v For Infants and Children. Cftstoria pre-motem TJigwstlon, and overcomes i iatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, - and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and ita - sleep. natrJ. Castoria contains no . Jtorphiue or other narcotic property. Castoria is so ell adapted to children that I recommend it a upt?rior to any prescription . known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D.,: 111 South frford St., Brooklyn, . Y. "I ne Castoria In my practice, and find it specially adapted to affections of children. V, -Am. Robkktson, M. D., .-" . 107 std Are., New York. from personal knowledge and observation I oan say that Ceetoria is au excellent medicine for chil'iren, acting as a laxatire and relieving the pent up bowe'a and general system very mucn. Many mothers have told me of ita ex cellent effect upon their children." Da, G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Man. Tbb Cxntac Cowan. 77 Hurray Street, N. Y. dec IS DJtWly . nrm Damaged by Water! AM OFFERING A LARGE SELECTION OF CAEPETS Slightly damaged by wvter on a rectnt trip on ' Steamer Fanita. - Carpets at Price -Never Eefbre Sold. " Styles which will suit aT. A'so, v-ill sell very low ljrge stock, of HATS, CLOTHING . v - AND - : GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, ALL QUALI TIES, AT VERY LOW TRICES. Sol. Bear. nov 29 tf . o' FLOUR, BACON, MOLASSES 1,500 150 100 100 200 50 BBLS- FLOUR ALL GRACES Boxes D. S. SIDES. Khds. and Bbls. P. R. "MOLASSES lib's. New Orleans MOLASSES. Cases LARD, ' Ebls. CAROLINA KK.E. Bbls. SUGAR, j 00 Sacks COFFEE. 250 KsssNAILS' J Bbls: DISTILLERS' GLUE J(JfJ Boxes TO SACCO. Cases LYE. 7 r Cases BALL POTASH 0 Cases STARCH. Snuff. Candies. Soap, Wrapping Paper. Twine, fix. rorsa'e r by -mar 20 tf WILLIAMS RANKIN & CO. ID. O'Connor REAL ESTATE AGEBT, Wilmington, North. Carolina. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT and SOLD Loans Negotiated on City Property. Stores, Dwellings, Office; and Halls fur Rent. Rents collec ed." Taxes and Insurance promptly at ended to. Houses and Lot for sale on ihe mojthly instalment plan. Cash advanced on city property. Oct 21 1 Wanted, POUNDS ANGELIA ROOT. 20,000 HIGHLSTMARET PRICE PAID. SAM'L BEAR, S., 12 Market St. i Oct 28 if Millinery. W E WILL" OPEN THIS WEEK PATENT Kc.nets and Toques. A 11 the leading Shapes. Felt Hat-, Wings, F.irdsand Beads. I. rink's Block, south of Market street, over No. Is, up stairs. act 18 tf E. M. STPOCK. R. B-Moore; RNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND d aler in all kinds Country Produce. . A 11 coisignmeats solicited. Prompt returns guar anteed. nov 15 tf No. 5 Dock St., Wilmington; N. C Photographs M ADE BY THE INSTANTANEOUS PRO cess. All work guarantee CT to give saiisiacuon on clonH v wcsith-r a wll as n other time You will do well to call a d see B. F K rupo. Photographer of FK I ERSON BROS.. 111 Market -t., octllD&Wtf Over Hnk A Draper. Bunting's Drug Store r Y. M. C. A ."BUILDING, NORTHWEST enrner Front and Mulberry streets, will be open all day, .h:s Sunday, November 2wh - J. HL.KS BUNTING, Gradua e in Pharmacy and Re stered Druggist, nov 2a tf Stop at Hotel Nicholson Washington, M". C. (SITUATED IN THE HEART OF THE Busi ly ness part of the town, and convenient for Com mercial men. Brick building three stories high, fifty rooms, eas lizhts and electric bells, f irst class m every respect. Omnibus meets all boats and trains' SPENCER BROS. GEO. SPENCER. Manager. feb 22 Stop at Hotel Richmond, BOCKINCHAJI, N. C. "VTEW HOTEL; ELEGANTLY FURNISHED modern improvements. Cold and warm water baths. Bus meets all trains. - T. N. CAMPBELL, seo25tf ' -Manager. 50 0 Koward I WE will utv the bhora reward for any ease of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, indigestion. Oon. stipatiun or Costi vanes we cannot cure witn West's Vecretabl Liver Pi! Is. when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to (rive satisfaction. 8ugr Coated. Large boxes, eoBUinin-r 30 Pills. Si cents. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. Tb fret) nine manufactured onlj OJ IMF 'OHS C. WEST COlU'An X , V1UUAUV, un Sold by ROBERT R. BELLAMY, N. W. Cm. Front and Market Streets. Carpets fck 1 DAW 1 WUmington N. C SPIRITS TURPENTINE , Durham Sun: Mr. H. A. Reams received a te egram this morning con veying the sad intelligence of the death of his father-in-law, Mr. N. W. Allen. Mr, Allen lived in Person county, not xar irom Kozooro. , , Greensboro Workman'. Georee H. Wvide. the bif-amist. whn wa nrre-ir- ed in kmston on Wednesdayv"and while being, brought ,to this city by Deputy Sherirl Dupree, of Lenoir county, es caped from the train at . University Sta tion by jumping through, the car win dow, was captured yesterday, broueht fb this city last night and lodged in. jail. Salisbury Herald-. Mrs. W. A. Griffith, mother ofDr. F: Griffith, of this place, died at her home in Forsyth- county, : Monday, is ovember 23. beveral Mormon apostles - are in the county making an effort to establish a church and gather converts to; ship to uLan. iney were . in tne.dty to-aay prosecuting their work. y - Greensboro Records On yester day morning, at 4 o'clock, Col. Jacob B. Balsley died at his residence on Walker avenue, m this city, at the age of 72 years. Just before the south-bound train.-which was due here at 10:30 p. rn. last night, reached Benaja, some citizens discovered on the track a large tele graph pole, which they succeeded in getting off before the train struck it, The pole was laid with the big end to wards the incoming train and a disas trous wreck would have resulted. Charlotte Chroniclcv Governor Holt to-day declined to grant a com mutation of the sentence of Alfred Dawles. the Charlotte burclar. - A strong petition lor commutation was made, but the facts were clear against the prisoner. Dawles will be hanged next Thursday. R. A. Brady, of Davidson College, died yesteiday morn ing at 2 o'clock at the residence of his son, fostmaster Brady, in tms city, alter an illness of three weeks. - Goldsboro Areus Perhaps the oldest lady in Goldsboro died here yes terday morning about 2.30 o clock, Mrs. A. 5. C Powell. The deceased was years old. News reached this city yesterday of the sudden death of Mr. Henry T. Fields, a farmer oi this county near the southern limit. His death oc curred in the store of Mr. James Hatch at Mount Olive, -Friday evening before closing hours. He had been to this place that day and sold some cotton. The cause of his death we could not learn. . Oxford Day: S. C. Holmes, an estimable young man, died in this city yesterday morning at five o'clock. He had been seriously ill lor several weeks. and fell a victim to Bright's disease. He was about thirty years of age. The case of the State Agricultural Depart ment vs. the Durham Fertilizer Com pany, be tried at the next term of Gran ville Superior Court, will be a lively one. We see it stated that Col. Al. Fair- brother, of the Durham Globe, has been subpoenaed. Sensational developments are expected. Charlotte News: . The shortage m the receipts of cotton by wagon, at Charlotte, still grows in comparison with the receipts last year. The receipts last from September 1, 1890, to Novem ber 19, 1890, were just double the re ceipts for that period in 1891. For that date in 1890, the receipts here were 167- 289. This year they are 8,143, showing a decrease oi o,i4b. it is pretty certain that very nearly two-thirds of the pre sent cotton crop of Mecklenburg has been marketed, and from the figures given it is apparent t hat this year's local cotton crop will not be much over one- half oi Jast year s crop. Raleigh Visitor : We are in formed that no tidings have so far, been received of the whereabouts of the wife of Levi Perry the colored woman who mysteriously disappeared a few days since, it was at one time supposed tnat she had been drowned, as it was report ed she was seen on Thanksgiving after noon in the immediate vicuiity of Crab- tree creek. A careful search has been made, however, and the stream exam ined, with no success. The theory now is, that the unfortunate woman, being demented, has wandered off in the woods or perhaps met her death from exposure. Raleigh News and Observer: Senator Z. B. Vance and Mrs. Vance are on their ocean voyage home. They are expected to land at New York next week. : We regret to announce the death of Mr. P. H. Barbee, father of our esteemed townsman Mr. J. M. Barbee, which occjrred at his home at Nelson, In Durham county, on the 25th inst. He was 65 years ol aare. - Departed this life November 21st, 1891, at his home in Hertford county, North Caro lina. Geo. T. Hays, in the thirty-seventh year of his age. He was about his duties at home all day as usual, and was strick en down at six o'clock p. m and before three hours he had passed beyond the reach of all care and suffering. Tarboro Southerner : Henry Walston. the man charged recently with killing Henry Baker, it would seem, has been getting into trouble again. A few days since he was at Theodore Foun tain's store drunk, trying to kill Mr. Fountain because he had heard that that gentleman had expressed the opiuion that he, Walston, was guilty of murder. One report has it that he did attack Mr. Fountain, but that he was over-powered and no harm done. - At any rate Wal ston was caught and G. L. Hargrove met him and another man coming this way, Walston being tied in the ibuggy. He has never arrived at the jail, and the last seen or heard of him was on this buggy ride bound as he was. .While it is na tural to presume that he made his escape, several entertain the idea of foul play, involuntary " suicide as sug gested by the wags. )j . ' Newbern - Toitrnal : A number of Northern visitors came in yesterday on the steamer Newberne of the O. L. line to spend the winter in' the city. Their decision to spend the winter here was brought about by an'excellent arti cle descriptive bt this region which re cently appeared in Forest and Stream, written bv Mr. Charles Hallock. who J himself is spending the winter here.- News comes from the Pantego section of, the killing of a monster bear that tipped the beam at 532 pounds. The huge fellow was killed by a tiled gun, He measured more than twelve inches between the eyes and his feet-were 6J inches wide and 8V4 long. He was killed by a man by the name of Ed, Langly. Also last week a large cinna- men bear was killed by VVm. Jerkins, and a few days previous he caught in a trap a pure white squirrel for which he has been ottered $9.00. - - " . TWINKLINGS.: Penelope It's awfully mean of the men to say that, you are just like us gins. . - Dicky Oh, - 1 don t mind yOu know." - - - Penelope (quickly) Yes, but: we do. Brooklyn Life. Mrs. Hen Why don't you come out .from under the barn ? They are throwing corn out and all the fowls are there. , Mrs. Turkey Thanks: I am here for my health at this time of year, Minne- apolz's Journal. - . - Tom Do you intend to make any new resolutions next year ? lacK Wo; 1 intend to use the old ones over again. Yankee Blade, 'If you have v a minute - to spare, began the peddler, "1 'should like - -"Every minute of my time, sir," sa'id Mr. Skmnphlint, severely, -"'is worth -within a small fraction ot : four cents. Close the door as you go out.'' Chicago I nbune. r;. .'"s "I used to have the sweetest, prettiest little typewriter in the world, he said with a sigh. : ? - r ; "v "What became of her?" inquired his sympathetic inend. "0, 1 married her, and - he sighed again more , profoundly than before. Detroit Free Press. . J : Dying Wife I want you to promise -me that you will marry again, John. ----- : ' Husband Do you really wish it? " Dying wile xes; 1 don t want peo ple to say I was the means of souring you on my sex. Indianapolis journal. Young Guessnot I thought you were advertising a great sale of pop ular pneesr " - - " - : Old Isenstem Uncrso i vas. Guessnot Do you cati these popular prices? They re a good deal higher than tney used to be. Isenstem Mine fnent,ven Isaysbob ular prices, I knows vat, I say; I never dry any brices vot suits me petter. - t)ld Lady No use talkin', I used to say this higher edication of gals was all tolderol ; but 1 see 1 was wrong. 1 nere s my granddarter, for instance. She's just a wonder. Friend 1 understand she graduated with hich honors. Old Lady Yes, graduate d from Vas- sar. and she kin do what neither her mother nor me could ever hope to do if our lives depended on it.- Friend indeed! And what is that? uid Lady She kin ten the time a tram is going to start by lookin' at a railway guide. N. Y. Weekly. A L.l tie Girl's Experience In aUhi house Mr. and Mrs. Loren lrescott are keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand tseacn. Mien., and are blessed witn a daughter four years old. Last April she was taken down with Measles, followed with a dreadful Cough and turning into a Fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere "handful of bones". Then she tried Dr. King's New Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King's New Discovery is wortn its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial bottle free at R. R. Bellamy's Drugstore. t FOR- Beeswax. IF YOU HAVE SOME TO SELL- SHIP TO US AND WE WILL ALLOW YOU 26 Cents Per Pound for it 'n Boston and NO CHARGE FOR COMMIS SIONS or carting. References all through the South it required. . H. Bowdlear & Co., Boston, Mass. Office and Warehonte, nov 7 3m sa tu th 36 Central Wharf, J. A. SPRINGER. FOR FIRST CLASS Coal and Wood, Coke acoVCkarcoal, Brick and Shingles at lowest living prices, sail on J. A. SPRINGER. Ezsr Coal. Stove Coal, Nut C !. Furnace Coal, Pea Coal, Tenne see Coal, Pocahontas Coal, Foundry Coal, Blacksmith Cka', Ualt wood, Asa Wood, Ligbt- wood. Mack) ck mixed wood, sc., tc. 250.00 SHINGLES. - nov 15 tf Hamme, The Hatter, T?OR LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST' prices. Buy your HA l S at tne Mt Store, Boys. nov 24tf 26 North Front Street. Look, Look. Look. TJ7E TAKE THE 'LEAD. PHOTOGRAPHS. Gr.at inducements offered for two months only at ; PETERSON'S Gallery, 11 Market St. B. F. KRUPP. Artist and Manager. novlStf Refrigerators; TI7E WILL CLOSE OUT OUR STOCK OF Refrigerators at greatly reduced prices. -" - . GILES & MURQHISON, . iygtf ' " ' . Price. Fresh Mineral Waters. OUFFALO LITHIA, OTTERBURN L1THIA, Consrress. ADolhnares. Castuuan. Matchless, Hun- yade, &c. : .i '- .. - -ROBERT R. BELLAMY. DniMist. nov 15 tf " r N. W. Cor, Front and Market Sts. To Merchants ! TTTHIT.E IN THE CITY WE CORDIA VV tninM vnn to call and examine our stock and be convinced that you can sve m-.'ney by purchasing your Urocenes and ennstmas goods ire m ns. .. Respectfully, B. K. KEITH. J., nov 29 DAW tf " ISO North Water St. DO YOU EVER BATHE? OOAP, SOAP, SOAP FOR 'EVERYBODY the best cake you ever saw, for ocly 5 Cents. JAMES D. NUTT, The Druggist, 1 nov29tf aw North Front Street. Ponltry Has Small Cause -FOR- THANKSGIVING. In these times of slaughter, -With the people it's different. Hot least among the thinf the people of this community hare cause to be thank ful for are .the bargains we hare offered from time to time the past year. From noTT until Thanks gir- ing ire will out-do all preyious in ducements. Call at ohoe and see. . Sxa-eeci &c Co. THE CHEAPEST FnrnitTire House in Korlk Caroliia. nov 8 tl V- . .. Chairete Pantes AND CTh '-pi Btmas are both cominf, end so are osr holiday goods, ean- sisting in part of Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Huts, Eaisins, Candy, Prunes, Cur rants, Cocoanuts, Cakes, &c, togethet with a full and complete stock ef Grooeries. ' Be sure and give us a call if in want ef any thing in oar line. AD&IAN VOLLEBS', WHOLESALE GROCERS, nov 22 tf Southeast Cor. Front and Dock Sts. DAILY REFLECTOR. DURING THE SESSION OF THE IT. C. CONFERENCE OF THE N M. E. Churcn, South, which will be held in GREENVILLE, beginning on the 5tl& oi Norember. The Eastern Reflector will publish a Daily Edition giving fall proceedings of hebodv. The DAILY REf LECTOR will be a 18 column paper, Isrge enough to contain all the pro ceedings, and will be furnished to subscribers through the whote session ot the Loalerence tor tne smell sum of 25 Gents. Forward vour name with 25 cents at once that it may be enr-lied ia time to get every copy of the Conlerence d.'ilv. Address THE EASTERN REFLECTOR, nov 18 tf - Greenville, N. C. Ban& of New Hanover. Authorized Capital Cash. Capital paid in $1,000,000 300,000 200,000 Surplus Fond DIRECTORS ; W. I. GORB, G. W. WILUAMS, DONALD MacRAE, H. VOLLIRS, J. W. ATKINSON CLAYTON .GILES. ISAAC BATES, JAMES A. LEAK F. RHEINSTEIN' S, B. BORDEN. ISAAOrBATES...j, Pmsidkmt G. W. WILLI AMS . ............... . Vic Pkbshht WM. L. SMITH ...Cashem ATKINSON dt WANING ' . . ' AGENTS North Carolina Home Ins. Co yE OFFER TO THOSE WANTING , IS STJB AHCS AGAINST FIRE Policies in this Old and Reliable Home Institution AU losses promptly paid , . . . W. S. PRIMROSE, President. CHARLES ROOT, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER.Secretnr ST. JAMES HOTEL, GOLDSBORO, IT. C, -pEFURNISHED AND' REFITTED, NEAT XV and clean. First class in every respect. Rates as.uu per nay. .. F. L. CASTEX. ' ' Proprietor. 3 1fr,fiZg$ftm high Firecrackers, Direct . Importation. - : . . .. . - . . . - ' -i -. English Earthenwaiv. We have,now en route from Liverpool to this Fort -'a large lot of best Mnglish Earthenware, ' : BOTH -T. L Rain, White and Decorated. Shall .be glad to quote prices : of these goods. . ALSO A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF American Glassware, Ziamps, &cM on which we can give closest prices. Merchants of the Carolinas will do well to see usbefore buying. We E, Springer & Co. , - IMPORTERS AID JOBBERS Hardware, Tinware - AND- S CROCKERY. oct 11 tt S. W. SKINNER CO. Machine and iron Works; FOUNDRY, BLACKSMITH AND BOLLETi SHOPS. WILL KAX A1TD KEPAIR B0ILEES, XX. GI1TES, KILLS, AHD ALL KINDS OPHACHTJrEBT. Having new and first class works, with modern tools, are prepared to undertake any class of work. Satisfaction guaranteed. - A full stock of Machinist's supplies always on hand. CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR BUILDING STEAMBOATS SCOWS, etc eepStf BRYANT ft STRATTOM FOUNDED IN 18S4 by the present execntlve 27 TEARS of continuous end successful man agement Increased annual attendance Now occupying four buildlnjrs Stands unrivaled in facilities for educating fQTOOMEN AND WOMEN for success in life. In deciding upon ascnooi lor taeir cnuaren, p AR E IITS Bnouia send them to THE BEST, because it pays. It may require tne expenditure or a rew dollars more at first,bnt it will prove the cheapest in the end. CHEAP tuition is very dear, because it means cheap teachers, cheap Burrotradlngs, infe rior facilities, and offers NO opportunities for securing POSITIONS for its pupils and graduates. This Institution, owing to its H I C H standard of excellence, has placed in desirable positions more young men and women from Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Caro lina, and Georgia, than all similar institutions combined. Catalogue and particulars mailed on application. Address, VY. H. SADLER, President, and Foundsr; or W. A. SADLER, Secretarr, Q, 8, I O & 1 2 N.Charles Street, " BALTIMORE, MD. sep 1 D&W6m Health is Wealth! l "jdr. K. C. Wst s Nmvb akd Brain TheatmsHt, a guaranteed specinc lor nystena, uizimcsa, vulsions, rits, ervous i.curaigi. ncujre, vous Prostration caused by the use of cohol or to i w.wiAM. Mm n.nrnnn. Softeninflr of OKU.-U, , a.wu, r - . . " the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay anc a earn, rTcmaturc ui" Age, uiv"" Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Cnarmarmrhflea caused bv over-exertion of the brain self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month s treatment, ti.uua oox, or m oim $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. VB GUARANTEE SIX BOXE8 . VI73.1. aal. mJm rtrA Vl. tt 1 0 cure any u. " ii r.''""" for six boxes, accompanied with S5.00, we wiU send the purenaser our wntien guarantee w rauuu money if the treatment does not effect a core. Guar antees issued only by - 1 Sole Agt, N. W. Cor. Front and Market Sts, ;i feb 1 D&W lv - Wilmington. N. C. JAPANESt CURE ,A, ji&ranteed. Cure for Pile of whatever x kind or degree External, Internal, Blind or . Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Becent or Ileredl- . tary. 1.00 a boxj 0 bores, $6.00.- Sent tor mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. We guar- : antee to core any case of Flies. Guaranteed rioid oalr to l" " ' . j. H. HARDIN, - wnoiesale and Retail Druggist, : r feb 1 tf DAW , New Market, Wilmington. N. CV WILMINGTON SEAC0AST R.R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT. 25,' 1891. Leave Princess street at 9.00 a. m., 3.00- and 6.15. p. m. Leave Ocean View at 7.30 and 10.00 a. m. and 5.15 p. m. - . Sunday trains leave Princess street 3.00 p. m.. Ocean View at 65 p. m. : Fare 25 cents. J. R. NOLAN, oct88tf Genl Manager. mt II 1 . ATLANTIC COAST; LINE. . WilnM&n & WeMon R. R. m Branch CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . w , v.m No. 27 No. 41 Dated Nov. 23,1891. No-23 Fast Mail Daily ea v.-- -. Deily. - Daily. Sunday. - :- .; ?' -- PM PM A M Leave Weldon...... ...... 12 30 . 5 43 6 20 Att. Rocky Mount........ : 1 40 7 24 Arrive Tarboro.......... 2 18 " ' . -' AM:" - - Leave Tarboro 13 53 " 6 CO . . , . . . . Arrive Wilsc...;T.......l 2 IS - 7 00 7 E3 Leave Wilsou.i. " 2 30 Arrive Selma. ............ 3 SO Arrive FayetteviUe....... 8 30 Leave Goldsboro i S 15 7 43 8 40 - Leave Warsaw... 4 14 9 34 Leave Magnolia ; 4 27 - 8 40 9 49 Arrive Wilmington 6 00 9 55 11 20 TRAINSTSOlNG NORTH. No.l4 No.78 lyL " ? Daily. Daily. Sunday. - AM AM . PM Leave Wilmington........ 12 35 r 9 16 4 25 Leave Magnolia.......... --" 10 57 8 10 Leave Warsaw.... 11 11 6 25 " Arrive Goldsboro; 8 85 12 06 7 80 Leave Favetteville.. 9 10 i... .... Arrive Selma. ..... 11 08 . ...... Arrive Wilson 12 10 AM PM PM Leave Wilson.. ........... 3 85 12 58 8 23 Arr. Rocky Mount.. ...i.. ...... ISO 8 53 Arrive Tarboro 6 30 2 18 Leave Tarboro.. ......... ...... 12 58 ".V.VII PM Arrive Weldon. .......... 5 05 2 55 10 00 Daily except .Sunday. : Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Wel don 4.00 pm, Halifax 4.22 p m, arrive Scotland Neck 5.15 p m, Greenville 6 52 p m, Kinston 8 00 p m. Re turning, leaves ninston i warn, oreenvnie H.1U a m, Arrivmr Halifax at 11 00 a m.Weldon 11.25 a m. dailv except Sunday. lxicai height train leaves Weldon at 7.00 a. m., ar riving Scotland Neck 10.03 am, Greenville 3.00 p. m., Kinston 6.10 p. m. Returning, leaves Kinston at H.00 a.- m. arriving Greenville 10.50 a. m., '.Scot land Neck 2.40 p. m Weldon 5 15 p. m.. daily ex cept Sunday. ' Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, via Albemarle & Raleigh R. R daily except Sunday. 4 40 v m : Sundav 3 o m arrive Williamston, N. C, 7 18 p m and 4 20 jp m ; Ply- montn 03upm,ozupm. Keturmng, leave flymontb. N. C, daily except Sunday 6 20 a m, Sunday 9 00 a m, Williamston 7 40 a m, 9 58 a m. Arrive Tarboro, N, C, 10 05 a ra and 11 20 a m. Tram on Midland N C Branch leaves Goldsboro. N. C, daily except Sunday, 7 00 a m ; arrive Smithfieid, N. C, 8.30 a m; Returning, leaves Smithfieid, N. C. 9 00 a m ; arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 10 30 a m. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 5.15 a m .arrives Nashville 5 55 p m, Spring Hope 6 30 p'm. Returning, leaves Spring Hope 8 am, Nash ville 835a m; arrive Rocky Mount 915 am, daily except Sunday. - Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, daily except Sunday,at C.30 p m and 11 15 a m. Return ing, leave Clinton at 8 20 a m and 3 10 p m, connecting at Warsaw with Nos. 41, 40, 23 and 78. Southbound tram on Wilson & FayetteviUe Braich is No. 61. Northbound is No. 50. Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 Soutn, and H'North, will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson, Goid-boro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line, also ar fcocky Mount daily except Sunday, with Norfolk and Caro lina Railroad for Norfolk and all points north via Nor oik. JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. J. R. KENLY, Snp't Transportation. T. M. EMERSON Gen'l PassV Agent, nov 21-tf Cape Fear Hattin Valley Railway Co. COITDlTSKD SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 8. 1891. NORTH BOUND. " V O - -5 -1 is' A. M. Leave Wilmington. . . . Arrive FayetteviUe... Leave FayetteviUe... Leave Sanford.. Arrive Greensboro. . . Leave Greensboro.... Leave Walnut Cove.. Arrive Mt. Airy Leave Bennettsville. . Leave Maxton Arrive FayetteviUe... Leave Ramseur Arrive Greensboro.... Leave Greensboro.... 11 00 P. MJ 2 23 3 15 4 42 7 10 7 20 8 49 10.45 P. M 12 55j 1 4 8 10 A. M. 7 25 10 05 10 35 P. M. Arrive Madison 12 55 A.M. 10 10 P. M. 1 0 5 35 Leave Greensboro. Leave Walnut Gove. Arrive Mt. Airy SOUTH BOUND. H c9' rj c "O 4$ o'ii Q Q Q Q 1A. M. Leave Mt. Airy..... 6 55 Leave Walnut Cove 8 45 Arrive Greensboro........ 10 10 Leave Greensboro.. ..... 10 30 P. M. Leave Sanford. 12 58 Arrive FayetteviUe 2 25 Leave FavetteviUe....... '8 is Arrive Wilmington I 6 40 P. M. -Leave FayetteviUe...;. 3 35 'Leave Maxton........... 3 55 Arrive BennettsviUe 4 45 P.M. Leave Madison. ...... 2 30 Arrive Greensboro....... 4 35 Leave Greensboro 5 10 Arrive Ramseur 8 25 P. M. Leave Mt. Airy.. .,. ...... 2 10 Leave Walnut Cove ....tt 6 00 Arrive Greensboro....... 845 ; ... W. E. KYLE, . Gron'l Passenger Agent. J. W. PBY, Gen'l Manager. "tovlltf PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. To Take Effect on Oct. 25th., 1891. : MOVING NORTH. No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Cheraw,' S. C. ............ ........ 4.30 Jp.m Leave Kollock Station................... 4.50 p. ra Leave Osborne, N. C. 5.15 p. m Arrive numieL, 11. v... .............. ..... u.-w j. ui MOVING SOUTH. No. 1 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Leave Hamlet, N. C. '8.30a. a Leave Osborne, N. C 8.50 a. m In.. Knllrx-lr Slat-inn 9.20 a. m Arrive Cheraw. S. C. .,. .. 9.40 a. m oct 25 tf WM. MONCURI, Sup'L The ' Unlucky Corner ! V CRANBERRIES AND LOOSE OLIVES, L. L. Raisins ana SMel AlionSs, FERRIS HAMS. TONGUES and STRIPS. . v - ; . - Try a can of KIPPERED1HERRING. You'U surelv like It. S. W. SANDERS & CO. nor 17 " ATLANTIC COAST LINE. WiMfflon ColuiMa Slnpsia L El CONDENSED SCHEDULE, TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov. 23, 1391. No.23 No.2T . .. . " PM PM AM' : 6 25 10 1( ...... I A M - : i -9 85 12 40 1020 l a - . A"M- No. 50 V; No. 58 A M ' . - -3 20 ....... 6 40 r ' 4 35 ...... 8 00. No. 52 . - AM "; " 4 36 8 40 8 00 6 15 ' 9 50 9 SO AM-i Leave Wilmington,., Leave Marion...,....,,.....,.... Arrive Florence..... Leave Florence., .-. ............. Arrive Sumter.. , .............. Leave Sumter Arrive Columbia. ........ ... .... See note for additional trains. No.' 52 nsi through from Charleston via Central Railroad. Leaving lanes 7 30 a m. Manning 8 05 a m. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with ' No. 58. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 51 No. 58 No. 69 PM P M PM Leave Columbia. 10 45 2 30 5 35 - . A M Arrive Sumter, 12j;4 10 ?5 7 00 - " AM Leave Sumter...,.,.,.. 12 04 ...... 7 00 Arrive Florence . 1 15 8 15 - No.78 No. J AM VM Leave Florence. 3 00 ...... 8 f 0 Leave Marion..,..,..,,,., 5,44 ...... 9 S5 Arrive Wilniington,,..,, ,..,,. 8 55 AM 12 20 See note for additional tra n. In addition to sbove, train No. 49 leaves Colunbia 7.10 a m daily except Sunday, arriving Sumter 8.30. Train No. 48 leaves Sumter 8 00 p. m., daily except Sunday, arrives Columbia - 9 20 p m. , ... Daily, t Daily except bunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S. C, via Cei -tral R. R., arriving Manning 10.07 p m. Lanes 11 40 p. D Charleston 1 15 a ra. No. 59 connects at Florence with C. & D. train f rcn, Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wv!n:srf'-5i with W. & W. R. R. R; for all points Nort. Train on Florence Railroad leaves Pee r-et except Sunday, 4.40 p m, arrive Rowland 7 p ns. Pf turning, leave Kowland 6 30 a ni, ainvt Pee i r S nn am. Train on Manchester & Auensta Railroad leave Sumter daily, except Sunday, 10 50 am, arrive Ri mini 11 69 a m. Returning, leave Rimini IS SO p m. a:-, rive Sumter 1 40 p m. Trains on Hartsville R. R. leave Hartsville ;daily -except Sunday a 4.55 a. m., arriving Floyds 5.40 a . m. Keturmng, leave rloyds 8.10 p. m.. arnvine 8.50 m. -TOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Sup'tP . J. R. KENLY, Assistant Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Gen'l Pass'ger Agent nov 21 tf SEABOARD AIR LINE. - Carolina Central R. R. , COKDIIJSED SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 43 No. 23 No. 41 Nov. 29, 1891. Daily ex. Daily ex. Daily ex. Sunday. Saturday. Sunday. . Leave Wilmington 9.30 a. jn. 71 5 p. m. Leave Hamlet 1.43 p. m. 2.3 J a. m. 7.40 p.m. Leave Monroe.... 3.30 p. m. 5.50 a. m. 9.25 p.m. Arrive Charlotte. . 4.20 p. m. 75 a. m. 10.15 p. m. Leave Charlotte.. 4 30 p. m. Leave Lincoln ton. 5 .65 p. m. Leave Shelby 6.-3 p. m. Arrive Rutherron 7.5 p. m. EASTEOUND, TRAINS. No. 36 No. 24 No. 38 Daily exept Daily exept Daily ex. Sunday. Sunday. Suday. - L'veR ntherfordt'n 8.f 0 a. m. Leave Shelby 9.P4 a. m. Leave Lincunton. 10.03 a. m. -Arrive Charlotte.. 11.23 p. m. Leave Chariotte... ll.5 p. m. 7.45 p. m. 5.00a.m. Leave Monroe.... 12.24 p. m. 9i5 p. m. 5.50 a. m Leave Hamlet..... 2 28 p. m. 12.45 a. m. 7.40a.m. Arrive Wilmington 6 22 p. m. 7 40 a. it. Trains Nos. 43 and 36 make connection at Ham let fot Cheraw and Gibson 'trams Nos. 41 and 38 run solid to and from Portsmouth. - Trains Nos. 23 and 24 makes concectionat Monroe wi h G., C. &. N R. R. to and fron all points South. Trains Nos. 23 and 24 make close connection at Hamlet to and from Raleigh and points on the Raleigh & Augusta Railroad. Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte on Nos. 23 and 2L WM. MONCURE, Superintendent O. V. Smith, Traffic Manager.. - - nov29tf" Wo 0. & E. C Railroad. In Effect November 1st, 1891. Leave WUmington daily, except Sunday, for Jack sonville and intermedia e stations at S p. m. Leave Wilmington daily, except Saturday and Sun day, for Jack onvi lie and intermediate points at 9.00 a. m. - Sunday train leaves Wiimingtcn for Jacksonville at 4 p. m. grains arrive at Wilm'ngton daily, except Sunday, at 8 00 a. m., daily except i-atu day and Sunday, at 6.25 p. m., and on Saturday at 8.30 p. m. additionaL Steamers on New River leaves JacksofviJle daily, except Sunday, for Marines aoa intrrmediate points at 6.-i0 a. m., arriving at Jacksonville on return at lp. m. Steamer leaves Jsci son viUe for . Tar Landing at 1.30 p m. on 'I nesdai s and Fiidays, arriving at Jack sonville on rei urn at 3 JiO p. m. - H. A. WHITING, General Manager. J. W. MAB.TENIS, Gen'l Passenger Agent. nov 1 tf T'BTT THE OTTERBURN UTHIAandMM - WATER! :i Highly recommended, and endorsed by leading . Physicians, for " BRIGHT'S DISEASE, : DIABETES, DYSPEPSIA. And all affections of the layer and Kidneys. , Send for Pamphlet with certificates. - 1 ; B. B. BEI.I.AMY, Agent. - ' . - - ; , Wilmington. N. C. W. D. RICE. Sec'y. Richmond, Va. sep 16 tf , STOP AT THE BURNS HOUSE, WADESBOBO, li". C, JOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE BUSI ness part of : the Town, and convenient fos Commer oa Men. . Table Board the best the market affords. Onmibn meet eU Trains. ' Bov27t , MRS. J."B. BURNS. i :.-.f c .v. --i! it A: . -car l-:---..-'-r:A mm .-. ;. ; ':';.-. v:- ' .-; f V?