0TTEEBUB1? iifHIAand MAGNESIA WATER! woT ONLY CURES "BRIGHT'S DISEASE ' BUT ALSO DIABETES. Mahnbobo,Va.; April 7, 188811 r - year I have been suffering with form of Kid iJase which my pnyaoui (Dr. J. A. HiUmaa) :hTwas Diabetes, an advised the Meof Otter SIidST and Magnea Water. The qnaatitr of -wssed was greatly in excess of the natural se- r and I lost forty ponnds of flesh in a few tf'Sr The use of the Otterbnnnt Water corrected ls excessive flow entirely ia six weeks, and I am irnyedicines withont avafl, and'l attribote 1 Ze oi this troublesome and dangerotu diaetue en oy, o thereof the Otterburn Water. to the use R.N.BLANTON. PERSONS OFTEN ASK WILL IT KEEP V Amkija County, Ya., Feb. Si, 1888. . , hereby certify that twt years ago I obtained some 'Ae Water of the Otterburn Liia and Magnesia vr lot my wue, m uouuuoih ana recently fw moving to another home, I found that some i 5 Wawr had been left .in the demlfeha. I poured it t and "rank some of it, and found it to beas pure i as when first taken from the Spring, jadrn.e aswn G. E. CRaSdOCK IT CUKES RHEUMATIC GOUT. E JeVferson, of Johnstown, South Carolina as follows of it . ""Aiadv here has been entirely reheved of a severe 0' Rheumatic Gout. She found such ' "diate relief she did net take any. medicine or any T-frSedyatall'and while on the sixth bottle sta I'rTthat she had been entirely relieved and needed no " Water, her general ceaiin t Kmuct slsn wn fcl,- 2 ' . E. JEFFERSON." red. Richmond. Va, April 8, 1887 I Lave been suffering for years with a complication f Liver and Kidney trouble, suffering great p&inin ., . ree-;cn of the kidneys, and having my attention aSi-4 to the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Water I ' ar.enced to use it, and never experienced such re Zi from anthing. The very first hali-gaQoa in-C-?td the now of urine and cleared it up. My appc been restored, and I feel that I cannot cotrj aad the Water too highly. R. P. WAJLKXR. Mankbobo. Va., March 1?, 1888. : "r- n 1 commenced the used of the Otterburn Lithia .-d Magnesia Water, on the 2Sth of January last, I Xi no faith in any mineral water. I had been auffcr rs for ovor three years with a disease that was pro-3,-iBced bv a piononnced by a prominent physician of jjaimcnd" to be an affection of the Kidneys, after o -.'bc a scientific test. V bic t n!y used the Water one week when I was en ,- wiieved of pain, which before had been constant vrzn a restoration of strength and energy. 1 '-x "Ce Water a fair test, using no other water and , medicine. M. C. GREGORY. . AiiEUA C. H.. Va.. December 15. 1883. -ba-e been a Dyspeptic for the past fifteen years . d jiieiy have safiered with Derangement of my Uri- vnj'-ics. es-irlecced by great difficulty ha voiding -': nr'.e. About six months ago I commenced the .. tee Otterborn Lithia and Magnesia Springs W sitr. an;i since that time- there has been marked and inrjrever-jent in my entire condition and state v.iUh. !y digestion is better than it has been for fve f vean. and the urinary trouble is entirely re-an-.f has bten for the past two months. J. A. WALLACE, Cashier planters' Bank of Amelia. fFREORN IITBIA SPRINGS CO. R. H. BKa.a.ATf T, AaresiC, ri-fUWtf . WOrainztoa. N. C For Infanta and Child rew. Castoria promote a Diseatjon, and overcomes Flatulency, Coiistipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, runl Feverishnesa Tnas the child is ren-.lored bcalthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Castoria is so well adapted to children tb&t I recommeDd it as Ettpcrior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abchkr, H. Irv 111 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. x. : -I use Castoria in my practice, and find It ipecially a-iapted to uff-x.-tic.ns of children." ALX1 RoBKKTSON, M. D id Ave., New York. "From persona! knowledge and observation I can say that Castoria U an excellent medicine for children, acting sus & laxative and relieving the pent up bowels and general Bystem very mucn. Many motlicrs have told me of its ex cdient eff-jct uixhi tiioir children. Da. G. C Osooon, Lowell, Mass. Tee Cent Am OorArVi 77 Hnrr-.- Street, N. Y. rice 13 O&Wly Industrial Manaiacturing Company WILMINGTON, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF HIED WOODEN BUTTER DISHES E I AMOUD BASKETS, Berry Baskets, M and Vegetable Orates, BOXES, Orange Boxes, &cy&c. Vt'kEkS CUT TO ORDER FROM SWEET , li,Jy. POPLAR, SYCAMORE, OAK. ASHv i fclRCH. VALNUT, tic. rws Cimyajy has an EabasAed Reputation fof '.'ty of its Work. - - - Cta Compete in Prices with aay simiUi Establish nthe United States. , fJ-rs for Car Load Lots filled wn abort notice. "Pies and Prices on application. Kioryon Cape Fea -River, comer Queen and Address " Jndustrial Manufacturing Co. 9 2 Ufcw Bargains P CIGARS AND TOBACCO. V Tgood Combination SAFES for sale cheap. 7 ,, SAMUEL BEAR, St., ' " W Market Sueet. She ormttfj star: THE TWO WORDS. day a harsh Udoti an evd journey sped, . . 1 - And like It pierced " ana cruel dart. It -iuu una lovme heart: ft IriAn A . , .i, turned And everywhere brought pain and woe. A kind ew st Flew , """"w n one aav. -swifUy on its blessed way Hen tn TBrwi.A it. . . .. It healed And adfric made , . --- "u"u, it suotnea Lae Dain SyS1 ? W Were fricnd8 aae the hate and anger cease : everwhere brought joy and peace. It And But vet the4iarsH The . . . iy.ii. n li ace. Klnrl mnnl ...1J . .. . And vuc ucui uS iove regained w auiivc, dui not toreet Or lose the sense of keen regret. ' O, if WC WOUld but lenrn 1,1 How it 11 j r wora can go, 2JiriWl.-wlth uttrJare tACh thought before it sought the air, And Onlv StValr thA J-?i.-A , - f -t- "- nuius Liia.1. move ke white-winged messengers ot love! Sunday School Titms. SUNDAY SELECTIONS. False humilirv 5c mn. n pride, St. Augustine. Virtue itself ff, i , - ... v-vuuo- WUCU coupled with forbidding manners. tie Whoabnc.es nthnmnc be particular about the answer he gets. inere is no easy, path leading OUt Of life, flnri f- arm. !.. l- -ItT: . ,-caay ones that he within it. ; - Do not wait: for eTtranrHinorw opportunities for good actions, but make use ot common situations. Goethe. "God often ploughs with afflic tions to make a lnnor rl fhannel for his love and grace to flow in. - Cheerfulness is alcn .an kti ient wearins: quality. It has been called ine rjngnt weatner of the heart.-Sac7 Smiles. : Love those who humble and contradict you, for they are more use ful to your perfection than those who flatter you. It is as easy to draw back a stone thrown with force from the hand as to recall a word Menancer. J3o not expect commercial pay ment for the real benefits you may ren der to others. Doinc ood IS the cnivet way of enriching and ennobling char- If you live in the full sunshine of Christ and have him not merely play ing upon the surface of your mind, but sunk deep down m it, transforming your whole being, then some men will, as they look at you, be filled with strange long ings, and will say: -Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord." - All that men have ever imagined of ha man progress in science and art will fall far short of the attainments of those who will study God's works not from personal ambition- or vanity, but of love to him delighting in' every new discovery of his wisdom and goodness, and usine all knowledge for the bless ings of their fellow men. Samuel J. Andrews. , "The truth cannot be burned, beheaded ot crucified. ' A lie on the throne is a lie still, and truth in a dun geon is truth still; and the lie on the throne is on the way to defeat, and the truth in the dungeon is on the way to victory. No accidents of position can change the nature of things, or the eternal laws which determine their des tintes." Wm. McKenly. Purity is power. The rose, among the sweetest and most beautiful of God's creations, is armed with thorns. Nature's sharp bayonets for warding off attack. ' Parity is the defense of beauty; modesty is the safeguard of innocence. Keep thyself pure." The severe chastity which ; repels familiarity f is an ' ab solute essential for the safety of the soul as genial attractiveness is? for beauty. A.J.Gordon. - Not shame ot ignorance, but love of learning, makes the scholar; not fear of despotism so much as love of lib erty makes the patriot here; not so much the hatred of sin as the love of holiness makes the saint. The fear of hell may be the initial motive to get the sinner's face heavenward, but not until perfect love casts out this fear by taking its place do the highest, holiest, mighti est motives bear upon him. Christian Standard. PERSONAL. .' whon Cam TSemhardt sailed for Australia from Saa Francisco eighty r I . , J one cases oi cnampagne, oiauur otner liquors were icwusu - the steamer' all marked as belonging to th nrtress. " '. One of Buffalo Bill's spurious. Indian chiefs, Red bye, Dy name, won the affections of a budding German lass, and now sne is suing nim iui a. ui.v... Frau Red Eye says that Mr. Red Eye is no gentleman. V - Radnor's i 11W - vVfcfcww - v .t j: TinnA" ia nnp of the in- - iauics oiling - . teresting features of London society. The fair musicians an aress in wnitc, and are, moreover, all unusually good looking, so that their entertainments ixroll attended. ' arc uivaiMwi - Hon. R. E. Dyrenforth, who is . . Mtn vtt hnmbardinfiT the heavens from balloons, studied for four years in the. mUitary schools ot Prussia, just before the outbreak of the American civil war. He wasja skilled artiUeryman, and served on the staffs of Gens. Rosecrans ana warn.. The first colored woman physi- . . -t -r..l, ,o Vrtna" H. M. Mor cian in new iuia . v.. --- ton, 28 years old. of 334, Gold street. . ' 7 1 I V, -rinntv clerk S office. She a graduate of the Roman s Medical onege o TAr" recently. passea an t, cot Medical Board. ' Ex-Senator Ingall's is devotiug that portion of the time ;not .occnpled upon the platform to writing a political vl.i. Tui- Krtir it is understood, will deal with contemporaneous his tory wnt . . . x ,u' nnm Jnimirahle stvie !: Txnitif nhilosooby and OI amujj iJ r"V r . paying on some wiu s.'. i Commodore Ramsey who suc ceeded Admiral John Walker as Chief S the bureau of navigation, is a pic- taresque figure in u - YJrk He loots more tt ;,nne preacher than a naval officer, "eisone VYTTTw-- -n!ira nf the navv. however, uu is a man - of fine physique, tall, straight as an Indian with silvery hair and trim little jrrav mus tache. His manners are elegant and in Strikmsr enntract- tr. thneA nt fir: Jonn Walker, -as his nnriorpcenr . ,o called. -. TWINKLINGS. She Yes, I am : very fond of pets. He Indeed! What, mav I ask: ia your favorite animal? . She (frankly) Man. Munsey's Week- Columbus-LT thinV that thie chaperon idea is utterly un-American. ' Cynicus That's precisely what re commends it to the 400. N. Y. Herald. Tambo T?nn vwj j w M UWUA.A gwui to talk so much on de stage as you do on de street. " ; Bones Dat's a fac", sah. But de rea son am Oblivious Tt's rnrlrrt nn rin Ha stage. Harper's Bazar. Mrs. Homebodv See here! An you call this good measure? This can isn't half full. . Milkman That's a 11 riorht mum Tte - Condensed milk, trnn knnv mnm Boston Transcript. x G. O. Tham Shears. I wish you would make a business suit for me; something that Will hf ynnrnnnatA frr this season. Shears Yes. sir: here's a nenr refe of goods. We call it the 'Broadway mud.' Smith-Gray Monthly. "Poor fellow! But whvrlidvnn reject him in so summary a way?" - "Well, he's the editnr rf that ATnn,- Magazine, and rejected one of my poems once. I just thoaeht I'd let him know that tWO Can tllav at the same game." Life's Calendar. . Mr. Binp-c Mv dear. I have, a little surprise for you. Mrs. Bingo O, nice, what is it in that package? 1 . Bingo Yes. Here are the neckties you gave me when' we were first married. T ' ... i nave savea tnem all these years. Clothier and Furnisher. Mrs. Debraine frea'dino-l The whole of Punch's original 'Round Table is at last aissoived. i Here is no longer surviving a member of the band that in Years TOne bv everv week sat at dinner to meet Mark. Lemon, Douglas Jcrrold j-eecn ana lnackeray. Mr. Debraine (wearily) Yes, yes; I know. . Mrs. Debraine Why, have you seen this article? Mr. Debraine -No; 1 have seen Punch. Life's Calendar. Happy TrXooslera. Wm. Timmons, postmaster ot Idaville, Ind writes : "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman,' of same place, says : "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine made me feel like a new man. ' J. W Gardner, hardware merchant, same town says : Electric Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don t care whether he lives or dies ; he found new strength, good appetite,' and felt like he had a new lease on life. Only 50c a bottle at Robert R. Bellamy's Drug Store. - t BPABKTuEEro CATAWBA SPBUJOS. Health seekers should go to bpark ling Catawba Springs. Beautifully located, in Catawba county, 1,000 feet above sea-level, at the foot of the Blue Ridge mountains. Scenery magnificent. Waters possess medicinal properties ot the highest order. Board only $30.00 per month. Read advertisement in the paper, and " write Dr. E. O. Elliott & Son, proprietors, for descriptive pam phlets. : -f Bucekln's Arnica Salve. The best balve in the world lor Cuts Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum Fever, Sores, Tetters, 'Chapped Hands Chilblains,Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles or no pay is required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 5 cents per box. For sale" by Robert R. Bellamy, Wholesale and Retail Drug gists. Kead advertisement oi otterburn Lithia Water in this paper. Unequaled for Dyspepsia and all diseases of kid ney and bladder. Price within reach of ill. . BABY CUBED OF ECZEMA Mother's and Minister's Testimony. Head Mass of Putrefaction. Doc tor Pails. Cured in Quick Time by Cuticura. I deem it my doty to inform yon of the wonderfut cure of eczema which Cuticura Remedies bronghl upon our little baby, three months old. When about two and one-half months old, the whole of its little head became one mass of putrefaction, over which we became very much alarmed, as the medicine pre scribed by our physidan only seemed to aggravate and increase the intense pain the little thing seemed to be in. We were utterly at a losso know what to do, as the physcian seemed to have exhausted all efforts to give "relief . But through the recoramendation of Rev. 7 G. Ahern, pastor of Brooks Circuit M. E. Church Society, we were indaced-to try the Cuticura Reme dies, and after a few days' application, we were astonished as well as delighted over the result. We continued the use of the medicine according to direc r. . rij . i uv h i;,fl(. fellow was en- nous, ana in .w , . tirdy cured with no traces of the disease left. Many Mas. JOHN HOLSTE1N, Quitman, Ga. It-fives me ereat pleasure to testify to the facts con tained in Mrs. John Holstein's testimonial concerning the cure ot ner muc unujr. " u , . tftinK It possiDie lur i. - "T, mended Cuticoba, knowing that if a care was possible, CtmCUKA aiKUl WKiuu m o expection Culminated in a wfect core. J. G. AHERN, Pastor M. E. Ch. So., J . - Quitman, Ga. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood Purifier, internally (to cleanses the blood of all impurities ana pouuuuu. ' Swremove the cause), and Cuticura, the great slun curea na lutiluka owai , -n . - . . fier. externally (to dear the skin and scalp, and re UH'" . . ..I tiiimnr of the store tne nair;. cure every u -- skin and blood, trom pimpic ij '- Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura. owy soap pages, 60 illastrations. and 100 testimonials BABrS Skin and Scalp preservedi and beautihed by Cuticura doap. Aosotumy ymc. RHEUMATIC PAINS. (I m eue minmetne lv ltr- Tebeves rheu- klXmatic. sciatic, hip, kidney, chest, and mus cular ins and weaknesses, trice, aoci , 1D&W tf . 68 ' - au Special Bargains TN TOBACCO AN II ciuaro. WANTED, CONFEDERATE BONDS SAM'L BEAR, Sr., 12 Market St, jyl2 tf 25T; Rsve fi. Prepared by the Potteh Drug ABS?5 ?JATrt rs Wri rDiseases.,, 64 STJPBJSME St STJPERIOB COUBTS ; OF 1TOBTH CABOLUTA -1891. JUDGES. - NAME. DISTRICT. RESIDENCE' Beaufort. Newbern. . Wilson. . Wake, Granville. Sampson. Carthage, -Iredell. Surry; Morganton. Lincolntqn. Buncombe. Geo. H. Brown, - 1 ' Henry , R. Bryan, 2 ' H. G. Connor, - 3 ' ' Spier Whitaker,r 4 R. W. Winston. 5 E. T. Boykin, 6 D. Mclver. 7 R. F. Armfield. 8 : Jesse F. Graves, 9 John Grav Bvnum. 10 -.; W. A. Hoke.- 11 J. H. Merrimon. 12 : SOLICITORS. NAME. DISTRICT. RESIDENC Perquiman Halifax. Wilson. Johnston. Durham. Duplin. . Richmond. Iredell. Rockingham. CaldweW. Mecklenb'rg." Macon. John H. Blount, 1 i G. H. White (col), 2 ' .t.. Woodard. 3 E. W. Pou. Jr., 4 Isaac R. Stravhorn. 6- i O.H.Allen, 6 S Frank McNeiU 7 B. F. Loner 8 Thomas Settle, 9 i : W. C. Newland, 10 r Frank L. Osborn. 11 Geo. A. Jones, , . 12 Time of Holding Court. I. First Tudicia.1 District. Spring Judge Bryan. . tall Judge' Brown. Beaufort tFeb. l6th. Mav 25th. Nov. 30th. - . Currituck March 2d, Sept. 7th. Camden March 10th, Sept. 24th. Pasquotank March 16th, Sept. 21st. i Perquimans March 25th, Sept. 28th. Chowan March 30th, Oct. 5th. Gates April 6th, Oct. 12th. ' - Hertford--April 13th, Oct. 19th. Washington April 20th, Oct. 26th. Tyrrell April 27th, Nov. 2d. I Dare May 4th, Nov. 9th. ; Hyde May 11th, Nov. 16th. Pamlico Mav 18th, Nov. 23d. Second Judicial District, Spring Judge Connor. . ! . Fall Judge Bryan. Halifax fMarch 2d, May 12th, JNov. 16th. ! Northampton tJan. 19th. March 30th. Oct. 5th. i ' , Bertie Feb. 2d, April 27th, Nov. 2d. Craven tFeb. 9th, May 25th, Nov. 30th. , , Warren March 16th, Sept. 21st. Edgecombe April 13th, Oct, 19th. Third Judical District. Spring Judgewhitaker.- 5 Fall Judgei Connor, Pitt Jan. 5th, March 16th, tjune 8th, Sept. 21st. Franklin Jan. 11th, April 13th, Nov. 6th. ! Wilson tFeb. 2d, June 1st, Noy. 2d. Vance Feb.- 16th, May 18th Oct. 19th. j . martin March 2d, Sept. 7th.Dec.7th. Nash April 27th, Nov. 23dJ Fourth Judicial District. Spring Judge Winston. Fall Judge Whitakei. Wake Jan. 5th, tFeb. 28th, March 28th, tApril 21st, July ; 9th. tAug. 27th, Sept, 28th, tOct. 26tb. ) Wayne Jan. 19th, march 10th, April 13th, Sept. 14th, Oct. 19th. ,i Harnett Feb. 2d, Aug. 10th, Nov. 30th. - I . Johnston Feb. 9th, Aug. 17th, Nov. 16th. ( Fifth Judicial District. Spring Judge Boykid. ..' Fall Judge, Waiston. Durham Jan. 12th, March 23cV June 1st, Oct, 19th. ; Granville Jan. 26th, April 20th, July 27th, Nov. 30th. Chatham Feb. 9th, May 4th, Oct, 5th. . I Guilford Feb. 16th, May 25th, Aug. 81st. Dec 14th. Alamance March 2d, May .18th, Nov. 2d. Orange March 16th, Aug. 10th., Nov., 9th. i ' Caswell April 6th, ! Aug. 17th, Nov. 16th. j Person April 13th, Aug. 24th, Nov, 23d. Sixth Judicial District. Spring Judge Mclver. r Fall Judge Boykin Pender March 9tb Sept, 14th. New Hanover tJan. 19th, tApril 18th, tSept. 28th. j Lenoir Feb. 2d, Aug. 24th, Nov. 16th. Duplin Feb. 9th, Aug.Sd, Nov. 30th. Sampson tFeb. 23d, April 27th, Oct. 12th, Dec. 14th. . '' . Carteret March 16th, Oct. 26th. Jones March 23d, Nov. 2d A Onslow March 30th. Nov. 9thv ; Greene March 80th. Oct. 5th. J Seventh Judicial DistrietS Spring Judde Armfield. i Fall Judge Mclver. Columbus Jan. 12th, March, 80th, Aug. 3d. i ' Anson Jan. 5th, tApril, 27th, Sept. 7th. tNov. 30th. Cumberland Jan. ! 19th, tMay 4th, July 27th, tNov. 16th. Robeson Jan. 26th, May 18th, Oct. 5th. .- . r ' Richmond Feb. 9th, June 1st, Sept. 21st, Dec 7th." i t Bladen March 16th, Oct. 26th. RnmswiVk -Anril 16th. Sent. 14th. Moore March 2d, August 11th, Nov. 2d. i Eighth Judicial District Sfriinor Tnr1o CiraveS. S v - J Fall Iudjje Armfield. : rahftrrus tTan. 26th. April V 27th Nov. 2d. ' , L . v Iredell Feb. 2d, May 18th, Aug. 10th, Mnw Oth . vjk - : - Rowan TFeb. 16th, May 4th. Aug. 24th, Nov. 23d. 4 - Davidson March 2d, Sept. 7th, tDec 7th.- ; ; Randolph March 16th, Sept, 21st. . Montgomery March 80th, Oct. 5th. Stanly April 6th. Oct. 19th. Ninth Judicial District. - - . ! Spring Judge Bynum. -Judge Graves. . Rockingham JanJ 19tht Nov. 9th. " - i i Forsyth Feb. 2d, May o.fith. : - , July 27th, 18th, Oct. Yadkin Feb. 10th, Sept, 28th. Wilkes March 2d, Sept. 14th. Alleghany March lethj.jSept. 7tb. - TTtoTrio Marrh Srtth: Oct. 12th- Stokes April 13th, August 10th, Nov. Surry April 20th, Aug. i24th, Nov. 23d. Tenth Judicicial District. "Arlnrr Turgor A TTftVp. ! . . Fall -Judge Bynum. Henderson Feb. 9th, July autn. Burke March 2d, Aug. 10th. ' ralHwIl Mnrrh 1 fith. Sept. 7th. Ashe March 23d, May 25th, Aug. 24th. - -Watauga- April 16th, Aug. 31st Mitchell April 13th, Sept. 14th. ' Yancey April 27th, Sept 58th. - ; McDowell Mav 11th, Oct. 12th. i Eleventh Judicial District. Spring Judge Merrimon. fall Judge Hoke. Catawba Jan. 12th, July 20th. - Alexander Jan. 26th, Aug. 3d. Union Feb. 9th, tFeb. 16th. Seot. 21st, tSept: 28th. - " . T 1 1 IF" L Aft., 4.. A . . jyiecjaeuDurg rr eD. oa, 'Aug. aist, Gaston March 11th, Oct. 12th. Lincoln March '80th, Oct. 5th. Qeveland April 6th, Aue. 10th, Oa. 27th. " Rutherford April 20th, Nov. 2d. Polk May 4th, Nov. 16th. Twelfth Judicial District. Spring Judge Brown. ' tall Judge Merrimon. Madison Feb. 23d, Aug. 8d,tNov.23d. Buncombe tMarch 10th ,tAue. 17th. tDec. 7th. Transylvania March 30th, Sept, 7th. Haywood April 6th, Sept. 14th. - iackson April 12th, Sept. 28th. facon May 4th, Oct, 5th. Clay May 11th, Oct. 12th. . Cherokee May 18th, Oct. 19th. Graham June 1st, Nov. 2d. -Swain June 8th, Nov. 9th. : For criminal cases - t For civil cases alone. .- For civil cases alone except jail cases. Criminal Cirouit Courts. New Hanover County. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. lienj. K. Moore, Wilmington, boliator. Court begins Jan. 5th, March 16tu, May 18th, July 20th, Sept. 21st, Nov. 23d. Mecklenburg County. Oliver P. Meares, Judge. f Geo. E. Wilson, Charlotte, Solicitor. Court begins Feb. 9th, April 13th, Aug. 17th, Oct. 12th, Dec 7th. Buncombe County. Chas. A. Moore, Asheville, Judge. li. 1J. Carter, Asheville, Solicitor. Court begins Tan. 26th, April 27th, July 27th, Nov. 2d. Supreme Court meets first Monday in February. Examinations on Friday and Saturday before. First District, Feb. 2d; Second District, Feb. 9th; Third District,- Feb. 16th; Fourth Distriet, Feb. 25th; Fifth District, March 2d; Sixth District, March 10th; Seventh District, March 16th; Eighth District, March 23d; Ninth District, March 30th; Tenth Distriet. Aonl 6th. Eleventh District, April 18th. Twelfth District, April 20th. Last Monday in September. Exami nations Friday and Saturday before. First. District, Sept, 28th; Second Dis trict, Oct. 5th; Third District, Oct. 12th; Fourth District, Oct, 19th; Fifth Dis trict, Oct, 26th; Sixth District, Nov. 2d; Seventh District, Nov. 9th; Eighth Dis trict, Nov. 16th; Ninth District, Nov. 23d; Tenth District, Nov. 30th; Eleventh Distnct,Dec 7th. .Twelfth District Dec 14th. Health is Wealth! Da. E. C West s Nerve and Brain Treatment. a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con vulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia. Headache, Ner vous JcTostration caused oy tne use ot t conol or to bacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Bnun.resultingin insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness. Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Soermatoirhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month s treatment, $1.00 a box, or six boxes, for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price, 4 WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXE8 To core any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar antees issued only by KUUJS.K1 k, isa.iaAJay, uruggist. Sole Agt, N. W. Cor. Front and Market Sts, feb 1 D&W It WUrniiwcton, N. C. JAPANESE piJLE CORE A guaranteed Cure for Piles of whatever kind or degree External, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Becent or Heredi tary. 81.00 a box; 6 boxes, 85.00. Sent by man, prepaid, on receipt of price. We guar antee to cure any case of Piles. Guaranteed and sold only by . H. HARDIN, " Wholesale and Retail Druggist, - New Market, Wilmington, N. C. I if eb 1 tf Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital - Cash Capital paid in Surplus Fund - - - - $1,000,000 800,000 200,000 DIRECTORS: W. I. CORE, t G. W. WILLIAMS, DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLERS. jVWs ATKINSON . CLAYTON GILES, ISAAC BATES. JAME A. LEAK", F. RHEINSTEINl E. B. BORDEN. ISAAC BATES. Paasnnarf G. W. WILLIAMS....... ...Vic Preshjewt WM. L. SMITH ..Cashtkb ATKINSON & MANNING, AGENT ' North Carolina Home Ins. Co yy""E OFKER TO THOSE WANTING INSTJRANCE AQABTST FISE Pobcies ia this Old and Reliable Home Institution, All ios- promptly paid. W. S. PRIMROSE, President. . CHARLES ROOT, Secretary. - PULASKI CQWPER.Secretv, STOP AT THE BURNS HOUSE, WAJJESBOBO, H". C, JOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE BUSI nesspartol the Town, and convenient fos Commer cial Men. Table Board the best the market affords. Omnibn meets all Trains. .-. nov 27 t MRS. I. B. BURNS. . -Sfft EAT UETfP ATLANTIC COAST LINE.: flmnuEtmi & WeUon R. R. wi Branches CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Wft 5 No. 27 No7 41 Dated April 28,1891. Fast Mail Daily ex Daily. Daily. Sunday. PM PM AM Xeave Weldon...... ...... 12 80 6 43 6 20 Arr. Rocky Mount.. ...... 1 40 .... ..;.. 7 84 Arrive Tarboro 3 17 Leave Tarboro..... 10 35 PM Arrive Wilson......,.. .. 2 IS 7 80 7 53 Leave Wilson It 2 80 Arrive Selma... 8 80 Arrive Fayettevule. 5 80 Leave Goldsboro.... 3 15 7 40 8 40 . Leave Warsaw ,,. 4 14 9 84 Leave Magnolia.......... 4 27 8 40 9 49 Arrive Wilmington...... 6 00 9 65 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. Daily. Daily. Sunday. AM AM PM Leave Wilmington..;.,... 12 85 9 15 4 25 Leave Magnolia ,10 57 6 10 Leave Warsaw 11 11 0 25 Arrive Goldsboro 8 05 ' 12 05 7 80 Leave Fayetteville.'..... 9 10 Arrive Selma............. ...... 11 08 Arrive Wilson 12 10 AM PM PM Leave Wilson.. 8 S3 12 58 8 23 Arr. Rocky Mount.... 1 30 8 63 Arrive Tarboro 217. ........ AM Leave Tarboro. . 10 85 I j PM Arrive Weldon...-........ 5 051 3 55 10 00 Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Wel don 8.00 p m, Halifax 32 p m, arrive Scotland Neck 4 15 p m, Greenville 6 02 p m, Kinston 7 10 p m. Re turning, leaves Kinston 7 00 a m, Greenville 8.10 a m, Arriving Halifax at 11 00 a m,Weldon 11.85 a m, daily except Sunday. ' . Local freight train leaves Weldon Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays, at 7.09 a. m., arriving Scotland Neck 10.03 a. m., Greenville 2.10 p. m., Kinston 45 p. m. Returning, leaves Kinston Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at 10.00 a. m., arriving Green ville 12 00 noon, Scotland Neck 3.20 p. m , Veldon 620 p. m. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemarle & Raleigh R, R., daily except Sunday, 4 05 p m ; Sunday 3pm; arrive Williamston, N. C, C 30 p m and 4 20 p m ; Ply mouth 7 50 p m, 520pm. Returning, leave Plymouth. N. C, daily except Sunday 6 20 a m, Sunday 9 00 a m, Williamston 7 40 a m, 9 58 a m. Arrive Tarboro, N, C, 10 05 a m and 11 20 a m. ; Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Goldsboro, N. C, daily except Sunday, 7 00 a m ; arrive Smithfield, N.C., 8.30 a m. Returning, leaves Smithfield, N. C. 9 00 a m ; arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 10 30 a m. ' Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3 pm, arrives Nashville 8 40 p m. Spring Hope 4 15 p m. Returning, leaves Spring Hope 10 a m, Nash ville 10 85 a m; arrive Rocky Mount 11 15 a m, daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday,at 6.30 p mand 11 15 a m. Return ing, leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 3 10 pm, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Southbound train on Wilson & Fayetteville Braach is No. 51. Northbound ia No. 50. , Daily except Sunday. i Tram No. 27 South, and 14 North, win stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro arid Magnolia. - Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. JOHN F. DIVINE, Genl Sup't, . J. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON Gen'l Pass'sx Agent, ap 25-tf Cap Fear & Taffin Valley Railway Co. CONDENSED SCHx?DTJIjE. IN EFFECT AUGUST 9. 1891. NORTH BOUND. 1 c a A; M.I Leave Wilmington. ...... Arrive Fayetteville...... Leave Fayetteville...... Leave Saniord... Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro.. Leave Walnut Cove Arrive Mt. Airy Leave Bennettsville. . . . . Leave Max ton Arrive Fayetteville...... Leave Ramseur Arrive Greensboro. ...... Leave Greensboro. Arrive Madison... , Leave Greensboro...... Leave Walnut Gove Arrive Mt Airy......... 10 45 2 28 2 55 4 23 6 55 720 8 50 10.45 12 03 1 00 3 30 A. M. 7 10 05 10 85 12 50 A. M. 10 35 1 20 4 35 k . i . SOUTH BOUND a oi-S o Z cstrt O A. M. Leave Mt. Airy Leave Walnut Cove.. Arrive Greensboro.... Leave Greensboro.. . Leave Sanford. Arrive Fayetteville... Leave Fayetteville. . . Arrive Wilmington... Leave Fayetteville... Leave Maxton.. Arrive Bennettsville. Leave Madison....... Arrive Greensboro... Leave Greensboro..., Arrive Ramseur Leave Mt. Airy. Leave Walnut Cove. . Arrive Greensboro.. . , 6 00 7 52 9 15 10 30 1 00 2 27 2 55 8 20 f PJM 3 CO ft 43 5 40 P. M 2 SO 4 25 5 15 8 10 A. M. . ... i 3 20 6 40 9 80 : EL ETYI.E, Qen,l Passenger Agent. J. W. FBY, f f Genl Manager. aulltf V P J - SEABOARD AIR LINE. Carolina Centrlal B. B. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. I No. 48 No. 23 No. 41 May 10, 1891. Daily ex. Daily ex. Daily ex. Sunday. Saturday. Sunday.!. Leave Wilmington 8.00 a. m. 8 JO p. m. Leave Hamlet..... 11.52 a. m. 2J5 a. m. 7.40 p.m. Leave Monroe.... 2.15 p.m. 5J0 a. m. 8,29 p.m. Arrive Charlotte.. 3.15 p. m. 6.S5 a. m. 10.15 p. m. Leave Charlotte.. 85 p. m. i Leave Lincolnton. 4.43 p. m. Leave Shelby 5.38 p. m. Arrive Rutherf'on 6.50 p. m. t EASTBOUND TRAINS. No. 88 No. 24 No. 38 DaQyexcpt Daily exept Daily ex Snday. bunday. , Sunday, L've Rutherfordt'n 9.00 a. m. Leave Shelby Leave Lincolnton. Arrive Charlotte., Leave Charlotte... Leave Monroe.... Leave Hamlet.. . . . Arrive Wilmington 10.10 a. m. 11.12 a. m. 12.80 p. m. 12.40 p. m. 8i30 n. m. 5.00 a.m. u.io p. m. 4.10 p. m. 8.CJ p. m. 110.05 p. m. 6.52 a. m' X.xX M. to. 7:45 a. m. . AK I 7.40 a. m. Trams Nos. 41 and 88 make 'Close connection at Hamlet for Raleigh and North. Nos. 43 and 88 make close connection at Lincolnton for Hickory and Western North Carolina at Monroe to and from Chester and South. - f Through Sleeping Can between Wilmington and unariotte. j WM. MONCURE. Superintendent - F. W.CLARK, Genl Passenger Agent, myWtf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. . WilMftea, ColumMa & Anpsta R. E.' CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated June 21, 1891. No. 23 No.27 PM PM AM 6 25 10 10 AM 9 35 12 40 10 80 1 20 AM No. 50 No. 68 AM 3 20 65 4 S5 ...... 8 1? No. 52 AM 4 85 t 8 67 8 SO 8 15 10 05 9 49 AM Leave Wilmington Leave Marlon.,,.............:., Arrive Florence,.,.,......,,...,, Leave Florcoce...,..., .......... Arrive Sam ter.. ...... Leave Sumter,....,....,.,,..,., Arrive Columbia. , ............ . See note for additional trains. No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central Railroad. Leaving Lanes 7 45 a m. Manning 8.21 a m. Train on C & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 51 No. 53 No. 59 " PM PM PM Leave Coiumbia.......... 10 45 3 00 6 85 AM Arrive Sumter.. 12 C4 10 07 7 00 AM Leave Snmtci 12 04 7 00 Arrive Florence 1 15 8 15 . No.78 ...... No.H AM PM Leave Florence 4 45 8 10 Leave Marion 5 84 9 S5 Arrive Wilnungton........ ...... 8 60 ...... AM " 13 20 In addition to above, train No. 49 leaves Columbia 7 a. m daily except Sunday, arriving Sumter 8.20. x rain jxo. a leaves sumter ts.so p. m., cany except Sunday, arriving Columbia 10.00 p. m. Daily, t Daily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston. S. C, via Cen tral R. R,, arriving Manning 10 39 p m, Lanes 11 17 p to. Charleston 12 60 a m. No. 59 connects at Florence with C & D. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 73 and 14 make close connection at wuaiiujftoK with W. & W. R. R. R. for all points North. Tram on Florence Railrcaa leaves Fee to iaily, ccept Sunday 40 p ni, arrive Rowland ? p r. Ke axing, leave Rowland 6 SO a m, arrive Pee De fi 50 am. Tram on Manchester & Augusta Railroad leaves Sumter daily, except Sunday, 10 50 a ra, arrive Ri mini 11 59 a m. Returning, leave Rimiui 12 30 p m. ar rive Sumter 1 40 p m. - Trains on Hartsville R. R. leave Hartsville daily except Sunday at 5.10 a; m., arriving Floyds 5.55 a. m. Returning, leave floyds 3.10p.m., arriving 2.50 P- m. JUiLN JT. DiViJNK, uenisup't R. KENLY, Assistant Gen'l Manager, . M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass'ger Agent, je 21 1( T', PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, JULY 12TH, Trains will run as follows, daily (Sunday ex cepted): No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Cheraw, S. C. 10.30 a. m Leave Kollock Station 10.50 a. mr Leave Osborne, N. C. 11.20 a. m Arrive Hamlet, N. C. 11.40 a. m MOVING SOUTH. No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Hamlet, N. C 4.20 p. m leave Usborne, W. U 4.4up. m Leave Kollock Station.... 7 5.10 p. m Arrive Cheraw, S. C 5.30 p. m Close connection made at Hamlet with C. C. R. R. Eaet and West. jy 14 tf . . . WM. MONCURE, Sup't. WILMINGTON SEACOASTR.R. Time Table in Effect. Aug 2nd. LEAVING WILMINGTON Princess street 6.00 a. m., 3.10 and 9.10 p. m. Front street 10.00 a. m and 5.00 and 7.00 p. m. LEAVING OCEAN VIEW 7.30 and 11.10 a. m,, 4.00, 6.00, 8.00 and 1050 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Front street at 10.00 a. m. and 7.00 p. m. Leave Prince. s street at 3.10 p. m. Leave Ocean View at 11.10 a. m. 6 and 10.20 p. m. J. B. ITOIiAR, ' au 2 if General Manager. , Rice Straw and Hay. 250 Bales Straw, 250 " Hay. For sale by . ADRIAN & VOLLERS. 75 Barrelsjand Bags Early Bose Potatoes. 50 Barrels E. R. Potatoes, New. 35 BABBELS ONIONS. For sale by ADRIAN & VOTjLEBS. A Full Line of Groceries at ADRIAN & VOLLERS. feb25tf OLTDE'S MYort&Piin STEAMSHIP COMPANY. New Yorfc tor Wilmington. : PAWNEE................. T A VIT A Saturday, Aug. 8 Wednesday, Aug. 12 .Saturday, - Aug. 15 BENEFACTOR. . Wilmington for New Tork. FAN IT A Tuesday, Aug. 4 BENEFACTOR Saturday, Aug. 8 PAWNEE.. .........Saturday, ; Aug. 15 Wilmington for Georgetown. BENEFACTOR.. ........Tuesday, Aug. 4 PAWNEE.......... .....Tuesday, Aug. 11 t3T Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. ; For freight or passage apply to " " . H. G. SM ALLBONES, Supt., iWilmington, N. C4 1 THEO. G. EGER, T. M., Bowling Green, N; Y. WM. P. CLYDE i CO., General Agents, 5 Bowling.. Green. N. Y. " ' nu 2 ti j H tJ .-. - I ! - 1. 1 Hii 'mmmx - . .. iff l - rij. .V- i - " n -IV- j ' .A - . - . "4-' - -r. - : ? . - . vv r ) '-'.f.y--":.,-f ' " i 7. -4:..; Hi 01 xne ueoi. " - -