v. a- 4 UltjJLl FOR PITCHER'S Ca-storia, prompt on Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Fevorishnoss. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. ' Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archkk, M.D., B Portland Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. " I use Castoria in my practice, and find it specially aUapted to affections of children." Alsx. Robertson, M. D., 1067 2d Ave.. Now York. Tn CrvTAim Co., 77 Hurray St, N. Y. MAGNETIC NERVINE 7 . fc&iM tiunrnntoe to cure N e rvou 8 Prostra tion. Fits Dizzi ness, Headache and Neuralgia audWake fuleR, caused by ex cepsiveuseof Opium Tobacco and Alco B&FORE - AFTER iou, Softening of ; he Brain, causing Misery, Insanity and Death ; ltarrenoes, Impotency, Lost Power in either box. Premature Old Age, Involuntary Lnspes, caused by over-indulgence, overexertion of the Brain and Errors of Youth. It gives to Weak Organs their Natural Vigor and doubles the Joys of life; cures Lucorrhcea and Female Weakness. A month's treat ment, in plain pnokiuro, by mail,, to any address, $1 per box, 6 boxes $5. With every $5 order we give a Written Guarantee to cure or refund the money. ' 'i-ivulars free. Guarantee issued only by our ex clusive agent. J. HICKS BUNTING, Y. M C A Building. For sale by JOHN H. HARDIN, a-.2D4Wlv chsat Wilmington N. C. Glorious Report! -o- Have you read the Great and Glorious Report? I see in the State Journal the prospects at this writing is fully 2Tj per cent, better than last year There could be no more glorious news to ns. When the limes comes eood. that is the time we should lay by for a rainy day. This is mid summer now and we a e hustling Summer Goods At a most rapid rate. Since we cut the prices on light weight SH ALLIES. LAWN AND WORSTED ihev have been movine. and movine fast: however tbey like a good deal of all being goni. and we want YOU to lo,k them over and examine our stock of Ladies Dress Goods. IJeautifullotof Shallies, rice goctls, to close at 3c per yard. Rockingham A, 1 yard wide Homespun 5c per yard Indigo Rlue Prints in pokadot and fetars and Stripes at cents. The best goods made Two large lots of new Millinery received. A fine line of Sailors, from 15 to 50cts; the neatest white Milan Sailors in the city at C9c, worth $1. In New Ribbons we have a nke line of new goods, every thing tasty to he found. We have decided to close out cur full stock of Summer lace straw hats for ladies a' 25cts each. We have a beautiful selection cn hacd worth frvm3ctPto $1 25 each; they re ust go. so come and get a fine hat ft r 25 cts, wcrth $1 It does not pay us to carry them; it will pay you to buy them at the price we offer thern. We have BOYS' CLOTHING, Mens' Clothing, Mixs, Hats, caps. Men and Boys, Pants. Mens' pants for 50c a pairnice new goods. We have a good Woman's Shoe in Pebble Leather, in button 75 cts a pa r. A dandy man's Shoe in lace and Congress, at $1 Look at our Underwear Department and see the liie wexarry. Gause Underwear, knit vest, at 5c. Bleached 10c. better 11c up to 25c and fl each. Ail grades of men's underwear. Fine line of cfce p Shiris. from 15c to $1. A fke j sb in fine Wol, Silk Stripes, double stiched Summer Negligee Shirts, worth $1, to close at 60 eta aach. A full assortment in-duck 10 and 12Hc a yard. All grades of Hosiery trora 5 to 25 cts; the finest line of 10 and 11 cts blac's hose to hi found in the c:ty. TRUNKS, GRIPS AND VALISES. at your own p ice, give them a look and when you w-ant to save nv.ney come to the Big Racket Store of Wilmington, N- C. BRADDY & GAYLORD, PropV. All correspondence promptly answered and samples scut on application, july 29 tf Summer Excursion. OLD DOMINION LINE. FOR NEW TOR?, Leaving Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., daily except Friday and Snnday, at .7 p m. From Richmond,, Va., Tuesday, Wednesday and Kndav at 5 p in, via James River. lbe stups of the Old Dominion Steamship Co. are first-class and especially arranged for the comfort of the travelling public, and offer the advantages of a eool and delightful sea trip. All First-Class Tickets Include Meals and Stateroom Accommodations The two new fast and powerful steamships JAMESTOWN and Y0RKT0WN Leave Norfolk everv Moralav. Thursday and Satur day, arriving in New Yufk early following afternoon in time to make all evening connections lor points be vond i I i Passengers by 9am traiu from Wilmington connect at NortOJB same day, amymg in new v or it next ar te rnoon. . For tickets and general information, auplv to Rail road Ticket Agents, or to G. W. Allen & Co., 1301 Main st., Richmond, Va.; M. B. Crowell, Norfolk, va.; J. w. smith, Hvgeia Hotel, Old roint Comfort, va., or to W. L. GUILLAUDF.U, V-Pres: A Traffic Manager, iienetai unices ol Company, Fier SO N . Kiver, jnae 10 tf (foot of Beach st.) New York ESTABLISHED 1869. Palmer, Rivenbura & Co Successors to G S. PALMER. Wholesale Commission Merchants For the Sale of Southern Fruit & Truck Berries, Peaches, Grapes, Melons and Vegetables. 166 ReadeSt., New York. Watermelons and Pears a Specialty References Chatham Nnrlnnal Rank- Ntd Va.V. CommeTciol aaeneies and all principal truck shippers j a I'Ut" till FOR SILK. LU NKWSPAPERS, IN ANY QUANTITY " uiuoic i or wrapping purpose,, lot sale: ssu cent per u una reel, epziri STAR Or KICK, IrV. ftstoria it Wdn m. The Mayflower Club. Tho Mayflower, a woman's club in Boston, is a good object lesson in club economics to more than the sex to which its membership is exclusively limited. Formed solely for the purpose of affording- a quiet place where its members could lunch when in tho business dis trict of the city, it has just held its sec ond annual meeting and look over of the club affairs, to find that it is in a most prosperous condition financially. It has long been considered a sine qua non of. the running qualities of men's clubs that no cafe attached to them could sup port itself without a bar, but the May flower has demonstrated differently. It has no bar, does not sell wines or liq uors of any sort, and through the past year has paid for itself in every way and left intact fox future emergencies its re servo fund. To meet its growing popu larity its membership has been increased to 400, which, however, does not by any means clear off its waiting list Boa ton Correspondent. A Bride In Knickerbocker. I have never heard even the most rabid advocate of rational (?) dress sug gest that they would grace tho form of a bride on her wedding day, says an Eng lish writer. A skirtless, knickerbocker ed maiden, with a wreath and veil, savors of the region of farcical comedy, and I doubt whether a reverend gentle man would not consider himself justi fied in refusing to perform tho ceremony until the bride presented herself in less manly array. However, the New Zealand clergy are less wedded to sartorial con ventions, for one of them, said to be "a sympathizer in the great reform of wom en's dress, " recently united a pair at Christchurch not, however, in a church, but a private house when the bride wore stone bluo bengaline coat and knickers, long embroidered vest, a wreath of flowers and bridal veil. Among the guests were many ladies in tho manly attire affected by fair bicycle riders, and the bridesmaids had also dis carded skirts. Women's First Vote In Ohio. By a recent act of tho Ohio legisla ture the Paxton special school district has been created in Miami township, Clermont county. Consequently an im mediate election of a board of trustees for the new district became necessary, and at this election, which was held May 11, women voted for the first time in Ohio. It was recognized as a histor io event. The schoolhouse was made beautiful with flowers, plants and pa triotic decorations, and a handsome silk flag floated from the staff on tho belfry. A ticket was nominated entirely of wo men Mrs. Harriet Paxton, Mrs. Ellen Hutchinson: and Mrs. Mary A. Reeves and was unanimously elected It was arranged that Mrs. Reeves, the wife of City Passenger Agent of the Big Four J. E. Reeves of Cincinnati, should cast the first ballot over cast by a woman in Ohio. Of about 60 votes 20 were cast by women. Boston Woman's Journal. Women Cyclists. American women of fashion have been slow, to adopt tho Parisian craze- it can only be called that for bicycling, but it begins to look as if tho force of its contagion has really crept across the sea. A high class print recently pub lished a Worth bicycling costume, and by chance the writer heard a day or two ago at one of the large shops an order for 25 cycling gowns of an approved sort to be sent to Tuxedo. These are merely straws, but with more that are discernible seem to indicate the way the wind is setting. Bicycle fashions are indeed becoming a distinct department. A golden rule for women cyclists is that which is rigorously followed by the thoroughbred horsewoman allow no loose ends. Have everything about your toilet secure. Loosely done hair, flying ribbons, unnecessary furbelows of any sort, are to be tabooed. New York Times. English "Female Typists." Female typists, as they are called in England, have at length been recogniz ed as a portion of the permanent civil service, and a treasury minute just is sued lays down regulations for their employment Some 60 ladies are serv ing in various offices at a rate of 14 shillings a week, increasing by 2 shil lings per week per year to a maximum of 25 shillings. Tbey have no claim to pension and are liable to dismissal at a week's notice. The pay has now been slightly improved, the right to a pen sion conceded and more liberal regula tions mado as regards holidays and ab sence through illness. Should a woman elect after serving six years or more to marry she will receive a gratuity of one month s pay for each year served. Lon don Globe. "Dodo's" Latest. . Miss M argot Tennant, who sat for tho portrait of "Dodo," in Mr. Ben son's fin de siecle story, and has now wedded, is the most talked of woman in England, her witty speeches being handed from mouth to mouth and even tually ending in print When congrat ulated on her engagement to Mr. As- quith, who also belongs to the Souls club, she said, "Oh, yes, two Souls with but a single thought for a time. " London Standard. Hair Bleachen. Here is a small item clipped from an exchange, which for obvious reasons should bo kept on its travels: "Two months ago a young girl, who lives in Poughkeepsie, applied a bleaching prep aration to her hair, and since then she has been confined to her bM with threat ened congestion of the bxin. Her hair and the skin on her head have both come oft" A Way Woman Have. Dr. Parkhurst thinks that the woman suffrage agitation will wear itself out in timo. But let it once show the least signs of wear, and such is the frugal habit of tho gentle sex that they would furbish it up as good as new. Phila delphia Record. Everybody feels better from Brown's Iron Bitters. jnne 7 tf D & W change daily SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Goldsboro Argus: The readers of this paper will learn with inexpressible sorrow ol the death ol Dr. K. fc.. cox, which occurred at his-home, at Fremont, on yesterday morning at 6.45 o'clock. Dr. Cox was about titty years old. - Clinton Democrat: We have seen a tomato, grown by Mr. J. L. Rose in his garden, that is no doubt entitled to the cake over anything else of the tomato family in Sampson, It was eigfi- teen inches in circumference and weighed two pounds and two and one-half ounces. Durham Globe: Pursuant to the call of the chairman of Board of Trustees of Trinity College met in the parlors of Trinity Church, at 3.30 o'clock this afternoon, and proceeded to the election of a president to succeed Dr. John F. Crowell, resigned. Prof. J. C. Kilgo. of Wofford College, South Carolina, was unanimously elected president. Greenville Reflector: His many friends here were pained to hear of the death of Mr. Joe B. Joyner, which oc curred on last Wednesday morning, after several weeks' illness with typhoid fever. He was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Blaney Joyner, ol Farmville town ship. Joe was about twenty years old and a young man of exceptionally bright promise for a lite ol usefulness. Raleigh News and Observer: Mr. and Mrs. James Pleasant Mason, who gave their land and $1,000 to the University of North Carolina, be queathed their library, a valuable collec tion of books, to the Baptist Orphanage at Thomasville, N. C. Gov7 Carr yesterday commuted to life imprison ment the death sentence of Dick Broad- nax, who was under sentence to be banged in Caswelll county for rape on Saturday next. Concord Standard: Joe Her ring, who was a "trusty" and who walked off without saying good-bye to any one, and who has never shown love enough tor the chaingang to return, got into a difficulty several days ago in Stanly county at a wheat threshing. He was monkeying around a man by the name of Shoe, who, becoming exasperated. knocked Herring on the head with a horse-Dower stob, breaking the skull. It is said that several of Joe's kind have decided to lynch Shoe if Herring dies. - Monroe Enquirer : Mr. J. E. Nichols continues to find ore in his mine a mile northwest ol town. He has gone to a depth of thirty feet and the speci mens of ore we have seen are fine in deed. Indications are that all the mine lacks is development. Mr. T. C. Harris who has charge of the State Museum, says that the ore from Mr. Nichol's mine is the richest in the S'ate taken from so near the surface. Some strange things are seen in nature. A rock was taken from the gold mine near here a few days ago that has a peifectly square hole in it and another rock fitting into the hole. The fitting is perfect. There is great complaint of musk rats on the creeks. A gentleman who lives near Waxbaw creek, in ackson township, tells us that acres of corn have been des troyed on that creek by the sly little an imals. PWiFT S SPECIFIC For renovating tho entire system. I eliminating all Poisons from tho Blood, whetner of scrofulous or u. li .rial origin, this preparation has no equal. For eighteen months I had an eating sore on my tongue. I "was trc.it.- i by best local physicians, ..... wij .... ii t I '.ll.l , Lilt; WJ1 O piWUMlJ UV W .uuany grew irse. l nnanv Look b. s. s.. and was entirely cured after using a few bottles." ,-. is. aicieuobe, iienuerson, i ex. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ua. dec 13 ly we fr sn FOR CTS. In Postage, we will send A Ktunple Envelope, of eft her WHITE, FEESH or BRUNETTE nv OZZONIS OWDER. You have seen it advertised for many years, but have you ever tried it? If not, vou do not know what an Itfeal Complexion Powder is. besides being an acknowledged beRTrttfler, has many refreshing uses. 1 1 prevents cbaf lug, sun-hum, wind-tan, lessens perspiration, etc. ; i n t act 1 1 is a most delicate and deni ruble protection to the face during hot w outlier. It Is Sold Everywhere. For sample, address I J. A. POZZON I CO. St. Louis, MoJ Hnrnov tuts paper. feb 4 ly The Clyde Steamship Go. New York, Wilmington, N. C, AND Georgetown, S. C, Lines. New York for Wilmington. CROAT AN Satardav. Am ONEIDA Saturday, Aug. 11 Wilmington for New York. ONF.1DA Saturday. Aue- CROATAN Saturday, Aug. 11 Wilmington for Georgetown, S. C ONEIDA , Tuesday, July 31 rROATAN Tuesday. Aue. 7 Through Bills leading and Lowest l nrougn Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. For freight or passage apply to f H G. SMALL BONES, Sapt., Wilmineton. N. C. HIlCiU. V. - v , . . i-i ., 1111& v.i vv u, . - WM. P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents, Bowling Grreen, N. Y. july zwtt The Rawley Springs, VIRGINIA, Accommodating 125 guest;; beautifully situated perfect drainage. The WATER IS RECOMMENDED 1!Y PHY SICIANS EVERYWHERE. Superb climate. Write (or circulars. J. waimks une 89 lm fri su wed Proprietor Babbitt Metal. f. A R6I QUANTITY OK OLD TYPE vrect itilKtltnta for R.bbit Metal for tale at the - tar orricw s The American ENCYCLOPEDIC DICTIONARY. 20 Farts Now Ready. Cheaply and easily obtained through "The Star." It Contains 250,000 Words, Covering neany 4,000 pages, and was compiled at an expense aggregating $600,000, extending over nearly 20 years' continuous labor ol men well qualified to undertake such an exact ing task. THE CHEAPEST EDITION, English, cloth binding, offered by publishers in the United States is FORTY-TWO DOLLARS. Through "The Star," an edition in clear, clean print and of good paper can be secured at an almost nominal cost. Give it a trial and you will be con vinced of its merit. We offer no bound copies, but the 40" Farts, when completed, can be bound in three to four volumes at a cost of $1.25 to $1.50 per volume. Its Distinctive Features Are Its thoroughly enclycopaedic char acter, being not only a comprehen sive Dictionary, but also a very com plete Encyclopaedia. Its wideness of range not only of 'modern words of an ordinary, technical or scientific nature, but also of all obsolete words and phrases to be met with in the works of English writers from the Thirteenth to the present century. The complete history of each word and its various uses and meanings is traced out. The richness of the il lustrative quotations is increased by the fulness and exactness of the ref erences. There are also many other valuable and distinctively exclusive features entirely too numerous to in clude in the limited space allotted to this announcement THE WAY TO GET IT. Below will be found a "Dictionary Coupon." Clip one (1) of these Coupons, and 'bring or send same with fifteen cents (15c.) in stamps or coin (and 2 cents extra for postage) to "Coupon Department of "The Star," and one Part of the Diction ary, containing 96 pages, will be mailed to you. The several parts of the Dictionary will be issued in suc cessive order, and the whole work . will be complete in about forty parts. 2 a U c o il S.2 o o a 1 UJ c o O m h Q o -S O u 3 2 So. 6 Z " s - E CAUTION: Place vonr stamps loosely in letter Do not wet them, as they will adhere to the paper. Be sure to write your name, postoffice address and State plainly, so as to avoid error. As we have to send orders to the Publishers, severa days possibly two weeks may elapse before the farts ordered are received by subscribers. We are now offeriM Parts 1 to 20. inclusive. Ordef these Parts, and satisfy yourself as to the merit of th work. Others will fellow in qtnek succession. Sample Parts may be seen at the Stab Office. It is absolutely necessary that vou designate on the coupon the Nos. of the Parts wanted. See Part no. , at DOtttom ot coupon, and fill it np. w nen no nnmrjer is designated, fart 1 will De sent THE STAB, Coupon Department, Wilmington. N C. TAKE A LOOK ! AT OUR ELEGANT SHOW WINDOWS. They Are The Largest in the City YOURS FOR BARGAINS J. H. REHDER & CO,, Peurth Street Bridge, Phone 118. Car fare paid on all purchases over $2. uly 29 tf , For Sale. One A No. 1 Pool Table. Has only been in use about 12 months, and is in excellent condi tion. GIESCHEN BROS., Proprietors of THE ATLANTIC, Cor. Front and Red Cross Sts. P. S. For sale on account of room needed for Restaurant facilities. july 20 tf FAMOUS Paintings of toe World. Pajrts 1 to 20 (inclusive) Now Ready. The Work Complete. i A COLLECTION OF Photographic Reproductions OF Great Modern Masterpieces Embracing 320 of the finest speci- i mens of American, French, Eng ; lish, German, Austrian, Italian, Scandinavian and Russian Art, i from the Principal Public Galle i ries, Famous Private Collections i and Studios of Eminent Artists The Largest and Best Plates, The Heaviest Paper The Brightest Descriptions. There are Twenty Portfolios. Eatph Containing Sixteen Beautiful Reproductions. The Whole Work Now Ready. Twelve Cents for each part, but only sone Coupon required for any number of Parts 9 o a s o a is I o 2 3 gE 3 mm 5 i CO 3 O 1 8 u o ll O s 55 -S H OS 8 0- I ' S3 Qin v a a j 6 a c rjA. I . C 3 O O CAUTION. Place your stamps looselT in letter. D. not wet them, as they will adhere to the paper. Be sure'ta write your name, postoffice address and State plainly, so as to avoid error. As we have to send orders to the publishers, several days possibly two weeks may elapse before the r notoerapns arc received uy suuscriDers. o i-i i ' .u c rec It is absolutely accessary that vou designate on the Coupon the Mot. of the raits wanted, bee fart Nn. i " at bottom of Con non. and fill it no. When no number is designated, Fart 1 will be sent. Address THE STAR, rniiDOki nrDAQTurkiT LUU i uii lli nnimLiiii WILMINGTON, N. C SPARKLING Catawba Springs. For 30 years the Favorite Resort of the People of the Cape Fear Section. These justly celebrated Springs of North Carolina are beautifully loca ted in the shade of the Blue Ridge- climate delightful, waters eminently curative for :; Dyspepsia, Liver Disease, Vertigo, Spinal Affections, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney Affections, Chronic Cough, Asthma, Insomnia, Debility and Skin Diseases. Hotel refitted and in good order. Write for terms. I Dr. E. 0. Elliott & Son, Sparkling Catawba Springs, N. C. jnne 17 tf Alleghany Springs, Montgoiery Co.,Va., OPENS JUNE 1ST. HPHE GREATEST DYSPEPSIA WATER X. known; endorsed by the State Medical Society. Most popular summer resort in the Mountains of Virginia. Accommodations first class. Beautiful lawn of forty acres, fjne walks and drives; good livery, band of music, post, telegrapn and express omces. write ior circular. C A. COLHOUN, jane 10 2m Proprietor. THE FAMOUS CONNELLY SPBINGrS. DIRNCTLY on line of W. N. C. Divisiotr of R. & D. R. R., and only 150 yards from station. Font dailv nassencer tains. This I favorite resort is now open. Cuisine simply unexcelled in the South, and presided over by a well known Chef. The water has been highly endorsed by hundreds of the medical profession, and has been pronounced by a competent London authority to be fully equal, if not superior to any of the most celebrated mineral waters ot mtupc ur Aincnui. it is bniuocu m lariic quanti ties alii over the United States, and also direct to London, .nglaTd. Water strongly diuretic and tonic. Liverv siable. barber shoo, laundry, ball-room, bowl- ine allev. oool and billiard table. Unrivalled scenarv. splendid drives: full band all the season. Write for prospectus and rates to lnne ID 2m. Connelly Springs, N. C. The National Bank of Wilmington. Capital, $100,000. Accounts ot Individuals, Firms, Corporations and Banks Solic ited. OFFICERS. Jno. $. Armstrong, President. j.i..v.nAuDuuAnj j., , Vprests WM. VALDKK, ) L. L. Jenkins, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Jno. S. Armstrong, Wm. H. Sprunt, Gabriel Holmes, Williaim Calder, J. G. L Gieschen, Wm. (rilchrist, C. W. Yates, Hugh MacRae, G. R. French, L. L. Jenkins, Jas. H. Chadbourn, Jr. july 5 ltf SEABOARD AIR Ur, I -Carolina Central &. R fcusJ CONDENSED SCHEDULE r BOUND TRAINS. No.3 Daily Wilmington, N.SC. No. 23 No 41 Daily No403 juiy , ion. exSun Daily Daily A. M P. M. P.M. A. M Leava Wilmington Leave Max ton ! Arrive Hamlet I Leave Hamlet Leave iVadesbord Arrive Monroe Leave Monroe Arrive Charlotte I Leaye Charlotte Leave Lincoln ton Leave Shelby Air Kntherfordtoi 9 00 7 30 P. M A. M 4 00 5 30 12 55 2 15 3 00! 6 55 7 54 8 37 9 22 9 37 4 20 5 50 6 10 7 44 8 40 9 05 : 7 m 9 45 10 25 10 25 11 47 13 4 2 10 EASffDOUND TRAINS. No .36 Daily No.24 Daily P M. No.SS Daily Not02 exSun Daily A. M. A. M. P. M. Lve KutherfordtoD 4 OU 5 33 C 30 7 55 ljeave bhelby Leave Lincolnton Arrive Charlotte Leaxe Chailotte 8 00 9 35 5 30 6 10 G 3) 7 25 Arrive Monroe 8 45 9 05 9 48 Leave Monroe 10 30 11 50 I-eave Wadesboro A. M Arrive Hamlet Leave Hamlet Leave Maxtor! 1 05 2 15 8 17 10 30 8 30; 10 35 3 21 P. M Arrive Wilmington 4 45 7 55 Schedule between Wii m ngtos aid Atlanta. Leave Wilmington, ,. 7 30 p m Arrive Atlanta j..,.. 5 09 p m Leave Atlanta . .1...,. 1 00 p m "Arrive Wilmington .L... ,. ,, 7 50 am Nos. 3 and 2 local freieht with coach attached, con nects at Hamlet with Nos. 4l and 38 to and fiom Charlotte and points between. Nos. 23 and 24 connect at Monroe with Nos. 403 & 402to anrFfrom all points West of Monroe, for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest. Nos. 403 and 402, "Atlanta Special," fast vestibule, daily for all points Nijirth, South and West. Sleepers on 2S ati 21 between Wilmington and Monroe. Connections made a Lincolnton for. Western N. C. points. Close connection njade at Monroe by No. 23 for Augusta. Junction foints At Maxton with C F & Y V; at Wadesboro with Cheraw at Salisbury R R; at Hamlet x A & r C X" I D I, 1 . 1 . roe with G C & N; at Charlotte with R&D system; at Lincolnton witn V & LNarrowgage. and at Shalby and Rulherfordton with the Three C's. rot information as to rates, schedules, ir . aoolv to THOS. D. MEA RES. Agent SAL, Wilmington.N C. WM. MONCURE, Superintennent. J. H. WINDER, Gen" Mrs -T. J: ANDERSON, Gen'! Pass. Art. . inly 9 tf Cape Fear & YaflQu Valley Railway Co. JOHX GILL, Receiver. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JINK 24, 183. SOUTH BOUND NORTH BOt;NU daily ex Sun MAIN LINK. daily ex M r No. 1. No. 2 7 55'p. m Ar... Wilmington . ..Lve 7 00 a. m 4 45 " Lv... Fayetteville ...Ar 10 10 " 4 34 ' Ar . . Fayetteville . . . Lv 10 27 4 28 " Ar Fayetteville June Lv 10 30 " 3 17 " ' Lv .... Sanford Ar 1148 - 1 30 " Lv Climax Lv 1 46 p. m 102 " Lv.... Greensboro... Ar 2 1 " 12 55 " Ar Greensboro.... Lv 2 55 " 12 07 " Lv....Stokesdale.... Av 3 48 ' 1142 am L v. . .Walnut Cove. .. Ar 4 20 " 11 S5 " Ar..Walnnt Cove... Lv 4 33 " HOC " Lv. ...Rural Hall... Lv 5 01 " 9 45 ' Lv Mt Airy Ar C 25 " SOUTH BOUND NORTH BOUND daily ex Sun P.ennetsvaie Division, daily ex Sun No 3. ; No. 4. 7 30pm Ar. . .ltcnnettsviiie. . .Lv) 715 a.m. 8 27 " Lv Maxton.. .. Lv 8 13 " 5 3 " Lv... Red Springs.... Lv 8 50 " 5 05 " Lv.... Hope Mills.... Ly 98 " 4 42 " Lv Fayetteville. .. Ar 10 00 " SOUTH BOUND NORTH BOUND Daily except Factory and M.-dison Branches. Daily except Sunday. bunday. No. 15. MIXKD. No. 16. MIXED. 5 35 p m S 55 " 3 00 " Ar Ramseur. Lv Climax . . . Lv . . . Greensboro. .Lv . Lv . Ar 6 50 a. m, 8 40 " 9 25 " No. 16 MIXED . NORTH BOUND. daily ex sn Leave Greensboro. 9 40 a. m Leave Stokesdale., Arrive Madison. . . 10 53 11 50 ' No. 15. SOUTH BOUND. MIXED daily ex su Leave Madison Leave Stokesdale.. Arrive Greensboro. 12 30 p ni 1 a 2 35 ' NORTH-BOUND CONNHCTONS. Trains Nos. 2 and 4 make close connection at Fay ettevillr Junction with the Atlantic Coast Line for all points worth and-hast. 1 rain No. 2 connects at ban ford with the Seaboard Air Line, North and South bound, and at Greensboro with the Richmond & Dan. ville Railrood, North and Sonth-bound, and at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk & Western R. R.ior Winston Salem. Train No. 16 connects at Malison with Nor folk ft Western Railroad :oi Roanoke and all points North and West. SOUTH-BOUND CONNECTIONS. Train No. 1 makes close connection atWalnnt Cove with the Norfolk & Western Railroad tar Roanoke and all points North and West.; and at Greensboro with the Richmond & Danville Railroad, Noith and South bound, and at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line for all Points North and South, and at Fayetteville Junc tion with Atlantic (oast Line ior Lhai .eston. Jackson ville, and all Florida points. Train No. 3 connects at Maxton with the Seaboard Air Line foi Charlotte, Atlanta and all points South. W. Hi. ILXLlUi, Q-en'l Passenger A cent, r. W. FRY, 9 Oen'l Manager. jnne 23 tf PALMETTO RAILROAD CO. MOVING SOUTH. No. 1 -PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. To Take Effect on July 15, 1894 MOVING NORTH. No. 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT. Lieave ukiiv, a. ..... , i., ........... uuku. Leave Kollock Station, - 7.05 a. m Leave Osoorne, N. C...J 7.39 a. m Arrive Hamlet. N. C... 7.10 a. Leave Hamlet. N.C..,,, .,,.,,10.85 p m Arrrive Osborne, N.C 10 .f5 p m Leave Kollock Station .....11.25 pm Arrive Cheraw, S.C 19.45 pm Close connection made at Hamlet with trains Ncrth South. East and West. jnlyl7tf WM MONCUKE. Snpt. Jno. Wilder Atkinson. Wm. Mayo At kinsom ATKINSON & SON, AGENTS North Carolina Home Ins. Co OFFER TO THOSE WANTING INSURANCE AGAINST FIRE Policies in this Old and Reliable Home Institution. All losses promptly paid. W. S. PRIMROSE, President, CHARLES ROOT. Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Secretary. feb nu 4 ' - A ILAN h0 uOAS 1 ilNt. filnuflfton t. on E. R. ui Bias;-!' SSI BtsiFiwrM UENSEll S( 1K1) l RAINS GOING SOUTH. n July. 93No-aSNo-S5No--fja,ly Daily. Daily Daily AM PM AM Leave Weldon . . 11 52 9 27 . A rr. Rocky Monnt 1 02 10 20 Arrive Tarboro. . 2 40 Leave Tarboro.. 12 25.... Lv Roc. Mount 102 10 20 .... 600 Leave Witeon. .. 2 08 11 01 Leave Selma .... 2 58 Lv. Fayetteville.. 4 35 12 51 Arrive Florence . 7 25 3 00 No. 47 Daily. AM Leave Wilson . . . 2 18 6 36 .... Leave Goldsboro. 305 720 Leave Magnolia. 4 16 29 Ar Wilmington.. 5 60 10 CO ........ PM AM TRAINS GOING NORTH. Dated July 8, '93 No-78 No- "-32 Dai'l? Daily Dei y Daily AM P M Lv Florence 7 30 7 25 Lv Fayetteville.. 10 25 9 30 Ixave Selma 12 08 Arrive Wilson... 1 Ouj 11 27 No. 48 Daily Lve WilmingtcQ. 00.. ..!!!!!! 7 00..... Leave Magnolia. 10 40 S 83 Lv Goldsborc ... 11 55 940 Arrive Wilson... . 12 40 10 27 No. 78 No. 82 Daily Daily Fm P M P M Le.-ve Wilson ... 1 10 11 27 10 32 Ur Pocky Mt. 2 13 13 05 11 15 Ar Tarboro 2 40 Lv Tarboro 12 25 Lv. Rocky Mt . . . 2 13 12 05 77777. Arrive Weldon.. 3 19 12 58 P M AM P M Trains on Scotland Ncelt Branch Road leave Wei. don 3.40 p ra. Halt ax 4.00 j m, arrive Scotland Neck 4.55 p m, Lrreenviiie o .oV p m, Kmstna 7 35 p m. Re turning, leaves Kinston 7 20 a m, Greenville 8.22 a m. Arriving nan tax at li uua rn, weldon u.au a t.,cs:iv except Snnday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Was::miton 7.00 a. m., arrive Parmele 8.40 a. m., Tarboro 9 5p; re returnine leaves Tarboro 4 50 o m: Parmele 6.10ft; m. arrives Washington 7.35 p. m. Dailv except Suadn. Connects with trains on Scotland Neck Branch. Tram leaves larboro, N.C, dailyexcept Sunday, at 00 p m ; Sunday 3.00 p m arrive Plymouth 9 CO o m, 5 20 p m Returning, leave Plymouth daily except Sunday 6.00 a m. Sunday 9 30 a m; Arrive Tarboro 10 25 a m and 1! 45 a m. Train on Midland N C Branch leaves Goldsboro. N C, daily except Snnday, 6 05 a m ; arrive Stnithneiit. N. C, 7.30 a m. Returning, leaves Smithfield, N. .:. 8 00 a m ; arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 9 30 am. 1 rain on rsasnvule Branch leaves Kocky Mount ai 30 p ra, arrives Nashvii'e 5.05 p m. Spring Hope 5 30 p m. Returning, leaves Spring Hope 8 a m. Nail: ville 8 35am; arrive Rocky Mount 9 05 in, ilally except Snnday. 1 rains on Latta Branch rlorenc Railroad leaves Latta 6.50 p m, arrive at Dunbar 8.00 p m; returnioc leave Dunhar 6.30 a m, arrive Latta Ham, daily ex- pt Sundav. Train on Clinton Branch leave Warsaw for Clinton Daily except Sundav at 4 10 p m: returnine leave Clin ton at 7.20 a m,, connecting at Warsaw with miin line trains. Train No. 78 makes close connection at wrhion m all points North daily. AH rail via Richmond, auJ daily except Snnday via Portsmouth and Bay Line, also at Rock; Monnt with Norfolk and Carolina Railroad for Norfolk dailv and all noi-itc Mm via Norfolk daily except Snnday, JOHN r. divine, lien ; bupt. R. KENLY. Urn'l Manager. . M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager, july 12 tf ATLANTIC COAST LINE. IiHi2f!& crania & im& CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. June 3, 1891. No 55 No 581 P M Leave Wilmington., Leave Marion, Arrive Florence-. . . . , 3 40 6 31 7 lOj No 50 P M A M Leave Florence. Arriv Sumter .... 7 V 8 20 9 40 No 52 A M 9 58 II 10 S 47 P M 8 47 Leave Sumter. . . . Arrive Columbia. 10 10 No. 52 rnns throngs trum Charleston via Ontra Railroad. Leavix; Lanes 8 40 a m. Manninv 9.18. i. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia . Arrive Sumter. . Leave Sumter. . . Arive Florence. . Leave Florence.... Leave MarionTTTTTi Arrive Wilmington, Daily. tDaily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S C, via Central R R, arriving Manning 6 22 p m, Lanes 7 00 p ra, Charleston 8 40 p ra. Tlatn on Maecheiter & Augusta Railroad leave Sumter daily, except Sunday, 10 50 a m, arrive Ri-' mini 11 59 a m. Returning, leave Rimini 100 pm; arrive Sumter 2 10 p m Trains on Hartsville R R leave Hartsville daily ex cept Snnday at 5 30 a m, arriving Floyds 6 00 a m. Retntning, leave Floyds 8 40 p m, arriving at Harts ville 9 10pm. Trains on Wilraingtot., Chadbonm and Conway R R leave Chadbourn 10 10 i m, arrive Conway at 12 30 p m, returning leave Ccnway 2 00 p m, arrive Chad bourn 4 50 p m, L ,-ave Chadbourn 5 35 p m, arrive at Hub 6 20 p m. Returning, leave Hub 8 15 a ra, arrive at Chadbourn S 00am. Daily except Sunday. IOUN K; DIVINE, Gen'l Sup't. J. R. KENLY, Gen". Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager. june 5 tf W.. N. & N. Railwav, In Effect Thursday. June 14, 1884. Daily Except Sunday. NORTH BOUND STATIONS SOUTH BOUND L P M 3 20 4 19 4 52 5 01 A M A M 12 05 10 08 9 35 P M 7 20 3 50 3 10 2 50 2 00 C 00 307 L . .Wilmington . . , . Lv. .Jacksonville ... ..Ar '..Ar 9 5' Lv . . Maysville A r 10 18 11 00 Lv..PoItocksvile Ar Ar, .Newbern Lv 9 20 MS 5 45 PM A M A M P M Trains 1 and 4 make close connection with trains on A. & N. C. R. R. for More head Citv and Beaufort. Steamers on New River leave Jacksonville Monday Wednesday and Friday for Marines and intermediate points al 7,30 a m. arriving at Jacksonville on return at 3.00p m H. A. WHITING, General Manage J. V MART KM b, General Passenger Agent. jane D. O'Connor, ajatV REAL ESTATE AGENT, WIL- mington, N. C Stores, Offiees and V Dwelling for rent. Houses and Lots for ttssssswlsnw sale on easy terms. Rents, taxes and insurant attended to promptly. Cash oaned on Improved city property. jane 34 ff No 51 No 53 AM PT 4 30 4 30 5 55 6 45 No 59 AM P M 5 55 5 55 7 10 7 05 No 56 A M 7 40 8 23 11 10 SBsasBsnl

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