-J-- - f ke rn at jalti-lales: re- P at Or- B.839 f-net m at usta, ales; aipts tton ncan f.000 can; tales. B.200 uary uary 64d; H5 24 ry t very ry 5 ivery bal 17- N5 Wler; and July ist 5 r?er 5 arely N ng out arms, tried g else p lou Id it r h 1 tried EDIES, faith ter seen great ume e tne . the coo-LVENT tow sie ould kd. as a I bad Li every tit that Eczema, exas. cy and l-.cning. th loss hether best , save peri rig. Kanent. cures. b I in es, bncgest Scat, " 64 lcur fcs rheu- .t, and d on.y 50 0 JR DIES 00 .75 BOYS 75 SES Ipeciai llemen, lrwr- ;n.c. that PUBLIC SAFETY DEMANDS That only honest and reliable medicines should be placed upon the market. It earn not, therefore, be stated too emphatically, nor repeated too often, that all who are In need of a genuine Blood - purifier should be sure and ask for Ayer's i Sarsaparilla. Your life, or that of some one near and dear to you, may depend on the use of this well-approved remedy in .prefer ence to any other preparation of similar name- It is compounded of Honduras sar saparilla (the variety most rich in curative properties), stilliugia. mandrake, yellow dock, and the iodides. The process of man ufacture is original, skilful, scrupulously clean, and such as to secure the very best medicinal qualities of each ingredient. This medicine is not boiled nor heated, and is, therefore, not a decoction; but It Is a com pound extract, obtained by a method ex clusively our own. of the be and most powerful alteratives, tonics, and diuretics Known to pharmacy. For the last forty years, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been the standard blood-pnrifler.of the world no other approaching it in popular confidence or universal demand. Its form ula i approved by the leading physicians and druggists. Being pure and highly con centrated, it is the most economical of asj possible blood medicine. Every purchaser of Sarsaparilla should insist upon having this preparation and see that each bottle bears the well-known name of J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. In every quarter of the globe Ayer's Sar. sapariUa is proved to be the best remedy for all diseases of the blood. Lowell druggists unite in testifying to the superior excellence of tin medicine and to its great popularity la the city of its manufacture. ; Ayer's Sarsaparilla FSmBBD BT ! 03. J. C. AYER & CO., lows!!, Masls- tl i f s. Tr-orth J a "Bottl. r.';('.-""5 tb28 PiWly OTTERBURN JTHIA and MAGNESIA WATER! : O! ONLY CUBES "BRIGHT'S DISEASE BUT M.SO DIABETES. Mannhoro. Va., Apnl T, lSSS'S r a var I have been suffering with a form of Ki,'. :soase which my physician (Or. J. A. Hillm.-.--ujht was Diabetes, and advised the use of Ottrr n Lithia and Magnesia Water. The quantity of e pjs.;d was greatly in excess of the natural c :: t., a:id I lost forty pounds of flesh in a '.tv r.ths. The use of the Otterbuurn Water corrects o s excessive flow entirely in sis weeks, and I i a a well mac. :ri-d many medicines without avail, and I-attrihiitt ure of this troublesome and dangerous disease -i-v : . 'he ue of the Otterburn Water. R. N. BLANTOX -KKHONS OhTEN ASK ' WILL IT KEEP Amelia Colnty. Va., Feb. 24. 188b. hereby certify that two. years ago I obtained V-'. . - . k -irur r.f OrprKtim I.irhia and Mantle :.r. tor my wife, in a demijohn, and recent ;.. - -i v.ng to another home, 1 found tnat some Vv'a:er had been left in the demijohn. I poured : i-:.! drank some of ir, and found it to be as pi : -j.-,- ?c -hep "i tar from the Spring. C. E. CRADDOC K ! V CURLS RHEUMATIC GOUT. t. Jefferson, of Johnstown, South Carolina --as follows of it : i '.,dy here has been entirely relieved of a sever .'K t.f' Rheumatic Gout. She found ?ucb rd:a:e relief she did not take any medicine or an - remedy at a!:' and while on the sixth bottle sta .ha: she had been entirely relieved and needed m '.Vatt-r her genera! health being also greatly im E. E. JEFFERSON." .-A fro i-ur I : of Richmond. Va.. April 8. 18ST a.c been suffering for years with a complication l.iver and Kidney trouble, suffering great pain in r-:on of the kidneys, and having my attention - j to the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Water I -.r.ienced to use it, and never experienced such re- frorr. anything. The very first nait-gauon in cleared it ud. My appe- . - has been restored, and 1 feel that f cannot com--.end the Water too highly. R. F. WALKER. Mannboro, Va., March 17, 1888. v. r.e 1 commenced the used of the Otterburn Lithia i-.d Maanesia Water, on the 28th of January last, I no fa:th in any mineral water, i nu in :cr over three vears with a disease that was; pro ved by a ti onounced by a prominent physician of .mond to be an affection of the Kidneys, oftet r.g a scientific test. had only used the W ater one ween wnen i was cu v relieved of pain, which before had been constant at times acute, and I have gained nineteen pounds esh. w-.th a restoration of strength and energy. ! e the Water a fair test, using no other water and r.g no medicine. H. C. GREGORY. Amelia C. H.. Va.. December 15. 1S8.V r.avc been a Dyspeptic for the past fifteen year ate'.v have suffered with Derangement of my Un ;. i srg'ar.s. evidenced by great difficulty in voiding I rommenced tht il ,UC. '-TV Li L 31 A lliuuiua " . the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia apnng . and since that time there has been marked an.. :.-ual improvement in my entire condition anaji.-.tr : ealth. My digestion is better than it has been 10: - or six years, and the urinary trouble is entirely re - d. and has been for the past two months J. A. WALLACE, Cashier Planters' Bank of Amelia. FTEEBUBN LITHIA SPRINGS CO. It. It. BELLA7IV, Ageut, rO-D&Wtf WUn-.ineton. N. C. THE Acme Manufacturing Go. MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre. AND PINE FIBEE MATTING, WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. SPIRTIS TUKPENTINE. TWINKLINGS. ri!F. REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS, 1 .r-r- j rii MAn MraKliched. ana the of three years' use in the hands of the jest -- hts oi tais ana otner ou" iuu; as a high grade manure, i '. MTTiwr. -,a fmm the leaves of our na pine, is conceded to be equal to any woven carpet for comfcut and durability, and the demand tor it is increasing. It has virtues not found in any cir.cr fabric. , , . . Th. ciBDr i :. ,.n.ivlv used for UDhOl . . cn. tnr Mattresses is purposes, ana as a iwuug ; , , nmost equal to hair, being light, elastic and proof gainst insects. ep3o-Law TO WEAK UBl Buffering from the effect of yootfcfol errors, eriT decay, wasting weakness, loettriaoliocxi. etc I will cd a valuable treUe f sealed; containing fall particulars for home cure, FREE of crgo. A splendid medical work ; shonldDe read by frTJ tnzn -who is nervous and debilitated. Address, WJf. p. c. FOWLER, Moodua, Conn Tie WilnMon Steam Laefliy Co. A RE NOW PREPARED TO TAKE UPON reasonable terms a limited amount of family washing i hich will b In eharrs of a comptnt lady. WTiTU A BRANCH. -Mrs. Rockingham Rocket: We un derstand that the Farmers' Alliance is soon to establish a paper at some point in this county. Chatham Record: For several years the watchman at the railroad bridge over Haw river, at Haywood, has been a woman, Miss Letha Hinesley, ana sne is one ot trie oest in tne employ of the R. & A. A-L. R. R. Co. C.harlntt-p Awc- Mr f Wvnn . . .... R nhisnn nnp rf fharlotte's urll known residents, dropped dead in the store of Mr. jr. 3. tloloDauan. corner ot iryon and Fifth streets, at 11.45 o'clock this morning. . Heart disease was the cause of his death. - . land, the defendant, is a white man. and lived on Poplar street, in this city, with his tamiiv. Une ot the warrants, sworn out upon complaint of Mollie Garland. a daughter of Hicks Garland, charges tbe defendant with a criminal assault upon her person. Maxtnn TTnion There are onlr five prisoners in Robeson jail awaiting i .1 t .... a r trial, ctnu mcsc tur petty uuencca. vuc year ago there were fitteen or more. Hon. J. Jr. r"ayne has received an ap- nmntincnt utt Tnrlian rnmmissinnpr On the frontier at $10 per day and expenses. j i . r HT l. : . r: ivir. rayne leit tor w asainton vuyycsi- j leraav. Shelby Aurora: B. J. Gold sold his mineral interest in manganese on 221 acres for Sl.oOO to a Richmond cunrlmtp WTp arp olaH t n chron icle the early erection of another cotton factorv near the Buffalo Paoer MiKs. which property was sold here Monday by the First National Bank ot Charlotte. Oxford Day: The 1890 crop of tobacco does not show ud to be as prood aualitv as at first supposed. It weiehs heavier, however, than usual. Three-tourths of the people who nied in Oxford dunnc the vear 1890 were negroes. The races in the city are nearlv eauallv divided in numbers, the whites having a small majority. Favetteville Observer: About 1 nVlnrt nn the morninc of the 6th inst. the manse of Bluff Church. at Godwin's was destroyed bv fire, together with all the household and kitchen furniture of Rev. G. A. Hough, the occupant and rir,r The fire was not discovered un til too latp tn saup anvthinpr- conSt'QUent- ly the inmates are left destitute a total loss, with no insurance. Greensboro Record: Mr. Junius Mooney. of Kernersville, tried to com mit KiiiciHe on Sundav niffht last bv tak i n cr lanrlannm. because the parents of Vii laHu.lovp ttronld not Pive their con sent, but placed her behind a locked door. He was able at last accounts to take in the situation in a - milder light after the viomrous aoDlication of the o - stomach-pump. Ralf-io-h News and Observer: ' Rev. Daniel Culbreth died last night at y ITT in o'clock at the residence ot Mr. v. u. Hntrhinus 4.1 F.lm street, inhiseighty third vear. A little child of Mrs. Delia Perry who lies on West street, swallowed a dollar a day or two ago which had been given it to play with. A doctor was summoned, however, and succeeded in recovering the dollar which iia.-i nor crone far down the little one's throat. Raleicrh Chronicle: Grand Mas- ter of Masons Samuel n. omuii, oi Winston, has appointed Mr. B. W. Hatcher. Grand Lecturer of the btate at larp-e. in place of Dr. Eugene Grissom. n-' ; r , . who has e t this lurisaiction Governor Fowle has issued commissions m the members of the State Guards as rr T R. Wood, ot Fasquo tank, has been commissioned Colonel of rh P,rr Reoiment. Mr. U. N. bOgart, of Washington county, as Lieutenant . . ... T T I I 11 11 nf ( o.onp anf Mr. VV . tl. nOU'JWCU, wi Goldsboro. as Maior of the first Regi ment. Charlotte Chronicle : 1 he re port of Dr. Scarr. keeper of Elm wood onri Pineorood Cemeteries for the month of I lecemher shows the total number oi interments to he 23. of these 0 were in Elmwood and 14 in Pinewood. Mr. or,H Mrc r.has. Carson were cauea to R.inn Va Tnesdav on account ol th death of William Atkins. Mrs. Car cor' hrother Mr. Atkins had been gun- r,,r.r, for a weeW with an uncle, who was wVS M ww, - - visiting him. and was. according to tne in(nrmaiinn receivea nere. at-t,i dpniW shot while in the field. He died ..v...... --- , Tuesday at 2 o clock trom tne enecis oi the accident. Mr. Atkins was in his 20th vear and was one of the most promi sing oung men in the county. Elizabeth City Carolinian: The records show that the number ot chattle d deeds of trust have been much less during the past year than for several previous ones, i ue gcuciai ,i;r;on of thf neonle in this locality is j.n.rr.vina financially. Interviews with the farmers elicit the fact that they Jr. hpttpr snint feel encouraged and hopeful. They are making thorough .ror-jtion for this vear's crops will r.cp lf.is commercial and more home- ni-jri fertilisers, and orooose ereater di versification. The oyster packers ,,f thiccction have formed an organiza tion to be known as The North Carolina n,.-ctor Packers' Association. Uthcers, consisting of a president, vice-president, cwtarv and treasurer, have been elected. The object is to promote the best interests of the industry. Greensboro Workman: There are some specimens of clay in the Noith Carolina Real Estate office from Spout Springs. N. C. which has been exam r i .-i ronnrtpH fa vorahl v on bv en- There are vast Quantities Of l! in the bed which lies under and along .u rro r7jr road Should it be used in that way it would make plates for the .l-.o1o world to eat out of. There ;n the denot last night from Snrrv countv who asked Ticket Agent -c .( or, had Koncrht a ticket yes- i 4 Nphraeka. When Mr. Cotnn told him that there was a man who pur--u.a the nicht before and de- scribed the man to the mountaineer, the mountaineer said. "That is therascai. ne beat me out ot $275 and another man esnn " Then he explained how the fel- i hin trading in stock for them and had run away with the money. Fie Qtvlo That ;o just lovely, so soft and warm. Is it fash- T as i lonaoier i Dealer No. ma"am, it's called the Common Sense Cloak. X.Mrs. De Style (with a sigh) Let me see your Parisian shoulder capes. New York Weekly. Miss Lonpjout 1 hev tell me arsenic is really good for the complex ion. Now, Mr. Formula, you have stud ied chemistry so long. Is St really good i rormula There-s no doubt about it. miss Longout. it vou take enough ot it your complexion win never trouoie you. America. She 1 nnnersrnnrl there is tailor in T onrlon irrho itict loolro ot irAii 1 A C I . 1 1 uaiu iji a icw uiuuiculs, diiu vviicn yuur clothes come home they fit you perfect ly. He That is somewhat different from my tauor. He looks at me hard tor a few moments, but fails to send the clothes. Clothier and Furnisher, i Mrs. Brokvrre lohn. the nrin . - j j - j L cipal writes that Charles has been sus- penaed tor nazincr. Mr RrolrrrreThe mieprahlp enh I Just wait until he gets home. I'll show 7 1.1 .1 mm wnetner ne can t learn to act as a ofntlpman Mrs. Brokyrre Oh, how did you tear your coat so r i Mr RrnturtpWp h id a little fun down at the board this afternoon initia ting a new member. Indianapolis Jour nal. Hunter i.o countryman What kind ot a dog is the one you have r ; A r 1 countryman 1 iox aog. Fox dog? He has none of the noints. How go vou know r "Well von see. T've tried him at every thintr but foxes, and he was no good at any of them, bo it he was not created in vain, he must be good lor toxes. Texas Sif tings. Patron fin a Western railroad station) Gimme a ticket to Gulchtown. Ticket (Jerk essir. beven an a half. Patron Seven dollars and a half to Gulchtown ? Why. that's only a few stations from here. Ticket Clerk (sharply) Seven-h-halr. Lively now. Patron Dnn t want it. Give me a tiLret for China hv W3V nf (illlchtOWn ticket L-lerk (orisKivj nere you are, . . k t w r r 1 TIT 7 J sir. r ive dollars. new worn weeciy. Advtec lu iTlolliern. or over fifty years Mrs. WlNSLOWs S(ioTH fng Syrup has been used by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teething. Are you dis turbed at night and broken of your rest hv a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? so send at once and get a pot- of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sy rup tor Children leetning. its vame incalculable. It win relieve tne poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diar- lates the Somach and Bowels. f-.iroc Wind Polic softens the Gums, re duces Inflammation, and gives tone and i , energy to tne wnoic system. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teethino- is nleasant to the taste and is th nrescrintion of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the ' . , r ,. r 1 1 .J United btates, and is tor saie oy anurug- o-ists throughout the world. rnce " , ..i r-, 1 tarentu-hve cents a DOttie. re sure aiiu for MRS. vvinslows auoiriiwu If' tie ask Sykttp Kleolrlc Bittern. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no cnecial mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing tne same song oi praise. A purer medicine does not exist onrl it ic oiiaranteed to do all that IS auu . -' rli'mprl Rlertrir. Hitters will cure ail diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, bait Kneum ana other affections caused bv impure hiood Will drive Malaria from the cctem and nrevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Elec tric Ritters Entire satisfaction guar anteed or mnnev refunded. Price 50 til. V . j rprtts and ft1 00 ner bott e at KOBERT K. Bellamy s wnoiesaie anu ivclclh jiuS Store. q For Infants and Cnlldren. nnTta. TiT-omotes Digestion, ana overcomes Flatulency, uonsxipawou, wui SfAm, niarrhoea. and X evensnness. ' ' . . ... Thus the child is rendered neaitny anu iua -i r.t ratona contains ui SlOCp A w. Morphine or other narcotic property. . i- ia nroii nrlanted to children that W"ul r.S- n.mt.inn it a a CIITHT III IAJ UJ-1 T fr' known to , me." . j ; t? . Ill LAJU" V . v i n : m-v nraftiee. ana nna it "i use ittw " -j ' . i, ,j,. specially adapted to affect... ns of ch Id, en. 1057 2d Ave., New York. " - A .VnAtmnftrMI From personal knowledge ana uu T can say that Castoria is an excellent '."!"" lwBhSn. actine as a laxat.ve and relieving ,vr. : , a nnorai orstcm very mt up ooweis noil p"; J?-t ita u.,mnfhershavB told me Of US 6X- celienc eitect, r- Lowell, Mass. Th Ckstatjb Compant, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. dec 16 D- Wlv Ourftlen' Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for v.uih, r - c,-c ITlcers Salt Rheum, Druises, wiwi TT , pr ores. Tetters. Chapped Hands, -u:iv.i';c. rorns and all Skm Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay is JJ ! So miarantPPrltO PTVe DerteCt requiicu. n . " , D, Q 3f - mnnev rp.funded. rrice t.MtcrhriT. For sale by Robert R. Bellamy, Wholeeale and Retail Dnjg CO fciTrtCIALC 0LLE6E of KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY . . .. in h WfirlA. f Wniini Kxposition. 10,000 Oran.e. in . U Ther. mpoved. Co.. of BB. . Coc-.-. - eluding Tu lion. Stuoner na . ,""-- -. " bow. Graduate neeMiui. aproi' '"'"V-, " , adrm 1.000 l.nl. a. d.nC. thept year. " '''j VILBUn H . gwii", . . v.. ., - do 27 4t sc nnw'T niVF UP! law I aJ L "..? rr, iVnthinn. Sf.HiXHSd.Tn Treatment, dsseribsdln HmeEBIEJIEDICAl . ,. r..Uthiai confidential. dm .p.nUitd IUHDnaiB. - GIVE -o- tct- 1- tn U sat Vm Atlanta, 3- aid WMaltey Habits curea ai nome wnu ... noin. Rnnk of tai ticularssent FREE. OiHee Whitehall B. SUPREME & STJPEBIOR GOUBTS OP NOBTH CAEOLTWA 1891. NAME. Geo. H. Brown, Henry R. Bryan, H. G. Connor, Spier Whitaker, R. W. Winston, E. T. Boykin, J. D. Mclver, R. F. Arm field, Jesse F. Graves, John Gray Bynum, W. A. Hoke, J. H. Merrimon, JUDGES. DISTRICT. RESIDENCE. 1 Beaufort. 2 Newbern. 3 Wilson. 4 Wake. 5 Granville. 6 Sampson. 7 Cumberland. 8 Iredell. 9' Surry. 10 Morganton. 11 Lincolnton. 12 - Buncombe. SOLICITORS. NAME. DISTRICT. John H. Blount, 1 G. H. White (col), 2 J. E. Woodard, 3 E. W. Pou. Jr., 4 Isaac R. Strayhorn, 5 O. H. Allen, 6 Frank McNeill, 7 B. F. Long, 8 Thomas Settle, 9 W. C. Newland, 10 Frank L. Osborn, 11 Geo. A. Jones, 12 residence. Perquimans. Halifax. Wilson. Johnston. " Durham. Duplin. Richmond. Iredell. Rockingham. Caldweld. Mecklenb'rg. Macon. Time of Holding; Court. First Judicial Districl-. Spring Judge Bryan. Fall Judge Brown. Beaufort J Feb. 16th, May 25th. Nov. 30th. Currituck Maich 2d, Sept. 7th. Camden March 10th, Sept. 24th. Pasquotank March 16th, Sept. 21st. Perquimans March 25th, Sept. 28th. Chowan March 30th, Oct. 5th. Gates April 6th, Oct. 12th. Hertford April 13th, Oct. 19th. Washington April 20th, Oct. 26th. Tyrrell April 27th, Nov. 2d. Dare May 4th, Nov. 9th. Hyde May 11th, Nov. 16th. Pamlico Mav 18th. Nov. 23d. Second Judicial District. Snrinfr Judrre Connor. r o o fan uoge Bryan. Halifax tMarch 2d, May 12th, Nov. 16th. Northampton tJan. 19th, March 30th, Oct. oth. Bertie Feb. 2d, April 27th, Nov. 2d. Craven tFeb. Oth, May 25th, Nov. 30th. Warren March 16th, Sept. 21st. Edgecombe April 13th, Oct. 19th. Third Judical District. spring Judge Whitaker. ball )udge Connor, Pitt Ian. 5th, March 16th, tjune 8th, Sept. 2 1st. Franklin Jan. 11th, April l3tn, jnov. 6th. Wilson tFeb. 2d, June 1st, Noy. 2d. Vance Feb. 16th, May 18th, Oct. 19th. martin March 2d, Sept. 7th.Dec.7lh. Greene March 30th, Oct. 5th. Nash April 27th, Nov. 23d. Fourth Judicial District. Spring ludge Winston. Fall Judge Whitaker. Wake Jan. 5th, tFeb. 28th, March 28th. t April 21st, Tuly 9th. tAug. 27th, Sept. 28th, Oct. 26th. Wayne Jan. ltn, marcn turn, April 13th, Sept. 14th, Oct. 19th. Harnett Feb. 2d, Aug. 10th, Nov. 30th. Johnston Feb. 9th, Aug. 17th, Nov. 16th. Fifth Judicial District. nnncr Jndfre Bovkid & . , , T i TIT' . fall Judge Winston Durham Jan. 12th, March 23d, June 1st, Oct. 19th. Granville Jan. 26th, April 20th, July 27th, Nov. 30th. Chatham Feb. 9th, May 4th, Uct 5th. Guilford Feb. 16th, May 25th, Aug 31 ct nec 14th. Alamance March 2d. May 18th, Nov. 2d. Orange March 16th, Aug. 10th Nov, Orh Caswell April 6th, Aug. 17th, Nov. 16th. Person April 13th, Aug. 24th, Nov, 23d Sixth Judicial District Qnrinw Ttidtre Mclver. r""'& - t. .... n-.i.: fail juagc DuyK.ui Pender March 9th. Seot. 14tii New Hanover tJan. 19th, f April 13th, tSept. 28th. Lenoir Feb. 2d, Aug. an, inov. ioui riiirJinFeh 9th. Auir lOth.Nov. 30th Sampson tFeb. 23d, April 27th, Oct. 12th. Dec. 14th. Carteret March 16th, Uct. aotn. Jones March 23d. Nov. 2d. Onslow March 30th. Nov. 9th Seventh Judicial District Qnrinw Tndde. Armfield. r o ., T , u-t tall juage ivitivcr. Columbus Tan. 12th, March, 30th, Aiifr ad " , j,C.. Anson 'J an. 5th, tApni van, -oepi 7th Mnv. 30th. Cumberland Jan. 19th, tMay 4tli, July 27th, tNov. 16th. Robeson Jan. aotn, -iviay iom, wu. otn. Richmond Feb. 9th, June 1st, bept. 21st, Dec. 7th. Rlcrlen March 16th. (JCt. 26tU Rmnswirk Anril 16th. Sept. 14th l aw- - T X . Moore March za, Augusx nui, uv. 2d ESghih Judicial District Qniincr Tudce Graves fan juage Armuciu. rnK-mK tTan 2fith. Anril 27th v ea. i ci. . i . j . .u.... T j Mow 9H Iredell Feb. 2d, May 18th, Aug. lutn, Nov. 9ih. . D, TTeh Ifith. Mav 4th. AU OAth Mov 23d. Davidson March ad, bept. tn. iue 7th. . . Rndolnh March 16th. bept. aist. Montcromerv March 30th, Oct. 5th btanly April otn, uui. xwtu Ninth Judicial District Cnnnir Tndcre Rvnum Fi.w& j c J"- ran juugc uiavca. Rockingham Jan. 19th, July 27th, Nov. 9th. . Forsyth Feb. 2d, May istn, uct. 26th. .. . Yadkin Feb. 10th, bept. Sbtn. Wiltes March 2d. Sent. 14thr Alleghany March 16th, Sept. 7th. T-one March ;-illtn. VJCX. 1-6L11. Stokes April 13th, August 10th, Nov 1 cVi XUI.11. ... . Surry April 20th, Aug. 24th. Nov. 23d Tenth fudicicial District Cnrinn T n d ore Hoke J fe , . T-, m fail JUUgC ly iiuiu Henderson Feb. Oth, July 20th. Burke March 2d, Aug. 10th. Caldwell March 16th, Sept. 7th. Ashe March 23d, May 26th, Aug 4th. . WtfUPj Aftfl t, Aug- sin Mitchell April 18th, Sept. 14th. Yancey April 27th, Sept .28th. McDowell Mav 11th,, Oct. 12th. Eleventh Judicial District. Spring Judge Merrimon. Fall Judge Hoke. Catawba Jan. 12th, July 20th. Alexander Jan. 26th, Aug. 3d. Union Feb. 9th, tFeb. 16th, Sept. 21st, tSept. 28th. Mecklenburg -Feb. 23d, Aug. 81st. Gaston March 11th. Oct. 12th. Lincoln March 80th, Oct. 5th. S Cleveland April 6th, Aug. 10th, Oct. 27th. Rutherford April 20th, Nov. 2d. Polk May 4th. Nov. 16th. Twelfthjudicial District. Spring Judge Brown. Fall Judge Merrimon. Madison Feb. 23d, Aug. 3d,tNov.23d. Buncombe tMarch 10th ,tAug. 17th, tDec. 7th. Transylvania March 30th, Sept. 7th. Haywood April 6tb, Sept. 14th. Jackson April 12th, Sept. 28th. Macon May 4th, Oct. 5th. Clay May 11th, Oct. 12th. 1 Cherokee May 18th, Oct. 19th. Graham June 1st, Nov. 2d. Swain June 8th, Nov, 9th For criminal cases. t For civil cases alone. X For civil cases alone except jail cases. Criminal Circuit Courts. New Hanover County. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Benj. R. Moore, Wilmington, Solicitor. Court begins Jan. 5th, March 16tL, May 18th, July 20th, Sept. 21st. Nov. 23d. Mecklenburg County. -Oliver P. Meares, Judge. Geo. E. Wilson, Charlotte, Solicitor. Court begins Feb. 9th, April 13th, Aug. 17th, Oct. 12th. Dec. 7th. Buncombe County. Chas. A. Moore, Asheville, Judge. E. D. Carter, Asheville, Solicitor. Court begins Jan. 26th, April 27th, July 27th, Nov. 2d. Supreme Court meets frst Monday in February. Examinations on Friday and Saturday before. First District, Feb. 2d; Second District, Feb. Oth; Third District, Feb. 16th; Fourth Distriet, Feb. 25th; Fifth District, March 2d; Sixth District, March 10th; Seventh District, March 16th; Eighth District, March 23d; Ninth District, March 30th; Tenth Distriet, April 6th, Eleventh District, April 13th. Twelfth District, April 20th. Last Monday in September. Exami nations Friday and Saturday before. First District, Sept. 2Rth; Second Dis trict, Oct. 5th; Third District, Oct. 12th; Fourth District, Oct. 19th; Fifth Dis trict, Oct. 26th; Sixth District, Nov. 2d; Seventh District, Nov. 9th; Eighth Dis trict, Nov. 16th; Ninth District, Nov. 23d; Tenth District, Nov. 30th; Eleventh District.Dec. 7th. Twelfth District, Dec. 14th, Cape Fear & YaflMn Valley Railway Co. COHTJENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT DECEMBER 1, 1890 NORTH BOUND. No. 1. I No. 3. i Daily ex Dailv ex I Sunday. Sunday. No. 15. Daily ex bunday. Leave Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arnve Leave Arrive Wilmington. . Fayetteville. . Fayetteville. . fcanford Greensboro. . Greensboro. . . Walnut Cove. Mt. Airy.... Bennettsville. Maxton Maxton Fayetteville. . Ramseur Greensboro.. . Greensboro. . . Madison 9.00 a. m. 12.25 p. m. 12.50 " 2.22 " 5.00 " 5.20 " 7.00 " 9.00 " 8.30 a. m. 9.40 " 9.50 " 11.45 " 6.50 a. m. 9.25 " 10.00 " 12.15 p. m. SOUTH BOUND. I No. 2. I No. 4. Daily ex Daily ex Sunday. sunoay. Leave Leave Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave An ive Mt. Airy Walnut Cove. Greensboro. . . Greensboro. . Sanf ord Fayetteville. . Favetteville. . Wilmington. . Fayetteville. . Maxton Maxton Bennettsville Madison Greensboro. . Greensboro... Ramseur I 5 35 a. m. 7.42 " 9 20 " 9.50 " 12.19 p. m. 1.50 " 2.15 " 5.45 " i No. 16. Daily ex Sunday. 8.30 p. m.: 5.20 " ; 5.30 " : 6.45 " i 1.20 p. m. 3.H5 " 4.00 " 6.55 " W. E. KYLE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. J. W. FEY, Gen'l nov 30 tf Manager. WILMINGTON SEAC0AST R.R IN EFFECT NOV. 16TH, 1890. HE FOLLOWING CHANGE OF SCHEDULE on the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad will take effect sunoay. iov. ium. , 'i- it, Pr4n-coQ ctrper at 7.00 a. in . z.oU ana 6.10 p. m., daily except sunaay. ljeave nammocKs o.u a. .w r daily except Sunday. Sunday train leaves Princess street 3.00 p. ra. Leave Hammocks at 5.30 p. m. J. B. NOLAN, nov 25 tf ' General Manager. PALMETTO RAILROAD CO, ATLANTIC C0AST LINE. filiniiiiton & Welflon E. R. and Brandies CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. lNo go No. 27 No. 41 Dated Dec . 7, 1890. MOili3 Fast Mail Daily ex Daily. Daily. Sunday. PM PM AM Leave Weldon 1280 543 600 Arr. Rocky Mount.. ... 1 46 7 10 Arrive Tarboro. ......... 2 17 .777.77 A M Leave Tarboro 10 20 .. .... pM Arrive Wilson i 2 20 7 00 j 7 43 Leave Wilson77. . . .7 . 7 . . . 2 80 . . ....I... Arrive Selma 3 30 I Arrive FayetteviUe .j 5 30 . . . Leave Goldsboro. ...77 . .77 3 15 7 40 1 8 35 Leave Warsaw 4 10 ! 9 84 Leave Magnolia 4 24 8 40 9 49 Arrive Wilmington 5 60 9 55 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 14 NcFrg Daily. Daily. Sunday. AM AM PM Leave Wilmington 12 01 9 00 4 00 Leave Magnolia 1 21 10 84 5 86 Leave Warsaw 10 48 5 53 Arrive Goldsboro 2 23 11 55 6 53 Leave Fayetteville." t 9 20 ', Arrive Selma 11 18 Arrive Wilspn 12 20 AM P M P M Leave Wilson 3 03 12 54 7 47 An-. Rocky Mount 1 30 8 18 Arrive Tarboro 2 17 I AM Leave Tarboro 10 20 . Arrive Weldon 430 255 980 Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Wel don 3.15 p m, Halifax 3.37 p m, arrive Scotland Neck 4 25 p in, Greenville 6 02 p m, Kinston 7 15 p m. Re turning, leaves Kinstun 6 00 a m, Greenville 7.20 a ra, Arriving Haifax at 10 10 a m, Weldon 10.30 a m, daily except Sunday. Local Freight leaves Weldon 10.30 a. m, Halifax 11.30 a. m, Scotland Neck 2.00 p m, Greenville 5 30 p tn. Arriving at Kinston 7 40 p m. Returning, leave Kinstpn 7 00 a m, Greenville 9.30 a m, Scotland Neck 1.10 p m, Halifax 8.35 p m. Arriving Weldon 4.00 p m. daily except Sunday. Train leaves 1 arooro, in . o., via AiDemarie ol ivaieign N. C, daily except Sunday 6 00 a m, Sunday 9 00 a m. Williamston 7 10 am, 9 58 a m. Arrive Tarboro, N, C, 9 30 a m and 11 20 a m. Train on Midland N C Branch leavei Goldsboro, N C, daily except Sunday, 6 00 a m ; arrive Smithfield, N. C, 7.30 a m. Returning, leaves Smithfield, N. C, 8 00 a m ; arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 9 30 a in. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3 pm, arrives Nashville 3 40 pm. Spring Hope 4 15 p m. Returning, leaves Spring Hope 10 a m, Nash ville 10 35 a m; arrive Rocky Mount 11 15 a m, daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday, at 6 p m and 11 10 a m. Return ing, leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 3 10 p m, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Southbound train on Wilson & Fayetteville Braich is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. DailyJ except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Golda boro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Wash ington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. J. R. KENLY. Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass'gr Agent. dec7-tf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wilmington, ColmMa & Anpsta R. R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov. 16, 1890 Leave Wilmington......... Leave Marion , Arrive Florence T javp Florence.. i .Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter. Arrive uommuia No.23 No.27 No. 15 PM PM AM 6 10 10 10 9 83 12 40 10 20 1 20 A M No. 50 No. 58 A M 3 20 t8 25 4 35 9 85 No. 52 A M 4 85 9 45 6 15 10 55 A M v, r.o -....- ."u.. rrV. fmm riarlfitrra via Central Railroad. Leaving Lanes 8 80 a ru, Manning 9.10 a m. Train on t. a it. k.. k.. connects hi fwnu" No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Ieave Colombia Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter Arrive Florence Leave Florence Leave Marion Arrive Wilmington No. 51 No. 69 No. 58 PM PM PM 10 35 5 20 11 68 6 82 11 58 40 1 15 7 55 A M No. 78 No. 14 AM PM 4 85 8 15 5 20 8 66 8 35 11 45 AM PM Daily, t Dai'y except Sunday. cs .1 u . rh.ritnn S C.. via Cen lu. uo luua imuugu w ... ..--j. , - , - - tral R. R., arriving Manning 7 04 p m, Lanes 7 43 p m Lnariesiun vovpui. , . No. 59 connects at Florence with C. & D. tram from Cheraw and Wades boro. . . Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wilmington . 1. mt d. iir x -t nil nnintfl Nortll . Troin nn Flnrcnoe Railroad leaves Pee Dee daily. except Sunday, 4 40 pm, arrive Rowland 17 p m. Re turning, leave Rowland 6 30 am, arrive Pee Dee 8 60 am. . . .. Train on Manchester & Augusta Kauroao. ieave Sumter daily, except ounaay, j.u i am, mini 12 m n m. Returninff. leave Rimini 12 15p m. ar rive Sumter 130 pm. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l bnp't w n trrTT A 4raM,l "hf nntrrJr T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass'ger Agent, no 1S-U SEABOARD AIR LINE. Carolina Central R. R. Trains will run as follows, daily (Sunday ex cepted) jqrovuvo NOBTH. No 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Cheraw, S. C 5.00 'p. m T- i . 1. . . d. m Osborn f -O P- m Amve Hamlet. N. C n-1" P- m MOVING SOUTH. No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Hamlet, N. C f a m n -i.K.n . 8.50 a. m ............ I..........-"-.'- Vnllnrk Station 9.20 a. m Irriw Cheraw. S. C 9.40 a. m dec 8-tf WM. MONCURE, Snp't. For the Holidays 104 BOXES SAFETY FIEE CRAOKEES SEE THEM WhUe Supplying Other Want. HALL & PEARSALL irrww tf CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. Dec. 7, 1890. No. 43 Daily ex-. Sunday. Leave Leave Leave Arrive Leave Leave Leave Arrive Wilmington Hamlet Wadesboro. Charlotte. . Charlotte. . Lincolnton. Shelby Rutherfon I 9.30 a. m. 1.10 p. m. 2.22 p. m. 4.13 p. m. 4.23 p. m. .42 p. m. 6.40 p. m. 7.55 p. m. No. 23 l No. 41 Daily exJDaily ex. Sunday, j Sunday. 8.30 p. m. 6.00 p. m. 6.15 a. m. 9.00 a. m. .7.40 p. m. 8,29 p. m. 10.15 p. m. EASTBOUND TRAINS. Dec. 7, 1SS0. L've Rntherfordt'n Leave Shelby Leave Lincolnton. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte... Leave Wadesboro Leave Hamlet Arrive Wilmington No. 86 Daily exept Sunday. 8.55 a. m 10.09 a. m 11.12 a. m 12.29 o. m 12.39 p. ra 2.22 p. m 3.32 p. m 7.S0 p. m No. 24 Daily exept Sunday. No. 88 Daily ex. Suday. Wholesale Prices Current, The following quotation" represent wholesale prices generally. In making tip small ordi higher prices have to be charged. The quotations are always K-veu es accurately possible, but the Star will not be responsible for any variations from the actual market price of tbe articles quoted. 5 Mi AGGINC 2-lb Jute Standard BACON-rNorth Carolina Hams 9 Tt New, 11c; t ShouWeri p tb Sides V to WESTERN SMOKED Hams V & Sides V Shoulders $1 Tt DRY SALTED Sides V B Shoulders D BARRELS Spirit? Turpentine Second Hand, each New New York, each New City, each BEESWAX p BRICKS Wilmington, 'ta M Northern BUTTER North Carolina, i It) Northern CANDLES, V lb Sperm Adamantine CHEESE. lb Northern Factory , Dairy. Cream State COFFEE, 9 B Java. " Lagnyra Rio CORN MEAL, bushel, iu sacks.. Virginia Meal COTTON TIES, bundle DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yaru Yarns, per bunch EGGS, V dozen FISH Mackerel, No. 1, $ barrel 7.45 p. 11.18 p. 1.15 a. 8.15 a. 5.00 a. m. 6.52 a. m' 7.40 a. m. Mackerel, No. 2, $ half-barrel. Mullets, $ barrel Mullets, $ pork barrel N. C. Roe Herring, jJ keg, . . Dry Cod, V tt FLOUR, barrel- Western low grade " Extra Family S 00 City Mills Super " Family GLUE, $ ft. GRAIN, bushel- Corn, from store, bags Whhe 00 8 (I iXI O 1(5 00 O 10 oo a - u 14 O o C V o it f . (1 ft '5 (Hi i1 (,J. 3 !; l rr, : C t Tit ' th' . ? IM ' oo a n o-i is a a 9 10 UO g& 10 ii im 00 O 10 .T & iH IT l'.,V4 10 C Sl, oo a fo ou ft ;o oo a i no ., .... lTQk l a w - w uo n oo 15 oc- 16 00 1&. CK) 8 00 9 00 13 00 H 'OO 4 50 5 CH) o oo a a fn 3 oo -i (f; r i" . 03 4 0'. 4 00 & 4 fxi a oo o r o 4 00 i . 5 w g; j e j. Corn, cargo, in bulk White ... i i fy Corn, cargo, in bags White. . . i 72H, Corn, Mixed, from store '. 70 . Oats, from store 55 57H Oats, Rust Proof 00 Q i W Cow Peas 00 0 j 85 HIDES, V lb Green 0 f 3 Dry 0 4J HAY, V 100 tt-S- Eastern , 00 i 1 10 Western 1 00 ! 1 10 North River 00 : 85 HOOP IRON, 1 B) LARD, 9 ft Northern 7 North Carolina 00 LIME, V barrel 1 40 LUMBER (city sawed), f M It- Ship Stuff, resawed lb 00 ?4 . Rough Edge Plank West India Cargoes, accoidjng to quality Dressed Flooring, seasoned. . . Scantling and Board, com'n. . . . MOLASSES, 9 gallon- New Crop Cuba, in hhds " " inbbls Porto Rico, in hhds in bbl Sugar House, in hhds '? " in bbl Syrup, in bbls NAILS. V keg. Cut, lOd basis..... 60 s on basis of S3 20 prica. OILS. 9 gallon. Kerosene Lard Linseed Rosin , Tar Deck and Sper POULTRY Chickens, live, grown " Spring Turkeys PEANUTS, 9 bushel (28 B-sl POTATOES, V bushel Sweet Irish, 9 barrel PORK, 9 barrel City Mess Prime Rump RICE Carolina, 9 B 15 Of) 13 00 IS CO 14 00 00 30 00 00 00 00 86 a 25 2 15 U) On cj n o? & 16 iv gji Oo 15 00 (A 9 ioj 00 (Oi 00 15 00 00 20 10 75 70 2.) ! 73 ft no oo oo oo 00 00 1 14 00 12 00 11 50 10 60 1 15 8 8 12 0 00 30 80 82 15 18 46 3 30 2 25 es 1 00 le so 3!i !M 85 8f. 40 S 00 Rough, sa bushel (Upland). . . " (Lowland).. RAGS, 9 Ib-rCountry City ROPE, 9 ft) SALT, 9 sack -Alum Liverpool Lisbon American In 125-S sacks... SUGAR, 9 ft Standard Gran d. Standard A White Ex. C Extra C, Golden C Yellow SOAP, 9 ft Northern STAVES, 9 M W. O. Barrel... R. O. Hogshead TIMBER, 9 M feet Shipping. . . Mill Prime Mill Fair Common Mill 5 0C Inferior to Ordinary SHINGLES, 7-inch, 9M Common Cypress Saps 4 50 Cypress Hearts 0 00 TALLOW, 9 ft. -. 5 WHISKEY, 9 gallon Northern.. 1 00 North Carolina 1 00 WOOL, 9 ft) Washed 28 Unwashed 20 Bnrrv 10 Bank of New Hanover. 80 ' 00 80 00 00 00 ' 60 55 CO 0 7 ev2 o t&t 0 5W o r, 8 00 14 00 0 00 10 00 12 50 Oh 15 00 9 00 Sh 10 60 7 OC 8 50 fh 6 60 ; 3 00 4 00 5 00 7 00 2 00 ' 2 60 5 00 7 50 6 2 63 2 10 82H 21 00 Authorized Capital - -Cash Capital paid in -Surplus Fund - 81,000,000 - 300,000 - 200,000 Trains Nos. 41 and 88 make close connection at Hamlet foi Raleigh and North. Nos. 43 and 86 make close connection at Lincolnton for Hickory ana Western North Carolina. w Trains Nos. 23 and 24 make connection at Monroe to and from Chester and South. No. 23 makes connec tion at Hamlet for Raleigh. . Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte. T. W. WHISNANT, Snperiatwto F. W. CLARK, GT PasWir AtVrit. a T tf DIRECTORS W. I. GORE. c. : G. W.- WILLIAMS. DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLERS, J. W. ATKINSON, C. M. STr DM AN ISAAC BATES, t JAMES AjLEAK F. RHEINSTEIN E. B. BORDEN. ISAAC BATES Pjirsident G. W. WILLIAMS Vica Psidnt i WM. L. SMITH Cashi ATKINSON & MANNING, . AGENTS North Carolina Home Ins. Co E OFFER TO THOSE WANTING INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE Policies in this Old and Reliable Home Institution. All losses promptly paid. W. S. PRIMROSE, President. CHARLES ROOT, Secretary. PULASKI COWPKR, Sacrct . r A 1 1 : aLif'f i t' .r m Iflfl mm 'ilrtl mm mm te: mm: -a j i:; ' mm P- '1 rl.i " !' ' i.t t.ft .' j M .4" ; f it: PIP 1.. 7 v. .