.. . . . ' : i- S fx 1 . Pes: 1247 16c Uiet les- lied Jes. ton For; to- J500; lies. irch de and une pery 5 6-em- Her; ller; pnl and July 5 6- bber bber fe. kiri- rou per- htes. less kised. 1888, boon now had en," ft IES PO 75 to t bedal- emen. rawar- ;n.c. js vie 1L of food, sssary. is s :nev- ih such IM I Th: hcon- 1STS !$1.00. I CO. D CAR Imeasure. "Blue Stages, at leading Fall rariy- i Sr.. street. fets. La witn- VofPr (for r mi) ick Sts. BRONCHITIS is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes the air-passagca tcauiug into me lungs. Few other complaints are so preyalent, or call for more prompt and energetic action. A neglect or delay may result seriously, '.A.Atim remedies should always he nt nsmi. Apply at once a mustard poultice to the i'VPT Part OI lue cnesc, ana, iot miernai Ayer's Cherry Pectoral C. O. Lepper, Druggist, Fort Wayne, Ind., r, rites : " My little sister, four years of age, i.-, ill from bronchitis thatwA had almnst riven up hope of her recovery. Our family nmnoiineed it useless to dv hr nv more medicine, saying he had done all it was possible to ao, ana we must prepare xor tne .-,.f a a last resort, we determlrtAd tn uy Aver s Cherry Pectoral, and I can truly a'v. with most happy results. After taking i n-itliin a week, was out of dancrer. "We continued giving the Pectoral until satisfied n-a entirelr welL This indisnutaible evidence of the great merit of Ayer's Cherry pp.-toral lias civenme. unbounded confi dence in the preparation, and I recommend it to my customers, Knowing it cannot aisap-. Ayer's Cerry Pectoral cured me of a bad eonaii and my partner of bronchitis. I know of numerous cases in which this preparation b3S provea very ueueu-uuu tu lauuuea Young Children, so that the medicine Is known among them as the consoler of the afflicted.' " Jaime r f -s Viii.il. San Cristobel. San Domineo. A short time ago, I was taken with a severe attack of broncnitis. ine remedies .r.Pnariw inert in snch cases failed to eive r. e relief. Almost in despair of ever finding f.v:ln' i to cure me, I bought a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was helped om the first dose. I had not finished one Ivtile before the disease left me, and my throat and lungs were as sound as ever." Geo. B. Hunter, Altoona, ia. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BT DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. c.-i ty all Prugcis:. Tr-.ce Si : bis bottles. DiW lv OTTERBUBN LITHIA and MAGNESIA WATEE! i SLY CUKES "BRIGHT-S DISEASE ' FI T ALSO DIABETES. Mankboko, Va., April 7, ISSS'S 1 i U .- fftrrr n n arith S form of Kid i ;a: i p-airc ran auu.. s ------ u:-t. iTt I A- Hillman) I rC HUIt.il in J J J j- - t Kii Diabetes, and advised the use of 9tter! I !tha sad Magnesia water, im quanuiy passed was greatly in excess of the natural se ' i t nnHc rf flHih in a few v c .v.- iWi.rifim WatM pfiirected Tcessive fioiv entirely in six weeks, and 1 am a we:; mia. ., :ed inscy medicines without avail, and I attribute :re of this tioaoiesome ana tiauuua .""-- :o tne use c. tne -""r"bLANTOK. EI iT 1 tr :5 e ..vwi OFTEN ASK ' WILL IT KEEP Amklia County. Va., Feb. 24, 1S88. ' -e.eby certify that two years ago 1 obtained some t!,r Water of the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia i-in? fcr my wile, m a aemijuuu, uu " ' 5' moving to another home, l louna inai soaic .. r .v aicr cuia uccu . J- ; - acd drank some of it, and found it to be as pcre ,J u,ce as wnen nrst tan ,ru -DOCK JT CURES RHEUMATIC GOUT. ; E JsrrsxsoN, of Johnstown, Sooth Carolina .tes as ioiw ui ladv here has been entirely relieved of a severe ' . . . - Cl. . tnnA e-K ol Kr.eumanc uoui. - - - ediate relief she did not take any medicine or any -cr rensidy at all' and while on the sixth bottle sta - --at she had been entirely relieved and needed no -f ' Vater. her general neaitn Deinz aiso grcauy ua SPIRTIS TUKPENTINE. - Asheville Citizen: Mr. Thrash recently sold his farm in Cherokee county, which four years- ago he bought for $4,000, for $25,000. He was yester day offered $38,000 for the Lowndes farm, an advance of $6,000 over what it cost mm, Dut ne reiusea tne oaer, Concord i Standard : Mr. Tim B. Winecoff, of No. 4. brought in an egg. The-hen is just starting out. but seems to De an improvement on tne oia l : .' tu:- 1 i . 1 cuuion. i ins n cu iiuiiiucrs ncr ctrys 1 hp on? w hurp hac a n orn rp "n rn it in such a manner that a blind man could read it it is a raisea neure. alichnrv Wnfrhtnnn - M T 4 Clodfelter, a native of Davidson county. v.. t r uul iur uictiiy years a iiuz.cu ui Oiius- iurv, died at his home in this city last Friday of pneumonia. Angeline Kp nn rn rrrrtri wnman tuq q nil rnpri to death in the southern part of the city Monday night. Her dress caught fire accidentally. Tarboro Southerner: The barn, stables, ten barrels of corn and two mules were burned on Dr. J. H. Baker's Bell Place, six rhiles from town this morning at about 5 o'clock. At this writing there seems to be no reasonable grounds for suspecting incendiarism, though it is unusual for a hre to occur in a stable at that hour. Smithfield Herald : Charlev Alford, a young mulatto boy, who has been in the employ or Mr. VVm. M. ban ders for some time, was nlaced in iail Wednesday night, charged with steal- ng a watch. Mr. Kobt. VV. Frid ypr fnr somf limp a rpsirlfnr rf Selma - - ' commftted suicide last Friday by takfng 1 ..... ,1 . . TTn U.. ICR -.' 1 J IdUU.lllUlll. lie Wd3 dUUlil. y CclIS UIU ana report says aranK consiaeraoiy. Winston Sentinel: At a called' meeting of the Broad Street Baptist Phnrrh last nioht Rev P H Pprnpll tendered his resignation as pastor, in or- j . . n . i aer to accept a can to two cnurciies in Eastville, Va. John Russell, Calvin Robinson and Martin Holt, employed nn thp rnn?t rnrtion train, encased in , B S getting material for improving the R. & 1 V . . T 1 1 u. aepot grounas, were seriously nurc this; mnrnino. five, milps from Ke.rners- ville, by the embankment they were dig- i fit' ging unaer iauing on mem Raleigh Chronicle: Bill Haywood, man. was knocked down and robbed on Hargett street night before last. A horrible tale comes to us that on night before last at Gibson's .Station, on the Aueusta & Raleigh Ex- sension. the barn and stables of Mr, Ed ward Gibson were totally destroyed. They contained seventeen horses, the burning of which caused the air to be resonant with their unearthly and hor rible cries. Everv one of them was baked in the flames. Charlotte Chronicle : The city is in tested with tramps. They go beg ging from store to store and house to house. Their favorite ruse is to carry an orm in a slinr ar.d renresent it as broken ,' i t i j i . in a raiiroaa wrecs or Daaiy scaiueu in a boiler explosion. Whitehall Semi nary, two miles distant irom concord, was totally destroyed by fire yesterday :k. ine nre origin ated in the ceiling and is attributed to rats and matches. The Chronicle, a vreek or so ao. called attention to an old time bedstead of the unusual pro nortions of Sx9 feet, which was in auc tioneer Walker's store. Mr. Walker yes terdav informed a Chronicle reporter Plunkett is with people. TWINKLINGS. "Why do you have two beaux on your string ?" "Well, you see, Charley is my society man, while is my steady-go-round." Judge. Miss Prima Mr. very brusque and short T -.!- - , 1 - isn i ne a genueman r Mr. Leanders Hardlv. I faiicv. He only calls himself a eent. vou know. Free Press. "Has any one sworn to this statement?" said the president of the company, when the treasurer presented his report. "No one but the stockholders," was the- reply. Lowell Citizen. He X)ne kiss is worth a hun dred letters. She Oh; yau're very sentimental. T T m. v""v rr t i ne un, no. ine kiss, you Know, can t be introduced in a breach of pro mise suit. American Stationer. Wool I think the talk about the McKinley bill pricesls all bosh! Van Pelt Why so? Wool I can't raise the price of a drink any easier than I could before. Brooklyn Life. Edwin ftp.nde.rlv touching" her v e tresses) Sweet one. let me be like- this lovely hair. Angelina (tremuouslv') What dear est what would you be? Edwin (rapturously)--All your own. Pittsburg Bulletin. Young husband Well, mv dear, did you succeed in getting a stove to suit you? Young wife Indeed. 1 did. buch good luck! I got a stove that will never cost a cent lor coal. 1 he dealer said it was a self-feeder. A'. Y. Weekly. Lord Litzenston Gad! British noblemen furnish the money to run your American industries. Miss A. Yes; but " Amsr ican wives furnish the money to run your British noblemen. Life. "Then," said Mr. Tenderfoot, thrillingly, describing his western ad ventures, "the Indians stoic upon us. 'Ana what did tney aor Dreamiess- lessly asked a friend. 'Then thev gradually stole everv thing else." Washington Critic. Merit Wins. We rlpsirp to sav to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King s New Discovery lor consumption,, ur. Kind's New Life Pills, Bucklen s Arnica Salvp and Electric Bitters, and have pvpr hanrllpH remedies that sell as well. or that have given such universal satis faction. We do not nesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purcnase price, n sausiic- rorv rpsnlts do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great r.onnlaritv nurelv on their merits. ' t -----j r j r t-. . . , ROBERT l. BELLAMY, urugyisus. Industrial , Manufacturing Company WILMINGTON, N. C. BueKleii'x Arnica salve. Thp her Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Kheum, We; Tetters. Chapped Hands, Ch'ilbl'ains.Corns. and all Skin Eruptions, e;t;piv -iirp; Piles or no oav is ttlfU JUJ111 T - - - 4 required. It is guaranteed to give pencci atiefcartion or monev refunded. Price hox. For sale bv Robert R. Bellamy, Wholesale ana reuiii Sists. Richmokd. Va., April 8, 1887. . ... tn ,.Mr wirh a fomnlicatiOD ' v.tiicca luuwmj j - , 1 . vti nd Kidney trouble, suffering great pain in -c-.-n of the kidneys, and having my attention , . 1 1 1 ;.i.; rrA Macmrafl Water 1 C o UX ijliciuum uu ft r-i.ccd to use it, and jiever experienced such re- 1 rr 1 . i milin 1 rt. from anytnmg. i ne very uisi "-"'-s'-"" -ri the flow of urine and cleareo it up. iy appc- .. ixi rtorl. and I feel that 1 cannot com- - rV Watrr too hithlv. R- F. WALKER. Man.nhoro. Va., March 17, 183S, r .T. 1 commenced the used of the Otterburn Lithia 5'ir-esia W ater, on the astn ot January i : ,1 rco.or 1 Kad been suffer- r. . l.ir.ti iu kuj uiiutioi " .v.. . - 1 : .vst three years with a disease that was pro- -ctd hv a Of louncea Dy a pramiucui ni' :o be an affection of jhe Kidneys, after :.r:-a fcier-f.nc test. , . . ) . . i . u .. .. nni. vprb when 1 was en . j r . ... v. : .. u k.(.i.p haA lipn constant at :;n:es acute, and I have gained nineteen pounds :-r-.:. with a re?toraticn ot strengtn anu cuciSj. iiVmpt a fastest, usinz no other water and , - .....Hv;,,. H. C GREGORY Amf.ua C. H.. Va.. December 15, 1SS8. T-i . fnr tT-.r rast fifteen vears i . - . n r . . i iyvipnv vy. f ' . ;-e y have suffered with Derangement of my Un ( .r. evidenced bv great difficulty in voiding . - - c About six -mo'nths ago I commenced tne , -. t f acrr:s;ia Snrm2S i::C '7LtCrUUIIl JlLlll a ti" r . -.-. an-. ?ince that time there has been marked-and ---: improvement in my entire condition and state : .th. My digestion is better than it has been tor -r r i:x years, and the unnary trouD:c is cmuwj -- ' .-.r.p has b-en lor tne past two uiuliio. i a WALLACE. CashieT Planters' Bank of Amelia. 3TTERBURN LITHIA SPRINGS CO. . j -c7 t ti r Aerent. r-j-D&Wtf Wilmington, N . t. THE Acme Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre, AND PINE FIBRE MATTING, WILMINGTON". NORTH CAROLINA. 'Ml!.- i.rtiiiTiTinvnfflllD IftT RTI I.IZERS int. iLruiAiiun i r t . . u aphtc i rirvr : nnt SraKlinrn. and tne ...I. . 1 V. . H 1 . duu VI l.l'l, uwr. - ' ftsult of three years' use in the bauds the b?t farmers of this and other States fully attest their a:ue as a men grade manure. , i m a T-nvr i. .Vi tives of our na - - --1.1 1 1111L1, UMUC . -- " - tive pine, is conceded to be equal to any woven carpet forc -mfoit and durability, and the demand f or rTis daily increasing. It has virtues not found in any other -abric. The FIBRE, or wool, is extensively tterinz ourooses. and as a filline ic almost 2a:nst insects. nor . i :. ..,.nt1v ned for UDhol AJAXAli. UI WUVll. 13 t.tV ...... a , o. Aiiirxr for Mattresses is n,ioi ,n k;t i;rht. elastic and proof I.. s oAniw P. . . ... A Rm. ENriYROYAL PILLS UrlflHl ua "-" -fc U i.w ui. W K)vnn TakA In nmH for oartleuUrt, te-timooUl nd " RaUef for ldletk" in letter, oj reww T Jfail. 10.000 TMilmonlu. Aanwnp"- Icll Drillj: FUtaaa trm. that he had sold it to a lady in Raleigh. who had seen the Chronicle's notice of it. It was a handsome piece of furni ture and brought 20 Greensboro Record : Sam nrook5 an inoffensive colored man.who ives near the colored graded scnooi, was assaulted last nieht. about o:oU terribly mangled and robbed. Brooks ' . . ... keeps a small grocery and sleeps in tne hrmcp havmcr no tamiiv. some coioreu neoole were in his store at 8 o'clock.and lofr Rmolec ciftino- hv the stove. About half hour Afterwards they heard a noise in his store, but as Brooks is very iono of playing- and scuffling, thought noth- ino of it. He was iouno, however, soon afterwards, beaten and cut in several places about the head and face, evi dently being strucK witn an axe or snmp iron instrument. Brooks was un- oKIp m o-ivp anv amount of the anair. (ivy 11- . . J when he was found, and remained un- conscious up to the how ot nis aeatn, which took place at 9 o clock this morn Raleigh Capital: The police au thorities are waging a waroi extermina t'.i-m against taxless curs. Ouite a num- i-pr clain vpsterdav and to-dav. Mr. S. F. Telfair, Secretary to Governor . . x- t iti j J 0.AVA-. howle. and general vvooowaru, oclicli ry to Governor Hill, of New York, spent the night together at the Yarborough Hnncp nicrht before last. In turnine on Ai.V-ZtJJ' w the light the valve was turned too lar, allowing the gas to escape, anu uutmc timely discovery Dy a servant, scuuua consequences would have followed. As ;t hmh o-pntlemen were onlv slightly 1 W VTf Okfc? WWHI - - " ' , affected. Jimmie Harrison, son ot the proprietor of the riarrison nouse, . . J 1 1 . r. r Klf o , - tt-ipL'pn 1-pnrpniHV 111 111s vdiu uv a Hd3 aikav.nvu J ' ...:5 An onH hari his arm bad lv lace -nA xhp hrnte would have killed him but for the interference of a colored man .v, -ome to his rescue. ine pruie v ilV- - was killed by order of the Mayor Raleio-h News and Observer: t-u t'phpnn Vallpv Railroad has been purchased by the seaooara anu i D.1n4i, onn urill and the jretersDur rdm wau, i hp onerated in connection ncicdiL.. wv, -r , .j with them. Oov. r owiyeMci uy a aA p n (Irip-p-s. who was con- U1 uuiii-ii ; , ,, , r victed of slander at the fall term of r'lpxrplanH rountv in 1889 and LUUl L HI viv.,v.. ' . - -1 a omhtppn months in iail. senir.uv.cu v..,..-- , rt ,oo rantprl unon the certificate of the county physician that Griggs was threatenenea wim n. .-.... - --- :i,i nrp evpr snipoea irum iuim ill SL 11 lv.rkV. ui v, , I , Parolina was sent from Murpny last - - i . . w I i r-i nonrv . .oiLvJii. i. Monuay uy vui. ii-v.... - - - . . th. metn UfClCai VIIV3 111 was sen l n- ...- .- . , , . York city to test its rienness uy actual smelting process. Governor rOWlC yCSltluaj tiij... - - . , , iir rt Moriin i ninm ssioucia ui ana vv . j. .'-a"-1" ; - T A AC slsvtrlf-C for Nnrth Carolina at Nor folk, Va. OL5r IDE'S New York & Wilmington STEAMSHIP COMPANY. New York for Wilmington. 11 14 18 17 21 n.iifrr erir.esaav. r eD. I .'V vv i-, c r. : T. , nuvrrsr-TOR aturoay, rcu. c-a xi ii-a Wednesday. Feb. Wilmington for New ItorK. . ntvtrr I iK'virlav. r eo. fAHUtt - ---'.' ... ri. r r a Tvii at raav. i i . -. n r i r. r v. i mi . . , v - v v i r Sunday. ref-" wilmlnston for Georgetown. n-.-v-i-TA ruesdav. reD. i-j i.rt'i rirmfi Tuesday, 1-eD. n -Through Bills Lading and Lowest 1 hrougn r, ..,,r In anrt Irom DOintS 111 iiuiiu ouv. South Carolina. tw fricrht or i-.a.ssaee appiy to . , vv, , , , Rf iwrs Sun: Wilminvrton. N. C. .T-r-v . c-i-L-u r f P.i-a-l:nci Cxreen. IN . r. D'rivns m . General Aeents, 5 Bowi-.ng .i. . . - - . f i . i oreen. . - MANUFACTURERS OF TINNED WOODEN B HER DISHES HIAMOND BASKETS, Berry Baskets, Fruit and Vegetable Orates, CANDY BOXES, Orange Boxes, &c, &c. VENEERS CUT TO ORDER FROM SWEET GUM, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, OAK, ASH BJRCH. WALNUT, (cc. This Company has an Established Reputation for the Quality of its Work: Can Compete in Prices with any similar Establish ment n the United Slates. Orders for Car Load Lots filled ou short notice. Samples and Prices on application. Factory on Cape Fear River, corner Queen and Surry streets.v Address " Industrial Manufacturing Co. WILMINGTON, N. C. sep 2 D&W tt Sparkling ' Catawba Springs, CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. Dr. E. O, Elliott & Son, PROPRIETORS. p-w-imo V17T7TT ITVnWV DTCflDT TC CFVPM ' . ' X 1 1 . 3 irLiib r-i.,W 11 .1 iviiuvivi i wii ' ui' A miles from Hickory, over a beautiful road. Capacity 500 guests, w:tn superior meaicinai nun eral Waters for the Liver, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Kidney Disecses, Debility and Nervous Prostration. 1 r .1 .. 1 T . . r. A -.1 .-. V. . r . . 1 ,iv Tt.TV j line ury i. iiiiin iv-, ..i..i, n m iiumi., j place to restore the invalid to health and enjoyment of life. In shade of the Blue Ridge. For Catalogue address tne Proprietors. J..1UP -. 18S0. Cape Fear & TaftMn Valley Railway CO. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wholesale Prices Current. CARD FKuM SENATOR VANCE United States Senate. Washington, D. C, February ft A, i8Ss. I take ureal ulcasure m saying that 1 am well ac quainted with the waters of the Sparkling Catawba jpilUJJS. v.uiiaiuv.1 viiv.il. v. .. & , - ing witnessed their effects upon many of my acquaint- c .k. 1 . fif.n ...... t-. atrl an thpv are iiuvjca ii.i iiii i.v.-. inivvu t ..... ..-. j , ,Vi mirfit of n beautiful rolline country, entirely above the malarial belt, I know of no place in our State mr.rc desirable tor tne neaitn-seeicer. Yours very truly, Z. B. VANCE. Office of Wittkowskv & Baruch. Charlotte, A'. C March 3, Vk. K. O. Elliott. rv. . C.'.. . T vicit.-T q rrrat manv SnrintTS ID lr . ' ' ' . i nmv ...... .. C, - . 'j - I " ihis country and in Europt, among others the Sara toga" of this country, and the celebrated "Karlsbad Springs in Europe, and am free to say that I find the Catawba" to excel, in their curative pro perties, all of them. And so far as I am personally concemeu, i aiways 100s iwinmu wiui picwuig time when I can spend a few pleasant days at those SDnnes. icty iKPuuiir, Ckitriotte A C, February Zf, SSf. t-i i : i . v, v.AAn f mnnT vp-irtt arritiaintp.fi ine ii i. v-v. ti . . --"-'" - 1 - - with the beneficial effects resulting from the use of the Sparkling Catawba Spring water. It restores the lost appetite reguiates the action of the bowels and kid neys, ciearing the skin, and removing eruptions (usually benefited by sulphur or arsenic), By its use the pa tient gains weight, strength and spirits. I have not seen more general beneficial results from the use of anv other mineral water witn wmcn i am auamveu. jy 17 LJ&W tt J. r. ax. u. WILMINGTON SEACOAST R.R IN EFFECT JAN. 18TH, 1891. E FOLLOWING CHANGE OF SCHEUULh effect on the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad will take Sunday. Jan- : . ..onn Trains leave Princess street at i.vu a. m., auu o.w p. m., daily except aunaay. . Leave Hammocks 8.15 a. m. and 5.30 p. m., daily except Sunday. .1 . r .... ,.0 Art .. ... Sunday train leaves i rincess suki o.w m. Leave iiammocKs at o.-vj p. m. J. R. NOLAN, 9a is tf General Manager. Geo. R. French & Son's FINE SHOES FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S whak. T.n dies' Common-Sense iiongoia Button at $3.09. T.oHio Onera Toe ana uommou Sanaa "RllttOIl at S2.SO. Ladies' Hand-Sewed Waulkenphast Button at $5.00. Children's Shoes. We would call special attention to our stock of Chil dren's Shoes, which are the handsomest in the city Geo. R. French & Sons. feb 8 tf or Christmas! AND THE HOLIDAYS. Apples, Lemons, Raisins, Oranges, Nuts, nov 23 tf Citron, Prunes, Mince Meat, Candy, Cakes, Jelly, Cigars, &c. ADRIAN & VOLLERS- See and Be Convinced. Harness. Trunks ani Bap. Vehicles, All Styles. LARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES. L. FEiMiUcLL, THE HORSE MILLINER, & 16 South Front St. S CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT DECEMBER 1, 1890 NORTH BOUND. No. 1. I No. 3. Daily ex Daily ex Sunday.! 'Sunday. No. 15. Daily ex Sunday. Leave Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Wilmington. . Fayetteville., Fayette ville. . Sanford Greensboro. , Greensboro... Walnut Cove. Mt. Airy.... Bennettsville. Maxton Maxton Fayetteville. , Ramseur Greensboro.. . Greensboro... Madison 9.00 a. m. 12.25 p. m. 12.55 " 2.27 " 5.00 " 5.20 " 7.00 " 9.00 " 8.30 a. m. 9.40 " 9.50 " 11.45 " 7.10 a. m. 9.50 " 10.40 " " 12.45 p. va. SOUTH BOUND. No. 2. I No. 4. Daily exl Daily ex Sunday. Sunday. No. 16. Daily . ex Sunday. Leave Leave Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave An ive Mt. Airy Walnut Cove. Greensboro. . . Greensboro. . Sanford Fayetteville. . Favetteville. . Wilmington. . Fayetteville. . Maxton Maxton Bennettsville Madison Greensboro. . Greensboro. . . RarHftir 6.25 a. m. 8.35 " 10.05 " 10.35 " 1.00 p. m. 2.30 " 2.55 " 6.30 " 3.30 p. nr. 5.20 " 5.30 " 6.45 " 1.35 p. m. 3.40 " 4.00 " 6.55 " W. E. KYLE, GenT Passenger Agent. J. W. PRY, -GenT Manager. jan 13 tf SEABOARD AIR LINE. Carolina Central E. E. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. Dec. 7, 1890. Leave Leave Leave; Arrive Leave Leave Leave Arrive Wilmington Hamlet Wadesboro . Charlotte. . Charlotte. . Lincoln ton. Shelby Rutherf'on No. 43 ! No. 23 j No. 41 Daily ex.;Daily ex.jDaily ex. Sunday, i Sunday. Sunday. . 9.20 a. 1.15 p. 2.22 p. 4.13 p. 4.23 p. 5.42 p. 6.40 p. 7.55 p. m.; m. m. tn. m. ID.: m.j m.l 8.30 p. 5.00 p. 6.15 a. 9.00 a. 7.40 p.m. 8.29 d. m. 10.15 p. m. EASTBOUND TRAINS. I No. 36 Daily exept Sunday. LVe Rutherfordt'n 8.55 a. m. Leave Shelby jlO.09 a. m. Leave Lincolnton. ill. 12 a. m. Arrive Charlotte. . 12.29 p. m. Leave-Chariotte. . . j 12.39 p. m. Leave Wadesboro ; 2.22 p. m. Leave Hamlet 3.82 p. m. Arrive Wilmington; 7.30 p. m. No. 24 Daily exept Sunday. 7.45 p. 11.18 p. 1.15 a. 8.15 a. No. 38 Daily ex. Snday. 5.00 a. m. 6.52 a. m' 7.40 a. m. Trains Nos. 41 and 38 make close connection at Hamlet foi Raleigh and North. Nos. 43 and 36 make close connection at Lincolnton for Hickory and Western North Carolina. Trains Nos. 23 and 24 make connection at Monroe to and from Chester and South. No. 23 makes connec tion at Hamlet for Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte. T. W. WHISNANT, Superintendent K. W. CLARK. Gen'l Passenger Agent, dec 7 tf FLOUR, BACON, MOLASSES 1 500 EBLS" FLOURALL GRADES. ' J Boxes D. S. SIDES, QQ Hhds. arid Bbls. P. R. MOLASSES5 JQQ Bbls. New Orleans MOLASSES, 2QQ Cases LARD, Q Bbls. CAROLINA RICE. Bbls. SUGAR, IQQ Sacks COFFEE, 2jQ Kegs NAILS, Q Bbls. DISTILLERS' GLUE! -JQQ Boxes TOBACCO, QQ Cases LYE, ij Cases BALL POTASH RA Cases STARCH, Snuff, Candles, Soap, Wrapping Paper. Twine, &c. r or sale low Dy mar 20 tf WILLI AMS, RANKIN & CO. JAPANESE PILE CURE 14 feb 15 tf Notice. T3ARTIES WISHING CRAYON PORTRAITS JL MbT nj D&W ly 8PAEK1ING CATAWBASPBINQS. o themselves or friends are invited to call and see TO WEAK C3EE3 Duaenag rrom the effects or jomopi o7. WMting weakness, loatnuuibood. Jrtft I Jiu end a finable tretiM (sealed) oonUining rail Urrlnnl. ... v. PBCClf CMnMk A Plendid tnAdiK&i work hnnldbe red try every oua who la nerrotu And debilitated. Aduxcaa, Maith seekers shouia go to 05 Hng Catawba springs, 1 r,t,wha muntv. 1.000 feet locateu, in w" , tZ t rip above sea.lcvel.Tt the foot of the s Blue Ridee mountains. oLcuciy tu Wafers possess JW& the "hiehest oraer. duuu y---ine . Hwrtisement in this permonui. n. Elliott & . inrnr 1 v x a -w jan 21 lm iroiiDP lb WHITELEY rravnn Artists. Ill South Front Street. Seven and a Half . ...,pT.Tnr nnvs PtTTT TSALLTHEGOAMOUDi -, 7- n c.,.i, Fmnt street has not gone ")-- I wvwu Cll and get a Shave and Hair Cut and we will prove it Respecttuuy, For Infanta and Children. Castoria promotes Digestion, ana. 1 ci... overcomes Flatulency, jonsiipauiuii, niRrrhma. and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its TiatnraL Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. .. i s- j- n .ri.nrni tn children that lZn to me." . A. Archer, M.b. Ill KOUIH Uxioru on., i)iwi.j"i ... - ... n 1. in m-wr nnut.iVn. and find it Bpeciaily adapted to affections of children. Bjrev"j f T?rnitRTSON. M. D., 1057 2d Ave., New York. 'TTrom Tiersonal knowledge and observation I can eay that Castoria is an excellent ov children, acting asa laxative and ejtaR cellent effect upon their children ' ' Lowell, Masa The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. A guaranteed Cure for Piles of, whatever kind or degree External, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent or Heredi tary. $1.00 a box; 6 boxes, $5.00. Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. We guar antee to cure any case of Piles. Guaranteed and sold only by T. H. HARDIN feb l tf Wholesale and Retail Druggist, New Market, Wilmington, N. C. WilmiiiEtoii & Welflon R. R. and Branclies Health is Wealth! jppzj K i CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No 23 No-27 No. 41 Dated Jan. 19, 1891. Wo"i Fast Mail Daily ea Daily. Daily. Sunday. PM PM AM Leave Weldon 12 30 5 48 6 20 A rr. Rocky Mount 146 724 Arrive Tarboro 2 17 A M Leave Tarboro 10 35 Arrive Wilson. PM 2 18 00 7 53 Leave Wilson Arrive Selma Arrive Fayetteville. t 2 30 3 30 5 30 Leave Goldsboro. ... Leave Warsaw Leave Magnolia.... Arrive Wilmington. 3 15 4 10 4 24 5 50 40 8 40 9 55 8 4) 9 34 9 49 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 14 No. 78 Daily. Daily. Sunday. AM AM P M Leave Wilmington 12 35 9 15 4 00 Leave Magnolia 2 05 10 35 5 36 Leave Warsaw 10 48 5 53 Arrive Goldsboro 3 05 11 55 6 53 Leave Favetteville. 920 Arrive Selma 11 18 Arrive Wilson 12 20 AM P M ! P M Leave Wilson 3 43 12 58 7 47 An-. Rocky Mount 1 30 8 18 Arrive Tarboro 2 17 AM Leave Tarboro. 10 20 i PM Arrive Weldoa 5 05 j 2 55 9 30 Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Wel don 3.10 t m. Halifax 3.32 d m. arrive Scotland Neck 4 18 p m, Greenville 6 02 p m, Kinston 7 10 p m. Re- . f , i ' : . r vn - : M o ,a turning, leaves, rv.iiiiLoii i w u ui, uivxuviuc o.iv a iu. Arriving Haifax at 10 45 a m, Weldon 10.05 a m, daily except Sunday. 1 rain leaves l arDoro, w . v;., via AiDemarie ol Kaieign R. R., daily except Sunday, 4 05 p ra ; Sunday 3pm; arrive Williamston, in. k,., o do p m ana izupra; Ply mouth 7 50 p m, 5 20 p m. Returning, leave Plymouth, N. C, daily except Sunday 6 20 a m, Sunday 9 00 a m. Williamston 7 40 am, 9 58 a m. Arrive Tarboro, N, C, 10 05 am and 11 20 a m. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Goldsboro, N C, daily except Sunday, 7 00 a m ; arrive Smithfield, N. C.,8 .30 a m. Returning, leaves Smithfield, N. C, 8 00 a m ; arrive Golds bora, N. C, 10 30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3 pm, arrives Nashville 8 40 pm. Spring Hope 4 15 p m. Returning, leaves Spring Hope 10 a m, Nash ville 10 35 a m; arrive Rocky Mount 11 15 a m, daily except Sunday. Tram on Clinton israncn leaves Warsaw tor cunton, daily except Sunday, at 6 p m and 11 10 a m. Return ing, leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 3 10 p m, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Southbound train on Wilson at uayetteviue uraicn is No. 51. Northbound is No. 60. Dailyi except Snndav. .Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Golds boro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and dailv except Sunday via Bay Line. The New York and Honda special win run tri weekly, commencing January 19th, leaving Weldon Monday, Wednesdiy, Friday, at 9 50 p. m,, arriving Wilmineton 2 a. m . returning leave Wilmington Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 2.00 a. m., arriv ing Weldon 6 13 a. m. a. . ..... . i , r All trains run solid Detween Wilmington ana nasu ington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. T- JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Snp't. R. KENLY. SuD't TransDortation. , M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass'gr Agent. dec,7-ti ATLANTIC COAST LINE. WUiWob, ColniMa & Anpsta R. R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE, TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 19, 1891. Leave Wilmington, Leave Marion. Arrive Florence, Leave Florence,, , , , Arrive Sumter.. Leave Sumter Arrive Columbia. No. 23 No.27 PM PM 6 10 10 10 9 20 12 40 10 15 1 20 A M No. 50 A M 3 20 4 35 No. 52 AM 4 85 9 45 6 15 10 55 A M No. 15 A M No. 58 8 25 9 85 v. ko rvVi fmm r'.riarlf.crnn via -Central i. U. llUia luiuuu ..wu. " . - t i i T : T fl 91 a tt. Mfinninar Q 10 A TT1 . naiirvtttu. ijcviuk wauw u w m. , ii -Tu Train on U. s. Lr. connects m tivircu wim No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia, . Arrive Sumter - Leave Sumter . . Arrive Florence Leave Florence Leave Marion., Arrive Wilmington No. 51 No. 59 No.5S PM PM PM 10 35 5 CO 11 58 6 iO 11 58 6 30 1 15 7 55 A M No. 78 No. 14 AM PM 4 45 8 85 6 39 9 20 "5 55 AM AM 12 20 Daily. Daily except Sunday. . -KT- ,.i - .u-,,v. rh.rlMtnn. S C. via Cen trul R R nrrivincf Manning 6 55 D m. Lanes 7 85 p m . 1 1 ft OA Vnariesiuu ojiu. i c -rv . No. 59 connects at r lorence witn a. u. Cheraw and Wadesboro. . . Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wilmington . 1 itt iir t T T all nAinte TVorth . WltU V . OL W . XV. IV. IX. ivi - - Train on Florence Railroad leaves ree uec uny, O 1.. A ACi wx m arrive Rnwlflnfl 7 D m. K.e- turning, leave Rowland 6 30 am, arrive Pec Dee 8 50 Railroad leaves A ram miwh-uvuvvi . TTm t Sumter daily, except Sunday, 10 00 a m, arrive Ki mini 11 25 a m Returning, leave Rimini 12 15p m, ar nve tumter 12 so a m. T1 . T.T ' .-.-I. h Aflfl. vrtPPlfll Will I II 11 1 1 1 IDCilcw iw. r . , i : Tn..n.. lOfVi loavlncr Wllminc weeKiy, commcut-iux; i...v.., ' , " o in . t'-.j TV...Tc(.,n onrl aturdavs. at 2 10 a. ion x ucuoy, - ..-v-y --- -' m., arriving lorence o ou a. m. Mr : Florence Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 15 p. m., arriving Wilmington i w . JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't 00 8. 00 ta 15 00 10 00 U 14 (Q. 10, 9, & SV4 o ta 7 0 It '" 0 . Q, 5 if yj ' The following quotations represent wholesale prices generally. In making up small orders highei prices have to be charged. . The quotations are always given" as accurately as possible, but the Sxar will not be responsible for any variations from the actual market price of the article quoted. BAGGING 2-lb Jute....v Standard , BACON North Carolina- Hams $ lb New, 11c; Old Shoulders $ IB. Sides $ Jt WESTERN SMOKED Hams 9 lb Sides 9 tt , Shoulders V lb DRY SALTED Sides lb Shoulders S lb BARRELS-SpiritTurpentine Second Hand, each 00 0 New New York, each 1 -10 New City, each 1 OA BEESWAX $ tt 0 BRICKS Wilmington, $ M 7 00 Northern 0 00 G I I 0'.' BUTTER North Carolina, 16 If. fi Northern i". & CANDLES, lb- Sperm.... 13 - Adamantine 9 O 10 CHEESE. V ft Northern Factory IX) 10 Dairy, Cream 11 & 12Ki State 00 10 COFFEE, f lb- Java 27 ta 28 Laguyra 17 (ffc lj-f. Rio 19 a 31V. CORN MEAL, bushel, in sacks,. 03 ffl 7o Virgin: Meal 00 rT '.O COTTON TIES, bundle CO Q, 1 50 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-1, 1 yard G rTfe - Yarns, per bunch W O EGGS, dozen 13 Q, M FISH Mackerel, No. 1, barrel 22 00 Qi Mackerel, No. 1, half-barrel. 11 00 Mackerel, No. 2, $ barrel 10 00 Mackerel, No. 2, $ half-barrel. 8 00 Mackerel, No. 3, $ barrel 13 00 Mullets, $ barrel 4 50 0 00 3 00 5 Q Mullets, t? pork barrel N. C. Roe Herring, 9 keg... Dry Cod, V FLOUR, barrel- Western low grade 00 Si " Extra 4 CO Family 5 00 City Mills Super 4 00 Family 5 50 Q GLUE, 1? lb 6 .si GRAIN, $ bushel- Corn, from store, bags White. Corn, cargo, in bulk White, . . Corn, cargo, in bags White Corn, Mixed, from store .... Oats, from store . , Oats, Rust Proof Cow Peas HIDES, 9 lb- Green Dry HAY, 9 100 lbs- Eastern Western North River..., HOOP IRON, V lb 2 LARD, B lb- Northern North Carolina. LIME, barrel 1 40 LUMBER (city sawed), ft M ft Ship Stuff, resawed Rough Edge Plank West India Cargoes, according to quality Dressed Flooring, seasoned .... Scantling ancf Board, com'n. . . . MOLASSES, gallon- New Crop Cuba, in hhds " " " in bbls Porto Rico, in hhds " " in bbls Sugar House, in hhds " in bbls Svrun. in bbls NAILS, f keg. Cut, lOd basis. . . . . - 60 s on basis ot $2 prica. OILS, V gallon. Kerosene Lard , Linseed Rosin , Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live, grown " Spring Turkevs PEANUTS. 9 bushel (28 lbs) POTATOES, 9 bushel- Sweet Irish. 9 barrel PORK, barrel City Mess Prime Rumt) RICE Carolina, lb Rough, bushel (Upland;. . . . " " (Lowland)... RAGS, ty lb Country City ROPE, B SALT, sack Alum Liverpool Lisbon American In 125-lb sacks SUGAR, 9 lb Standard Gran'd.. standard A White Ex. C Extra C, Golden C Yellow SOAP, ty lb Northern STAVES, "9 M W. O. Barrel.... R. O. Hogshead TIMBER, 9 M feet Shipping Mill Prime Mill Fair Common Mill . . Inferior to Ordinary SHINGLES, 7-inch, $ M 30 ft ' 15 tV: 18 (X- 0 ft Of' 14 00 5 0;: I) 00 4 Oi' Hi 0 70 55 00 90 0 0 00 1 00 00 7 00 IS 00 15 00 13 00 IS 00 14 00 00 30 00 00 00 00 30 2 25 2 15 4 0! 4 50 f.V 4 l .72Hi T2J4 S7H 63 83 S 4H 1 10 1 10 85 3 0 00 20 00 1C 15 in 00 15 00 10K CO . 90 15 00 00 i-0 10 75 70 25 75 00 00 00 CM 00 00 00 1 14! 00 00 00 00 55 0 CK- C.WJ 2E 30 SO O.J 15 2 30 2 25 en 1 oo ig 20 - 25 3J 'X S5 85 40 3 00 12 00 11 50 10W1 80 1 15 iH 229 80 fiO 00 80 CO 715 0?4 6J4 TALLOW, ty lb WHISKEY, V gallon JNortnern. WOOL, ty lb Washed Unwashed Bnrrv ...A. 0 54 0 5U 0 6 8 00 14 00 0 00 10 00 12 50 15 00 9 00 10 50 7 0C 8 50 5 00 C .50 8 00 4 00 5 00 7 00 2 00 2 50 4 50 CiX 5 00 0 00 7 50 5 1 00 2 5 1 00 2 10 28 32H 20 21 ' 10 Vh 00 Bank of New Hanover. . R. KENLY, Assistant Gen'l Manager. . M. EMERSON. Gen'l Pass'ger Agent. Dr. E. C. West's Nervr and Brain Theatment, . , : C r 1I...i..Jo Tll7invi 1 .nil- a guaranreea- speciui; ujawn., " Zf vulsftras, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia. Headache, Ner vous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or to bacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening ot the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and o ,,cza Kw rtwr-pvpri-inn of the Drain. OperuiaLLWl uuca cauK-u wiy vw w-.v-.- . self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.1X1, sent Dy man prepaiu uu icwv ui k-iw, ctfTARANTEE SIX BOXE8 To cure any case. With each order received by us r i Mnn;A4 with fln vat will send lOr SIX DOXCS, an-umamvu v - - the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the A an tees issued only by ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist. Sole Agt, N. W. Cor. Front and Market Sts, feb 1 D&W ly Wilmington, N. C. PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. DIRECTORS: ITE will pav the tbovo reward for any case ot Ller stication or Costiveness we cannot cure witn west 8 Yeeetabk, Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They axe purely Vegetable, and never fail to give sausiacwou. aai . ntaiifinir 30 Pills. 25 cents. Beware of counterfeita and imitations. The eenuinemanufacred only oy THE JOEN C. WEST COaLTAr. x , uuww. Sold by ROBERT R. BELLAMY, N. W. Cor. Front and Market streets, feb 1 D&W ly - Wilmington, N. C. ST. JAMES HOTEL, GOLDSBORO, N. C, --- .T-.TTT-.-kTicTjrr'-n AKJTl RF. FITTED. NEAT . i i i?;rct flass in everv respect. Kates m. j a n vi v.ivvi.. . - ' $2.00 per day. F. L. CASTEX, aovlltf . ' Proprietor. v-v -vt A TT A PTFB VI 1 N I 1 A V I JM.f, Dfl LILm1K O. Trains will run as follows, daily (Sunday ex- CePtCd': AITlf Mo 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. y-i c r 5.00 n. m uavc v.ucniw, v - ; v " KOllOCK m .i -i 5.50 o. m Arrive Hamlet, N. C 6-10 P- m MOVING SOUTH. Nn. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Hamlet, N. C 8.80 a. m " tjsborn - Knllock Station 9 JO a. m a-..-ri,rw s r. 9.40 a. m Tk "- , dec 8-tf WM. MONCUKJC, &np t. W. 1. GORE, G. W. WILLIAMS. DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLERS, J. W. ATKINSON, C. M. STEDMAN . ISAAC BATES. JAMES A. LEAK F. RHEINSTEIN E. B. BORDEN. Authorized Capital $1,000,000 jantf Cagh cauital Daid in 300,000 Surplus Fund 200,000 Liyerpol & London. & (Hole InsnrancelCo, ISAAC BATES President G. W. WILLIAMS Vic Psidbnt WM. L. SMITH Cashie ATKINSON & MANNING, AGENTS North Carolina Home Ins. Co OP ENGLAND. Assets - - $40,000,000 SMITH :& BOATWEIGHT, Agts nov 23 tf OFFER T THOSE WANTING INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE Policies in thi Old and Reliable Home Institution, All losses promptly paid. W. S. PRIMROSE, President. CHARLES ROOT, Secretary. PULASKI COWPE R . Secret y ' .1 , - .1 k fir i : :, 0- ; ' 1- ; : i - . '.. t- . . .. j 1 ". : K1 i ; If HU:i; '? It? lvL.!r.r k.T II ii 5. vf r w - . ' .1'. 1 t - if -'.'-('. 1 -', . I- 5" , i Won, proprietors for descriptive pam dec 16 D&WIt UjjUlOfc rntu p. C. FOTTLEB, Mooauf, vow jaaltf ARTHUR x'KH.fliris.xs.,' phlets. '7DWly ..'-. v - 1 - . 1 --J

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