-IP .. ';, , . ' 7: -:'m: Qr IVILiUq i. H6RNARD. r - ,'U . i. I "J-. .ueUSHID DAll X.CEPT MONDAYS . (P . , ;. H ! 'y . (ATBS OV SUNCCUTIOO, Of ADVANCB i i . One Year (by Mail, Postage Paid. 00 Six Month, . t. " . 8 WO Three Months, '' i j ...... r. ...... 1 5u One Mooch . j F ...... CO T City- Subscribers, delivered la any pan o the City. Twelvr Cum per week. ; Our City A ire not authorize' to collect far more tnaa three nonths a.ivaocc. ; ' : ! t t -1 j i catered at me Fust Una at Wauuittuu, ft. C j ! Second Clan Mai) Matter, j , i . ) OUTLINES; Both benate ana House were in sesstoaj yesterdayla .'the Senate the successor to Mr. Gibson was sworn in; in the House no business of importance. " - Accident on the tbwa Central rail road. -I A bill in the North Carolina Legislature designed to stop lynching. 4- The; Governor of Virginia j warns Virginia Cavalry to form jMr. Cleve land's special escort at the Inauguration. A' i mass-meeting 'at ; Topeka. Kmsas, denounces , the conduct of the Tnird partyites. Total visible sup- nly, of 'cotton Rev.! Sdtn, Small ' i . .it t j j . . has returned to journalism, land accept- ed a position on a Georgia Tne Pope wants peace paper.j ' . in 1 America. . Papil Ablegate SatoUYs appoint ment by j the Pope. - Washington Nsws Mr. Blaine's condition; to in vestigate the condition pf the Treasury. - A motner burned :to death in Baltimore, while attempting to rescue her two children from be house which was on fare. Twcf policemen sh!jt and rn )rially wounded at Jackson, Miss., yesterday, by two tramps whom they were trying to arrest. j f Switchmen's strike in I od lana Serious consequences ensiie. j The mercary j down tojs decrees oelo zero ins Washington, D. C; at Minnisota poimsht Iwasj 3ds to 4o decrees boo. j Chicago ( grain and provisions market; prices higher. New York marKets: Cotton easy at prices, middling uplands 9 cents; mid dling Orleans j 9 xuis; soutaeri flour qaiet and firm; wheat I firmer with bp- .tions quiet; Ho. 2 red $ltdSl cents in store aftdi at elevator and I 828 JV cents afl jit; corn firm and quiet; No. 3 cents afLm; spirits turpentine' qjct and fir.m; rosin quiet and steady.! i 1 1 ! y i ! Mrs! Hearst, widow! 'of Senator carst, ' of California, is ' said to be H the most heavily I insured Woman jin the world, her life policies aggregat ing S5uo,00(XM-!j i Mr. Edwaru Atkiusou one ot the - "I . i . A j . 'I . ? ' . . first statisticians in this country, and i , , m i.', ; j one.- of the ablest economists, is a strong advocate! of ment of State. banks. the establish- The Micuigan pi Presidential electors! an 1 ot electing by districts is taking -out! West. A' bill has been introduced in the' Minnesota Legisla ture with that end id view. Mr, Raum is a success at discov eringj dificiencies in! the appropria tions ' for I pensions. I 'About the i ! ; m r-t biggest deficiency Ijln j the Pension Bureau is Raum himelfji The Louisvilltl Cbinuierbial C ub - f -i i . s i favors the Nicaragua, CanaK A canal convention held in t lat qity recently under auspices of !! he! (cliib passed . i . . II i t 1 resolutions endorsing the enterprise. TKo Tllin-.i tohillrxr Trnct ha ' - i : ; j i ' - . ' - I adopted the: Takamlneifa Japanese process of distilling jwlaiskey This process is so much cheaper that! it 'makes a saving of 17 dents' a I bushel on grain. 3 ! ;!f n ' Col. Clarkson say4 he don't want . -- 1 I 1 -1 L i ' to be Chairman of th Republi The last can National Committee iu.ierai ne atienqea . ?was cnougu himj and he jdonjt care; to engaffe 1 i. . j ' j ' - ; i for in the undertaker business. ,The next i Cohgress trials and tribulations. i i :. 1 ,1 will have its Bx -Senator Blair, of New Hampshire, ) has been elected to the House of Representa- tive and threatens, to brings his edu caiiuuai out aiong wiiu iihu. The wig business wouldn't seem to be a very big thing, but! it; is Said that the English 'syndicate which has a monopoly of the Angora goat hair which is used in furnishing hair for UUII5 matte -tu, 1 an n year out i ; I of "t. . tis said that $24,000,000 worth of. gold and silver bullion is used an-: ntially in the manufacture of plate, if , . 1 - h -i-i j. -. . r i watches, jewelry, and other orna- mknts. This dbesljnot include jthe gold bricks that, the; unsbphtsticated sometimes invest their cash in. 1 The latest air ship comes from Germany, said to bejthe inveation of a German gardeder' It is cigar- shaped, driven by an aiuminurxLJ - screw, propelled by an aluminum en L 1 f gine, and cati be guided in any direc tion. The German army is now ex- perimenting With itj Mr. Henry Watterson, ! editor of the Louisville Courier fournal, szys that although for years and Wars he has earned three times thej salary of a U. S. Senator ! he has laid by no oney. iThis shows that rtenry, use the rest of us, is not working for r !- 1 VOL. LI.-NO. 568 j jit is a remarkable fact thai the city of Brooklyn, with a population ot 600,000, has ' no morning daily paper, j Brooklyn is a sort of suburb of New York, and depends upon the New York papers for the carry news, but some one is now going to try the experiment of a mornings sheetj with the hope it will not prove a winding shegt- ;' . -..U ; ' : .,L 'i - ' : ; Thirty years ago the studer ts at Yale College were required to at tend prayers morniffg .and evening. Some time ago the morning prayers were dispensed with, and now the evening prayers ! are optional. They interfered too much with the base ball, foot ball and boatingjexercises. !f ' . VVe are under obligations tb the Philadelphia Ledger for the Ledger Almanac for 1893, a comprehensive and valuable publication. It is not published' for sale but for gratuitous distribution to the subscribers to the Ledger as h'as been the custom of that paper for twenty-four years. s i , . I Gov. i McKinley is going to take another whack at the Governorship of Ohio. He is about the onlv Re publican talked about for the nomi nation next time. . ! Experiments are now being made in Florida to cultivate the fined vari- eties of Japanese teas, which are in jured by long sea voyages - MSW AuVaKl'laliMtlNTa Hamme The batter.x i A. Shrier Assignee's sale. i Hicks Bunting Open to-dky. 1 1 D. Nutt For Beautiful Hands. Masonic Meeting Concord Ch; apter. Brown & Roddick Embroider ie; Oper HOUSE The London S jorts. W. V. Harriss Notice; to Mais tra'es. Rev. W R. i Atkinson. D. D.f-Col lege for Wraen. . PERSONAL PARAGRAPH Prmci- plly to People and Pointed ty Pr. ted. i Mr; ; Sol C. Weill returned last night from a busines visit to' Newt York t city. . ; 1 Miss Maggie Peschau has re turned from a visit to friends at Lynch burg, Va. ';, . M j Mr.: A. J. Yopp, who has been con Red to his room with erysipelz s, was much better yesterday, : ! j - Mr. Chas. M. -Galloway for merly operator for the -Atlantic Coast Line at Petersburg, Va.fc has a position as operator for the same corporation in this city, "j, ::, ' ' r: I Messrs: W." B. Storer, South Carolina; I. B.! Edgerton, Goldsboro; J. E Johnson, Faison; A. S. Richardson, Halifax, were among the arrivals in the city yesterday. 1 j ' Mr. Victor ' Harmon, business manager of "The: Dr. Bill Company," is in the city to arrange for the appear ance of the troupe In the Opera House here next Friday. -'"!..; i -i Wilmington Welcomes Western William from Waccamaa Wild ; He has knocked the fever sillr," and "hira- self again" is Billy! Key lurnislied on application at the office of the -Morning Glory." I j 1 Red Springs Comet: Mrs. Tebie A.I Watson left last Tuesday fo:- Wil mington, where she will open a mi lmery store. Her many friends here regret for her to leave, and hope that she may find Wilmington a pleasant and profitable place to live. ! i i : i; i Messrs. R. C. HoffmanJ vice president; W. W. Chamberlain, treasurer, and J. L. Minis, a director .of the Sea board Air Line, reached the city yester day morning from Atlanta. Ga., president's private car and spent the day in the city looking after business matters. They leave this morning over the Atlantic Coast Line for Norfolk, Va. i- A BY RIVER AND RA'L. Beoeipts of N7l 8corev f Yesterday. and Cotton Wilramgton. Columoia & Augusta R R.L-453 bales cottonT 39 casks spirits turpentine, 405 bbls. ro3in. 103 ob -wins aa i tar. WTilmincrton & Welddn R. R. 36 bales cotton, 15 casks spirits turpentine, 20 bbli. rosin, 11 bbls. tar. ; j i Carolina Central R. R. 11 baits . cot ton. - I ' 1 .(': V ' 1 C. F. & Y. V. R.R. 10 bales cotton, 31 casks spirits turpentine, 254 bbls. rosin, 17 bbls. tar. : i j Steamer A. P. Hurt 10 casks spirits turpentine, 395 bbls. rosint 63 bbls. tar. j Steamer Elk 2 bales cotton. 3 casks spirits turpentine, 68 bbls. rosin, li3 bbls. tar. -: :: ";:'!. : . I Schooner Hary Wheeler 11 bales cot ton. -r' j . - J- I Schooner i Spray 1 bale cotton 12 casks spirits turpentine. 83 bbls. rosin. j Total receiptsCotton, 626 j bales: 'spirits turpentine, 116 casks; rosin 1.176 bbls. tar, 232 bblf. , t WILMINGTON, local dots. Items of Interest Gathered Here ' ' and There and Briefly Noted! Rev. W. T. Jones will preach at the First Baptist church to-day at eleven o'clock a. m. ) ' :!: : The street hands gathered j up and impounded sixteen goats 'and ten hogs yesterday morning. . Messrs. Katz Son, & Co.; have a new and handsome delivery wagon the most stylish in the city. '. !' li Dr. Samuel Logan,' who died in NewOrleans, Friday, was sutioned ir Wilmington during the late war. : ' , T - If you wantjs boarder let the public know it through the Busioess Locals pf the Star. Fifteen cents! per line. I ! . ! ! -i There Was1 a small fire last even ing about six o'clock on Castle between Fourth and Fifth. The damage was tri fling. The Register of Deeds issued three marriage licenses, one for colored and two for white; cpuples, the past week. .t ! ' ; I The Board of Magistrates will meet to-morrow, at 10 o'clock a. mi, to hear reports from their committee on the road question, j j !; Services at the Seaman's Bethel this afternoon commencing at .3.30 o'clock conducted! 6y Rev, A.j L). McClure. The public are cordially in vited to attend, j j J ! "j ; ', -j . . Chicken thieves are raiding t i : i , . ,it. - roosts on premises between Market and Castle below Tenth street, A number of citizens in that part of the city '.have been robbed during the past week! i Balaam Fuller; Sr., father of Balaam Fuller the bill poster, died yes terday in the seventvjfifih year of his age. He was formerly a slave of Col. E j D. flail, and was employed by him several years after the war as a servant. ! L Dull?" Why, certainly it's dull. Even an undertaker j (pardon us,! we mean ''funeral director") who was in Rempert's barber shop (pardon us again, we mean "tonsorial parlors") yesterday, was complaining that it was distressingly healthy here, and that there hadn't been a first class funeral in Wilmington, dur ing the present year, j ; jl : he StarJ "haint got" j any subscribers, but "somehow of 'notber' the gold watch lost byja lady and ad vertised exclusively in the Star yester day, was found, and the person j who found it says he read the advertisement and thus ascertained who was the owner: The lady now has her watch and the Star congratulates her. ! . j ' j j THc WEATHER. : U. S. Dep't or Agriculture. ruRE. ) J- -i c i. 15.! ) i i Weather Bureau, i Wilmington, N. C. Jan, i f - .',.. i Meteorological data for twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. last night: j Maximum- temperature 89; mini mum temperature 15. j Normal temperature for the ! day, deduced from twenty :years' observa tion. 47. ' ;.' ' " j" - j ' Departure from normal.minus 20 Sum of departure since January 1st, 1893, minus;128. j , . " :. iv ' Rainfall for the dayv 0 inch. ToUl rainfall for the month up to date 1.03 inch. K -. i ". ' 'j ' ! FORECAST FOR TO-DAY. For Virginia, clearing Sunday, bolder, northwest winds, j . j ! ' Forj North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, clearing Sunday, colder, northwest winds. SUNDAY SERVICES. St. Paul's Church, Fourth and Or anee streets. Rev. F. N. Skinner, rector. January 15tb. 1893, second Sunday alter the Epiphany. Services at 11 a. ra. and 7 30 p. m. Sunday School at 3.30 p. m. UnlnirAMmnnirMi ot mnrnincr criir All seats free. ' i : i . S ! f- , I ' The Pastor having returned, the ser vices I in St. Paul's Evangelical J-uth-eran Church, corner Market and ISixth streets. Rev. Fi WJ E. Peschau, Pastor, to-morrow (Sunday) will be in English at 11 a. m and 8 p. m. in German!. All are welcome at the services.; St. Matthew's English Evangelical .utheran Church, j Fourth street, above Bladen street. Rev. G D. Bernheim pas or. Suuday school at 9.45 a. m. Mora ng service at 11 o'clock.1 Evening ser vice at 7 30 o'clock. Seats free. Every jerson welcome to all of these services. 11 the services are conducted in the nghsh language.! ' - I ! ; I - . f '!' "1 Aladen Street ; Methodist EDiscooal hurch South, corner Fifth and Bladen streets, Rev. J. I C. McCall, pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and at 7.30 p. ra. Class meeting at 10 a. m. very Sunday. Sabba'.h School at 3 p. m. Weekly Prayer service every Thurs day evening at 7.80. lo visitors ana Strangers a cordial welcome is extended. COLORED CHURCHES. ' j t. Marlc'a Church. Mulberrvand Sixth etrt John G. Fawcett. Driest in charge. Services to-day, at 7.80 a. m., 11 a. m and 17.80 ' p. m. j : -: ; i ; j , Central Baptist Church corner of Seventh and Red Cross streets. Rev. ' L. T.Christmas, pastor. Services to-day at 111 a. m. and 3 p. m. Sunday School at t- p. m, Strangers and all are wel come, r i ; m , Morning N. C, SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 1893. THE CHAMPION DUCK HUNTER. After tne - Mallards 8 jl. Brran Makes : . ! Another Bemar table 8hot. ! Syl. Bryan, who seem to have won the position of champion duck hunter of the Cape Fear, went pown the river in bis "dug-out" again yesterday in quest of the web-footers, his favorite old -8-gauge, He -carried presented to him by the late Capt. D. and the right barrel was! six drams of powder and R. Murchison, charged with four ounces of No. 2 shot. Syl. "paddled his own canoe", and ra ved stealthily up Red mond creek, where he took a position near which he thought the ducks would come to make their-breakfast jbn the wild-oats 'that fringe that sluggish stream. j It was about 5 o'clock a. m., and Syl. has a very distinct recollection that it was a trifle cold, and he was correct; for tW.tberrnometer registered 11 degrees below the freezing point. Bipt Syl. didn t freeze. He sat in that "dug-out" like "Patience on a monument" and bided his time. Just as the first gray streaks of dawn appeared in the Eastern sky, a flock of mallards circled overhead, and after satisfying themselves that no danger lurked near. pitched" within i twenty-five yards of the jBryan battery. Then a pair of bull-necks dropped be yond and within about twenty feet of the mallards. There was aa even jdozen (not the fateful thirteen)! of the latter, and they formed a picture farjjmore beautiful to the hunter than the choicest productions of the "old masters." J I , As soon as the raaliards "bunched up," as Sylvanus informed a STAR repre sentative, with the two bull-necks picely In line, the 8 -gauge was raised aftd, in the twinkling of an eye a report loud and deep rang out, there- was a mjgbty fluttering in the water, and Sylyanus had the proud satisfaction of discovering that he bad killed the entire flock of mallards with the two bu I-necks thrown in for good measure. Hi: recounted this exploit with the air of one who has con fidence in his statements, and it isn't in the heart of the old hunter of the &TAR to question bis veracity.' After this re markable shot, Syl. cont inued his bunt until be had gathered in thirty-two ducks, when he .returned to the tity. reaching here by 10.30 aj m. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC- Entertainment by Silas Qnasten's Pupils A pleasant entertainment was given yesterday -afternoon ".by Miss Cannie Cbasten's music class at .the Y. M. C. A. hall before a large audience. The enter tainment was entitled "Chopin Re hearsal," and the performers, who were all young ladies, rendered their parts in a j most admirable manner. The jpro- gramme was as follows : Short sketch ot Chopin l Miss Ab bie Chad bourn. i J ; Chopin Polonaise in C Sharp minor Miss Lucy Chad oou in. j 'Spindler Valse Aerienne Miss Ma mie Mayo. Chopin, Schumann iMazurka in B fl it, Joyous Peasant Miss Alice Chase. Ch pm Valse in E minor Miss Hat- tie Lu Wil sn. Chopin Nocturne in C 1 Op. 48 No. 1 r Miss rannie Corbett. Chopin Polonaise in A major (Mili- taire.) Miss Abbie Chad bourn. ! Moelling Solitude - Miss Oljvia Penny. I ! Chopin Valse in A flat Op. 42 Miss Bessie Burtt. Jj I Chopin Fantaise-Impromptu in C Sharp minor Miss Annjie Boesch. Ladies' Benevolent Booioty. j The Ladies of the Benevolent Society wish to acknowledge through the Star the receipt of $50 lrom "a friend;" $10 from Mr. H. C McQueen; $10 from Va friend;" $50 from "a lriend;"$5 from Mr. B. Solomon; $5 from Rev. W. C Nor man; $50 from "a friend" $10 from ; lr. P. L. Bridgers; $1.55 from "a lady friend." We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of these amounti. We have been enabled thereby to furnish a better quality of wood , for our worthy poor during this unusually cold weather. And just now ii will not he out of order for us to urge upon the old members, and all others who are in sympathy with the work, tb unite with I us in our efforts to revive an Interest in 'this old organi zation. Our regular meetings are held on the. first Tuesday in every month, and are called through jtbe daily papers. : We earnestly beg the attention of all who are willing to co-operate with usJ l M " - 1 - 1 ' i rersons wno nave, arucies oi cxotning to contribute to the Society are quested to send them to Mrs. Roger Moore or Mrs. V. G, Empie. AAOther 8torm. ' 4 I j "Information signals',' were displayed at the Weather Bureau station yester day afternoon at 8 o'clock, for a storm that was then central in the Ohio Valley and moving northeast. High south-to-west winds were indicated for the South Atlantic coast. The same signal , was ordered to be displayed at all coast sta tions from Baltimore tq Savannah. ' Stoolcs of Karal Stores. j ! Stocks of naval stores at the ports January 14th are reported as follows ; ' I Spirits turpentine New York, , 743 casks; Charleston, 1.155; Savannah, 13. 976; Wilmington, 2,828 Total, 21.702 casks. - r Rosin New York, 18.189 barrels: Charleston, 14.083; Savannah. 148,804; Wilmington, 12.887. Total. 193.693 bar rels. - -- i i Tar New York. 8.785 barrels: Wl I- mington, 0,417. Total,! 9,203 barrels. VVOODCOCK SHOOTING. The Beoent Cold Weather Qare Hunters the Fittest 8port Had Here in Many : Tears. . - ' . " The freezing weather of the past two weeks has given sportsmen the best woodcock shooting known here in-many years. The woodcock feeds on worms, which it secures by boring deep into the earth with its long bill, and when the earth Is frozen it can only find its sup ply -' of. food by resorting to ' the edges of little creeks and' branches where the running water ' does not - freeze. ; On this account' the usual haunts of the woodcock' are deserted, and the area in which they can successfully prosecute their search for food becomes so circumscribed that they can be easily located, and fall an easy prey to the sportsman, who is ardent enough to brave a temperature ranging anywhere from 15 to 30 degrees Faren heit." ; U'- - . The woodcock, though usually more sluggish in its flight than the snipe -and the partridge, is nevertheless one of the most magnificent of be game birds. Its plumage is soft and beautiful, and its flesh has a flavor that is relished by the luxurious feeder. The genuine sports man would ; rather bag twenty wood cocks than forty partridges in a day's hunt, though it must be admitted that it is a much rarer bird than the ' part radge in this section, ; CITY MARKETS- J Prices for Meats, Vegetables, Fish, Fruits, i Qame, Etc, 1 j . " . MEATS. '. J North Carolina hams , 12c per pound; beef 10 to 12c; - veal 12c; liver 10 to 12c; lamb 12c; sausage 12 Kc: mutton 10c; beef tongues 25c a piece; pork 10c a pound; hogshead cheese 10c; liver-pudding 10cj chitlings 10c: cracklings 10c: tripe 10c a stick. VEGETABLES. ' J . Onions 5c per quart; field peas 10c; Irish potatoes 5c; carrots 5c per bunch; turnips 5c; collards 5c a head; sweet potatoes 5c per quart. ; ; i FISH. i . j . j Mullets 20c per bunch; trout 25c; flounders 20c; drum 15c, jack-fish 15c. : ' : SHELL FISH. ' ' , ' Clams 15c per peck; oysters (open) 80c to 85c per quart; (in shell) $2.00 per bushel; clams (open) luc a quart. J : j , GAME. ' ; -! Venison 8c per pound; rabbits 10c a piece; squirrels 15c; opossums 25 to 50c; raccoons 25c; robbins 5c a piece; ducks, mallards $1.00 a pair; black ducks 95c; teal 70 to 75c I POULTRY. : j Chickens, dressed. 80c a pair; live 25 to 40c each; turkeys, live. $1.25. each; dressed 18c a pound; eggs 22 cents a dozen. - 1 FRUITS. : . Oranges. 20c for West India and 80c for Florida, per dozen; bananas 25c per dozen; apples 5c per quart; pineapples 15c a piece; Malaga grapes 80c per pound. . HERBS. ' . ' v.. ! -j Sassafras 5c per bunch; " running huckleberry 10c per bunch; silk root 5c per bunch; Sampson snake root 5c per bunch, red oak bark 5c per bunch; wild sage 5c per bunch; thyme 5c. v j Freeslng Weather. The mercury dropped to 15 degrees above zero yesterday morning.1 Ice formed in all the docks on the river front.- Capt. Thornton, of the Navassa Co's steamer Killian, says the boat had to plough its way through a field of ice that ' extended from shore to shore on the river at the "Horse Shoe," about a mile above the city. There was good skating on the pond at Mosquito Hall, about two miles east of Wilmington. The highest temperature reached dur ing the day was 89 degrees. Towards evening the mercury was again tailing. and was near the freezing point at night-' fall. " ' . , ' ' ' OPERA HOUSE. The London 8porta at the Opera House Wednesday nigh', January 18 ih. ! The Milwaukee Sentinel says of this play: "Rush and Taylor's London Sports drew a good crowd to the People's theatre yesterday. This is an extremely good company, after its kind, and their specialities are 'out of sight'. Miss Jes sie Harvey entertained everybody in the theatre by her dancing, which was clever, and pleasing. The entertainment pro vided by the London Sports is really gay, if one may judge by its effect. A great many people attended and every body bad pleasure. , Box sheet ot en Tuesday morning. . ... i ; ) . Ii'Inoonnu Cotillion Club. The LTnconnu Cotillion Club was organized Friday night with the follow ing officers, viz: 1 President W. H. Green, Jr. Vice President Robin Taylor.' .- , j Secretary' and Treasurer Saml P. Collier, Jr. . i v Leader - Walker W. Vick. Assistant Leader James H. Cowan. Governing Board H. G.-' Latimer, Thos. M. Green, O. A. Wiggins, Jr., G. Kirby Coflier. j Their first german will be given on Friday, February 8d. 1893. .. , : There were no interments the past week in either Oakdale, Bellevue or Pine Forest cemetery. I mmi. i The office of Dr. D. S. Harmon. Op tician, of this city, will be closed the first week in February and will be opened some time in the Spring. ' t j WHOLE NOJ 8.038 WILMINGTON GREETS ONSLOW.. The New , Mall Schedule Over the Wil miDgtoi), Onalow and ' East Carolina Beclss Tonorrow. ; . " Beginning to-morrow, the 16th. the postmaster at Wilmington will make ap pouches for Scott's Hill, to contain mail for that place and Harrison Creek; one each for Topsail Sound, 1 Sloop Point, Peanut, Stump' Sound and Aman's Store. Also, one for Jacksonville to contain mail for that office and for Duck Creetc, Flox, Gum Branch, Hubert, Ma rines, Promise, Richlands, r bnead's Ferry, Tar Landing and Ward's Mills. These mails will : leave here six times per week, at 9.30 a. m., except Saturday, when they will leave here at 4 p. m. . On Tuesdays and Fridays there will be included .in the Jacksonville pouch mails for Angora, Cyrus, Sparkman, Bannerman's and Maple Hill. Returning," all these mails will reach here at 6.20 p. m.t except on Saturday, when they will reach here by train No. 1. due here at 8 aTm. This change in the mail service be tween Wilmington and the points named means a great deal for the people inter ested. It will not only be a great con venience, but it means the dawning of a new era in our business relations with the people of Onslow county. A Broken Truck. ; ! ; The Wilmington Hook and Ladder Company's truck was upset near the corner of Third and Dock streets last evening while on its way to the fire. It was caused by the tillerman running the truck against a tree. The woodwork of a portion of the truck was smashed and one ot the iron springs was bent. The damage can be easily repaired. The tillerman j was promptly discharged by the foreman of the company, Mr. Robert Lewis. j . - . The large truck belonging to the com pany has been put in service and will be used until the other is repaired. W. TJ. Call Bells. V? The Western Union Telegraph Com pany is putting in call-bells for the ben efit of their customers in the business portions of the city. They are used whenever a messenger-boy is wanted to tak a telegram to the office. : All that is necessary is to turn a crank, and a boy will soon respond. When the crank is turned the number of the box call ing is shown on a card at the telegraph office. Lineman F. M. King is placing the boxes in position ' and stririging the wires, j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY, WednesdajsJan. 1893 TH6 IMon Sjorts Big Bnrlesp Co. Allied with the Caledoniaa ! Female Athletic Club. 80 PEOPLE 30 " The graad Ballet divertisemenls in the spectacle, "Alt Baba's Bab," cmnot fait to entrance eve j be holder, intro ociag 90 ot the most beautiful girls. S--sure seats, or yon will staid. See if there a e anr left at Yates I ties lay morulng. jn 15 8c College for Women, COLUMBIA. S. C. W. R. ATKINSON, D. D., PRESIDENT. REV,' Chartered by the State of Sooth Carolina to confer degrees npp its gr-doa es Officered bf a corps of Proi.ss.n od cachers s cond to oo College in the South, Complete courses in Collegiate and Academic studies, la Music and Art, to Bookkee Jtog, Shorthand and other branches of a CommrciU Coicge. The appointmea s are unsurpassed in Bading Schoo s -1 he bUJi gs are Ugated with ga, heated by a hot-wue heatar; h C and cold water baths and first-class sa ita-y arraogene .ts on eac i floor. . The gron ds and surroundings are the mos. beaa.i fal ith South W3oting Session ope as Jaiurjr S3. For terms and catcogae, address the President. janl5 6t 4 Concord Chapter No. 1, L i. H. REGULAR U nthly Convocation to-morrow (Mon day) e ening at 8 o'clock. Visiung Companions are invited to attend. . J. DICKSON MUNDS. Secretary. jan 15 It Assignee's Sale! Gents' Red Flannel Vests, 39a A seventy-five cent Corset for 39x And every article in the store mast be sold for. the benefit of creditors. Call early to make your selection. A. SHRIER, Assignee TaylorV Bazaar, . I ,118 Market st, jan!5tf WILMINGTON, N. C. For Beautiful Hands A Lovely Complexion, Ruby Lips, use "PYXIS" TOILET CREAM, . James d. nutt, i Originator aad sole Propria r.' iaaUtf . wilnuagtoa, N. C. BaTlB UP AOVEitTUI"i6 On Square One Day.;. ...!. ........ 1 Cfl " Two Days........."."... "... 1 TS L Three Days.; 63 tt " Poar Days.., t CJ a tin Days... 3 63 - One Week ...Z 4 C3 " Two Weeks " 6 U Three Waeks 8 60 . " One Month...: 10 CO " M Two Moothi...... 18 09 - " - Three Months. M Six Month.. 40 tQ - M One Year 60 M BT" Contract Adrerdsenenti taken at proporuos ately low rates, ' "s "; .- v ! ; Ten hues solid Nonpareil type make one sqttare. ' BUSINESS LOCALS. Noticks For Rent o Sate. Lost and Found. Wants, and other short miscellaneous adtrt sements, ; insenea to la s uepart oent tn leaded Nonpareil type, on first or fourth page, at Publisher's option, for IS cents per line each insertion; bat no adverdsement taken or less than 30 cents. Terms, pusitivel v cash in advance. Fractions of lines con need -s whole ines, : .GOOD Room and Board for a single gentle man. 10. 3 Postof&ce avenue (Park PUceJ : i BAN OS-75c. to $9 00 Just the thing to give a lively aptear nee to ths face. Moustache 13c Beard $1.00. Impossible to be recognized with them. E F. FEGEAS, Hair Dealer. Savannah, Ca. jan 11 8t sa WK A PPINO Paper In order to get rid of an accumulation of old Newspapers, suitable for wrap, piog paper, they will be soid without regard to price in large lots Ap ly at the Star Office. . i PRINTER. A steady and intelligent young Printer may secure a situation as "Two T birder" by applying at the Star Office. In the matter of bad manuscript, must be able to distinguish a ''hawk from handsaw." C ; . - . ' " j SERVANT-: Wanted to cook and do light house work for a small family. Must be thoroughlj compe tent, and come well recommended. Leave applica tions at tee Sta Office. ' ; POR Kent, several small houses, four rooms each, on Castle between Eighth and Ninth streets, and on Eighth and Ninth between Church and Castle streets. Apply to D. O'CONNOR. TRY this Deoartaient, if you wish to rent a house or have lost anything. Advertisements 15 cents pet fine each insertion. Terms, cash in advance. PRINTING, Baling and Binding of all kinds ne itly and promptly executed at the Star 'mca, '. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice to Magistrates. A special meeting of the Board of Magistrates of New Hanover County is called on Monday, the 16th Jan.; 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court House, in the city of Wilmington, N. C, to ; receive the report of the Committee on Public Roads, and for the transaction of other i important County business -jan 15 It B ard of Ma is tates. ! Embroideries. r Our large Importation order of Embroideries, given last fall, has just been received, and is now reody for inspec tion. - X Nainsook Embroideries i - ' - ; , j Swiss Embroideries. Cambric . Embroideries.1 " . f : In Edgings, Insertion, and all overcome beau tiful sets to match, i The ladies of Wilmington are invited to see the pret tiest assortment ever shown" them. " ' - Brown & Roddick No. ! 9 NORTH FRONT ST. j jan!5tf- -:- - H : . : 8 I- HAULIE, The HATTER, Is the place to go when yon want a nice dress Hat st recs mab e prices. Motto, Latest Styles and Lowe Prices. i ) janl5tf : 88 North f ront Street. , t . Open All Day Sunday j ! January 15th. .1 ' BUNTING'S PHARMACY, !.- jan 15 tf ! ( V. M. C A. Bnil fng.' Victor Flyers. i i '93 Patent, $150. I 29 lbs; We are the Agent for the Victor Bicycles. Please call and . see the New Flyer at EEINSBIRGSR'S, ' 27 and 90 Market streeU janlStf CIDER. 1 K DDT C APPLE CIDER tOR S . Embroideries, J JJJJAVO .cheap. A so a fu'l line of General Merchandise. Country Merchants will do well tq give us a f )i. i i JOHN H. GORE,JxJ Commi-sioa Merchant, ' 1 Noa. and 8 South Water street. C. W. COLWXix, Manager, aa 11 tf : ! ' - I . M-: ' . -;; i ' -! ! i . . ) money but for glory and f on. I'd A

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