FOR FIVE DOLLARS 7 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 10RNING STAR H THE MORNING STAB ' GOES ONE YEAR. FROM $2.00 TO $3.00 CHEAPER Than Other Dailies ol its Class in North Carolina. ..j (i the ostomce mi wunungioa, n.v,as Knteied Secondlasl Mail Mattet. - . MuN'TOIVDTHl)irRIMri ' h S 6 7 6 7T uir0nTi.ja.j4ji 10 I rmi920 2. 22 23 Port Almanac May 14. Sun Risei. 4.55 A M Sun Sets 6.57 PM Day's Length. . . . 14 h 03 m High Water at Southport... 8 39PM HiRh Water at Wilmington 10.22 P M The Weather. U. 5. Dep't or Agriculture. ) Weather Bureau, V Wilmington, N. C, May 14. ) Meteorological data tor yesterday: Temperature: 8 a. m., 74"; 8 p. m., 80; maximum, 93"; minimum, 70; mean,81; Rainfall for the day, rainfall lor the month up to date, 1.97. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. There were light rains at Newbern, Greensboro and Goldsboro during the 21 hours ending at 8 a. m. yesterday. The maximum temperature reported were : Weldon, 94; Charlotte, 92; Greensboro, 90 Wilmington. Goldsboro, Newbern, 93 Lumberton, 98"..-Heavy raics were reported in the Galveston and Charles ton districts. - - FORECAST FOR TO DAY. Generally fair; easterly to southerly winds. The barometer has slowly risen in the Central valleys and Lake region and on the Atlantic Coast. The indication are that the .weatner will .continue generally fair in Atlantic Coast districts. OUTLINES. Of the 9,533 "b!us jackets" navy, 4.400 are foreign born and in the 8S1 of the 2.017 marines are natives of other countries than the United Ststes. Senator Morgan's j int resolution rr cog nizing th : billigereacy of the Cuba i in surgents was discussed in the Senate Committee, but no action wss taken. -The Treasury gold reserve ra been steadily declining s nee the last bond is sue, and it now stands at 1114,456.881. Maj or Claude W. Wright, late treasirer of Suff olk. Va.. has been in dicted for appropriating fu ids belonging to the city. HirJm Middlebrooks. formerly ass stant c whier of the Fidelity Trust and Banking Compmy, cf Atlan ta! Ga., is in jail at that place: he "is said to be stioit $13,000. Southern man ufacturers of cotton and woollen goods met in Atlanta and organized the South ern Textile Association. The ca dets of the Charleston Military Academy won.ths $1,000 prize in the cadet bat talion prize drill-at Savannah, Ga.; the inter-State regimental team match was won by the team representing -the Grst batallion Georgia - Volunteers. The Republicans of the Fourth (N. C-) district nominated N. E. English, cf" RanJolph county, for Congress. -: It is reported that the sentences of death imposed upon the members of the Jo hannesburg Reform Committee have b:en commuted to imprisonment for a term of five veais. Great damage was done to property at Staunton, Va , by a cloud-burst. Senator ; Butler says that the Republicans are trying to ruin ths -Populist party. NeYork markets: Money on call was easy at 2ft3.per cent.; last loan at and closing offered at 8 per cent.; cotton dull; middling gulf 8 9 -16c; middling uplands 8 5.-16c; Southern fliour q'liet and easy; common to extra fair 82.302.90; good to choice f2.90Q3.20; wneai spot aau ana easy; cum au dull and firm; No. 2 at elevator 85c; afloat 35 Jfc; spirits turpentine dull and esy at2627c; rosin quiet and steady; strained common to good $1 83 1.90. ' -. . ,"'' The Atlanta Constitution reports some rich gold finds in Georgia, the latest a vein the ore from which is worth $400 a ton. Georgia seems to be hustling to keep up with North: Carolina. -' :' The cabbage is a plebeian plant that doesn't put on many airs, but there is something in it. A grower in one county1 in Florida estimates that the growers of that county got $300,000 out of It this season. Three persons have been arrested -.ntiv for nncrine Mr. Vanderbilt's IWVWM w . door bell. It might seem from this that people in New York who do not ride in carriages have to get a permit to flag Mr. Vanderbilt's door bell. 1- . . : 1 ' Mr. Piatt doesn't want Mr. . Mc kinley nominated because' he will ,"get the Republican party into tur moil and trouble." He seems to have gotten quite a number of dis ' jtinguished Republicans in that fix already. According to the shoemakers, the feet of American women are growing larger, catching up to the Chicago foot, as it were. This means that when the woman of the future comes down flatfooted masculine folks will understand. VVALi. JUVJ.J.1. JXU. 45. imrOBTANT : ANNOUNCEMENT. Attention Is called to the follow ing Reduced Rates of Subscription to The Morning Star.: TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS. - X Twelve Months Six Three " Two One .$5.00 ..2.50 .1.25 4- .1.00 50 TO CITY SUBSCRIBERS. The Star' will be delivered by carrier at any point in the city at 12 cents per week, or 45 cents per month. We are in receipt of the very hand some souvenir for 1895 published by Clapp & Company, Bankers and Brokers, New York, on the leading American exchanges. It is a neatly printed and bonnd volume of 360 pages, containing a vast amount of information useful to the business man, compactly presented and in dexed for ready reference. These souvenirs are all well gotten up and arranged but this one is a decided improvement on those of previous years. 3 " ; ' We are under obligations to Gen. James H. Lane for a catalogue of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, State Agricultural and Mechanical College, Auburn, for 1896. The list shows 297 scholars, most of whom are from Alabama but a good many from other Southern States. The course of studies embraces about everything taught in the colleges. The St. Louis man who announces his candidacy for the Presidency, with the Lord's Prayer as his plat form, evidently doesn't expect to draw very heavily on the Republican vote. Some time ago the gold reserve climbed up to $128,000,000. Now it has slided down to something less than $117,000,000, and it keeps on a slidin. BEW AD V EKT1SEMENTS. - J H Rehder & Co Why is it ? X Cronly & Morris Property of New Hanover Transit Co. at auction. " LOCAL, DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered. Hera and. There and Briefly Noted. - Local forecast for to-day: Fair; south winds. Chief of Fire Department Mar tin Newman returned yesterday 'atter noon from his visit to New York. The Swedish barque Hans cleared yesterday for Antwerp, Ger many, with 7,050 barrels rosin, shipped by Messrs. Faterson, Downing & Co. Twenty-two Knights Templar, the Secoid Regimsnt band, and a num ber of ladies will go to Newbern to-day to attend the parade of the Grand Com mandery. X A special train on the W., N. and N. railroad will leave the Mulberry street station this morning at 8 o'clock for Newbern. returning at 10 p. m. The fare for the round trip is only $1.50. Messrs Cronly & Morris will sell by auction to day all the property of ths New Hanover Transit Company, comprising the railroad, whaif, the hoteL and other property at Ca-ollna Beach. This day being the festival of the Ascension of our Lord into heaven, there will be services appropriate to the day held in St. Matthew's English Luth eran Church, Brooklyn, to night at 8 o'clock. X The naval authorities at Wash ington, D. C, have written letters to the Commander cf the North Carolina Na val battalion, asking the time of the an nual cruise, so that arrangement can be made for a week's practice on a United Suites warship. x - - The C. F. & Y. V. R. R. will sell round trip ticketifor Chapel Hilf N C., on account of commencement exer cises at the State University, .May 81st to June 8rd. with finaHimit toJune 6ih. Rate from Wilmington, $6 90; Marton, $3.20; Fayetteville, $4 90. v The store of the Aldermanx Hardware Company, on South Front street, was. closed yesterday .by judg ment croditois upon claims amounting to about $2,000. Later in the day me comoanv made an assignment lor tne benefit of creditors; Mr. R. C. Sloan as- signee gat in I,alcing. The Americabarque Justine H. In trersoll, Capt. Petersen, put in at South- port yesterday for aharDor, leaning badly. The captain reported . his vessel from Manzaniuo, uuoa, wnu - rf ncar in bags - for New York. He came up to Wilming ton, noted protest, and telegraphed the owners, and was advised that a tug would be sent to tow the barque to New York. Capt. Petersen says that he heard very little about the war while at Manzanillo, which port he lett April zem last. Saw a Spanish cruiser off the coast. Odd Fellowa Orphanage. At Goldsboro, yesterday afternoon, the corner-stone of the main building of the Odd Fellows' Orphanage was laid by Grand Master Chas. F. Lumsden. An address was delivered by Past Grand Sire Chas. M. Busbee, of Kaieign. Grand Secretary Theo. Ross, of the cjiii ftrand Lodce. and Grand Master Hill Montague, of Virginia, were present. There was a large parade, in cluding military, members of the Grand and local lodges, city officials and citizens. . H PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Pertinent Parasrasria Pertaining Prinol - paUy to People and Pointedly Printed. Mr. A. A. McLean, of Gas tonia, is in the city. , Mr. A. J. Crampton, of Char lotte, is in the city. Mr. R. Clinton Bunting has re turned from attending school. Mr. E. TV; Pullen, of Rocky Point, is here on a business visit. ; Mr. A. T. Wishart, of Virginia, was registered at The Purcell yesterday. Mr. D. W. Carmichael, of Car m'chael, S.".C,' was in the city yesterday.- -; Mrs. N. Hullen and son, Nicho las, have gone to Germany to visit rela tives. . , v. Capt. W. J. Hall and family have gone to Wrightsville to spend the Summer. x Mr.Thos. Balke and wife, of Woodbury, N. J., are in the city, guests at The Purcell. Mr. W. E. Thigpen, of Chad bourn, was in the city yesterday, stop ping at The Purcell. Dr. T. H. Pritchard is reported as improving rapidly at his Summer res idence, Wrightsville. Capts. W. H. Gannon and E. E. Groom, of Charleston, inspectors of steamboats, were in the city yesterday. Messrs. Warren Richardson, of the A. C. L , and W. C. Akers. of Co lumbia, S C., are in the city, guests of Mr. Jas. S. Barr. Mr. Akers is general manager of the Union Ners Company at Columbia. . Messrs. J. C. Murchison, of Greensboro; J. C. Carroll, Raleigh; J. C. Parish, Maxton; W. F. Gibson, Gibson; Brnce Williams, Burgaw; B. F. Grady. Turkey, were among the arrivals in the city yesterday. Messrs. T. R, Robertson, J. T. Robertson, G. W. Meredith, R. E. McDonnell, D. G. Maxwell, Dr. J. M,: Belk and Rev. C. L. Huffman, of Char lotte, passed through the city yesterday on their way to Newbern. Goldsboro Argus: Mr. Richard . Jones, of Wilmington, who has been an Odd Fellow for fifty years, and has been treasurer of the State Lodge for forty-one consecutive years, a term of service that is unprecedented in Odd Fellowship, is in the city to attend the session of the Grand Lodge. He is the guest of bis daughter, Mrs. J. W. Lamb and is accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Richard Price. The British Steamship BsyalUt. A telegram from Fernandina, Fla. the 11th insL, reported the British steamer Royalist, Capt, Pritchard, from that port for Rotterdam, with a full cargo, ashore between the jetties and the outer bar. Tugs were sent to her assistance. The Royalist is the large turret steamer that was loaded at the Cham pion Compress this season with a large cargo of cotton. Her genial com mander. Capt. .Pritchard, made many warm friends while here, and they sin cerely hope that he may succeed in getting off without damage and resume his voyage. Beduoed Bates on the A.. O. L. - For commencement exercises of Oak Ridge Institute, May 1719, the Atlantic Coast Line will sell round trip tickets from points on its line in North Caro lina at reduced rates. Tickets to be sold May 16th to 19th. with final limit May 25th. The rate from Wilmington will be $6.30, Weldon, $6 60. A'so for commencement exercises, Fairview Institute, Gibsonville, N. C May 15 20. Tickets to be sold May 14th to 20th. with final limit May 23rd. The rate from Wilmington will be $6.65; Weldon, $5.65; Fayetteville. $4 35. The Boathern Iieague. The Southern League seems to have started out this season on a good sub stantial basis and no doubt will pay handsomely. Thus far the work of the Montgomery and New Orleans teams has been excellent, while Atlanta's show ing is highly satisfactory. The other clubs are playing better ball than hereto fore. . : . . ' -X; The standing of the clubs, including games played on Tuesday last is as fol lows: Montgomery, .714 per cent.; New Orleans, ,650, Atlanta, .565; Mobile. .500; Columbus, .300; Birmingham, .238. Southern Exposition and Athletto Aiiooia- ' :s tion; A meeting of the incorporators of the Southern Exposition and Athletic As sociation is called or the chairman for the purpose of signing and perfecting the articles of incorporation. The meeting will be held as before at the Orton on Thursday, May 14th, at 8 o'clock p. m. It is important that all of the incorporators should be present. One Cent a Word, . - . Hereafter advertisements to go in our 'Business Locals" department will be charged one cent per word for each in sertion ; but no advertisement, however short, will be taken for less than 20 cents, This is a reduction from former rates andtis also a convenience to adver tisers, who can calculate the exact cost of their advertisements, which must be paid for always in advance. ' CHURCH NOTICE. St. Pauls Evangelical Lutheran church, corner of Market and Sixth streets. Rev. K. Boldt pastor. Ascen-. sion Day, English service at 8 p. m. ' Don't Be Bnneoed 1 ! : Why pay 5 cents for a New York news paper when you can buy the great New York Daily Journal, which . contains more cable news than the Herald, more general news than the World and more interesting and special features than both combined, for one cent daily or 11c per week, including Sunday. Order from C, M. Harris, news dealer, Front street. t WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1896. I . S . w. t i I I X ' ASSOCIATED CHARITIES. Treunret'a Report for the Month of April, 1896. " Receipts April 1st, balance $239 68, New Hanover county, 125.00; member of St. James church, 12.00; H. H. Mun son, 1.00; J. W. Collins, 5.00; J. W. H. Fuch, 7.50; Wm. Neistle, 2.00; C. W. Yates, 1.00; Cash, 9.75; Johnson & Fore, 10 00; Braddy & Gay lord, 5 00; P. Heins-H berger, 50 cents;. Peterson & Rulf, 300; A. D. Brown, 7.00; I. Shrier, 1 00; D. O'Connor, 5 00; T. W. Wood, 50 cents; W. R. Slocum. 1.00; Geo. Haar, 1.00; John Taylor, 75 cents; L B. Penning ton, 50 cents; W. H. Strauss, 1 03; Miss M. F. Sanders, 2.75; Junior Branch Wo man's Auxiliary of St. ' James' church, 2 82; G. Z. French, 5 00; A. A. Willard. 2 50; DuBrutz Cutlar, 10.00, J. S. McEachern. 3 00; Marsden Bellamy, 1.00; John D. Bellamy, Jr., Jr., 1.00; B F- Penny, 5.00; G. T. Flynn, 1.00; donation through the Messenger, 6.00. Total. 4478.75. Contributions in kind, A. D. Wessell, groceries to amount of 12 00; Ceemtttt & Barrentine, one pair shoes; Dorcas Society (Jasper btone), six new gar ments; second-hand clothing contrib uted by Mrs. R. J. Jones and Miss Thomas. ' ' ; ';;-' ' - Expenses Secretary's salary, $25.00; Catharine Kennedy Home, 18.50; cash, help. 83.00; groceries, etc., 241.21; rent for persons in distress, 9 50; janitor, 2.00; railroad fares. 8.75; milk for sick, 25 cts.; postal cards, 80 cts.; Walker Meares. col lector. 1.00; balance, 15024. Total, $178.75. .; i a BY RIVER AND RAIL. BeoeisU of Naval Stores and Gotten ' Yesterday., .. Wilmington & Weldon R. R. 80 bales cotton, 11 casks spirits turpentine, 35 bbls rosin, 8 bbls tar. Wilmington, plambia & Augusta R." R. 60 bales cotton, 57 casks spirits tur pentine, 116 bbls rosin, 68 bbls tar, 12 bbls crude turpentine. ' . Carolina Central R. R-20 casks spirits turpentine, 10 bbls rosin; .73 bbls tar. ; ' . ";.'-. . . f. Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R.PR. 11 bales cotton, 10 casks spirits turpen tine, 12 bbls rosin, 2 bb's tar. Steamer D. Murchison 82 casks spirit; turpentine, 232 bbls rosin, 63 bbls tar, 17 bbls crude turpentine. Total receipts Cotton, 101 bales; spirits turpentine, 130 casks: rosin, 405 bbls; tar, 209 bbls; crude turpentine, 86 bbls. "xx, . - Chieken Thieve. xi.; Cnicken thieves raided the premises of Mr. Alex. McEachern, on Market street near "East Wilmington," Sunday night last, and carried off twenty-five Leghorn fowls, which have no doubt al ready found sale as "dressed chickens" in the market Early yesterday morning a raid on the chicken coops of Mr. Peter Smith, at his grocery store on South Fourth street, was in progress, but was foiled by some of the Star's carriers on their way to the office for. papers. The boys saw a negro man on the fence at Mr. Smith's place and another negro on the street bridge. The latter gave an alarm by whistling as the bo?s approached, and both negroes ran. . Funeral or the Late Mia Mary 8. MaeBae. KThe funeral of the late Miss Mary Savage MacRae, who died in New York city last Monday, took place yesterday afternoon at 5 o clock from St. James' church. Right NRev. A. A. Watson, bishop of : the Diocese, and Rev. Dr. Strange, rector of St, James, conducted the solemn and impressive services. The attendance was large and there were many beautiful floral offerings. The re mains were followed by a large funeral cortege to Oakdale cemetery for inter ment. The pall bearers were Messrs. Wm. R. French, Thos. D. Meares, Geo. D. Parsley, Wm. Calder, J. H. Boat wright, W. C. Jones. LIST OF LETTERS ' Remaining in the Wilmington Post office May 9. 1896: ' WOMEN'S LIST. B Miss Emma Burton,' Miss Nancy Bennett. Miss Mary Brown. D Miss F R Doyle. E Miss Maggie Eagles. G Miss Adline Graham, Miss Alice Grue, MissJannie S Green. H Miss Maria Hudro. S Maria St George. M Miss Ella Mclntyre. Miss Laura McCrary. P Miss Lulu Peterson. W Mrs Mittie Williams, Miss Margaret Walker.; , MEN'S LIST. A T M Anderson. B Geo W Ben nett, Arthur Brown. Biiue tsoon, Jrliii house Buell (2), Jeff Blackman. Robert Bell, W F Blaney. C E T Capps, Pat rick S Carter, R A Curtis. T Duncan Taylord, Wm. Farrallar. G J L Gor man. H D T Harrison, J C Haar. R F Highsmith. J Turner Johnson. L Isadore Lilman. M D J Mack. W J Montgomery. PW F Perkins (8). T Monroe Turner. M J Waters. RETURNED FROM DEAD-LETTER OFFICE. Susan Blackman, O H English, L Melton, Martin Mnsley. Persons calling tor above letters will Dlease sav advertised. If not called for in 15 days, they will be sent to the dead letter office. - GEO. L. MORTON. Postmaster. Opening of Clarendon Taoht Club, The new club house of the Clarendon Yacht Club will be opened o members for the first time Friday, the 15th. All members of the Carolina Yacht Club are cordially invited to attend. The train on the Seacoast road will leave Princess street station at 6 80 p. m.; returning, leave the beach at 11 o'clock p. m. . On the 16ih, 17ch and 18;h. the Club House will be open to the public for in spection. Housekeepers who want servants are in the habit of supplying their needs from the Star's want column. Are you looking for a situation? The Star's want column will bring you the best results. One cent a word. But no aa. taEen tor less than 20 cents ; V tf Those needing the Automatic Burglar Proof Window Locks, which are cheap, strong ' and secure, or ; the latest "Diamond" Knife and Scissor sharpener, which are the best, will do well to write or call on Mr. J. D. Sidbury, 511 Queen, street. A large number has already been sold. " " t REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. OFFICE - SEEKERS AND DELEGATES ASSEMBLING IN RALEIGH. Tierea right Between the Buaiell and Daoksry Pctiom Boyd Holds the ' BsUnoo and My Win in the Onbmna ' toii 1 Contest Selsaatea Neailr TJaani- ' mow For HoKlnley Free Silvir Will ' Causa a Great 8ttr A. McKtnlsj -Pritchard ; Cauens A Pep jliauKepublioan .' Conferenoa on the Fatlon Q, lestion Fopollata Dsmaod the Governcnhip B publioang Will Net Yield. Special Star Correspondence ' Raleigh, N, C. May 13. " The city is fairly alive with delegates. The sidewalks on Fayetteville and Mar tin streets are fairly blocked. The black, blue and red predominate and occa sionally a "lily white" is seen in Republi can circles. 9. : ; ' This morning Senator Pritchard. Con gressman Richmond Pearson, John B. Eaves, H. L. Grant, B. Lusk, M. L. Mott, S. H. Buchanan and a number of other prominent Republicans arrived here. Mr. James E.! Bovd was the third of the Republican Gabernatorial candi dates to arrive in the city. This gen tleman came - yesterday afternoon and ,his friends say that he is the man of the hour. Mr, Boyd certainly holds a uniqne position. He is accredited with thirty Votes and if there is no election after several ballots have been taken, the Greensboro man will bear watching. Mr. Boyd was approached by your cor respondent and he talked interestingly of the situation. Mr. Boyd thinks it would be unwise for the committee to declare on the money question, against civil service reform or any other meas ure. "What is the use for us to try to lay down a platform for our organiza tion, when the party meets in a few weeks?" Mr, Boyd is flatly opposed to declaring against civil service reform. The convention will likely be in ses sion two days. It is generally believed that it will be impossible to reach a vote Thursday. The delegates to the Congressional Convention are holding a caucus this morning. It will certainly endorse Mc Kinley. Every district except the Fifth will have endorsed McKinley when the Fourth acts: The State Convention is near'y unanimous for McKinley. Sena tor Pritchard and Jim Young will likely be two of the four delegates-at large. Strong McK'oley resolutions will be passed. L L Jenkins, of Gastonia, and W. W. Jenkins, ol Wake, are candidates for the nomination for Treasurer. Very little is being said about ths other offices. - - Free silver is going to cause a great stir. Nearly all the leaders of note are opposed to taking action.' The negro vote will decide the matter when a vote comes. None ol them profess to be able to express an intelligent opinion on the subject. ' . ; . The Caucasian this week will have a good deal to say about "the statement made by Senator Butler to the last Leg islature that he favored co-operation again, and in the event of such co-oper ation mat he lavored the election of a Republican for Senator to succeed Sen ator Pritchard." ' x I . In concluding a long editorial justify ing Senator Butler u pon Its course, it says: "But if the majority of the Peo ple's party in State, Convention shall say that because Senator Butler was elected to the -long term, they feel bound to accept any terms that the Re publicans may name for co-operation, even if it be such terms as means the disintegration of the People's party, then Senator Butler will hand in promptly his resignation as Senator rather .than have the People's party make such a sacrifice on his account." The Caucasian also masts the asser tion that the Republicans are trying to disintegrate their party and are actively distributing the Gill-Amos circular and in some instances have offered to pay the expenses of any People's party man who would come to Raleigh this week to meet him. Major W. A. Guthrie, the Populist candidate for Governor, contributes an article to the Caucasian on the subject of legal tender by States. Major Guthrie holds that a State, as a constitutional right, may make gold and silver coin cf the United States, including "trade dol lars." 1 x . Last week ths Carolina Brownstone Company's property of Sanlord was bid in under a judgment at a public sale bv a Raleigh gentleman for $155. The prop erty is said to be worth $10,000 and the machinery used in quarrying the brown stone Is valued at $1,500. The Carolina Brownstone Company did a large busi ness all over the entire country until six months ago, when it suddenly closed down. Three quarries were worked by as many as fifty hands and an excellent quality of brownstone was turned out which commanded a ready sale. A venerable walker came into Raleigh a day or two ago. His name was Hunt and he lives near Morrisville. I He is 92 years old-and walked to Raleigh and back, keeping up a gait that would have tired out some of our best walkers. Special Star Telegram Six hundred Republicans are already here to attend1 the State Convention which will in all probability be in ses sion two days. The executive committee tailed to meet to-day to pass on the claims of contesting delegates. The 1 Dockery people killed this plan, which was a part of the Russell game, by absenting them selves. Chairman Holton will appoint the committee on credentials, which will make the report on contests. . The delegates from ths Ninth district held a meeting this afternoon and en dorsed Senator Pritchard for chairman of the executive committee, j The fight is oh between Senator Pritchard and Holton for the chairmanship. . It will be bittet and close. Holton gets Dock ery's support. J To-night a McKinleyrPritcbard caucus was held in the Opera House. H. C Dockery and at least one hundred Dock ery men, claiming to be for McKinley and Pritchard, made application-for ad mittance. The doorkeeper refused to let them in, and Col. Dockery then took a stand on the street 6Mying and ad dressed the crowd, sfcrstigmatized the meeting as a Dan Russell caucus gath ering, and said it was an insult to them. He advised the Dockery people to repair to their headquarters. . Trouble was im minent, for the crowd which j had gath ered wanted to go in by force. Senator Pritchard, whohad been sent for, ap peared and said that the object of the meeting had been misunderstood. He addressed the crowd from the door-steps and said the caucus was held to make nominations for delegates to the Na tional Convention. Pritchard said that the meeting was held in the interest of none of the candidates for Governor Quiet was restored and some of the Dockery men went into the caucus. Amos and Gill, the Populists who are here to arrange fusion with the Repub licans, regardless of Butler and the or ganization, say that seventy counties are represented. They have only about twenty delegates. A committee of seven, with Judge Whitaker as chairman, met with the Republican committee to -nigh) to consult about fusion with the Popu lists. It will be decided whether a straight ticket wiil be put up. At the meeting in the Op:ra House to-night, Marshall Mott and a number of others made speeches. Holton was severely criticised. Resolutions which are a straddle on the financial question, have been prepared by Pritchard and Pearson. The silverites say they are not acceptable. The Pritcbard-McKinley caucus in the Opera House endorsed Pritchard for chairman of the executive committee. The Moody and Boyd factions voted with the Russell delegates in endorsing him. Cy Thompson is here, but be is not endorsing the Amos-Gill crowd. Twenty of the delegates to St. Louis from this State will be for McKinley. The committee of Populists, headed by Judge Whitaker, Am os and Gill went into conference at 11 o'clock with the Republican sub-committee. 'The Popu lists demand the Governor, but the Re publicans have laid down their ultima tum. That is, they will not yield the Governor. This conference, like the one with Butler and his committee, will fall flat. i By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Raleigh, N. C, May 13 Over a thousand Republicans are here to at tend the State Convention to-morrow. The excitement is intense. There is a very sharp quarrel between Senator Pritchard and State Chairman Holton, and also between the Russell and Dock ery factions. Thelatter is so bitter that it looks to-night like James E. Boyd will be nominated for Governor. Chair man Holton says he thinks Dockery will be nominated. He says no free coinage resolution will be adopted. Sen ator Prichard was interviewed and said: "There is no organized-opposition to McKinley. There -is an overwhelm ing inviution for me to become State Chairman. I don't desire it but prefer to see Holton retain it. The convention will declare for both gold and silver. The resolution will be somewhat stronger than the Ohio reso lution.) There is no opposition, so far as I know, to me as Senator. I really can't say who will be nominated for Governor. It is impossible to give an intelligent forecast. I will offer a strong resolution in favor of a high protective tariff for the raw materials of the South and the agri cultural products of the country; also, a resolution for protection to ship-owners, in accordance with the proposed legisla tion by Senator Elkins. A number of Populists are here to Confer with ns on. terms looking to fusion upon the basis cf a division of the State ticket." SECOND DISTRICT. Bepublloan traeted . Qeo. H. Convention Delegates In ter MoKtnlsy and Buisell White Nominated for Con- great. Special Star Telegram. Weldon, May 18. Geo. H. White, colored, was nominated this morning for Congress. , H. L. Grant and John H. Hannan were elected delegates to the National Convention, and instructed to vote for McKinley. Pritchard was endorsed for Senator; Russell for Governor. - If there is anything you want, ad vertise for it. Is there anything you don't want? Advertise it in the Business Locals of, the Star. One cent a word. But no ad. taken for ess than 20 cents. tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M. CKOULT, Auctioneer. By CRONLY & MORRIS rpHIS DAY (THURSDAY) 14th lost., at 11 SO a. m., I will sell at the office of Cronly' ft Morris, 1?0 Princess street, for cash, all the property and effects, both Real and Personal, formerly belonging to the ' Mew Hanover Transit Co npaoy," as transferred and deeded to me. by Junius Davis, Etq., Receiver, comprising in part ot kailroid. Locomotive, Can and evetvthing pertaining to same. Wharf, Hotel and all Buildings and Land belonging to said Company. Sale made subject to a mortgage on the property, to Junint Davis, Receiver, for $4 500 and interest. Purchaser must give satisfactory security to pay the mortgage and compiy with his bid Full particulars at sale ' SAM'L W. SKINNER. my 14 It Why Is It THAT WE CAN AFFORD TO SELL GOODS SO CHEAP. . Our expenses are not so high, and we are always on the look out for Bargains. We buy in large quantities for Spot Cash. Bar gains in every Department. DrV Goods Good Unbleach'ng 8c per yard. Best TJnbleaching for 5cin the city. Light Ca icoes 4c ptr yard. f Percales at 5, 8 and 10c per yard. 10-4 Unbleached Sheeting 15c. Splendid Bleached Sh ettng 19c. SOinch Red Table Cloth SOc. 113-inch Lawn in Persian Styles 10c. Figured Ducks 10c. '-'V Prettiest Line Dimities 8. 10 and 15c. Solid Color Crepons 11c, in Black, White, Cream, Bine and Canary. Wah Linens only 7c per yard. New Styles Persiaa Silks 50c per yard. .v wc wasa aiucs xuc. ., Plain and Figured Silks 84c. V Black Dress Goods. Fignred Mohairs at 18 and 29c. 60c Figured Mohairs, 40 inch, 89c. 75c, " 44 " 63c 5Cc Plain " 31 " 89c. 65c " " 40 60c. $1 " " 46 " 73c 86 inch Serge In Black and Navy 18c. 35c all Wool Serges 89c. BCc " " 45 inch, 89c 76c- " "60c. Danish Cloth, all Colors, 10c. Flannels for Bath Suits. 36 inches wide, 25c; 50 inch wide, 69 to 69c Special mces in Lace Curtains. 46c and upwards White and Fieured Sciims for Curtains. 6. 8. 10 and lSKc. ran Lone sukaunes 8, and 15c. 86c Gilt Stamped Drapery 15c. - All kinds of Dress Linings 35c Fibre Lining 17c per y i; Red Selvedge, Sponge Creprn, 29c . Write for samples. - J. H. REHDER & CO., 617 & 619 North Fourth St,, ' j PHONE 11L v: ! Car fare paid on purchase of $3.00 and np. Beauti ful Crayon Portraits Free, Ask for Punch Card , myl4U x WHOLE NO. 8,880 LOWEST PRICES FOR We claim the best assortment suited to best quality, the latest style and the ' sidered, to be found anywhere. Our stock and prices at all times will verify this assertion. We now offer a complete line ot! STAPLE MD F4HCY DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, Fancy ; And respectfully Invite you to investigate our claims. See for yourself if the quality is right. See if the assortment is right. See if the style is right. -See if the price is right. We know it is and the same knowledge will be yours. . - ' il I I Visit us this week and note the reductions we have made in our DRESS GOODS Stock. 20 per cent, discount on all Woollen Dress Goodsi (Black excepted). ( ;j ; jf - -j For Summer Wear we have the most complete stock of Linens, j Lawns, Dimities, Ducks, &c, in white and colored figured ever shown in this city. Visit our Second F15or for Matting, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Mosquito Nets, irunKs, tjnps ana L.aaies summer Muslin underwear. We are sole Agents for the W. B. Corset and Butterick Patterns. . Samples on application. j j O- "W. ZFOLTOG-T & CO., V Successors to Eatz St Polvogt. j j ; my 10 tf x No. 9 North Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. "j " THIS IS EARLY ON A Bright May Morning. We will begin by telling our many readers and pleasant customers of our grand success in this beautiful month. This month all living nature is in full bloom, and just so is our live, pushing Dry Goods store. Every shelf, table, and counter likewise is piled up witri new and pretty Spring Goods. And twenty-two clerks sre busy all the while distributing these pretty, new goods to the stylish and pleasant people of our dear Old North State. Do you need Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, or Underwear and Hats for yourself or family? We have them; we can fill your want, satisfy your taste and please your pocKet-DOOK. lry us. ana join the happy v i One Price, Spot Gash Racket Store. CLOTHING We can fit you. Try us. Our stock is large and new. Men's wool, in very pretty Suits, jnst received. $3 85 and 4.50; heavier weight, 5 CO. A very pretty Gray Cutaway Coat, all woor.' $5.00. A very fine all wool Coat and Vest, black, skeleton lined,-$3 50 and 4.50. Odd Vest, a job. at 85c each. Black Alapaca Coats from $1.25, 1.50 to 2 00 each. Bnlliantine Coats, silk j fin ished, $1 75 each. Light weight Store Coats, 50 and 83c each. Men's and boy's draw Hats from 10, 25, 40 and 60c up to $1.00. Good Wool Pants, ' extra q uality , for $1.25 and. 1.50 a pair. Boy s Cloth ing all styles and prices. A big lot of new Clothing just received. i OUR MILLINERY Department is surely very popular. We are doing a fine business in this line. The Bell Crown Sailor in all prices, at 50, 75c, $100 and 1.50 each. In black, white and blue Trimmed Hats, all styles and prices. New Laces, Veilings and Dress Trimmings. You will find us at 112 North Front Braddy & Caylord, Prop, ! WILMINTON'S BIG RACKET STORE.: ma 10 tf JOHNSON SALE OF SUMMER GOODS. I i ' 1 i - ' j J We are showing an elegant stock of Wash Fabrics, all new 01 this sea- ; x son's production, and just the thing tor the approaching warm weather, such as , . Dimities. Organdies, Ducks Ginghams. Flisse and Fancy ! Swiss Muslins- Would call special attention to the beautiful selection of ; White Goods, Laces and Embroideries we have on hand, and still we are White, Fancy and Black PARASOLS Ladies' UMBRELLAS frpm $1 00 Mail orders promptly filled, t J"o"h Tt I mytf Hardin's Sarsaparilla, THE GREAT SPUING TONIC. . Seventy five cents per bottle or three for $2.00. Same size as Hood's. For sale at palace pharmacy 126 So. Front St. Phone 55. ap 28 tf Berry GratesandBastets Send in and get them. Orders solicited for K, C. Bacon, Flour, lolasses Sc.. &c. Snuff and Tobaccos i ot the leading brands. HALL & PEARS ALL, Nutt and Mulberry streets, my S DWtf J -; ; Wilmington Seacoast Railroad. - . ON AND AFTER SATURDAY, MAt 9th, t ains will run the following schedule: X L ave Wilmington 10 a . m S.30 p. m. and 8.80 p. m Leave Ocean View 7.30 a. m 11.00 a. m. 5 p. m. Freight wiil be received daily, except Sunday, from R. OSCAR GRANT, . my S tf " Superintendent. Hamma. The Hatter, -JJAS A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF S Drins- Hats aad beautiful Hue of straw oooos. Latest Styles and Lowest Prioea. : up 26 tf 26 North Front Street, REDUCED , TO $5.00. : - - j i BUT NO REDUCTION IN SIZE OF PAPER, j ! OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY OF READING MATTER. I HIGH GRADE GOODS. the needs of our patrons, the very Lowest Price, everything con- Goods, Notions, Etc., band that trade at the 1 - OUR SHOES have had a splendid run this spring, and our supply is equal to the demand. We have everything in Shoes. Slippers from 20c a pair to $3.50. Remember our pretty stock of Sum mer Dress Goods, Percales,1 Ducks, Piques.! Lawns, Linens, Silks Flannels and Serges. Come to us . for Dress Goods, i Beautiful Lvsrns, at' 5, 6 and 10c a yard. A beautiful line of pretty, light. Figured Piques, at 10c a yard. Challies, at 5c. Ginghams, at 4 and 5c. Brilliantines, at 19, 25, 40 and 60c per yard. Oriental Lace, very pretty pat terns, 14 inches wide, worth 40c, a job at 20c per yard. Come and see us, and we promise to save you money in every line of goods you may need. Our busi ness is very good. We are doing twice as much business now as we ever did at this season of the year before. The reason Of our immense business is, we sell goods of all classes to suit the masses, and at prices that defy com petition, v j t ;' street, opposite the Orton House. & FORE Batiste, Spiral Cloths, adding something'new every few days. to suit evervbody. to $6.50. ' , ; Bozo, & Uroir?. No. Ill Market St. V FREE SILVER MING POWDER. 40 Cases 16 to 1 POWDER. 75 Barrels MULLETS. j 10 Cases WIDOW'S MITE. 80 Cases MATCHES. A 90 Bushels CLAY PEAS. 25 Bushels B.tE. PEAS. W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant, - 238 North Water street, my 10 tl DW wnmlnttra. M. C. SOUTHPORT AND WILMINGTON. 8TEARIER "WltMIIf OTOIf . V-, Leave Leave ; Wilmington. Southport. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. MONDAY 9 80 6 00 2 30 TUESDAY.... 9 80 I 8 J 0 WEDNESDAY.. 9 80 8 30 THURSDAY..... 9 SJ 2 80 FRIDAY 9 tO 5 00 S 80 SATURDAY 8 80 8 00 ...... ap 19 tf J. W. HARPER. Combination Bicycle S FOR SALE. A Combination "Crusader" Bicycle, for either lady or gentleman. Cush ion Tires. Brand new. Will be sold cheap. Call in person, or address ap7tf Star k Office ... I