" . .V, :" -j--". For Infants and Children. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, .Diarrhoea, and Feveri&hness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and ita sleep natural., ; Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. . Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." , H.s A. Archer, M. D., . Ill South tcsford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; "I use Castoria, in my practice, and find it Specially adapted 10 affections of children.'" Acex. Robertson, M. D., , 105J2d Ave., New York. "From personal knowledge and observation I can say that Castoria Is an excellent medicine for children, acting as a laxative and relieving the pent up boweJs and general system very much. Many mothers have told me of its ex cellent effect upon their children." Da. Q. C. Osooon, " Lowell, Mass - - - . - . . t i - - - - - - - - The Ckntauu Cokpany. 77 Murray Street, N. Y. declSD&Wly nnn ' Carpels, Carpels, CARPETS. I have just returned from trie Northern Markets and am pleased to offer to my friends the largest and best se lected stock of CARPETS; MATTINGS AND RUGS TO BE SEEN IN THE CITY. Having bought these goods on the declining mar ket, I have determined to give my friends the benefit of the decline. SOL BE oct 14 tf SO MARKET STREET. FLOUR, BACON, MOLASSES 1 iH BBLS- FLOUR ALL GRADES Boxes D. S. SIDES, . JjjQ Hhds. and Bbls. P. R. MOLASSES JQjj Bbls. New Orleans MOLASSES. x Cases-LARD, Bbls. CAROLINA RICE. Bbls. SUGAR, J 0 0 Sacks COFFEE. 250 KcssNails. 50 Bbls. DISTILLERS' GLU 00 Boxes TOBACCO. J 00 Cases LYE. 7 JT Cases BALL POTASH 50 Cases STARCH. Snuff, Candles, Soap, Wrapping Paper. Twine, &c For sale Kw by - mar 20 tf WILLIAMS RANKIN & CO. ID. O'COTI T ODE? REAL ESTATE AGENT, -Wilmington, If orth Carolina. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT and SOLD IB B Loans Negotiated on City Property. Jb Stores, Dwellings, Of5ce and. Halls f r Rent. Rents collec ed. Taxes and Insurance promptly attended to. Houses and Lot- for sale on the mojthly instalment 1.1a a. Cash advanced on city property..- Oct 21 1 Wanted, 20,000 FOUNDS ANGELIA ROOT. HIGHEST MARET PRICE PAID. SAM'L BEAR, Sr., oct 28 if f 12 Market St. Headquarters OR FED, BLUE, GREEN, PINK, WHITE, Orange and Violet FIRE for illuminating pur- posea. Send in your orders now. JAMES D. NUTT, the Druggist, nov 2I tf 220 North Front street. Millinery. WE WILL OPEN THIS WEEK PATENT Bonnets and Toques. All the leading Shapes, Felt Hats, Wings, Birds and Heads. Dr. Frink's Block, south of Market street, over No, 12, up stairs. - - oct 18 tf E. M. STROCK. R. B- Moore, . ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND dealer in all kinds Country Produce. All coEsignments solicited. Prompt returns guar anteed. nov 15 tf No. 5 Dock St., Wilmington, N. C. Stop at Hotel Nicholson Washington, N. C. SITUATED IN THE HEART OF THE BUSI- Ll iimc narf rtf tK tnwn and nuiVMwnt for Cam- mercial men. Brick building three stories higfu fifty rooms, gas liehts and electric bells, rust class in every respect. Omnibus meets all boats and trains' SPENCER BROS. GEO. SPENCER. Manager. feb 22 Stop at Hotel' Richmond, BOCKINGHAIK, N. C. TVTEW HOTEL. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, Xl modern improvements. Cold and warm water baths. Bus meets all trains. . .T. N. CAMPBELL, seo25tf Manager. $500 Reward ! WE will pay the ebove reward for any case of Liver rnmnloJnt DrgoePBta. Slctt Headache. Indigestion. Con. stlpatlon or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vemt&hia l.iver puis, when the directions axe strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 30 Puis, 86 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by TUP! JOHH C WEST COMFAM CttlUAUU, im. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, V W rnr Fmntand Market streets. hc doming t;u I i; sfj;- HE HAD BEEN : THEBS, When a man ain't got a cent, and he's X feeling kind o blue, : s r An' the clouds-hang aark an'- heavy an' won't let the sunshine through, i It's a great thing, O, ray brethren, for a feller iust to lay ' , --.. " '. His hand upon your shoulder in a friend ly sort o way. . ,; s :." It makes a man feel curious, it " makes -" the tear drops start, v An' you feel , a sort o flutter in the region of your heart. . .. : : You can't look up an' meet his eyes; you don't know what to say, When his hand is on your shoulder in " that friendly sort o way. : i - O. the world's a curious compound. ' "with its honey and its .gall, r . ';'. With its cares and bitter crosses, but a good world after all. - . And the good God must have made it leastways that's what I say When a hand rests on my shoulder in a friendly sort o' way. ; " ;: -Selected. SUNDAY SELECTIONS. The clever thine; to do is to find out people'sTmerits. Arthur Helps. -, He that buys and lies, shall find the lie left in his : purse behind. Cervantes. . Nature has made occupation a necessity to us: societv make it a dutv: habit makes it a pleasure. Capelle. He who chooses the right and shuns the base, has the Eternal for his friend, brother and father. Zoroaster. The great need of christians is the clear discernment ot the Son of God as leader in this miehtv work. Dr. Storrs. I have had many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but what I have been able to place in God's, still posses. L.uther. The Lord's manifestation be comes revelation to some and to others. Tiot because of differences in God or in his manifestations,- but because of dif ferences of men. Albion W. Small. . The lowly valley m which we meet our friends and business associates ought to be just as verdant and well watered as those Sabbath elevations on which we "see no man but Jesus only." Dr. Theodore L. Cuyler. Christ asks that our love should resemble his, if it cannot equal it. A" peal of dew cannot hold the sun, but it may hold a spark of its light. A child ) by the sea trying to catch the waves cannot hold the ocean in a tiny shell, but it can hold a drop of the ocean water. Stanford. Justifying faith implies not only a evidence, or conviction, that God was in Christ, reconciling he world unto Himself, but a sure trust and confidence that Christ died for my sins; that He loved me and gave Himself for me. And the moment a Denitent sinner believes this, God pardons and absolves him. IVesley. - The effect of a burden upon us depends very much on how we carry it. If we stoop over, and carry it wit n a heavy heart, it becomes very great, and we break down under it. JBut it we manfully lift it up to the shoulder, and cheerfully meet our duty, the burden becomes lighter, and we ourselves be come more erect and stronger" in carry ing it. United Presbyterian. Purity is power. The rose, among the sweetest and most beautiful of God's creations, is. armed with thorns, nature's sharp bayonets for warding off attack. Purity is the defence of beauty; modesty is the safeguard of - innocence. Keep thyself pure. The severe chastity which repels familiarity is an absolute essential for the safety of the soul, as genial attractiveness is for its beauty. A. . Gordon, What is it to give ? To give is to impart benefits freely, out of good will. Freely ye have received, freely give. Lrive yourselves give as unrist gave s the apostles gave. Pierce to the kernel those Christian paradoxes that we save by losing, live bydying, and receive by giving. Go where duty calls, where there is ignorance to be en lightened, suffering to be relieved, vice to be reclaimed, character to be im proved. These are works that must be done by living men and women. Mark Hopkins. POLITICAL POINTS. . While McKinley has 21,511 majority for Governor in Ohiothe other eight Republican candidates for State offices have majorjties varying from 27,- 061 to 29,442. Ihe highest majority on the btate ticket is 7,911 larger than Mc Kinley's. Phil. Times, Ind. General Russell A. Alger has again declared for Blaine. The General works this on a system. Whenever he feels that the newspapers are not taking due notice of him he goes out and de dares for Blaine, as above. It always brings pleasing results, and it is needless to say that the Oeneral rs" glad he dis covered the system. IV. Y. Advertiser, Ind. Mr. McKinley is the logical candidate of the Republican party for the Presidency next year. He repre sents and embodies the idea of Frotec tion in its pure and undiluted form. His election to the Governorship of Ohio gives him a boost that adds wonderfully to his availability. To nominate Mr. Blaine would be to forsake the line of policy laid down in the McKinley tariff. and to venture into tneaouDtiui ana de batable field of international dicker in the matter of tariffs. Between Harrison and Blaine the nomination may drop into the lap of McKinley. Phil. Record, Dem. A Eilttle Girl's Experience In a IjlglW Mr. and Mrs.. Loren 1 rescott are keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand .Beach, Mich., and are blessed with daughter four years old. : Last April she was taken down with Measles, followed with a dreadful Cough and turning into a Fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, she grew worse ramdlv. until she was a mere "handfu. of bones". Then she tried Dr. King's New Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured They say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weight" in gold, yet you may. get a trial bottle free at R. R. Bellamy's Drugstore. . t SPIKITSRENpNL' ; Roanoke Beacon: ft regret; to earn of the death of Mrs. t. E. Vincent, which occurred at Whaley ville, Va., on Tuesday. . ; "-l:. Si-:. r.-"lt is a remarkable fact that out - of a white population of about 900 there has Deen only bne death in Wadesboro during this year. ... . ' y Durham Sun : - Mr. . R. H." Flem- ming, a prominent citizen of Creedmore, fell from a building yesterday and was very badly hurt. One arm -and several ribs were broken. ' . , Statesville - Landmark : The Presbyterians of Statesville are to have a new church building they have taken hold of the matter with a spirit : which eaves no doubt upon this point, j . - -Rocky Mount Argonaut'. The low' price of cotton is causing many, of o'ur farmers to hold. -The estimate for the crop of this year is nearly as large as that of last year, which was the largest ever made. - ";;v.-"-.v Kinstdn Free Press: Burwell. the three-year old son of Mr. J. B. Tem ple, whose clothing caught fire and bad ly burned : him Wednesday morning week, died the next day from the inju ries received and was buried Friday. .- Elizabeth City Carolinian: The peanut crop is reported fairly good. The town of Roper, over the Sound, is rapidly becoming a live industrial cen ter. It- contains about 150 buildings, four lumber mills, and gives employment to 500 people. Clinton Caucasian: Mr. Frank Lewis died at his home in Clinton, last Friday, after a very painful sickness. The Colored Fair.of Sampson county, will be held December 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th, 1891, on the grounds of the Sampson County Agricultural Society. ' " . Charlotte JVe7ts: . A gold mine" has been discovered on what is known as the Bett's place, about three miles southwest of Asheboro. The property on which the mine is located was re cently purchased for its timber by the Asheboro Lumber Company. They have put hands to work to open up the mine. Monroe Enquirer : Mrs. Tab- scott was found dead in her bedTuesday morning. She was 83 years of age and was one of the landmarks of the town. The remains are to be interred this af ternoon. The young man Alien who was scalded in the accident on the G C. & N near Abbeville Tuesday night of last week, died of his injuries. He was a son of Mr. Vernon Allen, of Concord, formerly of Peachland. Windsor Ledger. While Mr. W. J. Myers, who lives about four miles from Windsor, was digging marl on his farm last week he found seven feet un derground the half of an iron staple four inches long. This shows conclu sively that when that part of this county was under water somebody dropped the piece of iron overboard from a boat. The presence of marl is evidence of the land being under water at some remote period. , . Wilkesboro Chronicle: We had but a light crop of chestnuts and no acorns this season. Une may nae lor miles tbrough the country and not see a single acorn in the road something never noticed before by our- oldest in habitants. They were all killed by the big May frest. There were but few wild grapes and the persimmon crop was nearly a failure. Yet the opossum crop is abundant, and they are fat, too. That rather explodes the idea that possums and persimmons go together. Rockingham docket: We have never seen business men wear such a gloomy countenance in view of the fi nancial outlook of the country, ihey say business has not been so dull in 15 years. On Wednesday morning of last week, Mr. Thomas : Gibson, aged about 72 years, was found dead in the road near Ghio. On the evening prior, he parted with some friends a short dis tance from where his body was found, and it is supposed that he died Tuesday evening. The cause of his death is not known, but supposed to have been heart disease. Wilson Advance: Cotton is not coming in very rapidly. Farmers are. holding lor better prices. in a pri vate letter to the editor, Mr, W. F. May, of Hunts, Nash county, says the cotton crop is shorter than in 1889, or not more than one half of a crop will be made in this section. Mr. Samuel Thome, of Airlee, Halifax county,' has lost his gin house by fire. He also, lost forty bales of cotton. This is the second similar lost he has sustained in the past two years. Wilson's inventive geniuses, Messrs. Dave Nolly and Joe Rawls, have coniointly invented and patented a picket fence as is a fence, The pickets are strung on wires, which being crimped 4iold them steady and secure. Chatham Record : Mr. James N. Green, of Hickory Mountain town ship, died last Sunday morning, aged about 45 years. Mr. T. C. Dixon of Albright township, informs the Record that the farmers, ot that section nave finished sowing their wheat, and that their corn crop is above the average but theJcotton and tobacco crops are below the adverage. On last Sun day morning Ben Buchanan and Abram Spivey, of this county, were turkey hunting and the latter was accidently shot by the former, but fortunately the wound was not serious. They were calling like a turkey, and Buchanan thinking Soivev wassa turkey, shot at him. Died, on the 18th inst,, Jona than Moon, a?ed 101 years, 7 months and 28 days. : He was born and lived in Albright township but was residing with his daughter in . the edge of Alamance county at the time ot his death. He .retained his mental powers to the last and was in his usual good health until within three hours before his death. One day last week i three-year old son of Mr. T. H. Murchi son. of Albright township, was accident allv burned to death. He was in the kitchen by himself , and it is supposed" that he ventured too near the hre.ior ne ran out screaming, with - his clothes ablaze, and. although . his father imme diately ran to him and extinguished the flames, he was fatally burned and uvea only 36 hours. - Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The best balve in the world tor Cut Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever. Sores. Tetters, Chapped Hands Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles or no pay is required.- It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. - Price 25 cents oer box. For sale by Robert R. Bellamy, -Wholesale and Retail Drug. gists. .'-C-l - )y.k-' ' Poiwry FOR- th aiuksgivirig; THANKSCfYfta PROCLAMATION ; J0Q3-- mm imvw mm In these times of slaughter. With - - - - .he people it's different; Not least among the things the people of this community have cause to be thank ful for are the bargains we have offer ed from time to time the past year. Prom now until Thanksgiv ing we will out-do all previous in ducements. Call at once and-see. Sneed & Co, THE CHEAPEST Fnrnitiire House in North Carolina. sov 8 tf T - . . ' Chairete Pantes -AND are both coming, and so are our holiday goods, con sisting in part of Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Huts, Eaisins, Candy, Prunes, Cur rants, Cocoanuts, Cakes, &c, tojethei wi.h a full and complete stock Grrcx3emes. Be sure and give us a call if in want of any thing ii our line. ADHIAri & VOLLERS', WHOLESALE GROCERS, nov 22 tf Southeast Cor. Front and Dock Sts. DAILY REFLECTOR. DURING THE SESSION OF THE N. C. CONFERENCE OF THE M. E. Churcn, South, whi-h will be held in GREENVILLE, . beginning on the 25th of November. The Eastern Eeflector will publish a Daily Edition givinz full proceedings of he bady. The DAILY REFLECTOR will be a 16 column paper, large enough to contain all the pro ceedings, and will be furnished to subscribers through the whote session of the Conference for the small sum of 25 Cents. Forward vour name with 25 cents at oace that it may be enrolled in time to get every copy of the Conference daily. . Address THE EASTERN REFLECTOR, nov 18 tf Greenville, N. C. Banfe of New Hanover. Authorized Capital Cash Capital paid in Surplus Fund - --$1,000,000 .. 300,000 -- 200,000 DLBECT0K8: W. I. CORE, G. W. -WILLIAMS, DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLERS, J. W. ATKINSON CLAYTON ;GILES. ISAAC BATES, JAMES A. LEAK F. RHEINSTEIN1 E. B. BORDEN. ISAAC BATES............ Pksidskt G. W. WILLIAMS..... Vic PRSsrosirr WM. L. SMITH. ...... ....... .Cashim ATKINSON & MANING AGENTS North Carolina Home Ins. Co "yE OFFER TO THOSE WANTING INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE Policies in this Old and Reliable Home Institution AH Wwse promptly paid. . W. S. PRIMROSE, President. . CHARLES ROOT, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER.Secretry ST. JAMES HOTEL, GOLDSBORO, IT. C., REFURNISHED AND REFITTED, NEAT and clean. First class in every respect. Rates m Firecrackers, $2.00 per day. . F. L. CASTEX, :" : Proprietor. Direct Importation. EogM - We have now en route from Liverpool tdlttiis JPprt a large lot of best V - f English Earthenware, -BOTH - Plain, White and Decorated. Shall be glad "to quote prices of these goods. ALSO A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED -STOCK OF American Glassware, !Lamps, &c., on which we can give closest prices. Merchants of the Carolinas will do well to see us before buying. Win. E. Springer & Co., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS! Hardware, Tinware. AND oct 11 tf S. W. SKINNER CO. Machine and Iron Works. "FOUNDRY, BLACKSMITH AND BOUJEB SHOPS. WILL MART. AND TtTiPATR B0ILEES, EN GUSTS, BULLS, AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINEET. Having new and first class works, with modern tools, are prepared to undertake any class of work. Satisfaction guaranteed. A full stock of Machinist's supplies always on hand. CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR BUILDING STEAMBOATS SCOWS, etc sepStf BRYANT & STRATTOH FOUNDED IN 1864 by the present executive 27 YEARS of continuous and successful man agementIncreased annual attendance Now ocenpving four building Stands unrivaled in facilities for educating YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN for success in life. In deciding upon a school for their children, PARENTS should send them to THE BEST, because it dsvs. It may require the expenditure of a few dollars more at flrst,bnt it will prove the cheapest in the end. C H E A P tuition is verv dear, because it means cheap teachers, cheap surroundings, infe rior facilities, and offers NO opportunities for securing POSITIONS for its pupils and graduates. This Institution, owing to its HIGH standard of excellence, has placed in desirable positions more young men and women from Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Caro lina and Georgia, than all similar institutions combined. Catalogue and particulars mailed on application. Address, W. H. SADLER, President, and Founder; or F. A. SADLER, Secretary, 6, 8, f O & 12 N.Charles Street. BALTIMORE, MD. sep 1 D&W6m ' ' Health is Wealth! Dr. E. C. West s Nekvb and Brain Tskatmhnt, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con vulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia. Headache, Ner vous Prostration caused by the use of cohol or to bacco. Wakefulness. Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resultingin insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness. Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatoirhcea caused by over-exertion of the brain self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment.' $1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WK GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar antees issued only by - ROBERT Rv BELLAMY, Druggist. Sole Agt, N. W. Cor. Front and Market Sts, feblD&WlT WilminSon.N. C. JAPANESt ILE CURE A guaranteed Gere for Files of whatever kind or degree External, Internal, Blind or . : Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent or Heredi tary. SLOO a box; 6 boxes, 95.00. Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. We guar antee to core any case of Files. Guaranteed j-1 sold only by - - IJ. H. HARDIN, Wnoiesale and Retail Druggist, febltfDAW New Market. Wilmington, N. C WILMINGTON SEACOASTR. R. " SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT. 25,1891. Leave Princess street at 9.00 a. m 3.00 and 6.15 p. m. - ' :' Leave Ocean View at 7.30 and 10.00 a. m. and 5.15 p. m. .. . Sunday trains leave rancess street o.uv p. mM Ocean View at 5.15 p. m. rare xa cents. oct28tf J. R. NOLAN, . Gen'l Manager. CR 0 C RE BY SADIER'S WW ATLANJIO? CQASTf LINES; Wffiai f eMoi R; R. M Branches CONDENSED SCHEDULE. - TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . . - ' v. No.8T No. 41 . Dated Nov. 23, 1891. JNo-'5i Fast Mail Dailv ex -" ' Daily. . Daily.. Sunday. , ,,, : PM ; PM "AM Leave Weldon.. .......... 12 30 5 43 '6 20 Arr. Rocky Mount....!... 140 ."...77.. 7 24 Arrive Tarboro. 2 18 .......... ' - - AM - Leave Tarboro........... 12 58 fl CO I PM - I Arrive Wilson. f. ... ....., 2 IS 7 00 f 7 53 - Leave Wilson.. ............ 2 30 .......... Arrive Sehna...... 8 30 , Arrive Fayette ville. ...... 5 30 .- Leave Goldsboro Slol 7 42 8 40 Leave Warsaw - 4 14 ..i. ...... 9 84 Leave Magnolia..... 4 27 8 40 9 49 Arrive Wilmington....... 6 00 9 55 11 20 TRAINS GOING NORTH. 7' " No.14 No.78 ; ' " Daily. Daily. Sunday. - AM AM PM Leave Wilmington. : 12 35 : 9 15 4 25 Leave Magnolia.,....".... .10 57. 6 10 Leave Warsaw 1111 6 25 Arrive Goldsboro......... 2 55 12 05 7 SO Leave Fayetteville.' ...... 9 10 , Arrive Sehna 1108 . Arrive Wilson.... .. 12 10 AM . P M PM Leave Wilson.. . . ......... 3 85 12 58 8 23 Arr. Rocky Mount 1 80 8 63 Arrive Tarboro 6 80 2 18 .... .... Leave Tarboro...... ....jj...... 12 E8' " PM I Arrive Weldon........... 5 05 2 55 10 00 Daily except Junday. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Wel don 4.00 p m, Halifax 4.22 p m, arrive Scotland Neck 5.15 p m, Greenville 6 52 p m, Kinston 8 00 p m. Re turning, leaves Kinston 7 08 a m, Greenville 8.10 a in, Arriving Halifax at 11 00 a m,Weldon 11.25 a m, daily except Sunday. Local freight train leaves Weldon at 7.00 a. m., ar riving Scotland Neck 10.03 a. m., Greenville 3.00 p. m., Kinston 5.10 p. m.. Returning, leaves Kinston at S.00 a. m. arriving Greenville 10.50 a. m., Scot land Neck 2.40 p. m., Weldon 5 15 p. ra., daiiy ex cept Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemarle & Raleigh R. R., daily except Sunday, 4 40 t m ; Sunday 3pm; arrive Wilhamston, N. C, 7 18 p m and 4 20 p m ; Ply mouth 8 30 p tn, 520 pm. Returning, leave Plymouth. N. C, daily except Sunday 6 20am, Sunday 9 00 a m, Williamston 740 am. 9 58am. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 10 05 am and 11 20 am, Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Goldsboro, N. C, daily except Sunday, 7 00 a m ; arrive Smithfield, N. C, 8.30 a m. Returning, leaves Smithfield, N. C. 900a m ; arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 10 30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 5.15 a m, arrives Nashville 5 55pm, Spring Hope 6 30 p m. Returning, leaves Spring Hope 8 am, Nash ville 8 35 a m; arrive Rocky Mount 9 15 a m, daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday,at 6.30 p m and 11 15 a m. Return ing, leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 3 10 p m, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Southbound train on Wilson & Fayetteville Braach is No. 51.; Northbound is No. 50. Daiiy-except Sunday. Train No. 27 South, and 14 North, will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Gold-boro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line, also ar. Rocky Mount daiiy except Sunday, with Norfolk and Caro lina Railroad for Norfolk and all points north via Norfolk. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gcn'l Sap't. I. R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. . T. M. EMERSON Gen'l Pass'er Agent, nev 21 -tf Cape Fear & Yaffiii Valley Railway Co. (XXNTJEIfSKD SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 8, 1S91. NORTH BOUND. h Si 5 C3 -a Q A. M. Leave Wilmington. . . Arrive Fayetteville.. Leave Fayetteville.. Leave Sanford Arrive Greensboro. . Leave Greensboro... Leave Walnut Cove. Arrive Mt. Airy.... Leave Bennettsville. Leave Maxton Arrive Fayetteville.. Leave Ramseur Arrive Greensboro... Leave Greensboro... Arrive Madison..... Leave Greensboro.. Leave Walnut Gove. Arrive Mt. Airy 11 00 P. M. 2 23 3 15j 4 42 7 10 . 7 20 8 49 10.45 P. M 12 55 1 4 3 10j A. M. 7 X 10 05 10 35 P. M 12 55 A. M. 10 0 P. M. 1 0 5 35 SOUTH BOUND. ZTjO! Z 3w 4; Sot 2 ceo - Q Q Q O A. M. Leave Mt. Airy 6 65 Leave Walnut Cove 8 45 Arrive Greensboro......... 10 10 Leave Greensboro 10 30 P. M. Leave Sanford... 12 58 Arrive Fayetteville 2 25 Leave Favetteville 3 15 Arrive Wilmington 6 40 P. M. Leave Fayetteville. . . ; 3 85 , Leave Maxton 3 55 Arrive Bennettsville . 4 45 P.M. Leave Madison... r..... 2 30 Arrive Greensboro.,.. -435 Leave Greensboro., -5 10 Arrive Ramseur..... ...... - 8 25 P. M. Leave Mt. Airy 2 10 Leave Walnut Cove 6 00 Arrive Greensboro , .... ..... . ...... 8 45 W. E. K7LE, QenT Passenger Agent. J. W. PBY, GenT Manager. nov 11 tf . PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. To Take Effect on Oct. 25th, 1891. MOVING NORTH. V No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Cheraw, S. C. ............. ....... 4.30 Jp. m Leave Kollock Station........ , 4.50 p. m Leave Osborne, N. C. 5.15 p. m Arrive Hamlet, N. C... ' 5.40 p. m MOVING SOUTH. No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Hamlet, N.C. ....... ............... 8.30 a. m Leave Osborne, N. C. 8.5U a. m Leave Kollock Station....... 9.20 a. m Arrive Cheraw, S. C. ........... ........... 9.40 a. m oct25tf WM. MONCURE, Sup't. The Unlucky Comer! CRANBERRIES AND LOOSE OLIVES, L. L. Raisins aid Mea AlioMs FERRIS' It AMS. TONGUES and STRIPS. . Try a can of KIPPERED H ERRING.' You'll surelv like it. S. W. SANDERS & CO -"nov 17 tf . . rr'; - -7' ATLANTIC iOALIiNKli WilffinitOHlMiiMaA t CONDENSED SCHEDCIK. TRAINS GOING SOUTH.". , ; ?; DatedTSov. 23, 1SSI. No. 23 No.iK " . pm pm Leave Wilmington.. 6 25 10 10 Leave Marion.....,,,.,.....,.., 9 351 12 40 Arrive Florence .... ......... 10 20 1 2C .... - - . f - ' A M - --; No. 50 - - - . am -. .: Leave Florence..,........,..;.'.. 3 20 ...... Arrive Sumter..... 4 35 - No. 52 Leave Sumter. ....T...... 4 35i 8 40 Arrive Columbia,,... 6 15-9 50 AM ' AM N 46 40 8 00 8 CO 9 SO See note for additional trains. ' No. 52 runs throceh from Charleston via fnt-roP Railroad. Leaving Lanes 7 30 a m. Manniug 8 05 a m. i raw on x. xc .K. conuects at t tore nee with No. 53. TRAINS GOING NORTH. ' No.51 No.53 No.59 ;;; 4;:.c:; PM PM PM V Leave Columbia.. 10 45 3 30 t 5 35 "" ' . - : A-M - . - ' -."' Arrive Sarater.. 12 C4 10 f5 7 00 . ! AM ' " :'. -'S)-l Leave Sumter............. 12 04 7 00 - Arrive Florence 1 15 8 15 .' ' ."''"'! ' ' ' No.78 No.14 ' . .. AM PM ;; ' - Leave Florence.............!..... 5 00 8 to . ' Leave Marion 5 44 9 85 Arrive Wilmington 8 55 AM ; r . ----- 13 go . ' y-ii.- See note for additional tra ns. Tn addition to above, train Ko. 49 leaves f olnir.Ha " 7.10 a. m daily except Sundav. arrivinir Sumter 8.30. Train No. 48 leaves Sumter 8.00 p. m., daily except Sunday, arrivts Columbia 9.20 p. m. - umiy. t uai'.y except bunday. No. 53 runs throutrh to Charleston. S. C via Cen tral R. R., arriving Manning 10.07 p m. Lanes 11 40 p. m.Charleston 1 15 a m. No. 69 connects at Florence with C. & D. train toui Cheraw and Wadesboro. Ncs. 18 and 14 make close cBnnection at W-lmicstor with V. W. R. R. R. for ali points North. I ram on t iorence Railroad leaves Pee ire daiiv. except Sunday, 4.40 p m, arrive Rowland 7 pm. Rs- . rarnrag, leave Kowiana c aa a m, arrive rec IHx b 5-: . . am. Train on Manchester & An trust a Railroad lesrn Sumter daily, except Sunday, 10 50 a m, arrive Ri mini 11 59 a m. Returnine. leave Rimini la SO n m. ar rive Sumter 1 40 p m. Trains on Hartsville R. R. leave HartEville daily except Sunday at 4.55 a. m., arriving Floyds 5.40 a. . m. Keturmcg, leave rloyds 3.10 p.m.. arnviiig 3.50 m. , IOHN F. DIVINE. GenlSnp'tf J. R. KENLY, Assistant Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Genl Pass'ger Agent, nov 21 tl SEABOARD AIR LINE. Carolina Central R. R. C0HDENSEJ) SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 43 i No. S3 No. 41 ' . " -. - Nov. 29, 1891. Daily ex. Daily ex. Daily ex. : v; Z. : Sunday. Saturday. Sunday, , . v-?J J Leave Wilmington 9.30 a. m. 71 5 p. m. ' ' ' 'A Leave Hamlet..... 1.43 p. m. 2.30 a. m. 7.40 p. m. ; Leave Monroe.... 3.30 p. m. 5.50 a. m. 9.25 p.m. '. Arrive Charlotte.. 4.20 p. ra. 7Xb a. m. 10.15p.m. . Leave Charlotte.. 4.30 p.m. ; Leave Lincolnton. 5.55 p. m. ' . - Leave Shelby 6.'3 p. m. . r - V ' I Arrive RntherTon 7.5 p. ni. - -' EASTEOUND TRAINS. . ' No. 3G No 24 No. 38 . : X'- ; f Dailyexcpt Dailyexcpt Daily ex. . '. '. i .Sunday. Sunday. Suday. " L'veR utherfordt'n 8.C0 a. m. Leave Shelby 9.C4 a. m. ' -r"' -. 5 Leave Lincolnton. 10.03 a. m. .". 1 Arrive Chart otte.. 11.23 p. m. . - ;;; -"F, Leave Chariotte... 11.35 p. ra. 7.45 p. ir. 5.00a.m. -"'- '." Leave Monroe.... Ii24 p. m. 9.S5 p. m. 5.50a.m -:. . Leave Hamlet..... 2.28 p. m. 12.45 a. m. T.40a. m. . -. t Arrive Wilmington 6.22 p. m. 7 40 a. ro. -- i Trains Nos. 43 and 36 make connection at Ham let foi Cheraw and Gibson. '1 rains Nos. 41 and 38 run solid to and from Portsmouth. Trains Nos. 23 and 24 makes connection at Monroe with G., C. &. N K. K. t3 and fra.n all points South. Trains Nos. 3 and 24 make close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh and points on the Raleigh & Augusta Railroad. -- Sleeping Cars between Wilmicctcn and Charlotte on Nos. 23 and 4. . WM. MONCURE, Superintendent O. V. Smith, Traffic Manager. nov 29 tf W. 0. & E. C- Railroad. In Effect Ifovemtoer 1st, 1891. Leave Wilmington daily, except Sunday, for Jack- sonville and intermedia' e stations at 3 p. m. Leave Wilmington daily, except Saturday and Sun day, for Jackionvi lie and intermediate points at 9.C0 a. m. ' Sunday train leaves Wilmington for Jacksonville at 4 p. m. " Trains arrive at Wilmington daily, except Sunday, at 8.00 a. m., daily except Satui day and Sunday, at 6.25 p. m., and on Saturday at 8.30 p." m. additional.. Steamers on New River leaves Jacksonville daily, '. except Sunday, for Marines-and intermediate points at 6.30 a. m., arriving at Jacksonville on return at 1p.m. Steamer leaves Jacksonville for Tar Landing at ; 1.30 p m. on Tuesdays and Fridays, arriving at Jack sonville on return at 3.20 p. m. H. A. WHITING, General Manager. - J. W. MARTENIS, . GenT Passenger Agent. . nov 1 tf -' TEY 1 1 1 i i m 1J ! l!J OTTERBTJRN LITHIA and MAGNESIA WATEE! v S Highly recommended, and endorsed by leading Physicians, for . - ' " BRIGHT'S DISEASE, DIABETES, DYSPEPSIA. And all affections of the Liver and Kidneys. ' ; "Send for Pamphlet with certificates. - - - K. St. BELLAMY, Agent, y 'J :7'X y : '--' : Wilmington. N. C. ' W. D. RICE, Sec'y. Richmond, Va. . sep 16 tf STOP AT THE " j BURNS HOUSE, WADESBOBO, N. C.r - JOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE BUSI ness pert of the Town, and convenient fos Commer cia Men. Table Board the best the market affords, - : Omniba meets all Trains. " -nov 27 . MRS. J. B. BURNS. . s , if m - : X 13 I i -'-I . - I. ..-.;-h . -' .; il .' ' -"! feb 1 DAW It - Wilmington N. C

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