FOR FIVE DOLLARS THE MORNING STAR GOES ONE YEAR. FROM $2.00 TO $3.00 CHEAPER II Than Other Dailies of its Class in Horth Carolina. lateral at tbelPostpmee at Wflhuagwh, N.Caa 18 DECEMBER 96 mm. ilauo-Deceaibr 18. Sua Rises. 7 04 A M Sun Scu...... 449 pm Oav's Length.. . . 9 b 41 High Water at Southport... 5 45AM Higb Water at Wilmington 7.28AM Tli. Wtthera' U. S. Dcp't or Agriculture. ) Weather Bureau. . V Wilmington. N. C, Dec 18. Meteorological data tor yesterday; Temperature: 8a.m V 8 p. m., 44; auxirniirn.SOs minimam. 81"; mean. 40; Katafall for the day. .00; rainfall since 1st ol month I up to date, 3 06. Fayetteville, N. C, Dec. 18 At 8 a. a. ihs stae of water in the Caps Fear river was 9 4 feet FORECAST FOR TO-DAY. For North Carolina Fair and warmer, with southerly winds; possibly light local showers. 1 III.,. 2 I The Immigration bill passed bv the Senate .yesterday deludes, in addition to those classes t vrlnrlrrl niufn liiiinn v,ul"' laws, ail persons over sixteen years who cannot read and write the lano-nao-e rA n e their native country or same other lancnape: Cuban nfiopi 3 tT,aiM - n c - - h. w ... f from the provisions of the bill. S.ockboldersof the Palmetto, Railway, at their meeting ia Raleigh, elected Mr. H ff man, of the S A. L,. president. S.rong shocks of earn quake were felt taroughout Wales and the sooth of England; boasts were violently shaken and furniture overturned. ' The ln- ' iiQciioo to prohibit the payment of the ,1010) parse to Sa.rke? was dismissed and in j case thro a n oat of court. A northeast gale, the most violent, in ten years, is raging along the New Eng land coast; several vessels have been wrecked. - At Hertford, -Eog, eaitcquase shocks can ea people to rasa uom tneir nouses and one woman died from fright; at Ruthin, Liverpool and B.idenorth the shocks were fol lowed 0? thunder, lightning and hail. r- Corbett has signed articles to fiht Fiiiiimrnons to a finish, for a purse ol 115.000, on March 17, 1897; the place of the Daitle is to be announced before February 17wh. Ao address has been issued by the Cuban League of the Uiited Siates setting forth tne princi ples ard purposes of the orgamzuion and the aid of citizens in all parts ol tne country. Passengers arriv ing at Key West from Havana report tnat greai uoeasiness is felt on account oi trie uncertainty of Maceo's deato, and Jy tnat it is well understood in Havana thai tee report of his death was made op b order of the home Government to ir-fljence the Uoiud States Congress. Thi Spaniards report sever.l on- important engagements with the Cu bics the insurgents are invading Ma tinzis province and are believed to be Cjnctnirating their forces in Siota CUra province. - The first cargo cf cira ever shipped from this country o Iaii will oe sent out from Pailadelphia this week. . Several trains in -New Yj.ic were snow-bound and in some ins ances passengers hd to pass the nint in the cars. Branches of tne American Friends of Cuba have been organized in - nearly all the li'Ker cf the ifoited " States. New York markets: Money on call M ea at lJi3 per cent, last loan at 8 per cent., closing offered at 2 per nt.; cotton quiet middling 7 8 18c; Southern flour dull, steady and un caned common to fair extra $3 00 3 55. good to choice Z 65 3 85; wheat spot dull and firmer witb options; un graded red 80&93c; corn tpot less ac tive and easier; No. S 28&c at elevator and 92c afloat; rosin steady strained common to good $1 801 82J4"; spiriu turpentine steady at 28327$. Mrs. Gertrude Kriger, of Bloom fiell, N. believed in punctuality. face she btlived too much in it, fjf when her husband was tardy in coming to breakfast the other morn- I n rv l ..... "s ue reproved him with a six mooter and shofhim dead. Kansas this year has raised "some thing besides youog Pops and hades, for she has 82,000,000 bushels of corn itt iae fields and cribs. Ia the fit map that were made of that Part of Uncle Sam's doraaia, Kaasas ws put down as "arid land." a Neither Senators Sherman nor Aj lisoa are sufficiently stuck on the Cabinet to resign their, seats in the Sedate to go into it. Senators think themselves bigger men than Cabinet officers, to whom they1 sometimes saeeringly refer, when they don't like them, as "bead clerks." nil Bara' Day. at C.W.Pol o4Co... Ten percent, off on e.11 ua puichaae... . ,t . f SUNMCHTUE WEttTHUFRl tinted 2 3 k 5 m& 7 a & id ii izm ''' 3 15 IS 17 IS 7&M S 120 21 22 23 2? 25 2SM , it O -wiw I 1 awaw i'0J ; ; . The Morning Star ; VOL. LIX.-NO. 74. WILMINGTON, N. FRIDAY, ; DECEMBER 18, 1896. WHOLE NO. 9.065 Attention is called to the follow ing Reduced Rates of Sabscriptlon ; to The Morning Star : TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS. Twelve Months . . $5.00 Six 2.50 Three 1.25 1.00 Two One 50 TO CITY SUBSCRIBERS. The Star will be deliverori hv carrier at any point in the city at 12 cents per week, or - 45 eent mr " tr month. According to th( reports of the dispensary superintendents in South Carolina the denizens of that State imbibed this year 26,881.280 prinks, which ms something over seventy five drinks per capita per month, as that's the way they generally go. As this does not embrace the Christmas torn uu jsrry, etc s., etc s. it indicates a i - : . . . ... pretty robust absorbing capacity for the average denizen of the Palmetto Sovereignty. a ooutn Carolina sheep raiser protects his flocks from depredating dogs and wild "varmints" by sea- soaing the carcass of a sheep that may fall a victim to them with strychnine. The same dog or var mint never makes a third visit. We know a sheep man in this State" who did that and it worked charmingly. The average Phiiadelphian will never be able to understand why Mr. iui.ft.iBiey went to t-riicago tor "a few days to rest" when he mizht have gone to Philadelphia and fonnd the genuine article Iajing around loose. And neither will the Chicago man understand it. "Divine healers a la Schrader. are becoming so numerous that the people are turning them heelers, fu gacious. They mobbed one in Chi cago the other night and he saved himself from being scalped or some thing of that sort by barricading his bouse until the police arrived. An Ohio man boasts that he has an egg forty years old, and the stupid galoot never hinted it when Li Hnng Chang was meandering through this country. With that venerable egg he might have mad; himself solid with Li. Bat perhaps be is a Li ar bimself. Opera House Kirmess. Opera House Stuart Robson. " Opera HjUSE-W.oodward-WarreaCo. - STEW BUSISJtSS LOCALS. J. Grady Now ready. . LOCAL DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered Here and There and Briefly Boted. A force of hands is at work re pairing Chesnut street, between Th rd and Fourth. he tng Alexander Jones, with the schooner Hilda in tow, f-r Philadel phia, sai'ed from Southport yesterday. Messrs. Mills & Montgomery received a fine lot of horses yesterday evening at their exchange stables. North Water street. A few timber rafts brought out by the higher waters in the upper Cape Fear have arrived here, but the demand. at present, is rather slack. There will be a meeting to night at 8 o'clock, at Red Men's hall, over Mr. A. D. Brown's store. No. 18 North Front street, of mesoJbers of Mata- tbias Senate No. 818, .Ancient Order of Etsenics. A lull attendance of members ia requested. Thia la Pfaetlcai. Charlotte Observer: ' "A Charlotte man came Into the Observer office yes terday and subscribed to the paper for one year to be sent to a friend in Balti more. 'I have been thinking over the question of a Christmas present tor this lriend for a week or so past,' he said. 'and I finally decided tnat the best thing I could do would be to send him the Observer for one year." It is a cood idea. A prefect of tms kind could not be improved upon. Possibly some of our Wilmington friends may take a bint from the above. Five dollars will send the Star, post paid, for one year to any address ia the United States. Why not make your lriend a present that will remind him of yon every day ? AJl Next Week. . Next ween theatre-goers will have a chance to witness some excellent per formances at cheap prices. ' Manager Scbloss has engaged the Woodward Warren Company to play the entire week beginning Monday, Dec 31. excellent attraction has never played in Wilmington, but is welt kaown in the larger cities of the South, the entire press ol the booth being unanimous in praising it. Oa Monday night ladies will be admitted free, if accompanied by person holdingne paid 80 cent ket. " I ticket - After the -Kirmess last night, the Swedish dancers were invited ty their chaperone, Mrs. Clayton Giles, to her residence, on Third street, where they enjoyed a delightful supper. They I are united In praise of their chaperone. Don't fail to take advantase of the 10 per cent, discount at u. w roivogt a IX). s to day, their Bargain Day. t Everything! goes at a discount at C W. Polvogt & Co.' to-day, their Bir gain Day. r ' 1 OI7 UCrt &V A - PS a n a I i. - ' aaaaaaTaaaT. SSSaasl aaaaaa . . .Mwa . inuinrna i i-wmrcy pyuria- muunuta. -. i. IHDEFATTflAK f.K WORKERS. Zl I Pertlnsat Pnncrtvolu Pertaining Prlnd- PtJlr to P3nlnd Pointedly Printed. Mr. D. N. Oliver, of Rowland. ai la the city yesterday. Mr. B. D. Townsend, of Ben nettsville. S. C. was here vesterdav Mr. W. G. Forlong, of the W.. N N. R. R.waa in the cit v resterdar Mr. H. C Bridge, of Bladen boro, was among yesterday's arrivals. Mr. W. R. Walker, of Carrie. was a visitor at the Star effice vester day. r- Mr. R. S. Devane. of Kerr, in the citv vetterday. was a welcome visitor at the Star office. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Currie. of Clarkton, were among the hotel regis tration yesterday. Rev. W. C. Norman and wifr who have been visitine friends In'th city, leave for their home in Raleigh to day. .Messrs. Otto Genaust and foe Winstead. who have been attendlhs- the A and M. College at Raleigh, returned yesterday. Rev. W.S. Rone is in the city preparing for the removal of his family to his new field of labor for the present (wonlerecce year. Among the visitors in Wil m'ngton yesterday were Messrs. S. L. Patterson, W. F. Massey and Frank E. fcmory, of Raleigh. Messrs. J. B. Royal and W. S. Partrick, prominent and successful mer chants of Clinton, spent a portion of yesterday in this city A cablegram was received here yesterday from Mr. K. M. Murchisoa. Jr., announcing his arrival at Gibraltar on bis way to Algiers Visiting wholesale establish ments yesterday were J.W. S. Robinson. of Delta; J. P. Stansel, of Allenton, and I D. Johnson, of Garland. Other arn vals were T. D. Webb, Morehead City; A. W. Sidbury, "Topsail Sound; M. N. Teachey, Teachey's; Ed. Mills, White ville; C. T. Lewis. Harrell's Store: V. Sid bury, Hollv R dee. Tba Bush Will Uood Next Week. i nere were some signs yesterday of a lull in business. Merchants, or some of them at least, said trade lacked a good deal of being what it was this time a year ago. And it was remarked that the number of country people in town was unusually small. AH of these discouraging facts, bow- ever, a gentleman of wide ezoerience was heard to account for in the most satisfactory manner. He said that be has noticed for years that whenever Christmas comes at or near the end of the ; week most people postpone their Christ mas shopping-until, Christmas- week. And tie explanation seems to be per fectly plausible. It is practical and fore handed almost to a fault to lav in a supply of Christmas goods ten or fifteen days in advance, as yon would coal or wooxd. And late shoppers are the onv ones that enter most fully into the spirit of the occasion and get the most en jjy- meet out of it. It is safe to predict that next week will be a very busy one for merchants and their clerks. BY RIVER AND RAIL. Beeelpte of STara! Storee end Cotton Xaateida. Wilmington & Weldon R. R. 253 bales cotton, 4 easss spirits turpen- hug. iv uuii Kcir. Wilmington,' Columbia & Augusta R. R. 601 bales cotton. 75 casks soints turpentine, 133 bbls rosin. 114 bbls tar. 8 bb s crude turpentine. Carolina Central R. R. 88 bales cot ton, 68 bbs rosin, 1? bbls tar, 6 bbls crude turpentine. Cape Fear 4 Yadkin Valley R. R.- 133 bales cotton, 19 caks spirits turpen tine. 318 bbls rosin. 124 obis tar. Steamer Frank "Sessoms 1 bale I cotton, 83? bbls rosin. 124 bbls tar. Steamer E. A. Hawes 875 bbls rotin, 127 obis tar. Total receipts Cotton. 1,068 bales; spirits turpentine. 98 cask!; rosin. 896 bb's; tar, 416 bbls; crude turpentine bbls. W'daeeday Hisht'a . JSerTloee ' at Qraee Chnroh. The lecture room of Grace Church was crowded last Wednesday night. many petng present who never think of coming ont to a night meeting, thus showing the attachment an apprecia tive people have for Rev. Mr. Norman, who conducted the services. Rev. A. D. McClure came in after the services at his church were over, and it ras pleasant to witness the affection. attachment and Christian love that Messri. Norman and McClure have for 1 each other as exhibited Wednesday night, although members and ministers of different denomination. Revs. R. A. Willis, W. L. Rone and Root. H Willis were also present. Bntioa to Marinere. The beacon on the eastern part of Outer Shoal, off Cape Hatteras, has been destroyed and erased from the charts. Vessels are warned not to cross the shoals over the site of the beacon as part of it may still eilst nnder water. A late survey by the United States Engineers shows that but twelve feet totU NCf and tne chart, have been rnrrA -rrn,HiBoi- ? www.w..,. Oood H anting in Onslow. A party ot sportsmen, anions whom are Postmaster George L Morton, Lien tenant Winslow, of Newbera. and several Northern gentlemen, are hunting alonp tae shores of New river, making Jack sonville their headquarters. Sport has been good evidently, as in the express car of the W., N. & N. train yesterday morning there was a large dressed buck consigned to Mr. E. R. Bacon, New York city. Itoet Hie Stone? Bat covered His Ban wy WUe Another Woman Caused With Steaiiac tne Boo- la. Mattie aammerneld, colored, cave hood in the sum of 150 yesterday before Justice R.H. Banting for her appear ance at the next term of the Criminal Court to answer to the charge jof far ceny. Daring the early part of last week Pompey Lyons' (colored); who lives about three miles from town, had a dis agreement with , his wife, and while he was away preaching, his wife broke open his trunk and took $13 30 in money and came to the city. : She let Mattie Sum merfield (it whose house she stayed in the Southern portion of the city) into hef-eonfidence and together they hid the money When old Pompey returned and found that his wife had skipped, taking 118.20 cf his wealth with her, he immediately set out after her. He succeeded in find ing his runaway wife, but when he ar rived oa the scene his wife, and Mattie, in their haste to get away, lost the money. But it is claimed that Mattie stole It, and now Pompey and his wife are once more livtne Deacetuilv to gether, while the" Summerfield woman is under bond to stand trial for the theft. . MRS- PONOERBURY'3 PAST. 8 inert .Bobioa end Hme. JTeDaueohek the Opera House Tnte Brsntoa. - To-night theatre-goers will witness the ' greatest combination of theatrical talent ever seen on the Onera Honae stage. From one extreme to the oiber, Stuart Robson, the eminent and welt- known comedian, and Mme. Janauschtk, the celebrated tragedienne, will appear in that famous comedy adaptation from the French, known as "Mrs. Ponder- bury's Past." which was so enthusiaati cally received in London last season and which New Yoikers gave an enthusias tic a reception when Mr. Robson pro duced it for tha first time in America. Mr. Kobson s name is remembered in connection with many great corned productions, but especially of late years ia "The Hennette," while Mme Janaos chek has been one of the leading expo nents of tragedy for a number of years. She is also remembered in this city as a great favorite. ! v Ia connection with this clever olav. the one-act comedy entitled "Mr. Gil- man s Wedding", will be introduced at the beginning of the programme. - As young Mr. Giiman and as old Mr. Pon- oerbury, Mr. Robson will show forth two characteristics, which only Droves that his cl ten telle already know him to be past master of the art. of comedy' characterizations, one without peer. Ootain your seats at Gerken's. A Btfanded rrenehmnn. M. E. Mechain, a French sailor, was visiting the stores yesterday, bearing a type-written statement, lhe1noint ;0- bich was that money given him to help pay his way to New Orleans would be applied to a worthy purpose. It ap pears that he was mate of the Teree. a vessel which was shipwrecked not far from Norfolk, leaving him with neither friends nor money. ' The 'merchants whom he visited responded with vary ing degrees of liberality, abcut the larg est being that of one of the sailor's countrymen. The statement was dated at the French Consulate at Norfolk, Va.. and bore the signature of the Chancellor ot-: the French Embassy at Washington. Mechain spoke French -exclusive!. but by dint of signs and gesticulations succeeded in purchasing of a grocery merchant a package of smoking tobacco. wnicn doubtless went a long way to wards brightening no - Monsieur'a prospects. .. LI3T OF LETTERS Remainintr in th Wi1n,,ran post- uuux iegcmoer 10. mm LADIES' LIST. B Mrs C W RriAonnA Ml.. T n,- dfns. Miss Marv Ann Rrjn r u... u ace Cieveiand. E Mrs Addie Ean' l Mrs Graves. H Miaa Pi.r, Hole K Mrs Carrie Kelly. R Mi's xvinav. a uri Eaeesa Stead. man. Miss Tuba Seymour, Mrs Mary MEN'S LIST. A M Charlie Anthnnv. R T.;ir Berry. O Anton ia Caecir I T Cnnk Ue. t UiVlS. i Eddie E EdarHa K W Elliot. F Nick Preemn H Walter Hden. In H Josepa Lhounds, Andrew Lane. M w - a vut3 runiora racMirion. tiaie Moore R Jas A Kobersou. S E W Sikca In epu Seymour. T H Turner. G W Thurston. WCommnrinr M C Montague. G L Price. Isaac Pndaen. RETURNED FROM DEAD LETTER OFFICE. Jamie Adair' Haiti P,mn. n n JL.C WIS. w mwtm aa w. 1WU VV V Persons call;nc for ahnvtt lAttm please say advertised. If not called for n nttecn aays, tney will be sent to the ucaa inter omce. Geo. L. Morton. Postmaster. Chriatmaa fiollday Exaataton Batat. The C F. 4 Y. V. announces a rate of four cents a mile One way for the round trip between all points on its line, on ac count of the Christmas holidays. Tickets to be sold Decemoer 83d to 25th inclusive and December 80th to January 1st inclusive, with extreme limit lanuarv 4th, 1807, limited to a continuous pass- age in each direction. Tickets mav be sold to students noon presentation ot certificates signed by the superintendent, principal or president of tbe colleaeon December 18th to lh. ?' J" """J 1 limit Tuuary 4th. 1807. 1806. inclusive; such tickets to bear final If there Is anvthinar von wan ari. vertise for it. Is there anything yoa uoa i wantr Aavenise it tn the Business Locals of the Stab. On cent a word. But no ad. uken for less than 20 cents. tf Ten ner cent off at CI W P.-ino A- o. s to-aay, tneir Bargain Day.. Come early and avoid the rush. ' - V t Call earlv and avoid tha rush at C Xff roivogt s uo. s to-day, their Bargaia uij iu per cent, oisconnt. t Tha Heoacere et the Xitmeee Will Qtra a Matinee To-Morrow AfrFrnoon The " r.1. aa ol tba Orendeet Spssisonlar Xxhibitton Xver Oir n In Wilmington rhe Xn tertelomant X,aat Kreninn. The curtain was rung down last night lor the last evening on the grandest spectacular entertainment ever given in the Carolinas. "For a month past every body had been patiently awaiting the coming of the "Kirmess with expecta tions that have been realized bevood measure, for Wilmington ' certainly for the last fonr nights has been on her mettle. The Star each day gave a full and accurate reoort of the entertain ment, for which it has been highly com piimeoted. Last evening the entire programme was given, from the opening in which all participated to the grand " spectacular closing or the American Indian Ghost watcs. E iCQ number proved an enter tamment m itself, and every graceful dancer of the many on the stagea fea ture. Every dance waa received with' most hearty, appreciative applause. The procession was led by the stately and beautiful "Columbia." Mrs. S. H. Fish blate." ... ane laaies and gentlemen who so materially aided in . the presentations. and to whom acknowledgment is due, are as follows: - Trainer Mr. A. 7. Macdonnell. Eiecutive Committee Mrs Geortre W. Kidder(:hairman) Mrs. Wm. Calder. Mrs. Jaa. Sprunt, Mrs. Clayton Giles. Mrs. Peyton Hoge. Miss Nellie Draper. Mr. W,F. Robertson. Mrs. Joseph K Nye (secretary) and Mr. Keith Calder (treasurer). . Ticket Committee Mr. HT. A. Whit ing and Mr. W. A. Dick. i Costume Committee Mrs. Toseoh K. Nye and Mrs. James Sprunt, Advertising Committee Col. D. P. Heap (chairman), Mr. Geo. Elliott fedi to-). Mrs. W.. A. Williams (artist), Col Walker Taylor, Mr. W. F. Robertson and Mr. Jas. H. Cowan. j Kirmess Ian Committee Mrs. Chas King (chairman. Mrs, Frederick Rhem stein. Mrs W. R Kenanr Mrs. W Storm. Mrs. T. H. McKor. Mrs. Fred erick Fosgate, Mrs. Stella Thompson Mrs. Louise DcRosset, Miss Julia Tames Mrs. Mitt Moore, Miss Mary Lilly Kenan, Miss Watters, Miss Hart and Mrs. W. O. Sharrer (ranhoohone) House and Decoration Committee- Mr. Robt. Sweet (chairman). Mr. W. W. Merrill. Mrs. losh T. JameaJMrs. War en G E.liott and Mrs. H. Parsley Cuaperones of the different dances Mrs. F. A. Lord, Mrs E. M Gregg, Mrs Caroline T. Meares, Mrs. E; P. Bailey, Mrs. Ed w. Sprunt, Mrs. Wallace Car michael, Mrs. W. Munds. Mrs. Gabriel Holmes, Mrs. Martin Willard. Mrs. H A. Waiting. Mrs. J. H. Boatricht. Mrs Oscar Berly, Mrs. Clayton G-ies. Mrs. Joan Wilder Atkinson. Mrs. Alfred M Waddell.Mrs. Ernest Balizer, and Msses S. G. Campbell. Lizzie C fotrhMt Mam Liily Kenan. Mary .F. Meares: Ada Scfaenck, Mary Kingsbury. Marearet I Meares and Anna and Kate T. Cantwell. Cast Qaeen of the Krmesf. Mrs Andrew J. Harriss; Columbia. Mrs. S. H. Fish blate; D.ana, Mrs. Huch Mac- Rae; Indian Princess, Miss Louise Knight; Empress. Mrs. E. P. Boatwneht: U;psy yueei. Miss Annie Blount De- Rosset; Mikalo. Mr. W. F.' Robertson: Indian Chief. Mr. Jas. B ack. To morrow afternoon at 2 80 o'clock. the Kirmess will be given for the las lime at matmee. All the dances will be included in tbe programme. Admission Adults, 85 cents; children 25 cents. THE SENATORSHIP, .What la TaouKbt in WaahtDgton Claims ot Fritohaid'a Fneoda aad Cone tar Claima cf FopolMt Zicadert. The Washington Star says : -The conditions which prevail in the States wbere the Republicans hope to elect Senators continue to be the subject of interest. The Republicans, as has been stated, hope and expect to see the re turn of Senator Pritcbard, and are bas ing their hopes on the information. given to them by McKialey's managers. that they have' the written pledges of twenty-three Populist members of tbe norm Carolina Legislature to vote far rntcnara. inese piedges are said to nave urrn uan. vnen iba nf tbe Legislature were candidates "before -I . T I . - ... - W.WMMV.,. J4 ciccnon. ii mis oe true Mr. friica- atd a election is assured, as only sixteen votes are needed. It is said bv the PoDUiist leadera. hn..r tt their fifty-eight members of the Legis lature win not oe swerved from voting tor a candidate of their nm faith tbat if there is to be any breaking of lines ii idok oe oons nv tne iipmnrnti or ReDuolicans cornier to thrm Th have determined that the sball be a 10 to 1 free coinage ot silver aavocaie, annougn tms aoes not mean mat ne IS not to COfnerat aith tha Republicans in the passage of a tariff bill. The Populists argue tbat if tbey can send one of their uatn mm mih. senate he will not enter the Republican Caucus, and Will therefore be freii tn at tack the evils which he may consider tne Din to contain, especially with re lation ia me protection ot trusts and monoooliea. It tm naderatn nt-Ht Qn. ator Pritcbard wilt meet the silver nna. non of puousuing a tetter at tbe time of me assemoiiog oi tne Legislature an. nouncing nimseii lor tree coinage. One Cent a Wore. Hereafter advertisements to eo in our 'Business Locals' department will be charged one cent per word for each in. sertton : but no advertisement, however short, will be uken for less than 20 cents This is a reduction from former rates and It is also a convenience to adver tisers who can calculate the eiact cost Oi their advertisements, whlrh mn ha paid for always in advance. To-dav. Bargain Dav at C W. PnT. VOgt & Co.'S. Buv VOUr Chriatmaa nrn. ecti to-day. Ten per cent, discount for man. BilV Vrior Chriatmaa nroaenfa at f "TXT . - - - - - , x. ... roivogt x io. s. Bargain Day to-day Liicouni on everytning. t THE MORNING STAR. Are you a subscriber to Thr Morning Star ? If not, why not? f Do yon Want a first-class daily pa- per at $5.00 per year, or $1.25 for I three months? If so, subscribe to 1 hs Morning Star. Do you want a paper that prints the latest telegraphic news, the best local news, reliable market reports. excellent short stories, and the choicest miscellaneous matter ? If so, subscribe to Thk Morning Star. Do not forget that Ths Morning Star 4s the cheapest daily of its class in North Carolina. Its price is $5.00, while the published price of others ranges from $7.00 to $8.00. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OTERA HO USE, Friday Evening, December 18th. Stuirt EeliiOu fit! Mifi. Jananscbtlr. and Mr. KabKm' rAmr... nl ' . DiifCtion. Wm. R. Hajden. "Mr. Gilman's Wedding Mrs. Ponderburv's Past." Mr. Kobma ma Vonag Tilmat and Old Mr. Ponder . " , w urn , AdTafCe a le of asstCal comnnr Thma. . . m r? M m TsmawaaflaaiW mm ka T a. . ' BraMa at A SB t SVk a ar aa.a ah a a IMS WM. .. U. fl.UI IDQ Oil CssnESl- dec 15 8c iswcf i - O P E R A H O U S E. ONE MERRY WEEK, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21st, Tie fooifarl-f arren Gomjanj. to Comedians 15 MONDAY NIOHT . 'linn flTiTI I CM TAT Wnirn irwnnnnw tt lnii UutAr lilAlaUIIJJ ffllSftKI." Holiday Pricea, 10, 80 aad SO eea'a. : Ladl FtM Unnlfl . Ml0k If !. J I per a h jlding one pa.d SO cent ticket. dx IS St OPERA HOUSE. Chance. IEMESS , Itlatinee Saturday at 2 30 P. M. AH the National Dances. Popular Prices Children 25 cts; Adults 35 cents. . dec 18 2t Sale of3t6ck. TY DIRECTION OF THE BOARD OF DI- lecuxa of the "Eatt Carolina Pacalorlal Amod- I tioa," I will cxseae foraale to the highext bidder, at public anctkm for cab,t the Court House door of Near Hanover comity, U tba City of Wilmington, oa Stn-d.v tK. 6A.1i a. TWmmIu. loo. a o'clock M . twent ahwea of tbe cap tai ttock' of the aait Cmrolin. PUratnrial " 4. - - - - - ..vw. .MUUi. lu tba aane cf I bomaa fern t to Kati-fv and n. th uiu vi i ww uuuurca aoi tweot aoiiua. one aa aa pod asaeanneniaoa said a ock; said aueatmenta b m. bee. dtilv .nri rnla.lw f .1 A k -... .k. J w, W M. Hid faa.rd and twni..( rhM . V- J.I. foaed by Tbomaa ferrett. thesabsenber to said stock. . , Jna U. StLLa.I, It;, . dec 4 rot Attorney. FRANK H. STEDHAN, Real Estate Broker, DEALER IN . STOCKS AND BONDS. Loans Negotiated. Office in Star Bmldinsr. first floor. dec 13 lw 200 Barrels New Eiver Mullets JUST RECEIVED. 250 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. 30,000 CIGARS. For Sale at Rock Bottom Prices. SAII'L BEAR, Sr., -12 Market Street, Oct SB tf We have sold to anite a nnmher of our best business bonses those 20 cents Tooth Brnchee fr-o-nlar price oo cents l and tbev sav "the Brushes ate all right," Now we waot to sell all of these Brushes this week, so if you are going to buy1 1 any ot tnem to "lay up" call early as we want au ot our friends to nront by this low price. - JAMES D. NUTT, dec 17 tf The Di Phep E For THE 1 lai Our SHOES this season are neater. more stylish and stronger than ever. e're - Constant! v imnrovlno Snr Shoe Service. . We're giviog you better values at moderate nrWa than ever before. If joa want No. 15's come and buv ours. If mn want a tiny No 0 come and get it here, and if you should perchance wear any number between: well, (net come nere and get tnem. t Very truly yours, - , Ilercer & Evans. C3 steps east from corner Princess A. D. BROWN'S Christmas Offerings A T Rose Jars in Black, Purple, Lemon and Pink at 40c, $1.00 and 2 00 ; Fin Trays in Black. Pink and Blue, decorated, fc5c each. Hand painted Wine and Medicine Glasses 10c each. -Real Cut Glass Vases at 75c each. iuic f ars in snanps nr Kinir kim. Jfn CPS ad SanCers ia Blne White and Plnk. 35c, 65c, 20c, 15c, 25c and,50,cent- Assorted Salad Plates 15 and 20c eAch. ' : C.T a tT 7 . 1 r"l 4-UIO? racser jars 73C and l 5, Salad Bowls, fancy shades, 50c each. Bread and Bntter Plates 20c each Sugars andCreams, assorted, Pinks and Greens, $3 75 set Sugars nd Creams, assorted, Piuks and Greens 75, 50, 35c and $1 Q0. ' Wedgewood In Tea Pots at $2 50: Cream Pitcher at l on anH ei ko Ont Ulass Vinegar Bottles at $1.75. .Venetian Vases 35 and 90c. ' - Dolls, IDolls, Dolls. r IR??S 559 THE .RiiT AND DOMESTIC RUGS FOR XMAS t , ' Nth,D2 certainly is as well adapted as it combines beauty with usefulness;" "a Combination not at all times obtainable." . 7 20th Centurv Toilet. 'RiTita. Delicate Balms Creamy Unguents, Stimulating Lotions and 'Soothing . tnm tV.t C0Uld nv0t 2arm ihe ski0 of a babe- fiad P,ace with'n the sane turn of the woman who but few ytv.s ago wasi practically ignorant of We are sole Agents for HUDNUT'S TOILET REQUSITES. tD;es! Gosds, KoHoas, HandrercHieS, Carjets, Laces ani GUes. dec 10 Ha, Ha ! Chrisimas Gift ! This iollv. old and 'oleasant mervrA iii soon be heard coming from those we most love and respect, sod we must be looking around for presents of all kinds. Come and let m thno stock of Toys and Dolls of all kinds. small loys, Air Cjuds. Stoves and Tea Sets. We have tbe Unbreakable Doll, warranted oositivelv nnbreaknhi u inches long, at 50c; 21 icches lorg, at 11.25. Bisque, positively unbreakable, 14 inches long, at 25c, and larger to $1.C0. Tbe self loading Air Gan carries 100 loads in its chambers, for $1 00 each. We have a beantifnl lin nt TJ.ndt...- cbiefs, nicely embroidered, at 10c; finer at 15c, and extra fine at 25c. A fine line cf white, large, pure Silk Ladles' Handkeicbiefs at 25c: Gents' larger at 85 and 50c, Large white Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at Be far i-nti. - arawive SIM4 Gents. LADIES' KID GLOVES. 4 button, at 75c; best warranted brands at $1 00 each. CO RSETb all styles from 23c to $1 .25 a pair. A full line of standard brands in Warner's goods and the R & G. and F. & P. Il you need a good Corset we can fit you and p!ease you in quality and price. . : In DRESSS GOODS we have a very nice line. We carry a full stcck at the i Braddy & CaylonJ, Prop Of Wilrningtbn's Big Racket Store. dec IS tf C. W. Polvogt & Co. - ' ' 1 ' Timely truth-telling talk concerning the many lots of bright Christmas merchandise. The happy throngs cf bu-y buyers grow larger day bv diy Many are the comments of pleased surprise heard on evtry band. Our public appreciate the enterprise which prompted all this holiday prepara tion and are showing their appreciation by their patronage. Hundreds of helpful hints here to make your gift buying easy. HANDKERCHIEFS. Hnndredi of dcieis of them to fit yonr every wish. helt ia so that yoa may be promptly aerved. , t ... HOLIDAY TOWELS. Bought for the rccufon. Heavy damafkor hock. Soeje witb koottei fringe; stma beu. icebed: some all white: .AM with neb border, and aJ muuhl. cBeap. : HOLIDAY FURNISHINGS. ThHW(li.M rTb. , 1- i been rcacc tor l."tl in this progress n store. Ntat TfT. ,',na, collars, cnJtj, bnapestUn, Halt-Hoe and the like. Books, Games, Pm Cushions and When looking for your Christmas Presents be sure to visit us. C. W. Polvogt & Co. Sole Agents for Butterjck's Patterns and W. B. Corsets. . dec 13'tf HOLIDAY GIFTS! jfaDc!:?s fBlSUPPERSl THIS and For Trimmed. dec 16 tf DO YOU WANT TO SAVE I MONEY? IF SO BUY STOCK IN THB Clarendon pavings and Loan Association. A New Series will be opened De . cember 19th. 7; l?e,)0T AlJsa aamber of shares have already baaa takea. J. M. BUNTING, Sec'y. dec S w Qmca Smith Bnildiaf, PriaceW stJaet. PETERSON Combination Bicycle FOR SALE. : - , A Combination "Crusader" Bicycle, for either lady or gentleman. Cush ion Tires. Brand new. Will be sold cheap. Call in person, or address ; ; 'at' P 7 tf Stah Orncx. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. REDUCED TO 05.00. BUT NO REDUCTION IN SIZE OF PAPER OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY C , OF READING MATTER. ni on. . -i- JL V bottom price. We have a special value ia Wool Fancies, assorted colors, worth 80c our special price is 25c per jard. In Worsted Fancies. 28 inches wide, at 12Jc. worth 20c; 88 inches wide, in BlueTrecct at 10c per yard. Fine all wool Black and B ue Flannel, 88 inches wide, at 25c. Strictly all wool Seree 40 inches, at 85c per yard. Fine F. F. Cashmere, the best brand, in all eeeis. at 25c. All colors in Danish Cloth at 10c per yard. Fine Sea island Home spun, 1 yard wide, at 5c per yard. A drive in PANTS CLOTH: liebt at 7c; heav Jeans at 12J,c; heavy Fleece Wool at 25c; better at 40 and 60c. WOOL BLANKETS, pnre white. p?l wool Rose Blankets. 10 4 sixe acei, ht 5 pounds, beautiful godds, at $3 50 a pair; 11 4 size, same Blankets,, "weight 6 pounds. 5 00; 11-4 s'za, weioht 7 pounds. (8.00; nice large Naped 10 4 Grey Blankets, cotton, at $1.00 pa r. Comforts, large size, ficm $1 0 to 8.50 each. ; A beautiful line of LADIES' SKIRTS just received ibis morning. Come and see ns. and find s to be the lowest and most pushing Drv Goof's store in the Citv by tbe Sea. Yt u will fiad us at 113 North Front strtet. op posite the Orton Hotel, A PAIR OF KID GLOVES Mates a most acceptable Chris) tea gift. This da pjTtmeat is now at its best. HOLIDAY DRESS STUFFS. Ko rrore sersiMe ift can be made thu a tlae dreM plem to mxbcr, sour ta daughter. FANCY ARTICLES. - . To enumerate the great heat of ttfefnl and or a meatsl .bugs woold r qnirc col runs of space. But tbry ic every where is evidence in the wadowa. cat he connters, m the fixtures everv where are th. se heart gladdeacra, aad yon ar cordial If invi ad' o come and take a peep at tbe m. Many of yoa ain bar tbtm, for they're jnrt what yoa'r- 1. kin for aad u ,in toss uaa cisewnera. . lots of other useful articles. ST1TLB Gents' Toilet Slippers. & ROLFS. Ma Bsmlet flta Pic Hid Bmh BUT A SWEET Sutrar Cured a No. 1 Ham 121c, 12ic,12ic pound.' Then a White Peeled Peach in heavy ;sjrup. 1ST" 10 cents. J 10c,' 10c, 10c 10c 10c The Hams are 7 to 9 lbs. ayerage. Yours, ! :, S. W. SANDERS, At the "Unlucky Corner.' dec 8 tf For Bent. THIXSTORX Ho. MS KOTBf Wsrttrnt, aow mpM ay J. L. CroaaaCo. Armj.., ' 1 Jin: a ana front sts. ate 1$ tf ' ast u. O'COKNOK. v