Greenvil(e 5.10 p m- Keturmng, leave Greenville 1 uesday, 1 bursday and Saturday 9.30 a m, Scotland Neck 1JX) p m, Halifax 3.35 p m. Arriving Weldon 4.00 p m. 1 rain leaves 1 arboro. JN . C. via Albemarle sl Kaleign R. R.. daily except Sunday, 4 05 p m : Sunday 3pm: arrive Williamston, N . C, 6 30 p m and 4 20 p m ; Ply mouth 7 50 p m, 5 20 p m. Returning, leave Plymouth, JN . daily except Sunday OUUam, Sunday a 00 a m. Williamston 7 10 am, 9 58am. Arrive Tarboro, N, r on t m 11 on . m gjU. n in uu . . . i-i . t Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Goldsboro. N '" la.l- -rr.fr nnrlav ft ffl a m . arrive m Jtlifi.. 1 N. C, 7.30 a m. Returning, leaves Smithfield, N. C, 8 00 a m ; arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 9 30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 8 pm, arrives Nashville 3 40 pm. Spring Hope 4 15 p m. Returning, leaves Spring Hope 10 a m, Nash ville 10 35 a m; arrive Rocky Mount 11 15 a m, daily excent Sundav. train on Clinton tsrancn leaves Warsaw tor Clinton, daily except Sunday, at 6 p m and 11 10 a m. Return ing, leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 3 10 p m, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Southbound train on Wilson & Fayetteville ' ach is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop o y at Wilson, Golds boro and Magnolia. -Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Wash ington, ana nave ruuman raiace aieepers attacnea. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. r. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. . M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass'gr Agent, my 10-tf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wilmington. ColniMa & Anpsta E. R. CONDENSES SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated -April 20, 1890. No. 15 AM Leave Wilmington Leave Marion , Arrive Florence , NO. 68 Leave Florence 8 25 9 85 Arrive Sumter., , Leave Sumter. , Arrive Columbia . No. K2 runs throueh from Charleston via Central Railroad. Leaving Lanes 8 80 a m. Manning 9.10 a m. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Jf lorence witn No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 23 No.27 PM PM 6 15 10 10 9 83 12.40 10 20 1 20 AM No. 50 AM 3 20 4 35 No. 52 AM 4 85 9 45 6 15 10 55 AM No. 61 No. 59 No. 58 PM PM PM Leave Columbia 10 35 5 20 Arrive Sumter 11 58 6 82 Leave Sumter 11 68 6 37 Arrive Florence 1 15 7 60 A M No.78 No.14 A M PM Leave Florence 4.35 8 15 Leave Marion 5 20 8 55 Arrive Wilmington 8 85 11,J A M PM Tailw Dnilv esrent Sundav. No. 53 runs throueh to Charleston. S. C via Cen tral R. R., arriving Manning 7 04 p m, Lanes 7 42 p m nharlmtYm 9 30 n m. No. 59 connects at Florence with C. & D. train from Cheraw and Wades boro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wilmington with W. & W. R. R. R. for all points JNortn. Train on Florence Railroad leaves Pee Dee daily, except Sunday, 4 40 p m, arrive Rowland 7 pm. Re turning, leave Rowland 6 30 a m, arrive Pee Dee 8 50 Train on Manchester & Aueusta Railroad leave! Sumter daily, except bunday, 10 50 am, arrive iu mini 12 01 p m. Returning, leave Rimini 12 16p tn, ar nve bumter ldupm. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. C M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass'ger Agent. apll9-tf SEABOARD AIR LINE. . Carolina Central R. R. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 43 No. 23 September 7, 1890. DaUy.excpt Dailyexcpt r . Sunday. Sunday. Leave Wilmington 9.20 a. m. 9.30 p. m. Leave Hamlet 1.1 P' m- - P- m- Leave Wadesboro.. 2.22 p. m. 6.15 a. m. Arrive Charlotte 4.13 p. m. 9.00 a. m. Leave Charlotte 4.23 p. m. Leave Lincolnton....... 5.42 p. m. Leave Shelby 6.40 p. m. Arrive Rntherf'on 7.55 p. m. EASTBOUND TRAINS. No. 86 No. 24 September 7, 1890. Dailyexcpt Dailyexcpt Sunday. Sunday. L've Rutherfordt'n 8.55 a. m. Leave Shelby 10.09 a. m. Leave Lincolnton 11.12 a. m. Arrive Charlotte.... 12.29 p. m. Leave Charlotte 12.89 p. m. 8.00 p. . Leave Wadesboro 2.22 p. m. 11.33 p. in. Leave Hamlet 8.32 p. m. 1.80 a. m. Arrive Wilmington.. 7.80 p. m. 8.00 a. m. Trains Nos. 41 and 36 make close connection'at Hamlet foi Raleigh and North; at Lincolnton for Hickory and Western North Carolina. Trains Nos. 28 and 24 make connection at Monroe to and from Chester and South, at Hamlet to and from r.i.;-k Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte. T. W. WHISNANT, Superintendent F. W-. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent, sep 6 tf Wholesale, Prices Current 1 The following quotations reptesent wholesale prices generally. In making up small orders higher prices have to be tiiarged. . . The quotations are always given as accurately ai possible, but the Sta will not be responsible for any variations from the actual market price of the articles quoted. 4 ' 1 BAGGING j 2- Jute..., .6 Qt 7J4 Standard........... 00 BACON North Carolina , Hams lb. 00 .15 Shoulders VB 00 Q, 10 Sides VB.. 00 11 WESTERN SMOKED Hams 9. 14 16g Sides ft B.. 9 Q 8)4 Shoulders W S OA 7M DRY SALTfED Sides lb. 6 Ct 6J4 Shoulders lb 5iO 6 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine- Second Hand, each 00 0 1 0 New New York, each 140 175 New City, each 165 & 170 BEESWAX $ lb..... 00 22 BRICKS Wilmington, tfM 700 & 760 Northern 0 00 14 00 BUTTER North Carolina, lb 15 28 Northern 2?u 80 CANDLES, 9 lb Sjferm... ....... 18 a 25 Adamantine , 9 10 CHEESE, V lb- Northern Factory 00 10 Dairy, Cream 11 12 State... .. 00 10 COFFER, 9 lb- Java , 27 28 Laguyra 17 19 Rio... 19 21 CORN MEAL, $ bushel, in sacks.. 70 72 Virginia Meal 70 72 COTTON TIES, $ bundle 1 50 1 80 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, 9 yard 6 (ii Yarns, per bunch W) 80 EGGS, dozen Oo 18 FISH Mackerel, No 1, 9 barrel 22 00 80 00 Mackerel, No. 1, half-barrel. 11 00 15 00 Mackerel, No. 2, barrel...... 16 00 18 00 Mackerel, No. 2, $ half-barrel. 8 00 9 00 Mackerel, No. 3, $ barrel 18 00 14 00 Mullets, 9 barrel 5 50 6 00 Mullets, $ pork barrel 10 00 10 60 N. C. Roe Herring, y keg 3 00 4 00 Dry Cod, lb 5 10 FLOUR, 9 barrel- Western low grade 8 50 400 " Extra 4 00 450 " Family 4 75 5 00 City Mills Super 4 00 4 10 " Family 560 600 GLUE, 9 fl 6 10 GRAIN, 9 bushel- Corn, from store, bags White. 00 72 Corn, cargo, in bulk White... 70 72HJ Corn, cargo, in bags White... 70 72) Corn, Mixed, from store 70 72 Oats, from store, 00 55 Oats, Rust Proof. . . ., 00 65 Cow Peas 90 85 HIDES, lb- Green , 0 8 Dry 0 4H HAY, V 100 lbs- Eastern , ,. 00 1 10 Western 1 00 1 10 North River 00 86 HOOP IRON, ID 2 8 LARD, V lb- Northern 7 8 North Carolina 00 12H LIME, V barrel 140 000 LUMBER (city sawed), t M f t Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 20 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 16 00 West India Cargoes, according to quality 13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.... 18 00 22 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.... 14 00 16 00 MOLASSES, W gallon .New Crop Cuba, in nnas uo " " inbbls 80 80 Porto Rico, in hhd 00 80 " " inbbls..... 00 Q SSI Sugar House, in hhds 00 16 4? " inbbls 00 18 Syrup, inbbls 86 46 NAILS, V keg, Cut, lOd basis 2 15 2 25 60's on basis of $2 20 prica. OILS, V gallon. Kerosene M Lard 00 68 Unseed 90 1 00 Rosin 15 18 Tar 00 20 Deck and Spar 00 26 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown 20 85 " Spring 10 20 Turkevs 75 86 PEANUTS, bushel (28 Ibe) 100 125- POTATOES, bushel- Sweet ow 70 Irish, tf barrel 2 75 8 00 PORK, tf barrel- City Aless is: ou I 13 uu Prime.. 00 00 12 00 Rump 00 11 50 RICE Carolina, tf lb 6 7 Rough, tf bushel (Upland).... ou uu " (Lowland)... 100 110 RAGS, tf lb Country 00 IH City 1 ii ROPE, tf B) 14U 22M .SALT, tf sack--Alum 00 80 Liverpool uu ig ou Lisbon 00 00 American 00 80 In 125-9 sacks 56 60 SUGAR, tf lb Standard Gran'd.. 7 7- standard A wmte n.x. c ry4i Extra C. Golden 0 i C Yellow 0 6 SOAP. lb Northern 0 0 STAVES. MW. O. Barrel.... 8 00 14 Of K. U. Hogshead O UO ' IU UU TIMBER, tf M feet Shipping.... 12 60 15 00 mill 1'nme vuu t iu uu Mill Fair 7 00 8 60 Common Mill 6 00 6 60 Inferior to Ordinary 8 00 400 SHINGLES, 7-inch, tfM 6 00 700 Common xlm s mi Cypress Saps 4 60 500 CvDress Hearts 0 00 760 TALLOW, tffi) 5 6 WHISKEY, tf gallon Northern. . 1 00 8 68 North Carolina 1 00 8 10 WOOL, tf lb Washed 28 82K Unwashed n XI Burrv 10 00 Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000 300,000 200,000 Cash Capital paid in Surplus Fund DIRECTORS : W. I. GORE, C. "M. STEDMAN G. W. WILLIAMS, ISAAC BATES, DONALD MacRAE, JAMES A. LEAK, H. VOLLERS, F. RHEINSTEIN, J. W. ATKINSON, E. B. BORDEN. ISAAC BATES Pkksibbnt G. W. WILLIAMS Vice President WM. L. SMITH., Cash ATKINSON & MANNING, AGENTS North Carolina Home Ins. Co. yTE OFFER TO THOSE WANTING INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE Policies in this Old and Reliable Home Institution All losses promptly paid. W. S. PRIMROSE, President. CHARLES ROOT, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Secretary f -.r -' t - . .-i r. -.

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