wxuczsroTOji. m. a WtDWtJDT MOatX. JctV 7. 18-37 XX?TTXLICUI CATtfAWt. IU W. D. Bvaa. ol IsJlAas, h paateJ ars be fqssrtars la N Y;rs. ffio wVct he proposves to COX'Ki c3i?if xlt taw , D.eTcrit ps.ty. H ojtct la jm ticiaf ail ta New Ywl , d j"?r. 10 o-t assrer street r (i representatives ol WTU st.sec. wt r c operating wita h.a . i lit a ties the Dtn v cr:tc party, lit dxi no ttpct to aroanN aytMaj la taw way o4 e'ecsun t orS: oea vfeo entertain tit T!tl W VC b hoi is. bat h does cs?ct t help ta RepwbUcaas la their f fst Vt ta Dsmocratic party, becisse h era not accept lha frea silver pJaak oa wskh 6.500,000 Democrats stood ta th Use cam paigai Ht propones to keep ap "tha caapaif-a of vjacatioo altaoafn b se-a to b-t lis olf eO act tor U ta field taes far. aad also to take a aaad ia taa racket ia Ktavazkf, Oslo aad other Statu vaica hod elections oa fjca tit aett P.-rstdeatial elect ia takes place. ta JTTTtacky it 14 said taat tba "soaad oaaey Dscaocrats will pat a ticket ia ta Stld, watca will be cadorte 1 by tag Repabatcaas oo tba pnapie. tappoae, that "tarsi asoat la (air pUf." aad ia aa ease as tie "soaai ai3oy Det-aocrsts of taat State help ta Republicans a'ect their ticket last November the Rppabiicaa will reciprocate by he'p'of ta-era elect socacbody. We have very serioat doabes ol that, bat that ia what Mr. Byaaa Is ajar-i-if oo aad why he hopes to make tracks ia that State. Waea be gets iato Oslo aad other Westera State where the Repab Iicaas hive a viforoo orxsaiistioa tattcad of th-.ir playtaj tec ood Si die to his people, hts people will hare to pi ay seco-sd fiddle to them, as they did ia the election last falL As they have been eery caaca disfasted at their treat as eat by the Repaoiicaa caiafrs si ace they have txea In stalled la power, ia the way la which thif hive related to tackle thecar- rtacy aruwjo aad the way la which they have tackled taetarU qaesuoo, tVtre t t:I p'obaVlity that the -odtl -a statesmen will pool i-i4 direc-tf mi the RepabJicaet a -assy j( cae-a dJ ta the laucaai- tad Joe aad Daalel, aad other who stood atraJfat ap aod made stalwart fijht lor free aUver, tad that the arty aacceasf al efforts to keep taaatioo dowa or to avt the people the benefit ol aaiaaed artJcIe vtre by these taat free ulvtr Seaators Itecaatplay that aa a jasllfica tio ol bia coatlaaed oppoaitloai to the Dsosocratki party, or at a plea ta get rccrsiu (or hli coatlajeat, for itbafraal. Taa Oct It that Mr. Byaaa aad they wha c operate wit hiaa ia his protTamt are aiai- ply aakiay; cats paws ol theai selves for the RepabOcaas as thy did la the last eiectloa, whea they helped elect Meld a ley aad la reed the Pres- iieacy over to hioa aad Mark. Haaaa. xox xirriov. ptij. ta:y pat tickets of ivk ) ta the njti. throw thetr v- tif on taeu as the 131.16-J vi) tot Pal-aer aad Bockaer 4 . a!3 . p.iia at "Sa tai D;jt:j aelp the "Ma-ta-; jtt pj6Kj3" ia their fijht tjtt ta tvacrattc party. They W! tiea?'y pi ay tae role ol catspasrs t)''iR -nc can., help tha rctaia por-r h-rv taT have it la States, aa-i c ;a- atiooal GavtraneaL TX wat :hs ad aad comfort that they d :tc 'r avl ia J rectly jive the Re-p-iiUi .a the lat ctectioos taat tatNJ the Repabiicaas to jc art eaaah ia tae See ate to carry throafh a tans' bill or aay r l4,'a:ta waith that party la iaterrtted -a. They are really re iibii f a the tan! bill af alo which thty are aaw protruia j. whc they kaew ) as well as they kaow hoc oaaay davs there are la the year that if the RepVlaas woe ia the last eiectioo we woald have a cicesaivc carif law. Bat they were so aatioos to defeat tht party which refased to perm t theta to fraase its ptatiora , that they shat thetr eyes to that aad west tt biiad aamst Bryaa aad SewaiL It it ndcaloat to read the reasoas Mr. Byaaa a!jus for tryias; to keep ap the orf aaisatioa of the le diaaapolia decoys, oa which he bases ho haoes ol aiimj a taafibte ahjwta at tae aeit eiectioo. He CiAivna at the streafth ol the bofas aacioaal Oeaocracy aot only the W1.1W voters who cast their ballot tor Palmer aad Beckaer ba: the aakaowa aaaber ol "Deao crau" who voted d:rectly foe Mc IC'aley aad Mobart. rather thaa throw their voces away oa the two vjoerabie decoys wha represceted the "Natioaval leotocraxic party," the I'ttle cwd ol whicfa Ha. W. O. Byaaa steered. He claims also thooeaads ol Oeaocrata who, a( thaafh they dd aot beUrve la free silver, adhered to the caadtdates ol tae uetcafo coaveauoo oa accoaat cf thetr d-slike ol the "Repabiicaa 3 arty. He aspects oat ol these tarve e'-ena ?a-.s to fara a party which wl be sameroas eaoafh to make a respectable parade behiad hts bead wafoa. W'hat he hal to base aay soch hope at that oa la view ol the eat has! sea onth which the Democracy ol Keo tacky aad Oato reaAraed the O.Xa platform ia aoc appareat, aad we have fiid to dacovee avay iai.M.ioa ol fip over to aay ol the oiaer Spates, where there haa beea aay rroaocraiic eiprrssloo oa the csr rvtwy q vrstioo. He says the Demo crats whdare opposed to high tario taaa'ioa wCl is tnew ol the tendency to prc'ectioa as shown by free silver Democrats la the Sooth aad the West cat loose from them aad jxa hands with the nanl for rrve aae" "oo d aoney Democrats, bat Mr. Byaaa loses sJht of the fact that tae only oppoaitloa the hi(h tartf atn hai in the Senate came from Democratic Senator like Vest There ta hardly a day that docs not brief one or mar reports from some secttoa of the coaotry of the perpetration, or aueapied perpetra tion, ol that crime the penally of which ta speedy death, li caafht, witaoat the formalities ol law. Ia view ol the aaaher who pay this penalty, aad the almost oalvcrsal determlaatloa ol the people to ea force It, the treqaency with which this crime Is committed la aitooish laf. Waen they do attempt it the fsilty brates uke their lives ia thdr ova hand i aad they know it, aad taeref ore they are not proper sab- iects for sympathy, bectose they de li berate I y aad kaowiagly lavite their fate. The fact that the people so Ctnerally resort to this violent method ol prompt paalahmeot aay be deplored, bat It Is also to be deplored that the people have so generally come to the cooclastoa that this Is oecesiary to protect society. Ua fortaaately the retribution has not altocether the e fleet aloasd at, be- caate racial prejudice figures ia it more or lets, aad the effort Is made by short-sighted people to create the impression that the retribatioo Is as mac a or more oo accoaat of the color of the calprtt thaa of the crime with which he Is charged, aa impressioa whica hat been very mach strengtheaed by the utter ances of some colored preachers (some ol wham are qaltc distia- tslshed). aad others i aspired by sec tional aatipathy or motives which are not commendable. If they all took the same view of It as Bishop Caiaes, of the Gorla Africaa Methodist Episopal Caarch, does, aad spoke at sensibly aad plainly as he does, there woald be less of the crimes which are visited with speedy vesgeaace, aad fewer victims woald pay the penalty. Ia a letter recently pablished he says: I toe one sot ao. wi'lisj to ac laoafht la tf apstkf cmk crime or criaiaals aad esoacial.f wita ihoee of t character I a sow caneieertaf.. II the colored peopie ae a race aspect togua tae cosh desce aad reapvet of lavir white aeiefe aort aaJ to eievate taecaaeivra la taa acaie ot ovilrsad hie taf apat aa ia no aacertai av ifecir detcata tion of tae caore aratai of tae; r race wao coain t tae aortitla off races of rape, ar son aaa taa like. Taere meat be ao maveitn eyaiastev for snca ct trader so 4 ft tern tarir ova ract aad ariag taa aero Into saaasa aa1 c Mteniot Tais Is ad vies that the colored peo ple aa a rale should poodcr seriously npoo. If they did aad acted opoo it, it woald do mach t deter from the commission of these crimes by the brates who coast epoa the sympathy ol their race aad their aid to screen them from arrest and paaiah-menL boos monexs. Taa Utile folks will eajot the JTy aaaherof St.ftkktUt. which ahonads la storine aal eaea atttev as the? like to rani, all aaaasoeanlv illnstrated. This pahUcatlon la aot only aa estertalaer bat aa ed scat or. Pehlished bf The Caatary Comar. Ualoa Sqaare, New York. Tfcere ere soma vtlaiate aad lattrac tive article m the Jaty aaaahsr of Tk Smtktm oVato. oae on Tobacco Cel lars in the S hat a, at A. M. Hawaii, aad one on Climate aad Haaltb. by Chaa. W. Daanev.Jr. PabUahed by The Maaa- fdctnrers Record Compaav. Baltimore. Martlaad. Taa Ja-r aaaher of Mc&urti Uf mji is aa letarcsttag- oae. The ad- aitara of Aedree Jackaoa will be ia tereated la tks pipers oa his tile, haad aoeaaly Uia tuatad. whil otaers will fiad a lara aaaoaat of eatertaiaiag matter. PaaUahed hr the S S. McGara Com paar. 141-lM E itt Tareaty-filth sUeet. New York. Ths Ja'f atsiff ol 7a Ldus Hm 0mrmsJ iS a bsiuufal one. sp.ea d.dr iusiree4 aad A Isd wittt later ct.i aad iattremra teadiag matter- Tae ladtet will fiad taa lasaloa aad doaseuc dsotrtaaau as ataal fall of lal lalorasuioa. Paa.iakad bf the Cnrtis Pshlishiag Compaav. Patla delphia. Tae Kt94fw 0 Rtpitmt waic a it a 1 was laieraMta. preseatt a fiie aad var.ai 1st ol oatsatt f.r jy. ea brc.a4 ' Tit P.orets at tae. Wor.d." waica is aa aacvclopedia of leadtag t.MiU vi.b sk;t;aei of psp wbo fiare promts tail v ia the hrstorv of the dir. Tas namajr w. ss oa I. copi- oaslr IUsetrata-1. SPIRITS TUEPENTINE.n I TWAIN AS A REPORTER. Alleghany Star : I The small train crop Is good this year better than It has been for several years. Henderson GtJ Ltaf: While not opposed to better roads or better schools, many people are opposed to aa Increase la their taxes just at this time. On the other band both pro positions fiad advocates and It will require an official vote to decide the question. Concord Standard; Quite a se rious fight occurred Sunday after noon at Ebenezer Church, in town ship No. 10, between two negroes. Black well KUer, a 15-year-old boy, and Bill Little, became involved in a dispute, when Kiier struck Little oa the bead with a rock with sucbi tre mendous force that it crashed Lit tle's skull, who will , probably die from the effects. Kizer's father told the boy to skip the country, and the child departed for parts unknown at his father's command. Sun day afternoon Messrs. W. L. Brfl and Ira Mehaffey opened the mite box that bangs In the vestibule of the First Presbytenaa church, and to their surprise, discovered that the box had been robbed of a part of its contents. Several weeks ago Mr. Mehattey, who cirried the keys, opened the box and at that time it contained more than $5.00, but when be and Mr. Bell, the church treas urer, opened it Sundty only about $3 00 va there. From all indica tionson the inside of the box, it was readily seen that the box had been taken down and the coin shaken out. It is not known who committed the robbery, bnt several little white boys are suspected of the theft. AMERICAN bKOOMS. TWINKUNj Senator Allison, la the Senate Monday, in reply to ioqeiries, while esprrtslag aa opinio a as to the prob able revesoe for the coming year un der the new tariff', was candid enough to admit that it la imposaible to make aaythiog like definite esti mates. All they can do is to Uke the receipts from imports, aad In ternal revenne for pre vi out years, aad with these as a guide estimate what the revenaes may be. This Is aa sear as they caa get to it, aad or dinarily speaklag may be near enoagh for all practical purposes, bat when aa cmergeacy tariff is framed, to provide against a present or pending deficit then there shoald be socaethisg definite to go a poo and specnlalioa should figure very little la the premises. Of coarse the Imports under the new tariff are problematical, they will depend not only apon the deues, bat also on the condition of bostaess ia the coon try. If that shoald take 00 new lif e.and the people ba;aa to prosper, the Importations aught be large, aad the surplus from la terns 1 revenue large, but with coo tinaed depression, the Importations will be redaced to the minimum, as will also be the receipts from later- sal revenue, la which eveat Instead ol providing against the deficit there woald be a larger one. VTith the outlook at present, with the basiaess dipcasaioa, tae increased tariff da tie aad the large amount ol staff Imported to escape the higher da ties. the new tariff docs aot promise, for soae time at least, to be mach of a revenue prodacer. The Skirts of the Day "Why do von atvtr watr roar leveled garter. Mad(r "Oa. I doa't likt tabs otieatatiout." DttrtU fturmt Mamas (tadlv holding ap a attrlf eaotr I u) "R xiel. be you owe at inv preserves a-aia? Rcae (-ateatlv comaing her del; hair) Ma as a 1. didn't gaadna teach f on when von i a little eirl. same's von htvs at ao; to be too 'qaiaitivt?" --V. The Oaly Rind Irate Citizen (to aeorefcet) -Hi. then! Hire ptdei trtias ao rtas la this crt? Scorcaer (vassa b) Gertail t aaetal rite." Brookly Lift. Mrs. K aiver "For mercy's stk. Marv. wuat are tba c&ildreo qor reiiat a boot ?" Hrr "It's oolf la (aa. mam: they b p.aviae tber're married. Botton TtMtcri4. The Verdict: "Won't you try ibtcatccea loup Jaigt?' stked Mra. Snttb of ber ooirder. aot aaticing that btbad goat beroad tbe sojp stsje it bis diaaer. I bava tried it. midam. replied tba Jalje "Tbe cbiccea bis proved sn sl itx. Truik Her Secret: She "There, I have told von at secret. Promise me too will tall uoat. aot evca soar ile. He "No. Mr "ile told me ibs mnro lg ao: to aay aa ytbiog aaoat it." .V Y. Jmrrut. "They d say that every Ameri caa is a boot laveotor." and tae patri otic ecatlcmaa. "Mr batbtad." said a lat lady. ' it sn exception. He uses tbe sime o'd caaeafor beia out la that I ae4 to bear my latber ate. InMtnapolis four mml. Tbe Height of Courtesy CibVt "Sadie S'imaoa It p!ite isa't tbe ? S:oae "How so ? " Ca Lit. airfQt I stked tike tbe b-e ctair. sad sae said : yoe .' -Piuk Mr. Benham "I wish stasia again." Mrs. 8-aaam ' Yoo horrid Wat: wonld von do il oo were ? " Mr. Bcabam ' Marry yonaeaia. Mrs Bsbam "Oa. yoa darlieg crest are." Mmdtm Stct 'ttjr Bodvoo That's tbe way with yon women. Wbea yon ssy ao yoa oaly vast to be coaxed a litttle to tay BadsoM Aad whea you men say 'no K don't bkt macb coaxag to make von say I don', care it I 6a.'Pitltimrr TTM Brst Id the World and m Lauxer Part -or lh Worl.l Mirjl With Thrm. Arrifriran brm-ra r.rp cip:rtl In birpe Darner to n tuiT coi!iitrln. Our exjwr talhin cj hrtmiiis t. suioe countries have wllbln rpt-rnt yi'nr", owing to natural cnu. , det rm-M, l ut our pprcpate ex ports arv riPTcrttieli? now In r per than etrr, anil mill Incrt'nslnp. We and broom a to C'cntml America. South .iuerlca and Soi:h A:ricv to the l"nitl Kinlom and to Franco unci OIiTinuny. Wo nnt many limn; toAuitmlia. Now we mnd few bnoi:n tbcre liut we wml largo qua ntl tlv uf brorin corn, and wc wnd there, too, bmommaklng machinery. American; hroommaktr.x iimchlnerr is wnt aim to orl;i r fur ipu i-ouiitrios. At one time many American l.mtunn were Mild in the Arfrcn tln IN public, but now they are raising broom corn on the Plntto river, and mtk tnfr brtwuia dowu tot rv too. We send now atxl then a little lot of broom to Chlna but we stud none, or practically none, to otht-r Aslati; cuntriu, and our export to Clilna nrv :.inll aa to be of no oonaider- tl'io whatever in tbe account. Tbe climate cf thin country ia favorable to the growth of I room corn, and here bi-x:i .rn i ci.ltltntetl with the grvntedt klll nr.d with the best result. Consider al.lf i;uint:ii. of broom corn ore raUcd in Italy, but it U nf a poorer quality, and It in loinmorly rmilttl to r!-en to much ur-t.l It ij ml end lu'iK-vji and br.tle. The Italian ctrn Is m&do Ir.to brooita in tJcr many.AvhtTe tho Lilior is much chcupcr th.m horv. Ri.: that t Iienpn-s is offset liy tfH- f.i-ctite ; -x- i f n.:it h!nery htre. In this coi.-nlry in n the ct.-n ittlf is har vested ni:d ir:.i! ly irncbinea. Ainericnn I n'i! "I tin l iner gredis arc put down In .i ni:any i.t priit that nrv very close to thoe uf 1 be 1 r r (li niuin brooms. Tbe blhtr fi.n!m.( An.ericjin Ij-ooms cost n;t rv, but ti;y ire the lft brnoius in tho wrrM. They an l in durability and in all other gntxi quUities. Some brooms are parkei! for export In l-oin, but there are countrlrs In v. huh imptrt duties are levied on orr. weight where a packing box would bo too costly a t.ire, and brooms for cxjurt 1. re ciiinmunly packed in burlaps, bandits and all N ing conpletely covered. Wo send no whisk brtioms to Ktirope. Tbt rt- tb still tling to the old fashioned rl.nlit I rush. Hut to nil other countries to which we send I moms we send whisk broums too. New York Sun. MODERN MEXICO. hr to Alter I were wretch. CURRENT COMMfcNT. Why make a fass about Mark Haaaa baying tbe Reed delegates from Alabama to vote for McKinley at a cost of $17,000? He bought boin the nomination and tbe eiectioo. Nobody with n grain of sense doubts that. Lnisttlb DisfaStk, Dtm. We are quite sore the boose minority will do nothing to delay action on the Una bill wbeo that measure finally escapes from the sxoate. Oar confidence in this mat ter is based wholly oa Tom Reed's capacity for sitting down on mioor It'et aod at the sime time utilising majri'les for doormats. Washing tan Pit, Ind Mr. Broom has said It. From now oa the campaign against free silver will be wage J with energy, end we intend to continue the cru sade until the project for s debased currency Is strangled beyond hope of resurrection " Proceed, gentle men, proceed. Only be kind enough to keep on yourowo side of tbe road. Yoa cannot make tbe line between yonrielves sod tbe democratic party too cleif.fndidmifWu Sfntinet, Dcm. We hear a great deal from Washington of elaborate courtesies bet wee a the Spanish Minister aod oor new Minister to Spain How loog will It be before we hear some thing farther of attempe to Inaugur ate policy la regard to the barbar ons and bloodthirsty warfarn against freed xn in Caba which shall please the Amercan people without special concern for the feeliogs of tbe Span Ish Mlnist err AVav Yrrh VU, m. Tti Vimrr In Il I-'alldinf I p That Pres ident Ilaa Holds. Win n once we bad pokrn of the school systnu rniur,t Piaz ban creaUtl for Meiloo the th tut wiili h more than any other sdiiil to kindle him and when ho bud given in live minutes nn astonish ing blrt! ye lew uf a huge field, he add ed. It srvt:;xl t me with a Cr.e mingling tf dipnlty and pnthts: "And thp-Kglish Is ctim ulstiry. So. when we, the old, are gone. Mril.ti w:!l hae two Idioms." And Spain, v. hen the theme was tbe steps up whli h one l y one ho has banded Mexico fn m Internet tent anarchy to sure peace, he said gravely and with that Buiae tersencM: "It ntt!txl something of the strong hand (la manodura). But every year it could rrlax. Now, though there are some who do Dot love ' PorCrio, ' all love peace. So the flst Is wide open. There Is full litany free scbouls, free ballot, free press. '.They may do what tbey will so tbey do not Drc a gun at me." litre is iho keynoteof irodern Mexico a dictator ship which hut ff i.t ungrudgingly Its b)(l ami Its caro for the country 's prog- Jt Is Ibis mtn. whore eye and voice and step brlle the hslf of his years, t hat has wrought tbe Mexican miracle. And If he has put a new face on his country it 1? not a wbit more renarkablc than tho trans formation ke bus vt rought upon his own shoulders. This has la-en a transfiguration of which I know no parallel. Making duo allowance for the change of fafbion In facial landscaro gardening, IVrCrio Dial was not from the start visibly frontispleced by fste for all that he boa become. Within a youth's memory bo wore the mere fea tures of a soldier. Even In the seven tU-s be might have been a chief of ruraloa. But today bis face la unmistakable, and a proverb for "the handsome man In Mex ico. " By sheer features this Is not true. Bnt by tba collective Impression It la. In fsoermtlon he has given himself a new face, aod even made over the shape of his head. In all tbe breadth of a regenerated republic there is no more striking monu ment to tbe thought It has needed to turn the Mexico in which Juares died Into the Mexico of today than the very bead of the man wbo did It. Charles F. Lorn mis In Harper's Magazine. ta Pixa Pan ftaaan Used by the Huxr 1st Wu Vash.'" Mr. Clemens' first pen name, when be commenced to write for Joe Goodman's Territorial Enter pi ise in Virginia City, Nev., about 1CC3, as correspondent from Esme ralda district, where he mined for a living, was Josh. The fan and hu mor that babbled ap in his letters tickled the Washoeites and made the paper sought after. They sent for him, and he came, gladly relin quishing the pick and shovel, the windlass and the bucket, for the journalist's pen. Mr. Clemens came to Virginia City dressed in the usual garb of a miner, well worn at that, and demeaned himself with all a miner's freedom. He had also, in a greater degree than subsequently, the exceptional drawl in his speech which he chose to consider one fac tor in the sum of his distinctive in dividuality. He took readily to re porting the varying fortunes of the mining community and strengthen ed the writing force on The Enter prise materially, while at the same time availing himself of legitimate oppoitnnities to acquire "feet" in the Comstock and shares in different outlying mines. He was accounted quito rich in this kind of property at ceo time. With liberal remunera tion for his work, his personal ap pearance rapidly improved, and he grew to bo a swell in a mild way. besides cleaner in speech as well as in dress. Becoming dissatisfied with his pen name Josh, be changed it to Mark Twain, l y which at the present day he is knewn in the literature of the world. About I SG I llr. Clemens came to San Francisco. It cannot be said he liiiifje many friends in Nevada. Pin ra were some who affected his company on account of his writings, l.ut he Lad not the faculty of win ning friendship. Before he arrived iu the city he had accumulated, as l.-efore stated, a good deal of money, every stiver of which he sunk in Hale & JCorcross. Then he took up the burden of literary life again. He wrote San Francisco letters to his old paper. The Territorial Enter prise, and for some real or fancied cause attacked the local police so persistently and fiercely that Mar tin O. J. Burke, who was chief of the force at the time, brought a suit for libel against the paper. Such envenomed communications as Mr. Clemens wrote on this subject have rarely been penned. They made the official equanimity of the old city hall boil like a caldron of asphaltum, the fume and 6tench being in pro portion. Ho also contributed for Charley Webb ("Inigo' to The Cal ifornian for The Golden Era, and ditj all sorts of literary work where by ho could turn a cent. It was a terrible xiphill business, and a less determined man than himself would have abandoned the struggle and remained at the baso. Mr. Clemens joas at Steamboat SpriDgs, Nev., for his health, when the letter was written offering him a place on The Call. He came down shortly after, but judging from his appearance fortune had been nlavinn scurvv tricks with him in the interim. With out doing the gentleman any injus tice it can be freely stated that al though at the time a good general writer and correspondent, ho made but nn indifferent reporter. He only played at itemizing. 'Considering his experience in the mountains, he had an inexplicable oversion to walking, and in putting b8 matter on paper he was, to use his own expression, "slower than the wrath to come." Many funny and characteristic incidents occur red during his few mouths' stay on The Call. Ho only wanted to remain long enough, he said, when ho en gaged to go to work, to make "a stake," but on leaving his purse was no heavier than when he came. The most notable thing he did that can now be recalled was a philippic against some undertaking employ ees, where the morgue happened to be, for tho deadhouso in those days, like the old fashioned plan with the country schoolmistress and the vil lagers, was "boarded round," each undertaker accommodating the cor oner in turn. It appears some one about the place refused to give Mr. Clemens information or to let him see "the slate," and next morning he got such a dose, commencing "these body Bnatchera," that a gen eral apology was immediately made by every man in the establishment. The proprietor was east at the time, but when he read the article he shivered, as he confessed afterward, and considered his business ruined. Mr. Clemens parted from The Call people on the most friendly terms, when it was found necessary to make the local department more efficient, admitting his reportorial shortcom ings and expressing surprise that they were not sooner discovered. San Francisco Call. Cripe When you take Hood's Fills. The big, old-fash ioned, sugarosted puis, which tear you an to pieces, are not in it with Hood's. Fasy to take and easy to operate, is true of Hood's Pills, which are trp to date In every respect. Safe, certain and sure. All druggists. 25c. C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowe.'!. Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsap;ir::ia. Pills m I uyoHfxcooH-i lyg? PICKLIHF jjdigL I COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. SIS 844 82 n til ilr. A GOOD SITTER. '!. r-o nil; fl-..l sli on thim I'lnn. tlie old t h, D h Pick LsI." EXTF?A SMOKING TOBACCO uldon iielt of North carotin. ; rrown lit th Clgmnt! BHk guet wltli tcb 3 ox. ucfc. Made from the Pumt, Rlitaat sril 8eett leaf 2 unit tguel ALL FOIl lO VVMTS. A Pleasant, Cool and Drlleiitiul Smoke. Lyon A Co. Tobacco Works, Durham, ft. C. APPOINTMENTS For Vnt i ton the 8 b-p of Eit Crcltn. lair 7. Wrdiies-l!v, Ccmmanion, Chapel of the Cross, Aurora. Iul 8. Tnoisday, M P, S John's, Maselwville. Jul? 9 Friday. E P, Sladeaville. J-iW 11. fourth Sunday after Trinity, MPS George's, Hde county. July 12 Monday, E P. Fairfield. July 13 Tueaday. E P. Swan Quarter. Joly 18. fi'tb Sunday after Trinity, M P, S Paui's, Besu'ort. July 18 fifth Sandgy after Tricity, E P. S Oemr-qt's. Biau'oit: Corn. Communion. E P Evening prater. M P Morning prayer. Holy communion at all morning services toe CDiidien catechized when prac ticable. Tbe Vestries will pleate be prepared to meet rhe Bishop Offerings to be for Diocesan Mission? unlets otherwise announced. STAR OFFICE. July 7. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady at 23 cents per gallon for mscbioe-made casks and.23j cents 'for conn try casks. ROSIN Market firm at 1 25 per bbl tor Strained aad $1 80 for Good Strained. TAR. Market firm at $1.15 per bblofSSOfts. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market steads ; $1.30 per barrel for Hard., 1 80 for Teiioar Dip aod 1 90 lor Virgin. Qaotatioos same day last year bpirtts turpentine dull. 3ij 'A rotirr firm. $1 ZiX, 1 87W; tar firm. $1 SO. crude turpentine firm. $1 30 1 70, 1 80. RXCCIPTS. Spirit Turpentine Kosin Tar Crude Turpentine Receipts same day last year 303 casks spirits turpentine, 463 bols rosin. luo oois tar, 07 bola crade turpeottne. COTTOM Market ;firm oa a basis o' 7Jc for middling. Quotations: Ordinary 6H cts f tt Good Ordinary " " Low Middling... 1 " " Middling 1 " ' Good Middling 8 " Same day last year, mid iic 7 Receipts 1 bale; tame ;att year 1. comrrmr ruovvct PEANUTS Nrtfl Cr!a-4-Pnme 6055 j per btttfatl of tf r,,ir.t Extra fnme. 70c: rscr. to:. Extr Prime. 44&50c: Fct CORN Fata. ROUGH ftlZE-A'lj H. C- BA3COU-3cadr to : pet sonn vri Sflea. 7 s SH1IGL5 rr i'.y.i.-i re!is-,h n carta a gaps. fl.Art so s tscn 3 25 v Vi, ws incit Sl M V Vi TIMBER Mex tarty m 5 V, w 8.50 per M. ' n tie 1 ) Cut Virginia c.Ci'.i per txvt per If .31, , t -j bat firm wita corb. closing higher: foly 23s. closed at ber S3033KC. closed t3Jc t-Qtk Qu mtss $4 858 75; Ito-. car aV,v 10 50 family $9 3J10 0) b-' Z Wtstern steam f 33; Juiy gt 117 ,: oal: refined qmet: Coanaeoi f ..' South American 3 OO.compojoii u-w IV. Batter steady nx Western creamery 11015c. WM .,n ' tA..41itAl Pl i. lfC- creamery 9&tc. Slate fi4i,v i ic. ao. crcaneiy llfjlfic ( tu sieaav: state large oJ7c im . , : 4i3iC; Western, part saim. HfTr.u Int. Li9ftflj C ! ' n . a. . . . ' ' rrDDSTivania ll40llc: Wnttrr 1 lOffilOXc Cotton seed O'i att v ry ra iat nriiris) -rnla OA a . t K" "-a mwv. avrW( ""'I'lOdl J rT 1010. tttti?r grades 28.; pritr.r t,r. mer woite 20O27c Pefroieum j Taflow steady; c ty (M 00 per o cAf(' 9;. country (packages free; 8Jtfc a, quality. Rice steady;, domes. i . u - , taira 4Hc: Japan 4j4i M K(, strad. New Orleans, t.pea ten c t to choice t829i. Peanuts s'e-. i .. , naad pickrd 4a4Jc C.bbite L Ialaod. per tenei 75180c. Ttrn f. per carrier. $1 21 60; Fiorid i : ,a $100. Pjtatoes firnj, Ne Yjt i) 1 73; S-rotbern sa-tc.s l Coffee Spot Rio dml; Cortioa Mi','" sales 200 eags M.racaibo. P. T im. 0 '", Central Amncau. P. T. Sui-.r-r.' firra, fi r refining ZUr- Ctm,l. . "st 8c: aiirs)0 tisneads Mut ve- , 89 test 3 refined firm. mould A 5; star.-', ard Aific, confectioaera' A 4, ; c,i lo-.f aod crushed pswdered 7i granulated 4c. cutes 5c. Ch):ago. July fj Com ai p,e CEioeoiiv ihe market on Charge t -day. Fears cf flamage from ihe pre. va:hrg not winds mrted a geceral buy ir.v m jvement ana reiulied in an art vaote of a Iu I lc. Thr remaikoe tpurt hdd mjre oi irst ufljecce on ail Otbr.r milltelS. Whr.l imrr ?r. . -Bc ana -HICAGO F 7c FINANCIAL MkKS.r. St Telegneb to tht Morsiaa S-ji. Nkw, YORK. July 6 Evenio?. Money on call easy at ljtf&lM per cent., last loan at 1J4 and dosed otfered at per cent. Prime mercantile paper 84 per cent. Sterling exchange was steady; actual buaicets in bank- era' bills 485187 for demand; 4853 486 for sixty days. Posted rates 486i 487 i and 488493 Commercial bili. 485. Silver certificates 60J. Goy ernment bonds were steady; fivr.s, regis tered. 114; fives, coupon, 114?,'; fours, registered. 111: fours, coupon, 112f; twos, registerca, vox, state cmnas dun. North Carolina sixes 125; North Caro liDa fours 102 Railroad bonds weak. I -ipetl t!ie Coin, 'i l o sijr t.i. lit 'kii):; of Denmark ft 1 1 iry i.'ii li.e s.if"ink r.ito the stret't to allow -,r!i FtruiifriVs to rs-s recalls that other M.ry ot tl:e Vurikce in St. Peters burg ;.c, meeting n distinguished Rus sian iu a very narrow walk, on either fide of which were deejis of slime, took a coin from hid pocket, flipped it in tire face of the mnn and culled out, "Heads or tails?" The Rus.-.i;in, smiling, signified in perfect French, "Tails," and tails it was. With a low bcwHlie Yankee stepped into the mud, knee deep, and the Russian, salut ing, passed on. It was Uaron de Oiers, the great foreign minister. New York Press. NAVAL STORES MARKETS.. By Tststraph to tks Moraimc Sui. New York. Juiy 6. Rosin quiet; trained common to good $1 7ajl 73. Spirits tai pectins quiet at 28U28Vc. 5AVAVNAS, J-i'y 6 Sjirns tur.pcn foe s ea"v at 2tic: -.lcs 100 cask. re ceipts 3 817 casics Rosic firm: salts 1 816 Oarreli; receipts 5 400 barrel; quota Hons closed at; A. B. C. D $1 80 E II 35. F fl 40, G $1 45. H ( 1 6J. I fl 65. K $1 65 M 1 75, N 1 85. W G i 00,W W 2 50. provisions 2 to .0.. July 6. Cash auou'lon r our .cjdf. Woeat. No. spring tkUz Miftji ,N 2"hll" on board , M.C" P Uk t,a'tt' 7 70S - 7., Urd. pr 100 tb, 4 10 Shoit r.'i a itt. k-Oie 14 304 60 Dry saltr '1 .va.--Jers. Z,jxtrl t 7.5 Ot) Sn tir s ee, b-jxei. (4 75Q4 Wo tee, i 19 1 Ts ie-iiici futcrei ranged as lo ',at itx&ing. bigbcit. lowest ad cic -t Wbeat-Jaf9 W .68 t.Qc S , lemSer 64 VH Jt '44 W ' 66 64 M 6Hc Corn (J ,- icmoio n w-.-i .s, .)t. 2o?6. Odu-No -i . , , ru 17 i"H: Sener..ttr 17V17 Jui 7 00 7 7Sv$ 7 .O 7:2. 'f. temfcer $7 75 7 to 7 65 7 La r Jui clcted 4 10, Srp tmfcr r 4 '.0 4 ; 4 12. 4 17 S or. ribs-Jj.y r ., $4 42;S?p:mSr (4M 5.4 4; 4 50. . 1 w Baltimore. y Ficur Western suprrf.ne 2 VOQS 7', -extra $3 003 75, do family 3 9 . winter wbe.it pitents 14 50tfl4 r,; spriDg 5 004 80. dostraignt 3 4 00 Wnet urm. spot 70ti? month 6969Xc; Acgust 6k o,c. ofptemoer 0Mc .Vjh..- wbt at by sarnp'e 62"3 Co in j. ., -635C7Ic. Com a'.rncg. t mn.n 2X29c: Aj)u.i il il: Seo'rmber 80j9Jc sicsrn'r r- it 275f89;: Souiaern wbite 30:) i teliow 3333Uc Oats siradv ;r- raaod light N'j 9 white Western 2 23c, NTo. 8 mixed 23SSc. COTTON MARKETS FOREIGN MARKETS Nothing sharpens the arrow of sarcasm eo keenly as the courtesy that polishes it. No reproach is like that we clothe with a smile and present with a bow. Chesrer fleld. Wholesale Prices Current To qoocatioDi are iwr eien a acenjatxir as poaaible, bot tits Stas will not be responsible tor ac; variation from tfca actaai markst pries oi t& articio gsoted. Mr 1 c rouowias qcotaoons rapicm.ru wtioltal Price ccaerallv. Is na king ap orar algiie price have to be charged. . ' BAGGING S t lute St-ncia'd ,..... wkstekn smoked Hams W tb :ideaf S Shoo'den S t.. DRY SALTED Side St Shoulder 9. Tb ...1 . 12 e 6 14 7 6X M4 Second-hand, each ......... 1 00 1 10 New New York, each... .... 1 35 1 40 New City, each 1 SO 1 40 BEESWAX t) 23 O 3 BRICKS Wilmington B M 6 00 & 7 00 Northern 9 00 14 00 BUTTE- North Carolina 9 t 10 ft 16 N rthern 18 Q SS CORN MEAL Per Bnshel, ia lacks 4. O 45 Virginia Meal .... 43 Q 45 COTTON TIES V bundle Q 75 CANDLES V t Sperm 18 O Adamantine., .. 8 O 10 CHEESE -9 TS Northern factory 11 1254 Dairy, Cream 12 0 13 co - 10 Lagsvra Sn Q Rio 8$a DOMESTICS SheetTg, 4-4, yard O V Yams. 9 bonch It A so EGGS dozen 19 A u ElSfc Mackerel, Ko 1, barrel S3 00 Mackerel, No 1, S nalf-bnrreK 11 00 Mackerel, No , barrel... . - -. xv' ISoi on O or in . i-lvcrtcn tjurins. v?Lo riavaoeiertn;. "Did ry otw tinp a 50 cent piece?" CkJ the ltiil y imii In the midst of the crowd watching tlio Kofe go op. "Nn." anitl tht-y. " But you are an hon ewt utan nyw:ijr. " "Ami now lor the neeond prorxwitlon, W tb ahablry jiiin. "I did nc pick np any to crnt .'l.ep. tut wlil sotne ono ktrid ly drop n ricli 1 in thin hat as tho reward of honcaty" loli.iruipolU Journal. There ta KT-mrrUlT aometbing that re qairra hklirift at t he bottom of a niTatery. Ha wt borne Tbrra are aome 00,000 who carry on buslDas In Xxtodon. eostermoo gers lb street, of Mr. Errscst Tetxh l!ool7, tbe cx Uc ceaIct of Nottlaluxa, Ea(tuk2, iMwi to b a tualpoUtor aod taxa- dt ot totrariatf abilUy. !! hm sud.$M.0OQ.0OO laaJdt of m jtt. aod mU $10,000,000 la thrco djt uort tisklaf a cent of bU ova asoo7. lit b a clmt tori of a ftl to. too, for ao kru ala frkada tato U cStala vita aJav H fiad his racrcatloo ia farmlas; aad tWp ttiodiac, aad h said to b t a larx uad ovacr aad sbrp breeder la BsjUod. FayetterUle Oiurvtr: Mr. Jt T. Hoastoo died at tba mideocs of Mr. Fraak Bexsisj Saodaj moralof. Tbia Bsornlar yooos; Rtlph Maolubr, aoa of Tovasblp Coasts bi J. W. Maalubj, vat cnttioc vooa ta du jara v&ea tbe ate slipped, aeadias; tba heavy blade be tween his bit toe aad Its neighbor, splittlot; tht foot open almost to tbe aakie. What iiood's Stmpnnlln kn doee lo eskvers it mUi also do for 09. Hood's 3rtna cores SJ Mond drseaap t ataiaa as Sb ttt al. Ac J. Bog el. the leading nragelst of Shreveport. L . sit: "Dr. King's New Discotrerr is tbe oolv tbia that cores f coogn. ana it is tbe best seller I have." J. F. Cssapoell. mercbsat of Stfford. Art . writes: -Dr. King' Nsw Dtscoverr ta all that ts claimed for It: It ever fails, aad is a sore care itt Con- samptloa. Coegbs sad Colds. I oaaot ssv eaoogh for Hs rael1?s. Dr. King' New DtSCO-rerv for Coosnrantina. Coogbs sad Colds Is aot sa csperineat. It baa beea tried for s quarter of a cea tanr.aad to-ds? steads st the besd. It evwr oisappoiats. Tree trial bottles st R R. BaXijurr's Drag Store. t VWfts. imrry i.lvirto;i Cunnir, To hns be come h lr.n:j. t through the death of Colo ucl .-ir . r..t:i t htr.'ts Curin, is a tobac coniiit in J ui;ivortli, K:,glnd. He is not it sill t -luted at tlio hcLor which has been thnit ujin him. lie r.ever eipectcd that the bnronctcy would have falleD to hirn, though l.c indt.Ijri-d in the hope that his eldest eon. who ia n.n imping a sheep ranch In New Zealand, might succeed to it some day. His wife la the daughter of a Llch Ccld lnuiician. They hae Bxe sons and two dnughtora. The eldest daughter is a clerk in the local postcfUee, and the grown up toys, except the eldest, arc engaged at factories in the dixtrict. During a news Fi.cr rei reset: dive's interview with the new l urcnet an old woman entered, placed a penny on the counter and said. "Mr Goring, I'll haTe the usual;" whereupon the baronet took down the snuff caddy from the shelf and weighed her out a stjd- "Nearly four tons of deal is used In skew ering tbe ha'p'orth of eats' meat which is obtained from about 400 London horses weekly. . Tbe Canadian fisheries are aaid to yield annually 130,000,000. Of this tbe deep sea fUheries yield 110,000,000. Beetrie Hitters. Electric Bitters it a medicine salted for sav sessoa, bat perhaps more gener silv aceded whea tbe languid, exhausted feeling prevails, whea tbe liver is torpid sad sluggish aad tbe need of a toolc sad. alterative is felt. A prompt use of tbis BMdJdae has oftea averted tone- and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medi etas win act more sorely ia countrrrct log aad freeing the try atea horn the ma larisl potsoa. . Headache, Ind 'get. on. Coesti patios. Dizziness yield to Electric Bitters. 60c. aad tl.00 per bottle at R. R. BaxiJkMT's Drag. Store. , f Mackerel, No 2, 9 half-barret Mackerel. No S, 9 barrel. . Mullets, f barrel Mi Irts, 9 pork barrel : tf- C. Roe Hrrring, W keg. Dry Cod, Tb Extra FiOUR-f barrel Low(Tade ...... axvx ..,..t..... Straight ............. First Patent ........ PI II, an k GRAIN-. bthei-l ' Cora, from me, hagr Watte, Car load, in bag White.. 0ts. from ore.... ... Oats, Rest Proof..... & Peas HIDES, 9 t Drr . HAY, 100 1 Ckrrrr Hay... Rice Straw.... IS CO 8 00 13 00 i 00 5 T5 3 00 5 s SS 3 SO 4 SO 5 25 30 00 15 OS 18 00 o 00 14 00 S3 09 8 50 3 86 10 3 SO O 4 00 O 4 SO 4 75 V4& SH O 45; i 4 30 S2lj ja 45 . o 11c O 8 O 8 fO 85 & SO 1 00 90 O SB 85 O a SO 5X 10 1 15 1 SS Wenera ...... North River. ... HOOP IRON, fl S LARD, f Nortnera ..... North Carolina LIME barrel LUMBER(o t saed),V U leel Ship Srafi. ma wed 18 00 Roach-edge Plank 15 00 West India caiwoes, according to qnalirr IS OB meaasa noonns, seasoned... 18 OB Scaad ncand Board, coausoa.14 00 MOLASSES, 9 talMas Barbados, in hhds...... la bbia Porto Rico, ia Utds la bbl Bntar-Hnim, ia abas......... 13 ' in bUs. , 14 STron. in obis u a 15 AILS, ke Cot AM basis,... I 50 1 CO PORK.V b-nel i fr t so R"p :. 00 Prime a 00 ROPE, I" JO SALT, fj rack Ahm ... ...... Lt,j poul. ....... as Ltaboa Assericaa a sn Oa 135 S) Sack 40 a 40 8HINGLEH,T-ica,ai M....:.:: f 00 8 50 CotBtaWsfi ...... 1 K. A f U tTS .-vr--- - O 8 so O 9000 16 00 18 00 89 00 15 00 O 98 O 98 S6 98 O 14 IS Br Teiesrath to toe Morainz Star. New Ycrk, July 8 Tee cotioo mar ket was lamy ac-.ive but irietuiar, open ing wiib near months five to u poicts hither ard the tsore remote deliverits two to three points bifeber. Tte ad-var-ce was due to cables which averaged better taan expected. Oj Si:u djy the L-verpool cotton market lost i-64d ard was quiet, on Monday regained hail -the lesi, aod ibis morning, when ocr mar ket opened, after a three day boiiGar. much to the surprise ol tbe trade, tbe Liverpcol markrt was 1 6id higher than the ciosicg figures o! Friday, having picked up two points over eight. Dar n the ho'idays tbe cop news, wbue con flicting, possibly had a buihsh averste uptotbis mornme. some rsins bavict; been reported id Alabama add porlicni cf the Ailentic Suites, whiie Texas re ported patching ho: wirds and high temperstuir. Under these conditions our market opened bieber but soon comrorncec :o sen in unotr a d'sp-s -t on to rra i2s. Accounts liom Fall River were pjrl'c iidriv strong, ind: caticg a demand tcr print clctbs. with increasieg difficulty in geiiicg supplies of raw cotton. Befoie neon the ad var.es was lost. Baying for L verpool account, which was a feature ot tbe forenoon, subsided. In the afternoon the market was unsettled and very weik under activeliquidition and closed easy at C net decline of three to ten points. "New York, July Evening. Cotton steady; middling 7'c ' Cotton (mores market closed easy; sales 133,900 bales; Jan'y 7 07. Feb'y 7 10. March 7Ul.Aprtl 7 17, May . July 7 40. August 7 39. September 7 20, October 7 05. November 7 01. December 7 04. Spot cotton closed steady; vmiddlicg uplands 7c; m dd.'iag gall 8fgc. sales 3 551 bales. - Cotton net receipts bales; gross 800 baler; exports to Great Britain bales; to Fiance .483 bales; to the Continent 990 bale; lorwarded 784 bales; sales 2 551. bales; sales to spinners 800 bales; stock (actual) 91 545 bales. Total to-day Net receipts 485 bales; exports to Great Britain bales; to F ranee 485 bale; to tbe Con tinent 935 bales; s otk 170.428 bales. Cocsslidated Net receipt 1633 bales; exports to Great Britain 8 690 bales; to France 483 bales; to the Con tinent 1.330 bales- Total since September 1 Net receipts 8 599.838 bales; exports to Great Britain 8,987.589 bales; exports to France 697 334 bales; exports to the Continent 8.110.831 bales; to the Chancel 6.481 bales. IJJnly 6.-UiIveston. holiday, net receipts 5 bales; Norfolk, firm at 7 net receipts oaies; tsaitimore. norai nal at 8. net receipts 818 bales: Bos ton, uoiraay, net receiota 1 bale; Wilmington, firm at 7, net re ceipts 1 bale; Philadelphia, quiet at 81. net receipts 151 bales. Savannah. net receipts IS bales; New 4 B? Cable lo the Morning Star Liverpool, July 64 p Cotton Spot in Isir demand ard 1 : i . igacr. American middling lair old; good middling i A' v middling 4jd iow m idling 4 -,-good ordici.rv Ai cidicar,- 8 ; 3ii. Tbe saiet o fe .U were lOC'W bales, ol whica 5 a-tr- 1 r ipecu Na tion and export, it d ;:o i American Recei;ti 3 0 0 ba'e ( which 200 were Amercan Futurr opened qiiiet wnh a fj,r dirnird ?V closed qjiett tbe sdance Amrrc- miaaiin (i m f): ;U! 4 li r,4i4 1 6td tuver; Ju!y aad Aukui 4 11 i.' bjver; August and Septembrr 4 7 fA; 4 S Cid Drr. Septemfce.- sod Oc:ctc 4 1 J fin j3u,er. Ottber tC. Novrm. ;; :i (Si64i hjv t. November aid D;cir,-..;, - a .57 61$ a ft? 4d fcayer D:cetnttt .--n J ji ujiv :i 57 "4 1 bmrr; . "iruarv ar l Fr'rjir. S .')7 Bid uyrt. Fb tarv ;r.d M-irch 3 17 Oitfi r. Pi"! tu.er; M itcs ao-1 Ap.;i 3 5 fil'i ' 641 viur Aprii and My a rifl,j 3 60 64(J s-Wer. MAHINE. ARRIVED. Sse-1 birq te H-bs 63') to-s Lv;r der. Bristol. He.d: & Co. Scar Marion Hd!. 19) to:i A r strocg. New Ycrk G;o 11 r: i & Co. Steamship Ptise. 8',9 to-s M , -New York. H G Sraiil xnei Stmr A P Hurt. RoVs ir ville, lames Madden. CLEARED S;hr Moie SVde : " mn. Lyon, MlsS w & Co. Schr John I Soow t Favct'f S r, I SUGAJE. 9 B Standard Graaa? 4 IS-Wa 6 O -M eYer,Go,,le!;"-;.:::.: g SOAP. 9 Nw. g p UtO. Fair '.'.11'.'.'.'. 6 80 Liraaraoa Mill. 4 ss f M SsSt lKSt.M... Sap.... SsSt Heart " Sap 6i Heart..;... ... TAixow.fi Monk CsjoUks 8r oo 450 a s co ts 80S t so a 809 a 40 a 400 (f soo a 5 00 a 4 a too o is 8 SO 6 01 8 00 4 50 6 60 sso SOS sss firm at 7W, Orleans, quiet at 7 ll-16.net receiotm S71 bales; Mobile, nominal at .net receinis A S fts) a m ' . ' oaies; rnempnis. nrm at 7 11-16, net re ceipts 18 bales; Augnsta, steady at 7, net receipts n oaies; Charleston, steady at 74. aet receipts 14 bales. " ,1,,l",I,t,'4-aBBW-asBSsi PRODUCE MARKETS - Br Tiles rspn to tin Xoraias Star. New York. July 6 Evening Floor dnl! but firmer with tie advance ia wheat; Minnesota patents t4 104 85; winter patents f S04 65; winter straights $4 00Q4 10. Wheat-spot was firm; No. 1 Northern New York ?7Kc afloat.No 1 Northern Duluth 79Sfcsfliat; options opened stroeger on ioreign bay ing and higher cables, ruled firm all day with corn, advancing sharply ro the last boar, closing KAlUc net hiahtr: No. 8 red July 74 11 16i75Uc closed 75Uc: September 70c closed 70 c; Decem ber 78 1 18c closed 78c Corn soot strong; Na 8 SOJc at elevator and Sljc afloat; options opened firm aad advanced all day.parttcnUriy late la ihe afternoon, oa active coveting hated oa adverse crop news; closed 1 Wc net kiaber: Inlv closed SOJCi August closed 81Uc; Sep tember 81 Jc. dosed 83c jOats spot active tor export: NoJs 88c; options quiet Port-au Piicce G:o Hrr s S - . t Steamship Pawrec. Srf Hie Georgetown. H G S.na lrr? Stmr A P Hjrt. Rjoetjc. F . ' vil e. larnes Madden. EtroHK COASTWISE Lynjt. Mass Schr Mc.e Si ' 815 000 feet inmher, fje b '" Hsrr-ss, Sa & Co; caro by C : F- r Lumber Co. FOREIGN. Pqrt au-Prince -icir j .t.r : 1 116. 85 leet lumber sndSli' i' : ' vessel by Geo Hsrnss Son & c .. by S A VV H Northrop MARINE DIRECTOR Y 1Amt of TnmIi la Ike Port tl il ls 'O !;(, W. C, JbIt 7, SCHOONERS. Marion Hill. 193 tons. Armmrnc i-f Harrisi. Son & Co. John C Cottiogham. 817 tool. Tr -r .-i Geo Harrtts. Soo & Co. Chas H Spras-oe. 860 tons Ha pet r.t; Harris & A Co. John I Snow, 186 tens, Norton k' Harriss. Son ft Co. Msnie Sanders. 865 tons. Steelma: u Harriss, Son A Co. R S Graham. 880 tons. Outten Gcc H riss. Son ft Co. BARQUES. Hans (Sweet) 683 tons Lrniorfer He it ft Co. 1 Cnvni (Br). 473 tins, Dobson T '.f son. D)wnire ft Co. La Matiuccia (hal) 033 toes I.ti;j TKileyftCo Daphne. 605 tons. Madse Js T R cr ft Co. Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed milk. Ahrlset SoaatSute for rotnsf5lils Ban "iMfAMTMEAWI-UrtntlL Stw roam Conosast Mu Co. at rTtf ss we b

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