n WILillNOTOZl. H. C Thursday Morkimo, May 6, lS7 SENATE IN SESSION. Taa Sundry :ctvI Appropriation Bill DiMnmd with AmtodmHtii. ;. Bt Tetograpk to the Moraine Star. . J . I Washington, May 5. The open ses sion of the Senate o-day was devoted to the Sundry Civil Appropriation bill, which was not completed up to the time of adjournment. r ; One of the amendments to the bill, offered by Mr. Wilson, of Washington, provoked considerable civil service dis cission. It required the appointment of commissioners to classify Northern 'Pa cific lands in the Northwest, "by and with the consent of the Senate." I Mr. Gorman urged that this was an effort to take the offices oat of the civil service. ' The amendment was finally modified and adopted so that the ap pointees shall be confirmed by the Sen ate, and all be divided between the po litical parties. Mr. Gorman remarked that he hoped the provision as to due recognition of the political parties would be carried out in good faith. In certain reeent appointments no attention had been paM to such provisions. Commit toners had been appointed, be said, withont reference to their party loyalty and party interests. I Mr. Morgan offered an amendment appropriating 150,000 for the improve ment of Pearl haroor, Hawaii. It was agreed to. - i Mr. Pettigrew, of South Dakota, of fered an amendment authorizing trie President to suspend the order of Presi dent Cleveland withdrawing millions of acres from the public domain and consti tuting them forest reserves. The amend ment also proposed an appropriation of $150 000 for surveys of these lands, i Mr. Pettigrew added that assurances had been given he would not say lrom whom that if the amendment was adopted the , President would suspend toe order. In response to a statement by Mr. Gorman tnat a point of order would be made against tne amendment, Mr. Pettigrew declared thu if the amendment went out on a point of or der be would see that the pending bill did not piss until some relief was given as to the orders creating forest reserva tions. .. I Final action on the amendment was deferred. -1 At 5 10 p. m. the Senate adjourned. I RAILWAY POSTAL CLERKS. Annual Cosveatijn Hold at Atlanta OfB een EleoMd and Delegate to Satiooal Convention Appointed. ! By Telegraph to tha Moraine Star. i Atlanta, May 5 The fourth di vision of railway postal clerks held its annual convention here to day, Presi dent J. W. Brown in the chair. There was considerable discussion - over a proposition to make the organization a general mutual accident order. This was referred to the National Order. i A resolution was adopted endorsing the bill of L. F. Livingston, now pend ing before Congress, providing a severe penalty for any one who enters a postat car by violence or who assaults a postal . clerk. " - I : I Delegates to the National Association Convention, which meets in Philadel phia on June 16th, were elected at fol lows: A; J. Kelly, ot Chattanooga, Tenn.; John Hogan, of Waycross. Ga ; H. P. Potter, Jacksonville, and S. . Henry, Charleston, S C. ! New officers were elected for the en- suing year as follows: J. W. Brown, re elected president: C W. Eddins. vice president; R. C. White, re-elected secre tary and treasurer.; Jacksonville, Fla., - was selectel as the meeting place for the association next year. The conven tion will be held on the first Wednesday in May. j WASHINGTON NEWS, FnrneU's Baminatlona Cor firmed O.her I Bomtnariooa Sent to tha Senate. By Telegraph to the If oraing Star. Washington, May 5. The Senate in executive session to-day confirmed the nomination of Taos. R. Parnell, to be United States District Judge, for the . Eastern District of North Carolina, Trie President to-day sent the follow ing nominations to the Senate: Henry A. Cast'e. of Minnesota, audi tor of the post Office department. Stanford Newell, of Minnesota, envoy ex raordinary and j Minister plenipo teatiarv of the United States to the Netherlands. James Bixby of Minnesota, commis sioner to negotiate w.th the Indians of Chetokee and Choctaw nations. . 1 ARBITRATION TREATY . It Failed to Seen Ba ifloaiion In the I Senate. i Br Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington, Miy 8 The Senate to-day, by the vote of 43 to 28. refused to ratify the General Arbitration Treaty bstween the United j States and Great Britain negotiated bt Secretary Oiney and Sir Julian PaunCefote. The rales of the Senate require a majority of two thirds for the ratification of treaties. Hence four more affirmative votes wou'd have been required to ssenre a favorable result. : ; i BASE BALL. Tha Reeord of Qame Played by CI aba '';. . Taaterdar. : .' By Telegraph to the Moraine Star. . Boston Boston 7. Philadelphia 5. ' Pittsburg Pittsburg 8. Louisville 10. Second game Pittsburg 8, Louisville 3. New York Game with Washington postponed wet grounds. Chicago Chicago 7, St. Louis 0. Brooklyn Brooklyn 5, Baltimore 8. Cleveland Cleveland 3, Cincinnati 8. I waWaWJSwa. Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. -.: - ROYALi BAKING POWDER Co New York. a saaw . TURKS DEFEATED. DESPERATE FIGHTING AT VELESTINO AND PHARSALOS. Crown Frlnoe - OooatanUna Ttlagraphed "With God's Help Oar Bid Hea . Conquered" The BUagbtst Wag Veartnl, Bat the Toikiah force ol 40.000 Waa Bepulaed Another Battle Ez peoted To-day- r , Bt Cable to the Mornina Star. Salonica. May 6. It is officially an nounced that eight Turkish warships have left the Dardanelles, and after pro ceeding: to the Cassandra Peninsula; sailed lor the island ot Lsmnos (Sta linni). . - ;' c-:-- ::"-r ;::- London. May 5. The Athens corre spondent of the Daily Mail says : "Ten thousand Torts attacked the Greek position at Velestino. Tne. fire ceased at 4 o'clock this afternoon, and it is evident that the Greeks bave met with a great success. ; a . "There has been great slaughter at Pharsalos, where the battle is proceed log. Crown Prince Constant ine tele graphs as to tha engagement at Veles tino: 'With God's help our aide has conquered." - - , ' The Athens correspondent of the Times bay: "Simultaneously with the attack at Velestino. the Turks attacked the Greek outposts at Tatar, near Phar salos. - It is said , that both attacks have been repulsed by the Greeks. General Smolenskl says: "The brigade at Veles tino is delnged with blood." Athins, May 5. An American man-of-war has joined the international squadron at Phaterum. . The Greek Government has protested to the Powers against the acts of violence and rapine being committed by thol Turks in Thessaly. London, "May 5. A dispatch to the Times lrom Constantinople savs that the spccial.and extraordinary expenses of the War Department from March 18th, 1895, to April 13th, 18tf7, were three and a half million pounds sterling. LONDON, May 6 The Athens cor respondent of the Daily Telegraph un der date of Wednesday, savs : "Following is the official dispatch from Major Ballis, chief of staff of the Greek forces in Thessily, describing the fight ing at Pharsalos : : . "Tne Turks attacked our advance posts at 8 o'clock. Since yesterday the enemy's movement had indicated an in tention to cnt off our left wing, and to day they attacked our front. Oar ad vance posts retreated, as they were fighting against very much ' superior numbers and took up a position in front of our right wing. : . "An artillery duel ensued along the extensive line. The enemy's infantry advanced in perfect order at three points and in large numbers, but they were speedily checked by our infantry. "The respective losses are as yet on known. The Crown Prince took a very active part in the combat, and advanced within range of the Turkish fire, greatly inspiring the men. Prince Nicholas was equally active at tne rignt wing., and directed the fire of his battery against the Turkish batteries. - His coolness greatly encouraged the troops. "We maintain all our positions intact, and the engagement will certainly be continued to-morrow (Thursday.) We calculate that about 15,000 Turks at tacked our wing. They rushed down the hill slopes in vast numbers. The enemy was our superior in both artillery and cavalry, the calibre of their guns was larger, while their number was almost double ours. We bad no cavalry,: be cause our only squadron has been used for scouting and had gone to Trikkala.' LoNDdN, May 5. The correspondent of the Daily Telegraph at Volo, under date of Wednesday, says : "The biggest battle of the war began near Velestino this morning. As a result of it the Turkish force of 40.000 men has been repulsed. The Turkisn plan was to seize the hills on the north, dividing Pharsalos from Velestino." - Athens. May S. The Greek fleet has captured, at the entrance of the Gulf of Salonica, a schooner in which Sir Ellis Ashmead Bartlett, the Anglo- American member of Parliament, recently visited the Turks. The vessel will be taken to the Piraeus for examination. Larissa, May 8. (Delayed in trans mission.) Two batteries of howitzers arrived here this evening from Elas sona, and fourteen battalions of in fantry, four squadrons of cavalry and four batteries of artillery bave been sent to reinforce the Turkish troops fighting at Velestino. The victory of the Turks seems assured. The pris oners taken report that the population, including -that of Volo, is disposed to sabmit, and from various sources it is learned that' the Greeks are badly de moralized and diicantented with" the Crown Prince and his officers. We are awaiting a definite result at Veles tino before making a general advance. The soldiers who were wounded in the first engagement at Velestino are now coming in to the hospitals of Larissa. The la ter are well organized with the materials which the Greeks abandoned. The Inhabitants of Larissa denounce the commander of the Greek troops, and even accuse him of treason. They hope for an early intervention upon the part of the powers in order to prevent the complete ruin of the country. It is stated here that the Crown Prince of Greece ordered Larissa to be burned, previous to evacuating the place. But, it is said, there was no time to carry out his instructions. The Turks claim that the , fighting which has taken place at Velestino and in which they are said to have been re pulsed, was merely a reconnoisance In forces, and its object, that of finding out the strength of the enemy, being achieved, the officers had the utmost difficulty in inducing the men to retire. They were obliged, it is claimed, to threaten them, and even then they conld not prevent the Turks, in defiance, from singing during the withdrawal, the men declaring they were challenging the Greeks and persisting in singing in order to secure, if possible a renewal of the fighting. , : There was a striking feature In Fri day's cavalry charge. Col. Mahmound Bey was fired upon by a Greek officer, who sent fonr bullets from his revolver in the direction of the Turkish officer. Mahmonnd Bey then galloped ahead of his men and with one fierce blow with his sword completely severed, the Greek officer's head from his body. The beat here is tremendous, bat the troops are suffering without any com plaint and the doctors are greatly im pressed with the wonderful vitality, of the wonnded Turks, One Turkish sol dier who was shot in the stomach re mained in the ranks and - afterward walked ten miles. Another Turkish soldier who was wounded twice in the legs and once in the shoulder continued attending to his duties for 34 hours, until an officer noticed his condition and ordered him to the boipitaL The wounded men recover with wonderful rapidity. This is attributed to the ab stemious lives of the Turks, The Sultan has sent a number ofjlandaus lor the nse of the wounded. - The Greek priests hold regular ser vices here, and the town 1 perfectly quiet. . Larissa, May 5. Six divisions of Torkish troops bave marched forward to Pharsalos, and it is understood here that the Porte has given Edhem Pasha a free hand. - - " - William B. Meyer "and Henry B. Cbristhilf, wholesale grocers, trading as James Meyer & Ccv Baltimore, have made an assignment for the benefit of creditors. The sssets are estimated at $19 BOO. No estimate has been made of liabilities. HAVANA ADVICES. PfoeeedlBca in the Competitor Cata Ordered by the Gorernment Beporta of Engage -menta with Xnaurgenta. 3r Cable to the Morning Star. : 'Havana, May 5. The Government has ordered the Competitor case to be proceeded with immediately. There will be a separate proceeding -in the case of the Americans, Ona Melton and Wm. Leavitt, to conform with the provisions of the treaty of 1831. It is understood that the Government is "favorably dis posed" and that the result of the trial in their case will be a release- - It is stated that Alfredo Laborde has not been able to prove bis American citizenship. - The insurgent leader, Calixto Soto pence. his adjutant and sixteen of his followers have surrendered, it is an nounced, to the Spanish authorities at Sancti Spiritus. . The Murcio and Puerto Rico-battalion bave had a skirmish In Santa Clara with an insurgent force. The insurgent cnaix, Luis Martinez,, and nineteen of his command were killed. - Lieut Col. Ferror, who has been oper ating against the insurgents in the dis trict of Yaguaramos, province of Santa Clara, says that part of the province and a portion east of Ciomago de Zepata is favorable to peace. He adds that the insurgents are unable to face the Spanish forces. The well known insurgent leaders, Guzman and Pino, It is said, have been killed at Momenque, and Almoida has been obliged to surrender to the Span ish authorities. During the month of April there were 538 deaths from smallpox in Guira de Melena, a town of 4 500 inhabitants. ft is reported that the successor of "the Marauia Palmerola as Secretary of the Government will be General Vazan, who was formerly Secretary of Captain Gen eral Weyler at Manila in the Philippine islands, or Francisco Gentanals. The latter is a civilian. Tne cruisir Infanta Isabel, now at New York will return to Gibara, but the Infanta Maria Taresa, on leaving New York, will proceed to Spain. WASHING ON NEWS. A Crowd ol Vtattota at the White Hons Georgia Bepablieaoe Urge Qen. Xisag itreet l3t Ba lroad Commiaeiontr to - Saeoeed Gen. Wade Hampton By Telegraph to the Morning Star. , Washington. May 5 There has not been such a crowd at the White House in weeks as thronged the Presidential ante-rooms to-day. A delegation of Kickapoo and Pottowattomie Indians, with painted faces, feathered beadgear and colored blankets, saw Mr. McKin ley and urged him, throagb their in terpreter. to appoint W. S. Field, of Oklahoma Territory, deputy commis sioner of Indian alfiirs Stephen Col lint and A. D. Wiikins. of Pittsburg, representing the Tumor Order of Ameri can Mechanics, were introduced to the President by Col. W. A. Stone and had a talk with htm about the appointment of a commissioner of immigration. The order is not backing any ctndldate, but fli desirous that the appointee should earnestly favor the restriction of immi gration. 1 . A delegation from the National Saen gerbund, accompanied by Mayor War wick, of Philadelphia, invited the Presi dent to attend th National Saengerfest in the City of Brotherly Love during its sessions, June 81 20. Tbey told Mr, McKtnley that forty cities and eleven States would be represented and that there would be a chorus of 6.000 voices and. an orchestra of 250 instru ments. The President said he would be glad to attend if his official duties. would permit. 'A delegation of Georgia Republicans, headed by Col. Farrow, called on the President in the afternoon in behalf of General Longstreet, who is a candidate tor railroad commissioner to succeed General Wade Hampton. PAR lb BAZAAR FIRE. The Somber ol. Deed Estimated at Oner Hundred and Forty.Three. ', Br Telegraph to the Morning Star. PARIS, May 5. A sombre feeling per vades every class of society. The news papers without exception describe the disaster at the grand baziar decharite in the sober and simple terms befitting so appalling an event. The catastrophe will always be remembered as one of the most fearful that ever befell an European city. Nothing comparable in loss of life has ever occurred here except the fire which destroyed the Opera Comiqoe in 1887. Singularly enough that disaster happened in the same month of the year, and eighty - persons were burned to death, while forty-five were officially registered as missing. It is now estimated that there were In the neighborhood of 1,800 persons in the building when the fire was discovered, abont one-half of whom escaped unhurt. Same estimates place the number of dead at 143, others at a still higher figure. GRAIN AND TRADE CONGRESS Convened In Kaniat City, Mo., with over . Baadred Delegate Present. By Telegraph to the Morning Star, Kansas City. Mo , May 5. The South and West Grain and Trade Con gress, with over a hundred delegates from the States in those sections pres ent, convened here to day. The session was taken np by welciming addresses and the appointment of committees. To-night the delegates were tendered an informal reception by the Commercial Club. M. V. Watson, president of the club, siid the object ot the convention was to establish closer relations between the Middie West and the South. Breed love Smith, of New Orleans, responded for Louisiana; Samuel L. Apmore. of Charleston, for South Carolina, and F. C Bouyer. of Tampa, for Florida!. The convention will get down to work to morrow morning. . , ? t WARM WIRELETS Governor Black signed the Greater New York Charter yesterday. Albridge Gsrry! Spaulding, known as the "father of the greenback" died yesterday at his home tn Buffalo; N. aged 88 years. : William Martin Aiken, of Ohio, sup ervising archtitect of the Treasury, has tendered his - resignation to Secretary Gage, to take effect July 1st. SaTaeah S. Jntinann rn1nr ait . preacher, was hanged at Somerville, N. T . . t -, . ... j ., ycaicraay iot me muraer Ol Annie Beekman. He died protesting "his In nocence '.v . The Florida Joint Aisembly took two ballots for United Stares Senator ves- trrrlav. Th firat rmilwil- fall P.. Chtpley 80, Rmey 23. scattering 8. Sec oad ballot. Call 85 Rwe 83, Cbipley bu, scattering p. . Mil. Gen. Nrlmn A MilM TT C A accompanied by Captain Mans, of his sun, saueo yesterday ior aoutnnsmp tnn. General Milea ia train it tn nKunu, the military operations la the war be tween Lrreecc ana xorxey. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and. Children. Umila Stgaatart gf TAX ON TOBACCO. The Wlnaton Board of Trade Protest ' Agalnat the Pre poeed Inoreaae. By Telegraph to the Morning Star, -. Charlotte,' May 5. The Winston N. C, Tobacco Board of Trade met to day to protest against the increase in the Senate tariff , bill of the tax on to bacco from six to eight cents. The board will seek the co operation of all North Carolina and Virginia tobacco manufacturers in opposing the increase. Child Slaverr. 1 There is,tt is to be hoped, no coon try in the world "where child slavery is so terribly bitter for children or so disgraceful and dishonorable to its people, and, above all, to its! gov ernment, as in Italy. A report lately drawn; tip by Dr. Lombardo on the sulphur mines of Sicily, is so fearful as to be almost incredible. Dr. Lom bardo says that in this province alone 6,000 children are employed in the extraction of sulphur, and that it is an established : fact that they are literally Vspurred" by their over seers to quioken their movements, some of the marks frequently re maining livid on the skin for as long as ten days. These brutal creatures will even burn the shins and oalyes of the children w,ith their lamps to make them work faster, these burns Constantly resulting in loathsome sores, which the doctor has often been required to investigate, as also the diseases to which they give rise. New York Ledger. ! i ; A Meteorite That Paid av Mortgage. Another illustration of uses to which meteorites may be put before their real character is known is af forded by those- of Kiowa county, Kan. They fell on a prairie where rocks were scarce and valuablej and the farmers of the vicinity found me teorites convenient for holding 4own haystacks, stable roofs or covers to rain barrels. For such purposes they might have been used r for a long time had not the wife of one of the farmers become convinced tfcat there was something unusual about them and called in an expert; to ex amine thein. Ha at onco recognized their nature, and the enterprising woman finally sold hers for enough to pay off a heavy mortgage upon the farm. Oliver C. Farrington in St. Nicholas. . i -:-:, Stopping Small Leak. A Detroit merchant has p been so careful in tho conduct of his busi ness as to be afflicted with very few bad accc its. But there is one citi zen who, despite the fact that his' record elsewhero was bad, managed to get in debt to the firm. "I suppose, " said the bookkeeper on the first of the month, "that we will send Skinnim that bill regular ly for several months to come?" "No," replied- the merchant "Times have been pretty hard, and I guess we'd better not lose any chance to economize. Just charge what he owes to profit and loss and pay no more attention to him. . It will save ink and a good deal of wear and tear on the pens. " Detroit Free Press. A Harry Call. A darky stopped a pedestrian at the corner of Eleventh andH streets recently and asked to be directed to Mr. Mergency's hospital. Washing ton Times. ' j Tired Nervous and weak men and women find new life, neive strength, vigor and vitality in Hood's Sarsapa rilla, which purifies, enriches and vital izes the blood, r Hood's Pills are the favorite family cathartic, easy to take, easy in effect. 35c. t BUSINESS LOCALS. . W Noticbi For Rent or Sale, Lott and Found Wanta, and other abort miacellaseoui advertlaeiaeata inaerted la this Department 4a leaded Nonpareil type, on firat or fourth page, at Publtiher'i opuon, for 1 cent per word each lnaertlon: bnt no aavertiieraent takes (or leas than SO casta. Terms poeitirely cash !a advance. : Eyealgtat ia priceless. Don't neglect it. ' Who need go without Spectacles ol a fine quality at the low pi ce I fit them ? I have the finest of Lenses in any style of frames, gold, nickel, aluminum, etc. To those who purchase no charge for testing and fitting. I hare brat of references. Am located at SIT Priocess street. Dr. Childs, Optician. Come and see me, mar 14 if su th Brown Dress Linens, New Run;,, Table Linens, Wool Dress Goods, on sale at 18 Market street this week. J. J. Shepard, Proprietor. i tf IT. Slegerf, Merchant Tailor, V&H Market street, Wilmington, N. C. Seasonable-Suits made to order for $18-00 and np. : The best work aad fit is what I gire my customers. When in need of any thing in my line give me a call. : . my 41m - Use Wilmington 8 team Laundry, Front and Orange, is the only Steam Lanadry in the city. No extra charge for short notice work. Lanadry col lected and delivered. 'Phone 29. Harper Pen ning ton my tf Fruit and Vegetables Wewill handle all kinds of Vegetables aad Fruit In season during the Conven tion. Pleas: send in your crders evenisgs before. so there will be no delay in receiving them. W. J. Kirkhamft Co.. myStf If aw is the time for "Ice Cream." Visit Andrew MavToeichol's . Ice Cream Parlor Ho, T06 North Fourth street, and get the best Cream at the lowest prices. Bell Phone 848. apl7 tf Votr Country Produce send It to me. Seven years experience. Beef Cattle, Mutton, and Milch Cows a specialty. M. C Benson, No. i Sonta Water street. - -' -- - -: - aplOtf " Hay Timothy Hay, mixed Clover Kay, Prairie Hay, Straw, Grain and all kinds of mixed feed for horsasand cattle. Jno, 8. McXachera , 811 Mar ket St. Tskphone 9S. . - mar 18 tf Hayalam. 1 H. Ban la stack buggies, road Carta aad harness of all kinds. Repairing dona by fUnfnl workmen oa short aodca. Opposite new CoartRoear . eg NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OPERA HOUSE. THIS AFIERROON AND Tfl-MHT ; and Twice Daily During the . Southern Baptist Convention. The Edison Projectoscope Co.( Prsdudng Life-Like Animated Pictures. The greatest wonder of the nineteenth century. Don't Fail To Bee It. I IPrice 10, 10 and SO cents.- Matinees at 8 o'clock, and night at 8.15 p. ra. atyolc : Spanish Peanuts for Seed. 500 BUSHELS SPANISH PKANUTS (FOR Seed), 8T0 bushels Held Peas, 800 bag MeaL 80.C00 pounds Hoop Iron, 490 barrels Molasses, 1,000 bushels Mixed Oats, 1,000 kegs Nails, 5 0 boxes To bacco, (me fine bargains), and quantities of other goods, such as Canned Gonda, Snuffs, Cigars, Cha rcots, Cigarettes, Shot, Powder, Caps, Lye, Soap aad complete hha ot standard drags. Ask for sample aad prices before buying. D. L. GORE. ISO, US 184 North Wa'er street, -ap 18 tf '. Wilmington, N. C NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. At Murchison's. SEASONABLE GOODS. Water Coolers, Wire Screens, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Garden Hoes, Ice Shaves and Picks, Fishing Tackle. ALSO JL Full Assortment oi Harivare. J. W. Murchison, Orton Building. J. H. REHDER & CO.'S DEPARTMENT STORE. . Latest Novelties in Ladies' Collars "- ani Cuffs Macyjotherstyles 10 to 25 cents. Special price's in every department. J. H. REHDER & CO, North Fourth Street, Near Bridge. Car fare paid on purchases of $3 and up. my 6 tf THE TENNESSEE CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION Opens at Nashville, May 1st, and closes October 30th. 1897. For this occasion the Seaboard; Air Line Will tell Excursion Tickets At Vcky Rxddcbd Rates, the following being total lates from points named : A. B C Charlotte N. C. S34 69 SI 8 05 $13 75 Cheraw .. 8, C S6 26 19 85 13 81 Darham... N. C. 26 25 19 28 14 00 Hamlet 'f 36 S5 19 85 14 03 Henderson " S6 25 19 25 14 00 Lincolnton.. " 24 60 18 f 5 12 75 Lewi-ton " 87 0J 19 8) 14 4 Louisburg ' 26 25 19 25 14 00 Maxton,,, ' 88 25 19 25 14 fO Monroe....; " 21 CO 18 05 12 75 Pittsboro " 27 00 19 80 14 85 Ralei,h " 26 25 19 25 14 OT Rntherrordtcn " E4 60 18 CS 13 75 Sanford. 26 25 19 2S 14 00 She by...... . " 24 60 18 05 18 75 Wadoboro " Si 95 19 05 18 80 Weldon. ............. "! 26 2 19 25 14 0 Wilmington " . 26 35 19 25 14 00 Class A. Tickets sold daily April 3th to October 15th . Final limit Morember 7th Class B. Tickets sold daily April, 9th to October 15:h. Final bmit twenty ()) dajrs from date of sale Class C. Tickets sold Tuesdays and Thuimdajr of each areek, April 89tb so October 26th. Final limit ten ( 0) days from date of sale. 'Through service between all points on the Seaboard Air Line TO - NASHVILLE. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars Run through without change For further iof ormacion as to rate, schedules, train srmce, etc., apply to nearest Ticket Ageat or address j r H. S. Leard, S. P. A., Raleiih, N. C. S. 8. Batchslos, C T. A , Kaleigh, N. C T. D. M eases, Gen'l Agent. W Imington, N. C. Geo McP. Battlk, T. A., Charlotte, N. C. B. A. Nkwland, Gen'l Agen , Passenger Depart ment, Atlanta, Ga, E. St. John, V. F, and Gen'l Manager. H. W, B. Glover, i J, J. Anderson, Traffic Manager. Gea'l Pass'r Agt. General (Juices Portsmouth . Va. myStf ' Press Boy Wanted A strong active boy who has had ex perience in Banning Job Presses can, if well recommended, secure - employment by : applying at the ap2Stf STAR OFFICE. Send Us Your Orders O r ask: for quotations when needing Meats, Lard, Flour, Sugar, Coffees, Rice, lonacco. soap, uacsera, unsay. Molasses ot any thing ia the Grocery fine. We will sell yon goods as cheap as aay one from aey point. All we ask ia a trial, and will substantiate this. We solicit your orj ders and coaaigomeata. i R. R. STOSC A CO.. my 5 DAW tf ; No. 7 Boath Water St. Schedule on WMnstoE Seacoast R. B. QNAND AFTER MAY 5TH. 1897. DAILY except Sunday: leasw Wilmington, 10.10 a. ra., 3.80 p; m., IMp.sk Leare Ocean View, 7.50 a. m., II 80 a. ra., 6 p. as. Sunday Trains: Lease Wilmineton, 10 a. m , 8.30 p, m.,6.30 p. m. Leave Ocean View, 18 m , 5 p m. my 4 tf - R. O. GRANT, Supt, Hamme, The Hatter. t gTRAW HATS, STRAW HATS, FELT BATS of latest styles. Umbrellas and Canes. Latest Styles and Lowest Prices at aprtStf ' 8 North Front street. L A anno a Li 15 We are still receiving nice new fresh goods. Gents, Ladies, Bpys ani Girls of many styles and kinds Beautiful lines of Children and In fant's We take occasion to thank the generous public for the liberal pa tronage so kindly bestowed, and ask a continuance ot the same.? We solicit a trial from those who have not dealt with as. In passing look in onr window. Respectfully, MERCER & EVANS, 63 steps east from corner Front and Princess Sts. my 2 tf Sale of YalnablB Fbospliate LaEtls ani MACHINERY. QN MONDAY, JUNE TTH, 1897, AT THE County Court House door ia tha city of Wilmington, county ot New Hanover aad State of North Carolina, we will s:lt at public auction to the highest bidder toe f ll .wiog properly of the North t aroliea Phcs ptaate Company, to-wit: A certain tract ot land in the said county of New Hanover, be. inning at the Norih side of the bridge over Pnoce Georga's c cek on the Wilmington and Newbern load, an running thence Northeast war Jly with said ran 1 to ha inter section with the lend ot the Wiuntngtoa and Weldon Railroad Company, theace N. 7tl d (. 15 m.nntes E. S3 chains a0 links with the land of said Rail real Com p iny to a stake; thence N. 68 deg. W. 107 chains 94 liotsto the swamp; 1 hence Southwardly with said swsmp to Prince George's creek: then-e Eastwar Jly with the meandering s of said creek to the beginning, contain ng eight hundied acres. Said land is de scribed in a deed of truu from the ftorth Carolina Phosphate Company to A. B. Andrews and others. Tru.ttes, dated January 1st, 18:9, aad only regUtertd in new Han vcr county. Alio all and ere y ttte rights, liberties, privileges, immunities and franchises ot the said Njcth Caro ina rhosphate Company, and all the worts, machinery, property and e fleets ol th: said corporation now upon the land above described. Said aile is male pars" ant to the judgment of Wake Superior Ccuit rendered at A pril term, 1897 in the cause therein pending eautled; kA. B. Yoeng and ethers asiost the North Carolina Phosphate Com pany and ot ieis." No. 6913 Civil Issue Docket. Said judgment appearing on Minute Docket "H". pages 61 et tea. of ihe records of said Court. Terms of sale, Cash. Hour if sale, 13 m. CM. BUS8EE, S. F. MORDECAI, May 5ih, 1897. Comsissioners my 6 t d s Foreclosure Sale. B Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE Supe i r Court of New Hanover county, made in the cauie of Frank H. Blodgett, who tues in benalf of himself and all other creditors against the Union Con s ruction Company, the undersigned receiver will ex pose for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, tor cub, at the Court Home doer in the city of Muth port, N. C, on Saturday, the 15th of May, 1897, at 18 M , the following described property: All the right, title and interest of he Union Construction Company in and to the franchise, read bed, rights of way, acque ducts, culverts, bridges and other appurtenances cf the Carolina, Tennessee and Ohio Railway Company, as the farce ii now surveyed, profiled, grided and constructed, from tbe point where the same connects with the W., C. A A. Railway near Means' Bluff, Brunswick county, to the city of Southpert; aad also ail tbe interest of said Construction Company in and to 450 coupon bonds of the sum of $1,000 each, secured by deed of trust made by the Carolina. Ten nessee and Ohio Railway Company to the afercantiie Trust and Deposit Company ot Baltimore, said deed being duly registered in said Brunswick county. aprlS 80t I. T. ADAMs. Receiver. CUSTOM HOUSE. WILMINGTON, N. C, Collector's office. April 28th, 1897. Supplies for kevecue Vessels. Sealed propoga s for supplying ship chsadleiy, rations, sod coal to vesse's of the United states Revenue Cutter Service in this Collec tion District during the fiscal ye r ending Ju e f 0, 1898, will bs received at to is Office until 3 o'clocs p m. of Tuesday, May 11, 1S97. The coal furnished to he anthracite or bituminou of best quality; uniorm in character; to weigh 8,340 pounds to the ton; to be delivered on board tbe vtssels at such times and in such quantities as may be required, at localities readily acceskiaie to ssid versels, and to be cnbject to inspec tion ai to quality and weight. Bidders will name the prices b. th for sxamtng and stove coal, and also Ueir facilities for furnishing the vessels with fresh water, and their charges the ef .r The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and no contract will be put in force until Congress shall have made an appropriation for the purpose. Schedules of shi i chanalery may be had upon application at this Office Separate bids will be received for lubricating and illuminaiing oils. W. R. KENAN, Collec cr. apr 39 4t thr sa Cooling, Refreshing, Emolient. Pyxis Toilet Cream FOR ROUGHNESS, TAN, SUNBURN. Most Drag Stores sell it, 25 cents, JAMES D. NUTT, Proprietor. apS9tf " Office of t he Tnanrer, W llmlngton et Weldon Hsdlroad To. Wilmington, N. C. May Srd, "897. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WilaunstonA Weldoa Railroad Co. have de clared a dividend of three and one half per cent. ' a tuc capiuu stock or inai uompanv, payaote to ail holders of record of this date Dividend raavaUe at he office of tbeTrrasurcr on aad after May 13tn, jam. a nt books ior rue transfer ot t tcca will stand closed from this date to May 8th, 1897. inclusive. JAMBS F. POST, Jn.. my 48t Sec'yaad Trees W. A W. R. R. Co. Wil. Seacoast Ri R. Co, 30 Minutes to Ocean. i M BatMm, Bjatjng, FMiisz, 4c. The following rates for passenger fare will be in force to any and all stations on and after 4th May. lovi; tingle Trip Tickets (one way) ,,30 cents each Excurs'on t ickets (Rtuod I rir !5 14 Commuter's Book (30 Round Trips..$g.00 per book. oa Beac. 15 cents round trio. : From vVrighisville, to any station on Beach, 10 From aay station on Beach to aay other station oa uie jxaca, 9 ceaiscacn way. -' . R. O. GRANT, Bunt OIU. K. rKIRVH, President. , my 41w At Tbe Unlucky Corner GOLD SUBT, The gepnine article so prized by all, I will'-sell you cheap for a little SILVER. So if yon are short come. One more week on Molasses and Vinegar. S. W. SANDERS. my 3 tf Lemons and Sugar. 10 Boxes Fresh Lemons. 50 Bbls. Granulated Suear. 25 Bbls. "A" Sngar. . 25 Boxes Blueing. . 25 Boxes Mucilage, i' 25 Boxes Mason's Blacking. 25 Boxes Nickel Cop Jamaica Ginger. For immediate sale. W. B. C00PEB, i 226 North Water Street, my I is . Oia Ttaahtw. v; Your Sunday Papers. T COWAN'S NEWS DEPOT ON PRINCESS street, fonr door east of tha Sta office, yon can to-day obtaia all the New lork Dailies, fuck, Judge, Truth, ataudard, family Story Paper, Fireside Con, sanion. New York Weekly, aatarday Night, all the illustrated papers, etc. . mygtt MILLINERY We cordially invite all visit our snow-rooms mis weeK ana to feel at home here. We have made Special efforts to entertain all with the greatest of values The arrival ot new ideas from the North, together with new na tions of our own work-rooms, enables a ik' atki v b- . . We offer an exceptional line of UNTRIMMED HATS. Visitors to this department will at once be im pressed with the magnitude of Ibis stock and will readily see how we bay mad it possible to satis fy all tastes. , ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. The beauty cf nature is copied he re; all kinds and colors, but only low prices. RIBBONS. Full and comp'ete assor'ment of Taffetas, Groa Grains, Satin, Gauss and fancy Ribbons at the f lowest possible prices. TAYLOR'S my 6tf A. D. BROWN, Successor to BROWN & RODDICK, ICTo. 29 ILoic-blfcL i?oxi.-b St. PROSPERITY. " We have received notice from manufacturers and dealers of a steady rise in all kinds of Dry Goods and Carpets. Prosperity is ia sight and it behooves our customers to make their purchases before it arrives, We are offering goods this week to suit the TT A BP TX3VCES- 1 .000 yards Alkaline at 10 cents a yard. : We have just re-eived 1.000ards Bordered Muslins forCurtsi s at 12, 15, 17, 18, JO, 88. 30 and 40c per yard. 303 Cloth Window Shades at 25 cents each, com plete. Antique Lace Curtains, 3$ yards long, ot-inch wide. $4 p:r pair. Ail Linen window Shade! 3x3 at 55 ce ts each. Felt Window hhade li4 cents eco Curtain Poles, wi h wooden fixtures, O.k, Ms hozauT, Walout, Poplar, 33 ceo s eaci. Curtain Poles and Brass hxtur s. Oak. Mahogany, Walnnt and Poplar, 21 X cents each Brass I xteifion Rods 10 and 1 cents each. Fire Place Screen, complete, $1 each. - Point de-Spree, 4-inch wide, Soc per yud. Noting ham Curtain Nits 15, 20, S5 and,S0o per yard. UNDERWEAR. Gentlemen's Bslbri gsn Shirts aad Drawers 25 snd 50 cents each. Gentlemen's Drill Drawers 50 cents pair. Gentlemen's Hosiery 1C, 15, 90, 2S snd 50 cents. Gentlemen's Dress Shuts 53. ti. SI and S .50. Ladies' Bleached Vcs s, low neck, nulceves, taped, lu cents eacn. Hudnut's Toilet Requisites. mvStf The Southern Is ta meet in our cry this week. We are ezpecticg a very large crowd. Some cf tbe most talented men in tbe United States are expected to attend, and our pecp'e bave joined bands in entcrtsir ing tbe delegates. I tavcoraeand be one of tbe bappy band, Make life pleasant while you may; Welcome, welcome, one and all, To oar City by tbe Sea. We promise you a good time and bow yon many things of interest. And I have this to say: If you need any Dry Goods, Drcsi Goods, Silks. Laces. Veilings. Ribbons. Embroideries, Ladies' Hats. Men's Hats. Men's and Bays' Clothing. Underwear or Dress Shirts, Trunks, Grips. Valises, or anything in tbe Dry Goods line, come to see us. We are headquarters for bargains; the largest Dry Goods store in the Mate, covering 15.000 square feet, three floors connected by an electric e'evator, and we bave goods from every clime to show you at any time. Ladies' Hats, nicely trimmed, from 50, 75c to 11.00; better, nicer and pretty goods, very nobby, frcm $1 50 up to 6 00 each. We do the Millinery business of the city, employing 8 ladies in this depart ment alone. Geo. O. my 2 tf T1H AKD SHEET-IBOH WORKERS Having secured the services of Mr. George A. Peterson a? manager of this Department, we are prepared to furnish estimates on ROOFING, GUTTERING, Repairing of Roofs and General Job Work. Tn or Oiab o .-tLbxe 0-b;y. OWEN F. LOVE & CO ap iS tt The Morning Star. Oldest Daily Newspaper Id North Carolina, , . CHEAPEST DAILY OP ITS CLASS. i NOTE THE FOLLOWING Reduced Rates of Subscription: ONE YEAR. BY MAIL.... $5 00 SIX MONTHS, BY MAIL, . . ... ..... .. 2 50 THREE MONTHS. BY MAIL. 1 25 TWO MONTHS, BY MAIL............ . 1 00 ONE MONTH. BY MAIL ! " Delivered, by carriers, to City Address :.. . ; ' " EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, WILMINGTON, N. C. Hardware, Tinware, STOYES, AGRIGDLTDRAL IUPLEHENTS, Lawn Uowers, Garden Hose, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers. "Who. Spriiiger & Co.. 1 "PURCELL". BUILDING, WILMINGTON, N. C, mar 34 SUPERIORITY strangers to the city t0 as to make this department especial! Handsome and Stylishly trimmed H ats. HOSIERY AND CORSETS, ' lUadterchief. and Laces, Maslin Ki r. Underwear, Household Linens SWft Waijt. and Wrapper,. In.an"0", arellasasd Sunshades. Lm. Hundreds of bargains in Dress Goods a t t -. n " " iiuiues, urgandies. Lawns p caies, Monairs, Bnlhantines, Cashmere aad Plaids. All at lowest possible P'!-es, a: BAZAAR, 118 Market Street. Ladies' Unb!ec'ed Vsu, bw nee ; ,,, taped, U and 15 cents each. Children's and Youths' Underwear. We make a rpeciahr o' Ladies' Ea Brilliantiae and Flannel; also Subma!::.: nary Rubber eathing Caps. 100 pieces usttia just received msec 80, SO and 100 lbs to ro 1. Carpets st special prices. 9-mall Hardware tor hou'e furnishing. Art Denias in real aad imita ion. Veloars, Cret.nnes, Ja;aiese Lrap;r:c ttlies. Tapestries, Uphilstering Darn Upholsteriag Plush, Oil Cloths ani Su Tiunksand relescrpes, Por iers and Rug. Corseis "Her Majesty," "R. & G.. sDrite. Warner's ' I ripple AAA "No 65" Warner's "No 222 " "Tr!pp.e N N N," Warner's Corahn 'i ti:- Cvt Srxi. . ' 1'JBB. C-B tl x io ro, i nonpson s oiove-1 ur;nr . ' iv.v.i Kiench Woven." "Ferris Waists, ' Nagrji: Wa st" for children. press Gjodi Tbe prettiest line ever sjnwc a V. mington. Ladies' Shirt Waists . Baptist Convention Riboon all prices, frcm lc to $100 per yard. Veiling from 10 to 50c per yard. Siik Laces lrom 5 to 50c Sailer Hats from 8c to $1.50 each. The narrow back rough straw Snicr, beautiful goods, at 75c each. Men's Clothing, we are headquarters Our stock is tbe lareett and by far cbeaper than any other bouse in tbe city. Men's Suits for $1 98. S'pieccid L ccn Suits for 2 87. Good Biack Sain fa Strictly all wool colored Scctcfc Cheviot Suits, splendid pattern ce gods. at $4 25 . Blsck Clay Worsted Suits, str cm alT wool, for 15.00, 6.(0, 7 00, 8 CM, 9.00 and 9 50. Prtcce Albert Suits, best C!ir Worsted, nicely mace up. ior $13 50, Gents' and Ladies' Shirts acd Parts in Balbriggan goods, for 25, 35. 40 and 60c. , Best Seamless Hose and Seeks lot 10c; Double Heel and Foot for 15c. All grades best Hosiery frcm 5 to oOc a pair. Boys' Suit;, new goods and tewstvles from. 68, 98c. $1 00. 1.85. 1 85 2 CO tc 3 50. You will find us at 112 Norih Ficnt. St., opposite tbe Orton Hotel. Caylord, Prop,, Of Wilmington's Big Racket Surr Subscribers at 45 cents per mocta. a.