LITHIA and WATEB! . ... ir ATmre irT t- txto DISEASE IT NOT OWl' UMij iuuuii.s , BV ALovJ m A r tita. IIahnbocs, Va, April T, 18888 r. ' a Tear I hare been suffering with a form of Kid . 3 t,;- nrv nhviriai fOr. T A H;i1n,.n rhnoeht was Diabetes, nd adviaed the use o Otter L., Tithia and MagBesut Water. - The quantity of ance 1 nn'Ss. The nse of the Otterbuurn Water corrected SS ? excessive flow entirely in six weeks, and I am a a well niaii 3 I tried many medicines without avail, and I attribute , ' rnre of this troublesome and dangerous disease en ?LVto the nse of the Otterbura Water. - t-.rclyto"' R. M. BLANTON. PERSONS OFTEN ASK ' WILL IT KEEP -Amkua County, Vju, Feb. 24, 1888. I hereby certify tnat two years ago I obtained soma th, Water of the Otterbnra Lithia and Magnesia ?nrice for my wife, m demijohn, and recently " h.lct moving to another home, I found that someo I ..A twri bft in the demiiohn. I nonivH no: ana orau- " CTi;r7e-I as when first taken from the S and nice G. E. C DOCK? IT CURES RHEUMATIC GOUT. . . i E. Jsffhbson, ot jonnstown, aonui utroiina , (nllnVS Of It " lady here has been entirely relieved of a severe 'K 0 Rheumatic Gout. She found such mediate relief she did not take any medicine or any rt er remedy at all' and while on the sixth bottle sta . i , she had been entirely relieved and needed no Water, her general fftgg&p. Richmond, Va April 8, 1S5 1 have been suffering for years with a complication f Liver and Kidney trouble, sering great pain in l.- recion of the kidneys, and having my attention iiled to the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Water I - .-imenced to nse it, and never experienced suchre- t fmm anvthine. The very nrst nau-gauon in- J-sed the flow of urine and cleared it up. My appe r.'Vhss been restored, and I feel that I cannot corn-'iiX-t-d tha Water too highly. R. F. WALKER Mannboro, Va., March 17, 1833. hen i - ir l Vacnesia Water, on the 28th of January last, I . 'a ;th in anv mineral water. I had been suffer- r,' for over three years with a disease that was pro- - lined -fcv a pionouncea Dy a pronuneni pnysician ot Richmond' to be an affection of the Kidneys, after ,Maf;:iE a scientific test. "... ' i C n'v used the Water one week when I was en ii-e'v relieved of pain, which before had been constant "it times acute, and I have gained nineteen pounds i -Icsh with a rcstcranon ot strengu ana energy, i Ve the Water a fair test, using no other water and 'Ul- ,y u.-- medicine. H. C. GREGORY. - Amkua C. H.. Va.. Decembem5. 1888. l i a.i- been a Dvspeptic for the past fifteen years - , iai-'y have suffered with Derangement of my Uri-.-v i n '-ats, evidenced by great difficulty in voiding ihiint six months asro I commenced the '"' i'i ibe Otterbum Lithia and Magnesia Springs wltr. and since that time there has been marked and "'I'lii improvement in my entire condition and state S, V'h Mv digestion is better than it has been for ; r sis years, and the urinary trouble is entirely re and' has been for the past two months. . , J. A. WALLACE, t Cashier Planters' Bank of Amelia. GttERBDRH lithia sprin&s;co. It. K. BELLAlttY, AgCBt, r9-0s'Vtf Wilmington, N. C. industrial fanuf acturing Company WILMINGTON, U. C. M ANU FACTtI RERS Of riNNED WOODEEUBUTTER DISHES EIAMOND BASKETS,; Berry Baskets, Fruit and Vegetable Orates, CA1IDY BOXES, . Orange Boxes; &c., &c VKNEEKS CUT TO ORDER FROM SWEET i;i!M, VDFLA8. SYCAMORE, OAK. ASH" fc!i.CH. WALNUT, c 1 his has an Established Repotation for the 'joaHty of its-V.HrV. Cau Comjute in Prices with any similar Establish Krai n the Uuiiti Slates. " - 'h-ilers for Car Load Lots filled on short notice. Sara pics and Prices on application. Factory on C&pe Fea River, corner Surry streets. AdtlressJ Que and Industrial Manufacturing - Co. WILMINGTOH'. JX. C. sep 2 D&W tl For Infants and Children. Cagtoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thna the child is rendered healthy and ita sleep natnraL Caatoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property, v "Caatoria is bo well adapted to children that xicrominena it as superior to any presmyuuu wuwn io me." 11. a. archer, m. Ill South Oxford 8fc, Brooklyn, N. Y. "I use Oastoria in my practice, and find it vuouy adapted to a flections or cniiaren. 1057 Sd Ave., Kew York. . "From personal knowledge and observation I can sav that nnstnria. o iui excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relievini; " pent up bowela and general system very Wftntr mnthcer Viovn tlrl trie of itS 6X enllanv ....-. i it jt , . ivu OUWt SpOU MBIT CIU1UXOU. Masa Th Cbhtaub Cokfaht. 77 Unrnj Street, N. Y. dec 18 D&Wly We Are Now PreDared WITH INCREASED FACILITIES TO TURT . - uiius oi uiunarv wora in me pcsi yvr vnn. m?nner at e lowest cash prices. It will be to your advantaee to call and iret nrirea. One trial will " Xr"re voar steady patronage. Orders by mail will be F 1 I attended to. Goods called for and deUverer 'ree ot charge. An early call will be much appreciated m. i, , WORTH & BRANCH, Proprietors. nrl3tf Wilmiwjton Steam Laundry. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. -"Salisbury - Truth: SaHshui-v is on ta boom. Many new enterprises are to be developed at an early day. : : Marioa Free Lanee: Thp. Cum. Una Improvement Co. with a capital Stock of 100.000. vwas orcsniwri thia week.".. : ' S:r-:...'T:--T. - Louisburg; Times: The editor passed through a portion of this county one day this week, and while ; he saw some very, good tobacco and cotton fields,he saw a ereat raanv that were not good. The grass had almost swallowed up everything else. ; ! ; - - Asheville Citizen: i Sheriff Rev- nolds to-day received , a teleeram from the sheriff of McDowell county, saying that T. R. Randoloh. who is under in. ; dictment here for forgery, is Under ar rest at Marion and. would be . held until sent for. Randolph was arrested in De- I cember, but skipped his bond.1 a i . . I Danbury Reporter: Farmers in this section are not all done planting to Tacco. ' The flux is nrevailinor tn a very considerable extent in some parts of this county. We learn that in the neighborhood ot Meadows postoffice the disease is very difficult to manage, from the fact that in nearly every case it is complicated with some other disease. especially measles. i Morganton Herald: A miner. who has spent some time in ; Colorado in the silver mines, reports the discove ry of large deposits of silver ore in Burke and Mitchell counties In th Linville Falls Tesion. , He savs that there are outcroDoincrs of the nn frr eight miles, and. that from all indica tions it is very rich. We have been shown some specimens of f the ore, which are to be forwarded to Raleitrfi for analysis. Burke county has some fine wheat croos this vear. Mr. R. W. Sudderth sends us a snecimen of Fulcaster bearded wheat, erown bv him this year, which is as fine as can be seen anywhere. PERSONAL. Rudyard Kipling is a Isruestof. friends in New York. -The reports of his illness were; somewhat' exaggerated. John P. Irish, late of the Alta Calif omian, contemplates the establish ment of a weekly agricuRui newsoaoer at San Francisco. - Rev. Collins Denny, tChaplain of the. University of , Virginia;-has been elected to the chair of moral philosophy in Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. .: ; rJl "- CM. Depew is very particular to pronounce it baccaraw.- in his ad dresses.; He declines, however, to talk about the scandal, saying that his inti macy with the Prince precludes it. Minister Douglas is i ta leave Port-au-Prince on the next . steamship coming north, and may be expected to arrive at New York in about a week. It is not believed that he will return to Hayti. ' ' j Capts. William A. Andrews and Josiah , W. Lawlor started from New York Wednesday evening to race in life boats across the Atlantic for $5,000 and a silver cup. The finish will be at Land's End. England. Cardinal Manning's dwelling place in London is not a magnificent residence, but a plain and unpretentious, though large house, which looks more like a school than a private mansion. It stands in a narrow side street. The colossal equestrian statue of Gen. Grant, designed , by Louis Rebisso of Cincinnati, has been cast in bronze at Chicopee, to be placed upon a mas sive granite "pedental in Lincoln Pork. The whole work will cost $75,000. M.: Sarcey, the French dramatic critic, has given up dining in the hope of reducing his weight, which is enor mous. But while he feels much better for this abstinence it has not thus far produced the particular effect he SO much desires. TWINKLINGS. - According to Edison's last in vention, the kinetograph, you can see you r ' sweetheart and hear) the smack even were tney a mile aown tne oeacn. N. Y. Truth. - "You look rather bale," said the World to the Moon. Getting old and feeble, eh?" J . I can go all around you just the . . m -WW W W ' same, repaea tne aiooamunscy Weekly. " ' ' Mamma Now Pussie. you must go to the nurse and tell her to put you bed: it s past a o ciock, : ... j -: fussie JNO, Mummie, pear, it auij Cook has just told me: it is only half' past. Fun. - ' X A Delaware paper heads an edi torial, , "Peaches . Go Up." Evidently nature has reversed herself in the Dia mond State. In Pennsylvania peaches go down. PhiladelphiaPress. If the new Countess of Uan- carty s tradesmen snouigi aiiciupu overcharge her wnen sne goes u xiuuoc keeping;in Belgravia she jnaybe relied on to do some tall "kicking."r-CV Journal. . W' . r. ' De Smartee Why do you pre- sist in buying your cioxnes at. in&utn- ment houses? ' i i . DeSharooe They always. try to give hie stuff that will last until the install ments are. paid. N. Y. Weekly. The sharper who has been selling painted sparrows; for $1 i apiece as Australian -warblers would be none too good to put gilt wings on the tariff. and pass it on as me angei.ui icuiwv- lty. Mil. itecora. j Dissipation seems to be natural. The moon gets full, the; sea gets high, the wind gets on a tear, the trees often get on a bender, ana au nature At least tney say sue Sunday Times., . : ,-. "i "I am indeed grieved to hear that your poor husband! has gone to a better world." j . , ... - . "Thank ye, sir; but, fpoor dear! it s just as well. This 'ere cold climate never suited his complaint.; Judge. She in satin Ate you glad that mflrried? 1 She-in silk Of course I am. Why, I got 347 presents. Munsey's Weekly. ., Read advertisement ot rrburn Lithia Water in this paper., Uneaualed for Dyspepsia and all diseases of kid ney andladder. Price within reach of nil. . ' I' - 1 POLITICAL POINTS. ',' The Gray boom in the back woods of Indiana has such a funeral sound that it is strongly suggestive of ways fciegy-in a uountiy Church-yard."- 5. Louis Republic, Dem. ; It is sad to learn that the Pre sidential chances of Gov. Isaac P. Gray, 01 inaiana, nave oeen hopelessly ruined at this dearly stage. The New York Sun has printed his portrait, PittsSur'c Dis Patch.Dem. - Senator Cal JJryce will not manage the Ohio campaign this summer. He has gone to Europe on railroad busi ness. The details of the fight, however, will be looked after by Senator Gorman. This is better. Bryce has never been a tower of strength in Ohio and his elec tion is one of the things the Democrats have to explain. Avgusta Chronicle, Dent, v . . , . .... Dreadful is to be the fate of the Pennsylvania Mugwumps. ; The Stal warts are reported to be bent on purify- ing the Republican party in the State by A n: r j i i - uc-jusiug fwa.j ana nis gang, dui wun out allowing the Independents to have a shy at him. There is not enough virtue to go round, and the Mugwumps are not even to get a slice. N. . Y. Commercial Advertiser, Ind. , A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or- in -case of 'failure a return of purchase - price. On tthis safe plan you can buy from our ad- vertisea druggist a bottle of Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in -every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflamation of Lungs, Bronchitis, As-thama,- Wooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc It is pleasant and agreeable to' taste, perfectly safe, and can . always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at R. R. Bellamy's Drugstore. ' t - SPA KKTiTTTQ- CATAWBA SPHINGS. Health seekers should go to .bpark ling Catawba Springs. .Beautifully located, in Catawba county, 1,000 feet above sea-level, at the foot of the Blue Ridge mountains. Scenery magnificent. Waters possess medicinal properties ot the highest order. Board only $30.00 per month. Read advertisement in the paper, and write Dr. E. O. Elliott & Son, proprietors,, for descriptive pam phlets. - t Buexien's Arnica sairc. The best balve m the world lor Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever, Sores, Tetters, Chapped Hands i Chilblains.Corns, and all Skin Eruptions : and positively cures Piles or no pay is required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 5 eents perbox. For sale by Robert R. Bellamy, Wholesale and Retail Drug-; gists. . I Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital Cash Capital paid in - -Surplus Fund - $1,000,000 300,000 200,000 DIRECTORS: w, I. CORE, CLAYTON IGILIS. ISAAC BATES, JAMES A. LEAKJ r. RHEINSTEIN E. 6. BORDEN. G. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLERS, J. W. ATKINSON ISAAC BATES G. W. WILLIAMS.. WM. L. SMITH...., .President i- .VlCB Pkbsidknt , .Cashikb Island Beach Hotel. AT THE HAMMOCKS, Wit MINGTOH", N. C, js;nowthe most attractive WATER ING PLACE on tne coast. . ACCOMMODATIONS FIRST CLASS. Fishing, Boating, and Surf Bathing delightful. Pin-insw and r.RABS A SPECIALTY. More attractions this season than ever. Music by the finest Orchestra. WITT. HUNTER. Pronritor. Also of Hotel Gregory. Goldsboro, N. C., where the accommodations are unsurpassea. my om Dr. E. C West s Nervr and Brain Thratmbnt, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con Fits. Nervous NeuraUria. Headache, Ner- -vous Prostration caused by the use ofi cohol orj to bacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, t . f Pmm in either sex. Involuntary Losses land c ..Airhm. yativil bv overexertion of the brain self-abase or over-indulgence. Each box contains one -nnfh'.irMtmnit El. 00 a box. or six boxes for 5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price, j WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send , nnrher our written guarantee to refund tne money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Gnar- antees issuea oniy oy - ROBE I W. Cor. Front ana Marxei ots. feb 1 D&W lv Wilmington, N.:C. JAPANESE PILE CURE A guaranteed Cure for Piles of whatever kind or degree External, Internal, Blind or : Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Eecent or Heredi. . tary. fLOO a box: e boxes, S5.00. sent Dy mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. ; We guar antee to core any ease of Files. Guaranteed- and sold only tor I . H.HARDIN. Wholesale and Retail Druggst, Km Market. Wilmington, N. U febltf - DHIMSITT OF TIEGISIA. .irwwini .W LBCTTBBS i (nine -WOth lulv. 1891. and end 9th September. Char- lottesville. Va.Vto JOHN B MINOR. Prof. Com. je9D&Wlm and Stat. Law. Health is Wealth! - i ATLANTIC XOAST LINE, 1 1.. fiteliiitoniffflonRcRaiii Branches CONDENSED 8CHKDPLB. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. ' -1" WW V f " - - 23 No-23, No.-41 Dated April 28,1891. . wo 83 Fast Mail Daily ex . -r Daily. Daily. ; Snnday. - ' PM PM- A M Leave Weldon.....!.,.. 13.80 . ; 6 43 B 20 Arr. Rocky Mount........ 1 40 - 74 Arrive Tarboro.. ......... 8 17 ......... I , AM . . , ." Leave Tarboro..;. ....... 10 85 .......... -Arrive Wffion... 8 13 7 00 7 68 Leave Wilson.. ........... t 8 801... ,..,. ; Arrive Selma..;......... 8 80 ..r.... Arrive FayetteviUe....... 6 80.... .... Leave Goldsboro 8 15 7 40 8 40 " Leave Warsaw........... 4 14 .......... , 9 84 Leave Magnolia 4 27 8 40 9 49 jArrive Wilmington.... .. 6 OOf "965 1180 , ' TRAINS GOINO NORTH... , y , - -.,rr- No.14 No. 78 rSy Daily. Daily. Snnday. ' AH - AH ' P M Leave Wilmington 12 85 9 15 4 25 ' - ; -, . ; . . . - Leave Magnolia , 10 57 8 10 Leave Warsaw. 1111 6 25 I Arrive Goldsboro 8 06 13 OS 7 80 j Leave Fayetteville... t 9 10 .... .... Arrive Selma. ............ ...... : 11 08 ........ Arrive Wilson. 12 10 - -- : AM PM . I PM Leave Wilson.... 8 83 18 68 8 83 Arr. Rocky Mount 1 80 f 8 63 Arrive Tarboro 8 17 ' . . . A. M Leave Tarboro 10 85 - ' Arrive Weldon 5 05 865; 10 00 Dailv except Sundav. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Wei (1A U.i;f..OQM M .win. C .1 1 XT UUU H.w y 'U UM. . Ul. WUVC 1 111 4 15 p m, Greenville 6 02 p m, Kinston 7 10 p m. Re- onung, leaves rwinston i w m m, ureenvuie e.iu a m. Arriving Halifax at 11 00 a m.Weldon 11.85 a m, daily except aunday, Local trei nesdays am Meek 1U.U3 p. m. Returning, leaves Kinston Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at 10.00 a. m., arriving Green ville 12.00 noon, Scotland Neck 8.20 p. m., Weldon 6 20 p. m. j - 1 rata leaves, 1 arboro. li . C, via Albemarle a Kaleutn R. R., daily except Sunday, 4 05 p m ; Sunday 8 p m t arrive Wilhamston, N. Ot, 6 30 p m and 4 20 p m ; Ply. mnnfk R Oft jpm. . K.eturairjg, leave tri Sunday 6 20 a m. Sunday i uth. N. C, daily except Sunday 6 20 a m, Sunda' 00 am. wuiiamston 7 4U am, Kiam, m. 9 58 am. Arrive Tarboro. N. v;., iv mam ana uim. m .a ... Am Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Goldsboro. N. C, daily except Sunday, 7 00 a m : arrive Smithfield. N. C.. 8.80 a m. Returning, leaves Smithfield. N. C 9 00 a m ; arrive Goldsboro, N. C., 10 80 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rockv Mount at 8 p m. arrives Nashville 8 40 p m. Sprinsr Hope 4 15 p m. Keturning, leaves spring tiope iu a ta, Hasn ville 10 85 a m: arrive Rocky Mount 11 15 a m. daihr except Sunday. l rain on uiinton tsrancn leaves Warsaw tor Clinton, daily except Sunday ,at 6.30 pm and 11 15 a m. Return ing, leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 8 10 p m, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Southbound tram on Wilson & Favetterille Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No, 50. Dailv except aunaay. Train No. 87 South, and 14 North, will stop only at Rocky Mount. Wilson. Goldtboro and Maenolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for au points Worth daily. All rail via Kicnmond, and aiuiy fxcept ouuuuy vis say uuc John r. mvifl jc, uenT sup't. J. K. K.XNLY, aup t Transportation. T. M. EMERSON Gen'l Pass'er Agent, ap 25-tf Cane Fear & Yattin Yalley Railway Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JUNE 14. 1891. NORTH BOUND. No. 2. I No. 4. No. 16. Daily ex Daily ex Daily ex Snnday. Snnday. Sunday. Leave Wilmington.. Arrive Fayetteville.. Leave Fayetteville.. Leave Sanford...... Arrive Greensboro.. 9.20 4. m. 12.E0p. m. 1 on " 8.68 " I 52 " 6.85 " 7.06 " 9.00 " Leave Greensboro... Leave Walnut Cove. Arrive Mt. Airy.... Leave Bennettsville. 8.80 a. m. I ' Arrive Maxton 9.40 " 9.50 " Leave Maxton Arrive Fayetteville. . 11.45 " leave Kamseur Arrive Greensboro. . . Leave Greensboro... Arrive Madison 75 a. m. 10.05 " 10.85 ' " 12.50 p.m. SOUTH BOUND. No. 1. No. 8. No. 15. Daily ex Daily ex Daily ex Snnday. Snnday. Snnday. 5.30 a. m. 7J7 " 8.45 -10.80 " 12.58p.m. 85 " 8.50 " 6.65 44 - " 8.00 p.m. 4.55 -! 510 ojao - 1.45p.m. 8.55 " f . 4.15 " ,.n 7.i5 m Leave Mt. Airy..... Leave Walnut Cove. Arrive Greensboro. . . Leave Greensboro.. Leave Sanford...... Arrive Fayetteville.. Leave ravetteviiie. . Arrive Wilmington. . Leave Fayetteville.. Arrive Maxton....;. Leave Maxton...... Arrive Bennettsville Leave Madison...., Arrive Greensboro ixavc uiqcuiwiu.i, Anive Kamseur W. E. KYIE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. J. W. PBT, tten'i manager. je lltf - SEABOARD AIR LINE. Carolina Central E. E. CHANGS OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 43 No. 23 No. 41 May 10, 1891. DaUy ex. Daily ex. DaUy ex. Sunday. Saturday. Sunday.;. Leave Wilmington 8.00 a. m. 8.00 p. m. Leave Hamlet..... 11.52 a. m. 2.15 a. m. 7.40 p.m. Leave Monroe..,. 2.15 p. m. 5.10 a. m. 8,29 p.m. Arrive Charlotte. . 8.15 p. m. 6.85 a. m. Leave Charlotte.. 35 p. m. Leave Lincolnton. 4.43 p. m. . Leave Shelby.'.... 5.38 p.m. . Arrive Rntherf on 6.50 p. m. - EASTBOUND TRAINS.. No. 86 No. 84 No. 88 - . Daily exept DaUy exept Daily ex. Sunday. Sunday. Suday. L've Rntherf ordt'n 9.00 a. m. Leave Shelby 10.10 a.m. Leave Lincolnton. 11.12 a. m. . ' . . - Arrive Charlotte.. 18.30 p. m. - Leave Chariotte... 12.40 p. m. 8.80 p.m. 5.00a.m. Leave Monroe.... 8.15 p. m. 10.05 p. m. 6.52 a. m" Leave Hamlet..... 4.10 p. m. 1.45 a. m. 7.40a.m. Anive Wilmington 8.00 p.m. 7.45 a.m. Trains Nos. 41 and 88 make close connection at Hamlet tot Raleigh and . North. Nos. 49 . and so mat vlnut mmuvtion at irioolnton tor xucxorv . and Western North Carolina at Monroe to and from Throneh Sleemns Cars between wummzrou ana Charlotte. WM. MONCURE, Superintendent F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent, , myflS tf Fly Paper. rjlHE BEST MAKE JUST RECEIVED. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist, . jel7tf N. W. Cor. Front and Market St, Grand Au JULY W. O. BECKENB THE G DURHAM The QUEEN CITY of point in the SOUTH. Reduced rates from a burg & Durham, Oxford roads. LOTS S These beautiful Lots lege Campus, one of the beauty every day. No better point and n that is sure of handsom Remember th Write to E. H. Wrigh proyement Co., for Map ham, N. C. PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. Trains will run as follows.1 daily (Sunday ex ceptedj: - - nuvinu nvuxii, No. 3 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Cheraw, S. C... ......... .......... 5.00 p. m " Kouock djwp. m SUUI u ... .......................... U.W . Ul Arrive Hamlet, N. C. 6.10 p. m MOVING SOTJXH. No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Hamlet, N. C... 8.S0 a. m " usborn cshi a. m M SfnllnrV St-stinn O 90 tn Arrive Cheraw, S. C... 9.40 a. m . ded8-tf .. r WM. MONCURE, Sup'U FLOUR, BACON, MOLASSES 1 500 BBLS" FLOUR GRADES. QQ Hhds. and Bbls. P. R. MOLASSES 100 BbU" New TleD molasses- 2QQ Cases LARD, g Q Bbls CAROLINA RICE. Bbls. SUGAR, i . -A QQ Sacks COFFEE, 250 Ke.NAILS' 50 Bbl DISTILLKRS' GLUEC Boxes TOBACCO, I -JQQ Cases LYE, . rjf Cases BALL POTASH! 50 Cases STARCH, i Snuff, Candles, Soap, Wrapping Paper. Twine, &C For sale Kw by - mar 'M tt WILLIAMS KAWKlJM 1 IFOI? IR33ZL-t- THE KURE COTTAGE ; AT CAROLINA BEACH. will be rented for the' season. . It con tains ten rooms and ' is in ' splended order. Apply to D. O'CONNOB. ie7tf ; $500 toward I WE will pay Oio kbovo reward for any ease of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Bicfc Headache, Indlg-estion. Con. stipotion or Costiveness we eannot euro wltji West's compiled with They are purely Vegetable, and j aever . fall to giro Baiter action. Bnmx Coated. Large Poxes. conUlnlBC 11, t cent. Beware ot eoanterfett. and Imitations. The (rennlno mnn factored only Dy , j Sold by ; ROBERT R. BELLAMY, : - - W W Cnr Vmryt and Market streets. feb 1 D&W ly Wilmington, N. Ci siiiS s ction Sal 7th, 8th a CONDUCTED BY ELEBRATED AUCTI - the GOLDEN BELT an 11 points on the Eichmo & Clarksville and Durh OLD WITHOUT RES are conveniently locate handsomest spots in th o better time to make r e profit than here and e Dates, July 7th, 8th a t. Sec'y, Durham Coso sescriptive Circulars, iliiBgton,Oiislow & East Carolina R. R. TIME TABLE NO. 3. To Take Effect Monday, June 22d, 1891, at 12 M Not 2. No. 4. No. 6. NORTH BOUND. Passeng'r Passenger READ DOWN. - and Freight. and Sunday Only. Freight. A. M. M. 400 P. a J s M. 5 00 607 5 18 5 25 5 30 587 5 42 6 47 5 54 6 02 6 10 6 16 6 30 6 45 k 7 00 Wilmington. Leave.. 8 301 8 40 8 52 9 00 9 05 9 15 W. S. C.R. Crossing 4 10 liaynsead 425 Kirkland.... 4 33! , 4 40 ScotuHill., Hampstead. . ........ Cypress Lake Annandale....' 4 601 9 20 -9 SOl 9 36 9 45 9 55 4 56 5 06 5 12 Glenoe Edgecombe ......... Hollyridge.. ........ 5 20: 5 30 irolkstone 10 05 10 18 10 S3 10 44 10 50 6 40 Cedarhurst. 5 55 Winona 6 12 Tarmacs. 6 23 Jacksonville, Arrive! 6 30 No. 1. J No. 8. t No. 5. Passenger Passenger Passeng'r, - and and - Saturd'ys Freight. Freight. . Only. A. M. P. M. P. M. 8 00 7 25 9 80 a 7 50 s 7 15 s 9 22 s 7 85 f - 7 00 f 9 10 f 7 25 f 6 52 f 9 04 s 7 20 s . 6 47 s 9 00 s 7 08 s 6 37 s 8 53 f (58 f 627 ( 848 f 6 53 f 6 20 f 8 44 f 6 43 f 6 10 f 836 f 6 84 f 6 00 f 828 f 6 23 f - 5 50 f 8 18 s 6 18 s 5 40 8 10 i 5 58 f 5 20 f 7 56 s 5 47 s 5 08 s 7 46 f . 6 86 f - 4 57 6 80 4 50 7 80 SOUTH BOUND. READ UP. Wilmington, Arrive W. S. C. R. Crossing Baymead .... Kirkland , Scotts Hill..., Hampstead .. Cypress Lake Annandale ... Glenoe. ... Edgecombe Hollyridge.. rolkstone... Cedarhurst. Winona Iari Jac mans . acksonville, Leave . Stop on slgna only. b. Regular Stop. Nos. 1 and 4 Daily except Sunday. . JNos. 8 and 8 Tuesday and Friday only, and con nect with steamer for Tar Landing and points on New River. " T TTT mr a T5H' WW I Q j . ' U. OUU.XJU11W) ' Gen'l Freiget and Passenger Agent. " H. A. WHITING, ,'- General Manager. " je 84 tf Stop Hotel Nicholson I ; Washington, N. C. SITUATED IN THE HEART OF THE Busi ness oart of the town, and convenient for Com mercial men. Brick building three stories high, fifty rooms, gas lights and electric bells. First class in every respect. Omnibus meets all boats and trains. - GEO. SPENCER. Manager . fb 28 tf Oakland Heights Sanatorium, ; ASHITVTLiIiE, N. C. MOST COMPLETE ; HEALTH RESORT IN the Sonth. F.1rant aooointments. Splendid bath system. Medical attendance included in price of room. Address . ; ,TT . Miss EMILIE VAUGHN, je 18 lm Asheville, N. C e of Lots. nd 9th. OUGH ONEER, - - N. C. d the best advertised nd & Danville, Lynch- am & Northern Rail- ERYE. d adjoining Trinity Col e State and growing in eal estate investment now. nd 9thr189l. Mated Land and Im Price List. Etc.. at Dur- j. 27 0t ATLANTIC COAST LINE. WiMugtoa, CflMMa & Anpsta R. B. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated June 21, 1891. No. 23 No.27 PM PM AM 6 25 10 10 ...... AM 9 85 12 40 10 80 1 20 AM No. 50 No. 68 AM 8 20 ...... 1655 4 85 . 8 15 No.52 AM 4 35 t 8 67 8 20 6 15 10 05 9 45 AM Leave Wilmington .-J Leave Marion.......'. Arrive Florence.. Leave Florence Arrive Sumter.. Leave Sumter,,..,,............, Arrive Columbia... ...... ....... . See note for additional trains. ' No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central Railroad. Leaving Lanes 7 45 a m, Manning 8 31 a m. . Train on C & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No.58. , - :. - . TRAINS GOING NORTH. No.5llNo.E3lN6.59 PM PM PM Leave Columbia 10 45 a oo 10 07 5 85 AM Arrive Sumter 12C4I 700 AM Leave Sumter. . . 12 04 1 15 i 7 00 8 15 Arrive Florence . , No. 78 No. 14 PM 8 CO AM 4 45 unv. rHiiK.M .. Leave Manon. ................. 5 84 9 85 AM 12 20 Arrive Wilmington.,...,,....... 855 " In addition to above, train No. 49 leaves Columbia 7 a. m daily except Sunday, arriving Sumter 8.20. Train No. 48 leaves Sumter 8.85 p. m., daily except Sunday, arriving Columbia 10.00 p. m. - Daily. Daily except bnnday. . No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S. C, via Cen tral R. R., arriving Manning 10 89 p m. Lanes 11 17 p m. Charleston 12 50 a m. - No. 59 connects at Florence with C. & D. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. - . Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wilmington with W. & W. R. R. R. for all points North. Train on Florence Railroad leaves Pee Dee dailyt except Sunday, 4 40 p m, arrive Rowland 7 p m. Re turning, leave Rowland 6 80 a m, arrive Pee Dee 8 50 Train on Manchester & Augusta Railroad leaves Sumter daily, except Sunday, 10 60 a m, arrive Ri mini 1159am. Returning, leave Rimini 18 80 p m, ar rive Sumter 1 40 p m. Trains on Hartsville . R. R. leave Hartsville daily except Sunday at 6.10 a. m., arriving Fkryds -65 a. m. Returning, leave Floyds 8.10 p. m,, arriving 2.50 rflm' JOHN n DIVINX, Genl Snp't J. R. KENLY, Assistant Genl Manager.' I. ftl. umiiiisun.ueg ira xcr Agent, jc x w Babbitt Metal I ARGE QUANTITY OF OLD TYPE A refect substitute for Babbit Metal for sale at the STAR OFFICE .