L - .."I ,-v. -- ' : I - : - j - K a it ;-i'. c. OB 11 h. 14 . 38 . 17 21 b. 22 eb 10 leb. 17 iroagn pt C. kwlii 1 1 ) na. O.'S boa fes of tie. has A of Iwroot more b ceni hing, and well 'jass. ce. DA"V taOLE- COM f N. fe please shown N. 13 tl to. rk Sts. BROWCiilTIS c gn inflammation of the bronchial tabes the air-passages leading " Into the longs. FfW other complaints are so prevalent, or n for more prompt and energetic action. s neglect or delay may result seriously, Effective remedies should always be at hand Apply at once a mustard poultice to k. r'nDer part of the chest, and, for internal treatment' ma. uonau uuo v A. CHILD'S LIUGir. . ALGERNON C. SWINBURNE. s Cherry Pectbyal C 0. Lepper, Druggist, Fort Wayne," Ind., . writes: " Mt little sister, four years of age, s s0 in from bronchitis that we had almost ', civen up hope other recovery.- Our family .: nhrsiciaa. a skilful man and of large expert ence pronounced, it useless to give her any nore metlieine, saying he had done all it was ' ,iMeto do, and .we must prepare forth ; 07t As a last resorti"we determined to ; trv Tver's Cherry PectoraUT&nd I can truly s1Vwith most happzTesulta.lAfter taking' ; I 'few doses she seemed, to-breathe easier, and within a week, was out of danger, We . continued giving the Pectoral until satisfied .she was entirely welL This indisputable evidence of the great merit of Ayer's Cherry, pectoral has given iae unbounded confl in tho nrenaratioa. and I recommend QtrlH-t : it to my customers, knowing it cannot disap point them." - . wer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a bad -conaii and my partner of bronchitis. 1 know cf numerous cases in which this preparation has proved very beneficial in families of Young Children, so that the medicine is known among. them as - the consoler of thelafflicted.' Jaime Rufus Vidal, San CristobeVSan Domingo. short time ago, I was taken with, a . severe attack of bronchitis. The remedies ordinarily used in such cases failed to give me relief. Almost in despair of ever finding anything to cure me, I bought a bottle of ' AVer's Cherry Pectoral,' and was helped from the first dose. I had not finished one bottle before the disease left me, and my throat and lungs were as sound as ever." . Geo. B. Hunter, Altoona, Pa. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BT DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price ?1 ; Bis bottles, $5. All the bells of heaven may ring. All the birds of heaven may sing, All the wells on earth may ring, All the winds on earth may bring All sweet sounds together. Sweeter far than all things heard, Hand of harper, tone of bird, Sound of woods at sundown stirred, Willing waters' winsome word, Wind in warm, wan weather. One thing yet there i? that none Hearing ere its chime be done Knows not well the sweetest one Heard of man beneath the sun, Hoped in heaven hereafter. Soft and strong and loud and light, Very sound of very light, Heard from morning's rosiest height. When the soul of all delight Fills a child's clear laughter. SUNDAY SELECTIONS. Raleigh News and Observer: The annual meeting of the North Caro lina Board of Pharmacy will meet in this city on Tuesday, the 17th day of February. Candidates for the license to practice pharmacy will be examined at this meeting. The professors of the State University, at Chapel Hill, have established a course of free Institution, commencing March 15th, 1891 and last- inor tn wflro All i nt ArctH Mn nh. tain full particulars by adding Hon. K. sr. Battle, xr resident oi tne institution. collector Wnite ot tins district nas OTTBRBTXRN ITHIA and MAGNESIA WATEE! CURES -BRIGHT'S DISEASE -UT LSO DIABETES. M nksoro, Va., April 7, 1888 S 1 have been suffering with a form of Kid V -ih:cb my physician (Dr. J. A. Hillraan) i Diabetes, and advised the use of Otter--o Magnesia Water. The quantity of Vs;.: v-as e-ecly ia excess of the natural se-V-i 1 lest fortv pounds of flesh in a few s The use of the'Otterbuurn Water corrected V'xcessive flow entirely in six weeks, and I am : a weii man. . T .. -icd many medicines without avail, and 1 attribute ' of this troublesome ace dangerous disease en the of the Oerb3raWater.LANT0N WILL IT KEEP rv, Va., r eb. --J4, i&fca. - . f - ;.s -KVEN ASK - i . . . t-c- . -r I nbfa:nfed some vVaurr of the Otterbum Lithia ana Magnesia to' my wife, in a demijohu, and recently ,vln to another home, 1 round that soik : hVd been left a the dc.nijohn. I poured : "ira-.k mre of it. and found it t be as pa ... ,rct taken trom tne spring. a. i-:. CRADDOCK ; v aK1- ktiEUMATIC GOUT. ieffc.-o.V f Johnstown, South Carol: ' llimi of it : v net" has been entirely relieved of a severe ' She found such , . rchef she did not taVe any medicine or any -edy at all' and while on tne six'-u uuiac u -He I-aH been entirely relieved and needed n - 'ir: t-sera health being also greatly im E. E. JEFFERSON." K:.-Hii0r. Va., April 8. 1887 v. .utiermv; fr years with a compUcatioi t k'd--ey "trouble, suffering fcreat pain m ' - -i the kidcci-s. and having my attention iit-.erbum Lithia and Magnesia Water J. -'-' Lie .t and never experienced such re anvthinc The very first half-gallon in-i-Cv ur.ne 2nd cleared it up. My appe--prf a-d 1 fee! that I cannot com :.irl : R. F WALKER ;,i ,sv... Va., March 17, 1838. - .xLif1 -h- 'd of the Otterburn Lithia ' r- V W a-ir on the tb of January last, 1 '.V- i- ar.v niMieral water. 1 had been sufic r-"'.'r;-ree'vcJ"-3 with a disease that was pro - - - -.onv'.unced bv a prominent physician of ;o be an affection cf the Kidneys, afte' " '.nXedt- Water one week when 1 was ei. -'-.iiv'ed cf pain, which before had been constant -:cutond I have gained nineteen poundj ;. -est ration of strength and energy. . - - f- !r tet ajinz no other water aof 1 : t: u c. Gregory H " a December 15. 1888. vtle.- '.dene .peptic for the past fifteen yea.r ert with Derangement of my tn by great difficulty in voiding months ago i cum:uw.w.u Lithia and Magnesia Spring nrr.e "here has been marked and in my entire condition and state r.i is better than it has been for urinary trouble is entirely re .i the past two months. J. A. WALLACE, iitr Planters Bank of Amelia. n. -i i ti LITHIA SPHIHBS CO :t. BELLAnt Agent, Wilmington, Xf. Unless we are willing to do our part, we have no right to expect God's help in any sphere of duty. If a thing is worth having it ought to be worth seek ing. Let us make a practical reality of our religion. Be assured that, to know the depths of its consolations and the strength of its support, we must en gage in it ourselves. Rev'. Hosea Ballon, D. D. Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness, and small obligations given habitually, are what preserves the heart and secures comfort. Sir H. Davy. Nn one nf us is able to live on wi'.hout help from his fellows. There are times when we need sympathy or assistance from others. It behooves us to consider the right way of seeking and securing such aid. In order to shine, a Christian does not need great talents or wealth or conspicuous position. Every consistent, right-living child of God, be he ever so humble, is a candle shining in the spot where his Lord has placed him. Cuyler. The elements of a manly course dojciot consist in wealth, birth, blood or intellect, but in a manly effort for the promotion of virtue, a manly interest in the elevation of the race, and in a manly submission to the government of God. D. C. Eddy. Wondrous is the strength of cheerfulness, altogether past calculation its powers of endurance. Efforts to be permanently useful must be uniformly joyous a spirit all sunshine, graceful from very gladness, beautiful because bright. Larlyle. : There are not a few Christians who. if they would take their fingers off their own spiritual pulse and lay both hands to gospel work, would realize the mor Hpliohrfnl sensation thev have had einrf thpYip.v of conversion. Tobecon- !,,, olllx;- ' i finer for fpplincr is a ooor ex """"; -'& j . . hibition of true religion. New Orleans Advocate. TTn1s; we can have forgive ness. nothing else that God gives us will prove to our enjoyment or advantage, if inoH u-rnnirpH a verv dear iriend, we could- find no comtort in any gifts v.v, u,rr vL-hil wp were vet unforuiven. Onrlovino- crv would be "Whatsoever else you deny me, don't refuse your for giveness. T.ifce flakes of snow that fal unperceived upon the earth, the seem ing un perceived events of life succeed JZ. mnthr Aq the snow rrathers to- c- r, m rmr hnhits formed. ISO fl-jP that ;5 added to the pile pro rinres a sensible change; no single ac- -,-,toc iinu'pver it mav exhibit, a LiVll Lll-atvj, m ; n 's character. lercmy Taylor. It is a miserable sraallness of thin the circle oi a Udl U1L LW few Dersorial relations, and fret and f, imp whenever a claim is made on us t . ni'o i-;H wnrlri without. If we II Uill V J V ' V J J ,..vjw mint nf the rieoendence ot man tilt iuiu"-". r i , 1 j ( upon man, and grudge to take hold of hands in the ring, the spirit within us ; P1tlicr evil or infirm. Charles u - - - Ktnerson. There are two wavs of helping v,:!,-!.- cri umith to correct life. One LllllUlcu ai.- j , way touches the doing, the other touches the desire to do. One way i.Thic Ic ocroncr. VOU mUSt not QO that " the other way keeps children in a home atmosphere so pure, and on a . i.. 'piateH. that anything less h eh or less pure is obnoxious and re pulsive. Both ways are effective, both hut the second is the one that we can least afford to do without. The Sunday-school Times. issued a circular of much importance to those concerned. Although special taxes imposed upon leaf tobacco dealers in manufactured tobacco and peddlers, and manufactures of cigars are repealed all such persons must register with the collector of the district his name or style, place of residence; trade or busi ness and the place where such trade or business is to be carried on, the same as though the tax had not been repealed. A failure to do this incurs a penalty of $50. Statesville Landmark: A freak of nature in the wav of a lamb's head, with the eyes running into each other, and a tail growing out of the forehead was sent to this office this week by Mr. b. ts. Ellis, ot Alexander county. ine Landmark has it on good authority that a $50,000 cotton factory is soon to be erected at Elmwood by a Rhode Island gentleman. He has purchased seventy acres of la"nd at that place and as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made will begin worKon tneiactory Industrial Manufactnring Company WILMINGTON, IT. C. The masy Iriends of Mr. Adolphus A. Lawrence, son of the late Alexander R. Lawrence, of this countv. will be pained to learn of his death, which occurred in London, England, anuary dl, lbui, Lr. Latvrf nr.e was born in this countv, No vember 25. 1834, and was consequently ob years oi age. Asheville Citizen: A man sup noed to be T. B." Williams, who mur- HereHlvTai W A Williams last Saturday nio-ht at Greenville, S. C, was arrested c"S r,air V9uniril p this morninsr. ine 11 T I U, HVJ mun was travfillins? through the country He had been followed by a-ouple of officers from South Carolina. W. H. Deaver, ot tne rinion ueiecuvc agency, of this city, telegraphed the offi- .-ere vi-hn vt-pre twelve nours ueniuu me man, that they were on the right track, and this morning tney came upuu mm nd captured mm as statea. r.harlotte. Chronicle: The mail bag which was thrown off at Harrisburg vpstprdav mornino- bv the north-bound train, was opened and robbed of its con tents by a negro naraeu ju ivnjma, alias McLobbins. Morns, it seems, mnt have o-otten the baar iust as it was thrnron out. He committed the robbery in a field near tne deoot. Being detec ted in the act he fled, leaving the letters, sur- chattered ovpr the prround. The proper authorities are on nis trat-ti, nuu expect to bring nim to inai snortiy. flhadhourn ATews: Mr. John n,,r,o-,r Hied last Saturday ni?ht. He was sick for quite a while of the grippe, whirh was followed bv pneumonia. The irrinnp is still racine in this section, and many of our people" are sufficiently orrmced Several of our town peo ple expect to bnild residences soon, and we expect our town to be on a building hrm Work has commenced on the Baptist church here, and in two or three months we Will De auie lu niviic our friends to come to church. Charlotte News - The contract rr the rnnstruction O f the electric stieet railway lines in Charlotte was given out late yesterday afternoon to the Edison r The a-nrk is to beein as r-r, tho wpathpr nermits. and as has SUUil CIO Ll- ,. heen stated in the News, it is expected tr have the electric cars running by May 1. Merit Wins. AVe delre tn sav to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King s New Discovery ior ujuauiF""" y l ife Pills. Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have rc.r- handled remedies that sell as weu, or that have given such universal satis- r.;r, we nn nor ne.sita.LC tu tun . .u, e,wrv time, and we stand ready ICC Llll'i i.j ' . . r to refund the purchase price, if satistac- ,. , r 1 1 ...... . i nee tory results ao not. iuhuw m--" These remedies have won their great popularity purely on tneir merits. MANUFACTURERS OF TINNED WOODEN B TTER DISHES DIAMOND BASKETS, Berry Baskets, Fruit and Vegetable Orates, CANDY BOXES, Orange Boxes, &c, &c, VENEERS CUT TO ORDER FROM SWEET GUM, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, OAK, ASH BJ-RCH, WALNUT, &c. This Company has an Established Reputation for the Quality of its Work. Caa Compete in Prices with any similar Establish ment n the United States. Orriers for Car Load Lots filled on short notice. Samples and Prices on application. Factory oo Cape Fear RiverT corner Queen and Hurry streets. Address industrial Manufacturing Co. WILMINGTON, N. C. Cape Fear & Yadlfi Valley Railway Co. rmmm Sl im CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT DECEMBER 1, 1890 NORTH BOUND. No. 1. Daily ex Sunday. No. 3. Daily ez bunday. No. 15. Daily ex Sunday. Leave Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Wilmington.. Fayetteville. . Fayetteville.. Sanf ord Greensboro. . Greensboro. . . Walnut Cove. Mt. Airy.. . Bennettsville. Maxton Maxton Fayetteville.. Ramseur Greensboro. . . Greensboro. . . Madison. . . . . 9.00 a. m. 12.25 p. m. 18.5S " 2.27 " 5.00 " 5.20 " 7.00 " 9.00 " 6.30 a. 9.40 1 9.50 ' 11.45 ' 7.10 a. m. 9.50 " 1040 " 12.45 p. ro. SOUTH BOUND. No. 2. Daily ex bunday. No. 4. Daily ex Sunday. No. 16. Daily ex Sunday. Leave Leave Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Mt. Airy Walnut Cove. Greensboro. . . Greensboro. . San ford Fayetteville. . Favetteville. . Wpmington. . Fayetteville. . Maxton Maxton Bennettsville Madison Greensboro. . Greensboro. . . Ramseur 6.25 a. m 8.35 " 10 05 " 10.35 " 1.00 p 2.30 2.55 6.30 m. 3.30 p. m 5.20 " 5.30 " 6.45 " 1.35 p. m. 3.40 " 4.00 " 6.55 " W. E. KYLE, Ggzi'I Passenger Agent. J. W. FEY, Gen'l Manager. jan 13 tf SEABOARD AIR LINE. Carolina Central E. R. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. f ilMltDn & f eldon R, R. and Brandies CONDENSES SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 27 No. 41 Dated Jan. 19, 1391. JNO 49 Fast Mail Daily ex Daily. Daily. Sunday, j PM PM AM Leave Veldon t2 30 5 43 6 20 Arr. Rocky Mount 1 46 7 24 Arrive Tarboro 2 17 1 A M Leave Tarboro . . . 10 35 1 PM A.rrive Wilson 2 18 7 00 7 53 Leave Wilson....... ! 2 30j j Arrive Selma j 3 30 Arrive Fayetteville . 5 30. .... l.-jj.V-LMl Leave Goldsboi-o.".T. .'. 3 15;"""" 7 40 j S 4J Leave Warsaw 4 10; 9 3i Leave Magnolia 4 24 8 40 9 49 Arrive Wilmington 5 50 9 55 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. " iT ia r-o No. 40 No. 14 No. 73 Daily ex Daily. Daily. Sunday. AM AM P M Leave Wilmington 12 35 9 15 4 00 Leave Magnolia 2 05 10 35 5 33 Leave Warsaw 10 48 - 5 53 Arrive Goldsboro 3 05 11 55 6 53 Leave Fayetteville. 9 20 Arrive Selma 11 18 Arrive Wilson 1220 ' AM P M P M Leave Wilson 3 43 12 58 7 47 An. Rocky Mount 1 SO 8 18 Arrive Tarboro 2 17 I AM j. ....... Leave Tarboro 10 iiO i : P M I Arrive Weidon 5 05 2 55 0 SO Wholesale Prices Current. Th following onotations represent wholesale prices generally. In mahirtg tip mall orden higher prices have to be charged. The ouotation are always given as accurately a possible, but the Star will not be responsible for any variations from the actual maiket pnee of the articlti quoted. BAGGING a-n jute TO y Standard -v-.- 00 8 BACON North Carolina Hams $ S) New, 11c; Old 00 & 15 Shoulders p B 00 10 Sides 00 11 WESTERN SMOKED Hams ?8 ft H Sides "SB).. 9 2 Shoulders 0 & ?M DRY SALTED Sides $ B 0 6 Shoulders ft 0 5 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine Second Hand, each , New New Yotk, e.-irh New City, each BEESWAX 19 t BRICKS Wilmington, M Northern BUTTER North Carolisa, $ It. 00 ii 1 4". 1 l 0 C ' 14 Ch' Sparkling Catawba Springs, CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. Dr. E. O, Elliott & Son, PROPRIETORS. THIS WELL KNOWN KfcbUKi IS 5LHi.ii - - r 1 1 : 1 a Kii-jntifnl rnad. - a mnes irom . . - : , ... Capacity 500 guests, with supenor ineaicinai rviin eral Waters tor tne L,ivtr, uyspepu, rujcuuiauj.u, . . i : n.k; ,v .mi Ni.rvnuc t-'rostracion. rvioney liisclsc, i....., - -. . - -i: Jaltn-hrfiil hnmf the verv olace to restore the invalid to health and enjoyment ol !. . . , r 1 ni T-. ,! ue. in snaae oi inc diuc wu. For Catalogue address tne i-ropneiurs. . CARD FROM SENATOR VANCE. Untied States Stnatf, Washington, D. C, February 7th, 18S5. . , . i -: , . that T r -n wpll ac- quainttd with the waters of the Sparkling Catawba 1 si a-t- f hnm r r nip orpau si vdiuc. ua ins witnessed their effects upon many of my acquaint- Situated as thev are in the midst of a beautiful rolling country, entirely above the malariai belt, 1 Know 01 uu v. wu. State more desirable tor tne neaun-seencr. V Are ironr triliV J J,Z. B. VANCE. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Dec. 7, 1880. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 41 ex. Daily ex. Sunday, j Sunday. Leave Leave Leave Arrive Leave Leave Leave Arrive Wilmington Hamlet Wadesboro. Charlotte. . Charlotte. . Lincoln ton. Shelby Rutherf'on No. 43 I No. Daily ex. 1 Daily Sunday. 23 9.20 1.15 2.22 4.13 4.23 i.42 P P. P P D 6.40 p. m. 7.50 p. m. 8.30 p. 5.00 p. 6.15 a. 9.00 a. 7.40 p.m. 8,29 p. m. 10.15 p. m. EASTBOUND TRAINS. I No. 35 uany exept Sunday. L've Rutherfordt'n Iave Shelbv Leave Lincolnton . Arrive Charlotte.. Ieave Chanotte. .. I ave Wadesboro Leave Hamlet A.rrive Wilmington 8.55 a. tn. 10.09 a. m. 11.12 a. m. 12.29 p. m. 12.39 p. m. a.aa p. m. 3.32 p. m. 7.30 p. m. No. 24 Daily exept bunday. 7.45 D. m. 11.18 p. m. 1.15 a. m. 8.15 a. m. No. 38 Daily ex. Suday. 5.00 a. m. 6.52 a. m 7.40 a. m. a r,:i.. ,1 n t Trams on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave W el don 3.10 p m, Halifax 3.32 p m, arrive Scotland Neci 4 18 p m, Greenville 6 02 p m, Kinston 7 10 p m. Re turning, leaves Kinston ? 00 a in, Greenville 8.10 a m. Arriving Haifax at 10 45 a m, Weidon 10.05 a m, daily except Sunday. . Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemarle & Raleiga R. R.. dailv except Sunday, 4 05 p m ; Sunday 3pm; arrive Wilhamston, N. C, 6 30 p m and 4 20pm; Ply mouth 7 50 p m, 5 20 p m. Returning, leave Plymouth, N C. daily except Sunday 6 20 a m, Sunday 9 00 a ra. . . . . .rt . . 1 t-n a : rT' .1. XT WiUiamston t HJ am, u do u in. uivc laiuui"," C., 10 05 a m and 11 20 a m. rain ju a. . v, .,...0 vv.UUwU - - J : 1 .. Citndqu 7 fifl -am - arrivf". Rmithnelc. N. C.,8 .30 a m. Returning, leaves Smithfieid, N. C, ns - : nUKrt Mr 1fl V1 a m O W a 111 i mnvc yjvLuowivr, a., v., .m v .... Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at . . T 1 1 1 n Al - O ! IT., A IX 3 pm, arrives XNasnviue o v p m, opius "ufc t t : C; Mta 1(1 !, m Nasli . U III. nCLUllliUg, itvw L.l ii..3 .v-j .v. .... - Vine iu 00 a ra; ariivc ivivftjf muuui j Tram on Clinton crancn leaves arsaw 101 uuwu, -I -1 . C. a. A r, m anA 11 1 fl a TTI UfTum- aaiiy cju-cj ouuuaj, m " i- " - - inz. leave Clinton at 8 20 a in and 3 10 p m, connecting ..v. XT At An 5a onH 7R c...uj Hiin nn WitoiTi A Ka vpttftville Branch .JVILlLllLJVH.iVi .1 Ui.i .. J - is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. Daily except SUTrain No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Golds i nt Doro auu maguuiwi. T" T rrO .Iacb nnnrfitl Of VV I Hr Tl ffftT riilLl lig. to iiiia.ta vivo- .vuuw wiuu , - all points North daily. AU rail via Richmond, and ti t -j'n-r nnA TTlM-Ma Krril will run tn. A lie X'fcw ouu a -'r'" " " , t i : 1 Qt K UitMnor WplHnn Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 9 50 p. m arriving Wilminjrton 2 a. m., returning leave Wilmington Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 2.00 a. m., arrvv i iir.u. a 19 m All trains run solid between Wilmington and Wash- . . n T. 1 C 1 ...... t. n.1 ington, and nave runman x-aiace oiccpcia muuim. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. F. R. KENLY, Sup t Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass'gr Agent, dec.ctf Northern " C' : CANDLES, 1? E Sperm W Adamantine '' 10 CHEESE. 3 lb Northern Factory 3 10 Dairy, Cream H In state r3 & i COFFEE, tJ It Java 7 26 Laguyra 5" '- Rio CORN MEAL, $ bushel, in ssclrs.. t0 (ft 7(i Virgiti;a Men! f:?- COTTON TIES, V bvf.dk-. ' DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, 3 yard 6 & C Yarns, pei bunch W & 8v EGGS, i dozen 13 14 11 00 10 00 8 00 13 00 4 fiO 0 00 3 00 Office cf Wittkowskv & Baruch, Charlotte. JV. C, March 3, Ik. E. ). F.I.I. iott. r, c- i v.o,-. uUirp.I a sreat manv Springs in l his country and in Europt, among others the "Sara . i. ..r.i.:. ,n thr rdfhratpd "K.ar!sbad toga oi mis - Springs in Europe, and am free to say that I find the sparKiing iii perties. all of them. And so far as I am personal!) concerned, 1 always look forward with pleasure to the time when 1 can spend a few pleasant days at those Tfinc NTr 41 and 38 make close connection at Hamlet fo. Raleigh and North. Nos. 43 and 36 m-i. 1ne(. connection at Lincolnton for Hickory ana Western North Carolina. Trains Nos. 23 and a4 make connection at muraw iu ... frm rhfrtPT and South. No. 23 makes connec tion at Hamlet for Raleigh. , Throueh SleeoiriH Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte. T. W. WHISNANT, Superintendent W CLARK. Gen'l Passenger Agent, dec 7 tf 00 1 00 fl 00 4 00 ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wiliinflofl. ColniMa & Anpsta R. R. Ckarlotis Ar. C, February ej, iSSf. t -. i. (. , ... -i !-vjirs acouainted 1 lie SUDKnucr naa . ' , , . with the beneficial effects resulting from the use ot tne aparRiipg ?- -h---? ----- t.r,s and kid. aopetite reguwica --- .-- , .. nevs Clearing tne skid, auu inumu's "i- - ' , 1 c i u.. i- orcnirl Fiv its use the pa nenemeu uy suiijuw' ' j . . - :u. r,a tr.rts. I have not tient gains wcisui, ".-"i," r --- - , seen more general beneficial resu ts from the use ol any other mineral waie. -'"l7 n WILMINGTON SEAC0AST R. R IN EFFECT JAN. 18TH, 1891 FLOUR, BACON, MOLASSES 1 500 BBLS' FLOURALL GRADfcb. J fjy qq Hhds. and Bbls. P. R. MOLASSES 100 Bbls' New rleans MOLASSES' 9QQ Cases LARD, Bbls. CAROLINA RICE. Bbls. SUGAR, QQ Sacks COFFEE, Kegs NAILS, Bbls. DISTILLERS' GLUE1, QQ Boxes TOBACCO, - QQ Cases LYE, rjj Cases BALL POTASH? PA Cases STARCH, Snuff, Candles, Soap, Wrapping Paper. Twine, &c. or saie low Dy ... mar20tf WILLIAMS, RANKIN & CU. ... ' ' ' 1 ll U9 III CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 19, 1891. No. 23 No.27 Leave Wilmington. Leave Marion Arrive Florence. , Leave Florence., ............... Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter , Arrive Columbia. .............. PM 6 10 9 2n 10 15 No. 50 A M 3 20 4 35 4 35 No. 15 PM 10 10 12 40 1 20 A M A M No. 58 No. 52 AM 9 45 6 15 10 55 A M I I No. 62 runs through from Charleston via Central Railroad. Leaving Lanes o au a m, wanning Trainon C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 53. TRAINS GOING NORTH. SPA.EKLIKG CATAWBA SPUING S. rp Health seekers should go to 5park- i ; fyfj-vrha roantv. 1,000- reel above sea-level, at the foot of tne Blue Ririrre mountains, bcenery magniutcm. 1.7. -cc ,-rx-Hirinl nroDerties of the highest order. Board onlv jj.30.00 per month. Red advertisement n nu paper, and .vote Dr. E. O. Elliott Sou, proprietors, ior uouipu,. phlets. HE FOLLOWING CHANGE OF SCHEDULE rh Wilmineton Seacoast Railroad will take effect j . T lOU . aunoay. jan. .olu. orlM M 00 i rains leave fnncess street ai w '' n m., daily except Sunday. Leave Hammocks 8.15 a. m. and 5.30 p. ra., daily except bunday , m Sunday train leaves r nncess, succi u.v" v Leave HaramocKs at o.-io p. m. J. R. NOLAN, an ic tf General Manager. JAPANESE IPILE CURE THE cme Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURERS OF srtilizers, Pine Fibre, AND PINE FIBRE MATTING, WILMINGTON. NORTH CAP.OLINA. 1 res fai HK REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS, the ACME and GEM, is now established, anltne it of three vears' use in the hands of the best irmers of 'nl. .nH nrber States fully attest ucii vaiue as a high grade manure. , The MATTING, made from the leaves of our na tive pine, is conceded to be equal to any woven carpet tor comfoJt and durability, and the demand tor it is -aiiy increasing. It has virtues not found in any Jther fabric. . , . , The t IBRE, or wool, is extensively used for uphol iterins purposes, and as a filling for Mattressesis almost equal to hair, being light, elastic and proot azainst insects. d30-D&W TO IVEAtt U Buffering from the effect of youthful error8 decay, wasting weakness, lot manhood, etc.. x wia nd a valnablo treatiea (sealed) containing fud particnlara for home cure, FREE of c.hIgprV splendid medical work ; shouldfbe read by eTerj toia -who la nervoua and debiUtated. Address, Prof. p. c. FOffiEB, Moodus, Conn. nov 7 D&W ly P EHHYR0YAL PILLS urrngxin Rr vniccator 'yy-ulrx U. 2 SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Wachincrtnn Gazette: Mrs. Jas. Ball, of Old Ford, died at her home last Saturday night. Leader: Several new t ,.;n ntfrnrises are spoken manuim-iuinifi r off for Jonesboro, and more than one is taking shape. . - Chronicle: Died, on i. f v.o Rtri of rebruarv. 1891, trie nicui -i . , v at Goshen, Wilkes county, Mrs. Hannah m;. seed about 100 wars. Asheville Demvcrat: Mrs. Halyburton, wife of A. G. Halyburton, diedyat midnight on Tuesday after an illness of several months, aged about 45 There has risucvm- j - , the number oi oeen a 1111 '"-r .- .- . . tht Northern visitors to inis city uu....B past few days, ana tne wiw r :i,r fiiiinor un. nn hnni;ps arc iduiu'y Truth: Mr. Tames Lanier has shut down his distillenesand ,:il HountP lllS time IO UUltl c 1 Me of La Grippe are re ..j ,f town- often it runs into : k fPW deaths have oc pneumuuia., rrf( Arf TTollv News: It is ru- iuuu li - J , mored that the Albion Manufacturing A -,i .ui-o- inrrease their capital I o Will olivyx V T - . stock by some $6,000. The factory is a. trfeV eem. and is now making some first-class yarn. We are renaoiy informed that a strong moycmentBon . . .1 -1 of a r.otton lactory ariowen;thir county. Considerable stock has already been subscribed and and little doubt is entertainad of the ul nf tVif nroiect. U Several hundred dollars per week are bein? put into rcuiaxKm Creek Dv tne woiwur ' ' , mine. The ore is being, taken out and Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, bait , r? c, TVttpr? C.haooed Hands, revci, ouij, iv.w.-, Chilblains.Corns. and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures rues or no pty required. It is guaranteed tc ve perfect satisfaction, or money 1V-X""-"- ' " S5 eents per box. t or saie oy R. Bellamy, wnoiesa.it: uiu v-i 1 3ists. X) O'Connor REAL ESTATE AGEITT. Wilmington, North Carolina. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT and SOLD Loans Negotiated on City Property. Stores, Dwellings, Offices and Halls Tor Rent. Rents collected, laxes ana u promptly attended to. Houses and Lots for sale on the montniy instant plan. Cash advanced on city property. ap 19 tf At the Unlucky Corner! r RANULATEItSUGAR 7c V. 15 tts for WHITE EXTRA C bUiiAK. osc v for $1.C0. GOLDEN C SUGAR 6c B., 17 s for $1.00. EGGS, 18c dozen. Five hundred good fat CHICKENS. S. W. SANDERS & CO. iau 10 tf Seven and a Half . T-uir TtOVS. RUT TS ALL THE GO AMunuai ' - - 7 South Front street has not gone anywhere. Can and get a Shave and Hair Cut and we will prove it For Christmas! AND THE HOLIDAYS. Apples, Citron, .Lemons, Prunes, Raisins, Mince Meat, Oranges, Candy, Nuts, Cakes, Jelly, Cigars, &c. nov 23 tf ADRIAN & VOLLERS' For Infants and Children. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour a. TWai-rhrEa. and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I rSSendit as superior toanyription owntome. oajSSSSjf H. t I use Castoria in my practice and find It soecially adapted to affections of ch.ldren. epeciauy iv Robertson, M. D. 1057 2d Ave.ft New York. 'From personal knowledge and observation I canity tWt Castoria is an excellent medicme irt,iiHrti notin? as a laxative ana relieving ftZ Sp' bowfsnd general system jery SX Many mothers have told me of its ex cehent effect upon then- cldre- Lowell, Mass. Thb Ckstaub Company, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. A guaranteed Cure for Piles of whatever kind nr Apotpp. External. Internal. Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent or Heredi tary. $1.00 a box; 6 boxes, $5.00. Sent by mail. Drenaid. on receipt of price. We guar antee to cure any case of Piles. Guaranteed and sold only by J. H. HARDIN, wi,iM,lo anH Rptail Druzsrist, t . c -vm MarliKf Wilmington. N. C. leo x ii j.," , o . No. 51 No. 59 No. 53 PM PM PM Leave Columbia... v 0 35 5 CO Arrive Snmter H 58 b Leave Sumter 1 8 30 Arrive Florence I A M No. 78 No. 14 AM PM Leave Florence 4 46 8 35 Leave Marion 5 39 9 20 Arrive Wilmington 8 A M Health is Wealth! .NSRVE3 co .u v. rhorifttnn. S. C. via Cen no. uo luua uuuu6u , -- --' tral R. R., arriving Manning 6 55 p m, Lanes 7 65 p m nari5iuii aoupiu. No. 59 connects at r lorence wilu i. .. -.i 1 ITT. J I lneraw ana naurauuiu. . Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wilmington with W. & W. R. R. R. for all points North. Train on Florence Railroad leaves Pee Dee dady, . r i a AC n m atr Prtwlflnn 7 r m. K.e- except au'i-yvr- Pnai 8 50 turning, leave ruwwuu v w - - am. . . . . T,.,, j i Train on Manchester Augusta xaiiroau mini 11 so a m ..Keturmng. icavc bjuiuu . f i rive Sumter 12 35 a m. xt v-. 1. nnA VrnAa Snrial will run tn x ne wcw xwir. . . ... r .... , weekly, commencing January 19tb, leaving Wilming- . m 1 J C rt ... vj4mf? O r V. Ill St ton Tuesdays, inursaays uu Ljaiu.u., m., arriving f lorence o ou a. ui. miu.. - Florence Mondays, weanesaays anu rnuaja i p. m., arriving Wilmington x io a. m. - JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't . , r . ...... O&m'I If.naffM1 V M lfMir.RSON. Gen'l Pass'oer Agent, jan 20-tf FISH- Mackerel, No. 1, $ barrel Mackerel, No. 1, 8 half-barrel. Mackerel, No. 2, liarrel Mackerel, No. 2, f haif-barrel. Mackerel, No. 8, lrrel Mullets, 1? barrel Mullets, $ pork barrel N. C. Roe Herring, $ keg Dry Cod, $ tt FLOUR, 3 barrel- Western low gr.-idc " Extra " Family City Mills Super " Family,.... GLUE, lb GRAIN, bushel- Corn, from store, bags white. Corn, cargo, in bulk White. . . Corn, cargo, in bags White. . . Corn, Mixed, froitiiore Oats, f rem store Oats, Rust Proof Cow Peas HIDES, V lb- Green Dry HAV, t 100 lbs- Eastern .. Western North River HOOP IRON, t fi LARD, lb- Northern North Carolina LIME, ft barrel LUMBER (city sawed), V M ft Ship Stuff, resawed i Rough Edge Plank , West India Cargoes, according to quality Dressed Flooring, seasoned .... : Scantling and Board, cem'n,... MOLASSES, "P gallon- New Crop Cuba, in hhds., ' " " in bbls Porto Rico, in hhds " " in bbls Sugar House, in hhds " " in bbls Qrrtm in KVila ............ NAILS, ? keg. Cut, lOd basis. . . . . eu s on Dasis oi v pw. OILS, gallon. K.erosene Lard Linseed. Rosin. Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live, giown " Spring T....l.A.re urr A TJTIT; ' jo'hushel rj!3 ..... POTATOES, bushel bweet Irish. "8 barrel PORK, ffi barrel- City Mess Prime Rump RICE Carolina, W Jb ........... . Kough, Dasnei lupmuu . . .. " " (Lowland... RAGS, lb-Country City DnPK M 1h . V . 3-1, . 1 . . - SALT, sack -Alum Liverpool Lisbon Am?rir-flri T nr1r SUGAR, B Standard Grau'd., standard a White Ex. C Extra C, Golden. C Yellow SOAP. 99 lb Northern STAVES, M W. O. Barrel. . . . R. O. Hogshead TIMBER, $ M feet Shipping. . . Mill mme Mill Fair Common Mill lf.nnr fn OrHinarv SHINGLES, 7-incb, M Common Cypress Saps Cvpress Hearts 1. ATT hW HO TK WHISKEY, V galionj-Northem. wnm wa lh Washed 23 "V""' . . cut Unwashed Burrv. '" & 30 & 15 18 0 O 14 00 00 0t) 00 00 Of' 00 00 30 to 5 r.3 F. i 72R- TO 72k 55 57R 00 a C5 'JO 85 0 O 3 0 46 00 1 10 i co a i io 00 85 3 7 8 0" 1?H 1 ffl 0 P0 :8 Oi) 20 00 .5 00 fiTj !6 00 L r; Ci 18 00 13 05 o? 11 00 35 00 00 26 SO 30 00 SO 00 32 oo n is 00 (ft 18 S 46 2 25 2 SO 2 15 2 25 lOJC-Ti 14i 00 W- S-3 1 00 15 f6 It" 00 55 20 00 25 20 35 10 ?:', ?0 75 Cj P5 70 W 25 40 2 75 S 00 12 & io on oo oo 00 1 oo 00 1 14 00 00 00 00 55 0 o fi & o 0 8 00 0 00 12 50 9 00 7 0C 5 00 3 00 5 00 2 00 d 50 0 00 5 1 00 1 00 14 10 15 la 8 00 50 5f 7 SO 15 IV. ivt 25i 80 80 00 80 60 7: C34 fH W 0.'! i 00 CO 50 50 50 00 00 50 00 50 6 10 21 00 Bank of New Hanover. , VT, 1 TVTr,,,TT A X'T-l KbAIM 'l'SEATMENT. a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con vulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia. Headache, Ner vous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or to bacco. Wakefulness', Mental Depression, Softening ot the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Uld Age, oancu. Loss of Power in either sex, Invotatary and SperT.atoxrhoea causea Dy over-cxemuu . v.ot-h hni contains one . . 1 nn a W. or six boxes tor S5 00. sent bv mail prepaid on receipt of price. wto r-irTATi ATNTTEE SIX BOXE8 . . wtt-h caz-KnrHpr received bv us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the purehaser our written guarantee to refund the L it v, fr-atmmt does not effect a cure. Guar- muur 1 1..., . antees issued only Dy . PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. Authorized Capital -Cash Capital paid in Surplus Fund $1,000,000 300,000 200,000 Sole Agt, N. W. Cor. feblD&Vly ffmnf anc Market StS. Wilmineton. N. C. W. xrill viy the tbovo reward for any ease ot Liv3r siipation or Costlveness we cannot cure wita West s Ve-etablu Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly c Jmplicd with. They are purely Vegetable, and ner tUl"iJ" . , o .rn.ti Tres boxes. ail to give samsiacwo. t -atBrteits containing arms, J cciiua. - and imitations. The genuine imanob wed only by XHE JOHN C. WEST COlLfAJN X . VvXixuuv, r .1 j i d athtpT R BELLAMY. OJU Uy aiju... - - t.t -,,t r. ,n1 Market streets. .i. 1 T-UP.W i.. Wilmineton. N. C. AN AND AFTER SUNDAY, lJLCxi.Mor.xvo, Trains will run as toiiows, um.y 1U. W iT jr it tt . No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Cheraw, S. C XVOUUtK. z--. ncbnrn 5.50 p. m Arrive Hamlet. N. C 6-10 P- m OTOVINO SOUTH. Nn. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Hamlet, N. C .30 a. m " Osborn S'SnT " Knllork Station a m Arrive Cheraw. S. C 9.40 a. m jec o-tf WM. MOINCUK.1!., atrp-i. DIRECTOES: W. I. GORE, C. M. ST EDM AN G. W. WILLIAMS. ISAAC BATES. DONALD MacRAE, JAMES A. LEAK H. VOLLERS, F. RHEINSTEIN J. W. ATKINSON, E. B. BORDEN. ISAAC BATES G. W. WILLIAMS WM. L. SMITH Pkksidbnt ,Vich Prbsidbnt Caskisb Liyerpl &.LonioE & Gloiie InsnraacelCo. OP ENGLAND. ATKINSON 6z MANNING, AGENTS North Carolina Home Ins. Co -y-E OSTER TO THOSE WANTING INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE ST. JAMES HOTEL, GOLDSBORO, N. C, t..ttt,t-. Awn TJTrtriTTF.D. NEAT j -i trit -lace io everv respect. Kates V auu ticau. A a.s. - $2.00 per day. CASTEX. nov 11 tf Proprtetor. Policies in this Old and Reliable Home Institution, ASSetS-- $40,000,000 AlHosse. promptly paid. SMITH & BOAT W BIGHT, Agts nov 23 tf W. S. PRIMROSE, Preident. CHARLES ROOT, Secretary. PULASKI CO WPE R, SecretV l, 1 T " ft- I n,' f.- shipped to the reduction dec 16 D&Wlv jan 1 tf ARTHUR PREMPERT. lnaian n"- 30D4Wly