FOR FIVE DOLLARS THE MORNING STAR GOES ONE YEAR. FROM $2.00 TO $3.00 CHEAPER, Than Other Dailies ol " its Class in North Carolina. lotercd t the Postofficc at Wdnnagton. N.C,aa J S DECEMBER 96 WEDTHU FRI ft-., V; , O- 10 J- t f 7 If 15 & 17 S 21 22 23 2 25 : f i i' 29 303I rptt uatoM-December 16. Sua Rises." m., 7.04 A M Hh Water at Southport. . . 4.03 A M Ws'ri Water at Wilmintton 6.48 A" ' Tbe Weattier. U. S. Dep't of Agriculture. ) . . Weather Bureau. Wilmington. N. C; Dec 18. Mateorolosrical data tor yesterday: Temperature: 8 a. m., 55; 8 p. m44"; maximum, 65; minimum, 44"; mean. 50. Rainfall for the day, .63; rainfall sice lt ot month up to date. 8 06.. Fayetteville. N. C, Dec 15 At 8 a.m. ihe stae of water In the Cape Fear river-was 7 0 feet FORECAST FOR TO-DAY. For Nonh Carolina Saowers in the earW rooming, followed by fair weather; continued cool, northwesterly winds. . For Sooth Carolina Fair daring; the rhv with coatinu sd cold northwesterly w'ns- " "ear em ' ' ' ' xouiuts. : Mr. Morgan spoke for over an hour in the Senate on the Cuban, situation; the resjiation requesting the President to com t.u n icite papers relating to the con-t di i3i of afft'irs in Cub J was agreed to; tbe House spant the day. in considering the b il to amend the postal law relating to second class matter. At Sneed- viiie, Teon.. Maired Hatfield, nineteen years of age, will be executed for mur der, and trouble is eared, as bis friends threaten to release him. - The Mayor of Cbar'eston invites President .Cleveland to Visit that city before he re- tu t s to Washington. The right to appoint a s accessor to Senator B ack bam is claimed by Gov. Bradley, of Ken- taclc; Advices received in Madrid are to the iff ;ct that the fie volution Jn the Philippine Ia'and is spreading and that risings are imminent in the C?ro- lir.e and Marrannes Iilands. Frank Ginnon, general manager of the S.aten hiand Rapid Transit Company .and one of the general superintendents of the Biinmore & Oaio Railroad, will become taird vice president and general mana ger of tbe Southern Railway in Januarv. Tne North Carolina Supreme Court has acquitted Enrolling Clerk Brown of the charge of fraudulently enrolling tbe "Assignment Act." Spanish officials deny the assatsinaticn of Maceo and claim that he was killed in battle. Tne lower section of Norfo'k, Va.. was u der water to a depth of from six to tselve inches ss the effect of the storm which prevailed along the coast vester da,'. Tbe Republicans need two vjtes in the Senate to pass a tariff act and bcpe to secure those two votes ircm K htucky and North Carolina. Ruoiurs are current in Madrid tbat the Government is Cissitisfied with General Weylcr's administration of affiirsacd thr.t ii the situation in Cuba does net sbortiy improve he will be removed. A conference of lumbermen was h id in ..Cincinnati for the purpose cf djvsng ways and means for securing National tariff legislation favor ing lumber interests. -A jnur derer in Rich county, Utah, was executed by being shot to death, he hav iajj chosen to d e in that, manner. It is euimated that North Texas could furbish from 6,000 to 10,000 men on short notice for service in Cuba, if equip- ment and transportation could be fur tsi h:d. The Board of Aldermen o! New York city will petition Congress to stop the barbarities and inhumanities o! the Spaniards in Cuba. - New Yjrk mirkets: Money on call was easy at 12 per cent, last loan at 1 per ccnt closing effered at X per ceni.; cotton quiet; middling gulf C, middling 7 3 16c; Southern flour dull and steady, com moiTto fair ex ra i3 00 3 55. good to choice 83 C53 85; wheat spot active and easier with options; nnrdded red 8099;; corn, spot active acd firm; No. a 29J$c at elevator and 30: afloat; rcstn quiet strained iom mn to good tl 80l 82 spiriM tur p nticeeasv at 26 27. r Ex-President Harrison says he doesn't want to be Senator, and woulda't be if they elected him and threw a chromo in. He is jhaving fun enouch and all the solid com- - a forts he is hankering for in private life. . - . : While Rev. Paikanrst. of New" York, was pitching into Bryan and denouncing him in Paikhurstian style, it was all right with the organs in Gotham, but since he pitched into tbe Trusts in one of his sermons the organs are pitching into him. v Isn't it tbe most baldtaced fraud imaginable to be talking about pay ing national debts in gold when the national debts amount to nearly 826,000,000,000 and the whole stock of coined gold in the worldisn't much over $4,000,000,000 ? loRHIflGlpi MM 2M . . . . - - - - . . " " ' " . : . . ...... . . . ....... z. --mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ' ,tl- v;. - - : -vi '.. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES, : THE -MORNING DTAEL . VOL. LIX.-NO. 72. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Attention is called to the follow ing Reduced Rates of Subscription to The Morning Star: TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS'. Twelve Months. . $5.00 Six ' f Three 44 2.50 1.25 1.00 50 Two One TO CITY SUBSCRIBERS. ' The Star will be delivered by carrier at any point in the city at 12 cents per week, or 45 cents per month. ' ' -"v " The M.obeRet'ster congratulates its readers on the arrival of a number of Northern capitalists who are ex amining the lumber business of the Southern States with a view to large investments fa this section. It is a good thing to see money coming into the South, but in cases like this more goes out than comes in, and we doubt in the long run whether it is really a cause for congratulation. It is said that the "object of .ex Queen Uliuokalani's unexpected visit to this country is to see the powers that be at Washington, and endeavor to get them to restore her to her throne. This is a wild goose chase, and Mr. Cleveland takes a great deal more interest ia . wild ducks than he does in wild geese or goose ex Queens. . Commenting on Senator Wolco.t's resolution for the appointment of a committee to prepare the .way for an international monetary congress, the New York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin remarks on the bimetallic ghost." The ."ghost" seems to be exciting the gold organs considerably these days. The Washingtoa correspondent of the New York Journal of Commerte and Commercial Bulletin writes that the Republicans in Congress are showing a more friendly spirit to wards banking reform. If they don't want to hear something fall a couple of years froai( now, they will move on that line. . - It is said tnacGsaeral Rivera, who succeeds Maceo as commander of the Cuban army in Pinar del Rio, is a better strategist, and a man of greater military capacity than Ma ceo, so that Maceo s death does not deprive that army of a competent commander. EJitor A. K. McClure, of the Phil adelphia Times, had his fiftieth edi torial birthday party last Wednesday. He has been in the harness for fifty years and when he began in, the rural' districts he was editor,- manager, canvasser, compositor," printer, devil and several other things. The last heir to a great English estate aa big pile of moneyin the Bank of England has' been found in Hannibal, Mo. They" keep. on find ing the heirs but the estate and the cash remain in statu quo in the let" ters of tbe. schemers who Invent them, v .. . -Asa solution of the Cuban prob lem Mr. Daniel R. Goodloe suggests ia the Raleigh News and Observer tbat the Cubans buy Cuba, and the United States guarantee the inter est - But Spain is too poor to keep, and. to proud and too mad just now to sell. ; ' :"'--!'- According to marine statistics the seas swallow annually about 2,000 sailing vessels and about 12,000 men go down into Davy Jones' locker. ' NEW ADVESTISJBMEIfTS. Mercer & Evans Shoes. Clyde Line Sailing days. " Peterson & Rulfs Holiday gift's. XW BTJSlHJtdS LOCALS. Wanted Employment. Keeler 4 Kirkpatrick Wanted. LOCAL, DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered Sere and There and. Briefly Noted. Mr. Benjamin Potter, an old citizen of Brunswick county, died last Thursday, ia the 76 ;b year of his age. , The northwest storm signal was displayed yesterday at 10.30 a. m. The storm was then central off the Caro lina coast, moving northeast. - There will be a change in the Kirmess V programme to-night. ' Tne Japanese Titipu Qiadrille by thirty-two little Japs, will be on the bilL To night at Fifth Street Metho dist Church Rev Mr. Cunninggim will eive an account of the proceedings of the annual conference just closed . at Kin ston. The members of the church and others are Invited to be ptesent. Mrs. A. J. Mercer, , of Brans wick county, mother of Mrs. Newkirk, who died Monday, was a constant at tendant at the bedside of her daughter daring the latter's last illness, and was also at the funeral. Mrs. Mercer is 74 years of age and in still in good health. If there is anything yon want, ad vertise for it. Is there anything yon rinn't want? Advertise it in the Business Locals of the Star.' One cent a word. But no ad. taken tor less than 20 cents. - ' 4 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Pertinent Firunshi Pertaining Priu ol - pally to Poople and Pointedly Printed. Mr. W, H. Townsend,of White ville, was in the city yesterday. . Mr. Vinton Liddell,' of Char lotte, was an arrival in this city yester day. Miss Susie Wilson, of Atlanta, Ga i was with the Fayettevilje party last evening. ' s t Mr. L. L. Jenkins and wife, of Gastonia, N. C were among Yesterday's hotel registrattors. Col. S. B. Taylor, of Catherine Like, was in the city yeserday, accom panied by his daughter. Miss Lucy Tay-, lor. . V ; Col. John D. Taylor, Clerk of the Superior Court, who has been North for-some time, under treatment by a specialist for cataract, returned home las: evening, bis eyesight much im proved. . ' " .. Rev. W. C. Norman,' formerly pastor of Grace M. E. church but now of Rileigh, arrived in the city yesterday and will preach at Grace church to night. Mr. Norman, while here, is the guest, of Mr, i. . i,rau. . The following, delegates to the Methodist Conference, held in Kinston, nave returned: Col. Roger Moore and Mr.Wm. E. Springer from Grace church, and Mr. Punches from Fifth Street church. Also, Rev. R. A. Willis, Rev. T. H. Sutton, Rev. W. L, Cunninggim and Rev. T. J. Browning. -The following out-of-town merchants were here yesterday making business calls : Messrs. E. H. Morton, Verona; D L. Herring, Tomahaw; E. I. Batson, Edgecombe. Other : arrivals were Messrs; C F. Merony. N. C ; C M. Gilbert, Savannah, Ga.; J. M. Leach, N. C. and G. S. Bixbv. N C. ' f AUDIT AND FINANCE. Proceeding at the Uestlps cf tbe Board . ;! Held Yeetsrdty. , . The Board of Audit and Finance met. yesterday in regular session. Present, Messrs. Wm. Calder (chairman), H. C. MuQaeen and C H. Gaczsr. : Tne Board concurred in tbe appro priation of $140, or such part of this amount as may be necessary for tbe purchase of brick to be used in repair ing sidewalks on Nutt street, between Campbell and Brunswick, but the money not to be available until pro v.sion is made to drain water from the sidewalk. ' . ' The Board concurred in the amend ment to the tax ordinance fjr 1898, fix ing the license tax o sale stables at J6J per annum,-payable quarterly in ad vance.. In the matte w of an appropria tion of 250 to repair or renew the sewerage system in the guard house, as recommended by the Su perintendent of Health, it was sug gested tbat full estimates be taken and submitted to this Board showing the exact cost of remedying the bad system of sewerage in the guard house, and suggesting also tbat tbe system of sewerage in the Opera House bs ex amined and corrected if necessary at the same time. ',' Coupons, 438 in number and aggre gating $9 452 50, which bad been paid, were burned by the Board. The clerk exhibited statement of his examination of the treasurer's books lor November, showing casu on hand, No vember 1st, $1,078 10; receipts during tne month, $24 374 20; disbursements, $18 660.47. Cash oa hand, December 1st. $10,391 84. The Board approved the following transfers: From general fund to bond account, $5 000, coupon account, $19, 875, to meet bonds, and coupons due January 1, 1897. Bills were audited andspproved as follows : For current expenses. $1,038 47. Wilmington Light Iafantry annual ap propriation, $500; notes. $9 405; interest, $13 89; refunded poll tax. $19 80. The Board then adjourned. JTajette villa People in Town. Last night being "Fayetteville night" at the Kirmess, there was a large delega tion from that city. A complete list of the visitors could not be obtained, among them were: Mr. and Mrs W. S. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jen niugs, Mr. W. G. Moore, Mr. Frank Douglass, Mi. J. C. Gorham. Mr. I. P. Overbaugh, Mr. L. B. Hall. Dr. H. W. Lilly. Mr. H. M. Pemberton; Mr. J. B Underwood, Jr. Mr. George Underwood, Mr. James Kyle, Mr. J. A. M&ore, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Burns, Mr. O. S. White man. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Weeden, Mrs. W. G. Hall. Mrs. N. B. Alexander, Miss Mamie Alexander, Miss Carrie Hawley, Miss Mable Elliott, Mr. Ed. Page, Col. Jno. A. Pemberton. Mr. and Mrs. C D. Taylor. BY RIVER AND RAIL. Beoelpts of Navel Btoree and Coiton Yeetetdey. . Wilmington & Weldon R. R. 224 bales cotton, 1 cask spirits turpen tine. 40 bbls tar. Wilmington,1 Columbia & Augusta R. R. 824 bales cotton, 23 casks spirits turpentine, 95 bbls rosin, 46 bbls tar. Cape Fear A Yadkin Valley R. R. 233 bales cotton, 20 casks spirits turpen tine, 277 bbls rosin, 86 bbls tar.- Total receipts Cotton, 1,811 bales; spirits turpentine, 44 casks; rosin, 872 bbls; tar, 188 bbls. -, ' ; Bblpplni Notee. C The tug Alexander Jones, with the cbooner'ftrVfo in tow, from Savannah, Ga., boqnd to Philadelphia, put In at South port yesterday for harbor. -Mr George Harriss, Jr., of Philadel phia, is owner in part and manager of the schooner Amelia P. Schmidt,, re cently lost at sea in a voyage lrom Wil mington to Jacmel, Haytt. . The U. S. steamer Almeria, light house tender, for this district, was in port yesterday. WILMINGTON, N. O- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, AGAIN THE KIRMESS. ANOTHER DELIGHTFUL. ENTERTAIN MENT AT THE OPERA HOUSE." A Jjuge Andieooa Meny Vltltori from Fy-e:tsville-Zrw Danees Th K rmeii Ion Sew Feat urea la the Preaenuttan tebe Given this JCveainc Subdued voices, titters of laughter, coy looks, ana deep-drawn sighs; here, the upturned visage of a charming wo man, bewitching, tantalizing; there, the bowed head of some earnest beau such were tbe sounds, such partially the sights, our senses experienced last even ing, as, lolling in our" seat, we awaited the second night's performance of the Klrmess. - - The audience was in every respect a representative one Literary, profes sional and business people were there. Dress suits and opera bonnets peered from the boxes and dress circles. Ushers carrying flowers scampered here and there, and a bashful youngster coming in late walked all ever himself in his efforts to reach his seatunobsetved. Tne number of out-of-town people present was large. It was.Fayettevilie tnight and Fayetteville was there in numbers. Among them were noted Miss Rebecca Haigh, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holt, Miss Delia Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, MiS3 Margaret Whitehead. Mr. and Mrs. E H. Jennings, Miss Kate Alderman, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A- Barns, Miss Nellie Morrow, Miss Wilson, Sheriff J. B. Smith, L. B. Hale of the Fayetteville Observer, Dr. H. W. Lilly, Capt. A. B. Williams, Messrs. J as. Kyle. O. S. Wightman, I. B. Underwood. R. S. Williams. W. G. Moore. G. B. Under wood and Lawrence Williams. - ' .. The entertainment opened with an overture of national airs by the orches tra, and the curtain arose on a charming tableau. Grouped in bands around tbe stage, pretty women and handsome men were seen arrayed in the costumes of the different nations. The stage decorations were gorgeous, and the arrangement of the groups most artistic In the centre was the Qaeenof the Kir mess, Mrs. A. H. Harriss. Calcium lights were flashed; the Qieen stepped from her throne and the Kirmess ia all its beauty began. Marching at the head of her subjects she led them in the triumphal proces sion. For fully ten minutes they march ed, a seemingly endless- throng, the savage profile of the red man, silhoutted against the enlightened countenance of his Christian brother. Ancient Greece in line with modern France. It was a magnificent spectacle' and was heartily applauded. . , ; V - .. The dances of the different nations followed. First came , the. "Ancient Athenian Feast, participated in by Mstsea Annie Hardison, Adelaide Brooks, Mary Nash, . Lucy Bo wden Mabel Powers. Rhea Daggett. Rosa McPherson, Lucy Wooten, Nellie Brice, Annie Giuse, Co lumbia Munds and Katie Harlow. The dance was well executed and elicited much 1 applause. The banner in this dance bore the A. T. O. insignia. The compliment was a delicate one and the fraternity complimented doubtless fully appreciates it. Mrs. Hugh McRae as Diana was charming. . The Greek Cymbal Dance followed, with Mrs. Owen-Love, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Misses Bolles. Gibson, Strange, West McKoy, Margaret Meares, Abbie Chad bourn, Marparet D. Smith and Nannie Humphreys, as dancers. It is a beauti ful dance, and - was rapturously ap- plauded. It was a favorite. .... ' The German North Country Harvest Dance, the English May Dance XVI Century, and the Japanese Sits urn a Shinto Court Dances followed in quick succession and received much applaute. The Japanese Dance, is exceedingly graceful and is deservedly popular. The English May Dance represented the beauty and gallantry of Young America. It included in its number many charming little misses and many daring little men. Its personnel was to-wit: Misses Bettie Gordon, E sie Brock, Lucy Baldwin, Mary Black, Virginia Hoge, Blanche Chadboarn, Isabelle Belden, Florrie Grant, and Masters Eugene Wiggins, Harry Small bones, Oscar Peck,. Robert Calder, Dick Dann, Joe Armstrong, Milton Calder and Joe Watters. The Gypsy Tambourine Dance was the sixth on the programme. It was greeted with continuous applause. Tbe seventh dance of the evening was tbe Spanish Wedding Dance. Last evening was its first appearance. Of this dance much was expected. It has been heralded as one cf the most grace ful of the series, and deservedly so. Its execution last evening was beyond criticism. Its reception was one con tinuous applause. Its dancers were Mrs. DuBrutz Cutlar and Mr. Edward Payson Willard, Miss Lucy Latham and Mr. John. James, Miss Alice Green and Mr. Guy Card well.' Miss Mary "Calder and Mr. Roberta Rankin, Miss Alice Boatwright and Mr. E. Keith Calder, Miss Elizabeth DcRosset and Mr. Swift Boatwright. r , . The Moon Dance by Indian girls and the Indian Ghost Dance, which followed, closed the special dances. They caused much merriment and were frequently applauded. . ' i The Grand International Dance con cluded the programme. After, the performance in the Opera House the spectators wended their way through the "Kirmess Inn," which was tastefully decorated with flags and bunt ing and certainly presented a picturesque scene, with tables scattered here and there among palms and ferns, at which guests were Invited to lit and were served with everything in the way of refreshing eatables by those in charge at a very low price. ' The- ladies who managed this department were Mrs. Chas.. King. Mrs. Fred. Rhein stein, Mrs. W. R. Kenan, Mrs. W. E. Storm, Mrs. T. H. McKoy. Mrs. Fred. Fosiate, Mrs. Stella Thompson,' Mrs. Louise DeRosset, Mrs. Mitt Moore, Miss Julia James, Miss Mamie Bear, Miss Clara Springer, Miss' Mary Lilly Kenan and M.sses Hm and Walters. mr. tiooeri awect naa cuaigo ui ius decorations. ; . Oaeofthe most' interesting features of the department was tbe wonderful graphophone, managed by Mrs. W. O. Saarrer. This machine proved quite popular. ... v The Inn will be oren again to-night. ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS Oi the S. C. Cinfdrenoi ot the M. JC. Charon. - Booth. : . ; - Kinston Free Press Tbe following is a complete list of the Conference appointments for Newberh, Wilmington and Fay etteviLe Districts, with part of the appointments for the other Districts : . newbern district. : W. S. Rone. Presiding Elder. Newoern Centenary, F. A. Bishop. Go dsboro St. Paul. R. B. John. N. M Jurney. - Goidsboro St John. J. E. Bristowe. Goldsooro circuit A. L- Ormood. Mount Ohve ciicuit M. M. McFar-, land. - LiGrange circuit G TrSimmons. Snow Hill circuit L J Holden.- .: Kinston station J. A Lee. Gnf ton circuit F. S. Becton. Jones circuit J. M. Benson. ' Craven circuit D. C Geddie. Vanceooro circuit Supplied by F. E. Dixon. v Pamlico circuit H. E. Tripp. Carteret circuit J. T. Anernethy. Morehead City station L S. Massey. . Beaufort station D. H. Tuttle. Straits circuit J. M. Carraway. WILMINGTON DISTRICT. R. C. Beaman, Presiding Elder. Wilmington Grace Church, R. A. Willis. ' Wilmington Fifth S:reet, W. L Cun inggim. Wilmington Bladen Street, T. J. Browning. Wilmington Market Street, T. H. Sutton. Scott's Hill circuit W. H. Townsend. Onslow circuit C. P. Snow, Joseph Dixon, sup. . Burga circuit D. A. Futrelr. Magnolia circuit L S. E'-beridge. KeaaosviLe circuit G. W. Fisher. Clinton circnit J G.Johnson. Bladen circuit W. A. Jenkins. Elizabeth circuit C. W. Smith. Wniteville and Fair Binff A. R. Ravsn. Columbus circuit J J. Porter, Waccamaw circuit Supplied by J. M. Mar owe,. Biuasick circuit J. A. Rouse. Soutbport 4 station H. B. Anderson. RALEIGH DISTRICT. E. A. Yates. Presiding Elder. - Raleigh Eientoa Street, W. C. Nor man. Raleigh Central Church, E.C. Glenn. Rdieigh City Mission supplied by R H.Wnitaker. DURHAM DISTRICT. J. A. Cunninggim, Presiding Elder. ; ; Darham Trinity,,. N. Cote. Darham Main S;reet. G- A. Olesby. -West Durham R. W. Bailey. Durham--Carr Church.D. N.Caviness. Durham circuit W. J. Twilley. Hillsboro circuit Laaghorne L?itcb. Chapel Hill s ation N. H D. Wilson. Trinity College J. C Kilgo, president of Trinity College;, member of Main Street Station Quarterly Coaierence. ; WASHINGTON DISTRICT. B. R. Hall, Presiding E.der. Washington station J E. Underwood. . Washington circuit J W. Martin. Tarnoro station R: F. Bumpass. South Edgecombe circuit R, H. Willis. Rocky Mount station R. J. Moor man. - Rocky Mount circuit A. D. Betts. Nashville circuit R L D.vis.X Spring Hope ciicuit Supplied by J. C. Humble. Wilson station J B, Hurley. Fiemont circuit C P. Jercme. s . FAYETTEVILLE DISTRICT. ' W. H. Moore, Presiding E der. Fdvetteville Hay Street and Camp belton Mission, L. L. Nash' and D. B. Parker Cumberland circuit L. M. Chaffia. Cokesbury circuit G W. Starling. Simpson circuit R. A. Bruton. Lillington circuit W. F. Craven. Bjckaorn circuit H G. Stamey. Dunn circuit E. C. Sell. Newton Grove circuit W. F. Gallo way - r Cape Fear circuit A T Groves. Pitisboro circuit W. W. Rose. Haw R ver circuit W, H Puckett. Deep River circuit B B Holder, Siler City circuit H. W. Wnitaker. Carthage circuit Z T. Harrison. Jonesooro circuit D. L. Earnhardt. ROCKINGHAM, DISTRICT. . ; y J. T. Gioos, Presiding Elder. Rockingham station J. T. Lyon. Rockingham circuit J. M Lowder. Richmond circuit J. P. Pate. Laurinburg station F. M. Sham burger. -.- . '- . Maxton and Caledonia statipn M. Bradshaw. Maxton circuit J. W. Wallace. Lam bet ton circuit J. D. Bundy. Roseson circuit E. Pope, R. w. Townsend. sup. WARRENTON DISTRICT. W. S. Black. Presiding Elder. Warrenton circuit P. L. Herman. Weldon station I. A. Hornadav. Roanoke circuit Supplied by Buck. ' ' Roanoke Rapids I. H. Frizine. Halifax circuit E E. Rose. Battleboro . and Wnuaker's S. Movie. ' Scotland Neck circuit Rufus Bradley. Wiiliamston and-- Hamilton A. J. Parker. - ' Girysburg circuit J. D, Pegram. Northampton crcuit A. R. Good child. ,f ; Rich Square J. R. Sawyer. Mehernn circuit P. Greening. " Murfreesboro station M. T Plyler. , Harrellsvil e station I. C Jones. " Bertie circuit J. R. Tiller. . Littleton Female College J. - M. Rhodes. - Chaplain United States Navy W. E. Edmundson. ' .; ' . Before Jostlee Bnnttnc. Wm. Bell, colored, who has been in jail since the early part of , last week, charged with burglary and larceny, was given a hearing yesterday morning at 9 o'clock before Justice R. H. Bunting. The defendant was adjudged not guilty of attempting to break into Mr. C. H. Kuhl's store last September, but was committed to jiil in default of a $50 bond, to stand trial before the next term of the Criminal Court on the charge of stealing a wood-horse and .saw from Joshua Wilson, colored. Joseph Simon was also arraigned, charged with forgery. He was adjudged not guilty and discharged . . - "1 r 1 1 1896. RALEIGH NEWS BUDGET THE SENATORIAL SITUATION AVERY MUCH MUDDLED AFFAIR Chairman Manly Doe- Nj Aniiulpate Eleo- : tion of a Dcmoorat Ool. J ale Carr le me , " Pavorlu ot Beveial Pop jliit Membrre . . of ths'Legulatare Colored Masons Five Mnrdereie Scot to tbe ' Pebiiectiary from Richmond . ' Conoty. v.' Special Star Correspondence - Raleigh. N. C. Djc 15. Chairman Clement Manly arrived in tbe city yesterday. He is here in the interest of a convict in the penitentiary who is seeking a pardon. " Mr. Manly is looking much improved since the cam paign. The rest from his arduous duties has benefitted him much.. He had little to say from a political standpoint, ne Senatorial situation he thinks is the most muddled affair of tbe past year. He does not anticipate the election of a Democrat under any circumstances. I know that CbK-Tule Can's name is being pushed along for the Senatorship. Furthermore several Populist, members of the Legislature are said to be very much inclined towards the Durham phi lanthropist. ' : The Legislative Committee appointed to examine the Treasurer's books is m session here. Messrs W. R.' Ellis. P. B. Julian and A. F. Hileman and Senator Farthing are the members present. The colored lodge of Masons which was in session at Edenton es tablished an endowment feature of the lodge and in this way from $1,000 to $3 000 is expected to be collected annu ally. A special endowment fee of one dol lar per year was assessed tbe members Grand Master J as. H.Young says the XM 1 : J3 t. f - AS? AAA l..a Mississippi Masons raised $5,000 Ust year bv this method. Soerig Smith, of Richmond county, brought five murderers to tbe peniten tiary to day to serve various terms. Three more capital cases remain un tried. Chairman Ayer said to-day, in speak ing of Tom Watson's contest of Black's sfcat for Congress, that Tom Watson w?s more sorts of a dV-d fool than Elliot F. Shepherd ever was. ,-. THEATRICAL STARS. 8taart Bsbson end Mme. Jacauaohek to Appeev at .tna Opera Honae Friday Sight. The engagement of the two well-, known and eminent theatrical stars Stuart Robson and Mme. Janauschek at the Opera House, Friday evening, December 18:h. promises to be the best attraction which tbe management will offer this season.' Mr. Robson is a com edian second to none, except old Joseph Jefferson, while Mms. Jaaauschekis the best known tragedienne on the stage to day, and one who has always received the most hearty endorsement of the lovers of tragedy. The comedy "Mrs. Ponderbury's Past," which enjoyed an unusually long run in both Paris and London, and afterwards In New York city, will be presented here. The play is a comedy of the first class. It will be preceded by the one-act curtain raiser, "Mr. GHman's Wedding," which is a whole evening's entertainment in itself. Advance sale of seats will commence this morning ' at Gzrken's. Reserved seats, $1.60 and $1.00. General admis sion, 50 cents. THE RAILWAY CONDUCTORS. Meeting of Division 271 et FayetteTtlle Eleoticn of Offloera. Fayetteville Observer: Division 271, Order of Railway Conductors, met in the Knights of Pythias Hall Saturday, night. Capt. J. M. Walker, of the C. F. & Y. V, was re-elected Chief; J. A. Mc Laughlin Assistant Chief; W. W. Free man, of A. C L.. Senior Conductor; J. W. Cotton, A. C. L.. Conductor; W. C Dodson, CF.4Y. V, Inside Sentinel; W. O. Lockamy, Outside Sentinel. Capt. I. M. Walker -was unanimously chosen as the representative of the Grand Divi sion to the general convention which meets in Los Angeles in May. Capt. I. R. Russell was chosen as tbe alternate. Capt. Walker deserves all the honors his order can confer, and we congratulate the members. Snlpmenta of litttaoc. ' New Hanover truckers are shipping lettuce in large quantities to Northern markets. Seventeen barrels were ex pressed yesterday, shipments on pre vious days having been, however, con siderably larger. i Some of the shippers from this sec tion are: Mr. Jno. R. Melton, Mr.WcH. Mills, Capt. E. W. Manning, Mr. I. D. Woody. Mr. J. F. Garrellr Mr. D. W. Trask, Mr. F. J. Dempsev and Mr. J. T. Carr. . Correotlon. The word "thousand" was left out near the closs'of the third paragraph in the article comparing receipts of cotton at the ports of Charleston and Wilming ton, published in the Star of yes terday. The last sentence should read: These figures show that the statement of the News and Courier that "Charles ton leads Wilmington by over a hundred thousand bales" is incorrect, the real difference' being but 81.653 bales.' Ojm Cent e Word. '' Hereafter advertisements to go ia our ''Business Locals" department will be charged one cent per word for each in sertion t but no advertisement, "however short, will be taken for less than 20 cents This is a reduction from former rates and It is also a convenience 'to adver tisers who can-calculate the exact cost ot their advertisements, which must be paid for always in advance. SUPREME COUftT. DECISIONS. Opinions Handed Down in Cases That In- , ' V tweet Wilmington People. Special f tar Telegram. y Raleigh. N. C Dec. 15. In the Su preme Court to-day, "opinions were handed down as follows ; Tuttle vs. Carolina Central Railroad Co. No error; judgment affirmed. Latimer vs. Waddell, from New Han over; 'f --w-e To night will be Newbern 's night at the Kirmess. Quite a number are expected from that city. WHOLE NO. 9.063 - THE MORNING STAR. . Are you a subscriber , to The Morning Star ? If not, why not? . Do yon want a first-class daily pa per at $5.00 per year, or $1.25 for three months ? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star. Do yon want a paper tbat prints the latest telegraphic news, the best local news, reliable market reports, excellent short stories, and the' choicest miscellaneous matter If so, subscribe to The Morning Star. Do not forget that The Morning Star is the cheapest daily of its class In North Carolina, "its price is $5.00, while the published price of -others ranges from $7.00 to $8.00. resolutions of respect. 'Ate called meeting of tbe Hibernian Benevolent Sock jr. add at their h d oa December 7th, UIM, a committee aa appointed to prepare rewjlutjotu of respect to the memorr of oor departed brother mem-b-r, Wm f. Ttrpjr, and a aj of condolence wita lia afflicted lamiljr. ' W hbkbas.- In tht ditpeniiog of justice from an aliarise nd merciful God, we aa a Society are call d npon t record the deata of our youn i wad re-pected brother Wm P. l orpjr, who peacefully patatd awar on Sanday morning, Uecember 6:h, 1896, ana in tbe triumph of a living faith in God. hu Heavenly Father, and in h pe of a glorious immortality, Rtsolvtd, I hat it i with profound sorrow that we are called opoa to rec.rd the dem-ie of Wm. P. "J Orpy.. Rtsolvtd, That the crc.e'y has lost an energetic and faii&iul member, who you h gave promise of a blight future, and ahae rreseo-e was a etroag in centive t the conger members. Ktsolvtd, 1 hit tne btceiy extnd its rympatntef to the ereaved family, and that a copy of tntse rcso lut oos e sent them. Resolved, Tbat the secretary be instructed to spread these lesoiutions on the minute book of tbe Society in memory of the deceased, Thos. B. Carroll, y. f. DONLAM, W. P. Cabsoll, Wm. J tUHLOHG, . F. J. Kacan, Committee. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OPERA HOUSE, Friday Evening, December 18th. Stuart Mm f it. Mme. JananscliEt, and Mr. Robson'a company of actor's. Direction. Wm. R. Hayden. "Mr. Tatlman's Wedding AND Mrs. Ponderbarys Past." Mr. Robson as Young Tilmaa and Old Mr. Pooder- oury. Mme. Tananschsk as the Lady wi'h a oist. Advarce a fe of seats co-nmence Tnuisiar at Ger- ken's. Prices SI dec 15 St 10, $1.00 and 50 cents. in we n I RAND SPECTACULAR PRESENTATION -cf the Kirmess and racces of the Nations will be given t the Opera Hons. Wumiogton, N . C Matiaee oa Saturday, December 19. Keservrd seats will be on aala at Yates' Boor f tore, Wilmi-.gton, N. C , at 9 a m , Thursday, December 10th. Prices 5 cents and SI. W M Seats may be reserved by letter or telegram. ' :Tirf-il ratrs an 1 trains on Kailroia.. Read fnll descrimion and interestina: Darticulars ia "The Kirmess," for sale at all Book Stores, price G cents. oec 0 1,1 Fill .Sr EI If JeJEW Our SHOES this season are neater, more stylish and stronger than ever. e're constantly improving our Shoe Service. We re giving you better values at moderate petCes than ever hefoft;. If von want No. 15's come and buy purs. If yon want a tiny No 0 come and get it here, and if you should perchance wear any number between; well, just; come here and get them. Very truly yours, Mercer & Evans, 63$ steps east from corner Princess : and Front Sts. .f dec IB tt A 35c Tooth Brush for 20c. EXPLANATION fTHESE' BRUSHES WERE THROWN UN X the jabber's hands by the failure of the parties oy whom thev were ordeied for, hesce they are na saleable gsoda aa they have tbe "Busted" people's name oa them. BUT IT DOES NOT HURT THE BRUSH, dot. it? and they are yoorsat20 cents each. JAMES D. NUTT, dec 13 tf The Druggist. Sale of Stock. TY DIRECTION OF THE BOARD OF Di rectors of the "East Carolina Piscatorial Associa tion," . I will excose for sale to the highest bidder, at public auction for cnh, at the Court Honae door of New Hanover county, la the City of Wilmington, on S.tu da? the S6th day or December, 189A, at IS o'clock M., twenty shares of the capital stock of the utaa Carolina Piscatorial Association." standing In the name of 1 bomaa Panett to eatisfy and pay the anm of two hnndred an1 tweatv dollars, due aa un paid asaessmenis on aaid s ock; said assesamenta has- i said bo.rd and navmeat thereof bavin r been dnly re ina Deen amy ana resmariy cuxa or uiui 4 un fused by Thomas ferrett, tne suoscnDer to aaia stoat. dec tOt . - ' Attorney. FRANK H. STED1UH, Real Estate Broker, . .DEALER IN - STOCKS AND BOHDS. Loans Negotiated. Office in Star Building, first floor. declSlw . ,. .. rLT NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE AT ?HIS V7 office. aouaaie tor wrepptng papsr. REDUCED TO C5.00. BUT NO REDUCTION IN SIZE OF PAPER, V , OR IN QUANTITY j3R QUALITY OF READING MATTER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Holiday Goods ! We are Headquarters this season for Holiday Goodsi and a cordial invitation is extended to every lady t.6call and see oar stock of pretty things, consisting of Fine Pictures. ; Engravings, Etchings, colored and plain Photographs, Water Colors and Pastelle?, all in handsome frames. Easels, Screens, Cabinets, Book Shelves, Music Racks, Leather Goods, Japanese Goods, Wood Bas kets, Celluloid Novelties, Handsome Gilt Ornaments, Picture Frames, Gold Pens, Fancy Inkstands, Toilet Articles, Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymnals, in sets; Purses, Card Cases, Smokers' Sets. ; -. Beautiful Calendars and Christ- mas Cards. Handsome Gift Books, Standard Works, all tbe latest Novels in . fine bindings. Work Boxes Glove and Handkerchief ' Sets, Fancy Clocks, Photograph Albums, Writing Desks, Scrap Books, Whist Set:, Children's Books in endless variety, Games, Blocks, Balls, Iron Toys, &c., &c The above is only a partial list of the many articles we have on ex hibition, and all at prices to suit your purse. Come now and make your selections and avoid the rush. , Parties desiring Pictures Framed before Christmas must bripg them down at once. ' ' OPEN EVENINGS. CWJaWCo. dec 11 tf ' Mattings, Rugs AND CAEPETS. A FULL LINE FilATTIFv.CS bought at a sacrifice that we will sell cheap. A Fuli Line Smyrna Rugs Very Cheap. . A large lot Blankets, Towd&and Marseilles apreaas at an prices. Tbe balance of our Carpet stock ar ! 1 very Cheap. These goods must be sold in tbe next thirty days. Call and see them at my new stand. . SOL. BE A TtV No. 18 Market Street, dec 6 tf - Wilmington, N. C Shoes For The Boys. Boys are apt to be hard on Shoes, but we have the Shoes adapted to rough usage. One pair of our youth's Kangaroo Calf Lace Shoes at $1.25, or a pair ot our "L.tttie uuae - ; Shoes at $1.25 will convince yon that for economy we have'the Shoe. Be sure and see them before pur chasing elsewhere. Geo. R. French & Sons. . nor S3 tf v.. " : New Firecrackers. 2QQ Boxen New Flreeraelterm.; 2QQ ie X3. O. If site. 100 ZM JgQ BavrreW Apple. . J QQ Boxea Im L. BeJetne. 2QQ PaOla Mixed candy. QQ Bags Peaxmate. 2 Cane Jeraey 3111k. W. B- COOPER, aoy SS If ' : DW . Wllaslastea, 200 Barrels New River Mullets JUST RECEIVED. 250 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. - 30,000 QIGARS. For Sale at Rock Bottom Prices. 8A1TL BEAE, Sr.. 1) Market Street,: U eet SStf Combination Bicycle FOR SALE. . A Combination "Crnsader" Bicycle, for either lady or gentleman. Cush ion Tires. . Brand new. Will be sold cheap. Call In person, or address M., at Star Office, ap 7 tl :

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