By WIIiIjIAM H. BEBNABD. PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. " RATES OF SDBSCKtPTIOO, IN ADVAMC - One Year (by Mail), Pottage Paid .......$6 00 Six Months, " " .J 00 Three Months, " - . ?l 60 One Month .,'- " . " 60 r H Morning- ' To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the City, Twun Cms per week. Our City Agents are not authorised to collect for more than three months advance. Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, as Second Class Mail Matter. - '. BATES OF ADVERTISING One Square One Day..;,,... ....... ...........f 1 CO iwoinw,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,.,, i 70 u Three Days. 2 60 .r Four Days M.. 8 08 " Five Days.... 8 60 " One Week.......... 4 00 " Two Weeks.. 6 60 Three Waeks... . 8 60 " " One Month....................... 10 00 " " Two Months........ 18 00 " ' Three Months.. M . 84 00 " V ' Six Months................. 40 00 r " One Year ........ ...i....... 60 OC VOL. L. NO, 60. WILMINGTON, N, CM SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1892. WHOLE NO. 7,843 " OUTLINES. Both Houses of Congress - in session yesterday; the free silver bill in the Senate; the Sundry Civil Appropriation bill in the House; - its passage. First execution of the death sentence in Columbia county, ' Ark. I -. - A necpro killed in a South Carolina gold -mine. The Nevada Democrats v uncom promisingly for free , silver; . Base ball ; games "S played :t yesterday, y ' Foreign news Resignation of the new Italian Cabinet; jurors tor the trial of the French anarchist. Assign ment of the Louisville; Foundry and Machine Works. Southern Pres byterians at Hot Springs; reports 6n home and foreign missions. Cot ton futures market: Dun's review of trade; a good showing. . ' Wash ington news The : President off on a trip to ', Rochester. Chicago market review.- New York markets: Money easy at closing offered at per cent.; cotton quiet; sales of 328 bales; middling 1 cents; low middling 0 15-16 cents; southern flour dun; wneat irregular, "Closing firm and fairly active; No. 2 red 97 J 08c afloat; cora lower : and very dull; No. 2, 58c at elevator and 59c -afloat; rosin steady and quiet; strained, common to good, $1.85 1.37; spirits turpentine dull and lower . at 2930f centsV Col. Roger E.. Cook, of Washing ton county, Maryland, is 85 years old, and still' continues to dispense justice as a J. P., having just taken out his 25th commission. There was a Wisconsin justice who lay . over the Col. He was elected justice during the territorial days, and con tinued to serve until his death, which occurred a few years ago, never hav ing taken out a commission or filed a bond but once. - - LOCAL DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered Here and There and Briefly Note d. - THE STREET RAILWAY. SCHOOL. CLOSING. Mr. Blaine didn't go to New York on politics sbent but to see a new grand-daughter recently arrived. While there, however, he fully con vinced fifty-five newspaper reporters who -called upon him that he was quite able-bodied. Before his arri val, however, he gave occular de monstration of this by shaking and getting away from a Jersey City hackman. We are'under obligations to Sena tor Vance for a copy of the report of the Finance Committee on the bill to repeal the tax on the circula tion of State banks of issue, a very able report, understood to have been written by Senator Vance. Tennessee is solid for, Grover. Tennessee, you see, is a level-headed sister. ' :' ' Ex-Governor Long, of Massachu setts, writes poetry. He-writes in long meter. NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. Adrian & Vollers Groceries; . Rocky Mount Improvemant Co. Connelly Springs Connelly, N. C The John L. Boatwright Co. New Goods. --.;'v: -: V ... ' - PERSONAL' PARAGRAPHS. During the nine years since the Brooklyn Bridge was completed, the travel over it has averaged 40,000 000 persons a year. '. . Andrew Carnegie takesan interest in the study of botony. The plants he takes, the most interest in are his iron plants. This remark is not in tended to be ironical. The crops along the Arkansas river have been ruined by the floods now prevailing. Government boats are furnishing food and succor to many of the suffering people. " ; A Philadelphia firm claims to have invented an odorless whiskey. If it will now continue its experiments and furnish a tangleless article with the odorless, it will be just the thing. la her last run from New York to Queenstown th-"Ctty of New York" made the average time of 20.06 miles per hour? which is pretty lively, ploughing of the waters for that dis tance. ' ,.: That Charleston Judge who has decided that soap may be sold on Sunday evidently believes that "cleanliness is next to godliness." It is not intimated that he was "soaped" by the soap men. A Topeka, Kansas, f dispatch says the People's party bustlers of that windy domain refuse to fuse with the Democrats, but will go it alone. They think they are right but will find they are left when the ballot counting has been done. , Pertinent Paragraphs Pertaining Prinoi - pally to People and Pointedly Printed. Rev. J. P. King has gone to Mount plive. where he will preach Sun day. ; : . : r ; (: Mr. W. B. Jordan, the Star's special travelling agent, spent yesterday in the city. ' i Mr. E. L. McComas, of Maxton, a subscriber to the Star since 1874, was in to see us yesterday.- : , Editor Roscower, of the Goldsboro Ifeadlight.'ytas among the visitors at the Star office yesterday. " Dr. L. L. Nash has gone to Edgecombe county to dedicate a new church, called Jones Chapel. The firm of J. W. Plummer & Son has. been dissolved. Hereafter Capt. 'Plummer will run the business. , - Messrs. G. Le Due, J. A. Burns, and Col, J. B. Starr, of Fayettville, were among the visitors in the city yester day. J' -2 ' .- yy':y: y Among the arrivals in the city yesterday, were C. Dewey, Goldsboro; B. Williams. J. H. Daniel, Burgaw; J.-E. Malloy, Sanford. Messrs. T. McGee, Jacksonville; J. C. McDowell, P. S; Gilchrist, Balti more; O. P. Hicks, Rutherfordton, were among the arrivals at The Orton yester day. : '':y.-:;y ''.:y : : : :'"r 'J '::-' Messrs. C. F. Heiser, Boston ; J. J. Phillips, Cincinnati; Wra. Lennon, New York; F. Meyer, Baltimore; T. M. Moore, Philadelphia, were at The Or ton yesterday. Children's day services at . 4.30 p. - m. to-morrow at : St. Andrews' Church. There will be no service at night. ' i Henry Richardson, colored, charged with larceny of gold ring, was sent up to the Criminal Court yesterday by Justice Bunting, under bond of $50. Rev. James Carmichael, D. " D., Chaplain of the W. L. I., -will preach the annual sermon to the company at- St. John's Church to-morrow afternoon. , Prayer and experience meeting of business and working men at 8 o'clock to-night at the Seaman's Bethel. Seafaring men and the ladies are also invited. .' - - , The up-country -excursionists spent yesterday at the. sea-shore and left for home last evening. ; They have had pleasant weather and seemed to ;n joy their visit here. T. The C. F. &X V. R. R. will sell round trip tickets for Wake Forest College on account of commencement. Tickets on sale June 4th to 7tb. The rate from Wilmington is $7.80. , We are entering on one of the most important political campaigns ever fought in North Carolina or the United ,States. Now is the time to subscribe to a Democratic : Daily Newspaper. Try The morning Star, j r ' : The Star acknowledges - re ceipt of an invitation to Wake Forest College commencement. June 6th to 9th. Dr. W," A. Ramsay, of Georgia, will de liver the address. Hon. J. W. Bailey, of Texas, the address to the Societies, and Rev. C. H. Jones, of Tennessee, the Baccalaurete sermon. ; j r - The half-holidays j commence next week and will continue until the 30th of September. Most of the busi ness houses and stores will close at one o'clock p. m. . on the -half-holidays so that employes wilT half ample time to get their dinners and take either route they prefer to the sea-shore. The medal to be presented to Mr. Robert H. Cowan by Wilmington Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 at their next regular monthly, meeting, is on exhibition at Mr. Honnet's jewelry store. It is very handsome and has the following: inscription: ''Fidelity and promptness. "1892. W H. L. ; Com pany." The committee who selected the medal are Lewis L. Hanby, ,R. R. Davis and J. W. Ragsdale. I v BASE fcALL. . The New York Tribune has been been hunting up the millionaires ' of the country and has found 399 in Pennsylvania, 215 of whom" made their cash in the protected indus tries. It has discovered fourteen in North Carolina. We are not any of them. - : - Colorado has ' commissioned a sculptor to cast a silver statue to sur mount -the "i State's exhibit at the World's Fair. Congressman Butler, of Iowa,; should arise and enquire whether this statueMs to be nude or have some clothes on, before this 'thing is done. . A man who undertook to run the block .with a lot of snakes in New York, fell mto;the hands of the vigi lant customs guards. The snake in dustry in this country must be pre served against the foreign pauper snakes. Any man who expects to bring snakes into this cquntryj and escape the customs watch dogs, must bleacheries; it cannot be long until our - COTTON FACTS AND FIGURES. Net receipts at all U. S. ports, 9,419 bales; stock, 67,183. v ' Spot cotton quoted in New York at 1z for middling. New York futures closed steady at an advance of 2 to 4 points on clos ing prices -Thursday; May opened at 7.25, and closed 7.3ir June 7.27, and closed 7.32; July 7.35, and closed 7.37; August 7.41, and closed 7.43. Receipts of cotton here yesterday, 20 bales; same date last year, 10. Re ceipts for the week ended yesterday 871 against 64 bales for corresponding week last year. Receipts for the crop year to Hat 1KS.275 bales asrainst 187.253 for same time last season. -. . - AH reliable information and all indi cations go. to show that the Southern spinners have had upon a whole, a very prosperous season. This, though some of the largest were a few years ago em barrased by lack of working capital. All these have stuck to their work, making somemoney and saving it and -are now earning handsome dividends for their owners. New bleacheries, the extension of dye houses and other signs of diversi fication of product appear on every hand. There is a steady advance into the finer grade fabrics, especially at the large es tablishments, and some of the smaller ones in Virginia, : Tennessee and North Carolina are not behind in this regard. Print factories will naturally toiiow new The Atlantic Coast Line Team to Play a Game at Iiumberton. , '- v Eleven of the most expert ball toss ers all very clever : young men- con nected with the Atlantic j Coast Line, left here last night for Lumberton, N C., on the Carolina Central railroad. They will spend all of to-day in Lum berton, and, will return home to-morrow. This morning they will be entertained by the Lumberton team, who will take them on a fishing frolic to Lumber river, and &e game of ball will be " played this afternooni They say there is no doubt of Lumberton being "shut out" completely, as the Coast Line team is a very strong one. It is as follows: Joe Whitehead, catch; Bill Oldham, pitch; Cliff . Cohen, 1st base; M. L. Stover, 2nd base; Neill Graham, 3rd base; Robt. Sykes. ' short stop; Douglas Winstead, left field; W. W. Holladay, centre field; Nixon Davis, right field. Mr. Horace Emerson will act as umpire." i . bring them in his boots. The State of New York owns 900, 000 acrei of land in the Adirondacks, half of which is in detached pieces around the border. A bill has passed the Legislature authorizing the sale of these, the object being to use the money in the purchase of land ad joining the body which' it, still owns near the headwaters of the ; great mountain streams, for a grand park. Snuthern mills will make every standard cotton fabric known to the trade. The progress in this industry in the last de cade has been something wonderful. . r ..... - Bishop Howe Paralyzed. . - It was stated several days ago in the Star that Bishop Watson had gone- to Charleston, S. C. to . assist Bishop Howe, of the Diocese of that State, who was quite sick. Yesterday news was re ceived here that Bishop Howe had been , stricken with paralysis and is in a criti cal condition at Saluda, N. C. -j , ' i BY RIVER AND RAIL. Receipts of Uaval Stores i and Cotton Yesterday. , Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R. 6 bales cotton, 43 casks spirits turpentine, 112 bbls. rosin,1 48 bbls. tar, 11 bbls. crude turpentine.' Wilmington & Weldon R.- R. 8 bales cotton; 18 casks spirits turpentine, 6 bbls. tar. Carolina Central R. R. 54 bbls. rosin. C. F. & V. V. R. R.1 bale cotton, 19 casks spirits turpentine, 39 bbls. ro sin. - T ' Steamer A. P. Hurt 5 bales cotton, 64 casks spirits turpentine, 147 bbls. ro- sin, l-T DDIS, tar, t uuis. cruue turpen tine. - - ' r , : Steamer W. T. Daggett 11 casks snirits turoentine. 61 bbls. rosin. 10 . ; . bbls. tar, 32 bbls. crude turpentine. ' Sharpie Ethel 11 bbls.! crude tur pentine. '' . . ! " - -- Total receipts-Cottoni -20 bales; spirits turpentine, 146 casks; rosin, 413 bbls.; tar, 75 bbls.; 'crude turpentine, 61 bbls. - A False Alarm. . The alarm turned in at 5.30 yesterday morning was a false one. 3 Smoke was seen issuing from, a ventilator in the Bl6ome building on North Fifth street (where the fire last Wednesday night oc curred.) " It came probably L from a chimney in an adjoining building. At all events there was no fire in the house, and the Fire Department had their run for nothing. Begnl&r Schedule to be Inaugurated To " morrow Six Cars on the Line Rapid Transit Tlie Park to be Made a Popu-'- lar Besort. - .-. " - - . ; The Wilmington street railway will begin running a regular schedule next Sunday with six cars on the line. ; On week days the first car. will leave Ninth and Castle streets for Hilton at 6 a. m. , The first car from Hilton, 6.25 a. m. for Ninth and Castle; first car from Ninth and Princess will start at 6.45 a. m. From that time until 9 o'clock a. m. a twenty minute -schedule will be run, passing Front and Princess on the hour twenty minutes past and twenty min utes before every hour. From 9 a. m. until 8.20 p. m., a ten minute schedule will be run, and from 8.20 p. m., until 10.S0 p. m., there will be a twenty minute schedule; cars pass ing Front and Princess streets ten min utes past the hour; thirty minutes past the hour, and ten -minutes before the next hour. ' " - The last through cars will leave the. various termini at the following times: Tenth and Princess, 10.25; Ninth and Castle,10.20;Hilton,10.35 p.m; A later car will leave Hilton at 10.55 for j Front and Orange, but will not go jhrough to Ninth and Castle. ) . On Sundays the cars start out at 9 a., m. on the regular week day schedule. The company has had a large number of time tables printed for posting up in? all public places, showing the passing times at Front and Ptincess streets, and the leaving times at the three' termini, with the connections made by each car, . Work was begunj in earnest on ' the Park a day or two ago, and the com pany have under consideration plans for small " depot and refreshment - stands. As soon as the workmen can be spared from the rush on the freight line, work on the Park will be hurried through. A great many ladies arid children visit the Park as it now is. every day, and in the evening many take the cars for the sake of the ride. The Park will, shortly, furnish a pleasant place of recreation for nurses and children, and as soon as the hot weather comes on in earnest, a ride out to the park in the evening will prove most refreshing after the heat of the day. ' "- , . College and School Celebrations. The Seaboard Air Line will sell re duced rate tickets as follows: . To Raleigh, on account of . the 50th anniversary of St. Mary's School. From Charlotte $6.55; . Henderson $2.25; Lincolnton $7 85; Maxton $5.15; Sanford $3.25; Shelby 8.05; Rutherfordton $8.95; Weldon $4.50; Wilmington $8.45. Tickets on sale June 3d to 6th; good to return till June 12. ; To Trinity, on account of Commence ment of Trinity College. From Forest City $7;45; Lattimore $6.95; Rutherford ton $7.45; Shelby $6.60; Weldon $7.85; Wilmington $7.65. Tickets on sale June 5th to 8th; good to return till June 11, To Davidson College, on account of Commencement. From : Forest City $5.60: Mooresboro $5.00; Henderson $6.95; Raleigh $6.65; Lincolnton $3.60; Rutherfordton $5.60; Lattimore $4.75; Sanford $7.45; Shelby $4.50; Maxton $6.35; Weldon 9.65; Wadesboro $4.55; Wilmington $7.70. Tickets on sale June 8th to 10th: eood to return till June 13. . - Teachers' Assembly. . ;. . : " The North Carolina Teachers' Assem bly convenes at Morehead this year on the 21st of June and holds till the 4th of July. , It promises to be the most popu lous and interesting profitable and en joyable session in the history of the As sembly. - . X. . In the official circular calling atten tion to the meeting, it is stated that dur ing the past nine years in which the As sembly had been at work it has secured good, paying -and , pleasant school posi tions for nearly six hundred of its mem bers. This represents a great deal of correspondence and careful work and no little expense, but the Assembly has done all the work and paid all the ex penses, and there has not been the cost of even a single cent to any teacher or school officer. .- ' Exercises by Scholars at the Lutheran , Parochial School. The closing exercises of the Lutheran Parochial School were held last night in Luther Memorial Hall, which was pack ed to its utmost capacity, although an admission fee of ten cents was collected at the door. The following is the pro gramme of the exercises, which were well rendered; . . German song, by .the scholars. Tambourine drill, by a group of scholars. An illustrated story, by A. Michel and Carl Miller. -"-"Hamlet and the Ghost." James Mc- Comber and P. Fick, " v "In the Morning;" recitation. Debate ''Are civilized nations justi fied in seizing and occupying countries inhabited by savages?" . : . ' : Vocal solo, by Miss Schwarz. r Address Parochial Thesis Rev. Dr. Burnhiem. Presentation - of medals; announce ment by Rev. Dr. F. W. E. Peschau. "Historical Heroines, or a Dream of the Fair Women of Ages." . v The exercises wound up with a grand tableau in which colored lights were burned with fine effect. r In Dr. Burnheim's address, he com plimented Misses Bonitz and - Wessel very highly and spoke for " some min utes on the benefits, derived from paro chial schools, both religiously and men tally: - y,:'C. Rev. F. W. EPeschau spoke in very high terms of the educational board of. the school. Concerning the teachers who had been so faithful and efficient, he read several letters to Miss - Bonitz from parents of children in her care, thanking the parochial school for what was done for them. He then presented two gold medals, one to Annie Baker for general excellence and best attendance and the other to little Beta Hansen for general diligence. : The following took part in the tableau and represented historical characters: Misses E. Bissinger, E. Bonitz, A. Ort- man, M. Runge, A. Stolter, L. Ulrich, M. W. Peschau and Mr. Chas. Bloome. "Socks' at the Y. M. C. A. : ; To-morrow at 5.15 p. m a talk will be given on "Rocks." There are rocks m the life '.of every man and the young man seems to have more than his share. Rev. W. C Norman will tell how the "Rocks in the lives of young men" can oe got rid of. Music will be a special feature during the hour. Every man in town should hear this talk. Do not be afraid if the weather is warm, because ice water in abundance will be furnished those who are thirsty and warm. Cotton Betfon Bulletin. : The cotton region bulletin reports light, rainfall yesterday at Goldsboro. Greensboro, Lumberton, Raleigh, Wel don " arid Newbern. Light rains were general throughout-the cotton belt. The temperature was near the normal, the average maximum ranging from 90 de grees for the bavannab district to 78 tor Memphis district, and tne average min imum from 54 for Little Rock district, to 68 for Galveston. THE MAILS. In Effect Sunday7April'24th, 1892. ' The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: . , , - CLOSE. - r' For North and way stations W & W R R. 8:15 am For Charlotte and way stations C C R R and West.. ..........j.... 80 am For Mt. Airy and way stations C F & Y V ' Railroad 8:50 a m For Wrightsville. , 6-00 a m "For Southport........... 8:15 am For Clinton, Magnolia and Goldsboro.. 8:20 p m W., C. & A., Number 23 South -1:15 p m For Charlotte and way stations....... 6:18 o m For South W C & A R R Train No, 27'-9:10 p m ror in orui v s. w . k. 4. rain no. i4.. ..iiaw p m For Brunswick County and Little River. S. C Tuesdays and Fridays.................... CKtta m For Cape Fear River Tuesdays and Fridays 1KX) p m r or unsiow ounty xaonaays ana rnaayi o.u a m MAILS READY FOR DELIVERY (WHEN THE TRAINS ARE ON TIME). Charlotte, Monroe, Maxton and Cronly.... 8:30 am All Points South, Train No. 78............;; 9:80 a m Contract Advertisements taken at proportios ately low rates. Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one square. NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS.1 in in -' ' i - .V-". IMPROVEMENT -AND From South oort From Clinton, Magnolia and Goldsboro, from Wnghtsvule . . . . 6KX) o m 12Mm 7:30 nm rrom Mt. Airy ana points u r x v k k saju p m From North Train No. 83................. 7:80 pm From Charlotte and way stations............ 8.00 p m From North W & W R R '.-.11.-00 p m From little River, S. C. and Brunswick co., Mondays and Thursdays.. ......... ...... 7:00 p m From Landings Cape Fear river, Tues. & Fri 8:00 a m . From Onslow county, " " 7:30 p m . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' THE FAMOUS CONNELLY SPRINGS. "TAIRECTLY ON LINE OF W. N. C. D1VIS- U ion of R. & D. R. R., and only 150 yards from station. Four daily passenger trains. : This favorite resort is now open. Cuisine simply unexcelled in. tne boutn, and presided over by a well known Chef, i This water has been highly endorsed bv hundreds of the medical profession, and has been pronounced by a competent London authority to be fully equal, if not superior to any of the most celebrated mineral waters' of Europe or America. Is is shipped in large quanti ties all over the United States, and -also direct to London, England. Water strongly diuretic and tonic. Livery stable, barber snop, laundry, Dall-room, Bowl ine alley, pool and billiard tables. Unrivaled scenery. Splendid drives. Full band all the season. Write for nrosoectus and rates to CONNELLY SPRINGS CO., may 28 2m - Connelly Springs, N. C. NEW GOODS! . ,Y'. ;-''' O -';.-, ' . We have just received the following; articles, which are being offered at low prices: - ' ' Fould's Wheat, Germ. Meal, ; Hecker's Wheaten Grits, - Big Hominy. "Large smoked TongueS, Springfield Hams, Gold Band Dried Beef. Finest Spring Batter, Elgin Creamery Butter, New Cream Cheese. Mocha and Java, in tins. . Pure Old Government Java, roasted. Caraccas Laguayra, roasted. Chocolate of all kinds. Cocoa in tins and bulk. Broma in tins. Exton's Butter Crackers, Long Oyster Crackers. A large assortment fresh Cakes. . Cocoanut and Almond Maccaroons. Manufacturing Company i -OF " ' - ' Rocky Mount, N. 0., Invite th6 attention of Capitalists, In- ; 4 vestors, Manufacturers and Home-seekers to the wonderful advantages and re- sources of this town and section. - Surrounded by One of the best tobacco and farming regions in the State, within '. a few hours; of the great Northern Mar- .. kets, in the midst of a high civilization . : and-with a salubrious climate, we offer -advantages! excelled by none and equal led- by few communities in the United - States. ; j' Located in the heart of the EASTERN j GOLDEN LEAF TOBACCO BELT, with immense Warehouses "and Leaf Factories, and with a larger territory tributuary to it than any other tobacco town in tbe State, ROCKY MOUNT is bound to become .the great Tobacco vi Manufacturing Centre of the South. " v The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad has . commenced building Immense Combina-" tion Shops and the most complete Rail-" , road Yards. in the world. ' : ':'. ; ; This, with the numercms lines of Rail roads built .and being built, which con- -verge here, renders it certain that-Rocky .; Mount will be one of the Most Import ant Railroad Centres of the South, and : ; one of the largest Manufacturing and Commercial Cities in North Carolina. For further information, address - Rocky IMount Improvement and Manufacturing Company. : BOCKX MOUNT, H C. ; J. H. LOGAN, 4 lM- ' General Manager. CAMPBELL & LYON. " may 18 tf j General Agents. iEIilliiiery. THE LADIES OF WILMINGTON ARE COR- : dially invited to inspect the latest styles in Miltf- nery at R. F. HAMME'S. Goods all new and select. With Miss Bent, Milliner, wa are confident that we ; can please the public in Millinery. may26tf ; Knights of Pythias. , . A movement is on foot to organize a uniform rank of the Knights of Pythias in this city. There is plenty of good material here for it; the Order number ing at least four hundred members. The Knights of Raleigh have a uniform rank the only one in the State and no doubt the Knights ot Wilmington Will soon "get there. Th.e Second Advent Church. Eider T. P. Kins?. Pastor. Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at a p. m The Trnok JTrade. - . - The following are' prices quoted in New York May 26th by Messrs. Palmer, Rivenburg & Co.: , , Beets, Charleston $3.004.00; Savan nah, $2.002.50; Florida, $1.001.50i cabbage, , Charleston - and - Savannah, $l.502.25; North Carolina, $1.502.00; Florida, $1.001.50; Norfolk,$1.251.50; cucumbers, $3.00a5.00; peas, Maryland, $t.001.25; Norfolk, 75c1.00; North Carolina, 50c$l.00; lettuce, $1.002.00; squash, 50c$1.00; string beans,: North Carolina, $1.502.00; T Charleston ; and Savannah, $1.001.50; Washington.fcl.OO 1.75; tomatoes, $3.008.00; strawber- - ries, Charleston,-1018c; North Carolina 613c; Norfolk, 9Hc; Maryland, 10 13c; peaches, 2.003.00; potatoes prime, $3.004.00; seconds, (1.502.50. Weather Forecast. The following are the forecasts lor to-dayr - ' ! - ; For North Carolina, fair till bunday nis-ht. Sliehtlv cooler - on the coast. North winds,' becoming yariable. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, corner of Market and Sixth streets. Rev. F. W. E. Peschau D. D., pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7.80 p. M. St. Paul's Church, corner Fourth and Oranse streets, Rev. Frederick N. Skinner rector. Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p, m. Snnday School at 8.30 p. m. All seats free. First Baptist Church corner Fifth and Market sts., Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D., Pastor. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and 7.45 p. m Sunday School at 3.30 p. m. Prayer and r raise meeting inursaay nignt at t.v. Stransers invited - "Immanuel Chapel," corner Front and " Queen streets. Rev. W. McC. Miller, Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. ana l.J p. m. annaay ocnoot at 3.30 n. m. Praver meeting and lecture Wednes day night at 7.80 o'clock. Seats free. Public cordi ally invuea. : , -j - j , t irst ITesDytenan unurcn, - corner xmra ana Orange streets, Rev. Peyton H. Hoge, D. D., Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Prayer- meeting and Bib;e ftndy, lbursday nignt at 8 o clock. Sunday School at 4.00 p. m. Seats free. , Public are invited to all services. - Market Street Methodist Cnurcn, corner Market and Ninth streets, Rev. E. C. Sell, Pastor. Ser vices to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 8.00 p. m. Class meet ing at 9.30 a. m. Prayer and pnuse meeting 1 nun day night at 8.00 o'clock. Sunday School 3.30 p. m. Seats' free. The public cordially invited. - Fifth Street M. . unurcn aoatn, siruarea on Fifth street, between Nun and Church, Rev. L. L. Nash, D. D., Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 7 45 p. m. Sunday School at 8.30 m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening hi o.ou p. in. otisngcn and visitors are cordially invited. Seats free. - Bladen Street Methodist Church Services to-morrow at 11 00 a. m. and 7 30 p. m., Sabbath School at 3 p. m. Class meeting at 7.30 p. Tuesday sight. Regular prayer meeting at 7.31 p. m. Thursday night. Strangers cordially invited. Bastor's study. No. 710 North Fourth street. Rev. C. W. Smith, Pastor. - St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, corner Fourth and Campbell streets, Rev. A. D. McClure, Pastor. - Sunday services to-morrow at 11 a. m.; Com mnnion. No services at night. Sabbath School at 4 p. m. Children's Day service at 4,30 p. m. Prayer meeting and Lecture Wednesday at 8 p. m. Ihe pbulic is cordially invited. Seats free. , Grace Methodist E. Church, South, northeast corner of Mulberry : and Fourth streets, Rev. W. C Nor man, Pastor. Services- to-morrow at 11 a. m.. and 8.03 p. m. Experience meeting at 10 o'clock a. m. in Lecture Room. Sunday School 8.80 p. m. Services every night next week at 8 o'clock, whether the bells are rung or not. Visrors and strangers are cordially invited to attend. - ' Brooklyn Baptist Chnrdvconer of Fourth and Brunswick streets. Rev. J. T. Jenkies. pastor. Ser vices tomorrow at 11 a. - m. and 8.00 p. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m. Weekly prayer and praise meeting every Wednesday evening at 8.00 ; seats free. A cordial invitation is extended to strangers and visi- A fresh lot of the celebrated "Parole Flour." . The Johri L Boatwright Co. Telephone No. 14. mar 81 tf ADRIAN &Y0LLERS, ' Wholesale Grocers, Offer at Lowest Wholesale Prices D. S. SIDES, HAMS and SHOULDERS, S. C ' FLOUR, different grades. , SUGAR, Granulated, White and Yellow. COFFEE, Java, Lagnyra and Rio. ;' -BUTTER and CHEESE. CRACKERS and S. CAKE . POTATOES, E. R planting and eating. ... ONIONS. RICE. CANDY, Sticks and Fancy. " TOBACCO and SNUFF. CIGARS, CHEROOTS nad CIGARETTES. WINES and LIQUORS. STARCH, SOAP, CANDLES, NAILS, '.Ac. &C. Carolina Beach. "WILMINGTON" WILL t of Market street, at 9.30 A. Will leave Carolina Beach at 13.30 rriHE STEAMER JL leave her wharf, foot of Market street, at 9.30 A, Adrian & Yollers. M.and 2.30 P.M. and 5.80 V. M.f ' , Leaves Wilmineton at 2.30 P. M. Leaves v Carolina Beach at 6.C0 P. M. - mayiatt -"TOTiitA Snl-nrinr SnTirisrsr . " 1 17 EST VIRGINIA. THIS FAMOUS MOUN- VV tain Resort will be "open for the Reception of guests JUNE 1st. Situated immediately on the Ches apeake & Ohio Railway, with its splendid VESTI BULE TRAINS both East and West, therefore read ily accessible from all parts of the country. . For PAMPHLETS, with full information, call on your Ticket Agent, or address ' i B. F.-EAKLE, ' . may241mM ' Superintendent. . HIIUTON CAFE, OCEAN VIEW, 1T7ILL BE' OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION ' YV of Guests MONDAY, MAY 23. Soft Crabs, Devil Crabs, Picked Crabs Meat, Pig Fish, Shrimps and other delicacies of the Sea . Can be had every day in the t -Week from 7X0 a. m. to 9.00 o. m. i - -E T. HTNTON. may 22 tf j ' Manager. "THE OCEAIMIC" CAKOLINA BEACH, may -8 tf WILL BE OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF Guests I . - - ' Wilmington Sea Coast R. R. . Friday, May 20th; Time Table In Effect May 12, 1892. Leave Princess Street. .h 7.00 A. M. and 3.00 P. M. ; ! . Ocean Yiew....... 7.50 A. M. and 5.45 P. M. Leave' Princess Street. , ; . . . .". .V. ...... .; 7.15 JP. M. " OceanView...................... 9.00 PM. -: Additional Train Saturday leaves Princess Street at 10.00 A.M. : Sunday Train leaves' Princess Street...... 8X0 P. M. Leaves Ocean View........... 5.45 P. M. ' . J. R. NOLAN, " may 13 tf : Gen. Manager. la My Amounts at -tie . . Atlantic National Bank, o? WTumnroTON, it. c. Call on Us Before Borrowim Elsew here. We Offer a Tlioroiighly Safe Depository t For Your Money While It Await Investment. For information, address - . ". may!9tf i PHIL WRIGHT, Manager. Call at T. J. Gore's CLUB ROOMS AT OCEAN VIEW, SOUTH of the Pavillion, known as Hewlett's Bar, where yon can get the best LIQUORS, CIGARS and ice cold BEER 6n the Beach. - - ( H. K. BENNETT, Manager.- -THOS. J. GORE. ?ropnetor. may 17 2w . - '. - - TT AVE JUST REECIVED A FINE LINE OF TOMATOES, SPRING CHICKENS, - -N. C Corn-fed HAMS, average weight nine pounds. Eresh MOUNTAIN BUTTER. Alo, a fine lot Lemons. All going off cheap at .!- WARD A BIERY'S, I Clnm Commission Merchants. my 27 tf ; No. 17 Dock street, Wilmington, N. C. . AT THE; UNLUCKY CORNER 1 RECEIVED 9 tn-da Lady Fingers, Egg Biscuit, Jelly Roll, Batter Scotch, Vanilla waters, etc. SHIPMENT OF CAKES are extra nice. Our large French Prunes, we retail at - 12 1-2 Cents per Pound. : - A few choice Raisins at 10 cents per pound. VALENCIA SHELLED ALMONDS. ---- 8. W. SAITDERS & CO. ap20tf - -- i - -s ' : tMillinery " TX7E WILL OPEN THIS WEEK PATENT, -. f y . - . .... - . . Bonnets and Toques. AH the leading Shapes. Feh Hats, Wings, Birds and Beads. Ut. x Tina S OlOCE, sonu n umi tors. CAPITAL. - - - - - - - $125,000. Addition .Liability of " vine Service every Sunday at 7.80 a. m., 11.00 a. m. - btOCSJlOlaerS, - - V " 9L0,WV. and 0 p. m. Holy tommniuon every Sunday: me bih l2,npstairs.; oct in tt E. M. STROCK. Sunday at 11 a. m., the other Sundays at 7.30 a.m. Strangers cordially welcomed at Service also on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, and Friday evening at B o'clock, bonday acnooi .every Snnday at 40 p. m. at all times, J. W. Norwood, Prest. D. L, Gorb, Vice-Prest. may20tf - - H.W. Howard, Cashier. Jas. S. Worth, Ass't Cash. University of Virginia. 'UMMER LECTURES (NINE WEEKLY; k t.i lum iiui ran rito aeoiciuuci apply (P. O. Univemty . ng-, ille. Va.J to junn t. . circular lottesv and Stat. Law. mayl9d&wlm