?y your q our Snffs, ike you ! season, neatness "e have : at, and st at Z. , NECK, latest lowest control o., S Suits, )f sport- 11 tarket St, Got?" I -. . notions to We have ot notions ont street, irge stock r below the Pants, Buttons, . it all kinds. Ilessofcost illy invited we have to There is a slid staple rs. White rand, 18ca . i at 85c a ' up, Gent's at 60, now c a bolt, all tting cotton ozenfansto shirts from "; ne we are sr cent, less ,000 dozen e at 33c up. :o close oat I, large and .ter ones at . : vey cheap. Inks, Pens, r dozen op. different iter. These i. jpposite the ID, Prop, ket Store. v -. A--J: Hot i with pleas it matter. luxury that but to deny tbem- TOBACCO. t Pocket Pie, f Maritana, i Five Ponod, Cake, " . . i 9-in 4s. ; rural lraf) J ser's Catarrh. . nna&anntawg Pick Leaf,P"de t, Cr Boy. Ben. on the Market). 1 ' rmacy ;e Stock. ny & Co. detail ists Market its. . N. C. ingles. 5 tO SUit. ) TIBS. lSALL, . Grocers, erry streets. ill Crop. !gJORNINCr STAR Gives the Largest Quantity And Variety of Reading Matter, Of Any Daily Newspaper jpNnrth Carolina. 7T7 the Postoffice at Wilmington, N. Cu Intered at 'cnd-cUsi Mail Matter. illnanie-July 18. . i . . ; i . . 4.56 A M Sets.: - -I '.id r m Ij-nclh , 14 a 1 m High Water at Southport.. Hl, Water at Wilfcungton 8.49 A M 5.36 P M The Weather. I! S DEP'T Ot AGRICULTURE, 1. ; i Weather Bureau, Wilmington, N C, Tuly 18 Meteorological data tor yesterday : Tm'4fratare: 8 a. m., 79; 8 p. m., 80; Biaxiwi'n-. 93; minimum. 72; mean 8a". Ramiall for tte day, .00; rainfall for thr month up to date 2.83 inches. j ! FORECAST FOR TO-DAY. For North Carolina: Fair variable winds. ! . For South Carolina: Showers; vari- able winds. Cotton Region Bulletin. Tber? wss very little rain yesterday in thecoitbn belt. High tempeture pre vailed, the average 1 maximnml ranging (rom 9? to 96 degrees. In the Wilming ton district the maximum1 at Greensboro was 9C;1 Charlotte, Goldsboro, Lumber ton, Raleigh, Weldon and Newbern, 92; Wilmington, 93; Cheraw, 94. and Flor ence. 96. I Nes of the navy Movements of U. i S. war vessels. - Kentucky Democrats A victory for Senator. Blackburn. Gram and provision market. Baptist Convention Delegates to the Young People's Union asembling in " Baltimore. Spots and futures market. Record of base ball games played yesterday. A master deal Engineered by President Spencer, of the Sontbern Railroad, in acquiring control of the Georgia Southern. -Reports of al leged filhbustenng expeditions from Florida andGeorgia are pure fabrica tions - Chief of Police Thomas J. Osborne shot and killed while attempt ing to quell a dis urbance in Bristol, Teon. Washington news Treas ury receipts exceed expenditures (or the first time this month: Sec tary Hoke Smith to speak in Georgia in favor of sound money. Foreign n?w-An exciting . episode in the Koceediniis of the Chamber of Depu ties in Brussels. Southern rail-r.adf-Tbe association meeting at Asheville; new agreements; rumors of a big sensation in railroad matters. .' A lata! fire Two men killed and a half dozen others seriously if not fatally injured; loss over $200,000. - New York markets: Money on call was easy at per cent., last loan at 1 per dent, and closing offered at 1 per cent; cotton steady; middling gulf 1( cents; middling uplands 7 cents; Southern flour was dull and weak; com mon to fair extra $2.403.15; good to cnoice do 3.204.00; wheat dull and ysier;No. 2 red in store and at elevator 7flc; afloat 71c72; corn firm; No. 2 at elevator 49c; afloat 50Kc; spirits turpentine quiet and steady; rosin dull ana steady. . The orange crop of Florida is esti mated for this year at about one million Boxes, one-fifth of the usual crop. ' ' A bacteriologist has discovered a ew snake bite cure, but it will never copete with the old cure in Ken tacky. The color line has been drawn, in ne u, S.Navy; not on the colored "en, but on the colored shoe, nich is ruled out. - rts estimated that the census of v90 (which isn't quite finished yet) JJ"cost $11,500,000. Censuses come - we must have em There is lots of water around Kev t. Florida, but there isn't much under it. Borings to a deDth of ft haven't struck a droD. Jhe ''loIndian'' is not as lonely Ms country as some people may mere are yet, according to ""latest left. statistics, 248,253 of him t6 edorswh0, when exciting scarce, turn to dis- hi.-!. 1 tnan's original ancestor have something to monkey with. ,TJe Produaio of rice has nearly edb Florlda -m the pastiix acre ou it fou. now against $20.92 woved methods of cultivation. - prince 9scar, of Prussia, is a th0, 'ightful tooth young man.He had his first yanked out the othef day, and emorated thA P and Upn some tissue pa" ness ending il to hisE2lish 8v- ' 1 rMOKlTUEWDlTHUlPRt 1 5AT f'TTJ 3 4 5 6 TlT" 9 tO H 12 13 htlS" J 6 17 18 19 20 '2TT2" 23 24 2j.262T 7gT29T30r31 II- I port San Rises.. Sun VOL. LVI.-NO. raiser yviuiam nas got so mad at Herrismarck that he has ordered that the Herr's name shall. iot be officially mentioned in the proceed ings of the approaching silver jubi lee. That's the way the Kaiser gets even with Bismarck's friends who scored him because the old man's name was not mentioned at the Kiel canal celebration. Some great men can get miffed over very small things sometimes, and show themselves very small men. ; The Madison Republican thinks it "lamentable" that in Madison county the firearms owned by citizens are more valuable than the libraries. rrl : trrtm '. Bat then it must be remembered that Madison county is an orthodox Re publican county, where the average denizen has a good deal more use for a "weepon" of some sort than he has for a book. There are lot of them who wouldn't know a book if they ran up against on the big road. Senator Sherman says he is not in the race for the Presidential nomina tion. He thinks he is too old. but if by chance the lightning, were to strike him he would be twenty years younger inside of twenty minutes, al though his blood would lose none dl . its arctic frigidity. It is said that Tom Watson, of Georgia, will not participate in the silver convention, which is to beheld at Griffin to-day. Tom isn't very immense, but he never figures, if he knows himself, in meetings that hd can't engineer. Thomas likes to be both seen and heard. Florida is a good State for a lazy man to live in. According to the Jacksonville Citizen, the waters are full of fish, and the .ground full of sweet potatoes. And there are lots of other things to eat if a fellow isn t satisfied with fish and sweet potatoes. The Philadelphia North American remarks that the people are for Quay. Judging from the utterances of the Hastings organs the Hastings faction is "going for" him, too. : The city of Fresno, California, is to be lighted with electricity, supplied by a dynamo on the San Joaquin river, tnirty-tnree miles distant. "S KW AD VEBTISEMEIf TS . I Opera House Concert. J John Knight Nursery stock. ; Katz & Polvogt Removal sale. I C. E. Gordon Suits made to order. raw BTrsnrass locals. j T. A. LORD For rent. - T. C. Craft Baby carriages. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Pertinent Punurraohs Pertaining Prtnol- pU7 to People nd Pointedly Printed. W. W. Martin, of Atlanta, Ga., is here on a visit. CaDt. R. H. Paddison, of Florida, is here on a visit. Mr. A. J. Yopp is improving. He was able to ride out yesterday. Mr. J. Y. Styne, of the firm of Joyce & Styne, was ont again yesterday. Mr. Robin Taylor, of Jackson ville, Fla.. is in. the city visiting friends and relatives. Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Russell leave to-day for a short stay at Red Springs and Floral College. Mr. S. Solomon, wife and chil dren, and Mrs. B. Splomon and children,, are spending the summer at Blowing Rock. Mr. Murphy McNair, who re turned home Monday night, was back hern acrain Tnesdav evenine. He is evidently "on a trail." Town lots, per haps. P. S. No. he was buying a large stocK of dry goods. President H. Walters and Traffic Manager T. M. Emerson, of the Atlantic Coast Line, are in Asheville at tending an imoortant meeting of the Southern Railway and Steamship Asso I elation. Mr. W. F. Williams and family have removed from Raleigh to Char- lotte. Mr. Williams' oosition with the Seaboard Air Line necessitates much travel, and he finds it more convenient to nave his family at Charlotte than at any other point on the line. Mr. Frank Wooten, son of Maj, T. J. Wooten. of Richmond county, has rrrcntlv Graduated at the head of his class from the well kaownTPoughkeepsie Business College, his standiug being 97 per cent. His high character, added to his business qualifications will be sure In win iirrM9 for him in the battle of life.' Messrs. W. Bernstein, North Carolina: W. H. McMillan, Fayetteville; F. B. Lewis. Laurinburg; C E. Cohen, Clinton; J. W. Dickson, Lake Wacca- maw? J! I. Powers. Laurinburg; W. Mc Nair. Maxton; J. W. Waddell. Green ville: S. S. Spier. Goldsboro; K. C. Bar- rell, Florence; W. W. Miller, Rocky Point; S. Behrens, Hub; I. F: Anderson, r:rMoiii s. C . were among the am- vals in the city yesterday; v The irrepressible Augustus Adolohuk McNair. of Maxton, Spout Springs, and of various other points where the pretty girls -most do congre welcome visitor at the Star office yesterday. .He was looking usual, but he had a sub dued expression that indicated some thing. Possibly, it may be necessary to put a spell on his best Summer girl through the agency of the Star's grave . . : 1 1 ' M-"M,-J""-JsTsiTir . . - LOCAL DOTS Items of Interest Gathered H em and There and Briefly Noted. Local forecast for to-day: Prob ably fair; light variable winds. An excursion from Shelby is ex pected to arrive here to-morrow morn ing. . -The stage of water in the river at Fayetteville. Tuesday, at 8 a. m was 5.5 feet, a rise of over a foot in the pre vious twenty-four hours. -A reception will be given this evening at the Y. M. C building, com plimentary to Mr. L. A. Coulter, State secretary of the association. -Weather Bureau Observer Gra ham says: "There appears a slight pros pect for fair weather in this vicinity for a short time, but is difficult to say how long it may continue." Ella Jones, colored, was tried yesterday injustice McGowan's court for disorderly conduct. The charge was sustained, but judgment was suspended on payment of costs in the case. A chapter of orphans from the Oxford Orphan Asylum, in charge of Mr. N. M. Lawrence, superintendent, ,will give an entertainment in the Wil mington Opera House to-morrow night. No, not "Francis." That would do for a boy. "Frances" was the name that the Star intended to suggest for the latest arrival at "Gray Gables." It was so written, but the printer sooiled it all. The Star returns thanks to little "Robbie" Montgomery, son of Mr. R. A. Montgomery, for a bag of nice red apples, gathered from the orchard of his grandfather, 'Squire Jno. G. Wagner, at Masonboro. In response to the advertise ment for a printer (two-thirder) that ap peared in the Star, so many letters are being received that we take occasion to make the general reply that the position has been filled. News and Observer: "Several of the friend! in Raleigh of Dr. George C Worth, of Wilmington, received invi tations yesterday to his marriage to Miss Emma Chadbourn, daughter of Mr. Wm. H. Chadbourn, which will take place in .Wilmington. July ai. rne ceremony will be performed in the First Presbyte rian Church at 8 p . m. Dr. Worth and bride will shortly leave for China, where Dr. Wortbgoes as a medical missionary nnder the auspices of the Southern Presbyterian Church.' Horticultural and Floral Sooietiea. The fifteenth annual meeting of the State Horticultural Society and a gen eral convention of horticulturists and florists will be held at Greensboro, N. C, Wednsday, August 21st, 1895. All per sons interested in fruit or vegetable growing are cordially invited to attend the meeting and bring with them for ex hibition specimens of any new or note worthy products in horticulture or flori culture. The State Florists' Association will meet August 22nd at same place. BY RIVER AND RAIL. Beeeipu of Naval Store and Cotton Yesterday . Wilmington & Weldon Railroad.- 8 casks spirits turpentine, 8 bbls tar, 9 bbls crude turpentine. Wilmington. Columbia tit Augusta B R. 63 casks spirits turpentine, 87 bbls rosin, 89 bbls tar, 19 bbls crude turpen tine. C. F. & Y. V.. R. R. 24 casks spirits turpentine, 41 bbls rosin, 48 bbls tar. Total receipts Spirits turpentine, 95 casks; rosin, 128 bbls; tar, 145 bbls; crude turpentine, 28 bbls. Death of an Old Subscriber, The Star regrets to announce the death of Mr. W. A. Blount, which occurr ed at Appleton, S. C July 10th, in his 55th year. He had been a regular sub scriber to the Daily Star more than 25 years; and; a friend writes us. 'always prized it highly." He was man of high standing 'wherever known, and his loss will be deeply felt. He leaves a widow, three sons and three daughters. I Pat. I Promoted. The STAR is glad to know that Mr. P. H. Walsh has returned to Wilmington, his old home, under most agreeable cir cumstances, ror ten or iweive years ne has been employed as time-keeper in the shops of the Atlantic Coast Line at Flor ence, and now be has been promoted and made master of stores of the A. C. L. in this city. The change is a very pleasant one. and is appreciated as much by his friends as by Mr. Walsh. Carolina Cycle Club. Arrangements have been made for a relay race from Wilmington to Wrights- ville and return, distance nineteen and a half miles, to take place to-morrow after noon at 4 o'clock. The members of the club selected for the race by Manager Rawlines are Messrs. F, M. Sawyer, T. H.Wright, F. P. Turrentine. Robt. G. Rankin, D. B. Holland, George had- t bourn. One Cents word, Hereafter advertisements to go in our "Business Locals" department will be charged one cent per word for each in sertion ; but no advertisement, however short, will be taken for less than 20 cents, This is a reduction from former rates and it is also a convenience to adver tisers, who can calculate the exact cost nf their advertisements, which must be paid for always lnadvance. Enoyolopsedla Britannlca. The Star Britannica Department is still filling orders for the Encyclopaedia Britannlca. This is the latest and best edition of this great work. Issued in 25 volumes, bound in cloth or sheep. For full particulars read announcement on hird page, or inquire at the Star office. There are just as many peo ple looking for houses to rent this year as ever. If you have a vacant house to rent advertise it in the Star's Business Locals. Only one cent a word. But no arivm-tisement taken for less than . 20 cents. , ' f . WILMINGTON, N. C RALEIGH NEWS LETTER, CONTENTION OVER THE WILL HAWKIN8. OF THE LATE DR. The Railway Commission Considering &a- sesamenta of Ballroada Stndenta ' at Wake Forest Lw School-Jadge Tlm berlaka'a Court The Water Company's Case Mm. Arrington The Press Asso ciation at Greensboro.,' ' Special Star Correspondence . RALEIGH, N. C, July17, 1895. Major J. W.Wilson arrived in the city to-day and took up for consideration the requests of the railway officials who de sire a reduction of the valuation of their property.j The 19th is also set aside for officials to make exceptions, and it is ex pected tb at others will be here. Manager Meares of the Academy of Music has returned from New York, where he has booked a number of popu lar attractions. Mr. Meares says he will have some excellent companies to ap pear in Raleigh this season. Arrange ments are being made to secure James J. Corbett to give an exhibition here while on his way South to meet Fitzsimmons next Fall. W.V.Clifton who was awarded the contract for constructing the iron bridge over JNeuse river on the fool road, has telegraphed for all the material and the construction of the bridge will be begun in a few days. i here is a great deal of contention about the will of the late Dr. W. J. Haw kins, who was probably Raleigh's wealth iest citizen at the time ot his death. His widow dissented from it several weeks ago claiming as her&share a dower. Last Winter the day before Dr. Hawkins left for the North to be operated upon, he attached a codicil to his will giving to his son Colin M. Hawkins 810,000. How ever there was only one witness present at the time and the Clerk of the Court could not probate it. The executors also decline to recognize the codicil. Now Mr,' Colin Hawkins makes adver tisement; that he will claim the amount and summons all interested parties to appear at next term of court. There are thirteen students attending the Summer session of the Wake For est Law School. Among the number is . H. Gore, of Wilmington. Judge Timberlake convened court to day and cleared up the docket, mostly minor cases. Mrs. Arrington 'tried ' to employ a well known lawyer in this city the day the action for criminal libel was brought against her, but the lawyer declined. It is hardly1 probable that there is a lawyer of any standing in the entire State who would appear for her, and certain it is that there is not one in Raleigh. She suspects j everybody and oftentimes makes enemies of persons who really have sympathy for her. Messrs. John and r rank ward, two enterprising men ot this city, left to-day for California, where they will spend a month. Mr. Hugh Primrose left to-day for Brantford. Conn., where he accepts a position in the Montowise Hotel. j uage x lmoertaKC aia not iau 10 siap a am lJ 1 it on the Water Company yesterday. It was a hard hit that he gaye them. Ex "Judge Whi taker accused the Water Company 01 naviag ; a dui suppea through the last General Assembly, in his remarks to .the ludge before sen tencewas passed yesterday. Ex-Judge Mcitae maae a snarp repiy 10 xvir Whitaker's remarks which occasioned a good deal of laughter. Mr. McRae said that Judge Whitaker should be the last man on earth to bring forward such an accusation, for if any person knew what acts passed the Assembly Judge Whitaker did- - Alter lettine the water take its natu ral course by breaking the dam, will the bealthfulness of the locality be any bet ter? Many say not. There are swamps and mud holes which are lower than the stream of water, and it is hardly posit ble to drain there without filling them up with dirt, it is belieyed by many people that the court made a grave mis take by not making provision for the draining of these near the . pond. The credit for the victory is mostly due to Spier Whitaker and it is needless to say that be is about the happiest man in the city. Mrs. Bauer, formerly Miss Kachel Blythe the Indian lady who went to Washington City to get married, has re turned to the city. Her husband has been here over two weeks. No action will be taken against them, as both par ties stand exceedingly well in the com munity. It is said the Legislature will be asked to legalize the marriage, J. W! Bailey ot the Biblical Recorder, Hal Ayer of the Caucasian and ' lose phus Daniels of the News & Observer at attending the Press Association in Greensboro. Mr. K. M. Furman who has the honor of. being next to the Edi tor of the Star in length of service in North Carolina journalism, is attending the association also. . Special Star Telegram. Governor Carr has authorized Judge Graham to hold court in Cumberland county, beginning Monday, in place of Judge Hoke. NEW YORK TRUCK MARKET Fall and Reliable Reports of Markets For Southern Fruits and Vegetable. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. New; York, July 17. Southern fresh fruits and vegetable: Apples quiet: choice j steady. Peaches in large re ceipt, quiet and weaker. Pears lower. Berries easier, watermelons dun and irregular. - Cukes and tomatoes dull and freely offered. Moderate receipts of potatoes; demand good and firm. Musk melons per barrel, tl.00 to 4.00; do per basket,' 75c to $2.00.. Blackberries Maryland and Delaware, per quart, 4 to 6c, Plums wild goose, per carrier, $1.25 to 1.75; do per case, 50 to 75c; dp botan, per carrier. $1.25 to 1.75. Grapes1 Florida, per case, $1.50 to 3.00; do Georgia, per basket, 20 to 25c. Pears Le Conte, per barrel, $8.00 to S.00; do per crate, 40 to 65. Watermelons per one hundred, $8.00 to 18.00; do per car- load, $50 to 175. Apples Maryland and Delaware, crate, 40 to 75c Huckleber ries Maryland and Delaware, 4 to 6 cents per quart. Peaches Carrier, 50c to 83.00; do crate, 40 to 80 cents; do bas ket, 25 to 60 cents. Cukes Norfolk, barrel, 75 cents; do basket, 20 to 80 cents. Egg plants Florida, half barrel. $1.00 to 1.50; do barrel crate. $2.00 to 8.00. Onions Maryland potato basket, $1.00 to 1.12; do barrel. 2.00 to 2.25; do Virginia, potato barrel, $1.75 to 2.00; do basket, 75c to $1,00, do Tennessee, barrel. $z.2S to 2.87. Potatoes Rose, $1.50 to 2.50; do Chili red: $1.75 to 2.00: do culls. 75c to $1.00. I Tomatoes Savannah irregular, 50 to 75 cents: do carrier, 75c to $1.00; do Charleston carrier, 75c to $1.25; do Norfolk carrier, 75c to $1.75; do Mary land carrier fljsS to 2.00. If there is" anything you want, ad vertise for it. .Is there anything you don't want? Advertise it in the Business Locals of the Star. One cent a word. But1 no ad. taken for ess than 20 cents, r tf THURSDAY, JULY 18, I i : ii. i iii interesting injunction, case. The Question of the Validity of the Reve nue Act Hsued. At. the hearing befoie Judge Star- buck, at Durham, on Saturday, says the News and Observer, of the case of the Range' Company against J. A. Carver, sheriff of Person county, the question of the validity of the Revenue Act was raised by the plaintiff's counsel and the certificate of the Secretary of State pro duced, snowing that there was no evi dence of its ratification in the original bill. Mai. W. A. Guthrie, counsel for the State, asked the court to reserve its opin ion and allow him to reply to the argu ment of the counsel of plaintiff bv brief. The Major says that the Constitution does not require that the ' bill bear anv other evidence of its ratification than the signatures of the presiding officers of both branches of the Legislature and quotes the section of the Constitution bearing on that point. ne also raises the point as to the right ot tne secretary ot state to nullity an act after it bas been published over his certificate of correctness, by another cer tification alleging that the first cer tification was an error. He also seeks to show that the certification in each vol ume of the acts of 1895 is not in accord ance to the requirement of the law as laid down in the Code but that it only certifies to the manuscript and not to the act as printed and does not say that they are published under his direction. A Useful Ceurr Calendar. A complete and admirably arranged calendar of all the regular terms of courts to be held in North Carolina during the next two years has been prepared by Messrs. A. B. Andrews, Jr., and W. T. Smith, two of Raleigh's promising young lawyers, who have favored the Star with a copy. The calendar is prepared upon a plan which has been used by Mr. F. H. Busbee tor many years, tor bis own convenience and is revised by him, and is, he thinks, entirely correct. A letter accompanying the calendar says: "On account of the conflict of differ ent acts considerable confusion may arise in the Seventh district. Cumber land county was given the week which had previously been given to Bladen As the Constitution declares that every county shall have at least two terms an nually, and as Cumberland had five other terms, this part of the act Mr. Busbee thinks is invalid, and therefore Bladen's court is scheduled on the seventh Monday after the first Monday in March as heretofore. A failure to refer all the courts to the first Monday in March and September is to be re gretted. NAVAL MILITIA. The Monitor Amphitrite to Take the Boys on Their Annual Practice Cruise. A press telegram to the Star last night, from Washington, D. C, says : "Orders were telegraphed from the Navy Department to-day, directing Capt. Wise, of the double-turretted monitor Amtkitrite, to proceeed to Wilming ton. N. C Charleston, S. C, and Bruns wick, Ga., to take on board the naval militia organizations of the three States named for their annual practice cruise, in conjunction with officers and men ot the regular navy. The Department was in somewhat of a quandary up to yes terday as to what vessel to assign to the duty and had turned the matter over to acting Admiral Bunce, of the North Atlantic station, fortunately, how ever, the Amphitrite put in at Lam bert's Point, near Norfolk, yesterday afternoon, and was held there by the Department until orders assigning her to naval militia service could be pre pared. The Amphitrite will go out next week on her assignment and will take the organizations from each state sepa rately or together, as Capt. Wise may see fit. Wilmington District Conference. The Conference of the Wilmington Dis trict M. E. Church, South, will convene in Southport next Thursday, July 25th, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continue through the week and including the following Sabbath. The opening sermon will be preached Wednesday night by Rev;: M. T. Plyler. Many delegates ana visitors will be in attendance, and an interesting occasion may be expected. Special rates will be given on all rail roads, and a special trip, tor tne con venience of the Conference, will be made by the steamer Wilmington, Wednes day afternoon, leaving her wharf at the foot of Market street, at 3 o'clock, and reaching Southport about 5. Delegates and visitors are advised to come by this trip, as the steamer's regular morning 'and afternoon trips are very much inter fered with lust now by the many excur sions on the river and out to sea. Respectfully, ; W. S. Rone. Buy .No Others. All persons are hereby cautioned against buying copies of the Star offered for sale on the streets unless, in every case, the words "For Transient Sale" are stamped on the margin of the paper. Should anv newsboy or carrier offer for sale a copy of the Star not so stamped he should be promptly reported at this office. Housekeepers who want servants are in tne naDit ot supplying tneir needs from the Star's want column. Are you looking- for a situation? The Star's want column will bring you the best results. One cent a word. But no ad. taken for less than 20 cents. tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Concert Friday Evening AT THE ; OPERA HOUSE, Consisting -of music and recitation by a singing class from the Oxford Orphan Asylum. , Admission Adults 25 cents; chil dren 15 cents. jy 18 2t Hnrsery Stock. rpHK UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN Ap pointed Agent of the Mount Hope Nursery, of Ro chester, N. Y for this district, to solicit orders for all nursery stock, will canvass the city and explain 'the nature of all shrubberies, seeds land fruits. Sold by Ellwanger & Barry, Proprietors of the largest Nur series in the United States. - All stock guaranteed. The undersigned being a resident of this city and a land scape gardner, will give all stock his personal at tention. TOHN KNIGHT. iyWtf The Land Scape Gardner. 1895 new advertisements. Pants to Order $3.00. Suits to Order S12 50. Outing Goods Make an outing, which depends upon your outfit and where you take it. Wherever you take yours you should have (a No. 1) outfit, selected from our stock. We can supply you with everything from A to Z on the list, and you'll make the mistake ot your life if you don't call at my store and see Goods before buying your outfit. The quality, style and value of everything we carry puts all com petitors far in the rear, and we cap the climax of magnificent superiority with such prices as Men's Bathing Suits (Jersey) for $1.00 and $2.50. White Duck Pants made to order 1u1.9x.1tj. . - 1 Light Weight Blue Serge Suits for $13.50, made to order. AH Wool Honey Comb Sweaters, worth $3.00 for $2.50. , All Wool Sweaters $1.50. Collars. Cuffs, Ties, &c, specialty. A few Ladies Chemisettes left over from my Dry Goods stock sell ing for 10c each. Come and see me. C. E. GORDON, Northeast Cor. Front and Market St, JulyMtf $250,000 To lend on anv good security at minimum rates in amounts varying from $100:00 to $10,000.00 by the Atlantic National Bank, OF WILMINGTON, N. C. With unsurpassed facilities for handling your business in every de partment of Banking, we solicit your account. directors: J. W. Norwood, W. E. Springer, D. L. Gore, C. W. Worth, E. J. Powers, H. L. Vollers, S. P. McNair, . Sam'l Bear, Jr., M. J. Heyer, J. L. Coker, Hartsville, S. C, G. A. Norwood, Greenvlle, S. C. jy 10 a SAVINGS DEPOSITORS of Hew England. Average Total No. of Amount STATE. Savings Depositors. to Each Deposits. Depositor. Vermont $23,628,516 93,289 $308 20 "Maine 47,781,166 140,521 . 340 03 N. Hompshire.. 66,727,019 159,782 411 35 Connecticut ., .. 118,406,675 305,951 380 47 Massachusetts ... 369,526,385 1,131,203 326 67 New York 574,669,972 1,477,819 388 20 If you will deposit twenty-five cents per day with us there will be to your credit, at the end Of five years, an amount greater than the average deposit In any of these States. Don't you think it is worth an effort? Wilmington Savings and Trust Company. jylOtf ' Grand Family Excursion TO THE MOUNTAINS. TX7 ILM 1NGTON TO MOUNT AIRY, TUES- day, July 23, 1895, over C F. & Y. V. Ry. Two days for Sight Seeing. Train leaves Wilmington at 9:45 a. m. July 33d, and reaches Mount Airy same day at 8:30 p. m. Leaves Mount Airy 7:30 a.m., July 26th. and reaches Wilmineton at 6:15 p. m. The train runs at the bsse of beautiful Pilot Mountain and through the lovely Valley ot the Ararat. Hacks can be had for a trip to Flat Rock, White Sulphur Springs, Devil's Den. etc. Most delightful time of vear to visit the mountains and none should miss the tun. Round trip from Wilmington only $2.75. Special re I served seats only ou cents extra it aesirea. ji rones will accompany the party, and best of guaranteed. No disorderly or drunken person al- lowea on tne train. . ror turner particulars see nana Dius, call on or aamress T.W.CLAWSON, Manager, jay 7 4t-7, 14, 18, 21 Wilmington, N. C. WE HAVE A Tooth , Brush That We Sell Three for 25 Gts AS GOOD AS MOST BRUSHES you pay a qnarter for. Nice to take travelling. JAS. D. NUTT, Je 25 tt The Druggist. House and Shop. FOR RENT. Dwelling and Shop on northeast comer of Tenth and Princess streets. Everything in excellent repair. Ap.il to S3 t D. O'CONNOR. WHOLE NO. 3,802 A GREAT STOCK -AT- FISHBLATE'S One Price House. Hen's All-wool Suits, Sewed with Silk, $5, up. Children's Sailor Suite, Sl.QO. I- ah 1 o. .!x rhi .. uiiliuren s Mll-WUUl OUIIS, $ I up. It is not our aim, nor has it ever been, to sell cheap Clothing. If there is one thing we do avoid, it is "Shoddy Goods." If you buy from us, remember "Your money back if you want it." S. H. FISHBLATE, King tHothier. may 26 tf WILMINGTON, N. C. THE CAROLINA MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company, of Charlotte, N. C. The CAROLINA MUTUAL is a strong NORTH CAROLINA Com pany. It is, however, a stock com pany, and issues absolutely non-participating and non-assessable poli cies. Its mutual feature consists In a charter provision, that one-third of its directors must be' POLICY HOLDERS who are NOT stock holders elected by the POLICY HOLDERS; this is a very strong point, the policy-holders .who have great interests at stake, have a share in the management of the Company, and will always snow its condition. Better than this, the CAROLINA MUTUAL deposits all premiums re ceived at this agency to their credit With the WILMINGTON SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. This makes It practically a local company. The directors of the company are : P. M. BROWN. Of Brown, Weddmgton & Co.. Wholesale Hardware. E. B. SPRINGS. Of E. B. Springs & Co., Fertilizers and Wacons. m; P. PEGRAM. Cash'r First Natl Bank of Charlotte.' B. D. HEATH, Of Heath Brothers, Bankers. SAM'L E. WHITE. President Fort Mill Man'f'g Co. A. C. SUMMERVILLE, Lumber and Real Estate. J. T. ANTHONY, Wholesale Provisions and Grain. JOHN W. MILLER, Real Estate and Cotton Broker. HERIOT CLARKSON, Of Clarkson & Duls, Att'ys-at-Law. These gentlemen stand among the wealthiest and most successful business men of North Carolina, and their names are a guarantee of the Company s honesty, conservatism and success. We heartily recommend the company to tne property owners of Wilmington. We also represent other good companies. and do a general, insurance business. Come to see us. STEDHAH & WORTH, Resident Agents. je9tf ' Seasonable Goods. In store, and arriving daily, a choice selection of seasonable goods. We have on hand . RAISINS of every variety, from 8c to 25c per pound. CITRON, from 15c to a&c per id. CURRENTS, all prices, all grades. NUTS, all prices, all grades. We would like to call special at tention to our assortment of the above goods. i; CHEESE Switzer, Roquefort, Neufchetel, Framage de Brie, Edam, Pineapple, Hngiisn Dairy and Ameri can Cream. All fresh and of finest quality. i , Plum Pudding and Mince Meat Cakes and Crakers. A beautiful variety of all kinds, too great an as sortment to specify. Will have to be seen to be appreciated. The above are only a few of our specialties, Our assortment is com plete and we invite ail to caii and examine before purchasing v else where. " ;' ' .- y With four wagons we can deliver promptly. THE JOHH L. B0ATIRI6HT CO WILMINGTON N..C i TelcBtoEe Kb. U. dec9tf Clothing THE HORNING STAR, THE OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA. Six-Dollar Daily of its Class in the State. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -25 ON- CAS H Purchases This Week ON ACCOUNT OF Removal SALE. Katz & Polvogt J116 MARKET ST. We Move October l to No. 9 Front St. AGENTS FOR Sewing Machine. jnlyMtf . Anchor Lime IS THE v Best 'on the Ilarket. Kails, Hoop-Iron RiYts, . MOLASSES, , Flour, Sugar. Coffee. MEAT, LARD, &c GENERAL GROCERIES. . W0BTH 6 WOBTH. myiatl Administrator's Sale. BV VXRTtn OF AN ORDIR OF THE SV perior Court 0( New Hanoret county, I will, as administrator ot the estate o Mrs. Sal be P. Xnne, sell at the Court House, en Saturday, July 20th, 1886. at 13 o'clock M to the highest Udder for cask, cae House and Lot, situated on Chestnut street between Ninth aad Tenth, north aide, and next east of Mrs. Era a Register. Lot 50x50 leet. R. M. McINTIKX, lohrflth. 1896. Administrator, jolytlOt Y Per Gent Discount Mil Wheeler &WiIson ; 1 '1 - 1 H ii 'I , ii-j m : 1 v a r. 1 3 1 mi " " ' f 4 6 1, " it 3 J : H; " t i 11! yard rabbit foot. . '

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