lxc &Ioxxxxxxq jataxv Br WILLIAM It. BERNARD -, PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. " RATES Or SUBSCKIPTlOO, M ADVAHCX ' ' One Year (by Mail). Postage Paid..:.........;.i6 00 Six Months, M ........ 8 00 Three Months, : One Month, 60 rar To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the .iTitv Twrlvi Cknts per week. Onr City Agents irenotau adv&oce. Entered at.the Post Office At Wilmington, N. C, as Second Class Mail Matter. ' OUTLINES. Senate and House both in session; ad verse reports on "various bills in the Senate. The Mississippi Legisla ture has increased the- pensions of its Confederate soldiers. A North Carolina negro advocates paying ex slave owners for their, slave property. . A1 destructive fire in Memphis. Tsnn;; loss nearly a million dollars.; -Additional bodies of victims of the Hotel Royal fire have been removed from the rums, making thus far seven teen lives lost. . The Opera House at Wilbur, Neb!, was burned Monday night. Opening the British Parlia-. ment; the Qaeen's speech. Jno. J. Knox. ex-Comptroller.ot the Treasury, died 'Monday at his home in -New York. Chicago market review.- -Cotton options still under discus sion before the Committee on Agricul ture. Atlanta & Florida Railroad m the hands of a receiver. Last re ception of the season at the White House : - New York markets: Money easy at 12 per cent.; cotton easy; . middling uplands 7 3-16 cents; middling Orleans 7 9-16 cents; Southern flour dull and heavy; wheat unsettled, decidedly lower and moderately active; No. 2 red $102 1 028 in store and at elevator and SI 0:ifl 05 afloat; corn lower and fairly active: No. 2, 49K50 at eleva tor.; rosin dull but steady; strained, com mon to good. $1 32 1 37; spirits tur pentine dull and lower at 3334 cents. If Mr. Blaine be really out of the ring Gen. Alger may possibly make a few side remarks on his own ac count. -. Maybe Mr. Blaine doesn't really want to be President, after all. But then maybe Mr. Blaine couldn't be President if he wanted to. The Czar of Russia never shaves. m Even whenhe was a little shaver he did't shave, and yet from; all ac counts he has had some pretty close shaves. " ; It is not surprising that there should be considerable crow in this country if it be true, as chicken au thorities say, that there are 20,000, 000 roosters in it. V When Chili learns there are 8,567 -250 men in his country available for military duty, with somegr'eat war riors among 'em, she will know what a lucky escape she made. A New Jersy boy of an enquir ing turn of mind threw" a big car tridge in a stove tosee 'what would happen. It happened that they had a funeral -at his house next day. The city of Chicago, according to the Herald, has four hundred churches and not one public bath. Chicago dirt is so high that - the average Chicago man thinks it is a good thing to keep. - . The signs of the times point to a renewal of the political : battle of -1838. Cleveland will lead the Dem ocratic hosts, while Harrison will head the Republican column. At least, that is the view we take of it now. .v Senator Stanford and the Czar of Russia are two of the most distin guished horse-traders. The Sena tor has recently shipped twenty horses to the Czar, for which -the Czar is to ship him twenty Russian horses. - It is said that Baron Hirsch gives away annually $1,000,000. And he doubtless gets more solid comfort out of what he gives away than some of those fellows do out of . the mil lions they are hoarding for others to squander. New Jersey is not so far from New York, and yet a plain, unsophisti cated rural New Jersey man can't go into Gotham with a ' satchel in his hand to ask Jay Gould for a tem porary loan of $1,500,000 without being suspected of being a crank or a bomb burster. - As a fire conductor the ; hotel elevator seems to be a success. The frequency with which the elevator figures as a flame funnel in hotels, and other lofty buildings may pos sibly lead to the opinion that the proper place for the elevator is on: the outside of the house. The sheet-iron and steel manufac turers have combined to guard their, tariff interests. This' is a new com-" bine formed at Pittsburg last week. ihey have been combining for years. 11 is a habit they have when , their tariff interests are threatened. It is about time the tariff-taxed people were forming a little combine "of their own. ':;.77i;;iyi'"' r VOL. XLIX.-NO. 119. Dick Breeze, of Kansas," Mo.; was a priviliged character. He was ar rested for a $10,000 embezzlement," and was on such good terms- with the sheriff that the sheriff 1 extended the limits of the jail so as to include the whole cityjmd Dick went where and when he pleased, and kept guard oyer himself. He escorted himself to the court house to be tried and when convicted he escorted himself to the penitentiary" to serve his two years sentence. He went ,and while getting ready to put on the prison uniform his pardon by the Governor arrived. It is right hard for a man under trial for murder to know just how to behave. , If he is flustered and appears uncomfortable, it is considered asa sign of. guilt; and if he is cool, and looks on as if it was somebody else's business to take an interest in it, it is construed ass evidence that he is" a hardened villain, who deserves hang ing on general principles.; 7 I-" A German reformer in Chicago declares that a man can work "hard, sleep on a board and be healthy and happy .on one meal a day. He shows that he believes this by working his jaws hard, eating three square meals a day, and putting up in,the most comfortable quarters he can find. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WantedIto Borrow $3,000. B. M. PRiVETTCotton buyer, etc. - Mason lC-Meetg Plantagenet Com'ry - Cronly & Morris Valuable proper ty at auction.. PERSONAL PARAG RAPHS. Pertinent Paragraphs Pertaining Princi . pally to People and Pointedly Printed. ' Mr. H. Burkhimer is sick and confined to his room with the grip. ' "Brother Wiggins" was in town yesterday and predicteda change in the weather. Mr. J. W. Fry, General Man ager of the C F. & Y. V. Railroad, was in the city yesterday. : - - Mrs. J. S. Piver, wife of Police officer Piver is very sick with inflam matory rheumatism. ' Dr. D. W. C. Benbow, proprie tor of the Benbow Hotel of Greensboro, was jn the city yesterday. v Mr. A. J. Cottinghamjformerly of Wilmington, has established a mer cantile business at Dillon, S.C Mr. John Bloom, ; sick with rheumatism for about ten weeks, was reported a little better yesterday. Mr. H. F. Keneday, who . has been sick at'his residence on Greenville Sound, was able to be out yesterday. " Dr. W. A. Lash, of Greensboro, President of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad, was in the city yester day. N ' . - , 7 "Mr. Julius Sternberger, ;who has been sick with the grip, was out yesterday for the first time since - his sickness. "v. Mr. A. Mc. Wilson, who has been sick and confined to the house for some time with an attack of grip, was out again yesterday. . : 7 - The following were among the arrivals in 'the city yesterday: W. H. Neal. Laurinburg; D. N. Oliver. Row land; W. H. Pyke, Southport; B. .Wil liams, Burga; Dr. Lucas, White Hall; J. D. Kerr, Clinton; T. C. Manning, Greenvdle; R. S. White, Elizabethtown. - Messrs. H. C. Wiggins, Leon Abels, O. W. Scharn, New York; Jno. G. HoodpL. Kaufman, J. H. 'Meyer dirck, Philadelphia; . ; W: 7 Hartley, Providence; E. Mangold, Grand Rapids; C. B. Somerill, Boston; D. L. Homill, Albany; C. Jenkros, Baltimore, were among the arrivals at The Orton yester- day. Messrs. A. M. Wall, F. R Mc: Crowell, H. Kraemer, Baltimore; I. G. Lee, J. J. Gardner, Richmond; Mrs. T. Hollingsworth, Texas; .W. A. Kromer. New York; A. -B. Drass, Binghamton, N. Y.;' A. J. Butterfield. Haitord, T-.Y.; D. B. Groff and wife, Washington; L. W. New, Philadelphia; P,;S. Barnes, Baltimore, were, among the arrivals at The Purcell yesterday. The Minstrels To-night. The Gormans High Class Minstrel Company appear at" the Opera House this evening, and the sale of reserved seats indicates that there will be a larger and fashionable audience to greet them. The troupe will arrive here this mornT ing and give a grand street parade , at about 13 o'clock. When in Philadelphia recently The Record summed np the ver dict Of an audience that had witnessed thek rrformance briefly: "It was all in all, a great show." -The leading min strel organizations in which class they are numbered, vie "with : each other in lavish expenditure to produce uniaue and novel entertainments for the; pleas ure of their patrons, and the Gormans this season are said to rank-with the best. - The advance sale ot seats 'con tinues to-day at Yates'.' - Morn '"T- ' '-7-77 i-,t::y .rr. rv -'7 H WILMINGTON, LOCAL DOTS. , Items of Interesr Gathered Here - and There and Briefly Noted. --f Shooting sparrows is one ,of the pastimes at the City Hall.- -- V .-. , The minimum temperature yes terday was 53 degrees, maximum 63., - Repairs are being made to wharves at the foot of Dock and Ches nut streets, '- ' - '! - Judge Brown, who held court here last week, is quite sick at his home in Washington, N. C, !s - " . . James Gary, colored, guilty of disorderly conduct, was fined five dol-1 lars and costs in the Mayor's Court yes terday. " j- ; ' "Uniformity. Eating House" is the sign over the door of a- restaurant, for - colored people - on North N Water street. ' i- " ' ' ' - - ' . ' ' ' : y . - .: Spirits turpentine sold at 30 cents per gallon yesterday; the market closing steady. Tar was firm at $1.30 per barrel. - - - -, - The annual election of officers of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A., which was, to have been held yes terday, was postponed. 'r r. Stephen D. Pool, Jr., a na tive of Elizabeth City, in this State, and one of the editors of the New" Orleans Times-Democrat, died in New Orleans last Monday. . J ., Mr. T. M. Emerson, general freight and passenger agent of the At lantic Coast Line, says that the travel South this year has been very heavy, and he expects it to increase largely by March 1st. , , . . . A STAR-representative was dis cussing the question of evergreens with a young man yesterday, when the y. m. remarked that there were no evergreens at this time of year. The Star man told him he was ever green himself. - 7 The Star is reliably informed that Uranus is the morning "star, and that it will bein conjunction with the growing crescent of the moon v on the 18th inst. All right. The ambitious astrologer of the Star will be around A young- negro man named John Stoves was arrested on the corner of Front and Castle streets last night about 8 o'clock, by police officer White for shooting with a pistol at another negro, who took: btoves . hat and was carrying it off. 7 Two white men were arraigned before Justice Bunting yesterday charged with larceny of clothing from a boarder at the Fulton House, on Front street. It was found that the 'parties who stole the clothes had left the city, so these men were released. - l he New York market is re ported firm on all Southern vegetables : String beans $2 td $3.50. Green peas $4 to $5. Tomatoes $1.5 to $2.50. Cu cumbers $3 to $5. Squash $1.25 to $2. Beets $1.50 to $1.75. Lettuce $2.50 to $4 per barrel. v- Egg plant $5 to $9. - - From an article in another column it seems pretty certain that Wil mington is to have only half an encamp ment next summer, and that the other half will go to i Asheville. Net result : Not one-half of the usual number of visitors to the semi-encampments. : A gentleman who . ought to know, told a Star reporter last night that Mr. L. W. Ott. of Norfolk, who has been recently assisting in the work ot "straightening up"the affairs of the First National Bank, is one of the most thoroughly competent bank accountants, especially for the work he . now has in hand, he has ever known, BY RIVER AND RAIL. Beoeipts of HTaval - Stores ' and Cotton. - Yesterday. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R. 143 bales cotton, 14 casks spirits turDentine. 7 7, bbls. - rosin, . 37 bbls. tar.- Wilmington & Weldon - R. R. 94 bales cotton, 10 casks spirits turpentine, '8 bbls. rosin19 bbls. tar. 7 , Carolina Central R. R. 58 bales cotton, 8 casks spirits turpentine, 84 bbls.Tosin, 83 bbls. tar. C. F. & Y. V. R. R. 29 bales cotton, 89 casks spirits turpentine, 104 bbls. rosin, 178 bbls. tan Steamer D. Murchison 2 bales cot ton. 6 casks spirits turpentine, 69 bbls. "rosin, 101 bbls. tar.' Steamer Lisbon 6 bales cotton, 316 bbls. tar. ' - ' By Rafts and Flats 2,877 bbls. rosin, 103 bbls. tar t Total receipts Cotton; 832 bales ; spirits 7 turpentine, 7 77 casks; c rosin 3,099 bbls.; tar. 837 bbls. A Fireman's Dog 7-7 - " . ; - Afaithfyl old dog, who hung up at the "Atlantic" engine house arid ran with the hose cart" to every, fire, died Sunday- afternoon last. .The dog be longed to Mrr Nick Jacobs, and the boys at the engine house called him "Chief. They will ave his skin "stuffed and mounted by. a:taxidermist, and placed in the hall at the engine house.- N. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1892. THE STATE GUARD. The First and Second Begixnents to En camp at WrightsYille This Tear and the Third and: Fourth at Asheville Reasons for Making this Arrangement. The Star has reliable information that the honors of the encampment of the State Guard this summer will be di vided between Asheville. andTWrights- ville; the First and Second regiments go ing into camp at the latter place and the Third and Fourth regiments at Asheville. By this arrangement there will be a con siderable saving in the cost of transporta tion, it is said, and besides Asheville has agreed to pay all expenses, v Without this arrangement it is doubtful, as the Star is informed, if van encampment could be held at all this year, as it would be necesbary to raise at least $1,000 in addition to the amount now available, to have all the regiments together at Wrightsville. Officials appreciate what Wilmington has done for the Guard. As they say, she has been more, than kind in every way, and they cannot ask any thing oi her. "7 It is the opinion, also, and no doubt a very correct one.' that - regimental,1 en campments each regiment entirely un-i der its own Colonel are best for the troops so far as discipline and instruc tion are concerned. , : . Over three thousand dollars have been spent on the permanent encamp ment grounds at Wrightsville, and yet a great deal more is needed to - put the place in the condition it should be. , It is thought, however, that it will do very nicely this year for two regiments at one time, and no doubt the First" and Second will find it a pleasant and com fortable camp. The State Legislature, however, will have to increase' the ap propriation considerably to make it fit for the encampment of the entire State Guard. -' :' ". ":-r- " A GREAT DRAUGHT OF FISHES. Wonderful Success of the Fishermen of Morehead with Nets in Deep Water. A correspondent of the Star, writing from Morehead City, gives an account of the remarkable catches of fish made at Morehead City with nets in deep water. . - ' "Last week the correspondent writes, was one long to be remembered hy the fishermen of Morehead City, on account of the largest catch of fish ever made in the month of February. There were one hundred and fifty . thousand seven hundred and sixty-three croakers and sixteen thousand two hundred and six teen pounds of trout caught in five days, beginning Monday. Feb. 1st, and ending rriday, the 5th. lhese nsh were caught about two and a halt miles oil shore from Fort Macon, near - the sea ' buoy, iwhere the water will average about six fathoms. They were caught by sinking the nets .down to the bottom, - and that is done by tying sinkers on the lead line of the net. The nets are allowed to lay on the bottom from ten to thirty minutes and when taken up they are meshed full of fish. This mode of fish ing is new. as it was never tried till about one month ago, and so far it has proved very successful. "h or three years and until about one month ago, there were great quantities of fish caught in the same waters - with hook and line, but the net-fishing hav ing proved to be so much more success ful, hooks and lines have been laid aside and the nets are being used altogether. "The above figures do not give the en tire catch, as there were great quanti ties of fish . caught in the same waters by. our sister town, Beaufort, and sold to the dealers of Beaufort 7 Hotel Failures. It would seem from the following that the people of the South are not having all the dull times to themselves: The Grand Central Hotel, on lower Broadway, New York, has closed its doors on account of financial troubles. The annual rental was $65,000. This hotel was headquarters for Southerners in N. Y., and derived a large portion ot its support from them, borne years ago it was particularly famous -as being the scene of the shooting of James Fisk, Jr?, by Edward Stokes. The failure ot the Grand - Central is the fourth that has occurred in New York hotel circles in the oast six months, the others being the Stnrtevant, St. James and the New York Hotel. The failure of four leading hotels in New York in the short period of six months, is something well calculated to open the eyes 01 tnose wno imagine that the South is the only sufferer from hard times. Episcopal Convocation. The Convocation of Wilmington will be held at St. raurs Church, in this city, commencing on Wednesday, the 24th inst.. (St. Mathias' Day.) The "Commission!' of St. Andrew's Brother hood for jthe Southern States will be present at this meeting, and each clergy man of the Convocation . will appoint a lay delegate. Rev. Dr. Carmichael is the Dean and Rev. C H. Weaver is the Secretary. The Cabbage Crop. Truck"" farmers in this section will be glad to hear that the cabbage prospect," as far as ; prices are concerned, is favor able. Commission houses worth say that early cabbages will bring good prices. - They are getting scarce in that section onraccount of the hard winter, and shipments from the South are anx iously awaited. The early arrivals from North Carolina will undoubtedly yield remunerative returns. - - LIST OF LETTERS -Remaining in the Wilmington Post- office February 9, 1892: M - - - LADIES' LIST. - B Mrs Cidnev C Boon, Miss Jane Bnce, .Mrs Martha Bell (2) Mrs J A Bryan. C Mrs H Cotton, Miss Mazella Cox. F- Mrs Buntine Frederick. Miss Nina Forsythe. J Mrs barah James. M Miss Annie Moore. Miss C F Mc Laughlin, Miss Mamie McNeal.- 1 f Mrs Mag Pridgen. R Mrs Alice Reed, Miss Edith Rav- nor, Mary A Roberson. : b Miss Caroline St. Georcre. Miss Celia-Sauls, Miss Martha Stanlord care Mrs Cass, Mrs Mary Saulls. ; , " WMiss Kate Wintz. Miss -Lucv B Williams. 7 -c GENTLEMEN'S LIST. - B Gilbert Brothers, Grisel Brown. Gull . Branson. G V Bullard Tackson Boss. r C L D Casey. D David & Millie Davis. Sommel Dennis, S P Davis. 7 T T- E Hon J B Edgerton. : y 7 - F A L Fullmore care of Cant Adelet, Dennis Fairley, Jackson Ford. u b oilbert, frred Uore, George Greene, L F Gore. - . - : ' - "nH Henry Hicks. Robert F Hill. T A Home, Warren Hall, Will Haver- man (2) K J L King. L A Levi ne, Geo L Ledderidge. M F- P Murphy. Havwodch- Mus- grove, Weary Mearris. , NC A Nichols. - p ;l p Pickett.' R George T Ray. J W Russ. W J Robbms. S Albert Sellars, Council W SheD- herd, E C F Schwar, Frank Simmons, F L bewell. Henry Saullace, Joe Smith, I J Smith, R L Sandford. ' 1 r H Tvsen Paint Co. G H Thompson, J W Thompson. W Harry Wharton. Henry Williams (2), Tames Willmore. Tames Wncht care of Jno Dues. JohnWilband, Steven son White. foreign letters. M Meyer Dueres. f Immergtuck Bros. returned from dead letter oefice. S Abr Schar. F Lula Forman. i ; v J J Johnson. Persons calling for above letters will pieaac ay, advertised. If not called for in 15 days, they will be sent to the dead letter office. G. Z. FRENCH. Postmaster. NEW REGULATIONS For the N. C. S. G. Begiments to Con- . sist of Two Battalions Each. -General orders from headquarters of the N. C. State Guard make the follow ing announcement, viz: Each regiment for the present will be divided into two battalions, to be known as the First Battalion and -the Second Battalion of' such regiment, but in all regimental formations the battal ions will be posted as prescribed in Drill Regulations according to rank of bat talion commanders. I he several com panies of the regiments are hereby as signed to the battalions as follows: first regiment. First Battalion Companies C, D, E and G. Second Battalion Companies A, B and t. . SECOND REGIMENT. First Battalion. Companies A. C, - D and F. Second Battalion. Companies B, E and G. - THIRD REGIMENT. First Battalion. Companies C, E and F. Second Battalion. Companies A, B, G and I. 1 FOURTH REGIMENT. First Battalion. Companies' A. B, D, b and G. Second Battalion. Companies C, F, H and K. - - , HE The Major of each regiment as now constituted is assigned to the com mand ot the 1 irst Battalion ot bis regi ment; the Second Battalion of each regi ment will be commanded by the senior Captain of the . regiment, who will be promoted -Major and commissioned to rank from date of this order. v COTTOrFACTS AND FIGURES. 7 Receipts of cotton here "yesterday 332 bales; same date last year, 486. r - Net receipts at U. S. ports yester day. 51,213 bales: stock, 1,270,014 bales. i New York cotton futures closed steady, with sales of 159,000 bales; Feb ruary opened at 6.70 and closed 6.71; March opened 6.71 nd closed 6.75; April, 6.80 and closed 6.85; May. ,6.91 and closed 6.96. .1 Planters will do well to remember that the surplus' of American cotton is now about 1,100.000 bales. If the crop produced this year is not more than 6.- 500,000 bales, cotton will be worth forty to fifty per cent, more next November than it now is. --4. Newton' Enterprise: We are in formed that up to February - lst,; 1891, 400 tons of cotton fertilizer had been un loaded at the Rock Hill, South Caroli na depot, and at the same date this year only 40 tons Itave been received at that place. If this is a lair sample of what is going on in South Carolina, the cotton crop in that State will be materially re duced. . - " - Weattier Forecasts. 7 -The following are the forecasts lor to-day: - - For North and South Carolina, slightly cooler, north winds, some ' cloudiness with possibly local rains along east coast of North Carolina, warmer and generally fair Thursday. - WHOLE NO. 7,830 .7 DIED, POOL In the C-ty of New Orleans, on Monday. r cuiuw r em, xo, o i trnr,n u. ruuL, jr.. a na tive of alizabeth City.N. C, and one of the editors of the New Orleans "Times-Dtmocrat." - - v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 10, 1892 THE GORMANS' "HIGH-CLASS" Under the Management of WM. EVERSOLE. Prices 25, 60c and $1.00. Seats on sale at Yates' feb78t BookStore. . v . Do Not Neglect This Opportunity. VOU KNOW FULL WELL THE VALUES IN , AND NEAR THIS LOCALITY., M. CEONLY, Auctioneer, By CRONLY St MORRIS. On Wdnf1ftv n.rt 17rti Inrf a. 1Q A.1-.1. . ut we will sail upon the premises that valuable Store and uweuing upon tne soutnwest intersection of Fourth with Campnell streets. - The Store upon the corner 80 feet front (33 feet 6 inches enclosed) noon Fourth street running westwardly along the sonthern line of iampDeii street oa teet. l be two-story Dwelling House (9 rooms), including kitchen. - Lot - 86 by 65 feet south of and ad joining above. Lot fronting 26 feet upon Campbe 1 street, running soothward 66 feet (71 feet 6 iochei enclosed) upon which are extensive slab es. Examine ihis prroertv and convince vow au. ui ii. viuuc, aw. vuxy now, DUii its prospecuve. it t i . i . . . . icd iu we su B. IYI. PRIVETT, COTTON BUYER AND WHOLESALE AND" RETAIL DEALER IN GROCERIES, GEATir, PEOVTSlOirS, LIKE, PLASTES, CEMEKT, ETC. SEED OATS A SPECIALTY. feb 10 lm Gold bora, N. C ST. JOHN'S HALL, Feb. 10, 1892. Plantageaet Commaiilery No. 1, K. p. T EGUL.AR CONCtAVE THIS (WEDNES- JLwaavi eveninsf. at o o cior.it. The Mrin nf th JKea Cross will be conferred. Visitinc Sir Knights in- vitco co attend. u. MctAUWKKN. - feb 10 It Recorder. Wanted to Borrow, QN FIRST-CLASS REAL ESTATE, $3,500 or $3,000. Lender will Be fully secured. Address at once feb 10 It - V MM Care Star Office. The Great Violinist, iVVIDE MUSIN, AND HIS MAGNIFICENT Company, Friday night. Feb. - 12th, Y. M. C A. Auditorium. Tickets at Yates' and Rooms: - Season $2.60 and fz.w; single $i.uu ana vac. Keserved seats tree. - Box sheet 'lhnrsday morning at Yates'. feb 9 St tuthfr - Clearance Sale STILL CONTINUES ! i hose who nave called at our place during the past week-know what we offer. To others we say come and see what our conception of a bargain is. Simply test the value of advertising. The good work will go on during-the coming week, v IPz?i "TTLO C0Sl3. BLANKETS AND COMFORTS. - -v . . . ' - The remainder of this stock we propose to close out at the above price. - . . . , JACKETS AND WRAPS. - We are showing an assortment which we believe to be exactly suited to the best trade. The garments all possess that intrinsic worth which stands out against the "only made to sell" class, just as the genuine jewel stands out against the sham. These goods will also be sold for PRIME COST. , CARPETS AND MATTINGS. Our extensive Carpet and Matting Department embraces every variety and style of reliable goods in new designsand attractive colorings. We make a prominent feature of offering Special Patterns, which we do not in tend duplicating, at prices that will insure their ready sale. LACE .CURTAINS & PORTIERES. ;We have a few good things in these goods which can be bought at a re- . markably low figure. TRACK LINEN AND OIL CLOTH. A splendid line of. these goods on hand-at all times. ' TRUNKS AND SATCHELS. We are receiving a supply of these goods daily. BROWN & RODDICK, " . . No. 9 NORTH FRONT STREET.. ' feb 7 tf Garden Seed. jq-EW CROP. ALL VARIETIES. ' v.r- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. - - ROBERT R. BELLAMY, Druggist, f el 7 tf ' N. W. Cor. Front ana Market Stt. 7 RAfiB V AJ&UT1SIN& , One Square One Day.................... 1 06 v Two Uays............. ,...,..., I . " - 14 Three Days............ . 8 tO J Four Days...... .... IN Five Days..... ...... 8 60 - one Week...,. , -4 00 : two weeks ...;;............ o wi Three Woeks ,.. ......, 8 BO . i '7. One Month...:. 10 CO , - Two Months...: 18 DO s. tt '., Three Months.....; 84 C0v Six Months .............. 40 0Q - w One Year..... 60 CC .7 ' Contract AdvertSsementa taken at proportion ately low rates." - " ' . " Tea lines solid Nonpareil type make one square. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CASH HOUSE. CLEARING SALE COMMMCIM WOEHOIAT "..w." v'-' ' - . :.".e M. M.ttatz&Son. DRY GOODS. Our home buyer leaves the latter part of this week, and the arrival of New Spring Goods necessitates an immediate reduction in our stock. - Prices placed on - merchandise s . - - never before heard of in th$ history of the Wilmington retail trade. We ask you, "do you need any- - thing ?. Then why not economize by saving the profits you would in the ordinary course of buying have to pay. Many seasonable goods at the manufacturer's and importer's cost. You will ask us, , why we do not mention prices? Because we have' not the space in this issue. v" STOCK MUST BE SOLD, M. M. KATZ & SON. DRY GOODS, 116 MARKET STREET, Wilmington, N. 0. feb 7 tf ' " H. L. FENNELL, - . THE HORSR MILLINER, feb 7 tf - 14 & 16 South Front St. - ASK YOUR DEALER FOB THE CELEBRATED BRA1TD OF FINE RYE WHISKEY, RIVER MILLS. We have a few Barrels of 4-year-old - H. C. CORK WHISKEY. which we will sell la quantities to suit 7 at a REASONABLE PRICE. : Jug orders from the Country . receive our prompt attention, by Freight or Express. . Sol. Bear Cc Co., WE0ISALE LIQUOR DEALERS, ' feb 7tf WILMINGTON. N. C. Hardware Business for Sale! ESTABLISHED 1860. OWING TO THE DEATH OF THE LATE oronrietor. a lone established and profitable Bard- ware business is offered for sale. Inventory of etock and full particulars furnished upon application to the ' undersigned at 29 South Front street, Wilming ton, N. C , - A. P. HALLETT, teb? lw executor ciavc oi vjeo.-A. reca. - :" Pom's Ei. Catarrli Remeiy. ', HALL'S, SANFORD'S, PISO'S CATARRH Remedies, Ely s Cream Balm, Schiffman's Pap- - ham's, and. Green Mountain Asthma Cures, sc. f Prescriptions receive most careful attention. Rnilnat in Vharmarv . and ittwistered DrUESist. Y. M. C. A. Building, Wilmington, N. C feb7 tt Dissolution; JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm of W. I. GORE & CO. is dissolved by the with drawal of W. I. Gore. The business will be Con tinned by the remaining partners. It. J. Corbett and Albert Gore, under the firm name of CORBETT ft ,GORE. AH debts due by or to the arm of W. I. Gore ft Co. will be paid of collected by te firm of Corbett ft . Gore." ' - . ' J r- - feb78t ' -1 1 X t Si .-7 t