$ ht momiW Mtnv. ' J WILMINGTON. N, C. Tuesday Morning, Oct. 1, 1895 SPOTS AND FUTURES Futuroi Nervoue and Exalted BeporU of Frost and Advance in Liverpool The Bun's Review. By Telegraph to tie Morning Star New York. Sept. 80. Trading in cotton to-day Started with a bound op ward, under marked soeculative excite ment and activity, largely through Near - Orleans and Liverpool reports, with the former markets up fully jtwenty-six ooints. It was said that New Orleans had sent reports to Liverpool that heavy - -, hart nmwrpA in TVraa and Ala. MBVl W.. . W . " - ban; a. rcDortintr the temperatures of 46 and 48 decrees. While these were af terwards contradicted they had forced up the prices at Liverpool six to seven oiDis. New Yoik opened eleven to twenty osints. at noon was at fourteen to seventeen points and at p. m. fully eighteen to twenty-six six, points rise with a nervous feeling and sales of 272- "OOU bales . - . The Sun says ; - Cotton rose twenty- four to twensy five points, then reacted slightly and closed steady at a net ad vance of twenty-two to twenty-four mints with sales of 389.700 bales. Llv erpool rose 1 3 2d. on the spot, with sales of 12,000 bales; futures there advanced seven noints and closed very steady. In Manchester yams were strong, cloths . quiet, spot cotton here advanced c, with sales of ,410 for spinning. Charles- . nad St. Louis c. and New Orleans ana a Augusta 3 inc. i savannah sd.'O l.suu bales, Memphis 800, Augusta 744 and ' New Orleans 300. New. Orleans ad- ceipts to-morrow estimated at 7000 to 9,- inn . o oin 1 1- . 04 njn 1 . uuu, dgaiosi o.oiu, iasi wcu, i,ou last year, and 13,134 in 1893 when the crop was 7.500000 bales. The port receipts 'were 53.576, against 31.239 last week, and 46.472 last year. . To day's features: Frost in Texas Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, acd Oklahoma set Liverpool wild, and New York caught the fever from Liverpool, and was even stronger than the British market, thnuoh Livernonl aatnniaherl everybedy. The advance in New York, New Orleans, and Liverpool came like a flash ot lightning from a clear skv. daz zling bulls acd bears alike. The receipts at the ports were liberal, especially at New Orleans, as it was the last day of the month, and six hours are added to the New Orleans business day on such occasions. There was enormous buying, buying, as may be seen from the fact that the total business to-day reached nearly 400,000 baits. New York, New England, the West, the South, and Eu rope bought freely, and though there was neavy realizing on the advance, the ' remarkable thing was that the closing prices were very near the best of the day. Mr. Lane is reported as estimating me crop at only o.ouu.uou bales, against y.yuu.uuu last year.- GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. ,Whet Closed Higher Corn and Oaa . Lower Lard Higher Bibs Unchanged. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. uhicaoo. bept. 30. The talk of ma, nipulating the market is still heard and the theory obtains new adherents every J T- 4 . uav. uecemoer wneat opened trom 'i 63 to 63KC SOld between 82 X. and 64c, closing at 63Jc with the earn al ready mentioned. Cash wheat was easy wniist trading was in progress, but the nominal close was strong with the lu- . tures. , Corn was dull and heauy. The trade was in a decidedly lethaeoric state, no business that could be : classed as large or important being transacted. May corn opened at mc, sold between 29k and 2929, closing at 29Ji29c cunaer aaturaay. tasn corn was . Mac ner bushel lower. The weakness of the other grains fur nished sufficient motive for a declining tendency on the part of oats, the close oeing witn a loss of Jc from Saturday. Aasn oais were ,c per bushel lower. Provisions Between the weakness of grain 'and jthe firmness of hoes it was difficult for the product to decide. A middle course was finally adopted.brices ruling fairly steady and closing 2itfc lower for January pork. 2fc higher for . January laro and unchanged lor Janu ary rigs. STEAMER SUNK. One of the 8. B. Plant Line-All on Board Saved.; By Telegraph to the Morning Star. wri.nuiKv va, &ept. 30.-The ... u. ui we u. o. nani line, from New Haven. Conn., for Tam pa, la, while waiting for the fine weather to continue her voyage south. urdggea ancnor during the violent north gale of last eight and stranded three milts north of this place and sunk. The crew of seventeen men and a young lady (the pilot's niece) were saved by me steamer s Doats, The furniture and wrecKage are washed ashore. The wheel house is gone and the. vessel is apparently breaking up. baseTball. The Beoord of the Gamea Flayed Yesterday. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Philadelphia Philadelphia.10; Brook lyn New York New Yoik. 3; Baltimore, o. isaiiea aarKness. Washington First game Washing, ton, 15; Boston, 7. Second game Wash ington, o; ooston, 10. Called dark- ness. , NAVAL STORES MARKETS. Bt Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York, September 80,-Spints tur pentine . Kosm firm and quiet; strained common to good tl 45011 50. Charleston, September- 30. Spirits turpentine nrm ai 2&&c; receipts 26 casks. Rosin firm; good strained $1 10 zo; receipts 303 barrels. SAVANNAH.September 80,-Spirits tur pentine firm at 25c; sales 500. casks. Kosm opened unchanged, closed at an advance on window glass and water white, with sales of 2.000 barrels: ABC $1 15. D 1 25. E $1 30, F fl 85G1 40. H $1 45. I $1 65. K X 75. M $3 10. v ou, winaow glass s 00, water white P017DEB Absolutely Pure. A Cream Of tartar K-,4,; -j Highest of all in leavening streneth! J u!ttted States Government fwu neport. . Boyal Baking: Powder Co., v 106 Wall Street, N. T. I CUBAN INDEPENDENCE. I . . ROUSING MEETING HELD IN THE CITY OF CHICAGO. Many Prominent Men Present Beaolutlona Express Sympathy With the' Insurgents and Call Upon the United Sutea to Bee- ognise Them as Bellgerents. " By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Chicago, Sept. 80. Surrounded by patriotic mottoes, with the American flag as a background, the Declaration of Independence as .a text book and the spirit of Liberty as an inspiration. 4.000 persons veiled themselves hoarse to night in the cause of Cuban independ ence. There could scarcely have been more enthusiasm had the meeting been held in Cuba, itself. Central Music bail was not big enough to hold all the sympathizers and there was an overflow meeting in the auditorium of the Young Men's Christian Association building. At both meetings the same resolutions wen. adopted acd speeches were meds bv men prominent in civic affairs, all of whom uncompromisingly favnrrd the freedom of the little island in the thraldom of Spain. The resolu tions .express sympathy for the revolu- recognize them as belligerents, and asks ULUCI LUUUU1C3 LVJ JUIU 1U UJCI&lUg 11119 aemana. i ney oegin witn tne oest known oaraeraoh in the Declaration of inaepsnaenc ana cna wiin a determi nation to continue the work begun, at times by two assemblages. Some of the T J J mottoes on the walls were: "I know not what source others mav take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death." Patrick Henry. . "When a long train of '.abuses and the oeoole under absolute desootism. it is their right, it is "their duty, to throw off such government. Declaration of independence. . "The moral nrooress of a nenrtle ran t D i 1 i - . .11 . i , . ,, sarceiv oeein Liiimev are lnaerjenneni Martineau. "There is. however, a limit at whirh forbearance ceases to be a virtue." Edmund Burke. "The history of the present struggle is a history ot reoeated lniustice and usurpations, all having in direct object the Pfitahlishmlnt of an ahsnlntA ttrranntr . - --J over this people. Declaration of .Inde penaence. "Where liberty dwells, there is my country. Milton. The uod who gave us- life, gave ns liberty at the same time." Thomas Tpfft-rson Messages of svmnaths wcw rear) frnm becator Cullom, Gov. Altgeld, of Illi nois; Russell A. Alger, Mayor Pingree, of Detroit;. -Senator Call, of Florida: Mayor Bdstwickrof Kacksonville, Fla.; Mayor Caldwell, ofCmcinnati; Mayor saimocsan, 01 xampa, f la., and others NearKr every orominent club and rmran izaticn.in the city was represented on tn? list oi vice cresinents: trhirh in eluded also the best known busines and professional men. Among tne associations represented were the Roval Lecion. A. A. R con federate Associations, Sons of the Re volution, State Federation of Labor, Irish American. Scanrlanatrian drmv n and Afro-American Societies. Mavor Swift nresiderl at thp mt;nr at central music tiaii. ia opening the Droceedines ne made no sneern. nnt tnnir uitasiun to express nimseu as in mil ac cora wiLa me mnurmpnr The first soeaker. Rev. Dr. Rnnunlni said he was a Spaniard, but he could not be true to his own country in the face of its action toward the oppressed. The dawn of Cuba's redemntion wan al ready breaking. ' Ah hail a righteous revolution, a reference made by Dr. Gansaulusto the inactivity of the ad ministration met with cheers and up- roarious aDDiause. ana tne temnpr nf : I l . . the audience was evident before ten sentences had been rnmnlntrrf rr Gunsaulus was followed by Thomas b! T" urvan. Judge Wm. J. Hina snob nTt ! am here to-night," he began, "neither as a opaniara nor as a moan, but as an American, and to voice the sentiment of every American who wishes success to Cuba in this struggle tp be free. For ten years she has, made this struggle without an exoression of mrmnathv I them have the exoression of svmnathv now as eariy as possible in this last ficht. and let them Irnnv that at icast is wiuing to oo au in its power. EX-SENATOR MAHONE Stricken With .Faralysia-Hla Condition Critloal. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington, September 30. Ex. Senator Mahone had a stroke of oaral- . . . . ysis this morning. ...He has been stop ping at Chamberlain's Hotel, and thin morning his son. Butler Mahone. railing at his father's room, found the General sun in oca and apparently verv drowse Not cusDectiner anvthincr vrnn Rni left the room, and calling again later found his father still in the same condi tion-tie became alarmed, and a nhvai- cian was summoned. After mmimtin. - WAMW.UOblWU me doctor pronounced it a case of pa ralysis, i be right arm is nseless and the toneue is naralvzr1 so that nk is linpossioie. Dr. Fhillips S. Wales, one of the at tending nhvsiciana rn f?n Ifk late this afternoon, mated that th. ' erai s condition was critical, owins to the severity of the attack and his ad vanced age. The paralysis has spread to the right leg. Dr. Wales said that vomiting and effusion in the head, which have set in, were bad signs and it would nut us surprising u oen. Mahone died uciuic morning, ami, mere was a Chance of an imorovement in hi condi tion. Mrs. Mahone: who is at her home in v irginia, has been telegrrphed for. DEATH OF AN EMINENT MAN. Hev. Ueo. W. Holland. TV TV v..; fflewberry College. By Cable to the Morning Star Columbia, S. S., Sept. 80. Rev. Geo. w. Holland, D. D., Ph. D.. died sudden. ly to-day of heart disease. Dr. Holland was born in Augusta county, Va., fifty- seven vears aco. . He orsdn.j Roanoke Colleo-e in 1RS7 nA ....j.-.j theology In Union Theoloeical Semi nary; New York, and in Gettysburg Seminary. Penna.. graduating from the latter in I860. Thi 'l. c r . cai ac was Mwcusea to Dreacb bv the. Tro Lutheran Svnod a cnurcn in Harrisnnhnrtr nnn . ... ' . IT vrait " u w i uiucu i ri nnrAiMntA serving until 1863 when he lost an arm m mc ixorinern viroif! a ramnaiwr. ai ter serving lor three years as Professor . C wasu ucsaac axa all- uuduo oiiege and six years as pastor in Harrlconburg. Va rhe came to -i utn t.aoiir.a in 17S j, o.-. lessor ol Greek in Newberrw rnii-n In 1STA i ... . V- - " r waa cicctea rresiaent ot that insutution. which nffire he hoM , time oi his death, the colfege under his - .MVU Ob lUC wtsc management having gained in standard ana popularity. Dr. Holland noa a uuiiBoea pent eman an , , - HM bUllUCUt -t-ooiaranaoneol the foremost educa- tors oi tne south. The insurance fate sarin bui,.j, if. i . - . "".uiuuuu, nas oeen declared off by the local underwriters. That Joyful FeeUatr With the exhilirating sense of renewed ana atrengm ana internal cleanli- uw, wnicn IOUOWS tbe Use Of Suriir. ol ngs. is unknown to the few who have . -.""a-a "vi Drosressea nevonn the om medicines and the cheap sujbstitutes J WV. UUJG Buuiciimea orreren tint nano.- i , null 11J1UI LUCU. AFFAIRS IN CHINA. THE GOVERNMENT YIELDS TO BRITISH ULTIMATUM. THE Viceroy Iiia Degraded by Imperial Decree The American Commission Will Con tinue Iaveattga'i?n of the Oatrajiea Upon Missionaries ' ' -" ' 'X y - By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington, . Sept. 80. The State Department was advised this morning by Minister Denby, that Viceroy Liu had been degraded, by an Imperial decree ismed to-day. The abstract of the de cree cabled by Mr. Denby shows that the responsibility for the Cheng-Tu riots in the Province1 of Sze Chuen, rests with the officials; that Viceroy Liu was exceedingly careless and took no notice of the riots and made no attemDt to stop the outrages, he is ordered to be deprived of his office and never again to rje employed. , The American commission will pro ceed, notwithstanding the 'action, to conduct its investigation of the riots. The Secretary of the Navy was advised that Lieut. Commander Jno. P. Merrell.. of the Baltimore, had been substituted for Lieut. Commander Barber, as a member of the commission, the latter being ill. The other members of the commission are Consuls Sheridan P. Read and Fleming Cheshire. Liu. the Vicferovf annears tn hava been an official whose constant aim was, to stir up strife with the missionaries and seek the good will of the natives, shnw ricpn mreA ' anil forelorn sntl- - f " !S nrents caused these periodical outbreaks iodine province over wnicn ae.ruiea. H A has heen r.nnnerteH roith nrrvinns - .. r. w . outrages and was compelled to pay the French an indemnity amounting to ftftOfl 0(10 from hia rvriwate nnrso irr yVW.WVV .w M.W -JW WV, . V crimes committed agaicst French Cath olics last winter, tie narro"l7 escaped beinc deoosed at that time. anH nras nnlo" etaineH heranse he maa Tw-tniilarnrith some of the leading officials at Pekin, ano Decause nis services were needed in matters pertaining to the revenues of the province. It is said that the whole government cf the province of Sze Chuen is impreg nated with the anti-foreign feeling, so vigorously exemplified in the jofficial acts of Liu. h '. The decradation nf this virrrn4 ia1 hut one step in the direction of complying wua me demanas ox tne powers inter ested in compelling indemnitvfor the missionary outrages. I It is believed that Liu's successor will be Lu, a Viceroy of one of the northern Drovinces. a man said to he hnnear anH jnst, and rather inclined- to frfehdliness toward ioreigners. Additional demands are nnderstond to have been made by the British and American Ministers, and, if they are complied with, a long step in the direc tion of reform in the nrovince of Sze Chuen will have been taken. These Ministers have, it is understood made a demand that all examinations for . nm- motion and appointment to office' shall cease in.hatprovince for three years. This ia intended as a blow to the -ffi-- holding class, from which emanates all the alleged information circulated among the natives for the purpose of inciting them to the commission of cut rages. London; Sept. 30. A dispatch from Pekin - was received at ' th EVr;n., Office this afternodf; confirming the statement that China had acted favor ably on the demands of the Marauis of Salisbury, for the nnnish ment nf Ida Viceroy, of Sze Chuen. who Sir Nicho las O'Connor, British Minister to Pekin, reported was responsible for the out rages beginning in May. at the mission staiions in Jheng-Tu, the capital of SzeCheun.- The disnatrh TprioH Q, v, A Office says that the Chinese Official Gazette has published an Imperial edict announcing that theVicerovof s rh.,n has been stripped of his rank for failing to protect the missionaries, and will neyer-again be allowed to hold office, so that his cfrserwill serve as a warning for all future time to officials who may be disposed to do wrong. It also denounces the subordinate officials who failed to take proper action for the protection of the missionaries. WASHINGTON NEWS. Secretary Herbert'- DepartnM for Altbima Treasury Beoeipta and Exnendituree Movements of United States War-Snins. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington, D. C, Sept. 30. Sec retary Herbert will leave Waehi for Alabama on Wednesday night. He goes South to deliver several speeches on the currency question. The State Department has received no report or compliant concerning thef alleged landing W (1 waMHaaiu iwg vu the Florida Keys in search of filibusters. Ane ireasury statement of receipts and expenditures to be issued to-morrow will show a anmin fnr tho mn.U r . r- -w- biw iuuuiu of September of nearly 83.000.000. iU J?? figures the receipts were S27.o00.000. and exnenditnrea C91 Rfin 000. As com Dared with last Sent emh.'. the receiDtS were nar1 ; Ann nnn - mj vv.vruv.uuu ereater and exnenditnrea 44 rnn nnn Receiots from CtlStnma - iron eliV1n . nw.i. wlI(Ubiy less than those of last Seotember. and from internal revenue they were nearly double. The. frreatear : - . ------- 111 KB. ditures was in the civil and mi.reiia. neous account, whirh d ic. k i 43,000.000 than that of last Seotemher. The Cruiser Pinrinnoti :: off the Florida coast watrhin fili busters, reached Cedar Keys to-day from Key-West. J The Navy Department is advised of the departure of the Asiatic squadron from Che Foo. The Baltimore has gone to Naeasaki. the vSrbtnn,n m t? own l5c, Concor1 1 Shanghai. uuducipma nas gone from Sail Francisco tn Pnrt An.i- . . . " r" - "us. x ac norm Atlantic squadron ia at T.T7n Ho, Bay, and the training ehin (o.. i gone to Cadiz. LIFE INSURANCE FAILURE. j.ne valley Mntnai nt xr..i. t. Had Many Polioy Holders in North Carc- Una. By Telegraph to the Mornine Star KICflMOND, VA., Sent. 30. A Stann. ton special to the Disiatch: Th Val ley Mutual Life Association of Virginia, caanerea Dy tbe Circuit Court of Au gusta. September 3rd, 1878, by its deed mane September 27th, but recorded to- uay.uas assigned its assets to J, D. y " iviuucue, oi uuenduaoan, president of the associa- iion. is tne maker of the deed, on be naif of the association and the trnstA u the arsociate secretary of the association. The property cooveyed consits of other caiase, ana tne Duilding of the asso ciation, situated in Staunton, together with office fixtures, furnishings, printing nuu uiiu8C5 in action. All credi tors are to De nain nut ni id. t.,m,A u rata without preference. - i ne net assets of the Valley Mutual are about $11,250 and its liabilities $180,- w. ip sue snape oi unpaid death losses. iuc Liinjnsnv naa mant. ha uu t -t i ...Mu , pvti.y uuiu' ers m Virginia and North Carolina. When Baby was stcfe, we gave her CastortA. When she waa a Child, she cried for Castorla. . When she became Miss,, she cliing to Castoria, When sh ho t Children. shF rsmtw nmmttm. ' corbbttwzsimmonb Neectlationa in Proareia For the Fls Negotiations in Progress For the Fight to Come Oir in Mexioo. . -By Telegraph to the Morning Star. . San Antonio, Sept. 80. It was learned here to-day that negotiations have been quietly in progress tor several days between the Florida Athletic Club and railroad officials in Mexico, look ing to the pulling off ot the Corbett-Fitzsimmons "fight In that country -, across the river from Eagle Pass , or at some other point below these on the line of the Mexican TfitrnoHnnAl rnaH in nu it mam fntmA AMM. W, . W V mm W U U W impossible to have it at Dallas or in the Indian icrruury. it is siciicu tudt tuc Governor oi Cahuila, Mexico, guaran tees nrntwtmn tn the fiorhtera - , President Stewart writes a friend here that he will positively pull the fight off somewhere on November 1st, if the principals are alive and ready to meet each other." . : x Fitzsimmons left for Corpus Chnsti this afternoon. He was asked this morn ing if he was willing to fight in Mexico. He replied that he had not vet been con sulted in the matter but that he is ready to meet Corbett on any spot on earth, and if the fieht does not come off at Dallas he will demand his $25,000 forfeit money. SEISMIC PHENOMENA. Eirthquskes in the Ocean Off the Coast of Mexioo. By Telegraph to tbe Morning Star. , St. Louis. Sepj, 80. A special from Uaxaco, Mexico, says that word comes from Pinotepa, that seismic phenomena continues there. At one place the earth quake in the ocean haye been so violent as to destroy the beach, and the waves have rolled up to the walls of neighbor ing ranches. Great drought has accompanied these aiarmmg manuestaitons ano tne iarmers are nearly ruined. Fishermen dare not go out to sea, as earthquakes have been continuous tor many days, l hey say a volcano is forming under the ocean. Priests have ordered that the church bells be rung and prayers offered implor- s j ... mg divine mercy. S. C CONVENTION Camo Near Passing a Woman's Ban? age Amendment to the Constitution, By Telegraph to the Morning Star, Columbia, Sept. 80. This has been the first day since the Constitutional Convention that the calendar was even near'.y through. It has been distinctly a routine day in every sense of the word. Two more articles, those on the impeachments and amendments, neither loaded with any dynamite, oassed the third reading. The rest of the day was devoted to sections of the reoort of the committee on miscellaneous matters. Everything calculated to bring about a fieht was oassed over. The matter nf divorces will probably come up to-night. ine convention came dangerously near passing a woman's suff rage clause this morninsr oeiore realizing what it meant but the trouble was seen in time. TEXAS LEGISLATURE In Favor of Immediate Passage of . a Law Making Prias Fighting a Felony. " By Telegraph to the Morning Star. austin, sept. SO. There are very few members of the Legislature in tbe city and it is not probable that a quo rum will "be here to-morrow when the special session begins. From those who have arrived, however, it has been learn ed that the general sentiment is in favor of the immediate passage of a law mak ing prize fighting a felony. The Legis lature will, it is sard, be In session thirty days, as Gov. Culberson will lav other matters before it, among them the re commendation of a law making gamb ling a felony. . WARM Wl RELETS. A premature explosion occurred in a rock quarry, near Independence, Mo., at 6 o'clock Sunday night, five men and a boy losing their lives. Prof. Wm. C. Robinson, of the Yale law school, has accepted the position of Dean of the Department of Sociology at the Catholic University, Washington. Near Basic City. Va., Lawrence Craw ford, colored, was arrested yesterday for criminally assaulting a colored girl nine j" ui age. x nere is consiaeraDie talk oflynchine. A fatal runaway accident occurred Sunday in Halifax county, Va. Miss Laura Barksdale. danohter nf Rv ai. bert Barksdale, was killed and Miss Annie Mclvor was seriously, hart, being uidggca over tne ground lor some dis tance. Richard W." Card well, who was re cently indicted in Richmond. Va., for making false entries in the books of the Siate Bank, was arrested there yesterday on his return from Norfolk and bailed in ice sum ci $3,000. The third and last game of cricket matches between the team nf th nrUrH ana Cambridge Universities and the rnuaaeipma cricketers, was finished at Haverford, Pa., yesterday afternoon, the .home players winnirTgbyaa inning and 89 runs. Mrs. Aikin, wifeoLJ. H. Aikin,' one urnc secretary ot the Tennessee Club. returned to . Memphis yesterday and gave bond in the sum of $5,000 on a charge of murder. She treated Mrs. Wade in childbirth according to Chris- , au ouicBge Metnoas, and the patient died. , KNOWLEDGE Brings, comfort and improvement ano tcEds to personal enjoyment when rightly ased. The many, who' live bet ter than others ad snjoy life more, with less . expenditure by more promptly adapting: the world's best products to tlE!fr flfrls ilf tl 0ni!tl KdTTl. anil nffnn the value to. health of the" pure liquid !iixaiive principles emoraceo in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Ita excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties-of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana t)rmn.nfint.lv anrina 'Yinatint.tn - J ..VWW W. ' It has given satisf action to millions and a. JiL 1 m , t -a. - uiec witu tn approval 01 tne medical profession, because it acts op the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and$l bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose hame is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will no Accept any substitute if offered. , x BUSINESS LOCALS. (W"Wottci Fot Kent or Sale, Lost and Found Wants, and other short miaceflaneooa advertisements l.i ,-.1 1 ruMttmmt. la lttm.AA Wwinatwil tvtM. on first or foorth page, at Pnbliaher'a option, for 1 taken for less than SO cents. JOBS DO HmUKB terras, posrtfalyL4 laaayaaos. Wanted, a firit-class eook, either white or col ored. Apply at No. 411 North Front street oct 1 St Vocal Music. Mrs. WiC H. Shaw will gTe lessons in Singing by note. For term! and informa tion apply at 81 North Fourth street. sep 28 Dt , ITt Make blar montv aellinar onr Electric Tele phone. Best seller on earth; ;Sent a'l complete ready to set up; Hnes of any distance. A practical Electric Telephone. - Onr agents making 15 to $10 a day easy. Everybody buys; Big money without work. ' Prices low. Any one can make 7S per month. Address W. P. Harrison & Co. , Clerk No. 11, Colnmbus, Chio. ..sepSitf - - -. . Bleyele for tale cheap on easy payments. For information call at C. E. Gordon's Store, sep 21 tf Electrical Eicvcle Bells aoDlied to Erclea bv Howard & King, No; 101 Front and Market streets. m . sepSitf . Feaura Another consignment of 21 barrels Georgia Pean. Floor, Meat, Meal, Crackers, (Cheese and Groceries of all kinds at lowest prices. Nefll Mc- Klnnon, No. 8 Sooth Water street. cSl ; -Beei on draught and any drink known to Ameri can or French Salooni&ts. Free lunch from eleven a, m. nntS one o'clock and from five to seven o'clock p. m., at A. P. Levy's French Cafe, Princess street. . sepBtf Frank McNeill, Attorney at Law. Office ia the Smith buildioff un-stairs. Princess street. Wflmincrton. N. C. Will practice in this, Richmond, Robeson and adjoining counties. . augxStf Tbe celebrated pale KyEoauer Be;r! Sold only by F. Richter, Wilmington, N. J. ' : ' ft- WILMINGTON InteBgence Bnreao, Wilmington, N.C. Still in the lead for servants. Want one girl. White, German preferred, who will work for $8 per month, where the will have a home. R. B. Reardon, Prop. . jr7tf Photographa. U. C. Ellis, at No. 114 Mariet street, for the latest style, best quality, finest finished and lowest-priced Photographs S1.O0 rer dozen. TJ. C. ELLIS. c81 .- : ' ; ' Baaketa, Vegetable Baskets for the shipment of Peas, Beans, Cncambers, etc. For sale at Jno. S. McEachern's Grain and Feed Store 11 Market Karden. P. H.. has In stack burctea. mad Carts and harness of all kinds. Repairing done by kuubi worajaea uu mam BOOOS. Vpposite nc Coert Hobk x tin EYerybody Who Wears WILL DO WELL TO CALL ON MERCER ArEYAHS, at the Old Stand of H." C. Evans, on Princess street, before purchasing elsewhere. We have some EXCEL LENT BARGAINS always on hand, which it will pay you to 'see. Call early and often on Mercer & Evans, ang!8tf , 115 Princess, St. Mullets. 10 Barrels September Mallets, Packed in 100 jb. Northern barrels. FOR SALE LOW. . Write for quotations. Large Siock of Jobacco and Cigars at Close Figures. SAMUEL BEAR, Sr., sep22 tf 12 Market St. 1 3-4 ID.. 2 ID. ani 2 1-4 ID. Hew ArroiTies, August and September DELIVERY AT LOWEST PRICES Get our prices before buying. worth & Worth. Wholesale! rocers. joly 87 tf Tie Wiliiiigtoii. Step Lanndry, fJORNE FRONT ANlJppE STREETS, ' I under the nunaiement of L. Dvckmsn. of Dyckmin, of new Korlt, is now turning otit good work. Onr wagon M x' nd rranxed that we can cany those big wuu. uccvcj on ine iaaies wants two at a tune, we nave a sewing knacbiae for repairing, and a girl to mend the clothes. 1 X7 1 a .j .1 1 . 1 i . r . . ic uiwim uio hike EUKnue I or ironing white wing and turn down cdllars without crsckinK. and those that are cricked will come ont with a prr- have complainea of for sometime, and we are sow able to remedy Jthe evil. Tryli the Wilmington Steam Laundry, Front and Orange streets. J. T. HARPER, Prop'r L. L, DYCKMAN, Manager. . sept 82 tf Foreclosi e Sale. OVlSIOKS OP THE TY VIRTUE OF THI F power of sale edetained in a lain mortgage made by Daniel Hall ahd wife. Amaaria. Building and Lfan Association! duly re itered on the rccoras or new uanover (Jonnty in look No. K rages 3 65, tje undersigned ffl expose for sale ti ine nignest DSBder at Public Auction, for cash, on M., at the Iftnt door of thq Court House, of the county of New Hanover, in the city of Wilmington, ..s aiauuicu uiupcity, iu-wii : Beginning in the northern hne of Woosteu street, 41 feet west of the westernline of Thud street, runs thence west with said lioji of Wooster street) Hyi feet, thence north parallel wltB Third street 66 feet, thence east parallel S'? c!os.,fr ,treeI lect thence south parallel Thirdjtreet 68 feet to the beginning, being part JOHN D. BELLAMY, Jr. ! Attorney for Mortgagee, till oct 12 -s. '1896. t to Remind Yon hat you can't help being Ifyohi will have your JPrescriDtiori work oone bv JAS. D. NUTT, - The Druggist. serf 15 tf Cheese Cheese. BOXES FINS CREAM CHEESE IN Bagging Sept. 91 j 1 1 Rrnrr fit . a 1 i " ' , . ' veT'19!''l. B. F tlprn T ! WHEti ADTDLI11 COLIES NEW STYLES Come with it, and every man in town with any Idea of Dress comes to as for styles as a matter of course. ,The best ready-made Suits is only a travesty of correctness. It isn't even a clever masquerade. Banish all Ready-made misfits from yonr wardrobe, and get something Stylish and Handsome produced to order and faultless in fit . tt . mm - - ana correct in every aetaii or worfe mapship. .We Fit Our Customers,. That's our rule, and it stands like rocK Dottom. The belated Summer Suits has now no place in the wear of the gen tleman of style, who if not already orovided for the Fall maVps nn rflav We are making np Suits to order ttm.-l mt r m irom ifi.jL.xo ana up. Pants made to order for $3.00. And before. you condemn our goods come and look and compare them with others. G fi. GORDON, Northeast Cor. Front and Market St. sep2Itf The Best Engiiieer Of This Day and Time of Close Competition Is the man that makes a sneers. W have been the chief MirinMrii nf nnr Racket Store for eight years; have rearea it irom a tman shop to a large wholefale and retail store, doing more business fnr the cash than tn nthr store in the city. Onr store looks like a genuine Ntw York store and run on the same principles. We are making special efforts to sell Carpets, Matting, Rugs, Potiers and Art Squ .res, Lace Curtains and Shades. We uavc uusca a contract ana agency witn one of the largest mills and factories in New York to handle their cargets direct between them nnr! th rnninm.r XXTm .have 150 different samples in Moquets. velvets, tsoaav Kruaseia. ino-rain tvc. tries of all kinds. We will sell you a Carpet and measure the room and have it made to fit free of charge for making. Come and see these samples and learn the prices and take a look at our Car nets of all kinds. We have a lanre ntnrfc on hand. Fine Rrnssels at 48 and 65c; in Moauets at 80c and tl: Hnmn at 15, 18 and 20c Rugs of all sizes and kinds. Cloaks anil Wrana Mir r&na - - - wr. from SO each, nn tn iQ.fi fin- ni R goods at $8.50 up. Cloaks from $1.00 up w i9.ov cacn. aiso a Dig stocK ot Men s and Boys' Clothing. Childrens' school dress. Ladies' silk waists at 85c each. Mens' snits frnm S Rfl nr i Come to see ns at 118 .North Front street, opposite Urton House. i .- Braddy & GaylordsTrop. of Wilmington's big Racket Store, sep 82 tf i J. f. NORWOOD, . TOOMER1 President Cashier. W. C. C0KEE, Jr, Ass'tCashier. Atlantic National Bank, Wilmington, N. O, .... o,0 . MTInlrofl WUWlU mattU UU PlUfCU 00" curity at Lowest Ratesl Ufl TUTmrsii Dim nil snTirinaTinn 11U lllllJUiJUl IJliil Urt UrirUOllO. All Cash Collections remitted for on day of receipt. Accounts of in dividuals, firms, banks and other cor porations solid; ed. Promptness, accuracy and safety guaranteed. Julytl, July 11, Julyll 18 8. 1894. 1896. Surplus and Net Piofits. . $15,958 $39,049 $40,113 Premiums on U. S. Bon 's, 4,140 None. None Banking House, Sc....... 15,600 15,603 18,600 Deposit..... 823.0-0 470,000 510.0C0 Dividends paid past two years, 6 per cent, per annum. Last installment of capital paid in October, 1892. aug 11 tf Franl H Stetlmaii Jas. S. Worth. Stedman & Worth. INSURANCE. Fire and Life. ?ffi,ce at BaWng House of the Wilmington Savings and Trust Company jan 25 tf FALL DRESS GOODS. We have received two hundred pieces NEW GOODS. They are fresh from the looms and represent the most attractive lines in the mar ket. We are adding new lines every day, determined to give the people " - of Wilmington the latest novelties - - produced That are going to school will find the largest line of NEW GOODS in the city on our counters, and they can select their Fall Dresses before their departure. A Few Hew ArriYals. Wool and Mohair Suitings. This textile is an admixture of Mo hair and Wool in solid and mixed Golors, 60c per yard. Wool and Raw Silk, Fiarured with Black Araha en hac which tone down the color medlevs in the ground work, the latter being a mixture ot silfc and Wool, 45c , per yara. Plaid Serges. We have twentv-five difTrnt nat. I . . , - T" r . terns with combinations of Elluet and Gold, Green and Heliotrope Reseda and Old Rose, Olive Green and Brown, Gold and Blue, Golden Brown and Blue Black, Sky Blue and urown, bU and 75c per yard. Black and Blue Sponge Serge The best material for Skirts 85c Per yard Pan ft v UTaTioit Sm'fin mm wwmm.vj "VMMrM mm? IU ViUg Ol 85 cents ner varrl 1 Cravanette In Black and Blue, 60-inch in $1.50 per yard. width, Silician Mohairs Are durable and pretty. They ap . " . r -m- -r I pear m seasonable weights - m I twills and other neat effects j at $1.25 per I peal and c yard. Fancy Figured Black Mohairs At 50 cents per yard. j Plaid Flannel Suitings "For Children's Cloaks 37c a yardv Plaids. Silk Finished Exclusive natterns. with pnmhinai- i t?nn; nf "Rrnwn anrT "Rln Tilart anrl Red, Green and Yellow, Green and Black, Blue and Black, Magenta and Brown, only $1.00 per yard. ; A. D. Successor to BRO WN & RODDICK No. 29 North Front St. I Sep 15 tf . I jjjy DRESS GOODSt f TSI : t. tt..,, . , . I -.tally ciiiivais ui xaii ana winter i Dress finorls di nc , .,11 "IJ;! one for samples before ourchasino-. Wo I wMwa A W M3 U ail Ul - Mr 1 1 in offer for the week o - r . I - I auu ges. A Storm Serge, M , It ' 86 inches wide, 20c, worth 35c 25 43 89 69 45 " " " 44 " French Serge, 40 " ,? 50 SO 75 65 49 75 . We some Aort lengths in Serges and Htnri- makab cheap" mC "e tte ,ng n HENRIETTAS. A 36 Inch, plain Henrietta, 15 c, worth 25c sS - " '- 23 "86 w u-wool " 83V4 " 40 ' fin ii ii i. II . 'Ji A beautiful piece of black Mohair 40-!nch. 45c woith 65c 1c?neIli e onr line of Changeable Dress Goods Crepons, Silk finish, this week at 18c AfuUstock Krauuaica uucoes witn Dngnt and dainty fig ures, 6 and 7c Bargains still racing in our Do mestic department, . Youre ete.. J. H. REHDER S CO. 'Phone 118 Fourth Streeet Bridge tf U purchases of $8 and over. : aQd aaaaaBMBHaaM N Young Ladies X BROWN Execntor's Notice. cyc,e shou,d have JJAYING QUALIFIED AS EXECUTORS OF the last wfll and testament of Isabella J. Freeman, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate arTi! qnenea to make immediate payment of same. All ZZTZIa 7 " . ir alnsc "i estate are hereby notified to present the same on or before the 16th day S!An A- -.J898.or.this notice wUl be plead m tTi". i recoraT- v-iauns against the eitate can be left with onr attorney MirT Ricand 4 WeUl and ad payment, by those indebted to the estatecan be made to onr said attorneys. This 15th day of August, 1896. . MANN, EFt?f the " tment ofiaSeUi T. - " . ang 15 6r Schools ' and Colleges. '.'The Manof Galilee P. DDRXSSES BY HON, GIO. R. WIND- T.TWn . Jr - J . . .. ml .-""I1 owoenr. i . m. L.. Auditorium. Wednesday, October 2nd. 8.80 sharp. Poors open at 8 o'clock, Seat, at Yates' Tuesday. ' 1 - JowY. M. C, A.VS5i a year, and set free ket. ia tn we - gg st Miss AMemaiit .Select Mool. pHIS SCHOOL WILL REOPEN ON THE fiClt MondsaV in Octnhsr ffVtnkar ?.t, onK ' . t -a, . v MARY ALDERMAN, r ept S3 8t tu tn th sa ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL UCMMi THIRTEEN YEARS. Rev. Daniel Morrellek A. , luuiy-aum oo) annual ses- tonol this Scho1 win beSin (v- D-K Tuesday, the . first of qctoberfX proximo. sep 20 2w Cape I-ear Academy, OORD SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 16 h. Full course for Business or College. Capable and proficient male teachers. Certificates of . school ad mits pupils to N. C. University. For catalogue &c, apply to W. CATLETT. "P1 120 N. Fifth St. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT x TJM1VEBSITY OP VIRGUria, dtarloueaville, Va, Electivecour es leading to the B. S degreein Civil, Mining, or MechanicaK Engineering, Chemistry. Natnrai History, and so on. Weil equipped labora tories of Phyno, Mechanics. Chemistry and Biology Astronomical Observatory. Natural Hi tory Museum. For catalogue, address WM. M. THORNTON, LL. U., aug2013t tu th sa Chairman. William and iVIary. College, WHllamsbiirg, Va. TOARD FROM $13 TO $15 PER MONTH." x. xniiton tee tor tall session $17 50. Medical fee- $3. Students willing to teach two years in tbe public schools pay only the Medical fee and are charged $10 permonth for board; fuel, light andwashiol. Fulf collegiate course next seuion begins October 3rd, 1895. Send for Catalogue. --A. LYON G 'TYLER. M. A.. LT. T) jnly26Snv-' fri tu President. PEACE InstltnteforYoiiogLadies Bi LEIGH, R C. Itistiebest, Bard,;tion, one music and to hours practice for $875 a year. . : ie22 3m JiSPlNWnDIE. M. A., Principal. A Wane Imminoni !r Un Cm.iU .4' " iu to iiiiiilillClll III I C OUULIIi A Royal Feast the Bakers had, And toasts were spoken fa'terr louder. Till all by one consent hurrahed rfcllaier & Lee's Baking Pow- der. !P. Cox" spread his spangled tail un.A T..V.U" u: i i. uuuu-iui.il uia uursc-saoe nung .0ne SPoSS dipped in his little pail. wnne "sea-Jboam s praise was sung too high, Old "Horseford" trotted in his horse, "Patapsco" tapped his big drum louder, While "Royal" bad to bow, of course, To Dozier & Lee's Baking Powder. Sold at wholesale by Dozier & ; Lee, and by the retail 'trade gener ally Weight one pound, and quality guaranteed, and a silver spoon given awaywith each box for 10 cents. Hey diddle, diddle, the cat and the fiddle. The cow jumped over the moon, WW JULL1UCU UVCt LUC UJUOIJ, And while in the air, a notion quite queer z Occurred to her cowship, and soon While she was descending, the eagle ascending, His feathesa shining like silk, She said Mr. Bird, who has ever heard Of an eagle bird giving good milk? Upon, him she pounced, his eagle ship flounced, But she kicked 'the poor bird without mercy, And made him admit that he hadn't ' the grit To keep up a fight with the Jersey. Tersey Milk beats Eagle Brand and is sold for itist nn half th nrlo Kt Tinlm. T t t- z. j -r satisfied return it and get yonr money back. 10c per can. aug 18 tf Wanted $10,000. Gilt-edge security. Wri'e to J. HICKS BUNTING, Y. M. C. A. Building, . WILMINGTON, N. C. Yes, we want $10,0C0, but we don't want to borrow it. ' We don't want to beg it and we don't want to ,teallt Wejustwan:iamakiUinaconfieofy We don't wast tn rnimlnfmr TTnM C.. secnri'jr of goods at reasouaDie margin of profit. If we don't male a v got ra starve or steal. The , j . the penitentiary and the other carries 3L5"Ki! wr not anxious to take op our We don't and we won't ran a cheao Tohn druir shon ""'Peyeuwniie, and aacritif nmiit for price. Quality ranks first price rouows. r "Mftg, a su UCIHVG , lnices know where to go to. Bunting's Pharmacy. Those who wish cheap Medicines they know where to gato, too. . sep8tf For Lady Bicyclers. We have just received a handsome lot of Canvas Leggings In Pearl and Tan colors for Ladies. Something: Hew what every lady who has a Bi- Price 75 Cents. Geo. R. French & Sons. aul5tf . , Hew River Oysters. J-tST RECEIVED AND SERVED IN ANY style at reduced prices at Atlantic Inn. GIESCHEN BRO'S, "P1281 . Proprietors. 1 , 'i g Si i ; 6 Sun Sao Da Hi8 ( y i Ti and dec i .-t njacl Wat Cbur .duct pans speci Fuzs mess ; Houi ket. mm Nort Sout! shall dispe Cotsv tbe ni . New yeste: cottoi idling firm 2.80; --spo in. sto 67&c; No. 5 spirits strain Th this c from 'Aci " 'only i every the oi some as it v Thi found . about ceede emplc ages : In t a wel starte 000 pc crease severs day. " An his pi steppe 27'pui that h and pa positic . The render menta the pa calico the bii and c The ' nellsvi men, 1 v cent. leyites v agalns are kn - Mce Ado: the o'tt tral roi from A of 148 knock: on th out ag Tha : womai trowse discbv j"- cealedl traveil then money! tramp " ' intei . .V. 8