0 RATES OF ADVERTISIWO. ORNINGr One Square One Day . 1 wo Day. 1 ? " Three Days jl u. " Foot Days 3 0U Five Days 3 60 One Week 4 00 " Two Weeks 6 50 Three Weeks 8 50 One Month 10 00 Two Months 18 50 " Three Manths 34 03 " Sis; Months s u. One Year 60 00 IV Contract Advertisements taken at nroimrtion - Br WILLIAM H. BERNARD. PUBLISHED DAILY fcXCEPT MONDAYS. RATES Or SUBSCRIPTION, ZN ADVAKOt. One Year (by Mail) Postage paid Six Months, " " " Three Months, " " " .$6 00 ,. 8 00 ,. 1 50 .. 60 One Month, ff To City Subscribers, deliyreed in any put of VOL. LIV.-NO. 10. WILMINGTON, N. C, .WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1894. WHOLE NO. 8,405 M Star the city, T wslvi edicts per week, unr l-uy Agents are not authorized to collect tor more than three month in advance. ' kntercd at tne rostufnce at Wilmington, N. C, as Second-class. Mail Hatter. ately low rates. Ten lines solid Nonpareil make one square. O'JTLIN EG. Congress yesterday Tariff bill -discussed in tbe Senate; the Bearing Sea bill passed; the issue of bonds; tbe con tested election case decided. South Carolina whiskey war A proclamation by the Governor; he assumes control of all incorporated cities and towns in the State; a speech from Mr. Tillman; an in vestigation at Florence. Sale of the Atlantic & Danville railroad. Cotton spots and futures. Pollard- Breckinndge The plaintiff and the de fendant on the witness stand. Election not in Kansas City between Catholics and members of the A. P. A. Wife-murderer lynched in Ba- kersille. N. C. Washing ton News Nominations - by the President; Treasury statement. New York markets: Money on call has been easy at 1 per cent., with last loan at 1 per cent., and closing offered at 1 per cent ; cotton quie'.; middling gulf 8 cents; middling uplands 1 cents; Southern flour quit and steady; common to fair extra $i.003 00; good to choice do. $3.104.20; wheat fairly for exports and firm; No. 3 red in store and at eleva tor 6364 cents; afloat 64 cents; coin iairly active for export and easier; No. 2 at elevator 44 cents; afloat 45 cents; spirits turpentine quiet and firm at28J 29 cents; rosin dull and firm; strained common to eood. $1 151 20. Bismarck is happy again. His doc tor has given him permission to drink beer and smoke bis pipe. The New Orleans thief who stole bibles from four or five churches didn't propose to go into the mission ary business. Mr. George Goufd will leave New York and take up his residence in New Jersey. Living is cheaper in New Jersey than it is in New York. The first trio to take an aerial voy age was a sheep, a cock and a duck, which went up to a height cf 1,500 feet in 1773. A good many geese have been going up since. Sunday was Bismarck's 80th birth day. As a token of regard a lot of his women admires sent him a case of schnapps. As old as he is, there is a good deal of snap in the old fel low yet. Miss Bunch, who ran for Superin tendent of Public Schools in Areola, 111., got there, for she stood at the - polls and pinned a bunch of flowers on each voter as he toddled up to the . polls, and that got 'em. A St. Louis young lady who wanted brilliant eyes invested in a lot of decoctions and now couldn't see a hole in the sun. But she can see what a goose she was in fooling with her eyes and such lotions. They have some very depraved ihieves in Philadelphia. A gang of ihem failed in the attempt to rob a church of its silver communion ser vice because they went about it in a bungling way and waked up the police. It may be interesting to learn that there are 900 separate and distinct species of cockroaches classified in the British museum, and a Chinaman wouldn t kill one ot tnem to save his cue. Curious notions these Chi namen have. Clerk Laidlaw, whom Millionaire Russell Sage, of New York, used as a shield when that bomb-thrower shied his bomb at bim, has received a verdict for $25,000 damages. If Sage had anticipated this he might have taken his chances on the bomb A petition is in circulation in Cen tral Kentucky, signed by some of the most prominent women of that section, praying Congress to expel W. C. P. Breckinridge, whose pres ence in Congress they pronounce "a dishonor to the womanhood of his State." The appointment of Hon. Patrick Walsh, of the Augusta Chromele, to succeed the late Senator Colquitt in the Senate is a fitting recognition of a very ableman and a bustling good Democrat. Mr. Walsh is entitled to congratulations and so are Governor Northen and the State of Georgia. The late Senator Colquitt, of Georgia, had $10,000 insurance on his life. This, with his home on the suburbs of Atlanta, is all he has left his family. He did not pursue the dollar with as much zeal as some of the Senators who have managed out of the same salary to build fine homes in Washington and maintain them in lavish style. The Western nurserymen must have struck a bonanza in Oklaho ma. There are already planted there 683,000 apple, 648,000 peacb, . 68,000 cherry and 51,000 pear trees, and nu merous other fruit trees, and vines. The Daily Press is a neat and newsy afternoon paper just started at Raleigh. The initial numbers give evidence of considerable ability and a hustling talent for gathering news. We wish it success. Columbia dispatches represent Governor Tillman tn a happy frame of mind. Some men are so won drously and mysteriously built that they would enjoy a picnic-in a grave yard. As a deer-slayer William Finney Teeple, of Manchester, Pa., who died the other day, aged 76 years won the horns. He began when a boy and scored a record of 3,000. The hens of the country seejtn o have resumed business. According to the New York Sun there were on the market in Gotham last Wed nesday 20,266,368 eggs. The banana and cocoanut have triumphed. They have got back on the free list. The banana may be sat down on occasionally but it can't be kept off the free list. The people of Colbert county, Alabama, are level headed. They have just voted to spend $200,000 in the construction and improvement of public roads. According to the weather reports only once since 1825 has the month of March developed such extremes of weather as it has this year. If Miss Pollard had been a mem ber of the lobby the supposition is that Col. Breckinridge could not have resisted her. The fruit crop of the North was used up by the late .freezes, but the ice crop was uninjured. dSW ADVERTISEMENTS. G. R. French & Son Special sale. The Star Stoddard Photographs. J. L.BOAT wright Co-Family groceries PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Ferttnent Paragraphs Pertaining Princi pally to People and Pointedly Printed. Mr. A. F. Powell, of Vineland, is in the city on business. Marshal O. D. Carroll, of Ral eigh, arrived in the city last night. Mr. Jno. D. Shaw, of Rocking ham, arrived in the city yesterday on business. Messrs. L. B. Rackley and W. G. Rackley, of Clinton, were in the city yesterday. Mr. J. A. Cavenaugh, of Wal lace, an old subscriDer and lriend of the Star, was a welcome visitor yesterday. Editor Hernck, of the Wil liamston Sun, who has spent two days here, leaves for bis home this morning, He is charmed with Wilmington and its people, and will visit us again when tbe season opens on tbe seashore Messrs. J. D. Boney, Wallace; Henry Daniel, Southport; G. H. Slo- comb, Fayetteville; W. J. Parker, Bla den; W. J. WelS, Winston; W. F. Fair cloth. Goldsboro; W. F. English, Mt. Olive; H. Butters, Hub; A. A. McNair, Clyde, S. C, we're among the arrivals in the city yesterday. COTTON FACTS AND FIGURE. f Spot cotton quiet in New York at 1 cents for middling. Receipts of cotton here yesterday 232 bales; same day last year 443 bales New York futures closed steady; April, 7.60; May. 7.62; Jane, 7.69; July, 7 76; "August, 7.80; September. 7.76 October, 7 78; November, 7.81; Decem ber, 7 87; January. 7 92, BY RIVER AND RAIL. Mecip of Nvsl 8 tor und Cotton Yesterday. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R R. 74 bales cotton. S3 casks spirits turpentine, 131 bbls. resin, 20 bbls. tar, C F. & Y. V. R. R. 158 bales cotton 10 casks, spirits turpentine, 57 bbls. rosin. 87 bbls. tar. Steamer D Murchison 6 casks spirits turpentine, 155 bbls. rosin, 10. bbls. tar Steamer Lisbon 24 casks spirits tur pentine, 44 bbls. rosin, 29 bbls. tar. Steamer W T Daggett 17 bbls. tar 5 b'jls. etude turpentine. Schooner Argyle 84 bbls. rosin Total receipts Cotton, 232 bales saints turuentme. 83 casks; rosin, 421 tbis.: tar, 259 bbls.; crude turpentine, bbls. "The cry is still they come" tnat is. the orders for tbe stoaaara Portfolios of Photographs. LOCAL DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered Here and There and Briefly Notod. - The Ladies Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. are busy as bees In prepara tion for the convention to be held here this week, In the City Court yesterday, Grace McNeill, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was fined $10 and costs. The stage of water in the Cape Fear river at Fayetteville at 8 a. m Monday, was 5.4; a fall of 1.0 foot in the previous 24 hours, Mr. J. S. Boney shipped the first crate of strawberries this season from Wallace yesterday. They were con signed to a Philadelphia house. Mr. Henry Latimer's steam yacht Pastime was damaged to the amount of $50 or $75 by collision with a vessel In the harbor a day or two ago. Within the past two days orders for 233 of tbe Stoddard Portfolios were received at the Star office. They are going like hot cakes" now, "for a fact." At the regular meeting of the Board of Managers of the Produce Ex change, held yesterday, on motion, a cordial invitation was extended to tbe merchants and business men to attend the annual meeting of the Exchange, to be held next Tuesday, the 10th inst. One of the most attractive ex hibits in this line ever made in Wilming ton may be seen in the windows of George R. Frertcti & Sons, the old and well known dealers in boots and shoes. They have no special 'openings" of the regulation kind, but "Pete" says when it comes to "opening" cases of new goods they are decidedly "in it." The entertainment for the ben efit of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, to be given this afternoon and evening at the residence of Mrs. W. A. French, 107 South Front street, will be full cf fun, and will no doubt attract a large crowd. The prices of admission are very low In fact, "reserved seats" are only ten cents. Marshall's Mammoth Minstrels which have given three successful ama- uer performances in this city will ap :ar again and for tbe last time, on Fri day night, March 18th, and at a matinee the following afternoon at 3,80 o'clock. The officers of the troupe are Burgess W. Mai shall manager, Jas. H. Cowan stage director, and Miiton Elliott instru mental musical director. PLEASANT ENTERTAINMENT At Point Caswell-To Aid in the Erection of An Episcopal Church. Point Caswell, N. C, April 3. Editor Star: A very pleasing and nicely arranged entertainment was given at Point Caswell last Friday .night for the benefit of a fund to assist in building an Episcopal Cburcb at Atkinson, a short distance from here. The enter tainment was managed by Mrs. E. A. Hawes, assisted by Miss harmer and Miss lane Tilllnghast, of Fayetteville, N. C. Miss Nellie Vollers took the leading part. The following young men participated: Upham Moore, K. Hawes. Lee bimoson, esse Lucas, Ed. Hollingsworth, Ed. Hawes, Fred. Simpson and Steve Hawes. The occa sion was a delightful one and a neat sum was realized. L. Funeral of Col. B. EL. Moore. Funeral services over the remains of the late Col. B. R. Moore were held yes terday at St. Thomas' Catholic church, conducted by Rev. Father Dennen, as sisted by Rev. Dr. Kieran. Besides the relatives there was a large attendance of friends ot tbe deceased, including many members of the Bar of Wilmington, who followed the remains to Oakdale cetne tery. where the interment took place. The pall-bearers were Hon. O. P. Mearcs, Judge of tbe Criminal Court, M. Bellamy, Esq , Maj D. O'Connor, Mr. H. C. McQueen, Mr. Junius Davis, Mr. George Rountree, Col. F. W. Kerch ner, Mr. DuBrutz Cutlar. THE WEATHER U. S. Dep't of Agriculture, Weather Bureau. Wilmington, N. C. April Meteorological data for twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. last night: Maximum temperature 57"; mini mum temperature 42s. Normal temperature for the day, deduced from twenty years' observa tion. 57'. Departure from normal minus 8. Sum cf departure since January 1st. 1894. plus 2.55". Rainfall for tbe day, 0.0. inch. Rain fall for tbe month up to date .04 inches. forecast for to-day. For North Carolina and South Caro lina, fair, warmer, soath winds. Tbe Negro Watch Thieves. James Miller and James Beatty, the colored boys arrested for stealing two gold watches from Mr. J. L. Winner, were brought before Justice J. M. Mc Gowan yesterday for examination. After an investigation of the ca?e they were required each to give a justified bond in tbe sum of $25 for their appearance at the Criminal Court, and in default were committed to jail. MONEY IN FACTORIES. - Nothing the Matter With the Augusta Cotton Faotones Why Not Build An other Factory laJWllmingfon P -Cannot tbe necessary stock for a cotton factory in Wiimipgtonbe secured on the instalment plan? We have one factory here uow'under excellent man agement, and with a very bright future. It would seem that there is money in cotton manufacturing in Augusta, and there is no reason to doubt that several factories might be operated profitably in Wilmington. Besides, we need sucb enterprises to give employment to our idle population. Read this encouraging report of the Augusta cotton factories from the Chronicle: The cotton mills af Augusta are in a most flourishing condition and they i all are having fine trade and doing an immense business, an'd reaping fair profits. Several of the factories have sold goods far in advance and others have orders on band that will keep the mills running every second of the full time to keep up with tbe demand. President James P. Verdery of the Enterprise Factory told the Chronicle yesterday that he had received an order from a Northern house for 4.000 bales of goods at a fair profit and that it will keep him busy for some time. Tbe annual output of the Enterprise is about 8,000 bales; so it will take about six months to fill the order. The value of the order is about 8250,- 000. President Thomas Barrett, of the Langley Mills, says be has a number of orders on band nd that the factory Is kept running constantly on full time to keep up with the demand. He says all tbe mills bere and over the river are doing a splendid business and have no trouble in selling the manufac tured goods which are favorites in the market and more sought after than any other goods. . Tbe foreign trade season is about oyer, but tbe trade in this country is very active right now. Most ot the goods manufactured here are shipped North. President Hick man, of the Graniteville Factory, re cently received an order for 2.000 bales, 1 1 :n . i ' . - . - , i wmtQ win ia&c some ume to mi. Tbe factory securities are considered tbe very best thing among the monied people of this city for investment, and the stock is eagerly sought for on the market, and is very saleable, and sellers have no difficulty in disposing ot their stocks at good pricis. None of the factories have fafled to pay tbeir usual dividends, and they are all making money. The C. F. & Y. V. B. B. Receivership. Tbe Greensboro Record says : Last Saturday afternoon a telegram was received here by the C. F. & Y. V. officials stating that a receiver had been appointed for that company. Th iolormation waa a perfect sur prise to everybody, officials of the road as well. These gentlemen knew that sooner or later the step would be taken, for it was plainly evident that default would be made in the interest due June 1st next, and prior to this time they would have taken tbe necessary steps themselves. Talking with several of the more prominent officers of tbe road, we were told that the appointment of Mr. Gill is, as far as known, perfectly satisfactory to them, but there is one thing they cannot understand why such action should have been taken so quietly. Mr. Gill is trustee for tbe second mortgage bonds. It is not known, nor can it yet be sur mised, what so suddenly brought about the appointment, ZERA SEMON. Ac Interesting and Amusing 8how at the Opera House. The Opera. House was crowded last night with an audience which was inter estea, amused ana pleased, lne occa sion was the first night ot the engage' ment of Zera Semon la his mysterious and wonderful show. He is a wonder ful magician, and to know what peculiar, interesting and startling things he can do one must see him Possibly tbe most interesting feature of the entertainment last night was the part pertormed by Zera bemon s little son about seven or eight years of age who sang beautifully and articulated splendidly. Zera Semon gives another entertain ment at the Opera House to-night. Exports foreign and Domes tic. The schooner John H. Cannon cleared yesterday for New Haven, Conn., with 212,000 feet lumber. Vessel by Geo, Harnss, Son & Co., cargo by Cape Fear Lumber Co. Schooner Julia Fowler cleared for Humacoa and Tajardo, P. R., with 173.046 feet lumber, valued at $2,198 06; cargo by Messrs. S. & W. H. Northrop, vessel by Messrs. Geo.Harriss. Son & Co. British schooner Victory cleared for Nassau, N. P., with 8.850 feet lumber, 58 packages doors and blinds, 200 feet moulding, 7 barrels pitch, 7 barrels tar, 800,000 shingles and 22 packages merchandise, valued at $1, 940.51, shipped by Messrs. Cronly & Morns. Schooner John I. Snow cleared for Cape Hayti with 89,131 feet lumber, valued at $1,152 40. Vessel by Ino.T. Ri ley & Co.; cargo by S. & W. H. Nor throp. " One ot the most Solid." Afonroe Journal Tbe Wilmington Star has lust com pleted its 53rd semi-annual volume, and is enlarged considerably in its Sunday edition over its former size. The Star is not only tbe oldest daily in tbe State, but it is one of tbe most solid in every way, and gives evidences of being able to do business at tne old stand lor many years yet, Shakespearean Recital. The Shakespearean recital given at the Young Men's Christian Association auditorium last night by Prof. Hannibal A. Williams, ot New York city, under the patronage of Wilmington's lovers of classical literature was something en- B tirely dissimilar to anything ever before produced here. It is difficult to describe this unique and hiehlv entertainmo- recitation. To the lovers of Shake speare it was a revelation, and we are sure no one could better understand tbe intents and purposes of that master of the passions of human nature than by bearing tbis interpretation of the writings of that immortal genius, Shakespeare. The entertainment being ot a private nature only a select audience, of course, was present; those attending being a fair representation of Wilmington's culture and refinement. Last night's reading consisted of "King Henry IV;" and while one indifferent to the charms of Shakespeare might not have been vastly entertained, still it can be truthfully said that tbe recitation was elevating, refining and altogether in structive. STODDARD "wORK COMPLETE. All tbe 8srlo, from One to Sixteen, Now Beady Send Orders Before the Offer Is Withdrawn. The Four Series, 13 to 16, to complete the Stoddard Art Album are now ready, and orders should be sent in at once, as the offer will soon be withdrawn. To facilitate the work of closing up the Stoddard Portfolio scheme, to make way for something else, but one Coupon and Twelve Cents will now be required for each Series. Many persons have been waiting to order the entire Sixteen Series at one time. They can now have orders filled by sending $1.92 and sixteen coupons. Do not delay, as tbe time is limited. Save enough coupons to complete the work. Those who have only ordered a few of tbe numbers should not neglect to order the others. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Wilmington Post- office April 4, 1894: WOMEN'S LIST. A Miss Kittie Allen. B Mrs I H Blake, Mrs Judy Brown, Martha Bowden. Miss Lisor Freauance. G Miss E M Glenn. H Mrs E J Hill (col). Miss Josephean Herring, Miss Mary Hutson. K Miss Annie Kaplar. R Miss Ellen Roberson, Miss I Riddlck, Mrs Sprik Rushel. S Mrs Patsey Smith, Miss Rachel Stank. MEN'S LIST. A -as D Anderson. B C Boyd, Shamas Bauler. C A C Castle, Lawrence H Cohen, Merton C Coffin. E Stephen Enner, F B Ellis. G Rev Andrew E Gregory, H W R Hrriss. William Highsmith, K C E Kelly, Eddie King, Lewis E King, I- Dave Littleton, Mack Littleton, The Locomotive. S Gordon H Seymour. T John K Taylor, Samuel Tyce, W R Taylor. RETURNED FROM DEAD-LETTER OFFICE. James Berry, Lizzie G Taylor. Persons calling lor above letters will pleaae say advertised. If not called for in 15 days, they will be sent to the dead letter office. GEO. L. MORTON, Postmaster. New York Track Market. A dispatch last night to the Star, from Palmer, Rivenburg & Co., quotes prices as follows: "Asparagus, $2.50 to $4 00. Lettuce. $2.00 to $1 00 per barrel Strawberries (Charleston) 20 to 40 cents per quart. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL SALE. We have just bought ON THE DECLINE in the market, and now put on sale 1000 Fairs Women's all-solid, genuine Goat Dongola Button Boots at $1.00 per pair. Abetter Shoe than ever before sold for $1.25. Also, 1000 Fairs Men's all-solid Bals. and Congress, worth $1.25, spe cial Sale for $1.00. Call, examine and compare. Geo. E. French & Sons. 108 North Front St., WILMINGTON. N. C. p 4 tf Coal and Wood ! March Coal, viz.: Furnace, Egg, Stove, Chestnut and Pea. Tennessee and Pocahontas. Blacksmith and Steam. March Wood, viz.: Oak, Ash, Pine, Blackjack and Lightwood, six inches to four feet long. Prices guaranteed every time, J. A. SPRINGER. ap 1 tf BUSINESS LOCALS. s-"' -" nsiH w ' utic, uj w ronna, wants, and other short miscellaneous advertisements, im u.i w)wuiKauii noea nonpareil type, on first or fourth page, at Publisher's option, for 10 taken for less than 26 cents. Term., positively cash i advance. Fractions of lines counted as whole lines BeCrnltS wanted for the DrH., nf flmn Friends. New Council hat inst been frwreeH in rh rit and charter list now ODen. Call on H C T.m;.. pi i iw An attractive entertainment at Mrs. Wm. A. em h's. No. 107 Sooth Fourth street. Wedorsdav. April 4th. Grest attractions in the sfternoon for the Children, beginning at 1 o'ekek. A DjuhlB.fi-. Dance "The House that Jack built" and refresh- menu. Evenins: Drom-amme same with the adrfirinn Of music, vrn 1 p.. 1 !n.i...' I si. i ,i ap 1 St i Horses A car load of extra. well.breH. vntinty horse, for sale at tbe Stables of R. C. Orrcll. mar xv ct Fire Sale of clothine. Ten thousand dollar..' wcrth of damaged clothing to be sold as it is. B. F. Pennv. 110 Market street. c21 For sale, House on Seventa and Princess (south rest), 6 rooms, pantry and bath, with sewer connec tion. R M. Mclntire. mrh1 tf Boasted Mvrtle Grove Ovsters at Hilton Park Saturday and Sunday. All OTSters washed before being served. J. H. Hinton. feb 10 tf N. Tacobi Hardware Co. Self-priming pumps have many advantages over all others. See them. c21 Crayon portraits free. I will make Cabinet pho tographs from now until April 80, 1891, for $3.50 per dozen. I will give a 1417 Cravon Dortrair- made from ay picture you may desire, with each dozen SI required at time of sitt:ng. Take advantage of this grand offer. U. C. Ellis,. Photographer, 114 Mar ket street, Wilmington, N. C. c21 Mr. W. S. Walker, tbe veteran T'lumber and Gas itter has removed to No SOS Market street, where e would be pleased to have his old friends call. He ore Da red to doanv inb work in hi. line wifh all tke he latest conveniences. c21 $1.35, $100, 75c, 5"c, 23c. When we have got the price of Chi'-drrn's Shoes low enough for you come to see us. W. R. Slocum. 1 Market Sr. c21 Xlie Diamond Spectacles and Eye-glasses are sold only by Go. W. Huggins, 105 Market street, sod they axe giving such perfect satisfaction that it is pleasure to sell them. cSl Notice. I will have on Monday 100 bunches of fine Bananas, and also a lot of fine Mountain Apples, which I will sell low down. A. S. Winstead, No. 115 North Second street. c21 Krahnke, F. H., & Co., are now prepared to fix yon np a fine winter suit to order for $25, and up wards. It will pay you to call and see him at No. 113 Princess street. Smith's building c21 Portner's Beer for purity, Portner's Beer for quality, Portner's Beer for everybody, That's the tune they ail sing Portner's Beer for everybody. ail Palmetto Brewing Co., of Charleston, S. C. Ex port, Rice and Lasrer Eeer. Branch office No. 402Nntt street ; deliveries promptly made anywhere in city. F. Kicnter, manager, Splrtltllle Chemical Co , Hansen & Smith man agers. Wood distillers and refiners; Mfrs of Spirittine Oil for wood and iron preservation ; Spirittine Paint, Tar Oil, distilled Tar acd the 3 Spirittine remedies. c51 Wanted The drummers, lawyers, doctors, farm ers, merchants and ail visiters to Wilmington to know good meals and solid comforts are to be had at The Purcell at livins rates. c21 Hayden, P. H., Carriage, Buggy and Wagon. Maker; Saddles. Harness. Bridles. Collars- new vehicles always on hand; repairing promptly done. Third St., JIH" IKV 1 I . SI. O. Ol Van Laer E . corner Fourth and Walnut, has the largest stock of Pianos and Omns in the State uur prices are tne lowest and the quality of our in struments is tar superior to anything ottered here. luiv Li ra She meld, W. W., Manager Tide Water Oil Co., Manufacturers of the best tight cooperage in the South. Barrels for cotton seed oil and spirits tur pentine a specialty. For information, address the Id inager. TRY this Department, if you wish to rent a house or have lost anything. Advertisements 10 cents pet ari martifl I aTT lrl 1, rC NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COMING! OPERA HOUSE, 5 NIGHTS ONLY 5 COMMENCING Tuesday Night, April 3. WithiSaturday Matinee The old Virginia Favorite, ZERA SEMON! The Kinr of Mystery, Wonder Worker and Ventriloquial Emperor, with his Palace of Illusions and New York Vaudeville Company Costly and Useful Presents Giyei away Eacn flight All ica is in Gallery, ..... 15 Cents All seats in Balcony, - - - - - 35 Cents All seats on Fust Floor, Reserved. - - 35 Cents Tickets on sale Opera House N ight Show. Doois open 7.30. Wonders 8 15 sharp, mar 28 7t New millinery. w E are now opening the Latest Styles of Millinery, Embracing Ribbons and Trimmings of all kinds. MRS. M. K. STROCK, ap 1 tf 111 South Front Street. CO a JaTata. - 0 IS era . s r a fil 1 IS QQ wT" 1 O i: s u 1 et3 EH All Series Ready. Send Orders Now for tne Complete fort The Stoddard Photographs. SERIES 1, 2, 3, i, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Us 15 and 16 flow Ready 12 Cts. and One Conpon for Each Series Whether vou intend to travel or not you will find our Portfolio of Photographs A very entertaining and handsome work. If you have been or if you are going abroad the memories called up by the photographic views we offer you will be a pleasure. If you are not going abroad.these portfolios will give you true and accurate ideas of all that is beautiful, romantic and in spiring in the world. The Photo graphs are beautifully described by jonn 1j. stoaaard, the rtctHbrmni traveler and lecturer. As an educational feature, th'is portfolio of photographs is simply in valuable. As an attractive feature for the library, its merits cannot be rated toahighly. As an amusement feature in the home circle. It will be cherished as a prize. The success attending our first eight issues warrants us in claiming that no other idea has ever been adopted in this same line which has been re sponded to so eagerly as has our dis tribution among the people of this superb collection of Photographs. CAUTluN; Place your stamps loosely in letter Do not wet them, u they will adhere to the paper. Ic tare to write your name, postoffice address and Stat? plainly, so as to avoid error. As we have to send orders to the Publishers, several days possibly two weeks may elapse before the Photographs are received by subscribers We are now offering the First, Second, Third! Fourth. Fifih,Sixtn, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth Tenth, Eleventh, Twe fth. Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Series. Sample Copies may be seen at the Stab Office. It is absolutely necessary that you designate on the coupon the Nos. of the Series wanted. ''Series No. ," at botttom of Coupon, and nil it up. When no number is designated, Series 1 wiU be sent. Address ; THE STAB, ART SERIFS DEPARTMENT, Wilminsrtfin, N. (. Dr. J. H. Dreher, DENTIST. Office Northeast corner Front and Prineess streets second floor Entrance on Princess St. feb 16 tf FOB 8ALB. OLD NEWSPAPERS, IN ANY QUANTITYs suitable for wrapping purposes, for sale: 20 cent, per hundred. ap tf STAR OFF1CI. a.. ! I ! ' 4) 3 j S f Oil s3 si u O h O tf - co 11 ; , i ! uj :-s i : j i aawal - t HA S I i - 0 A ! Q co il ; m .' S ; ! h- h . K 1 ' ifcj !!,. : ii 3 : if": !f i 1 1 i atf S -z V i I -S - o w 2 " j i S tn ! 8 o 2 1 w I rj i t s ! I I i r f I