FOR FIVE DOLLARS THE MORNING STAB GOES OKE YEAR- till tin TQ UU CH1P2 rwa otiw THili el tu ciaa La t.i4 m Swansea, m wimmt SLCaa SUBSCIUPTION RATES. n rrn rl REDUCED TO C5.00. VOU LX. NO. 95. WILAIINGTON, N. C SATURDAY,. JULY 10, 1897. WHOLE NO. 9.327 Morning Star )M R:M (IUM Sua Seta . 7 19 PM Dr Ulk..V... 14 a II aa H) WtMiiSoiajan... IMPH H Wgtar at Wiaito itIPU U. S. DesT or Aasicvirvas. 1 VTunn BaiiiD. W.UI1X9TOM M. C Jaly 19. ) MeMotosrical 6U lor vvrd4f . Tarsr: 9 awes-.TJ'. I pv. eauf. naslmsas. 94; !. W; aess. 79. Ktia.'a'l for t& day. T. rsiaiaa si see Uol to, : s t date. 11 Winter cnsstitioet tor twelve boa). en.ie1 i 9 p. a. fely UisisSad by A r o ftfe romiar C e-eri ths NrtSee With astcfc COO waalSe prti!ia ! iL Tb sVsoeseteV I ov K tati. tad C Mtraiive. f o j-r l sactxia. being alt;hti 3 toenail- E ttrasee Stars teae ;rtir contmeve oavr its eastrel bet . " liir or ao caiea cvaa tie u;a ! C-tat darta l past tiat lour a ura. Saowvra or tsss 4.r tnt rt gear:iv rvpoe-td over tn S:u tat Miaaoarl vtiley ltd ta N )t a , ,tT i -.;" ac'ttin. F..r :ia:njT! ra stSf. vita ) trw the co.ioa it : i ta t( l:it h ' a a ad ad at t! ecrr ja. Eicsra raiaa (ail 11( -, t tt tse Wafto distract: ! , j . t ra. s. cr 9.1 : i c r ottr ia Alia a tic c-.itc - i-ee. Ta asasiesaaa la ai per t tti i: .V.-'aatato 93. C4fIota. i-i . jrniJto, . OoJdatero. Lam r t i ill W;4o. S J ?rTtiu.t. S C j 9 Ai i n ai acaa y arttar ia ia C-t Ft At r ir u 4 J feet. niictu rja to-ot. r ?r N jrta Croitaa Taaadar UOfmi a.'taraooa aat: to 3ata4at o jruiNts Til Sta:a eri 4iiaratl spo oAiai itioascf tkoi ut IB dca:b of Staator llarr-.a, i Teaaraarr ao be-l- eaaa art UaaAtal Bfltett rport oat a aaJfta roiia of tr4 t iron jboai tk coaatrv. bat rttitt bast mn i Maob 1 aa aa bca stiaa-j- 1 By d id saaiaiar wraiaar. I bar a wtre I'l aaaa Uilaraa ia tba V mitt 4 S jtea t3 p( It la tor tt.-i t3.t P.-aiaat McKiaar wtil imd h cjrraacf a to Cora aat V( lo iif. Eipoaioa of a dyaaoaita c r. :.! i t:a col.xcd vofkoaea ii 1 oa .a L'tiagtoa. Kf A -c a - i r )( taa fjmttt at Coa i'j9'.:9oC sw itr. ail ciaaalica 3 r (it I t3c i-".;r' of paaci nj'4'itn: -o) - -- r'.t.Jtnt McKilT w ;rOO. l.u! I t iiaotr tKl loo 3a t3 D vtt ' - t Caaaiplaia. Cj' m ;ac- 5f ia St York c : j ! tmi i j! i or itnaji4 to i:c' Tst a it i n il ia tba :' i ..' ct at.aiaf Maa(ta; 'r mor! lb Vf- A. t C. j t a sci B4t Kack. tba lit .:n a C Iia.f (tttiSjr, 'O om 34 -. : -uai of tba acai- t e r lip.T ! cfte of i4a. - aad l(bis cars anil coal art Satata ) i 3 n it t it 1 ! bill II CSiCAtfO TU ' . i 41 iiii( ol proatraooaa. - i c j ra crici. ia Ciactaiad r in i.t Jt:3i n1 la.rtt prca t ;t m i L iu Mtti dil. aad :: : t mtti itnxr iu p . itraloai. Nil Yr ntrtita M nit oa ciil ti .ti it t V ytt ciat. Uh i'Mi at 1 ill C)oilJ cfirtvi 4i tO!'n pf Cia n:oa i:u.Jt m..ll..a 7 It 11c. Soar S i . ii1 or to iJ. nut iput auk. N t N ;r.3fl S;m Y jrt 10c S .at. c ra -i,-ix ; i it. Nil S-iz at e alitor 41) J;- i 3 ;4i. ron a qit ttraiaad c ra n :u i) tMJ ft TlOt ) Ipifits H'j: 11 nat at SttOMSc T : i j uas of Rochester, N. Y.. t mie-. ia tJijir head. The ai tu : .i;n pcuple aad 30.C f tie itte.a. . L V -.; Frji loictooists of Pailadel i i an: :,j ni Mr. Seallow for i r f tley caa get the other : aailow a tea. :. -i tK recent hot spell la Kf . the maicaHae cos r. cuosiiced peiacipally of "a n: aad Umooadr." ?-srt 0 siace Mr. McK.'nIey i : vital ed a cfice has ban -i tevl aaore (or the mills dosed 'ia tor ia ratlls opened. Vt to srtes Raun'i pepalalioa ia pretty evcolf divided. A ccaaas i: ocaoie'.ed aSoa t. 1 6,240 r aid .o.JJ (eaalcs. rie K-;a ibeih Oty, N. C. Vrw i ' becaate "tac good old " a-i proca ed by ths advocates of M v rs ty aavca i come." aad ss- '- ill v. ; )r 34t dgarcj oat that the ! or ,f ta tartt la the Seaau cjic : lUfT fjoo.000 a day. If n a ! It coat it woald be 'vi .: buttar makers la Aostraiia o outtar to Eaglaad. Aettraliaas vj &4t a cadtvated taate bey their bur froos this coaatry. A aipaeat of sixty tooa of Facile Sutes batter wat made last week. .Atteatloa Is caJltd to tb follow lav; lUocato JUtu of Sabacriptioa to Tas Moajriwo Stab : TO H AfL ivncuitu. TIt Uoataj 5.00 Si - i.40 Tbx - IM Two - LOO Oa - 60 TO CITY rarMCUIILf, Tb Sta will b delivered by caxrter at any point ia the dty at IS ceau per week, or 44 ceou per aoata. W poblub io &j the brief, bat appropriate and elcqaeot speech de ItTcrtd by Mj. Chaj. M. Scedmaa o the dedicatioa of the Scheock Xloseaaa, at the Gollford Battle groaad oa the 3rd lost. Hi oaoy fneoda la this tectioa of the State, where he U to well toojro, will read ana laterest hi laiea? tribote to his oother State aad to the heroes who ia two wars made ffarioos history for her. for the Sjath aad tajr oar coaatry. The BaUimdre & Ohio Railroad waau to sarprlse Mr. McKialer with a S oath era wa'.eraeloa. aad offers IS for the largest sample. Here is a caace for so tas eaterpntiog cin ass la thoie sectioas where tbey grow so Urg e that after tbey are scooped oat the darkeys ose the halls for caaoes, especially If tbey havecaoQtoa to the art of slima latio the growth of the raeloo by bottle aorsiaf. Geo. Weyler offers to pardoa every reb who cocoes la aad lays doa hts arais, aad to permit aay oae who briars a horse or cattle to sell the horse or cattle. Bat be has the repotatloa of beta; each a liar that ooae of taem will txliere him aad coaseqaeotlr are not omiag ia. Senator Haaoa says this is no time for increasing wages. No time is a good time for men of the Haona kind to iacrease wages. Whether it is a good time or aot to Iacrease wages it is a very good time aot to iacrease tates, watch Mr. Haaaa and his associates are doing. Nicola Tesla, the electrician, is so abseat-miaded that sometimes wnea he takes a bath be forgets to take his clothes off. That may be aahoytng, bat not so mach so as if be forgot to pat bis clothes oa, as ao abseat miaded old reotlemaa ia New Orleans sometimes did Seaator Haona thinks that the sooaer Congress adjourns the better it will be (or the batlness of the coaatry. It wo aid have beea a good thiag (or the basinessof the coaatry if this Coagress bad never met. The Michigan man who traded off h wife for a horse wanted some thing which he could drive that coalda'l talk back. IIW ADVaUiTISatatMirTS. Sra WtuatxcroM Scbcdala. Oao. L Moarox Co. Forsala. W.C1A R R Dividaad daclared. iw mtnumu Locaxa. I Smkick Rooaaa (or real. a Duamiiai a ei . A diaracaal acaaa was eaactcd late Tcerday ataaooa oa Priccaa at r aat aaar VTiui. A wbite ma. oae of tba etcarsioeists. ia a plartel mood, tarael orar a bale of aar oa waica sat a saall cortd bo, aad the brr at oace coat aaaacad to yU. wee ha had sot evca boea hart. Tba escaraiOatst aad two coapaaioes) bad taraed away aad wart waikiaa- a? Priacaaa sural, wbea a at (to aa saraked ap bablad tba near SKa . aad bit h as witb bis fist babtad tba ear. kaockiag bias dowa oa the Bel g tas stocks witb wbicfc Priscese strsrt Is pared. Tbe scoaadrel tba waktd off. bat oae of tba lejsred eaas's cxapaa toas drew a pistol aad started after tba searro. as did also two other wbite saaa wbo ware ptaatag bf. Tba aairo. at lad by a a am oar of aegro draravaa aad tba bka. oaada ha caeasa; ta:kJr so. for a crowd of a boat (orty waitrs too gataersd aad U tba cala creaet had beea to ad it woald have (atd sad with bias The aaa wbo was kaxked dowa ratanaad oa the groaad (or aaoat tbree aalsstae aad was oaly iVi to r(aa wub tba aawstaace ol others. H-a I kb. wbica caaae ia coetact with Ihe ataat caraiac ware be (all. was cat ia several ptacea. Dei a all the distsrb- aace there was aot a poiiceaiaa la sight, tsoaca aartrai vaia attcaipta were caadt to sad oae. Janiaa rwUra U k Tse case hroeebt bv Mr. Otto Bisck. araatlortba RoVtft Portasr Brtwiag Cooipaav. saisst Mtatts Lis Wad atd F. Rchter. sfreau (or the Aahtster aad tht Bortaotoeajf brewiag coaipi aiaa. raapactivtlr. to recover a eaaotr of beer boat as J crates, tbe property ol Pone, la the posteeafce of tbe two da-" (ad lata, was called for trial yeaterdav aa raiag la laatica fowler's coart. bet. oa to toast trrestarltv Is tht pr r4iM taa e 3 aaa I for Mr. Biace. Msasrs. Baiaaair it BaQacar. e a tared a aoa aarx. Maears. Jobs D. Billasiy aad A. f. MarahaU represeatad tba defaed aata. If there u aajtaiaf yoa wtat, ad venis for it. Is there aaythlngyoa loot waat? Advertls It la tha Besiaes Locals of tba Sram. Oa ceata word. Bat ao ad. talea for Use taaa JO eaata. n PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS aoi at Paa aA aataaaly Prtas. Dr. E. Porter, of Rocky Point, waa here Yesterday. Mr. M. A. Foote, of Castle Hayse. waa here yesterday. Mr. R. B. Morse, of South port, cteae ap to ihe city Yesterday. Mr. I D. Galley, of Golds- boro. was I the dty yesterday. Editor D. H. Haroly, of Cbad- boara. was la tht dty yesterday. Mr. R. W. Grady, of Borgaw, wat ia tht city yesterday oa baaiaesa. Mr. F. M. Miller, ol Goldsboro, was observed oa oar streets yesterday. Mr. O. L. Clark and child, of Qerkto. arrived la the dty yesterday Mr. S. D. Beoaoo, of Hallaboro, was here yesterday esakisg be no eta calls. Edw. J. Beat, Esq . of Golds boro. waa aaaoag yesterday "s excaratoa- lata. Mr. Walter Crooa, of Bar- Civ, waa ia tas dty yesterday os trait- sess Mr. I. W. Cooper is spending bis vacatios with bit parests ia Gideoo. S C Mr. C S. Powell, of Smithfieid, a here yesterday makioe banoeaa calls Mr. Henry Bowden, of War eiw. wat ia tbe cil yteterday os bui aeat. , Mr. P. T. Massengill, wife and child, of Data, arrived ia tbe city yes terday. Mr. D. H. Wallace, registering from North Caro taa. was here yes terday. Mr. T. A. McCrary and daagh- r. ol Columbia. S C, are at tht Sea 1 3 ore- Mr. W. H. Pembertoo, of Fay ettcrille. arrived ia tbe city yesterday after soon. ' Mr. Jas. R. Williams, of Fay eiteri.le. arrived in the dty yesterday af- teraoooa. Mr. Myer Strauss, of Golds- baro. watootof yeiterday t hotel regit tratioaa Messrs. C W. and H. F. Edger loo. of .Kealy. were amoog yeaterdat a hotel regntratloaa Messrs. E. A. Smith aod Jos H. Wadawcrth. of Cntrlotte. were regis tered hers yesterday. Mr. C W. Cartwright and Mr, os. G. Hall, ol Hah. were registered here yesterday. .isi Lizzie Crootn. oae of Oarriat cbarmiag yoaeg ladies, it ia tht city vtaitisg (riesda. Messrs. J. W. Baker and W. M. Gardaer. of Goldaooro. were observed os oar street i vettcrday. Miss Wheeler and Miss Amy Waeeler. of Hkorr. were araoog yea- tcrJay a hotel reg-latrattoaa. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kinney left laat cvsaia (or Wartaw. where they will tpead torae lima witb frieoda. Mrs. J. O. Cobb, of Goldsboro, aad Mr. I H. Cobo. of Mooat Olive are guests of Miaa Lottie McDooaid. Messrs. B. O. Stone and L. B. Rogers left Ian sigbt lor a two wtekt trio to tbt Eiooaitioo at Narbvllle. Taaa. Misi Daisy Brown, one of Goldtboro t laireat daaghiers. wat mil lag Irieads at the Seaibors Hotel yes terday. Messrs. W. W. Alderman, of Bargaw. sad Wo. Ttachey. of Wallace. wtra among tba arrirala la tba dty yes terday. Mr. N. Schwab and wife and Mr. Joe. Edvardt aad wife, of Goidi boro. carat dowa with the cicariioaitit ytticf day. Mr. J. J. Wood, Master J. W. Wood aad Mitt Eiteila Wood, of Golds boro. total yesterday la lbs city, viaii isg (riasdt sad relatives. The Stah bad the pleasure of . i i a v.ait yettsraay iron in oa Fraak Saaaoma. ol Long View, the metro poll a of North Carolina. Mr. Nesbitt Latta, one of Char- lottt 't devereat yoaeg cats, leaves lor hocas Moaday. alter a pleaaaat atav of two weekt at tbe Seashore Hotel. Rev. F. N. Skinner, formerly rector of St. Pasl'e Episcopal Cbarch is Ibis city, rccsatly tervlog ths Episco pal chares at Cliotos. is is ths dty. Mr. Ja. IL Chadbouro, Jr., baa r rt srsed from Barltegtoa. where he was Sute proxy at the assaal catenas ol stockholdtrs ol lbs North Carolina rail road. Rev. B. W. Spllman, of Ra- 1 sign, secretary of tba Biptitt Sotday School Board, is la the diy oa bit way to Fair Bis (f to be prseeatst ths Suts Lias Caaataeqaa. which meat a there seat Seaday. Oa Tbarsday Mr. Sptl- eaaa will speak oa "The Saaday School Work I North CaroUaa." DiacreartY OcU'a Waaaa. A party of colored woeae of ebsdy character were congregated at tha street railway jatcilo last night disturbing tba public peace bv load aad violent lasewaga. Officer McDialel. with praise- worthy proaptaess. pat a stop to the tfiaerscefel parlor maac a by arresting oaa of the offtaders aad hsrryisg bet off to tbe lock a p. Oiber arrests were saade afterwards aatil there were three la sale-kaeptag till to-day. wbea they will be placed oa trial Oa eccoeat of Co worth Leaga later- aaiioeal Coavsatto. Toroato. Oatario. lalv ISth-lSih. the Seaboard Air Lae in ail ticaets treat Wiltsiaeto to To roto at a rate of tit M for the roaad trip. Ticket O saie Jaiy ista. saw asd itia. A SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR. aimilaaaaat Oiva br tba . Ktaa'a Oiaahtara trr tha lb situ cf tba Oreaa at Oaaaa Tlaw. Tbe eatertalsoeat give a by ths King's Daaghters at tbe Oareadoa Yacht Club house last eight waa what might be aptly termed a "rousing" toc cata. Tha dab house was a perfect blast ol light, aad long before the ap pointed hoar the crowd commenced to tsaemWt aatil wbea the timt arrived (or the curtain to be palled oa tas nrst scene, tbe boat wts t.mply, "j immed." Tbe ladiet bad erected a very aeat plat form la the soathwest alcove of the baildiag, which was tastily decorated and ceruialy aided la showing the pictures off to advantage. Tbe programmes were features ol the eatertaiaeaeat, being "blue-print a" ol original sketches by Mr. G it to a L Myers, assisted by Mr. Adam Eaple.aad were so much admired that theqaaatity offered by tha ladles at tea cents each was toon takes, aod orders were beieg solid ted (or aa additional tapply. at aooveoira. Cape W. R Keaae. la bit own happy eaaaaer, reminded the asdience that a box (or offeriogt (or thit most worthy object htd been placed at the door and we are glad to be able to ttate that qaite a alee tara wat realizsd (or the Sbelter. Tait wat the first opportunity people have had to witnett the portrayal ot Chat. Dioa Gibton't noted pictnret aod judging from tbe hearty applaate given each somber tbey were more than pleased. Tbe first number on tbe pro gramme waa "Golf ia aot the only am a." Mitt Walker. Mr. R. B. Maaon and M m Licile Polvogt, which waa heartily applauded. Mr. Neiil Emerson then delighted the audience with aa excellent recitation of Clareece't Dream." Tbe next p'ctare on the programme wat "A Little biory. by a sleeve. Mm Aon ie Kidder and Messrs. Robi. Peg ram and H. M. Chase, which was encored. Little Mitt Alice Craft's recitation, "A school Day," was one of the most pleas ant features of tbe programme, aad the little lad n loadiv applaaied. Tneir P.esioce of Miad," Miss Sue Baldwin and Messrs. Bradley and Miller was next on the programme and wai much enjoed. Mesirs. E liott and Thomas followed with selections on guitar and mandolin. .The next p cture proved to be one ol tbe most interesting on tbe list: "la Dart to Come the Cnurches may be Fuller." Mitt Strati Ktnan, and was heartily encored. "-Peppermint Sticks." by Messrs Bridgert. Wattert. Witt, Cbadbourn. Rbtiaatein. Bleudenthaland Kidder, wat very laughable aod came ia tor a large tbare of applause. Tne concluding picture of tbe pro gramme wat entitled "Extract from the Willi." Mlttet Bellamy and Lucile Pol vogt and Mr. H. H. Mcltneaoy, aad also came ia (or the hearty endorsema: it merited. Much credit is due to Mils Carrie Mvers who so ably plaoned this pleas aot entertainment and carried it out. as slsted br M il itanie Blount DsRosset aod other members of the King's daughters, and it is to be hoped we taall have tbe pleasure of witnening several such entertainments for such a orthy cause ss the Shelter during tbe Sammer- 0Hta r.niMc'i auoiMiioa That always Interesting meeting,- tbe State Firemen's Association, will begin at Faretteville on tbe 10th of August, jjit one month from to-dav. Wilming ton firemen will be in attendance, aod at tbey alwayt do ttrive manfully to reflect credit on the dty from which tbey go. Howard Relief Fire En gine Company have already been oat etveral otgbti for practice, but next week tbey will get down to work and meet frequently aod regularly in order to get in perfect trim tor tbe great event. Tne other companies will meet Mon day night next to comider the advisa bility of participating In tbe contests All the comptniet will tend delegate! whether their repretentativet engage in tbe tournament or not. Woalda'i B Farrlad Ovar. Brunswick county cattle mutt know the (ate that awaits them here, for it is usually a very hard matter to get them across the ilrer. Yesterday a drove of eight related to be driven into the flat in which cattle are commonly ferried over, and the only way insy couia oe gotten over wat by fordiag the river. Tbey were driven in at tbe landing opposite Msrket street aocc, oat tne tide was making ia and they landed at Princess street dock, dlmbing up out of tha water with a tremendous iplashiog. Tne iaddeat attracted quite a crowd of ioteretted oalookers. I a forma "Jos tor Marmara. Schooner Ida E. Latham, at New York. July 4. from Savannah, reports Jane S3. 1st. U 9. long 74 , passed the s-.era ol a vessel, uppe,r part painted green, apparently not long in the water. It waa a menace to navigation. A qoaattty of large Southern pine timber 19x19 by 40 (eet long and 91x91 by 00 feel loag. apparently In the water but a abort time, was drifting ashore, Jaly 1, north of Lookout Statioa. N. C Probably the deck load of a vessej wrecked south of Beaufort. N. C Oaa Cast a Ware.. Hereafter advertisements to go la oar Bisiatit Locals' department will be charged oae cent per word (or each m eeruo i bat no advertisement, however ahort. wiU be ukea (or lest than 90 cents This la a reductloa (rom former rates sad it Is also a coaveaieac to adver- lars wbo caa calcalte tbe exact cost ol their advertisements, which moat be paid lor always la advance. Oa account ol a meeting of ihe Den tal Atsocrstioa at O d Polat Comfort, VaJalytO a to August 7ia. ths sea board Air L'ae will sail tickets to that polat at a rue of 13.83 lor tbe roaad in p. Tic I o sate fsir avm to Au gust tad. MOONLIGHT EXCURSION. A Oallshtlol Trip oa tha Sisamar Wil- miaatjn atoaie, Danalne and Bart Bathing at Oaaaa View. The evening waa too pleasant and tbe prospect ol having a good Urns too bright for people to refrain from going dowa tbe river on Capt J. W. Harper's moonlight excursion last night. And by the time the Wilmington was ached oled to leave there was a gefod-aised crowd gathered oa her decks. The eight was all one could ask a trifle cool if anything on the Wilming ton, swept as it. was by the bracing breeze (rom the ocean. The moon rode high in the heavens, giving all dne ap propriateness to the name of the excur slon. At the Bsach there was enjoyment (or all; music and dandng (or those who Indulged, surf-bathing by the moonlight (or those to whom that sport has charms, and quiet, restful watching of the wild waves, silvered by the rays (rom the queen of aight, lor the older and more settled mind. Tae boat left the beach promptly at 11.80 p. m and landed her passengers in the city at 19 80 a. after an even ing most pleasantly spent. Faiafol AoaideLt to Hr. 17. Paul. Mr. N. Paul, who has a confectionery store on Princess street between Second and Th rd. met with a painful accident last nigbt. Mr. Paul resides nearly opposite his store, and shortly after 8 o'clock started to walk across tbe s reet from his house to tbe store, and aout the same time a street cir. going ap Princess street, and ah3is3and buggy, coming dowa the street, approached, and j ist as Mr. Paul stepp:d from the curb of the sideealk into the street, ths horse be cime frightened at the fast approaching car and commenced to rear aod plunge. Mr. S. P. Coean, the only occupant of tbe buggy, perceiving the danger Mr. Paul was in, halloaed to him, bat the warning came too late, as the horse ran by Mr. Paul at a good rate of speed and one ot the shafts of tbe buggy strack him in the side, kaockiag him down. Mr. Paul was not seriously hurt, bat was considerably bruised. He was carried to his house, and his injuries attended to by Dr. T. S Burbank, who fortunately was a passenger on the street car at the timeof tbe accideat. Mr. Paul's injuries are of a painful na ture and will necessitate his remaining confined to his house (or two or three days. Mr. Cowan offered every assist ance to Mr. Paul. BASE BALL. The National lasagne Etatali of Teiterdty'a Qamea and Othsr Iotsreating reatarea, YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Baltimore. 9. Louisville, 4. Chicago. 8; Boston, 7. Philadelphia, 19; Cincinnati, 7. New York. 9; Pittaburg. 1. St. Louis. 8; Brooklyn, 8. WHERE THEY PLAV TO DAY. Boston at Chicago. Pmladelphia af Cincinnati. Washington at Cleveland. Baltimore at Loaiaville. New Yoik at Pittiburg. Brooklyn at St. Louis. STANDING Or THE CLUBS. Per Won. Loit. Cent. Boston 45 16 Cincinnati 39 19 Baltimore 89 91 New York 87 23 Cleveland 39 89 Philadelphia 83 33 Brooklyn 29 81 Pittsburg 29 83 Louisville 95 85 Chicago 26 87 Washington 23 86 St. Louis . . 12 60 .737 .679 .650 .616 .624 .493 .483 .475 416 .412 .889 .193 Biackburn shded the ball up to the plate yeaterday for the Orioles la a very scientific way, which won tbe game.; 1 3 the Chicago-Boston game Tester day the captains of both teams were iaed forgettiog into a heatedVagument with Umpire Lynch. Hawley yesterday, up to the eighth inning, pitched good ball for the Pirates, but the Giants proved too much, Pniladelphia's victory oyer tbe Reds yesterday surprised a few. Tbe Phillies crawled ahead of tbe Bridegrooms yeiterday. BY RIVtH AND RAIL. Baoalpce ol Naval Storse Yaa tarda. Wilmington & Weldon and Cotton R. R. 17 bbls crude casks spirits turpentine. 4 turpentine. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R 40 casks spirits turpentine. 100 bbls rosin, IS bbls tar, 81 bbls crude tur pentine. Carolina Central R. R. 88 casks spirits turpentine, 87 bbls rosin, 4 bbls tar. 11 bbls crude turpentine. Cape Fear A Yadkin Valley R. R. 8t casks spirits turpentine, 8 bbls rotin, S bblt tar. Steamer E A. Hawet 85 catka tpints turpentine. 73 bbls rosin. S bbls tar, 80 bbls crude turpentine Steamer Driver 84 casks spirits tur pentine, 09 bbls rosin, 5 bbls tar, 17 obis crude turpentine. Steamer A. P. Hurt SO casks spirits turpentine, 105 bbls rosin, 0 bbls tar, 9 bbls crude turpentine. Wilmington, Newbern & Norfolk R. R. 88 casks spirits turpentine, 84 bbls rosin, 55 bbls crude turpentine. Total receipts Spirits turpentine, 860 casks: rosin. 658 bbls; tar, 41 bbls; crude turpentine, 147 bbls. Xxt tha Star Follow Too. Star subscribers who are going away for the Summer will receive tbe paper regularly by mall by leaving orders for tt at this office. Addresses will be changed as often as desired. - We have ten tbonsand eggs, one thou sand and fifty chickens to sell. Money to lend oa big interest. Wanted, a con pie of horses. A few peaches and apples left. Saunders & Marshall, No. 187 maces street, rnone no. 884. - - . t . LOCAL DOTS. Item of Interest Gathered Heie and There and Briefly Noted. . Native-grown grapes are begin ning to bs teen on the city markets. See in the commercial columns this morning tthe weekly statement of cotton and naval stores. Rev. John J. Douglass, of Clin ton. N. C. will preach at the First Bap tist Chnrcb to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 15 p. m. The O. A. N. ball team and the Wilmington club will play tbe second of a series of three games tbis afternoon at the ball park of the former. The receipts of cotton at this port for the season to date have been 284, 883 bales, against 171,054 for last year. The exports for tbe same period foot up 937,431 bales, against 166,738 bales. Mr. I. Shrier offers for rent the rooms in the upper story of the hand tome new building he is erecting on North Front street. Tbe rooms would be especially suitable as a boarding house. The Carolina Cycle Club will have a bicycle ran to the second toll house and return oa next Monday night. They will meet on Eighth and Maiket streets. Ladies and gentlemen will both go. Mr. J. S. Armstrong has been appointed a member of tbe finance com mittee of the North Carolina Railroad, and the Nation! Biak of Wilmington bus deen designated as tbe depository cf the company. Mr. D. J. Corbett, Sr., writiog from "Nat Moore," says: "Crops in the Camtuck lectioa are fiae. Dry weather is an excellent fertilizer for us. I think our people ate opposed to the additional school tax." Mr. H. M. Tate, the second saloon keeper to move to this city from Fayetteville within the past few days, it opening up at No. 8 North Water street, immediately north of Mr. John H. Kuch's store. John Slade, second mate of the British barque Cabara, now at this port, was tried by Justice Banting yesterday tor assault and battery. Hs was ad judged gu.lty, but judgment was sus pended upon payment of costs, which he paid. The colored Odd Fellow's ex cursion from Newbern left in return yes terday afternoon. It has been remarked that frequently the colored excursionist becomes so attached to the city during the inort ttay that he doein't go back at all. The gentlemen interested in the building of tbe new ice factory (as told in the Star Thursday) are confident of tuccets, and ttate that the factory It sure to be bailt, as about all of the amount necessary to . warrant tbe undertaking has been subscribed. On the question of levying an additional school tax, although the elec tion is only thirty days off, some of the North Carolina papers do not seem to know that such an election is to be held, others have no opinion on the subject, and still others "straddle," as usual. On warm days, of which there have been not a few this Summer, the average man would like to know what tbe temperature is. And for the conven ience of bis customers Mr. H. J. Gerken has placed an elegant new thermometer in front of bis cigar emporium. Add to the thermometer the forecast which will be posted above it daily and it will be seen that all necessary information about the weather can be bad at Ger ken 's. Exaaralon From Ooldiboro. Messrs. B. H. and C. B. Hatch's second annual excursion from Golds boro landed in the city yesterday morn ing about 11 o'clock. The train con sisted of nine coaches packed with peo pfeyand a retreshenent car. Nearly all of the party went direct to Ocean View to enj y the delightful sea breeze and a refreshing dip. After spending; about four hours yesterdav afternoon in tbe city, they relumed last night at eight o'clock. It is said that tbe Hatch Bros, and Mr. Martin, the manager of the Mount Olive excursion in the city several days agojbade a wager as to tbe size of their respective excursions, and the Hatch Bros being the largest they were de clared the winners. CAPE FEAR AND YADKIN. Tha New Tok Bondholdara Gsln a Point " in Court, r The Baltimore Sun of yesterday says : "The suit of the New York reorganiza tion committee of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway Company to re cover (rom the Baltimore reorganization coramittes of the railway $53,000 of tbe series A bonds of the road was decided against the Baltimore committee yester day by lodge Morris, in tne unitea States Circuit Court. The Baltimore committee refused to deliver the bonds, as their original holders had signed the Baltimore reorganization plan. Judge Morris decided tbat the New York com mittee purchased tbe bonds without no tice of the signing of the agreement and were not bound by it." ROWAN AGAINST IT. A Large M J Jrlty of tha Voters Aeainat tha Sohool Tax. Salisbury World It is stated to the World by a gen tleman informed as to the sentiment over the county tbat netvmore than two townships Atwell and Steele will vote for an additional school tax in August. Tbe sentiment in several townships is very strong against any increase in taxes for any purpose and in one township it is thought that there will not be half a dozen votes cast lor it. A large majority of voters of the county are against it. Misses Janie and Lillie Home ate visiting friends ia Charlotte. NORTH CAROLINAvROAD. OPPONENT8 OF THE SIOERING A NEW LEASE CON POLICY. Tbe AtrloQltnr.l Department'! Oop Bulletin Wake County Frmcri' Alliance '. Zi tree Shlpminta of Peaohea frsm Bout3tro Plcei-State Ptinuri Increaatog- ThMr Poroa. Special Star Correspondent. Raleigh, N. C, July 8 Paul Brown, the man who was killed at Henderson yesterday by a Seaboard train 'running over him, is said to have graduated from a Virginia college this year. He was about 21 years old. well dressed and presented a genteel appear ance. Ex Judge Avery says that the oppo nents of the leass of the North Carolina Railway to the Southern are now con- sidering a policy for the future. He says that tbe question ot annulling tbe lease it by no means witb the past. Judge Avery was unable to state whether or not the Governor and lease opponents would be present at tbe hearing by the special master, Ktrr Craige,on the ques tion of fraud. The Rev. Burnt, the ignorant keeper of tbe capitol grounds, states that he re gretted to inconvenience the children of tbe city wbea he promulgated the order forbidding them tbe privilege of tbe capitol grounds after seven o'clock in the evening, but that tbe order was di rected at the colored nunes who he df claret frequented tbesqaare to talk to their sweethearts Tbe Key. Burns bad better go slow along this line. Those sweethearts and the husoands of those colored nurses are the immediate caue of the Popuiist minister's drawing silaty from tbe government. Tee shipment of peaches fromSiuth ern Pines is very large jutt now. Tbe fruit from that section it marked by hail stones. Tbe pottoffice authorities have noti fied the Agricultural Department that tbe crop bulletin can no longer be sen, as second class matter, for tbe reason that it has no actual paid circulation. Notice is given that tbe bulletin will be put in tbe third class. Secretary Ram sey has laid the matter before the Wash ington authorities. The Barnes (State printers, have em ployed a large additional force, ol prin ter!. The County A Iiaace met yesterday and elected V. B. Upchurch president, N. C. RAILROAD. HARMONIOUS MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS AT GREENSBORO. All iha Membara ot the New Botrd Pret est Acj turned to Maet at Bur lington Jaly 26 h. Charlotte Observer J Greensboro. July 8 The stock holders of tbe North Carolina Railroad held their annual meeting here to-day. More than a majority of the stock (6 093 sbarei) were represented. Col. J. L. Morehead was cairmia and Mr. Hugh McRie secretary. Mr. las. H. Chsdbourn, Jr., the newly appointed State proxy, succeeding Mr. J. M.Wolfe, of this city, preiented his credentials. Hon. S. B. Alexander, the retiring presi dent, submitted his report, which em braced favorable comments on tbe con dition of the road, financially and other wise. A financial committee of tbree, Messrs J. P. Allison. Lawrence A. Holt and A. W. Graham, wai elected, and alto a committee to verify proxiet at tbe next annml meeting. State Proxy Cbadbourn announced tbe holding of commissions for tbe oca diiectorate as follows: Dr. R. M. Norment, of Robe ton; Virgil S. Lusk. of Biocombe; Wm. Gilchrist, of New Hanover; A. C. Avery, of Buike; J. S. Armitrong, of New Hanover; J. A. Smith, of Polk; H U. Batten, ot Columbus; John Gratum of Warren. Mesirs. Bennehan Cameron, H. W Fries, Hugb McRae and Gen. R.F.Hoke were elected directors en tbe part ot tbe private stockholders. Following the adjournment of tbe stockholders' meeting, the new board of directors met, with Judge Avery in the chair and Hugh McKae secretary. A permanent organization was effect ed as follows: President, Dr. R. M. Norment, of Robeson, succeeding Hon. S. B. Alex ander, of Mecklenburg. Secretary and treasurer. Mr. E. L Wai ton. of Burke, succeeding Col. P. P Raffia, of Orange. Attorney, Mr. Cbas. A. Cook, of War ren, succeeding Mr. J. C. Manning, of Durham. Inspector. Dr. T. S Hogg, of Raleigh Members of the fioance committee Messrs. J. S. Armstrong, of New Han over, and W. H. Worth, of Wake. The finance committee was initrncted to meet at Burlington, July 15th, to audit the accounts ot the retiring treat urer, P. B. Ruffiu. There were no changes suggested in the by-laws. The meeting was harmonious through out, tbe stockholders participating freely All tbe members of tbe new board of directors were present. They ad iourned to meet at Burlington Jnly SOtb to fnrther perfect their organization and pais upon tbe bond ot the secretary and treasurer. The National Bink of Wilmington waa designated ai the company a de pository. At the meeting of the old board ct directors here yesterday afternoon tbe affairs of that organization were wound up in a routine manner. A "HOT otUMBER." The Bad Clt'soni Who Cams With the Bapiut Xxouraion Mtda Thinat Iitvtly on tha Train. The outrageous conduct ot a few "tough citizens' who accompanied the Baptist excursion to this city last Wednesday was continued on a larger scale after leaving Wilmington. The Fayetteville Observer, after referring to the disturbance here, sayi: . "This proved the commencement of a fight which continued fast and furious on the train, and which resulted in the stabbing . ot a young man from Hope Mills, named Horner, by John Bruhert a Fayetteville boy, ten milea this aide 1 1 Wilmington, snd a number of bruised heads and bodies. During the height of the fight knives and pistols were being flourished in the air. foul eurses were being shouted from many parts ol the train, mingled with the shrill cries of terrified women. Capt. Donnell, tbe conductor, with a number of assistants he had summoned, finally quieted the riot, but not before Ccpt. Donnell had been strack a heavy blow In tbe face by Brnner. whom he arrested. The latter was taaen before tbe mayor last night and bound over in a 1300 bond." BUT NO REDUCTION IN SEE OFi PAPER, OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY OF READING MATTER. a THE MORNING STAR. Are you a subscriber to The Morning Star? If not, why not? Do you want a first-class dally pa per at $5.00 per year, or $1.25' for three months ? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star.' Do yon want a paper that prints the latest telegraphic news, tbe best local news, reliable market reports, excellent short stories, and the choicest miscellaneous matter ? If so, subscribe to The Mornino Star. Do not forget that The Mornino Star is the cheapest daily of its class in North Carolina. Its price Is $5.00, while the published price of others ranges from $7.00 to $8.00. Tha Charonea. Grace MethocTirt E. Church, South, aortbeall coratr of Grace aad Fourth K reels, Rer. R. A. Willis, Paitor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. bv ami ft 15 p. m. aunday acnool at p. m. aiprtlea meeting at 10 a. m. in the lecture room. Week Vecklr Prsfer meeting aod lee' ore Wednesday ere renin, at cordially 8.10 o clock, btranfers and visitors invited to attend these services. Fifth Street M. K. Church Sonth, situated oa Fifth street, between Nun and Church, Rev. W. L. Cnnmnggim, Pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a. at aad 8.15 p. m. by tbe pastor ttaaday Sch ol at S 80 p. m. CI ass meeting from 7 00 to T 15 p. m. The public cordially invited to all services. ' First Presbyterian Church, Rev. P. H Hoga, pastor. Divine service at 11 a. m. aod S 00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday at 8 15 p. m. Seats free. Market Street M. E. Church, next to corner Ninth and Market street i. Rev. T. H. Sutton, pastor. Ser vices every Sunday at 11 a, m. and 7.30 p. m Claea meeting at 0 SO a. m. Sunday Schrmrat S p.m. frayer meeting inuraasy ntgnt at p. m . St. Andrew's Presbytsnan Church, corner Fourth r i , i . i. i, u .f.). pastor. BaDDstn services at it a. m. ana 9 id p. ss. Junior V. P. S. C R 10 15 a ra. ttcnior V. P. S. C. K. 7 SO p. m. Sabbath School at 4 00 p. ss. The public cordially Invited. South Side Baptist Church, corner Fifth and Wane ter streets: Rev. J. K. Harrell, Pastor. Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday School at 3 SO p m. Weekly Prayer Meeting Wednesday oighc at 7.30. Chapel of the Good Shephsrd, Sixth aod Qaaaa streets. There will be the usual services oa Suaday at 11 a m and 8 pm. The rernlar servic: of tht Seamea's Bethel will be eladucted to-mirrow alternooo at S o'clock, by Rev . A. D. McClute. Seamen a jd trvermea iper ially IB- vitej. All welcome. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Office ofSec'y of f.,C. & A. R. R. Co. Wilmington, N. C, July Sib, 1897. The Board of Directors of tbe Wilo Dgtoa, Colusj fa a & A ugusta R R. C j have declared a dividead of thice per ceot:. parable on ih; ctpi'al stock of that Corspsny, to all holder! of record of July 1st, 1H07, Dividends due snd payable oa July 10. h, 1897, at tha office of the Treainter at Wilmiogtoa, N. C. The trs as er books will stand closed frm Jaly let to the 10th inclusive. JAMES F. POST. Ja . becretarv and IreasO'er, W. C A. R. R. Ci. jy "tf CAROLINA BEACH AND SOU! HFORT SCHEDULE. Leave for outhport at 9.81 a. m. Leave for Csrolioa Beach at 8.00 aad 9 SO a. m.; 8 00 and 5.15 p. m. Leave Sou hport at 11.30 p. m. . Leave Beackat 7 03 a. m., 1 . IS, 3 S aad t p. as Fare cn S.lCTloat to pier and retirn 15 centi. Leave Sunday for Carolina Be sch enly at 10 a. at. and 2.30 p. m. Leave Beach at IS. SO and 8 p. m. jy 7 tf FOR SALE! Machine-Made Spirit Barrels. Made from the beat thoroughly sessooed and selected White Oak Timber. Our experience of thirtv-oo years la maaufsctar- ing cooperage for the trade enables us to una eat barrels of correct gsu re and guaranteed arst claas in every particular. Your patronage solicited. Tbe Geo. L. Morton Go, jy4 1m Wire Nails. I can save yon money on Wire Nails. CUT NAILS OF ALL SIZES. Cotton Ties and Bagging. Antonio Rolg's Camella Cigars. Try them once and you will have no other. Hay, Corn and Oats. I am pre pared to meet competition on tbe above goods D. L. GORE, ly 8 tf 130. 122 and 131 North Water St. Wanted, 5,000 Pounds WOOL. 3,000 Pounds BEESWAX. 2, 000 Pounds COW HIDES. Highest cash prices paid. Quo tations furnished oa request, SAHTL BEAR, Sr., 12 Market St., Wilmington, N. C- my 28 tf UP TO DATE Livery and Sales Stable. S. P. COWAN & OO. 108, 110 Second Street, between Princess and Chesnnt o UR SKRVIO IS FIRST.CLASS IW EVERY particular. Finest Ho ses in town. First-class scalp pages, route attention. All cam aaa oraera oar aaa aight promptly attended to. KLEPHONE NO. . TELEPHONE NO. It Telephone calls answered aay hoe day or Bight. Special attention gives to Boarding Hnrasa. Boa tails and Careful Grooming for Stalling Horsaa. Hacka aad Baejraae Line to all trains cola( aad coming, at usual prices. Carriage lot Railroad Caul l.av. Prices Uniform to All Comers. Hearse Kxcloslva lot Whites SS.00. Carriage M funeral, St. BO. Hoarse for White and Oiorad, B4 (O. Bone and Buggy one boot, SI .00; afternoon SS.00. Carriage, Team aad Driver one Boor. S1.UO-, a(ternoaa) 18.80. Horse and sorry one Boor, l w; arnarnotsa Li. 00. Team and Trap oae hoar, SI. 00; aiternaoa. S3. SO. Saddle Horse one hoar, 80 osats; aHeraooa, $1,60 Furniture Wagoa srlth careful atteaticsi, l.Ut PerJ"a nnm I t-. upen ooo oays ana ono niguw n a year. mar at u