n a Xe tobk Pttir aiaon lor A3 U:t '2 StmrttJo and lVjm c nt-- and netCcoJjins nri'JVr Ijynun MorpaJru? ricrSncxal Not Nam c otic. ri nil. 5onr 53tIWi. DwfTftKJ VVjctiu CorrvvXa: cw fsrwmh urn.: Jrti Lo!Or StXtl". f K 5.nni $rfuttsn at NEW WHK. ' Si,w.y. . . "' . :ni t.teu It ' I" '"rf . .i b.-."v - !:...!'... i, ".iio C.JfHlirf rri i.! bus it W lit fi ft cVr- ui. ' BB?t la '" li.l-i . 'tliM' ft :j i V tiirw in C '!a. Twi Mt Vtlfl IM ror .c C : t Hn UCT. Skit Pnun FTr Sorva. Ttttar. Cb-spperd E.-J.:nn Ut ;oil:Tif CUftl Pilar. O ptt rerj-xifw'l It I f . tew! sj'v. pwTfsrt u'. fj-'mo o r3-B- rw- f j-i.il pr. . r . Fee i it R R. BtLttMT MastW la .1. M !. r' n;ivii t tii pt I3 It .- t n .a ; ,),im-i t i.doii itneadi4t'V. If TO 4 v W i ij -i V (' cnrnr o Fr ! ,i.! M -t t w t '?!n-.. ; r!: . Suvr - i ii v - i ' P" I i j-t -i : - - .:i f0 Si; i t .-': ti if bt t.T : ' ; i J . .l-'t J-f : 1 .;:. u - '. t : r t i - T - - r . ' f - th r ci ' ir S'i 1 tf u : r t i -f (4t jrl.J T i t i - . . H iar n ' . t f i Vi it im ' -oiaf S , 4 ........ 4 - SE V CHOP Molasses. i' r !) i 'mp)r:3;ioi Fro . WEST INDIES. J l" U.! rv K H t.l.K s r WOETH Jk WORTH. Hall & Pcarsall tv - - 4:t9t'rQ of :. tr4 to Groceries and Provisions t ... . ... hi: Wj.rty tretJL jmrt's Birber Sho.?, FASHIONS CHANGE pozzon rs Complexion POWDER "MM Al.ttT TUB mAMU, ' ' " l-r It k POZZONTS ir OAJiTonzjk. CASTS I: r .a. UmJ f B.B. I !, jj . , t 1 s A Tho Kind Yon Have Always Bought, Bears the Faq-simile Signature of OS THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE THE KIND YOD HAYE ALWAYS BOUGHT. GUILFORD BATTLE GROUND. 44'tM f . rttarW. W. 4 tit. "I Jalf 14. IT Wmi 4- Wheo patriotic IcddoIm Ioioioiu rte the C.j If jrj Btttte Graaad Cocopaj totpired a Sort!) Caroiio tA whoe C4lf year were p?ot o;Jf tie bJo of Kiog Moao t!a. 43d wbou ntofl lotiect of !je tot t!Se beroK tit lt?r In life Intertwined by a resiJeoce amosgtt p-sople tio h J loierued bj traUi uon the great (Jei of thetr fatDers a po a tie battlefield where we are oo 4.erabierf. be wi pethip- not fai t Ki.'eof tne work he W4 do- 3g for pottertty. the record of whtcl 0ll cTer iuo'j;oe hi disc upon tie pZ of North Caroitaa 3':ofy in the year t j come, wieo all who .e here to-day have patted over tbc river aa i geoeratco yet to tx bora ihalt have takea their places iatheendle ajd leat processioa which ecver reioru. u s arti. aaj cut! thought wa djubtlcsi to oafoUi to the world the trots, that eaisrepteeotatioo shoa'd be c "Creeled and that in the grea'. drama enacted oa this spot over 115 years ago. all the actors should b: awarded that place to walch they were nghtfo lr entitled aad that a coo diet, the results of which aJected the desttoy of millions of people, sioald be truthfully narrated and frjca the nana of No-ta Carolina siould be forever arnuh aad tam so trathfaMy aad so opoa It. oMiieraied the onijjtlr. to ac- 03(:r!y pliceJ la the hauled t m- to which I cam oecestarily restrict myself it will be utteny taoposalsie to give et pres.ttoq to ideas which so readily suggest theaselves ia coancctioa with the direct consequences of the battle of Guuford Court House. Ac ireful and thoughtful reading of history will reveal a flood of light, tp'eadnl. daxtliog aod brilliant. The first canooo shot from Stogie toa's battery across Horse pen creek ta its coaseqaence resounaea throughout the civil ied world. Here aandst these tolling fields where ail ts oow peace aad qjict the blow was gtvea which staggered the power of the British Rod pi re, made the fall of Corn wall is at Yorktowa ao inevi table oecesstty. losorcd the inde pendence of the Colonies and laid the fouodatioa of a republ c whose beneficent eiataple aad teachings hold be felt to the uttermost ends of the carta. Tte wisdom of the Creator of all thmgs animate and inanimate ts howa la the natural order of tepace ia which moral, mental and physical creation advances from one step of progress to another, uae idea advanced to sostain morality Is followed rapidly bj another. The oae beget the other. One sugges tioa of the miod oriogs aoout ac- other lo q i k succession, and ap parently without aay eJort by the brain witch evolves it. It seems to be aim oat la voluntary an J sell-born, aad travels through the world, bnagiag revolution of thoaght and all t6e conseqaesces which logically aad natural? attend it. Ia the physical world oae Improvement ccesaiiates another uaul a mighty empire shall feel the result of the haadtworc of a peasant Tus M use urn named the "Schenck Uuseam ia hooor of Hoo. David Schenck. its fouod r. by a unani mous vote of the stockholder of the Guilford Battle Groaad Company, aad which I am asked to dedicate to-day to that company with Its high purposes and patriotic latent ts the natural aad logical offspring of its inauguration and orgaaixa- too. When the eminent scholar and president of the company had doae nLs work so veil for the hooor and glory of the people of North Caro tins and had kindled In their hearts greater tovt for the glonoot rec ord of their ancestors in peace aad la war. caosiag them by bis efforts to search for the truth and to find It. be well might have been satisfied aad rested content, auntd of grate- f al remembrance by thoe who shall follow him. Had he lived la the day of the KAraaa Co a in is. a trtamohal proces- iioa would have graced and honored his BttelSs& efforts. Bat vita aa eothaslasm bom of high aad patrt etic rt solve aad which Is prt ' hla vtrT aatare. hU heart trXd him that hi work was not yet complete. The coca aa a v needed a receptacle for its treasars, for Its rcltc gath ered from the battlefield or con tributed br ll descendant of tao who had borne well their part la to strife It witnessed, for the portralu GAS FNI ot heroe made fa moos by their deeis poQ thla as well aa other fi Ids of revolutionary fame, for their sutas of broaxe and marble reared by an appreciative and liberty loving people. For thla' per, ose he boMded, or caused to be built, this Unseam, and this day with his heart's best wishes consecrates aad dedicates it to Tae Guilford Battle Groaad Company, wh'ch by common consent owes its life aad its;eoce to him coapicu oasly above ail others. Old the distinguished gentleman think that the only purpose the Ma scam woatd serve woald be to pro tcct its treasures from the ravages of fire aad water? I Imagine not. It moat be otherwise. A constant and faithful student of the past; he knows, as has been aptly said by fioltogbroke, that "History la philosophy teaching by examples." He realises fully and mote acutely than most of us tbat the times ia which we live are por tentous of evil. The vast accumulation of wealth by a lew at the expeose of the many, tne brutal tyranny of money, the In satiate greed of corporate power, the ioordlnate desire of gain to be used for personal luxury, all tending to debauchery and crime are seen of all men and foreshadow, unless checked, the commencement of the decline of the Republic whilst yet in its in fancy aad before Its destiny shall have been fulfilled and its work ac complished. No race of great men can be bred in the atmosphere of commercial fraud and corporate theft when once the body politic is fully tainted and polio ted by the ooiious miasma in which they flour- h. The nation cnes for help for its youog men and women. The minis ter of the Gospel, the Christian father, the nncorropted mother, s.trmk in horror from the hideous monster whose breath is fetid with corruption, whose nourishment is toe labor of the toiler, whose existeace is a crime agaiost humanity and a me nace to free Institutions. They poiot to the paths trod by our revolution ary fathers aod ask their children to emulate their example. To what better school can a young man te seat for refaction than to a great temple built by a oatioa's love, the garner boose of its rtche?, where hang upon its walls are the portraits aadmbdded in its niches are the statues of those who by their virtues in private life or their valor ia war have brought renown and glory to their native land Wheo you look upon the statue of one of the world's famous men, do you simoly contemplate the features of the living Image aad say the work is well done, and that the figure upon the pedestal was worthy of being so perpetuated and then pais oa' If so, your time-trs. been weU nigh wasted and you have oot availed yourself of the opportunity given you. You have been an idler in a field where you nvght have gathered fruits both choice aod rare. When you look upon a statue of the great commander of moderu times, Kobt. K. 1-se. are you satis fi:d to think that his countrymen have done their doty by perpetuat ing his image in maroie .' Are you satisfied alone with the exquisite and manly beauty ia bis face.' Not at all. His who e character comes iu re view before you ana lasteos itseii upon yoor mind indelibly. You see bim with the storm of war upon his face as at the head of a brigade be burls back the Federal battalions amidst the dense thickets of the Wilderness. Again his face comes before you. as calm aod unmoved at Spottsy Ivaoia Court House, be directs the shittered regiments of the Sooth to the front, aod you bear once more their yell of battle pro claimiog above the cannon s roar and the steady rattle of musketiy their faith to Robert K Lee. Aod still agaia Cnancellotsville and Fred ericksburg greet your vision, with the same great master of war, un- chaoged by triumph. Aod you will not forget Gettysburg, where the air was sulphuroas with carnage and .death. And there you nod him, bis demeanor grave but with the fiie of battle io bis eye, quiet, self-possessed and gentle, as he speaks kindly to some bootoern ooy wno. torn ana maogled, lifts his hat and cheers as he passes by. The panorama of the civil war passes before yon as you look at his statue aod then you ask what man ner of man was this great captain in bis private life. In the early days of his manhood and when he was in the alks of civil life. And you will recollect that dnhng all his days in peace and in war tbat a sense of duty was the cardinal feature of bis character, that be loved troth and scorned the desire for money, that be was a man of simple habits, a sincere and devout Christian, an ex emplar for all the world. Yoa will ' . . l a carry with yoa these tnouguis ana a will be a better cttixeo u you a T . L- - - are worthy to siaaa in nans wueic heroes sleep. The traveller from distant lands as he oocovers his head in it. reter s church io the city of Rome. Is dai sied by the splendor or the tombs or the Popes, aod is lost In wonder as be views the magnificent jewels with which they are bedecked. But it is not the uoparalled wealth expended upon those silent monuments which should and will attract bis interest. It is the history of the lives of the consecrated dead who have illus trated by their virtues and ability the glories of the Catholic Church which makes ;St, Peter s so interesting and instructive. The sojourner io London will find his way to Trafalgar bqoare, mis eyes will be filed upon the monument to the greatest naval hero the world has known. He will bear the boom ing of Netaoo's caaaoo as their echo reverberates irom iraiaigario mc British Channel, telllog the world that the cootest with apoieon is oot noeqaal so long as bngltso blood maintains the fight. But with that echo comes the senna ot me aq- m Ira Is trumpet more distinct, more distloct; forever to linger in rne memory of Nelsons coontrymeo. England expects etery man to do his dntr " And too leave i rataigar Square feeling aad knowing that a supreme sense of daty leads to last log reoowo, which remains onwitb- ered whea the garlands of military aod cava! glory have faded forever. Aad yoa wander to Ulenhetm Castle, Iu walls are covered with the portraits of John Churchill, Dnke of Marlborough, aad paintings of the memorable fields opon which he weo bis glory aod overthrew the armies of Louis XIV. led by his greatest commanders. Aod then yoa will think of the avarice and the mean ness of the man whose statues sar roaad yoa aad whose face looks down opon yoa and ail the memorUs of Blenheim and Rimiliies cannot take the staia or the tarnish from the marble aad brooxe. Aod your heart tells yoa that the love of money is Incompatible with true greatness and unselfish patriotism. Perhaps from England yoa may cross the Channel and go to the gay, I will not say the happy, capital of ber ancient and inveterate foe. Yoa will seek the mausoleum of Napoleon. Yoa will stand by the splendid sepul chre which contains his ashes. brought from the isfrnd of St Hel ena to be deposited upon the banks of the Seine amongst the people who witnessed hi glory aod bis crimes. With his image in yonr mind yoa traverse the Italiaa plains, the val leys of the Danube and the Rhine, stand by the banks of the Vistula and linger upon the shores of the Neimen. Lodt, Areola, Marengo, Austerlitx and Wagram, Eylaa and Frledland crown him with more than an imperial splendor. v Yoa see bis sua go down In blood and gloom opon the field of Waterloo but the horizon of his life is still resplendent with the lustre of bis uorivalled military achievements. The graceful figure of bis loviug and faithful wife, Josephine, ob trudes itself upon your vision and will not down at your bidding. A pale and haggard face filled with grief tells the story of his brutal am bitionhis insane thirst for power. The ghost of an innocent young man of royal blood and royal attributes murdered under the form of military law by his order aod decree casts a dark aod baleful shadow across the scene, aod a fair and beautiful land drenched in blood and white with the bones of youthful conscripts lies before you. Yoqr spirit cries aloud: It is vanity of vanities, his whole life was vanity. You joyfully turn to the monu ments which everywhere mark tbe landscape and fill the capitols of your own southland. The monu ments of Washington, Jefferson aod Nathaniel Greeneof Robt. E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. What a story of self-denial of truth of duty of valoi of gentle ness of all the virtues which adorn and beautify humanity their lives declare to you as yon stand before them, whether their images aod features be portrayed by tbe painter's canvas or the sculptor's art. Shall this museum with its relics, which alike with portraits and statues teach a lesson to the young, fufill its mission, contribute its quota of help in saving tbe young men and women of our country from tbe gilded snares which the vast and corrupt accumu lation of mooey has prepared for the innocent as well as for tbe guilty ? Shall it send out a steady, healthy stream of high, pure, lofty and patri otic thought to bless tbe entire land aod aid in restoring our republic to the wise aod humane purposes for which it was foundeo? Sach is doubtless the fond and happy dream of the distinguished man who has builded it. Modest no in its dimension?, but commensurate witbtbe present needs of the company, it shall be expanded and enlarged, befriended not only by the State of North Carolina, but by all who revere the spirit of liberty. It Is most meet and proper that it should be so. The battle of Guilford Court House belongs not to' North Carolina alone. It is tbe common property of the whole American people. If our pub lic men read history aright they will point their countrymen to this spot as worthy of their highest venera tion. Under the fostering care of both our State and National Governments, let its portals be made broad and wide and large let marble columns adorn a vast structure beautiful within and without worthy to be the Pantheon of all the great and good men who have deserved well of the Republic and have contrib uted to its glory. Let its walls be hung with, por traits of those whd have best illus trated the genins and virtues of our institutions. Let their statues and monuments fill the places designed lor them within its niches. Let it be made a living fountain of troth for all those who seek to learn by example. Here let the youth of our land gaze with awe and delight upon the great est and best, citizens of tbe Republic aod learn from their lives the lesson of virtue in its broadest sense and all that it implies. Let them resolve as they stand within its walls tbat morality, intel lect and virtue by God's help shall prevail in oar land over the vulgar, coarse and brutal power of money. May ail who visit this place with its hallowed associations realize tbat it is moral grandeur of character alone which can permanently en chain the attention of mankind. Upon each anniversary of the Gailford Battle Ground Company, may lovers of innocent pleasure as well as lovers of troth and art as semble here together fair women aod brave men scholars and phi losophers -mechanics and lawyers farmers aod statesmen. May the recurring seasons be pro pitious for their gatherings, and may their hours spent together be foil of joy to themselves and redound to the benefit of our common country. And with one acclaim they shall poiot to tbe bronzed image of the founder of this museum and rise op and call him blessed. The "Unlucky Corner. n Toilet Soap. WILD LOCUST HONEY, kfaallr part amad, thnc eak s la bos. at. H. Onoa's Para Ow. Castile. Uacle Saa't (Tea aaaUa T.r Soae rnaorss Daad rafl aad Pim- ironi aus or . BROK'S CRYSTAL SOAP Woo l wash cVxht"" bat vill a-ssb Steal. Iroa i oocar VaMia Keatovas rase, dirt, ataias Irani. Spaaal prion ibis wees. S. W. Sanders. ta M tf lata IS SI BLACK WELLS I H'l iri vr ij ll iJLniil,r r a I CTMintir II .1. a 1 To. will find on. coupon inside eaell two ouue bag, and two coupons lnalde each roar ounce bog or Blmcfc-wc-ll'a Dwhtm. Bnjr m baa; or this celebrated tobacco and read tne coupon whlcn (We. a list or trainable prcs- ita and now to get tnera. Bowden Lithia waler From Lithia Springs.Ga Popular Prices. BOWDIN LITHIA WATKR is cnsraiuecd to core an diseases of the Kid eys sod Bladder, Rheumatism, Insomnia, Goat sad Nervon Dyspepsia. Posts Card bring, illustrated pamphlet . Our Sparkling Table- Water Has no Equal. For Sale in Any Quantity By BOWDEN LITHIA SPRINGS GO., mar 8 D&W lv 174 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga, The Morning Star. Oldest Daily Newspaper In North Carolina. CHEAPEST DAILY OF ITS CLASS. , NOTE THE FOLLOWING Eeduced Bates ONE YEAR. BY MAIL SIX MONTHS, BY MAIL THREE MONTHS. BY MAIL TWO MONTHS, BY MAIL ONE MONTH, BY MAIL Delivered, by carriers, to City Address EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, WILMINGTON, N. C. High Grade Fertilizers. TO INSURE A GOOD CROP OF TOBACCO, COTTON, TRUCKOR SMALL GRAIN, USE ONLY RELIABLE, HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS, MANUFACTURED BY ZeOWIEIRS, GIBBS & CO,, WILMINGTON, N. C. g The Leaiini Manufacturers: of Fertilizers in the SontH. Increased Sales for 1896 Fiftv Per Cent. . No expeose spared in the Manufacture Materials Used For further information see the bulletins for years past. follow. l-tf Correspondence invited. JOB BEI3STO?I2SrG-. BOOK BINDING AND RULING. The Star Job Printing Office, Baok Binderv and Ruling Rooms Are Complete in Their Appointments. EVERY VARIETY OF PRINTING, RULING AND BINDING DONE NEATLY, EXPEDITIOUSLY AND CHEAPLY. WM. H. BERNARD, Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C. Personally Conducted Tour to Providence, Boston and White Mountains via S. A. L, and M. & M. T. Co. August 11th, 1897. ia tbe date selected for tbe special excursion to Providence via Seaboard Air Line and Merchants' & Miners' Transportation Co. Steamer Tickets will only be sold on the 11th. and will bs limited to 80 days from date, allowing passengers to return on any regular steamer and train within tbat limit. Tbe following rates and schedule will apply: RATK. SCHEDULE. Charlotte, - -H.mlft, - -Liacolatoa, - -M sxtoa, - -Monroe, - - -Rsleifh. - -Rotaerfordton, -Ssnford. - -Shelby, - - - s1csboro, -Wilmington, - N. C. 19.65 18.10 015 18 51 19 IS 17 SO 21 '.5 175(1 S 70 18 69 au.ao 81 P. at. llrtB P. M. 7:10 P. M. 6:1 M. 9:40 P. M. :I8 A. M. 4:85 P. H. 1.03 A. M. 6:08 P. M. 16:31 P. at. 8.20 P. at, Tbe steamship "Chatham" will be placed in seiv.ee on this occasion and tbe service will be first-class in every respect. Meals and stateroom berth on steamer, going and return, will be furnished hold ers of these special excursion tickets without extia charge. The capacity of the steamer is of course limited, and ap plication for reservation should be made as early aa possible in order to secure the best accommodation S. A. L. Ticket Agent at Atlanta. Ga.. will make reservations and furnish number of rooms occupied. The Passenger De partment of tbe Seaboard Air Line at Portsmouth. Va .has issued an attractive Itinerary of this trip, copies of which will be furnished opon apolication to any S. A. L. Agent. je S4 tf Combination Bicycle FOR SALE! A Combination "Crusader" Blcyclev for either lady or gentleman. Cush ion Tires. Brand new. Will be sold cheap. Call in person, or address -: at ap 7 tf Stak Orncs. I WANT IM 0 NO OTHER. SEE? CONTAINS MORE LITHIA Than Any Other Natural niaeral Water la tbe World. Tbe Only Known Solvent of Stooe in the Bladder and Kidneys. Dr. J. B. S. Holmes, ex-President Georgia State Medi ca" ssociation, says: "Have osed Bowden Lithia Water ei.cnsively in bladder and kidney troubles, and the re salts have been most gratifying," j W. A. Wakely, M. D., Auburn, N. Y., says: "Have obtained quick and satisfactory results in Chroru, Rheumatism and Bright's Disease." of Subscription: $5 2 1 1 00 50 25 00 50 Subscribers at 45 cents per month of Goods, Nothing but First-Class We lead, others jan 17 tf MAXTOH BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Maxton, N. C. DIRECTORS. J. D. Croom, Maxton Ed. McRae, Maxton. J. B. Sellers, Maxton. G. B. Patterson, Maxton. R. W. Livermore, Pates, ffra. H. Bernard, Wilmington, B. F. McRae, Raemont. The attention of investors in Wil mington is called to the fact that the average profits of the Six Series of Stock now in force in this Associa tion have been abont Eleven Per Cent. Initiation Fee, 25 cents per Share Subscriptions to Stock payabl e in weekly Instalments of 25 cents per Share. The management is prudent and economical, as is shown by the fact that the Association has sustained no losses, and its annual expenses, in cluding taxes, aie only about Two Hundred Dollars. J. D. CROOM, President W. B. HARKER, Secretary. la lot SAlMTAiL-niDV Amwts dSawctaflrges from tbe urlutfj ocgino In either vex in 48 boars. It lti superior to Copaiba. Cnbebt or tnjee tSocM, and free from &U bed vneU er other SAN T ALM I UY in-u7!TT" - . assaa aa aa aa a-aasa. . . . . I iwlj. which baar the same ia bUekl'l"tj tfljarf- wtthout which aoas ara asmiisa. .LIMITED DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE TO atSanta, charlotte, athens, wilmington, new orleans, CHATTANOOGA' AND NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, WASHINGTON, NORFOLK, RICHMOND. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT Msy 30. 1897 WESTWARD. No. 41. No.408 eave wnmisetoa B ao d m lce Lomberton 5 p a Leave Maxton 6 11 pm Leave Laorinbnrg. .......... 6 23pm Arrive nam;et a &s p m Leave Hamlet 7 13 p m S 1 pm Leave Rockiogtuun. 7 80 p m 5 23am Leave Wadrooro,.i,, 8 11pm 6 A4sm Leave Marabville 8 48 pm 6 25sm Arrive Monroe 9 12 p m 6 48 tm Leave Mooroe , on p m 7 (JUam Arrive Charlotte 10 25 p m 7 SOam Arrive Mt Holly 9 20am Arrive Lincolnioa 10 SUsm Arrive Shelbv .. .1 18om Arrive Auenooro. .... ... ll Sdp,s Arrive Ratherfordton., 12 3&pm 8 40 a m Leave Hamlet Arme 6 20pm 10 00 a m Artive Cntraw Leave 5 00pm EAKlWaHl). No. 88 No 4 Leave Ratherfordton 4 S5pm Leave Ellen boro. 5 15pro lsve sneioy D oom Leave Lincoln ten 6 56pm ieave mi. nouv 7 62pm Leave C harlotte 6 10 am 8 28 om Arrive Monroe 6 65 am 9 10pm ijre Monroe o uo am V 4Upm ieave marsnvine 0 3K am Leave Wades boro 7 01 am 10 81pm Leave Rockingham 7 41 am 11 (6pm Arrive namiec 7 or; am 11 20pm Lewe Hamlet ,. 8 ' 0 am ..... Leave Laarinbnrs 4fi am Leave Maxton 9 05 am Leave Lumberton 9 51am Arrive Wilmington. IS U5 pm NORTH WAHU. Leave Hamlet 8 15 am 11 10pm Arrive Raleign 11 SOam . l&am Arrive Poromonth 6 50 pm 7 f 5am Arrive Richmond A Hinm a ife.n. Arrive Washington 11 Ij pm 1181pm Arrive New York 6 53 am 6 28pm south nauo. Leave Monroe J 4Ksm 9 25pm Arrive Abbeville 1105 am 1 40a n Arrive Athens 1 16 pm 8 4oara Arrive Atlanta (Central Times) 2 60 pm 6 20am Daily. t Daily, except Sunday. ' B'th trains make immediate connections at At lanta for Montgomery, Mobile,-New rleani, Texas. California, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nashv.lle, Mem phis, Macon, Florida. For T ickets. Sleepers, etc., apply to THOS. D. MKARE8, . Gen'l Agent, Wilmington, N C. B. A. NIWLANI), Gen Agt. P. Dept. 6 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. E. St. JOHN, Vice-President and GenT Manager. H. W. B. GLOVER, Traffic Manager. V. K. McBEE, Gen Snpt. r. f. ANDERSON, Gen'l Pasa. Agt. General Offices, Portsmouib. Vs. feb 17 tt Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R'y Schedule in Effect May 30th, 1807. TRAINS LEAVE WILMINGTON 1J.15 P. M., Daily. Arrives Favetteviile 3 35 p. m , fanford 5.02p. m , Ore Hill 5.2p. m , Greensboro 7.25 p m.. Walnut Cove 9.03 p. m., Mt. Airy 11.00 p m. Con i.eciswitb Souther J Railway at Greent bro, arriving Salisbury 8.50 o. m AsheviUe 12,12 a. m., Kaoxrille 4. CO a m , Chattancoca 7 40 a. m . Nasb vil e 1.35 p. m., Cr arlotte 10.00 p. m., Ailii ta 6.0 a. mv, Danville 12.10 night, Lynchburg 1.58 a. m.. Char. Icttesvills 3.35 a. m. , Washington 6 42 a m. Bal imore 8 03 a m, Phil.del phia 10.15 a. m , New V'ork IJ 43 p. m. TRAINS ARRIVE WILMINGTON. 4.80 P. M.. Dai'y, Inm Kew Yoik, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Charlottes ville, Lytchburg, Daovil'e, Mt. Airy, WTalnut Cove. Greensboro, Nashville, C ruttiDOOga, Knoxville, Ashevi le, Salisbury, At'aata, Cha'lotte and si points North, South and Wes. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN NO 8. Leaves Wilmington 6 05 p m , arrives Fjyet eviile 11.59 p. m. Passenger coch attached to this train J. W. FRY, Gen'l Manager. IT 1 tf W. B. KYLE, Gen'l Pass. Agent. Tbe Clyde Steamship Go New York, Wilmingrton, N. L AND Georgetown, S. C.. Lines. New York for Wllsnincton CROATAN, PAWNEE, Wllal Saturday, Satur.lay, July July ilnrtoa for Now York. PAWNEE, CROATAN, Saturday, Satutday, July 1 Joly 1' 8. C. July 1 July WllsBinxtoB for OaarcsiowB, CROATAN, Tif:i.lay, PAWNEE, TuesJay, SrSV Through Bills Lading aad Lowest Thro a. h Rates guaranteed to and from points ia North a d Sonth Carolina. For freight or passage apply to H. 6. SMALLBtiNES, Sept., vVilmlngtoa, N. C. THEO. O. E6ER, T. M , Bowling Green, N. Y. WM. P. CLYDE at CO. Genera Agents, Bowllni Oraaa N. V. ia 16 tf To An? Non-Catiiolic in Worth Carolina, ONLY TEN CENTS PER ANNUM. To any non Catholic in North Carolina we will send for only ten cents per annnm, "Truth," a Catholic magazine devoted to giving true explanations of the Catholic Church, that is of the Catholic Church as It is, not as caricatured and misrepre sented. Address, "TRUTH," Raleigh, N. C. Rev. Thos. F. Price, Manager. my9tf D&W Old Newspapers. TOV CAN BUY OLD NEWSPAPERS, la X tiuea to rait At Your Own Price. At the STAB Office, Suitable for WRAPPING PAPER, aad excellenttor Placing Under Cart" ts D. O'Connor, RXAX ESTATE AGENT. WIL- mingtoa, N. C. Stores, Offices and Dwellings lot teat. H oases aad Lots i fof sale oa easy farms. Rants, taxaa and Insurance attended to prompfty I aaadoa bare d city real aetata. asp tf TV ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Scaaooxs u Ewact May tf. 1897. Darajtrrraa rsoai Wii.miwgton NosTMsotmx DAILY No. 48 Paaaeua-er Due Msanolia 10.40 9.00 A Mam. Warsaw ;0 6 . a m. Golatboro 11 U a sa, Wilson i.o p m, slock; Mouat l.ial pn, TarboioJ.au at, Wtldoo 1.89 as, Petersoaig S.M p u, Richmond I.M p a, Norfolk b.uo p in, Washington 11.10 p . Baltimore l.64a ni, Philadelphia 1.46 a no. New Yoik ti.i a s, ti otioa 3.00 p m. DAILY No. 40 fayveuiiti- itt ataaacua 1.56 T.15 P M pa, Wausaw 9. It i. a. Ooidsboro 10.10 a m, WiiK.ii li.i4 t, m, 1 1fciboiu 6.45 a ai, Rocty Moo.il 11.57 p m, Ma.(Ua 1.44 a m, t-orioia 10. JO a iu.'i ccttbnrg 1.14 a m, Knhntouii 4.io m, V ashing toa 7.41 am, Haiui it V.t6 a oi, Philadelphia 11. li a in. New toU s ua p at, Kosioa 6.80 p m. 8UU1HHUCMJ: No. C--PaaMcf et -Do Lake Wacca Bia 4.15 p n., Chadlx-aiu 5.19 pm, Ma DAlLi 8.40 P fif rion 6.4J p m, Florence T.iiS p m. Saintei 8.4 p in, tAiluinbis 10.06 p m, Denmark 6.v u m, Arjgoma e.lua m, Macon 11. 00 e m, Atlarta ls.16 p m, Charlc.tua 10.A) p ra,oaranuaa li.50a m, Jacksonville 7.30 a m. ht. Aojostin 10.30 a m, Tampa 5. IS p m. RKIVAL8 Al WILM1NGTON- -FROM THE NOHTH. UA1LV Mo. 48 Paaacuaer Leave thmin i,w. 6.46 PM m. Nw Yo.k g.do p m, Phideb,hia 16.06 a m, Laltuaore l.MI a at, Waaatag toa 4.30 a m, Ktchmoad 9.06 a m, l atata. bnrg 10.00 a m, Nortolk 8.40 s m.Waldoa 11.50 a m, Tarbcia i.U a m. Rocky Monut ls.46 p m, Wilson t.U p m.Goldt boru 3. 10 p si, Warsaw 4.03 p m, Magaoha 4.16 p ni. No. 41-Pasaetgto-Leava bostoa 11 Oihi, New Yoik 9.AI a m, Philadelphia 1- 03 p m, lialtimoie t p m, Vraahicg tiin 8.4b p m, Rictuitul 7.80 p m, I'etaia burg 8.12 pm, tNortoIkl.ai p m, Wei don U. p m, tlarU.ro O.Li p m, Rock Mount 5.45 a m, leave Wilao ft.AI a m. Gbldsboro 7.03 a m, Warsaw 7.54 a m. Magnolia 6.(7 a m. FROM THa. buU IH. No. 54 Passenger Leave Tampa 9.13 a n, San lord i.U p m, Jacktocvillc 0( pa Savannah 1J.45 night.Chailcston A.80 a in, Colnmbia 5 50 a ra, Ailanu 8 2J a m, Ma con 9.30 a m. Augusta 8.05 p m, Denmark 4.5 p m, Snmter 6.45 a m Florenct 8.56 a ta, Marion 9.81 a m, Chad bourn It'. 86 a m. Lake Waccamaw ll.u6a m. DAILY 9.4Jaa DAILY 111 p 3 t Daily except Snndsy- T rains on Scotland Neck Branch Ruad leave Wal- don4.10 p m, Haliiai 4.-B p ra, anivt Scotland Neck 6.20 p m, Greenvihe 6 .h7 p m, Kinstoo T 66 p aa. Ra laraiag, leaves Kinston 7 5J a ra Greaaville 8 6 a ss Arriving Halifax at 11 18a ui.W.ldoo 11 83 t a dallv xcept Sunday. t Traiai oa Washington Branch lr.r. Waahisstua 8.a0s m and 1 00 p m. aniv Paraele 9.10 a a and i 40 p m;retn.'Bing leave Parmele 9 SS a Buand ( SO p m, arrives Washington 11 00 a m and ? so b Daily except Sunday. Train leave Tarhorn N r- j-h - . 5.30 p Sunday. 4 06 m'L'Vr'H p m aad 6 pm. Kctorsiuv ir.v.. pi.,.,,... a.'..- except Sunday, 7 50 a m, and Sunday 9 a a. Arrive . m.w P1IDQ 1 I m rals on Midland N t-i r.u.i u a,mU7.VC"" S?ndr. 7 10s m : srrive Smlthaeid w. t., Wla. Ketnrnint, leaves Smithfield 9 00 a m, arrive Go.'dsborn, N . C. IJ 25 a rj. Train oa Nashville Brancb If. . a.b. u . 4.30 p a.anives Nashville 5.0!. p to, Si.n. Hep 6 30 fl?mia Sprt Hop, 8 . m. Naah- fille 8 SO a m; arrive Ror.sy iiounr 9 OS a a. dallw accept Sunday. ' ' Irain or. t;iin:ou Branch leave W.r. , i.. Dailyeacept Sundayat; 8 2am and 4.10p m;retara- " ' ' ' '.w. i aon NX im. Florence Railroad leave Pee I)e u 111 . . i Latta 9 90 a m, Dillon 9 4a a m. Rowland in ia. . returning leaves Rowland 0 lOp m, ai rives Dilloa 6 80 p m. Latta 6.44 p m. Pee Dee 7.i 8 p m, daily. 1 rains on Conwav Branch U .K 8.30a m, ChadbotirB 10.40 a m. arrive Cocway 1.00' p m. leave ixmway ill p m, Chsdbonra 5 40 a .arrive Hub 6.SS0 p tu. Daily ice pi Bunday Ceatral of Sonth Caroliua Raiirnari 6 4 p m. Manning .10pm, arrive Lane's 7 48 n m. J"1" K V ? M""'D(( .05 a m. airlve Snmter 9?8Sa m. Daily. Georgetown and Wesrern RailroaJ leaTt Uonl 80 iu, i p iu. arrive Georgetown IJ u. 9 14 p a leave Georgetown 7 a m, 3 p m. arrive Laucs 8.66 a' rDjfi.l? p m. Dn:ly except Sunday. Trains on Cheraw and DarlinttLc r ailroad leave Florence dally except Suud.y b 5i a ro. arrive Dar lington s) 8 a m, CheraalO 40 a m. Wadesix.ro 9 S p m. leave rlorrcce daily except riiinday 8 10 p m, arrive DarlinKtos 8.4( p ro . Mattni;e kSS Dm Benaeiuville 9 36 p m, Gibnon lip m leave Florence SLBalay only 9 a ni, arrive Darlingion 9 17 a m Hantvule 10 10 r ru Leave Gib.oo di.y except Sunday 6 15 a m. Hen aettsville 6 41 a m, arrrvt Dariintu u : 40 a m Leave Hartawlle daily except Sun. a 30 a m, ar rive Darliugion 7 li a m. leave Dirlugixn 7 45 a m, arrive Morence S 15 a ni. Leave Wadesboro daily except Sunday 8 p ra, l br raw 5 H p m. Darling-, ton 6 SM p m, srnvc Hvrece 7 00 a ji Leave Harlsville Sunday oay 7 a ni, Harlmgion 7 45 a an, arrive Plorence 8 10 a m. Wilson ana 'ayotwill Branch leave Wliscn 9 16 pm, 11.16 p m, strive Veims 3.00 p m Smithfield 3.06 dm, Duod 8.(0 p m. Kaveiteville 4 40 pm. 1.14 a m, Rowland 6.10 p m, returning leave Rowland 10.00 a a, Eayetteville 11.90 a ro, 10. Jo pm, Lnnn U 07 o a. Smithfield U.8 p m, Selma 1 .no p m. arrive' Voi IA2 p m, 16.10 a m. Manchester & Augusta Railroad train leave. Horn ter 4 40 a m, Creston 6Ji m, arrive Dennvaik 6 30 a m. Retnining leave Denrr-ark 4 55 p m. nun 5 47 p m, homier 6 40 p m Daily Prtgaalls Branch train leaves Creston 6 46 a a sr rive Pretnails 9.1S a m. Retoraing lea.es Prernaila 10 P m mTe C'estoo 3 50 p m. Daily except Sunday. Brhopville Branch trains leave Elliott 11.10 a a and 7.45 p m, arrive Licknow 1pm and 8 46 p a Returning leave Lack now 6 06 a a aad 8 00 d sa. ar. rive Elliot 8 s m and 3.80 p m. tDsiiy except Snndsy. Sondsy only. H. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agssx. I. R. KEN LY, Gen'l Manager, f. M. EMERSON. Traffic Maoae.r. my 18 ll XT H. & H. Railway fn Effect Bunjday. May 17, 1866 Dailt Ezcan Sows. NORTH EOUND jt8 K M I M I 00 T oo t 10 9 60 11 00 3 58 11 58 4 30. 11 30 4 44 1 30 5 I P M STATIONS. SOUTH BOUND 7 P M P M 12 40 18 30 3 88 i 06 10 43 10 95 10 09 9 18 9 55 8 50 Is) 8 00 A M WlLBfllNtrTON-f Lv.. Walnut street.. .Ar Lv... .Surry street ,,.,Ar At.. Jacksonville ......L' Lv " Ar I v..Mvrrine Lv Lv..Pol!orksTillr Lv Ar. .Newbera Lv Nos. 6 and 6 mixed trains Nos. 7 and 8 passenger trains. Trains 8 ad 7pm make connection with trains oa A. N. C. R. R. for Morebeail Citv and Beaufort. Connection with Steamer Nruse at Newbera to and from Elizabeth City and Norfolk Monday. Wednes day and Friday. Steamer Geo. D. Pnrdy makes daily rrlpt betweea Jaclnonvillend New River points. 'Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. tDaily except Sunday. H. A. WHITINO, J. W4 MARTEN1S, Oaasra. M.. Traffic Manager- ay SS tl Atlantic & North Carolina Bailroai In Effect Wednesday, May 7th. 16. Tims Taala i j. Passenger Daily Paaaanrer Dally Ex Snndsy. Ex Sunday. STATIONS. ! Arrive Leave Arrm Leave P. M. P. M. A: m7 a7u7 3 90 Goldsboro ...... 1196 4 19 Kinston 10 39 6 15 6 95 Newbera 9 17 9 8C 6 87 6 4 MoreaeadCity... 8 01 8 07 P. M P M. A.M. A.M. Train 4 connects with W. a W. train bound North, leaving Goldsboro at 11 36 a m , and a-ith Southern Railway train west, leaving .oiosnoro s.uu p. a.. I wil'j W. N. N. at Newbera for Wllmuurtoa and intermediate points. Traia B connects witn aoataera Kaiiwav trata. unviac at uoiosrioro .w p. a., ana wita w. u w. traia from tbe North at 3.06 p. m. No. 1 train also connect with W. N. N. for Wilmington and inter mediate points. S. L. DILL, Bap'L lamu CURE YOURSELF! I'fHi itiaT U for fatlflsV.tMrsa.1 irrit&ttuuw) or nlcvraticiha it.r. vi ni u r o a ntnilrau. sola tkjr Urrf-M nr ftt-nt la pUl wrpr. br ?i Drfwi. rrMid. fur ll.N. r 1 lKttl4H, 7ft. f Jla 1 la d.rJ M -Sr (1.U..IM.I Tx Id. Taawavi omcmMTi.o .fT'ni f; 1

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