- I Br WILLIAM IX. BESNABDi : PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT. MONDAYS. y - r-r- KATKS OF SUBSCSmiOOr n APTAMCS v One Year (by Mall), Postage Paid. ....... .86 00 Sis Months, :- ' ' " - . S 00 Three Months, " - " " 1 BO One Month " 60 To City Sabacriben, delivered is any part of (he City, Twxlvk Cxmts per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than three months - advance. . - . Entered, at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. C, ai Second Class Mail Matter. . r Mow VOL. L.-NO. 61. WILMINGTON; N.-C., SUNDAY, MAY 29, J892. RATES OF ADVERTISING .-r One Square One Dayl.;....;,.... ....... .1 I 00 ,-.. -TwoDays.L 1 75 "- Three Days............ 8 M ; t Four Days....... 8 00 i " - Five Day. ...... , 8 50 :. -.' . " , One Week.. ...... ....... ,. 4 00 - - ' Two Weeks. .... S 50 Three Waeks... 8 50- . One Month..... , 10 00 " - ... Two Months 18 00 : " Three Months... S4 00 Six Months.... 40 00 r " One Year 80 Of WHOLE NO. 7$te Utel, tow rate. ica uucs wua uonpazcu type masc one quare. OUTLINES. The Hoase only was ; in session yes terday; the-Postoffice ;. Appropriation bill in Committee of . the Whole. An injunction refused in a railroad case at Knoxville. . - i- A Kansas tor nado; a great '.amount of property de- 1 produce he might not be an eminent stroyed; buildings demolished and many 1 success, but. when it comes to "mut- Secretary Rusk wants this Gov-' ernment to encourage ; the goat in dustry l in this country, -which nas been too long neglected. He thinks if the goat had a good start he could take care of himself, whicB consid- ering the .digestive- capacity of the eoat is probably true. Asa . wool LOCAL DOTS. ; ;- Items of Interest" Gathered Here and Thre and Briefly Noted. To-morrow -is Federal' decora tion day a national, but not a legal hol iday. - . - '. - Members of the W. L. I. areor- - A JOLLY PIC-NIC SUNDAY "SERVICES. Extraction to the Hew Hirer Oyster Com pany's Possessions on Stone's Say. . One of the iolliest pic-nic parties that ever left the city boarded the W O. & E. C R. F(. yesterday morning, the oc casion befng the annual pic-nicof the stockholders of the New .River Oyster Company, with their families anda few dered to assemble at the Armory to-day j invited guests ; the party numbering j lives lost. : Total visible supply of cotton. Weekly bank statement. Gov. McKmney has appointed Gen. Eppa Hunton to fill the vacancy caused , by the death of Senator Bar bour.; Cotton futures market. Base ball games yesterday. : An Alabama desperado killedby revenue officers. Two tnen killed and an other fatally .wounded by an electric wire-at Pittsburg, Par, Adyocates of free coinage v in convention at Washington, D. . C. Racing at St. Louis. Chicago market review. New York markets: Money easy; no loans; closing -offered at 14 per cent.; cotton steady; sales of 1,576 , bales; middling uplands t cents; mid dling 1 centsfTosin steady and quiet; strained, common - to good, $1.35 - 1.37; spirits turpentine dull and lower at 29 30& cents. ton" there is no other animal in exis tence which can diet on old shoes, tin cans, bottles, scrap iron &c., and compete with the sheep. in of schemes: Some women always persist throwing obstacles in the way their husbands' financial The latest is a New York woman, who not only objected ttTher hus band chloroforming her and selling her body to a " doctor for $100, but wants him arrested for making a ittle plan of that kind. The servant girls of Chicago are said to be forming, a combine. It is not a plate trust exactly, but some thing on that order. The New Orleans Picayune esti mates the increase in the acreage of rice planted -this year at fifty per cent, owing to the depression in cot ton. ' - A poll of the editors attending the National Editorial Convention at San Francisco was made with the re-: -suit of 117 for Cleveland and 7 for HilL. - , ' Capt. Kolb, of Alabama, who wants to be Governor, and was laid out in the primaries by Jones, wants to get up a little party of his own and run as an independent. He's got the gubernatorial itch bad. 7 "Fear the Lord tell the truth, and make money" is the motto that the Mail and Jbxpress, a new paper started at Atlanta,fiies. The M. and E. will, find it much more easy to live up to the first part than the rear part of this motto. Tascott, the murderer of the Chi cago broker Shell, who has been cap tured about three hundred and twenty-five times, in as many different places, has been heard from again. It seems that he has no objection to being heard from, although he per sistently refuses to report at Chi cago. - . ' i - The eminent success with which this administration has met in carry ing out the civil service business, is shown by the announcement that one out of every eight delegates to the Minneapolis Convention is a Federal office-holder. .They are not instruct-; ed as a rule, but the presumption is they know what they are there for.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. Prempert Notice. ; Sneed & Co. Refrigerators. VVmA. Eckel Wool and wax. -Jos. D. Smith Insurance agent.' --Howell Cobb The Swannanoa. Cronly & Morris Auction sale. ' N. Y. & W, S.. b. Ccv-Sailing days: J. B. Sanderlin Cherokee Tribe. Brown & Roddick Something new.i Taylor's Bazaar Millinery goodsi Wm. E. Worth No. 118 Princess St. S. H. FiSHBLATE.Chairman Wanted. Masonic Meeting Concord Chapter. Robt. R. Bellamy Par-a-sit-i-cide. Carolina Beach Masonic excurs'n. John L. Boatwright Co. Wheat germ meal. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Pertinent Paragraphs Pertaining Princi pally to People and Pointedly Printed. Mr. J. JV Clemmons is" stiff im proving. '- - - .- Mr. Gea W. Williams arrived last evening; from a visit to New York. Mrs. S. J. McGowan is on a visit to her neice, Mrs. Jas. M. Pearce, at Soutbport. . T- V Messrs. J; W. Griffith, Winston; H. McMillan, Topsail Sound; J. A. Darden, Charlotte, were in the city yes terday. ' v , . Messrs' Jno. Catrelee, Bruns wick, Ga.; F. L Ballow, Boston; J. C McDowell, Baltimore, were at the Pur cell yesterday. - Mr. F.WVKing, .agent , for. the Carolina Central railroad at Forest City, and Mr. J, King, agent for the same road at Beaver Dam, are in the city. Messrs. M. - L Bins wan ger, Richmond; G. Hoyt, ; Brooklyn; R. Lamb, New York; J. HTDay, Cincin nati; S. L. Fremont, Augusta, were , at The Orton yesterday. , Mr. H..- A." Tucker, of the Tucker Bros, marble works will leave here for Durham to begin his contract on the new (Trinity) church which is be ing built at that place. Norwood V. Gause, formerly with the Western- Union Telegraph Company in this .city, but now agent and operator at Scott's Hill for the W., O. & E. C Railroad Co, was in the city yes terday visiting friends and relatives. at 4.30 p. m. . Tbel steamer Wilmington . wiH leave for Casolina Beach at 2,30.o'clock this afternoon. - Interments the past week in the city cemeteries were one adult in Belle vue and one eliild in Pine Forest. . - It doesn't take a mah'an" hour to go to Hilton. The electric cars will carry you over to-day in ten minutes. - - A lodge room for a colored or ganization known as "Love and Charity" is being built in the middle of the block bounded by Dock, Orange, Seventh and Eighth streets. iThe annual meeting of stock holders of the Wilmington Compress -and Warehouse Company will be held at the Bank 6f New Hanover to-morrow at 12 o'clock. - v - r : An excursion for the benefit of the Oxford Orphan Asvlum will be given under the auspices of Wilmington Lodge, No. 819, to Carolina Beach next Friday, the 8d prox. TheVW L. I. will parade this afternoon in full - uniform, marching from the Armory to St. John's Church, where Rev; Dr. Carmichael, the Chap- forty-six. A special engine and car con veyed them to Cedarhurst, where con veyances were in waiting to carry, thjsm to Stone's Bay,' about four miles distant; A jolly ride it was, too, for the resources of that country are limited in the line of conveyances, and the welkin rang with shouts of laughter as the two-wheeled mule carts jolted and shook up their oc cupants. - . r'Thegenial manager, Mr. Berry Gleaves, and Mr.R. N. Sweet, had gone down a day ahead to have everything in readi ness, and. the pic-nicers found ' awaiting them a delicious roast ol the succulent bi valves fresh from the company's grounds, which were pronunced unusually fine in size and flavor The stockholders took advantake of this to note the improve ments made in the plant and the devel opment of the oysters planted. They found tbe growth of the latter remark able many of those planted four months ago being from three to five inches in length when taken from tbe shell, while those planted one year ago are simply immense and of delicious quality. One hundred and ten thousand bushels have been planted and the .Company expects to market twenty thousand bushels of the oldest nent winter. . They own and Services at the Seamen's Bethel this afternoon commencing at 3.80 o'clock, conducted by Rev. . DrHoge. - The public are invited to attend. , . . -. Rev. J. T. Tenkins is attending Ihe Union Meeting of the Eastern Associa tion, and Jn his absence Rev. F; T. Wooten will conduct services at Brook lyn Baptist Church. St; Paul's Church," corner oC Fourth and Orange - streets, F; N. Skinner, rector; 7 Sunday after Ascension Day, May 29th, 1892: Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday School at 4.30 p. m. All seats free. - r ' Services in St; John's Church to-day as follows: Holy Communion, 7.45 : a. m.; Morning Prayer and Sermon 11 a. m.; vening Prayer, 5.80 p. m. this being a service for the Wilmington Light Infantry. Sunday School 4 p. m. The services in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, corner of Market and Sixth streets. Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, P. D., pastor." to-day, will be held in English both at 11 a. m.- and at 8 p. m. All are welcome at the services. - , . i Congregation of the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, temporary place of worship in school house on Orange and Eighth streets. Services Sunday, May 29th, at 7.30 a. m., 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Rev. John G. Fawcett in charge. ' St. Matthew's English Lutheran Church, 7 Fourth street above Bladen street, " Rev. G. " D. Bemheim," pastor: Sunday School at 9.3a ar m.; morning service at 11 a. m.; evening service at 8 p. m. Confirmatioa during the evening service." Seats free; everybody welcome. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Taylor i A S Bazaar. will sell 29 tf lain, will preach the" annual sermon to- j employ regularly in their; work there five scow? and a steam tug. Une Ex-Governor Campbell, of Ohio, is quoted as saying that he is not a candidate for the Presidency in any sense, which'shows that Goy. Camp bell is quite sensible. He adds that he will stand by Cleveland as. long as there is any possibility of his being nominated as he regards him without exception as the strongest candi date the Democratic' party could nominate. . r : , ; Gov. McKinley, of Ohio, made a speech on the tariff at Ann Arbor, Mich., a short while ago, ' and he showed up its workings so success- fully that Prof. Tenbroeck, profes sor of political economy in the Uni . versity, who has voted the Republi can ticket most of his Hfej has "writ ten a letter declaring that he has voted the last time for i party which sustains aariff policy as interpreted by Gov. McKinley. ; As Blaine's eyes, according to Blaine, are not so seriously damaged that they absolutely required scien tific manipulation, it does not appear why he should go air the .way from Washington, where they have pretty good eye-doctors, through Baltimore and Philadelphia, where -they have more of them, to New York, to have that job done.- It may be remarked in this connection, that while he was having this done and paying his re- -- spects to his new grand-daughter, he BY RIVER AND RAIL. Haaeltita of lSTaval - Stores and Cotton - Yesterday, Carolina Central R. R. 307 bales cotton, 256 casks, spirits turpentine, 714 bbls. rosin, 31 r bbls tar, 52 bbls. crude turpentine. .- .. . ; - C. F. & Y. V. R. R. 3 bales cotton 114 casks spirits turpentine, 367 bbls. ro sin, Z7 Duis. tar. . , Steamer Lisbon 27 casks spirits tur pentine, 84 bbls. rosin, 21 bbls. tar, 16 bbls. "crude turpentine. . .Schooner Gold Leaf 10 bales cotton, 61 casks spirits turpentine. 10 bbls. ro sin. '. . " Russell's flat 58 bbls. tar. ' , the company. A telegram from Lumberton last evening reported that in the game f base ball there, yesterday between a local team and tbe Atlantic Coast Line boys lrom Wilmington,-the latter were the winners. The Christian ... Association of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church will meet to-day at 4 p.m. in Luther memorial building. Rev. J. D. Bern heim, D. D will deliver an address be fore the association. ' We are entering on one of the most important political campaigns ever fought in North Carolina or The United States.' Now is the time to subscribe to a Democratic Daily Newspaper. -Try The morning Star. - Charlotte Observer: - "Wilming ton has the water, but Charlotte has the 'milJc. The" dairymen from here every I week ship quantities of milk to the '.'city by the sea' and' really have orders for more than they can-supply." ; Monday, 30th inst. (National Memorial Day) the postoffice will be closed for the day after 10 a. m. All the departments will be open' till 10 a. m. The carriers will make the usual collection at 4.80 a. nx, and two delive ries, at 4.30 a. m. and at 9.30 a. m, ; On and after June 1st the' 25. cent rate on the Seacoast railroad will be discontinued. The rate will be fifty cents on-all trains. Fifty cent tickets "will be sold at J. B. Hank's drug store and H. H. Kaspowitz's cigar store.These tickets will eutitle the holder to a round trip ride on-the electric railway as well as on tbe Seacoast railroad. COTTON FACTS AND FIGURES.. Net receipts at all United States ports 5,372 bales; stock 677,554." Receipts of cotton here yesterday 320 bales; same date last year 13. ' New York futures closed steady at an advance of 3 and 4 points on closing prices friaay; May v.ao; June openeu 7.31 and closed 7.40; August, 7.40 and closed 7.46. :-,-: . ,V' ; New Orleans crop statement from September 1 to May 27, inclusive, is as follows: Port receipts 6,902,128 bales, against 6,722,718 last year, and 5,740,747 year before last; . overland-, to mills and Canada 1,196.817, against 1,048,605 last year; interior stocksinexcess of Sep- tember 1, . 174,579, against 110,434; Southern mill takings 497,631, against 490,066i amount of crop brought into sight during 270 days to date 8,771,153, against 8,410,823 last year, and 7,135,830 of these scows had been rigged up with an - awning, seats, table, eta, and on this the . party embarked for a trip to Jacksonville," twenty miles up New River. The tug Emily Gleaves, in a nice new coat of paint, took them in tow and steamed up the river, while busy hands made ready the dinner. Frorri the mysterious depths of mam moth baskets was brought forth every thing that could tempt the appetite of the average hungry pic-nic mortal, which disappeared rapidly enough to -convince any one of the hearty appreciation'of the participants. -1 Arriving at Town Point, the site of the pleasure home of Mr, Thomas A. Mclntire. the party disembarked,; and strolled over the grounds of the elegant lodge erected by him; proceeding thence to Jacksonville, where they .had an hour to view the town. At 6.30 they boarded the train for home and it was unanimously agreed that the company at least once a year declare a dividend in favor of the ladies in the shape of an annual pic-nic. The stockholders returned enthusi astic over their prospects in Stone's Bay. DECLINES THE HONOR, " Maxton, N. C May 28th. Editor Star, Wilmington, N. C: - ; --Pear Sir: I notice in the Messenger of the' 23rd inst., that I have been ap pointed chairman Of the People's party Congressional convention of the Sixth District.- -I wish through your- columns to de-. tline the appointment.' , . . The Democratic State Convention has met and nominated a, ticket which is satisfactory to all good, Democrats, and while I am & member !of the Farmer's Alliance and heartily endorse the prin ciples of the order, yet I think it wise and proper for all Democrats, both-Alliance and non-Alliance men, to rally to Alliance Carr and elect the whole. State ticket.; Yours, respectfully, : ;i ? McKay McKinnon. Total receipts Cotton, 320 bales; spirits turpentine, 458 casks; rosin, 1,168 I year before last; amount of crop brought bbls.; tar, 137 bbls.; crude turpentine, 68 bbls. Stoeks of Naval Stores. . . ' , Stocks of naval stores at the ports at the close of the past week are reported as follows: . v - ' Spirits turpentine New York, 867. casks; Savannah, 13,147; Charleston, 1. 398; Wilmington, 1,963, Total, 17,375 casks. ; ' . - ' Rosin New York, . 11,592 barrels; 'Savannah, : 53,192; Charleston, 9,849; Wilmington, 20,221; : TotaL-34,954 bar rels. - Tar New York, 2,419 barrels; Wil mington, 6,598. Total, 9.017 . barrels. Weather Forecasts. ... -y, The following are the forecasts for to-day: ' r - v i For Virginia Generally fair, proba bly light showers Sunday nights, south winds - slichtlv warmer, probably fair casually had a long private confab- Monday afternoon. , , wit h -r Piatt TKp nrnmntion Few? North Carolina and South Caro- with Boss I'latt. , ihe presumption lmaFair followed by showers west, is, however, that this confab was on siightly srarmer, south winds, fair Mon- purely "private" business. ' I day. into sight for the week 34,481, against 34,741 last year, and 17,148 year, oeiore last; amount of crop brought into sight for the first 27 days of - May, were 157. 288, against J73.156 last year, and 153,-: 000 year before last. Owing to shrink age in the moVSment the weekly crop statement will be. discontinued for the season. " v .-- '. .. . . -: - -- .. - . . j Concert or Younj? Iiadies. - A concert is to be given for the benefit "of the Wilmington Library Association in Its hall on Market street on the 9th or 10th of June. The concert will be given entirely by young ladies and promises to be both a unique and delightful affair." Miss Minnie Schwarz, it is under stood, will have the management of the entertainment. , ; : ' . - "1 A Trip to Europe. -j: Iht bright and attractive operetta entitled "A Trip to Europe" will be sung at the . Opera House next Thursday by about seventy-five children from the Union school. The entertainment win be for the benefit of the Library and the children hope to have a full house, New Schedule on the C. V. & Y, V. A new'schedule on the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. will go into . effect to-morrow. Trains will leave Wilmington at 4.30 a. m. daily and arrive at Mt. Airy at 4.45 p. m., connecting at oaniora wiin oea board - Air-Line for " Raleigh, Norfolk and all points North, and at : Walnut Cove with the Norfolk and Western Railroad for Winston-Salem, Roanoke and points North and West of Roanoke. Passengers from Wilmington, Fay- etteville, Bennettsville and all- points south of Sanford will arrive at Raleigh at 11.15 a. m., and have about five hours in ' Raleigh if returning home the same day. "- The Government Btdlduuc. 1 A complete System of ventilators has been put m the new gpvernment build ing by Mr. Jno. Lyon of Washington, D. C., who some time ago put heating aoDaratus in the same building. The a :- system is; especially adaptea tor tne United States Court room," assuring a perfect circulation : of. pure air during the session of Court. It also ventilates all of the corridors and upper rooms of the building. It isj a very pretty piece of work, and was cqmpleted last ' even ing. Mr. Lyon leaves to-night lor At lanta, Ga., to do a similar piece of work there, - The Trnok Trade. New York t auotations yesterday, as telegraphed the Star by Palmer, Riven burg & Co.: Strawberries, 510c; cab bage, $1.001.25; beans, wax, $1.50 2.00; green, $1.0010; potatoes, $300. 4.00. ' - , - - Bound Trip Tickets. . . - - ' . The, C. F, & Y. V. R." R. Co round trip tickets as follows : " . ' . On account of the fourth annual con vention and tournament of the North Carolina Firemen's Association, at Ashe ville, N; C. Tickets to be sold July 11th,. 12th and 13th. Final limit July 18th, 1892. Fayetteville, $8.15; Wil mington, $9.65; Maxton, $8.50; Sanford, $7.20. ( . . : On account of the Commencement of Davidson College at Davidson College, N. C Tickets to be sold June 6th, 7th and 8th, Final limit June 13th. Fay etteville, $3.35; Wilmington, $3.70; Max ton, $6.85; Sanford, $7.45. ' On account of the Commencement at Trinity College, at Trinity, N. (V Tick ets on sale June 5th to 8th, inclusive. Final limit, June 11th, 1892. . Fayette ville, $5.50; Wilmington, $7.65; Maxton, $&60; .Sanford, $4.15. On account of Commencement and 50th anniversary of St. Mary's School at Raleigh.'.N.' C. Tickets on sale June 3rd to 6th, inclusive. Final limit, June 12th, 1892. Fayetteville, $4.00; Maxton, $5.15; Wilmington, $6.45. - 8tolen Goods Recovered. . . ' Mr. H. W. Capell. clerk at the Pur- cell, has been missing jewelry," clothing and other things for some time and sus pected a negro woman who was a ser vant at his house. Yesterday at about 2 o'clock he put police officer Turling ton on the case and last night 'about 11 o'clock the officer brought in M. F. Ellison and wife, colored, having found some of the missing property vin the woman's house. They were locked up to be brought before the Mayor to-mor row morning-at 10 o'clock. . Jumped JTrom a Train. A colored lad, named Theodore King '. .. v ....... met with a serious accident last night: He was ; on the train' that left . Front street depot about 10 pm with a party of excursionists for Charleston, S. C, and iumoed t off -- near Fourth street . m . - r -. bridge, landing on a pile of car wheels alongside' the track, and smashing his -right knee. Under direction of Sergt, Bender of the police force, the boy was sent to his home in the southern part of the city, and a doctor was called to attend him. ' : ' Will retail Millinery Goods at whole sale prices or this week. - : -r HATS, in all the leading shapes, at 19 cents. Flowers Daisies, Lilies, Chry santhemums, Violets, Roses, Buds and Sprays at 19 cents. . Velvet and Silk Ribbons, in endless variety, at equally low prices. . A 75-cent Corset in white and drab tor 39 cents; also-a full line of all the leading makes. Leather Belts in tan and black, in plain and girdle styles, 10c each. Also a fine line of silk and worsted belts. Ladies' ribbed -.Under-vests, only 10c each. Gauze Undrvests, high neck and long sleeves, only 25 cts., together with a full line of muslin and cambric Underwear from the cheapest to the finest quality. vA' fine Sunshade or, Umbrella, in different designed han dles, for 98c. A child's nice parasol for 50 cents. Trimmed Hat Department is immense. The balance-of our pattern Hats atTonffhalt lormer price. Also Hats trimmed in our own work-room by our New York Milliner.with-the assist ance of our old hands. We defy compe tition in style and guarantee the prices to suit everybody. No one urged to buy. Polite attention shown to all at Taylar's Bazaar, -118 & 120 Market Street. WILMINGTON, N. C. Orders by mail promptly filled. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Brown & Roddick Will to-morrow offer unusual in ducements to buyers of - - Hoosekeepers' .Goods. Bleached Linen Table Damask. Unbleached"; " Colored Table Damask. White Linen Napkins 75c to $4 per dozen, White Linen Doyles, 50c to- $2 per dozen. m . - Wheat Gem Meal. In the Spring time, Wheat Germ Meal is" the most satisfying and de lightful breakfast dish. Helps you work! Helps you think ! It feeds the brain and the : muscles, and is almost self-digesting. o Snider's Tomato Soup, Snider' s Tomato Catsup 1 1 - The Best Known to the Trade, v Try a sample package, and be con vinced. No other goods of this kind in this market to be compared with it.: . For sale by , ; ' Important Reduction. We will place on sale 50 dozen Towels, which we have cut down from 35c, 40c. and 50c, to 25c. Hosqnitp " Netting. 108-inch net, 11 yds. in piece, $1.50, in white, pink, blue and green. 108-inch Lace Net, 30, 35, 40,45 and 50 cents a yard. ' White Domestic Quilts. - ' From $1.00 to $2.00 each.- Ilarseilles Quilts. " In White, from $2.50 to $6.00. Fancy Awning Stripes. In the very best1 colors and Material. SometMng Hew. Ask to see the Blazers Outing Suits. Brown & Roddick No. 9 NORTH FRONT' ST. may 29 tf The John L Boatwright Co. Telephone No. 14.- - SNEED & CO. may 29 tf Ho. 113 Princes Street IS NOT AN OUT-OF-WAY "PLACE. Please leave your COLLARS and CUFFS at Naumberg's, and oblige, v - V WM. E. WORTH, , .' may 29 tf r. Proprietor. Pot A 1 1 - i- " - -a ) St. Join's Hall, - - Wilmington, N. C, May 29, 1892. i COMPANIONS. AN EMERGENT CONVOCA TION of Concord Chapter, No. 1 R. A. M., will be hkkl to-morow (Monday) evening, at 8 o'clock, for work in th M. M. and P. M! Degrees. J. DICKSON MUNDS, may 29 It , Secretary. NOTICE. CHEROKEE TRIBE NO. 9, IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN. j Chiefs and Brothers: Yon are hereby requested to anoear at vonr Wigwam on our next Council Sleep, 2d Sun, Hot Moon, at the 8th Run, as business of import- IntereBtins Iieotnres. - The lectures at the' Advent Church last week by , Rev 5Wm. E. Branon, of South Butler, N. Y., were very interest ing. Thev will be continued this week. This morning's subject is The King- dom of God; tbe past, present and fu ture." To-night the lecture will be on "The Burning Day." The illustrated lectures on symbolic prophecy will continue on - Monday and Tuesday nights. All are invited to at tend. arre will come no for consideration. may 29 It ." J. B. SANDERLIN, Cof R Par-A-Sit-I-Cide. SPECIFIC FOR ITCH. : " Cures in thirty minutes. Only 50 cents a bottle. . Harmless as Soap. - ROBERT R. BELLAMY, - Druggist, may 29 tf - N. W. Cor. Front and Market stt. ILTasonic Excursion. To Carolina Beach, Friday, June 3d. ; Under auspices of Wilmington Lodge, No. 819, A. F. and A. M., for the benefit of Oxford Orphan Asy lum. Refreshments served on the boat at city prices. The Swannanoa. Refrigerators. .Refrigerators. Furniture. I Enrmture. Parlor Suits. Parlor Suits. Baby Carriages Baby Carriages Wardrobes. ' Wardrobes. Desks. Ladies' Desks.7 , Hat Racks., Hat Racks. All at present sold at unheard-of prices. Bring in the cash and. you; can buy a great deal of Furniture. - v Mattresses made to order and ren ovated, j " Sneed & Gd, THE CHEAPEST FURNITURE HOUSE IN - NORTH CAROLINA. . may 29 tf . V , , -, . . . THR MAILS. " In Effect SundayTAprll 24th, 1892. The malU close and arrive at the City Post Offioe as follows: ' , - j CLOSE. I . For North and way stations W 4WRR. 8:15 a m For Charlotte and way stations CCR Rand - -West. .................. 80 a m For Mt, Airy 'and way stations C F & Y V Railroad................. t8:50a m For Wrightsville,..'.. 6:00 am For Southport....... 8:16 a m For Clinton, Magnolia and Goldsboro........ i-30 p m W., C. A., Number 28 South............ 5:15 p m For Charlotte and way stations.. ............ 6:18 p m For South W C & A R R Train No, 27.. 9:10 p m For North W & W R R Train No. 14.... 11 .-00 p m For Brunswick County and Little Juver, b. C -Tuesdays and Fridays.................... 6KX) a m For Cape Fear River Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 p m . For Onslow County Mondays and Fridays 6.80 a m MAILS READY FOR DELIVERY (WHENTHE - TRAINS ARE ON TIME). Charlotte; Monroe, liaxton and Cronly. ... 8:80 a m All Points South, Train No. 78. ............. 9:80 a m Front Southport........;...;............... 6:00pm From Clinton, Magnolia and Goldsboro..... .12.-00 m - From Wrightsville. ....... v. 7:30 pa From Mt. Airyana points u f I v kk p m From North Train Ho. 23............ From Charlotte and way stations. R K. ........... . ... .11.-09 p m From North W ft W From Little River. S. C and Brunswick co.t 1UUI 1 II I I l. .w.u, w. V'. MiU . Mondays and Thursdays. . . . From 7:00 p m From Landings Cape Fear river. Tnes. A Frl 8KW a m i Onslow county, -, . ; . 7XO f m AJSHEVILLE, N. C. , Centrally located; on Electric Car Xine; Cars every five minutes, . :-' - New and liberal management. - . , i Entirely overhauled, refitted and refurnished. (- : LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY.-- - Heated by steam, and other modern conveniences. , HOWELL COBB, Proprietor. ; may 29 2m -! su we - Auction Sale. - T1TE WILL SELL BY AUCTION ON TUES- YV -DAY nent, 81st inst., at 12 m.. at oar sales rooms, 7 parcels, of 4 acres each 28 acres in all of the Monk tractr upon Green's Mill Pond Market Stret continued and the Newbern Road, with 25 Shares Capital-Stock Bank New JIanover, and 10" I Shares Capital Mock industrial M ig wmpany. ; CRONLY MORRIS, may 29 2t . ---- ' Auctioneers. Wool and W$x. Highest Cash. -Prices Paid for Wool and Wax, by : WIT. A. ECKETj, may 29 It v 3C8 North Water Street, 'a JOSEPH D. SMITH, Life, Fire, Accident - rasracE,,. 13 Princess St. -Telephone 102. ' may 29 1 . ' OL'Y ODE'S Hew York & Wilmington STEAIISHIP COMPANY. New Torlc tor Wilmington. . . PAWNEE...V.. Saturday, ; Jane 4 CROATAN .....i......Satttrday,' - June 11 wilminarton for Wew Torlu - . CllOATAN.......;......."Satlray June 4 PAWNEE.. i........Saturday, Jnne 11 WlImlBjcton for Oeors;etowi 8. C -CROATAN, ....;-.Tnesdayr . May 81 PAWNEE. ;...............-...-.Toesday,' June 7 par Through Bin Ladmg and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and Sauth Carolian. ; For freight or passage apply to t : ; ' - . H. G. SMALLBONES, Supt., . - - . Wilniington, N. C THEO. O. EGIR, TJ M., Bowling Green, N. Y. WM. P. CLYDE -Green. N. Y. General Agents, Bowhng . may 29 tf H. FISHB Committee. MULES. MUST BE e, yonng and weu-oroaen, iorcii.y. o. . TE, Chairman Streets and Wharves may i u t pif n Tnii?i w ITotice. TV) OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS FROM JL June 1st to September lst,wtU close every evening (except Saturday) at 7.45 o'clock, and on n dayt A will dose at 1.30 P. M On Saturdays . wjU be open from 6.80 A. M. to 12.00 P. M. ... . : PREMPERT, - ' 'may 39 tf r; ; - No. 7 South Front Street.