ata0a9adH 3 THE LIORinHQ QTAB n1 the lioEnnra oTAEj THE OLDEST.; DAILY NEWSPAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA. ' Gives the Largest Quantity And Variety of Reading Matter; 3 0 81 i O' i a a 5 : ' v f 0 a '3 4 e a EH. .1 -d 0- )0. ui Any uauy ixewspape; In North Car dinar Estcred at thcPostorfice at Wilmington. Second-class Mall Matter. iH JANUARY rvr r i : a. . . q. 1 - 1 - I SON I MON I TUFTWED TftU I f PI j SAT L. jL?j8 JL. ro 11 it 30 2 22 35Ir '2ff 27 3fl I 29 I JflLJ Port Al Baa, bsc-January 9L Sun Rfsei.......! L.. 7J0 A M San Sets . . .v. . . . ,'. , . . . 5 Q5 P v Day.i Leagth . . ........... 9 h 55 m Hign Water at Soathport. . . 3 5PM High Water at Wilmington 4 28PM Tb Weather. U. S. Dpt of Agriculture Weather Burcau. Wilmington. N. C. Jan. Sj llu1.!u1 J.i. 1 . ickcuiuiu(ibii uaia tor ycsieraaj Temperature: 8 a.m. 42; 8 p, cb , 43 maximum, 48s; minimum. 41; mean 44 . Rainfall for the day ; rainfall lor the month: up to date. T. I- FORECAST FOR TO-DAY. ror worm Lrouna, lair; warmer in the eastern portion; variable winjds, be coming wrsterly- :' j - ; The depression previously noted in the East Gulf Statei developed but little energy and has now passed ofi the South Atlantic coas. A more ener getic storm is central in the Northwest. The pressure still remains high tn New England and also in -the Rocky moun ij puua- jwed by tain districts. . Increasing cloudiness, folio mow, is indicated in the northerly por tions ol New. Eagland and New York, with threatening weather in the noutb ern portions. Generally fair weather is indicated on the remaining portion of the Atlantic csast and throughout the Suth and West. The weather will probably clear in ' the Like regions Higher temperature will prevail ip New England hnd the Middle States. SThere will be a temporary fill in thelupper Like region, probably followed by bigher temperature by Tburs lay night. No ; marked change will occur, in theiSoutb ; and West.-' t : j OU1LIN6.S A bill ws" introduced in the Senate providing for the enlistment ot S addi tional men lor the navyt MrV Bucer, of North Carolina, gave notice of amend ments to the House bond b;!l. In the House a joint resolution was effercd providing for the erection into tbie State of Hawaii of the ' terrrtor? commonly known as the Sandwich Islands. It is reported in Havana that a great battle has.beefi fought by Cuban jinsur $enis and Spanish troops. - i New York banks are receiving large amounts f gold- from "'-. the country. - The bed of f all the money in the safe by burglars. ' The Senate Committee on Fjp tijjn Relations will have several troubltsome matters to consider; the recognition of the belligerent rights of the Cubans will -be first considered. Tne Tjrasury fhas brgun the distribution of Iblark .forms on which to submit bids for the new bonds. London alttlrnoon papers all aoprove of-the preparation for war; Lird Salisbury has notifie many that Great -Britain will ha .rights securtd to tier under the c (iion ci 1001 at au costs. a ment is on foot in London for a ment'cf the differences between Britain and the Uoitcd States by commission. Two 4 negroes lynched at Lexington, Tenn., for nallf assaulting white women N. Y. markets: Money on call wis easy at 36 percent.; last loan at Sana clos ing offered at 8; cotton quiet but fcteady middling gulf 8 9 16c: middling $ 5 16c; Southern flour dull aod uncbaogeq-com- mon to extra lair $3.102.80; god to choice 2 903 00; wheat spot d ill and easier; No. 2 red in store and at elevator 8&68:; afloat 70ii79H centsjcorn spot dull and firmer; No. 2 at elevator S5c; afloat 86c; spirits turpentine quiet at 8080c; rosin teady; strained common to vood $1 62J1.65. The man who invented the tip to lead Dencils is dead. Bu lived to the age of ninety-f ou he can't complain. The Boers may be a very simple, plain sort of people, but they evi dently know bow to stand behind a gun and when to pull the trigger. In.view of the poor success the Britishers have had in . dowrng the Boers,! J, B probably feels consider ably bored himself by thisHtml, is said that for: the past four years the American people have paid $50,000,000 a yearjor bicyclesJThey Come high but we are bound to have them. - . - '" Senator Sherman has a plan for protecting the gold reserve.! The Imost effective plan would be to have no gold, reserve, or to snoot tne raiders. '. . , ':'' j A Dahlonega, Ga., man picked up a pound nugget of gold the other day. j The Georgia man man is proud, but if anything wouldjmake him stoop it. is a pound nugget of 1 lubber las he rj years gold. VOL. LVII -MX 812. A Philadelphia cremation society offers a particular indncement to people to join it, by agreeing, on pay ment of the required fees, to give each holder of stock a nice burn. Bat the average PhUadlpbian stands a pretty good chance of being' roast ed without taking stock in a crema tory. ' :, The New York man who killed himself because he was left only" $300,000 when he expected more was very foolish. With that amount of money he could have started a news paper and had a good dea of fun, and have plenty of time to kill him self after the: fun became stale. We are in receipt of the premium list of the 'coming annual exhibition of the East! Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Association, to be held at Newbern February 24th to 29.h inclusive: Efforts are beine made to make this a very interesting exhioffion, which it promises to be. ia ana a ' . It has been reported, that gold has been discovered near Duluth. Du- Iuth is not very far from the Cana dian line, and the people up, there had better be fencing : it in before Englishmen swing their lines around it and take it in. - y ouulu varuuua woman : nas A o . u r ,t . caused the arrest of a man for kiss ing her after a courtship of : two years. He did it so awkwardly that it aroused her indignation. HEW AO VJSUTlSJiUlEXTS; "CJpera House Fabio Romani. Cronlv & Morris Building and lot auction. M eeting Stockholder s Atlantic Na tional Bank. " VXW BU81NJWS LOCALS. Lost Cow. WANTED-Teacb piano and vocal music persoha PARAGRAPHS Pertinvat Fuuruhi FertainiiAK frtnol- ' RsUiaSo People sad Pointedly Printed. . ' Mr. H. MorrU, of Norfolk, Va., is in the city; stopping at TheLParceli. ' Miss Lizzie Slade, ot Hamilton, N. C, was a visitor yesterday in trie city. Mr. J. B. Morris, of Philadel phia, wa& among the visitors at The Par cel! yesterday. - Mr. J.; H. McKay and Master Frank Garney, of Columtus county, were v.sitors at the Star office yester day. , ' ' i'g :i Messrs. J. J. Bowden, Kenans ville; J. H. Lewis, Charlotte; E. Faison, Sampson county; J. A. Brown, Chad- bourn, were among ihe arrivals in the city yesterday. 7 , . Mr. R. A." Brand,' soliciting agent for ih; A. C. L , with headquarters, at Augusta. Gi., is in the city on a busi ness visit, accompanied ty his brother Mr. J. N. Brand, of Sumter, S. C. To Intpeot the Hsntuoker. Chief Engineer R. M. Milligan, of Washington. D. C, one of the inspecting board of the,United States Navy, arrived in the city last night. He was met by a Star reporter, and ,.upon being ques tioned, Slid his business here-; was not in regard to any war talk, but he had dropped down to Wilmington on one of bis regular annual inspection tours, and would to day visit the old monitor Nantucket which is here in the seYrice of the N. C ? naval . battalion. He was met last nignt .by -some 01 the State officers of the' .. naval battalion, who .will - accompany him aboard to-day. He is a genial and clever gentleman, and said he always had wanted to visit Wilmington, but this was his first visit, although in 1885. after the fall of Fort Fisher, the fleet' started up to the city but turned back before reaching here. ' The Naval Reserves here are in hopes that he will condemn the Nantucket and use his influence in having tnem fi nished with a new and better suited training ship of the latest pattern. They are able and capable of handling one. Death of Mr Win. Weaoott. . I Mr. Wm. Wescott died yesterdiy at- his residence in this city of an attack of paralysis, after an illness ol some ten d0ya. Mr. Wescott was fifty-five years of age. He was born in Brunswick county and came to Wilmington some ten or twelve years ago and engaged in the grocery business, on Church between Sixth and Seventh streets. He, leaves a widow, out no children. A brother, Mr. Jno. L. Wescott, resides at South port. . ' The funeral is announced to take place this morning at 11 o'clock from the Chapel of the Gocd Shepherd, on South Sixth street. The; interment will be at Bellevue cemetery. Ths Fire List; Evonlnjt. A small frame home occupied by a colored family on North Fifth twen Bladen and Harnett, was burned yesterday evening : about - 7,15 o ciock. The building was owned by Sarah A. Holmes, colored, and was insured with Col. Walker Taylor's agency. Two frame dwellings adjoining the house destroyed were in danger, but were saved by the Fire Department. -: A Bis; Catca ot Flea i can never be made without knowing bow, when and where to do it. The American Angler, published at 19 Park Place, New York, and devoted en tirely to angling and the study of fishes, is the medium through which just such information can be had. :i It is now in its 28th volume, and caters to all classes of fishermen, more particularly to those who delight in the higher grades of ang ling, men or women who want to ' know somethine about the habits and habitat of the fishes they catch, and the methods' cf luring them. It is the only journal ex-, clusively for anglers on the American continent, and the subscription .price is $2.00 a year. . T 4U LOCAL DOTS Items of Interest Gathered Here and There and Briefly Hoted . - .. - r , There was 4.6 feet- water in the river at Fayetteyille Tuesday? a fall of 1.1 feet in 24 hours. - The annual meeting of stock holders ot " the Atlantic National bank will be held next Tuesday, January 1,; at 4 p. m. ,a, ;. J, : - The Chamber of Commerce will meet to-day At ,13 15 p..m, in thed'H rectors' room of the National Bank of Wilmington. '".. Messsrs. C. G. Latta and C. Bruce Wright, the latter formerly of Wilmington, have formed a copartner ship and will engage in the cotton busi ness in Raleigh. Mr. I. B. Rhodes had in Front street matket house yesterday two hogs raised on bis farm near town; one nine months old, weighing 818 puads and the other, twelve months, weight 835 pounds. v 'V'' Mr. J. W. Norwood, President of the . Atlantic National Bank of this city, telegraphs to the New York World as follows : ' Gladly take-up to t'O.OOO Government bonds at par to help replen ish gold reserve." ' The report that the cargo of the steamer Commodore had been re moved, as published in the Star, was confirmed- yesterday by first class au thority, and also the statement that the vessel will be sold. j ', Shpuld a bill for subscription to the Star reach you, kindly give it your prompt attention. Ic is just as hard to publish a newspaper without money as it would be for a delinquent subscriber to live without air. - r Old newspapers may be had at the Star office for 15 cents per hun dred or $1.25 per thousand. They are suitable for wrapping paper and add much to the durability of carpets when placed under them. r J ' The Star is requested to state that there will beo issue of the Max ton Scottish Chief this wetk; as the pro prietor isjaow engaged an ts removal of the cutfit to more comfortable and commodious quarters. The Chief will appear next week and every week there after. It is reported that of the fifteen members of tne State Republican Ex ecutive Committee, ten are for Demos thenes Lycurgus Russell for Governor, two for Jim Boyd, one tor Oliver Dock erf and two are non-committal. Of the six colored members five are for Russell and one doesn't know whtf he is for. : " A NEGRO THIEF v; Orfrpowered Polloe Seme nt Q are . and After Beating Hho Made Ufa Kcp. Yesterday .evening about fifteen min utes of seven o'clock a telephone mes sage was received at the City Hall from Messrs J. H. Render & Co.'s dry goods store, on N jrth Fourth street, asking that a policeman be sent to the store at once. Sergeant R. F. Gore; of the po lice force, immediately went to the store, and found a young negro in the custody of Mr. Rehder, who' told therofficer that the man hid been caught stealing gloves and asked that be be locked up. Mr. "Rehder gave the officer a pistol that bad been taken'off the person of the prisoner. Sergeant Gjre took the young fellow in charge and started for the guard bous. His prisoner went along quietly until they" reached Fourth aad Campbell stree s, where he suddenly attempted to trip the officer and at the same time bit him in the mouth with his fist. Sergeant G jre had nippers on his prisoner and compelled him to go along. . The prisoner was q liet for about half a square,, when he tripped the officer, got on top of him, beat him and nude his escape. Sergeant G jre said there was a large crowd around him aad his prisoner, and that be summoned , man after man to his assistance, " but not. one would help him. The police have a description of the escaped prisoner and hope to soon have him in custody.' Tne man -gave his name to Mr. Rehder as Jim Smith. ,:. BY RIVER AND RAIU ReoeipU of Seval Stoma aad Oottoa Teeterdey. ; ' '-: Wilmington & Weldon R. R. 150 bales cotton, 4 casks spirits turpentine, 2 bols rosin, 3 bbls tar. , ' Wilmington, Columbia 4 Augusta R. R. 57 bales cotton, 7 casks spirits tur pentine, 164 bbls rosin, 11 bbls tar. Carolina Central R. R 8 bales cot ton, 55 bbls resin. x s Xape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. K- 6 bales cotton, 7 casks spirits turpen tine. 9 bbls rosin, 8 bbls tar. Raft 182 bbls rosin, 1 bW crude tur pentine. " : ' '- Total receipts Cotton, 216 bales: spirits turpentine, 18 casks; rosin, 418 bbls; tar. 23 bbls; erode turpentine, 1 bbl. Daatb cf e Iiitile Child. - Carrie May, almost nineteen months old. the oldest child of Mr. and Mis. Neill McKtonon, died in her mother's arms yesterday about noon. She had been sick'last year for many months; bat seemed to be , growing stronger. ; She was taken sick of this fatal illness last Monday. She was a bright, beautiful baby girl with winsome way and muc beloved. The funeral will be beldthis afternoon at 4 o'clock from the residence of her piren's- mmm . rf;. V Died Prom Her Irjarle. ' Little Beatrice, the flve-year 01a diughterj of Mr. and Mrs. W; F. Ketchum. who was accidentally burned at the home ot her parents, ; corner ; 01 Second and Castle streets,' Saturday afternoon last, died yesterday morning at 0 80 o'clock from her infaries. - 5 -' The funeral will take place this' after- . . a ' - a . M.mi a L ' a. noon at ; s o ciocx irom ; rutn street M. E. Church. WILMINGTON, N. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 5 - -- " ...... ZHIGHT3 OF PYTHIAS. Pablio lesulladon tf Ofnoert The Ops? Hoatq Crowded Address, by Orand . CbaseUcr Cte. A. Webb Tha Hotical .. Proemmn''. . . . . The Knights of Pytblas Lodges of this ' city bad a splendid night for a. most mag nificent entertainment. -The installation of the cfficers of Stonewall, Clarendon, Germania and, Jefferson Lodges, which took place last night, . reflected mncb credit npon that beneficent O.-der. ' ' Long efore thejime tor the exercises tobegin the Opera1 House was crowded with the wives, daughters and sisters ol members of the Order, and not a few fair admirers of the Knights. V: ' Zeb. Vance Division Uniform Rank Knighta of Pythias headed by their Drum Corps, led the large procession of Knights from the,. Castle Hall up Mar ket street to Third and thence 10 the Opera Honse In the aisle, the division formed ia line': with swords drawn and saluted the Grand officers and officers elect as they passed, entering upon the stage. . Mr. Washington Catlett. Grand Vice Chancellor, called the meeting to order and the following programme was rent dered in a most pleasing and entertain ing manner : J" Call to order, by the chairman. Baritone solo, "Thy Sentinel Ami," by A. S. Holden. Prayer, by Rev. Dr. Robert S .range. Opening ode. by Knights and chorus. Declaration of Principles, by B. P. Manning. . j Duet, "The Mins-rel Boy" by Prof. John Biker and A. S. Holden.; .. Address, by Charles A. Webb, Grand Chancellor of North Carolina.! Soprano solo, "Scena and .Prayer,' by Miss Annie Stolter. : Installation of officers. r - Trio, "Speed The ! Little Bo it." by Mrs. J. H. Rehder, Misses Katie Stolter and Annie Stolter; Mrs. accompanist. Scbulken Closing ode, by Knights and chorus; E. P. Boat wrigbt, accompanist. Benediction, by Rev. Robert Strange. The Grand Chancellor was introduced by Mr. Washington Catlett,; who said that Charles ' H. Webb, the present Grand Chancellor is the youngest man that has ejer held that honorable posi tlon. . The Grand Chancellor s address was a master effort, fnll of information to Knights, telling them of the heroism of some of their .brother Kaights, and the elity and benevolence that exist in the Order. ' He implored the brothers to be up and doing, and living up to the principles cf the Order, The Grand Chancellor, assisted by the Grand officers, then installed the officers ol the four lodges. Too much praise cannot be given the music committee for their elaborate and varied programme. The superb solo of Mr. A S Holden, the delightful trio of Mrs. J. H. Rehder and: Misses K at tie and Annie Stolter. as well as the Ion a; applauded duet of Messrs. Baker and Holden, were indeed a delight to the au dience. V ' The soprano solo of Miss Annie Stol ten. taken from the German opera, "Fler Freechutz, composed by Von Weber, was the delight of the Knights and their visitorsHer clear sweet voice was the charm of the evening, and the andience demonstrated their appreciation by long and continued applause. . The Order is under many obligations to the young ladies and gentlemen who so ably and pleasantly assisted the com mittee in making the installation exer cise a grand success. - The following were the Grand OA' cers : ; - : drand Chancellor Charles H. Wells, Asheville. N. C Grand Vice Chancellor Washington Catlett. Grand Prelate Tbos. W. Strange . G. K. of R. and S. John Haar. G M. of Exchequer O. M. Fillyaw. ; Grand Master of. Arms J. I. Hop kins.". V-'' ' ' Grand Ianer Guard W. E. Perdew. Grand Outer Guard C. F. VonKam- pen. Grand Marshals W.; Monroe, W. Du's. .' -Walker Taylor, Jas. H. Yopp, Henry F. The committee was as follow?: Wash ington Catlett, chairman; H. E. B ntiz, secretary; W. C. Yarborough, J, G. L, Gieschen, O. M. Fillyaw and James W. Monroe, - ' The following officers were installed: Stonewall Lodge Master ot Work, W. H, Howell; Chancellor Commander, L P. McKenzie; Vice Chancellor, C. D. Yarbordugh; Prelate, H. Cronenberg; Master-at-Arms, W. S. Wisbart; Master ol Exchequer,. G. M. Altaffer; Master of Finance, D. FrBarnesr Keeper of Records and Seals, W. F. Robertson; Inner Guard, Saul Powell; Outer Guard. J-M. Holmes. . ; . ' ! Clarendon Lodge Master of Work, J. F. Littleton; Chancellor Commander, J. -.T.r-- King; Vice Chancellor, W. G. Farmer; Prelate, J. A. Wellons; Master-at-Arms, J. E-. Bissett; Master of Ex chequer, J. D. Nutt;, Master of Finance, H. W.Collins, Keeper ofg Records and Seals, W. C VonGlahn; Inner Guard, L. 'H. Vollers; Outer. Cuard," G. A. Warren. t, , . t I I Germania , Lodge-! Master of Work, Wm. Koenig; Chancellor Commander, M. bchnibben; Vice Chancellor, M. Gieschen; Prelate, -G Haar Master of tms, Jurgen Haar; Master of Ex chequer, H L. Vollers; Master of Finance, ' F.: W. Ortmann; Keeper ot Records and Seals, H. F. Haar; Inner Guard, Peter" Fickr Outer Guard, Matt Bremmer. , ' : ' '' : Jefferson LodjeMaster cf Work, P. B. Manning; Chancellor Commander, S. A. Schloss; Vice Chancellor, C D. Bray; Prelate, F. W. Clawson; Master of Arms, J H. Dreher; Master of Exchequer, H. D. Burkbeimer; Master .of Finance, . C. Morrison; Keeper of Records and Seals, H E. Bonitz; Inner Guard, J. T. Scott; Outer Guard, Julius Steraberger. : i Mr. R. O. King, of Baltimore, was a guest at The Purcell yesterday. CrtlMlNALOIRCUIT COURT. 11. " aaa TSambar of TTutmporant Cssen "Tried J , Yesterday. Staxe vs. John Thompson (white), lar ceny." Nol prossed. -,: , f State ys. Walter Morgan (white), as sault and battery with a deadly weapon, Judgment suspended,' . ' ,-5, State vs. Geo. Kelly, assault and bat tery with a deadly weapon. . Defendant submitted and j udgment waft suspended. State vs. Geo. Kelly, resisting an offi cer ia the discharge of his duty. De fendant submitted and was fined 20 and cos's. The county comnrssioners were tu'.horizid to hire out Kelly for non-payment of fine and costs. 'V, 1 State vs. Frank Holmes, assault and battery with a deadly wespn. Verdict not guilty. ;State vs. Wm. McMillan, larceny. De fendant submitted and was. sentenced to four . years in'the State penitentiaty. There were' fi?e other indictments? or larceny and one for cirryinga concealed deadly weapon against the same de fendant, but he submitted in all of them a'nd judgment was suspended. - State vs. Divid Neal. larceny.. Ver dict not guilty. Neal was indicted fot robbing Mr., Thos..J. Gore's grocery store last September. Solicitor Rich ardson said that he understood that Neal was an escaped convict.' The Court ordered that be be held until the matter could be investigated. State vs. Alex. Harper, assault and battery with a deadly weapon. Defend ant submitted . and was fined 45 and costs, and the county commissioners were authorized to hire him out for non payment, - r State vs. Cbas. Morris and Zepbaniab Sampson, larceny. Defendant Sampson discharged for lack of evidence; verdict of guilty as to defendant Morris. The Court discharged Morris. j In the case of the State vs. Jesse Munck. nuisance,' the following order was made: It appearing to the satisfac tion of the Court that the defendant has been adjudged insane and Is now in sane, it is ordered that the defendant betaken in charge by the county au thorities and be confined at the County Home of New Hanover county. 1 State vs. Emanual Williams, larceny. Verdict of trespass ordered by the Court, judgment suspecd;d acd defend ant discharged. !' The grand jury failed to fiadatrue bill against W. H. Cox (white) for per jury,.-. . v.;- , -.. ; : The Court at 5.20 o'clock tdjourned until 10 a. m. to-day. " ' ' " jemes Bachelor. I A wedding took place last evening at 8.15 o'clock., at the Second Advent Church, on Sixth between Church and Castle streets. The contracting parties were Miss Annie E. James, daughter of the late W. H. James, and Mr. Andrew J. Batchelor, one of the A. C L. em ployesaf Rocky Mount, N. C, The church was handsomely decorated for the occasion and as the wedding' march was being rendered by Mrs. A. J. Hew lett, the bride entered, res iag-on the arm of her brother, Mr. George H. lames, of the general manager's office of the A. C- L. The groom was accompanied by his best man, Mr. J as. M. Moore, of Manchester, Va., El der. J. P. King pronounced the couple man and wife, The ushers were Messrs. W. F. Sumlin and W. J. Reeves, of Wil mington, and Mr. W. W. Lemon, of Ar iington, N. C. ' A family reception was held at the residence of the bride, who was the re cipient of a number ot handsome pres ents and the congratulations of numer ous friends. Mr. and Mrs Batchelor .left on the seven o'clock train for Rocky Mount, N. C . their ' future home Tney will be "at home" at 20 West Washington street. Rocky Mount, N. C, on Monday. January 20ih. The Minstrels To-Stortow Niaht. To-morrow night at the Opera House will be seen Al. T. Fields' merry minstreTs. In speaking of their perform ance iathat city, the Knoxville (Tenn.) "Tribune of last Tuesday says: Tne show is better than ever and it would seem impossible to improve upon it. In the fi st place Al. G. Field him self is a good show and this the audi ence never fails to realize and appreciate. Around him be has placed the artists ot the country, not one ot them being without some marvellous or many trait. -The costumes were ot the. latest style and colors and in their verv artistic ar rangement they showed off with good effect. . ' ; . The curtain rose on the old fashioned mythological first part, the ' court of black l faces with Mr. Allen May as in terlbcutor. The two Trilbys. where Messrs. Field and Donnelly are attired in bloomers, is new and original with Mr. Field, as well as the songs they sing. . The close was a farce circus and if nothing else was funny this was enough to split one's sides. A better pleased audience never witnessed a performance than did the one last night which was measured by the walls of the bouse. Box sheet open to-day (Thursday) at Yates' book store. "Abio Romani. The attraction , at the Opera House on Saturday evening, January 11th, will be' Walter Lawrence and Miss Therese Milford in Aiden Benedict's spectacular melo-drama, ''Fabio Komani," drama tized from Mam Correlli's famous novel, "Vendetta." Mr. Lawrence is surrounded by an excellent company of players. "Fabio Romani" is a tale of the dead, founded first and last upon the-Judas- like duplicity ol a woman. This power ful play will be produced here with the same cast and magnificent scenery that scored a hit in the larger cities. Seats will be on sale at Yates' to-mor row morning. Storm on the Uorta A.tlantio Gout. The information signal Was displayed at the Weather Bureau station here yes terday evening, because of a storm which was then central on the North Atlantic coast. The . same signal was displayed at other stations on the coast from Norfolk. Va to Jacksonville, tii.' 1896. RALEIGH NEWS BUDGET, e n T ;c;tv TRIAL OF 8ATTERFIELO AN O BROWN IN THE SUPERIOR :COURT.r 5 " Tha Arrington Llbal ICaseS'BnaseU'f On, bstaetoriel Chaaees The Pclk.Moaar meat. Pund Bfew Bonding for' Bhaw University Mrs, Arriaetoa ' Pound Oatltr of Libelling Ex-Jodie Whlt- sr. - ' ' s-'fvp-ii. "Htar Correspondence ' a . Raiigh, N. Cv Jan. 8. In the Superior Court this morning the cases against Satterfield .and Brown were set for 10 a. m. - Judge Mclver or dered that twenty-four j present. Solicitor Pcu asked for a special venire. The Judge said he' would take tne mat ter under consideration Satterfield "ar rived here last nighti - ' ' ' ' V The Al, G. Field's Minstrels will come to Raleigh from Wilmington by spfciat train. . A matinee will be given Saturday afternoon. Fields is the most popular minstrel that visits Raleigh. . vr Senator Marion Butler makes an ap- pf al in the Caucasian this week for the enlargement of the . Polk monument fund. The monument is half completed and funds have given oul It is expect- ed to unveil the monument sometime next Spring. - . : -, , The new building for the faculty ot the Shaw University is nearly com pleted. - - ;j ; ' ' : "J: - 1 The Caucasian makes . an ediurial threat this week thu if the cases against Satterfield - and Brown are - pushed, prominent persons who are implicated will want the indictments quashed. - This morning the Arnnztoa cases. against Mrs. Arrington and the Barnes Bros, for criminal libel, came up. Mrs. . Arrington said her chief witness, H. L. Arrington, was in Alabama. She said that be made a bargain at night with Judge Wbitaker and knew more about the case than any one else. She inti mates that be bad absented himself purposely. The Judge told her that be would require an ,amdavit stating her case. He gave her an Hour in which to do so. Mr. T. R. Puree!!, counsel for the Barnes Bros . made a motion to q aasb. the bill of indictment, on account of the absence of the word feloniously. Solici tor Pod spoke against the motion, but the Judge decided, to grant Mr. Pui- neii s motion. -1 ne present . Dili . naving . been quasbedSOricitor Pou retired to frame another.. --; Satterfield tells ma that he is well pleased with the judge and jury, and be lieves he will get justice. ' " "Bailey ot Mortn taroltna, wno is so well identified with the Pritcbard ele ment, is a rank' Russell man, and is confident - his choice - will have a walk-over. Bailey says the West is DractseaUv solid for Russell after Moody of Haywood gets out of the race. Dock cry, be says,, has some strength in bis own section ' and will be the second strongest man in the race.. As to Boyd and Lusk.aad other candidates, he made lua of the idea that they were seriously considered. What votes tbey get will be merely complimentary, said Bailey. and remember that I have never misted a political prediction, and tms is tne easiest kind of guessing" Bailey savs rriicbard is for the. nominee 01 the Re publican party, but otherwise he1 is not talking. -X- 4 ' - Special Star Telegram. ' The j Jry returned a verdict.of guilty against Mrs. P. D. B. Arrington for libelling ex -Judge Spier Wbitaker. Judge Whi taker stated that his character had been vindicated, and he asked the mercy of . the Court, as did , Solicitor Pou. Whereupon Judge Mclver dismissed the defendant Mrs. Arrington cross-examined and pleaded her own. case. She stated she would renew the charges after the Court bad adjourned. ; - : Br Teletraph to the Mornlnn Star. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 8 A remark able case was tried in the Superidr Court here to-day. Mrs. Pattie D. Ar rington last year for some weeks pub lished a weekly piper called ' 1 he Criminal Docket, in sfbicb- she attacked lawyers and judges, claiming that she had been cheated out of thousands of dollars worth of property. Sae particu larly attacked ex Judge Spier Whitaker, a leading lawyer and - prominent citizen, saving: ' You robbed, yes, you stole. thirteen hundred ooilars. Tne grand jury at the last term of. . Court returned a true bill lor noei against aer axaaiso against Barnes Bros., who published her paper. Mrs. Arrington managed her own case to day. It was the first time a woman was ever known to do this in North Carolina. She was on the wit ness stand and t so - was Wbit aker aad . her cross-examination was very strong. She spoke bait an hour. The was that Whitaker bad oaid out money upon a regular decree of court and that she bad signed the papers, and the Judge so stated. The solicitor said fudge Wbitaker's character had been fully vindicated and that the publi cation was a foul slander. Mrs: Arring ton attacked tbe lawyers and solicitor and renewed all her statements about Whitaker. Tbe court room was packed. The jjry was out only fifteen minutes and returned a verdict of guilty. x judge Whitaker and the solicitor asked that judgment be suspended, but Mrs. Ar rington became wild witn anger ana de clared she would again publish her paper and renew the charges. Solicitor Thompson's request for suspension of indgmentwas witnarawn ana sne wiu be sentenced to-morrow unless she apologizes. - There is another true bill against her for libelling tbe memory of the late Chief Justice Smith. Mtxton Item. From W. B. Harker's letter to the Robesonian: ::'y. 'v '! E. McRae, Esq., and family moved intp their handsome new residence on Main street last week. They wilt enter tain some of their old patrons. Mr. Camp, of Scotland Neck, has rented the McCaskill house vacated by Ed McRae, Esq. . The Maple Shade Ion, kept by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Weatherly, is growing in popularity among the travelling public It is a pleasant home for the traveller.' Mr. Martin McKinnon and Mr. R. W. Livermore are starting a business house at Red Springs this weekv Thev are both excellent business men acd we trust that they will have abundant suc cess. . . . . . ; On Cent a Word Hereafter advertisements to go ia our "Business Locals' department will be charged one cent per word for each in sertion ; but no advertisement, however short, will be taken for less thin 90 cents,. in is is a reauctiou irom former rates and it is also a convenience M adver - isers. who can calculate the exact .soet of therradytrtlsements, hlch must' be paid for always w advance, . WHOLE NO 8.951 L18T.OF LETTERS y -"Remaining in the Wilmington Post office January 9. 1896: ' "7 . .if "v WOMEN'S LIST. , A Miss Maggie Allen. B Miss Lula Battle, Miss Mary Jane Beguin. C Miss Annie Coltram, Miss Martha Coober. D Miss Lillie M Davis. F Miss Nettie Faiu.- t H-7-M sGeorgiana Hall., f Miss Djlie Johnsop, Miss Jenorrie Jones K Mrs Maria Kelly. M Miss A E Mil 'er; Misa-Libbie Masters. Lanna McRay. Miss .Maggie Jane -Mayne. P Mits Hannah Powell: S Miss Jassie Scott, Mrs Julia A J Smith,' Miss Lula Scott W Bertha Williams, Miss flora Wil lams. -.XiSl " " etEN'S UST. x A C D Anderson, G W Allston. Geo W Allen; B A J Blanks, G W Bennett & Co Jno H Brown 2, Jesse Baker. D Dwyer Bros, G H Derino. ... F J rW Freeman, Willie Fraser, Walter Fraser. G Julins Gims. H J D Harrison. L loo F Linbender. M-E Miller, H R MicK's. P Thomas J Perry, Thcs M Pude." Messrs Daniel drSon. T Geo W Telve, Howard Thomas, George! Thorns. .W Felix Williams, Willis Wooden. RETURNED FROM DEAD-LETTER OFFICE. ' Marv Williamson. j j Persons calling tor above letters will pleaaeaay advertised.! if not called for in 15 days, they will be sent to the dead letter office. - Hi : GEO. L. MORTON; Postmaster. ! COTrON AND WHEAT. Patnrea Advanoed on Ooed Bnrrpean Ad .vleee. -- Wheat Baled High Bat Weakened on Selling Order Special Star Telegram New York, Jan, 8. The early cotton advices from abroad were feverish, but soon changed color and created a more peaceful feeling on this side. Our open ing here was at a slight decline from yesterday's final figures, but prices grad ually climbed, recording a net gain' for the day of fifteen points a most satisfac tory advance for the bull contingent. But the feeling after the. close is one of uncertainty; many conservative opera tors think the advance too rapid con sidering the unsettled state of affairs, and that a temporary reaction is proba ble. Port receipts are much lighter than, expected. This, coupled with a fair amount of strength at New Orleans, aided the improvement that was first in spired by good European advices. ! The wheat market to day ruled as high as 8t lor May option In Chicago, but Weakened on a psrfect fusilade of selling orders, evidently to secure profits; but summing up tire situation for ulti mate purposes, wheatjis good : property and will yield substantial profits. ; - Crolius & Co. If there is- anything you want, ad vertise for it. Is there anything you don't want? Advertise it in the Business Locals of the Star. One cent a word. But no ad. taken for ess than 20 cents. tf j BWaWaWSaWeWaWaaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaW J '- DIED. . i WESCOTT At hit reridenr. in thit city, Ia evening at 7 80 o'clock, Mr WILLIAM Wi.8i.OT r, aged bi jaan. x,. , ' Funeral tfaia mornicg at 11 o'clock, from theXhapel of the Good Shepherd, Interment in Bellevue cefts- terr. ; V - . . ! . j; - JE WTT Vntereo into rest January 8th, 1898, St 5.30 p. m , Mia LUCY UWg.1 JEWE1T. , 1 - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. SATURDAY EVENING, JAN. 11, i .V In Walter Lawrence Aiden Benedict's Spectacular . 1 - -, . Melodrama, FaMo Romani,". op The Yendette. This great tee ic prodec ion will be prod a ed here with suae tceoery and cast that scored aoco a hi in Maw lfurk City. janDtf OPERA-HOUSE, Just One Bight of Merriment, ; ?v Fridayt January 10th. A. T. Pieli's HiEstrels M Utopia. Over a half hundred merry Min strels, embracing the best European and American art in the street parade at noon. .'.. . ,' : ; j; . I Two car loads of scenery and me chanical effects. jan 8 tf M. CBOWLY, Auctioneer. ! By CRONLY & If ORRI3. QN SATURDAY NkXT, 111H INST., AT IS o'clock M., I will sell at pub'ic aoctioa, on the pre-tni-. by o'der ot the Buud of Aldrrnen, and under aaihoriry c f ths Board of Andit and Finance of the City of Wilnuagton, ' The Lot and. Building Thereon, situated npon the month nii of Ann, between Front and second streets, at present occupied by the Cape Fear liBgiae Company. Size of Lot 80x88 feet. Terms cub. Possession gi en March 1st, U96. W. C VonGLaBN, i! jan 9 It Chairman Fire Committee. ' M, CRONLY, Auctioneer. By CRONLY MORRIS. WRECK SALE. fpHIS DAY (THURSDAY) 9TH IKST.. AT II A. M ., we wilt sell on Calder s wharf (between Orange acd Ann streets), uadrr inspection of the Fort Wardens and Agent of the Uaderwri err, the HULL with standing RIGGING attached, of ths Schooner CLYTII, of Baltimore, Md , 415 7100 tons, as she now lies athcre aeer Li'tl Rir. r Ray, and at same time and p'ace the cargo of Kainit ia said Schooner, origitally 70!) tons, and immediately thereafter alt SAILS. RIGGING, ANCHORS. CHAINS and BOATS, and all materials saved Irom said Schooner. i janTStj ;; - -- ....... f .. . :. . . - The AdmI Meeting OF THE ; StockHoIders ' '.: OF THB ' . ' - - Atlantic Rational Bank, Wihnington, N. O. At. which- Directors for the ensuing year wWlecW,n;be held in the Directors' room of the Sank on I Tuesday, January Htb, 1896, at I 1 Y m.;" I Iktanagers of Election-A. David, IC VonGlahn, T. D. Bellamy, Jr. The Only Eix-Dollar Daily of its Class in the State. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. V I Don't You Tire ot the Word "Bargain's" at Tijnes? ' x: " :' i' Storekeepers seem to love it. Everything is a "Bargain until yon ' look at the purchase at home, We" are trying to get along without using this universal word. We don't J say anything about - the following specials. Yon can read then come and judge for yourself. N Dress Goods. One lot 50 pieces Dress Goods worth v 35c to 40c, will be sacrificed at 25c Per Yard. One lot 60 pieces, consisting of nearly all our 50c goods will be sold at 37 1-2 Cents. One lot 40c pieces, new styles, worth 59c to 79c, must be sold out at 50c. Per Yard. Jackets and Capes. The balance of our Stock of Ladle's' and Misses'; :"W":r?arps Will be sold at reduced prices. I We havea well selected stock of Astracan Jackets and Gapes. Also a full line ot Piush and Valour Gapes. Prices guaranteed the Lowest. Carpets and. Uattings. We have just received fifty Rolls of Matting from 10 to 40c per yard. f . We guarantee our prices tbe lowest, styles the newest Look at our NEW CARPETS :i 1 . . '' ' M " before purchasing. , . ! : ' Have just received a new line of . - ; Velvets, Three-Plyt Albany, Napier and Coco Mat ting, Striped and Plain. Window Shades' Made to order, the most complete Stock in the State. Largest assortment of all kinds of Bugs iii the City. Kate & Polvogi, . " llo 9 North Front St, iae T tf Hall ft Pearsall, Wholesale Grocers Offer to the trade the advantages of HEAVY STOCKS ' . .: LOW PRICES, : SUPERIOR FACILITIES. Call on them or write for prices and samples. D&W jan7tf Ell 13. 9 i; N