Than Other Dailies ot ita. Class in North Carolina. 4 Enured at th Postoftice si Wilmington. N.Ci Second-class Mail Mattit. 8 DECEMBER 96 YSfSUNiMOHi TUE mmm FRI MM: 10 II "A3 is is 17 13 ism- ?0 '.27 21 23 22 23 2 25 26 s'.SV 29 3Q3I OF X rot aiMn-iite(Blxr 19. Sua Rise. 7 08 -A v. Sun Sets. 4 49 Pi Day's Length. 9 h 43 i His'i Water at Southport... 8 32 A M . His'a Water at Wjinitjgf on 8 15 A V Th Weather. u. s. dep't of agriculture. ) Weather Bureau, Wilmington, N. C. Dec 19. . M2teorolOj?ical data tor yesterday . temperature: 8 a. m.. 43; 8 p. m., 52a; aatimum. 65; minimum. 86"; mean. 50; Rainfall for the day .05; rainfall sicce 1 ot montb up to date, 8 11. Fayetteville, N. C., Dec. 17 At 8 a. ra the staje of water in the Cape Fear nvsr was 14 feet. FORECAST FOR TO-DAY. For North Carolina Fair; slightly colder ia eastern portions; northerly winds. ' i OUTLINES. D nk Proctor and his two sods were taken from the jul at Rassellville, Ki by a mot) and lynched. Bradstret's repotts the state of trade as remaining quiet and unchanged; 859 business fail ures are reported throughout the Uaited States tne past week. The news that the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations bad decided to report favor ably on the resolution recognizing Cuba upset Wall Street and caused excited dealings at declining prices. By a practically unanimous vote the Senate Commuee On Foreign ' Relations or df ed a favorable report to be made to the Senate oa the Cameron resolutions lecogoiziog the independance of Cuba.J O-ders have been issued for all available ships at niyy yards on the At- lantic coast to be rasde ready to join Admiral Buoce'. tquadron by Jannary l3t- Tbe British steamer Ripon City was slightly damaged by fire at Savannah. Ga. Sevrral persons were killed acd many injured in railroad wrecks in Ouio ; and Indiana. W. G. Like bookkeeper for tbe Singer Sawing Machine Company at Charlo te. N C. was shot down at his desk bv L, J. Kirk and probably fitallv wmaded; the cause of tbe shooting was tne removal of a sewibg machine from Kirk's house for failure to pay the instalments. -r. .At an enthusiastic meeting of citizens at Atlanta, Ga.. reso lutions were adopted approving- the action of tbe Senate Committee in pass ing the resolutions calling for the i ra in iciuc recognition ol Cuba. The c:ion of the Senate Committee on Fjreign Relations caased surprise in the H-mte and it'- is thought that that tody will not sustain the", posi tion taken by the Senate Committee. Hon. W J Bryan m a letter to tbe RicQmoad Statt gives bis' views as to h constitute. Democracy. A free fi.iit occurred in the Italian Cham ber of Deputies d urine a debate oi the - proposition' to grant an a lcwdcce" to the C own. Prince. - New York markets: Money on cal was eas? at 3 per cent., last loan at 2 per cent., closing offered at 2 per cent.- coston. dull middling 7 8 16c; Southern flour dull, steady and un changedcommon to fair ex'ra tZ 00 3 55. good to choice $3 55 &3 85; wheat sut moderately act ve and weaker; un tried red 8095c corn spot easier and very dull; No. 8 28if28Kc at ele vator acd 2929Hc afloat; rosin dull ---strained common to good l 77X 1 83; spirits turpentine steady at 27 27Uc. . . ' Tom Edisan says walking ma chine is practicable. As he has given us the talking machine, we thi.,k if he tackles the walking ma chine it will go. It will take nearly $7,000,000 to foot the police bill for' the city of Near York for the coming year. The "foinest" coine high, but Gotham Bust have 'em. Senator Quay has biea giving his views on "politics in business." The country has generally been under the impression that with Mr. Quay Politics was all business. - " - ) Gen. Weyler is now in a mess with the Spanish naval officers guarding the coast of Cuba, for saying that Maceo crossed the trocha in boats in front of Mariel, which the navy fellows regard as a reflection on them. Hon. Chauncey M. Depew has joined the HCuban League ; in -New Yo'rk. If tbe Cubans could persuade Chauncey to visit Havana and culti vate the acquaintance of Weyler it would be a grand stroke. He would talk him to death and avenge Maceo, f dead. ioRniicFi4i IMPORTANT ANlf JTJNCEMRHT Attentioa is called to the fotlow- I ing Reduced Rates of Subscription to The Morning Star : TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS. Twelve Months ............ 55.00 Slx " ...... 2.50 Three ..... 1.25 Two : 1 nn Oue kt TO CITY SUBSCRIBERS. The Star will be delivered by- carrier at any point In the city at 12 cents per week, or 45 cents per month. Mr, Hanna has been to 'see Mrl McKinley again, and assured him that the ' tariff was not a dead chicken, and imparted the encouras?- ing information that he had three Southern votes to bank oh in'aon. tlngencies It is also intimated in tnis connection that Mr. H. is not no w so averse to coinir .into the Cabioet as he was when at first taken by surprise by that sugges tion. . ' v - -. , There are some very hard headed men in Pittsburg. One of them, a bricklayer, recently feir through an elevator, a distance, of 132 feet, and instead of smashing his. skull or breaking his neck it was only a leg mat was broken, which came in con tact with a piece of timber. .He fell on his head on a pile of stuff at the bottom of the elevator shaft. The -trocna, with which General Weyler hoped to keep the rebsoutof Havana, was originally a .path or a near cut, but Weyler built some wire fences,, log barricades," ditches, Sec, and the ,!Dath" became a fortified deadline'. It is pronounced trotsha. But the rebs get over it a good deal easier than the average American gets over the pronunciation. , The Kansas sheriff who has the job of closing Mrs. Lease out, ""will find that an easier one than closing her up. By the way, the jvoman who was smart enough to put an eleven hundred dollar mortgage on an eight hundred dollar house, IsnVln any immediate danger of going to the poorhouse. . A caravan of twenty odd wagons I with Wisconsin farmers who were moving South, arrived at Hunts ville, Ala., a few days ago. ; Immi grant trains like this are not an un common occurrence in that part of the South these days. . . The Spaniards are giving out the report that Maceo dtdn't like Amer icans. But he was stuck on that American football player, all the same. Teddy Hale, the breezy; lanky Irishman, didn't spin around on that six weeks bicycle chase for fun. He raked in $1,200 by his six-day scoot. NSW ADVjBETlSJSflLRRTS. Opera Hous"e Kirmess. Jas D. Nutt Free to everybody. S. W. Sanders Soringfield bams. Mills & MoNTGOMERY-Sale of horses PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS PortlQout Farmsractia Partslnins Prlnot- ptJljr to People acd Pointedlv Printed. - - Mr. Lee Simpson, of Point Caswell, was in the city yesterday. Mr. H. Butters, of Hub, was among the hotel registrations yesterday. Mr. R. E. Bitts, Jr., of Holly Ridge, paid the Star a friendly call yesterday. - Mr. J. W. Crowell, of Wilson, and Sheriff of Wilson county, was ia tuis city yesterday. Mr. Claude Gore has returned home from Wake 'Forest College . to spend Chris inas. Mr. John Wessell has returned from New York, c ty, wnere he has been J attending scbooL t Capt. V. V.' Richardson, of Whiteville, was among the arrivals in tnis city yesterday. ' Messrs. N. Sidbury and D. J. Andrews, of Sloop Point, were in the city yesterday making business calls. Other arrivals were E. H. King, Samuel Batson, and V. King, of Peanut: W. N, Hobbs and T. Millis. of Holly Ridge. THE TIMBER MARKET. Editor of the Star : ' I noticed in yesterday morning's issue of youcpiper tbae you stated that a few .rafts of timber bad arrived during the week, but it was at very little demand. Please allow me to correct you as to the demand for timber, by saying at least forty rafts have been sold in tbe market during the week and at good paying prices, and it is my opinion ' tnat an grades of timber will, bring good prices curing the Winter and Spring. ; I. W. Alderman. . Out Cam t Word. Hereafter advertisements to go in our "Business Locals" department' will be charged one cent per word for each in sertion ; but no advertisement, however short, will be taken for less than 20 cents This is a reduction from former rates and it is also a convenience to adver tisers who can calculate the exact cost ortbeir advertisements, which must be paid for always in advance. Charlotte Rosse nd Oyster Patties ' Iresa at Palace Bakery, every daf . t LOCAL DOTS. Items of JEntereat Gathered' Here nd There and Briefly Noted. O vercoats, ul sters, uinlJrellas and overshoes were called into use again yesterday. " But that's no news these days, i i -: ... . ? ' -'f'; ", Howard Relief Steam Fire Ea gine Com piny No. 1 had their engine out for practice last night at the foot of Market street. This afternoon at T2.30 o'clock the Kirmess will be presented tor the last time. Admission, aduits. 85 cents; children, 25 cents The steamer Wilmington brough t upa fine lot of clams yesterday, neatly put up in bags holding about a bushel. (or shipment to New York ev. W.S. Ron e will preach at Gracs H. E ciiu ca to morrow morning at 11 o'clock and Rev R. H. Wi, lis (ion of the paucu) at 7.89 oc ock p. m. ; One week from to-day the day after Christ mas-not a comfort ing rtfl.c;ion but for tbe fact that Christ mas comes between now and then. The annual festival of St. Agnes' G jild was he d yesterday evening lrom 5 to 6 o'clock. Refreshments were served and many fancy articles disposed ot. - Thirty-two palmetto trees came by freight yesterday, consigned to Mr james spruat, wno will use them in ad-irnlngtbe yard at his residence; cor ner of Front and Nun streets. . If you have a bouse you want to rent, if you have a special bargain the people would be interested in, 'or if your business isn't as thriving as you would like it, try an "ad." in the Star, You will get results BY RIVER AND RAIL, B9eeipm r of 2f4vl Store and Cotton Wilmington A Weldon R. R. 218 bales cotton, 4 casus spirits turpen tine, 25 bbls tar, 6 bols crude turpen tine. K : Wilmington. Columbia & Augusta R. R. 289 bales cotton, 26 casks spirits turpentine, 127 bbls rosin, 94 bbls tar, 23 bb s crude turpentine Carolina Central R. R. 89 bales cot ton, 58 casks spirits turpentine,-325 bb s rosin, 14 bbls tar. ' v1 Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. 149 bales cotton; 17 casks spirits tur pentine. 216 bbls rosin, 10 bbls tar. ! Wilmington. Newbern & Norfolk R. R. 337 bales cotton, 4 casks spirits tur pentine, 69 bbls rosin. . ' Steamer Driver 63 bales cotton, 7 casks spirits turpentine. 75 bbls tar. . Steamer A. P. Hurt 74 bales cotton. 13 casks spirits turpentine, 15 bbls rosin,' 195 bbls tar, 5 bols crude turpentine. Steamer Daggett 2 bales cotton, 19 casks spirits turpentine, 05 bb!s rosin, 84 bbls tar. By flats 22 bales cotton, 60 casks spirits turpentine, 164 bbls rosin, 41 bbls tar. ... . i ,, . ); , Total, receipts Cotton, 1,273 bales; spirits turpentine. 203 casks; rosin. 971 bbls; tar, 695 bbls; crude turpentine. 89 bols. : ' ! ' ' ' Bennion at Southern Pines Next Week. Arrangements have beeo made to have a meeting and reunion of citizens and descendants of citizens of North Carolina. South Carolina and Virginia, who have gone from their old homes and settled in the South. West and North. On account of the large hotel accommodations and tbe central loca tion. Southern Pines. North Carolina, has been selected as the moat suitable place for the meeting. Low round trip railroad tickets wilt be sold from all points in tbe United States. Toe rate will be aoout one-half-the round trip for one fare. Tickets will be put oa sale, tbe 19th and tbe 20tl of December good to return in thirty days. This gives tims enough to attend the reunion on the 22d and 23d and reach old homes and spend the Caristmas holidays with relatives and frieorfs. ' t -aaa . I. O. O. P. Hanover Iiudge No. 145. At a regular meeting of Hanover Lodge No. 145, held last nisht, the fol lowing officers were elected for tbe en suing t:rm: .. "" S. P G M. A. Foote. i N.G. N. M. Hunt. ! V. G H. E. Boniiz. I R S. S. G. Hall. P.S. B B. Allen. i Treasurer W. H. Howell. " i The above, with the-appoitted offi cers, will be installed January 1st, 1897. Maglstntj'j Conn. ! . - Justice Bunting disposed ot tbe fol lowing cases yesterday : L M. Helemn, charged with the lar ceny of a pair ot boots, was adjudged not guilty and discharged. The .same defendant was also discharged in a case of assault and battery with a deadly weapon. , f Phillip Simon, charged with disor derly conduct, was let eff upon payment of the costs ol tbe action. Kirmeas Matinee To-day. There will be a grand kirmess mati nee to-day at the Opera House, begin ning - at 2.80 p. m. for ladies and children. A beautiful programme has oeec arranged and all the dances will be performed. No one should miss this last1 opportunity to witness the most beautiful spectacular entertainment ever seen in Wilmington. The doors will be open at 2 o'clock. . ; Colt Ml Beoelpu. Receipts of cotton here yesterday were 1.273 bales, againt 1,073 the cor responding day last year. Receipts for tbe week. 11,060 bales; same week last year, 6 825. Receipts for the crop year to December 18 are 198 446 bales; for tame time las&year. 129,856. Inerease, 69,090. The stock at this port is 17.119 bales; at samedate last year. 28.24L The Palace Bikery gave away yester day 200 pounds of Robinson's fine Vel vet Candv and will to-day give 109 pounds. This is tbe finest Candy made. Sells for only 20c per pound. ' WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, SERIOUS ACCIDEKT. A Colored Tenth Aooidenullr Shot In Mr, A. 0. Westell's Store Wbila Enn ' - lex a FUtoljSappaaed to Be TJn loaded. - .." Yesterday afternoon- Ed. Marable, a colored you.h about 17 years old, was accidentally shot by a pistol in the hands of Mr. Z. W. Petteway in the store of Mr. E. W- Wessell, on Second between MarKet ana rnncess streets, A few minutes before 1 o'clock Mara ble entered Mr. Wesseli's store and ask ed to be shown a pistol. Mr. Pdtteway, a clerk in the store, took a pistol from a shelf back ot the counter and showed it to him. Marable then asked it the pis tol a four-barrel Colt's revolver about jour inches long was in good condi tion. Marable was then standing on the opposite side of the counter from Pette way and directly in front ol him. Mr, Petteway replied that the pistol was in good order and, supposing tbe wespjn to be unloaded, commenced to snap it. Suddenly the pistol went off the ball en tering M arable's abdomen on the left side. Marable instantly 'fell, but man aged to get on his fset again and walk across the street to the drug store of Dr. Mask, colored, where he received medical attention from Drs. Russell, Reynolds and Mask. He was theo re moved to his home oa McRae street. where the doctors probed for the ball but cou.'d not find it. ' In the meantime Mr. Petteway sur rendered Blmself to Deputy Sheriff J. P. Flynn, and was committed to jail in default of a 250 bond on a warrant from Justice Bunting's Court, charging htm with assault and batter? with a deadly weapon. . ' 1 Mr. Petteway is a young man about 25 years ot age. from Jacksonville, On slow county. He is a member of the Jacksonville Lodge of Odd Fellows- New River Lodge No. 80 from which he has a certificate showing that he is in good standing. .For about two weeks he has been employed as a clerk in Mr. Wesseli's store. At 5 o'clock yesterday atternoon Mr. Petteway was arraigned before Justice Bunting. He was represented by Mr. I no. D. Bellamy and Mr. Herbert Mc- Clammy. After hearing the evidence of six witnesses, all ot their testimony showing that the shooting was purely ac cidental. Justice Bunting discharged the defendant. AT THE OPcRA HOUSE. A Small Andlenos A Qsod Plav Tne One To Be Besre ted, the O.ber ' To Be JUci ijed. Additionally it is to be regretted that two such celebrities of the staee as Stuart Robson and Madam Janauschek should have visited us on a night im mediately succeeding a home produc tion. Almost from the incipiency of bis dramatic career Mr. Robson has essayed comedy, and in that line has gained a national reputation. ' Madam Janauschek, oa the' Contrary.' has built upa like reputation as a tragedienne. She has appeared before a Wilmington audience on more than one occasion. notably in the impersonation ol Lady Macbeth. Mrs. Ponderbury's Past," the play presented last night. 1$ a comedy of a high order. Tne character of Matthew Pondtrbury was aptly interpreted by Mr. Robson, who furnishes much amuse ment as the sly rebellious much-domt-neered-over husband. The play affords Mr. Robson unlimited opportunities for his artistic methods and refreshing comedy. Madam Janauschek sustained the role of Mrs. Ponderbury. with the same suc cess which has so often crowned her ef forts. Their company of supporting players' was excellent. In the lead was Miss Kathryn Orteman, whose imptr- sonation of the French comedian was probably the most artistic piece of act ing on the stage, next to that of Mr, Robson and Madam Janauschek. Mr. Benjamin Howard in his concep tion of Mervitt Thorpe, the artist, was at all times acceptable. Mrs. Ponderbury's Past," was pre ceded by the one act curtain raiser, "Mr. Gilman's Wedding." Ia this, too, Mr. Robson had ample opportunity for dis playing bis versatile powers as an actor. A MYSTERIOUS FIND. A Itarse Box Containing Toys and Other Artlotes Pound Buried in an Alley . Hear Seventh and Market Streets. Last Thursday afternoon a telephone message was received at tbe City Hall from Mr. B. H. T. Ahrens' store, corner oi Seventh and Market streets, stating that a box had been found buried In an alley back of the cart house on Seventh between Market and Dock streets. Police Officer D. S. Beader went to the place designated, and, tstVassist ance unearthed the box. It was about three feet long, a foot and a. ball wide and a foct deep, and when opened was found to contain a number of small toys of various descriptions and some very pretty penholders. The box and contents were taken to the City Hall to await developments. It was thought that it belonged to Mr. Cffustopber Brown, of Onslow county, who lost a package of goods in this city during the early part of the week, but investtgation.jKsterday, . showed that Mr. Brown had recovered his property. The box was accidentally discovered by Mr. Ahrens' son, who while playing in the alley stepped upon it; tbe top oi the box being on a level with tbe surface of tbe ground. The police have no clue to the ownership of tbe box, nor as to tbe person or persons who endeavored to conceal it. . ....... i If there is anvthinz yon want, ad vertise for it. Is there anything yon don't want? Advertise it in the Business Locals of the Star. One cent a word. But no ad. taken for ess than 20 cents. ' ., tf Fresh Grated Cocoaout at Palace Bakery 15c per quart, two quarts for 25C.V v t THE MORNING STAR . Are you a subscriber to The Morning Star"? If not, why not? . Do you want a first class daily pa per at S5.00 per vear. or S1.25 for three months? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star. y Do yon want a paper that prints the latest telegraphic news, the best local news, reliable market reports, excellent short stories, and the choicest miscellaneous matter ? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star. Do not forget that The Morning Star is the cheapest daily of its class in North Carolina. Its price is $5.00, while the published price of others ranges from $7.00 to $8 00. news from Raleigh. OFFiR3 OF VOLUNTEERS IN CASE OF . WAR WITH SPAIN. jTrsaanrer Wortl Itaaea an. Urgent Ap- Prl ,o Sheriff, ia B mit Tez.a Xzeeaa ; of Expaod.tarea Over Beeeipta A " ' Handsome TceiimonUl to En- -gineer Bailig b the Seabsa'd. Special Star Correspondence. Raleigh N. C, Die. 18. The Seaboard "does the handsome thing" by Engineer Heilig, who made the fast run between Weldon and Ports mouth, fixing the record for the South, Vice President St. John yesterday pre sented Mr. Heilig with a' handsome gold watch and chain, tbe finest that could be purchased. Mr. Jas. S, Meng, who ior several years has been an instructor at the A. & M. College, was married yestciday in New York to a daughter of Judge Henty Bischcfi, of the Supreme Court. The only vacant lot on North Blount street, the street on which the Execu tive mansion is situated and the leading itsideoce street of the city,' was sold to day to Mr. J. S. Timoerlake. A hand some residence will be erected thereon. Judge Allen wilt hold his first court in Wake. It is the January criminal term. Toe Legislative Committee which hai been in session here examining the Treasurer's books, completed the work to day. The report of the committee will be filed in the Treasurer's office to day. The Yarborough House will not be open during the Legislature. Lessee Brown gives out tnat information to day. At least it will not be opened un less Mr. Brown can make arrangements to put new furniture in the house. There is a great demand lor boarding houses. Tbe applications for clerical oositions in the Legislature will exceed those of last session, so tbe Populist leader says. Special Star Telegram - -. I Raleigh, N. C.. Dec. 18 A ' dis tinguished: Confederate offi:er volun teers to Gov. Carr to raise a regiment of ex-Confederates in. case of war with Spam. Treasurer Worth' issues an urgent ap peal to sber ff s to remit taxes; says there was only 89 000 available cash in hand December 1st, with $266,109 ia obliga tions falling due. Treasurerer Worth will recommend in his report to the Legislature that the expenses of gov ernment, which are in excess of receipts, be decreased. The report of the Legis lative committee to the General As sembly will show that the excess of the State's -expenditures over receipts for the past two years amounts to more than $212,000. The committee rec ommends that in order to Dreserve : credit cf the State, the rate of taxa tion must be increased or expenditures decreased. WOODWARO-WaRKEN company. An Exoollent Att-ao ion at Popular Pttoes JS.xt WeJc at the Opera Home. The popular Woodward-Warren Com pany, who will open a week's engage meet at the Opera House next Monday night, is without doubt an exceedingly strong attraction. The Raleigh Press' Visitor says of them: "Another large and appreciative audi- dience greeted the Wood ward-Warren Company at Mifopolitan Octera House last night and everybody went away Highly delighted with the performance, as they have been every night this week. we Know oi no company which has ever visited Raleigh for a week's engage ment wnicn has made such a favorable mpression upon the puolic and given ucn complete sattstaction and genuine amnsement and entertainment. Mr. Woodward is a whole team in hime f and bis powers of comedy and humor rival in tneir irresistib e veins of mirth the famed Sol Smith Rutsell." The prices for the entire week have been placed at 10, 20 and 80 cents, with ladies free Monday night if accorhpa ied by a person boldidg one paid 80 cent ticket. The Churehea. Grace Mechodiat R. thnn-lt. Snnth wwfhMft mm.. ot Grace and Fourth atreeta. Rev. K. &. Willis. Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a m. bvKcv. W. S. Kone, aid at 7 40 p m. by Rev. K. B. Willis. Experience meeting - at 10 a . m. In the lec ture room. Sundav school at 8.80 n. m. Weekly prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8,04 o'clock. Strangers and visitors are cordially in vited to attend tben services. Fifth Street M. E. Church South, situated on Fifth street, between Nun and Church. Rev. W. T- Canmnggim, Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. m and 7 S j p. m by the pastor. Prayer and class meeting at 6 45 p m. tiunday Sen ol at S.00 p. m. inr puolic coraiauy invited to au services. St. Andrew's Pr sbytenao Church, comer Fourth id Campbeil streets. Rev. Alu i. cClttie, paaior. babbitu ser.iotaat 11 a. m and 7 80 p m. Sabbath bebo J at Si) d. at. Praver meet in ff and lee- tare Wedneadiy at S.liO p m. The public cordially invi.ed. beats free. First Presbyterian Church, Rev. P. H. Hogc, pastor Divine service at II a. m and S p. m. Von g ptopl 's prster nv eiing at 7 SO ia the ontraiy loom. Sundav School at 8.00 d. m. P raver meet ing Thursday at 8 p. m..' btiu free. South Side Baptist CtinrchTcorner Fifth and Woos- ter streets: Rev. . B HarreU, Pastor. Services Sunday at 11 a m. and 7.30 p. m. Sundav School at 8 80 p o. Weekly Prayer Meetinc Wednesday nlsht t7.80. : ;. ,'- vnapei or toe jaoa soepnna. aixta ana laeen streets. There will he the usual services on aanday at uamanaopm. BIABBIED. . GOUVKRNRUR DAVIS In this drv on De cember Sad, HlNOK FAIRFAX HE1SKH L OOUVKKNEUK.aad MAKY FalRFlX iAVIS, djukhtercl the late Hon George Havis. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS notice. -..'V- .. THE UNDERSIGNED GIVES NOTICE THAT certificate ft one .hat. Nam ner . oi the Capit-1 at-ckof thw-Heaboard A sioaooks Railroad Company, standing on tbe books of said company in his name, ha been Inst or destroyed that he will sdd v to the Board ot Directors of sii company to L'have a new certificate issued him, as provided ia Sec tion lv o- tne voaisst ot saia eo spany. ovTSm sa JAMES KNItVHT, 1896. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SEASONABLE GOODS. I ',1.-.. ' . ". -t ' .'-.' ' - . ', ' . - , . . . " V ... Jute Bagging, Arrow Ties, Cheese, Crackers, Cakes, Sal- a, mon, Sardines, Ovitersr Full and complete stock of HEAVY ASB FANCY GROCERIES. LOWEST CASH PRICES. Don t fail to see as before buying WORTH & WORTH. fTk ShSBB, Smntl asaaan, VW3B. rKEPli. For THE r IB Mil m : Our SHOES this season are neater. more stylish and stronger than ever. ' e'e" constantly improving our Shoe -Service. We're giving you better values at moderate nrirrs than ever before. If yoa want No. j.o s come ana ouy- ours. If yon want a tiny No 0 come and tret it here, and if yon should perchance wear any number between: well, inst come here and' get them. - very trnly yours, Mercer & Evans. 63i steps east from corner Princess a "a front sts. dec 16 tf 14 jCeiOL-ts' a pound for SPRINGFIELD HAMS. The Name Tells the Story. r "NUFF SAID," I have them. You want them I S, W. SANDERS, At the "Unlucky Corner." dec 19 tf Free to Everybody!' A glass, (whenever you wish, till further notice) of our "Bon Air" Lithia Water. - Those 35c TOOTH BRUSHES. which we sell for 20 cents7 are not here to stay, s"o il you want them come 'right away. . -; ' JAMES D. NUTT, dec 19 tf The Druggist. OPE RA HOUS E. OITE MEEBY WEEK. MONDAY, DECEMBER 21st, Tie fooafaril-farren Coffliiany. 15 Comedians 15 MONDAY NIGHT THE GREAT DIAMOND MYSTERY." ' Holiday Prices, 10, SO and 80 cents. T.1i Vwam Mnn. . ltf. It M m .11 V. - pers n holding oae paid SO cent ticket. dec 18 St OPE RA HOUSE. Last Chance. KIEMESS Ttlatinee Saturday at 2 30 P. M. All tbe National Dances. Popular Prices Children 25 cts; Adults 35 cents. dec 18 2t Sale ofStock JY DIRECTION OF THE BOARD OF Di rectors of the uEast Carolina Piscatorial Associa tion," I will exceee for sale to the highest bidder, at Dnhlic auction fnr e.ali. a thm f nnrt TTahm Antw rf New Hanover conntv. in tbe Htv of Wilminrton. atu Uav the VRth rta. or Drenh. lf)3a r 13 o'clock M twentv shares of the cap tal stock ef the fcaa Caralioa Plrtnria1 Aivu..tinn " .,.lin ln the name i f 1 homas f erre ttu aitiaf v and nav the sum of two hundred am twenty dollars, due as un- assessmcnis on said a ock; said assessments bsv ni been duly and reinlarlv -ctl ed bv order of the said bo. td and payment tbreof bavin been duly re- lusea oy a nomas rerrett, tnesuDscrioerto ssld stock. JUUN 1). oKLLAMYJI., deed COt Attorney. FRANK H. STEDIIAN, Real Estate Broker, DEALER IN STOCKS AND BONDS. Loans Negotiated. Office in Star Building, first floor. dec 18 lw 200 Barrels New River Mullets JUST RECEIVED. . ' 250 BOXES TOBACCO, all grades. . 30,000. CIGAHS. For Sale at Rock Bottom Prices. SAII'L BEAR, Sr., 12 Market Street. ' est ss a 4 ' x y k m Gbristmas fer car'load of extra fine family-broke HORSES just arrivrd a: Mills & Montgomery's Horse Exchange, Nos. 10, 12 and 14 North Wattr s reet, and ior sale at prices that will astonish the natives, how don't sit down and croak about bard times, but come ajod boy something for your wife or best girl to drive, They will think lots more of you. We have Ddknowhfof we speak. We also have a job lot of Facy Buggy Harness that will be sold below cost. . 7 niLLS & dee 19 3t A. D. BROWN'S Christmas Offerings : AT - : , ITo. '29 Tonr-blx IFoio.'b St;. ZBD2dLc-a,-H33?iao. - Rose Jars in Black, Purple, Lemon and Pink at 40c, $1.00 and 2.00. Pin Trays in Black. Pink and Blue, decorated, 5s5c each? ' Hand-painted Wine and Medicine Glasses 10c each Real Cut Glass Vases at 7Hr Violet Jars m shades of Pink, B!ueand Green 20c each. T A warn f - -mi. . . ww- "ups anQ oatcers m uiue, and 50 cent. Assorted Salad Pia Oat Meal Sets 75c, varitty of colors. aaiaa iiowls, fancy shades, 50c each. Sugars and Creams, assorted. Pinks Sugars and Creams, assorted. Pinks .t. wUwuvu iii a c .rots at ou; uream ntcners atl.00 and SI 50. Cut Glass Vinegar Bottles at $1.75. Venetian Vases 35 .and 90c. X)olis, Pol 1 Dnllg , RUGS FROM THE ORIENT ANfi nrtMirc-TTr' bttp.o Trrtt vao Ol l b. "Nothing certainly is as wel usefulness; "a combination not at all 20th Century Delicate Balms. Cream v TTn ' J C, 1 rOWderS that COUld not harm the skin turn of the woman who but few yeais ago was practically ignorant of fnilpt arte J We are sole Agents for HUDNUT'S t Dress Goads, Notions, HanfliercMefs, Carpets, Laces ail 61m dec 10 Ha, Ha ! Christmas Gil! ! TblS iollv. old and "nlpasant nrnrH esill soon be heard comiog from 'those we most, iovc aca respect, and we must be looking around for presents of all kinds. Come and let us show you over our stock of Toys and Doils of all kinds, small Toys, Air Guns. Stoves and Tea Sets. We have the Unbreakable DjI?. warranted positively unbreakable, 14 inches lone, at 50c: 21 icrhrs lnrcr at $1.25. Bisque, positively unbreakabir, 14 inches lotifj, at 25c, and larger to $1 CO. The self loadtrg Air Gan carries iuu ioaas in its cnamoers, tor Si 00 each. We have a beautiful linn nf f?anr!kr. chiefs, nicely embroidered, at 10c; finer at 15c. and extra fine at 25c A fine line of white, large, pure Silk Ladies' Handkerchiefs at 25c; Gents' larger at 85 and 00c. Large white Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 5s for Ladies and Gents. LADIES' KID GLOVES 4 hnttnn at 75c: best warranted brands at $1 00 each. CUKbt-Tb all styles from 23c to 11.25 a pair. A full line of stand rd brands in Warner's goods and the R & G. and F. & P. If you need a good Corset we can fit you and please you in quality acd or ice. . In DRESSS GOODS we have a very nice line. We carry a full stcck at the i .raddy $c Gaylord, Prop, - Of Wilmington's Big Backet Store. dee 18 tf C. W. Polvogt & Co., ISTo. Q OLSroDrbii. OFaroxL-b St. Timely truth-telling talk concerning merchandise. The happy throngs of Many are the comments of pleased public appreciate the enterprise which tion and are showing (heir appreciation neiptui nints nere o make yoor gut HANDKERCHIEFS.- Hundreds ofdoseoa of them to fit vonr ever wish- Extra Utlg ia attendaaceso that yoa may be promptly HOLIDAY TOWELS. Boaerit for the r ccisioii. Heavy damatk or hock.' Some with knotted friore: some kern.' itched: some all white; some with rich borders, and ail reasonably cbeap. HOLIDAY FURNISHINGS. .',..;........-... Thess for the men folks. A mole 'crenaration has been roae for the a m this progress ve itore. Nt ai newNokwtar, Si ins. Collars, Cuffs, fenspesders. HaU-Hote and the like. Books, Games, Pin Cushions and When looking for your Christmas C. W. Polvogt & Co. Sole Agents for Butterick's Patterns HOLIDAY GIFTS I Feu ASS TTTTS and Fur Trimmed.- dec 18 tf PETERSON OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY ; , OF READING MATTER. Presents. x- mONTGOnERY. White and Pink, 35c, 65c. 20c. 15c 25c Cracker Jars 75c and U.?5. Bread and Butter Plates 20c each and r.rnc s i ik .-. and Greens 75, 50, 35c and $1 00. adapted as it combines beauty with times obtainable." Toilet Hints. ""uiuiawuj UUUV1U AUU OUUIUIUIT nf o hoh A ;.u. .1 TOILET REQUSITES. bottom price. We have a special value in Wool Fancies, assorted colors, worth SQc. cur special price Is 25c per yrl. Id WcrMel Fancies. 28 inches wide, t 12Xc. worth 20c; 8ft inches wtfe, in Blue Trecot at 10c per yardv Fine all wool Black and Blue Flannel. 86 irebes wide, at 25c. Strictly all wool ferke 40 inches, at 85c Der vard. ilhne Ffr- Casbtnere, the best brand, in all colors.. at 20c All colors in Danish. Cot b at 10c per yard. Fine Sea Island Home spun, 1 yard wide, at 5c per yard. A drive in PANTS CLOTH: lieht at 7a heav Jeans at 12c heavy Fleece Wool at 25c: better at 40 and 50c. WOOL BLANKETS, pute white, fell wool Rose Blankets, 10 4 size. eibt 5 pounds, beautiful goods, at $3 60 a pair: 11 4 siz?, same Blankets, weight 6 pounds, $5 00; 114 size, weight 7 pounds. t6 00; nice , large Naped, 10 4 Grey Blankets, cotton, at $1.00 a pair. Comforts, large size, f rem $1 00 to 8.50 each. . A beautiful line oi LADIES' SKIRTS just received this morning. Come and see us. and find rs to be tbe lowest and most pushing Dry Goods store in the Citv by the Sea. You will find us at 112 North Front street. op posite tbe Orton HoteL tbe many lots of bright Christmas bny buyers grow larger day bv day. surprise heard on every hand. Our prompted all this holiday prepara by their patronage. Hnndreds of buying easy. A PAIR OF KID GLOVES Makes a moat acceptable Chrismas gift. This de partment is bow at its best. . - - HOLIDAY DRESS STUFFS. , .-"V. - more secsiMe fift can be made than a alee dress pattern to mother, sister or daughter. FANCY ARTICLES. ' To enomerate the srrat h"st of useful and cr a ventkl ihings would r qnre col mas of space. Bat they're everywhere in evidence ia the wndoas oa he counters, in the fixtures ever-, where am ih, hhrait aladdenrrs, and yon arc iavi ed o come ana rase a peep at tntm. Many of yoa viil boy them, for they're jort wbat yoo'r- I okinj far and here they'll cust on less than tlsewhare. lots of other useful articles. Presents be sure to visit us. ' and W. B. Corsets. dec 13 tf s! Suppers! STXjE Gents' Toilet Slippers; & BULFS.