' - " ' ? i fi J I !. j ft For Infants and Children. ' fiastoria promotea Digestion, , and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and. feverishnesa. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its deep natural. Castoria - contains no jlorphine or other narcotic property. u Castoria s go well adapted to children that r rpcommend it as superior to any prescription" irlownto me." H. A. Archkr, M. 57. ta 111 South Oxford St., BrooUyiy N. Y. I use Castoria in my practice, add find it .niviallv adapted to affections of children." 1 "P" ' ALKX. EOBKBTSOHi M. D., 1057 2d Are ew'York. , From personal knowledge and observation r ran sav thai uasroria is an exceiieav meuicine for children, acting as a laxative anf -relieving the pent np oowei rtenu up uuwuia ouu gwnw vniciii.'TerT mUCh. uiuuirao wire wu un vj uacj. LnnV pffect uDon their children." . Da. Q. C Osgood, - Lowell, Mass, Ths CsNTAtm Company, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. dec 18 D&Wly nrm OTTERBURN LITHIA and MA6UESIA WATER! ONLY CURES "BRIGilT'S DISt.ASE KUT ALSO DIABETES. " Hannboko, Va., Aprii J, i vt-a: ! have been snfferinrr with a fnnn Kin nMn. r.-.y physician (Dr. j. A. Hillraan .. v. as T:i.K-tss, aud advrsed the ?r.i Otter- .U.!a nail Magnesia. "Water. "i"it tjnniity of w- greatly in exess u! the saiura! se- . . r.d I ItSt forty pounds of flesh 4 fe i-. The use of tae Otterbuurn "Water ci-rrccted - -.sife Sow entirety in sis weeks, and 1 am .J raary tcrdicioes without avail, and 1 attribute ... i - o: this troublesome and dangerous disease eo r v the nsr c-f the Owerlmris'Wairt. R. N. EL'ANTON. . i often ask will it keep Amsua Countv, Va., Feb. 24, 1888. ierrby certify tust two years ago I obtained scaie '.it Water of tit GlterHuro Lhbia and Magnesia ii for my wife, in a demijohn, and 'recently i 't moving -to ancthei home, I foncd that some J f :hc Water had been left iu the demijohn. f poured it ":.r una drank some of it, a-jJ found it to be as pare nice s when first takec ftnia tfct Spring. G. E. CRADDOCK IT CURES RHEUMATIC GOUT. 1. K. jKrrBssoK, of Johnstown, -South Carolina :ie as follow of n - . Aiady here has been entirely relieved of 5 severe --.i.-k of Rheumatic Gout. She fcnml such i:. .-'ictliaie relief she did net raise any medicine or any tar: -ernedy at all and while on line sixth bottle sta that ?ae fcid bees entirely relieved and needed no r .-. v.'-irer, her gescral healtb being also greatly im i,. u. E. E. JEFFERSON.' Kichmorh. Va., April 8, 183? 1 br. ve teen suSering fear yers with a complicatiot. ! 1 iver.Had Kidsey troabte. suffering great pain in ic.ou of tbe kidneys, sjid having ray attention to the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Water 1 i ,n,rKK to use it, and never experienced sucfc re- f fOiTi aaything. The very first half-gallon ia--r-jsto tat flow of urine and leered it no. My appe-ii:-. ,-zs biren restored, and I fsel that X cannot corn a.trd tie Water too highly. R. F. WALKJtR. . Makmboko. Va., March 17, 13SS. " nt!: i comnjecced the nscd ot the Otterburn Lithia .. ! : ! ;ucia Water, en the iSth o January last, I v. '. at- taiib :u any rnisexul wster. I had been sniTer r r-r over three years with a disease that was pro . "::cid.ty a pioaocDCed by a proniinest physician of V'- Hjr.or.d lc be an affection of the .Kidneys, after ilag a scientific test. " ', :l.z T.iy nsed the Water one week when I was en . rer.e.-ed pf pain, wluth before had been constant iJ umes acute, and I have gained nineteen pounds with a restoration of strength and energy. I . : .-t the Warer a fair test, using no other water and ru . : Medicine. tl. (GREGORY. Am ki-ia C. K . Va.. December 15. 18S8. : havr teen & dyspeptic !or ice past n i teen years . 1 r. 1 :. 5. 1 a ITrS. . -t: a ziy i:;uc auncicu ...ry ' rgaiis, evidenced ; --c ; - e. About six months asro .i: -. t the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Spring3 a:;d since taat time there has been marked and : -'Vi: improvement in rey entire condition and state i: '.i.'c'j. My digestion is better than it has been fat r s' vears. and the urinary trottble is entirely re ;i.ytd. nnd lias been for the past two months. J. A. WALLACE, : Cishici PUnters' Bank of Amelia. - r7' 11MS- LITHIA SPRIHBS CO. a. IS. liKLLAITIX, Aeent, O L-a Wtf WilmnKton. N. C. industrial Mannfacturing Company WiifdllTQTOlJ, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF TINNED WOODEN BUTTER DISHES SIAMOND BASKETS, Berry Baskets, Fruit and Vegetable Orates, CANDY BOXES, A Orange Boxes, ; &c.r &c. v SNEERS CUT TO ORDER FROM SWEET "UM, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, OAK. ASH". BIRCH, WALNUT,' &c TUis Company has an Established Rcpataiiou foi ' Quality of its Work. '- ': - - - ; " f , : . Can Compete in Prices with any . similar Establish ' ' -. i-- ' . n the United States. Driers for Car Load Lots filled on short notice. Samples and Prices on application. factory on Cape Fea River, corner Queen and streets. Address Industrial Manufacturing Co. WILMING'lfeN N. C. u2 U&W tt , " ' Bargains N CIGARS AND "TOBACCO. Two good Combination SAFES for sale cheap. SAMUEL BEAR, SM 12 Market Street. te 7 tf SPIRITS TURPENTINE wfaoMwas struck e thshKid-Ku.u ' and haaTieverfceea rirtti; ; . itnnrS ;TJ After slowly dcdminjjiniitthi'ldryiSar or' more, Mr. Joseph Crahtmietl at the residence of his nephewn niece; Mr 1 ?" V.Twirs aamora.-iast 'Monday. Hewas more than 70 years old,' ., Durham Sun: On Sunday after noon, HenryM Tittle son' of tMr. Louis -Blount, was Very- severely bitten by a horse. He was in the yard -with the horse. His screams attrartwi-att Ant and-it was fonndtharthe; aafinal 'had taken thelittle fellow's left arm, nearly up to the elbow, into its mouth and in flicted a painful flesh wound J Renoir Topic?, A daily mail route has been established between Lin- TlrClr7 and BlowingKRock. Mr. o. W. Hamilton is now busily eneaeed canning peaches, ton?atoes, etc. Mr. Hamilton's canned fruits comparefavor ably both in price aud quality with the Northern goods and we are glad to state that he is-meetingwith success. ' Winston Sentinel: ! Parties from Davie to-day informs hs ihat a terrific hail stormn passed through s that county two miles east of Mdcksyille- Saturday afternoon. Corn, tobacco and other crops were completely; demolished along its line of march. Messrs. A. A. Miller, Elijah Martin and a number of other tarmers are heavy losers by the storm. - Raleigh Visitor : .Cit. Kirk land who was shot at Hamlet last Fri day is getting on very well and hopes are entertained that he will soon be able to resume his route. 4-The rush for the direct taxs, although not quite as large at the beginning, still : continues. -ri .. .. i nere is every prospect tnat 1 the entire appropriation will be called for within tne prescriDea time -7 1 he oyster troubles in the eastern section ot the State are still unsettled, j It is now de sired to dredge up on lands that have been laid before the Governor. It will no doubt be a matter for;the courts. Raleigh Newi and ; Observer : The Supreme Court meets on Monday, the 28th of September, and appli cants for license will be examined on Friday and. Saturday,!the 25th and 26th. Some years ago it was proposed to raise, as a memorial to the Rt. Rev. Thomas Atkinson, late Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina, an endow ment fund of $2,500 to support a child's cot in St. John's Hospital, Raleigh. This work has been carried on chiefly by the Messengers of f Hope, a volunteer organization of children, who have raised $2,100 by their; faithful efforts. Elizabeth Economist and Falcon: Joshua Bowe, a colored preach er and local Republican politician, who once "only wanted a: chance to reply to Senator Ransom to let him ; know who he was," was - arrested qn Thursday for cursing and creating a disturbance on the street and madepto: pay $9 for fine and costs. . A r; passenger on the steamer Neuse, Wednesday, evening, while settling his farie, had several bills of money blown out of '. his hand by a sudden gust of winds, and one of them, a $20 dollar bill, was blown overboard. Capt. Davis stopped the steamer and endeavored to recoyar j the money, but was unable to do so. . f : Carthage Bladei; The jail was pretty well filled by the opening of c6urt yesterday morning, there being twelve prisoners behind the; bars. Gilbert Dunlap, colored, was landed in jail here Friday night, , to await , the result of a wound inflicted on; the head of Bob Hoover, white, while road working be tween here and Currjesville on that day. It seems that Hoover was drinking and provoked a difficulty with Dunlap, who struck him over thjep head with an axe. Hoovers head was split open and the brain exposed.. The doctors say he will certainly die. 1 Last night at about 10.30 o'clock Mr. L W.j Ritter retired 'as usual, and was tfast asleep in a few minute. In about 20;or 25 minutes Mrs. Ritter noticed thatjfhjs breathing was labored and 'attempld I to wake him. Heart trouble is thought to be the cause of his death, - Mr. Ritter was 62 years of ae. I : j Asheville Mountain Journal: An attempt at highway robbery was make on the person of Julius C Martin about 11 o'clock Saturday night, on Haywood street, while on his;way home. He had just started to cross the street when suddenly he was accosted by two men. one of whom had bn a false mustache. .The other man pointed a pistol at his breast and exclainted, ! "Your money or your life; if you nont turnover your cash I will blow ydur brains out." Mr. Martin called for help and at the same time ran inta Squire jSummey's house, although the would-be robbers fired two or three shots afterHhim, none, fortunate ly, hitting him. The men alarmed by the noise of firing took; to their heels and made erood their lescape. Mr. Mar tin savs that on account of the darkness he was unable to see the faces of his as sailants: but think thev are white men. Ernest Chunn and Robert Owen, Jr. were arrested bv nolicemen Palmer and Leonard. They confessed that .they had assailed Lawver Martin, but stated they were drunk at the'time. POLITICAL POINTS. Arthur T. Biffffs. the colored Republican candidate for the Legisla ture in Hamilton! county, Ohio, says that the colored vtelwill decide things in Ohio and that the j Republican ticket will he elected with! several tnousana vntpa tn snare. MaiJMcKinley isn't al lowine these assurances to betray him " ... t-- however. Wash. into restiui merut, Star,Ind. . j - Thp pnemies lot Cleveland are anxious to run him for Governor in this State, as a test off his capacity to make another Presidential race, vv eii, n David B. Hill can be; elected Governor again in this Statl, he can secure a lien upon the ' Lfemocrauu :uuui- -vZ-citont Whv bot invite David to iiminarv score? iv. Y. Advertiser, V, i 1 - Dem. 1 1 d. B. Hill is a shrewd politi -icn and a man of many excellent traits, His great mistake! has been in putting in nrt Presidential nomination. Had he been as smart as he should have hen he would have waited for the ,Tf 1806. His policy has ndeTalrnosi impossible for him . ever to reach the White House. But if Gov. iTXS stand it. we. reckon the country - - . - can Richmond Mate, uem. TWINKLINGS. "And. did you enjoy my home letters while you were at the shore, darling ?" asked the somewhat elderly husband of his young wife after her re turn from a visit to the seaside. "I used to go to sleep over I mean on very one of them, ducky. Phila delphia Times. " ' Culinary ItemsShe What shall I cook for dinner ? You know the cook has left and I'll have to do the cooking myself. ; - : - He Well, just cook me some dish that I don't like, something that "I wouldn't eat anyhow, even if it was properly cooked. Texas Sif tints. Sunday School Teacher Pharaoh promised Joseph's brethren they should have the fat of the land: What is it to possess the fat of the land ? New Boy (front Ohio)- To be a mem ber of the Standard Oil Company, I reckon. Chicago Tribune. ' Anxious Mother What in. the world did you do during that terrible thunderstorm? Little Dick I got under a tree. "Horrors! . Don't you know a tree is a most dangerous place in a thunder storm?" . "Oh, I jumped out every time it thun dered." Good News. "What is that organist plav- ing? asked De Ki que, as he went into, w 4 cnurcn. . . " It's a selection from Handel." .TT . . nump; tney ought to put a sign on the organ." "What kind of a sign ?" "'Handle with vat.: "Washington star. Mrs. Editor John, I want to ask you Mr.' editor (testily) O, you ask too many questions altogether. What do you want now ? "I wanted to ask you what the title of your last article in the Boom. Magazine was. Mrs. Brown read it and said it was perfect ?" "That article ? O, it was 'Don't be 1 afraid to ask questions." Yankee Blade. Genius lrritabile First Bard Seen my sonnets in the Pacific Week ly? . second Bard Yes. First Bard Like them? 'Second . Bard Well a candidly- I First Bard O, if it comes to that I always hated vour beastly ballads and rondels and rot in the Erechtheum, but I had the decency not to tell you so. Punch. Now Try Tiki. It will costvou nothing and willsurelv do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid-back, bunerers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use bad - a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at ou J expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles, free at Kobbert K. Bellamy's Drug Store. Large size 50c and S1.00. r BFABXLmO CATAWBA. PPBXNOS. Health seekers should goto bpark- ling Catawba Springs. Beautifully located, in Catawba county, 1,000 feet above sea-level, at the foot of the Blue Ridge mountains. Scenery magnificent. Waters possess medicinal properties ot the highest order. Board only $30.00 per month. Read advertisement in the paper, and write Dr. E. O. Elliott & Son, proprietors, for descriptive pam phlets, Bucekln's Arnica Salve. The best halve in the world lor Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt- Rheum Fever, Sores, Tetters, Chapped Hands Chilblains.Corns. and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Ptles or no pay is 1 T. ' . 1 ' I . required, it. is guaranteed t.o givcpeneci satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 5 eents per box. For sale by Robert R. Bellamy, Wholesale and Retail Drug gists. - i Read advertisement ot Otterburn Lithia Water in this paper! Unequaled for. Dyspepsia and all diseases of kid ney and bladder. Price within reach of ill. Standard SUGARS, IN -TINS AND TTJEBCES. II WHOLESALE GROCER. ao 20 tf 216 North Water Street T 4 in h-.,!wvrB reward for any case of lAror Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, InlKCtior Con. sanation or Costiveness wo cannot cnr with Wort Z mil when the directions are strictly conVpUed with.. They are purely Vegetable, and never ftoSVe satisfaction. Bu gar Coated, iaboxefc containing PU1, cents. Beware of counterteita Sdlmitotion.. The Bentdnemannfactmred only TBf! JOHK C. WIST COMPAH X , tniUAUu, lu. Sold by ROBERT R. BELLAMY, xt it n., Vrrmt and Market streeta. i nw 1-' - Wilmington, N. C Stop at Hotel Nicholson, Wasningtori, w - ,.,irie'n i the HFART OF THE BUSI- O ness part of the town, and convenient for Com mercial men. Brick building three tomrhigb ,, fif y i:..u.. wrnc bells. First class in Airr cPirKnER. Manaeei. feb2K Mel Classical ani Military Academy. I?5 HAT.lf SESSION. PKBfAK.r.3 rya ; . it...;m nf Virginia and West ti:- - r.taiwn? aanress saui. . , rwm. T Bethel Academy, ya. au61m Pure Lard HICKS SUPBEME H STJPEHIOB COUBTS OFNOBTHCABOLmA 1891. JUDGES. DISTRICT. NAME. v residence; Beaufort. - Newbern, , Wilson.' Wake. -Granville. Sampson. . ' Carthage, IredelL Surry.; Morganton.: Lincolnton.' Buncombe. - Geo. H. Brown, ; 1 Henry R. Bryan, . H. G. Connorl v : 3 Spier Whitaker, 4 K. W. Winston. 6 E. T. Bovkin. ff J. D. Mclver, 7 R. F. Ar m field. .8 Jesse F. Graves, -" 9 John Gray Bynum, 10 W. A. Hoke.- 11 J. H. Merrimon. ' 12 SOLICITORS.. ' DISTRICT. RESIDENC NAME. John H. Blount, 1 Perquiman Halifax. . Durham. -Duplin. . Richmond. Iredell. Rockingham. Caldweld. Mecklenb'rg. Macon. GrH. White (col), 2 J.E. Woodard, 8 -E. W. Pou, Jr., 4 Isaac R. Strayhorn, 5 X). H. Allen, r 6 Frank McNeiU, 7 B. F.Long, 8 Thomas Settle, 9 W.C. Newland, 10 Frank L. Osborn, 11 Geo. A. Jones, 12 Time of Holding Court. First Judicial District. - --judge Bryan. Fall Judge Brown. Springs Beaufort IFeb. 16th, May 25th,-Nov. 30th. -; . Currituck March 2d, Sept. 7th. Camden March 10th, Sept. 24th. . Pasquotank March 16th, Sept. 21st. Perquimans March 25th, Sept. 28th. Chowan March 30th, Oct. 5th. Gates April 6th, Oct. 12th. Hertford April 13th, Oct. 19th. Washington April 20th, Oct. 26th. Tyrrell April 27th, Nov. 2d. Dare May 4th, Nov. 9th. Hyde May 11th, Nov. 16th. ' Pamlico May 18th, Nov. 23d. Second Judicial District. Spring Judge Connor. ran udge Bryan. Halifax tMarch 2d, May 12th, INov. 16th. Northampton IJan. 19th, March 30th, Oct. 5th. Bertie Feb. 2d, April 27th. Nov. 2d. Craven tFeb. 9th. May 25th, Nov. 30th. Warren March 16th, Sept. 21st. Edgecombe April 13th, Oct. 19th. Third Tudical District. Spring Judge Whitaker. fail lunge onnor, Pitt Jam. 5th, March 16th, tjune 8th, Sept. 21st. Franklin Jan. 11th, April 18th, Nov. 6th. Wilson tFeb. 2d, June lsvNoy. 2d. Vance Feb. 16th, May 18th, Oct. 19th. martin March 2d, Sept. 7th,Dec7th. Nash April 27th. Nov. 23d. Fourth Judicial District. Spring Judge Winston. f all judge wnitaicei. Wake Jan. 5th. tFeb. 28th. March 28th, tApril 21st, July 9th, tAug. 27th, tSept. 28th, tOct. 26th. Wavne Jan. 19th. march 10th, Apnl 13th. Sept. 14th. Oct. 19th. Harnett Feb. 2d, Aug. lutn, ov. 30th. Johnston Feb. 9th, Aug. 17th, Nov. 16th. Fifth Judicial District. Spring Judge Boykid. rail Judge winsion. Durham Jan. 12th, March 23d, June 1st, Oct. 19th. Granville Jan. 26th, April 20th, July 27th, Nov. 30th. Chatham Feb. 9th, May 4th, Oct, 5th. Guilford Feb. 16th, May 25th, Aug. 31st. Dec 14th. Alamance March 2d, May 18th, Nov. 2d. Orange March 16th, Aug. 10th Nov. 9th. Caswell April 6th, Aug. 17th, Nov. 16th. Person April 13th, Aug. 24th, Nov, 23d. Sixth Judicial District. Spring Judge Mclver. ran judge DoyKin Pender March 9th, Sept. 14th. New Hanover tjan. 19th, tApril 18th, tSept. 28th. Lenoir feb. ad, Aug. jin, ov. ioui. Duplin Feb. 9th, Aug,3d, Nov. 30th. Sampson tFeb. 23d, April 27th, Oct, 12th, Dec. 14th. Carteret March 16th, Oct. aetn. Jones March 23d, Nov. 2d. Onslow March 80th. Nov. 9th Greene March 80th. Oct, 5th. Seventh Judicial District. Spring Judde Armfield. ' fail JUdge Mcxvcr. Columbus Jan. 12th, March, 80th, Aug. 3d. Anson 'Jan. otn, TAprn in, -ocpu 7th. tNov. 30th. Cumberland Jan. 19th, tMay 4th, July 27th, tNov. 16th. Robeson Jan. aotn, "May toui, vjcu 5th. Richmond Feb. 9th, June 1st, bept. 21st, Dec 7th. Bladen March 16th, Oct, aotn. Brunswick April 16th, Sept. 14th. Moore March 2d, August 11th, Nov. 2d. Eighth Judicial Districts Srping judge Graves. Fall Iudge Armfield. Cabarrus JJ an. 26th, April 27t6 Nov. 2d. Iredell Feb. 2d, May 18th, Aug. 10th, Nov. 9th. i Rowan Feb. 16th, May 4th. Aug. 24th, Nov. 23d. Davidson March 2d, bept. 7tn, Tuec 7th. Randolph March 16th, bept. 2ist. . Montgomery March 80th, Oct. 5th. Stanly-April 6th. Oct. 19th. Ninth Judicial District. Spring Judge Bynum. .j ran juagc vriavca, Rockingham Jan. 19th, July 27th- Nov. 9th. Forsvth Feb. " 2d. May 18th, OcU1 6th. , . Yadkin Feb. 10th, Sept. 28tlu " Wilkes March 2d, Sept. 14th. Alleghany March 16th, Sept. 7tb. Davie March 80th, Oct. 12th. Stokes April ISth, August 10th, Nov. 16th. . ' Surry April 20th, Aug. 24th, Nov. 23d. - -i- ' ' 4 Tenth Judicicial Dtsirict. . Spring Judge Hoke. v-... - Fall -Judge Bynum. Henderson Feb. 9th, July 20th. Burke March 2d, Aug. 10th. Caldwell March 16th, Sept. 7th. Ashe March 23d, May 25th, Aug. 24th. - Watauga- April 16th, Aug. 81st. : Mitchell April 13th, Sept. 14th. Yancey April 27th, Sept ,28th,- " McDowell Mav 11th, Oct, 12th. .-' .Eleventh Judicial District. . - " Spring Judge Merrimon. " j K ? M i Fall Judge Hoke. Catawba Jan. 12th, July 20tfi. i; - " Alexander Jan. 26th,Aug. 3d.- 1 1 v. Union Feb.' 9th, tFeb. . 16th, i Sept. 21st, tSept, 28th. :: : -- -Mecklenburg tFeb. 23d, Aug. 31st, ' Gaston March 11th, Oct 12th. . Lincoln-March SOtb, Oct. 5th. Cleveland April 6th, Aug. 10th, Oct, 27th. :: ;' Rutherford April 20th, Nov. 2d. : Polk May 4th, Nov. 16th. ; Twelfthjudicial District. " Spring JudgeBrown. f ; . Fall Judge Merrimon. - Madison-Feb.23d, Aug; 8d,tJIov.28d. : Buncombe-tMarch 10th , tAug. 17th, tDec. 7th. . ' .' Transylvania March 30th, Sept. 7th. Haywood April 6th, Sept, 14th. iackson April 12th, Sept. 28tb. . facon May 4th, Oct. 5th. I Clay May 11th, Oct.v12th. '.' Cherokee May 18th, Oct. 19th. Graham June 1st, Nov., 2d. i. Swain June 8th, Nov. 9th. , - For criminal cases J, " t For civil cases alone. A ' X For civil cases alone except jail cases. Criminal Circuit Courts. New Hanover County. Oliver P.Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Beni. R. Moore, Wilmington, Solicitor. urt begins Ian. 5th, March lBti., MaV 18th, July 20th, Sept. 21st, Nov. 23d. Mecklenburg County. Oliver P. Meares, Judge. ' Geo E. Wilson, Charlotte, Solicitor. bit begins FebX 9th, April 13th, Aug.17th, Ort. 12th, Dec 7th. ' Buncombe County. y Chas.A;. Moore, Asheville, Judge. E. D. Carter, Asheville, Solicitor. . Court begins Jan. 26, April 27th, July 27th, Nov. 2d. : Supreme Court meets first Monday in February. Examinations on Friday and Saturday before. First District, Feb. 2d; Second District, Feb. 9th; Third District, Feb. 16th; Fourth Distriet, Feb. 25th; Fifth District, March 2d; Sixth District, March 10th; Seventh District, March 16th; Eighth District, March 23d; Ninth District, March 30th; Tenth Distriet, April 6th, Eleventh District, April 18th. Twelfth District, April 20th. Last Monday in September. Exami nations Friday and Saturday before First District, Sept. 28th; Second Dis trict, Oct. 5th; Third District, Oct. 12th; Fourth District, Oct, 19th; Fifth Dis trict, Oct. 26th; Sixth District, Nov. 2d; Seventh District, Nov. 9th; Eighth Dis trict, Nov. 16th; Ninth District, Nov. 23d; Tenth District, Nov. 30th; Eleventh District.Dec 7th. !Twelfth District Dec 14th, Health is Wealth I Dr. E. C. Wbst s Nkrvk and Brain Thkatmknt, a raaranteed soecihe for Hysteria. Dizziness. Uon- vnlsions. Fits, Nervous Neuralgia. Headache, Ner vous Prostration caused by the u$e oft cohol or to bacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting m insanity and leading to nusery, decay and death. Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses ano S Derma toJrhcea caused by over-exertion of' the brain self-abase or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. tl.OOa box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. ; WK GUARANTEE. SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received try ns for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00. we will send the pare baser oar written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar antees issued only by ROBERT R. BELLAMY. Druggist. Sole Art, N. W. Cor. Front and Market Sts, feblD&Wlv Wilmington, N. C. JAPANESt E CURE A guaranteed Core for Piles of whatever kind or degree External, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Eecent or Hereditary- L00 a box; 6 boxes, 18.00. Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. "We guar antee to cure any case of Plies, Guaranteed r sold only by i . . H. HARDIN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, New Market, Wilmington, N. C. 1 (feb 1 tf Banls of New Hanover. Authorized Capital Cash Capital paid in Surplus Fund $1,000,000 300,000 200,000 DIRECTORS: W. I. GORE, CLAYTON ;GTLS. ISAAC BATES. JAMES A. LEAR1 F. RHE1NSTEIN1 O. W. WILLIAMS. DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLERS, J. W. ATKINSON E. B. BORDEN. ISAAC BATES..... ...Prbsidsmt Gi W. WILLIAMS ...Vic Pmstowit WM. L. SMITH....... Cashim ATKINSON & MANNING, AGENT North - Carolina Home Ins. Co ITTE OFFER TO THOSE WANTING j INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE ran fa this Old and Reliable Home Institution, AU losses promptly paid. W. S. PRIMROSE, President. CHARLES ROOT, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER.SecretT' STOP AT THE BURNS HOUSE, WADESBOEO, W. C, JOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE BUSI ness'part of the Town, and convenient fos Commer dal Men. Table Board the best the market affords. Omnibn meets all Trains. - . nov27t MRS. I. B. BURNS. I A"rl ' ATLANTIC COAST LINE. f iMMoB & Weldon R. R. ui Branches Condensed sciiebcji.e. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . v No. 27 No. Dated April 26,1891. w?'Fast Mail Daily ex - . Daily. ' Daily. Sunday. FM PM AM .Leave Weldon..... U SO 5 43 6 20 Arr. Rocky Mount........ j 40 7 24 Arrive Tarboro... $.17 ., AM Leave Tarboro........... 10 35 ,. ......... PM Arrive Wilson..... ........ 2 IS - 7 00" 7 53 Leave Wilson....s.. 2 80 Arrive Selma 3 80 Arrive Fayetteville 5 30 Leave Goldsboro.. 3 15 7 40 8 40 Leave Warsaw... 4 14 9 34 Leave Magnolia 4 27 8 40 9 49 Arrive Wilmington... 8 00 9 55 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. 1 No.14 No.78 fe" Daily. Daily. Sunday. ' AM AM PM Leave Wilmington 12 35 9 15 4 25 Leave Magnolia 10 57 "6 10 Leave Warsaw..... 1111 6 25 Arrive Goldsboro.... 3 05 13 05 7 30 Leave Fayetteville., t 9 10 Arrive Selma... 1108 ........ Arrive Wilson.. ..... ...... ...... f 12 10. . AM PM PM Leave Wilson....... 3 33 12 58 8 23 Arr. Rocky Mount... . 1 30 8 53 Arrive Tarboro 2 17 AM Leave Tarboro.. ...... 10 35 PM Arrive Weldon........... 6 05 2 55 10 00 Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Wel- gm. ZTolSfa. 9 OO C .1 I XT 1. 4 15 p nr, Greenville 6 02 p m, Kinston 7 10 p m. Re- & ; 1 vl . rr ru ii .11 n . n tunuug, icavc ins luii t w a in, ureeaviuc o.iu a zu. Arriving Halifax at 11 00 a m. Weldon 11.35 a ra. dailv except aunoay. . local treight train leaves weldon Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays, at 7.00 a. m.. arrivine Scotland Neck 10.03 a. m., Greenville 2.10 p. m., Kinston 4.5 p. m. Keturning. leaves Kinston 1 uesdavs.. I hurs- days and Saturdays at 10.00 a. m., arrivine Green ville w.oo noon, Scotland Meek B.ao p. m., Weldon 6 20 n. m. 1 rain leaves 1 arboro, N.C., via Albemarle & Raleigh R. R.. daily except Sundav. 4 05 o m : Sunday 3 d m ; amvc niuiamsas, m. i.t ooupm ana jajpm; jriy mouth 7 50 p m, 5 20 p m. Returning, leave Plymouth. i,r:ir . f . . . .n t.. jn. M., daily except &unoay osuam, Sunday v ou a m, Williamston 740 am, 958am. Arrive Tarboro, N. luus im ana 11 su a m. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Goldsboro. N. C, daily except Sunday,, 7 00 a m ; arrive Smithfield, jn . u., a.&J a m. returning, leaves amitnneia, in . 9 00 a m : arrive Goldsboro. N. C. 10 30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 3 pm, arrives Nashville 3 40 p m. Spring Hope 4 15 n m. Returning, leaves Sorinc Hone 10 a m. Nash. ville 10 85 a m; arrive Rocky Mount 11 15 a m, daily except Sunday. . Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily except sonaay,at d.i p m ana i tao a m. return ing, leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 3 10 p m, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40. 23 and 78. Southbound train on Wilson & Fayetteville Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. -Daily except aunaay. Train No. 27 South, and 14 North, will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. AH rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. JOHN F. DIVINE, Geo'l Sap't. J xv ui duu . A icuiajJUi utuuu T. M. EMERSON GenaPass'ijr Agent, ap 25-ti Cape Fear & TaOm Valley Railway Co. CONDEPTSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT AUGUST 9, 1891. NORTitjtJND. -a as n Q A. M. Leave Wilmington Arrive Fayetteville... Leave- Fayetteville. . . Leave Sanford Arrive Greensboro... Leave Greensboro.... Leave Walnut Cove. . Arrive Mt. Airy..... Leave Bennettsville. . Leave Max ton.. Arrive Fayetteville... Leave Ramseur Arrive Greensboro.... Leave Greensboro.... Arrive Madison Leave Greensboro... Leave Walnut Gove. , Arrive Mt. Airy 10 45 2 28 2 55 4 23 6 55 7 20 8 50 10.4? P. M 12 03 1 00 A. M 7 25 10-05 10 35 12 50 A. M. 10 35 1 20 4 35 SOUTH BOUND. 2 5j2 H "TJ W Q f wj H r3 os?g o'ig org ; J5"3w 2'3w -S'Sm z'Sin Q Q aQ Q A. M. Leave Mt. Airy 6 00 Leave Walnut Cove 7 52 Arrive Greensboro 9 15 Leave Greensboro 10 30 Leave. Sanford.... 1 00 Arrive Fayetteville....... 2 27 Leave Fayetteville 2 55 Arrive Wilmington. . ..... 6 20 P. TO. Leave Fayetteville 3 00 Leave Maxton........... 4 43 Arrive Bennettsville 5 40 P. M. Leave Madison 2 30 Arrive Greensboro 4 25 Leave Greensboro.... ...... 5 15 Arrive Ramseur.... 8 10 A. M. Leave Mt. Airy . 3 20 Leave Walnut Cove 6 40 Arrive Greensboro 9 80 W. E. KYLE," Gen'l Passenger Agent. J. W. FEY, Gten'l Manager. au 11 tf ' ' SEABOARD AIR LINE. Carolina Central R. R. CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 43 No. 23 No. 41 May 10, 1891. Daily ex. Daily ex. Daily ex. Sunday. Saturday. Sunday.;- Leave Wilmington 8.00 a. m. 8.00 p. m. Leave Hamlet..... 11.52 a. m. 2.15 a. m. 7.40 p.m. Leave Monroe.... 2.15 p.m. 5.10 a.m. 8,29p.m. Arrive Charlotte. . 8.15 p. m. 6.35 a. m. 10.15 p. m. Leave Charlotte.. 8.25 p. m. Leave Lincolnton. 4.43 p. m. Leave Shelby..... 5.38 p. m. Arrive Rntherf on 6.50 p. m. EASTBOUND TRAINS. ! No. 86 No. 24 No. 88 Daily exept Dailyexcpt Daily ex. Sunday. Sunday. Suday. L've Rntherfordt'n 9.00 a.m. Leave Shelby...., 10.10 a, m. Leave Lincolnton. 11.12 a. m. Arrive Charlotte.. 12.80 p. m. Leave Chariotte... 12.40 p. m. 8.30 p. m. 5.00 a. m. Leave Monroe.... 2.15 p. m. 10.05 p. m. 6.52 a. m- Leave Hamlet..... 4.10 p. m. 1.45 a.m. 7.40a.m. Arrive Wilmington 8.00 p. m. 7.45 a. m. ram Tsicm. 41 and 88 make close connection at tlt t D lA Mnrtli Mm and SKI make close connection at Lincolnton for Hickory ana wesceni nana vuvuna ai nwuw w wu. Chester and South. . . Through Sleeping Can between warnlngton and unartone. WM. MONCURE, Superintendent F. W. CLARK, Genl Passenger Agent, my 12 tf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Wilmiiirioii, Colniliia '& Anpsta R.- ' CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated June 21, 1891. No.23No.27 PM PM . Leave Wilrniogton..,. , 6 25 10 10 - AM Leave Marion 9 35 12 40 Arrive Florence... ,.... 1030 1 20 AM , - No.se . AM Leave Florence. ; 3 20 ...... . Arrive Snmter..', 4 35 ...... No. 52 AM Leave Sumter 4 35 t 8 57 Arrive Columbia , 6 15 10 05 . AM AM N0.6S 6 55" 8 1? 8 20 9 45 See note for additional trains. No. 53 runs thrcatrh from Charleston via Central Railroad. Leaving Lanes 7 45 a m. Manning 8 21 a m. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 8. . TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 51 No. 53 No. 59 . PM PM PM Leave Colombia 10 45 00 5 35 A M Arrive Sumtfr..,.... 12 04 10 07 7 00 """ . . . AM Leave Snmter 12 04 7 00 Arrive Florence 1 15 8 15 No.78 ...... No.l-" AM P M Leave Florence 4 45 ..... . 8 1 0 Leave Marion. 5 84 ..... 9 35 Arrive Wilmington, 855 ...... AM 13 20 In addition to above, train No. 49 leaves Columbia 7 a. m dady except Sunday, arriving Sumter1 8.20. i ram lo. its leaves bumter o.do p. m., daily except Sunday, arriving Columbia 10 00 p. m. jjauy. t uaily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston. S. C. via Cen tral R. R., arriving Manning 10 39 p m. Lanes 11 17 p m. V.barlesten lis SO a m. No. 59 connects at Florence with C. & R. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at WilreicgftKi with W. & W. R. R. R. for all points North. Train on Florence Railroad leaves Per. ! dM!y, except Sunday 4 40 p ro, arrive Rowland 7 f rf.. P turnmg, leave Rowland 6 30 a in, arrive Pee "Die .4 5u am. f rain on Manchester & Av.eusta Uailruad leave. Samter daily, except Sunday, 10 50 am, arrive Ki mini 11 59 a m. .Returning, leave Kimini 1-" 10 p nr.. ar rive Sumter'l 40 p m. Trains on Hartsville K. R. leave Hartsville daily except Sunday a. 5.10 a, m., arriving Iloyds 5.55 a. m. Returning, leave rloyds S.lU p. m., arriving a.oU p. m. JUiiJN r. uiviwis., lien isup't J. R. KENLY, Assistant Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Gen'l Pass'ger Agent, je 21 tl PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, JULY 12TH, Trains will run as follows, daily (Sunday ex cepted) : No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. ' Leave Cheraw, S. C... 10.30 a. m Leave Kollock Station'. 10.50 a. ra . Leave Osborne, N. C...... 11.20 a. m Arrive Hamlet, N. C 11.40 a. m MOVING SOUTH. No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Hamlet, N. C , 450 p. m Leave Osborne, N. C 4.40 p. m Leave Kollock; Station . . . , 5.10 p. m 'Arrive Cheraw, S. C 5.30 p. m Close connection made at Hamlet 'with C. C. R. R. Eaet and West. jyl4tf WM. MONCURE. Sup't. WILMINGTON SEAC0AST R. R. Time Table in Effect Aug 2nd. LEAVING WILMINGTON Princess street C.00 a. m., 3.10 and 9.10 p. m. Front street 10.00 a. m and 5.00 and 7.C0 p. ni. -LEAVING OCEAN VIEW 7.30 and 11.10 a. m., 4.00, G OO, 8.00 and 10.20 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Front street at 10.00 a. m. and 7.00 p. m. Leave Pricce.s street at 3.10 p. m. Leave Ocean View at 11.10 a. m. 6 and 1050 p. m. J. U. NOLAU, au 2 tf General Manager. W. 0. & E. C. Railroad. In Effect Monday, June 22d, 1891. Leave Wilmington daily for Jacksonville and inter mediate stations at 4 p. m. . Tuesday and Friday additional train-leaves Wil mington for Jacksonville and intermediate -stations at 8.30 a. m., making direct connection with steamer for far Landing. , . Sunday train leaves Wilmington for Jacksonville at 5 p. m. V ' . Trains arrive daily at 8.30 a. m., and on Tuesday and Friday at 7.2) p. m., and Saturday 9.50 p. ra. ad ditional. J. W. MARTENIS, Gen'l Passeuger Agent. H. A. WHITING, , General Manager. au 20 tf ID O'Coxuior , REAL ESTATE AGENT. Wilmington, North. Carolina. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT an)) SOLD v.. Loans Negotiated on City Pfvperty. Stores, Dwellings, Offices and Halls for Rent. Rents collected. Taxes and Insurance promptly attended to. Houses and Lots for sale on the monthly instalmen plan - - jylrf Mattresses. FOR SALE. Manufacturer & Rknovater of Mattresses. Also MOSQUITO NETS. au!2tf . Cedar Grove Eestairrant THE ABoVe RESORT, LOCATED ON Greenville Sound, is now open for the accommodation of the public. Pilfisl), Clams. Oysters, (Ms, &c. always on hand, and prepared in any style. ICE COLD BEER. NO LODGING ROOMS. . jy 16 tf A. V. HORRELL, Proprietor fin .jS;1....- x j .