un- rn Mess lbs.. 50a 3 90. skey lows heat Mav 51c; . 53, June Sw atch uarv phort 4 55. 14 85. y at Hoik, bales; re- quiet Bos- 440 net , dull pales; Is 370 eipts i net Iteady ptton Boins:. es to- were ptport brican dling, and and a May tlhseVy 64d; l-64d; bales seller; seller; April Tune 7-64d. h Au- seller; 8-64d. m Lfor OD 5. me. fe sys- ppnri- From pnedy B cer- writes. for less ler used. o, ia. ervaaon lily now not cad buder," 50 .00 FOR ADIES 2.00 ?I75 BOYS 1,75 .AS speclal ntfemen, , are war- resa . . ley- neu- Piles. r these i Liver Iee,25 I r es of food. ecesaary . & Derma- with saco no incon xnation t lot N. Ice. .mi dant kerils U ! bur cs? L Method Ef curable. Kb t prefer f me witn-fcokofpaf ft FUfcf- Keball St. BRONCHITIS is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes the air-passage leading into the longs. pew other complaints are so prevalent, or call for more prompt and energetic action. As neglect or delay may result seriously, effective remedies should always be at band. Apply at once a mustard poultice to the tpper part of the chest, and, for internal treatment, take frequent doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral C. O. Lepper, Druggist, Fort "Wayne, IncL, writes : "My little sister, four years of age, W3S so ill from bronchitis that we had almost given up hope of her recovery. Our family physician, a skilful man and of large experi ence, pronounced it useless to give her any more medicine, saying he had done all it was possible to do, and we must prepare forjhe worst. As a last resort, we determined to try Aver's Cherry Pectoral, and I can truly sy. with most happy results. After taking a few doses she seemed to breathe easier, and. within a week, was out of danger. "We continued giving the Pectoral until satisfied she was entirely well. This indisputable evidence of the great merit of Ayer's Cherry pectoral has given me unbounded confi dence in the preparation, and I recommend it to my customers, knowing it cannot disap point them." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a bad congh and my partner of broneaitis. I know of numerous cases in which this preparation has proved very beneficial in families of Young Children, so that the medicine, is known among them as 'the consoler of the afflicted.' " Jaime Eufus Vidal, San Cristobal, San Domingo. A short time ago, I was taken with a severe attack of brorichitis. The remedies ordinarily used in such cases failed to give me relief. Almost in despair of ever finding anything to cure me, I bought a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was helped from the first dose. I had not finished one bottle before the disease left me,-and my throat and lungs were as sound as ever." Geo. B. Hunter, Altoona, Pa. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Rocky Mount Phcehix: The farmers of this section are putting more land in peanuts than-formerly. Several machines for separating the nuts from the vines have been bought. Raleiffh Capital : CaDt. Chas. D. Heartt, chief of pohce, has received' see Spakespeare circulars onenng a reward oi !jouv lor the capture of Jas. A. Williams, who murdered Maj. Williams at Greenville, S. C. Winston Sentinel: Deputy Col lector P. T. Lehman seized some block ade whiskey here last night, Theowner, with his team, managed to escape ar rest, but the wagon and .its contents are now in charge of Mr. Lehman. Greensboro Workman: We learn to-day of a terrible wreck which occur red on the Western North Carolina Railroad. The east-bound freight was derailed near Connelly's Springs, com pletely demolishing six cars, fatally in juring one of the trainmen and bruising others. The passenger trains made transfers until the track was cleared. Greensboro Record: A resolu tion was adopted by the Chamber of Commerce offering as inducement for the location of the Colored Agricultural College ten acres of land and all neces sary dormitories and a mechanical hall as a gi't, which by estimate is placed at $20,000. In addition to this the free use of ten acres of farming land adjoining. Weldon Nezvs: At least twenty five new dwellings will be erected in Weldon this spring and summer. Mr. J. R. Stainback has purchased the mineral springs in Northampton county, at Spring church, together with sixty acres of land. Mr. Stainback will have the water analyzed and expects to con verts the springs into a popular summer resort. TWINKLINGS. When small people fall in love they increase their sighs. The successful theatrical man ager has a good .deal to thank his stars for. " Well, that's the first "break I ever made," remarked the bring young chick as the shell parted. For a new way to Day old debts For an old wav to pay new debts see 90 day notes. I have always favored the ad vancement of youth! exclaimed old Hardcase, propelling his would-be son- in-law into the street. Boston Courier. Many people, who believe in business before pleasure." still seem to take pleasure in other folks' business. U tica Herald. ' "You married a rich wife, didn't you?" asked Harry of his erstwhile friend. "Yes," he sighed, "but she's never declared any dividends yet ?" Washington Star. . "Do you frequentlypen this sort of thing?" asked the editor.ofthe poetic contributor. "O, yes; very frequently. "Well, why don't you pen them so that they can not get away and stray around like this ?" Light. He I hear you attend the Oratorio Society's performances. Were you present at the "Creation ?" She (indignantly) I suppose that you will next want to know if I sailed in Noah's ark. American. ' Industrial Mannfactaring Company WILMINGTON, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF TINNED WOODEN B TTER DISHES i DIAMOND BASKETS, Berry I Baskets, Fruit and Vegetable Orates, CANDY BOXES, Orange Boxes, &c,, &c. VENEERS CUT TO ORDER FROM SWEET PREP ABED BT DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. fold by all Druggists. Trice fl ; six bottles, $5. OTTERBXJBN LITHIA and MAGNESIA WATER! NOT ONLY CURES "BRIGHT'S DISEASE BUT ALSO DIABETES. Mannboso, Va., April 7, 1S88 8 r, v.sr T have been snfferine with a form of Kid aey Disease which my physician (Dr. J. A. Hillmaa) -.bought was Diabetes, and advised the use of Otter ourn Lithia and Magnesia Water. The quantity of u-nae passed was greatly in excess of the natural se cretion, and I lost forty pounds of flesh in a few noaths. The use of the OtteTDnurn Water corrected :b:s excessive flow entirely in six weeks, and I am ,;,i.n a well man. " ' -i-d raacy medicines without avail, and I attribute . -lire of this troublesome and dangerous disease en W the use of the Ot.ertamW.w. PERSONS OFTEN ASK. ' WILL IT KEEP Amelia County , Va., Feb. 24, 18S8. ! hereby certify that two years ago I obtained some jf the Water of the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Spring for my wife, in a demijohn, and recently -h lis' moving to another home, 1 found that some : re Water had been left in the demijohn. I poured : .ut and drank some of it, and found it to be as pure ;nd nice as when first taken from Spnng. IT CURES RHEUMATIC GOUT. j. E. Jefferson, of Johnstown, South Carolina rites as follows of it : .... ' A. lady here has been entirely relieved of a severe ,-cackof Rheumatic Gout. She found such -r. mediate relief she did not take any medicine or any oi'uer remedy at all' and while on the sixth bottle sta e 5 "that she 'had been entirely relieved and needed no 'more Water, her general health being ao greatly im croved. E- E- J t-KSUrM . Richmond. Va., April S, 188? I have been suffering for years with a complication of Liver and Kidney trouble, suffering great pain i -he region of the kidneys, and having my attention called to the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Water I commenced to use it, and never experienced such re- ief from anything. The very tirst naii-gaiion creased the flow of urine and cleared it up. Kn rcsfnred. and I feel that I rnecd the Water too highly. in- My appe- cannot com- R. F. WALKER. M.annboro, Va., March 17, 18S8. When 1 commenced the used of the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Water, on the 28th ot January last, i -.ari nr, faith in anv mineral water. 1 had been suner- ice for over three years with a disease tnat was pro- r a : rvici.mona to De an anctuua i making a scientific test. the Kidneys, after 1 had only used the Water one week when I was en -Ire'.y relieved of pain, which before had been constant times acute, and I nave gamcu iuci witn a restoration ui aucugku - - Water a fair test, using no otner water aDI. ri. u. UNtuu rv. i . December 15, 1888. ' ir.d .r. nesn ii.ve the sting no medicine. AVRLlA C. H.. Va. i uvt bem a Dyspeptic for the past fifteen years And lately have suffered with Derangement of my Un nary Organs, evidenced by great difficulty in voiding :: e urice. About six months ago I commenced the ise of the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Springs Water, and dnce that time there has been manced and gradual improvement in my entire condition and state A health. My digestion is better than it has been for -. . e or ix vears. and the urinary trouble is entirely re eved, and has been for the past two months. J. A. WALLACE, Cashier Planters' Bank of Amelia. GTT ERBURN LITHIA SFEIKGS CO. K. r3-D&Wtf K. BEL,L,Aimr, Agent, Wilmington, N. C THE Acme Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre, AND PINE FIBRE MATTING, WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA. 'THE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS, A the ACME and GEM, is now established, ana the result of three years' use in the hands of the best tarmers of this and other States fully attest their value as a high grade manure. The MATTING, made from the leaves of our na tive pine, is conceded to be equal to any woven carpet for comfoit and durability, and the demand tor it is daily increasing. It has virtues not found in any other fabric. . . , . The FIBRE, or wool, is extensively used for uphol storing purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light, elastic and proof gainst insects. sei8KDW Raleigh Visitor: The trustees of the State University met to-day, Gov. Fowie presiding. Dr. Kemp P. Battle tendered his resignation as presi dent. It was accepted and he was elec ted Professor of History, to fill the chair recently established, tiis resignation takes effect at the commencement -next Time, at which time the trustees will elect a new president. Wadesboro Afessenger-lntelligen- ccr: The grip still rages. Nearly every one you meet has it, or is just getting over it. Yesterday morning Lou, the 5 year old daughter of Albert Ham- mono, col., wno lives in waaesooro, was so badlv burned, by her clothing ignit inff while she was playing near the fire, that she died this morniner about 3 o'clock. The child's mother had stepped out a few minutes, and it was during her absence that the accident hap pened. - . Rocky Mount Argonaut: Work has commenced on the new passenger depot and the travelling public will soon enjoy the luxury of a decent waiting room. J. O. W. Gravely, the pro nrietor of the Farmers' warehouse, is go ing to add thirty feet to the length of his warehouse, and also erect a three- story leaf factory on the same lot. There are two large leai lODacco iacto ries nearly completed and another is to be commenced at once. The large quan tity of tobacco brought here has ren- rlered it necessary to greatly increase the room for rehandlins-. Charlotte News: Rufus Honey- r-ntt a crnnri nrinter and a man who is generally well thought of by our people, wa? arraigned before the mayor this morning on the charge of beating his TO;fp. anH snn. He created a great dis turbance at his home last night, and he nolire arrived there was a crowd congregated about the house. H nevcutt had not only beaten his wife and son but had broken crockery and torn ud thines about the house in a shameful wav. The mayor sentenced him tn sn Havs in iail. Rufe is a eood, clever msn e-rrent when in the power of his old enemy. Fayetteville Observer: Messrs. MrClnre. Grennamever & "Co. contem plate adding a sash, door and blind fac their already largre number busi ne;; in Favetteville. Mr. B. F Simmons, of Montgomery county, who nc a rail this week, informs us that the existence ot coal in tne coun :c Mnntommprv and Richmond is it . 1 A f,f r r r or one now a wen-asceriauicu o.h- ""- will be taken without delay to develop I and work the beds. There are outcrop pings of coal on Buffalo, in the Pekin section, and on Mountain Creek, besides unmistakable evidences of it n Cheek's Creek. A few nights since a col ored man, Billy McDaniel, living in the Harrington Hill suburbs, came to his ontri in a verv remarkable manner. On his way home with his wife, she, who was in lront, cauuoneu uu oamai. some roots obstructing the path-but too late, for iust at tnat moment wc stumbled and fell. As he made no enort to rise she called to him to gee up, at the same time taking him Dy tne arm. She found him unable to move or spea., . : 3 . . csn 1 1 1 trvtT Q rH Q. ana ne expircu vciy awn 1 Monroe Enaidrer-Register: The iurv in the case ofState vs Bob Marsh, charged wun rauivci, 'uuk.u ,, Tuesday evening of "not guilty. -A petition has been forwarded to the Legislature asking, that the Mecklen burg Road Law be made to apply to this county. Grip is quite pre valent in these parts. In fact, it is so common that almost every family can boast of one or more cases. We learn that Mary Dunlap, an old colored woman, died a few days ago, just across the line, in Chesterfield county, S. U cu. loimpH tn he. 109 vears old at the t u-r riooth She was a native ol tunc ui ni . ,. -r Anson county. Mrs. EmelineTay- lor died at the residence of her son-in-law Mr. W. E. Funderburk, last Mon- J A (tarnAAn The immediate cause 1 1 h v aiitiiiwvu. of her death was la grippe Itlerft Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not lollow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. t ROBERT R. tJELLAMY, urugglSLS. GUM, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, OAK, ASH BRCH, WALNUT, &c. This Company has an Established Reputation for the Quality of its Work. Can Compete in Prices with any similar Establish ment n the United States. Orders for Car Load Lots filled on short notice. Samples and Prices on application. Factory on Cape Fear River, corner Queen and Surry streets. Address Industrial Manufacturing Co. WILMINGTON, N. C. seD 2 P&W tt Bucklen' Atnlca salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever. Sores. Tetters, Chapped Hands, Chilblains.Corns. and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay is required. It is guaranteed tj give penect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price S5 eents per box. For sale by Robert R. Bellamy, Wholesale and Ketail urug ists. 1 WHITE FISH ! CIGARS, Tobacco, Snuff, Coffee, Sugar, Flour, Meat, Lard, Molasses. CASE AND CAN GOODS. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. R. W. HICKS, 'wholesale grocer, Sparkling Catawba Springs, CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. Dr. E. O. Elliott & Son, PROPRIETORS. THIS WELL KNOWN RESORT IS SEVEN miles from Hickory, over a beautiful road. Capacity 500 guests, with superior Medicinal Min eral Waters for the Livtr, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Kidney Disecses, Debility and Nervous Prostration. A fine dry climate, a delightful home, the very place to restore the invalid to health and enjoyment of fife.- In shade of the Blue Ridge, For Catalogue address the Proprietors. June 20, 1890. CARD FROM SENATOR VANCE. United States Senate, Washington, D. C, February 7th, 1885. 1 take treat nleasure in savine that I am well ac quainted with the waters of the Sparkling Catawba I consider them of the greatest value, hav ing witnessed their effects upon many of my acquaint ances for the last fifteen years. Situated as they are in the midst of a beautiful rolling country, entirely ahnve the malarial belt. I know of no place in our State more desirable for the health-seeker. Yours very .truly, Z. B. VANCE. - Office of WlTTKOWSKV & Baruch, Charlotte, if. C, March a, DrV E. O. Elliott. Dear Sir: I have visited a great many Springs in jhis country and in Europe, among others the "Sara tri" of fhis ronntrv. and the celebrated "Karlsbad' Springs in Europe, and am free to say that I jfind the "Sparkling Catawba" to excel, in their curative pro perties, all of them. And so far as I am personally I alwavs look forward with pleasure to the time when I can sriend a few pleasant days at those Springs. ! Very respscttully, ! S. WITTKOWSKY Charlotte N. C, February gj, iSS$, The subscriber has been for many years acquainted with the beneficial effects resulting from the use of the CnrHms farawhi Srjrinff water. It restores the lost appetite reguiates the action of the bowels and kid neys, ciearing the skin, and removing eruptions (usually benefited by sulphur or arsenic). By its use the pa tient gains weight, strength and spirits. I have not 1 beneficial results from the use of anv other mineral water with which I am acquainted IV 17 DW tt J . d. xii. u 216 North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. feb 7 tf WILMINGTON SEAC0ASTR.R IN EFFECT JAN. 18TH, 1891. 3D O'ConxLor REAL ESTATE AGENT. Wilmington, North. Carolina. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT and SOLD Loans Negotiated on City Property. Stores, Dwellings, Offices and Halls for Rent. Rents collected, lases auu promptly attended to. Houses and Lots for sale on the monthly instalmen 10 tt plan. Cash advanced on city property. h " TO WEAK UEl Buffering from the effect of youthful error early decsy. wasting weakness, lost manhood, eto.. 1 wm arM . 1 v.i rutnled) containing fail particulars for home enre, F K C. t 01 C"IK: " splendid, medical work : nouldTbe read by every man who la nervous and debilitated. Address, Prof. p. C. FOWIiEU, Moodus, Comu nov 7 D&W ly P. EtiriYROYAL PILLS a"ilWiyi relbl. i?'"" " mini with MM noon- Mm II iV Take turns am imitation. At PrxiW fin- lklea," Uur.7 r.t" V Mmil. M TtlmoolyU. ,mZZL 30D&Wly ' News reached here yesterday of the death of Mr. D. Barnes Plyier 01 D"lor"'J." chin He was taken ill on Sunday w th i .r,; onH riied Tuesday. Mr. Plyler this section, ana was n,r Hired hv all who knew him 11. .nA h renntation of being the nc uau - - f - , . , 1 ,on m North Carolina, his weight being over 400 pounds. SPABKLINQ CATAWBA SPRINGS. Health seekers should goto Spark ling Catawba Springs. BeautifuDy ioclted, in Catawba county ! 000 feet ia7oi at the foot of the tiiue clLHJVC wvivii - Ridge mountains. Scenery magnificent medicinal oreperties ol S higS : order. Board only 8M0 per month. Read advertisement in this v a Tivr E. O. Elliott & Sonj proprietors, for descriptive pam phlets. rpHE FOLLOWING CHANGE OF SCHEDULE on the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad will take effect CnHov Tan Iftfh Trin pavf Princess street at 7.00 a. m., and 8.00 Leave Hammocks 8.15 a. m. and 5.30 p. m., daily except Sunday. Sunday train leaves Princess street 3.00 p. m. Leave Hammocks at 5.30 p. m. J. R. NOLAN, n 18 tf General Manager. Cape Fear & YaflMn Mey Mw ay Co, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT DECEMBER 1, 1890 NORTH BOUND. No. 1. I No. 3. Daily ex Daily ex Sunday. Sunday. No. 15. Daily ex Sunday. Leave Wilmington.. Arrive Fayetteville. . Leave fayetteville.. Leave Sanford Arrive Greensboro.. Leave Greensboro..-. Leave Walnut Cove. Arrive Mt. Airy.... Leave Bennettsville. Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Arrive Fayetteville.. Leave Ramseur. Arrive Greensboro.. . Leave Greensboro... Arrive Madison At the Unlucky Corner ! RANULATED SUGAR 7c WHITE EXTRA C SUGAR 6Jc V n., 10 for $1.C0. GOLDEN C SUGAR 6c $ B., 17 Tbs for $1.00. EGGS, 18c dozen. Five hundred good fat CHICKENS. S. W. SANDERS & CO. jan 10 tf - SNOW FLAKE HOMINY! GOOD FOR BREAKFAST. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. ' HALL & PEARSALL. For Christmas! AND ., i5 . for. THE HOL1UAY&. Apples, Lemons, Raisins, Oranges, Nuts, nov 23 tf Citron, Prunes, Mince Meat, Candy, Cakes, Jelly, Cigars, &c. ADRIAN & VOLLERS- 9.00 a. m. 12.25 p. m. 13J.OO " 2.27 " 5.00 " 5.20 " 7.00 " 9.00 " 8.30 a. 9.40 ' 9.50 ' 11.45 1 7.10 a. m. 9.50 " 10.40 " 12.45 p. m. SOUTH BOUND. No. 2. Daily ex Sunday. No. 4. Daily ex Sunday. No. 16. Daily ex Sunday. Leave Mt. Airy Leave Walnut Cove. Arrive Greensboro... Leave Greensboro.. Leave Sanford Arrive Fayetteville.. Leave Favetteville.. Arrive Wilmington.. Leave Fayetteville. . Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Arrive Bennettsville Leave Madison Arrive Greensboro. , Leave Greensboro. . . Arrive Ramseur 6.25 a. m. 8.35 " 10 05 " 10.85 " l.OOp. m. 2.30 " 2.55 " 6.30 " 3.30 p. m. 5.20 " 5.30 " 6.45 " 1.35 p.m. 3.40 " 4.00 " 6.55 " W. E. KYLE, G-en'l Passenger Agent. J. W. FRY, Gen'l Manager. jan 13 tf SEABOARD AIR LINE. Carolina Central R. H. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 43 I No. 23 No. 41 Dec. 7, 1S90. Daily ex. Daily ex. Daily ex. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Leave Wilmington 9.20 a. m. 8.30 p. m. v Leave Hamlet 1.15 p. m. 5.00 p. m. 7.40 p.m. Leave" Wadesboro. 2.22 p. m. 6.15 a. m. 8,29 p.m. Arrive" Charlotte.. 4.13 p. m. 9.00 a. m. 10.15p.m. Leave Charlotte.. 4.23 p. m. Leave Lincolnton. 5.42 p. m. Leave Shelby 6.40 p. m. Arrive Rutherf'on 7.55 p. m. EASTBOUND TRAINS. No. 36 No. 24 No. 38 Daily exept Daily exept Daily ex. Sunday. Sunday. Suday. L've Rutherfordt'n 8.55 a. m. Leave Shelby 10.09 a. m. Leave Lincolnton. 11.12 a. m. Arrive Charlotte.. 12.29 p. m. Leave Chanotte... 12.39 p. m. 7.45 p.m. 5.00a.m. Leave Wadesboro 2.22 p. m. 11.18 p. m. 6.52 a. m' Leave Hamlet 3.32 p.m. 1.15 a.m. 7.40 a.m. Arrive Wilmington 7.30 p. m. 8.15 a. m. Trains Nos. 41 and 38 make close connection at Hamlet fo Raleigh and North. Nos. 43 and 36 make close connection at Lincolnton for Hickory onrl Wptern North Carolina. Trains Nos. 23 and 24 make connection at Monroe to and from Chester and South. No. 23 makes connec- tin ofr Uamlpt fnr TJalio-)l- Thromrh Sleeninir Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte. T. W. WHISNANT, Superintendent F. W. CLARK. Gen'l Passenger Agent, dec 7 tf FLOUR, BACON, MOLASSES 1,500 150 100 100 200 50 BBLS. FLOUR-ALL GRADES. Boxes D. S. SIDES, Hhds. and Bbls. P. R. MOLASSES Bbls. New Orleans MOLASSES, Cases LARD, Bbls. CAROLINA RICE. SUGAR, feb 10 D&W tf TIB Wilmington Steal Laundry Co. A RE NOW PREPARED TO TAKE UPON reasonable terms a limited amount of family washing Which will be in charge of ampetenUady. WUIM" " " ' ep23 tf Proprietors. Mullets. 150 Mullets, Mullets, BARRELS MULLETS. For sale by ADRIAN & VOLLERS, nov 23 tf S. E. Cor. Front and Dock Sts. Seven and a Half JS ALL THE GO AMONGST THE BOYS, BUT No 7 South Front street "Has not gone anywhere. Call and get a ShveSd Hair Cut and we mil prove .t. janltf RMIACR PREMPERT. For Infants and Children. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, ! Diarrhoea, and Feverishnesa Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that 1 recommenfit as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M.D., Known j" 0xford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "I use Castoria in rP!,1 t specially adapted to affections of children. BV J v Alex. Robertson, M. D,, 1057 2d Ave., New York. "From personal knowledge and observation I can sav that Castoria is an excellent medicine fohUdrenT acting as a laxative and relieving he pent up bowefs and general m very muX Many mothers have told me of its ex.-. cellent effect upon their cMgren - Lowell, Mass. Tub Ckntajtr Company, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. dec 16 D&Wlv Health is Wealth! ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wilmiiiitofl & f elion R. R. and Branches CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 19, 1891. JNO"43 Fast Mail Daily ex Daily. Daily. Sunday. PM PM AM Leave Weldon 12 30 543 620 Arr. Rocky Mount 1 46 7 24 Arrive Tarboro 2 17 A M Leave Tarboro 10 35 PM Arrive Wilson 2 18 7 00 7 53 Leave Wilson jt 2 30 Arrive Selma 3 30 Arrive Fayetteville 5 30 Leave Goldsboro 3 15 7 40 8 40 Leave Warsaw 4 10 9 34 Leave Magnolia 4 24 8 40 9 49 Arrive Wilmington 5 50 9 55 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 14 No. 78 jEg-y Daily. Daily. Sunday. AM AM PM Leave Wilmington 12 35 9 15 - 4 00 Leave Magnolia 2 05 10 35 5 36 Leave Warsaw .T. . . 10 48 5 53 Arrive Goldsboro 3 05 11 55 6 53 Leave Fayetteville. 920 Arrive Selma. 11 18 Arrive Wilson 12 20 AM PM j PM Leave Wilson 3 43 12 58 7 47 Arr. Rocky Mount 1 SO 1 8 18 Arrive Tarboro 2 17 I AM Leave Tarboro 10 20 PM Arrive Weldon 5 05 255 930 Wholesale Prices Current. The following quotations represent wholesale prices generally. In snaking up small orders higher prices have to be charged. The quotations are always given as accurately as possible, but the Star will not be responsible for any variations from the actual market price of the articles quoted." , BAGGING 2-ft- Jute Standard BACON North Carolina Hams V ft New, 11c; Old Shoulders f ft - Sides $ lb WESTERN SMOKED Hams ft Sides ft Shoulders 9 ft DRY SALTED Sides $ ft Shoulders 9 ft BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each 00 0 New New York, each 1 40 New City, each 1 65 BEESWAX $ft 00 BRICKS Wilmington, $ M ; 00 7J4e$ ryd oo a s oo a is oo a io 00 11 14 16 9 6J4 o a 7H 0. & 6 0 5 14 00 25 75 70 32 50 Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Wel don 3.10 p m, Halifax 3.32 p m, arrive Scotland Neck 4 18 p m, Greenville 6 02 p m, Kinston 7 10 p m. Re- turning, leaves xviii&iuii i w m, viTCuvuwi u.v ., Arriving Haifax at 10 45 a m, Weldon 10.05 a m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves I arDoro, sx.., via Ainemarie oc isaieign R. R., daily except Sunday, 4 05 p m ; Sunday 3pm; arrive Williamston, in. u., o au p m ana zu p m ; i-iy- mouth 7 50 p m, 5 20 p m. Returning, leave Plymoutb, N. C. daily except Sunday 6 20 a m, Sunday 9 00 a m. Williamston 7 40 am, 9 58 a m. Arrive Tarboro, N, C, 10 05 am and 11 20 a m. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Goldsboro, N C, daily except Sunday, 7 00 a m ; arrive Smithfield, N. C.,8 .30 a m. Returning, leaves Smithfield, N. C, 8 00am; arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 10 30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Kocky Mount at 3 pm, arrives Nashville 3 40 pm. Spring Hope 4 15 p m. Returning, leaves Spring Hope 10 a m, Nash ville 10 35 a m; arrive Rocky Mount 11 15 a m, daily except Sunday. Tram on iunton crancn leaves warsaw ior tuuiuu, daily except Sunday, at 6 p m and 11 10 a m. Return ing, leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 3 10 p m, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Southbound tram on Wilson Jf ayetteviile uraicn is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. Dailyl except Sunday. - Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Golds boro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. The New York and Florida Special will run tri weekly, commencing January 19th, leaving Weldon Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 9 50 p. m, arriving Wilmington 2 a. m., returning leave Wilmington Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 2.00 a. m., arriv ing Weldon 6 13 a. m. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Wash ington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. J. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'IPass'gr Agent. dec.7-tf ' ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wilmington, ColnmMa & Augusta R. R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Northern: 0 00 BUTTER North Carolina, ft 15 Northern 23 CANDLES, 9 ft Sperm 13 Adamantine 0 CHEESE, P ft Northern Factory tW Dairy, Cream 11 State 00 COFFEE, V ft- Java 27 Laguyra., 17 Rio 19 CORN MEAL, bushel, in sacks.. 00 Virginia Meal 00 COTTON TIES, $ bundle 00 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, yard 6 Yarns, per bunch 00 EGGS, g dazen Vi FISH Mackerel, No. 1, barrel i 00 Mackerel, No. 1, half-barrel. 11 00 Mackerel, No. 2, ! barrel 16 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half-barrel. 8 00 Mackerel, No. 3, $ barrel 13 00 Mullets, barrel 4 50 Mullets, $ pork barrel 0 00 N. C. Roe Herring, keg 3 00 Dry Cod, Bft 5 FLOUR, barrel Western low grade 00 Extra 4 00 Family 5 00 City Mills Super 4 00 " Family 5 50 GLUE, ft GRAIN, bushel Corn, from store, bags White. t, Corn, cargo, in bulk White. . . Corn, cargo, in bags White. . . Corn, Mixed, from store 70 Oats, from store, 55 Oats, Rust Proof 00 Cow Peas...., 90 HIDES, 0 ft Green 0 Dry 0 HAY, V 100 fts Eastern 00 Western 1 00 North River 00 HOOP IRON, V ft 2 LARD, V ft Northern 7 North Carolina 00 LIME, 9 barrel 1 40 LUMBER (city sawed), g M ft Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 West India Cargoes, according to quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned,,,, 18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n .... 14 00 MOLASSES, "P gallon New Crop Cuba, in hhds 00 25 30 25 10 10 12 10 28 10X 21K 70 10 50 C,. KU 14 a so oo a is oo 18 00 9 00 14 00 00 00 00 10 00 60 50 1 75 UK 72K. 72J 57Hr 05 85 8 1 10 1 10 85 S 8 124 0 00 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 00 Dated Jan. 19, 1891. Leave Wilmington. Leave Marion , Arrive Florence . . . . 55 Bbls -QQ Sacks COFFEE, 2jQ Kegs NAILS, ' pJQ Bbls. DfSTILLERS' GLUE? JQQ Boxes TOBACCO, -JQQ Cases LYE, ijf Cases BALL POTASH 5Q Cases STARCH, Snuff, Candles, Soap, Wrapping PapfSg Twine, &c. For sale low by mar 20 tf WILLIAMS, RANKIN & CO. JAPANESE fOLE CURE A guaranteed Cure for Files of whatever kind or degree External, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Behing, Cnroplc, Kecent or Heredi tary. $1.00 a box; 6 Boxes, $5.00. Sent toy mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. We guar antee to cure any case of Files. Guaranteed and sold only by J. H. HARDIN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, feb 1 tf New Market, Wilmington, N. C. Leave Florence , Arrive aumwr.,, Leave Sumter,.., Arrive Colombia. No. 23 No.27 No. 15 P M PM AM 6 10 10 10 9 20 12 40 10 15 1 20 A M No. 50 No. 58 AM 3 20 t8 25 4 35 9 35 No. 52 AM 4 35 t 9 45 ...... , 6 15 10 55 A M I " " " in bbls, Porto Rico, in hhds. . . . " " in bbls Sugar House, in hhds . , , , " in hMc in bbls , Syrup, in bbls NAILS, keg. Cut, lOd basi 60's on basis of $2 20 prica. OILS, g gallon. Kerosene Lard Linseed Rosin Tar Deck and Spar '. POULTRY Chickens, live, grown bpring , 10H 00 90 15 00 00 20 10 No 52 runs through from Charleston via Central Railroad. Leaving Lanes 8 30am, Manning 9.10 a m. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia. Arrive Sumter. . . Leave Sumter Arrive Florence , . . . Leave Florence ieave Marion i. . . . Arrive Wilmington. ............. No. 51 No. 59 No.5S PM PM PM 10 35 5 10 11 58 6 0 11 58 6 30 1 15 7 55 A M No. 78 No. 14 A M PM 4 45 8 85 5 39 9 20 8 55 AM AM 12 20 rio,"l 4 TlaiW exrent Sunday. Kn S3 runs throueh to Charleston, a. , C, via Cen tral R. R., arriving Manning 6 55 p m, Lanes 7 85 p m Charleston a 30 p m. - No. 59 connects at Florence wun v-. a. u. Cheraw and Wadesboro. . . Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection ai ""'"S'"" with W. & W. R. R. R, for all points JNortn. Train on Florence Railroad leaves rtx except Sunday.4 40 p m arrive Rowland 7 pm. .e turnine. leave Rowland 6 30 a m, arrive Pee Dee 8 50 a n. . . t.:i a i Train on Mancnester s. Augusia iuuuuu Sumter daily, except Sunday, 10 00 a m, arrive Ri mini 11 25 a m "Returning, leave Rimini 12 lop m, ar rive Sumter 12 35 a m. . The New York and rionoa apeoai m iu".- weekly, commencing January 19th, leaving Wilming ton Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at A 10 a. m., arriving lorence o a. m. "iu'ui..8, v Florence Mondays, Wednesdays and r naays at m ii ' i . 1 An n . p. m., arriving winning1-"" m . JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't Turkeys 75 PEANUTS, 9 bushel (28 fts) 70 POTATOES, V bushel Sweet Irish, V barrel PORK, barrel City Mess Prime Rump ' RICE Carolina, ft Rough, 9 bushel (Upland). . , " " (Lowland). RAGS, 9 ft Country City ROPE, W ft SALT, $ sack Alum Liverpool Lisbon American In 125-lb sacks SUGAR, 9 ft Standard Gran'd Standard A White Ex. C TT.rtra C. Golden C Yellow 0 SOAP, ft Northern 0 STAVES, 9 M W. O. Barrel. ... 8 00 R. O. Hogshead " vu TIMBER, 9 M feet Shipping. ... 12 50 Mill Prime ?00 Mill Fair 7WC Common Mill 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 8 00 SHINGLES, 7-inch, f M 5 00 Common "V Cypress Saps 4 50 Cypress Hearts 0 00 TALLOW, 9 ft 6 WHISKEY, gallon Northern.. 100 North Carolina " WOOL, V ft Washed i Unwasneo Burrv 10 25 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 ti 14 00 00 00 00 55 0 CM 0 28 30 30 32 15 18 4B 2 30 2 25 14 68 1 00 18 20 it! ' 35 20 85 85 40 8 00 12 00 11 50 10 60 7 80 6V & 6V 14 (XI a io oo 15 00 10 50 8 60 0 50 4 00 7 00 2 60 100 7 60 (ft 6 2 Kfc 2 10 00 Bank of New Hanover. J R. KENLY, Assistant Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Gen'l Pass'ger Agent. Dr E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Theatment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con vulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia. Headache, Ner vous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or to bacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and caused bv over-exertion of tne Dram, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one ii,'.triiii.nt $1.00 a box. or six boxes lor $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE CrU ABANTEE SIX BOXE8 t With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, tv.o rmrptiaser our written guarantee monev if the treatment does not effect a cure antees issued only by . ,,,, ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist. Sole"Agt, N. W. Cor. Front and Market Sts, feb 1 D&W ly Wilmington, N. C. PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. Authorized Capital $1,000,000 jan 20-tf ca-h cauital Daid in 300,000 Surplus Fund 200,000 we will send to refund the Guar- WE will pay the fcbovo reward for any case ot Liver r. it nnntiHii. Blek Headache. lndiecstion. Con- sipation or Costiveness wo cannot cure witn jest's r iwr-ViUi when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 30 Pills, 23 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WEST COMPAJ x , uiuwuu, Sold by ROBERT R. BELLAMY, N. W. Cor. Front and Market streets, ' feb 1 D&W ly Wilmington, N. C. ... w-n i-i-w-i TTTT"k O -M AND AFTER SUNDAY, UJH..oicr.n. o, KJ Trains will run as follows, daily (Sunday ex cepted): nI)TI, No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Cheraw, S. C JSp " Kollock v' " Osborn ?-9? P- m Arrive Hamlet, N. C 6.10 p. m HIOVIN SOUTH. No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Hamlet, N. C a- m " Osborn iS " Kollock Station Zra'm Arrive Cheraw, S. C a-w a- m dec g-tf WM. MONCURE, Sup't. W. I. GORE, G. W. WILLIAMS. DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLERS, J. W. ATKINSON, DIRECTORS: C. M. STEDMAN ISAAC BATES. JAMES A. LEAK F. RHEINSTEIN E. B. BORDEN. ISAAC BATES sidknt G. W. WILLIAMS vies i-FsiDNT WM. L. SMITH isHian Liyernool &.London & fflole InsnrancelCo. ATKINSON & MANNING, AGENTS North Carolina Home Ins. Co OP ENGLAND. ST. JAMES HOTEL, GOLDSBORO, N.'C, Assets - - $40,000,000 NEAT Rates REFURNISHED AND REFITTED, and clean. First class in every respect. $2.00 per day. F. L. CASTER, nov 11 tf Proprietor. SMITH nov23tf BOATWBIGHT, Agts -yyE OFFER TO THOSE WANTING INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE Policies in this Old and Reliable Home Institution, All losses promptly paid. W. S. PRIMROSE, President. CHARLES ROOT, Secretory. " PULASKI COWPER.SecretV i'-'

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