- . - i . . ------.-i. - ' - ; " - i- - ' r- " ;c . "-UvV -' r-' . - r.- . . - . :-i ... vr.;-. . - 4- 1 . . , - J . .- - 'J - - A . - ' . .. ' .. - . ' -jT- - ' ' -1 V. a i- - The oice 1 3 easily injured the slightest irritation of the throat or larynx at once afleeting its tone, flexibility, or power. All efforts to sing or speak iu public, under such condi tions, become not only painful but danger ous, and should be strictly avoided until every symptom Js removed. To effect a speedy cure no other medicine i3 equal to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral The best of anodynes, this preparation rap idly soothes irritation, strengthens the deli cate organs of speech, and restores the voice to its tone and power. No singer or public speaker should b without it. Lydia Thomp son, the famous actress, certifies: "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has been of very great ser vice to me. It improves and strengthens the voice, and is always effective for the cure of colds and coughs." "Upon several occasions I have satfered from colds, causing hoarseness and entire loss of voice. In my profession of an auc tioneer any affection of the voice or throat is a serious matter, but at each attack, I have been relieved by a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This remedy, with ordi nary care, has worked such a Magical Effect that I have suffered very little inconven ience. I have also use it in my family, with excellent results, in coughs, olds, &c" "Vm. H. Quartly, Minlaton, Australia. " In the spring of 1S53, at Portsmouth. Va., I was prostrated by a severe attack of ty phoid pneumonia. My physicians exhausted their remedies, and for one year I was not able to even articulate a word. - Py the ad vice 'if Dr. Shaw I tried Ayer's Cherry Pec toral, and to my surprise and great joy, in less than one mouth I could converse easily, In a natural tone of voice. I continued to improve and have become since a well man. I nave often recommended the Pectoral, and have never known it to fa:!.". Get r;r? K Lawrence. Valparaiso, Ind. Ayer's bhsni moral, PRBP.ir.TT' T.T DR. J. C. AVER PD ; Irr?!!. Ns?. Sold by all Druggiatj. Pri.se $1 ; six ;.,.t: ; : bSS D&Wlv OTTERBURN LITHIA and MAGNESIA WATER! NOT ONLY CURES "BRIGHT'S DISEASE BUT LSO DIABETES. Mannboro, Va., April 7, 1S88'S f or a year I have been suSering with a form of Kid ey Disease which my physician (Dr. J. A. Hillman) nought was Diabetes, and advised the use of Otter um Lithia and Magnesia Water. The quantity of jr.ne passed was greatly in excess of the natural se-re:u-n, and I lost forty pounds of flesh in a few ninths. The use of the Otterbuum Water corrected his excessive flow entirely in six weeis, and I am -ra:n a well man. 1 tried many medicines without avail, and I attribute r.v cure oi this troublesome and dangerous disease en :relv to the use of the Otterburn Water. R. N. BLANTON. A RSONS OFTEN ASK ' WILL IT KEEP Amelia County, Va., Feb. 34, ISoS. I hereby certify that two years ago 1 obtained soiut i the Water of the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia prmg for my w.fe, in a demijoun, and recently whilst moving to another home, I found that some : the Water had been left in the demijohn. I poured : ju: and drank some of it, and found it to be as purt in nice as when first taken from th Spring. G. E. CRADDOCK IT CURES RHEUMATIC GOUT. j. E. Jkffkkson, of Johnstown, South Carolir. writes as follows of it : "A lady here has been entirely relieved of a severs attack of Rneumatic Gout. She found sue; immediate rehef she did not take any medicine or an other remedy at all' and whiie on the sixth bottle sta ted that he bad been entirely relieved and needed n more W"tr. her general health being also greatly im croved. E. E. JEFFERSON ' Richmond. Va., April 8, 1SS7 ! have been suffering for years with a complicatioi f Liver and Kidney trouble, suffering great pain in che region of the kidneys, and having my attention called to the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Water I commenced to use it, and never experienced snch re- ief from anything. The very first half-gallon in creased the flow of urine and cleared it up. My appe :ite has been restored, and I feel that I cannot com nend the Water too highiy. R. F. WALKER. Mankboro, Va., March 17, 18SS. v hen 1 commenced the used of the Otterburn Lithia ind Magnesia Water, on the 28th of January last, 1 -.ad no faith in any mineral water. I had been suffer ing for over three years with a disease that was pro nounced by a uionounced by a prominent physician of Richmond to be an a.ection pf the Kidneys, after nakiug a scientific test. 1 had only used the Water one week when I was en :ire!y relieved of pain, which before had been constant md a-, f.mes acute, and I have gained nineteen pounds n flesh, with a restoration of strength and energy. ! .jave the Water a fair test, using no other water and "akint nri medicine H. C. GREGORY. A.MKLIA C. H., Va.. December 15. 1888. aic been ji Dyspeptic for the past fifteen years :.;tc! have suffered with Derangement of my Uri .-. i.'ai.s, evidenced by great difficulty in voiding -re. About six months ago I commenced tht n:c Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Spriog- d.: i . - r.d s nee that time there has been marked &oo rad .a improvement in my entire condition and state --a'tL. My digestion is better than it has been for ' years, and the urinary trouble is entirely re ni'i has been for the past two months. J. A. WALLACE, Cashier Planters' Bank of Amelia. iLREURiN LITHIA SPRINGS CO. It. K. UKLLAiTIY, Agent, -D tWtt VVilmmeton, N. C. THE Acme Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURERS Of Fertilizers, Pine Fibre. AND PIKE FIBRE MATTING, ' iMi.SOTON. NORTH CAP.OLINA PHK REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZER 1 the ACME and GEM, is now-established, and the -esult of three years' use in the hands of the best -'anners of this and other States fully attest theii aue as a high grade manure. 1 he MATTING, made from the leaves of our up ::vc pir.e, is conceded to be equal to any woven carpet f.rcomfoJt and durability, and the demand for it is. iaiiy increasing. It has virtues not found in any ther fabric. The FIBRE, or wool, is extensively used for uphol -tcring purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light, elastic and proof aeainst insects. ser30-D&W Chleheatoi'. c--.rif.fc Ilamaai Brand. rENNYROYAL PILLS --5W OHrinl mild Only tennme. Druggist for CMcketter Bngliih Dla-J Art, vvata rciuww. w.fc . l Brand, in K ana tsoia dhwiu i. sealed vlth bins ribbon. Tike ' tiom and imitations. At Druggists, or send 4c. In stamps for particulars, testimonials and "Roller for Ladle," leiUT- D7 itm riBilnhAatA.CkAinlaal Ca.HadIMII HflUSrt, Sold by all Local Druggists. i'hllada., Pa. an 30 D&W ly 7 Stop at Hotel Nicholson, Washington, N. C. SITUATED IN THE HEART OF THE BUSI ness part of the town, and convenient for Com mercial men. Brick buildiog three stories high, fifty rooms, gas lights and electric beHs. First class in eyery respect. Omnibus meets all boats and trains. , . SPENCER BROS., GEO. SPENCER. Manager. feb 28f r"" xt doming MHv. LOVING WORKS. Loving-worchi will cost but little, Journeying up the hill of life, But they make the weak and weary , Stronger, braver for the strife. Do yo-i count them only trifles! What on earth are sun and rain? Never was a kind word wasted. Never was one said in vain. When the cares of life are many, And its burdens heavy grow For the ones who walk beside you. If you love them, tell them so. What you count of little value Has an almost magic power, And beneath their cheering sunshine Hearts will blossom like a flower. So, as up life's hill we journey, Let us scatter all the way Kindly words, to serve as sunshine In the dark and cloudy day. Grudge no loving word, mv brother. As along through life you go, To the ones who journey with you ; If you love them, tell them so. Dayspring. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Dunn Times: Mr. Wm. Sexton, Sr., dftd at home in this county on the 20th" inst., from heart failure and old age. He was a good man and lived to a ripe old age, being 82 years old at his death., Monroe Enquirer-Register : In Vance township, this county, February 28th. 1891, of heart disease. Mrs. Clarin da Riee. died tn the 58th year of her age. She had been a consistent mem ber of the Lutheran church about forty years. Salisbury Truth: We under stand the gifted authoress, Christian Reid, a native of Salisbury, who is noted for the purity of her stvle in literature, as well as for her beautiful descriptions and creative genius, has recently finish ed a novel which has been published in the Spanish language. Raleigh Capital : Officer Geo. C. Upchurch shot and killed a mad dog on East Morgan street at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The do? made desperate efforts to bite several persons and created great excitement, but was for tunately killed before doing any damage. Raleigh. A'ews and Observer: The passenger train on the Chapel Hill road bound for University Station yes terday afternoon jumped the track about a mile this side of Chapel Hill, and both the baggage and passenger cars turned over rolled down an embankment. Con ductor bmith and the fireman are re ported as slightly injered. Winston Sentinel: Information reached here this morning of a sad acci dent which happened at Elbaville, Davie county, Monday afternoon. Mr. Con rad Myers, in company with a neighbor, was out in the woods cutting down a tree, and as the same was falling it struck a large dead limb on another tree. In order to get out of the way of the falling limb Mr, Myers unfortunate jumped un der the tree, which fell across hirn, breaking his back, from the effects of which he died iast night. Statesville Landmark : Wood is getting to be wrood with town people. Palings and fence posts are doing duty for fuel and the weather-boarding will go next. There is much sickness incident to the season and the state of the weather, in boah town and country. It takes the form of colds, grip and kin dred affections, and there is more or less pneumonia mixed in with it. A good many people are laid up and many who are going about are feeling bad enough to be. Charlotte Chronicle: The Chron icle takes up its pen, with a sigh, to re cord that the Charlotte Institute, which was established 65 years ago and has since that time been a source of strength and honor to the city, is to be closed, and in all probability foever, asan insti tution of learning to the city. One of the largest turkeys ever seen in the city was one which was at the express office yesterday. It was a bronze gob bler, very tail, and weighed 50 pounds. It .vas from Shelbyville, Ky., to L. R. Kidds, in this State. Roanoke Beacon: All the pris oners confined in the jail, six in number, one white and five colored, made their escape on Saturday night last. The white man is insane and on getting out went to his home in the lower part of the county where he was captured on Monday bv Sheriff Blount and brought back. At this writing the negroes have not been caught, though every effort is being made. The Sheriff thinks the prisoners were aided in breaking jail by some one outside. Greensboro Record: The lead ing nurserymen say the peach trees will generally be in bloom by the 15th if the weather does not get any colder, and fears are entertained of a killing frost on next full moon 2oth instant. : Mr. W. L. Kirkman breathed his last at 8 o'clock last night. For many years he has been one of the leading citizens of Guildford county. Dr. Jos. A. Mc Lean was in the city to-day on' his way to Salisbury, where he goes to meet his daughter. Miss Julia, who has been eight years undertreatment in the Morganton Asylum. We are glad to know that she returns entirely cured of her malady. Concord Times: Mr. Brantly Saunders lives down in No. 8 township, and it is safe to say that the combined weights of the members will aggregate more than any other family in North Carolina. He and his wife together weigh 490 pounds; tour sons weigh 670 pounds, and four daughters pull the scales to 815. ,News has been re ceived here of more gold excitement in Montgomery county. Tebe Saunders, the man who found such big chunks of the precious metal down there some months ago, is again the lucky fellow. He was prospecting on the Brunnell hill, and unearthed a piece of gold that weighe 11 pounds on his rusty steel yards. Tebe is working the place for all it is worth. Gurrranteed Cure for La Grippe. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell you Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with La Grippe and will use this reme dy according to directions, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We make this offer, because of the wonderful success of Dr. King's New Discovery during last sea son's epidemic. . Haye heard of no case in which itfailed. Try it. Trial bottles free at R. K. Bellamy's Drug Store. Large size 50c. and $1.00. ' SUPREME & STJPEBIOB COUBTS OF WORTH CAROUKA-1891. JUDGES. - NAME. DISTRICT. RESIDENCE. Geo. H. Brown. Beaufort. Newbern. Wilson. Wake, Granville. Sampson. Carthage, Iredell. Surry. Morganton. Lincolnton. Buncombe. Henry R. Bryan, H. G. Connor, Spier Whitaker, R. W. Winston. E. T. Boykin, J. D. Mclver, R. F. Armfield, Tesse F. Graves. John Gray Bynum, 10 vv. A. Hoke, 11 J. H. Merrimon, 12 SOLICITORS. NAME. DISTRICT. RESIDENCE. Perquimans. Halifax. Wilson. Johnston. Durham. Duplin. Richmond. Iredell. Rockingham. Caldweld. Mecklenb'rg. Macon. John H. Blount, 1 G. H. White (col), 2 J. E. Woodard, 3 E. W. Pou, Jr. 4 Isaac R. Strayhorn, 5 O. H. Allen, 6 Frank McNeill, 7 B. F. Long, 8 Thomas Settle, 9 W. C. Newland, 10 Frank L. Osborn, 11 Geo. A. Jones, 12 Time of Holding Court. First Judicial District. Spfing Judge Bryan. Fall Judge Brown. Beaufort Feb.-16th, May 25th, Nov, 30th. Currituck Maich 2d, Sept. 7th. Camden March 10th, Sept. 24th. Pasquotank March 16th, Sept. 21st. Perquimans March 25th,-Sept. 28th. Chowan March 30th, Oct. 5th. Gates April 6th, Oct. 12th. Hertford April 13th, Oct. 19th. Washington April 20th, Oct. 26th. Tyrrell April 27th, Nov. 2d. Dare May 4th, Nov. 9th. . Hyde May 11th, Nov. 16th. Pamlico Mav 18th. Nov. 23d. Second Judicial District. Spring Judge Connor. Fall Judge Bryan. Halifax tMarch 2d, May 12th. jNov. 16th. Northampton JJan. 19th, March" 30th, Oct. 5th. Bertie Feb. 2d, April 27th, Nov. 2d. Craven tFeb. 9th, May 25th, Nov. 30th. j gWarren March 16th. Sept. 21st. Edgecombe April 13th, Oct. 19th. Third Judical District. Spring Judge Whitaker. Fall Judge Connor, Pitt Jan. 5th, March 16th, tjune 8th, Sept. 2 1st. Franklin Jan. 11th, April 13th, Nov. 6th. Wilson tFeb. 2d, June 1st, Noy. 2d. Vance Feb. 16th, May 18th, Oct. 19th. martin March 2d, Sept. 7th, Dec. 7th. Greene March 30th, Oct. 5th. Nash April 27th. Nov. 23d. Fourth Judicial District. Spring Judge Winston. Fall Judge Whitaker. Wake Jan. 5th. tFeb. 28th, March 28th, t April 21st, July 9th. tAug. 27th, Sept. 28th, tOct. 26tb. Wayne Jan. 19th. march 10th, April 13th, Sept. 14th, Oct. 19th. Harnett Feb. 2d, Aug. 10th, Nov. 30th. Johnston Feb. 9th, Aug. 17th, Nov. 16th. Fifth Judicial District. Spring Judge Boykid. Fall Judge Winston. Durham- -Jan. 12th, March 23d, June 1st, Oct. 19th. Granville Jan. 26th, April 20th, July 27th, Nov. 30th. Chatham Feb. 9th, May 4th, Oct. 5th. Guilford Feb. 16th, May 25th, Aug. 31st. Dec. 14th. Alamance March 2d. May 18th, Nov. 2d. Orange March 16th, Aug. 10th Nov. 9th. Caswell April 6th, Aug. 17th, Nov. 16tb. Person April 13th, Aug. 24th, Nov, 23d. Sixth Judicial District. Spring Judge Mclver. Fall Judge Boykin Pender March 9th, Sept. 14th. New Hanover tjan. 19th, April 13th, tSept. 28th. Lenoir Feb. 2d. Aug. 24th, Nov. 16th. Duplin Feb 9th, Aug lOth.Nov. 30th. Sampson tFeb. 23d, April 27th, Oct. 12th, Dec. 14th. Carteret March 16th, Oct. 26th. Jones March 23d, Nov. 2d. Onslow March 30th. Nov. 9th Seventh Judicial Distriet. Spring "Judde Armfield. Fall Judge Mclver. Columbus Jan. 12th, March, 30th, Aug. 3d. Anson Jan. 5th, tApril 27th, Sept. 7th. tNov. 30th. Cumberland Jan. 19th, tMay 4th, July 27th, tNov. 16th. Robeson Jan. 26th, May 18th, Oct. 5th. Richmond Feb. 9th, June 1st, Sept. 21st, Dec. 7th. Bladen March 16th, Oct. 26th. Brunswick April 16th, Sept. 14th. Moore March 2d, August 11th, Nov. 2d. Eighth Judicial District.. Srping Judge Graves. Fall Judge Armfield. Cabarrus tjan. 26th, April 27th Nov. 2d. Iredell Feb. 2d, May 18th, Aug. 10th, Nov. 9th. Rowan Feb. 16th, May 4th. Aug. 24th, Nov. 23d; Davidson March 2d, Sept. 7th, tDec. 7th. Randolph March 16th, Sept. 21st. Montgomery March 30th, Oct. 5th. Stanly April 6th. Oct. 19th. Ninth Judicial District. Spring Judge Bynum. Fall Judge Graves. Rockingham Jan. 19th, July 27th, Nov. 9th. Forsyth Feb. 2d, May 18th, Oct. 26th. Yadkin Feb. 10th, Sept. 28th. Wilkes March 2d, Sept. 14th. Alleghany March 16th, Sept. 7th. Davie March 80th, Oct. 12th. Stokes April 13th, August 10th, Nov. 16th. Surry April 20th, Aug. 24th, Nov. 23d. ' Tenth Judicicial District. Spring Judge Hoke. Fall Judge Bynum. Henderson Feb. 9th, July 20th. Burke March 2d, Aug. 10th. Caldwell March 16th, Sept. 7th. Ashe March 28d, May 25th, Aug. Watitrga-- April 6th, Attg. 31st. Mitchell April 18th, Sept. 14th. , Yancey April 27th, Sept .28th. McDowell Mav 11th, Oct. 12th. Eleventh Judicial District. Spring Judge Merrimon. - Fall Judge Hoke. Catawba Jan. 12th, July 20th. . Alexander Jan. 26th, Aug. 3d. Union Feb. 9th, tFeb. 16th. Sept. 21st, tSept. 28th. Mecklenburg-siFeb. 23d, 'Aug. 31st. Gaston March 11th, Oct. 12th. Lincoln March SOthQct. 5th. Cleveland April 6th, Aug. 10th, Oct. 27th. Rutherford April 20th, Nov. 2d. Polk May 4th, Nov. 16th. Tivelfthjudicial District. Spring Judge'Brown. Fall Judge Merrimon. Madison Feb. 23d, Aug. 3d,tNov.23d. Buncombe tMarch 10th ,tAug. 17th, tDec. 7th. Transylvania March 30th, Sept. 7th. Haywood April 6th, Sept. 14th, . Jackson April 12th, Sept. 28th. Macon May 4th, Oct. 5th. Clay May 11th, Oct. 12th. Cherokee May 18th, Oct. 19th. Graham June 1st, Nov. 2d. Swain June 8th, Nov. 9th, For criminal cases.) t For civil cases alone. For civil cases alone except jail cases. Criminal Circuit Courts. New Hanover County. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Benj. R. Moore, Wilmington, Solicitor. Court begins Jan. 5th, March 16tL, May 18th, July 20th, Sept. 21st, Nov. 23d. Mecklenburg County. Oliver P. Meares, Judge. Geo. E. Wilson, Charlotte, Solicitor. Court begins Feb. 9th, April 13th, Aug. 17th, Oct. 12th. Dec. 7th. Juncombe County. Chas. A. Moore, Asheville, Judge. ED. Carter, Asheville, Solicitor. Court begins Jan. 26th, April 27th, July 27th, Nov. 2d. Supreme Court meets first Monday in February. Examinations on Friday and Saturday before. First District, Feb. 2d; Second District, Feb. 9th; Third District, Feb. 16th; Fourth Distriet, Feb. 25th; Fifth District, March 2d; Sixth District, March 10th; Seventh District, March 16th; Eighth District, March 23d; Ninth District, March 30th; Tenth 'Distriet, April 6th, Eleventh District, April 13th. Twelfth District, April 20th. Last Monday in September. Exami nations Friday and Saturday before. First District, Sept. 28th; Second Dis trict, Oct. 5th; Third District, Oct. 12th; Fourth District, Oct, 19th; Fifth Dis trict, Oct. 26th; Sixth District, Nov. 2d; Seventh District, Nov. 9th; Eighth Dis trict, Nov. 16th; Ninth District, Nov. 23d; Tenth District, Nov. 30th; Eleventh District.Dec. 7th. Twelfth District Dec. 14th, 4 Rice Straw and Hay. 250 Bales Straw, 250 " Hay. For sale by ADRIAN & VOLLERS. 75 Barrels;and Bags Early Rose Potatoes. 50 Barrels E. R, Potatoes, New. 35 BARRELS ONIONS. For sale by ADRIAN & VOLLERS. A Full Line of Groceries at ADRIAN & VOLLERS. feb25 tf Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital Cash Capital paid in - -Surplus Fund - $1,000,000 - 300,000 - 200,000 DIRECTORS : W. I. GORE, G. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLERS, J. W. ATKINSON, c. m. stedman isaac bates, james a. leak3 f. rheinstein; e. b. borden. ISAAC BATES Prksicbnt G. W. WILLIAMS Vice President WM. L. SMITH Cashier ATKINSON & MANNING, AGENT North Carolina Home Ins. Co XTtTE OFFER TO THOSE WANTING INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE Policies in this Old and Reliable Home Institution, All losses promptly paid. W. S. PRIMROSE, President. CHARLES ROOT, Secretary. PULASKI CO WTF.R. Secret v Notice to Farmers ND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. STRICTLY Early Rose Seed Potatoes and a full line of Groceries at the lowest cash prices. Also 50,000 Brick to be sold at a sacrifice. B. F. KEITH, Jr., Commission Merchant, 130 North, Water St., Wilmington, N. C. mar 1 D&W2m Be Wilmington Steal Lannfcy Co, RE NOW PREPAREP TO TAKE UPON reasonable terms a limitecfamount of family washing which will be in charge of a competent lady. MpS3 tf Proprietors. Industrial Manufacturing Company WILMINGTON, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF TINNED WOODEN B TTER DISHES DIAMOND BASKETS, Berry Baskets, Fruit and Vegetable Orates, CANDY BOXES, Orange Boxes, &c.f &c. VENEERS CUT TO ORDER FROM SWEET GUM, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, OAK, ASH BIRCH, WALNUT, &c. This Company has an Established Reputation for the Quality of its Work. Can Compete in Prices with any similar Establish meat n the United States. Orders Jcr Car Load Lots filled on short notice. Samples and Prices on application. Factory on Cape Fear River, corner Queen and Surry streets. Address Industrial Manufacturing Co. WILMINGTON, N. C. aeo 2 1)&W t! Sparkling Catawba Springs, CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. Dr. E. O. Elliott & Son, PBOPBIETORS. THIS WELL KNOWN RESORT IS SEVEN miles from Hickory, over a beautiful road. Capacity 500 guests, with superior Medicinal Min eral Waters for the Livor, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Kidney Disecses, Debility and Nervous Prostration. A fine dry climate, a delightful home, the very place to restore the invalid to health and enjoyment of fife. In shade of the Blue Ridge. For Catalogue address the Proprietors. June 30, 1890. CARD FROM SENATOR VANCE. United States Senate, Washington, D. C, February Jtk, 1SS5. I take great pleasure in saying that I am well ac quainted with the waters of the Sparkling Catawba Springs. I consider them of the greatest value, hav ing witnessed their effects upon many of my acquaint ances for the last fifteen years. Situated as they are in the midst of a beautiful rolling country, entirely above the malarial belt, I know of no place in our State more desirable for the health-seeker. Yours very truly, Z. B. VANCE. Office of WlTTKOWSKY & Baruch, Charlotte, N. C, March a, g,?. Dr. E. O. Elliott. Dear Sir: I have visited a great many Springs in ihis country and in Europe, among others the "Sara toga" of this country, and tie celebrated "Karlsbad" Springs in Europe, and am free to say that I find the "Sparkling Catawba" to excel, in their curative pro perties, all of them. And so far as I am personally concerned, I always look forward with pleasure to the time when I can spend a few pleasant days at those Springs. Yery respectfully, S. WlTTKOWSKY Charlotte N. C, February g$, iSSi. The subscriber has been for many years acquainted with the beneficial effects resulting from the use of the Sparkling Catawba Spring water. It restores the lost appetite reguiates the action of the bowels and kid neys. Clearing the skin, and removing eruptions (usually benefited by sulphur or arsenic). By its use the pa tient gains weight, strength and spirits. I have not seen more general beneficial results from the use of any other mineral water with which I am acquainted. jy 17 D&W tf I. B. IONES M. D. WILMINGTON SEAC0AST R.R IN EFFECT MARCH 1ST, 1801. rpHE FOLLOWING CHANGE OF SCHEDULE on the Wilmington Scacoast Railroad will take effect Sunday, March 1st : Trains leave Princess street Depot at 7.00 a. m , daily except Sunday. 3 .CO p. m. daily. 10.30 a. m. Saturdays only. Leave Hammocks at 8.00 a. m.. daily except Sunday. 5.30 p. m. daily. 1.00 p. in. Saturdays only. J. B. NOLAN, m a tf General Manager. For Infants and Children. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains do Morphine or other narcotic property. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. I use Castoria in my practice, and find it specially adapted to affections of children." Alex. Robertson, M. D., 1057 2d Ave., New York. 'From personal knowledge and observation I can say that Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relieving the pent up bowels and general system very much. Many mothers have told me of its ex cellent effect upon their children." Dr. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. ' Thb Centack Company, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. dec 16 DAWIv STOP AT THE BURNS HOUSE, WADESBOBO, N. C, J OCATED IN THE HEART OF THE BUSI ness part of the Town, and convenient fos Commer cial Men. Table Board the best the market affords. Omnibus meets all Trainsr nov 27 tf MRS. J. B. BURNS. 1 Cap Fear & Taffln Valley Railway Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. INEFFECTOECEIIIBteB 1, 1890 NORTH BOUND. No. 1. No. 3. No. 15. Daily ex 1 Daily ex Daily ex Sunday. bunday. Sunday. Leave Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Leave Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Wilmington. . Fayetteville. . Fayette ville. . Sanford...... Greensboro. . Greensboro. . . Walnut Cove. Mt. Airy.... Bennettsville. Maxton Maxton Fayetteville. . Ramseur Greensboro.. . Greensboro. . . Madison.. . , . 0.00 a. m 12.25 n. m. 12.55 " 2.27 " 5.00 " 5.20 " 7.00 9.00 " 8.30 a. m, 9.40 " 9.50 " 11.45 " 7.10 a. m. 9.50 " 10.40 " 13f45p.ro. SOUTH BOUND. No. 2. ) No. 4. Daily ex j Daily ex Sunday.! Sunday. No. 16. Daily ex Sunday. Leave Mt. Airy.,... Leave Walnut Cove. Arrive Greensboro.. . Leave Greensboro. . Leave Sanford Arrive Fayetteville. . Leave Fayetteville.. Arrive Wilmington. . Leave Fayetteville.. Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton 6.25 a. m. 8.35 " 10 05 " 10.35 " 1.00 d. m. 2.30 " 2.55 " 6.30 " 3.30 p.m. 5.20 " 5.30 " 6.45 " Arrive Bennettsville i . . . . Leave Madison. . , , Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro. Arrive Ramseur. . . 1.35 p. m. 3.40 " 4.00 " 6.55 " W. E. KYLE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. J. W. FEY, Gen'l Manager. jan 13 tf e SEABOARD AFuneT Carolina Central R. R. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 43 I No. 23 ! No. 41 Dec. 7, 1890. Daily ex. I Daily ex. J Daily ex. Sunday. Saturday. Sunday. Leave Wilmington 9.20 a. m. 8.30 p. m Leave Hamlet 1.15 p. m. 5.00 p. m. 7.40 p.m. Leave Wadesboro. 2.22 p. m. 6.15 a. m. 8,29 p. m. Arrive Charlotte. . 4.13 p. m. 9.00 a. m. 10.15 p. m. Leave Charlotte.. 4.23 p. m. Leave Lincolnton. 5.42 p. m. ; Leave Shelby 6.40 p. m. i Arrive Rntherfon 7.55 p. m. EASTBOUND TRAINS. No. 36 No. 24 No. 38 Daily exept Daily exept Daily ex. Sunday. Sunday. Suday. L've Rutherfordt'n 8.55 a. m. " Leave Shelby 10.09 a. m. Leave Lincolnton. 11.12 a. m. Arrive Charlotte.. 12.29 p. m. Leave Chanotte... 12.39 p. m. 7.45 p. m. 5.00a.m. Leave Wadesboro 2.22 p. m. 11.18 p. ra. 6.52 a iar Leave Hamlet 3.32 p. m. 1.15 a. m. 7.40 a. m. Arrive Wilmington 7.30 p. m. 8.15 a. m :. 41 and 38 make close connection at Raleigh and North. Nos. 43 Hamlet foi make rlns connection at Lincolnton for Hickorv and WpQtftrn ttinrth famlini Trains Nos. 23 and 24 make connection at Monroe to and from Chester and South. No. 23 makes connec tion at Hamlet for Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte. T. W. WH1SNANT, Superintendent F. W. CLARK. Gen'l Passenger Agent, dec 7 tf FLOUR, BACON, MOLASSES 1 500 BBLS' FLOURALL GRADES. . 'l50 BoxesD-s- sxdes' jQQ Hhds. and Bbls. P. R. MOLASSES? QQ Bbls. New Orleans MOLASSES, 2QQ Cases LARD,- 5Q Bbls. CAROLINA RICE, JPJ Bbls. SUGAR, Sacks COFFEE, Kegs NAILS, 50 Bbls. DISTILLERS' GLUE? -00 Boxes TOBACCO, 100 Cases LYE, IJF Cases BALL POTASH! 50 Cases STARCH, Snuff, Candles, Soap, Wrapping Paper. Twine, &c. For sale low by mar 20 tf WILLIAMS, RANKIN & CO. "Health is Wealth! Dr. E. C. West s Nerve and Brain Theatmemt, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con vulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia. Headache, Ner vous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or to bacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses amd SpermatoJrhcea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $ 1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX HOXE8 To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar antees issued only by ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist. Sole Agt, N. W. Cor. Front and Market Sts, feb 1 D&w lv Wilmington, N. C. JAPANESE A guaranteed Cure for. Piles of whatever kind or degree ExternaVInternal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Kecent or Heredi tary. 91.00 a box; 6 boxes, 5.00. Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. "We guar antee to cure any case of Piles. Guaranteed and sold only by J. H. HABniW Wholesale and Retail Druggist, feb 1 tf New Market, Wilmington, N. C. 500 Reward I WE will pay ths ibovo reward fqr any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion. Corv. stfpation or Costivenesw we cannot cure wltn West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when tho directions are strictly complied with. They axe purely Vegetable, and never fail to Rive satisfaction. Sugar Coated . Large boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cents. " Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by ROBERT R. BELLAMY, N. W. Cor. Front and Market streets, feb 1 D&W lv Wilmington, N. C. ST. JAMES HOTEL, GOLDSBOEO, N. C, T EFURNISHED AND REFITTED, NEAT Xi and clean, First class in every respect. Rate $2.00 per day. f. l. e ASXEX, PropFieTor. nov fl tf r ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wilmington & Welffbn R. Land Branches CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No No. 27 No. 41 Dated Jan. 19, 1891. JNO-"3 Fast Mail Daily ex Daily. Daily. Sunday, PM PM A M Leave Weldon. 13 80 543 830 Arr. Rocky Mount. 1 40 , 7 24 Arrive Tarboro 2 17 A M Leave Tarboro 10 35f PM I 2 18 Arrive Wilson. 7 00 7 53 Leave Wilson Arrive Selma Arrive Fayetteville Leave Goldsboro Leave Warsaw. . . , Leave Magnolia Arrive Wilmington... . . . 2 30 3 80 I 5 30 3 15 4 10 4 24 5 50 40 8 41 9 34 9 49 11 20 8 40 9 55 TRAINS GOING NORTH. jNo.14No.r8 jDaily. Daily. Sunday. AM AM P M Leave Wilmington. 12 35 9 15 4 00 Leave Magnolia 2 05 10 S5 5 80 Leave Warsaw 10 48 5 63 Arrive Goldsboro 3 05 11 55 6 53 Leave Fayetteville." I I 9 20 Arrive Selma. ,. I 11 18 Arrive Wilson I 12 20 L. I A M " P M P M Leave Wilsoii 3 43 12 58 7 47 Arr. Rocky Mount 30 8 18 Arrive Tarboro 2 H i I AM I Leave Tarboro . 10 20 j . . . . . . pM . ATrive Weldon 5 051 2 65 j 9 30 Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Wei- don 3.10 p m, Halifax 3.32 p m, arrive Scotland Neck 4 18 p m, Greenville C 02 p m, Kinston 7 10 p m. Re turning, leaves Kinston 7 00 am, Greenville 8.10 a m. Arriving Haifax at 10 45 a m, Weldon 1C.05 a m, daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemarle & Raleigh R. R., daily except Sunday, 4 05 p m ; Sunday 3pm; arrive Wilhamston, N. C, 6 80 p m and 4 20 p ra ; Ply mouth 7 50 p m, 5 20 p"tn. Returning leave Plymouth, N. C, daily except Sunday 6 20 a m, bunday 9 00 a in. Williamston 7 40 am, 9 58 a m. Arrive Tarboro, N, C, 10 05 a m and 11 20 a m. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Goldsboro, "N C, daily except Sunday, 7 00 a in ; arrive Smithfielrt, N. C.,8 .80 a m. Returning, leaves Smithfield, N. C, 8 00am; arrive Goldsbore, N. C, 10 30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3 pm, arrives Nashville 3 40 p m. Spring Hope 4 15 p m. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10 a m, Nash 'ville 10 35 a m; arrive Rocky Mount 11 15 am, daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday, at 6 p m and 11 10 a m. Return ing, leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 3 10 p m, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40. 23 and 78. Southbound train on Wilson & Fayetteville Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. Daily. except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Golds boro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. The New York and Florida Special will commence February 24th, leave Weldon daily except Sunday, at 9 50 p.m., arriving Wilmington 2 a. m., return ing leave Wilmington daily except Monday 2.00 a. m., arriving Weldon 6 13 a. m. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Wash ington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. J. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass'gr Agent, dec 7-tf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. WiliMon. ColnmMa & Anpsta R, R, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated March 8, 1891. No. 23 No.27 j P M P M i A M Leave Wilmington 6 10 10 1C AM Leave Marion 9 20 12 40 Arrive Florence 10 15 1 20 A M 1 No. 50 No. 8 A Mi Leave Florence 3 20 8 25 Arrive Sumter 435 936 No. 52 A M Leave Sumter 4 35 t945 Arrive Columbia , 6 15 10 55 A M No. 52 runs through from Charleston via. Central Railroad. Leaving Lanes 8 30 a tn, Manning 9.10 a ra. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. j No. 51 No. 59 No. 63 1 PM PM PM Leave Columbia 10 35 5 85 Arrive Sumter 11 58 6 45 Leave Sumter 11 58 8 55 ..... . A M j 1 Arrive Florence 1 15 8 101 AM 1 No. 78 'No.H A M I PM Leave Florence 4 45 i 8 86 Leave Marion 5 89 9 0 Arrive Wilmington 8 66 AM A M 1 12 20 Daily. Daily except bunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S. C, via Cec tral R. R., arriving Manning 7 SO p m, Lanes 8 CO p m. Charleston 9 45 p m. No. 59 connects at Florence with C. & D. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wilmington with W. & W. R. R. R. for all points North. Train on Florence Railroad leave Pee Dee daily, except Sunday, 4 40 p va, arrive Rowland 7 pm. Re turning, leave Rowland 6 30 a m, arrive Pee Dee 8 60 am. Train on Manchester & Augusta Railroad leaves Sumter daily, except Sunday, 10 00 am, arrive Ri mini 11 95 a m. Returning, leave Rimini 11 35 a m, ar rive Sumter 12 85 p m. The New York and Florida Special leave Wilmington daily except Monday at 2 10 a. m., ar riving Florence 5 80 a. m. Returning, leave Flor ence daily except Sunday at 10 15 p. m., arriving Wilmington 1 40 a. m. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't R. KENLY, Assistant Gen'l Manager. . M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass'ger Agent. mar 7 tf PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, Trains will run as follows, daiiy (Sunday ex cepted) : MOVING NORTH. No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Cheraw, S. C 6.00'p. m " Kollock 6.20 p. m " Osborn ,.. 5.60 p. m Arrive Hamlet, N. C 6.10 p. m MOVING SOUTH. No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave' Hamlet, N. C 8.30 a. m " Osborn 8.50 a. m " Kollock. Station 9.20 a. m Arrive Cheraw, S. C 9.40 a. m dec 8-tf WM. MONCURE, Sup't. Liyerpl London & Globe InsnrancelCo OF ENGLAND. Assets - - $40,000,000 SMITH Si BOATWBIGHT,: Agts nov 28 tf : ,,,, )k M 1: t . IT, .1 Si 1 r 1 rri. -Mrs ! r -'''Ml -V. ' ' r "