FOR FIVE DOLLARS THE MORNING STAB GOES ONE YEAR. , , ! t FROM $2.00 TO $3.00 CHEAPER Than Other Dailies of its Class in North Carolina. I ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES. REDUCED TO $5.00. HE 0RN1NG TAR BUT NO REDUCTION IN SIZE ; OF PAPER, OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY VOL. LIX. NO. 108 WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY JANUARY 28, 187. WDOLE NO. 9.099 OF READING MATTER. M tn'ered at clic Postomce at Wiimingtoa, N.C.aa Second-class Mai) Matter. irnrtrirrQTlr port IMtso-JuauT 88. Sun Rises. - San Sets...-.- - Diy't Length. .... riign Water at Sduthport. . . jfHiiiS Water 5t WilmitifftOB 7 03 A M 5 83 P 10 t 20 m 8 49 P v 637PM The W earner. U, S. Dkp t or Agriculture, i WKATHER BUREAU Wilmington, tf. Gi. Jan. 28 Meteorological data tor yesterday; Temperature: 8 a. m.. 31": 8 p. m.,82; maximum. 35; p&oimum. 31': mean. 82. Kainfill for -trie day, 21; rainfall since 1: it montb up to date. 1 74. Favetteville N. C, Jan- 26 At a. m ihe-sta;e o( water in the Cape Fear nverjeas 8 5 feet. FORECAST FOR TO-DAY. FoVNorih Carolina, c'eariog in the morning; general y fair duriog the day; colder; northeast rlv wm(K OU LIX4C.S Tbe "Senate Committee on Foreign ! Aff.irs di not like the selection of tbe i K ng ot Norway and Se5en as umpire in tbe arbitration treaty; an amendment wnl proDaoly be reported requiring an American umpi'e for American ques tions and an Ejrcpian umpire fr : European questions. Thirternmen have been lnd'Cted In Coicago for forg ing Biltimore& Ohio Railroad tickets. ; A shootipg effrav occurred near Browjsvilie Ky., in which four men ,were wcuaded, two fitallv. The decrease in postal recetp s for the quar ter ending Dec. 31. 1896, is regard d as aa indication cf general business de- i prSMorj. -In an interview Gen. Gomez denie. tbat he ev;r wrote a letter favoring home rule for Cina; he says if he hid SO 000 rifles and 1 000 cartridges for each, h'i c uld drive Weyler off the island in a month; he criticises Presi dent Cleveland's policy of non-interference, and thinks he ought to stop the barbarities if only lor humanity's sake. ; The s;eamers Three Friends and ; Dauntless hav? been released on bond. Arthur Palmer.n who killed his mother, brother and sister in West chester county, N. Y., has been arrested in St. Liuis. Three huudred em ployes of the rubber works at Newtown. N. J , and three hundred and fifty bands employed in a si k fictory at Paterson. N J, are on a strike. The funeral of Fong Cniag. toe murdered leader ot ; the Sao Yup Society of Sin Francisco, : was con lucted witn due pagan form and ceremony. L-man J, Gige, of i Cnicago. will be M. K nley's Secretary ; of the Treasury. Saow is pretty general tbroiigriout V.rgioia; street car traffic in N j, folk wis considerably im peded by it; ' The indications are that North Florida will experience a I freeze. . H m Wm I Bryan made a i muia speccri to the Tens Legislature. I New Voik markets: Money on call wai eas at 12 per cent., last loan at : IV, per cerr, , closing offered at 1 p-r ; cent ; cotton q jiet, steady middling 7 5 16c; Southern flour dull, and un cttaniied :ommon to fair exira t3 80 i 65. good to choice $3 75 i 05; wbeat-spot dull and easier; No. 2 red i rte on board 9lz. ungraded red 7585r; core pot dull and firmer; No 2tjc at elevator and 29c. afloat; rosfrirsieady strained common to good II 70-1 72; spirits turpentine quiet at 27423; i England; has probably spied an other patch of land in Africa which she wants. This may account tor the rucus with the King of , Benin. . The Monroe Enquirer .issued a special eduion last week, i descrip tive of the industries arid progress of Monroe, which gives much 'valuable information. It is illustrated and very neatly gotten up. "Little Pete," a Chinese boss in v.ninatown, ban i rancisco, is no more. He ran up against the High binders, and ihey did him up and put h'm in stupe to be sent back as height to Cnina, in a stone jar. Ibe New York Herald thinks it pretty rouh that the rich people of that town-can't give $250,000 soci ables, and en jjy themselves, without sofas meddlesome preacher making remarks about it. 1 1 ' if the projectors of the tunnel between France and England can't run the tunnel they can run the coal ! veins they tapped in their explora- ; tions, and get coal which may pay them better than the other ; bole in tbe ground would. !' The announcement that there are 20.0000 men out of employment in St. Louis wa promptly followed by iue announcement that there .are 50,000 of the same kind in Chicago. Chicago never, fails to go St. Louis a few better on the slightest provoca tion. IMPORTANT ASJf JUiTCMHT Attention U called to the follow ing Reduced Rates of Sabscription to The Morning SFa: : TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS. Twelve Months .............. $5.00 SU " .............. 2.50 Three M L25 Two " ............ 1.00 One M .............. 60 TO CITY SUBSCRIBERS. The Star ; will be delivered by carrier at any point In the city at 12 cents per week, or 45 cents per month. . A Canton dispatch says Mr. Mc Knley is more interested in restor ing confidence than in filling offices. Pshaw ! We thought that the confi dence was coming along in job lots as soon as McKinley was elected, and that we would have not only enough, but lots to spare. Bat some body dida't hit it. Instead of a sur plus of confidence the Democratic gold men are actually losing confi dence in McKinley and the fellows behind him. It is said that the tangle among the Republican bosses in Ohio may result in smashing the Cabinet slate, and knocking Hanna out for the Senate. The rurnor comes in this connection that Senator Sherman has asked Mr. McKinley to release htm from his promise to accept the Secretaryship of State, and thus stop the racket over the appointment, of his successor. Perhaps foxy John has scented a chance to hold on. The State of Minnesota has an elastic homestead law, under which a person who fails in business may retain a homestead ranging all tbe way in value from $50 to $500,000. In a recent case a brewer who was sued for a debt of $23,000 took as his homestead allowaLce a five acre lot on which his residence, brewery and beer garden stood, and the court held tbat he was entitled to it. The Mayor ot aicdisod, Kansas, sits down on the ami high hat legis lation by declaring it uoconstita tional, and the Mayor of Chicago sits down on the high hat, by signing the ati high hat ordinances. With these' cotifi cting views, it is among the possibilities that the high hat may yet in vide the United States Su preme Court. NEW AA)V Axt-xiB&JDOJSNTB. Opera H - use ames Young. Jas D. Nutt P.xi's toilet cream. Masonic Meeting St. John's Lodge. LOCAL, DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered Here and There and Briefly Noted. A fine lot of shad and other fish was brought uo on the steamer Wilmington yesterday. 1 John Pigford and Henrietta Watson, bnb colored, will be arraigned before Justice Bunting to-day, charged with larceny. Pigford is indicted for stealing 60 cents, and Henrietta for bor rowing clothes without consuming the owner. "Grip" seems to be prevalent In many sections. Reports from New bern. Raleigh and Rocky Mount say that it is raging in those towns. And tbe weather for the last day or two has been calculated to increase the ravages of this disease. It is important that city sub scribers notify us of all failures of car riers to deliver their papers. Call at or send a postal to the Star office when ever you miss your paper. Carriers who do not attend to their duties will promptly discharged. There was a small fire last night at 10 45 o'clock in Maria's ball, corner of E ghth and Princess street. It caugbt down stairs probably from a stove in tbe cirriage shop of Jas. A. Laery, colored. An alarm from box 53 "brought tbe de partment to the scene and the fire ws extinguished before any damage, further than burning, a "hole in jibe fijor, was done. ' Dith of Mrs. B. A. McQueen of Lumbsr- ton." Telegrams received here yesterday announced the death of Mrs. S. A. Mc Q esn, at her home in Lamberton, N. C . in the 80 h year of ber age, after a snort illness. Mrs. Mi Q leea was a lady of high Christian character, relict of the late Dr. Eimuod McQieen, a leading phys.cian and prominent citizen of R jb eson countrr Sbe leaves several sons and daughters, among the former Mr. H C. McQieen of Wilmington and Mr. French McQjeen of Clinton. Mr. H. C, McQaeen and family left here yester day lor - Lamberton to attend the foneraL 'Boottlan Belonnttion.' ' - ' f Arrangements are now vabcut com plete for tbe presentation of tbe "Scot tisb Reformation' at the Opera House February 8.h and 9th, and Wilmington people will again be called upon to pat ronize a good performance given in aid of a good cause. All who witnessed the "Reformation of Luther were certainly pleased beyond measure, and yet the "Scottish Reformation" is said to be its superior in many ways costumes, lib-etto. etc. The rehearsals will be commenced in a few days, as the trainer is expected to arrive in the pity Satnr day morning. The presentations will be under the same management as Luther" -Mrs. Monroe. ' . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Partinant Psnntshs : Fertainina Prlnei pally la People and PotnMdly Printed. Col. J no. D. Taylor was report ed sick yesterday. , ; . . - Mr. J. A. McLean, of Maxton, was here yesterday. Mr. F. M. Pickett, of High Point, was bere yesterday. W. 6. Lewis, Eq , of White ville, was in the city yesterday. .Mr. The. S. Fowler, of Lenoir, N C. was in the city yesterday. Mr. W. H. Sykes, of Swann's Station, was a late arrival yesterday. Mr. R. B. Hall, of Hallsboro, spent a few hours in the city yesterday. Mr. O. C. Ferreli, of the Nash ville Optica arrived in the city yester day. , , Mr. R. P. Hlnton, of Jackson ville, was among the arrivals in the city yesterday. - : Mr. Jacob Powell, ot Long Creek, was among the visitors in the city-yesterday. Posljmaster J. W., Culbretb, of Moss Neck, was a visitor at the Star office yesterday. ; Rev J. B. Harrell left yester day for Mount Olive, where he will spend several days. , Messrs Bruce Williams and R.' G. Grady, of Burgaw. were amon hotel r.-gistrations yesterday. Mr. W. J. Prevatt, a prominent business man ol Lumoerton, was among the passengers on the delayed S. A. L. train yesterday. Mr. jM. McN. McKay, a regu lar subscriber to tbe weekly Star at Lilhngion- made a pleasant call at this office yesterday. I Messrs. H. B. Goodrich and M. F. Lennart. of Chadbourn, were here' yesterday. They are members of the colony of Western people Ucued at Cbadbcurn and in the surrounding country. Messrs. W. R. Guion of New bern, Sidney Tbom.s, of Richmond, V... were among tbe visitors in the city yes terday. Tney are both c ever travelling men, tbe former representing Borx Soap and the latter the "Good Luck" Baking Powder Company. i Among the arrivals in the city yesterday were Mr. Archie China .Sum ter. S. C; Mr E M. Wooton, Mr. A. D. Lippitt, Mr. E L. L pput and Mr. W. W. Blair. N. C; Mr C F. Southerlaod. St. Pnillips; Mr. T. J. Ferguson, Winston; Mr. C. K. Bryant. Abbeville. Saperlor Opart. The Superior Court was in session about an hour yesterday, wben the fol lowing ciSes were-disposed of: ' T. C. Miller vs. John&ton Hooper. Continued! and defendant allowed time to file answer. Alex. Busell vs. Annie Bissell. Di vorce granted. C. R. and J. F. Mason vs. B. B. Hum phreys. Continued. Owing to the sickness of Mr. Junius Davis, receiver of the Bank of New Han over, the following eases were continued: American Exchange National Bank vs. J. Davis, receiver, et al., and tbe Na tional Marine" Bank vs. J. Davis, re ceiver, et al. Court at 11 o'clock took recess until 10 a. m. to day, but tbe jurors were ex cused nniil to-morrow ' morning, and consequently there will be no jury cases called to-day. BY RIVER AND RAIL Beeelpta of Bevel Stores and Cotton j Testetday. -Wilmington 4 Weldon R. R. 259 bales Cotton, 2 bbls tar. Wilmington, Columbia ft Augusta R. R. 396 bales cotton, 4 casks spirits turpentine, 99 bbls rosin, 47 bbls tar. Carolina Central R. R. 10 bales cot ton. 18 bbls tar. Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. 89 bales cotton, 10 bbls tar. Tones' flu 21 bbls tar. Total receipts Cotton, 784 bal-s; aoirits turoentine. 4 casks: rosin, 99 bbls; tar. 98 bbls. : Wraok on tne Catolloa Cantial Balrcaa. The engine and seven cars of a freight train lamped the track on the Carolina Central riilroad at Old -Hundred. 108 miles from here, yesterday, causing the Wilmington bound passeiger train to oe seven hours late. Bat little damage was done and no one was injured. Passetgers were brought around by G'OSon's Sta tion, Bennettsville and Maxton. One Cent a Word. Hereafter advertisements to go in our 'Business' Locals' department will be charged one cent per word for each in sertion j but no advertisement, however sbort, will be taken for less than 20 cents This is a reduction from former rates and it is also a convenience to adver tisers who (can calculate the exact cost ot their advertisements,-which must be paid for always in advance. Town Greek A dispatch to the Star from Wash Ington. DC, says that Col. Heap, of tbe Engineer Corps, TJ S. A- in a report laid before the House yesterday on a preliminary examination of Town Creek. Brunswick county. N. C. recommends its improvement to tbe extent of $8 800 Bblpvreokad SaUoie Beaoned, A press cablegram to the Star from London, Eng., says : i The German barque Antaret, Capt. Rahden, which arrived at Gaiston to day from Wilmington, N. C, brought to port ; four of tne crew ot tne o-rmao barque Ofierdurgerme$ster von Winter, Cant. Maruuo, wbicb sailed trom New nort December 19 for Trinidad. Tbe men were Dicked no. January 10, in lati tude 9 N , longitude IS W they having abandoned their vessel, witn tne remain der ol tbe crew, on January 7. sue being in a sinking condition at tbat time. The captain and other members of the crew of the abandoned ship are missing NtW HANOVtR BANK CAbE. CoU H. O. Jonei, Baferer, Will at ka Be- 1 pirt in the H.tterof (be W.dee- bin Branch. : Mr. James A. Leak, of Wadetboro, ar rived last evening. Mr. Leak was presi dent of the Wadesboro bran h of tbe Bank of New Hanoyer at the time of tbe failure of the latter. He was afterwards appointed receiver of the bank, in which capacity he is in the city to be present' at the hearing which Judge Mclver will give upon the report of Col. H. Cs Jones, referee. ! : - ffc ;'.. The contention of the Wadeiboro bank is, as has previously been stated in these columns, that tbe assets of that b anch should first be applied to the payment of its individual debts instead of being turned over to Junius Davis. Esq. receiver for the Bank of New Hanover. This ' was the view taken by the referee, Col. H. C. Jones, of Cbar lotte, whose report handed down a short while ago will, if the case comes up this term, be reviewed by judge Mclver. Messrs. James A. Lockhart and J -dije R. T. Bennett, Mr. Leak's attorneys, ate both in the city. - i . fc'.' Mr. Leak is a member of the Legisla ture from Anson county. ( Bteamihlp Aahore. , ' A dispatch from Southport yesterday afternoon reported a "tramp steamer" ashore on Frying Pan shoals, about six miles from Cape Fear, and tbat tbe tu&s Alexander Jones and Blanche had gone to tbe assistance of tbe stranded vessel. No furtber information could be given. as the tugs had not returned front the steamer when tbe telegram was sent. Last night tbe following dispatch was received by the Star : Southport. N. C, Jan. 27. This morning at daylight Cape Fear life-saving crew discovered a tramp steamship, apparently light, on Frying-Pan shoals about six miles south of Cape ' Fear. Signals were set by tbe station crew for tugs. Cape Fear ind Oak Island crews left immediately for tbe steamship. The revenue cutter Morrill, tug's fonts and Blanche left about nine o'clock and pulled on tbe steamship at high, water, but did not float her. The tugs are lay ing by the steamer to pull again on her at high water to-night, so nothing can be learned of the steamer's name or con dition. Tbe weather is very thick, but the sea moderate, and the chances are favorable tor getting the vessel off to night. " A later telegram from Southport says: Tbe tugs returned at 10 p ms and re port the stranded vessel as the British steamship Ardrishaig, from Hamburg to Savannah, loaded,- ashore three miles from, tbe Cape on Frying pan sboals, in sixteen feet of water, broad side to the shoal. The cargo is kai nit in bags, and is being thrown overboard to lighten the ship. Tugs were unable to get her off on to-day's tide, breaking the hawser while pu ling. Will try again to-morrow. Higb water, weather thick, sea moderate, crew all well. OPERA HOUSE. James Tonne tn "Hamlet" at To-nishi'e Performance. To-night at the Opera House Mr. James Young and a competent company of s xteen plavers, beaded by Miss Rida Louise Johnson, will present Shake- pear e's masterpiece, "Hamlet." This class c pl-y will be presented with all tbe scenery and mechanical effects nec essarv in a production of this kind. It is said that Mr, Young's conception of the part of the melancholy Dane, bilst singular and unique, is won derfully true to nature and never fai s to win tbe most favorable criticisms from bis audience. Mr. Yoang has never before appeared in this city, but in the Et and South be is well kiown, and bis press notices pre diet a treat for our theatre goers. Ic is said that be bs a pleasing voice and aa attractive personality tbat wins and de lights his auditors, and it is promised tbat he will be well supported, and (.that the mounting will leave nothing to be desired. Seats for this evening's engagement can be obtained at Gerken's. Bl on the Biaer Front. Shortly before 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon what was supposed to be large fire was discovered along the water front in the southern portion of the city Tne flames and smoke could be seen for four blocks away. A still alarm was sent in to the-engine bouses, and the "Adrian" and "Atlantic" reels were soon on their way to investigate the trouble. The fire was located at tbe foot ot Church street, near Capt. S. W. Skin ner's ship yard, but turned out to be only the wreckage of the Swedish barquentine Verdandi, nearly consumed by flimes last September, tbat had been purposely set on fire in order to cleat away the trash lirmen'a Seller 7und Cbief of Fire Department Newman re turned yesterday evening from Raleigh. Witb President McNeill, of Fayetteviile, and others representing tbe Volunteer Firemen's Association of North Caro lina, be appeared before the Legislative committee in regard to the bill to repeal tbe appropriation to the Firemen a re liet fund. Tbe committee bad made fa vorable report on the bill, but after ex planation! bv the visitors tbe bill was again referred and the committee de cided to report the bill unfavorably. Senator McCarthy, of Newbern. and Reoresentatives Sutton, of Cumberland, and Hancock, of Craven, rendered valu able aid to the visiting firemen. Storm Warning ateaeage. The following was received yesterday afternoon at the Wilmington station from the Chief of the Weather Bureau at Washington. D. C , viz : ; : Hoist information signal at 8.00 p. m. Storm central over east, worm uuouna, moving northeast, and wilt cause proba bly Brisk and high nortneast wmas on South Atlantic coast to night, attended bv fretzioe: weaiber as far Sjoutb as lack 111 - TJ.-1J. YUH..JMa (MAMlMiS V f vunTuie. rioria, iuuiuaj "wsi i . I ,' - the morning !tar. - Are you a subscriber to The Morning Star ? If not, why not? Do you want a first class daily pa per at $5.00 per year, or $1.25 for three months? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star. Do yon want a paper that prints the latest telesrraphic news, the best local news, reliable market reports, excellent short stories, and tbe choicest miscellaneous matter? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star. Do not forget that The Morning Star is the cheapest daily of its class in North Carolina. Its price is $5.00, while the published price of others ranges from $7.00 to $8.00. RALEIGH NEWS BUDGET GOV. RUSSELL AND LEGISLATORS AT CHAPEL HILL la Attendance Dp on. the Inanm'etion or President Aldeimao of the TJalverstty Bills Introduced "in tbe House No Bnalneaa Transacted In the Senate Senator Prltorxard to Vltlt McKinley Judge Norwood on An other J.g. Special Star Correspondence. Raleigh. N. C. Jan. 27. If there was any hope tbat Judge Nor wood would not be impeached it is all dispelled now. Tbe udge is jast recov ering from a hilarious spree. The in telligence was received here last night tbat tbe Judge was not leading a life of sobriety. Judge Norwood's friends have been working assiduously in his behalf for tbe past few days to have the resolution of impeachment held up. The Judge had given his word that be would do better and there was a possibility of his oeing given another trial to reform. It is said Governor Russell bad con sented to let the matter' rest for a while on condition tbat Judge Norwood send in bis resignation to tbe Governor in tuch form that it could be ac copied the first time he de parted from tbe ways ot tbe sober. This resgnation shcu d have reached here yesterday, but the Judge was drunk and it did a it come. There is no hope for tbe Judge now, and un less be resigns immediately he will probably be impeached this week. Nearly all tbe legislators lett this morning for Chapel Hill to attend tbe in auguration ot President Alderman of tbe Uaiversity. Tnere were five cars filled ith Raleighites. Governor and Mrs. Risiell and Miss Johnson left for the Uaiversity yesterray afternoon. The Pop. bolters are getting in a no tion of making demands. It is under stood that they will drmand tbat their leader. Senator McCaskey, be made Su perintendent of the Penitentiary. A heavy sleet began to fall last n g:t. Special Star Telegram. Senator Pritcnard will go to Canton this week to see President elect McKin ley. He siys bis visit re'ates to a divi sion of patronage in tbe State. Boyd's claim for a seat in the Cabinet is likely to be pushed. Tbe special train relumed to tbe city at 8 o'clock from the Utiersity with Governor Russell and the Legislative party. All report a delightful trip. The Senate met shortly after 8 o'clock, and adjourned immediately without transacting any business. Tbe House was in session until 10 o'clock, but did little. Lis't introduced a bill providing for the appointment of ladies as notaries public The joint resolution urging Congress to rebuild the United States arsenal at Favetteville passed all readings. Resolution providing for the printing cf five hundred copies of Russell's inau guration address was reported favora bly by committee; but action was delay ed on account of the absence of Sutton, who is tbe author. Bill to prevent lynching, penalizing offenders by heavy fine and making the county liable for $5 000 damages in casts of lynching, was taken up. A motion to table was lost. An amendment striking out the clause making counties liable was adopted and the bill as amended passed all readings. Schuiken pp posed tbe bill. THE POPULIST CAUCUS Beafflrmi tbe Resolution Tbat Bepubllcans Have Brtken Their OomDaot An Ad' dreta ti Popolitt, , Voters The Bolters Denounced and Branded aa Ttaiiora to tbe Party. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh. Jan. 27. The Populist cau cus unanimously adopted the following resolution : , Resolved. That inasmuch as the Re publican caucus has failed to give us an answer to our request that they observe tbe contract ot co operation, and mas much as they have rt fused to even bold a Caucus to consider our request, that this caucus re-am a tbe resolution pass ed last night to toe edict that they by their failure to proceed had broken tbe contract entered into last Summer, and tbat therefore all communication and negotiation from this caucus to them be closed, and tbat all other resolutions passed last nigbt be and are hereby re' affirmed. There was a full attendance of mem bers.';- The caucus issued an address of some three thousand words to Populist voters in North Carolina and tbe Uaited States It includes one of tbe addresses issued last week. Tbe address savs among other things: Tbe election of Pntcbard the candidate of Hanna. Sherman and Wall street, to ! represent tbe silver sentiment of North Carolina in the United States j Senate, is shock to every true patriot of this State as well as the nation. Already the Populist supporters ot Hanna's man begin to call themselves co operative Populists, when in truth tbev are noth ing but Republicans, while attempting to better serve tbe purposes of the Re publican party by masquerading as Pop ulisis. "By 'their fruits, ye shall know them.- - The only way by which the. Populist party can be able to maintain its exist' ence. strengthen its lines and advance its principles, upon which good government must be founded, is bv purging from its ranks all who have committed tbe crime Of placing sell above the we. fare of the people. ' beventeen Legislative members. calling themselves Populists, under the traitorous direction of Congressman Harry Skinner, aided and abetted by prominent Populists of other States, high in the ccuocils of tbe party, have committed tbs crime and have been promptly repudiated and expelled from the organization and therefore branded as tiaitors to tbe principles of good gov ernment and enemies to the welfare of humanity. The seductive but slimy snake of fusion has no doubt stuck its poisoncui fangs to a greater or less depth into the organization of the Peo ple's party in many other States, therefore this purging must be done. It cannot be begun too soon. Ia the last Maaioaat Contention " WO maw fronted by the baneful and poisonous fleets of Republican fusion in the South swinging the party to one extreme, and Democratic fusion in the West swing ing the party to the other extreme, hich not only destroyed harmony and unity of method, but also endangered tbe very existence of organization. They cq-operate witb us for their own advancement and with a view to our disruption and ultimate ab sorption. Only last week. Immediately after Senator Pritchard's election by a bolting faction Of the People's party, the Asheville Register, his peisonal organ, gloated over the apparent dis ruption of our ranks and boasted tbat the Republicans would absorb by 1900 every Populist in North Carolina that is worth having. The boasting hope of the Republican party in North Car olina finds no doubt a parallel elsewhere in the hope and pur pose of the Democratic party against toe continued existence ot our organic life, but we haven t come upon tbe stage ot political action as food to prolong tbe lite ot tbe two old parties. Tbe address was prepared at a con ference ot, Butler. Thompson. Ayer and rnun am ihisfveniPB BUSINESS LOCALS. isuriM Mk. or ale L.uai and f and Wants, and other short mucelUneooi advertl omenta alerted m toil Ueoartmeiu Aa e.ded Nonnareil .vca. in first ot fourth Daee. at Publisher's on.iun- lor 1 cent per word each insertk n-bnt no advertisement akea 'or lea than SO cents. Terms poaitirel caaa n advance. Hay Timothy Hay, nvxed Clover bay. Prairie Hay, St a. Grain and all kinds of mixed feed for horses and cattle. Jno. S. McEacbern, 211 Mar ket St. Telephone 92. Oct 17 tf HTen, p. ftl., aas la stack bnggiea, road Carts and harness of all kinds. Repairing done by lillfal workmen ea short aotlca. Opposite new NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ,St. Joim'sLo(tpNo.U.F.&iM. JVt An emergent communica i n for arirk V in the ncotid IWree will be held this (tbu sday) evening at 8 o'clock Visiting oretnrenare cordial y invited to attn4. WM, M. FOISSON, jan 88 It Secretary. 15 Barrels Apples. 5 Bags C C. Huts, 75 Barrels E. R Potatoes. 25 Boxes Riv raids Soap. 41 Barrels Sugar. 25 Bigs 100-lbs. Sugar.; 25 Dozen Brooms. W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocers, jan 37 tl DH wrhnlnarrna. W. C. OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY EVENING, JAN. 28. ' The popular Tragedian, JAMES YOUNG. Will present, with gore eon- icemc emb Juihments, t9UelBl.CS UMIG sj IBIarm let." Twelve le's ot Magnificent Scenery specially paioted and carried for tais production. M-. Von is assis ed bv Miss Bra a Louisa Johnson and a company of ix e n competent aad weu cn sea puye a. santoeatnr jan vast Pjxi's Toilet 'Cream is now perfumed with. Roger & Gallet's "'Vera Violetta." This is quite aa expense, but the pace remains the law 45cen a. Bur a b ttle tf roar KrucnUt, and it yn do not toink i. the bsac preparation for rou h tesi. eianoed face, bauds and lips ou ever tried. oar money wiu do rciuinvu. JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist and Pharmaceutical Chemist. ian24tf For Fifteen Days Only, BEGINNING Honday, January 25 th. nnnTJ A pair of 25c Suspenders, riluDi one 75c Laundered White 1 Shirt, with any $5 Snit of Clothes. Same quality sold elsewhere at $7.50. TjnTJTl One $1 Laundered White vu a Aiauuur,itu V V uuc Shirt a pair of 25c Sns iPeoders, two pairs 15c Black or Tan half-Hose and a pretty Scarf with any (8 50 Suit ot Clothes. Same qa lity sold else" where at $10. FREE, A pretty 60c Neckrie. one 81 25 Laundered White Shirt, ore oair 50c Suspenders, two pair 40c half Hose witb any $12,50 Snit ot Clothes Same : : qaality sold elsewhere at . ;5.oo. Sizes of half Hose and Shirts to fit. Scrivan's Pat. Seam Canton Flan nell Drawers 89 cents. . ' $12 50 Overcoats $8 50. $7.50 Overcoats and Ulsters $5. Read Circulars for other bargains. Kemetnberi 15 days only, Bell Phooe 118. Inter-State 218. Car fare paid on purchases of $2 ana up. 1 . i . . ., , , J. H REHDER $ Co. Near Fourth Street Bridge, . : jeaSit . ;. : j . . I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hi MOWERS. URNS. REAPERS. CASTINGS. HIHQE3r IRON SPIKES. OYENS. NAILS. J. W. Murchison, Orton Building, dec 31 tf WilmingtonN. C. We Are Headquarters And The Largest Dealers ia tbe State for School Books, adopted by tbe counties of North Carolina. Merchants will find our discounts liberal, and will save freight and time by sending their orders to us. We carry a large stock of Blank Books and Office Supplies, bought from first hands for cash and we guarantee lowest prices. Sole Agents for Remington Stan dard Typewriters, and Edison's Mimeograph and Supplies! Send for price list. CW.Yates&Co. 117 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. an 10 tl UP TO DATE Livery and Sales Stable. Southerland & Cowan, 108, 110 Second Street, between Princess and Chesnut. o TJR SIRVICX IS FIRST. CLAS8 IN XVXRV Darticular. Finest Ho ses ia town. First-class canto. pagea. Polite attention Ail calls and orders day ana meat promptly anenaea to. ZLEPHONE NO. 15. TKLXPHONX NO 15 Telephone calls answered any hour dav or night Bpecuu attention aivea to Boardin Hones. Box Stalls aad Careful Groommar for Stalling: Honea Hacks aad Bazzac Lane to all trains souls' and coming, at usual prices. Carriage for Railroad Call 1 Prices Uniform to All Comers. Hearse Ixclusive for Whites SB 00. Carriage for. runerai, du. nearse tor wnite ana colore , 94 uu. Hone and Bnnrr one hour. SI. 00: afternoon SS 00. M.50. Horse and Surry one boor, i 00; afternoon, S4.00. Team and t rap one hour. $1.08; afternoon, S3. SO. Saddle Horse one hour, 50 cents; afternoon, $1,50 Furnitoxe Wagoa with careful attention, $1.00 pertoao. Open 365 days and 365 nights In a year. mar 29 tf A Sensible Plan Next Pay Day . ...Ib "o take a few dollars from your pay envelope and witb it start aa account .' witn the wILailNG O AVlNiiS A D TRUST CO. In the life of every .....working m a aad woman there cornea .....attire when a little laid aside orovea .....vast help it ma be sickness. r it mav oa that a chance for good investment ....may suiae. M In any event, the habit of saving money must Deneht you. Wilmington Sayings & Trust Co., t i ' Princess between Front and ' jan lft tf , Second Streets. q CoUectortlTotice. TTAVTNG BEaV'APPOIMTWTi'orit.i rnns J.of,'h ''' C. H. tappa, deceased, by the Clerk of tbe Superior Oort of New Hanover Conntv. I nere-ry aoti'y .H persona indebted to he as id C H. Capps to make immediate p.ywt to me, and those to wh-wa ih said appi was indthted at the time of his death will present their claims so e before the Sw day of O cembar. 1897, or this notice will be w recovery. . tbUS. j, UORI, . Wls i , v', Colltir. eu NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Twenty Items of Interest TO YOU AT CW.POLYOGT&CO.Sr N. 9 North front Street, DryGoods CAEPETS, 1st. We have the sole agency for Bnttenck Patterns. 2nd. We have the best $1.00 Kid Gloves in the City. 3rd. We have Ladies' Hermsdorf Dyed Hosiery ia alt grades. 4th. We have Keyer'a Doubled Fingered Tipped uioses: 5th. We have just received our New Spring la- oroiaexies. 6th. We have the sobs agency for the W. B. Corset. 7th. We have the largest stock cf Carpets and Rogs. 8th. We have Lang Cloth in pieces and cut lengths. 9th. We have received the handsomest Laces ever shewn here. 10th. We have about S5 Baby Carriages to sell cheap 11th. We have cut the prices on all our Blankets to coat. "13th. We have the largest Window Shades stock in ' tne Dta.e. ISth. We have polite salespeople to attend year wants. Uth. We have a 75c Storm Serge for 39c per yard. 15th, We have all shades of Satin and Indian Silks. 16th. We have a Urge stock of Blankets with low prices. 17th. We hive a full assortment of Chiffons in all snides. ISth. We have marked our Jackets below cost to close out.- I9th. We have a good Gauntlet Kid Glove for 50c. 20th. We have received our ntw Spiing Mattings. We will take our inventory Feb ruary 1st, and in order to have our stock reduced we will offer special inducements this week. Visit us, it will pay you. C.W. POLYOGM CO. jan 24 tf Coal, Coal, BIG STOCKS. Low Prices. Egg Goal, Stove Goal, CteM Coil, Fmace Coal, Tennessee Lump Coal, Pocahontas Coal. WOOD! WOOD 1 1 Oak Wood, Ash Wood. Blackjack, Litrhtwood. Send us your orders and you will be promptly served and fully pro tected. J.A. SPRINGER SCO. jan 17 tf IFon? Sal -AT- MERCER & EVANS. 4,900 Pairs Mrn's Heavy SHOES. 4,0 Paira Was. Peb. P lkaa, 8. 00 Pairs Wa Peb Button. 2,0-0 Pairs Was Ktb Polish. - ISM Pain O. L. Dong Bala. 1,100 Pairs Las Coag. B moa, - - 3,000 Pirs Isds I'ong Bala. 1 l.tOO fan a Bov Shoes. . 1 liOt Pairs i hildrea Shoes, " 1,500 Pain Iutant -hoes, -At extremely low prices, ' . . aUapewfnBy. s Mercer & Evans, ' j Mt ro arincese and Front Sta. L II. Peterson anil Htnry McLean JH EXPERT BAKBERS. CAN BE FOUNl at Wo. 11 South F.ont street,1 where thev wOl be pleased to serve their friends. First class work luar anteed. Shaving H cents GfvensacaiL w- Kespectf oDy, ifne a. puruprrtT : dec 10 tf Ho. 11 Soqta Freat