0 - . r 6 - . r . - t RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square One Day......... ,$ 1 00 sr wauin a. bebnabo.; PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. Three Days S 60 Four Days '. 8 00 Five Davs : S 60 :;:':.V:;.i'-v(! -'.'t: ; x " ' ' Co., Morn 1HE ES, rows. In, N. C. I Is., ILLS hfl, Ga. HAND IWORHS TY. izes. re prepared Still repairs DM Ones. Stills and bs., L Through rVh axul PS, Sopt., ton, n. v- feb 82 tf f, WHICH OS of cor, do the ill Dnig tfUTT. I Druggy RATES OK SVBSCKIPTIOO, IN ADVANCE: Oce Year (by Ma), Postage Paid vf 00 Six Months, " ' " S 00 Three Months, " " " 1 60 One Month, " " " ... 60 To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the City. Twklvk Cents per week. Oar City Agents ire not authorized to collect for more than three months advance. K:-.u-r ! at -;"e Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, as Second Class Mail Matter. OUTLINES. Fire at Arraourdale, Mo., destroyed seventy freight cars and 100,000 bushels of grain; loss $150,000. The Illinois General Assembly again failed to elect a Senator. Internal revenue receipts tor the first seven months of the fiscal year are over $7,000,000 srreater than re ceipts for the corresponding time the prev ious year. D. H. Chamberlain has been appointed receiver of the South Carolina division of the three C's rail road. The Pope is displeased with the last nominatiou of bishops made in the United States. The stevedores' strike in London was a failure. Gen. Fonseca, provisional president of tfrazil. has been formally elected President of the Republic. The death of Senator Wilson, of Mary land, was announced in the Senate yes terday, and after remarks and resolu tions offered by Senator Gorman, the Senate adjourned as a mark of respect. In the House there was a long and live iv deb te; the shipping bill being under lire ; some of the ap propriation bills were passed. N'ev.- York markets: Money easy at 2 o per cent; cotton closed dull and easy; middling uplands 9 cents; mid dling Orleans 9 7-16 cents; Southern llo.ir dull and heavy; wheat weaker .and dull; No, 2 red $1 095g cents at elevator; corn stronger and fairly ac tive; No. 2, 6565 cents at eleva tor; spirits turpentine quiet and steady at 4040 cents; rosin firm and quiet; strained, common to good, $1 45 51 50. There are counties in Illinois, Wis consin and Minnesota, where outside of the towns one may travel for miles through a country settled by people who neither speak nor under stand the English language. We believe in free coinage, but when Senator-elect Kyle, of South Dakota, gets to coining such words as "Indecrat," as an abreviated compound of Independent and Dem ocrat, the line ought to be drawn or he should be taken" out and shot. Gov. Campbell of Ohio .straddled the fence very cleverly when his opinion of Mr. Cleveland's anti silver coinage letter was asked for publication. He contented himself with answering : "I commend the frankness shown by the letter of Mr. Cleveland." Inspector Byrnes, of New York, makes the statement under oath, after due investigation, that two or three of the Government census enu merators in that city were profes sional thieves. But they were good Republicans, which was a matter of more importance. The late Duke of Bedford served in the British Parliament for fory three years continuously, and in all that time never opened his mouth to make a speech. If some of our American statesmen followed after the Duke of Bedford what a great country this might be. Judge Boarman, of Louisiana, against whom, articles of impeach ment. have been prepared, was elect ed to Congress as a Democrat, be came a Republican, and was reward ed for his desertion of his party by an appointment to the office which he is charged with prostituting. What will war ships and land forts amount to when that Chicago man and Pittsburg man get their air ships fixed up for active operations? In war times what show would the ship or fort have when these air ships were scudding around a mile or two up, dropping big dynamite bombs, etc? A Savannah man has made an im provement on the artesian well by which the flow of the water is in creased to an astonishing amount. He puts in a pump attachment, It was tried at one of the ice factory wells in New Orleans, and the result was that the daily flow of 100,000 gallons was increased to 1,000,000 gallons. The latest discovery in ColoFado is said to be an alabaster quarry, the ledge of which is very thick and extends for miles. In color it ranges from the perfect white to every tint of the rainbow, takes a fine polish, and will stand a pressure of 10,000 pounds to the square inch. A New York and St. Louis syndicate have an option on it at what is said to be a fabulous price. VOL. XLVII.--NO. 133. SenatorCockrell of Missouri is said to be the only man who has ever dared to smoke a pipe within the sacred paecincts of the Senate, and Uncle Jerry Rusk, the only cabinet officer of Mr. Harrison's who dares to smoke apip e at a cabinet meeting, not only a pipe, but a genuine rustic cob pipe at that. There's nothing stuck up about Cockrell and Uncle Jerry, if they are great and do wear "biled" shirts. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Star Office Wrapping paper. Munson & CO. Superb suitings. Brown & Roddick Drapery, silks. LOCAL DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered Here and There and Briefly Noted. Mayor Fowler is still in Raleigh. Mr. Jno. L. Dudley was report ed as better yesterday. The elm trees around town are fast putting out their leaves. -The pipe for Jacobls Run sewer has been laid from the river con nection to Third street. The ordinance of baptism will be administered at the First Baptist Church to-night at the conclusion of the regular prayer meeting. The British, steamship Craig more cleared yesterday for Liverpool, England, with 6,737 bales cotton, weigh ing 3, 264,8:32 pounds and valued at $295,000.' A resolution was introduced in the House yesterday for the adjourn ment of the General Assembly on the 9th of March next. The body has been in session forty-three days. Representative Morton yester day presented in the House the petition of citizens and the County Commis sioners of New Hanover, asking "restric tions upon the liquor traffic. Alderman Post, Mayor pro tem, presided at the Mayor's Court yester day. Jane Norman, colored, was fined $5 for disorderly conduct, and C. W. Jones, disorderly was fined $10. Republicans of the Fifth Ward will hold a meeting next Friday night at Richardson's barber shop, on Fourth between Brunswick and Bladen streets, in relation to the approaching city election. The negro man Laspeyre, con nected with the robbery of Chesnutt & Barrentine's store, is still at large. It was rumored yesterday that he was at Rocky Point, and in Charleston, where his wife went just after the goods were found in her house. Mechanic's Home Association. Mr. Walker Taylor has been elected a director in the Mechanic's Home Asso ciation, to fill a vacancy on the Board. Col. Roger Moore has been elected Vice President of the Association in place of Mr. J. S. Allen, who resigned the vice presidency. Cold Wave "W amine. The following dispatch was received at the Signal Station here yesterday at 11 a. m. from the chief signal officer: Hoist cold wave signal. The tem perature will fall to about 36 by 8 a. m. February 26th or 27th. The temperature when the dispatch was received was 70; at 8 p. m. it had dropped to 64 Fire Yesterday Afternoon. The residence of Mr. J. H. Jones, on Market between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, caught on hre from a detective chimney yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock. The fire was speedily extin guished and the damage will not exceed ten dollars. The property is insured with Messrs. Hodges & Taylor. The alarm was turned in from box No. 54. Twelfth and Market streets. Another Crazy Man. Last" night word was sent to the City Hall that a colored man named Jesse Whitfield, living jn Samp son's alley, was annoying the neighbors, Officers Piver and Gordon were sent out and brought the man to the City Hall, where Jt was found that he was crazy. This makes the third crazy person now lodged in the city prison. Chareed With Larceny. Joe Merriman was arrested yesterday on a warrant charging him with larceny of $15 from Wm. Myers, colored. W. H. Howe gave security for Mertimon's appearance aUthe Mayor's Court,, but learning during the day that Merriman was preparing to leave town. Howe had him again arrested and locked up. Storm Signals Ordered. A telegram from the Chief Signal officer at 11.30 o'clock last night, ordered the cautiouary northwest signal to be displayed for Wilmington and Wilming ton section. Signals were also ordered up at Charleston, S. C, Morehead and Washington, N. C. WILMINGTON, N. Ci, THURSDAY, COLORED INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Beport of the Special Committee Sent to Baleieh. Valentine Howe and Jas. Dudley, rep resenting the colored mass meeting held in this city in the interest of the Agri cultural and Mechanical College for colored people, returned from Raleigh yesterday. While there, they appeared before the joint committee of the two houses having the matter in charge, and urged the selection of Wilmington, as the location of the college. They submitted a pro position from the colored people of this cityto donate six to ten acres of land or more if needed and not les than $6,500, nor more than $10,000 in money. The most formidable competitors, they said , are Tupper's Baptist Institute and the St. Augustine Episcopal school, in Raleigh (both colored.) The former offers to give $12,000 and a site and buildings, and the latter offers 44 acres of land and $7,000. Durham and Winston also make offers of money and land. Representative Morton and Mr. W. P. Oldham also appeared before the committee in advocacy of Wilmington for the location. The committee, after giving a full hearing to all present, adjourned till Wednesday evening. A Derelict Scow Picked up by the Beve nue Cutter Colfax. A dispatch from the Signal Office at Southport reports: The revenue cut ter Cofax while on a cruise to the east ward of Frying Pan light ship Tuesday fell in with a derelict scow and towed her into Southport at 8:30 p. m. that night. The scow was part of the tow of the tug Alexander Jones and broke adrift early Monday morning. Owing to the heavy seas the Jones was unable to take hold of her again and she had to be abandoned. The scow wss a danger ous derelict and was directly in the track of vessels bound up and down the coast. The ones left Ocracoke last Monday with two scows in tow. She arrived that night at Southport with one of them. BY RIVER AND RAIL. Receipts of Naval Stores and Cotton Yesterday. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R. 9 bales cotton, 16 casks spirits turpentine, 42 bbls. rosin. Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. 61 bales cotton, 7 casks spirits turpen tine, bbls. tar, 563 bbls. rosin. Wilmington & WeldonR.R. 13 bales cotton, 2 casks spirits turpentine, 48 bbls. tar. Carolina Central R. R. 2 6 bales cot ton, 6 casks spirits turpentine, 77 bbls rosin, 27 bbls. tar. Total receipts Cotton, 130 bales; spirits turpentine, 39 casks; rosin, 740 bbls; tar, 159 bbls.; crude turpen tine, C bbls. Another Fire. Last night abont 9.45 o'clock an alarm of fire was sounded from box No. 53, corner of Eighth and Market streets. The fire was on the corner of Tenth and Orange streets a small frame dwelling, owned by . L. Vollers and occupied by Francis Brown, colored. The house was totally destroyed and all of the furniture. The building was insured, but there was no insurance on the furniture. The house was in a full blaze when the engines arrived, and was very nearly burned down before water could be had. It took the hose from two reels to reach the nearest hydrant. The loss will not exceed $200. Weather Forecasts. The following are the weather fore casts for to-day: For Virginia: Clearing Thursday, de cidedly colder, northwesterly winds with a cold wave. Colder and fair on Friday. For North Carolina and South Caro lina: Fair by Thursday evening, colder, northwestly winds with a cold wave. For Georgia: Fair, westerly winds, clearing n eastern portion Thursday, colder, with cold wave in northern por tion. RIVER AND MARINL. The lighter lost off Charleston bar a few days ago by the tug Colon, from Wilmington bound to a port in Cuba, was found on Morris Island beach, over turned. A dispatch from Beaufort, N. C, February 23, reports a number of cocoa nuts, oranges and pineapples drifting ashore in the vicinity of Cape Lookout. 'One twelve foot oar, with a green blade, a varnished "tiller and several buckets, bearing no name, have also been washed ashore. Yesterday's Weather. The weather records of the Signal Office give the following report of the range of temperature, etc., yesterday: At 8 a. m., 60; 8 p.m., 64; maximum temperature, 72; minimum, 56; "average 64. Prevailing winds, southwest. Total rainfall, .02. no GENERAL ASSEMBLY. YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE AND HOUSE,. Bill to Apportion the School Fund Failed to Pass the Senate Petition from Wil mington in Begard to the Liquor Traffic Presented in the House Debate on Bill to Amend Charter of the A. & N. C. Bailroad. Special Star Report. Raleigh, Feb. 25. SENATE. TUESDAY EVENING'S SESSION. Green of Wake, by request, intro duced a bill to repeal chap. 80, Laws of 1885, in regard to tax collectors. Bilr to provide for the working of Johnston county roads by convict labor, passed third reading. Bill to allow certain townships to sub scribe to the capital stock of the Thom asville, Silver Valley & Pee Dee Rail road Company, passed second reading. Bill to incorporate the South Caro lina & Seaboard Railroad Company, passed second reading. Bill to incorporate the Southeastern North Carolina Railway Company, pass ed second reading. The incorporators are Ed Chambers Smith, Geo. H. Snow and Gustave Rosenthal, of Raleigh. Bill to incorporate the Carolina Char ity Association; amended and passed second and third readings. Bill to protect riparian proprietors of land; passed second and third readings. Bill to amend the insurance laws of the State was laid on the table. Bill to amend the law for" electing county superintendents of education; passed second and third readings. Bill to appoint a cotton weigher for the town of Jonesboro; passed second and third readings. Bill to amend the law in regard to redemption of land sold for taxes, ex tends the time to January'l, 1892; passed second and third readings. Bill to reduce the number of directors of the Acme Manufacturing Co.; passed second and third readings. Bill to incorporate the Wilson & Carolina Railroad Company ; passed second reading. Bill to incorporate the Carolina, Jonesville and Northern Railway Co.; passed second reading. Bill concerning the settlement of losses by fire insurance companies; amended and passed second and third readings. Bill increasing the duties of judges and solicitors of the State; failed to pass second reading. Galloway arose to a question of per sonal privilege: There has been some reflection made upon my county, and I desire to hurl them back to those who made them. I love my home and wish to say that these unkind words used against my county, was done in the Committee on Agriculture this after noon. Mr. Galloway sent up a letter which was read. THE LETTER. Fieldsborough, N. C, Feb. 13, 1891. Dr. I want you and Andrew and Dr. Freeman and the honorable House of Representatives I want you to have these dam gates torn away from across the roads, so I can carry the mail in time. Do so if you can. Respectfully, Jno. Croom, Mail Carrier. Bill to increase the public school fund, was passed over informally. Adjourned. Wednesday's session. The Senate was called to order by Lieut. Gov. Holt, and opened with prayer. The journal of Tuesday was approved. Leave of absence was granted Green of Harnett, Galloway and Rose. BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. - By Bell, to amend chap. 139, Private Laws, 1889. By Paine, to punish persons who in duce other by fradulent representation to purchase fruit trees and grape vines. By Reed, to impose a license on man ufacturers of spirituous liquor. By Wilcox, for relief of the late treasurer of Moore county. By McLean, to allow the Superinten dent of Public Instruction of Robeson county to conduct examinations in Max ton. By Butler, to incorporate Roseboro, Sampson county. By Speight, to prevent the obstruc tion of Swift Creek in Edgecombe co. By Chesson, to prevent habitual drunkenness. .THE CALENDAR Bill to amend the charter of Greens boro; bill to incorporate the South Car olina, Seaboard & Northern Railroad Company; passed third readings. BILLS ENROLLED. Griggsby reported thirty-four bills properly enrolled which were ratified by the President of the Senate. CALENDAR RESUMED. Bill to incorporate the Wilson & Car olina Railroad Company. Bill to provide for the' study of the nature of alcoholic drinks and narcotics and of their effect upon the human sys tem, in the public schools; passed sec ond reading. Upon the third reading the bill passed by a unanimous rising vote. Bill to apportion the public school funds of the State among the school population; failed to pass second read ing. Bill changing the dividing line be tween the counties of Wilkes and Alle ghany; passed second and third read ings. Other bills passed their third reading as follows: Bill to incorporate the Carolina, -Greenville and Northern Railway Co.; to incorporate the Southeastern North Carolina Railway Co.; to incorporate the Falls Manufacturing Co.; to amend the charter of the Statesville Air Line Railway Co.; concerning the Public High School of Statesville; to incorpo rate the Iredell Land Improvement and Construction Co.; to incorporate- the town of Kenilworth, Buncombe county; FEBRUARY, 26, 1891. to incorporate the town of Hazel, Bun combe county; to authorize Yancey county to levy a special tax. Lucas introduced a bill to regulate the sale of liquors in the county of Hyde; placed on the calendar. Bill toautnorize commissioners of Wake county to issue bonds and pay present bonded indebtedness at a lower rate of interest; passed second reading. A large number of local bills passed their various readings. night session. The following bills passed third read ing, To define felony and for other purposes; to authorize Goldsboro to pay for a school building ; in regard to conditional sales. , The report of the conference commit tee on the Railroad Commission was adopted, which strikes out sec. 25 irt re gard to killing stock. The bill to limit the time when county bonds shall be issued for railroad pur poses passed third reading. Several local bills also passed. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House was called to order at 10 a. m., Mr. Speaker Doughton in the chair. petitions. Among the petitions introduced were the following : Morton, from citizens of Wilmington and County Commissioners of New Hanover: To adopt such amendments as will secure prohibition of the sale of liquor by irresponsible parties. It re commends, in substance, that all appli cants for license to sell liquor shall file with the application at least two respon sible names as proof of their moral character and file a bond of $500, with two good sureties who shall not be in terested in the liquor business, which upon violation of any of the provisions of the law regulating the sale of liquor shall be forfeited to the school fund ; that it shall be unlawful to sell within two miles of any incorporated town ; and prohibits the use of screens, &c, in bar-rooms. Henry, in regard to public printing from Rockingham county. RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED. Hickman, asking our Senators and Representatives in Congress for a ;anal from Brunswick county to Calabash. Phillips, to adjourn Monday, March the 9th. Gner, in reference to the length of speeches. BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED. Wood, to secure titles to real estate; to create steam boiler inspectors, and to abolish the first week of April and Nov. terms of Bertie Superior Court. Peebles, to amend sec. 2291 and 447 of The Code; to secure prompt settle ment with railroads for killing live stock. Mann, to amend chap. 127, Laws 1889 in regard to fish inspectors. Jones, to amend chap. 380, Laws 1887. Jones, to incorporate Cape Fear & Northern Railway Company; to incor porate Holly Springs Land & Improve ment Co. Morton, for better protection of life and property by preventing sale of infe rior illuminating oil. Bryan of Wayne, to amend chap. 169, Laws 1869, incorporating Goldsboro Lumber Co., and to incorporate Chap man's Camp Grounds. SPECIAL ORDER. The morning hour expired and the Speaker announced the special order- bill to amend the charter of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad. McGill moved to re-refer to Commit tee on Corporations. Whitfield spoke in favor of the bill. He alluded to the attempts of the W. & W. road to "gobble it up"; that it had tapped the line at Kinston and threaten ed to also go to Newbern. If they did that, the road would be dead beyond re surrection. He hoped it would not be re-referred, but passed as the committee had recommended. Sutton, favored the bill. He said that he had heard from his boyhood that this was the natural channel to the coast; that Morehead had contemplated this great through line in the State; that this was the only road the State of North Carolina now owned; that it was true it had stock in the North Carolina Rail way, but that it was leased; that the name of the "Mullet Road" was a term of opprobrium used now in derision of the road; that the State's interest should be protected, and these people should have an outlet. Peebles thought the bill should be re referred; that the road had never paid running expenses; that numerous offers had been made to lease the road by the W & W ; at $60,000 per annum; that this would give the State some revenue, but that it now got nothing. Bryan of Wayne spoke strongly in favor of the bill; he said that the Rich mond & Danville and W. & W. had been trying for years to gobble up this line; that he Peebles), said that the road was a nuisance; that this bill was trying . to mend matters; that there was a strong tendency to crush out this road; that it was being choked ?and cut in two at Kinston; and unless this road could be allowed to have an outlet there was great danger of the State losing its road. He then addressed himself to the merits of the bill. Said that there could be no objection to the bill unless some objec tion should be made to sec. 12, in regard to convicts. He then explained that section, and hoped the bill would pass. The bill was re-referred to the com mittee and , made the special order for next Saturday. As unfinished business the Chair an nounced -"S. THE REVENUE BILLV The House went into Committee of the Whole, with Mr. Sutton in the chair. Sec. 44, first considered, was adopted. All the following sections were then adopted, and the House then returned to the sections informally passed over yesterday sections 2 and 3. Section 2 was read, and Alexander renewed his amendment to strike out 75 . and insert 66 in line 5, and spoke in advocacy. Perry and McClure opposed it. Vestal moved to amend by making it 60. Lost. . - Alexander's amendment was lost by TAR WHOLE NO. 7.614 yeas 38, nays 48. Sec. 2 was then adopted. Sec. 3 was read. Alexander moved to amend by inserting 23 in lieu of 25, in line 2. Lost. Sec. 3 was adopted. The committee then arose and Mr. Sutton reported to the House. Mr. Speaker Doughton took the chair, and the bill as passed on by the committee was put to the House on its second rreading and passed second reading by a vote of ayes 67, nays 2o. CALENDAR. The biL to amend The Code, sec. 2303, appropriating $2,000 to furnish the Governor's mansion was read. Alexander moved to amend (bill as reported from committee) by inserting $1,000 in lieu of $2,000. Lost. Hileman moved to amend by insert ing $500. Lost. The bill was defeated on second read ing ayes 36, nays 40. Bills passed third reading: To regu late the fees of sheriffs and constables under The Code, sec 40; to restrict fishing in Brunswick and Columbus rivers; to allow Beaufort county to levy a special tax; to repeal a section of The Code making justices ineligible for county commissioners; to amend the act to incorporate the Wilmington, Onslow & East Carolina Railway; to authorize the same to change its name; to admit Indians to the white insane asylum; to prevent obstructions in Northeast river. Adjourned. night session. Bills passed third reading: To amend The Code relative to entries and grants; to amend The. Code relative to draw bridges; in relation to the Kinston & Washington Railroad: to incorporate the New York and Wilmington Land, Improvement and Banking Company; to appropriate $40,000 to the institution for the deaf, dumb and blind; to appro priate $250 for travelling expenses of judges of Supreme and Superior courts; to encourage fruit and vegetable farms in North Carolina; to amend The Code in regard to road overseers; to regulate the collection of taxes in Wayne and Mecklenburg counties. House branch of committee to con sider the proposition of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad: Bryan of Wayne, Holman.and Hall of Halifax. Adjourned. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Carpels, Carpels, in order to make room FOR OUR Spring Mattings WE WILL SELL THE FEW PATTERNS OF CARPETS WE HAVE LEFT AT COST, Now Is Your Time to Get a Bargain. We will receive a nice line of Rngs, Art Spares ani Oil Cloth ON NEXT STEAMER. ELEGANT WALL PAPERS AND BORDERS TO MATCH. Williams & Robinson, feb 17 t 123 Market St. ! MOSS, SHUCK AND COTTON, STRAW AND COTTON, i Excelsior and Cotton. MADE TO ORDER, ANY SHAPE OR SIZE BY W. M. CUMMING) 13 Princess street. ALSO Springs, Pillows, Bolsters, Featter Beds and CusMons, and RENOVATING done quickly and thoroughly. W. WI. CUMJTIING, ftb 20 tf 13 Princess ttreet. WE CALL ATTENTION TO OUR STOCK OF Superb Suitings OF ENGLISH & SCOTCH MAKES JUST IMPORTED. YOUR PATRONAGE REQUESTED. MUIMSON & CO., Importers and Manufacturers. feb 24 tf - Call Early ani Male Your Selection. WE CAN SELL YOU LOTS FOR RESIDENCES UPON Wrightsville Sound AT FROM $200to$700. Call at once and make your selection. Come and examinjPlot at eur office. r CRONLY & MORRIS, feb24tf Auctioneers. MATTRESSES One week Two Weeks.... Three Waeks . . One Month.... Two Months. . . Three Months.. Six Months.,.. One' Year A rvi 660 8 60 10 00 18 00 84 00 40 00 60 00 Contract Advertisements taken at proportion ately low rates. Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . NEW IDEAS! IN Cottons and Silks BE SURE TO gITto BROWN & RODDICK'S AND SEE THE IMMENSE DISPLAY OF f Printed Curtain Fabrics ON THE SECOND FLOOR. Beautiful New Designs IN BEST QUALITY DRAPERY SILKS. ART MUSLINS, ART DRAPINGS, FROM 3) TO 40 INCHES WIDK. Curtain Tongees, Bombay and Madras Hangings. BEAUTIFUL NEW SMYRNA RUGS AND LOVELY Straw and Cocoa Mattings. SECOND FLOOR. BROWN & RODDICK, 9 NORTH FRONT STREET. feb 28 tf Rice Straw and Hay. 20 Bales Straw, v 250 " Hay. For sale by ADRIAN & VOLLERS. . 75 Barrels and Bags Early Rose Potatoes 50 Barrels E, R. Potatoes, New. 35 BARRELS ONIONS. For sale by ADRIAN & VOLLERS. A Full Line of Groceries at ADRIAN & VOLLERS. feb 25 tf REMOVAL. yE HAVE REMOVED OUR PIANO. AND ORGAN Warerooms to the corner of Fourth and Wamut streets, w here we, will have ample ware:oom capacity to meet our rapidjy increasing business. In addition to our present warercom we will at once erect another wareroom which will be used exclusively for the sale of PIANOS. As heretofore our goods shall be the best and sold at lowest prices, Cash or Instalments. i PIANOS and ORGANS Tuned and. Repaired at owest prices. j E. VAN LAER. feb 17 tg tu th sa Cor. 4th and Walnut Sts. Lantern Pictures, T LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ROOMS. Late Civil War, Friday 20th, 8.15 p. m. Pilgrim's Progress, Saturday 21st, 4.00 p. m. Knglish Cathedrals, Tuesday 24th, 8.15 p. m. Stanley in Africa, Friday 27th, 1.15 p. m. Biblical Paintings, Saturday 28th, 4.00 p. m. Tickets at Yates'; $1.03 for all 5 Lectures, feb 19 tf Seven and a Half JS ALL THE GO AMONGST THE BOYS, BUT No. 7 South Front street has not gone anywhere. Call and get a Shave and Hair Cut and we will prove it Respectfully, jan 1 tf ARTHUR PREMPERT. For Sale, ALU ABLE PLANTATION, KNOWN AS "Rock Hill," on Northeast River, three miles from town. Apply at -jan 18 tf 12 Market Street, Notice. J ARTIES WISHING CRAYON PORTRAITS of themselves or friends are invited to call and see KRUPP & WHITELEY1 Crayon Artists, 111 South Front StreeW jan 21 lm Xi mx X:Mi ..UV-: frfr "XXh ''it -.Vf , Oil mxi X $1 i 4' X K f ' v i) J, m Til i. i ,r A. - X 'i. 'kip .11;.. x -ir. . ..hi . -' , - if-, -