V ft FOR FIVE DOLLARS SUBSCRIPTION RATES. nn TKK ttORffXXO STAB Ml REDUCED TO C5.00- BUT NO REDUCTION IN : SIZE OF PAPER,; X H GOES 051 TEAR mi hji rc an chip n ta otar DeOier ts C w ta OR IN QUANTITY OR QUALITY 9ru Ckntlaa. VOU LX. NO. 110. WILMINGTON, N. C WEDNES DA Y JULY 28, 1897. WHOLE NO. 9.342 OF READING MATTER. Morning- . ' i ejr . IMAM .. rm ru .... ltBJSVtSB );! ill tv. . LaiaTa - w .War t $-t?Wt... ill AM S : , M w.'miros. tt A M - a Ta H91UU. I M ttoritr: fssta. . ... . I. v.. ,,,r : (;. o twelve bowta ..i.irrf it J Mttil weather pervade I . ur tt to teak ,.rn ,wi vm Vixl m4 ,0, , m T jr. Sof ta la ? it ..t .,,. . 4 ti NmlfW. . tnr i i Ma r ar cmtrtl ovtff ,,, ,ulWr vi rnwtjjg It (acoo(v 1m no Miir Ott ia .,.,, ,!: i- ?OCi rk lbUo4 il o. Br a Olit to " eo- , t. rMr44f .m $ C. 11. G.in. FlA. J t m.:!1it Vii 4t:M' Mtp n tMi t CWw Mtnaa a. u k 141.1. Mt tnr ta t S.a. v n . i j. L Raca.lW. f)tv:ir rj rvof. .r M m-. 5 C4i - f'f irl r'.iio. rti.i D4 f M. JtJ ,r ! OUFU'tt r i .ra t t. nan. tad t .) i Arlnwa. e - u-.n aula. M i-:4 1 M M . IO ;im Ua r 4 f Mali 4tM 4 -n.!t't Tt triMrtr of I3 Aaottn 9 I. 9M4l 0 TV'i. 134 ;4itC til OOd:l4X t.f t.t n::a : :t hit i mo4tt o A iti-jM tt .ik - Ti Wtta Bj- n ' . -r .i 1 ar---tM t ) iij) ) m i.ln tori 1.M riotn to UI ri Tii in! )i':.;n :f nt - 1 . -tr a . iktXt o tujl. :i :ul',:.. . .. j, ctA'4aal :i ;r :il it:,ii hi: m ti i IM . l.)4lr 4 ii'ltij! ..a M4 pi"tV ii : '"i n n 4-a i It MOii 4 t.'Irit) utit 1 tr t 1 jnt4 !. ta :.ifr jmi't I '1 4tot FVUMV-V l.m n n Hr-.44 .4 I l4 ta4 " ' i.t. l StM cu'raca i IAO'l't4 V C1 iT lit i.j; n nmt tri4 t .; lo . f t. 1 14 o ; Ci'4ra t I t4 lo :(-' : u K i.ii j - j i4 Wtac V r ( i i.i f tt isa D- Af t Th ii n r 5i t in m 4Tt trita CMpa ri -t Im:!i44 t lara a-t l4 ' in '!4i I&4 ttVaM4)l n u In it r, a, ,M V4 M'VtCad M ' )' -iioti.tort.. f rayiM (- ' " ' lMU)tHM4)ll4 4"V"T U J 44I lit 4B 4 pUt i-virt. m '.t4 C trOtaa P44 tn '3t t.i r(J04) of Ta i r t toa 444m44d . ml.Ti,t, GC4 I iS wtaa-t riM M Ta-jar. K.T. cim nmn u wlU paa.Ma fw( ml!i,m l,.;,,r A tm4M '' r-,.n frMoava fMt44f "' i jwp.a , t4 Ai4t gold n "" v -n ir tr M44rr a cJ " ''" " : J4r cmn . !44t tomm M t a4 e!ina.j if-int-l f t C4t; coatoo 1' ' '4 a r-oi i4) aaC '" ui ta Sm, aaoa 4CU 1 " 1 n r a.f c .4mL 1 W( 'I '4t ir ta Ium i - . i a : nl .41. MrM a4 " -.i.f I irotH otyicalav pja crjp b n.t!S at 5OO0)O Ul4f i on , mm Prulat Aa- 1 L"iatritf. R. I. 1 3 a 4t"' 6 ta a Hint ?' '04), t j.. 1 Jfi nil . k m tfka.k44 ! ,,t , u Tat waalar ctrciaa- . . . . . "m " ' 1 f aaj waaiad ay 541 taa) a 04i didL d'dat c Ta faM raad to b m 4ij aaorv. TJaM4rt aet a aao " ;r't ut raiTort taat lm Wu. " ebarca hd bacooa Urad of ad aaid it tpraaf froei ta of a-av a ctraa wia ias o bUacb ' ( kr 4ir f j tia yr baa bacooit Sv b;acbd bar tvaia fto aa M tUacblait Ur bid ajr 4lf tbaa braia, AtuatIo It ca4 to the folio- laf Jtamxcaa ILarss of Saiascripilosi to Tw Motra Staa : to hah. rmcuttu Twin Koala t&OO f '.HO Tars " uu 1X0 One o to cm rcucinui Ta St H3 b delivered by canter tt aa y pofat la the dty at 13 casta per week, or 4S ccau oe stoat. C !" ... . . Tint towa of Cyreae. Ga, la Dot baatlaf oa her old people, bat at trou her yoaag- people oat with pose, i m utt celebrities are a arrted coeple aged respectively IS fathtra aft) aad 13 (the mxa" ), wha have J sat coo- trtbated a 9-pound girt to tat popu lation. L . !. ... 1 . .1 If Toot Wttsoo really waata .a rioo Batter to restfa tbt cbalraaa- ab p of tba Popcoaaaitle baaboaid vrtca bia aocaa p-iatal card aad qait tartac ao aaacb aooat It ia bis paper. MariM baa a paper tlkcariaa. aad ltsal propose to o raa by Tom a paper. Oo of tba rapid iastaacce of batr tarataf gray cocats froea Loaarille. Kt, vbera a 13 year o'd lad fell froa a ladder, aad aa ao badly rrigacaoad taat wbeo picked op. pretty bSlf ttaaaed. bCa bair bad tamed gray. Li Haag Caaag travelled Ibroogb t5 4 coaatry vttb bit eyes opea. He hi jsst offered Geo. A. Brill, of Pi:cir coaaiy. N. Y . a big salary t go to Cbiaa aad establiab a aodel frai. asdrr Gveraatit tapereisioa 3d Bn!l Is goag. Tie gId papers, vbea speaking of ta n4) ta wheat, aearly always cjapie it vttb tba fall la silver, leav- ia groaad for tba saapcioo at least ta: thy take esora solid coca fort oit ot the tall of silver tbao tb: ne of 5: tf t3 tbiai keeos oo we will air to get oat aa iajaactioo a:a: that fH.OOO jar of gold iici a beiag dog ap so mocb ia GeorrU. Georia bas no nrbt to tt, aarway. tt was ftrst dog op In this State. tf Li Itaig Caaag made a fe mre raa to K a rope aaJ thi coaa try Cafaa mtgbt eaten oa ure caoagb. Sb is to scadiog yoaog mea to Loodoo, Parts aad other Ka ropeaa cities to stady mcdiciae. That Chicago alderman who says he rtfaved aa ofrr of $ $.00 to vote for acertam oeasare. and mtgbt tell the aaaaa of the maa who made the o.?rr. has chaaged hts miod. Prooa biy the other fellow saw him. Gov. Pin tree, of Michigan, is a Repabikaa bat rites to remark that wbea tba people get a whack at tbe fellows wbo baildeJ tbe Dm f ley tar- if tba aforesaid fellows will bear torn thing very heavy drop. HaTW AOVatmTTSslXJurra. A. D Baow Foe tea data AriAirnc NanoAL Baxk Scaie- NarsowAt Baxk or Wilhixgto Statement. Wtu Sa fixes A Tacjr Co To de- rv basis saw tacajJL Wastto Meat cotter. CMaaTtH) Ts ))( as 1 14 o'clock police odLcer La as tersad la sa alarm of lira broea boa tT. TbtrJ sad rMacsas suaetav e9e tba dtaeovary of ire ia a sesaH o- saory batOdtag oa Market sere, batweea Sacoad sad Thirl, occapasd by Mr. W. ITa.'bsr. with a stock of ptambtag s9orsa,aa3 Mr. i. I- Tsytoe. thorn shot. Taa tra atasrtea aatae tba part of taa baiMiaax oceajaed be Mr. Wslkar. oa tea lister a . Tea eoateau of the att:4ia wata aKb Uai tea Cra wee of a slow SBseaaldrrtag aatarawbicb made asova sastt tbta taata. Messrs. WitH aad Tryto' gooia were entirely read bv tba tre aad water, bat tba s!4ia at oaiy sartiaSf daasaged. Tba ontria of tba f re ia neksowa. sal ewtaa so tba lateaase ot tb boar aoabia dedstsa caaid be learned la re gard to laearseaa. sac. Baa a at ine. Taaeriadsof Mr. aad Mrs R. R. Liea wOl symsaUoit est tbta la tbe km of the tela at child. wbJc pasted a arte yianrriev aa t a ctoea at Ma3tae. C. waara Mrs, La wse eHaitlsg. Mr. Love brft fcw MaCUSsttsd sx as. van- tasrdtv afaeraosa ta t?aae to a raa brtsagiag taa sad aawa. Tba seo pert oa tba north of Fifth aad Prtaces straeta baa sold by Mr.M.Croaly. Ir.to Dl Frssk IL RiH. who wd arvxt bdos saw real f naca tbara. Carpeassr were pes to wo yesterday tesrtsf down tba old ba2diaci aow occapvtag taa lot. oai Taa two SyTiasj, Isaac Sim mm aad losepa McOesre. arrastad Maaaa artaraooa by tba notice for at gsgie la fsue eaeoastar aboat a womaa. ware both I tad ra the PoUca Loart yssterdj. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS 4 FMaMoUr rnsiaM. Mf. C W. BWxood aad wife, of rattTtak arrtvod la taa city jwtt- -Mr.CVL GUpia, ol Newbero, aa aM044T taa amvaU la taa city vca- Ut. W. J. UcDiaraid. of Spoat Sprtac airlvad la taa dtT rtaurdar at- ttraooa. Uiaa Uaxta ucDoaald aod Uiat Miaata BU of BalUcaoca. ara Tist- Ut Mra. T. Doaka. Muter Jaa. Talao Creasy baa raaa to Ifoaat Alrf wnh hi paxtau to I a lev weeha. Poataaater George L. Mortoa ratsraed veay froaa viit to Ncv York asd other Nonaera oUca. Aoaoflg yesterday 'a arrivals tin Mr. E. W. Ward. Jt ICeaovill. Mr. C H. Barroa. ot Co aatxa. aad Mr. I- Hocciaad. Veroaa. Mr. Oscar Peterson bas been proesod to cbMf operator la the cr vica of the Postal Teletraph aad Cable Coeapaav ia this atv. Mr., J. G. Charles, of Point Cas- 711. tofoitrly editor of the 7vtW Arflayr. turived la ta civ yesurday to vpead soeaetiaie at taa eeastde. Miss Carrie B. Plait, a charm- lag yoatac Udy ol AiU(. Oa.. ia viau- lac her aacie aad aaau Mr. aad Mrs S. V. Djattax. ilt Red Croaa sueet. udl rres:oQ camming re- tsratd itrdr Iroa Fayatievillc. where ae atuaded the laaeral ot hia stater, taa late Mrs. Zlut G. Morrlaoa. ot Dotbea. Ala. Mrs. J. B. Mercer aod children bare gov to Aibeaaarle. StaaJy coaatv. tsvpead the ramaiader of tba Sammer. Taey were acco4spia ed bv Mia Fkx- eaca Seks. of Al9eaitrta.wbo has beea taa as of Mr. aad Mrs. Mercer tor aoase Ueaa. We bad the plcaaore of a visit yesterday (roe Mr. Howard Fisber. rcp- rtaiiac taa oid aad popaUr paper boaaa of D-eJar A Mada of Baltinora. of whica the Stab i oaeof the oldeat csatoaxra. havtaa: beea dealiaa; with it etc avlr aearlv thirty-two years rWf Bail It ha beea saccrsied that tbe dif tr eat base ball daba of tbia City. o which taere are loar or 8a lorea a city icaeae. aad ubalate a ertes of lanes to be pUyed d arias: tbe actt two moatbs Two f lose coatd be pUycd a week, say Friday aad Saterday aJteraooo. aa tboae two days are oMerved dorian the Same a hatf-boiidars. Wilaiagtoa' ball taieat ia about exjaally divided be tweea three lunt tbe O. A N . the Atlaauc Coaet L-ae aad tbe WJmiog- toa. aad wba tbe dab are pitteo afmiaM each other a uoeg aiae laiog. aad oec tlases sort, it tare to be D'aved. The "fa at" la the cay are aaikxat lor a leaoe ot this kid to be tocesed. aad the caotaies of these team aoald pat their bead totetber" aad i what caa be doae to relieve the eaoaotoay sad pirate the "tportt jarf Te.law Billing Ball. t!ry Tarlo. the colored man who hot Saadv B!l. colored. Moadar sight. wStle tbe latter waa prowiiag aroead hi premises, was sllowd by Mayor Wnght yesterday to give bail, apoa the solid- uuoa of bl coast!. Marsdcs Billaeav. Eq . asd apoa tb aaaaraac ol Dr. W. D. McMtllaa. upriMdat ot health, that the I rd maa woald not die aale lateraal hemorrhage aet In. Tae boad. 500. was laratsbed by Cot F. W. Foster of the firm of Fore A Fos ter, at whose mill Tsytoe Is employed. Tbe lavestlgsUoa of tbe abootisg Is K lor - west Moadtv mo lag st 9 o'clock before the Mayor. The letter earner of Chart eato are toe having their laaiag oa beck pay. Taav are to rsceivs 13 000 before Sep tember leu The largest amoast that will be paid to aay one carrier la l.- 7S0 M. to W. J. Dwslag. aad is taail- est 4I Tl to the eetata of Jam P. M ar ray. Tsere ere twsive ctmers who will get over l.loo eaca. wast tae attor- aeys wbo proeacetad the dales will re ceive to aot mated; bat thy will aot sSer. ae OaM ta Waabtava-aTi imu. Wilmtngtoa eaopia. tike others, sra more or less ex maa over tne giowiag stortes of wealth to be bad ia tbe Kloa- dyke district, bat as yet nobody bas sited oat st aa expaditioe to go to that far distast coaatry la search of gold. Two vseterssome yoang mea. how- wad knows to asssv people here. are workiag a uaim ta tvasainartoa. They ara brothers of Mr. C C Betters Tseir claim is yteidiag profitably aad ia taoet 804 mists from Seattle, heaaj a4 Stsa. Jm aHeX. Tba faaeral of Mrs. las Pssl. who died oa last Seaday. took place at aia o'clock yesterday morslag from bar lata rvatdasK. oa Froat between Dawsoa ni Wooeaar. Rev. R. V. Laacastar offl- cltaJsg. Taa followtag acted aa pan k O. W. Cssteee. Jsetas Beasoa, Jordaa Breach. D. C Km. J. P. Ham- J. A. Tsmoia. later at est at BeSevse caeaetery. Froaa letter received la tbia dty from tba aaigbborbood of White Lake, N. Cm tba Staa rearets to laara.tbi eraUa asdaavorlaa to d reach a sick horse a few days ago Mr. J. Dkkeoa Potsaoa, of tbia dry. bad tbe cad of bis tbamb bflter ofL aSsSjasWsSaWsWsSBBB taa r0-w Yea. .. Stas tabacrlbers wbo are going: away for tba Semmer will receive tbe paper rssrslarty by mail by leaving orders for ! I st this Ace. Addresses tin be caasged aa of us aa desired. ' CRIMINAL COURT. 4ary eataa ta tb eajtoa-Taoeaptoa Oat Trtal i Take Pua Tbta Kwt tae A Www UataistvtBat Caa. TMa4 Taaaatday. Ia tba Criminal Court yesterday cases wars disposed of aa follow: Zack Slamoaa. charged with larceny. . m. . . . varotct gauiv. aad dcieadaot sea teaced to twalva aaoatha' leaprieoameat ia tba peatteatiarv. Aasoa Joaea. charged with larceny. Noi proa. Mary Patrick, charged with slaader. Coatiaaad. Wa Wilkiaa. cbarcad with carrying a coacaaled deadly waapoa. Dtfeadaat aabasittad aad wis seaUaced to tlx aaoatha Imprisonment in the coanty boasc ot correct ioa. T. F. Bell, charged with larceny. Coa- Uaoed. Tba eatira afternoon aesaion of tbe Coort arts coo turned la preparing for tba trtal of Henry Styroa and Fletcher Tbompsoa. charged with sending ia a false alarm of Cra. Eiactly two boars sad fire mlaate were taken up in select- lag a jery. which was finally obtained as follows: W. R. SJocam. L. H. Brittsia. W. H. Galloway. H. T. Standard, white; Robert Sweet. Joha Qalace. H. New- kirk. Gaorce Watbingtoa, Nelson Dick- soa. Geo. E. Niaon. Jacob Leonard. J. S- Blocker. colored. Alter the selection of the jury Coort st 5 0 o'clock took recess oatll 9 o'clock this morslag. The deieadaata, Styroa aad Thorn p- eoa. are represented by Jao. D Bellamy. C P. Lockey aad Herbert McQatamy. Eq while Solicitor Richardson la aa- td la tbe proaecntioa by M and en Bellamy, Eiq. The case ol Geo Johaton. charged with criminal aaaaolt. I et tor to day. bnt ia all probability will not be tried, at tbe defeadaat hat beea aaable. as yet. ow let, to the lack of lands, to secare conn- el. sad coastal bas not been sttigned htm by tbe Coort. BASE BALL. Tba BTalloaal Laa-Baaali at Taatard.r' Oibn aed Othar Iaiaraaiina Faatsxa. TISTtSDAY S GAUSS. St- Lost. 8. Boctoa. a. Cbicato. 4. Cincinnati. 8. Brooklyn. 14 Loaisville. t. Waablaetoa. Baltimore rain. New York Cleveland rain. Philadelphia Pitttbarg rain. WHSSI THtV PLAV TO DAY. Ciacieaati at Chicago. New York at Cleveland. Brooklyn at Loaliville. Philadelphia at Pittsburg. Boatoa at Su Loaia. Baltimore at Washington. STAMDINO Or THI CLUBS. Per Won. Loct Cent. 53 84 .639 43 So .043 43 10 .643 43 80 .600 43 34 .563 83 43 .473 83 40 .466 87 44 .456 85 45 .437 83 44 .438 30 45 .393 19 60 .340 B istoa Cieclaaati Baltianore New York Cleveland Pailade'phia Pitttbarg Chicago Loaitvilte Braoklva Washington St. Loots Baltimore oece more compel Cin cinnati to divide the bonors of aecond place. For tbe past two dart there ha been s arprled aet ol tteaneatera in it. Looi. attribatable to tbe fact that the Browa are playing ball. Tbe Bridegrooms felt traly good yes terday, sad made twelve runs off Magee. LMitvilles try-to-be pitcher, ia two ieniags. The Coltt aide three runt tbe firtt inning vesterday on account of the Red' error snd poor judgment. BY RIVfcH AND RAIL. Hssalpts) oT If aval Sioraa aad Naval Sioraa aad Cottoa Taasarday. Wilmington A Weldon R. R. 5 bales cottoa. 8 caiks tptrits turpentine 19 bolt crude tnipeatiae.' Wilmington. Colnmbia A Augusts R. R. 61 cask spirit turpentine. 9 bbl rosin. 43 bbl tar. Caroiiaa Central R. R. 3 cask Dirit taroentine. 69 bbl rosin. 93 bbl crsde terpentine. Cape Fear dt Tadkia Valley R. R. 49 casks spirits turpentine. 60 bbls rosin, bols tar. Steamer A. P. Hart 34 casks spirits terpentine. 73 bbls rosin'. 64 bbls tar. 1 bbl crude turpentine. Total receipts Cotton. 5 bale. ptrit tarpeatiae. 189 casks; rosin. 196 bols. tar. 108 bbls. crude turpentine. 43 bbls. Cbiakaai Dtapata. A large a amber of tportt from Char lotte and Littleton arrived In the dty vesterday with about ataty chicken. which will be entered In tba cock fight between Charlotte aad Littleton to day aad to-morrow. Tweety dollar will be swarded tbe wisssr of escb fight, aad 300 to the wisaer of the odd fight. Tbe coa test will commence this morn ing st 10 o'clock st tba pit of tba North Carolina Live Stock aad Poultry Asso ciation. Besides tbe rcgulsr main there will, probably, be several back fight. One Cent a WiM Hereafter advartlsemeau to go la our Bssins Locals" department will be charged oaa cent per word for each in- eeruoa bat ao advertisemeat, however short, will be taken for leas thaa SO cent Tale la a redoctioa from former rates aad it la also convenience to adver- wbo caa calcaha tbe exact" coet of their advertisements, which most be paid for always la advance. Cays Ftaf , The Staa la Wormed that Prof. Washington Catlatt baa secured for hia school next sessJoa tbe ase of tbe baud lag oa Third street jast south of tbe covrt boas. He will be assisted byTJr. F. J. Haywood, of Raleigh. I receat graduate of tba State University. CONFEDERATE VETERANS. Msokianbarc . Caaa . J visa tba Baa Bfat at Oataa View WUt Vlatt Carolina Beaah Trtdaf. Mecklenbarg Camp of Confederate Veterans arrived yesterday at 11.05 p. m.. la special cars attached to the regu lar . Seaboard Air Line train. There were about seventy-five veterans in tbe party aad a sufficient n amber of their famine and iriend to swell the number to KO. Small contingents of veterant were taken on at Rockingham and Monroe. Some of the officers with the party are Commander S. H. Hilton and Bri gade Quartermaster M. L. Davit, of the Mecklenbarg Camp, and Maior tflward bally, of tbe Rockingham contingent. Major General W. L. DeRoasetjand others of the Cape Fear Camp were at tbe depot to greet the viaitorajwho trere taken by street car to the Seacoast road. Aapsdal was provided to take them to Wrightsville Beach, where they arrived shortly after 1 o'clock. Tbe Camo will remain at Wrightsville Beach till Friday. Owing to failure to set tents to escamo in. tbe Veteran! are obliged to pat ap at the boarding nautet and private hornet on the Beach. Bat they have determined to go into camp every Summer hereafter, either at Wrightsville or Carolina Beach, and next time they will aot be without their tenta. Friday tbe visitors will try the pleat- are of a ride down! the Cape Fear jsnd oat to tea oa the itesmer Wilmington. They will leave at 9 80 and have a boiy day vititing the namerout places on the Cape Fear which have interesting war atsociatiom. They will go firtt to Car olina Bsacb. afterward touching at Fort Anderton. Fort Fisher, Southport. Fort Catwell. Bald Head, and then around the Bell buoy and ten milea to tea. Mr. O. McP. Bute, travelling passen ger agent ot tne beaboard Air Line; ac companied the camp and wa uting hi friendly omces in procuring all the Con cession! postible lor tbe gallant! old soldiers. Mr. Batte inform the Star that the Queen City Guard will vttit Carolina Beach aad Ocean View tometime In Aagatt. FIREMEN'S TOURNAMENT. lar.tt.vlll. Praptr-d to Entertain All t Wbo Mar Coma Th. Katrlaa Btada The Prta Liac ! Fayxtteviixe. N.C July 34th. Wilmington Star, Wilmington, N. C: As a matter or Interest to very many of rour readers, I would ask of you to publish this communication ia regard to matters connected with the approaching Convention and Tournament of I the North Carolina State Firemen's Ataoci- ation at FayettevilWon August 3rd, 4th and 6th. As President of the Aisociation It hat been my privilege to vlut the principal toarna and cities ia the State durinir the last thirty davt, and I ctn attureJnot only the Firemen, bat all lovers of man ly sport snd competitive excitement, that tbe coming Tournament will doable m numbers and attendance all previous events: the entries sre unprecedented snd go far to show the annual increas- ng interest In nre department matters. Up to this date, tea days Before the aa- ociation meet, tne following entries have been made: By Newbern, two-en gines. two horse hose wagons and two band reel teams; Dy Wilmington, one engine, one borte noa wagon ana pee a 1 hook and Udder truck; bv uoldtboro. one bone hose wagon; by Durham, one borte hote wagon and two hand reel team; by Greentboro. one engine, two hone bote wsgon. two hand reel team and one hook and ladder truck; by Wil son, one hand reel team; by Winston, one engine, one horse hose wagon and one hook and ladder truck: by SaEem. one hand reel team; by Salisbury, one band reel team: by Charlotte, one hand reel team: by Fjyettevllle, one engine. one horse hote wagon and two hand reel teamt; and from South Carolina, by Florence, one hand reel team; by Sum ter, two hand reel teamt and two horse hose wagons; with several South Caro lina and North Carolina departments still to officially hear from. Nothing like this bas ever been known in oor volunteer service, and it will be a revelation to many of our North Carolina people. In sddltion to the tournament entries, the convention is composed of all the white fire companies In tbe btate (59). and eacn company aaa two delegates and two alternates in that body. Oar people are exerting them' selves to the utmost to prepare to take care of the visiting firemen and dtlzens and it goes without saying that they will do so. Railroad rates are low. one fare lor the round trip, and hotel rates are also down in accordance with the times. $1.00 to tl 50 per day. The lnter-Stste feature is sn attractive one and wili draw a large n amber of South Carolina neighbors, both firemen snd citizens. Fayetteville is preparing to do her duty as s host snd we cordially invite all to come and see the most interesting of all modern competitive exhibition. Oar prise list amounts to about $1,000 and tbe tournament will occooy fully two dsys. Wednesday end Thursday. Au gust 4th and 5th. Tuesdsy, August od, is Convention day and devoted to busi ness. Everybody is Invited; let everybody a-. m a,a) COme. I AS. D. MCNEILL, Pres. N. C S. F. A. South Carolina bas ao State organiza tion and I have extended to all visiting South Carolina officials tbo courtesy of a seat in onr Convention. Tbe W.. ST. V. Railroad The deed making over the Wilming ton. Newbern & Norfolk railroad, with all lu privilege aad Immunities, to Mr. Warren G. Elliott and associates, wss placed in tbe bsnds of tbe purchasers yesurday. Tbe remainder of the purchase money waa paid as stipulated ia the decree of sale, la boads made by the Wilmington. Onslow 4 East Caroiiaa Railroad Com pany aad the East Carolina Land k Railway Company, under date of Jan- nary lsth. 1891. aad payable ia gold at j 8 per cent, interest. Tbe present management ot the road will remain in charge santil Saturday night, the purchasers taking charge the f rat of next week. If there tb anything yon want, ad vertise for it, Ia there anything yon don't want? Advertise it in the Business Locals of the Star. ; One cent a word. Bat oo ad. taken fori less than 10 cent. ; ' tf LOCAL DOTS. Items of Interest Gathered Here and Tnere and Briefly 1701061. The Clyde steamer Crooton ar rived last night at 11.80 o'clock from New York. Tbe statement of the Atlantic National Bank printed in the Star to day Is a good one. An advertisement of a refrige rator for sale appeared in the Stab, of Sunday. One Insertion effected a sale. Aa experienced meat cotter (colored) caa get a positioa by applying at the Star office to-day between IS and 1 o'clock. . See ad. 4 The weekly bulletin issued by tbe State Experiment Station for the week ending July 26th gives a very en couraging outlook for the crops. Note In the advertising columns of tbe Star this morning the statement of the National Bank of Wilmington as condensed from report to tbe Comp troller. Dr. James F. Simpson, a well known physician of Point Catwell, was some time ago stricken with paralysis. His friends will be glad to learn that he is much improved. ine star has good reasons for believing that the present mail and passenger schedule on tbe Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway will be changed as soon as the season for Sum - met tourist is over. The colored excursionists all left yetterday; those from the South on the regular train over the W., C. and A R. R. at 8 40 p. m., and thote from Greensboro on the excursion train via the CF.4Y. V. R. R., going out last night at 9 o'clock. About three hundred people went down to Carolina Beach yesterday on the excursion given by Wilmington Hook and Ladder Company No. 1. There was music and dancing and a good time generally for all who visited this favorite resort. RALEIGH HEWS ITEMS. OranTllle O-raya Will Camp with Confed erate Veterans at Oxford Murders In Wake Coanty The S. O. Ballroad Zieaee. Special Star Correspondtnc. Raleigh, July 37. The "Granville Grays," of Oxford, company c, inira rceeiment, win go into camp with tbe Confederate veterans near that place at an early date, Capt. Skinner in command. The directors of the North Carolina Railroad Company will meet at Burling ton to-day. Senator J. C. Pritchard has returned to hit home in Madison county. Hon. Kerr Craige will begin taking testimony to-day to ascertain if there was any fraud in tbe lease of the North Carolina Railroad to the Southern Rail road. He bas notified the Governor. Gov. Russell has been invited to de liver the opening address at the colored lair In Newbern. Lonnie Rogers, who was shot at Method by Constable Pollard, is very slightly wounded; the ball only pene trated the fleshy part of the thigh. Wake county has averaged a murder a month this year. Wake Forest is tbe wont township in tbe coanty now. lorn uann nas not vet been cap tured. He killed Kelly Saturday nigbt at rorestville. ASSESSMENT AND RATES. Asaeaamsnt of Western Unto a Telegraph Company Doubled Postal Company Stay Charee Twenty Cents Per Message. The News and Observer give the fol lowing relative to tbe recent action of the Railroad Commission : The valuation ot the property of the Western Union Telegraph Company was fixed at about 1380,000 just double tbe yaluation of last year. Other telegraph companies are assessed at practically the same valuation as last year. Cars of the Pullman Car Company, operated in and through the State, were placed at about $300,000, also just twice what it was in 1896. seamboat property ia assessed at about the same as ia 1896. The telephone property rate has not yet been fixed. The Bell Company was given until Saturday to file its statem ent. Tbe uommisstoners will meet again Saturday, July 81. tor the purpose of bearing any exceptions that may be made to the assessments. Tbe rate of 15 cents for telegrams of 10 words to snd from points within the State is to apply only to tbe Western Union. Tbe Postal and other miscella neons companies of the State are al lowed to charge a rate ol 80 cents. For messages of over 10 word one cent will be charged for each additional word. This applies to all companies. When ever a message is sent over two or more so lines the joint rate (ball not exceed cents. CONFEDERATE VETERANS. Editar Star: From a gentleman who bas jnst returned to the city from the neighborhood of Harrell's Store. Samp son county, N. C, we learn that great preparations are being made for the re union of the Old Veterans which takes place there the .present week. There will be any auanrttw of free lunch and free lemonade. Why can we not have a reunion of the New Hanover Veterans at Hilton or the Mineral Spring at some early day? Who will take tbe initiatory steps? m Yours. Vet. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BUY THE BEST. BOHEY & HARPER'S Choice Table Ileal IS BV COMMON CONSENT . The Best on the Market A trial will convince you. vV" FOR TEN DAYS WE WILL SELL AHT SHIRT WAISTS IN STOCK AT A LADIES iDiscoTrnsra? of Twenty Per Cent . We Have Just 6 Dozen Left. . t A. D. BROWN, Successor to BROWN & RODDICK, 3STo. 29 2STo3rbIb. DBi?oxi,-b St;. jy 28 tf Statement of Tne National Bank of Wilmington, WILMINGTON. N. C. Condensed from Report to the Comptroller. FBI DAY, JTDT.Y 23, 187. ASSETS, Loaoa and Disconnts $i81,S44 24 Bank Building 23.000 00 Redemption Fond with U. S. Treasurer 8.S90 00 U. S. Bond, 60.000 00 rreminm on U. S. Bond 6,437 SO Stock,. Securities, etc 4,91)8 00 Over .Draft, 82 14 Due from Banki 34.429 14 Cash and Reserve 15 $530,668 It No Interest Paid on Deposits. Approved Security. Collections a at Lowest Rates JOHN S. ABM STBONO. jy 27 tf : PKBStoBirr. ATLANTIC NATIONAL At tbe close of Basinets July 23rd, RESOURCES. Loans $515,414 39 867 45 66,000 00 10.0CO 00 Overdrafts U. S. 4 per cent. Bonds (at par) Bankine House and Fixtures Doe from other Banks 127.581 51 Cash on hand 63,091 94189,828 48 Total. $770,395 32 COMPARATIVE Deposits Surplus and Net Profits Bills Payable and Re-discounts Dividends paid 6 Last Instalment of Capital paid How is the Time to Tbe Wilmington Savings & Trust Company. All amounts deposited on or before August 1st begin to bear interest on that date. THE WILMINGTON SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY strongest strictly Savings Bank in North Carolina. Capital $25,000. J. W. NORWOOD, President. GEO. BLOAT, Cashier. jy28 tf New Catch Mallets. 2,000 Pounds New Mullets. 1,150 Bags Liverpool Salt. 1,400 Bundles Cotton Ties. 1,100 Rolls Bagging. 1,700 Ponnds Soap. ! 650 Kegs Nails. 100 Boxes Meat. 480 Bales Hay. Prices on application. W. B. COOPER, j SS DAW tf WilmingtonN. C. CAROLINA BEACH AND SOUTHPORT SCHEDULE. Leave for Southport at 9.39 a. m. Leave for Carolina Beach at S OU aod 9,30 a. m.: 3.00 and 5.15 p. m. Leave Sooth port at 13.80 p. aa. Leave Beach at 700 a.m., 1.15,8.45 and 6 . m Far. ot 5.15 Boat t pier and return 15 cents. Leave Sunday for Carolina Beach only at 10 a. m. and t.SOp. m. Leave Beach at 13.30 aad S o. m. Th. Yacht Undine cosntcta with the S o'clock Boat at the Pier for Southport. jy -I tt Schedule on TiisUon Seacoast R. R. fS AND AFTER JUNE 1st TRAINS WILL tnn as follows: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Wilmington at 8.80 a. m.. 10.10 a. as. JO p. m 5.00 p. m., 7.15 p. m. Leave Ocean View st 7.30 a. m., 11.30 a. m., '8.45 p. m., 6.00 p. to.. 10.00 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Leave Wilmington at .10.10 a. aa.. 2.30 p. m. and 7.80 p. m. Leave Ocean View at 11.30 a. m. 6.00 p. m. and 9. SO p. m. i SATURDAY SPECIAL. Leave Wilminctoa at LttLo in. arrive at Ocean View at 185 pm. Leave Ocean View at 1.45 p m, arrive at Wilming ton at 2.15 p m. This train stops only at Wrightsville, Seashore Hotel and Ocean View. je SO tf At tne Unlucky Goner. CHEAP, .CHEAP. Fox River Butter. CHEAP, CHBAP. Highest grade of Batter cheap, cheap, cheap, at retail lower than ever before in W ilmiugton. Quantity to one person limited. This week only.. S. V. Sanders. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock,. Sorplai Undivided Profits.... Dividends Unpaid Circulation,.... Deposits Iiooooo ro U.DD0 SO 1,015 0 MO 90 , 46.00 00 TTtjm 48 Ssaoes 17 Loans Made at the Lowest Rates on Specialty, and Remitted for Promptly F. R. HAWKS, Cum, BANK, WILMINGTON, N. C. 1897, Condensed from Report to Comptroller. LIABILITIES. Capital Surplus Undivided profits , Circulation Total Deposits... 915,000 Ot ....SS6.000 00 14.438 09- at.488 08 49.5011 0 ' (96,467 S3 Total , .$770,396 S, STATEMENT. July 33rd, 9C. Jnly 3rd, ? $526,000 69,400 None. jy 28 tf $149,000 56,800 None. per cent, per annum. in October, 1892. Hake Your Deposits ia la tbe Surplus $8,000. H. WALTERS. Vice President' J. W. Murchison. Our Summer Goods Must Go. 'nlHiiiig Freezers," later Coolers, Ice Sharers, . Yapor Stores. Will close out the balance of season's supply at very low prices to make room for the large stock of &TX3STS, Pistols and Ammunition NOW COMING IN. SEE MY LINE OF STOVES AND RANGES. THEY ARB THB AND AT BEST Very Low Prices. J. W. Murchison. Orton Building. jy 25 tf Wilmington, N. C. J". X,. H I 1 ,31 3 PRINTING COMPANY'S Directory of WiImlngtonJ r 1897. Containing a general business and street directory. S3.00. For sale by C W. Yates & Co. J. L HILL PRINTING. COMPANT, ' - Owner an7 Publishers, ' tay 21 tf - ' Richmond. Va, ,

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