FOR FIVE DOLLARS THE MORNING STAB GOES. ONE YEAR. FROM $2.00 TO $3.00 CHEAPER Thau Otfier Dailies of. its Class in North Carolina. Entered at the Postoffice at WOmlagtoa, N.C..M - Second-clan Mall Mattel. 5 ,4-1 6 7 6 "9 port ah Sun Riset. J Sun Sets....... unae-nr 2. -v. 5.07 AM 6.48 PM Day's Length. .... 13 h 41 m High Water at Southport. . . 11.29 A M Hif? Water at Wilmington 1.12 PM . .yf The Weather. U. S. Dep't or 'Agriculture, Weather Bureau, Wilmington. N. C, May 2. Meteorological data tor yesterday: Temperature: 8 a. m 67; 8 p. m., 68; maximum, 75; minimum, 60"; mean,68; Rainfall for the day, ; rainfall for the month up to date, . cotton region bulletin. There were moderate rains through out the cotton belt Thursday; in the Wilmington district, Charlotte reported 22-100:hs of an inch; Greensboro 0.16. The average maximum temperature ranged from 76 to 88 degrees. FORECAST FOR TO-DAY. For South Carolina Partly cloudy, with conditions favorable for local show ers in the northern portion; easterly to southerly winds. For North Carolina Ginerally fair, preceded by showers in the extreme eastern portion; warmer in the interior; easterly to southerly winds. The barometer CDntinues high on the New Eagland coast and it is lowest north of Montaan. The temperature has remained about stationary east of the Mississippi, but it is cooler in the lower Missouri valley and warmer in the northern portion of the upper Lake region. Local showers are indicated for the Like reg'oa and the Ohio valley and generally cloudy5 weather for the Middle Atlantic Stite3. Tae weather will con tmus lair in New Eagland and generally fair in regions west of the Mississippi. OUTLINES. An unsuccessful attempt was made to assault a widow lady in Suffolk, Va. Yesterday's session of the Senate was enlivened by a lilt between Tillman and Hill; Mi. Gorman's resolution to re duce the number of proposed new bat , tleships from four to two was carried. - - The bankruptcy bill was discussed in the House. Fire in Quincy,IH., destroyed $300,000 worth of property, Treasury figures show a deficit for the ten-months of the present fiscal year of $23,455,190. r Nearly $3,000,000 in gold will be shipped to-day from New York to Europe. Bradstreet's re ports les? improvement in general trade this week; the number of failures re ported this week is 151, against 240 last week, and 206 in the last week of April, 1893.x Secretary Olney has received a cable message announcing that the Shah of Persia had been assassinated by a revolutionary fanatic. - A meet ing was held in Madrid to organize com pfnies of volunteers for service against the Cuban insurgents and committees were appointed to make the necessary arrangements. Report cf yester day's New York markets:- Money on call was easy at 22 per cent.; last loan at and closing offered at 2 per cent.; cotton quiet; middling gulf 8 7-16c; mid dling uplands 8 3-1 6c; Southern flour quoted easy; common to extra fair P.403.00; good to choice $3.003.S0; wheat spot quiet and easier with op tions; February 75Kc; corn spot dull but steady; No. 2 at elevator 85Hc:afloa 36c; spirits turpentine steady and quiet at 2829c; rosin firm ard quiet; com mon strained to good $2.00. What's in a name? George Wash ington (col.) is in jail in Washington for the perpetration of a brutal crime on one of his own children, which if he was down in this country would put a rope around his neck in short order. Recorder Goff, of New York, has been so often reversed by the higher courts that he doesn't look natural iy he isn't standing on his head. The general impression seems to be that Recorder Goff should be knocked to pieces and built over again. The Boston Herald will, bet "a plug hat" that the favorite son of Massachusetts will be President of the U. S. before the favorite son of Pennsylvania is. Well, maybe so, but who in thunder wants to wait a thousand years for a plug hat ? Booth-Tucker's first venture at slumming in New York wasn't a sue- cess. He went put with Steve uroa- die to take in the slums, but his false oeara didn't ht ana a policeman uw. Him in and locked him up in the cal- aboose, where he had to stay until. Stfv hnctlo1 onrl ant bail for him. VOL. LVIII. NO. 35. IMPORTANT ANNOUffpMENT. Attention is called to the follow ing Reduced Rates of Subscription to The Morning Star : TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS. Twelve Months six ........ ..$5.00 . . 2.50 .. 1.25 Three Two One ... ... 1.00 50 TO CITY SUBSCRIBERS. The Star will be delivered by carrier at any point in the city at 12 cents per month.x. week, or 45 cents per Joe Blackburn says the battle of the standards to go on in Ken tucky and no compromise. The Con vention will meet June 3d. If the gpld men win it will knock Black burn out for the Senatorship, and if the silver men win it will knock Car lisle out as a prospective Presidential candidate. And the friends of both are spreading themselves. Senator Vest, who was a Kentuckian before he became a Missourian, will stump the State for silver. The Philadelphia Ledger remarks that it is "pleasant to observe the cheerfulness of the Democrats of Pennsylvania in attending a convenr tion in a State which, in all probabil ity, will give a majority of 200,000 against them." Their cheerfulness is picturesque in view of the fact that' they constructed a platform on which they invite the national' Democracy to stand, which looks very much like a coffin. Miss Kennedy, a young lady not yet 20, runs the Merchants' Bank of Forsythe, Montana, makes loans, re ceives deposits and does about all the work in the institution, the owner of which is a non-resident but has confidence enough in her business tact and discriminating judgment to entrust his money to her manage ment. That's the kind of a new woman who amounts to something. Some of the gold organs have made the discovery that the wage earners are the greatest creditor class in this country. But they are not very busy clipping coupons, manipu lating bonds, drawing interest or anything of that sort as far as we have heard. The Matabeles are plucky fellows but when they attack fortifications where the British soldiers can turn machine guns on them and mow them down the Britons have rather the advantage of them, The strawberry fellows around Lakeland, Florida, were in it this season. . Some of them realized from $1200 to $1,500 an acre on their berries. They have house-lifting and mov ing down fine these days. I ri Chi cago recently a large stone church with a high tower "was raised from its foundation and moved fifty feet. NEW AD V EBT1SEMENT3. A P Levy Wanted. R R Bellamy & Co. Beans. . Hall & Pearsall Berry crates. PERSONAL, PARAGRAPHS Pertinent Panumsha Pertaining Prinoi- pally to People and Pointedly Printed. Mrs. Franc H. Jones, of Char lotte, is here on a visit. Mr. J. A. Springer is out again, after a few days' sickness. Mr. B. W. Townsend, of Red Banks is in the city on business. y Mr. R. P. Grady, of Baltimore, is in the city, registered at The farced. Mrs. Sarah E. McMillan is still quite sick, although slightly better yes terday. I Chief of Fire Department Mar tin Newman leaves for New York this morning. 1 , Miss Hannah Shrier returned last night from a visit to friends in New York city. !. j Mr. E E. Crow, of Philadel phia, was in the city yesterday, stopping at The Pnrcell. Mr. Robt. E. Lee, of Mount Olive, is here, on a visit to his brother, Mr. B. Frank Lee. , I The many friends of Mr. Jas. H Cowan will regret to learn of his illness with fever. Mr. W. H. Hamcammon has a position with Mr. A. P. Levy, manager of the French Cafe. Mr. J. P. Council, Jr. and Mr. N. A. Callihan, of Councils, were guests at The Purcell yesterday. . yy - Messrs. J. S. Thomas, Char lotte; H. W. Hood, Southport, were among the arrivals in the city yester day." - ' i. Mrs. B. B.Ellsworth and son, Charlie Norman, of Raleigh, are in the city on a visit to Mrs. Ellsworth's father and mother, Mr. andj Mrs. 5. L. Yopp. Rosa Bonheur's Horse Fair on exhibi i at a. TV Brown's, on Front street. a faithful reproduction oi mo "V"", Mrs. Mclntlre solicits orderr f or tttt cla ""TlZ- I lf aH Tnn 9t MrS. C. D. UC- vane's, no. 8 North Front street. t r I . . ' M LOCAL DOTS. . Items of Interest Gathered Here and There and Briefly Noted. The base ball cranks will meet to-night at the City Hall to organize ami select a team. The sloop Adelaide, sunk in the river near Orion plantation a short time ago, has been raised and brought to Wilmington for repairs. The East Carolina Convention of Christian Endeavor Workers will be held May 29th next, in Immanuel Pres byterian church, Wilmington. Capt. E. L.' Pearce, who has been sick for some time at his home, Scott's Hill, came up to the city yester day for treatment at the hospital. The Wilmington Fair Associa. tion meeting was postponed from last night until next Tuesday night, owing to the illness of the chairman, Mr. W. H. Cbadbourn. A young lady riding a wheel on Market street yesterday morning ran into a wagon near the corner of Second street, was upset and rolled in the dust; fortunately she escaped unhurt. 'A german complimentary to Miss Cammie Lord's dancing class was given yesterday evening from 5 to 7 o'clock in Hibernian Hall. There were some 25 couples in attendance. Mr. D. LGore was one of the vice presidents at the Grain, and Trade Congress, Charleston, S CHe re turned home yesterday with Mr. G. J. Boney, who was also a delegate to the congress. Cherokee and Eyota Tribes, Improved Order of Red Men, will have their annual celebration of Tammany Day at the Wiewam on the 6th inst. Messrs. J. M. Branch, Sol Sternberger, A. Shrier, G, W. Penny, W. H. Line and J. R. Davis are the committee. Miss Blanche Fentress, record ing secretary of the Women's Missionary Conference, which will hold its annual meeting in Kinston, N. C, May 7th, re quests the Star to say that the railroads have made reduced rates for all who may attend, and tickets will be on sale May 5ih to 7th. i Notice to Mariner". The British steamship St. Fittans, Capt. Stabb, on April 28.n' struck a sunken obstruction off Cape Fear, Fry ing Pan Shoals Light Vessel bearing southwest by one-half west,, distant five miles. The Lighthouse Board gives notice that on April 17th, 1896, a first-class can-buoy, red and black horizontal stripes, was established in fifteen feet of water, to mark the wreck of the steamer Brinkburn and the barque Siam on Fen wick Island shoal. The wreck of the Brinkburn is about fifty feet west of the buoy, with not more than eight feet of water over it. Fenwick Island shoal buoy, SW. U W. Cotton Receipt!. The receipts of cotton at Wilmington for the month of April were 3.683 bales, against 1,235 the same month last year. Receipts for the crop year to May 1st, 167,935. bales, against 234,121 for same time last season; a decrease of 66,196 bales. Stock at this port May 1st, 1896, 4,740 bales; at same date last year, 13,. 160. The total exports since September 1st, 1896, are, domestic, 31,003 bales; foreign, 132.531. . XT April Weather. The monthlymeteorological summary of the weather in April, issued from the Wilmington Weather Bureau Sta tion, shows that the- mean temperature for the month! was 64"; the mean for this month for 26 years is 62. The ac cumulated deficiency of daily mean temperature since January 1st is 132 The total rainfall for the month was 0.64 of an inch, a deficiency in precipi tation of 2 87 inches. There was a light frost on the 3d and a heavy frost on the 5th, Shipments of Track. Heavy shipments of strawberries and vegetables are going forward from this section. Yesterday shipments by the Atlantic Coast Dispatch from points be tween Wilmington and Goldsboro ag gregated twenty cars of berries and fif teen cars of vegetables, to New York, Boston, Providence, Chicago and Mon treal. Canada. The shipment to the last named place is the first ever made from this section. Fat in for Col. 'fA large side-wheel steam ferry-boat, the Cape Charles, from New York bound to New Orleans, put in here yesterday for coal. She replenished her supply at the C. F. & Y. V. railroad wharf at Point Peter and sailed for her destination last evenineJ The steamer had on her decks, eight new railroad passenger coaches. Shipping! Bsport. Capt. Edgar Williams, harbor master, reports arrivals of vessels over 90 tons at this port during April as follows: American Six steamships, 11 schoon ers, 9565 tons. Foreign One steamship, six barques, two brigs and one schooner, 5 033 tons. Total, 27 vets lis, 14,698 tons. One Cent Word. - Hereafter advertisements to go in our "Business Locals" departments will be charced one cent per word ' for each in sertion ; but no advertisement, however short, will be taken for less than 20 cents. This is a reduction from former rates and it is also a convenience to adver tisers, who can calculate the exact cost of their advertisements, which must be paid for always in advance. If there is anvthin&r vou want, ad vertise for it. Is there anything yoa don't want? Advertise it in the Business Locals of the Star. One rent a word. But no ad. taken for ess than 20 cents. tt Morn WILMINGTON, N. O, SATURDAY MAY 2, 1896. NEWS FROM RALEIGH. RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF 8. A. L. RAIL ROAD 8H0PS- Gov. Can Honori a Beaalaltion from the Governor of South Carolina Martin County Divided Between ID acker y and Boatell Southern Express Company Earninsa of Ballroada Waks ;Primatiaa Daolara for Dookery tor Governor-Col-I lapie of the RaaaeU Boom. Special Star Correspondence Raleigh, N. C, May 1. The committee appointed by the Chamber of Commerce to go to Ports mouth and confer with Vice President St. John about the re-establishment of the shops here will not leave until next week. This committee have delayed their departure at Mr. St. John's sagges.ion. Raleigh is determined to secure the shops and there is every prospect that she will succeed. , ; Governor Carr honors' the requisition from the Governor of South Carolina for the delivery of W. A. Green now un der arrest at Columous. There is a ps culiarity about the case. Green has been found guilty of an assault with attempt to kill, and is now under a seaxa sen tence. Ia South Carolina the sentence of a fugitive is sealed, and not opened until the capture ot the gui.t person. Only the officers of the coart know the penalty imposed. Claude Dockery received telegrams to-day stating that Martin county yes terday elected two delegates, giving one each to Russell and Dockery. In this city, last night two primaries were held and there are contests m both. The convention to-morrow promises to be lively indeed. Both sides are claim ing the victory. j To day the Southern bi press Com pany . acquires a great deal of railroad territory in Virginia and other Southern States heretofore operated by North ern express companies. The Kailway commission is now re ceiving the reports of the net earnings of the various railroads lor tnepast quarter, operating in the State. Tne increase in the earnines of the Wilmington & Wei- don R. R. is $39,000; the increase in the earnings of the Wilmington. Columbia & Augusta is $67,000; the increase in the C. F. & Y. V. is Stf.SOO, increase in tne Chester & Lenoir is 85.356; increase in the Petersburg. $20. The report is quite gratifying. Special Star Telegram Primaries, were held in most of the precincts in Wake county to-day. and as a result Dockery will control the con vention to-morrow by a safe majority. Bailev and Parnell, seeing that the Russell boom was about to collapse, de- clared for Dockery to-night. Vance county has declared for Col Dockery. Leading Republicans say that Wake's declaration fjr Dockery will practically insure his nomination on the first ballot. V BY RIVER AND RAIL. Bsaelpta of Naval 8tore and Cotton Nvl 8tore x Yesterday. Wilmington & Weldoa R. R. 63 biles cotton, 4 casks spirits turpentine, 2 bbls tar, 3 bbls crude, turpentine. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R R. 23 bales cotton, 23 casks spirits tur pentine, 102 bbls rosin, 5 bbls tar, 2 bbls crude turpentine, Carolina Central R. R.-53 casks spirits turpentine, 133 bbls rosin, lo bbls crude turpentine. Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R 14 casks spirits turpentine, 83 bbls rosin, 7 bbls tar. Wilmington, Newbern & Norfolk R. R. 21 bales cotton, 27 casks spirits tur pentine, 51 bbls rosin, 2 bbls tar, 2 bbls crude turpentine. Steamer D Murchison-1 bale cotton, 36 casks spirits turpentine, 49 bbls rosin. 36 bbls tar. .4 bbls crude turpentine. Schooner Ruth, Jr. 18 casks spirits turpentine, 39 bbls rosin, 7 bbls tar. Lukin sfut 3 casks spirits turpen tine, 30 bbls rosin, 12 bbls tar. Total receipts Cotton, 108 bales, spirits turpentine, 168 casks; rosin, 487 bbls; tar, 133 bbls; crude turpentine, 27 bbls. P m m The Iita Henry Bohulken. The funeral of Mr. Henry Schulken, whose death was announced in the Star yesterday, will take place this afternoon at 5 o'clock from Grace M. E. church, j ' .-- Mr. Schulken was the oldest German resident of Wilmington, a respected and esteemed citizen. He was bora in Blumenthal, Kingdom of Hanover, came to America in loan ana settled in Charleston, S. C, where be married, and in 1846 removed thence to this city, where . he en gaged in mercantile pursuits, continuing in business up to ten years ago, when the infirmities of age compelled his retire ment. Before the war of 1861-65 he be came a member of the German Volun teers of Wilmington, and during the war, exempt from active service on account of age, he served, with the senior reserves. Mr. Schulken's wife died twenty-seven years ago. 1 nree cniiaren survive him, Mr. C. H. Schulken, Mrs. O. M. Fillyaw and Mrs. E. VanLear; all residents of Wilmington. x LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Wilmington Post- office May 1, 1896: women's list. A Miss Llda Alston. B Miss Annie Bell. C Miss Ada Carter, Miss Hattie Campbell. D Miss Sarah Devane (2). H Miss Susan Harget. j Miss Millie Jones, Miss Rebecca Tones. L Miss Ellen Love, Miss Liura Luendo. M Miss Annie Marshall. S Miss Fair- horne Sherd. !. men's LIST. B H F Barrett, J W Banting, T H Bell. I A Baglev, V R Bryant. C C D Carroll, J Carroll. Jas Cowan. D 1 E Davis. Jno William Ezzell. F W E Flake. G Nat Glover, Wm Garrett. H Messrs C W Howard & Co. K Mr E W Kibler, Gofe Keathern. N E D Nixon. P G H Price. R Miles Rodees. S Furch Soney. Barme Sim mons, Capt Sulman. RETURNED FROM DEAD-LETTER OFFICE. Mrs Abby V Jones. Lizzie Moore, Minnie Williams. Persons calling for above letters will please say advertised. If not called for in 15 days, tney win re sent to the dead letter office. GEO. L. MORTON. Postmaster. ...... i : - i : NG. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION. The United States Civil Service Com mission has ordered that an examina tion be held by its local board in this city on Saturday, Jane 6th, 1896, com mencing at 9 o'clock a. m., for the grade of clerk and carrier in the postal service. Only citizens of the United States can be exatuined. .The age limitations for this examinotion are as follows: Clerk, 18 years or over; carrier, 21 years and under 40 years. No application will be accepted for th-s examination unless filled with Mr. W. C. Craft, secretary board of examiners, in complete form, on the proper blank, before the hour of Closing business on May 18, 1896. Ap plications should be fi'ed promptly. therefore, in order that time may re main for correction if necessary. Tne commission takes this opportu nity of stating that the examinations are open to all reputable citizens of the United States who may desire to enter the service, without regard to race or to their political or religious affiliations. An such citizecs are invited to apply. -They shall be examined, graded and cer tified with entire impart ality, and wholly without regard to any consideration save their efficiency, as shown b the giades tney obtain in tne examination. For application blanks, full instruc tors and it formation relative to duties and salaries of different positions, apply to W. C. Craft, Wilmington, N. C. Est. Dr. Prltohard. The Charlotte News of Wednesday last contained the following: News from Wilmington to-day is that very much concern is being manifested about the condition of Dr. Thos. H. Pritchard, who is ill at his home on Wricht8ville sound. His ailment is Bright's disease, and it has evidently 'reached a serious stage, as his children have been all summoned to his bedside. Dr. Pritchard's many and devoted friends in Charlotte earnestly hope that his condition is not so bad as would be inferred from the news received con cerning him. Advices from Wrightsville last night were that Dr. Pritchard's condition was better and' his attendants were hopeful of continued improvement. Housekeepers who want servants are in the habit of supplying their needs from the Star's want column. Are you looking for a situation? The Star's want -column will bring you the best results. One cent a word. But no ad. taken for less than 20 cents tf The Churches. - : " Grace Methodist E. Church. South, northeast corner of Grace and Fourth streets. Rev. R. A. Willis. Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a m and 8.C0 p m. Experience meetine at 10 a m in the lec ture room. Sunday school at 3.30 p m. Weekly prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Strangers and visitors are cordially invited to attend Fifth Street M. E. Church South, situated on Fifth street, between Nun and Church. Rev. W. L. Canningeim, Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m and 7.45 p. m. by the pastor Class meeting will be held at 2.30 p. m. Sunday Sch ol at 4 p. m. The public cordially invited to all services. Chapel of the Good Shepard, Sixth and Queen street. There will be the usual services on Sunday at 11am and 8 pm. South Side Baptist Church, corner Fifth and Woos- ter streets: Rev. J. B. Harrell, Pastor. Services Sunday at 11 a. m, 8.00 p. m. Sunday School at 2.30 p m. Church Prayer Meetine Wednesday night aj8.UOr . NUNERAL NOTICE. The funeral of the latsHENRY SCHULKEN will take place from Grace M. X. Church this (Satur day) afternoon at 5 o'clock, ihence to Oakdale Ceme tery. BUSINESS LOCALS. ' Noncas For Rent or Sale. Lost and Found Wants, and other short miscellaneous advertisements Inserted in this Department, in leaded Nonpareil type. on nrst a tonrtn page, at fu bustier s option, tor I cent per word each insertion rbut no advertisement taken for less than 20 cents. Terms, positively cash In advance. For Pent Cottage No. 1(5 Ann street. Cislern and Bath Room. Apply to Bagley & Walkeer, 13 Princess street. ma 1 tf Good opportunity to rent the elegant Store 416 North Front street, including basement, heretofore useias Restaurant by Gieschea Bros. mv 1 tf Juat received one car Jamaica Bananas, 10 bartels Russett and 40 cratrs Western, N. C, Apples; 25 sacks Irish Potatoes and Onions. Bntter Beans. Peas, Dried Apple;, Dried Peaches, N. C. Hams, Cakes and Crackers, Candies of all kinds. Nuts, Figs, Dates, Lemons, Oranges and Peanuts, in lots to suit at A. S. Winstead's, Commission Merchants and Wholesale Fruit and Produce Dealers, 115 North Second street. apSD&W tf Photographic novelties, Photos with high gloss. Photos with no glois. Photos $1.00 per dozen and up. Frames cheap.' Satisfaction guaranteed. U. C. Ellis, 114 Market street. mar 26 tf Besides all the latest and most fashionable drinks free lunch will be served daily from 11 a. m. to 1 p m.,at A. P. Levy's, on Princess strtet. mar 11 tf For the best and most complete line of Grocerie at the lowest city prices, call at Charles D. Jacobs' Retail Grocery Store. No. 217)4 North Front street. Attentive delivery men and clerks will hustle up the goods. mar 8 tf The celebrated pale Kyffhanser Beer! Sold only by F. Richter, Wilmington, N. C. Baskets Vegetable Baskets for the shipment of Peas, Beansv1 Cncumbers, etc For sale at Jno. S. McEachern'sGrain and Feed Store 811 Market street. . cM Harden, P. H. nas In stack buggies, road Carts and harness of all kinds. Repairing done by skillful workmen oa short notice. Opposite sew CnartHmtM S1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanted. , JgVERYBODY TO CALL AND TRY THE best Whiskey, Wine and Beer in the city. Mixed drinks a specialty. Fine Cigars, Ac. French Cafe, A. P. LEVY, Manager, my 2 tl 117 Princess street. Berry Grates and Baskets Send in and get them. Orders solicited for K.C Bacon, Flour, Molasses, &c, &c. Snuff and Tobaccos ot the leading brands. HALL & PEARSALL. ' Nutt and Mulberry streets. my 2 DAW tf . At The Unlucky Corner . A fine lot of two-year-old Korili Carolina Hams z Per Ponnfl. fAny quantity of fide LEMONS at the old price. Strawberries Fresh Every Day. The biggest bottle of PICKLES you ever saw at 25 cents. S. W. SANDERS. apr 24:tf Star Beans, Beans, Beans. Large StocHnst Receirei EVERY VARIETY SOLD IN ' THIS SECTION OF VEGETABLE AND - ZFaarxo. Seeds Truckers and Gardners will find it to their interest to buy from Robt. R. Bellamy & Co., DRUGGISTS AND SEEDSMEN, Wilmington, N. C. feb 9 tf THE ONLY CARGO HEW CROP MOLASSES directly, imported from the West Indies, is now discharging at our wharf. Ex-Schr. Wm. Linthicum," Direct from Barbadoes. Superior quality. Low prices. Samples and prices furnished by WORTH & WORTH Only Importers of Molasses in North Carolina. ap 3 tf BOWDEN LITHIA WATER, The Only Known Solvent of Stone in the Bladder. A positive specific for Gout, Rheu matic Gout, Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, and all diseases having their origin in Uric Acid Diathesis, . NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA, ' and INSOMNIA, "i" - Our Sparkling Table Water Has no Equal Beware of Artificial and 'Imitation Lithia Water they are dangerous ! Send postal for illustrated Booklet. Bowden Lithia Water y is sold by all dealers, or Bowden Lithia Springs Co., 174 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. mar 8 D&W ly - - " - i Oxford Ties. Thfc tieftfaat binds the customers to the seller are the ties of price,-the ties of s yle, the ties of fit. All these are embraced ln-our handsome line of Black and Tan Oxfords at SI 25, $1.50. $2 00 and $2 60. For the latest cut in Oxford Ties, and the lowest cut in prices, give us a ui Geo. E. French & ap 26 tf CROLIUS & C(X, Bankers and Brokers Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton, j 45-47 Exchange Place and BEount Morals Bank Bull dins, lasts. Street and Park Avenue. , - j o UR MARKET LETTER, ISSUED GRATIS and mailed free on application; also onr yearly Stock, Grain and uotton Kecord, wmcn will oe completed on January 8, 1896. . We offer special facilities to out-of-town brokers. ! OUR HARLEH OFFICE has just entered on its fifth year of faithful service to clients in Greater New York, and it may be said, and truly so, that the ser vice rendered has never been equaled. Aside- from being Harlem's oldest stock brokers, we have the largest clientele, .more private wires, telephones, em ploy mere teiegrapn operators, cieras ana Dooueepers than any other op-town brokers. Also larger and more commodious suite of offices, with nneqnaled facilities, NORTH OF WALL STREET. i National Bank references. New York Cotton Ex change references. New York Stock Exchange refer ences, Chicago Board of Trade references. , WILmiNGTON OFFICE: 111 North Water Street. - U. M. ROBINSON, Manager. Out of town business solicited. dec 29 8m ; Hamme, The Hatter, JJAS A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Spring Hats and beautiful line of Straw Goods. Latest Styles and Lowest Prices. j p 26 tf 28 North Front Street, WHOLE NO. R.R70 THE Alderman Hardware Co. i; ! Have a full line of White Moun- tain and Arctic ICE CREAM FREEZERS I. . WATER COOLERS, Refrigerators, Both Pine.and Hail Woo A I - ,x. Fly Traps, Window Screens, Screen Wire Cloth, . Galvanized Poultry Netting and j Galvanized Hardware, Which they are offering at very low r -- : figures for cash. All we ask is trial. Alderman Hardware Co., 29 South Front Street, ap l9tf Wilmington. N. C. For Sale, ! ! A VERY FINE - Soda Waler Fountain. One Generator, Six Copper Fountains. ?A rare chance to secure a bargain. SAItl'L BEAR, Sr.i 12 Market Street, ap 5 tf Wilmington, N. C; i . ' LOOK IN OUR WINDOW AND PICK OUT A PAIR OF j 'Bicycle Leggines" to suit you. Also the famous BALL BEARING" BICYCLE SHOES are on exhibition at reduced prices. Ladies' Bals. reduced from $3.50 to S2.25; Gentlemen's from $3 00 to $2.75. If you do not see what you like step inside and examine our stock of these goods. We are constantly receiving new additions to both our Wholesale and Retail Departments. Prices have been reduced on all. Respectfully, Mercer & Evans. Same place H. C. Evan's old stand, or 63 steps east from corner Front and Princess streets. ap 23 tf UP TO DATE Lirery and Sales Stable. Southerland & Cowan, 108, 110 Second Street, between Princess and Chesnut. T fVUR SERVICE IS FIRST.CLASS IN EVERY particular. Finest Ho sea in town : First class equip pases. Polite attention All calls ar.d orders day and night promptly attended to. i TELEPHONE NO. 15. TELEPHONE NO 15. Telephone calls answered any h6nr day or night. . Special attention give i to Bcardin Horses. .Box Stalls and Careful Groomins for Stal'.mz Hor.-es Hacks and Bageaee Line to all trains going and coming, at usual prices. Carriage for Railroad Call $1.00, Prices Uniform to All Comers. Hearse Exclusive fcr Whites $5.00. Carriage for funeral, l.BO. Hearse tor White and Colore u. Horse and Bueey one hour. $1.00: afternoon $3 00. Carriage, Team and Driver one hour, $1.00; afternoon $3.50. Horse and Surry one hour, $100; afternoon, $3,00. Team and Trap one hour, $1.00; afternoon, $3.50. Saddle Horse one hour, 50 cents; afternoon, $1,50. Furniture Wagon with careful attention, $1.00 per load. Open 365 days and 365 nights in a year. mar 29 tf A Positive Preventive and Cure. mat's other&say. Why not you? Have-ypu If, not, ao so at-once, i it uorneus' bea cug intercemic r n - i n is a Household Remedy for these pests. Most druggists sell it. TAMES D. NUTT, ap 8 tf Manufacturer. -J Q Barrel Baltimore Cajndy. pQ Boxes Baltimore Candy Boxes Quail Baltimore Candy. Backets "Star mixture Candy. 2 Buckets ''tTon" mixture Candy, j Q Tubs Broken mixture Candy. 100 Boxea Penn? mixture Candy. W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant, j 296 North Water street, Wlhnrocton. I: C ap 28 tl IW We Are Still JN BUSINESS at No. 11 Sooth Front street and would be pleased to have yon give us a call when in need of onr services. Respectfully, C. PRKMPERT'S SONS, Barbers and Hair Dressers. 11. aprSStf SUBSCRIPTION RATES. REDUCED TO $5.00. BUT NO. REDUCTION IN SIZE ! OF PAPER, OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY OF READING MATTER.! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen, Are the words of onr Good Book, and it is just so in the mercantile world. Many begin, but few succeed. To reach the top round of tbe ladder cf succc'is is to fight for every step. We nave i bad that war on for eight vears. The fight has been long and steady, and we have climbed that ladder step by step until we nave reached tbe top. in tne 1 Dry Goods line. We are selling more Dress Goods,: Clothing, Shoes, Millinery, Car pets and Matting than any house in1 the city. On prices we defy competition. Read and see what we are pushing this week, i Notions. Buttermilk Soap, 3 cakes in box. nice (foods, this week for 8c a box. Turkish Soap, 12 cakes in box, for 18c a s box. Castile Soap, new. and fresh goods, Sc each. Cologne, all styles atd odors. best goods, in small 2 ounce bottles. 25c a bottle. German Cologne, from Sc to 25c a bottle. C. P. Bailey's Swan Down. 5c a box. Few boxes cf Swan Down and bottles of German Cologne, at 10c for both. Glycerine, 5c a iirSteel Hair Pins, lc per dczjn. Best Lead Pencils. 8c a dozen. Nine-inch best . Cast Shears, 10c a pair. Two sizes Curling Irons, 5c a pair. Splendid Snap Leather Parses, 8c eah. Side. Combs, new styles. 10, 12 and 15c each. Gents' Cuff . Bultors. from 10 to EOc each. Pearl and Gold Shirt Studs, 25c a set. 82 and 88 rubber butt, double action, nickel: mounted, center fire American Pistols, $1.25 each. Pocket Knivesirom 5 to 25c each. Do you ever buy Writing fapetf It so, why not buy it from ut? A Beautiful Box, with 24 Sheets and 24 Envelopes, for 10c a box. Best Royal Wedding Linen Paper, 25c a box. Trilby Note, ! a splendid 6 pound Note Paper, fine and nice, 5 quires for 25c, or 5c a quire. Envelopes, 25c a box of 250, or 3: a pack. Best Brown s Shoe Polish, this week at 9c a bottle. Mason's - Blacking, small sizes, 2 boxes for 5c. Gentlemen's Silk Scarfs this week, Sc each. A beautiful line of fine Windsor T es, in new Colors, 25c each. Silk Ties, 1 yard long and 5 inches wide, 1214c each. I Gents' new wide end Windsor Ties, 25c each. Gents' standing Linen 4 ply collars, new styles, 5c each. r lowers for the Spring is essential to make life pass happily. See what we have tbe kind that dees not fade. Two j Roses on rubber stems, I with foliage, 5c a bunch. Chrisanthemums, two on a butch, large and with foliage. 19c a bunch, ferns in several styles. 10c a bunch. Ladies' Collars, new styles, in linen, 5c each. ' Boys' Sailor Collars, with anchor in corner, 5c. Cuffs, new goods, all styles, 8c a pair. Ladies' Under Ves's, 4c each. Ladies fine Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, made of nice cambric, 4c each. Gents' large and nice Cambric Handkerchiefs, 4c each. Job in Children's Colored Borders-this week, 2c eacn. bnoe boles, best gooes, from 10 to 25c a pair. Clinch Nails, and 4-8, 4c a box, or 35c per dozen, worth 10c a box regular. Best Matting Tacks, 2c a box. Doylies of ail grades and kinds Red Damask, with fringe, 25c per dozen. Pure white, all Linen, 60c per dozen. Best unbleached, pure linen Table Cloths 51 inches wide, 25c per yard: Beautiful Lace Cnrtains, 50c a pair.! 36 inches wide Scrim, 4c a yard. Best Shirt Waist Calico, 4c a yard. 80 inches wide White Homespun, 3Jc a yard. 25 inch Plaids, 3c per yaid. Dress Goods of all styles. Silks of all quality and prices, from 22c to $1.19 per yard, bhoes ot every grades, from zuc to $3.00 a pair. Men's Straw Hats of all kinds, from 10 to 50c each. Gents" Crush Fiee Fur Hats, 25c each. Bell crown, new style bailors lor ladies, made of Senate Straw, 50c, nicely bound. Come to us for bargains of all kinds of goods. Summer Coats for gentlemen at 50c each. You will find us at 112 North Front street, opposite the Orton House. Braddy & Gaylord, Proprietors of Wilmington s Big Racket Stcre. vP. S. Remember our Patterns of all styles. The May number on hand, ard sheets given away, apr26tf 1 Straw Hats For i Men, Women and Children. Children's everyday Hats 10c. A nice Sunday Hat-25c. Extra nice quality for 48cr men s otraw xiais auu uuw us. . . L ' . , I . T 11 75c fancy Straw, latest styles, 48c. $2.50 extra fine Hats at $1.50. Ladies' Sailor Hats White, Navy and Black 10c. High Crown Sailors, White and Black, 19c. ' ; . Nice line of Trimmed Sailors at 23c and 48c. Summer Underwear - for Men, Women and Children. Ladies' and Children's Ribbed Vests 5c. Ladles' Bleached Vests 10c Ladies' Long Sleeves Ribbed Vests 20c. Men's Gauze Undershirts 18c. A splendid Balbrlggan Undershirt and Drawers 25c, 35c and 48c. New lot oi Scriven's Patent Drawers 89c, sold elsewere at $1 00 and $1.25. Large assortment of Laundered and Unlaundered Negligee Shirts at 25c and upwards. A J. H. REHDER & CO., j Next Fourth Street Bridge, j 'Phone 118. Car fare paid on purchases of $2.00 and op. Write for sample, . ap 26 tf SOUTHPORT AKD WILMINGTON. 8TEA.9IER "WILMINGTON. Leave Leave Wilmington. Southport. A.M pTm. A.M. P. M. MONDA.., 9 30 ...... 6 00 8 30 TUESDAY 9 80 2 fO WEDNESDAY 9 80 . 2 3D THURSDAY 9 80 ...... 2 80 FRIDAY 9 i.0 5 00 280 SATURDAY 2 80 8 00 ap 19 tf J. W, HARPER.

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