A 0 6 FOR F1YE DOLURS SUBSCRIPTION RATES.' THS MOStfINO 8TAB HE REDUCED TO C5.00. GOS ONE TEAR. BUT NO REDUCTION IN SIZK 0FIPAPER, OR1N QUANTITY OR QUALITY OF READING MATTER. fiOI III) TO UIJ CHE1PEH r&Aa Othar Dauliaa ol it Claaa la Horth CroUna. VOL. LX.NO. 88. WILMINGTON, N. C FRIDAY, JULY 2. 1897. WHOLE NO. 9.320 f V - ' Star t MORiN NCr ( v 1 -J air t. 3 a a Kiaee 411AM Saa Sat IDPM Day's UofU lift Ma H ark Water at Sxtaoort... 8 it A U 11 k Water t Wiinlurtoa 10. r3 A M Tata .. U. S. DcrT or AoaicviTcas. WlATMXa Buai IUII. WiuawoTOM. N. C MMecaroicsgicaJ data lor yewerdae. Temp rat are: 9 a. m 81 1 p. m.. M BUlaia. tTi rataiqaca.?,4'; meaa. M '. KAiafaU to tb day. 00; raiaiail etace lM o asoath a? to data. CO Weather coaliUoo lo twelve hoeis eadd at 9 p. at Ja y 1st, laratsacd by tb Weate Bareta oft;: v Ta prar ha (eileo anghtl over all sactJoa daring ib day. with b'b. cr tat South aad loi eve th op- ear lake aad aa'dd Atlaatsc coast. Coetieoed high ail warmer toiprs tart. r rtpotd 10 decree beiag ra pirted fro Stvaaaah. aal raawieg 90 aad above ilMiitojt the laier.o.. Tat coad.tioa favx a Miir (air weather aoi a.a temparatar. with occaaoaal tana dar roi rai carroj aaarojf auLLsriw. A lit scattarad itort ftl locally o laa soatbe-asc AtUatic asd cat Ga( Said Gir:iy la:r watar. vita coatiarj biih teooratr. pre ai'4 Taa eere au :ai fj tb MMtoawr A.enc Wddy we I'X. lor tba districts o( Atlaai. At fist a. L tv Rock. Menspbi. Moexl. Na Or aa aa1 Savannah. 91 WiU m o too. 7. Charlcoe. J aad G J- vtato i FaTrrrtTtu.1. M C Jaa sa At 9 a. ov tba iuji of vatar la tba Capa Fear r Tr araa 4.0 Ihi For Nu Carol; aa Fair c leapt aia.ra oa tba cmj variab.'a wiada. OUTLINES. Anacadinaats to tba Tar. 4 bill, piac lac coe.oa b4t't d tia oa tba (ra Ia;. vtra a4)p1 bt tba Saaata vaster day tat datv oa abtta pa laaaVr aaa rtdacti (rooa 1 to l per 1000 ftti. Ia tba IIoom Mr. Sttla diacataad tba por ot tbt Haoat to a4joara wnaoai a qixit tjr eaora taaa oa da aad arra td taa Rtpabitcata tor aoc tai actios oa tba Baakraptc? dii aaa taa tuut Mifttfacr rtao latioa Oraaaaat tot tb Oakicv Oir9f at Oactaaati vaatardar; diaac. oaa taUa 1 a qatrtar; ticaa. 9 09). Jaaits Di-ia. coiorci. aaaaltd Mf Ripard Ktoa'e. at Taapa. fla . Wtdadaf .14 at. ba via caprortd aad ) witaaoi it dcaoaatrauoa ol violaac W at Mttf Jalia Ba!d- w.a. principal of Btldaia Sjtataary. Staaatoa. Va. di4 v(rdav Tb toarrtaf matct bttvtta SaUtvaa aad Finuajaioo at AmVM Park". H.-ooklft. will aot ba a loatd aadtr at cucaaiuicn Tb ttcacotr Hpa baa bca b rtd (or L ta;. Prarr't Arctic tipaditioa Tbe Old Do- oiaut A Caro'ia Ratirxad Cimpaar bat ba ta:orporati ia Ri!gb it will coaaect mb tb S :avurj Air L a at Rdaar. S. C Seer. tary Guv savt Jadtoa Lvsaa. afro. r.u am ba potimiattr at Aajatta. G. Tb 8taaock ladiaa troN la Ilia j appaart to ba. o;a ertatlr ei- acratcd To L'aitcd Scale m a:ary csnoui oorrt will leave Pant (or L adoa tbt week, it ia b. Itv.-d tacv ba accoap:itaed aoeae- tbia taafibie ia Fraace. Coal ra ntn :a I iiao., Ptaaavinaia. Obia I i;uta aad ocor State, aboal SJ0.000 mta .:; o oa m kt Saaday Natioaal aad S:ata Bjardt ol Hea:tb nl pi act a police patrol al;ag tba F.onda co4tt to p.-at la trod optica o( tafectioat d Mim. Tba to- eranatat ol Tarktv caaiatAi tbe ri bt to b.d TittMfr 6 virtue of coaqaett. 'Jaeea Victoria's jat'e cloaed v(rday n(b a (raad rcvta ol troope at A.'dcxtbot. tout taeatv Br tboaaaad ata ra i tba lie ol parade. N York narkata: Umi 01 call wn aav at la'O pr ctat.. Urt loaa at t aad c!otd o5rcd at S par ctat cxtoa :ejd- aidd;;a 'z: fljar da!) bat .ajdf tratat toot ftraier. Ni I N'ortarra Ne York 77V,'t 9at. cora toot 4ra Ha. IHfe at ca.ator a4. lSc-8vtt. rou a qatt ttraiecd co oa o to rood lITIOt 71. epirits tar pat:a qaitt at MOI7:. After fignriag ap cn the cost of carryiag oac his "Social Democracy" coioa aiog scheme Col. Deb ha con cluded to give It op. Tarpoa axe oa tbe taa i a Florida waters. Wbea Senator Qaay learns this be will move to harry ap that tariff basiaess, or bjat op a "pair. With a 20 per cent, doty oa bide the unsophisticated Americas citisea who doesn't waat to go barefooted may expect to pay more for his shoes. Ex Secretary Carlisle bas decided to make his home permanently ia New York. He rclinqatshed his grip oa Ksatacky wbea be became tbe month piece of Wall street. A Kansas City paper aaooooces as ooe of the attractions of that towa that it "coats only tea caats to be barted" there. Bat there are lots of people who woalda't harry to be baricd there If the job was doae for nothing. That Sracasc. N. Y gM waked op after her 141 boar aid, and came dowa to sapper as If she had beea doing oafy the oiaal castom try thing, aad seemed to be sarprtscd whea bet folks were sarprfsej at her avaaatcrisf la to sapper. A I DrrOKTAYT AaTOUXCXlCXMT Atteatioa U called to tb follow laf aUoTjczo IUtu of Sabsciiptloti to Tu Mounio Sta : TO U AfL SUMCUBCAJL Tvelre Montlu 5.00 SU -W Tbrc " 1-M Two - 1-00 Oo - 60 to crrv tuascrassix The Sta will be delivered bj carrier at any point io the city at 11 cents per week, or o ceau per moath. The "sDooosbiaers" are oot all ia the rural refloat. Tbe isteroal rer- eaae fellows lit oa a ttill ia New York the other day wiihio a block of ooe ot the most freqaeoted parts ot Broadway, which had been rnoning foil blast tor foar moot hi. When they tit oa U there wasn't aoybody keepio2hoase. PrestJeat McK oley has an node ia S13 Fraacisco. He waaced to be postmaster aad weat to Washiagtoa i.h a bi pstitiox He was aboat togettbejb whea the California dt!ej:toj ii Cjogre wOo haJ never heard of him kicked, and a compromise was affected br which he sot the next place to the p. m. The aoooaocemeat that a Syra cuse, N. V'.. girl hat been sleepiog for a whole week baa been probably made with the view of adrcrusins; that town s attractioaa as a nice. quiet place to rest. If this thing goes oa, Philadelphia will have to bustle aroaad aad get ap something to off set il The New Vcrk tea importers alter first kicking against tbe proposed tax on tea. now want It retained. This is boiiaess. Anticipating the tax th:y l)tdd ap with tea. and 03v want to rake ia the adJitiooal tax. alihsag) tbe will not pay any tax. as they have th: tea sife uadcr roof. Tbe editor of the Topeka, Kao 5j.v Jrml. Rip., objects to the West being loosed apoa by Eastern people at "New England's back yard." Any s:tioa which caa get ap As big hail storms as that which recently dropped Dig chnnxs of ice on Topeka s3oald object to that. At the request of Mark Twain the fand which the New York Jftr -'J had started for bis benefit bas been declared o:T. In as much as the faad ontside of what Mr. B:nnett started it with, footed ap only aboat So 20. it was easier to call it off than pall it off. Arrx xtiom Tax notice. D. L. Gjat Floor, meat. lard. IW biiaiaaaa LOCAL. C M. Whitlock -Btcycle. L T. Bowdxj Hams aad onloor. LOCAL DOTS. It ma of Intarwat Oatharad Hera and Tnera aad BrtaQy Hota-d. Find in the commercial columns this moraiag tbe monthly sutemeat o( CMtoa aad aa.al atom. Officials of the Seaboard Air Liae tay there la ao (oondatioa for the rax or that Vice President St. fobn will retiga. Reference to oar market re porta th e moraiag will show tar to have advanced fir ctats oa the ban el over the prices at wbich it his sold lor several days. "Some very fine native grown watcrmeloes wera oa the market yester day. They were raited at Old Town. aad sold at price raagtag from SO to 40 ctat each. New York quotation yester day1: Potato, aew Soctbtra. ft. 00 to 1 IS. tomatoes, per carrier. l 00 to ILU for Savaaaah aad Charlcatoa. 60 caats to 1.00 lor F-ortda. It i learned that the beach re ceipts at Carol i aa Bsach ap to date have baa IS par cast, mora than tbay srera to a corraapoadia: data last year. Wil es, toe 'a repauti oa as a Sam mer resort ia srrowrag . The Rev. Robert Atkiosoo G beo who was elected Biahop-Coadja-tew ot ta Episcopal Diocese ot Virginia, last Wadaaaday. Is a aepbew ot tbe late Bishop Atklaeoa. He is said to be a aa of See phiwqae aad baariag. of Chaxmlag aaaaera aad broad iatallcct aad Aaa reaaoalag qaaliiita. Charlotte Obnmr; "'Sqalre HUtoa says the vctaraas have go oa tha oral a. Macklcaborg Camp meats Jely 10th to disease the qtke ot go tax, aa a camp, to Wcigbunll oa tbe M.feofJaly lor a week's eacampmeeu It ia bo pad that eeoath cimps will goto make it a briarsde eacampmeat." T Ml Yeetetday mora lag shoot 0 o'clock taa body of H arris oa McBride. tbe col. crad yoath drowned ia Northeast river, opposite HUtoa. Wedaesday aiteraooa, was recovered by a party ot searchers, altar tha tide had fallen. Coronet la cob was notified, aad had tba body re moved to the; boose of L I y Torreace, aaat of se deceased, oa Nixoa street. Taa body wbea foaad was ta aa aprlght poaittoa. with both feet stack fast ia tha mad at tha bottom of tha river. PERSONAL. PARAGRAPHS all t. Paevi aavd FoimaaaJy rtte4. Mr. Nathan O'Bsrry, of Golds boro. aiTivel last cveaiu. Mr. J. B. Booker, of Clayton, was amoag rterdaf'a arrivals. Jadge H. G. Coaoor, of Wilson, arrived la tba city veaterda. Mr. aad Mrs. B. B. Adamr, of Foar Oaks, were among yesterday 'a ar rivals. Mr. P. C Worley, of Bnrgaw, was aoaoeg tbe visitors la tbe city yes terday. Mr. J. F. Graham, of Lauria bar. eras among tba visitors to tbeoty yesterday. Mr. R. O. Whiuker, registering fr ocn North Carollaa. was among yester day's bote! rejlauatioas. Mr. P. B. Manning arrived yes terday from a busiaeas trip ap tbe C F. AY. V. R. R yesterday. Mr. O. P. Robinson, wife nd daagbter. ol Little Rocs. Ark , were among yesterday hotel rejisiranons. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hodges and Mr. C E Bfadsber. cl Cbirloae, were amoag yesterday's hotel registta tioas. Misses Flora McKinnoa and Faaay X.Qieea. ot Rsd Sprias. are at O::ao View oeica Ij.- a w:e. the gactit of Mr W. E Mayo. Mr. S. S. Drew and wife, of Souibport, were lo tbe city yesterday ea roaie (or Moiot Airy, where they will reside ia tbe fatore. Mr. A. J. runner, of Clinton, arrived ia tbe city yesterday aad will be the gasat ol Mr. W. H. Aldermia (or a Isw d its. after waicb be will move down wi.b bis lamily to Sum mer Rrs. lor tbe season. Amoag the Bennettsville ex- carsioaists were Mr. M. McKinnoa. Dr L. McMillan, wife aad two children. Mr R. W. L'vermore aad twocbildrea. Mr J. A. M Hay. wife and childreo. all of; Red Springs, aad Mr. J L. Medlin and wife, of Clio. BY RIVEK AND RAIL. ilpt of BTeTaJ Bor aad Couoa rMMtdar. Wilmington 4 Weldoo R. R. 8 casks spirits terpentine. 88 bbls roam. 14 bbU crude turpentine. Wilmington. Columbia A Augusta R. R M casks spirits turpentine. 9t bois rosin. 4S bbls tar. 14 bbls crude tur pentine. Carolina Central R. R. 10 casks pints turpentine, 09 bbls rosin. 10 bb)s erode turpentine. Cap Fear A Yadklo Valley R. R. 8) casks spirits turpentine. 59 bbls'rosip. 80 bb!s tsr. .V Wilmington. Newbern dr. Norfolk-, R. 7 biles cotton. IS casks spirits tui4 peatine. 87 bbls rosin. 9 btls crude turpentine. S'.eamer E. A. Hiwes 90 casks spirits turpentine. 3 bbls tar. 40 bbls erode turpentine. w Flat 13 caakt spirits turpentine, 74 bbls rosin, 13 bbls tar. 10 bils crude tur pentine. , Total receipts Cotton. 7 bales: spirits turpentine. 173 casks: rosin. 498 bbls. tar, 93 bbls: crude turpentine. 90 bbls. foorU cl July Ctltbrauon at Carolina Bwaa. Moadav. the Fifth ol July, will be eel ebrated at Carolina Beica as gloriously as the Fourth woald hive bsen. if tbe day bad oot (alien oa tbe Sibbith. Be sides the cool aad Inspiring ss breezs there will bs miny amusements, of vari- oai nature, to a'.tract and delight. A match game cf tea-p:at. the winner o! wbich wilt be pressnteJ with a hand smego!d medal, ia being arranged (or that day. Tbe runs ol tbe steamer IVil mimrtan to and from the beach will be under tbs auipices of Concordia Cas.le No.1. Kolghtaol tbe Golden Eagle. Two morning aad two afternoon trips to tbe beach will be made. Tbe committee. c imposed of members ot Concordia Cas tle, who have the excursion ta charge, is as follows: Messrs. G. W. Carter, J. S. Sseedea. Wm. Simpeoa. J. F. Casteen, D D. Cameron and Tboa. Tart. Bar. OaBadr. At Olive Branch Biptirt church oa Greenville Sound last Wedaesday eight tbe marriage ot Mist Earns L Caaady. daoghter of Mr. J. I.Caoady. to Mr. ba L Rogers, was celebrated (a tbe preteace ol a large Bomber ot friends. The others for this inter- eetiflg occasioa were Messrs. RobL Van- Lver aad Edward Rbew. and tbe wed. diog march waa reodered by Mies Lillio McC arson.. Rev. W. L Tart performed tbe ceremony, at tbecondotioa ot whicb the hippy cojgJWe repaired to tbe fatore residence of Mr. aad Mrs. Rogers, on GretavUle Sooad. where a very enjoy able receptloa was teodered the bride sod groom. Al taa Tax IVUtara. Mr. Boating sad his assistants did a fairly good day's work yesterday ia re ceiving the lists of property and persons Uabls to pay poll lax. Qjite a good say people have for ooe reasoa or an other neglected the doty of giving io their taxes, sod they are gladly availing themselves of tbe extension of the time. Tax-lister Boating says that he thinks that property is being listed op more c'.oeely than la prevloos years. XaleJkt. e the OaMaai BaeJa. At the last regular meetiag of Con cordia Castle No. 1. Kalght of tba Goldea Eagle, the following were elected for tba catalog term, aad will be In stalled oa tha eveoleg of the 13th lnst is. : S P. C 1 B. Looghlia. N. C las. Hall. B. C Was. Simpeoa. V. R J. F. Casteea. H. P. J. T. Browa. S. IL W. U. Saeedea. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Aa Bathoalaatta at aaUaa-SEattar Pettatsl taa to tha AdraaMBfet el WUmloa t iaa Otaaotaad Proaraa EUpartad aa Btcarda taa Parabata of Bruorwiok Fery. The Chamber of Commerce held an eathnsiastic meeting yesterday after noon, wbich clearly evinced the fact that Wilmington's business men are tally alive to Wilmington's mtny and supe rior advantages. President Chadbonrn called the meet lag to order shortly before 4 o'clock, with Col. John L. Csntwell secretary The minutes of tbe previous meeting were read sod approved. I On motion, tbe membership of At kinson & Son was ordered transferred to the new firm of Atkinson A Chad bourn Mr. J. B. Mercer, of tbe committee appointed to confer with the commis sioners of New Hanover and Bra at wick coaatles la regard to tbe purchasing of tbe Brunswick ferry and causeway, re ported progress. Mr, Marcos Jacobi. of tbe same committee, stated that tbe committee had held a meeting and would, no doubt, be able to make a full report at the next meeting. President Chadbonrn stated that the express charges on tbe boo ts recently issued, setting forth Wilmington's various advantages, from ' New York to this city were very large, but Mr. W. J Crosswell, superintendent of the Atlan tic division of tbe Southern Express Company, had kindly had the express charges in the transporting of tbe books on tbe Southern Express Company's line refunded. A letter to that effect from Mr. Crosswell was read, and tbe secretary was instructed to address a letter to bira returning the thanks of the Chamber. Mr. H. G. Smallbones. of the commit tee appointed to procure suitable har bors (or vessels to anchor in. reported progress. President Chadbonrn stated that a communication bad ba received (rom Harmony Circle, wboae rooms tbe Cham b:r rents and uses ai a meetiag place, notifying tbe Chamoer that the rooms would be needed tj the Circle after Oc tober lit. Mr. W. E Worth suggested tbe buildlag of a handsome building by the Chamber, each of tbe members, of which there are a hundred, to take about one hundred dollars stock each. President Cbadboura suggested that each member act as a committee of ooe and s:e where the Chamber coald ob tain suitable quarters. Mr. Wortn said he thoaght it would be a good idea for all tbe members ot tbe Cbamber to get together some af ternoon, go dowa to one ot oar Summer resorts and take supper, after which bojd a meeting strictly in regard to th advancement of Wilmington. Mr Worth further stated that there was no Concert of action la Wilmington, which could soon be a city ot 103,003 inhaoi taats. or more, if tbe people would oal try and have it so. instead of continually running tbe citv down; that Wilmington had more natural advantages, wbich however, were not taken advantage of man either oavannab, Charleston or Richmond. He also said tbatwhenevt a stranger came to tbe city there was some one who would always meet him and cry Wilmington down, and there was also a class of psople who though to succeed was a crime. President Chadoourn and Messrs. T D. Meares. H. G. Smallooaes. Mircui Jacobi and otnera heartily endorted Mr, Wortb's remarks and apoke eaihuiiasti cally along the same line. Mr. Worth also stated that a promi- n:nt railroad official had informed him in conversation that the freights from Wilmington were last year $60,000 in excess of the receipts of the year pre vioas. President Chadbiurn appointed Mestrs. R. N. Sveet, W. E. Worth and Marcos Jacobi as a committee to see and arrange for such a meeting of tbe members as suggested by Mr. Worth At 5 o'clock the meetiog adjourned CHINESE VEGETABLES. Bblpmttla Balnaj Mad Dally O .It tba Calaetlals B.t Them. Th: article of truck that is being shipped most extensively from this im mediate section just now Is Chinese vegetables. About forty baskeu were taken ont by tbe Southern Express Company yesterday, and about tbe same number of packages is shipped every day. Squash and balsam are some of tbe iifferent varieties of Chinese vegetables, bnt the vegetable of tbe Celestial tracker is qaite different from tbe correspond log American grown variety. In fact only the Chinese eat Chinese vegetables, sod tbe shipments from here are all made to such oames as Dock Wah, Yee Long. Hop Snog. Wing Lee Long, etc Some ot tbe growers in this section sre Mr. Sot. (ones and bis Chinese as sistant. Ah Koy. Mr. Thomas Kenan sod Chief of Police Melton. Ah Koy's farm is styled Lee Saog Yuen snd all consignments are made to Lee Sang Yneo & Co. O riant U CoaelaT. H.ptaaophe. Orieotal Conclave No. 1, Heptasopbs or Sereo Wise Meo, have elected offi cers for tbe entalng term as follows: W. C W-R. Llodstrom. E. A T. C Bray. W. P. J. W. Kramer. P. L A. B. Robinson. I. G. Lewis Weil. R. S. K. W. JewelL T. T.J. Gore, H G. T. King. S C A. Bordeaux. Officers will be installed on Joly 6th, by D. S. A. Tbos. J. Gore. After the losullatloo refreshmeats will be served totb members. li t th. but roilw Too. Star subscribers who sre going away for tba Summer will receive the paper regularly by mall by leasing orders for tt at this office. Addresses will be changed as ofteo as desired. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. SpMiai Maetlnc TO. Mayer Author a jd to gracctiata a LD ta Fay Ictnaat on Bond.' Debt. The Board ot Aldermen met in special session last night. Present, Mayor Wright and Aldermen Keith, Twining. Hewlett, Benson, Green, Norwood and Walker. Mayor Wright stated that tbe object of the meetiag was to take steps to Dor row money to defray current expenses, and requested Clerk F. B. Rice to read the following, which, oa motion of Alderman Hewlett was adopted viz: Whireas. A levy was .made In the General Tat O.diaaace ot ' Taa City of Wilmington, tor the year 1893, tor the purpose of paying interest on the bond ed debt which was due January lst.1897, and July 1st, 1897, respectively, and for the necessary expenses of said city, said Tax Ordinance baving been adopted by the Board of Aldermen June 23d, 1896, and approved by tbe Board of Audit and Finance July 7ib, 1897: and whereas that portion of the taxes collected from the levy made for the payment of inter est on the bonded Indebtedness due July 1st, 1897, was used for the payment of the necessary expenses of the city, there fore be it ordered and directed by the Biard of Aldermen of "tbe City of Wil mington." the Board of Audit and Fi nance concurring, and it Is hereby or dered and directed by authority of the same that the Mayor and the chairman ot the Board of Audit and Finance be authorized, empowered and directed to negotiate a loan, or loans, from three banks of the city of Wilmington, N. C, viz: Atlantic National Bank, Marchi son & Co.. bankers, and the National Bank of Wilmington; also, from J. H. Chadbonrn & Co.. William Calder, Smith & G lchrlst. W E. Worth & Co , and C. VV. Yates, sums of money aggre gating the sum of twenty thousand dol lars, for uecessarv expenses for the pur pose of reimbursing the interest account "used by the necessary expense account, as aforesaid, and the said Mayor, and the Chairman of the Board of Audit and Finance, are au thorized and directed to execute and de liver therefor the notes of "Tbe City of Wilmington," signed by the. Mayor, and the Chairman of tbe Board of Aadu mmA Finance, and duly attested by the Clerk and Treasurer of said City, with the corporate seal attached. It is further ordered and directed that at the option of the bolder or boiders of. the notes for the above loan or loans, the said notes shall be receivable for taxes or other dues to ' Toe City of Wilmington." Aldermen Keith said that the next regular meeting of the Board would be Monday, the day celebrated for the 4th, and suggested that tbe meeting be post poned until Tuesday, the day following, which suggestion was adopted on mo tion of Alderman Hewlett, the time of meeting being fixed at 4 o'clock in tbe afternoon. Oa motion, the Board adjourned. BASE BALL. Tbe National Laaae BstuU o( Yetterda;' Oame and Other Ints'sttlno aT.atnrea. YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Boston. 6; New York. 4. Philadelphia, 16: Brooklyn. 2. Baltimore, 6; Washington, 3. Citcinnati, 14: Louisville, 4. Cleveland. 6: St. Louis, 2. Cbicago. 13 Pittsburg, 5. WHERE THEY PLAY TO DAY. Washington at Baltimore. Pittsburg at Cbicago. Cincinnati at Louisville. Boston at New York. Brooklyn at Pniladelphia. STANDING Or THE CLUBS. Per Cent. .745 .685" .609 .611 .509 .481 .481 .473 .407 .388 .375 .193 Won. . 41 . 87 . 34 . 33 . 28 Lost. 14 17 17 21 27 28 30 29 33 83 35 45 Boston Baltimore . Cincinnati. New York. Clefeiand . Pittsburg 26 Pniladelphia 28 Brooklyn ' 26 Washington 22 Louisville 31 Chicago 21 St. Louis... 11 Rnsie pitched for the Giants yester day and Nichols for tbe Bsaneaters. Bastoa won the game by timely batting and wild base running. Tbe Baltimore-Washicgton game yes terday was a tiresome one; besides, Um pire O'Day's decision caused plenty of kicking. One more fool, Dauo, of Brooklyn, got it in the neck. The Phillies hit bim in yesterday's game safely twenty times, for a total of thirty bases. AT OCEAN VIEW. Eotrlea for the S.oht and Oanoa Bteaa to Takt Plaoa Monday Next. The following is a list, so far. of tbe entries for the canoe race at Ocean View, which will take place Monday, starting at 10.80 o'clock in the morning, under the auspxes of tbe Carolina Yacht Club, viz: Buzz and Bops A. B Elliott. Four Brothers Milton Elliott. Dolphin Dawson Latham, Nell Eitie Neill Emerson. Unknown . Little Rob George Davis. H e Mac R. N. Sweet. -Surprise Norwood Giles. Jr. Reckless funius Davis, Jr. White Chief C. H. Robinson. For the yacht racs, which will take place at noon, the following have al ready entered, viz : Nixie Lieutenant Moore. Vitesse H. B Peschau. Vixen E. S. Lstimer. Little Willie W. M. Atkinson. Sprite E. Peschau. Jr. Mabel fames I. Metts. Babble Norwood Giles. Francis Marioo W. N. Harriss. Frolic T. W. Davis. Mist F. A. Lord. Ripple James H. Chadbonrn, Jr. BannatttTlll. Exaaraiooiata. Tne excursion train over the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad palled oat yesterday afternoon shortly after 5 o'clock. A good proportion of the ex cursionists spent the day In tha city. Others went down to Carolina and Ocean View beaches. Bzoaraloo to Carolina Bsaoh. About 800 people went down to Caro lina Beach yesterday oa tha basket party given, by the ladles of tba Dorcas Society of St. Paol's Evangelical La tbersa church. The crowd was fust large enough to make it pleasant to all. aad tha day was spent most delight' lully. . - : A WORTHY CHARITY. Shelter ot the Bilrer Or oaa Opscad to the Season Under Aotpiee of ihe Ktna'e Dtogbtart Servieea Con duoted by Bar. W. B. Oitver. , The Shelter of the Silver Cross was formally opened yesterday afternoon. This institution, under the auspices of the Ministering Circle of King's Daughters, is in an unostentatious way doing as much , for the comfort and. wel fare of the poor and feeble as any other agency in the communityaod' should receive more hearty and general consid eration and support. Last year three hundred or more persons ware given a restful week by the seashore, where their physical natures were refreshed, their mental powers revived, and their moral force strengthened a season of recuper ation and enjoyment which was in no other way possible for them. And yes terday afternoon thirty guests of the Shelter were made to feel themselves at home in tbe neat rooms, cool halls and breeze-swept verandas, among whom were gray-haired men, feeble women tottering amid the shadows of life's evening, yonag mothers with sickly babes, and pale-faced children. A look into their faces, radiant with anticipa tion, beaming with grateful joy, does one's soul good, and makes the visitor join in their prayer for God's blessing upon tbe noble women who have brought about such happiness by their service "in His name." The attendance of visitors upon tbe opening services was not so large as usual. Posiibiv the excessive heat caused some to stay away. But there were qaite a number of ladies preset! tf mostly members of the order. The services were very simple. "Take tbe Name of Jesus" was sung and Rev. W. B. Oliver, pastor cf the First( Bap tist church offered prayer, closing with the Lord's prayer, in which all joined. Then "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." was sung. Mr. Oliver read a ptrt of the 15th chapter of John's Gospel and spoke for a few minutes on "Service, the highest at tainment." as exemplified in tbe Christ and enjoined upon His disciples. The exercises closed with another praver. The cottagers on the beach have clone a handsome thing in raising $125.00 to put in sewerage and necessary fixtures for the Shelter. This kindness is most highly appreciated by every friend of the institution and will add materially to its success. There Is an opportunity just now for other friends to do a nice deed, and we trust a hint will be sufficient. After faithful labors and untiring efforts, the Circle yet needs $100 to meet all ex penses of tbe season. Who will step forward with cash, groceries or other substantial evidence of interest ? Ms. Charles King, the president, or Mrs. C. O. Byerly, secretary, will be glad to give information and to acknowledge con tributions. The Star bids the Circle God speed, and wishes for the Circle years of suc cessful benefaction. Colored Qirl Mtaains. The police have been notified to keep a sharp lookout for Lzzie En net t, a small colored girl, nine years old, who bas been missing since yesterday morn ing. The girl lives in the country, about seven miles from the city, with her mother, Clara Eanett. Early yes terday morning she accompanied her grandmother, Brinky Judge, to town. Her grandmother left her at a house on Grace street, between Fourth and Fifth, with instructions to join her at the mar ket. Lizzie started for the market be tween 10 and 11 o'clock, and has not been seen since. Her grandmother, after searching around the city and go ing out to her home in the country, without finding her, gave ber up for lost and last night notified the police. The misting girl wore a bine calico dress and dark felt bst the rim of which is torn nearly off. Bailing Party Gttven by Mr. and. Mr. T. B. Oantier, of Ocarlotte, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Gautier, of Char lotte, gave a most delightful sailing party at Ocean View beach last evening from 7 till 9.30 o'clock. The cuaperones were Mesdames T. B. Gautier. G. R. Robertson and E. M. Roach, Com posing the party were. Misies Bessie and Julia Robertson. Mary Mayer. "3 Sadie and Pearl Clarkson, Hattie Orr, Daisy Cullett, Rebecca Chambers and Addie Wilson, and Messrs. T. B. Gau tier, Julian Gillespie, Nesbitt Latta, W. M. Foreman, J. VV. Ragsdale, C. H. Barrlnger. David S. Yates, Charles G. Lewis, R H. fittis and S. O. Smith, Jr. Weather In J one. The monthly meteorological summary of the Weather Bureau shows the weather conditions at Wilmington dur ing June, 1897, as follows: Tbe .mean temperature was 78": bighest, 93s, on the 80th; lowest, 64 on tbe 9th and 13th. The mean for 27 years, 77.. The total rainfall was 8 88 inches, a deficiency in precipitation of 1 83 inches; the average .for 27 years being 6 65 inches. The prevailing direction of wind was west, with a maximum velocity of 28 miles on the 13tb. Without Foundation. It is learned from an au.bentlc source that the report of tbe resignation of Vice President St, John, of tbe Seaboard Air Line, is without foundation. Mr. St. John is expected in Norfolk on Sunday night and will be tbe recipient of a sere nade on the following night. The. con tradiction of the report as to his resig nation will be received with satisfaction by the many people who are cognisant of his strenuous and wisely directed efforts to build up the South. Mr C M. Whitlock, agent for the Pope Manufacturing Company, re minds as the Star predicted a fall in tbe price of bicycles. That the redaction has come is showo by Mr. Whitlock's ad. ta aaother colama. ISEVVS FROM RALEIGH. A BARN-BURNER PARDONED BY GOV ERNOR RUSSELL Iisoai Ttx.tfon BUI Said to Ba Letl-Tba , State Qoard Exooraiont ana Pianloa Tbe Park Ho el Wtrmett Weath.tr Ot tha Staion. Special Star CorretpotuUnzt Raleigh, N. C. July 1. There were eleven deaths in Raleigh daring Jane, eleven less than there has been in any Jane ia nine years. The committee on local taxation cam paign will meet in Superintendent Me bane's room to day at noon. Superin tendent Mebane is chairman and Prof. Atkinson secretary. -Mr. Edward Crawford will be manager ol the Park Hotel for the proprietor. Mr. J. C. Brown. The Biptist Tabernacle Sunday s:hool will picnic at OccoBoo:be farm next week. This ia their second picnic this summer. About 1.000 colored peop'e went on an excursion to Charlotte this morning. It was the annual excursion picnic ot tbe Sunday school of the First Baptist church (colored), of which Jim Young is superintendent. This is the warmest weather of tbe season. Tbe thermometer reached 93 yesterday in stores which are generally pleasant. The people throng to Pullen Park at night or ride on tbe cars to try to cool off. There are three Stales Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania in which the tax on corporations defrays all tbe expenses of tbe State Government and no tax on personal property or real es tate is collected for this purpose. Benj. R. Smith, of Retdsritle, has been commissioned first Lieutenant and Adjutant of the second battalion of the Third Regiment. Tne Quartermaster General's depart ment md: an exhaustive requisition to day upon the United States government for North Carolina's pro rata cf the Nj tional appropriation of '97. for ordinance and quartermaster 's stores, to thorough ly equip every, company of the State Guard (or the fiacal year. Ia tbe matter of tbe pardon of Lafay ette Summerhn, convicted ol barn turn ing at tbe Spring term, 1898. 6l Edge combe Superior Court, and sentenced to twenty years in tbe State prison Gov. Russell savs : "This conviction is for barn burning a most serious effeoce. The pardon would not be granted but for the high character of citiz:ns who ask for it in writing, giving what appears to be sufficient teason. It is urged by ex Chief Jus-Jce Shipaerd who pre sided at the t'ria.1, b the solicitor who prosecuted, and by ex ludee Pbil- llpa, of Edgecombe, who says in express, words that with a full knowledge of the case, the offence having been, com m it ted on a plantation acjacent to his own, tdat he would grant the pardon if he were Governor. It is also recom mended by prominent planters and mer chants in the county ol Edgecombe, br Mr. T. H. Gitiiog. chairman of tbe board of commissioners and by the other county officers of E Jgecomoe. and by Orren Williams, who has been chair man of tbe board for sixteen years, and it is atked for by a majority of tbe Bir of Tar boro. It is also urged by Messrs. Bradshaw and Wrenn, superintendents of State farms where tbe prisoner bas been confined. Ic also appears that the prisoner has already seivtd eleven years of his term." Special Star Telegram The campaign committee for local taxation election in August say the bill for an election legally passed. If this is true, the action of the Craven County Commissioners ia rescinding tbe order for an election is illegal. Wilmtogton I, idee I. O. O. F. District Deputy Grand Mas'.er Joseph F. King, assisted by P. Grands. M. W. jacobi. S. A. Craig, W. C. Smith and W. G. T. Keen, installed the following offi cers to serve during the ensuing term. S. P. G.-Jno. F. Littleton. Noble Grand R. H. Northrop. V. G. D. D. Cameron. . S:c. J. M. McGowan. Treas B. J. Jacobs. Chaplain W. H. Bryant. 0. G.T. G. Evans. 1. G. W. F. Brittain. WardenUJ. W. Robinson. Conductor E. Norden. R. S. to N. G. G. W. Carter. L S. to N, G W. M. Hurst. R. S. to V. G. A J. Ellis. R.S. S. W. Mann. L. S. S.q. Rogers. Alter the meeting cool refreshments, embracing ice cream, cake, etc., were served, whicb was certainly in season, and in accordance with the weather. Two small Vlrea Yeaterdty. . Yesterday afternoon shortly after 1 o'clock, sparks from a blazing chimney set fire to tbe roof of a one story frame dwelling on Campbell street, between Seventh and Eighth. An alarm sent in from box 19, Eighth and Hanover streets, brought the Fire Department to the scene, and the flames were sup pressed before much damage was done. The house is owned by Jos. Simpson, colored, and occupied by Henry George, colored. - Again at 2.30 o'clock the Fire De partment was called up. Tbis time tbe fire was situated in a two-story frame dwelling on Fourth street, near Princess, owned by Miss Sophia G. Campbell and occupied by Mr. A Nathan and family. The flames were located between the ceiling of the first story . and the floor of the second, and were caused by a de fective flue. The damage, is estimated at ISO. The alarm was sent in from box 27. Third and Princess streets. Ona Cent a Wore. Hereafter advertisements to goin our Bdsiaess Locals" department will be charged one cent per word for each In sertion i bat no advertisement, however short, will be taken for less than 20 cents This is a redaction from former rates and it is also a convenience to adver tsers who can calculte the exact' cost of their advertisements, whicb mast be paid for always In advance. If there is anything yon want, ad vertise for IL . Is there anything yon don't want? Advertise it in the Business Locals .of the Star,- One cent a word. Bnt no ad. taken for I ess than 20 cents. . tf THE MORNING STAR- , Are you a subscriber to The Morning Star ? If not, why not? Do yon want a first-class daily pa-' per at $5.00 per year, - or $1.25 for three months? If so, subscribe) to The Morning Star. Do yon want a paper that prints tbe latest telegraphic news, the best local news, reliable market reports, excellent short stories, and the choicest miscellaneous matter ? If so, subscribe to The Mornino Star. Do not forget that The Mornino Star Is the cheapest daily of its class in North Carolina. Its price is $5.00, ' while the published price of others ranges from $7.00 to $8.00. OHIO GOLD DEMOCRATS. . Th.y Will Soppoit th. Baealar Danao- .eratlo TijkJt Can't B-.and tha Dlealay Tarlff-Omlooaa Icr Hanta. yWaihington Post Special Columbus. Jone29 la an inteiview Hon. V.mil P. Kiloe. the recognised leader of the gold Democrats who bolted tbe nomination df Bryan lsst year and voted for McKinley, announces that he wi.i not co operate with tbe Re- . publicans tbis year, but tbat be prefers to vote for a silver candidate for Gov ernor and other State offices. Mr. Kilne tavs bis reason for this is tbe ot ter indifference of tbe McKioley admin istration to the issues upon which tbe St Louis ticket was elected. Instead of doing something to relieve tbe financial condition of tbe country, declares Mr. Kilne, the administration has slapped the face of its allies of last year by en couraging the most offensive legislation. Mr. Kline is tbe most icfluenrial of tbe Ohio gold Democrats and be on doubiediy it fleets tbe opinions ot nine tentbs of those wbo co-operated with bim last yen'. The only notable excep tion is tx-CoDfresamsn Ooibwaite, who favors straight gold S:ate snd Legisla tive tickets. Mr. Oathwaite's z;al In tbis direction, however, is suspected of being io tbe interest of Mr. Haona's candidacy. Through the coartesv oltbo McKinley administration Mr. Outhwaita it holding his membership iajhe Board of Ordnance and Fortifications, to which he was appointed by Mr. Cleve land after his defeat (or Congress. Mr. Oath wane is without any iollowiog worth speaking of. This defection on the part ol tbe gold Democrats i quite alarming to Mr. Hanna's friends. . i their support was confidently relied upon. QHEAPER BICYCLES. The Comjbinatlon Brckan A Baavy Ba. . dootion 10 th. Piiea cf Bioyela. AT. Y..Herald. June jotA The bicycle pool is brcken after years ol high' price, tbe ironclad agreement between the big manufacturers bas gone to smash, and with it tbe prices of the high clais wheeis have slumped. Colonel Albert A. Pope, of tbe Pope Manufacturing Company, yesterday an nounced that tbe price of the Columbia, '97, bas bseo reduced to $75. This was supiemented by tbe announcement by tbe John P. Lovell Arms Company that tbe Lovell Diamond had been put down to fee 5. Tne announcement of these cuts fell like, a bomb on tbe smaller bicvele firms those tbat sell 50 and 855, wheels. To them it prbaoiy means a struggle for existence, in woicb they have only a slight chance to come out victorious. One of the largest manufacturers said yesterday : "It means that Colonel Pope is tired of tbe tact ci of the s:dI1 dealers aad makers meo tbat list their wheels al a fair figure and tben'Uke whatever price is oil t red, provided it leaves any margin of profit, however small. I think the price will be still further lowered if such ' a ourji shall be found neceassrv to drive tbe small men outSof business." Mr. N.C. Overman said: "We shall not lower tbe price of our wheel, no mat ter what other concerns decide , to do; but I feel sure there, is going to be some stiff competition, among tbe small fry." , Others said prsctically that a big bi cycle rate war is on, and that the public will get some cheap wheels this Sum mer. But next year, when only one or two large firms are left, it may be differ ent. ' EDUCATIONAL TAX. Oravan Coanty Commlaaionara B-aalcd th Call for tb Election. Last Monday the commissioners of Craven county unanimously adopted tbe lo'lowicg motion by Mr. J. A. Bryan: "It appearing to tbe satisfaction of tbe Board that tbe act for local taxation for tbe benefit ot public schools entitled 'An act to stimulate local taxation la- tbe rural districts' not having been passed pursuant to the requirements of tbe laws and constitution of tbe State. "And it appearing tbat an election held under this act would be null and void, and entail upon tbis county great cost and expense, it is therefore "Resolved, That tbe order heretofore passed by tbis board calling tbe election for tbe purpose named be and tbe same is hereby rescinded, reconsidered snd revoked, snd the clerk of tbis board ia ordered to notify tbe poll holders and officers of election of tbe provisions hereof." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS) Take Notice. J-OTICE IS HERIBY GIVEN THAT THE liatior, of State, county aad city taxes will ckaa Saturday, Ja r 3rd, without a day, and that all per rons who do Dot Ut their property by that data will be placed apoa the delinquent bat with ell tba pcaal tiea iof ttaeUw appWing tu tM delinquent. Oa and after thia data taa bonra lor Uatiaf taxes will ba from Ba. m. to? p. m. Neat Monde v. Tnl Sta beine lersl holldsv. tha Board of Coanty Commisiioners will bold no business meeiinf . bat will take a recess till S p. at , T needs y, July Sea. All persons Baring business with the Board will take dec notice. T. W. VOSTKR, Chairman Board of Commissioners of New Hanover -County. jy 1 St . WHO IS IT P ID. Xj. G-OJEtME3, Wholesale Grocer. Who Sells Flour. Heat, Lard, Sugar, Coffee and everything kept in a Wholesale Grocery establishment at bottom Pnces j.soti 110. 1SS and 1S1 North Water St., Wamlagtaa, M. C. v v: it