vr WILI.lJL.9t Ht BaKNARD, ' ; r,US!fI DAILY SXCEPT MONDAYS. Tl-S SOUSbSlTTtOO. tM ABVAKC .us Year iy Pid.;.....V..'...C 00 .... " . a na nntns. Three Months, i oo )ae Monta 30 ae City, Twbav Cents per week. Our City Agents tre not authorire-1 to collect for mart than three months advance. loiered -at the Post Office at Wilmington, N. (X, as Second Class Mail Matter. - - OUTLINES The Senate was engaged yesterday in the discussion of the Lee Mantle case. Washington News An extra ses sion of Congress probable in September or October; Herman Stumpy of Mary land, nominated for Superintendent of Immigration; nominations confirmed by the Senate. - A well-known book maker ruled off the turf by tbeCrescent City Jockey Club of New Orleans. M 'or General W. H. Jackson, of Ten nessee, to take charge of the obsequies ot Gen. E. Kirov Smith. Latimer, the Michigan murderer, recognized wnile making purchases in a country store and captured. ' The Auburn, N Y., State prison damaged by fire to the amount of $90,000. 'The Mitchell-Ward murder case at Memphis dismissed. A peculiar phenomenon in the beavens observed in California. Mr. Cleveland worn out by office seekers; bis hardest day's , work since the inauguration. The investiga tion in the Gate City Bank detalcitton summarily stopped by order of Attor ney General Olney. The Nash ville banks are receiving deposits and getting ready lor business. The Southern League team victorious in a game .of base oall over the Chicago club. Ne York markets: Money on call easy, ranging, from 2 to 3 psr cent., ciosing offered at 3; cotton firm; mid dling uplands 8 cents; middling Or leans 8Jg ' cents; Southern flour quiet and weak; common to fair extra $3.10 3.10. good to choice $3.154.25; wheat loer, closing firm; No. 2 red in store and at elevator 74c; afloat 75j?c; mm - dull but steady; No. 2, 50J 51 cents at elevator and 52 cents afloat; us turpentine duil and easier at 33V;ji34 cents; rosm dull anri easy; iirined. common to good, $1 37 vUl 40 ' It is said that the women of Hawaii are opposed to annexation. That settles it. .-':" Pennsylvania has two Arbor days, April 15 and April 19. Every State ought to have at least one. An Oregon man insists that the Government shall coin all its money out of American tin. But where is the tin? A Maine woman proudly displays a plate on which have been baked 955 pies, which is still sound and solid. But how about the people who ate the pies? Buffalo Bill is one of the men in this country who is in no danger of being disappointed. He called on Mr. Cleveland, told him. he wanted no office and got it Out of the $33,347,690 invested in the sugar making business in Hawaii, Americans own $24,735,610, which wilLaccount somewhat for the sugar in the annexation gourd. According to a law recently passed by the Maire Legislature bears are not allowed to meander the high ways Henceforth thev will have to take to the woods or the lanes. A young Spaniard named Luna has invented a clock which will run without winding until the machinery wears out. Some people think this is a sort of a lunatic contrivance. The fight over the offices in the Senate will not keep a quorum together-very long after the weather warms up some, unless the! fight warms up more than it is likely to. There are said to be 3,000 wheel men in St. Louis, and that they are going to take a wheel in politics. They haveiormed an organization to pool their issues and have their say. " A Philadelphia man who was once in the navy wants to go from that city to San Francisco in a row boat, and wants some one to back him. He will find it easier to cut across the country and walk. lUs said that another "widow" is after Senator Hill, and is going for him in dead earnest. According to Washington reports Senator Matt Ransom also went for 1 him the other day, but there was nothing Cupidistic about the way he went. The lobster fishing business ot Canada has increased from $15,278 thirty years ago to $2,252,421, which shows that there has been some stir in the lobster business in the mean time. Last year the lobsters were shy and the catch was not quite so large. VOL. LII.-NO. 7 Ahlwardt, the rattlebrained mem ber of the German Reichstag, "who alleged that he had abundant docu mentary evidence of Bismarck's cor ruption when Chancellor, should have a bole in the ground to keep his pa pers in. When put to the test after his declarations:-he imparted the in telligence to be kept as a secret to the committee of inquiry that the papers were stolen. But the secret was not kept because Chancellor Caprivi threated to withdraw from the committee if assent was given o secrecy. If an American Minister abroad, of the first class, can't keep up style on $17,500 a year, and making them Ambassadors increases the dignity of he offices and necessitates more style, for the; sake of the Ministers and of the people who foot the bills in the way of salaries, let us have as few Ambassadors as possible. The plain Minister will answer all practi cal purposes, and in this age of steam and electricity we might worry along without him. Professor Virchow, of Berlin, one of the best recognized authorities on such- matters, is of the opinion that America may ward of the cholera next Summer, but that Europe will suffer more severely than last. year. With all the warnings they have had over there if they don't take all the precautions they can, they will invite the calamity. In 1861 when the Republican party came into power the expendi tures of the Federal Government amounted to $30,000,000 per annum, about $1 per capita. Now they amount to $530,000,000 per annum, nearly 8 50 'per capita. The Re publicans have been running the ma chine in the meantime. Speaking of the sudden death of Col. Elliot Shepard, of the New York Mail and" Express, the Knoxville Tribune trusts "that he has gone to that place to which he apparently desired to see !all Democrats con signed." This is so charitable that we suspect the wicked composi tor omitted the not before gone. The Chicago Inter-Ocean celebra ted its 21st birth-day on the 25th inst. by issuing a 60-page 200,000 edition. In everything, barring its politics, which is vile, the Inter-Ocean is a great paper and a fine journalistic representative of the greatest and most progressive city in the West, and in some respects in the country. It has been discovered that under an erroneous ruling made by the Pen sion Bureau in 1876, over $2,000,000 have been paid out to people who had no right to; it. The discovery was made during the last administra tion and the payments stopped, but they took mighty good care not to let the public know it. ; There is an . Italian medium in Paris who is attracting attention. Among the other feats she performs she can change her weight at will. This is nothing very remarkable. There are lots of grocery-men in the United States who can change their weights at; will. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. L. Bo at wight Co. Notice. Dr."Love's Office At his residence. Will Not RESiGN-lst wardAldermen Brown & Roddick Welcome spri ng. ; Cronly & Morris Household and kitchen furniture at auction. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. I Pertinent Paragraphs J Pertaining Princi pally to People and Pointedly Printed. i " Mr. Jae. B. Huggins who has just recovered from a prolonged apell of rheumatism, was out yesterday. Norfolk Virginian-. Mr. and 'Mrs. Duncan Williams, of Wilmington, N. C who are visiting Mrs. Williams' mother, Mrs. Jesse Tones, of Hampton, paid a flying visit to the city this a. m., ac companied by Miss Susie Jones, of Hampton. j . Messrs. J. D. Boney, Wallace; Leonidas Stanford, Willard; W. F. Mar shall, Charleston! H. G. Burton, WY C. Buhman, Parmele; J. H. Tohnson, Tar boro; Geo. B. Patterson, Shelby; W. W. Pegues. Cheraw, were among the arrU yals u the citv yesterday. Mr. W. P. Oldham, Jr., (son of Capt. W. P. Oldham of this city), a stu dent at Georgetown College, George town, Ky., took the first honors in a de bating contest at that institution -recently. Mr. Oldham's theme was "Un known Heroes." He had eight compet itors. " . . WILMINGTON, locTal dots. Items of Interest Gathered Sere and There and Briefly Noted. The first car-load of truck from Eastern North Carolina for a Northern market went forward yesterday via the Atlantic Coast Line.? John Kirkpatrick, colored, charged with slander, was committed to jail . yesterday from Justice Banting's Court, in default of $50 bond for his appearance at the Criminal Court to an swer the charge. Schooner .Robert A. Snow clear ed yesterday for Cape Haytien, with 144,915 feet lumber, 9 barrels pitch and 23 barrels tar, valued at $2,052.15. Cargo by E. Kidder's Son; vessel by Jas. T. Riley & Co. - - The northeast storm signal was displayed at the Weather Bureau station yesterday afternoon and last night. A storm, east of Florida; was expected to cause strong northeast winds on the South Atlantic coast. Mr. Richard Spooner and Miss Mamie Hewlett were united In marriage last evening by Rev. Mr. Swaim, of Masonboro Baptist Church, at the resi dence of Mr. Frank Risley, uncle of the bride,- pn Fifth between Church and Nun streets. A handsome silver pitcher pre sented by the First Presbyterian Church to Mr. Chas. H. Robinson, was on ex hibition yesterday at a jeweller's store on Market street. Mr; Robinson, wbo has long been an official of that church and superintendent of the Sunday School, leaves Wilmington this week, and (as heretofore announced in the Star) will hereafter reside in Savan nah. Ga. r FIREMEN'S ANNIVERSARY. Eat6rtainment Given by Wilmington S. F. E. Company No. 1 Feasting and Dancing Many Indies Preaen. Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Com pany No. 1. celebrated its twenty-fourth anniversary with a reception and "tea party" at their hall, corner of Fourth and Princess streets last night. There was a large crowd of ladies and gentlemen present. Among the in vited guests were ' Messrs. H. T. Duls, Charles Schnibben and Henry F. Haar, officers of Howard Relief Engine Company; Messrs. Henry Gerken. Wm. Lewis and Charles Grainger, officers of Wilmington Hook and Ladder Company; Messrs. Henry Litgen, John Yates and Richard Litgen, officers of Fifth Ward Hook and Ladder Company. Alter supper was partaicen of, ice cream, cake, candies and fruits were served between the dances. Dancing was kept up until a late hour. About fifty couples were present. Prof. Miller's band discoursed some very fine music. The Mayor and several aldermen were present. The committee of arrange ments were Messis. W. C. VonGIahn, chairman. E. G. Parmele, George Hon net, H. G. Walsh. James H. Taylor, Jr., E. B. Burkhimer. A. 'J. Marshall and Richard F. Warren. THE WEATHER. U. S. Dep't ok Agriculture, Weather Bureau, Wilmington, N. C, March 30, Meteorological data for twentv-four hours ending at 8 p. m. last night: Maximum temperature, 48; mini mum temperature 37. Normal temperature for ihe day, deduced from twenty years' observa tion, 56. Departure from normal, minus 14. Sum of departure since January 1st, 1893, minus 213. Rainfall for the day, .01 inch; rain fall for the month up to date 2.40 inches. :. FORECAST FOR TO-DAY. For Virginia, fair weather Thursday, winds slightly to southwesterly. ,For North Carolina, generally fair, and slightly warmer, variable winds. ' The Sixth Life-Savlng District. The superintendency of this district which comprises the coast of Virginia South of Cape Henry and all of that of North Carolina, is considered quite a good place, and a lively fight between Virginia and North Carolina is' being waged for it. There are two candidates on each side: Captain William E. Hud gins, now deputy city collector of Nor folk, and J. T. Capps, of Princess Anne County, from Vireinia.'and A- V.Evans, of Camden county, and State Senator Morgan, of Currituck county, from North Carolina. -' COTTON FACTS AND FIGURES. Spot cotton firm in New York at 8c for middling. Receipts of cotton here yesterday, 30 bales; same day last year, 63 bales, New York futures closed steady; April 8.33; May 8 89; June 8.48; July 8 54; August 8.58; September 8.53. The New York Exchange will be closed Friday and Saturday. The Liverpool Exchange will 'close to-day at lp. m. and remain closed until Wed nesday next, for the Easter holidays. N. C JHURS DAY; CORBETT BACK IN GOTHAM. In Good Health and Heady to Complete Arrangements for the Fight with Mitchell Champion ,Jim"Corbett, accompanied by his manager, William A. Brady, and Trainer "Billy ' Delancy. has arrived in New York city. The Cahfornlan looked somewhat fatigued by his journey,(but otherwise he appeared to be in excellent spirits and enjoying the best of health. "The reports sent around the--eoun-try, he said"regarding my health have been greatly exaggerated. I admit that I was a very sick man in Minneapolis, but since then I have been feeling re markably well. I am as strong, if not stronger, than I ever was, and feel per fectly able to whip anybody they may put up against me. Iam taking a week's vacation and will visit Mr. Hummell to morrow and confer with him in regard to the selection of a club for the fight with Mitchell. I will do my utmost to settle the entire matter before I leave here. Now that the time has expired for the Coney Island Athletic Club, Olympic Club and Crescent City Athletic Club to bid for the match any club has the privilege ot making an offer for it. I have no choice of battle ground and I will consent to fight anywhere. The club offering the largest purse can have the match so far as I am concerned." "Do you think Mitchell will give you a hard fight?", "Yes," replied the champion reflec tively, "I think Mitchell will give me the hardest fight of my life. He believes be can defeat me and I suppose he .has good reasons for thinking so. I admit that he is a much harder hitter than myself, and perhaps just as clever, but I think, my superior height, reach and quickness will offset Mitchell's advant ages. . I think that the fight will last at least thirty-five or forty rounds. Mitchell is a very tricky fighter, and perhaps, one of the best generals in the ring to day, and I expect to have a good deal of tronble in reaching him, hence my belief that the contest will be a long one." . Touching on the report that he had agreed to give "Ed" Smith, the con queror of "Joe" Goddard, first call in case he defeated Mitchell. Corbett said: "I did not make any such promise to Smith. The Denver man has no claims on me whatever, and I told him so. I did say, however, that if I was success ful in my fight with Mitchell and Peter Jackson refused to meet me, I would probably consider his challenge. Jack son is the only man wbo has a bona fide right to demand a fight with me, and if I down the English champion I will certainly make a match with him." N. C SUPREME COURT. Opinions have been handed down as follows: ; Hanstein vs. Johnson, from Sampson, affirmed. State Treasurer vs. Clinton Loan As sociation, from Wake, modified. . Faison vs. Steward, from Sampson, error. High vs. Railroad, from Bladen, .dis missed, but the Court ruled in favoir of defendant upon the matter in contro versy. Cheek vs. Nail, from Chatham, af firmed. Russell vs, Campbell, from Cumber land, dismissed. Buie vs. Scott, lrom Cumberland, af firmed. Greensboro vs. McAdoo, from Guil ford, petition allowed and judgment be low reversed. Hamilton vs. Buchanan, from Anson, affirmed. Puffer vs. Lucas, from New Hanover, modified.. Dobbin vs. Rex, from Roman, peti tion of defendant to reinstate appeal re fused. ; : " BY RIVER AND RAIL. Beoeipta of Naval Store and Cotton Teaterday. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R. 6 bales cotton, 8 casks spirits turpentine, 32 bbls. rosin, Wilmington & Weldon R. R. 16 bales cotton, 4 casks spirits turpentine, 8 bbls. rosin, 9 bbls tar.j bbls. crude turpentine. Carolina Central R. R. 8 bales cot-, ton, 10 casks spirits turpentine, 114 bbls. rosin, 12 bbls. tar. C F. & Y. V. R. R. 26 casks spirits turpentine. 97 bbls. tar. Steamer Elk 64 bbls. rosin, 16 bbls. tar. Schooner Nancy Ann 18 bbls. tar, bbls crude turpentine. Total receipts Cotton, 80 bales; spirits turpentine, 48 casks; rosin, 218 bbls.; tar, 152 bbls.; crude turpentine, 9 bbls. '; A Magnifloent Flowering Plant in Bloom. Mr. T. Donlan, Superintendent of Oakdale Cemetery, in a note to the Star, says: I have in full bloom one plant that covers a. space of one hundred feet around and is twenty-three feet high. Every . branch is covered with white flowers and four shades of foliage. It is one of the laurel family I think. I am safe in saying that there is not one in the United States or in the world, in such a high state of cultivation as this one. I send you this as there have been so many requests to see -it in full bloom, and knowing the great interest the Star takes in our beautiful city of the dead. Cold Weather for this Season. The mercury dropped to 87 degrees yesterday morning, and at no time dur ing the day did it get higher than 48 degrees. It was quite cold enough for frost Tuesday night, but the Weather Bureau people say the high wind kept it off. Last night the wind was blowing strong from the north and the mercury was rapidly getting down to the freez ing point. Frost or no frost, the biting blizzard and low temperature must have bad au injurious effect on vegetation. ' N0 .t - MARCH 30, 1 893. f THE ALDERMANIC TANGLE. . Ball a Topio of Discussion Failure of an Attempt to Hold a Caucus -Mayor Fish blate "Not In It" The tangle among the Democratic members of the Board of Aldermen con tinues to be the chief topic of discussion around town. There were no develop ments yesterday that would give a clue as to what the outcome of the differ ences would be. There were rumors of a compromise between the factions, but it could be traced to no responsible source. Early in the afternoon Mayor Fish blate issued a call for a caucus of the Democratic members of the Board to be held at 3 p. ra. . At the hour appointed Mayor Fishblate and Aldermen Harriss. Northrop, Gore and VonGIahn appeared at the hall and went into the Mayor's office, but ' the other Democratic mem bers of the Board did not put in an ap pearance, and at 4 o'clock, the Mayor, and .the aldermen mentioned left the'hall. In answer to inquiries they said no - caucus had been held. Alderman Moore is chairman of the caucus. It was stated by a Democratic alderman that a caucus would probably be held this afternoon and a full meet ing bf the Board in the evening. It has been intimated that. Mayor Fishblate, being no longer an alderman, cannot attend the caucus unless by special invitation; as a matter of courtesy, and that if he does attend he will have no voice in the -deliberations of its members. THE MAILS. Oa and after Sunday, January 1, 1893, the Mails at the Wilmington, N. (X, Postoffice, will close and be ready fcr delivery as follows: - ' CLOSE. , For Mt. Airy and way stations C F4YV Railroad For Southport ForShallute (ronswiclc Co.), Tuesdays and and Fridays.... For Wrightsville . For North and way stations W & W R R. For Cape Fear River Tuesdays and Fridays For Clintond. Magnoli, Goldsboro ''Shoofly' For South and way stations WCtAR R For Charlotte and way statioms CCR R.... For Wilson and points North connect with W & W Railroad. No. 14.. W., O. & K. C. R. R., except Saturday. ... On Saturdays. , . . 1:00am 6:30 am 6 00a m 6:20 a m 8:30 a m 1:00 pm 8.00 p m 6:25 pm 6,00 p m 7.00 p m 8.00 am 8.00 pm MAILS READY FOR DELIVERY (WHEN THE TRAINS ARE ON TIME). I From Mt. Airy and points C FAYVRR 1:00 a.m From Charlotte and points C C R R. 8.30 a m From South and points W, C A A R R 9.60 a m From Lacdiogs Cape River, Tuesday, Friday 8.00 a m From Clinton, Maguolia.Goldaboro 'Shoofly 12:00 ro From Southport 5.-00 p m Front Sballotie and Brunswick Co Monday and Tuesday... 7.00 pm From Wrightsville....... 7:80 o m From North aod way stationsTrain No. 23, W&WRR 7.30pm From North Through mail.... 11 .SO p m W., Q.4E.C. R.RM except Saturdays.... 7 30 p m f Un Saturdays.... IV JM p m GEO. Z. FRENCH, Postmaster. BUSINESS LOCALS. Noncss For Rent or Sale. Lost and Found. Wants, and other short miscellaneous advertisements, inserted in this Department, in leaded Nonpareil type, on first or fourth page, at Publisher's option, tor 10 cents per line each insertion: but no advertisement taken lor less than 25 cents. Terms, positively cash in advance. Fractions of lines counted as whole lines. IjOST or mislaid Certificate No. It 65, dated An gust 10th. 189), for five shares stock in the Old Domin ion Building and Loan Association of Richmond. All persons are cautioned not to trade for same, as appli cation for a new certificate has beed made. S. E. CHADW1CK. WRAPPING Paper. In order to get rid of an accumulation ol old Newspapers, suitable for wrap ping1 paper, they will be soid without regard to price in large lots. Apply at the Stak Office. FOR Rent, several small houses, four rooms each, on Castle between Eighth and ' Ninth streets, and on Eighth and Ninth between Church and Castle streets. Apply to D. O'CONNOR. . WANTED To work in Machine Shop. A first xlass Machinist can find steady employment by ad dressing E. T. STEWART, Washington, N. C ' TRT this Department, if you wish to rent a house or have lost anything. Advertisements 10 cents pet line each insertion. Terms, cash in advance. j PRINTING, Ruling and Binding of all kinds neatly and promptlv executed at the Stak Officb. iNEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HonseMi & Kitchen Furniture at Anct'n. OW TO-MORROW (FRIDAY MORNING) AT 11 o'clock we wit s-sll at the residence 404 North Front street, all of the Household and Kitchen Furni ture contained therein. Sale positive. . ' CRONLY & MORRIS, mar 30 2t - Auctioneers. NOTICE! QUR- STORE WILL BE CLOSED TO-MOR-row, March 81st, "GOOD FRIDAY." Customers will please send in' their orders to-day. THE JOHN L. BOATWRIGHT CO. mar 80 It Dr. Love's Office JS NOW AT HIS RESIDENCE, CORNER Fourth and Chestnut streets. Entrance oa Fourth street. Office hours 9 to 10 a. m. mar 30 It Printer Wanted. rpo WORK AS A TWO-THIRDER ON THE J. "STAR." Must be qualified to handle all kinds of Copy. mar 25 8t Will Not Eesign. EDITOR STAR : PLEASE SAY TO THE public that the undersigned Republican Alder-' men from the First Ward do hereby jointly declare, that they have no idea whatever ot resigning their places, as members of the Board of Aldermen. Their duty is so plain that a wayfaring man toough he be a fool he need not err.- ( J. O. NIXON, A J. WALKER. Wilmington, N. C March 89, 1891 . P. S. We will stand by the logic of oar vote cast on Monday night, mar 80 It WHOLE NO. 8,091 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . Welcome Spring. You bring '.us balmy air and blue skies. Under your magic influence nature wakes to a fresh beauty and productiveness. People : yield to your influence and their pulses quicken. Everybody and everything is awake and the watchword of the season is Activity ! Keeping pace with the times, we are already alert and wide-awake to the increasing de mand for your " ier A full assortment of Foster's HooK Kid GlOYes Centewri Kii Glens In three and five Bnttons. SI Handkerchiefs f - . .! . In plain, hemstitched and em broidered. . LACES, LACES. - - An elegant assortment in white, cream and black. Ribbons., Biblons. In satin, morie, faille and gross-grnin in all colors and widths. HOSIERY. 1,000 dozen for Gents, Ladies and Children in cotton, lisle thread and silk in black and colors. No. 9 NORTH FRONT STJ mar SO ti - ' - ATTENTION! We have a! few handsome Dinnei and Tea Sets, also Toilet Sets, which i we will close out at greatly reduced prices for the Holidays. These Goods we imported, and are of very fine quality. Come and see them. Wm; E. Springer 5 Co., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Purcell Building. dec 24 ti MRS. TAYLOR HAS SENT THE FINEST SELECTION OF ever shown in the State, and will be shown Tuesday, March 28th, and during the entire week. EASTER HATS, EASTER FLOWERS, EASTER FEATHERS, RIBBONS, LACES. EASTER VEILINGS, in fact everything new and her own selection, which may be relied upon, with thirty years of experience m the Millinery business She cordially invites the public to TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, and the ladies will be politely waited upon. Our, .general opening will be announced in a few days. We are receiving goods daily at Taylor's Bazaar, 118 Market street. JOHN TAYLOR, Manager, mar28 tf " Wilmington, N. C Saff for Sale. ANEW "EUREKA" FIRE-PROOF SAFE with Combination Lock, Outside measure: 26 inches high, 18J " wide, 19 deep, ; Weight, Five Hundred Pounds. . Just the thing for a lawyer, doctor, or a country store. Price. $35.00. Address, STAR OFFICE, . teplS W tf- Wilmington, N. C Hamme, the Hatter, For elegant Spring Hats. Latest styles and lowest prices. mar 29 tf . .86 North Front Street. Call On Us F)R Groceries of any description or quantities. We have also constantly on band a select supply of country produce. JOHN H. GORE, Jm Comtnissioa Merchant, Nos. 9 and S South Water street. C W. COLWXLL, Manager, - mr28tf Gloves Brown mm CHINA SETS. .1 ' ' : - RATES OF ASTKHTISIiYe One Square One Day..,......, '.... I OC " " Two Days. 1 ;5 " " Three Days 8 80 " Four Days , 3 00 Five Days 150 " " One Week... 4 00 M " Two Weeks............ 6 6t Three Wseks i. 8 50 " " One Month 10 00 Two Months...................... 18 OC " Three Months............ 24 0L " 'Six Monthl 40 00 " One Year. CO 00 3T Contract Advertisements taken at proporbos ately low rates. A"''',.. Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one square. llattresses. Mattresses. Try us on one of those elegant Long Hairs, the best in the world. Springes coming. Send us your old ones to be renovated. Furniture, Furniture. ,Car-load received this week. Just in, an Elastic Chair, Rocker and Settee, for Porches. You must see to appreciate them. Our $22.50 and $45.00 Suit still goes. Come and get one. Sneed & Go, THE CHEAPEST FURNITURE HOUSE IN . NORTH CAROLINA." mar 19 tf Thev Always Give Satisfaction The New-"Lee," Hew Patron, Seminole, And Richmond Ranges, , SOLD BY J. L. BBECEEHBUOE. Buy these Cook Stoves, because yon get for a little money , .The Largest possible Oven, The Heaviest possible Casting, The very Best Stove Mnal, Splendid Draft. Will take them back and refund the cash if you are not pleased. House Furnishing Hardware, also oct 1 tf 217 North Front Street. PfTrad rUrr.) & . rV KID QLQVES 5 JS" Sole Agents for the above brands of Kid Gloves, M. M. TO & SOIL ebt Tf . we fr sa Easter Greetings. We have opened a fresh assortment of fine Easter Cards and Booklets, Easter novelties, Easter Eggs in silk and china. Please call and make your selec tions at HEINSBERGER'S, mar 2Stf 27 and 29 Market street. COAL. COAL. TTJST ARRIVED, O Schr. John T.Schmidt, with 700 Tons Coal. Egg, Eumace and Chestnut sizes for sale at the same low prices thrt have ruled all the season. Special prices on car lots. mar Sti - J. A- SPRINGER. Strayed or Stolen. A BROWN SETTER PUPPY, 5 months old, ho a white spot on nose and tail. . A suitable reward will be paid for return of same to mar 23 tf , W. M. HOWEY.