FOR FIVE DOLLARS TgE MORNING STAB GOES ONE YEAR. FROM $2.00 TOI$3,00 CHEAPER -B other Dailies ol its Class in North Carolina. . ii at WilmitifftoB. N C am r..A it tne THE MORNING DAR llmiuiic-Aognrt 28. .. 5.28 A M Sun Sets 0 83 f W. Day's Length 13 h 05 tn Hieh Water at Southport. . . 10.10 A M High Water at Wilminzton 11.53;A M The Weattoer. U. S. Dep't of Agriculture ) Weather Buriau. V Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 38. ) Meteorological data tor yesterday: Temperature: 8 a. m., 76, 8 p. m., 75; maximum, 89"; minimum. 71"; mean, 76. Kainfall for the day, .18; rainfall lor the month up to date. 8.48. . COTTON REGION BULLETIN. Lxil showers occurred overall sec tions of the cotton belt during the past 84 hours, being heavy over South Caro lina. Florida and Southern Alabama. Cloudiness prevails over the eastern and fa r weather over the western portions this morning, with temperatures falling. Heavy rainfalls : Kingstreet, 4.00; Charleston. 1.18; Jacksonville, 2.08, and Mobile. 1.56 inches. . FORECAST FOR TO-DAY. For North Carolina, fair in the interior and local showers on the coast; north easterly winds; cooler in the interior. , OUTLINES Win. J. Bryan, after speaking again in Erie. Pa., yesterday morning, left for Bunalo. N. Y.. where his headquarters will be for the rest of the week -Tne-gold receive, has declined to $101,- 339.189. The Treasury Department is advised thai $9,500,000 in gold is on theway from Europe to this country. -The Athletic Club of San Francisco has offered $20,000 for -the Sharkey- Corbett fight, the contest to come off at Carson City, Nebraska. Missouri "sound money" Democrats elected dele gates to the Indianapolis Convention and nominated a luil btate ticket. Mr. Bryan will speak at a number of places in Ohio next week. It is positively stated that Senator Caffery, of Louisiana will be permanent chairman of the Indianapolis Convention. The Avenue Savings Bink. of Chicago, has closed its doors; its suspension was caused by small depositors becoming alarmed and starting a run on the bank. The trial of the new cruiser Brook lyn proved her to be the greatest vessel of her class in the world. A Dem ocratic-Populist S;ate ticket was nomi nated in Ohio. Three large expe ditions have been landed in Cuoa within the past twelve days. Upon the refusal of the usurping Sultan at Zanzi bar to surrender, the palace was bom barded by British warships and captured by B.-itish sailors and marines; the Sultan took refuge in the German con sulate. Virginia ' sound money' Democrats adopted a platform and elected delegates to the Indianapolis Convention. South Carolina pri maries will haye to be held over again and Evans' defeat by Earle is deemed certain. Custom bouse officials seized $20,000 worth or smuggled jswelry at Hoboken, N. J. - New York markets: Money on call was active at 115 per cent., last loan at l?and closing offered at 1; cotton was dull; middling gulf 8 716c; middling up lands 8 3-16c; ,S3uthern flour was quiet and unchanged; common to fair extra 13 002 60; good to choice $2 602 90; wheat spot quiet and easier; corn spot less Fctive and. weak; No. 2 26&c atelevator and 27c afloat; spirits tur pentine dull but steady at 2424fc; rosin quiet and steady; strained common to good $1.571.60. Lightning struck Chicago twelve times in one day last week and didn't phaze it. When lightning tackled Chicago it struck a tough town. non. Tom .Reed declared in a speech at Old Orchard, Maine, a tew days ago, that "confidence must be restored." But Tom's way of restoring it, by puttine Hanna on top, isn't a good one. The New York Snn is highly of fended because Senator Hill showed so much courtesy to Mr. Bryan as to invite him to lunch in his "Roost. Mr. Hin should first have secured the Sun's permission. Jhey don't consist. The gold or gans have been contending that the low prices are the result of " over production," and now comes the New ork Times with the assertion that t is all the result of the agitation of the silver question. me "bound Money League is "slightly revising" Bourke Cockran's "pseca before sending it out as a campaign document. We suppose tbeJ'revision" consists in eliminat ng those morsels about the "farmer conspirators" of the West, the "un reconciled slaveholders of the aouth," etc., which they are not anx- llfllliK ysa!is3Ji ail liilBaaaa'al kflAlV JfeW muk Mfe mJkWWW lB u iMltfMM mW por nn RiSSI ous to have the aforesaid sovereigns VOL. LVIII.--NO, 135. OR.T AST AHKOUHCEMEHT. Attention is called to the follow ing Reduced Rates of Subscription to The Morning Star TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS. Twelve Months $5.00 Six " .............. 2.50 Three " '.,.. 1.25 Two .............. 1.00 One - " Kn TO CITY SUBSCRIBERS. The Star will be delivered by carrier at any point in the city at 12 cents per week, or 45 cents ner , , - month. The Philadelphia Record, gold or gan, delivers itself as follows: "The Indianapolis Convention will stand for both principle and expediency principle demanding that the Demo cratic faith shalL have exDosition. and expediency demanding that those Democrats , who might other wise drift to Populism or not vote at all shall have a rallying ground and an incentive to turn out on election day." This is the first intimation we have had that there was any dan ger of gold Democrats "drifting to Populism," which is somewhat re markable in view of the gold organs' denunciation of the Populists. An unsophisticated fisherman of Nova Scotia raked up on the surface of the ssa a short while ago about a hundred pounds of a greasy sub stance which he concluded would be good to make soap. But it was no good for. soap. He threw it all away except about six pounds, when some one who knew more about the whale business told him it was am bergris, which is worth $3 an ounce. He sold his six pounds for $288 and was when last heard from looking for some one to boot him for throw ing away about $4,500 worth of the stuff. A Press dispatch from West Vir ginia quotes a citizen of that State who had been a Democrat, but who will not vote for Bryan and Sewall, because he does not believe in free silver, as denying the report that he would vote tor Mckinley. sut a failure to vote for Bryan and Sewall by a Democrat is practically a Vote for McKinley. There is no getting around that however it may be twisted. Last Sunday a Chicago astrono mer who was star-gazing discovered a satellite crossing the disc of the sun. which is said to have been the first discovery of that kind. Chicago is a great place for rare discoveries. NEW ADVBBTISEMEWT8. W B Cooper 1898 mullets. Str. Wilmington Schedule. D O'CoNNOR-Deslrable house lor rent PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Pertinent Paracrmsha . Peruininc Prln 1 pally to People and Pointedly Punted. Mr. H. E. Fries, wife and child, of Salem, are visitors in the city. - Mr." J. P. Council, Jr., of Coun cils, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Maj. G. H. Hall, of Red Springs, was a visitor in the city yester day. Mr. S. D. Hankins was re- reported yesterday as being slightly better. Mr. E. Pope, of the N. C. Con ference, is in the city, stopping at The Orton. ; Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Croom, of Georgia, are in the city, visiting Mr. Jno. Maunder. Miss Linda Dosher has returned to the city after a pleasant visit to rela tives in Southport. Mr. Wm. Calder has been ap pointed a delegate to the Indianapolis convention; and will be there. Mrs. E. J. Lilly and two children, of Fayetteville, were among the arrivals in the city yesterday. Mr. Wm. C. Crow, of the A. C. L. Auditor's office, has returned from a visit to friends in New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Gasque, of Charleston, S. C, are m the city on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Twining. Mr. W. I. Wright, of Ingold, Samoson county, and Mr. Jno. McKae, of Brunswick, were visitors at the &tak office yesterday. Miss Mamie Hough, of Balti more, who has been visiting Miss Eliza Metts. on Greenville. Sound, returned home yesterday. Mrs. John R. Kenly and Miss Kenly have returned from Lincolnton, where they have been spending tne Summer months. Mrs. Richard Croom and her daughter, and her sister, Miss bteiia Rnwden. left Yesterday for Goldsboro on a visit to her parents. The numerous friends, of Mrs. W. A. Riach. who has been quite sick at Greenville Sound with malarial fever, will be glad to hear that she is improv intr Sneia now at her home in the city. Messrs. C. L. Stevens, of New hern : C B. Albea. N. C; E. Pullen, Rocky Point; A, B. Croom, Burgaw H. Gosiman. Asheville : N. A, Currie, Clarkton ; D. M. Carmichael, Car michael; C. H. Decker, Mechanics villei C. G. Bosh man. Charleston L F C. McEachin, Launnburg, were among LOCAL DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered Here and There and Briefly XTotedL Diamonds are trumps with the gold-bug contingent in this campaign. Receipts of cotton yesterday. 181 bales; receipts same day last year, 8 bales. There will be a dance to-night at the Clarendon Yacht Club house. Ocean View. - Elector Spears knew what he was talking about when he said; "I am for McKinley. Russell and Gold." The Clinton Democrat is one of the very best county Daners in the State. Nothing cf local interest es capes it. Colored excursionists from Point Caswell were in the city yesterday. To day, a large party is expected from Marion, S. C. - Mr. J. V. B. 'Metts, president of the Carolina Canoe Club, requests the Star to say that the race last Friday was not a regular club race. Was there ever a clearer case of political larceny than that of the bolt ing Democrats in calling themselves the National Democratic party ? Clubs ! Clubs ! Clubs ! Clubs are Democratic trumps in this campaign. A Silver Club should be organized in every voting precinct in North Caro lina. If every Democratic candidate for Congress in the State will see that a Silver club is organized in every precinct in which he speaks it will make him many votes. it nasn t been a ereat many years since Judge Kussell advocated fusion of Republicans and Prohibition ists in this State; but a great many peo ple have forgotten it. List of appointments of Demo cratic speakers will be found on the second pige of the Star. The pint discussions between Watson and Guthrie have necessitated some changes. , Ex-Governor Jarvis will ad dress the people on the political issues of the day at the Opera House in this city. Thursday. September 3d, at 8 30 p. m. Ladies are invited to attend. The crazy negro, Isham Tally, who always walks in the middle of the streets, continually blowing a mouth- organ, was arrested yesterday and placed inthe lock-up for not wearing sufficient clothing in public. Sergeant Watson and Major Guthrie begin their joint discussions at Rutherfordton Sept. 4th, and will can vass the Western counties until Sept. 23d. The Sergeant is a better fighter than the Major, The Star ventures the predic tion that the Democratic meeting to be held at the Opera House next Thursday night will be a great success. The srjeech of Gov. Tarvis will be the first gun of the campaign in Wilmington. The two biggest men in the Greensboro gold -bug bolters' State con vention, composed of ten delegates from Greensboro and fourteen from the bal ance of the. State, were Messrs De La Croix and Wittkowsky, Funny names, to be sure.' Bureaw Star: "Hon. Thomas J. Jai vis will speak in Wilmington on Thursday, the 8d of September. A large crowd is expected from the surrounding country to be present and hear the old Democratic war horse discuss the issues of the campaign.' BY RIVER AND RAIL. BeooiDta of BTaval Stores and Cotton Yesterday. Wilmington & Weldon R. R. 5 casks spirits turpentine. 8 bbls tar, 13 bbls crude turpentine. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R R. 137 bales cotton, 31 casks spirits tur- oentine. 22 bbls rosin, e6 bbls tar, 37 bbls crude turpentine. Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. 44 bales cotton, 33 casks spirits turpen tine, 66 bbls rosin, 6 bbls tar. Steamer Daggett 9 casks spirits tur- nentme. 57 bbls rosin. 25 DDIS tar, 20 bbls crude turpentine. - Total receipts Cotton, 181 bales; spirits turpentine, 78 casks; rosin, 145 bbls; tar, 105 bbls; crude turpentine, 76 bbls. Bpeeial Ezonzaion. The special excursioa to be run to the mountains of the western part 01 tne State will leave here on the morning of the 3d of September, arriving at Lenoir in the earlv evening. Tickets will be good for ten days from date of sale. The rate will be three-quarters of one cent per mile travelled. Tickets may be bought to Lincolnton and all points West to and including Lenoir. BleetoMl Fusion. he first sentence of the article hedded "Electoral Fusion," which appeared in the Star yesterday, was not printed as written. It should have been as follows : The Star has reliable information that the question of fusion by Democrats and Populists on the Presidential ticket in this State will be definitely decided one way or the other within ten days. One Cent a Word Hereafter advertisements to go in our Business Locals" department will be charged one cent per word for each in sertion ; but no advertisement, however short, will be taken for less than 20 cents This is a reduction from former rates and it is also a convenience to adver tisers, who can calculate the exact cost of their advertisements, which must be paid for always in advance. ; If there Is anything you want, ad vertise for it. Is there anything yon don't want? Advertise it in the Business Locals of the Star. One rant a word. But no ad. taken for Morning Wilmington, n. c. Friday, august 28, 1896. RALEIGH NEWS BUDGET. THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY AND SUNDAY TRAFFIC. Bait Entered Agalmt the S. A. L. to Bring the Matter Before the Cavrta The Qaet- tiro of Fusion on El otors The .Cruiser Balelgb Ttsimonial. Special Star Correspondence Raleigh, N. C. August 27. The Southern Express Company has entered suit against the Seaboard Air Line system and all their divisions, Jn order to get their case to continue Sun day traffic before the Court. The papers were filed this morning. The complaint alleges that the Southern Express Com pany entered into a contract with the Seaboard Air Line to transport such ex press matter as they might offer on each and every one of their trains. The t-t press Company further alleges that the Seaboard is running two passenger trains on Sunday and that in accordance with an order of their superintendent, Wm. Moncure, they are stopped from transporting express on Sunday. The Express Company applied for an injunction yesterday before Judge Rob inson at Ooldsboro. It was granted and the case comes up September lOtb. Tne question of fusion on electors by Democrats and Populists rests entirely with the Populist Executive Committee, which will meet sometime during the month of September. Chairman Ayer says he will probably call his commit tee together as soon as all of the district conventions are held. The committee will not be complete until that time. Chair man Manly and ail of his advisers are anxious for fusion on electors with Pop ulists, having undergone no change of mind in that respect. Chairman Ayer says no such division as proposed by the Democrats has been carried out in anv State in the Union, with the possible exception of Kansas. Mr. Ayer thinks that any move for fusion between Dem- crats and Populists should include all federal offices, and to this end be is cf the opinion that there should be fusion on Congressmen and legislators as well as electors. Wyatt Harrison, an employe of a machine shop here, had his hand cut off yesterday. ; ' Speeial Star Telepratn. The silver punch bowl which will be presented to tbe U. S. cruiser Raleigh has atrived. It. is very massive and handsome. Gov. Carr is much pleased with it. A Wilmioatoniaa Honored. Mr. Thos. D. Meares, of Stonewail Lodge No. 1, Knights of Pythias, of Wilmington, was yesterday elected Su preme Master of Exchrqier of the Knights in the United States by the Supreme Lodge, in session at Cleve land, iObio. The position is one of great importance and responsibility in the Order, Mr. Meares having the handling of some 950,000 or more of its funds, It pays twelve to fifteen hun dred dollars per annum. Mr. Meares is in attendance at the Supreme Lodge as representative from the Grand Lodge of North Carolina. He telegraphed the announcement of his appointment to Col. Walker Taylor, who wired the following message in reply: Your friends here tender sincere congratulations. The Order through out this State will be delighted at the receipt of this news. WALKER TAYLOR. A Vineyard Balded. Mr. T. A. Price, watchman for the Coast Line, had warrants issued by Jus tice R. H. Banting yesterday, for about twenty boys and young men who went out to his vineyard abouT)a mile from the city (widow Ruth's old place) Tues day evening, tore down tbe fence and destroyed some of his grape arbors. He said this crowd of boys, who live in the eastern part of the city, had repeatedly been caught in his vineyard, and had left when ordered out; but on this par ticular afternoon they were very noisy, and when told to leave, cursed him, his wife and daughters, and were only in duced to leave when he produced his shotgun and threatening to shoot. A constable was with Mr. Price yesterday in pursuit of the depredators. Cycle Baeea Tc-day. Tbe bicycle races which were post poned last Friday will be run to-day on Ocean View beach. Every evening a lone string of the boys paced by a tandem may be seen running the three mile course between tbe first and second toll houses. They are fast getting into shape and close finishes and fast time will he the rule for to-day. The tandem race between Taylor and Newkirk and Southerland and Crow is expected to be especially novel and interesting. The train for the races will leave at 2.S0 o'clock this afternoon, and the racing will begin immediately -upon reaching the beach. Two handsome gold medals presented by tbe Wilmington Seacoast Railroad are included in the list of prizes. City Conrt. ' Two white tramps, who gave their names as James wuson ana jonn Longist, were brought up in the City Court yesterday before Mayor Harriss. Wilson, who was drunk and disorderly when arrested, claimed that he was a cripple, and unable to work. He was ordered to leave town bv 3 o'clock p. m. John Longist, on the plea of being a member of several orders Odd Fellows, Masons, Knights of Pythias had for several days past annoyed a number of people with his persistent begging, some of whom believing him to be a fraud made complaint against him. He was sent up for thirty days. m u rderebTcaptu RED. Nathaniel Moore Who Killed His Wife Near Ftemont Arretted by a Bberiffa Fosie. Special Star Telegram, Goldsboro, August 27. Nathaniel Moore, white, who murdered his wife near Fremont a month ago by cutting her throat, and for whose arrest a reward of $200 was offered by the Governor, was captured this afternoon at his mother's home, near the scene of the murder, locked np in an old kitchen. A sheriff's posse of six, headed by ex- Sheriff D. A. Grantham, made the cap ture and brought Moore to this city and DO YOU TAKE IT! Are you a subscriber to The Morning StAr ? If not, why not? - Do you want a first class daily pa per at $5.00 per year, or $1.25 for three months ? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star. Do you want a paper that is op posed to the single gold standard, that favors the free coinage of silver on an exact equality with gold, and that does not hesitate to speak its sentiments openly and fearlessly ? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star. Do you want a paper that prints the latest telegraphic news, the best local news, reliable market reports, excellent short stories, and the choicest miscellaneous matter ? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star. Do not forget that The Morning Star is the cheapest daily of its class in North Carolina. Its price is $5.00, while the published price of others ranges from $7.00 to $8.00. If you will invest $1.25 in a trial subscription of three months you will have ample opportunity to form a fair judgment of the merits of The Morning Star. KINGS COUNTY FOR BRYAN. Oaly Three: Oat of Over Six Hundred Dele- sater Opposed Hear;y Endorsement. with only three votes in the negative out of a membership of over 600, the Democratic General Committee of Kings county last night indorsed the nomination of Bryan and Sewall and the Chicago platform by adopting the following resolution : Whereas The Democratic party in National Convention assembled, nomi- ra'ed William J. Bryan for President of the United States and Arthur Sewall for Vice President, and 'Whereas, The choice of candidates by said convention and platform adopted meets with the cordial approbation of the Democrats of Kings county: now. therefore, be it 'Resolved. That the Democratic partv ot Kings county in general committee assembled do most heartily indorse said nomination and the platform adopted by said convention, and pledge to the nomi nees our most hearty support. If there ever was any doubt about the loyalty of Brooklyn Democrats to the na tional ticket and ih: platform as well, it was removed by the enthusiasm of the six hundred delegates for Bryan and Sewall. Tbe delegates are representative Demo crats from every election district of the city. Thev are carpenters and me chanics, and men who meet the masses daily. They are in touch with the voters, men who know more ot what the public wants than executive com mittees or big party leaders. When they speak or vote in general committee they must answer the next day to the men in the ranks who elected them, and when they practically unanimously declared last night that there is nothing to find fault with in either the party's ticket or platform, they spoke as they knew the Democrats in the election districts de manded. BRYAN STRONG IN OHIO. .Canton Free Silver Clubs Have a large Membaishlp MoKioley May XiOae His Own Ste. Washington, August 25. Among the many letters received to-day per taining to club work was one from Allen Cook, secretary of tbe Central Bryan Free Silver Club, of Clinton, Ohio, in which he says : "This club is the central organization of the city and county. We have in the city at this time four other Bryan free silver clubs, auxiliary to this. Three are composed ot members of all parties. Party politics and party names are scarce ly mentioned here any more. They are either 'gold bugs, or 'silver men,' and the 'silver men far outnumber tbe 'gold bugs. The Central Club has over 600 members ana the lour other clubs have about 650 in all. making a membership in Canton oJ 1,250 and the movement is only three weeks old. Clubs are form ing all over this Congressional district with a spontaneity that surprises us all. I feel certain that McKinley'sown ward, city, county and State will be carried for Bryan. Tbe voting population of Can ton is about 7.200. Nathan C. Hollo way, who has been a life-long Republi can, is President of the Central Club." Compliment to a Wilmiogtoniao. The Washington, N. C, Gazette of yes terday say s: 'Mr. DeLancey Evans' family have gone to Wilmington; he will follow Fri day. First of September he accepts a position with the National Rice Milling Company, of New Orleans, the biggest of the kind in the world. He will be placed in charge of the buying depart ment with many assistants under him, It is an honorable promotion as well as one of great financial advantage to him, and is a splendid compliment to his business ability. Mr. Evans has formed many attachments during his fifteen years in Eastern Carolina, which he re grets to give up; and our people, who esteem him as a business man and ad mire bis charming personality give him up with deep regrets, but our best wishes follow him and his iuteresting family always. Unanimously For Gold. The News gives the following account of the large and enthusiastic Charlotte delegation to the gold convention at Greensboro : Tbe special train bearing the Char lotte delegation to the gold convention at Greensboro to-day, pulled out at 8.40 last night. The delegation was enthusi astic, but not a very large one, weighing only about 135 pounds and consisting of Mr. S. Wittkowsky. On the way to Greensboro, a caucus of the delegation was held. Mr. Sam Wittkowsky was elected chairman and Mr. S. Wittkowsky secretary. Mr. Wittkowsky ' moved that in the convention the vote of the Char lotte delegation bs cast as a unit and the motion was unanimously carried. Good Work. The veteran seamen, Avery and Grady, ship-keepers of the monitor Nantucket, performed a very creditable piece of work yesterday in moving tbe monitor from her moorings to a safer and more convenient harbor. The Nantucket was not deemed in a safe position; and to swing her around with out the aid of a tug or steam, was a good NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Buy Your BLANK BOOKS AND Office Stationery FROM C. W. Yales & Co. We claim to sell as low as the lowest Try us before sending your orders abroad. A FINE LOT OF PICTURES AND MOULDINGS just received. Now is the time to buy WALL PAPER. . New, fresh stock to select from. C.W.Yates &CoJ aug 23 tf Wilmington. N. C. From and After To-day WE WILL SELL Our Entire Mof Ladies', Gentlemen's and Misses' aM Anita's LOW SHOES AND OXFORDS -Ab Cost, for CASH ONLY, as we have more stock than we wish to carry over into another season. These goods are all in style and manufactured by the best manufacturers in the coun try, from the best material made, and are as nice and fine as carried by any house in New York. The com munity now has an opportunity to get a nice Shoe for a little money. Call early. Geo. R. French & Sons. ang 18 tf SEASONABLE GOODS. Jute Bagging, Arrow Ties, Cheese, Crackers, Cakes, Sal mon, Sardines, Oysters. Full and complete stock of HEAVI AND FANCY GROCERIES. LOWEST CASH PRICES. Don't fail to see us before buying;. WORTH & WORTH. ang 6 tf DLSTOTZOE. Having purchased the other half of the enti e Wholesale and Retail Boot and Sh-e business, known as Mercer St Evans, successors IjH. C. i-vans. at 11a Princess stieet. which in cludes the entire interest in said business of the late H. C. Evans, such as half of tto:k of Boots and Shoes, books and bcok accounts due and becoming dne, good will. &c., and at the same time assuming all the liabilities pertaining to said firm, the under signed will continue the business under the firm name ot Mercer s Jtvans, at tne same old stand. . Kespecttnlly, J. B. MERCER. To those whose accounts are dne we would reipect- luiiysay. r lease pay at once, it is necessary .10 those whose accounts wui oe one we would tespecttnuy say: Please oav-Dromotlv when dne. It is necessary. To those who have been dealing with us we would ia gratitude say: 1 nans you, witn tne nope tnat yon and we have been mutua ly benefitted, and that you will continue to wear our Shoes. It is necessary. To those who have dealt with us and feel like they did not get full value for what they paid, we would say kindly let ui kaow it. that we may have the chance to set the matter right. It is necessary. To those who have never dealt with as we wonld earnestly say: When in need of Shoes give as s trial. It is neces sary. To all we extend a most cordial invitation to wear our Shoes. It is nece sary. RespectfnUy, MERCER & EVANS, Successor, to H. C. Evans. Wilmington, U. C. July 7, 1896. y8tf 1896 Mullets and Gheese 50 Small CREAM CHEESE. 95 Barrels New JMULLETS. 800 Bags Liverpool SALT. 115 Boxes SOAP. . 10 Cases MACKEREL. 10 Cases SALMON. 40 Cases SARDINES. 20,000 CIGARETTES. 1U.UUU ch.isk.uu i s. r rices cneenuiiy given wnetner you buy or not. W. B. COOPER. aug 23 tf DftW , Wrimineton. N. C SOUTHPORT AND CAROLINA BEACH SCHEDULE. STEAMER WILMINGTON. For For South Carolina Beach, poit. A. M. A M. A.M. P. M P. M. MONDAY 9 30 6 00 9 30 5 15 TUESDAY 9 80 6 fjO 9 30 6 15 WEDNESDAY... 9 80 8 00 9 80 3 00 5 15 THURSDAY 9 30 6 00 9 30 3 00 5 15 FRIDAY 9 30 6 00 9 80 8 00 5 15 SATURDAY 9 30 6 00 9 30 3 00 5 15 SUNDAY 10 00 8 30 Schedule for return lee Black Board at the Beach. Fare to Beach and return 25c. Fare on 5.15 to the oPier and return 15 cents. ju 7 tf J. W. HARPER. For Rent, THE LATE RESIDENCE OF Mr. Norwood Giles, South Third street, between Orange and Ann. Ten rooms, cistern, range, hot and cold water. AU in No. 1 order. Apply to "Ml S WHOLE NO. 8.970 i - G . W. Polvogt & Co., Successors to IsTo. Q ZLSToiirblfcL Front S-b. Having Taken Stock We find we have in l Summer Goods, which must be sold, as we need room For several weeks to come seasonable will insure sales. We need the room. You need the goods, Press the button, Price does tbe rest. xsew line LAKmra expected this choice. Would rather sell at vour own C "W aug 16 tf No. Pressed For Space Is our battle cry. We have Summer Goods to move, and they must go. Our large Jt all stock is now coming in, and we need every bit of the room contained on all three floors of our large store, containing 15.000 square . feet. Read what we want to slaughter and profit by our toss. Ladies' Summer Knit Vests at 4c. Ladies'- fast black. Seamless Hose, worth 15c, now 10c. Gents 25c Hermsdorf dved. black Hose at 15c Gent's Summer Office Coats, worth 75c, now 50c. Gent's Odd Vests, summer weight, 25c. Ladies' Pat. Tip Slippers at 39c a pair. Ladies' Ribbon Bow Sandals, best goods, worth $1 25, now 80c. 100 styles of double fold Dress Goods. very good value at regular price; now in small pieces left, running from 1 yard to o, and prices from 15 to 60c; now from 8 to 30c per yard. These remnants are very low, and we will move them in a few days. Give them a look. A fine line of Agra Linen just received and must be sold in price from 8c, now reduced to 5c Fine book fold checked and white Lawn at 6c, worth 10c. A big value in 36-ipch Lawn for Fall Braddy & Gaylord, Prop, OF WILMINGTON'S BIG RACKET STORE. " au 23 tf Special Clearance Sale JOHNSON Commencing: Monday, the 20th Inst. , WE OFFER SOME UNHEARD OF BARGAINS. Your Choice of Ladies' Shirt Waists at 75 cts, Former Price $1.25 to Twenty Pieces 36-inch Percale at 6c Per Yrd. Lawns at 10c Per Yard, Former Price 15 and 20 cts. A Few Linens at 30c, Worth 50 and 60 cts. All Millinery Goods for less than Cost. Don't Miss the Sale. JOHNSON Agents Dr. Jaeger's HAEDWAEB. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, CUTLERY, WIRE SCREENS, and a thousand other articles. The "Champion" Mower the best made. J. W. MURCHISOH, aug 23 tf Orton Building, Wilmington, N. C. Statement of ATLANTIC NATIONAL BAKE, WILMINGTON, N. C; At the close of Business July RESOURCES. Loans .$492,601 75 Overdraft! None U. S, 4 per cent. Bondi (at par) 41,250 00 Banking House and Fixtures . 10, 0 00 Kedemptton fund......... Due from Reserve Agent (541771 SI 1,856 00 Dne from other Banks 48,866 98 Cash on hand 63,336 02166,960 21 Total , $712,687 96 J. W. Norwood, D. L. Gore, S. P. McNair, Sam'l Bear, Jr., W. C. J. L. Coker, Hartsville, S. C, New York correspondent, Jy23tf SUBSCRIPTION RATES. REDUCED TO $5.00. BUT NO REDUCTION IN SIZE OF PAPER, OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY OF READING MATTER. Katz Ss Polvogt, hand a large lot of for our FALL and WINTER STOCK goods can be had at prices which week. Call early and take your orlee than nar.fe awav Pol-vogt & Co., 9 NORTH FRONT STREET. use, worth 12c, now at 8c. A few pieces of fine Dimity, worth 25c per yard, we want to close out at 15c. Dotted Swisses of all styles, best goods, very low prices. Our big stock of Fall Clothing is arriving daily, and we would like for you to look over our Fall Suits. Men's heavy blue Winter Suits, nicely made, at ,3.50 a Suit. Very good, all wool, at 15.00 a Suit. Extra value in new styles, worth (10.00, . now our special $7.50. Gent's long Cutaway Coats, made of fine diagonal black Clay Worsted, nicely made, at $10.00 a Suit, regular 15.00. Youth's Sutts all grades, in price from $3.50 to 9.00 a Suit. Boys Knee Pants, two pieces to a Suit, we make a specialty. We have just received 100 styles. They run in price from $1.00 to 4 38 a Suit. Give our Clothing a look. It is on our second floor, and covers a space 60 by 50 square feet, and all the Fall styles are represented. We have some new fine double-barrel, breech-loading Shot-guns, new goods. Come and see us and see the best and fullest store in the city. We are at 118 North Front street, opposite the Orton Hotel. & FORE. 1.75. & FORE, Sanitary Underwear. jy 19 tf 14th, 1896, Condensed from Report to Comptroller.. LIABILITIES. Capital $125,000 00 .$15,000 00 . .17.767 01 56,767 01 87 130fO surplus...... .... Undivided profits Circulation Total Deposits.. 493,800 95 Total..... S7U.687 96 DIRECTORS: - W. E.: Springer, C. W. Worth, E. J. Powers, H. L. Vollers, Coker. Jr. G. A. Norwood, Greenvlle, S. C Chemical National Bank. seer , . i the arrivals in the city yesterday. ess than 20 cents. ti jailed him. piece of work for the two men. aug 28 St Real Estate Agent, ':-f...-. .' V-'- , -