WILMINGTON, Nr C. Friday Morning, March 27, 1891. WASHINGTON NEWS. Ill-Treatment of Hungarians in "Virginia ' Coal Hines The Silver Brick ? Suit Harry Martin's Casein the Police Court. By Telegraph to the Morning itai Washington, March 26. TThe Secre tary of the Treasury has received a re port from Immigrant Inspector: Lay ton, dated at Pittsburg, in regard to the case of Hungarians employed in the construction of the railroad jat Poca hontas, near Elkton, W. Va. : He said that the men were secured jthrough Mayer Kaffeck, of New York 'city, by R. L. D. Rosenthal, as agent of the R. R. . Co:, but that he (inspector) had found nothing in the transaction that could be construed as a violatidn of the alien contract labor law. He'-said it was very evident that the agent 'I had de ceived the men in regard to jhours of work and character of the food to be furnished; but that he himself had ob served no cruelty or indignities. He added that the restraints imjxsed on them were for the purpose of compelling payment of indebtedness for board and transportation. Reports from other sources indicate that the laborers in question were very badly treated and had been flogged and beaten on the slightest pretext ; also, that they were compelled to remain and work'out their indebtedness, under penalty of death should they attempt to escape.; Assistant Secretary Spauld"ing said this afternoon that as there hid been no violation of the alien labor law jthe case was beyond the jurisdiction of tlie United States, and the men must look for re dress to the State authorities br to the courts. A petition was filed in Court of the District of day, in behalf of Geo. G his associates, praying for thifrSupreme Colombia to- Mjrrick and a liiandamus on Secretary Foster to com receive a silver bar fr -fre This is a renewal of the "si suit.' which was heretofore bn pel him to p coinage. &ver brick pught, and died with the death of SecretarWindom. Assistant Secretary Spaulding has in formed R. H. Bradley, Librarian at Ra leigh, N. C, that book's for court libra ries are entitled to free entry under the law. provided not more than two copies oi any particular publication;5 are em braced in any one invoice. The case of Harry Martin, the young mars who entered the White jlouse by breaking through a window orthe south portico, while drurji last Saturday night, came up in the police court tfiis morn ing, and at the request of hil counsel was continued until next Wednesday on acconnt of the physical condition ol the defendant. Mr. Martin has iot fully recovered from the effects of his spree. The Treasury Department! issued a circular letter to-day announcfnsr that it is prepared to settle claims under the Bowman act, for stores and supplies taken and used by the U. S. Aimy, upon certificate by the Attorney Genelral that after examining the evidence taken by the Court of Claims he finds rio ground to move a new trial, or that such motion has been made and denied. CHICAGO REVIEW. IPluctuations in Prices of Grain and Provisions. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Chicago, March 26. There was a fair division of opinion when business commenced, but when the time came to adjourn over to-morrow's holiday the bullish sentiment was badly .weakened and the bears were proportionately en couraged, i ' I . Wheat started strong at 1.03 for May and $1.01i for July, the selling pressure being stronger for; the July iuture. May advanced to $t.035g and was held for about five minutes around $1.03, and a good demand j springing up lor July.it rose to $1.01 Jg. ; Corn was so very weak, however,, that ishort sell ers of wheat tumbled over each other in their efforts to sell. The price of May broke to $1.02, hesitated a few mo ments at that figure and $1.03 and then made a plunge to $1.02, and " possibly a sale or two at $1.02), but recovered through a very general buyirig back of lines of local shorts. The advance was only temporary, however; it ' rose to $1.023, but gradually worked: back to the lowest figures, and the latest trading was $1.02 for May and $1014 for July. ; j The corn market was again; the scene of excitement. The opening -for May was 68c, or fgc higher than ft closed yesterday, and July started with an ad vance of about c. May advanced to 08)c and July to 66c, and; jthen the bears commenced an excited run upon the market which broke it; .and the smash was disastrous to holqers, and buyers were overwhelmed withithe stuff whenever they made a bid. : There was free selling ffIay oats by longs, who were also good buyers of July, and the latter future wa conse quently strongest all day. JTbt highest prices were made early. The market weakened soon after the opening, and gained a little strength toward the close. May started at 54Jc, sold 5i.c,- then to 52c, then to 53c at thelcjose, in dicating one cent decline. ; Provisions opened weakj but in the face of some buyingfrv pack ers the selling pressure ;was not very -strong. May pork opened at $12.00 to $12.95, sold at $12.10 bff again to $12.00, then up to $12.20, following which fluctuation came a brealdin corn, when the price slid off to $11.80. re covered to $12.00, and closed at $11.92, or a net decline since yesterdaypf 17Jc. Results of trading in lard andfribs was a loss of 7ic in the former and 5c in the latter. ? THE PRIZE RING.' A Slugging Match Near Norfolk, Va. By Telegraph to the Morning Stif. Norfolk, March 2G. "Johnny" Mo nihan, of New York, and Billy 1 Young. . of Norfolk, light weights, dught near this city this morning for apucse.of $200. The fight took place near Ocean View, and was witnessed by seventy-or seventy-five sporting men. The ring Was six teen feet and gloves five ounces; After the third round Monihan'seye.bad to be leeched, but he held out well" until the seventh round. After that he was clear ly whipped and threw up the sppnge on the tenth round. . A heavy snow storm is in progress at Boone, Iowa, and three inches have already fallen. NORTHWEST STORM. The Most Severe of .the Season Bailway Cuts Pull ofSnow and Traffic Suspended on liany Lines. . By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Kansas City, March 26. Advices received last night and this morning from many points throughout Kansas, indicate that the most severe storm ever known there raged over the greater por tion of the State yesterday. Railway cuts are full of snow and railroad" traffic is at a stand-still. Every available snow plow has been called into requisition, but they have made little headway. -Several trains have been caught between stations, among them the Missouri Pa cific pay train. The company manages to keep passengers and train men sup plied with food, but if the storm should prevail much longer, they will be in a serious predicament. Reports from all directions indicate great suffering to live stock from lack of food and shelter. Dispatches received at Santa Fe headquarters are to the effect that all trains are blocked wet of Newton. At Garden City no mail has been received for three days, and no trains, either east or west, are expected before Saturday. At Council Grove it has rained continu ally for torty-eight hours. The Neersho river, which began rising Tuesday, is out of its banks in many places, and is higher than it has been for many years. On the central branch of the Union Pacific a great many poor people are reported suffering for lack of food and fuel. THE WRECKElT STEAMER. Further Particulars of the Disaster at Wicomioomico List of the Saved. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Norfolk, Va., March 26. A special from Elizabeth City, N. C, to the Landmark, says: Lieut. Failing, of the Life-Saving Service, who is at the wreck of the British steamer Strathayrly, re ports the following saved: R. Turner, second officer; Geo. bimpson, boatswain; Albert Smith, seaman; John Whalen, ordinary seaman; William McArthur, fireman; John Campbell, fireman. The reason assigned by survivors for the wreck was thick weather and ina bility to take observations. The men saved are thoroughly exhausted from exposure and are unable to travel and are in bad condition. The men will ar rive in Elizabeth City Saturday. The vessel struck at 4:40 Tuesday morning, and before daylight it had gone to pieces. The captain and navigator had been on the bridge for three days and nights, aud being unable to get an observation, recorded himself at Bodies' Isiand. The life-saving crew succeeded in getting a line to the vessel, but the men on board were so benumbed by exposure that they were unable to haul it in. LUMBER MEN. Fifty Saw Mills ' Represented at a Meeting Held in Montgomery, Ala. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Montgomery, March 26. The Yel low Pine Lumber Association of Ala bama. Georgia. Florida and Mississippi, met here to-day. About fifty saw mills with over 5,000,000 feet per day output, are represented. President J. J. White, of Mississippi, presided. In his opeuing address he spoke of the immense busi ness transacted during the past year and said though trade is somewhat dull at present, the prospect is very bright. The only business of general impor tance transacted was the adoption of a new price list, making an advance of $2 per thousand on rift sawed dressed flooring. The Association also adopted as a gauge for dressed lumber the gauge of the Southern Lumber Manufacturers' Association. All the old officers were re-elected, and the Association adjourn ed to meet in Birmingham the second Thursday in July. A DEADLY GRIP. Alarming Increase in the Mortality at Chicago. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Chicago, March 26. Because of the grip, which prevails to an alarming ex tent here, the death rate is increasing and undertakers and coffin manufac turers have all that they can do to keep up with the rush of business. The de partment of health is notified of 804 deaths within the city limits last week. That is about 100 more" than during any one week of the grip epidemic a year ago. But this week's mortality will dis close a worse condition of the public health if the second half corresponds with the first half ol the week's death roll. KENTUCKY. Murder and Lynching at Cumberland Gap. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Middleborough, Ky., March 26. J. A. Burke, telegraph operator at Cum berland Gap, was shot from ambush this morning by a negro named Hunter. Burke died instantly. Hunter was cap tured in Middleborough and taken back to the Gap. Sixty armed men met the officers and took Hunter into the moun tains, hanged him to a tree and riddled his body with bullets. A Horner, La., special says: Yester day J. T. Juggle and J. N. Flower were waylaid and killed at Beaver creek bridge, three miles from Horner. There is no clue to the assassins. The sheriff and a posse are on the scene. Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all leavening strength. Latest U. S. Government Food Retort. marl9tf POWDER FOREIGN NEWS. A Russian Imperial Decoration Presented to President Carnot Healy's Denuncia tion of Parnell Heavy Failure Coun feiters Captured A Practical Joke Play ed on Parnell at SLgo. J By Cable to the Morning Star. Paris. March 26. At the Palace of the Elysee to-day Baron De Mohren-. heim, Russian Ambassador here, for mally presented President Carnot with the grand cordon of the Order of St. Andrew, the Imperial decoration which the Czar, by decree, recently conferred upon the President of the French Re public, as a token, it is supposed, of the conclusion of an offensive and defensive alliance entered into between Russia and France, as an offset to the "Dreibund." The occasion of the pre sentation was marked by much display and ceremony, during which the Rus sian Ambassador also presented on be half of the Czar military honors to Cabinet Ministers, and to a number of prominent State officials. Sligo, March 26. Parnell unexpect edly arrived in this town to-night, and addressed a crowd of his admirers who had gathered in front of his hotel In the course of his remarks Parnell said that even if he were defeated in the coming election in north Sligo, he would never abandon the fight, but would op pose his enemies to the bitter end. During the evening a party of Mc Carthyites obtained possession of a fire escape, and amid a continuous chorus of cheers and yells wheeled their prize through the principal streets of the place and finally halted before the hotel at which Parnell was stpoping. A large crowd had collected to watch the fun and wlien the fire-escape wes elevated to one of the windows of the hotel the yelling and cheering was renewed with increased vigor. At length the police interfered and took the fire-escape away. Berlin. March 26. A report that Austro-German negotiations for a com mercial treaty had been concluded at a conference on Wednesday last presided over by Minister Von Boetticher. is cor rect. The terms of the treaty have been agreed upon, and it is believed that the document will be 'signed to day. THE WORLD'S FAIR. A Row in the Illinois Legislature Over the Appropriation for the State's Ex hibit. By Telegraph to the Morning 6tar. Springfield. III., March 26. There was a row started in the Legislature to day over the World's Fair matter which is likely to cause serious trouble. A large number of members are dis satisfied over the provision of the World's Fair bill, which places the dis position of the $1,000,000 which it is proposed to appropriate for the State's exhibit in the hands of the State Board of Agriculture. A resolu tion was introduced to-day depriving the Board of its authority on the ground that it represented but one interest in the State, that of agriculture, and plac ing it in the hands of a special commis sion of twenty-five members, to be se lected from the Congressional districts of the State at large. There was a wordy warfare over the resolution, which was finally referred to a commit tee. But the end is not yet, both "farmer" and city representatives being determined in the matter. SHARP SWINDLING A County Officer in Virginia Gets Away With a Large Amount of Money. Hv I rlegraph to the Morning Star Bristol, Tenn.. March 26. David H. Morrison, deputy clerk of Scott County Court, Virginia, has it is alleged by various sharp transactions obtained and appropriated to his own use from $10,000 to $30,000 and left the State. His mode of proceedure was this: He would take uncalled for claims in his office, raise the amounts by hundreds, forge orders from officers for the same, and send them to the Auditor at Rich mond and obtain the money. He would also leave blank pages in writing up the proceedings of the court, fill them in with fictitious cases, make out a bill of costs, and draw the money. Tn one such case an alleged witness, one Kinser, from Kansas, was allowed $175. It is stated that he went over the books for several years back and increased the costs and obtained money. Morrison has been in office about a year. He married a lady living near Washington, D. C, and it is supposed he has been in that city nearly a month. An order lor his arrest has been issued. THE CHILIAN" WAR. Foreign Steamers Forbidden to Touch at , Certain Ports. By Cable to the Morning Star. Paris, March 26. A semi-official dis patch from Chili says that President Balmaceda has forbidden foreign steam ers, chiefly British and German, to touch at ports on the coast between Chauaral and Arica. The arrival of the government dis patch boat Thaifo at Iquique is con firmed. She carried troops from San tiago and Valparaiso and a quantity of arms. The men immediately joined the Parliamentarians. Exports of nitrate from Tarapaca in March amounted to 1,500,000 francs in value. It is expected that the amount will be doubled in April. It is in this way that the Parliamentarians augment their funds. ' COTTON. The New York Futures Market Yesterday. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New YORK.March 28. The Sun's cot ton circular says: Futures opened dull but steady, after wards improved in response to an ad vance of 2-64d. at Liverpool, presently declined when big port receipts and the interior movement began to show up, but closed steady. Our Cotton Ex change will be closed to-morrow, Good Friday, and the Liverpool Cotton Ex change adjourned this afternoon to the morning of Wednesday next, April 1st. In view of the suspension of business these closings involve, there was a natu ral desire of the bulls to cover their contracts, and this led to the advance noted. The weather South was generally reported clear and cool. Spot cotton was very dull. N EW ORLEANS MAFIA.. Action of a Meeting of Italians Held in London. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. London, March 26. meeting of Italians was held in Holborn town hall this evening to take action with refer ence to the New Orleans massacre. Less than one hundred persons were present, and most of them were of the humblest class. No, one of prominence was in at tendance. The meeting began an hour late. Albert Pintas, who presided, depreca ted hostility toward the American peo ple. Speeches were all quite -moderate in tone. The audience was quiet. It was resolved, while condemning the ex ecrated Mafia, to protest in the name of humanity against the horrible misdeed committed in New Orleans, and to ex press the hope that justice would be done. ELECTRIC SPARKS. In the Arkansas Senate a bill appro propriating $25,000 for World's Fair Durposes was defeated. At the New York sub-treasury late yesterday afternoon, $1,000,000 gold coin was ordered for shipment to Cuba. It is announced that the Allan Steam ship Company has purchased the State Line Steamship Company's vessels and good-will. A break has occurred in the Connells ville, Pa., coke strike by several large mines resuming work. Resumption is at ten per cent, reduction in wages. London, March 26. Corradini & Co., bankers and merchants of Leghorn, have failed. Liabilities twenty million francs. Other firms are implicated in the failure. Berlin, March 26. The police sur prised a gang of counterfeiters at Dobra, Posen. yesterday, and seized 75,000 silver roubles. One detective was kill ed. A dozen arrests were made. About 2 o'clock yesterday morning six prisoners confined in the jail at Pine Bluff, Ark., sawed off the bars from the cell in the main corridor, and breaking the lock on the outside door of the jail, succeeded in gaining their liberty. Dublin, March 26. Maurice Healy, in a speech in Sligo to-day, said he again challenged Parnell to resign. Re cent speeches of Parnell, he said, were mere excuses, and proved him to be a coward and sneak in addition to a liber tine and liar. The Senate of Tennessee has rejected the bill appropriating $250,000 for State exhibits at the World's Fair. Th House, however, passed a bill allowing county authorities to appropriate money for exhibits at the Fair. Geo. Washington Moss was hanged at Wilkesbarre, Pa., yesterday. Moss walked to the gallows smiling, with a firm and fearless pace. He said, "God does not hold me responsible for the murder of my wife, and I do not hold myself responsible." Theodore E. Allen has brought action in the Supreme Court of New York to recover from the Kinney Tobacco Com pany $50,000 for his services in connec tion with the organization of the Ameri can Tobacco Company, otherwise known as the "Cigarette Trust." Charleston, March 26. Spirits tur pentine firm at 37Jc. Rosin firm; good strained $1 35. Savannah, March 26. Spirits tur pentine 37c; nothing doing. Rosin steady at $1 451 55. MARINE. Port Almanac March 27. Sun Rises .5.55 A M Sun Sets 6.18 P M Day's Length 12h 22 m High Water at South port. . 8.35 A M High Water at Wilmington 10.25 A M ARRIVED. Stmr Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayette ville. T D Love. CLEARED. Stmr Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayette ville, T D Love. List of Vessels In the Port of Wllming: toa, N. C, March 27, 1891. ' STEAMSHIPS. Ceres (Rus), 678 tons, Bjorling, Alex Sprunt & Son. BARQUES- Brage (Swed),282 tons, Forstrom, Heide & Co. Providentia (Nor) 335 tons, Holz, E Peschau & Westermann. Marie Kuyper (Ger). 362 tons, E Peschau & Westermann. Saga (Nor), 435 tons, SorensenJ T Riley &Co. Fredericn Wilhelm Jabens (Ger), 447 tons, Robow, E Peschau & Wester mann. Minna (Ger), 467 tons, Zeplin.E Peschau & Wester man. Belgium (Br). 670 tons. Geo. Harriss Son & Co. H Walter (Ger). 394 tons, Moller. E Pe schau & Westermann. SCHOONERS. R S Graham, 325 tons, Avis, Geo Har riss, Son & Co. S C Smith. 282 tons, Anderson, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. Max, 194 tons, Kelly, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. Martin C Abel, 394 tons, McMillan, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. James Ponder, 258 tons, Lynch, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. Edgar C Ross, 367 tons, Quillin, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. Seth M Todd, 185 tons, Johnson, Sallie Bissell, tons, Jones, Geo Har riss, Son & Co. E A Danenhower, 216 tons, Johnson, Geo Harr.ss, Son & Co. Mary Lord. . 347 tons, Lord, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. E A Northam, 313 tons, Pennewell, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. M C Mosely. 189 tons, Torrey. J- T. Ri ley & Co. Roger Moore, 318 tons, Haskell, Jas T Riley & Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clang to Castoria, When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. t ADVERTISEMENTS. DO YOU WANT TO BE IN THE STYLE? IF SO, WEAK STYLES WOBN BY FASH IONABLE PEOPLE. Brown & Roddick HAVE NOW ON SHOW SOME ELEGANT DRESS FABRICS MADE IN FRANCE. "They Are Just the Proper Style" AND JUST THE THING THAT ARE BE ING WORN ELSEWHERE. For gracious sake don't be behind the times. BEAUTIFUL Silk Grenadines, FANCY CAMEL'S HAIR SUITINGS, .FANCY SILK AND WOOL MIXED SUIT INGS. Odd and stylish and very handsome in effect when made up. We have just received a splendid line of TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS. &c IN ALL THE NEW MAKES. We always have many more attractions than we have space to advertise them in. Call in and see us. BROWN & RODDICK, ho. 0 NORTH FRONT STREET, mar 21 tf One Word' About Soda. TWO CAR-LOADS SODA, (BOXES AND KEGS) in stock, bought before the "RISE." You can buy it cheap. ALSO A BIG LOT OF Heavy and Fancy Groceries. Wee keep goods to sell and must keep them mov ing. Yours truly, R. W. HICKS, WHOLESALE GROCER, 816 North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. mar 19 tf Removal ! yE ARE NOW LOCATED ON FRONT street, next to Giles & Murchison, where we trill be pleased to see all our customers. We take great pleasure in showing our goods. We are receiving by every Steamer a beautiful line of MATTINGS, - WHICH WE ARE OFFERING XjO a XDo a zcl WALL PAPER, WORTH 20 CTS FOR CTS. All our work guaranteed. Call and see us. Yours truly, Williams & Robinson, mar 24 tf Black Coods. JXTRA BARGAINS IN ALL-WOOL AND Silk Warp HENRIETTAS. HEDBICK. EZcl G-lo"ves. Ladies' and Gents' KID GLOVES, Gents' English Driving Gloves. HEDBICK. 0-ULi3i3DLgS- A great variety of handsome OUTINGS in Spring Shades. Also a pretty line of Wilmington manufac tured. -- HEDBICK. Gents' Furnishing Good. SHIRTS, Laundriedand Unlaundried. The JArgest stock and greatest variety of Collars and Cuffs. Light Wool Hygienic Underwear for Spring and Summer. HEDRICK. mar 22 tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IF YOU NEED a Mattress at Princess or it Feathers want, an old nice call 17 street, if is you or Mattress and remade be promptly. renovated J you can v7 1 accommodated 0 Prices Reasonable. Goods and Work Warranted. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. w.ivi.cuivirciiNC, Manufacturer and Renovator of Mattresses. rrarl3tf On Consignment AND FOR SALE 300 PIECES JC. J,J& 4-55- tf- 55- Matting, SEAMLESS AND EXTRA CONTRACT IN BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS, and will be offered to the trade FOR LESS MONEY tnan was ever known before. I can save you FIVE CENTS ON EVERY YARD you buy. Respectfully, sol. :b:ela:r,. mar 25 tf 20 Market St., Wilmington, N. 8. Geo. R. French & Son's. PINE BOOTS AND SHOES. GENTLEMEN'S GENUINE HAND-SEWED SHOES at J4.00, equal to any $6.00 Shoe. LONDON TOE LACE, SOLID THROUGH, at $1.25, equal to the best $1.50. Ladies, Misses and Children's in all the latest styles at Geo. R. French & Son's. " mar 15 tf ID O'Connor HEAL ESTATE AGENT. Wilmington, North Carolina. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT and SOLD jjl SI V Loans Negotiated on City Property. kSsLbbS Stores, Dwellings, Offices and Halls for Rent. Rents collected. Taxes and Insurance promptly attended to. Houses and Lots for sale on the monthly instalmen plan. Cash advanced on city property. ap 19 tf 3SJcybo I THE SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION of Cruelty to Chi'dren and Animals will hold a special meeting at the City Court Room Monday night, March 30th, 1891, at 8 o'clock, for the election of officers, under the Charter granted by the Legisla ture. A. H. BURR, mar 22 5t su we fr sa su Secretary. Turpentine Tools WARRANTED, GILES & MURCHISON. mar 15 tf . JF YOU "AINT GOT 'EM YOU MIGHT HAVE 'em," and an ounce of prevention is worth, &c, &c. Corneau's Bed Bug Interceptic WILL do the work quickly, quietly and pleasantly. Twenty cents a bottle, at I AMES D. NUTT'S, mar 21 tf The Druggist. Notice to Farmers ND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. STRICTLY Early Rose Seed Potatoes and a full line of Groceries at the lowest cash prices. Also 50,000 Brick to be sold at a sacrifice. ' B. F. KEITH, Jr., Commission Merchant, 130 North Water St., Wilmington, N. C. mar 1 D&W2m Country HercMs ani Trncte JARGE STOCK GARDEN SEEDS. WILL save you money. Write for quotations. ROBERT R. BELLAMY , jan 10 tf Druggist, Wilmington, N. C. Piano Lessons ILL BE GIVEN TO A LIMITED NUMBER of pupils. Terms reasonable. Address or cll at 302 South Second street. su nc-v 16 tf Babbitt Metal. LARGE QUANTITY OF OLD TYPE A perfect substitute for Babbit Metal tor tale at tne STAR OFUCF. We E. Springer & Co., GENERAL AGENTS -FOR NEW BAKER GUNS, Hazard's Powder, FAIRBANKS' SCALES, IRON AGE Cultivators and Harrows, PURCELL BUILDING," 14 North Front St., Wilmington, N. C. dec 38 tf " , " Job PHnlinS Office -AND- BOOR BINDERY COMPLETE IN All its Appointments ! EVERY VARIETY OF, PRINTING. RULING AND BI3STIDZ3SrGr New York & Wilmington STEAMSHIP COMPANY. New York for Wilmington. Pawnee Saturday, March 21 Fanitt Wednesday, March -5 Benefactor Saturday, March M Wilmington for New York. BENEFACTOR Saturday, March 21 FANITA Sunday, March SB PAWNEE Saturday, March 28 Wilmington for Georgetown. PAWNEE Tuesday, March 24 BENEFACTOR Tuesday, March 81 - Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from point in North and South Carolina. For freight or passage apply to H. G. SMALLBONES, Supt.. Wilmington, N. C. THEO. G. EGER, T. M., Bowling Green, N. Y. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, 5 Bowling Green. N. Y. mar 19 tf I i i i p