1.- V Ayeis Sarsaparilla The Best Blood Medicine So say Leading Physicians and Druggists, and their opin ion is indorsed by thousands cured by it of Scrofula, Ec zema, Erysipelas, and other diseases of the blood. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla has won its repo tatioii years of valuable service to the community". It is the beat." R. S. Lang, Drucgist- -12 Merrimack st., Lowell, Mass. Dr. Y. r. Wright, Paw P-aw Fordr Tenn., gays ; -in my practice, I Invariably pre scribe Ayer's Sarsaparilla for chronic dis eases of the Mood." Dr. K- K. Boyle, Third and Oxford sts., Philadelphia. Pa., writes : ' For two years I have prescribed Ayer's Sarsaparilla in numerous instances, and I find it highly efficacious in the treatment of all disorders of the Mood." L. M. Kobinson, Pharmacist, Sabina, de certifies : "Ayer's Sarsaparilla has always beer, a great seller. My customers think mere is no blood-purifier equal toit." -For many years I was afflicted with scrofulous running sores, which, at last be came so bad the doctors advised amputating one of my legs to save my life. I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla and soon saw an improvement. After using about two dozen bottles the sores were healed. I continue to take a few bottles of this medicine each year, for my blood, and am no longer trou bled with sores. I have tried other reputed Mood-purifiers, but none does so much good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla."!). A. Kobinson, 'eal. Kansas. Don't fail to get Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowe, Mass. Sold by Druggists. $l,6lx$3. Worth $5 a bottle. iebiS DiW ly OTTERBURN LITHIA and MAGNESIA WATER! Vy ONLY CURES "BRIGHT'S DISEASE" VVT ALSO DIABETES. M annhoro, Va., April 7, 1S888. .73 year I have been saSeriog with a form of Kid . I'iseaje which my physician (Dr. J. A. Hillman) iS D:aSe:es, and advised the use of Otter-.-. L::h . and Magnesia Water. The quantity of r.e paf.v .; n ii greatly in excess of the natural se : u. ar i I lost forty pounds of flesh in a few 1 ne use of the Otterbuurn Water corrected ; ecct:.e flow entirely in six weeks, and I am :r:c.' r..ir.y medicines without avail, and I attribute . ..re troublesome and dangerous en of the Otterburn Water. R. N. BLANTON. iHTF.N ASK ' WILL IT KEEP " Amelia Coi-nty, Va., Feb, 24, 1888. ihnt two years ago I obtained some tr-e Hterburo Lithia and Magnesia - ivife. :n a demijohn, and recently .. another home, 1 found that some of : i-con ieft ia the demijohn. I poured it -me of ir.and found it to be as pure r-rc ':..-r takm from the Spring. G. E. CRADDOCK T CURES RHEUMATIC GOUT. k"so of Johnstown, South Carolina, : . -'a s ot :t : "..-.re has been entirely relieved of a severe ' -.. i-Tr.atic Gout. She found such :. c! she did cut take any medicine or any it-.".;, and while on the sixth bottle sta e had been entireiy relieved and needed no ." r. h.: Si-nern health being also greatly im E. E. JEFFERSON." Ric.ivond, Va., April 8, 1887 i - - p. s':!ienag for years with a complication ; Kidney trouble, suffering great pain in rhrr kidneys, and having my attention . . 'aerbum I.ithia and Magnesia Water I ct.J. to ii?e it. and ne-er experienced such re-:-. anyihin;;. The very first half-gallon in ::.r -y,r r f iirir.c and cleared it up. My appe ' -tr. r ::.;r? 'i, ar.d I feel that I cannot com . V."i:er t-, h: ;hly. R. F. WALKER. MAi-.Kr.ORO, Va., March 17, 1888. .r.n.t:.uJ the used of the Otterburn Lithia -:a Water, on the 28th of January last, I in a:.y mineral water. I had been suffer :'i.rce years with a disease that was pro nounced by a prominent physician of tr. kJ an atiection ot the Kidneys, after :": test. ' the Water one week when I was en : pain, which before had been constant ;r. and I have gained nineteen pounds r - icrstion of strength and ecerey. I - 1 . :ar test, using no other water and rl. C. liKEtiOKY. v-::.; C. H.. Va., December 15, 1888. i ':rv,: .- r: i. Dyspeptic for the past fifteen years a'c'y have -offered with Derangement of my Uri- -ry )r:;r.. - idenced by great difficulty in voiding : v.r-.r.e. AL .ut six months ago I commenced the . xr.'t r;;erburn Lithia and Maenesia Springs -' .itpr. and -i:;'.e that time there has been marked and . -ad-.-.a! .! -.pr .. ..-:ipnt in my entire condition and state r .:ca!:!i. ' !y digestion is better than it has been for r :.t v- jr-,. and the urinary trouble is entirely re--- - ' : i -:c-n for the past two months. J. A. WALLACE, Cashier Planters' Bank of Amelia. OTTERBURN LITHIA SPRINGS CO. it. H. BELLAjTIY, Agent, HVT.&vtf Wilmington, N. C. THE Heme Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre, AND PIITE FIBRE MATTING, VII.MiXGTON, NORTH CAF.OLINA. 'pll. REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS, the ACM E and GEM, is now established, and the result of three years' use in the hands of the best farmers of this and other States fully attest their lr? as a hih grade manure. i he MATTING, made from the leaves of our na--ive pir.o, is conceded to be equal to any woven carpet :-r :-;rnfoJt and durability, and the demand for it is increasing. It has virtues not found in any ''htr fabric. i I I BRE, or wool, is extensively used for uphol ns purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses is ' " ;-t . qual to hair, being light, elastic and proof :-.!.st insects. seo30-D&W nlF nilr"Il ' if I Hal I Mia 111 Bo 111 Buffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc, I will eend a valuable treatise (sealed) containing fall particulars for home cure, FREE of charge. A splendid medicaLwork ; should be read by every cian who ia nerrjous and debilitated. Address, Prof. P. C FOTTLEU, Koodas, Comb ;v v 7 D&W ly CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH YRQYAL FILL! RED CfltJSS DIAMOND BRAND. MTe i i niyrars reliable. Ladle. tsi Drizji-'t lor Diamond Brand, in rva, i!ita!li Uiu, Knled with Wue i .TA-f nt.t.n. Take no other. AU rilU 1 "j Vvu i'"'-.rirfl piok wrapper!, are '. rTf oni-rwi counterfeit. Bend 4. ; (ini") f..r uarticulara, testlmnuiali and R "Keller f..r l.udica," in Utter, bj retan v ' KBMil. Aume Paper. - ' Calchettcr ( tun'i Co. Kadkoa 8w rUn.r D &Wlv -Fomrr tears. ' Married, how, long 'ago? Counts the' r y,by X slim' old wedding rinff. Once thick and heavy. - -How fast thly fly, the winters that melt in spring! And youth goes with them; . so love. s sweetheart, is theonly lasting thing! We two. ah. what did we know of love when roses of June were red? When you wept sweet tears at a song, or sobbed at some thoughtless woid T said, - ' . And blushed if I only pressed your hand or a kiss on your fair brown head. Our hearts were light as bright bubbles oiown. LAke children in faryland We wandered down where the daisies v grew, to that wonderful - golden r strand " . , Where, all the dreams of the heart come true, and lovers walk hand in hand. Since then, since then, oh, the long, long road we have wandered through calm and storm, ' When leaves flew by us and snowflakes whirled and we watched the swal lows form In winged clouds sweeping down the sky to lands where the sun was warm. There was always brightness for you and me and over the tears we wept For life's sore losses and hurting pain a rain-bow of hope still crept, And deep in your sweet, tear-clouded eyes my sunshine forever slept ! Look at me, dear, with yoar true, kind eyes beaming under your soft, white hair; They are far more beautiful now, sweet heart, than when morning and youth were fair; And far more lovely your pale, worn cheeks than when blushes were burning there. I talk like a lover ? Of course I do. What else should I talk like, pray ? For a man is never a lover true to the girl of his heart, I say, Till he's lived as her husband forty years and seen her grow old and gray. From Judge. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Mount Olive Telegram: The cotton crop is the largest ever known in this section. Our farmers can pay out and have money enough to buy their supplies for next year. Washington Progress: There is not a dwelling house in town that is not occupied that we know of. There are applications nearly daily for residences which cannot be furnished. Alamance Gleaner; Mr. Calvin Loy, who lived about two miles west of Burlington, died last Saturday and was buried in the burying ground at Shal lowford church on Sunday. Deceased was 69 years old. Lexington Dispatch: We have heard less grumbling this year in regard to crops than in a long time. We trust that all the farmers in the county and elsewhere will have a better yield all around than in many years. Greenville Reflector: Mr. Noah Forbes. Jr., brought us two curiosities on Friday. One was a twin apple, both growing from one stem, and the other was a peanut, the stem of which had grown through a stick, the pod forming on the opposite side from the vine. Kinston Free Press: Trade is bet ter than ever before with our merchants. We learn that Mr. Noah Rouse, a prosperous farmer near our sister city, LaGrange, will make this year 400 bales of cotton on 400 acres. Mr. J. H. Bell, of this county, made 33 water melons on one vine. He gathered 28 ripe melons from the vine at one time. Greensboro Workman: Mr. Or ran Palmer, of Randolph county, died suddenly at the house of his son in law Mr. George Rogers, near Graham, on Friday morning last. Mr. Dike Donnell was badly bitten by a spider on Saturday night last. He does not know what kind of a spfder it was but the bite came near proving fatal. Cherokee Scout : We under stand that Sam Bryson. of Dillsboro, will immediately build a 25 room hotel at Andrews. Several other buildings will go up shortly. -Rev. Mr. Brown is a "hustler" when it comes to raising money to build a church. He raised something over $400 last Thursday morning in a few minutes to build a Presbyterian church at Andrews. Maxton Unions Great crowds crowds are expected at the Fair, and if the weather is good the Fair will be a grand success. Jack Jones, (col.) who is church treasurer, treasurer of the Odd Fellows, Sunday School, and had treasured up some cash of his, was raided upon Sunday night while they were all at church, and robbed ot all his cash amounting to about $300. Asheboro Courier: We learn that the Fife meetings at Randleman were largely attended. Some days fully 3,000 people attended the services. A handsome silk banner will be present ed bv the ladies of Randolph to that - . . - i i l . A township which does xne Desi wur. aim ma lr ps the largest orooortionate gain over the vote of two years ago. The bannerhas already been ordered and is a "daisy. Goldsboro Argus : The exhi bits are rolline in from every direction The Fair is already an assured success, if onlv the'weather continues favorable. The death of Mrs. M. F. Ezzell, relict of the late David J. Ezzell, at one timp Rpcister of Deeds of this counuf occurred at her home in Chapel Hill, where she has been hvinp- ot late years on Sunday last, in the 48th year of her ace. Clinton Caucasian: Sheriff J. M. Crvaii left vecterriav with three neero H-" w . mnvirts fnr the nenitentiarv. sO, Tnhn E. Parker, of Honeycutt's town ship, died suddenly at his home Tues- day evening, .rie was swing umi u crin-hftiise when he was stricken down, nd died a few hours afterward without rvalf inc. His death is thought to nave Vin ran ud hv heart failure. Col. Par ker was one of the most highly esteemed nnrl restarted citizens in the county and leaves a larce family. He had reached the ripe old age of 71 years Durham Sun: : It was rumored nn our streets Saturdav nieht that W. R. Herndon, who is wanted here on the charge of murder, had been captured near Red Mountain. This rumor was unfounded. He is still at large. Another case of two much walking on the railroad. Near Haw river, Saturday ntcht. Andv Linens, a white man, was on the N C. railroad track, and as Andy could not knock the engine off he cad to 6 e. received a very '-severe gash" on the bark nf t1 w Manning went up to see hinT yesterday rr-y w ou i aw hcu w-aay. - junens is doing very well, and the chances are tnat he will recover. c rCh'arIotte Chronicle Hen ry Giles died yesterday mortiirigof con traption; at the age of 60 years. Mr. Giles-wasthe father of Mrs? Ernest Gar raux and the late Silvester; Giles. Davidson College is on a boom, so to speak. There are at present 112 students matriculated at the. college, with the prospect of more before Xmas. St. Mary.s College, at Belmont, Gaston Cuunt? s ninetY-five students, and al though, that is as . many as it can well ac commodate. fiftin ror admission. ..fhag Monroe, arrived in the'eity yesterday evening on the C. C. & A. Mr. Laney showed a reporter some fine specimens of gold, wiich were taken from his gold mine in Union county. Two pans of ore, produced two ounces of gold. OURj STATE CONTEMPORARIES. The silence of the Republican papers of North Carolina on the withdrawal of F. D. Winston from the force bill party is profound. They "ain't sayin' a word' Asheville Citizen. Reports from the Congressional can vass indicate that our noble" tandard bearejrWilliams, is making a fine im pression, and is sure to beat the dema gogue and political trickster, who is opposing him. Greensboro Patriot. Cheering reports come from the Democratic candidates who are meeting the people at their various appoint ments. Branch and Blount are now filling their appointments, and they are received with enthusiasm by the people. Washington Progress, Those New York banks are in trouble again.. They have lost their full legal reserve as usual, and "confidence is im paired." All this shows that more cur rency is heeded, and Congress ought to devise some means of letting the people have it. The proper thing to do is to repeal the ten per cent, tax and allovfr the State banks to issue notes. Raleigh News and Observer. TWINKLINGS. McCorkle They say that Snoo per finds it difficult to keep his head above water. McCrackle That does not surprise me at all. He is a native of Kentucky. Drake's Magazine. "I am accused of possessing talent," said a conceited man. "If you are ever tried you'll be acquit ted," replied one who knewhim. Texas Sif tings. An Irishman declares that it was not until he first partook of the dish called hash that he realized the force of the expression, "Everything comes to him who ates." Wash. Post. Wickwire I hear you have sworn off? Mudge Yep. affiect my mind. It was beginning to Every time I got a lit- tie full I wanted to discuss the tariff. Indianapolis Journal. Batcheller Ned, how would you define a love letter ? Benedick A love letter is a thing that ten years afterward you generally wish you hadn't written. Somerville Journal. Elderly Visitor (to parrot) You, little love, kiss me. Parrot (moving over to the other end of the perch in alarm) Mehercule. next thing she 11 be wanting to marry me. Epoch. Garooyle (showing his curiosi ties) This is an Indiau hatchet I dug from a mound in Ohio. Mrs. Fangle How interesting. I have read that the Indians were in the habit of burying the hatchet. Harper s Ba zar. , How charmingly Mr. Gabley talks, Mr. Greeneye, There appears to bei no subiect he is not informed on. He (madly jealous) bays he inherits the gut; his ancestors were DarDers, you know. 'The jester. Tudge You confess to having stolen the money, do you ? Well, have vou any exonerating circumstances to offer ? CulDrit Yes, your honor: my grand father was an alderman.-1- St. Joseph News. Advice to IttoOiera. For over fittv vears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by mothers for their children while teeth ing. Are vou disturbed at night and broken of vour rest bv a sick child suf fering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth ? 11 so sena- at once ana get a K-vttl -f "Afro Winslow's Soothine Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable, it will relieve tne poor little sufferer immediately. Depend nnon it. mothers, tnere is no mistaiee ahnnt it. t rnres uvsenterv ana uiar- i-rirea recmlfltes the Stomach and Bowels. cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, re duces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothiner Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is th nresrnntion Ol one OI tne Oiaesi anu .r, . i . i - : Dest iemaie pnysicians anu uuibcs m uic TTniteH .States, and is for sale bv all drug- o-ists throughout the world, .race - t T- & o - . . , twenty-five cents a Dottie. rse sure ana ask for "Mrs: Winslow's Soothing Syptxp" Is C onsumptlon Incurable t RpflH the followine: Mr. C. H. Mor- r-ia Npwark. Ark., savs: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's fnr Onnsumntion. am J. W iOW w v J v- 1 now on my third bottle, and able to mrtrsp( the work on mv iarm. it is me Ansct mrlifinf PVPf made." llliVb ..wv... ' "v. Mirlrilewart. Decatur. Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption l wouia Troubles. Was eiven " r 7 . . r Kxr Anrtnrt Am HOW in best Ol health." Try it. Sample bottles free at I.UJJ1!.K1 XV. ur.i.iiftm i - uv.u Retail Drug btore. t RncKIen's Arnica salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, t :o Critic TTIrws. Salt Rheum. UlUlSWl w- - - - tj Cnua TWrre I . n 2 nnpn Hands. rcvci) , rsr . Chilblairis.Corns. and all Skin Eruptions, j -;;,.oi,r ciinG Pilp nr no nav is required. It is guaranteed to give perfect uriefortinn nr monev refunded. Price s oontQ rwr hoT. For sale bv Robert R. Bellamy, Wholesale and Retail Drug J1SL3. - 7" HN7 OXTtR' r Ready-Made Department 'l : ' '' -Uy " .. . ' " i ""V -i ' -'- j .-- "-' ''" "J ' 7"--- ;.--'; "-- , - ,We use CustomMade Patterns only, so every garment in our house 'is cut just the same way as the very best Cus- torn Tailors cut their goods. Of course it takes more material, and the expense to s is a little more, yet we buy such large quantities of goods, for which we pay spot cash, that we can af ford to cut our garments full and make them superior toany other goods in this market, and sell them to you at prices other dealers sell shoddy made and clad- trap goods. Our CUTAWAY FROCK SUITS are simply the ideal of tailor art. PRINCE ALBERTS are perfect models, and SACKS cannot be excelled by any artist or designer oj Clothing Patterns. Mer chant Tailors can learn how to cut gar ments by examining our styles, and when we say we have the best selling, nicest fitting, lowest priced, strongest made and handsomest lot of CLOTH ING in this or any other market, we mean what we say. S. H. FISHBLATE: KING CLOTHIER. oct 10 It Industrial Manufacturing Company WILMINGTON, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF TIMED WOODEN BUTTER DISHES DIAMOND BASKETS, Berry Baskets, Fruit and Vegetable Crates, CANDY BOXES, Orange Boxes, &c,, &c. VENEERS CUT TO ORDER FROM SWEET GUM, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, OAK, ASH, BIRCH, WALNUT, &c. This Company has an Established Reputation for the Quality of its Work. Can Compete in Prices with any similar Establish ment in the United States. Orders for Car Load Lots filled on short notice. Samples and Prices on application. Factory on Cape Fear River, corner Queen and Surry streets. Address Industrial Manufacturing Co. WILMINGTON, N. C. sep 2 D&W tf OFFICE OF TREASURER, Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Co., Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 20th, 1890. npHE HOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WIL mLigton & Weldon Railroad Co. have authorized the payment of three and a half per cent, interest on the certificates of indebtedness of this'Company. Thein- terest on said certificates is due and payable at the nffir-e of the Treasurer on and after October 1st, 1890. Transfer Books will stand closed until October 1st, 1890. JAS. t . POb'i, JB., sep21tf Secretary ana i reasurer. "O O'Ooxuo-or REAL ESTATE AGENT, Wilmington, North Carolina. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT and SOLD Loans Negotiated on Ci y Property. Stores, Dwellings, O ces and Halls for Rent. Rents collected Taxes and Insurance promptly attended to. Houses and Lots for sale on the monthly instalment plan. Cash advanced on aty property. ap ia t Mrs. Joe Person's tt TTM1?.Tv AND A FULL STOCK'OF PATENT XV Medicines, Toilet Articles and Pure Drugs and Chemicals can always be touna at F. C. MILLER'S, Druggist, Corner S. Fourth and Nun sts P. S. Prescriptions filled day and night. MULLETS! MULLETS!! A FINE LOT OF FRESH MULLETS FOR sale. Also a full line of GROCERIES at the lowest prices. B. F. KEITH, Jr., Commission Merchant, 130 North Water St. oct 7 D&W tf ' 'I T lllli H -Cape Fear & Taffli Yafler Kaflway Co. CONDEITSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT AUGUST 1 STS, 18 90 - NORTH BOUND. No. U No. 8. No. .15. Daily ex . Sunday. Daily exj Daily ex Sunday. Sunday, Leave Wilmington. . Arrive Fayetteville. . Leave Fayetteville.. Leave Sanford Arrive Greensboro.. Leave Greensboro... Leave Walnut Cove. Arrive Ml Airy.'. . . Leave Bennettsville . Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton. . . . . . Arrive Fayetteville.. Leave Ramseur..... Arrive Greensboro... Leave Greensboro.. . Arrive Madison..... 9.00 a.m. 12.25 p. m. 12.50 " 2.22 " i 5.00 - 5.10 " 6.32 " 8.55 8.30'a. m. 9.35 " 9.45 " 11.45 " 6.50 a. m. 9.25 " 10.10 " 12.30 p.m. SOUTH BOUND. No. 2. Daily ex Sunday. No. 4. .No. 16. Daily ex Sunday. JJaily ex Sunday Leave Mt. Airy Arrive Greensboro.. . Leave Greensboro. . Leave Sanford Arrive Fayetteville.. Leave Fayetteville.. Arrive Wilmington. . Leave Fayetteville. . Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Arrive Bennettsville Leave Madison. . . . . . Arrive Greensboro. . Leave Greensboro. . . Arrive Ramseur 6.00 a. m. 9 20 " 9.50 " 12.19 p. m. 1.50 " 2.15 " 5.45 " 3.30 p. m. 5.20 " 5.30 " 6.45 " 1.20 p. m. 3.30 " 3.45 " 6.50 w W. E. KYLE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. J. W. FRY, Gen'l Manager. - frep25Itf WILMINGTON SEAC0AST R.R IN EFFECT OCT. 6TH, 1890. LeAVE WILMINGTON 2.30 and 6.30 p. m. Leave Hammocks 7.50 a. m. and 5.30 p. m. Sunday trains leave Wilmington 2.30 and 6.30 p. m. Leave Hammocks 9.30 a. m. and 5.30 p. m. On Saturday only Leave Wilminsrton 10.00 a. m. 25 cents round trip every day. J. B. NOLAN, General Manager. oct 8 tf PALMETT0 "ailroadco. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, JUNE 29TH, Trains will run as 'follows, daily (Sunday ex cepted) : MUV1JIU HVUTU, No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Cheraw, S. C 12.00 m Kollock 15S.20 p. m ' Osborn , 12.50 p. m Arrive Hamlet, N. C 1.10 p. m MOVING SOUTH. No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Hamlet, N. C , 3.30 p. m Usborn 3.50 p. m Kollock Station ..4.20 p. m Arrive Cheraw, S. C... 4.40 p. m y 8-tf WM. MQNCURE. Snp't. BERRY GLEAVES President and Managet F. W. KERCHNER Treasurer OWEN F. LOVE Secretary The Weaves Hard ware Co WHOLESAE DEALERS IN . HAEDWAEE, CUTLERY GUNS, TIN W ABE, &c, &c. Nos. 320 to 224 North Water Street, WILMINGTON N. C. j We are Jobbers only and sell no goods at retail, mv 4 tf Various Weights and Measures OF Plug and Twist TolDacco. For sale cheap by t HALL & PEARSALL. oct 3 D&W tf ILicrw Prices FOR SUGAR, FLOUR, CAKES, COFFEE, STARCH, SNUFF, OAF, CKACKJSK.5, UriAlA,U. Consignments Cotton. Spirits Turpentine, Tar and Lumber carefully handled. marott wuuui a lukkij!.. ., . ;; , . , I . , WiMsoii's Matchless Mineral IWater, A TONIC.CATHARTIC ANQ ALTERATIVE, and recommended as a cure for Dyspepsia, &c. Try it. ROBERT R. BELLAMY. Druggist, oct 12 tf N. W. Cor. Front and Market Sts. 100 Barrels Mullets QN CONSIGNMENT, LANDED TO-DAY. Must be sold quick. SAM'L BEAR, Sr., 12 Market street. oct 14 tf Tlie Wilmington Steal Lanniry Co. A RE NOW PREPARED TO TAKE UPON reasonable terms a limited amount of family washing, which will be in charge of a competent lady. sep23 tf Proprietors. 1,000 Bales Hay, T LOW FIGURES, AT D. McEACHERN S Grain nd Feed'Store, sen 14 tf 126 North Waterstreet. October Magazines ARE OUT. SIDNEY, BY MARGARET DE land, and Friend Olivia, by Amelia E. Barr, are concluded in Atlantic and Century. Clark Russell has a sea story in i,ippincott. Many ot tne Maga zines contain sketches of Cardinal Newman's life and work. . The sand waves at Hatteras are accounted for in Scribner. Bellamy has something to say about Nationalism in the Forum, and Daudet gives the "further adventures of -Tartarin in Harper. WILMINGTON LIBRARY, octl2tf 123 Market street. New Barber Shop. J HAVE OPENED A BARBER SHOP, CORNER of Front and Princess streets, in basement formerly occupied by Henry Nash, and have skilled workmen who are guaranteed to give satisfaction. All I ask is a trial. oct 21 lw ' , J. H. CARRAWAY. . ATLANTICCOASP LINE. 1 f ilffliciton & Welion R. R. anl Branches f" L -mm CONDENSED SCHEDULE. , TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Sept. 10, 1890. "- Fast Mail Daily ex Daily. Daily. Sunday. ' PM PM AM Leave Weldon..... 12 30 5 43 6 00 Arr. Rocky Mount . 1 46 7 10 Arrive Tarboro 2 17 AM Leave . Tarboro 10 20 PM Arrive Wilson 2 20 7 00 7 43 Leave Wilson 2 30 Arrive Selma.. 8 80 , Arrive Fayetteville.. . 6 80 Leave Goldsboro 8 15 7 40 8 85 Leave Warsaw..... 4 10 9 84 Leave Magnolia 4 24 8 40 9 49 Arrive Wilmington, 5 50 9 55 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. " No.14 No.78 Daily. Daily. Sunday. AM AM PM Leave Wilmington. 12 01 9 00 460 Leave Magnolia 1 21 10 34 5 36 Leave Warsaw..... 10 48 6 53 Arrive Goldsboro 2 23 11 45 6 53 Leave Fayetteville.' 9 20 Arrive Selma 11 18 Arrive Wilson 12 20 AM P M P M Leave Wilson 8 08 12 37 7 47 An-. Rocky Mount 1 10 8 18 Arrive Tarboro , 2 00 AM Leave Tarboro 10 20 PM Arrive Weldon 4 30 2 45 9 80 Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Wel don 8.15 p m, Halifax 8.87 p nvarrive Scotland Neck 4 25 p m Greenville 6 00 p m. Returning, leaves Green ville 7.20 a m, Arriving Haifax at 10 10 a m, Weldon iu.au a m, aauy except , sunaay. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday Local Freight leaves Weldon 10.30 a. m, Halifax 11.30 a. m, Scot land Neck 2.00 p m. Arriving Greenvil(e 5.10 p m Returning, leave Greenville Tuesday, .Thursday and Saturday 9.30 a m, Scotland Neck 1.00 p m, Halifax 8.35 p m. Arriving Weldon 4.00 p m. Train leaves Tarboro, N . C. , via Albemarle & Raleigh R. R., daily except Sunday, 4 05 p m ; Sunday 3pm; arrive Wilhamston,N. C, 6 30 p m and 4 20 p m ; Ply mouth 7 50 p m, 5 20 p m. Returning, leave Plymouth, N. C, daily except Sunday 6 00 a m, Sunday 9 00 a m. Williamston 7 10 am, 9 58 a m. Arrive Tarboro, N, C, 9.30 a m and 11 20 a m. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Goldsboro, N C, daily except Sunday, 6 00 a m ; arrive Smithfield, N. C, 7.30 a m. Returning, leaves Smithfield, N. C, 8 00 a m ; arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 9 30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3 pm, arrives Nashville 3 40 pm. Spring Hope 4 15 p m. Returning, leaves Spring Hope 10 a m, Nash ville 10 35 a m; arrive Rocky Mount 11 15 a m, daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday, at 6 p m and 11 10 a m. Return ing, leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 3 10 p m, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Southbound train on Wilson & Fayetteville- ' ach is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. Daily except Sunday. Train. No. 27 South will stop o Jy at Wilson, Golds boro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Wash ington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. J. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass'gr Agent, my 10-tf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wilmington. ColniMa & Augusta R, R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated April 20, 1890. No. 23 No.27 No. 15 PM PM AM Leave Wilmington 6 15 10 10 Leave Marion 9 33 12 40 Arrive Florence 10 20 1 20 A M No. 50 No. 58 AM Leave Florence..., 8 20 8 25 Arrive Sumter 4 85 9 85 No. 52 AM Leave Sumter 4 85 t 9 45 Arrive Columbia 6 15 10 55 AM No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central Railroad. Leaving Lanes 8 30 a m. Manning 9.10 a m. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 51 No. 69 No. 58 PM PM PM Leave Columbia 10 35 5 20 Arrive Sumter.. 11 58 6 82 Leave Sumter 11 58 6 87 Arrive Florence 1 15 7 50 A M No.78 No.14 A M PM Leave Florence 4.35 8 15 Leave Marion 5 20 ...... 8 55 Arrive Wilmington 8 35 11 45 AM PM Dailv auy. TJ-aiiy except sunaay. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S. C, via Cen tral R. R., arriving Manning 7 04 p m, Lanes 7 42 p m Charleston 9 80 o m. No. 69 connects at Florence with C. & D. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wilmington with W. & W. R. R. R. for all points North. Train on Florence Railroad leaves Pee Dee daily, I except Sunday. 4 40 p m, arrive Rowland 7 pm. Re- ieave kowiand 6 30 a m' Pee Dce 8 60 Train on Manchester & Augusta Railroad leaves Sumter daily, except Sunday, 10 50 am, arrive Ri mini 12 01 p m. Returning, leave Rimini 12 ISp m, ar rive Sumter 130 pm. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. J. R. KENLY, Assistant Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass'ger Agent. apll9-tf SEABOARD AIR LINE. Carolina Central B. E. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 48 No. 23 Daily exept Sunday. September 7, 1890. Daily'excpt Sunday, Leave Wilmington.. Leave Hamlet Leave Wadesboro. . Arrive Charlotte.... Leave Charlotte.... Leave Lincolnton... Leave Shelby.... . Arrive RutherFon; 9.20 a. n. 1.15 p. m. 2.22 p. m. 4.13 p. m. 4.23 p. m. 6.42 p. m. 6.40 p. m. 7.65 p. m. 9.30 p. m. 6.00 p. m. 6.15 a. m. 9.00 a. m. EASTBOUND TRAINS. No. 36 No. 24 September 7, 1890. Daily exept Daily exept bunday. Sunday. L've Rntherfordt'n... Leave Shelby Leave Lincolnton .... 8.65 a. m. 10.09 a. m. 11.12 a. m. Arrive Charlotte 12.29 p. m. 12.39 p. m. Leave Charlotte.. 8.00 p. m. Leave Wadesboro xxi p. m. 11.82 p. m. Leave Hamlet Arrive Wilmington aJBSs p. m. 7.80 p. m 1.3U a. m. 8.00 a. m. Trains Nos. 41 and 86 make close connection'at Hamlet fot Raleigh and North; at Lincolnton for Hickory and Western North Carolina. Trains Nos. 23 and 24 make connection at Monroe to and from Chester and South, at Hamlet to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte. T. W. WHISNANT, Superintendent F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent, sep S tf ' Wholesale; Prices Current 1ST" The following quotations represent wholesale prices generally. In making ap small orders higher prices have to be charged. . The quotations are always given as accurately as possible, but the Star will not be responsible for say variations from the actual market price of the articles quoted. .. - BAGGING 8-B Jute.... fl $ 7H Standard... 00 86 BACON North Carolina ' Hams 9 ft 00 .15 Shoulders V S..... 00 & 10 Sides 9 9 ' 00 & 11 WESTERN SMOKED Hams fc 14 16 Sides lb , 9 & 8X Shoulders 9 S.. 0 , 7H DRY SALTED Sides f) lb e ea Shoulders $ lb 5h6 0 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each. 00 0 & 1 SO New New York, each 1 40 & 1 76 New City, each 1 65 & 1 70 BEESWAX 9 B.... 00 23 BRICKS Wilmington, $ M 700 760 Northern..;.. 0 00 14 00 BUTTER North Carolina, $ B 15 26 Northern 23 80 CANDLES, ? lb Sperm.... 18 25 Adamantine i 0 10 CHEESE, y lb Northern Factory... 00 10 Dairy, Cream 11 12J State 00 10 COFFEE, 9 lb Java 27 28 Laguyra... 17 19K Rio 19 21K CORN MEAL, $ bushel, ia sacks.. 70 72 Virginia Meal 70 72 COTTON TIES, bundle 1 50 1 80 ' DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, $ yard. 0 64 Yarns, per bunch 00 80 EGGS, $) dozen On 18 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, barrel 22 00 80 00 Mackerel, No. 1, $ half-barrel. 11 00 15 00 Mackerel, No. 2, $ barrel 16 00 18 00 Mackerel, No. 2, $ half-barrel. 8 00 9 00 Mackerel, No. 8, 9 barrel 18 00 14 00 Mullets, $ barrel 5 50 0 00 Mullets, $ pork barrel. 10 00 10 CO N. C. Roe Herring, V keg 3 00 4 00 Dry Cod, 9 lb 5 10 FLOUR, barrel Western low grade 850 400 " Extra 4 00 4 60 " Family 4 75 6 00 City Mills Super 4 00 4 10 " Family 5 50 6 00 GLUE, lb 6 10 GRAIN, bushel Corn, from store,, bags White. 00 72$ Corn, cargo, in bulk White... 70 72 Corn, cargp, in bags White... '70 72 Corn, Mixed, from store...... 70 72 Oats, from store,. 00 65 Oats, Rust Proof 00 65 Cow Peas 90 85 HIDES, V lb Green.,.. 0 8 Dry 0 4K HAY, 100 lbs Eastern , 00 1 10 Western 1 00 1 10 North River 00 85 HOOP IRON, ft B.. 8Jj 8 LARD, lb Northern " 7 8 North Carolina 00 12H LIME, V barrel 1 40 0 00 LUMBER (city sawed), V M ft Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 20 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 16 00 West India Cargoes, according to quality 13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. ... 18 00 22 00 Scantling and Board, com'n. ... 14 00 15 00 MOLASSES, gallon New Crop Cuba, in hhds 00 28 " " " inbbl 80 80 Porto Rico, in hhds 00 80 " " inbbls 00 0 82 Sugar Hoese, in hhds 00 15 ?. " inbbls 00 18 Syrup, in bbls .. 36 45 NAILS, V keg, Cut, lOd basis 2 15 2 25 60's on basis of $2 20 prica. OILS, gallon. Kerosene 10 Lard 00 68 Linseed.. 90 0 1 00 Rosin 15 18 Tar 00 20 Deck and Spar 00 25 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown 20 85 " Spring 10 20 Turkeys 75 85 PEANUTS, tf bushel (28 lbs) 1 00 1 25 POTATOES, tf bushel Sweet 60 76 Irish, tf barrel 2 75 8 00 PORK, tf barrel City Mess 12 60 18 00 Prime 00 00 12 00 Rump 00 11 60 RICE Carolina, tf lb 6J4 7 Rough, tf bushel (Upland).... 50 v 00 " (Lowland)... 1 00 1 10 RAGS, tf B Country 00 li City 1 lVl ROPE, tf fi.. 14J 22& SALT, tf sack Alum 00 80 Liverpool 00 80 Lisbon 00 00 American 00 80 In 125-lb sacks 65 60 SUGAR, tf 9 Standard Gran d.. 7 Standard A 6U White Ex. C 6J4 Extra C, Golden. . . ; 0 C Yellow 0 SOAP, tf lb Northern.. 0 STAVES. MW. O. Barrel.... 8 00 14 K. u. uogsneaa u w 10 w TIMBER, tfM feet Shipping. . . . 18 60 15 00 Mill Prime 9 00 10 60 Mill Fair 700 860 Common Mill 5 00 060 Inferior to Ordinary 8 00 400 SHINGLES, 7-inch, tf M 5 00 7 00 Common 2 00 2 60 Cypress Sap 4 60 6 00 Cypress Hearts 0 00 760 TALLOW, tflb 5 0 WHISKEY, tf gallon Northern. . 1 00 2 68 North Carolina 1 00 2 10 WOOL, tf lb Washed 28 82K Unwashed 90 21 Barry 10 00 Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital Cash Capital paid in Surplus Fund $1,000,000 300,000 200,000 DLE.ECT0K8: W. I. GORE, G. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLERS, J. W. ATKINSON, C. M. STEDMAN ISAAC BATES, JAMES A. LEAK, F. RHEINSTEIN, E. B. BORDEN. ISAAC BATES Pkesidbnt G. W. WILLIAMS ....ViosPksmdmt WM. L. SMITH Cabhub ATKINSON & MANNING, AGENTS North Carolina Home Ins. Co. -yE OFFER TO THOSE WANTING . v IHSUBAJTCE AGAINST FIRE Policies In this Old and Reliable Home Institution All losses promptly paid. W. S. PRIMROSE, President. CHARLES ROOT, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Secretary si-- :.Ci-: .."-'.-V?..-'' 7 - 7v:-i . 4 v -.-' "i - 7.4 J . . . -