THE HORNHIO DTAU mrs jLiomiiira &tar, : THE OLDEST ; r V; Star, RECEIVES THE TELEGRAPHIC BEPOBT3 OP ' - THE UNITED PRESS ". ..! AND ' rThe Southern Associated Press. I L j r-a mm Entered at the Postoffice at Wilmington, N.Cat Second-dan Mall Matter. RNING DAILY NEWSPAPER 1j IN NORTH CAROLINA. : 5MomTUWEDTHUIFRl SATl J 23436J 7 Q I 9 10 II 12 13 T4" 15 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 n 23 24 25 26 27 28 29130 1 3 1 1 relate Port llmkna marclt 8. , . ' y; 6.28 A M 6.01 PM Sun Rises. Day's Length. L-...... . . .. . High Water at Southport. .. Hiifhr Water at Wilmington 11 b 89 m 315AM 4.53 P i TUe Weather. S. Dsp't of Agriculture. V U I Weather Bureau. I Wilmington. N. C, March 8. ) Meteorological data lor yesterday : Temperature: S a. m.. 64: 8 p. m., 61"; maximum, 71; minimum, 69; mean 66. Rainfall for the day, .01; rainfall lor the month up to date, 0.01. FORECAST FOR TO-DAY. . ' Fain slightly colder; northwesterly winds. - ". ' . ; The storm centre has moved across the Like regions to the St. Lawrence vaiiey. ' . The pressure has continued to rise in ths West and the centre of fiigh pressure j is now located ia the Missouri valley. It is accompanied by moderately cold weather, with temperature fifteen to twenty degrees below the season's aver age, Ia the Southwest the temperature has risen. East of the Mississippi there has been a general, fall in temperature, except on the Atlantic coast. por Sunday, fair weather is indicated in all portions of the country, with a'di minishing cloudiness in the Lake regions and New England and nearly clear skiei in other sections. Somewhat lower tem perature will prevail in the Atlantic coast districts and the Lake region and the changes will be other dis tricts. " :' f OUTLINES. An attempt was raide in the Ken tucky Legislature to elect Secretary Car lisle Senator, but the scheme failed. - The American Tobacco Company will issue $2,000,000 of treasury stock The Southern ' Railway will build shops costing $225,000 near Salisbury. The Tadge in a divorce case in Kansas City reproved the defendant for not using a Run to defend his honor. -The North Carolina Republican State Convention will meet in Raleigh March 18:h. The talk of war be tween Spain and the United States adds joy to the Cubans; the Spanish mer chants in Havana have abandoned the idea of boycotting American goods; the Spaniards are reported to have mas sacred thirteen non-combatants at Oalita. A police sergeant at Dan . ville, Vai, was shot three tlmesand prob ably fatally wounded by a negro prisoner. The French newspapers concur in the opinion that Great Britain and Ger many must aid Italy in some . practfcal way. The daughter of Mr, John Habn, near Geneva, Ala., was burned to death by her dress catching fire from hurning brush; Mrs. Jonn Odom, a feeble old lady living four miles north of Birmingham, Ala., fell in the fireplace and was terribly burned, both eyes being burned from their sockets; another woman living in the west end of the county, while burning trash, caught fire from the sparks and was fatally burned; - she had laid her two-months-old baby on the ground and was forced to watch three large hogs devour the infant alive while she was suffering the dsath agonies herself. - A laree number of stu dents at Cadiz were prevented from at tacking the American consulate by the oolice: there is a ereat deal of -anti- American aeitotion in Madrid - and the Government fears 'a renewal of the hostile demonstration. New ,York markets Money on call nominal at 33 per cent.; cotton was steady; middling gulf IJi c; middling 7c; Southern flour dull and easy; com mon to extra fair $3.403.00 good to choice $3.003.80; wheat spot. dull and lower; Np. 2 red in store and at elevator 80c; afloat 81Jc; corn spot inactive and easy; No. 2 at elevator 88f40c, afloat 4041c; spirits turpentine quiet and steady at 29X29c; rosin quiet and steady; strained, common to good tU01.75. Archbishoo Kearick. who aiea a few days ago at St. Louis, was ninety years of age. He had been bishop of the diocese of- Missouri over fifty years, and was beloved by people of all denominations. According to the American Agri culturistthe farmers of this country have still on hand 134,000,000 bushels of wheat and 1,061,000 0Q0 bushels of corn. And planting trme is not very far off. The recent defeat of the Italian army ia Abyssinia was a terrible butchery. , It is reported that 5,000 Italians were killed and that put of 270 officers only 40 survive. ; King Menelek had i00,00.0!men under him and the Italians mistook his strength. VOL. LVIL-NO. 143. Mr. Waldorf Astor. f ormerlv of New York, now of Lbndoo, has a $25,000 damage suit on hand, broueht bv Lady Somerset The s Pall 'Mall Gazette remarked i a speaking ot a certain ease "that . Ladv Snmort would drive any one mad." When the lady read this she got hop ping mad and fortwith proceeded to meatus damage suit. - x-v-VV:..-;. Some of the Western Senators and Representatives seem disposed to jump on Hon. Grover Cleveland with both feet simply because he inno cently expressed the opinion in that missionary meeting at Carnegie Hall, New York", that their v bailiwicks didn't have a surplus of religion and that- a few missionaries mirht find useful employment out there. Spain had better be careful how she permits her idiots to barn Amer; ican . flags. When the people of Leadville, Colorado, heard about the burning of ourflag over there, they instanter rummaged around, raked out an old Spanish flag and inciner ated it with a gusto, and then a gusto' wind blew the ashes away. The New York Medical Record has made a tenstrike with the man who likes to take his morning nap, by asserting, and quoting insane ex perts to support it,, that "early rising is conducive to insanity. It might go further and say that people who persist in rising very early were born insane. The United States District Court in California has decided that a Chinaman who had the foresight to come to this country to be born, is not subject to the exclusion act and may leave this country and return without a special permit, or slipping in by the back way. Dr. Floto .of San Francisco, Cal.,' who is 94 years old, has get so in the habit of doctoring people that he keeps right on at it as if he had just begun. HEW AD 7ittTlSJ&aLEI!7T3. Bowden Lithia Water. ; Sam'l Bear. Sr Safes. D O'Connor For rent. ' - J H Rehder & Co Free. ' Cash Paid for beeswax. Jas D Nutt Open all day. Notice - Farmers' Institute. J H Hardin Fine extracts. -Carl Mvgge You and me. W B Cooper Free Freights. R R Bellamy & Co Beans. HALL& Pearsall Molasses. Notice Carolina Yacht C'uX Johnson & Fore Spring goods. Junius Davis Executor's notice. Mercer & Evans "Ball bearing." Tho3. C MclLHENNY-Comer's sale. G R French & Son lust received. Meeting Plantagenet Cbmmandery. Atlantic Nat'l Bank Lib'l loans Braddv & Gavlord Ever onward. Alderman Hardware Co-Cash talks i J W MurchisON Agricl implements W E Springer & Co The Chicago. L A Bethune Sampson Democrat. Wil. Sav & Trust Co. A few hours before day. 1TXW BUSISiSiS LOCALS, , Do you speculate? Bulbs H E Newbury. C D Jacobs Best groceries. Street Railway Schedule. Elocution Few more pupils? PERSONAL' PARAGRAPHS Pertinent PutsrtDiii Ferulnlna ranoi- MU, m f wan wm. " m Mr. Jas. K. Collier left yester day evening for New York city. Mr. S. L. Patterson, of Raleigh, was a visitor in the city yesterday; Mr. B. B. Lyon, of Atlanta, is in the city, stopping at The Purcell. Mr. M. C. Richardson, solicitor for this district, and wife are in the city. Miss Blanche Fentress returned from a visit to Raleigh and Wilson yes terday. ' Mr. S. A. Townsend, of Phila delphia, is in the city, a guest at ine Purcell. , . Mr. H.C. Yopp will leave to morrow for Salisbury, N. C on a ousi- . . ness visit. r- -. Mr, C. G. Talbird, of Atlanta was in the city yesterday, registerea ai The Purcell." - Mr. L, Tate Bowden, injured several weeks ago, is reportea asgrau ually improving. : Mr. ' S. A. Schloss, who has been in New York . lor several wee past, has returned. ; Mr. J. McK. Tolar has re-- turned from a business trip mrougn Eastern North Carolina. Mr. Thos! P. VanOrsdell, who has been ill for some days, was reported as much improved last night. Mr. Carl W. Polvogt, of the firm of C. W. Polvogt & Co., nas re turned from a visit to Northern markets to purchase a Spring stock of dry goods. v"; - . . Messrs. A. A. McLean, N, C; A. E. Stevens, Southport; K. C. Barrett, Florence; W. F. Massey. : Raleigh; .J. W. Oakes, Falton; W.-Hi French, Rocky Point, were among the arrivals in the city yesterday. . . Housekeepers who want servants are in ine naon u4'j needs from the Star's want column. Are you looking for a situauonr The Star's want column will bring yon eh hst results, une ceui. a wora. unr, no than 20 cents - ad. taken for less . LOCAL DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered Here and There and Briefly Noted. There was six feet water in the tiver at Fayettevttle Friday at 8 a. m. - Jas. D. Nntt's pharmacy will be kept open to-day. "v - ; The Criminal Circuit Court, Judge Meares presiding, wtll convene to-morrow at 10 a. m. - Local, forecast: Fair and de cidedly "colder to-day; northwesterly winds. . . - The Norwegian steamer Bratton, from the West Ind ies with , a cargo of bananas for New York, put in at this port yesterday for coal. : The steamer. Croatan left New York yesterday evening for Wilmington with the undamaged portion of the cargo of the steamer Geo. W.Clyde. The Wilmington Street Railway Company is having its Summer cut painted and put in good condition, and will begin, to-day a ten minutes schedule. V- The annual meeting of the Car olina .Yacht Club will be held Monday evening, March 18, at 8 o'clock, in the room of the Board pi Audit and Finance at the City Hall. ; - - - The chimes of Fifth Street M. E. church were taken down and shipped back to Baltimore yesterday by Mr. Jas. G. Wiley, the representative of the Mc- Sbane Bell Foundry of that city, who came here to superintend the work, Mr. S. L. Smith, the tinner, has been engaged for the past two weeks making delinters for use in the new fac tory at the foot of Queen street. The delinters are made of galvanized iron; they will be ready to be pat in by Wed nesday. - ;' , - Mr. L. Peterson, of Kelley's Cove, Bladen county, reported to the police authorities yesterday that he was robbed abcut 8 o'clock in the morning by three negroes, on Surry street near the W.; N. & N. railroad warehouse. They held him up at the muzzle of a pistol and took $3.25 from his pockets. - AT THE OPfcRA nOUSE. Mabel Frigs sod Company' Engagement Coaolnded Yesterday with Two Per . f ormaneea. - Mabel Paige and , her j ally company gave two performances at the Opera House yesterday. At the matinee the ' Little Egyptian" was presented. Last night the company closed their engage ment with the three act comedy, "The Runaway Girl." Every role was sus tained with acting which has made this company so popular. The specialty work of the different members of the company, was very good, as was also the special of "Our 0n Comedian." Mr. Henry Newman, who appeared with the company in the last act and did a "turn," for which he received a hearty encore. The troupe will leave this morning for Greensboro, where they play a week's engagement. The company has made manv friends daring their stay in this city. This was the secsnd successful engagement of the company this season, and they can be safely assured should they come this way again, that they will always be greeted with the same hearty welcome. f 1 ! f BY RIVER AND RAIL BeoeloU of Naval Store and Cotton Testerdar. Wilmington & ' Weldon R. R. 81 bales cotton, 2 casks spirits turpen tine, 16 bbls rosin. x Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R. 19 bales cotton, 11 casks spirits tor entine, 99 bbls rosin; 60 bbls tar. 2 bbls crude turpentiae. ' ' Carolina Central R. R- 45 bales cot ton, 10 casks spirits turpentine, 64 bbls ros'in, 25 bbls tar. t Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R, R. 12 casks spirits turpentine, 4 bbls rosin, 84 bbls tar, 118 bales cotton. Total receipts Cotton, 243 bales; spirits turpentine, 85 casks; rosin, 173 bbls; tar, 119 bbls, crude turpentine, 8 bbls. : Oity Coxut. '-- '' - : Mayor Harriss presided at yesterday's session of the City Court and disposed of the following cases: ,- Ira W. Ellis, white, and Elijah Bost, colored, charged with an affray, were recognized to appear at- the Police Court Monday at 12 o'clock. Ed. Rusk, a white boy, charged with the larceny of a bundle of axe-helves from the store of Alderman Gore, was required to give bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next term of the . Criminal Couit for New Hanover county, which he failed to do and was committed to jail. J. W. Wallace charged . with being drunk and down, was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $20 and costs or work thirty days on the streets. - . The Police Board. - At the meeting of the Police Board yesterday the following resolution was unanimously adopted: ; y All officers and employes of the city whose appointment l- re h' in this board, and whose appointment expires by limitation on the first of April, shall hold over until after the appropriations for the ensuing year are made, when this board wilfmake the new appointments. j Farmera' Inatltnte. A Farmers Institute will be held here this week; beginning to morrow, at 10 o'clock a. m. in the Opera House. The Criminal" Court : being in session this week, it is not possible to hold the In stitute in the county court house as was expected. 'M T ' APPOINTMENTS- Wilmlnston Utrtet-W. B. Bone P. H Bladen clrcnlt, Bethlehem March 7th and 8th. Maonolia circuit, Centenary March ll.U A 1K.W , s .-'. . S , . Ointon circuit, Keener -March 81st and 29nd. , WILMINGTON, N. C.v SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1896. PLEASING ENTERTAINMENT " 4 I By the Toons Feopls'a TJaton of the First Biptlat Charon The Programme, ' The entertainment and sociable given Friday night, by the Baptist's Young People's Union was a grand social event, and was attended by many ladies and gentlemen, friends of the Union. A se lect entertainment was given.' arranged and gotten up by Rev; Will B. ( Oliver, consisting of vocal selections and the little play "The Hidden Library," which was amusing and enjoyed throughout by all present. The following programme was carried out: ', " " jl ,"; Solo by Mrs. Jas. Calder.. f Solo, "The Song, I'll Ne'er Forget," Misa Lida Whitney. v i H The Hidden Library; with cast of M characters as follows; "Pickwick Papers," A T King; ' Crown of Wild Olive," Miss Alma Brown; ' Vanity Fair," Miss Flor ence Leonard; "Gold Elsie," Miss Elsie Calder; "Pendennis," Geo A Alderman; Tue Virginians," Mrs Calder, Mrs Rice, Mrs Oliver, . Mr Lefiwich; - 'Woman In White,"-" Miss Florence Whitney; "Man and Wife." AxS H olden. Mrs Holden; "Three Guardsmen," Messrs W Whimsy. R Sloan, R Farmer; "Twp Years Before the Mast," J ames Wood roe; "The Master of Ceremonies," Rev W B Oliver; "A Study in Scarlet,". Misses Mary Hall, Linnie Aidsman; Under the Lilacs," Miss Pearl jWes cott; "Tales of Two Cities," Misses A H Iton, L Struthers; "The Spy.", Miss Daisy Keathlty; ''The Redskins,", Miss Julia Morrill; "Grandfather's Chair," Mr A Alderman, W C Peterson, Jr.; "The Rose," Miss Ethel Btrnes; "The Courtier," A. O. McEichern, Miss Belle Gore; "Bacon's Essays," Joe Brothers; "The Duchess" D Bender; "L!ttle Men,"Leland Whitney; "Little Women," Miss Ethel Mathis; "Roughing It." G E. Leftwich; "Looking Backward,",: M;ss Sadie Sloan; "Red Gauntlet," Miss Bessie Bornemann; "The Old Fashioned Girl." Miss Lulu Mclotire; "The New Fashioned Girl," Miss Nellie Calder; "We Two," Misses Irene Peters in and Lucy ! B Ud win; , "Middle March," James Hooper; "The Wide, j: Wide World," H. H. ' Merrill; "Mill on the Floss," Miss Lzzie Petteway; "Under Two Flags." Misses IB. -ss:e Burtt, Annie Taylor; "A Pair of Blue Eyes." Miss Nessie Wescott; "Tne Sketch Book," Miss Mattie Freemanj "A Willful Maid." Miss Mamie Hurst; "The Summer Girl," Mrs G E Leftwich; "Neither Boy Nor Girl." B W Marshall.' "Ivanhoe," Miss May Harrell; "A Wo man Hater," E G Wood?; "Never Too LaterTo Mend," Mrs W C Peterson; "Reveries ot a Bachelor." F L Hug gins; "Tne Haunted Man.' J H Tay lor, Jr. i .... !.!' .'j Solo, "The Sentinel." Alex. S Hol den. - - " y'- ': . 1-i . 1 Song, "Carolina for Jesui," Biptist Young People's Uiion. COMMANDER WlNSLOW'S CASE. Argument Bsfore Judge Steibuok ot the Bopsrfor Court Irjanot ion Befaaed ' The Supreme - Ocnrt to Deoide the . Qaeatlon. , j i The case of Commander F. Winslow of the Naval B attalion, against 'Lieut. Commander Geo. L. Morton, asking for an injunction, restraining him from per forming the functions of commander, and to test the right of Governor Carr to revoke the commander's commission was heard in the United States j Court room last night by Judge H. R. Star buck, of the Superior Conrt. " j A number of the Naval Battalion officers and members of the Wilmington Division Naval Reserves were coming and going out during the proceedings' which Were long and tiresome,' as no evidence was produced or t0 witnesses examined and the attorneys for the State and plaintiff only recited the law, with the exception of Mr. R. H. Battle' who .went into a long and able argu ment in his closing speech." The; attor neys in the case representing j Lieut. Commander Winslow were Messrs. Ricaud & Weill and Geo. Rountree; for the State, Messrs. R. H. Battle and Thos. W. Strange. The argument was opened by Mr. Strange, followed by Messrs. Rountree and Weill for the plain tiff, closing with Mr. Battle lor the State. After the speeches Judge Starbuck, af ser considering the points involved, said the matter was deep ana intricate ana it seemed the last acts of the Legislature repealed the former acts and the Gover nor had no right to remove Commander Winslow from office, but that as both ides wished speedy action and wanted matters fairly settled, he would let' mat ters remain until the Supreme Court met Monday and let that court settle it, and as it would be appealed in any event. Therefore upon agreement between counsel he refused to grant an injunction, Lieut. Commander Morton agreeing not to issue orders or take charge of the Na val Battalion until the matter was i set tled bv the Supteme Court. f ' ST. JAMES-LENT, 1806. ; DIVINE. SERVICES. Sundays. 1st, 3rd. 5th. ll a m, o p m Sundays, 2nd, 4th, 8tb, 7.45, 11 a m, 5 pm. - ' ... ! i Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sat urdays, 7.80 a m, 5 p m. 11 Wednesdays, 11 a m, 8 p m. ,1 j Fridays, 11 a m, 8 p m. I THE HOLY COMMUNION. il j ' Sundays, 1st. 8rdT 5th. 11 a m. i l Sundays, 2nd, 4th 6th. 7.45 a m. i Annunciation, 7.80 a m. ' , y . i i v Maunday Thursday, 8 pm. .-. vj HOLY WEEK. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 7.80, 11 a m, 8 p m. Thursday, 7.80 a ni,6 and 8 p m. 1 ' . Good Friday. 0 a m, 12 m, 6 p m. Saturday. 70 am. ; i Rector's Bible Class, Fridays, 4 p m. . Joint Services, Wednesdays,. 8 p. m. ' Easter Collections - for the Church Debt. . '"? '- Jv':f The Bishop's Visitation, Sunday, April 28th. ' - -;:'--v;- si: Sneyolopasdia Bntannioa. i,-.. . ;, The Star. Brlunnica Department is stilt filling orders for the Encyclopaedia Britannica. This is the latest and best I edition of this great work. Issued in 25 volumes, oouna in cioia or saecp. ror fall particulars read announcement on third page, or inquire at the Star Office NORTH CAROLINA'S DEAD. MEMBERS OF THE ARMY OF NORTH ERN VIRGINIA BURIED AT WIN- ' CHESTER. " " An Appeal ta Survivors . cf the War asd ' O hera ta Provide Suitable Headatonea to Marfc -the Qravea of Ptriot Who Sled in Dsfenoo ef the South. 1 Wilmington, N. C. March 4, 1898. Editor Star: Iliave the pleasure to band you the accompanying papers relative to the erection of suitable grave-stones over the remains of our gallant boys who fell near Winchester, Va., and to give the movement looking to the supply of the necessary funds my most hearty ap proval. These pspirs exolain them selves, and either Mr. C W, Yates or I will be pleased to receive and remit any funds that may be left with either of us for the purpose. - . I appeal to the patriotic citizens of this community to come forward in aid of this work. --V." x " I am pleased to say that I have already' forwarded check for $10 50 to cover cost of three bead-stones. . ' v WM. L. DeRosset, . Maj. Gen. N. C. D.v. U C V. THE CONFEDERATE DEAD AT WINCHES-' .-.v. TER, VIRGINIA. Of the Confederate soldiers who lie buried at Winchester Va., the graves of nearly all from the States other than North Carolina are marked by suitable head stones. . There are four hundred and forty-eight graves of our North Car olina soldiers which are unmarked save by pine boards, on which are subscribed inmost cases and wherever the facts were known the name, company and regiment. These boards were furnished by the pious patriotic women of Win chester, for the purpose of identifying the graves and in anticipation that they would be replaced by monuments of enduring form. These are decaying and the time has come, if we would save the resting places of our dead patriots from oblivion, that we should mark them by proper head-stones. The Rev. Jas. v Battle Averett, who during the war. and for many, years thereafter had his home in Winchester, and bis good wife, a native of Manches ter, have interested, themselves in this matter and have procured for us the names of the Confederate soldiers who are buried at ' Winchester. A list of thf se is published below. It will cost only three dollars and fifty cents (3.60) apiece to procure suitable marble headstones, with the proper in scriptions thereon. It will be seen from the list that nearly every North Carolina regiment that was in Gee. Lees army has some representatives there. It is proposed, that the headstones shall be provided by the following plan- Let every person who will help in this work, instead of making contribution gener ally, pay for one or more stones. If it shall happen in looking over the list, that some shall prefer to purchase a stone for the grave of a particular sol dier, that may be done, with the under standing that should two or more make the same selection, the one giving the first advice thereof would have the selec tion and the contributions of the others would go into the general fund. Mr. T. P. Jerman, principal clerk in the Auditor s office at Kaleign, has kindly Consented to receive and bold the con- tributions until the work shall be accom plished. Let every cne who will pay $3.60 for a stone, or who will pay at that rate for several'stones (and I doubt not there are quite a number who will pur chase several), send the money at once to Mr. jerman. I appeal to the people of the State, and especially to the old soldiers, lor 1 realize that upon them the scheme de pends for success, to respond promptly and liberally to this appeal. veteran Comrades, these be our brothers. Signed C. M. Cooke. February 29th, 1893. NORTH CAROLINA'S DEAD. First regiment J. L. Taylor Jacob Taylor, Co. E; I. L. Gibson, D; Unknown, C; unknown, 1; Lt. W. W. Jones, D; W. A. Oakley. Second Lt. G. W Butts, Co. C; A. H. Wilson, A; Wo. Pierce, H; K. H. Les ter.' Hi Levi Ovens, A; W. Campbell. G; D. H. Seithe. E, N.-R. Daniel. C; Jacob Bishop. E; D. C. Maxwell, E; W. Foster. C; D. B. Foller. E; I. W. Skip per, M; Nathaniel Patterson, B; J. Was- engen, C; A. Sanford, ; R. R. Rogers, B; M. M. - , A; J. M. Hannah, C; A J. Jones, D; W. D. Craven. G; W. H. Hall, C; D. W. Baldwin, ; A. M. Ran kin,. H. Third J. Magush, Co. C; P. Santo, A; A. Mann, G; W. Howell, A; A. Sr Singleton, I; F. McElmore,A; L. H. McCanley, E: W. J. Castick, ; G. Wei's, A; J. L N , K; J. J. Hinton. I; Leslie Taylor, A; Oeh Gray, B; J. A., Adams, G. x Fourth R. W. Nesbi, Co. K;.J.W. Montgomery, D, 1J. b. Bu3tie, C; Snow, y Jas. Brickell. E; Robert Turner; H; A. W. Heath. K; J. A Morefie'd, M; Peer Walker. I; J. Bram fell.. G; S. N. Frasier, H; J. S Pegram, ; J. D. Heath, Hi J. P. Morefield. H; F. M. Barnes. H; J. E. Roe. I; W. J. Robert, D; R. W. Ruth, K; L'eut, Jas. E. M. Howard, I; Lieut. T. W. Stephen son, c j Fifth Unknown, Co. A; H. T. Kirk, F; I. M. Hofcomb, I; P. Miller, ; A. Cuges, G; T. Jones, A; P. Thrift, E; A. Houston F; Capps, ; R. W. Hays. , ; F Oiiver, D; A, F. Foster, ; Smell, B A. C. Masingill, C;B. F. Frye, G. : . -- Sixth J. Ai Eliot, Co. A; D. Sharpe, F; J. B. Walker, H; J. White. K; S. F. Blavlock, I; I. D. Leither, B; J. W. Fite, A; J. A Lyon, H; W. H. Williams, H; J. H. Walker. H. -. Seventh W. P. Harris, A. H. Sher rill, CO. K; B. Kerr, R. Deane, A; Maxwell. H; I. M. Harman, F; i. R. Mc Lean. I; L. W, Smith," E; . P. Kelly, H; P. Rowe. F; J. B. Ellen. L. , Eighth M. Willis, Co. B. '' Ninth H. H. Sinner, Co. . Eleventh N. B. Rice, Co. C. Twelfth W. Moss, H- D. King, Co. C. . Thirteenth Lt. Rufas Atkinson, Co. G; D. Alien, A; 'S. M. Green, S. N. Day, F: J Cable, G. Fourteenth Obadiah Leonard, Co. T; A. B. Malaminson E: I. T. Covington, ; J, B. Eppo, H; T. Butter, I; C. Pool, H; tiarman. : feterson carter,, n.; I. E Moore, E M. Roberts, K. - Fifteenth Letrit J. Parker, Co. A; S. Lefdrd. C; H. Frasier, S. T. Capson, E; Wm. A. Oakley. T. Thomas, G. Sixteenth J. W. Keeter. Co A.; R P. Johnson, M. ' fi Seventeenth W. T. Moore, Co. Eighteenth L. P. Rush, Co. A; B, Johnson, I; Coonts, B; J. S. Carson, ; Capt. j. H."Hedgcock,. W. Craine, D: Wright. H; lohn tirice, I: G Porch. B; H. Bumgardner. !A; D. War ner, A; N. M. Robins, E; O. P. Smarter, F: W. L Cline. A; S. Berris. F; S. Gor man. D:; J. N. Fisher, A; J.; J. D. Harwick, Er I. C. Harabright, D,. W. J Fellows, I; H C. Pool, H; A. Eastey, G; J. McMiilan, CrM. Spangler, A; J. Mc- Darils. H; H. N. Splawn, E; C. G. Carl ton. Jacob Deel. A; N. M. Ward, G; H D Pitman, D, J. H. Johnson, A; J. Wr Nicols. F; D. M. Pittman, F; . Nineteenth7-R. Woolaby, E. jr. Twentieth N. C Herring. F: T W. Dry. B; W.J. Riddick, C; H. Brooks, E; U laman, A. Twenty first W. E. Wall. B: F. M. Hill, E; Capt. H. Logan, G; Sergt. W. A. Wortham, rJ; u. Hams, C; Lassen der, H; B. F. Myers, A; C. Mitchell, C; C Martin, C, Root. Landon, C; H. Mel- vin, ; F. M. Vaughn, G; Thos. Davis. G; J." T. Mintsb, H; A. Cadell, B; J. Brown, C; W. W. Wocdroff. H: Daniel Lowe. ; Corporal C. H Harris, C; J. T. Jackson, B; f. Vaughn, G; E. Bevil, G, R M. Hill. I; W. Yarnell, H; Gillespie, H; H. Norman, C; D. H. Bald wine, Jas. E. Bevelr G; Col. R. R. Peppers; G. Rouch, L; Capt. J. R. Duvlll, M; E. W. Culter. ;--..'-v.-v " ; - Twenty-second lames Hogan. K; W. F. Alfred. D; H. C. Paine, A; E Patter son. UJ. Green. B; J. W. Smith, B;C F. Wilburn; D; . Brown. J. W. StrivU, A;J. K. cowiey, is. v - Twenty-third A. Goodson, K: R. E. Ellen, D; Col. C C. BlackwelhM. Slater. G; W. E. Carter, D; J. O'Brien, E; J. Duncan, G; H. D. Bennett, K: J. Samson, D; E. Farmer, E; M.- Adams, H; Lancer C; John Wagner, N. Maberry, K; P. Harriman, ; Benet Heart,; W. C. Divis. A. Rassel, I. Sheets, H; J. P. Reck, E; M. Monday, K; Col. Daniel H. Christy. ' ; ' " . ''. Twenty-fourth-rW. H. Ramsey. Co. A; J. W. Greeo, D; John Long, A; J. B. Johnson, D; G. Kaptor, C. Twenty-fiittt H. H. Clark, Co. D; B. F. Trim, E; W. K. Warner, K. Twenty-sixth S. Hays, Co. B; J. B. Martin. H: W. M. Pierson, W. D. Car ter. E; C. B. Root, D. Twenty-seventh McClane, B; D. council, D; Dunegan. G; M. B. all, A; W; Seal, B; McClane, L. L. Burnett, G. . Twenty-eighth T.A.Sykes, Co. G; W. H. Fry, H; F. Lona. I; R R. Webb, E; W. W. Buy, I; W. Barnes, D; Geo. Fisher, C. . : J Thirtieth!. I. Bland, Co. C: I. J. Howard, C; M. D. Coaler, F; Sergeant T, C. savage, ? Thirty-first H. Halkins, Co. H. Thirty-second Tbomas Pope, Co. D; A. A. C. Winter, I; L Dot. K. - - Thirtt-ihird T. Bchter, Lieut. H. A. Hill, Co. A: R. P;C, K: T. Franklin. C; W. Oned, F; Sergeant W. Emery, H; R. McDonald. y- Tnlrty-third W. R. Fellis, Co. -; P H. Herned, H; F. Council, B; B. F. Wyche, A; E Woodruff. I. Thirty-fourth J. R. Stedman, Co. I; Lient. F. D. Woodly. A; J. F. Keiter, C; B. P. Sorrels. C; W. Sright. F. Thirty-nlth M: E. Jones. Co. E; John Narkett, F; Wm. G. Andrews, H. ' Thirty-seventh M. T. Tnomson, Co. E; B. Bennett, B; J. M. Goodwright. F; J. W. Miller, E; J. C. Cnchrine, B; - - Alexandria, G; J. Thompson, W. M. Brookshine, D; if W. Belvin, K; S. Davis, D; J. H Patterson, C; H. Smith, K; H. C. Hood, I; J. W. Huffman, John-Cook, H; W. S., A; Capt. DX. Clary, F; W. H. Perry, A; J. W. Smith, G. . Thirty-eighth W. B. Maxwell, Co. A: I. C. Midly. C; Sergt. A. G. Hawkins, E; Peter Hefner, F; W. C. Smith, G, Thirty-ninth W. Steith, Co. II Fortieth-D F. Blew, Co. ; J. Lud- ley. E; J. A. Hall, E. - Fortv-first S. WelkinSi Co. I. Forty third Lieut, Wm. Beavens, Co. D, W. H. Smitb.Capt. C H.Stuttevant,K; J. H. Outlaw, A; Corporal, E. J. Dickens, Sergt. M. M. Bell. F; Corporal L. D. Grady.'A; A Parks, D; E. D. Siles, I; Corporal Taylor, C; L. Burgess, Gr E. J. Barr, r; T. B. Harrington. K.: S. W. Elerb. I: W. S. P. Hidos. A: Favette Lonier, F; E. Steel. B; las. A. Allen, I Forty-fifn A. F. Walkes, Co. F; A. D. Griffin, E. S. Green, D; J. Snepard, G; J. Miller, A; r. A. Brice, D. Forty sixth W. Quirles, Co. E; Sergt. L. L. Phillips. 1; L: A. Carter, C; W. T. Steed, G; W. Manger. E; John Watts, K. Forty-seventh T. S. Godfrey, Co. F. Forty-eighth W. Smith, W. S. Grif fin, Co. F; Thomas Nove; B; W. W. Gal imore. D; Josiau Heaget. A; W. Helms, A; P. E. Starns. F; W. B , I; J. Brune A; Henry Sberrell, K; W. Holman, I; W. E Selves, H; J. C. Grier, A. Carter. Forty-ninths L. Street. Co. A; : R. G. McDonald, Co, D; H. C. Graham. C; N. O, Harwell. . ' , Fiftieth B. Lentrv. Co. K. Fifty-second W. H. Hammond. W.' P. Carpenter, Co. H. ' ( ' Fifty-third R. B. Murray, Co. A; J. Tally, H Gr W. Scott, H; LHicks, H; S. F. Collins. B; P. Owen, K; B. M. Mitchell, F; J. Dowocott, A. Fifth-fourth Wv Bingham, Co. B; G. W. Miller, A; Sergeant H. C Felt, G. vittv filth bergeant E AggriI,Co. E. r ifty-seventh- A. P. Bost, Co. E; E. M. Sulman. G. Cavalry 1. A. Harriot, Co. I, -First regiment; A. C. Cline, R. H. Lester, H, Second regiment, ...... Thomas' Legion E. S. Connor. Co. F. Uriah Hatley, company and regiment unknown, and six others, names un known. .:. Jas. W. Wilson, Walker's division.; Col. Walter Stallings, Secondegl- ment. . , Gen. Arch'd Campbell GodwinJRam- scur's division. SUNDAY SERVICES. Services to-day in St. John's Church at 7.45. 11 . m. and ,5 prm, Sunday school 8.80 p. m. St. Paul's church, Fourth and Orange streets. Rev. F. N. Skinner, rector, Services to-day. Third Sunday in Lent at 11 a. m. and 7 80 p. m; Sunday school p. m. bcrjrices daily at 9 a.m. and, except Wednesday, at 5 80 p m.; joint service Wednesday at 8 p. m. All seats tree. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church, corner of Market and Sixth streets, Rev. K. Boldt, pastor. Third wuuuq w iu uvu a, vtiiuau at a a a sas English at 7.80 p. m.; Sunday school at 8 p. m. All seats free. St. Matthew's English Lutheran church, Fourth street above Bladen, Rev. G. D. Bernheim, pastor: Morning service at 11 o clock; evening service at 7.80 o'clock; Sunday school at 8.80 p. m. Seats free and every person heartily welcome. COLORED CHURCHES, : Ebenezer Baptist Church. Preaching 10 80, S, 7.80. Sunday school at 18. Com mucion at 8.80. The pastor will preach at all services to-day. - There will be preaching at the First Baptist Church, corner Fifth and Camp bell streets to-day at 11 a. m., 8 p. m. and at 1.80 d. m The rite of baotism will be administered at the foot of Queen street. freacnine 7 su p. m. babbatu scnool at 1 p. m. Strangers and friends are wel come. Joseph Spells", pastor. Rev. L. T. Christmas will occupy his pulpit at tne tentral Baptist church to day at 10.30 a. m., 8 p. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday School at 13 m. All cordially invitea. , . -. . St. Stephen's A. M. E. church, corner Fifth and Red Cross streets. Rev. E. J. Sugg pastor. Preaching to-day at 10 80 a. m. bv the pastor ; and at 8 p. m. by brother !F. S. McClure. , At 7.80 p. m. the pastor will discourse oh the subject "Kejection." . , '--' i i ia ssssjbV If there is anything yon want, ad vertise for it. Is there anything yon don't want? Advertise it in the Business Locals of the Star. One cent a word. Bat no ad. taken for ess than 80 cents; tf WHOLE NO. 8.823 .TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY.- SELECTION OF A LOCATION POST PONED BY THE COMMITTEE, i - Mount Alrr. AihevllTo and Wai aesville Offering Znduoemante An Appeal Taken In the Caae, of Dowder the Mnrderer of Eatineer Sodd-A Iiinohios Zxpeeted Political Ooaaip. : Star Correspondence - Raleigh. N. C, March 7. The Executive Committee of the Teachers' Assembly will meet hereto day to decide upon the location for hold ing the annual session this Summer. I can state beforehand that Wilmington will be the place. No other competitive place affords the advantages as does Wilmington and vicinity. The railroads. submitted yesterday a rate of one ticket' one way for the round trip. - . Loge Harris says the Nash county convention, was of the scoop variety. He says of the thirteen townships in Nash, only six sent delegites, and furthermore, there , were only fourteen delegates present. He says that the convention was illegally called, only fourteen days notice having been given; that notices were not made public, but sent only to Dockery mer; that the call was not issued by the chairman, tut by the bogus committee which he says tried to sell the county to the Democrats at the last election. The Russell forces will make an effort to throw the delega tion out of the convention even: if they do cot have a controlling delegation. - . Kusseil nor Uockerv can get the Pod- ulist vote for Governor, if tbe Populists are true to their word. Every one ot any note insists that a Republican cannot be Governor. Many people think that the combination will go to pieces on this very question. i In a short time a delegation of Ra leigh citizens will go to Washington to appear before the Military Committee oi the House in regard to the location ot tbe army post in Raleigh. : , Dr. 4 Uban Harris oi Atlanta, who married Maj. R. S. Tucker's daughter. Miss Luia, died yesterday in Atlanta of appendicitis. . Dr. V E. Turner, brother of Coneres3 man Turner of Georgia, has accepted an invitation to deliver an address before the graduating class fat the Atlanta Dental College. , - : Special Star Telegram Ex-Superintendent cf Public Instruc tion Chappell, was acquitted"fto-day cf misappropriating funds, by the county commissioners.' ; The special committee appointed to select a location for the meeting of the Teachers' Assembly were unable to agree, and the. matter was postponed for an other week. Had a vote been taken this morning Wilmington would have been selected. A delegation came down from Mount Airy this evening, offering in ducements. Ashevilleand Wavnesville both telegraphed inducements for tbe meeting during tbe afternoon. All offers will be considered. - j Henry Dowdcn, Engineer D odd's mnr derer. who was to have been husg on tbe 17th inst. in Halifax, appealed to tbe Supreme Court to-day. This was the last day 'of appeal. A lynching is ex pected when the people hear of tbe ap peal. Solicitor Daniel has been asked to have Dowden moved to another county. One Cent a Word, Hereafter advertisements to go in our "Business Locals" department will -be charged one cent per word for each in sertion ; bnt no advertisement, however short, will betaken for less than 20 cents, This is a reduction from former rates and it' is also a convenience to adver tisers, who can calculate the exact cost of their advertisements, which must be paid for always in advance. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Special Conclave. L1NTAGENET commandery No. 1,. will be held Monday night at 7 80 o'clock at tha Asytnm. cnsioesi ot great importance .-v" y order Jtmiacnt Commander. H. G. SMaI.I.ROVR mat 8 It - Recorder Notice. KNUAL MEETING OF THE CAROLINA Yacht Club will be held at the mom of tha ftnarA f jAodit and FUance, Monday niiht, March 16, at 8 N. A. QUINCK, ar 8 It ' . . ; Secretary. Executor's Notice. TTAVING QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOR OF -a-a. - . the will of the late George Div"s, I hereby notify all persons tl-vim claims akaiost bv u d testator tn m.. teut the sne to me on or before the8 h d-yof Marco. . n .don . a . . . . i n . i . . . iovi. xaiej inis oca aav ot varcn. A. U. 1896. JUNIUi DAVIS. Execntor. mar84w so1 FaIners, Institute. qnSE FARMERS OF NEW HANOVER ARE -a- -.- invited and requeued to attend tha FARMERS' INSTITUTE to beheld in Wiimiastoi on Monday and Tnesday, March 9th and 10th, 1896. The obitct of the meeting is one of business only. No polilic.about it. Snbiecti of nraclical to all FariEer and Trackers will be considered and discussed. ... Cone and let ui have a meeting of interest and prom to ail. B, L. fAI.lliKSUN, 8 t' . Commissioner of Asricnltute. Extracts. Lovers of Fine Extracts should call at Hardin's Palace Pharmacy and inspect bis elegant line of new and fashionable odors. Rhine Violets and Violets of Sicily are especially une, aim are navmg a Dig sale. J. H. HARDIN, Prop. Palace Pharmacy. 'Phone 55. . , . 126 South Front street, VonKampen Block, next to bead store (old stand). . mar 8 tf Free Freights. 5 boxes' Star Lye. , J 5 boxes Good Luck Powder.. 5 boxes M Lye. 5 boxes Cakes. ' 5 barrels Snuff. - 5 boxes Starch. - 5 boxes Tobacco. 50 dozen Coats' Cotton. ' 100 pounds Ball Cotton. All at regular prices, freight pre paid. W. B. COOPER, . Wholesale Grocer and Comiaiuion Merchant, ' 1826 North Water street, Smar'srt , DW' Wnmrngtosi, W. C. The Only - Six-Dollar Daily oi - its - Class in the State.- .'r new advertisements. NEW SPRING GOODS Are New Peing Daily Eeceivedin Every Department Ho. Ill Market St. eb 23 tf ' THIAlrWi BOWDEN LITHIA WATER, The Only Known Solvent ol Stone in the Bladder. - A positive specific for Gout, Rheu matic Gout. Rheumatism, Bright's - Disease, and all diseases having their origin ia Uric AcicLDiathesis, NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA, apd INSOMNIA. Our Sparkling Table Water Has no Equal. Beware of Artific'al and Imitation Lithia Water; they are danger us ! Send postal for U ustrated Booklet. Bowden Litaia Water . is sold by all dealers, or Bowden Lithia .Springs Co, i ry i' n 1.. pi" a .t . lit TEilbUUCC OUi VLIciUlcl. via. mar 8 V&W ly $250,000 To lend on any good security at the Atlantic national Bank, Wilmington, N. O., m amounts trom S100 to S15.00O. Unsurpassedjfacilities in every de partment of Banking extended to all customers in and out of the citv. Special attention given to accounts of non-residents. J.. HOBfOOD, f.J.'TOOMER, Cashier. President.! W. C. maiStr COKES, Jr., Ass't Cashier. YOU AMD nt! FREE I FREE ! 1 We - will have " elesrantlv Dreoared CLflU CHOWDER daily, and a variety of Soaps and other lunches from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., AT ASTORIA CAFE. : CARL MUGGB, Prop'r. mar 72t .. , , .. - Open All Day T6-dayv PERSONAL ATTENTION TO , ALL PRESCRIPTION ' WORK. - ; JAIIES D. nUTTa THE DRUGGIST. . . ssarStf - ' 11! ! . in: on 3 : i iiiiititiiiii w m . a.m VVlUlkJUU W i VI V U - it 1 - i - ft ' fji .y . ; - .-.ii v Li -1j i - i Si i -