'Mr- I, the horning dtar Gives tfid:IQuahtl And Varieiylof iReading iMatterv ,-;vf ft vji Of Any.Daily Newspaper; it North Carolina. v Kntered at the Petoffice at Wtbninston. N. C..U 30fT MON TUE WD 1 TtiO FRI S) S) 1 2 3 4; 5 T 8 9 10 11 12 J3"Tf 15 16 17 18 13 10 TT ZZ 15 2A lb lh IT E8 9 30 31 2 ; Port - October '2. - Sun Risc.. .I ...... V 5 55 A M San Sete. ... fl.44 PM Day' Length. . . . '.-. . . ..... 11 h 47 m High Water at Soutfaport. 65 A M High Water at Wilmington 8 23 AM Tbo Weatber. U. S. Dep'x of Agricuuure. " TURK, 1 t. 2 ' . Weather Bureau, Wilmington, N C,Oct. Meteorological data lor yesterday : " - Tempcratare: 8 a. m49;8 p. tn ,58 ni ixirajin,5; minimum, 48; mean 51 Rainfall for the day .00; rainfall lorv the month 'np to date, 0.00. - FORECAST FOR TO-DAV. For JsTortt; Carolina, f iir; warmer in interiors easterly winds.X Fot South . Carolina, fair;, warmer in northern portion; northeast winds. r ." OUTLINES. . Treasury statement showing receipts and expenditures of the Government. Not an infringement U. S. Court dec sion in favor of thoBriggs' cigarette machine pateat. Rev".,- Dominick Wagner, prstor of St. Mary's Catholic . cburch at Chicago, arrested (or the ab ductioa of the daughter cf one of his panshoners Texas Legislatcwe in special session-to "prevent the Corbett . Fiizsimmons fight; Gov. Culberson's message; a bill introduced in both Houses making prize fighting a felony. Ctncago grain and provision mar ket. Spots' and futures market. - Condition of crops in - Virginia and North . and South Carolina. South Carolina Convention-ivorce .shall not, be granted for any cause: the dispensary problem taken up by' the Cooventioa; the State to have control of the manufacture and sale of liquors. - New York markets: ' Money on call yesterday was easy at per cent.; cotton quiet middling gulf 9 5-16c;mid-dling 9 l-16c; Southern flour quiet and firm common to fair extra $2.10 2.80; good to choice $2.903.30; wheat spot quiet " and weak; No. 2 red in store and at elevatoroTc; afloat 67j 8TKc; corn spot ' lower, more active! No. 2 at elevator . 87c; afloat 88c; spirits turpentine 28J282fjC; rosin, strained common to good $1.451.50. The apple crop of this year for this country is estimated all the way from 7,000)000 to 10,000,000 barrels. According to railway statistics only one passenger is killed out of every 2,000,000 carried.- This makes the one that is killed feel sort of lone some and as if he might be hoodooed, as it were. . - ' - That New jersey' woman who foufldthe man she was engaged- to about to marry anofGer woman, pro ceeded to business at , once without employing a lawyer, ; put her dam ages at $500 and got the spot cash. In the Baku oil district of Russia a well was recently bored which started business by spouting 20,000, 000 pounds of naphtha a day, in creased to 40,000.009, and then for several days ran 60,000,00 pounds a day. An Illinois farmer walked out into his pumpkin patch the other day, stepped off ; a. 123 foot wipe, counted 27 punks on it, and felt so . proud that he pulled up the whole outfit and packed it off to the Atlanta Ex-' position. . V ; The . ornamental ; calico cat was rendered: useful as', well as( orna mental by the Maine fruit growers the past season. They perched these calico cats up in the trees to scare the birds away, and then ' stood off and chuckled at the-clever fraud. The Frick Coke Company.jof Con nellsville, Pa., which employs 13,000 men, has given notice of a five' per cent, increase in 'wages. McKin leyites should rise up and protest against these things, because they are knocking the bottom out of the McKinley business. . ; , , Another record breaker was made the other day on the New York Cen ! tral road, when a train made the run from Albany to Syracuse, a distance of 148 milesyin 132' minutes. That knocks the fast time recently made on the Great Western, in England, out again. - That tramp whom; the Ohio woman gave a pair of her husband's trowsers with $200 in them, didn't discover the money, which was con cealed in the lining, until be had travelled about a hundred miles, and then footed it back to retprn the money. But he was not an. Ohio tramp; he. was from Connecticut. . .'i . In 1 v; .V: - i VOL.; NO. 9 That "missing link" .which was dag up at nBitter Creek by Prof. Wortman, turns : out to C be nothing but the ? skeleton of a plain -every day monkey, which was once the property of some festive cowboys. This, discovery ' was a ' bitter disap pointment to ) the Professor, " who thought he had struck a bigger thing thah aj plain monkey. v.- I Mr. jWiard propasesi, if permitted by the: United States Board ofoForti- cations, to take v the twenty-inch smooth-bore Rodman, gua, which has just been displaced at Fort Lafayette, New York Harbor, as antiquated,' and cbnvert into trifle-gun' which Jwlll throw a one-toa projectile with an-energy that will surpass that of any gun on record. ; A 95-year-old citizen -of ? DeKalb county, Ga., has .just ; been arrested for having counterfeiting implements In his possession. But. he' has be come used to this as he has been ar rested and convicted tour times for counterfeiting but got off every time, on account of his age. ' They dispense' justice ia a queer way sometimes in New York. A poor woman had just been released from the Tombs, where she was held since the middle of May. She was ar rested on suspicion, and had to be released because there' wasn't a par ticle of proof against her. - But she was held according to law. While the bicycle is being assailed as a very injurious implement of lo comotion by some a Frenchman comes to the front to remark that it will be instrumental in relegating the corset, for if women will ride they must unlace and give - the breathing apparatus a fair show. : . A Chinaman with leprosy has been found in a Chinese laundry in New York, whereupon the Herald remarks that if theyare looking for that kind of Chinamen they can- find about five. hundred of them in the NewYork laundries. NEW ADVEBTISEMENT8. Mercer & Evans Shoes. ; Masonic-1 Meeting Orient Lodge. tW StrSHTESS LOCALS. Neill McKinnon Flour, sugar; ; ' LOCAL DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered Here and There and Briefly Woted. Beginning to-day the city markets- will be kept open until 7 p. m. ' Local forecast for to-day: Fair, slightly waimer; fresh to high northeast winds. -' ) '-" There was frost yesterday morning along the C. C. R. R. as far down as Rosindale. . N No report yesterday from Fay etteviile as te the condition of the river, and no arrivals of steamboats since Sat urday last. : The Criminal Court, Judge Meares, presiding, will be convened in this city Monday, the 14th inst., at 10 a. m. ; - .... The Weather Bureau 'reports that there was frost yesterday, morning at many, places in this State "and as far South as Cheraw, S. C. The " Raleigh train is missing connection at Goldsboro every day now. This accounts for the absence of our Rateigb letter from our columns for two days in succession. ' . The latest Raleigh railroad ru mor is that either Maj. John C. Winder or Mr. Sol. Haas will be appointed Com missioner of the Southern Passenger and Freight Association, to succeed Maj. Stahlman. The salary is 15,000. The Star is requested by Mr. John L. CantweU, secretary, to say that there will be a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce in the Director's xoom of the National .Bank of Wilmington, to day at a quarter past twelve o'clock. i There are just as many peo ple looking for houses to rent this year as ever.- If you have a vacant house to rent advertise it in the Star's Business Locals, j Only one cent a word. But no advertisement taken for less - than 20 cents. ; - '-""". '. ': ' ; The Great Incohonee of ' the Improved Order of Red Men, Mr. A. H. Patton, of Massachusetts, is expected to arrive here this afternoon on the train from the North He will be met'at the depot by a committee of members and escorted to The Orton. One Cent a Word, i Hereafter advertisements to go in our "Business Locals" department will be 'charged one cent per word for each in sertion ; but no advertisement, however short will be taken for Jess than 20 cents. : This is a reduction from former rates and it is also a convenience to adver tisers, who can calculate the exact cost of their advertisements, which must be paid for always in advance. - ; EnoTolopsBdls Brltsnnios. . ' ,'' "'' i The Star Britannica .Department is still filling orders for jtbe Encyclopaedia Britannica. ' This is the latest and best edition of this great work." Issued in 25 volumes, bound .in cloth or sheep. . ' For full particulars read announcement on bird page, or inquire at the Star office. If there is anything you want, ad vertise for it. Is there anything yon don't want?,' 1 Advertise it in the Business Locals of the- Star. One cent a word. But no ad. taken for ess than 20 cents. tf - . S'.i; -Xi'..,C'- 3 tfMSs &;s.M' .::.-, u .ou-t PERSpLtPARAPRAHS j Pertinent puwnphi -f etMiltlnRf. Ptmtl l pally-to People and Pointedly Printed. h. -: . . fi. . --- - - is inthej IriliiABKl' I f- Dr. B. P6rter;: of Rocky Point, was hefefesterayt'S? : Ex-Tudge H. G." Connor, of j Wilson, is in thelcity I UffitiSiUjCL nneof jtaes bofo, was in the city, yesterday. . - I f MrSl TV Mof gaojpbf Durnano, was here yesterday on business. ,' V i Mr. 1 J. A. McLean, of Maxton, ;is in the city on a short business trip. " f T- Messrs. J. B. Schulken . and A. F Toon, of Whtteville..are in the .city. ... Mrs. Wi B. Gobdwyn, of New bern, is in the city. on a yisit to friends. I Mr. - John . ill Bridges, of Tar- boi-o, was a visitor in the city yesterday. , There is oo improvement in the condition of Mr. J. G. Dardeo, we" re gret to say. 7- 5 Mr. H. Antoine D'Arcy, repre senting the Effie Ellsler Opera ' Com pany, was here yesterday. V: r . Mr. J. W. Powell and daughter, Miss Ad"a Powell, of Columbus county, are visiting friends here. ; v " " : r 1 CaP w- E.v KyIe, of Fayette ville; one of the C F. 4 Y. V. R. R. officials, is in the' city on business. ; Mr. Charles T. Bennett, pro prietor of the Brunswick Hotel at Soothport, was in the city yesterday. - . Mr. George A. Leftford, travel ling agent for Messrs. H. E. Bucklen & Co., and as nice a : fellow as ever took the road, was a Star visitor yesterday. I -- Messrs. C. M. Gilvin, New bern; E. R. Hicks, N. C; j; -B. Mc Fadgen, Westbrook; R. R. 'Barnes, Barnesv'ille; C. M. McLean, Elizabeth town; E. W. Kerr. N.C. were among the arrivals in the city yesterday. '- ' : -I FIRST BAPTIST .CHURCH- MUaiontr j Sanday Sohool Dmy Interesting: ExeroUeaby the Children. . - The Missionary Sunday School Day of the Southern Baptist Sunday Schools, under the auspices of the Sunday School Board for Home and Foreign Missions, was celebrated Sunday night at the First Baptist Church, in this city, by tbe scholars of that school. . Qaite an elaborate programme had been, ar' ranged. Among the leading features were the Bible verses, by Mrs, "Wiley T. Johnson's class; ' a voluntary.' on the piano, by Mr. Alfred Yoppt Miss.; Nellie. Pickard acquitted herself in an admi rable manner as "Patience" in thev reci tation. Miss Florence Leonard ' and Miss Mollie Johnson recited "The Lighthouse and Its Keeper,"' and "Our Foreign Work at Home," tespectively. Mr. G. W. Leftwlcb. delivered kn ad dress on ; ."Home Missions.";.' Mr. Alonzo T. King ; explained - "Foreign Mi83kns"in a -manner which "caused comment on all sides. - Tbe: solo.' sung by Miss Annie Taylor and Mr. Alex. Holden, was exceptionably . fine. Mary White, recited "Do All. That I ' Can" which was much enjoyed. Singing by the school interspersed the programme, which closed with a short prayer by Mr. John R, Marshall. I. r . -;, Jjeoture Tc-night at the T. M. C. A. ; ; The address by Wendling at the Y. M. C. A: auditorium to-night will begin promptly at 8.80. This will, give all ample opportunity to attend the usual prayer meetings which have been put at an earlier hour and will close in time for the address. The box sheet was opened yesterday at Yates, and the present indications are for a large audi ence. Rev. Dr. Kilgo said at Grace Church Sunday that he considered this lecture of Wendlmg's, 1'The Man of Galilee," to be the best on the American platform. to-day. And Rev. A. D. Mc- Clure said at St. Andrew's. Church, that last year Mr. Wendling. read a large part of it to aim. and be could say" it was a most extraordinary lecture.' He advised his people to hear it. ,- . ' BY RIVER AND RAIL. Beoaipu of Sftval Stores ad Cotton TetedT. 1 Wilmington & Weldon R. R. 245 bales cotton. ;--'?- Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R. 1,723 bales cotton, 12casks spirits turpentine,- 84 bbls rosin. : f : Carolina Central R. R. 91 bales cot ton, 24 casks spirits turpentine, 120 bbls rosin, 39 bbls tar. ... -V. ..;.'" Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. 86 bales cotton, 92 caBks spirits turpen tine, 15 bbls rosin, 170 bbls tar. - - -! Wilmington, Newbern & Norfolk. R. Ri 31 bales cotton, 15 casks spirits tur pentine, 82 bbls rosin, 30 bbls crude tur pentine. - . ". ,;' - - - Steamer A. P. Hurt (omitted132 bales cotton, 23 bbls tar, 7 bbls crude turpentine. Steamer Lisbon 18 casks spirits tur pentine, 50 bbls rosin. 8 bbls tar...';.---: . S Total receipts Cotton, 2,258: bales; spirits turpentine, 159 casks; rosin, 801 bbls; tar. 240 bbls; crude turpentine, 87 bbls. m '.' .--i-'' Buy No Others. ; All persons are hereby ' cautioned against buying copies of the Star offered ' for sale on the streets unless, in every case, the words For Transient Sale" are stamped on the margin of the paper. Should any newsboy or carrier offer for sale a copy of the Star not so stamped he should be promptly reported at this office. "'. '''.- . .;' ;;".V --'i NEW YORK TRUCK MARKET- Full and Bellabla BeporU ot Uarkets Tor 4 Southern Fruit and Vegetable." By Telegraph to the Morning Star. ' , : New York, Oct. 1. Peaches were rather quiet -and steady; but quoted prices, are high per carrier, $1.50' to $3.25; do Crate. $1.00 to $1.75; do basket, 60 cents to $1.50. Sweet potatoes steady on light-receipts, with fair demand $1.75 to $2.00. IEMITONy .r . , SUPERIOR COURT-,' ' ' :. Offnunal-: Oooket Closed' .' and Ctsea t tm The Superior' Court' reassembled ye terdav at '9'! d'cfbck'' and ' wound up the criminal docket' by 'noon.' Among the 1 cases disposed of were tbe.iollowing:. - Ben Browne and Charles Daniel, b sanltattd battery 'witlr a 'deadly weapon. NoJ Jn-'os is to Brown. Daniel sen tenced to, two. months iin.'cou house,,,; V ....... .5iU''.a::T:i-Ti s R. B: Joyner. indecent . exposure . of person'.-' Sentenced to three months in county 'wbrkhonse'; county 'commission. V ers toire him out to pay costs. t'-Ji:: Daniel L. RusselC assault with a' dead"- ly f-weapon.; Defendant submitted and paid. COStS. M';-.-:.:..!..- -.'i -rir-W : Cato Liitleton," assault r and - battery with deadly weapon. Capias issued. :- ' - George Statteti,' embezzlementl Ca pias issued. ;vL r v n. Sam : Pope" wilful ; injury to personal property- Capias isaed;n- ,-?;r : Peter Bryant and Fred Hill, scaven gers without license.' iNbt guilty ,7i- ! When the Court first conyeaed . there were 123 cases on the. criminal docket. About 100 were, tried, six continued, ihree dismissed, and four no! pressed Fifteen ' of those convicted were 'sen tenced to confinement 'm the peniten tiary and - twenty-five to the "county workhouse.. -Judgment was tuspettded on payment ol costs ' ,-ia -.many trivial cases. "T :' ' ' ; -; " '' the civit docket. . ' At the alternoon session the civil docket was taken up.The following casts were continued. s---. i;h:i:. John William Tones vs. Mamie Jones. ; T. B. Burnett vs. W. N. & N. R. R. : CO. -...i " X,l;l -Kate'T. Morecock vs. Hester i. Craig Case of - F.Pittman vs. Frances Brown. Referred. ' 1 ''"; --- -r The case of Mary Williams, ei a.', vs. Leo Haid, suit, to recover property valued at tl0,000,conveyed to the Roman Catholic Church by the late Laurens ; Brown, was taken up, and a jary empan : nelled. when court took . recess until 9 'o'clock this morning. Counsel in the case are:: 'For plaintiff, J"hos. W. Strange, Geo; Rountree; for defendant, M. Bella ! my & Son, H. G. Connor. 1 ' 1 . Ootton Xfotea. .-. : Receipts here yesterday. 2.258 bales; same day last year,"' 1,W1; ;: receipts for the month of September, 21,676 bales; same month last year, 23.471. . I Spot . cotton quiet in New York at 9 1-16C for middlins; firm in Wilming ton at 85c. Qaotations here same day 'lasf year 5 13-15c, V . " t . New York futures closed barely steady and 17 and 18 points lower than closing quotations Monday. October opened at 881 and closed at 8,71; November, -8 94 and closed at 8.75; December. 9.05 and closed at 82; January, 9.13, and closed at 8.89: February, 9.19 and closed at 8.94: March, 9.1$ and closed at 9.01; April, 9.22 and closed at 9.06. : The only rain reported in the cotton belt islight showers in the Montgom ery district, while light frost is reported from different stations in this district; and it was cold enough for frost in all portions of the belt, except in the Charleston, Savannah and Galveston districts. , . ' A You Xiilce It" ' '.;" '....,,"'' I The engagement of that bright and in telligent actress, Effie Ellsler, commences at the Opera House on Wednesday, Oc tober Oth.Tfae annual visit of Miss Ells ler to the' city is n dramatic episode, highly, valued by bur playgoers, lor a more conscientious and thorough artist cannot be found on the stage to-day, and her supporting company never retro grades from the excellent standard that has ever supported , her. At this time, Mis Ellsler will be seen in a magnificent production of "Shakspeare's "As You Like It." A prominent addition to the company is Mr. John A. Ellsler, who will direct the performances. " Mf. Frank Weston will also appear in both bills. Board of Audit and Finance. -. v ; The' Board of Audit and Finance met yesterday in regular' session. " Present, Messrs. W. Calder (chairman). C. W. Yates, H. C. McQueen and C H. Gan- I The Board concurred in the action of the Board of Aldermen, fixing the rental of the Opera House to begin September 15th, 1895. t.; .. ;.'-j: ,.: I Eleven coupons which had been re deemed and cancelled, amounting to $305, were burned in the presence of the Board. . Bills for current expenses, amounting to $4,021.04, were audited and approved. : The Board then adjourned. Magistrate' Court.. - i James -Jordan, charged with slander ing Miss Angdine ! Jones," was tried in Justice' Bunting's ' court ; yesterday,' and In default of bond in the sum of. $50 lor his, appearance at.. . tbe Criminal Court was committed ta-faikfWt iy-: Before the same1 magistrate the Wil mington seacoast Kauroad Co. was Charged with obstructing 5 Tenth street. between Princess .and Chesnut with shed built oyer a switch t that point. Defendants waived, examination .and the President of. the company gave bond in the' suni of ' $50 for appearance at the Crihainaf Court to answer. 8. A. Tj. Depot t Hamlets . - ; The Seaboard Air Line has just com pleted a commbdibWde'pot at : Hamlet, with , waiting rooms, ticket , offices, etc., and a dining room to be under the man agement of Gresham & Jamison, who have so successfully managed .the Mon roe eating house. . Passengers on trains Nos. 44 and 88 will now. get breakfast and supper at that point instead of at Monroe? ' 5tM s". Housekeepers who want servants are in the habit1 of - suppiying their needs from the Star's want column Aref ybtf' looking' for af siEuation? The Star's .want , column., will ..bring you 1 the best .results. ,.. One cent a word. : But no sad. taken for less than 20 cents. tf - - . . . .. - r Hf 6RANOJURy;;gr.i For the Saptembr Tetm of tha Superior ijCourt Make? Fkiaepott?nd Beeom- fendat.I Jf- ifhe grand jury; having comp!eted?all blsiness before itrButWnittertbe follow ing fertand .was discharged.3 The reporusjBs4oliowc: m ' H M jef His Hbnor.7udge LrL.Green, iludgertSanerior Coofp September i eras tBji . zir,q toi -rosim j IWe, the grand i or yr tor - the Seotem- o icrm. oeg leave to report.-tnat-we bite .found seventy-five true bills and ; nine not irqe, ana nave maae nine pre- sentments.-r-.v-- r-'.r - r p -.: We have a report from the road Lsu- pervisors-of Harnett townshirrtsnlv. the Other townshins fai)i.rt tn rinnr &, ki j '1 LWe visited the jail and found ?lt in! a cteaoly conditioajint the yard needs to nave at iot:oi .trasn ana . weeds, removed ana generally cleaned up. i i i a-. . Complaint was made to'ns bfdnord- erl? conduct on Fourth, between Church and Castle: "We could cet no direct proof against special parties, but re commend that the ity be required to keep special officers there arnigbf Ifme ana on sanaays. : :.;r - - ' From the number of cases before us of children under 14 years of age we are impressed i witbi. tbe -cebef ;jthat this county? needs a r reformatory, where good moral infiuehces can be thrown around them instead of crowding them ln. iau, as nas oeen .ine case lately, and raising a crop ol criminals Jpr the next generations to be overrun with. ::.. We believe that the Leeislature should be asked to give Justices of the eace jurisdiction over cases of assault and battery with a stick or a stone by ooys under 14 years ot age. either white or black, and lei .them send. them to the house of correctiort until something bet ter is provided,- r---- We visited - the .County Home. In getting there we passed throueh a bed of sand from six to eight inches deep and one-half mile loner. - iast south of 9tnith's creek. With navigable water whereby : material lot; its; improvement could be cheaply conveyed to it, : there is no excuse for this eye-sore being shown to people who come here over it from adjacent counties. We recommend mat mc city oe requestea to laice some step toward bettering its condition. Arrivea at. tne county Home we heard no complaint as . to Drdvisions from the inmates, but we found them very poorly clad, nearly all ragged and one'T woman" ..with scarcely enough clothes to cover nakedness. We found the, beddine in a very bad i condition, not clean and not sufficient to keep them warm. We found a hple in the gangwayjeaaing to the insane depart- ment causea . D a rotten plank, we recommend that it be, repaired imme diately. :.' ' v Having finished all tbe business brought to our notice and all present ments, we ask to be discharged. . Kespectiully, J. F. Littleton, - . Foreman Grand Jury. A WOMAN'S KEEN EYES. Vew few of the millions who visited Chicago - during the great Columbian Exposition in 1893, failed to attend at least one performance in the great arena laid out just outside the borders of the "Dream City," and known far and wide as Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. Here was seen, illustrated in a most vivid manner, the customs and manners of the Indian people, and many abso- uteiy lalthlul incidents ot life on the prairie and plain and in the forest of pioneer-1- days was reproduced. Here, to, was seen the equestrian Congress of the Rough Riders of the World, and the excited spectator followed vwtth admira tion, that thrilled him with delight, horse races between Cowboys, Cossacss, Mexicans. Gaucbos, Indians and other equestrian feats and illustrations of finished ; horsemanship. Here, too, was seen-the well-known lady, Miss Annie Oakley, who, next to Buffalo Bill, is perhaps the most popular artist of the Wild West. She performs wonderful things with the revolver and pistol, and. like her patron, has a world- wide reputa tion. : She is beyond doubt the best wo man shot in the world, and has many times beaten the record against all comers. With characteristic modesty, however, she never talis herself cham pion. Her eyesight is as clear and ac curate as the best field-glass, her nerve is true as steel; and, u she were put to it, she could hit a pea fixed on the top most point of the dome of tbe Capitol at Washington. Another remarkable expert marksman is Tohnnv Baker, also a great favorite in the Wild West Exhibi tion, In the Wild West Exhibition there is abundance of variety and no lack of ex citement throughout. All the features that have made it famous in- the past have been " retained, and others have been added. This season, to the old management of Buffalo Bill and Mr. Nate Salsbury, has been added the experienced and en terprising James A. Bailey, the emi nently successful proprietor of Bar nam's great show. Colonel Cody will appear at each rep resentation, and no one should neglect this opportunity an opportunity which. by tbe way, may never occur again or enjoying an entertainment, the like of which has not been known and certainly can never be duplicated hereafter. ! Buffalo Bill and his Wild West Show are announced to appear here next Mon day, the 7th inst., at Hilton Park. i' , -- i ; , ! UST OF LETTERS j Remaining in the Wilmington Post- office October 8, 1895: ' I V V WOMEN'S LIST. A Miss Virginia Alston. B Miss Eliza Bouens, Miss Tanny Bunting, Mrs R A Burns, C Miss Emer Clay, Miss Lamer Clark, Miss Martha Carr. D Miss Mary J Duncan. F Miss Justice FunnelL J Mrs Katie lobnsom Miss Fannie Leak, Miss Fannie Merrick, Miss Maggie Moore. R Mrs Son Rob- erson. .W j - -- ; MEN'S LIST. f B Mr Ritchet Baker, Mr W M Brown. C J E Challinger, Mr James Crawford. S S Crittenden, W W Collins. D W , P, Duncan. F R L Fultord H Edgar Hall, Harry Haynes. J Mr Johnson No 6. L Geo Lanford. Pom- pey Lyon. M M C Mclntvre. N S B Norris. P I R Pope, S B Piner '). R Mr Reasms. S A J Soles. P F Smith, Mary Sherred. Tommy Smith. V Geo Van. W Cozart and Wash ington. RETURNED FROM DEAD-LETTER OFFICE I CcftoBrown, Martha Jane Fnnk. 1 !. Persons 'calling for above letters will please sayadvertised. If not called for in 15 days, they will be sent to the dead letter omce. - . GEO. L, MORTON. Postmaster. r Stztb Annual Fair. I The Sixth Annual Fair of the Border Exposition of the Carolinas will be held at Maxton,. N. C Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Oct. 80th and 81st and Nov. 1st. bend lor Premium List. c , s W. B. Harker. t Secretary and Treasurer. SIW8 FEOM RALEIGH. Labor Commiaalonet fieport- Satterflld1 Counsel CapUa lued for Clerk Brawn ITnisenUr-Qov&rBOT j ; Catr Fritohard and-the Setae Combination. .. ;: ,n . ft Raleigh, Oct;l.---Two. clerks -are kept busy on the Labor Commissioner's report, which will contain a complete re- portof the State's, progress, in manufac-. I even two huodn .Alamance counrV kadi-m - the -n imber o mills and spindles-.-.-;: Superior r Court adjourned to-day. Satterfield returned home. 0 He has i se cured a galaxy of leading Republican and Populist lawyers "hs-cpunselJ ?He says he caii clear himself without c;un- seu crown nas not appeared; ana a capias has been issued for htm. '" The Supreme Court took up the cal endar of the First District to-day; Both frost and ice were observed here this, morning. The electric .light. plant at the Uni versity, was turned on last, night. All the buildings and campus were lighted up. ... .-..-.-..'. Governor Carr leaves for the eastern part of the State to-morrow. ' Pritcbard - was " closeted with Jim Young, negro editor of the Gazette, two hours; while here yesterday. It is said they decided to fight the Settle combi nation to the bitter end. -Both are strong Fusionists. . PIANOS AND ORGANS . - Ferao&a "Wh BeU Them, Hair Fy Tx of $250. ' ""..i? The following is a copy of a circular letter sent to all. sheriffs in North Caro lina from the State Treasury Depart ment, viz; I Raleigh," Sept. 30..,. Dear Sir: Sec. 25 Revenue Actroro- vides that -every person;' company .: or manufacturer, who sells pianos or or gans in North Carolina, shall pay a tax of (250.00. I find that but few have paid the tax. You should see that every dealer in pianos or organs pays the tax. l have made the most liberal , construc tion that the law will admit, the same as in case of sewing machines. All are lia ble except those acting only as agents for manufacturers or dealers outside the State; who take orders and the instru ment is sold at tbe factory and shipped directly to the agent on each order, or directly to tbe customer. Those who ex change for organs or pianos, and trade in them, are clearly liable for the tax. You are not a law-maker, nut it is your duty to execute tbe laws that are made, and if they appear to be hard and bur densome, that does not excuse you from executing them. It is your duty to see that all pay the tax that the law imposes. Any one carrying qn business ' in your luuulj wuu uaa uul ujuipucu wuu mis law, snouid he proceeded against as the law demands. Respectfully. &c. W. H. WORTH. ' State Treasurer. BURNED TO DEATH. Two Drunken Men Cremated la Small Sonae Rear Fayeitenlle. - Special Star Telegram. ! Fayettevill,,N. C. October 1. At the whisky distillery of. Tom Rosser, twelve miles north of this city, a small house was consumed by firelthis morn ing at three o'clock. In the house were George Knight, of the neighborhood, and James Sloan, cf Jonesboro, both of whom were drunk, and were cremated. They were white men and of good fam ilies. The fire is supposed to have been caused by their carelessness. AT WELDOir, H. C. No Bain For Week Little Bloknew A J . Colored Tramp Injured. Star Correspondence Weldon. N. C, October 1. A col ored tramp attempted to board a freight train on the A.C. Line at Belfield last night and fell and was badly mangled. He was brought tolthis city by the com pany, and the very best medical atten tion is being given him. This 1s a very commendable act upon the part of ' the company, as they are in no way respon sible for the in jury. . We have had no rain for several weeks, and everything is very dry. We have had but little sickness. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Orient Mge No. 395. OT, JOHN'S HALL. REGULAR COMMU- nication Wednesday night at 8 tt. m. - - xi. r, DnaiiiiDUMAo, oct Sit " Secretary. fiYerybody Who Wears WILL DO WELL TO - CALL' ON LIERGER Sl fiyAIIS, ; at the Old Stand of H. C. Evans, on Princess street, before purchasing elsewhere. . We have some EXCEL LENT . BARGAINS always - on hand,' which it will pay you to see. ' ' Call early and often on ' -'-:' Hercer & EvanSj , 1 aug 18 tf 115 Princess St. - Hackeral. : ! 50 dozen MACKERAL. 100 dozen- OYSTERS. d ,fV, 90 cases SARDINES. i -V--- 85 CHEESE. 1 -. - -50 dozen TOMATOES. -1 150 boxes CAKES. "ttrTv'.Ci Our stock is fresh not all bought at once to damage. :' 1 c W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer and CommMoa Merchant, - ' 828 North Water Street. -octltf DAW WHmtagtoa, N. C. " Hew River Oysters. . JTJST RICIIVED AND SKRVID IN ANY style at reduced prices at Atlantic Inn. - GIISCHEN BRO'S, tept 98 lw Proprietors. 35 WHOLE ,NQ. 8,868 9fiQi:oinQ pieces Of 0 w . goods: 5 14 ovJJ, -pi Just Received. 10 Never before in the history of Wfl mington have: the.) people, ever:- ' been favored with the bp-" 71 btt unity of naviqg Such ' K , a,; a magnificent .stock of r , t ana imported r D2 SO ODS To select f torn; consisting of the fol- French Serges, Storm Serges Mo hair Serges, Camel's Hair Serges, Bengaline Serges, Surab Serges, Mo hairs, Sicilians, Peiola Cloth, Pebbe Cloth, Granite; Fancies,:.. Empress Suitings,- Tamisey Cashmeres,' Hen riettas, Bacte Fancies, 'Brpadclotfi, Habit Cloth, Sponged Mohair, Cra vanette, Cheviots,' Crepon and Cre- ppn Effects. , Our beautiful line of Pancy:imported erns ARE WORTHY OF YOUR. IN- - 7 SPECTION, ' From $7 to $22 50 a Suit Kid Gloves to suit everybody Agents for Dr. Jaeger's Woollen Un- wear. Ho. Ill Market St. JWPS9 tt ;. . .. . ... . - . - CLOTHING AT RETAIL Means just what it says.' We can afford to do it. Our great manufac turing facilities,' our wholesale basi- jthe small expense of our retail department notwithstanding . the large volume : of b ness put us in position to sell at close THE PRICES TELL THE STOT, $7.50 all Wool Black Clay ; Dress, Suits, Sack and Cutaway. $5 and $6 splendid Dress Business Suits, neat patterns, Plaids, .Checks, etc. Impossible to retail Clothiers, under $10. : ' t $7.50 every possible pattern, easily worth $10 to $12. - $10 Sach Suits as you are accus- tomed to paying $15 tor. $12 and $15 the highest pinacle of the Tailor's art. Foreign and Do mestic Worsteds. Black and Blue Cheviots $5, $6, $7.50, $10, $12. BOYS' SUITS $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. Sstb tie Retailer's Mt. I n " Front and Princess Streets. Louu H. Myiss, Cha. S. Lkwis rs ;$t" Lewis, No. 8 SOUTH FRONT-ST.. HEADQUARTEEfl FOB ScIqoI, Olce and Typewriter Snplics. : Bubber Stamps and Engraving. j ! Put in Nice New ' Send in your orders. HALL & PEARSALL, ; Nntt and Mulberry street! sep o uxw tt mm DRESS Black G o DRESS Patt Johnson Fort Stncfly Wholesale Prices DAVID THE 1I0R1II1TG STAB; THE OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN NORTH 'CAROLINA. The Only Six-Dollar Daily of its A ' ',; Class in the State, r v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lis Ictfftfe:. .A''.' Ho. 9 Iforth Front St GOODS, Carpets, Etc. 'octi'tf':',v' -:' - W BIN . ENSOME OUKN ANT. PIRFECT rrtTING GARMENTS THEY win do well to call at No. a Markat street, wber taey will nd all tlx latest Fashion Journals and Parisian Colored Plate . rAIl work gaamattaoU v MISS EMMA DAVIS, ; iv ' Formerly Cor. Princess sad Front Stev sep 891 To the Public; yi ARE 8 TILL AT, THE OLD STAND No. 11 Soatb, Front street, where we would be pleased tw have ton call and see as whenever yon are in need of a first class Hair Cat Of Shave. anrtainc else in that liae. batis taction (narsnteed. KespecttuliJy m H. C. PKXMPXRT'fl HONS. Experts in Barberiar. Senth Front St, sept li ft TO DAY Can MAKE YOUR US AT I!

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