.1 . For Infants and Children. " focnria promotes Digestion, and VScoincs flatulency, Constipation, Soar Stomach. Diarrhoea, and Feveri&hness. Xbus the child is rendered healthy and ita teep natural. Castoria contains no i Morphine or other narcotic property. - ristoria is so well adapted to children that i iommend it as superior to any prescription Un to me." H. A. Archer, M. E7 111 South Oxford St, Brooklyn, NV. ,.t ue Castoria in my practice, and find ItT JiaUr adapted to affections of children," PeCjaLy 1 ALEX. ROBKRTSON, M. D., 1057 2d Ave., New York. From personal knowledge and observation . j-oy tiat Castoria is an excellent medicine JnTcUUdrea, acting aa a laxative and relieving lul ..... hnmla and ecneral Kvsbm mn Tat UP Doweis mm ruiuoi bjtbiciu ferr tlie Ptul',,l.'l. him M w5 to oi:icH. iuJ - ; - " Lowell r Masa Ins Cbstacr Company, 77 Murray Street, N.Y. : iec is P&Wly nrm OTTEKBXJBN JTHIA and MGHESIA WATEE! .(.-: ONLY CURES "BRIGHT'S DISEASE V.VT ALSO DIABETES. Makiiboko, Va., April 7, 1S888 a ysir I have been suffering with a form of Kid ; .'i'.Hsexhicii my physician (Dt. J. A. Hillman) -. -aks r5:ai;ts, and advised the use of Otter- ? '.bis sua Magnesia Water. The ccant-tv of j-A.-.ed -.Tiis greatiy ic excess of the jsataral se- ;., and 1 It-st forty pounds of flesh ia a. few : -i. The asa of the Otierbuura Water corrected -jc-jssive flew entirely in six weeks, and I am . eii Run. - - -i n::iy medicines without avail, aud I attribute ic this troublesome and dacgercos disease en . cl.c use ot iiie Otttrbnm Water. R.-N. BLANTON. i J V S: -N? FTEN ASK ' WILL IT KEEP Amelia Conrrv, Va., FeK 24, 1SSS. ! hereby certify triat two years Ego ! obtained some .:::; Water of the Otterbara Lithia and Magnesia far my vife, ia a demijohn, and rcciitly v 1 moving to anothn home, f foand that some 1 t V-Tatcr had been left ia iie den-.!5chn. I poured it aoc drank some of it, and found it to be as pvtre .i'.Tce as when first taken ti: ja the Spricg.i G. K. C RAJ) DOCK IT CURES RHEUMATIC GOUT. !. su. JayvsitsoN.-of Johnstown, Suuth Carolina c? J5 ioliows of it A LkiIv here has been entirely relieved of a severe .-. k of Rheumatic Goat. She found such 'i.cciate relief she did not take assy medicine or any ; t rn:ejy at all' and while cn the sixth bottle sta i:.?t -:lie had bees entirely relieved aad needed no -c Water, her general" health being also greatly ira E. F.. JEFFERSON." Fjchmohq. Va., April 8, 1SS7 ; r: iv.- sufferiog for years with a complication I.i-.-cr and Kidney troable, suitering great peia ia .: r-.!,;i."-:i of the tsdneys, ard having my p.ttenticn ia the Otterburn Lithia and Magnesia Water 1 .nuc:i-d to ui it, and never experienced such re : f-.r-tn anytaing. The very first half-gallon in-t;-e Sow of urine aad cleared it up. My appe , :-....s l.jen restored, and 1 feel that I cannot corn. :f the v,-ater too highly. R. F. WALKER. iiASKBORO. Va., March 17, 183c. I commenced the used of the Otterburn Lithia r !. I ' :--eDeia Watsr, on the 28th of January last, 1 .i-'. faith in any mineral water. I had been snfier-cv- for over three years with a disease that was pro- :d by a pionotmced by a prominent pnysioaa ot ir0' to be an affection of the Kidneys, after j a sriefltific test. J oriy used the Water one week when I was en rrl'-eved of pain, which before had been constant : Lines acuw, and I have gained nineteen ponnds .. wan a restoration of strength and energy. I r.e V.'atf.r a fait tert, itsina; no other water and a . r.-ciicine. H. C. GREGORY. Amsi.ia C. . Va. , December 15. 168S. : beta a Dyspeptic for the past fifteen years T .-;!, have suffered with Derangement of my Uri-,- . ...s-..s, evidenced by great difficulty in voiding : r. About six months ago I commenced the ; the Otterburn lithia and Magnesia Springs 7 . ..ud since that ti.ne there has been marked and : i-provcroect in nj- entire condition and state '": :.-. ill ,-diyition is !etter than it has been for years. a::-J rhe urinary trouble is entirely re ii . ' Ka: been :- the past two months. J. A. WALLACE, CiMrcx riaiitcrs' Bank of Atnalia. lUoBUHli UTBIA SPBiMS GO. tc .'tt Wiiaitneton, N. C. industrial Manufacturing Corncaii., ! 0' KACT5J REKS OF TINNED WOODEE BUTTER DISHES EIAMONT3 BASKETS, Berry Baskets, Fruit and Vegetable Orates, CANDY BOXES, Orange Boxes, &c, &c. INKERS CUT TO ORDER FROM SWEET O'JM, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, OAK, ASH; BIRCH, WALNUT, &c. !'r,u Company has an Established . Reputation for :; i;:y 0 ils Work. Can Coropete ia Prices with any similar "Establish ."i n the United States. ' 'rd-rs for Car Load Lots filled ou short notice, i-iaiplis and Prices on application. Pact.jry on Cape Fea River, corner Oueen and streets. Addrcssl - industrial Manufacturirw Co. wiimraTON. w. c. Bargains CIGARS AND TOBACCO? . . T wo good Combination SAFES for sale cheap. SAMUEL BEAR, Sr., te 7 tf 12 Market Street. ttomittg J&a;. I SPIRITS TURPENTINE ! Mr. Tesse - Germanton Times: F. Moore, one . of Mt. Airy s most esteemed arid honnrrf rr;n, suddenly last Saturday in Buffalo N. Y. Rocky Mount JPAarnxx flh to bacco crop is ; ripening , in.; all quarters exceedingly rapidly and' farmers are busily engaged , m curing it. Laborers are in great demand. : Monroe Register ; One old farmer tells us that cora.isxnotshoot msrwell and consequently the crop will not be as large as expected. TJus is the case where there was too muctirain and the crop was not.weli worked, f Columbus Newsz Mr! Joseph Brown, one.; of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of-this county, diedat his .home in Welched township last Thursday night after suf fering for about a year with a cancer. -Raleigh Chronicle'. Governor Holt will move into the Executive Man sion on the first of September. For the 800 acres of Cameron property, just west of Raleigh, $20,000 in cash was of fered at one time, but the offer was de clined. Now the property is by terms of Mr, Cameron's will completely tie-o up and there appears to be'nol prospect for its development. ! Asheville Mountain Home Tour- nal: Capt. Natt Atkinson has received samples of a rich specimen of nickel ore which was found on the McKjnney pro perty on Ivy, along the line of the pro posed new railroad. , W. C. Sales tells us the biggest snake story of the season. Thomas Earwood and Charles Reed killed 27 rattlesnakes a few days since, all in one cluster. They were one and a half to three feet long and all had rattles. . Hickory Press and Carolinian : John Peterson, of this township, died about 5 o'clock Wednesday; morning, after a lingering illness of some months duration, aged about 70 years. Mr. Abner Miller, long years a deputy sheriff and township constable, and a highly respected citizen of this county died on the 11th inst., aged j31 years, 9 months and 5 days. He ate a hearty breakfast and died soon afterj. - Goldsboro Argus'. 'Our entire community was startled and pained be yond expression yesterday at noon upon learning or the distressing news tele graphed to this city from Greenville, S. C, that our townsman Mr. Thomas B. Hill, son of the druggist, Mr. John H. Hill, and travelling for the wholesale drug house of W. H. Schieffelein & Co., of New York, had died at the Madison House, in that town, ot heart failure, at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. Fayetteville Observer: Prof. A. L. Plummer, who has been Principal of the High School at Plummersville, Har nett county, has recently been elected Principal of the Bastrop Academy, Bas trop, Texas, at a salary of $1,400 per an num. We tender thei condolence and hearty sympathy of a friend to Mr. P. H. Emmitt, formerly of jthis county, in tbe death of his wife at their residence at Stillmore, Ga., on the 8th inst., aged 34 years four months and twenty-six days. She was a daugqterj of John G. and Clara Deaver, of this county. - Wadesboro Messenger-Intelligencer: The army worm has made its ap pearance in Maj. Ingram's lot in town. The first bale of new crop North Carolina cotton .sold in the State was in Morven, Anson county, yesterday, 19th inst. The cotton was; raised on the plantation of Mr. C. C. Moore and was bought by Mr.G. A. Martin at 9.01. While hands were cutting out a new road near Mr. David. Huntley's in Gulledges township, yesterday, Mr. Tom Phillips was accidentally cut on the thigh with an axe in the hands of a colored man. Our informant says the wound is considered dangerous. Raleigh Visitor: We are sorry to learn that our grape (growers have realized very low prices; on their fruij this year, and from what we can gather will not make expenses jon their crop. This was caused by bemg two weeks late in shipment, owing to the long sea son of cool and rainy weather, and when ready for the market it was overstocked with peaches, pears, etc. f We notice by a trade circular that there arrived in New York in one day last week eighty four car loads of peaches, to say nothing of the large quantities of other fruits. A ereat deal of the grape$ shipped Irom here this season barely paid the expense of packing, shipping and commissions, and leaves nothing for collection. Rockingham RocJiet: The peo ple of Anson county have been making a strong fight against whiskey and they conquered last Friday when the Com missioners refused to t grant license. Dockery and will McNeill, both col ored, were committed to iail here yes terday by Esq. G W. Wright, ot Lytch, on the charge of burning a barn belong ing to Mr. Jas. C. Mason, at Conclave, last Sunday night.' t-Last Saturday night about 11 o'clock fire broke out in the building formerly occupied by J. A. Broach as a saloon, and (spreading, took in its course the beef market of Theo dore Weill and the photograph gallery of J. F. Caudle. The only building in sured was that occupied by Broach and owned by M. T. Hinsoni oh which there was insurance lor two nunarea aouars. The origin of the fire is unknown but supposed to have been - incendiary. POLITICAL POINTS. Senator Sherman says that the present ' campaign in .Ohio is like the one between Hayes arid Allen in 1875, thus seemingly likening McKinleyto Hayes. This is the mostunkindest cut of all. N. Y. Advertiser, Ind. The worst blow which the Speakership aspirations of Hon. R. Q. jyiuia, ui x bAA ucw yw..w , -- Czar Reed has expressed himseli in his favor. .The Democratic House will be likely to. look with grave - suspicion up on any suggestion from the ex-autocrat. Tu.. ,a oof tn fl I some fear of the Radical Greeks bringing guts. Rich mond Times, Dem.- And so Minister Douglas's -successor is not to be named until after the Ohio election -this fall! .' Perhaps, the republican colored brother will not see through that very diaphanous scheme to hold the negro vote solid. The ad ministration has decided not to send a colored minister to Hayti and the ap pointment of a white, man to that post just now might (cause an insurrec sn noo colored voters. Hence the delay Chicago Mail, Uem. Are you engaged to Jack Hall?" . , ,r... - "Yes. Areyou?'A : . twinklings.. Why could not the thermometer be listed at the Stock Exchange? They would then have something that has gone up this summer. Boston Commer cial Bulletin. Brown Do you believe in signs? , Fogg 1 did once, but I haven't since I saw a sign announcing that goods were selling at half cost Boston Tran script. Examiner What do you un derstand by Tempo di minuettot Examinee Strict time; up to the minute. Fact! London Musical Times. Gayman This . is a great day with us at home. My daughter "comes out" to-night. .Dumley Don't say! So does my brother. He's been in for seven years. Yonkers' Gazette. City Editor The street is all excitement. An electric light wire has blocked traffic, and no one knows whether it is a live wire or not. Editor Detail two reporters to go to the wire immediately one to feel of it and the other to write up the result. N. Y. World. At the club Great Scott, Pun sley, did you hear that dull and sicken ing thud ? What do you think it was ?" aw, notnmg, dear boy. Just drop ped a member for non-payment of dues, I suppose-" Washington Post. Somebody is endeavoring to arouse alarm over the fact that the White House is not properly provided with exits. Heretofore agitation has been confined to the possibility of in gress. Evening Wisconsin. They were making lemonade, and the prettiest girl of the party asked: "Where is Jack I ? I want him tohelpus." "Why do you want him?" asked her friend. "Because," was the artless answer, "he's such a good squeezer!"' Detroit Free Press. Tom Was the surprise party at your house the other evening a sur prise to you ? Jack Yes. Tom A genuine one ? Jack-Yes. 1 Tom How surprised the surprisers must have been ! Puck. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, it you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Trv a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. 1 rial bottles free at kobbert k. Bellamy's Drug Store. Large size 50c. and $1.00. r 8PAKKI.TTTQ CATAWBA SPBJLWGS. Health, seekers should go to Spark ling Catawba bpnngs. Beautifully located, in Catawba county, 1,000 feet above sea-level, at the foot of the Blue Ridge mountains. Scenery magnificent. Waters possess medicinal properties of- the - highest order. Board only $30.00 per month. Read advertisement m the paper, and write Dr. E. O. Elliott & Son, proprietors, for descriptive pam phlets. . ' 4- Biiceklii'H Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world tor Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever, Sores, Tetters, Chapped Hands Chilblains,Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles or no pay is required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 5 eents per box. For sale by Robert R. Bellamy, Wholesale and Retail Drng- R'Sts. Read advertisement oi Otterburn Lithia Water in this paper. -Unequaled for Dyspepsia and all diseases of kid ney and bladder. Price within reach of nil. ; BABY CUBED OF ECZEMA Mother's and Minister's Testimony. Head Mass of Putrefaction. Doc tor Fails. Cured in Quick Time by Cuticura. I. Aeem it mv dntv to inform vou of the wonderfut enre of eczema which Cuticura Remedies brought npon our little baby, three months old. When about two and one-half months old, the whole of its little head became one mass ot putrefaction, over which we became very much alarmed, as. the medicine pre scribed by our physician only seemed to aggravate and increase tbe intense pain the little thing seemed to be in. . We were utterly at a lews to know what to do, as the physcian seemed to have exhausted all efforts to give reuet. tint tnrougn tne recomroenaaiiun ui xvev. J. G. Ahem, pastor of Brooks Circuit M. E. Church Society, we were inaucea to try tne v.uticuka xikmk nTirc Ann nfter a few davs' aDDiication. we were astonished as well as delighted over the result. We continued the use of the medicine according to direc tions, and after a few weeks, the little fellow was en tirely cured with no traces of the disease left. Many thanks tor tnis wonacrrni cure. Mrs. JOHN HOLSTEIN, Quitman, Ga. T triwa me oreat nleasnre to testifv to the facts con tained in Mrs. John Holstein's testimonial concerning the cure of her iittle baby. When I saw it I did not think it possible for it to live. I, however, recom mended CUTICURA, Knowing inai n a tuic ws f""i Cuticura Rkmedibs would do it. My most sanguine expection culminated in a perfect cure. J. G. AHERN, Pastor M. E. Ch. so.-, Quitman, Ga. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood Purifier, internally (to cleanses th 1. r f A .wi" onnnii. lcmenfjl- flnd Diooa oi ail mipunuca ' , . thus remove the cause), and Cuticura, the great skin cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquisite skin betuti fier, externally (to clear the skin and scalp, and re store the hair), cure every disease and humor of the skin and blood, trompimpics iu r. . t - Xm r'trrrriTBA. fSOc.? SOAP aoia cvciywuac. -' t - 25c.; Resolveut, $1. Prepared by the Potter Drug mar- c a Unw n (lure Skin Diseases. . oi pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. T3 1 DTTI0 Skin and Scalp preserved and beautified DnDl 0 by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pure. RHEUMATIC PAINS. w ... imi.1ia flnttr.nra. Anti-Pain Plaster relieves rheu- B. mmm.- t matin, eriatic. Ud. kidney, chest, and mus cular pains and weaKnesses. au 1 D&W tf we sa Every SVSonth many women suffer from Excessive or Scant Menstrnanon; wicy uwu . who to confide in to get proper advice. Don't confide ia anybody but try Bradfield's Female Regulator a Specific for PAINFUL, PROFUSE, SCANTY, SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. Book to "WOMAN" mailed free. BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. sold tr !" eplOD&Wly tu th su SUPREME & SUPERIOR COURTS OF WORTH CAEOLTNA 1891. JUDGES. NAME. DISTRICT. RESIDENCE. Beaufort. . Newbern. Wilson. Wake. Granville. Sampson. Carthage, Iredell. Surry.: Morganton. Lincoln ton. Buncombe, Geo. H. Brown, 1 Henry R. Bryan, 2 H. G. Connor, i 3 Spier Whitaker, 4 K. W. Winston, 5 E. T. Bovkin. 6 J. D. Mclver, 7 .. R. F. Armfield, 8 Jesse F. Graves, 9 John Gray Bynum, 10 -W. A. Hoke, " 11 J. H. Merrimon. - 12 ; SOLICITORS. NAME. DISTRICT. RESIDENC Perquiman Halifax. Wilson. Duplin. Richmond. IredelL Rockingham. Caldweld. Mecklenb'rg. Macon. John H. Blount, 1 G, H. White (col), 2 J.E; Woodard, ; E. W. Pou, Jr., Isaac R. Strayhorn, O. H. Allen, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Frank McNeill, B. F. Long, - ! -Thomas Settle, j W. C. Newland, Frank L. Osborn, Geo. A. Jones, : Time of Holding Court. First Judicial District. Spring Judge Bryan. . fall Judge Brown. Beaufort IFeb. 16th, May 25th, Nov. 30th. : Currituck March 2d, Sept. 7th. Camden March 10th, Sept. 24th. " Pasquotank March 16th, Sept. 21st. Perquimans March 25th, Sept. 28th. Chowan March 80th, Oct. 5th. Gates April 6th, Oct. 12th. Hertford April 13th, Oct. 19th. Washington April 20th, Oct. 26th. Tyrrell April 27th, Nov. 2d. Dare May 4th, Nov. 9th. . Hyde May 11th, Nov. 16th. f amlico Mav 18th, Nov. 23d. Second Judicial District. Spring Judge Connor. fall udge Bryan. Halifax tMarch 2d, May 12th, JNov. 16th. Northampton IJan. 19th, March 30th, Oct. 5th. Bertie Feb. 2d, April 27th, Nov. 2d. Craven fFeb. 9th, May 25th, Nov. 30th. Warren March 16th, Sept. 21st. Edgecombe April 13th, Oct. 19th. . Third Judical District. Spring Judge Whitaker. fall Judge Connor, Pitt Jan. 5th, March 16th, tjune 8th, Sept. 21st. Franklin Jan. 11th, April 13th, Nov. 6th. Wilson tFeb. 2d, June 1st, Noy. 2d. Vance Feb. 16th, May 18th, Oct, 19th. martin March 2d, Sept. 7th,Dec.7th. Nash April 27th, Nov. 23d. Fourth Judicial District. Spring Judge Winston. fail Judge wnitaKei. Wake Jan. 5th, fFeb. 28th, March 28th, tApril 21st, July 9th, tAug. 27th, Sept. 28th, tOct. 26th. Wayne Jan. 19th, march 10th, April 13th. Sept. 14th, Uct. lth. Harnett Feb. 2d, Aug. lutn, jnov. 30th. Johnston Feb. 9th, Aug. 17th, Nov, 16th. Fifth Judicial District. Sprinc Judge Boykid. fail judge vvinston. Durham Jan. 12th, March 23d, June 1st. Oct. 19th. Granville Jan. 26th, April 20th, July 27th. Nov. 30th. Chatham Feb. 9th, May 4th, uct. 5th. Guilford Feb. 16th, May 25th, Aug. 81st. Dec. 14th. .Alamance March 2d, May 18th, Nov, 2d. Orange March 16th, Aug. 10th Nov. 9th. Caswell April 6th, Aug. 17th, Nov. 16th. Person April 13th, Aug. 24th, Nov, 23d. Sixth Judicial District. Snrino JufTo-e Mclver. n . , T- 1 ' f an: J uage ooyKin Pender March 9th. Sent. 14th. New Hanover t Ian. 19th, tApril 18th, tSept. 28th. - Lenoir f eb. 2d, Aug. win, ssov. iom. . . . . , ... . n , IT - QA.1. Duplin f eo.ytn, Aug.aa, imuv. outu. Sampson tFeb. 23d, April 27th, Oct 12th. Dec. 14th. Carteret March 16th, Oct. 26th. Jones March 23d, Nov. 2d. Onslow March 30th. Nov. 9th Greene March 30th. Oct. 5th. Seventh Judicial Dislriet. Spring Judde Armfield. fan Juage jyiciver, Columbus Jan. 12th, March, 30th,. Aug. 3d. . Anson Jan. 5th, tApril 27th, Sept. 7th. tNov. aotn. Cumberland Jan. 19th, tMay 4th, Tiilw 97tri Wnv. 16th. , - Robeson Jan. aotn, 'May iotn, w-u 5th. Richmond Feb. 9th, June 1st, bept. 21st, Dec 7th. Bladen March 16th, Uct. 26tn. Brunswick April 16th, Sept. 14th. Moore March 2d, August 11th, Nov 2d. Eighth Judicial District e; mi nor Tnrlcre frraveS. ft 1 1' " I dCl4V Xaiiuuwiut Cabarrus 1 Jan. 26th, April 27th Nov. 2d. Iredell Feb. 2d, May 18th, Aug. lUth, Nov. 9th. Rowan Feb. 16th, May 4th. Aug. 9.1th Nov. 23d. Davidson March 2d, bept. 7tn, tuec 7th. Randolph March 16th, Sept. 21st. Montgomery March 80th, Oct. 5th. Stanly April 6th. Oct. 19th. Ninth Judicial District. knrinn -Tnrlcrp T?vnllTTl. J O J T J rail juugc waves. Rockingham Jan. 19th, July 27th, Nov. 9th. " . Forsyth Feb. 2d, May 18th, uct. 26th. . Yadkin Feb. 10th, Sept. 28th. Wilkes March 2d, Sept. 14th. Alleghany March 16th, Sept. 7th. naTrwL-lvfarrh 80th. Oct. 12th. Stokes April 13th, August 10th, Nov. 16th. - . ; . Surry April 20th, Aug. 24th, Nov, 23d. Tenth Judicicial District. rrrlncr -Tnrtor TTOke. v Fall -Judge Bynum. Henderson Feb. 9th, July 20th. Burke March 2d, Aug. 10th. rolrlnrpll Marrh 16th. Sent. 7th. Ashe March 23d, May 25th, Aug. 24th. Watauga- April 16th, Aug. Slst. Mitchell April 18th, Sept. 14th. Yancey April 27th, Sept .28th. McDowell Mav 11th, Oct. 12th. Eleventh Judicial District.- Spring Judge Merrimon. - - : fall Judge Hoke. Catawba Jan. 12th, July 20th.. Alexander Jan. 26th, Aug. 3d. ' Union Feb. 9th, tFeb.. 16th, Sept. 21st, tSept. 28th. Mecklenburg tf eb. 23d. "LAug. 31st. Gaston March 11th, Oct. 12th. : Lincoln March 80th, Oct. 5th. Qeveland April 6th, Aug. 10th, Oct, Rutherford April 20th, Nov. 2d. Polk May 4th, Nov. 16th. ; Twelfth Judicial District. Spring Judge'Brown. . fall Judge Merrimon. Madison Feb. 23d, Aug. 3d,tNov.23d. Buncombe tMarch 10th , tAug. 17th, Dec 7th. Transylvania March 80th, Sept. 7th. Haywood April 6th, Sept. 14th. Jackson April 12th, Sept. 28th. Macon May 4th, Oct. 5th. -Qay May 11th, Oct. 12th. Cherokee May 18th, Oct. 19th. Graham June 1st, Nov. 2d. . Swain June 8th, Nov. 9th. For criminal cases. t For civil cases alone. For civil cases alone except jail cases. Criminal Circnlt Courts. New Hanover County. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Benj. K. Moore, Wilmington, bolicitor. Court besrins Ian. 5th, March lbti, May 18th, July 20th, Sept. 21st, Nov. 23d. MeckUnoursr County. - - Oliver P. Meares, Judge. . Geo. E. Wilson, Charlotte, Solicitor. Court begins Feb. 9th, April 13th, Aug. 17th, Oct. 12th, Dec 7th. Buncombe County. Chas. A. Moore, Asheville, Judge. E. D. Carter, Asheville, Solicitor. Court begins Jan. 26th, April 27th, July 27th, Nov. 2d. Supreme Court meets first Monday in February. Examinations on Friday and Saturday before. First District, Feb. 2d; Second District, Feb. 9th; Third District, Feb. 16th; Fourth Distnet, Feb. 25th; Fifth District, March 2d; Sixth District, March 10th; Seventh District, March 16th; Eighth District, March 23d; Ninth Dist '-"-ch 30th; Tenth Lusinei, April oiu, jeventn j-ustrici, April 18th. Twelfth District, April 20th. Last Monday in beptember. exami nations Friday and Saturday before. First District, Sept. 28th; Second Dis trict, Oct. 5th; Third District, Oct. 12th; Fourth District, Oct. 19th; Fifth Dis-: trict, Oct. 26th; Sixth District, Nov. 2d; Seventh District, Nov. 9th; Eighth Dis trict, Nov. 16th; Ninth District, Nov. 23d; Tenth District, Nov. 30th; Eleventh District,Dec 7th. Twelfth District Dec 14th, Healtii is Wealth! Dr. E. C. West s Nesvb and Brain Tjtkatmrnt. a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con vulsions, cits, JNervous neuralgia. Jtieauacne, .ner vous Prostration caused by the use of i cohol or to bacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spermatoirhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain self -abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. S1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. 5 VE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with (5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar antees issued only by ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist. Sole Agt, N. W. Cor. Front and Market Sts, feb 1 D&W lv Wilmintcton, N. C. JAPANESt PILE CURE A guaranteed Cure for Piles of whatever kind or degree External, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent or Heredi tary. $1.00 a box; 6 boxes, 5.00. Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. We guar antee to core any case of Files, Guaranteed ""'8ol(I only by . H. HARDIN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, New Market, Wilmington, N. C ; feb 1 tf Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000 Cash Capital paid in 300,000 Surplus Fund 200,000 DIRECTORS: W. I. GORE, G. W. WILLIAMS. DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLERS, J. W. ATKINSON CLAYTON kGILES. ISAAC BATES. JAMES A. LEAK1 F. RHEINSTEINS E. B. BORDEN. ISAAC BATES .,...Psunt G. W. WILLIAMS .Vicm PRsmT WM. L. SMITH Cashixi ATKINSON & MANNING, AGENT8D North Carolina Home Ins. Co TE OFFER TO THOSE WANTING INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE Policies in this Old and Reliable Home Institution, All losses promptly paid. ; W. S. PRIMROSE, President. CHARLES ROOT, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER.Secretv STOP AT THE BURNS HOUSE, WADESBORO, N. C, JOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE BUSI ness'part of the Town, and convenient fos Commer cial Men. Table Board the best the market affords. Omnibu meets all Trains. ., nor 27 t MRS. I. B. BURNS. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. WUffliiton&f elionR. R. asi Branciies CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . No. 27 No. 41 Dated April 26,1891. w "a Fast Mail Daily ex Daily. Daily. Sunday. PM PM A M Leave Weldon.... 12 80 5 48 6 20 Arr. Rocky Mount........ 1 40 .......... 7 24 Arrive Tarboro..... 2 17 . AM Leave Tarboro........... 10 35 I PM Arrive Wilson... 2 IS 7 00 7 53 Leave Wilson t 3 30 Arrive Selma 3 80 Arrive Fayetteville 5 80 Leave Goldsboro 3 15 7, 40 8 40 . Leave Warsaw 4 14..... 9 31 Leave Magnolia 4 27 8 40 9 49 Arrive Wilmington 6 00 9 55 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. No.14 No.78 Daily. Daily. Sunday. AM AM PM Leave Wilmington 13 35 9 15 4 25 Leave Magnolia.......... 10 57 6 10 Leave Warsaw 11 11 6 25 Arrive Goldsboro S 05 12 05 7 SO Leave Fayetteville.".. t 9 10 Arrive Selma 1108 . ...... Arrive Wilson 12 10 AM PM PM Leave Wilson.. 3 33 12 58 8 23 Arr. Rocky Mount.. 130 853 Arrive Tarboro 2 17 AM Leave Tarboro 10 35 PM Arrive Weldon 5 05 2 55 10 00 Daily except Sunday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Wel don 3.00 p m, Halifax 3.22 p m, arrive Scotland Neck 415 p m, Greenville 6 02 p m, Kinston 1 10 p m. Re turning, leaves Kinston 7 00 a m, Greenville 8.10 a m. Arriving Halifax at 11 00 a m, Weldon 11.35 a m, daily except Sunday. Local freight train leaves Weldon Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays, at 7.00 a. m., arriving Scotland Neck 10.03 a. m , Greenville 2.10 p. m., Kinston 4.5 p. m. Returning, leaves Kinston Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at 10.00 a. m., arriving Green ville 12.00 noon, Scotland Neck 3.20 p. m., Wekloa 6 20 p. m. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemarle & Raleigh R. R.r daily except Sunday, 4 05 p va ; Sunday 3pm; arrive Wilhamston, N. C, 6 30 p m and 4 20 p m ; Ply mouth 7 50 p m, 5 20 p m. Returning, leave Plymouth. N. C, daily except Sunday 6 20 a m, Sunday 9 00 a m, Wilhamston 7 40 am, 9 58 am. Arrive Tarboro, N, C, 10 05 a m and 11 20 a m. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Goldsboro, N. C, daily except Sunday, 7 00 a m ; arrive Smithfield, N. C, 8.30 a m. Returning, leaves Smithfield, N. C. 9 00 a m ; arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 10 30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 8 pm, arrives Nashville 3 40 p m. Spring Hope 4 15 p m, ' Returning, leaves Spring Hope 10 a m, Nash ville 10 85 a m; arrive Rocky Mount 11 15 a m, daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday,at 6.30 p m and 11 15 a m. Return ing, leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 3 10 p m, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Southbound train on Wilson & Fayetteville Branch is No. 61. Northbound is No. 50. Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 South, and 14 North, will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goidsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't . R. KENLY, Snp't Transportation. . M. EMERSON Gen'l Pass'er Agent. aP25-l Cap Fear STaffi Valley Railway Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT AUGUST 9. 1891. NORTH BOUND. -3 o" S3 '3 (A 51 12" A. M.I Leave Wilmington Arrive Fayetteville..,. Leave Fayetteville.... Leave Sanford , Arrive Greensboro.... Leave Greensboro..... Leave Walnut Cove... Arrive Mt. Airy...... Leave Bennettsvilie... Leave Maxton........ Arrive Fayetteville.... Leave Ramsenr....... Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro Arrive Madison....... Leave Greensboro.... Leave Walnut Gove. . . Arrive Mr, Airy 10 45 2 28 2 55 4 23 6 55 7 20 8 50 10.4? P. M. 12 031 1 00 2 30 A. M, 7 25 10 05 10 35 12 50 A. M 10 35 1 20 4 35 SOUTH BOUND. if 13 On s og cr 0.2?g Z"aC3 S'3 Q Q O A. M. 6 00 7 52 9 15 10 30 1 00 2 27 255 ' 6 20 P. M. 3 00 4 43 5 40 P. M. 3 30 4S5 5 15 8 10 Leave Mr, Airy...., Leave Walnut Cove Arrive Greensboro.. Leave Greensboro.. Leave Sanford Arrive Fayetteville. Leave ravetteviUe.. Arrive Wilmington... Leave Fayetteville. v Leave Maxton....... Arrive Bennettsvilie, Leave Madison....... Arrive Greensboro.., Leave Greensboro. . . , Arrive Ramsenr , Leave Mt. Airy Leave Walnut Cove. , Arrive Greensboro.. . , A. M. 3 SO 6 40 9 30 W. E. KYLE, GenTPassenger Agent. J. W. PRY, Gen'l Manager. aulltf - SEABOARD AIR LINE. Carolina Central B. B. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. - WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 43 Daily ex. Sunday. No. 23 Daily ex. Saturday. No. 41 Daily ex May 10. 1891. aunday. Leave Leave Leave Arrive Leave Leave Leave Arrive Wilmington no . m 8.00 p. m. 2.15 a. m. 6.10 a. m. 6.35 a. m. Hamlet, lll.E2 a. m. 7.40n.m. monroe ., CharlotTJ.. Charlotte.. Lincolnton. Sheibv..... z.io p. m. 3.15 p. m. 8.25 p. m. 4.43 p. m. 5.38 p. m. 6.50 p. m. 829 cm. 10.15 p. m. RntherTon EASTBOUND TRAINS. No. 36 No. 24 No. 33 Daily exc :cpt Daily exept Dady ex, Sunday. bunoay, Suda'y. L've Rutherfordt'n 9.00 a. m. Leave Shelby..... Leave Lincolnton. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte... Leave Monroe.... Leave Hamlet,. ... Arrive Wilmington 10.10 a. m. 11.12 a. m. 12.80 p. m. 12.40 p. m. 80 p. m. 5.00 a.m. x.10 p. m. 4.10 p. m. 8.00 p. m. 10.05 p. m. 6.52 a. m' 1.45 a. m. 7.45 a. m. 7.40 a.m. -Nna it aiul SR make close connection at Hamlet fat Raleigh and North. Nos. 43 and 38 make close connection at Lincolnton for Hickory and Western North Carolina at Monroe to and from Chester and South. , . . Through Sleeping Can between Wilmington and Charlotte. - WM. MONCURE, Superintendent F. W. CLARK. Genl Passenger Agent, my 12 tf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. WilmiiLgton, ColniMa & Aniiista R, R. CONDENSED SCIIEDULK. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated June 21, 1891. No.23 NoT PM PM AM 6 25 10 10 ...... AM 9 85 13 40 ...... 10 0 t 20 AM No. 50 No. 58 AM 3 20...... TCf5 4 35...... 8 IT No. 62 AM 4 35 t 8 67 8 20 6 15 10 05 9 45 AM Leave Wilmington.., ',. Leave Marion...,.,,,,,, Arrive Florence Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter.. , Leave Sumter. Arrive Columbia, , See note for additional trains. No. 52 runs thronzh from Charleston via Central Railroad. Ieavin Laces 7 45 a m, Manning 8 21 a m. Train on C & IX R, R. connects at Florence witb No. 68. - TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 51 Nd. 63 No. 59 i r PM PM PM Leave Columbia 10 45 CO 5 85 A M ArnveSumtsr... 12 04 10 0" 7 00 AM Leave Sumter 12 04 7 00 Arrive Floi-euc! 1 15 8 15 No.73 ...... No.14 AM I'M Leave Florence 4 45 8 fO Leave Marion , 5 34 . 9 S5 Arrive Wilmington 8 56 AM 12 20 In addition to above, train No. 49 leaves Columbia 7 a. m daily except Sunday, arriving Sumter 8.20. tram xo. ia leaves aumter o.ao p. m.( aauy except Sunday, arriving lxiumbia 1U.UU p. m. j-iaiiy. t uaiiy except Sunday. No. 53 runs throueh to Charleston. S. C. via Cen tral R, R., arriving Manning 10 39 p ro. Lanes 11 17 p m. Charleston 12 50 a m. No. 59 connects at Florence with C. & D. train from Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at WUmir-.icton with W. & W. R. R. R. for ail points North. Train on Florence Railroad leaves Pre Dm daiiv. except Sunday ,4 40 p in, arrive Kowiand 7pm. Re turning, leave Rowland G 30 b m, arrive Pee Ore H 59 am. Train on Manchester & Augusta Railroad leaves Sumter daily, except Sunday, 10 50 am, arrive Ri mini 11 59 a m. Returning, leave Rimini 13 30 p rr.. ar rive Sumter 1 40 p m. Trains on Hartsville R. R. leave Hartsville daily except Sunday at 5.10 a. m., arriving Floyds 5.55 a. m. Returning, leave I'loyds 3.10 p. m., arriving 2.50 V'm' JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sop't J. R. KENLY, Assistant Genl Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass'ger Agent, je 21 tf PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, JULY 12TH, Trains will run as follows, . daily (Sunday ex cepted): MOVING NO UT 33. No, . 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Cheraw, S. C. . Leave Kollock Station 10.30 a. 10.50 a. , 11.20 a. 11.40 a. Leave Osborne, N, C Arrive Hamlet, N. C... MOVING SOUTH. No. I PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Hamlet, N. C 4.20 p.'m Leave Osborne, N. C 4.40 p. m Leave Kollock. Station 5.10 p. m Arrive Cheraw, S. C 5.30 p. ra Close connection made at Hamlet with C. C. R. R. Eaet and West. jyl4tf WM. MONCURE, Sup't, WILMINGTON SEAC0AST R.R. Time Table in Effect Aug 2nd. LEAVING WILMINGTON Princess street 6.00 a. th., 3.10 and 9.10 p. m. Front street 10.00 a. m and 5.00 and 7.00 p. m. LEAVING OCEAN VIEW 7.30 and 11.10 a. m., 4.00, 6.00, 8.00 and 10.20 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Front street at 10.00 a. ra. and 7.00 p. m. Leave Prince.s street at 3.10 p. m. Leave Ocean View at 11.10 a. m. G and 10.20 p. m. J. B. NOIiAH, au 2 tf General Manager. W. 0. & E. C. Bailroad. In Effect Monday, June 22d, 1891. Leave Wilmington daily for Jacksonville and inter mediate stations at 4 p. m. Tuesday and Friday additional train leaves Wil mington for Jacksonville and intermediate stations at 8.30 a. xn.. making direct connection with steamer for Tar Landing. Sunday train leaves Wilmington for Jacksonville at 5 p. m. Trains arrive daily at 8.30 a. m., and on Tuesday and Friday at 7.26 p. m., and Saturday 9.50 p. m. ad ditional. J. W. MARTENIS, Gen'l Passeuger Agent. H. A. WHITING. General Manager. . au 20 tf 3D O'CoxLXLDr . REAL ESTATE AGENT. Wilmington, Worth, Carolina. RE AL ESTATE BOUGHT and SOLD Loans Negated on City Property. Stores, Dwellings, Offices and Halls for Rent. Rents collected. Taxes and Insurance promptly attended to. Houses and Lots for sale on the monthly iustahnen plan jy 14 tf DPdjQe IjTTD-L?o ,-. Mattresses FOR SALE. Manufacturer & Renovater of Mattkksses, Also MOSQUITO NETS. aul2ti Cedar Grove Restaurant THE ABOVE RESORT, LOCATED ON Greenville Sound, is now open for the accommodation of the public. Pigflsl), ciams. Oysters, Crabs, &c. always on hand, and prepared in any style. ICE COLD BEER. NO LODGING ROOMS. iy 16 tf A. V. HORRELL, Proprietor

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