The TTIormiin hir I tbf u " ,iielIhoj lhr thlt I ll,elB 184 ew-eq.eot!r they hope to I SPIRITS TURPENTINE. I one o uncoln-s stories. , "'' e--' I .w. ewnaifcMioj woald b tx.aer tbio I draw Totet oolr from mea who bave I I IIMIB. wiuKiaroTOs. m. c - STCOAT MOU10, JCLT 10. wht thst cuxcr. Mr. Hana-i. eo( th Mr. Hasaa i raiaioj Mr. MclOn!e-r. txt the Mr It r is tV t raeiQf (b IttDOtl c-iJ of t&e Idtapii C5nrijflC Wl"i 13 C3etK tO csit i-seff -.he S-ioat! rVa xrratk: party. " m 4jreJ son ;-- that President McR slcy iate-t-is to sea! mesvafe to Coi jr r, x a it rets tie iMt ft ) t off it haal. at i of t to pr for t eat1) -tD"it of a carreacy ccxan .k W h-aJ a smKar rep-art o-a usas a(3 comuf froa St;retrjr Gje. bat wt kJ s-to-ber r rporx severs! Jars K3 that tats eav was x rfjrivl vita tavyr bj t oaojev p&mwrt tie Hast. wj Jj Ho: think tt aJvivab'c to i('ti(c tie oxiev question now aii t"trefoe Mr Mcloaef 91 dexiel s to at he WMlIJ d, iif to pt--r- : tSs cnrie to CocrrM f wa itrtc-ai tavlpo at we tVak it woali be sHrewJ titif for h a 11 4 -av:ew of iht pooticil ctspt p w ucl .1 opes la Oka w-r ' axr qjrtio wwl be t5 !eJif wa. tbe Dj a .jcrata having -a J it to bf dcliru( for IH fret avJ asl axed otaaj-e of a-Iver at a ratio of H to 1. The Isn't aJ other matters -a ay 6 rare tact4etaUr. bi: ta t will bi the aaaitia. Asvthinf tan Mr. Mc -- Ki3T caa J j 1 1 o tit: a! caite U less of ai iujs w li be a J -(fact ftia for o party, wiicl c i suJerably J'TivjevJ oj tae carreacy iirttKM Tare are taoataaJ of KepbtK:sss o, wie'.aer tey Tr " ffe s ler or 00". sr very far fMS bera i:;5J ta tae prTit (a-w'a.'i yicea. wta ftn t"s Kt ti 'fjfy of ta carrea. f t" c jntry aad leieet tn -V : i" If tnr ca be o 1 '.' : v: - t r Mr McK.10 ley it uj ij f 1 -:er a loetary ftea !. nr teilsjcy t ostkc t- a 3j re pt;3t aaJ to cafe Ir a: t f j 1 1 -t? j' t- prra: Ifttt a. F r : r? r taiac it bj! pvcy. f;oca a prty stsaJpotnt. f r a a t ) :a I iaci a n rt ij - ; j C trn. 'j-ts.- C i- fres rp.ij to 1; or a:. !ff? n4 ! ta oitsiafe litres " tie pr j"Mlity of Cjijvii i . 1 1 ) 1 1; tfirai I'ltlf. ') ' ijfiiMi 1 h r 11 ;t. J : 4 .. i ; t J ; pf ::e ?. 41 S : i" a C retk caa -:. f f t" r; 1 I mu3t t j ft 1 j: .' i - ai l fi: to ti-.r J-r c it ::a?-5t. or t so-ae pice of re-rrei'.i i Hi))) 11 I8?y t")r t jrti j b Sn!el Bat eeea if h-.t Re)ii c 1 fntaf ere w I i( to re ana tier ; t oitiJsr avi ac: a? h j at tire wso'.J b-r oup-:tioa eo af t the prop i Hod t kiil it or t hs-j 1 r. op Tie RfpnM c : err Sei:o th? PopaTfs j i: 1 o?o it al tSere ! 11 'l p- )"):: ;y t? O'S) crs ic Se )t:)f riup :i tlen to t&t ocacatssioa woaU ba etber thia oae skied tribaaat. froa vaka the coo a try voaid deriv littl If aay benefit, aa4 waica wold leart 'tbe caooer probleta as far or farther Fayettellle Observer; The cona ty comm'sioaers cf Haraett coonty Idooday refused to grant liquor license, and Harnett is do dry. Columbus News: Crops are draw Totes only frooa men who bare been Toil of the Democratic ticket. Beery vote thus taken helps Haaoa ia Ohio, and his party in other States. As Republican aula- froa aof atloa thaa It la now. Ia oar tants Mr. Byaota sad those who are I DreltT fair ia .hit cuo'n ,od farm opojoo tats it tae petactpai reasoa i ocipiai; dim ran toe contingent mi- 1 crs are eipectlng a plentiful harvest. way -tht stleritesi"are ao hostile to I chioe are dolor all their allies coald I There is a peculiar bridge at this cocamiMJM " I expect of them. I ac "u.oB c iciijuiuiiui iitci. is aosiiag bridge supported by air tight whis key barrels. It was the bjppy idea of an old Inhabitant and has been there for years. Winston Journal: The nine teams sent to Cook's distillery yes terday were driven into town this af ternoon laden with corn whiskey. stills, etc, which are being stored MHOS. MlTJO. Oat of the deaaads of the so called "aoaai oaaoey" Democrats is that the Goeerameat paper (rreeo backs aad Treasury notes aod stiver certificate), aaoootiag ia all to nearly $1,000,000,000. be retired aad tabulated by Natioaal baak notes oa some plan yet to be devised. The Republican papers are no: taobliog to tbs schemt with aay noticeable celerity, aod some of the leadiog so- sfrsid there aay be dynamite in it for the party that attempts it. The! A residsut of Brookln, N. Y, Sr York which stands at the I siys ridiogia ins electric street cars aooey orgaa, I has cared him of beadichs. A Germ 10 archaeologist has dis covered an ancient city deep In the forest ia So a :h era Mexico. Several such cities have been discivereJ in Ceotral and Soath Aserica, some of waich are completely covered, while above them are growing forests of Imoeose trees which muu be several I away in the basement of the Lemly- I corred once in a country meeting bouse in hundred years old. These nnearthed Jacobs building. Deputy Marshal cities give evidence of a race which J- - Chapman wis io charge of the bal made coasiderabie progress and w? Qd the fciied lh r which they were laden. To a Jour- were tar supenor to toe rea men teat Teponcr Mr. Chaoman stated be Cjlumbus aod other discoverers I had 23 barrels and 7 kess of corn Tutm ml tba Kaa Whs Tried t AdrcrUw Gnpovder at Prayer Meeting. The following anecdote by Lincoln la re counted by GfiKTal Horace Porter In bis "Campaigning With Grant" In The Cen tury. It was told during Lincoln's rlnit to the front at City Point: In the course of tbe conversation that rcnlng be Fjoko of tbe improvement in arms and amronnition, and of tbe new powder prepared for tbe 15 inch guns. He said be bad never seen tbe latter article, but be understood it differed very much from any otber powder that had ever been used. 1 told him that I happened to have in my tent a specimen which bad been sent to headquarters aa a curiosity and that I would bring it to him. When I re turned with a grain of tbe powder about tbe size of a walnut, be took it, turned it over in hia band, and, after examining it carefully, said: "Well, it'a rather larger than the powder we used to buy in my booting days. It reminds me of what oc- asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small li size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man said : You nevrr know you have taken a pill till It Ss-aS over." 25c. C I. Hood & Co., Proprietors. IoweIl. Mass. Tbe only pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. cm Pills ffj-ii as a 'son ad aid a very able ooe too, raps this scleae oa the head thus: -Tae asev t iht PJp' aat it G instil 'TsSisc tbG iiani osit oi ia btaktae &-auaet." astsa. froB tae Crecsaieat lt irrs af of csrrescr a1! loraiss; tt or him ais a ir sait tbe btata. t wa 4 peo4t &r it. bat it v. II t tbt peuo'e. Tae ppta .at iht O - tt -?o-t isetr SMMr. Tadaot ill 1)1 o( li sna 1 of d fl rre tuki if taee are cVd cassia to f asentavv i be old S ate bask csrrescr aad tse iim6 sal lost tsatctwi lus i'. taev are m r i a is retr 09py4 to tbe sop et is to is se r tat e-xe isra itf fssit'o of tae G ret.-aaiiac aad t ai ovtr tt tb bakt iiicwt) nixXlrs I9M)(M to H Miftu. aaJsi-a to tb bsakt oele 'A it ts -! looki at bis a tv dim o in p mm im tt tt is. A'l of it is at Jl st tJ'l aa1 eetrr bi1 at tyi as rv.r otbtr k ad Air (! at rt sbtll D rep'ated be ss? otaer a ? t is ears to reia aay pi as tt. 'Tae Gyvevseaest is sosad; tbt car react isre4 0 tat G v.-fsaaeat is Tots it a swipe at the banks in geaeral aod at State baaks in panic alir (which do not figure in this s:he-ae to withdraw tbeGsveromeot ate). aad It eiprees the views of fe Repaslictas pretty generally aod of thxisaads of others who differ froa the ladtaoipolis fiaiaciers. Tbe Sm hasn't ranch oe for the Populist party bat it has mtde a pretty loog s rtj; la this declaratloa to get on ti; Popalit: platform, which ioiists, a the Smm does, that the Govern a rot shoa!d issue all the mney. rbile a gentleman in New Orleaas who is troubled with deafoett says be can hear better oa tbe electric cirs than aoy where else. We are oot booming the trolley jast now but we hive heird of sob; peruas sufferiag from rheomitisa who thought they were benefitted by nd.og oa our street cars. There are cooflictiog reports as to the probable magnitaie that the coal I ts Sir "Georgie. I'm glad to see that Too sre pxitc sad ofl:r tbe orsaees 6.-t:." " Y'a 'c3i tbo e bt to e pj ins aa isce ih' little ooe." Pmtk Resented the Indignity: "What made too q jit tbe c!ub B. 1 ? ' ' Reasia ceoafo. I ess tc'l vou. I orced tit rears to &e elected iretsarer and oca toev "e'1 puttirg io a cai resist er "" Detroit Frit Prrts. Impossible "See here. That oire i jo s1 cne rial satae. kictt. tMio. strikes, scd tries to tear djea tbe s-.jb e a: aijot Vou tali me tut if I got bios oscc I aroa:da't prt eito him lor fl 000 " ' Weil. TO J wV" Dtlroil Frtt frett "Blank him' I'd like to smash b-s lace I it bioi' ' Wni to Wait as b tfooe to Ve N'j h.oj. M: n nki ih ujh that I am e.niiog sgoott him Aod I'm tbe rtS. Inead h;'t got " Cara Tribune. An Echo of the War -Bob "I dn'i -e is icb uie io nr s.udtio G a k " H s Pjtter 'Way on air ton ?" B b " Accof die j io .i jcciaats. thtre ia' t in r i bs in. ti tcti alter ifsi' l'ho I i 'u!r 1 jrsisa "Hive you ODJght any fire workt to crleariie w..b?" inquired B.-oacbo Box "I joo d car I hive." rep'ied D:r- rtr Do; jar gt ioa " H'askm defesr it t-tco -i :! pte of the qaea ti jh i c jrit-airjrf j.kt, -wrhy are t-e .' :e- o h xtiie to a no seta ti ciicara tti' Are they afraid that a repxt frxa a ccbisi!S c jea pixel o oaa cpi of eaakiag aa tatelligeat aad ethasitivt nvrttigt to of the stbj xf. w d iajare the caae of s.ierr r vve tstte it thtt they are oppo-Kl s a oia tun ad-tr prr': co vit",ioi, Fx-rtate theyStv? no cxilrici ii the s.a cery of the moer f or tars coaa s t h imilf si perasaeatly se.:ft tist qaestioo, aai lo-jk epoa tt si at pi y as aa ef xt to Jlal; the pjpit avj d.eert te r attention froa tae rest i-tit by icxtri(ii( the apT tatt tie carrency proVea a tf be settled aid leave slecrjatt WSere it rs. Thtv rerari it as ooe of tcaaaio( trtckt that the RepabH ua otai(tn sre liSMi foe. of a kial w.h tte decfaratiots for tbe largest poa.bic as of silver as mo lev f ad ia the Rep thitcaa pis'.forss. sad tte lateraatioaal b nt.i.'I!im whch 6 (a red so proai neatly ia the St. I. oars platform. Thy e it at ivjtSrr play of the Repah c4 p:tttcs!t to fo4 the p ie ui S T?ft srteati f rora he res! !.! e la tast far it touM hart t:er. as the interrogator s tcJ stsrmtte. aod la haniar silver woJ4 hart the peo ple of lb c uitr a -id of the world. Tae coast.siio t wuarl. of coirse. be chotea frjfn men wV ae it sympa thy wtta ihe mooty view of this adjaiaisfaitoo, aod tf aay t;aocra'.a wire pat nn tt It won d be those of tbe OQ4 J a af" I a.!itatpis s rt who have beea the omi active ta ar ar this aovcrarnt aad who hare aaca less toler:iort fx stiver taa evea tie R-pallicaas thea s-lven. w?er tie "hearings"' aigt tx b .. i a c an ssioa taey woa'd go " tufl attast sdver ism: eoi Ii; c. aa iaptr tia! repor; fr u tifT If aay plan of refjea fat t y tig prop ass stiver, other tin a irc;oaal aooey. W''d be .! siy otntttd. If there was a y pr Oa-M if taat sach c KaaisuM wald coitata sach men at Senator S ear rflee. or Josof.N'ea.l, v-, Vet', or Diaief, oa oo atds. wita whatever Xrpwbtis or "sod Boeey" Draocrats that at rat b-t chscn o thto'.her sle silver aight have a fa (hearts a-s-f a air repxt, bat oaioers' snke now on may attain. In som; sec'.tois where the miners earn be:ter wag;s thaa io others, or where they are working under con tract aai feel that they oufbt to co-ap'y with the contract (which they should) they are reluctant to )in in the strike, but withoat them there wiil be a sufficient oomber in volved to serioasly affect baaiaess in a large section of the couatry. At present matters are movlog on io an orderly way. as there has been no violence or attempted violence so far reported. This has been guarded against somewhat by invoking the protection of the U. S. Government aal patting inta service a large number of U. S deputy marshals, osteasibly to prevent interference by the strikers with railroads la the ha-idt of receivers appoioted by tbe Federal Coarts. If these roads con tinue to carry coal from West Vir foia aad other mtniog regions where tae a oers coatmue ta work, there will be little daoger of a coal fam ine, and the strike may be indefinite ly proloa frd w.ttout materially bra ei::iar the strikers. Thty are aware of ibis, aad thtt may result ia acts that may eveataally precipitate a co it ct bet weea tbe miaers aad the aathoruies If they could or would dis:ia(aish between the trains which are In charge of receivers, and those that are sot they might avert csnlict with the Uaited States mar abate, bat they can't always do that, evea if tb;y so desired. Tbe strike ts still it its iofascv, bat the probabilities arc that it will grow aai become worse lastcad of petter. lavolviag not only the miners, bnt thoatands of others who are not yet involved. Toe ladiaaapoii contingent in Ohto wt!l hold a State convention in September and pat a State ticket in the field. Tbis is na sarprite for Chairman Bynam, who is now earn iag his I acre by steertog the contin gent aachia-, had publicly an aonaced that the program oae it to mike aa oriaiird Sjht, that is aa orfiaiied fihi in every State where tbey coald Bad mea eaoagh to run at ciadidates for the respective oft ret. Ia Kentucky they expect the co operation aad eadorsemeat of the Repahiicaas, ani perhaps they win play this gams ia othir Sutes wbere the Republican party does not feel sir jog eooaga to run a ticket of its own. ' la other States wbere it Is a tqaare, stand np fght be tween the Democrats and Re pabiacaas they will ran alone, oot wtth the cipectatios of winolog. for they kaow they can't do that, bnt of defeating tht Democratic ticket, thus aiding tht Republicans la Stale aod nation. They do not etpect aay Repnblkcaa votes for when they par loined the name of the "National Democratic party" aad framed a platform deaaad of a "tariff for reveant only" they served notice on tht Republicans that they didat ex pect any aid (bnt laa octal) froa Mrs. Baroa "Tel; m, Pro- fes r. will me l.uinter ever teame a grrat pUnf. f" , Herr Vjgi-t:bai si' I gia't dell " Bj:. bit tbe nose o! tae qajlifica- tio-.s eecir (-r a muscui ?" Ach' Y.h. m tti n. the t ) b.u3.s " '. First Bicyc'e Girl -"Oh, yrs; I o tea la 1 crT bai I siwtts laod oa my lee. " S.cood D.tto ' 1 'R'ek sou sud joa were lron ChiCigi " Jijsfjn Trscript. CUHHEN7 CDMMhNT. There are quite a bomber of public men who would be much bet ter off if they could but develop Mr. Sherman habit of forgetting thing. HUihintttn Pott, fmj "The welcome eatend.d to the paa Americans by ih; sky high pro tectionists hasn't teen sjrpastel since Juab icquired after Amaia's health and then stabbed him under the fifth nt.-? HtmU, Dtm. Tbe Northwestern Senators who claim that the tax on hides wi l he'p their cons.ituenis owe an ex planation to thoie who think that the Armour Beef 1 rust is represented io the S;oate only by r&e memters from Ilhnjis. A'rsr York World, Drm. Importation of foreign goods have been io large in anticipation of Increased tariff rates that the Treas ure deficiency for the fiscal year, end ed Jane 30. Is only a tout $ Hi. 6 20. 000 Int eid of 64.OU0.00O. as was expect ed But, ween tbe tariff b.ll becomes a law importations w.ll doubtless tail off until at leat: the go.dt in hand are disposed of, aod the deScicncy at the en J of ibis year is likely to be all the greater In conseqatnee. Brklym Ctisem, Dtm. whiskey, besides a number of still worms, caps end a rectifying outfit, all together valned at about $2,500. Monroe Enquirer; Miss Lessie Meigs, aged sixteen years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Meig, of Win gate, died of fever on Sunday, July 4tb, 1897. Letters of incorpora tion bave Deeo taken out for the Rodman-Heath Cotton Mill Co. The paid op capital is $50,000, with the privilege ol increase of capital to $100,000. Mr. T. J. Bivens, of east Moaroe township, was ex hibiting a number of gold nuggets on tbe streets last Monday. 1 he ouggets were found on his farm and were from ooe to five dollars io value. Mrs. Betsy Piyler, of Buford township, is eighty-six years old, but she is able to look after Number Oje, as was clearly shown oy last Thursday, when in her ram bles ahout her place she came across a large rattlesnake with twelve rat tles and killed it with a stick. Charlotte Obsener: It was known to a few, several days ago, that tbe object of Mr. Ralph Hol land's visit to Charlotte at p-esent was to get up a petition for tbe par don of bis father, J. R. Holland. Tbe petition so far has been largely signed. It is mainly being presented to tbe professional men and mer chants. Tbe lawyers very nearly all signed it, also all physicians to whom it was presented, and many of the prominent business men in the city. Mr. M. M. McKinnon, of Lau- rinburg.has invented a circular beam plowstock in which there is no trou ble whatever ia adjusting the sweep or shovel. Tbe plow can be set at any angle by simply turning one screw. Th s satisfies a long felt want among cotton planters. Tbe beam is of wrought iron, and is strong and durable. The plow has been fully tested by the best farmers of the county, aod is pronounced by them to be perfect in its working A patent has been applied for. Pender Star: At Teachey's last Thurdav, before justices of tbe peace J J. Wood and J D. Teachey, L'iz e McMillan, a colored woman about 26 years of age, was bound over to the Superior Court ot Duplin county for the adeged burning of '.be barn and stables of Mr. G. F. Drmp sey in March last In default ot bond she was ordered to jail. She was placed in charge -of offi cer Dixo-3, who took her to his" home that night, and placed her under guard, whom she slipped and made her escape before day. Immediate search was made and by 12 o'clock she was located in a "neck" or swamp in the fork of Rock Fish and N Jrth East rivers. She was guarded by a large body of colored people scattered about as spies. A company of eighty men were sum moned to aid in her arrest and at once left for the place. They saw the spies but bad no troub'e with them; but their search was a fruit less one. At last accounts she was still at large. Sangamon county. You see, there were very few newspapers then, and the country storekeepers bad to resort to some other moans of advertising their wares. If, far Instance, tbe preacher happened to be late in coming to a prayer meeting of an even ing, the shopkeeiA-rs would often put in the tiuio while the people were waiting by notifying them of any cew arrival of an attractive line of goods. "One evening a man rose up and said: 'Brethren, let me taie occasion to say, while we're a-waitin, that I have jest re ceiver n new inv'lce of sport in powder. The grains are so Ftnall you kin sca'cely see 'cm with the naked cyo, and polished up so Use you kin stand up and comb yer ha'r in frcut of one of them grains jest like it was a lookin glass. Hope you'll conio down to my store at tbe crossroads and exuruioe that powder for yourselves. ' "When wo had gut about this fur, a rival powder merchant in the meeting, who had been belling over with Indigna tion at the amount of advertising the op position powder was getting, jumped up and rril out: 'Brethren, I hope you'll not believe n single word Brother Jones has been sot in alxut that powder. I've been donu tLiir am! seen it for myself, arid I pledge m i:iy word that the grains is blpi r th:in the lumps in a coal pile, and anyone ot yun, t.itthrcn, cf you was in your d.ti:re ture. c: uld put a bar '1 of that u j.i- in juiir -;.i,ultlT and march squar' thru:li ihesulj hi:rious flames surroundin ("ii Mtli.ut the Ucst danger of an eiplo- at -m i i m . ST. st HLr J EXTRA SMOKING TOBACCO Wade from tbe Pmwt, Ripest xb1 8weetwrt f-f ; (rrown In the Golden Belt of North Crolini. I Cigarette Bubk gees with each Ita. poach. a y A Pleasant, Cool aad Delightful Smoke. - Lvon a Co. Tobacco Works. Durham, n. C l-.T.T , ........... ... LifVJNK FROM LOSS OF SLEEP. C"' nenlt ot a Scientific Test Tpon hLfJrcln Kept Awake Ninety Hour. Kiperiii-er.t to tost the effect of contin ued skx'ple'sncss Li the latest exploit of science. 'l'ro'esacr H. C. Warren of Princeton university in a poper describes the find ings of Professor Patrick and Dr. Gilbert of the UnlMTsity cf Iuwa on the effects of the loss of sleep. Those who bave missed their normal rest for several nights in suc cession feel a lassitude and a sort of de pressing interest in life. They behave quecrly and seem to lose an equitable judgment cf things. Events seem out of pre portion and often ordinary occurrences appear to go zigz.-ig. lliis ts the sleepless "jag," and its hallucinations are ns mark ed ns these of a man carrjing an overload of liquor. Three normal subjects composed cf in structors, and hence men not easily sus ceptible to influences, were tested by Pro fessor Patrick and Dr. Gilbert. They were ti pt awake fer a period of to hours with out resort to stiiuulants or other physiolog ical means. During the four days and three nights of the test- they were engaged, a-s far as possible, in their usual occupa tions. Their meals were of the customary kind and were red at the usual hours. After tl.e stcoid ci'lit the first Fubject suffered curious fantasies. He complain ed that the floor was covered with a greasy looking, n.ohcular layer of rapidly mov ing panicles 1 hey worried him almost to desperation. Often this layer seemed to bim a foot above the floor and parallel with it, and it caused him tremendous trouble, as he stuiublrd about and tried to step on it. He staggered and tumbled, but bo couldn't get a sure footstep. He would try to walk on space, thinking the Coor was a foot above where it was, and when his efforts met disaster be seemed sorely distressed. Later the air was full of these dancing particles, which developed into swarms of little bodies like gnats, but colored red, purple or I lack. They gyrated, it seemed to the subject, in great glee, and he fre quently climbed upon a chair to brush them from about the gas jet. Tbis amused him greatly. Especially was he entertained by the various colors in which he saw the little troopers asthey drove about him in countlt'ss hordes. New York Journal. APPOINTMENTS For V 1 a .toe b' iba B hop of East Crol:E. July 0 Frirfav. E P. S.adess;iie. J'i!v 11 fourth Sardav Trinitv, MPS Georae's H.1e coaotv. JaW 12 Monday. E P, Fairfield. Joly 13 Tuesday. E P, San Qjarter. July 18. fi'th Sunday Trinity. M P, S PrU 'a. Beu:on. Jols 18 fiftb Saodsv after TriBity. E P. S Cement's Beau'orU Com Csosmunion. E P Evening pra; er. M P Mcirt-icu,r.rdyer. HoW communion at ail morcicg ser vices Th cbiidien C3.fch:zed when prac ticable. Tbe Vestries will p'este be prepared to meet ihe Bishop OSerines to be for Diocesan Missions un!eas ctbrrwise annoutced. COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE, fair 9 SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady at iS cents per tralion lit macnine-made casks and z3M cents for country casks. RflSIN Mark- firm r SI 9.X ner bbl trtr train4 anrl SI 9t Inr dr.. .-t 1 J4 X . 1 S n( r-in.. O. ft .... . - , 'l-"-r " . " " """" .t J '."'- r Idtlrr. . Total since September 1-N " 6 699 S0 bales: crC0M.i0 Great S 0 853 bales; esp ,rta to Fra". am 1 bales; exports to the Cootmeat 2 1 u , 1 ba'es. to the C-.arr.ei B 481 bv, Ml " Nw cl ll ', reneiriis 1U u r r i-wiui. I; net recrioti IS ri oal at 8J, net receipta 72i ta f, t? ' too. firm at 7. net rece u f JH WilmiuKtoc. mm at 7V- ,., x firm at $1.15 per Strained TAR. Market bbl of 880 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market firm; $1.30 per Barrel lor Hard. 1.80 for Yeilow Dip aad 1 90 lor Virgin. Quotations same day last year Spirits turpentine naming doing; rosia arm $1 32. 1 37. tar qu et. $1.10. crude turpentine dull, $1 80. 1 70. 1 80. RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine So Rosin 5M Tar 41 Crude Turpentine 147 Receipts same day last year 151 casks spirits turpentine, 672 bbls rosia. 1S1 DDIs tar. 37 bols crude turpentine. COTTOJf Market firm oa a basis of 7jc for middling, tjotations: Ordinary 5 cts Tff Tt booa Ordinary e-3 Low Middling 7 Middling 7 Good Middling 8 1-19 " Same day last year, middling 7Kz. Receipts 0 bales; same day last year 10. COUNTRY PRODUCE. :PEANU TS Nona Ciriina Pnue 8065, per busfcsel of pooods. Extra rrime, 7Uc; haccr, 60:. Virginia txtra Prime. 4550c; Faoc? 50c. witn-ritm. sssits cents per Ouabci. iuuun rtict oifclYU cems per bushel. N. C- BACON Steady!, 8 to 9c per pouad. Sboaloeri. 6 tj 7c. Sides. 7 to Sc. SHINGLES Per thousand, five icch fc earls and saps. $Lft0 to 2-5; sis loch $2 25 to 3 K; seren inch $5 50 to 50 TIMBER Market steady at $5.00 to 8 50 per M. ftrm at 7 net receipt! 47 0a Uneans. steady at 7 11 11 e; re-r v, g: bales Mobile, quiet at 7. ne- ree'e bales: Mempois. firm at 7v .,'"' u mis , nuKUll,, TJiir. it nevrccsipts 1 oaie; ,n-tr;ei at 7,.r:ei receipts bale PRODUCE MARKETS -ering N -rtn. " -i.Cir It -'M COTTON AXD NaVAL stores. WI1KLT 8TATKJCJUTT. RiClIPTS. For week caded 3. CttUm. SfirtU. Msri. T. C-J- 3 1,245 IXA &l TT. RECEIPTS. Tot week coded Jalr 13. ISSt Ctlc. Sfrrili. JUnM. Tf. Omdt. 21 1 4I 7TS EXPORTS. Tot week eaded J- f 9. 13V7. Cstt. Spirits. Jterim. Tmr. Crmd. OoacKk.. 2S 644 i.', 1 :l T-3 fomcm . . . 003 3 It 6 UUO EXPORTS, ror.'week eaded Jolr 10. 199S. Cttfm. Spirit, grrrm, Tmr-. Crmdt. PT. i'" to ( i-iv:nriii; lid"nce. fj'injci.i:ly i lei that that iz:- L.j.i why v.-as just introtiucwl i.-i i.i an actor.'" remarked Maud. "Io." r-ilittl Mamie positively. "I'm sure he i iKt. "' "He looks like oi;e. " '"I don't e;ire. Hei-n"t.'" "How do j'ou know;" "We were talking aliout the stage, and he named as many as five or six people who.-e acting he ad mired." Washington Star. Domestic., roresn . . . 9 433 5X1 OiXl Cotton, aptrlti. Rcui., Ter.. 6 ?6 S.tSl 86S STOCKS. Adore end Aacat, Ja.y i. .!SS 35 , 1.311 SO 2i.a Sffii i,35: l.loo lOJ : STOCKb Ailtore ad A doa(. Ja y 10, 13 Ctus. Spirit. Xftim. T. 4,665 1..TT5 18.TM 1T FINANCIAL MARKETS TmtmJ. S.t 3 a in 3047 3.4r: so trade. fr&rcastic. Fair American (after a graphio description of an English fox hunt) Now, tell me, captain, doe-s the poor animal go in circles round the island ; Sketch. Wholesale Prices urrent. Toe qootanooi are aiwmyi cma as scenraaty as possible, bat the St a will sot Be respoatibt (or aay rariztioas trom tbe actcal market prica of ;h articki sotsd. tBThe fokming qnctaooos r emmet vrboiesale rnoes eeaeraiiy. in mannr op small oraen sicker nave to oe prices 1 De charssd. JONES3VS JOKE. A'trr serious il oeaa Hood's Sjrsapa-r-"a baS avonijerlul buildiea; op power It purifies tte b ood and tettoies perfect bealm. t THE GHiEF O r LCBANOM. TtlcT Ar Farooixs Cbronfc Djspepsla Cored. m - ' 1 arTXB m ffsrtas fcsr swarty tairty tsua Cross eyspspsta, Mrs. H. K. DsstUto. vtfs oa ft protnlMst bsiln boss ot K- T, vntss: -roe ysara, I wsa t m rarer trosn draprpats sad a Tbs UxhtawS food prodocod cavaslm ssrsrs pais sad tbs formsv- Staaoesraa. Ko auiwr bow csrsral ct my die I awsTaewd afoaixlas- pala artsr stiaft-. I was U led by snaay payaaclaas aad trtod am run rsanaillsa wltboat ptnstMst bal p. Tww ysars ao I bvja taklag Dr. atUas Bar aad XJrar PIUs aad Rrrrla. Wltaia ftwaafe I cwasaassjosd lanprorlac aad psr as I M ta las trrstaarat I was sooa a Us to as waas I liked, wtta ao srU off acta I sawf) tawas at aaasd aasd a atacVs doas dJspals a-y oid arsapsoaoa.- I JIIU rattrord Like tht (w-r r of Mrbnrg, Krin. th an!t. hn written for t. NH-bl.i tin ucHiitiit r hi -it to tin? famoun rii!.im of Ia l.iimn, whirh j lnco is &1 f..r i:- f iik Mr. 1 inn ivs: a l.Ti.iifiil of :irth can lv to n-?.t upon n lix!.-e. theri- a mulberry t lant cniwe It 1m a j.lrt un.xjuo and thrill Init .ll.t t . a Ut lowered I y n mpe nxrr the j.riTipi- . enrrrinp; li)r Uu-ki t of rarth nd miillvrrv twiirs to plant in Ins I ni.K-iiK inien. The erop of lenTc. f-wii!.r f. r ih.- witih, Is (fathered In 11. e w:iy. l!y njeh J-atielit nnd tJans-f)' lid:i.fry hsrc these hnrtly ni'flinrr.lneern lvn ul.le U lr.i. Le tin ir wll dinKM i l r k I i..--.m into I'Hhtly onl- nre.l i!k. . I n single )enf I left on tbe tr- 1 t the tii'-.e the vurariou?) worms (jrt rauly lo;ln th lr oix-n, but a setVnil crop crimen on Inter, irxl a curious use Is load v of that. Tb trrw owner purcham one of those qm-r big tnilrd Syrian b-p, tho tail of which weighs 20 pounds when at the full maturity of tlx fntnma, and then a strange tufting pron-as brlgna, not unlike tbe fat tening of the Strasbourg (reem. Wben the shcrp can ml no mum, the women of tbe house feed It. and It la no uncommon sight to arc a woman going ont to make an aft ernoon call loading her cho p by a string and carrying a tmski-t of mulberry lea Tes on her arm. liming arrived at her friend's nouar, ane aquaia on ida ground, rolls a ball of ruol berry loo yea In her right hand and slips it into tho sheep's mouth, then works the ahrrp'a jaw up and down with tbe other hand till she thinks tbe mouth ful has been cbewed enough, when she thrusts it down tho throat of ths unfor tunate animal. Tbe funny part of the business la that probably half a dozen gos sips of tbe Tillage are seated around tbe yard, all engaged at the same operation. Of course the sheep get immensely fat, and that is the object; for at the killing time tbe fat ia tried out and put into jars as meat fur the w inter. De. stiles are sold by ail drsg gists msxler a poaiUrs , ftrs totals aVnar 41. I 'ltmmarm' sassasas a beaut aad I 4, SasTtfc i atr M fl aa" Vddraaa. DB. at LLCS stSXltaA.L UU, sUkaart. Lad. Dr. MlW lla PUla. Tbe firaadest Rssasdr. Mr R. B. Greeve. merchant, of Chil bowie Vs. certifies that be had con sorap'.ion was Riven op to ate. sought sn meaicai irea'tnent toat moaer could proenre. tried ail coush remedies he coold hear ol bat got no relief: spent many nights sittlae np in a chair: was icdnced to try Dr. King New Discov ery, and was cared by ase oi two bottles. For pist three years has been attending to business and Dr. King 'a New Ditcovery is tbe grandest remedy ever mtde. as it has done so much for h ra and also fr others in his romnanity. Dr. K ng's New D -overy is gaaranteed lor tagba, tjoias aod Consamotion. It don't (ad. Trial bottles free at R R. Bellamy's Drag Store. t Hie Two Miee In a Candy Bos and Waat Became ot Them. Mr. Giddy invited two friends to dine with him the other evening, and when the first of them arrived he found the host In a very merry mood. "G bid you got here first," be said. "I've got a joko on Joneby that the boys will tell around the office for a year, and I want to tell you about it before he ootues In." " Joncsfcy Is something of a joker him self. Isn't he" returned the guest. "He thinks so dot-, but he won't after be finds out. You see, played a lot of fool tricks on- me that he thinks funny, and I've been waiting to get even. Of late he's taken to buying lots of neckties and keeping a comb in his desk, and the boys think he's in love with the typewriter." "Well, that's no joke, I'm sure." "I wasn't sure about it myself until to day, when I &aw him grieak in and lay on her desk a big randy box done up in white paj er and tied with blue ribbons. If he hadn't run away as fast as he could, he'd have heard me Laughing, for I couldn't re strain it another second." "Well?" said the guest, who was won dering how soon dinner would be served. "Well. I knew I bad bim then. Sol just grabbed that, candy box and slid it Into my overcoat pocket just as the type writer came into the room. " "Did she suspectf" "No. I guess not. She asked me what I was laughing at and I told her I'd just seen a fat old man slip on a banana peel. She smoothed her hair down and said she didn't see anything funny in that. She knows I'm married, yon see." " I see. We have typewriters at our office too." "Yes. Then I Invited Jonesby to din ner to night: I brought the box of candy borne. I'fl bet it's good too! Told my wife to put ft on the dinner tnb)e. I'll tell old Jonesby the after it's all eaten. Won't be lie mad, though? Sh that's him. D.;n't sty anything. Hello, Jones by, old mn. You're lute. I thought you weren't coming " "I am o little late," returned the new comer. "The fact is I staid later than usual nt the tbis evening. Fact is, I'd put un ti jol e on t-he typewriter and I wanted to we wbnt she'd do." "Jofco on the tvj'wriHr, ebf What was It?" said Mr. Giudy, winking at the first guest. "I'ut a box with two mice in it on her dck. I knew she'd think it wps candy and wliat's the matter, old manr" "I I want to tell my wife something," faltered Mr. Ch dy. Dtit just then n series cf the most appall- in? :rnni':i coining from the direction of the dining room told that be was too late. Chicago Timcs-IIernld. BAGGING 1 late Swnda'd WE8TEKN SMOKID Hams ) , Hd -stilt. , Shon'dcrs SJ !,,,,,,. ED 12 S 6 14 7 6J4 DRY SALTE Sides tb . M4 fM Shoulders V t 4 5 BAKKfclS Spin s Turpentine :ecrmd-nADa. eacn New New York, eacb..... New Citv, eacb BKESWAX'9 t BRICKS Wilmington "0 M..., Northern ,,,, ,,,, BUTTK-i North Carolina 9 t. N rtbei u -........ CORN M EAL Per Bushel, in sacks . .-..... Virginia Meal COTTON TIKS B bundle CANDLES 9 S Sperm .....n, Adsmaatine , CHEESK -J S Nortbem Pactory Dairy, Cream. State COFFEE 9 ItnvTm .... Rio DOM ESI ICSU- Sneet;ng. 4-4, 9 yard Yarns. 9 bunch. ............. EGGS 9 dozen ri"H Mackerel, No 1, barrel JS 00 ft-V) 00 Mackerel, Ko 1, half-barrel U 00 15 00 Mackerel, No 1. 9 barrel... . 18 CO 18 00 Mackerel. No i. 9 hali-banel 8 00 00 Mackerel. No S, 9 barrel 13 00 14 00 Mallets, 9 barrel J 00 3 01 Mn'lets, 9 pork barrel 5 75 50 N C. Roe Herrins, 9 keg I 00 S SS Ory Cod, 9 B S 10 Sztra S SS 3 50 FMJUR-9 barrel- Low grade , 3 SS Cno-ce Straight 4 30 First Patent GLUE 9 -b 7Hj 8H GRAIN S bnsbel Cora, fro-a store, bag- White, 43 O 45 Car load, in bigs White . 4i 4-1 O-tv from ore 30 2' Oats, Rust Proof , 444 45 Cow Peas . 1 10 1 00 1 10 1 35 1 40 1 30 1 40 23 23 t 00 7 00 9 00 It 00 10 16 18 25 41 45 43 45 75 18 25 8 10 11 O 12 12 13 10 ?n O SH 18 80 10 By Telecrmph to tbe Morning Star. New York, July 9 Evening Money, on- cail was eatv st per cent., last loan at lj anc closed offered at per cent. Prime rrircaaiile paper S(4 per cent. Steriicg cicaaofee w9 firm' actf1! b'l"l'n" h --lc- er' bills BT48734 lor ctmiud; 4;oy 48os fcr sixty days. Poi'.ed rates 4s6 4&7ard4g8s548.C ,it;L. trc a Dun 465. i.ivercertiticiies ro:-aott. Gov ernment bonds were wcfc, eves, tegs tered, fives, coupon. 114 louis. registered. lll6 fours, cuupou. 1123-, twos, registered. 95 State bonds dun North Carolina sixes 125, North Caro lina fours 101 Railroad Doods strotg NAVAL STORES MARKETS. By Tssaziapkto las Moralss Si.. NEW YORK, uiy 8. Kosin quiet. trained common to good $1 7i 75. ;urpcntine quiet at 26&fe'0'4c. RLESTON, July 8. Spirits tcr pertice brm at 23Vc: sales casks Rosin firm: s;l?s Da rjls: B.C 11 20 D E$125, F,G1 35. H $1 50. I 1 60 K 1 60. M $1 70, N $1 75, W G $1 90. W VV 2 40. Savannah, Ja'y 9. Spirits tarpen tine quiet at 24 jc; sales 250 cat ka; re ceipta 2.020 casks. Rosin firm: salts 1.249 barrels: receipts 5 050 barrela; quota tions. B.C. 1 30 D 1 30 1 85 E 80 Ol 35 F $1 40. G $1 45. H r 1 60, I fl 65, K $1 65. M il 75, N il 85. W G 00. W W 2 35. fa i aiuvu J Spirits tn ChaRL 3 35 4 00' 4 0 O 5 5 o 0 & t 90 a o s 8 85 50 1 00 B5 85 8 5)s 10 Impress uon the cook that she should strive not only to make her dishes easy of digestion and capable cf furnishing what ever nutrition may be required, but also to give them the power of pleasing the palate, and not alone tho palate, but the cyo as welL BIDES. 9 Dry . ....... HAY, 9 100 Clover Hay Rice Straw Eastera Vetern ...... Nona River..,. HOOP IRON, 9 LARD. 9 B Northern North Carolina .. LIME 9 barrel LUMBRRta wsawed Ship Stun, resawed 13 00 Rrmgh-dg Plank 15 00 West India cargoes, according to quality ... 13 00 18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned... 18 00 22 00 Scant! aa and Board. commOB. 14 00 15 00 MOLASSES. 9 gallon Barbados, in hhds, r,.., " in bbls Porto Rico, in hhds inbbb) Bngar-HoTTSe, in hhds... T " ia bbls..... Syrup, in bbb) NAILS, 9 keg. Cut 80d basis.... PORK, 9 b rrel City Mess Rump ,,, Prime ROPE. 9 SALT. 9 sack Alum . Liverpool ... ....... Lisbon ...,.... A met tcan ,. On 125 ft Sacks 8HJNGLE8, 7-inch, 9 M Ontunma .............. Cypress Sap 1 15, 1 25 2000 IS 00 28 O 28 28 12 14 14 15 11 15 1 60 I CO 9 CO 6 75 8 75 1U 35 00 1 60 S nft 9 50 9 00 9 OC O 2S 75 O 60 at. mm,,ku aw ttmrn la Dr. tsTtlss's f , Crssatrwa taa amm a aal.-. "-w aala kw aJ Ttiassiaai IwaalSI as ta IS rsva. OASTOnXdy, Tasn. Soaaetailatal to Kaiow. It may be worth lomethinji to know thit tbe very best medicine tor restoring tbe tired oat nersoas Sfstem to health? tgor is Electric Bitters Tbis medicine is pen Ir vegetable, acts by giving tone to tbe nerve centres in tbe stomscb, gently stimulates tbe Liver and Kidnets, aad aids these organs in throwing eff im parities in the blood. Electric Bitters improvta tbe spoetite, aids digeation.ard ia pronoanced by those who have tried It as ths ver-y best blood parifier aod tonic. Tit it. Sold for 60c or 11.00 per bottle 81 K. K. UKUUAMT'3 Urog. store. f SUUAJC.9 sv Standard Grass? 4 13-163 5 60 40 50 ts SO a . barreL., White Ex. C Extra C, Golden.. C. Yrilw SOAP, 9 t Northern. STAVES, 9 M W. O. R. Ol Hovthead T1MBIR, 9M feet Shipping... . aw,mm .... Common aiai!"!l";"n Interior to Ordinary SHIJSLES. N. C. Cyrei si W as w nc arc., " San... fi24 Heart. " Sao... 6xKl Heart...... 225a"L s 4 1-18 va 8 60 14 00 10 00 gl 00 7 00 6 50 4 50 4 09 S 60 S 00 T 50 8 50 6 00 6 01 4 F0 5 00 4 00 & 4 BO 00 6 60 5 00 660 iWA'9--------"----- 4 O WHIsKKY. 9 niloa Nonhera. 1 00 1 00 Nnri -Cax-xlaa . IN M WOOL 9 Uawished 8 12 COTTON MAKKKTS By Telecrath to the Mornins Star- New York, July 9. The cotton ma -ket opened steady with prices lower by 1 to 3 points and further declined 5 to 12 points. u58t qjeotly ruhog irregular with the direction of prices governed al most exclusively by tne vsned character cf weather news. Tbe early wrakoes was paitly due to ansatts'actorv Eaghsb advices which, whiieshnwi-c a e mand .'com Manchester and coatiDental spinners, was not up to the mark as to futures. Locally ths market was vetv nervous and easily it flaenced by weatber and crop news from wbatever source, but particularly from tbe Southwest. Tbe publication ol tbe wea her tu ieiio showing showers in certain poicta of Texas and also points along the Atlantic coast led to considerable realiz ng. Tbe entire scope of tbe fluctuations was twelve points cn tbe more active posi tions. The market wat fiasiiy barely steady at a net decline oi 913 points New York. Jaiy 9 The lollowicg are the total cet receipts of cotton at all ports since Sep.emoer 1st, 1896: Gal veston. 1.343.951 bales: New Orleans. 8. 069 182; Mobile, 808,197: Savaemh. 810, 045; Charleston. 899 343: Wilmingtno. 234 863: Norfolk. 703 563; Btltimore. 60 -164; New Yjtlt 108 7f 2: Boston 15 9754, Newport News. 9.707: Philadelphia, 41 -840; West Point. 50, B uoak. 125 161; Port Roval, 73,682 Peastco.a. 67 892; Texas City. 64.245. ,Toul. 6.599.860 bales. New York. July 9 Evening. Cotton steady; middling 7 15-16c. Cotton lutnres closed barely steady; sales 127.200 bales; Jan'y 7 08. Keb'y 711. March 7 15. April 7 18. May .Joly 7 34. August 7 84. Seotember 7 It. October 7 06. November 7 02, December 7 05. Spot cotton closed steady; middling uplands 7 18 16c; middling; gull 8 3 16c; sales 2 894 bales. totton net receipts oaiea; grots 202 bales; exports to Great Britain 88S bales: to France bales; to the Continent 738 bales; forwarded 202 bales; sales 2 894 bales; sales to spinners 989 bales: stock (actual) 91.492 bales. Weekly net receipts 1 bale; gross 4,084 bales; exports to Great Britain 832 bales; to France 1,243 bales; to the Continent S 278 -bales; forwarded 1 882 bales; tales 9 958 bales; tales to spinners .wa oaiet. Total to-day Net receipts 1 495 bales; exports to Great Britain 1 094 bale: to France bales; to tbe Con tlneot 1,593 bales; t ock 162 653 ba ei. Consolidated Net receipts 4 074 bales; exports to Great Britain 6.833 bales; to France 1,245 bales; to the Con tinent 5,146 bales. By Telaarrapa Co the Mora-ei S... New York. July w f. Flour du:i ani lower to som weak; Nn. 1 N.nlirr v. . v Slc 8 m. Nj 1 Nortb- o Ii. j a an )ai;opuona openeo a tal lied on foreign pj me anr weattrn receipt, tot lurr.e-: v liqtiidation. declines abrr a1 beaviceas 10 corn, cloalog r . al-i of Nt 2 red Ju 77,t:- ''711 -iJciiiucr I 1 " KS I A i .V r : ioym. tcre spot a net. No a :-, l; elevator aod 81c aflaar. . steady ?oi advanced on -ever later weakened under reaorti , West and closed partly "ttc ret Jul ciosed 30c. Aouaii cloae- Stptemotr 31 15 ltOSic. citier Ons-spct q j;e;; N j. 2 22Jc. werequ:ct and we.kcr. witu the markti. cloisn? ut cangtd to ic (aiv Cffd 2iM:: bepterabci c . 22c P.ikdu.fc Laid qjiet at ,., t o-.; Wctitis 14 15 r r- tal; r4 80 nomiDi r fined lard stei-Jy Cootineot i Sr'.aib American f 5 00 compound , 4 12 Bj er afadr : -, c. Wtter. cren.ery ll10c Wts.rr, ,. fy 7'HJ0X-.. E.y.ns Vs. c earte y XZic. Sute v '. 14c. Co. creise lltj'.'c Cr.-f. s-ea-ry b at -arge 7a7sc an., J .rr fa t iti-u it Lrn t.-, b ) , kc.j' asi ex-r. tve .i -.i s".;t sre na-.r yt. .. li . .-. - . . eiw Ziyi-., t. r -.!a C i .. T a Zi i i- " us ! r r (piCiiie .'-eei atiic it. , Kce se.iy o .tts cit: f . lM L)n pr tirrt; T''. T - toes per car cr bva-ti-. . ton 11 2-5ai 50. F . ji Pataioes bjat&e-r i i OtQi 25 C.Cfe-S. Cordovs U17c: salts 5 CiQ- V T : 100 Central A - 200 S-van ii a P. T. Su.- refised firm. Chicago laly 9. Woes: by tne stuck of lire .-.-. nt (or deliver c.'cted at a c A mtrkels exoisted more m as a retuit ol J'qjldt.ur c c and pros. sees IsS'i 0ts were a shade low -r a: . -1 . Chicago j-ult 9. c.-- Flour t-m Wret - . Corr N- 2. 2 17ic: No 2 s-hi-e i.-rc cn b.iri 2iUc. N j. 3 wsi'.e t;cc oc hora 2ic Mcii port per barrel 17 60,7 ' L-ri per 100 In 4 00 bh.t s:der. loose (4 JI6C4 55 D.-y i ti u.dera. bcxtd. 4 75tJ5 00 b' t c-:,r s:Ces, bcxed. ft BSO Wi ttkev 119 I Tbe leading futures raneed as loiiowi. i op-ning bigbeat. lowrat and ' Wbeat--Ju v 70 71 70 70!s,'c. Septerr 1 ber ft6 4eiM H6((Ji5, n.i a' 66, S Xj-j i. -ei t J ) 0? 6iH ' 67c Corn Jj'.y S6U,2tiK ;29Uc S:p era ut 7sit5'" : 7 87 id7c De :rciter 284 SS i It S3X3,;. Odti-N . at Juiv 17s. 17 1 1 17?,'. 175,. Septen-bcr 1P lSHQl'S 13H'. lSS'SlbJic. Men pors-'j. - c'ored f 7 September 7 "7. T 7 7 70 Liff-Sf p etnoet tt '..- 4 11 4 05 4 07HJ. O.to5:r 4 4 17.4 10 10 SDO't TiiJS- S-;. -rr ber f4 47. 4 47V 4 3; 4 274 .: bercio-eo $4 47,4 Baltimore. u 9. F cu- : rr acd uoch ir:-l. Wceat e-i-v; s;--t ..rt mj., to 7;i(i'73c: Augua; 70" , Sep eni;i ".ifcj71c. steamer No S ' 63ii69: Southern waeat bv t 704i78Xc. do on grade 71ie -a C'n a ea r; spot ard mcntb S"1.. - Augurt S0330C. Se-t-rrb:-81i;c: ste-r.. r roiiLd 2; 42-. s en white 33S3r, do vri m : t Oats sfady: No. 2 wb te W. tt-r-24c; No. 2 mixed 2323H'c FOREIGN MARKETS' :J -.ftC'.Cl '1 "l ! By Cable to the More Liverpool, Jjly 9 eg 1 -4 r v - Cotton Sp'. in fair der3 J a"! prices uncL.4o;ed. Axer cir. rt '-1 'i 4 7 82d. Ss'es ol the -!.v e:c :r ; bales, of which 50J w.r t'r J;ec- tion and export, so'! i - -1 j c : n ' -' American. Reciott 4 ni.ei ;' which 2 400f were Arn.i ci" Fu.;' and closecrbarr . i c ' ' ' rf're American raid: r. ; ,jv4! 644 11 64d ac f 4 9-64d seller; Au.a.t r- Se.'.rrrST 4 5 64J4 6 64-1 - f." Octooer 4i v-xe. O.i is i-"- N verr- ber 3 60 811 ae'ler, N' ive-n "c "1 cember 3 57 64tJ3 5S-64o -- et . f res- be r and Jacjjiy 3 r..c : .- ary and reoruar S a" ") v. -or r. raarv sad ' March'' 3 M .'.ift'i oaver; scd A-. 3 '' '"UI ' '' 641 seller: April aod May 3 Mt w 64d seller. M AH INK. ARRIVED. Steamship Pawnee. SiV t t Georgetown. H G Srro !- res Strar A P Hurt, Robeson ville. fames Madden. Steamer E A Hawes Wa Ran. Jas Madden. CLEARED. Steamer E A Hiw-s. U--Ruj, Jas Madden. Steamer D.iver. RDbinv)D vilie. R R Love. Stmr A P Hurt, Rtbb-ioi. vil e. fames Madden.' Five'.it ! C ff '. Cf.' MARINE DIRECTORY. List' sf Voaevela la the Port of W" awl as; ts a, C, Jaly 10, I1-'" SCHOONERS. Cbas C L;ster. 9H7 tors. Rjbnt n " Harnsa Son & Co. Marion Hill. 193 tons. Armur -r: l't'1 Harrist. Son & Co. Jcbo C Couirgham. 217 Iocs . T tr.H- Geo Harms. Son & Co. Chas H Spraeue. SfO loos Hi pf u Harriia & & Co. R S Graham, f20 tons. Out rn i- riss. Son t Co. BARQUES. Ediib. Sheraton (Bi) 814 toci NU the Fote & Foster. . Hans(SwerJ) 680 toes Lrnacrfer H Cnsnj (Bi) 47s toos. Doha in Mtr' ton, Djwoirg & Co. , La Marinccia (Iul) 683 tor Imba H' T RiletACo 0 , Daphne. 60J tons. Madsen J T i 4 Co.