BBBBaaBBBVMeBBBBaBBB! FOR FIVE DOLLARS. SUBSCRIPTION RATE S. RNING TAK. REDUCED TO 35.00. BOT;N0 REDUCTION IN SIZE t3 QMS TEAK. r :;i ,:.J1 T3 ttll CHI1PQ ' OFt PAPER, OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY OF READING MATTER. H.Wf Daiitee et taCm ta re. cwou. VOL- LX. NO. 92. WILMINGTON. N. J3M WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1897. WHOLE NO. 9.32 The Mo u . V i..r al S-Ji3.ak 1111 rM tl VsVsaiaMld tMPM Tmm tarea - i.i MnmitM tea la-lee owes ail eee- . of tae M aaiwaipoe eeiler. wu , iijrawo oev ths Mottkeent , . ' i n xierate low dao'teeioa epp v 'ae of ki a eaaejre eateede troea ,.- ot&. ea ehewt ove Wm v, t it it. Fei weat4e- Km pevJe4 ..-4 t tee 34 t4t kxU t bandar , t .ll : t S-Mtk4U( AtlMtW . j v. ;.ier lW VmUiw aad rr sutxrri. v. -itr prtvtwled generally ,.,r . ,,t . .:. Sat?. eaCept rev the ::.-1 - ' seowere tat thae n vr. .t ('It Oftt4. Ite :4. 1.11 AtiaatJC cmmSomi. .a ,-iat.a-4' weeteet pteest .... :acr or T BAX- mi n :inwrill jflje iietftctt fUW lr , n t ) 6.: teareee. x c Jelv. Al4 m taa f ' T f tor J :,e v.- "il j.h tee.'ve SOtt ei!t? u i n Uv farni4d rut T ) TtO-OAT. , , . -i i i .-'J9e. eOUlieaet IO H:K tier end Cartf re- i-! .-rater Jay tu Vf aeieg. .f t cx-ta 4 lfiti4 wii. -n ; ? m jf:wtsna I COairtiO r- , ! a W wian, Twnian aa4 Sot ml a4 ina dmc Ctaa4 to j, --mrxt i Sinuo Fraaca by 8 V ritiff Lilt irfta u : 1: uaatl o U raAa4 aar aJ :.a Kixl nawtr) prtoloia poaM( 'f aa padia: lu S MI. Taa Aul ita o ia paa.ii a Ti J Ml mil a . . la ia Sa4a i-4r. aa aatw nt a t dafaatad. ta ba( ttouatT aoataa( wit Ui4 i - i :iaif dadata. DaUv 'a iaa : . nat of paaca larsa batvaaa at Takrv mi laa Ualt e la ..r iaa Parara at ao aaaxa a aoia- i 1 1 a ot ca o. Halloa iaa Wtaauoai i "ijfl! a rraail. Tfcata) win la ;r'trui.i Jroaa aaai ii -4r:i:ta Saal paaaaai- r'i i i t ii I a fa iitiStf tiH it :r:t.oa ;v ;.iia at Ptaajr Tit Ni-iini Catraa o iv f'i:ii;i.-i -aal fafJat 4 ..! n ii lU ml) iaa 0'3p i t i;j!ni!i94 ci tDililfl Sia panvva !''! ii ! n 3tr 5 J ia t ir ! 1l 4 "o.r :n -a a lafaa . M raatja. n V r nirT:i vf mi ) c UI ar '. a O' : ' loaa at 1 ai ii ! : ?!! ' '. 4 .?r C XtO .1 n ! t i " , 1 j ir di I bat ll Tir ijh 3-ti Mk 1 . . i-1 i :r rr : 3 at. car M. i m s . i it) : aioa a ad i .1 t: - t -, t ' - a4 coaa m it ) i . iV- :' jttxt lar- 3 "it its ; i . i ) ' t d M : - t ill i caim a I : ! i '.-isy are .oaiai a -in :i :on I ta. th cvl.tar I : . jr ". a at j out lcUrattoa o( : si i: 4! j -!;r-a Jectafatwa of i ; f-t. . . 'J: ; istt prcreat m f .-.. r.ii wii tt i& -u Jf.ajt of roc. 1 i :i. tit I.liaon "Mo- ' ; - 1 ji ii: Su: aJ ' i t vt ,.,., rt. IitaaaeaaJ - i ' iu t( tSks Ual (of thai f-ir,?!. of tibial, call t -"bra iani vta.a VV '--a ctia tit: ti Saaator haJ " ! ;-H-!-4t tttkl ttptruac to bt t:r raarnt: (aai'Uf wtti ta : .:;eri.:ica of tia ! 1 f. Chapmaa. ta- Dtcaocratlc ' n ie fr Gjtraor of Olio, it ; ; ' a operator. ao raa4 '." . :!rt art otvtr aay t'.nkc H- ! 3t fair, tatrt lataf ' 5 a ir 1 thy attck la alas. ' nf atiLj tit priai a " " ' '.? Taty art utauti lUt -1 s 4 t?c f j asa. aa4 art 51 !f)r raikiaj JtlUt tc paaaja taaUf. ta -r ii a a j . , , ,c appa u4 thia) Cr ni.v Aaaricaa taak at St. aa t raaaiaf a coatcrftit t: M orfaaUtd ta 13Tt ta ca ta! of I150.0CO. aa4 aaa P'i: 4ij a ptroaaaat aarplas (aa4 i- l.C4X a ad ju dacUnd a tea -aaaaai ditiia4 o( SO par caal XXTOETUrT axvouicixiit Attaatloa U callad to th follow- U j Sxorcxo Kjitcs of Sabaoipttoo to Tn Uoajnxo Sraa : to mao, rffrJcaiBtaa. TwaJra Moetaa $4.00 SI - 10 Taraa - W Two - LOO Oaa - M to citt ixrtaciuata-a. Taa Staa will b delivered by carrier as aaj poiat la tat dxj at U ctsu per wtck, or 45 ccata pax DoaLa. Taa prottctiooiata ba t' orcr taa tear of taa tartateatd iavuioa of caap piaaocs aai bicfdea from Tapax Taa piaao-ta aad bikes diJa't coca t, bat ao thy arc fat tiaf aiaratd at a poa oectitt flood of caaap aratebcav btcaaaa they hart Uaraei taal Japaaeaa vatcb taakcra caa aatka ara'xae for $3. When laty ft doam to abat a dIUr aad a qoartar taey may tblak of compel la vtta Aaaerlcaa waica foandne. wbicb caa taro 'taa oat aad sell 'cm frota fl pL Pjarerfal watcaea, too. waica it rcqaTes naacie to viad, aad bate a healthy tkk tbtt caa be heard acrost the street. W AOVUTUalatBXra. O.TDB Uxt-SiUiaa-dava. Sra. WtUMtsaorow Scaadole Varoa Sroavs Fra ta6(os. W. CIA R R Drl4ad daclarad. Baaa BaLU-tO A. N. Ball Park. LOCAL DOTS. llama of tataraat Oataarad Qara aad Taara aad BrlaQj ATetad. For other locals sea fourth Aa ticarsioa from Fayettevtlle, ta taa C F. A Y. V. R. R. arJl arriTa la iba oiy tki aaoraiac Taa Cape Far Sceaa Fire E if iaa Coaaaaay. colorad. will co to Wiaatoa acat aaoaia to parttcipaia ta iaa iraaaaa'a loaraamcai. The regular moathly meeting of taa B m4 of Miaacar of tht Pro- d aia Etc aaaa aa aot bald ytatctday. hat arJl a laid at 1 14 p cav'oa Thara- day. There ani be a free eihibttioo of cookiac om taa Vapor at tba Parloa Max fe at. b4aaiag ta day. fre- ! lava bvaatraof I a. aa. aad taa Ltdtaa aa aoaciaUy laaiwd. Read ItTcall 3 for Rev. C. Den- aaa'a a a bar ia tat WrataaUle Baacfc of taa Bail Taiepaat aad Telacrapa Cxoptay. Br aatauka ii arat made lo raad ca4 it taa al la yaatarday'a Sraa. Messrs. B. ll. aad C B. Hatch anil raa taatr aaxoad aacafao this ata- ao Iroaa G jidaaoro to thts city Friday Taa uaia anil arrtaa ahoat 19 oVlock ta tfea aaoraiag. rttaralax at S o'clock at agaL Mr. J. T. Bryaat, last week. au catUa tiaaer a Vxit a mile Iroaa Fjrt Aadara-ja. kxad ta iht aaaaap a aoaaaatI. IS lackaa loaf aad 4 lacaaa a dtaaaetar. Taa aU aad ax a ttp'odad. A correspoealcat asks the Sraa to caauoa na raa1ra agaiaat taa tacrn aiaa a at of tea aiur. fcctd iaa aad other c ilS dria k a. Taair Uaaaoder ata aaa aaa prefaced artratai caaaiof akfeaaaa ha rtcaatiy The delefatta to the Wl!ato- ion Saavday acaool coataraace. a?atca iMTttn ro day aa Qiatoaj. N. C riU lava taa aaoraiaf. aa arraagtaMaU have haea aaada by hh tkere anQ ba ii dKaatloa at Warsaw. Mr. Jaaea F. Post. Jr Secre ury aad Trtaaaute of taa W. C A A. R R Cxnpaay. gtaa aotica that a dit Itaad of laraa pea caal. baa baa da C arad aai vtU aadaa aad piyahae oa Ja y ID. a paotlaaa at few ofir. The caave of base ball played at Mutoa Park Moadar. batwaaa taa c tf4 taa aaa Rad Stocklaga aad Ma la:a taItad la a Ua acoaa 8 to 4. The gaaaa aaa called al taa aad of the etgaife leaieg oa accoaai of the dark ataa. The exarrUxt of Mr. J. R. Mc Caaaer aad Ma Irtaa Loea WiOtiav oa la aaaoaacad to uke otace at Su Aadrtw'a PvaaOylariaa Cbarcb tfeia airaooa at 4 o'clock. After the care-aaoea-y tk-a coapie HU taara lor Haafe ytOa, Ttaa. io take la the CapoaitJoa. Note some chaafes la the chad ale of taa awaaaf WitmimtUm. Se anU fewaWitat aaak oae trip to SM'.aport daily, leariaf kara at t a. as. aad aaaanag SaaUport oa ratara al It p aa. Tae aoera lor taa via f lor Caro baa Beach aad ratara resale it cfeaagad. Two colored y oaths f ot Into 4 hale "scrap" Tester day aaoraiag. aear Ue caraer of Martet aad Water atxaeta. The voaacar of taetw. agad ahoat 19. carved iaa other aai draw hia eaatol Spoa hlav Naithar of the taa waa ap aeeaeaded. aa Baal Taaa ai Maaegae Bac. of Ue O. A. N. base hall teaam. last algal received a tele ft. at faoea Maaagar faaa Masstehna.of the Hdpe Mil3 ball laaaa. aayiag that aia ciafe woatd imvt la Ue city lata aaora tag aad woald o'er thia aliaraooa. Taa gaaaa vd be pU red at Ue O. A. N. baH pavk.coraer KiaU aad Ore age streets, aed as scaedaled lor 4 Id o'clock. The coeteet proaaaea to be aa aaciuag oae. aa axa saeaaa are coeapoaed of atxoag pteyara. Tae aJaaeatoe anU fee 40 ceeta. aes lad iaa ana fee adeiiued tree of charge. J.C CottxttTj'r-a of Polat Caa eO. hobaaracaaCr aagagad U bea. u that place as ha the dry. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS mt raeaevaataa raraaiaJaa rvtaaS- aU a faestla aed aaaan4Jy rvteaad. Mr. S. L Djeber. of Charlotte, wis regtaterad here yesterday. Master Leo Gore will leave to day tor Towe Crack to epaad a la davs. Mr. W. II. Carter, of Wallace. was sasoag y eel cr day's hotel reglstra' ttoas. Cape R. 0. Grant, the effideot asaaagar of the Stacoaat road, is oat agaia. Mr. C C Bordeaa, ol Castle Hayae. was ooaerved oa oar suecti let ter day. Mr. J. J. Jobosoa, of Brans- wick coaaty. waa a visitor la Ue City yesterday. Miss Lillian Beader, of Ooslow, la la Ue cay oa a rtau to tha family ot Mr. D. S. Baadar CoL Geo. Campbell, of the Saesaore Hotel. 0;eaa Vcw. came op to Ue city yesterday. Messrs. R. L. Rogers and L. A. Soaith. ol Lata. S. C. were saioag the Tisnors ia the city yesterday. Mr. W. B. Kyle, gjeoeral pas- sesger agcai of the Cape Faar aad Yad- kia Valley Railroad, arrived la the cay yesterday. Miss Florence S pinks, of A I be at trie. Steely cooety. is v sitiegstthe koai of Mr. J. B. Mercer. Na 913 Sjuih Sxoed street. Mr. John Mania, of Fayette- vJle. ho is to opes a aew liqaor estsb liahaaeet oc Water sueet, arrived ia the City y eater day. Mr. aod Mrs. John C Net carter leave lor Rxky Moeat to-morrow mora tag. watte they will tpead adoet two weeks. Mr. Brooke Smith, of Rich- m ad. who has bees tpeadiag ibe Foarth at tht Ssaahxc H Mai. reiaraed home yesterday. Mr. C E. Taylor, of Soath- pwri. it la tae city oe oo tineas coa- acted with the aew piper to be pah lUhed at that place. Mr. Sam D. Dosher, signal offi cer at Charkxte. who haa beta visitiag la S JO lb port, was ia the city yesterday oa his way to Hatteraa. r. L. A. Carr. of Durham, Presideet of tht Iater-Sute Telephoae aad Telegraph Com pa ay. patted throagh the city yesterday oa hit way to More- htad City. The Misses Taylor, who have bsea speadiag acm dart at the Occaa Viae Hotel, retaraed to Greenville. S. C yca:crday. mach to tha regret ol their aaaay Incada. Mr. J. N. Bennett, a well known ciuaea of Braeiwick coaaty. waa la tht c ty y cater dar. accompioted by his two daaghters. Mitees Mary sad O a. They sra the gaests ol Mr. T. J. Gore. Amaag the arrivals 1a the city yesterday were J. H. Biakt. Ktattoa; G. M. Saeacoercll. ArmDor; H Miller. Daham. H I. Gaaqac. Manoi. S. C I) Uaia aad E D. PrantU. Cronly: Btaj Cam pea. Biytero. H. W. Clifford. SutcaviUe. The following delegate to the M. C Distrxt Coaterence patted throagh tht city yesterday Irom Siatapirt: Rev. B Asdersoa. J. A. Dree aad S F. Craig. Delegates to tht Saaday S:hooI Coa (treses from Swtbpsrt are: Mar tatllGathrtt. Mias Nellie Nevtoa aad Mies Maggie Weecott. i aVaie aad Cmae Otta-d. Mr. Otto Baack. maaager of the Rooert Pott ear Brewing Company, ia thia cty. yesterday moralsg ootsiaed a sesrch warraat Irom Jastice J. M. Mc- Gowaa to sesrch the places of botiacti Mr. LmIs Weil, tgeat (or Ut At- heater Brewing Comptay. aad Mr. F. Rich tar. ageat Ijt tht Bathotomay Bet eiag Cocap tay. for beer bites aad crates, the property ot nit sgsscy. Alter Ue prsatists of Messrs. Weil aad Rich tar had beee searched. Mr. Baack ohtaiatda writ of claim aad delivery Iroaa saUce McGowaa aad seised a tea sty atvta boats aad forty crates Messrs. WaO sad Richtcr. The era us aad boxes were trsstp-xted aad stacked la froat of lattice McGswaa's i (Bee. to await the oatcome of Ue trial, at lor three o'clock la Ue atteraooo. a the aaeealime. Mcaara. Rich tar aad Wail obtaiaed a replevy, givieg boed. aad re rata ad poseessioa of Ue boxes aad era iaa. At 9 o'clock Ue case was called .lor trial, aad apoe Ue defeedaate preeant- ag sOdaviu for rtssoval. Jest tea Mc- awaa traaslerred the case to artica Fowler, who. by reqseet. stt the haartag for Fildav moraine at 10 o clock. Mr. Baack is repceseeted by Messrs. Bellamy A Bellamy, aad Joha BtUamy. Eq, rtprteeau Messrs Wail aad Rich- tar. aeit aad Taa regaUr 'semt-moathly meruag ot Ut Biaud of Aaditaad Fiaaaca wss held yesterday aiterso e at 8 SO o'clock. Prase at. Caairmia W. H- casdMara. aad Messrs. H. C Mcgaeea. C w. Tales sad J. H. Wtbbtr. ahscat. Mr. H. A. DeCover. Bills were aadited aad approved for carrtet cxpaaaea. S Mt 88. aad for la ter sat. II 48 It. The Board adiooraed aablsct to Ua can of Ue caalrssaa. Oae Haraaitar advertisements to go la oar BaaieeSt Lcls" dtoartmeat win be csargad oae cent per word for aaca ts acrtjow bat ao advertlsemeat. bowevar abort, will be takea lor less Uae 40 cast I Thia la 4 radectloa irom former rates aad at la aaso 4 coayeateaca to adver htera who caa cakalta the exact cost of theft adveniaemeata, which mast be psid for always la advance. BOARD OF ALDRRXUr. Baseeat sf Oaaaaal ttae CoeearataaT XtUhta aag Watn (apply A aTav BHayele OraU aeeea aaapMd approprUdia la aid , al IB. Qbaf Ooaaiar Saatt ' at Damteraita Staaabira or iaa Baaed Dealared Taeaat. The regular moathly session of the Board of Alderman wss held yesterday aderaooa at 4 o'clock. Mayor Wright aad Aldermta Keith. Twining. Hewlett, Norwood. Grcae. Beasoa and Walksr being preseat. Alter the reading aad approval of tha miaatea of last meeting, the repor.s of the different I landing committees were called lor. Aldermaa Hewlett, of the Maiket Committee, reported that Froat street market hoase had been repaired aad Ue tin roof painted. Aldermaa Rtlta. of Ue Light Cam mlitee. reported that be had beard com olaiat from residents la the suburbs a boat the aew electric lights aot belag ep to tha staadard. aed that he bad rittea a letter to thtt effect to the Street Railway Company. Mayor Wright, of tha Sanitary Com mittee. stated that the sewers entering into the drain on Second street, be tweea Orange and Ana. had been re, paired at the expeate ol tht owner t cr tht sewers. Aldermaa Keith, ol Ue Fire Commit tee. rec3mmtaded the placing of a hy draot at tht corner of Sixth and Woorter streets. I a regari to the In vrtuaatioa ol the Clarendon Water Works Co. aa to whether ths company wat keeping op to itt contract or not. be read a letter jvhich he aad Alderman Greea had aeal to Mr. W. T. Robertson. sapsnatcsdent. calling his attentioo to tht iaa that the company wat not keep lag Itt contract with tha city, aad also steal the unhealthy condition of the water, which htd to be otid (or drink ing and domettic parpoeee. Ia reply. Mr. Keith read a letter from Mr. Robertson, who stated that tbe water workt coaoior bid beea called into acre c i lor eighty-three .firea aince latt Janairr. aad oat of that number tbe gong at their p'aot at H Itoa. which no tifies them of a fire, bad faiied to rinf, aad every complaint lodged againtt tbe company was due to the non-ringing ol tbe bell, which Is a part ol tbe fire alarm system. It regard to tbe unfitness of Ue water (or drinking, etc, Mr. Roberl soa stated In bis letter that be hsd never heard of aickaett produced by it, aor had ever beard a paytxian complain of it. Aldermaa Keith said that he thought the Bond of Health ahoald pats upon tbe condition of tbe water. Probably be eaid. tbe reaton sickness produced (rom eTrinking tbe water-works water had no: been heard of wat because no body now uted it (or drinking or domes tic purposes. Oa motion of Aldermaa Hewlett tbe report of Aldermaa Keith was received. Aldermen Keith then introduced the following resolution, wbich wat adoptee v.s. : Whereas, a committee of the Board of Aldermen, ia conianctloa with tbe Chief of ths Fire Department, have at certaiaed that the Clarendon Water Woiki fail to carry out tbeir contract (or furnitbiog at all timet adequate sup ply of water aad samcient prettare lor fire purposes: be it Rtsotvtd Taattbs Clareadon Water Worka shall be held atrial y to tbeir contract, tlwt is to furnish an adeqaate eupply ol Water boto lor ore ana armi ng pjrpoeet. sna tnat n tney uii to oo so witnin toe next twelve montna, datiuz Irom Jaly 1. 1S97. cither fifty per cent, of the price now paid shall be de ducted or tbe contract mar bs declared nali and void, j itt aa the Board of Al dermea may ace fit. Applicuioa ot Ue Cape Fear Fire Eagias Company, to go to Wi niton to aueadthe firemen's tournament, August ih to ltth. and carry tbeir apparatus, was aranied. Aldermta Twining, ol the Ordinance Committee, introduced the following ordinance, wbich was nnanmlmooay adopted : I. No persoa thsll ride a bicycle oo any sidewsiK oi streets iymg id mai portion ol tbe city ooanaea oa tee aorta by Brunswick; oa the east by Seventh: oa Ue south by Csstle. and oa tbe west oy tnt river, toe aaia boaadsrv streets saall be included in tbe prohibited territory. II. When rid a a oa sidewalks tee bicyclist shall ride oaly st such a rate of speed as to have complete control of the wheel; he shall ring his bell when ever he spproaches a corner ol tbe street or persons; be to all keep to ice side nearest tha street whenever he aaaaea a nedestriaa. III. Every persoa using a bicycle shall have a bell at all times, aad a lighted lamp at eight. IV. No persoa shall coast oo a bicycle witbla tbe city. V. For every vtolatioa ol an section of this ordinance tbe fine sball be $5.00. VI. All former ordinances regulating the riding of b eyelet are hereby re pealed. I a reference to tha ordinance patted. Mayor Wright suted thit tba bicycle ordinance bed ceased a great deal of trouble, aad that be bad conferred with the Bicycle Club and told them to draft aa ordinance, within boaads, which they would conform to. aad tha above ordi nance bad resulted. President Jss. H. Cbadboora. Jr.. and Vice-President Wslker Tsylor. ot the Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the Board aad atked for an sppropria tloa of tW to aid the Chamber ot Com merce ia advertising Wdmlngtoa. President Cued boar a ssld thst the coaaty last year had appropriated a sum of moeey to aid Ut Chamber ia adver tlslag WUmlagtoa, aad this year they wished the city to appropriate $430. which would he ated solely la tbe later est of Wilmlagtoa. CoL Taytor said that tbe Chamber ot Commerce was a public organisation, aad if tht city woald appropriate the nosey aaked fori thta every tax payer woald be pay 1st hit proportionate share. Aldermaa Keith aad Twining spoke la favor of appropriating .the amount asked for. aad oa motion .30 was ap propriated to tha Chamber of Com merce. : " ' '"' 1 " . : . Aldermaa Hewlett introduced the fol lowing resolutioa. and moved Its ad op tloa. vis: . , " WhxkxAS. At a general election for Aldermen of tbe City of Wilmiocrtoa, held oa the 25ih day of March. 1897, Walter E. Yopp was elected ao Alder- rasa from tbe roartb . ward, uvea Faaaell aa Aldermaa from the Third Ward, and W. E Springer aa Alderman from the Second Ward: and whereas tha said W. E Springer. Owen Fennell aaa Walter K. Yopp, aitnoajn fre quently notified aad requested, nave persistently ana contumaciously reiutea neglected and failed to atteid any one ot tbe meetings of tbe Board ol Alder- mea, or to serve oa any ot tbe commit tees of said Board oa which they were severally appointed, or to Uke ay part whatsoever in tbe administration ol toe affairs of ssld city, it is now RtioKtd. Tbat the positions ofAlder roan from the Stcond Ward to which W. E. Springer was elected, of Alder rasa from the Third Wifd to which O wea Fennell was elected, and ol Alder man from tha Fourth Ward to which Walter E. Yopp was elected, be and the stmt are hereby declared vacant. . Aldermaa Twining seconded the adoption ot the resolution, which was carried, all the members of tbe Board voUag ia Ue affirmative except Alder maa Keith, who did not vote at alL A request Irom Mr. J. B. Mercer, agent for Mrs. Mary L.' Mercer, asking for a rebate of taxes erroneously lilted. was deferred. The report of Mr. J. H. McRee, city surveior. was read and ordered filed. The report of Chief of Fire Depart meat Cbas. Schnibben. showing that daring tbe moatb of Jane there bad been tea slsrms of fire, three of which were falls, wis read and ordered filed. Tae report of Superintendent of Healtb. Dr. W. D McMillan, as pub- lltbed in tbe Star of tfat Itt intt., was read and also ordered filed. Two applications from a oamoer of citxsns. one requesting that Dock street (rom Seventh to Ninth be graded and shslled. and the other asking for tbe grading and shelling of Tnird street Irom Caatle to Wooiter. were referred to the S:reets and Wharves' Committee. A letter Irom the Howard Relief Fire Engine Company req letting permission to attend, carrying their apparatas. the firemen's toatnament, to bs held in Fay- etteville early in August, was granted, if tbeir sbsence (rom tbe city and that ol Cape Fear Fire Eigine Company does not occur at the same time. Permission to build was granted the following: A. D. Westell, wooden struc ture, the top and sides to be covered with' metal, oa Stood street, between Market and Dock; F. M. Montgomery, a stable on Second street next to corner of Castle street; A Shrier. a one-ttory frame dwelling on Brnnsvick street, be tween Fifth and Six-.b; Vance Norwood, two-story frame dwelling on Red Cross street, between Third and Fourth; C B. Morrill, a one-story Irame dwell ing on Seventh street, between Cbesnut ssd Grace; Jno. Hale, an enclosed shed, to be. used as an ice house, at No. 515 South Second street; L. H. Voilcrta tvo-frame dwelling, corner Sixth and Orange streets; R. C. & A . a shed at No. 021 South Front street. Alderman Keith said he thought the city should provide some means for excurtionists to obtain drinking water, and suggested the boring of an artesian well at about the corner of Front and Chestnut streets. Alderman Keith s suggestion was referred to a special com mittee consisting of Aldermen Keith, Twining and Green. A suggestion tbat an oil lamp be placed at tbe corner of Tenth and Wooster streets, was referred to the Streets and Wbarvea Committee. City Clerk and Treasurer F. B. Rice submitted his yearly and monthly re ports, both of which were read and or dered filed. His monthly report for lane showed : Balance from last return. 14.01417; receipts. I6.5l9.t9. expendi tures $4 783.19; cash on band. $5,705 59. Tha maeting tben adjourned. Conftdarata Piiionara at Mcnla Itland. The Nashville, Tenn., Banner pub lishes a list of Confederate officers, prisoners of war at Fort Delaware in 1864, who were removed to Morris Itlsnd. near Charleston, S. C. and placed under the fire of Confederate batteries by order of Gen. Halleck. in retaliation for the placing of fifty Fed eral officers, prisoners of war, in a part of tbe city of Charleston exposed to the fire of Federal guna. Tbe list was pre pared by CoL Jno. L Csntwell (not Cantrell as tbe Banner has it) of this city, who was one ot tbe Confederate prisoners, and gives tbe name, rank and command of Ue officers, besides many o:hcr Interesting particulars. Tbe list fills over five columns of the Banner and has never before been published. One hundred and eleven of tbe 600 were North Carolinians. Hard ta Baat. The superintendent ol the Methodist . Sinday school in a small town in lb lis State has beea serving his school for thirty- five years as its superintendent. Tbe church st thst place bas never bad any other superintendent and this one hss never served any other school in the time official position. In these thirty- re years he hss not been absent from is school bat five times, aad tor each ti me absent he had an excellent excuse. such as sickness of himself, a death in his family, or something of the sort. nly once did he let pleasure or busi ness keep him from his Sunday school these thirty-five years and theu was oft on butinets in another State. This is a remarkable record. Who can beat it ? the Star Follow Too. Star subscribers who are going away tori the Sammsr will receive the paper regularly by mail by leaving orders for at this office. Addresses win be changed as often as desired. If there is anything you want, ad vertise for it. Is there anything yoa don't want? Advertise it in the Basin ess Locals ot the Stab. One cent a word. Bat no ad. tax en for est th4n SO cents. . v " . -.. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Baatvata and Poll-HoMem appaletad for tba Bohool Tax Xleeuon la Aagoat Beatd of Xdaeattoa Sahoot Comatitiemen XHaetad. ' The Board of County Commissioners was called to order yesterday afternoon at 2 45 o'clock in regular monthly set sion. Chairman Foster and Commis sioners Moore, Dempsey, Alexander and Ntxon were present. The minntea of previous regular aad adjoaraed meet ings were read and ordered to stand as recorded. Col. J. W. Atkinson appeared before the Board and objected to the valuation of two parcelsof real estate. The mat' ter was referred to the county attorney Marsden Bellamy, Eq. . Action was deferred on the apphca tionof Mrs. A. Newbury for a rednctioo of assessment on pioperty on Mulberry between Front and Water'street. Attention was called by Chairman Foster to the-resignation of Mr.M.-S Willard as assessor. But as it is desir able that the! assessments remain aai form, and as the best way to obtaio this uniformity is to retain Ue same asses sort, it was decided to ask the present incumbents, Messrs. M. S. WHlarrf and D. McEachern, to servejnntil the new assessment, which will be made a year hence. Col Foster stated tbat he had written State Treasurer Worth asking if the S":ate ought not to bear the expense of the last special term of. the Criminal Court, and read Mr. Worth'a letter in reply, which was to the effect that the expense would have to be borne by the county. Mr. Owen Fennell, of the advisory committee ot tbe Bjird of Pensions, was present, but as the Advisory Board had not been notified of a meeting the same was ordered to be held at the next regular meeting of the Board of Com rdissiontrs, and notice of the meeting of the Penaioa Board ordered sent to all members of the advisory committee. The Board of Peasions. outside of the five members of the Advisory Board, consists of the Board of County Com missioners, the sheriff, and the clerk of the Superior Court. Chairman Foster asked the opinion of the Board as to what arrangements should be made concerning the compen sation for legal advice furnished tbe Board of Education, which according to the new law is quite distinct from the Board of Commissioners. On motion, tbe compensation of the county attorney was increased from $250 to $300. in view of tbe additional advice to be given the Board of Education, and also in view of certain extra work not contemplated in the original contract. Tne communication from the United Charities in regard to the names ot cer tain beneficiaries recommended for re moval, was referred to the Auditing Committee. On motion, the following were elected registrars and poll-holders for the differ ent voting precincts at &n election to be held on the second Monday in August, upon the qaestion of levying a special tax for the support of public schools: Judges of election city of Wilmington: First Ward First division, James Grady, S T Shiver, David George; second division, A C Skipper, Jas Carroll, M J Merrit; third division, Geo A Peterson, M H Webber, R W Merntt; fourth divi sion, jai u rowers, joo t, w imams, Jno W Lse, fifth division, Paul Gray, Robt M Hill. C O Knox. Second Ward Neil Mclatosh, Wash McNeill, T W Wood. Third Ward First division. B T Boy- kin, Geo Rayfotd, T P McCaleo; second division, M N Marshall, Jos Andrews, R T Pickett. Fourth Ward First division, J M Furlong. J H Chadboara, Jr, J N O'Bsrry; second division, Stephen Graaliah. Wm Johns. Dan Sheeban. Fifth Ward First division, M A Yar- borougb. A W Polite, R H Benson; second division, H W Howell, Robt Simmons, J A Odum; third division. P O'Sullivan, Wm H Darby. C B Capps; fourth division, Wm Sheeban, L S Shandon. W E Sheeter. Federal Point George E Green. J A Biddle. W D Rhodes. Harnett C H Alexander, Jos Pick ett, J W Lowrev. Masonboro Jere M Hewlett, J A Montgomery, W H Waddell. Cape Fear C C Bordeaux, J T Kerr. REGISTRARS. First Ward First division, Orra Mc- Fadyen, W J Harrlss; second division, C M Harriss, Geo A Dry. W J Barnes; thlid 4 division. James. O D Telfair. W Orr; fourth division, J B Jones, J S W Eagles. E A Orrell; fifth division, C S Arnold, R H Banting, E A Bryant. Second Ward J G Lane, J W Galley, C S Garrell. Third Ward First division. B W Dunham, Daniel Howaid, C H Gilbert; second division,. E W Hewlett, J E Tay lor. G W Pickett. Fourth Ward First division, T G Pickett, L G Scott, O A Wiggins; second division, R L Dixon, D Lander, Jeff Smith. Fifth Ward First division.W M Mor ris, T C Miller. D J Benson; second divi sion, J J Bell. G T Littleton, J M King; third division. J H Hanby, S W Mott.H W Penny; fourth division, W J Howard, T F Bell. W A Jordan, Jr. Federal Point Steven Keys, A L Freeman, J F Keys. Harnett S J Jonea. O Peareall, John Holt. Masonboro R H Holt, B S Montfort, Wm McLaren. Cape Fear Jas Cowan, Luke Grady, R W Bordeaux. The petitions of P. B. Manning, at torney for . W. Mitchell, and of J. B. Mercer, agent of Mrs, Mary L. Mercer, were referred to the county attorney with power to act Oa motion, the sum of $500 was al lowed to cover expense of writing op tbe tai books. The report of the county treasurer was referred, to the Auditing Committee with power to act. A PHR w A B.S. A B. " " A FREE EXHIBITION GIVEN AT The Parlor Kariet, No. 18 North Front Street, DURING THE HOURS OF 8 A, M. TO (J P; M. Come and see what can be done on a Vapor Stove. If yon DO YOUR OWN HOUSE WORK, or have an interest in youf servants arid want to have a COOL HOUSE! IN THE SUMMER and reduce your expenses at tend this exhibition. Cost of Fuel 3 Cents a Day. Yon will be entertained, instructed especially the ladies The report of Dr. W. D. McMillan, county physician, was read aad accepted as follows: To the Board of County Commissioners oj New Hanover County: Gentlemen Io June I treated 174 patients ia office, made eighty-five visits to sixty-three paupers at tbeir homes and attended to four emergency cases at the expense of tbe county. Tne city authorities refuse transpor tation, except in city carts, to patients to be transported to tbe City Hospital. Ia cases of high fever aad acute symp toms, this is not quite a humane mode of transportation. . I most respectfully suggest that some means of transportation be provided. Respectfully, ; W. D. McMillan. 4 Co. Sept. of Healtb. The report of Dr. Jos. C. Shepard, Superintendent of Home, was read and accepted, showing the presence of twenty-eight Inmates in the County Home and nine prisoners in the House of Correction. The report also suted that the institution was well kept. There are thirty-three prisoners in jail, tbe sanitary condition of which is tolerably good. The report of Register of Deeds C. W. Norwood showed that he had issued twenty-nine marriage licenses in tbe last month. Oa motion, the Board took a recets. subnet to the call of the chairman. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. The Board of Education, consisting of F. W. Foster, chairman, and F. J. Dempsey and Jordan Nixon, convened after the adjournment of the Commis sioners. The nrst butinets was tne elec tion of the county supervisor cf achools. chosen bvthe Board of Educa tion together with the Clerk of the Su perior Court and the Register of Deeds. Prof. M. C. S. Noble was unanimously elected. Tbe Board proceeded then to elect five intelligent met of good business qualifications as school committeemen in each of the school districts of the county ol New Hanover and the follow ing were elected in their resoective dis tricts: Wilmington Township. D, strict No. 1 Jas F Post. Jr, Edwin Borden, J E Sampson. Wilmington Township, D strict No. S. J H Cbadbourn, J G Norwood. Samuel Northrop. Cape Fear Township, District No. 8. J T Ksrr, C C Bordeaux, F J Dempsey, Lewis Hollingsworth, W M Hansley. Masonboro Township, District No. 4 B. S. Momlord, J P Montgomery, W. H Waddell, Cseiar Biker. Harnett Township, District No. 5. Oscar Pearsall, C H Alexander, J A Holt, Thomas Frank, Jerry M Hewlett. Federal Point Tooship, District No. 6. W D Rhodes. J A Biddle, Archie Freeman, Geo E Green, Steven H Keys. There being no further business, the Board ad j ourned. BRUNSWICK COUNTY Board of JCdaoatton Sahool- Oommtttaca Bleated. iFollowine . are the names, together with the politics of the recently elected Board of Education of Brunswick county: J. J. Johnson, Republican; Ea gene Parker. Populist; J. T. Wescott, Democrat. At a meetiag of tbe Board on Mon day, the school committees for the dif ferent school districts were elected with the following result : I North West No. I. A. M. Willlsms, Dsm.;J. W. Gay. Dem ; J. T. Roper, Dem.; Chas. McKay (col ). Rep., David Chapman (col.), Rep. Town Creek No. 1. J. N. Bennett. Dam ; O. A Darant, Dam.; I. W. Har relson. Pop; John Maliett (col). Rep.; R. W. Moore (col.). Rep. Smitbville, No. 8. D. 1. Watson. Dem.: David Ward, Dem.; B. D. Wes cott, Pop.; Whitfield Griffia (col,). Rep i Wesley Lee (col.). Rep. Lockwood's Folly. No. 4 R.V. Leon ard. Dem.; Dock Hewett, Dem.; ington Sellers.Pop.; Benj.Fulwood (col ). Rep.. D. M. Reeves (col). Rep. Shallotte, Na 6 J L. Simmons.Pop.; A. C Meares, Dem.; Warren Piggott, Dem ; Charles Gre (col ). Rep.; Fred Brooks (col.). Rep. Waccamaw, No. 6 B. B. Bennett, Dem; J. F. King. Rep.; R. M. Long, Dem.; G. K. Andrews. Pop.; J E Jen nette. Pop. State Proxy tor the IN. C. Bailroed. Mr. Jas. H. Chadboara. Jr.. of this city, yesterday afternoon received a tel egram from Gov. Russell., notifying him that be bad been appointed State proxy for the North Carolina Railroad. Mr. Chadboarn, in company with Mr. Joha S. Armstrong, president of the National Bank of Wilmington, and Mr. Wm. Gil christ, both directors of that road, left last night for Barlington, to attend the annual meeting of the stockholders. A movement is now on foot to establish another ice factory. Yester day stock was being solicited, and last night a meeting eras held at The Ortoa? Hoase to arrange the plans tor the new factory. Among those present were B. F. Keith. A; J. Marshall. H. G. Sauo- ders, T. W. Wood, and John G. Mar shall. The Star understands thst a eentleman from Atlanta, Ga4 will build the plant, etc. . QTHVPQ aa A S - V MWl OF COOKING WILL BE and surprised, - Everybody invited, jf7tt TM HARVEST OF DEATH. Several people Oa ta Their Beward Ban d7. Monday and Yeatereays On latVSanday morning Mrt. Anaia Mead Banner, of Mount Airy.-died la this city at the residence of her' mother. Mrs. Mary E. Borden. Tbe funeral wat conducted Tuesday morning from Grace M. E. jchurch. Rev. R. A. Willis offici ating.; After services at the church tha remains were tenderly curled to Oak dale cemetery and laid to rest under a mound covered with beautiful floral tributes of respect and esteem. The pall-bearers were Col. Walker Tsylor and Messrs. R. D. Cronly. J. N. Brand. G. J. Boney, George Crow and Henry N. Parsley. Mr. H. T. Bryant, a prominent and highly respected citizen of Duplin county, died at bis home aear Wallace on Monday last. He had lived to a ripe old age, having arrived at his seventy second year. He had an admirable war record. He entered the service at the beginning ot the war as a member of Barron's company. Twenty-fourth Vir ginia, and did not lay down his musket until the surrender at Appomattox. He engaged in sixteen battles, but was never wounded or taken prisoner. The funeral was conducted yesterday at 9 p m. aad the remains of the old soldier were laid to rest in the family graveyard at Rock Fish. It is with genuine regret that the Star announces tbe death of Mrs. Maggie Richardson, wife of Mr. C. C. Lyon, of Elizabethtown, Biaden countr. Tne tad event occurred last Saturday at her resi dence in Elizibethtown and teimlnated a protracted and painful illness. I Tbe deceased was a daughter of the late John A. Richards jn, a talented law yer of Bladen county, and at one time solicitor of this judicial district.. Her husband, Mr. C. C. Lyon, is also a promi nent lawyer. , Fred. Line, a young white boy 13 years old, employed oa tbe farm ot Mr. T. F. Bagley, died of malarial fever at 13 o'clock noon last Sunday. His borne was in Goldsboro. from which city be bad come to Wilmington about a month ago. Tbe remains were taken to Golds boro on the 9 o'clock A. C. L. train. Tbe Star extends its "sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mints in tbe loss of tbeir infant daughter, Lola V., who diedoa Monday morning at 4 o'clock at tne age of 18 months. The funeral waa conducted from the family tesidence on Front street, between Castle and Queen, at v octpec yesteruay morning, ana interment! was made at Bcllcyae Cemetery.1 , ' Asalnit a Strong Tide. Mr. Clarence Maffiit made a trip la a row-boat from Carolina Beach to S oath port on Saturday evening at a rate of speed which was very creditable consid ering tbe excessive beat and the strong tide against wbich be had to row, Tba distance is something over fourteen miles and was covered in four hours. BaaaaaaaawaaaaawaawaaaaaawaaawaBaaa DIBD, BANNER Enttrad lata mt oa Saaday aura'af, Julr 4th, 1897, at tbe hem ol be- mochar, ia tba cmt of Wilminftoa, N. C , ANNIE UlAO, bitord wifeofjoua Banner, of Mt. Airy. N. C YaaMaat and beloyed daughter of Mrt. Mary E. and thai law Jas. C Borden, of Wilmington, N. C. agad tt lean. I mootat and S dayi. j LYON In Elizabethtown, N. C, Inly ird, 1897, Mn. MAGGIE RICHARDSON LYON, wifaiof C. C Lyon. j Rockingham paper! pit aaa copy. i NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Base Ball, This afternoon at 4 30 o'clock at O. A. N. Ball Park, corner Ninth and Orange streets, O. A. N. vs. Hope Mills. Admission 20 cents. Ladies free. Jy 7 It Office of Scc'y of W., C. & A. E R. Co. WnJOHGTON, N. C, Jolr Sth. 18B7. The Board of Director! of the Wilmlagtoa, Colum bia & a ngnita R. K. Co hare declared a divldead of thiee per cent:, payable oa the capital itock of that Company, to all holder! o' record of July Itt, 1HOT. Diridends due aad parable on July lO.h, 1837. at the office of the Treainter at Wilmington, N. C. The trau'er booki will atandcloied from Jaly lit to the 10th iocl naive. (AMES V. POST. Ja . . Secrerarr and 1 reaioier. jy 7ti -W. C A. R. R. C. CAROLINA BEACH AND SOUTHPORT SCHEDULK. Leave for Sonthportat 9.81 a. m. Leave for Carolina Beach at 6.00 aad 9 30 a, ta.; S 00 aad 6.15 p. aa. Leave Southport at 12.30 p. ro. Leave Beach at TOO a.m., 1.15, 8. aad S p. Pare oa 5.15 Boat to piai and return IB cents. Leave Sunday for Carolina Beach only at 10 a. a. and 2.30 p. at. Leave Beach at It. 80 aad 1p.m. jy 7 tt Bagging and Ties 1,000 Rolls No. I Baling.' 1,300 Bundles Ties. 500 Keys Nails. V 1,000 Bns'ls ya.WatergTouhd Meal. 100 Bags Hudnot Grits. , 25 SmairCbeese. W. B. C00FEB. JytDAWtf 899 North Watn St, w - l 1 '1