SUBSCRIPTION RATES. n TCnTTsTET. th ft nr. mm mm mw w w . r rfb W , WtWf BUT NO REDUCTION IN SIZE FS3I til J T3 U!J C3S1PO Tao OCar DnUilaaj ! tta CUm la JTort CarolLaaw UfirAPJf.K. OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY OF READING MATTER. VOL. 98. WILMINGTON, N. WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1897. WHOLE NO. 9.330 FOR FIYE DOLLARS THE HOBNIHQ STAB GOES 051 TXAR- rnTinn Morn ng Jai Km IMAM Sai St TIT r M Dk iUkU. - U I M Hut WitiiS.MUt1... TUPM ffuriu Btiri! IUO. ,Jt 14. ) Tm,r ' n. aw. TJ . I k, ' :'.! 'x ta Ut.JI rimtX ttmem In ol moats 9 to data. Tt ffMIMf C't:(!MI t3t I fcOQtt !t u 1 n I nit H V hriMtiS t Tia xroa Ut s!oaf I Mtta A:t coast aal owt ta MirttH. . kVM Floawta Il l ts G.f COM S Atae. Rsia Ba U.mi tr a 1 io4 IM AtlaataC mnr i em a U, lJ rton our ta (") ee-l IM toer-ef iTB (tia CMUMN IO OW tad Met la Cruet $t. nt4a cfcaaef nuxr tav owsr Njraafc. I M U- M(M Wwaif tattler r-wp'.a"! owwr IM cen ts' ti - J't nd F'ndi aI it c m(i4M e ' orr 1)4 O o .!.' N rt At.attK exM. Htv rnU of 4.11 t,c, K rajortarl fro till tar ta S C arrv ejicartv. R. f.l ftMii taa Atlaaue oat S.atea. . fir ai-i: pejwa2rl (llari.) a war IS I ieri.3 9 l CMIM OliC isrii taa 9 fM II 'r. tl ta CkMi oaar 1 .f etnc:a, Hl4V rala. OCCifTat at f:i C'k S C. t 1. 1. ti Uytrx H C I SI. sad WtU 4 C. I . ritK'ur roa to-ov. F r V art. Caroliav. fair pe ftt4 by ritartf rfrtf t ... C.'tl Att s n ;ia ttr i ti C Ft rai l.t f. VV. A. S ). hjfwueif itlitot Of a e:; ot R t, V4. vta rraacad Tra- tir 1 1 I i tlM a&ovt it kc mu Th Dtdaaact Aj;ojfi4ii Ml aiaaa'l it Sita nt t oa vm Jotat! r(r:i4 t a sr,:i o raiM p at, 10 ea to 9 eifwaa ol tk StHM it I H ut atiil a4 to ifN 90 njir'.tn rn 14 i-a tact to ik, Tarti 5.l. C t-f jrt, IfoasdMM i tit 4. Arttaata at porttoo, o Itrw Ml (ta C-f i' ia art. ia;rivait it It, C:l1(i, ot c u.)4 tat ctt:ft at ! ta;ar, p. I.n ( tia San. ?'C fetab, i, Ti. Ta- i .Jfa, tut K tl(4 vi juit.t 1 4 iuri4, latt-nits , ir ffrta C t ywy: i a4i oiar tr:it y,f 1.-4 J I , t n mi nr u tta u )' titjrla. w .. i. f utttn.f fa .m a s. t;. 4. P 14 p4.-t UlK U1t. lill. Iu)4 CO- mtattr. tt t( 3 n t i (i t Cvl artt Vjtertt . .::j:a J t 1K114. t;nu '.it ts 3f4 ni:.!i t,j atta, 1 til u ' tt n )4in; t iGiat. ax A Lijh t CC4 t, Iktaaat Cj M 5 rina, ?riaiia)r an J vjrk at &r44 a t.i. 1 1 aaaia aa ai.i'at p ta art tu.t i. 1 c Mm et alii. u " '5a oh Saaato Ba. ar a 4 4cr !4:.i 4 VII i, tta Stat lo wjji.iitijat 3f 4 arataaa o poar m. ianttiota Taa Mttio! RapaV i-vj 14 ia mm.o at OitrvM i r . im Sca:aa 4a rpaaatJ - VI Fi, 44'ar i rta4aBa4 t m i.' r)(itiu n. c. fi. iitti..t:aa 3r f A coa I ct ( 4 jiacb 4(ra aaro onaarri 41 1 icr r a Daia. II, aa tr!i arTI eaaa r ia)faJ. ai tc to ti, ?t caat. U l-4, at I 41 1 c!oar tiftrt) 4: t par caat; CX dra-o,..,4 T tJ tc; Sxar u o wfaritala actiaa i Ka4t. wMat ;?ii r 4 t Uroa No. I NortMf, Htm V ;r 4; - aj Ml. eo oo f; Ko, i-: at aia4toa t4 Itc float. M4n J 1 ! 4Cfiatl ccxaiao to good ' 'A: )' larpaatiaa q:t at TY: b.4ccd K,asas bank which i-:n)i, deposits and showed ta HLW) ca.h whea ths call ww : ia cati-.:d to the rtbboas ?rty c.'eaa sweepvr. Te A:: i.t:, tjaiii who wants a f n khh j,r haibiad shaved a t w-i tatr arf. f,it aggrieved be- isrt 4i, : j, , y,t hra aroasd tlx -i.ju.4 ,a4ily afur that. A (ui.sti! prvacaer Ua .Ve break a a f .-ui :s u.thfcl to peach oae eye o: if t.vry w lagratiat, th,sa ittw ta taa Ul He dij It so wtil t!u ch, dc:ars say he will lose tM otSer eya If Thofa a ia ta.t oofrtaioo aboat the aarJvr of C,ijpp, mayoe he wm ,fter th, rewards offered by the New Yjrk and H'jrtJ to the one who woald Marav,! the mystery." The car banders who proposed to build aad present Prts-deat McKls 'T w'th a flCO.OOO private car havs a.o n.ion avl the scaeme oe accowat of to, o ri t,M. I, hard times like ti chy doa'i thiak he cas a lord t rMe ia a I10O.COO car. A aharper U makiag sic wages gxag aroead among the colored citun, ia t3) black be! I of Alabama, collecting fees ranging froea cests IA. for which he promises to ftt them peanioes from tie Ceverameat baxaase they were held Is slavery. Some of the eaaophlsticted are waltiag sad sraodertaf why the peso-, stoas do sot come. nrrcxiurr unrouxcxxxxr AruatJo b oJUi to thai follow- taf JLioccu Itni of SabacrlpUoa to Tats Moajmro Sta : ro atAti. rvMcmiatss. TwaJr, Moaiaj 13.00 $s - UW T - 1-1$ Two " LOO Om " 60 to cttt nrncmiu TV, Sta, will b delivered by carrUr at jy point ta th, dty at II ccau pr veck, or V5 ccau per ooota. Mr. Carorf VanJerbllt. of BUt- sort, or Aahcille, U do! of toa food vita hU oasacj. He proposes to crtct s bopiuJ ia AaheTille for the treataaeot of coesoanptifes sad patieaca aaftriof lrra cootsftoas d jea-ara, vao ar - aaabts to pay for taeir ova trucotat. Other dUea UI be treated, bat these especially. A corps of eipert phytic! a as will be a ployed, aai ths ootpitsl whea o pitted will be secoad to noae la the coaatrr. Tae project will be cooaaeaced with aa oatlay of $100, 0X Here will be a aobter taoaa aaeat to thts yoaaf mis thaa saperb Bi.'taaire. watch has attracted so ssach aiteatloa sad beca the theme of to each writing. Senator Qaay remarked th, other day that he woeld like to f et oat of. that "sweat bos. aad taereapoa It was reported that he was folaf to retire. I a order to deprive J oho Waaaavaker of too much comfort Qaay promptly aaaoanced that be woatd be la therinf for another tara at the "sweat bos." Whea Qaay re tires Iroea the Senate tnere will bs a fiasral shortly afterwards. Jadf, Sioaoatoo has made aaother decisioa a boat dupcosaries la Soath Caroiiaa. whkh pots the aabrokco pc k a a arteries ia the sams cate gory of the dispeasary. bat he still leaves aasoUed the perplexing qaes- tioo as to whether inserting and rtvinr a corkscrew a twist ao3 a yank changes the sutas of the pack- The Charleston trolley raa iato a east, the other day. and the trolley fot th, worst of it. They are new ia th, trollev bail nets dowo there yet. Whea toey have moreei- perieace they will know eooagh to give the male the right of way. Ia a trial trip at Newport. R. I , the other day the torpedo boa" Dj- poot made the marvelloas speed of JO M knots aa hoar. She hai sev- caty ove mea oa bsarj at the time. This beats th, record of the Porter. which made 2 3 knots. Caatraaa D ogfey says the Senate talked this caantry oat of $200,000 a day oa lost revenue while it was pal aver over th, tariff btlL Bat the sac- ccssfal majority talked the country iato a food deal bigger bill thaa that with the tariS bilL The Yooager brothers, who have been is the Misaesota peoiteatlary eight or tea years, are to be par- doaed. They are older oow aad may have ootlived their yoothfal lodts ere tloat, each as robbing banks, kill lag people. c. It Is an necessary to say that the fellow who committed suicide by holding bis bead ia s barrel of water wasa't s tCeotocklaa. Ths Keo- tackiao woald sever have resorted to soch a horrid mode of exit as that. A Chicago preacher who led prayer-meeting ia the jail last San day mads ao aote of time, bat some body else did aad fot his watch. The other fellow did ths watching while he did the praying. . Secretary Shrrmaa Is wlnoinf tbe rtpoutioa of being the talklaf man of tae Cabinet. It woo Id be sals to wager that be coo Id discount the rest of them sad beat 'em talking oo "both aides of a quesUoa. The tramp of the pie porsolog brigade has been so heavy that It has bees foaad aecessary to pat extra prop, sader ths floor of ths Whits Hosse. A O r JUiTl a IMMTJ. Srm. WitxTim tow Schedule. Rsotoca k Co Soap aad lowela. R. W. HlCKS-Clovev Hill better. saw b sates! Lot r Poiaie dog. Lscaxa. Lsawa, Xfaaaa. It te leveed that s lyceem after ths order of ia, on, estsbfashed hers sot Vnegsiece has baae or raa is ad ss Bir loehaoa. Ala. Ths tdae seeeas to be galaiag Is popelsritf Is all sectloes. Tse directors of the Wilesiagto Lv ceaaa are eevaaeg plea, to ieosese the kaeansersbip. It taey srs reasoeabir seeceeslal la tsetr efforts to eecere sew soahers. s coarse of led are sHS be se cered, the lUa el which osr people have sot heard before. i If taers is asvtatag yoej waat, sd verUae for It. Is Lhers asythJagyosi doctl waati Advertise it la tbe Bsslaess Locals of the St as, Ons cent a word. Bat bo sd. talcs for less taaar SO ceata. ti LOCAL DOTS. Items et In tercet Gathered Here tvad Taare sad Briefly Voted. akmmmmmaav Mr. J. J. Baroett sdvertlses la tea) naoralae Ism, s reward for a lost doc A bif excnrsloa from points I 04 the C. P. A T. V. R. R. will arrive her, at 8 p. aa. to-day. "Freeie op thy yoanf blood?" No. Soeay. aot Ihi, weak, a a lea, voe are tee lbrooh aa ace eaachlae. The Board of County Commis sioeer, will hold a meetlac to-day lor the traaaactioe of la porta at matters bearleg oe th, approechiac scaool aJcc- lioa. Bath the O. A. N. aad the At- laatie Coast L'a, ball teaais practice every aiteraooe. eettlac la uiea for to ait ru,(gl at Htlioe frldar aha- He weat to the Beach jester dav to aee baSaaaar ttri" He cJla)d her his A,at;" ant that waa wbe, h. w, aaklas hi, asaptover for leav, ol ab- Some very fair strawberries, protativ the laet of the Maaoe. war, ob served oe th, ntaiket vsaterdav. They aold lor tOctiu aqaart aad ware offered tor aJ, bv Mr. Will Saedca. Mr. S. S. Wool wine, Jr., the clever rrpreaaautirt ot th, MoflSut- Weat Dree Co. ol St. Loeia. hat bca ia th. ctty th, put two days latrodoctsg tb. well owB-pfparaiioe. Malaria." Sn small colored boys were belor, JeaUce Beatlag vcaierday. charged wits robot a g a, app! orchard. Tkev wet, tnraad loose apoe th, prom la of thtr pareata to thraea each odaader. Mr. Wm. II. Getken, manager of th, Caroiisa Btach P.eaaare QaD, was I, IM city yevterdav- Ha reporta that tleae at tbat popalar resort are lively aad everytbieg ladicates a eaccaaa- f,l aeaaoa. Toesday. the 10th of oezt a3ih. as lbs dar scb,dald (or ths aa aailoatlagol lb, childre, of the Odd Fallows Orpbja tbo at Goldiboro. Taa Old Flt3w ol tbiacur have ar- ttmg4 to g, them a p iiuii lime at Caroliaa Beacb. The movemeot lor the addi tional scbool tax is dcceaexatiag laio a latce. Haas Ur(i dec'-are the act of lbs Leejiaiatare. providieg lor the ctec lloa aacoaitttatloaal aad the 'whole fie" la toot of the coaattes is la iaeiui cable coafaaioa. Mr. R. W. Miles, manager of ta, Poaul Ta acrapb aad Cable Cam ptr i, tbis citf. rctarael yesterdir loa Btaecuavtli S C where be has oa lor tae piai weak esiadliabing a new ofl; at tatt poiai for ta, oopiir Tb, coca 4 a f Baa mom a!t) aa-office la Max toa. Before Jaslice Banting jester dar Richard Baakeviiie aad wife. Mry Baskevdlc. both colored, were tried oa a peace warrant avora oat 0 Delia oouta rlaad. colored. Tbe proeecaticn wis deemed eaalictoas sad tb, two defend salt were diacbarecd. toe coat to be taied to the proeecatrii. er ftlVfcH ANO RAIL. a at STavaJ S ion aa4 Co TaalatSay. Wilmington A Weidoa R. R- 3 Ctaks spirita terpentine. 4 bbls tar. IS bole crude turpentine. Wilaatagtoa. Columbia dt Angnsta R. R. 1 bile cotton. 68 casks spirits tur pentine 184 bbls roaia. 17 bb'.s tar. 10 bhia erode tarpeatio,. Caroliaa Ceatral R. R. tt caaks spirits tarpeatiae. 173 bbls rceln. 17 bbls tar. 8 bbls erode turpentine. Case Far A Yadkia Vailav R. R- 110 caaks spirits lorpeatioe. 53 bbls rosin. T bbls ur. Sieaoer A. P. Hart 90 casks spirits turpentine. 138 bbls rosin. IS bbls ur. Steamer E. A. Ha wee 73 bbls rosin. 6 bb's ur. 8 bbls erode turpentine Steamer Driver 80 caaks ipirfte tar- p,tl,a. 188 bbls roiio. 61 bbls ur, 81 sh'o crod, tarpeati,,. Schooaer Willi, B 14 casks spirits terpentine. 78 bbls reel,. S:booaer Gold Liaf 3 casks spirits tarpeailae, 10 bbls rosin. Total receipts Cottoa. 1 bale; sptriu tarpeatiae. 873 caaks. rosia. 8)8 bbls. tar. 118 bbls; erode tsrpeatias. 68 bbls. Oa Heaae XUae ta Tswabia. Oar horse auditor waa Ion ad laborisg a soar great pertorbatloe ol an lad yester day saoraiag. Asked what wastb, mat- tar, with roefol.cooauoaace he replied "Obi I'm mined. Ths rats at, sp ths satire coauata of my paste-pot last sisht. aad the, nddl iasalt to iajary by carryiag oa th, paddle. If lbs rodents had captared the scissors oar horse editor woeld havs bees kart A sore eaoagh. Caslran Cyala CJafc. As imporuat meetiag of the Caroliaa tydeOshwdl beheld to eight ssd s fo'J attsadascs of ths members is de sired. I, ths Stas s report ot the res Moa- eavalght.oes vary lasoortaat aad de Ughtfel faatsrs was eaalttei. It was s watereasloe sapper p makes of at ths secoed ton hoes, ssd hiehly esioyed by tM wheal mea. T. Bt. C A, Ths satertalsmest coarse of the Yoesg Mee ' Carts Us Assoctatios has i selected for seat winter ssd cos- tracts s geed. Erery seat is ths ssdl- torism. sxceseisc a boat thirty, baa s'ready bees aegsged lor ths esvtr, coerss of six eaurtal a assets. raUaw-Tew, Stas sebacribers wbo srs goisc sway for tae Ssaamcr erUI sxesivs the paper rvgolaxty by mail by leafing orders for it at Uis flee, Addresses will bs , changed ss oftss ss desirsd. SCHEDULE B TaX Tmeaa Wi Da aT.l Pa? at Oaea WU1 Be aTtaaettad laa Jmaa mt taa Crlea- Ths basiaees mes of ths coaoty are aot paylag ap their schedal, B tax as proeaptlv as Sheriff E. Hewlett woald lik. aad that official was basy yester day mailing to th, dstiaqaeats some aot leas which may have the .effect of harry lag them ap the least bit. Tae notice, were to th, effect tbat th, names of all persons failing to pay tbelr schedal, B taa; at once woald be reported to lb, Jadgs ol tb. Criminal Coort accord! nr. to ths law. Tae tax was payable dariag ths first tea dayi of th, month. Sections 51 and 8S of th. Revenue Act. aataorising the sheriff to report delinquents to tbe Jadg, of the Crirnloal Coart, naming th, penalty for failure to piy, ar, submitted herewith: Sac St. Tbat It shall be and it la here- bv made the datv of the sheriff of ecb coantv ia tbe State to oaak, diligent in- qalry and report to the iadge at each term of th, criminal coart held ia tbe coantv following the time when toe Itcese tai and taxes provided for is schedules A. B snd C of this set should have been paid aa ta wbetber or not each liceas, taxes sod other taxes hive been paid bv all corporations or persons liable lor tb, earae, and to make out a list of all delinquents. And It shall be tbe datv of the judge to submit tbe lis of tbe deliaquenieto the solicitor to the end that sucb delinquents may be prose cated lor each defalcation ia tbe manner provided in toe next section of tbis set Sec. 03. Tbat each persons or corpora tiona wbo are liable to pay tbe license tax or taxes provided for ia scbedulea A, B aad C of tbis act snd tbe Macblnerv set. and aball fall to pay tbe same ss pro vided bv law. aball be guilty of a miade- eaeaaor and punished by n fin, not ex ceeding five hundred dollars or impns ooed not exceeding s a raoatns. and tbe sheriff may be allowed by the Jjdge tucb cotnpeaattioa for making sjen report ae be m it deem j sat sad proper, to be paid bv tbe county. BABE BALL, TO. BT.tloo.l LtajM-BataU ot Yaatardra OaaMe u4 Other Iota-aatlo, katarM. YXSTEtDAY S GAMES. Baltimore. 10. St Loots. 0. Cincinnati. 5; New York. 4. Cleveland. 8. Baa toa. 6. Pittsburg. 7; Washington. 4. Chicago. 11: Brooklyn. 4. Philadelphia. 4; Loalaville. 8. Poiladelpbia.9: Loulsville.7. WHttt THXV PLAY TO DAY. New York at Ciocionstl. Boaton at Cleveland. Pniladelphla at Loaiaville. Washington at Pittsburg. STANDING Or THS CLUBS. Per Woo. Lost. Ceot. Boeton 41 18 .718 aaclooati 48 80 .677 Baltimore 48 81 .665 New York 89 81 .619 Cleveland 33 80 .638 Philadelphia 84 84 .498 Brooklra 80 84 .408 Pittsbarg 80 84 .463 Chicago 89 88 .433 Loniaeille 86 87 .413 Wasbiogtoo 84 89 .830 St Louis 13 68 .196 Tne Iodiaas did tbeir share yesterday towards pulling tbe present champions away from tbe pennant. Cuppy pitchel convincing ball lor tbe victors. A fine one-band catch by Collins and the all- round good work ol Cnilds and Wallace were the featoreeof tbe game. Tbe Browns rallied yesterday and pounded Hoffsr ia s victorious maaoer. Gross and Grady making home runs; but tbe Orioles, too. handled tbe timber re markably and snstcbed the game away. Tbe New York-Cincinnati game yes terday waa an exciting one and at the start looked like another winner for tbe Giants, but tbe Reds dropped to Sey mour In the fourth inning and victory waa the result. Har Kids ta the Sound. There is nothing more enjoyable these warm nights than a delightful hay ride to the Sound, especially when young folks sre along to enliren tbe occasion. List night a party of vonng gentlemen gave a hay ride complimentary to Miss Agnes Manning and Miss Annie Mar tin, of Charlotte, who are visiting Miss Katie Torpy. The start was made at 8 o'clock aad the return about 11 o'clock. Tbe trip waa thoroughly enjoyed, and voted a grand sacceas by all. Ths party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Fort man. Miss Agnes Manning. Miss Aanie Martin. Miaa Marion Banks, Miss Katie Carroll. Miaaes Cecelia aad Tesaie Qulnlivan. Misses Alice and Katie Tor- cy. Miases Thalia and Mary Green, Misses Maad aad Mary Vaagha. and Messrs. Tom aad Dianie Mcloneroey, Dan'i aod Wm. Carroll. J oa Mier. Jos. Qsridy. Wm. Coleman. Thos. Torpy aod Tom. Carrol). Ta Be Heard at Xjaetoo 9c-naerrotr. Marsdea Bellamy. Esq.. ol th, firm of Bellamr A Bellamy, leaves tbis after- sooB for Kmaton to appear In the salts brought bv W. H. Northrop. Jr, R. B Oow, and Harry HilL elected to tbe positions ot city clerk and treasurer. chief of police, aad superintendent of sir seta, respectively, by the Harries (Democratic) Board ot Aldermen, vs. r. B. R ce. J. R. Melton sad L. H Bryant, elected by th, Wright (Repub lican) Board, eow ia power, to the same positions. Tae cases will bs argued to morrow 'aTteraoos before Jodge Oliver H. Allcs. at bis resideocs is Kiniton, Mr. Bellamy appearing for ths defence sod Iredell Mearss. Esq who left for Kiastoa Moadav afternoon, represent ing the plaintiffs. Mr. F. B. Rica, ooc ol ths defendants. w01 also leave for Kiastoa to-day. Oana, STasr Ofewslae. Oae of ths excaesloelsts cams near drowsing wails surf -bathing st Ocas View yesterday. He bad gotten over his heal aad being soable to get back to shore hs called for help. Mr. E. a El liott, of Pollocksvills, ssd ons or two others, stent to tbe rescue ssd thsgen tletasa was qalckly brought to a place of salsty. , PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS 8srttaeat Parasrasa, Parfinlne PvtBoa- allv ia Paople aad Fe-msedly Printed. Mr. N. J. Lcary, of Maysvllle, was here yesterday. Mr. O. B. Brooks, of Shallotte, was ia the city yesterday. Mr. W. H. ChadbouTn, Jr., of Newbera, was here yesterday. Mr. H. L. Fry, of Greensboro, was registered here yesterday. Mr. A. David and daughter will leave to-day for Atlantic City. Mr. aad Mrs. B. Salomon have retnraed from their Weitera trip. Mr. I. C Yeomaos, of NeW' bern. was registered here yesterday. Mr. T. H. Norment, of Lnmber- ton, was amoog the arrivals ia the city yesterday. Mrs. D. J. Corbett, of Pender, is visiting Mrs. Thos. C Diggs, on Red Cross street Mr. C H. Heide left yesterday for Fancy Gap. Va.. where be will spend a couple of weeks. Dr. E. L. Cox, of Jacksonville, sad Mr. R. F. Woolen, of Maysville, were ia tbe city yesterday. Messrs. T. B. Henderson and R. N. Sammerell. of Jacksonville, were observed on oar streets yesterday. Mrs. J. A. Sutton has returned from a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D Currie. at Sand Blnff. Bladen county. Mr. J no. S. Manix, Newbern agent for tbe Wilmington. Newbsrn & Nor foil Riilrotd. wti observed among the excarsiomsts yesterday. Among tbe country merchants here yesterday were Mesra. J. L Tyn dall. Chance. E. H. Morton, Verona; O. B. Cox; Catberine Lake; Cape R. P. Paddison. Point Caswell; Wm. Sandlla, Beulaville. G. A. McNeill, Esq., of Lum berton. was here yesterday on profes sional business, but was not too busy to tike a run down to the seaside and try the excellent hospitality dispensed at ths Seashore Hotel. Mr. John D. Spruat was a very welcome v.sitor at tbe Star omce y es ter J ir. Mr. Sprunt is now a prominent bjsiness'min of London, wbere be is winning the success to wnicb bis merits so folly entitle him. The lact that he formerly held a responsible poiitioa in the Star office rendered his visit yes- terda7 all tbe rrnre ajreesble. Mr. J. H. W. Bonitz returned from Goldsooro yeiterday. He brings encouraging reports about the crops in the vicinity ofGildsboro. Cottoa and corn are both in a flourUhlng condition and tbere is also prospect of an un asu illy large crop ol watermelons, one of which, a very fine one, weighing 68 ponnds. Mr. Bonitx brought with him. It was of tbe "dew-drop" variety, aod as grown on Mr. BonUz's farm. Among the registrations at the Seashore Hotel yesterday were Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Waiteharst. Newbern; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hoggins and wife. Rocky Mount; William Moncure and W. L. B:ery. Raleigh; W. N. Royall, Charles ton; W. H. Newell. Norfolk. G. G Lynch. Florence; D. Hoffjiia. Scotland Neck; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hcnaessee. Greens boro; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hennesiee, Silisbury; Capt. W. C Dodaon. C. F. & Y. V. R. R.; C. E. limes. Atlanta; Mrs. Elgir lid win. Soatbport; Mrs. Walker Taylor, Wilmington. At Oeaa View Hotel yester day the following names were regis tered: H. H. Tooker. J. Coplin. Miss Mamie Hooker. Hugh C. Armstrong, W. B Olesby, Jas. F.owers, J. H. Hod- soo, fc.. ri. f.citier, &. j. walker, uee. C Broadatreet and wife, Mr. Warters and wife, all of Newbern; Mrs. J. H. Bell, Miss Kittle Foy, Miss Bessie White. Mrs. Miry Pelletier, of Po!- locksville; Misses Annie and Name Hurst, M si Minnie Lanier, Marines; S. R. Berrybill, Charlotte; Miss Cora Sprnill. Stonewall. NEWBERN EXCURSIONISTS. Iiiri Crowde of Paopls trim M iwb-rn and Olhrr Polot, taa S.ida Exoai- I03 Q.v.a TJaU.r Aaaploea of tne K tf ht. cf Harmon. E ideally the moit Iraitlal field for the excursion speculator is along the line of the Wilmington. Newbern & Norfolk Railroad. For the crowds which were brought over yesterday were unusually large, and there were left at different stations nearly s third ss msnv as came. At several regulir sta tions no stops were made, the cars being already uncomfortably crowded. Oa the retara trip some extra coaches were provide!, greatly adding to the comfort ol the paaaengers. The dav was spent at Ocean V.ew un til 8.15 o'clock, whea ths excursion train left the beach for the city, leaving here lilt night at 8 15 o clock. Tbe crowd was varioasly estimated, the figures ranging from 600 to 800. Ortnd IVodse Kolsbte ol Hone. The Grand Lodgs Knights of Honor will meet ia this city the 11th of next month. A large delegation will be . present, and Sapreme Past Dictator Marsdea Bellamy aad Deputy Grand Dictator Jas. M. McGowan have made arrangements with Col. R. L Jenkins, proprietor of the Ooeanic Hotel. Caro liaa Beacb. to entertain the visitors st his hotel, the meetings to be held is the hsll of ths secoad story of ths building Ths delegates and their families will meet with every comfort, Oae Can a- Wore. Hereafter advertlsemeats to go ia oar B aslneif Locals" department will bs charged one cent per word for each in sertion i bat ao advertisement, however short, will bs Ukea tor less tnan so cents This Is s redaction from former rates ssd it Is also a convenience to adver- lsers who can calculte the exact cost I of their advertisements, which mast bs paid for always ia advance. ; SHOCKING ACCIDENT. MEMBER OF THE GOVERNOR'S GUARDS KILLED IN A SHAM BATTLE. Tbe AMldsnt Unexplataable Hearing Be fore tb. Railroad Commleeioa Qon ttnued xsareion from Baltigh to Norfolk Ulsosaeaatton Oaao. Special Star Corrtspondenc$ Raleigh. N. C, July 18 The conductors' excursion vried twenty coaches well filled wiu pple to rtoriois: tnis morning, mffvear sion, which is the largest of the season, went in two sections. Another excur sion, from Goldsboro to Asheville, took on fifty people here. Taere were seven coaches full ia all. This morning a carpenter fell from the scaffold around a house in conrse of construction on lower Fayettevtlle, and sustained serious injuries. He was taken to the hoipltaL It ia not known whether be can live. None of the gentlemen invited br the Railway Commission to be present to day and reply to the arguments of, the railroad representatives will take advan tage of the offer. lodge Clark stated that none of the people was present and it was useless to attempt to convert the railroad people. Allen McLean, colored, and Bessie Little, white, who were married in Ches ter. S. C . were arrested here and sent on to court by Mayor Ross. Waah At water, the noted Orange county rapist, was one of the seven con victs who escaped from Castle Hayne. George Rogers, colored, tbe Republi can registrar who was chareed witb making way with the registration book in one oi tbe Democratic wads prior to tbe general elect ioa last Fail, was ac quitted in the Criminal Court to-day. George claimed tbat he dropped the book behind two old boxes in bis shop. A heavy rain fell last evening and was general throughout the couaty. In the northern part of the county tbere bad been no rain in four weeks. Sfiecial Star Telegram. In a sham battle at Pullcn Park to night by-thn Governor's Gaards, John Binks, one oi the firing squad, was shot and died instantly. Tne shocking acci dent is almost unexolainable. The guns were loaded at the armory and inspected bv Capt. Craeiord before going to the Park. He it positive all the cartridges were blank. Tbe ball entered Hanks forebead and blew off tbe top oi his head. Bioks was 31 years old and re cently married. Tbe heariag before the Railroad Com mission was continued to-day. Geo. H. , Rose spoke for the Caps Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad, F. H. Bunee spoke for tbe Southern Railroad, and Robert Strong for the Western Union Telegraph Company. Iiwo P.rcy To-mo.nw Ifisht. Tbe Cnaritabie Circle ol the King's Daughters and Sons, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, will give a lawn pirty Thoridir evening upon the spa cious lawn at the residence of Mrs. Tur lington, on Fourth street, between Red Crois and Campbell. Tbe ladies and gentlemen of tbe Circle have always been noted for giving pleasant and en joyable entertainments, and this one will be no exception. A programme of music, etc., is being arranged tor the oc casion, and refreshments will be served. but no admission to the grounds will be chsrged. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PrempbTt's Barber Shop, JO. 11 south front street, first - class Work at Reasonable Prices. Give as a call. Respectfully, ARTHUR PREMPERT je20tf Bagging and Ties. 2.000 Rolls BAGGiNG, 5,000 Bundles TIES, 5,000 Bushels CORN, 600 Bushels MEAL, 600 Barrels MOLASSES, 50,000 Pounds MEAT, Aad other goods. D. L. GORE, ty 11 tf 130. 122 and 121 North Water St. CABOLINA BEACH AND SOUTHPOBT 8 CUES IT LB. Leave for Sooth port at 9.3) a. m. Leave for Caroliaa Beach at 6.00 and 9.30 a. m. 3 00 and 5. IS p. m. Leave Somhpart at U.30 p. at. Leave Beach at 700 a, m 1.18, S.i5 aad 6 p. m Fare on 5.15 Boat to pier and return 15 cents. Leave Sunday for Carolina Beach only at 10 a. m and 3.30 p. m. Leave Beach at 13.30 and 1p.m. jy 7 tf jt It Toadies tbe Spot These Hot Days, ' i Strawberry Acid, . .. - i made from fresh ripe f rait, at the . fountain of i . JAMES je 5 tf -, D. NUTT, The Druggist. I Thirteen"1 . A" Cher- 1 lutswbaol . THE MORNING STAR. Are yon a subscriber to The Mornino Star ? If pot, why not? Do yon want a first-class daily pa per at $5.00 per year, or $1.25 for three months ? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star. Do yon want a paper that prints the latest telegraphic news, tbe best local news, reliable market reports, excellent short stories, and tbe choicest miscellaneous matter ? If so, subscribe to The Morning Star, Do not forget tbat The Morning Star is the cheapest daily of its class in North Carolina. Its price is $5.00, while the published price of others ranges from $7.00 to $8.00. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ST0YE8 IKD RANGES, OIL 8TOVE3, Gasolene Stoves. In fact anything you want for tbe kitchen. I am adding the above lineto my complete stock of HARDWARE, TINWARE AND Agricultural Implements anrj will carry a line second to none in quality, at tbe very lowest prices. Have secured the services of J. L. Breckenridge with special reference tojtbis line, and can offer you the benefit of his several years expen ence. My line includes the Richmond Stove Co.'s entire product. Can furnish repairs for all kinds of Stoves. J. W. Murctiison, OrtonliBuilding. je 3 If Soap andToivels. Butter Milk Soap, 3 cakes in box 7 cents. Castile Soap and Glycerine Soap 5c per cake. i Fels' celebrated bweet Flower, Hazel Cream, Peach Cream, Butter Milk Toilet Soaps our price 7c cake. Ammonia 9c per bottle. Borated Talcum Baby Powder 9c per box. L Toilet Paper 5c per package. Toilet Paper, 1,000 sheet rolls 10c. Bay Rum, Florida Water, 23c a bottle. TOWELS, TOWELS. Good size Cotton Towels 5c. ( Splendid Bleach Towel 7i and 10c. Bleached and Unbleached Turkish Towels 5, 10, 15 and 23 cents. 25c Linen Towels 18c. Bargains in Silks, Shirt Waists, &c, at J. H. REHDER & CO.'S. Bell Phone 118. Inter-State 218. Car fare paid on purchases of $2 and up. Lowest prices -in Mason's Fruit Jars. jy 11 tf Clover Hill Brand We are just informed that a tab of oar "Clover Hill Brand" BUTTER has won first prize and Gold Medal at the Illinois State Dairymen's Con vention held last week. Illinois being the greatest dairy State in the Union, makes this latest honor of no small importance. If you want the finest, order "Clover Hill Brand." We woald like to buy the output of two or three North Carolina But ter Dairies. Quality is what we want. R. W, HICK8. jy II DAW tf TURNIP SEED, Crop 1897, JUST ARRIVED ALL VARIETIES . PLANTED IN THIS SECTION. The Largest Stock and the Lowest Prices. Write for quotations. ROBERT R. BELL&UY, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, je 29 tf .Wilmington, N. C. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, EASTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CARO LINA. The State Treat Company of New York .S.inst Wilmington, Newbera and Norfolk Railway Com. aaay; s h.kkas. On tb. SB h dsy of M.y, If 07, in tbe Coort of th. United Sl.tea lor th. laura District of North Carolina, . decfe was snS. in the bore entitled snit by the HoaorsM. Charlea B. Simontoo, Circuit Jndaa, foreclosing the mortgace. of the Wilmington, ens' ow snd East Carolina kilroal Company .ad the East Carolina Land .ad Railway Company, now consolidated into th. Wilmington, Newbern and Norfolk Railway Ccmpany, th de fendant therein, said mortgages being mentioned and detciibed in said complainasta' bill of complaint; aad Whbkbas, It is therein ordered, adjudged and decreed that .11 the corporate property now owned or hereafter to be ar quired by the a. id Wilmington, Newbern and Norfoi. Hallway Company In the aula of Nor.h Carolina, now opeiaied as one continue. Una from the city of WilraDgtoo to Newbera, ia said State, and all its catatea, lht, title, interest atd equity of redemption tcerein; that if to say, all of its ru'roads now constructed aad in operation extending; from Wilmington to Newbern ia the .aid Slat, of North Carolina, and yet to be constructed, including cxteaatoos, brioches, csrres aod aid tracks, aad in cluding rights of way, road bed, .uperstiactaraa, iron, tteel. rails, ties, splices, chains, bolts, auts, Spikes, all land and depjt grounds, staooa epota. viaducts, water -tank, bridges, timter, matetial and property purchased cr to be purchased or owned by st, for the constraciio., sqoipmcut cr operatioa of Hid road, .1 machine ebopa, tools, imp .menu aad personal property need therein er upon or akog aa! railroad or at its stations; .11 engines, tebders, ss. chine' y atd all kiada of r. Uirg sto k, whether now awaed or hereafter purchased by sai railroad com pany, aad ail other property! f the said compaiy now owned cr hereafter to be acquired, and all its rights or privileges there's cr appenainiu thereto, and all revenues, toKs and incomes of said railroad and pro perty, od ali franchises and rights of ta d milted compiny, and all property snd rights acquired or hereafter to be acquired by virtue and under autbotity thereof, be vd under the direct to of Alfrad M. Waddeil. the. undersigned Mae er CommiaaioBer, aad the proceeds of said aale .on ied to the aatiafactioa of said judgment, i a crest and c -Sts, except such aa at otherwise provided fcr m ssid deer ; and wkiiias, it is tuttner ordered, adtudged ana de creed that said Master Commissioner aha 1 sell aatd property for cash, or for cash aad booda, as .a en tirety; and Wmkrbas, It Is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that notice of tbe ti-ne, place and terms of said sale be given by ssid Master Commissioner by Advertising the seme st least five times . wsm k for tour consecitive weeks preceding the dsy of sale. in one or more aewrpapera published in the cities of Wilminsr oo ant Newbern. in te Stat, of North Carol na, and also ia the "Msnuf.cturers' R cord. of Baltimore, Ma yiaad, and that tbe said sale shall be at public auction in the city of Wilmington, North Carolina, in front cf the County Courc Houss of New rUbOTe. countv at tbe t me anl DUce .s said Master Commissioner a ha 11 in notice, of said sal ap point; and wkiiias, It ii further o oered. adjudged and decreed that aaid Master Com aiooer aball receive no bid st ssid sale for . lets sum than two hundred atd fifty thousand doliara. i.d no btd from an? per son who shall not first deposit with him ss . piedg. ave per cent, ot tne amount ot such bid in ossn, or twenty.five thousand dollsrs in th bonds secured by either of the mor gages described in sad complais ant' bill of complaint, audio case the property and premrtes are aold, the purchiser thereof shall forthwith deposit wi h ssid Matter Coifmiaaioaer lha sum of five thousand dollars to be deposited la 1 he Keg ii try ot this Court, subject to ti.e order of tnu Court in this cause and the deposit so received from tbe b.dder to be applied on tbe pcrchsse pr ce; tha balance of tb. purchase price may be cither paid in cash or tbe purchaser mav astisfv tie same in whole or in part by paying over and rurreode'ieg bonds secured by tbe aai mortgagee of January ltth, 1&91, made by the ssid Wilmington, Onslow ssd It a at Carolina Railroad Company and the East Carolina Land aod Rsilwsy Company, and ever-due cohpoos belonging thereto, at such price or vilue ss woulu be .quit .lent to tbe distributive amount that the b.Vdets of aaid bonda would be entitled to receive iti case tbe an ire amount was psid in cash, for moie particu larity both as to tbe ororertv to be sold and the terms of the ssle, reference is made to the decree of for. closure entered in the attove suit. Now Thsrkvokb. Public notice is hereby given tbst I, Alfred M, .ddell. Master Commiuioner, IB pursuance of the provisions of ssil decree, will, aa 1 nunday, tne Istn day ot July, irv, ii no craea na. of taat day, in tbe city of w ilmington. In the Stat of Nona Carolina, in front of tbe Coutity Moo. of New Hanover county, ia Mid city, sell at public auctioa to the highest bidder, for cash, in accordance with the teima and cond.rjooa of said decree, tha above described railroad of the Wilmington, Mestbera and Morfolk Railway Company anil all the propert. lands and premiers sppertaioing thereto, the proceeds e appued as is by raid decree provided aad directed AuFRlUM. WADDILL, Master Commissioner, United Stales Circuit Court Eastern District of Carolina. Stetson. Tracy. lenninirs and Knssell, New York: Jno. if. Bellamy, Wilmington, N. C , Solicitors for O mrilainaut je 16 4w wed tbr frt aat aun Sctieiale on Wilmington Seacoast B. B. QN AND AFTER JUNK 1st TRAINS WILL ua as follows: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Witraiojrton at 6.30 a. 10.10 a. ra. .30 p m., o.OJ p. m., 7 1R p. m. Leave Ocean Viewat 1.BU a. m., ll.Jua. m., 6 00 p. in.. 10.00 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. S.t Leave Wilmington at 10.10 a. m , 8 30 p.m. nnd SO p m Leave Ocean View at 11.30 a. m , 6.(0 p. m. and 30 p. m. SATURDAY SPECIAL. Leave Wilmington at 1.00 p m. arrive at Ocaaa View at I 35 p m Leave Ucean viewat .n p m, arrive at wtimias- toa at 2 15 p m. 1 nil train stopi oo y at v rignnrvuia. noiei una Ocean View. iaSOcf NEW CROP Molasses. Our Own Importation Fro 1 WEST INDIES. QUALITY EXCELLENT. Price XjO a , WORTH & WORTH. ray SO tf Cotton Crop for 1897. Twelve million bales of Cotton Is the estimate for 1897, and we have purchased a large amount of Ties and Bagging for tbe North Carolina and South Carolina trade We bought at extremely low prices and will sell likewise. We also have a full line of heavy and shelf Groceries at the lowest market pi ices. W. B. COOPER. 96 North Water street. jr 11 Daw tf Wilmugtoa, ft. C Tie "Unlncky Corner." Toilet Soap. WILD LOCUST HONEY, elegantly perfumed, three cake, ia boa. M. H. Orion's Para Olive Castil.. Uncle Sam's great healing Tar Soap removes DaadruS aad Plat pica, stains from Silk or Wooilca Fabric. BROK'S CRYSTAL SOAP "Won't wash dothei"' but will wash Steal, Iron aad Copper Vest els Removes rust, dirt, stains and tarnish. Special prices this week. S. VV. Sanders. in 80 tf FOR SALE! Barrels. Hade from tha beat thoroughly seasoned aad selected White Oak Timber. Oar experience of thirtf-oaa years ut manoff ctur- ing cooperage for the trade enabka as to tun Ml barrels of correct gsut and (usraniMd first daas la every particular. Your pstroasg. solicited. Tie Geo. L. llorton Co.